YOUR Daily Bread
Keep momentum on 2020 financial gains
to treat ourselves for the hard work and sacriBy Terry Frisk fice we have encountered, I also believe these The past year has significantly impacted our treats should be in the form of experiences that lives in many ways. One positive impact has enrich our lives. In Matthew 6:19-21, Jesus said: been on our personal finances. While some “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on people found themselves unemployed, their earth, where moth and rust destroy and where finances were buoyed by increased unemploythieves break in and steal, but lay up for ment benefits and stimulus payments. For the yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither most part, people continued to receive similar moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do income compared to the pre-pandemic and not break in and steal. For where your treaspent less on commuting, travel, entertainment sure is, there your heart will be also.” and other activities that were limited due to the Jesus is conveying that our desire for material pandemic. possessions stands in the way of our relationA recent survey by the Pew Research Center ship with God. As our world starts to reopen found that 30% of American adults report their and we become more optimistic about the family’s finances have improved over the past future, there will be growing desire to resume year. According to the U.S Bureau of Economic Terry Frisk old spending habits. How do we overcome this Analysis, personal savings rates skyrocketed desire? Plan ahead and consider these tips: to 33% of income in April of last year and has remained at 1. Recognize that your income is a blessing from historically high levels since. In addition, after ten years of God. He has entrusted you to use your money wisely to serve increases in credit card debt, Wallethub reported the total Him. He wants you to achieve a balance between giving, savamount of credit card debt deceased $82.9 billion in 2020. It ing and spending so that you do not become a slave to money. has truly been a unique year. Hopefully, these newly developed financial habits will contin- Attain this balance through prayer. Continued on page 29 ue as we emerge from the pandemic. While I believe we need
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