2017 Transplant Update Getting transplanted sooner Donors with increased risk of infection transmission: Why should I consider these deceased donor kidneys?.......p. 4 Living Donor Champion training: Becoming an advocate for organ donation. ……………….p. 6
Education and other resources Why am I getting so many calls about kidneys, but not getting transplanted………………………………p. 8 Smart phone app review …………………………...……..p. 12 Outreach update………………………………………….p. 13 Insurance updates………………………………………....p. 14 Pharmacy reminders……………………………………....p. 15 Sleep connection to kidney health and hygiene tips…,,.…p. 16
Pictures from events
Annual update vs. Newsletter You might have noticed… We made some changes in how we are communicating with our patients and care givers. This annual Transplant Update captures key articles, pictures from key events from the prior calendar year and things might want to know.
Donate Life flag raising……………………………..……...p. 18 Living donor recognition brunch …………………………p. 19 NKF Kidney Walks………………………………...….…...p. 20 PKD Walk…………………………………………………p. 22 Delaware Donor Dash………………………………….....p. 23 Explore Transplant training for dialysis unit staff……..….p. 24
Other stuff Outcomes data update (SRTR data)……………………....p. 25
The monthly Kidney Transplant eNews email-based newsletter had its first release April 2018. Sign-up for these updates by visiting our website. https://christianacare.org/services/ kidneytransplant/aboutus/
For weekly updates, please follow-us on Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/ christianacarekidneytransplant/