Junior Board Newsletter - Summer 2017

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Medicine Ball 2017 Raises over $62,000 for The Blood Pressure Ambassador Program By Carol Dehorty

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the Junior Board’s "Medicine Ball". Over the years, over $1.6 million has been raised to support Christiana Care services, programs and scholarships and to purchase equipment for the hospitals. Because this was a “non-event” year, we focused on fundraising alone. The work began last September, when the Junior Board Executive Committee met with Gordon Brownlee and Elizabeth Dougherty from the CCHS Development Office and Natalie Dyke to choose a recipient for the funds. The Blood Pressure Ambassador Program was unanimously selected to be the beneficiary of our 2017 fundraising efforts. The Blood Pressure Ambassador Program was developed by the Christiana Care's Center for Heart and Vascular Health to increase awareness of high blood pressure. Hypertension is a silent killer. One in three Americans suffers from high blood pressure and many are unaware that they have this life-threatening disease. The Blood Pressure Ambassador Program proactively

helps our neighbors identify health issues early, when they are most treatable. With special training at the Center for Heart & Vascular Health, these volunteers offer free blood pressure screening, provide health education and empower people they see to take action. "The Ambassadors' role goes beyond high blood pressure management to help improve the way our neighbors look at overall health"- Angela Parker, MSN, RN-BC, Project Manager. Since July, 2015, these volunteers have screened and educated more than 3,000 members of our community. The program has been recognized for measurable outcomes with an Excellence in Community Health Gold Award. To begin the Junior Board fundraising process, the first full fundraising committee meeting was held on November 14, 2016, when each member volunteered to identify and solicit corporate sponsors. Later that month, packets were mailed to each prospective sponsor asking for support for this (continued on page 4)

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Junior Board Newsletter - Summer 2017

Inside this Issue Medicine Ball 2017

President’s Message Inside This Issue Calendar of Events

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President’s Message continued Page 3 Meet Our Spring Provisionals

Medicine Ball 2017 continued Page 4 Our New Board Members Dementia Care, Education, and Research

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Strong Bones Program

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We’d Like to Say Our Thank You in a Song Page 6 Gift Shop Corner

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Candids from March and June Meetings Page 9 Ribbon Cutting Ceremony In the Spotlight

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Looking for an Assistant Editor Page 12


Calendar of Events Junior Board General Meetings Tuesday, September 19

Wednesday, December 13 Thursday, March 22 Tuesday, June 5

2016-2018 Editor Claudia Fischer

President’s Message

George Riley

OUR JOURNEY CONTINUES… Dear Junior Board Members,

This has been an exciting, challenging and successful year.

In the January 2017 edition of our Newsletter, I shared with you some of your Board’s goals surrounding our gift shops, finances and member participation.

Under the guidance of Phyllis Adams, our dedicated VP of Ways and Means, the Gift Shops’ policies and procedures and the Employee Handbook were reviewed and revised where appropriate. In addition, a job description and evaluation tool were developed to insure that Junior Board Gift Shop employees are treated in a consistent and just manner. These process improvements will provide structure and consistency to the services we provide through the operation of the Gift Shops. Under the leadership of our Treasurer (Patricia Brock) and our Assistant Treasurer (Paula Flynn) our financial portfolio was reviewed. In collaboration with the members of the Finance Committee, Patricia and Paula presented recommendations to the Board that will provide financial stability and growth to the organization. In addition, Paula, who will assume the Treasurer position on July 1st, has been instrumental in implementing recommendations from our auditor to improve our current bookkeeping practices.

Carol Dehorty, our VP of External Affairs, has directed the establishment of and leads our Fundraising Steering Committee. This Committee provides guidance and recommendations to the Board regarding all fundraising activities of our organization including the Medicine Ball. This committee’s responsibilities include annual review of all recurring and/or newly proposed fundraising activity. This oversight will insure that our fundraising activities continue to appropriately utilize the time and talents of our dedicated members and realize anticipated financial targets. The Board, Committee Membership and Service Chairs/ Co-chairs continue to reflect a mixture of seasoned and new members. This (continued on page 3)

Junior Board Newsletter - Summer 2017

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President’s Message continued...

We welcome our incoming Board members: Carol Coughenour (President-Elect), Paula Flynn (Treasurer), Irene Larson (Recording Secretary), Our dedicated and persistent 2017 Medicine Ball Karen Tichenor (Administrative Secretary) and Susan Fundraising Committee members raised over $62,000 Katz (Membership Chair). We are grateful to each of for the Blood Pressure Ambassador Program. Once them for their willingness to share their time and again, we acknowledge our loyal corporate and talents in a leadership role within our organization. individual donors for their continued support of our organization and its activities. Finally, as our members continue to provide volunteer hours through our hospital service committees and gift Our quarterly General Meetings have seen record shops, enjoy the summer respite from committee attendance with positive feedback regarding the meetings and other Junior Board obligations. Be assured that your Board of Directors remain focused speakers, venues and our special programs. on the continuing growth of our organization and At our March meeting, it was sad to bid farewell to planning the activities for the 2017 - 2018 fiscal year. our liaison for the past ten years, Natalie Dyke. Natalie is a Junior Board "treasure" who will always We continue to welcome your ideas for improvement and we encourage your participation in your/our share a special place in our history and our hearts. organization. As we conclude this fiscal year, we acknowledge the dedication and commitment of our retiring Board Thank you for your continued support and members: Patricia Brock (Treasurer), Linda White encouragement as I continue on this leadership (Recording Secretary), Susan Katz (Administrative journey. It continues to be my honor and privilege to Secretary/Membership Chair) and Paula Flynn serve! (Assistant Treasurer). Each has fulfilled the responsibilities of her elected/appointed position in an Fondly, George Riley exemplary manner. President mixture of member participation encourages the growth and sustainability of our organization.

Standing from Left: Pamela Russo, Kim O’Connor, Denise Hall, Susan Fols, Mary Mathews

Seated from Left: Jean Fong, Kathy Murphy, Lois Capone


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Junior Board Newsletter - Summer 2017

Medicine Ball 2017 continued... year's recipient. Through the month of April, committee members followed up with phone calls and emails to their potential donors. As donations were received, sponsors were recognized as GOLD ($5,000), SILVER ($2,500), B R O N Z E ( $ 1 , 0 0 0 ) , PEWTER ($500) or FRIENDS ($250). This year, for the first time, the Junior Board became a GOLD sponsor with a $5,000 donation. Dr.Timothy Gardner The wrap-up 2017 Medicine Ball meeting was held on May 11 at the Helen Graham Cancer Center. The committee critiqued, streamlined and refined the process of fundraising, which will help improve our efforts for the 2018 Medicine Ball Event. Following this meeting, a well-deserved celebratory lunch was served and enjoyed by all. The committee members were George Riley,

President; Carol Dehorty, Vice President for External Affairs; Susan Katz, Secretary; Paula Flynn, Treasurer; Joan Altmaier, Denise Bunk, Barbara Burd, Paula Cobb, Kaye Crouch, Marianne Ennis, Kathleen Fenimore, Paula Flynn, Tina Furman, Christina Giordano, Mary Hannagan, Betty Hoffman, Judith Knotts-Kirlan, Nancy Rich, Ellen Schonbach, Heather Stewart, Pat Swed and Diane Thomas. As a result of this committee’s hard work, the Junior Board donated $62,357.09 to the Blood Pressure Ambassador Program. The check was presented to a very grateful Dr. Ray Blackwell at the June, 2017, General Meeting.

Dr. Blackwell thanking the Junior Board with Dr. Gardner and George Riley looking on.


Carol Coughenour President Elect

Kaye Crouch Assistant Treasurer

Paula Flynn Treasurer

Irene Larson Recording Secretery

Karen Tichenor Administrative Secretery

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Dementia Care, Education, and Research in the Christiana Care Community By Diane Thomas

Why should we care? As guest speaker at our March General Meeting, Dr. James Ellison, the Swank Foundation Endowed Chair in Memory Care and Geriatrics informed us of the latest information about Alzheimer’s disease and the role of the Swank Memory Care Center in the Christiana Care Community. He noted the alarming presence of Alzheimer’s disease as the #6 cause of death in the United States and the #5 cause of death in those 65 years of age and older. Some Facts and Figures • More than 5 million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s. • 1 in 3 seniors dies with Alzheimer’s or another dementia. • Every 66 seconds someone in the U.S. develops the disease. • It kills more than breast and prostate cancer combined.

What is Swank’s role? Although to date there is no cure, prevention or ways to slow the disease, Swank Memory Care Center provides patient evaluation, caregiver and patient support, community education and the opportunity to participate in clinical trials. It remains the only outpatient memory care and assessment program in Delaware. In addition to its daily assessment and patient/caregiver support role and research work, Swank is involved in the following activities: -Hosting the Swank Symposium for the last three years to inform medical and nursing care personnel by providing local, regional and national speakers (Note: The Junior Board has been instrumental in funding all three symposiums.) -Visiting churches and community centers to educate the community about the Swank Memory Care Center -Planning an October 2017 Lewes Dementia Conference (Note: Junior Board members have a key role.) -Working with the Swank Leadership Council to initiate the Memory Care Ambassador Program (Note: Of the 10 members of the Swank Leadership Council, 4 are Junior Board members.) What can you do? To aid in your personal health and perhaps decrease your risk of Alzheimer’s disease, Dr. Ellison promotes the DANCERS acronym. Disease Management Activity Nutrition Cognitive Stimulation Engagement with others and with a sense of purpose Relaxation Successful Sleep Exercising, keeping mentally alert, getting a good night’s sleep and eating nutritiously are keys.

What do we say? After hearing Dr. Ellison, several Junior Board members used our survey card to say, “great Swank presentation”, “excellent information” and “wonderful”. The Junior Board thanks Dr. Ellison for taking the time to update us and for his enthusiasm and expertise in the field of memory care. We are most fortunate to have him as a leader in the Christiana Care Health System !

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Junior Board Newsletter - Summer 2017

We’d Like to Say Our Thank You in a Song…. By Nancy Rich

always been in our annual “Medicine Ball” efforts to raise money for Christiana Care. To reward her for her work on our 2016 Medicine Ball, Chris Frysztacki and JoAnn Vahey awarded Natalie a blue Championship Ribbon! Ann Kappel, Harriet Porter, and Carol Coughenour recounted personal encounters with Natalie, when she provided support and guidance to them as they or loved ones dealt with serious medical problems. Barbara Burd said Natalie represents the “Care” in Christiana Care, adding that Natalie’s sincerity and kindness are an inspiration to us all. And a 50-year(!) member of the Junior Board, Jane Maroney, saluted Natalie as the “ultimate” caregiver.

And we did – at our March General Meeting. Thanks to creative lyricist, Diane Thomas, Junior Board members offered Natalie Dyke an enthusiastic (if not always in tune) musical tribute to her more than ten years of committed service to our organization. Natalie will be assuming other responsibilities at Christiana Care, and has turned over her Junior Board liaison position to Elizabeth Dougherty of the Development Office, who admits that she has large shoes to fill!

In addition to singing to Natalie, several of our members gave personal accolades acknowledging her dedication to our organization. All of the speakers stressed how helpful and patient Natalie has been, especially when new officers assumed their duties and had to rely on Natalie to explain the hospital’s resources, services, and structure. Judy Kirlan, long-time fundraiser for the Junior Board, stressed what a wonderful help Natalie has

To honor Natalie and her service to the Junior Board, President George Riley presented her with a plaque of appreciation – which we know will be prominently displayed in the office of a woman who has contributed so much to the Junior Board.

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Dr. Timothy Manzone Introduces the Strong Bones Program with a Special Invitation to Junior Board Members

By Barbara Burd

At the June 8 Junior Board General Meeting, members were treated to a special presentation and invitation by Timothy Manzone, MD, JD, CCD, Chief of Nuclear Medicine at Christiana Care. Dr. Manzone began by thanking the Junior Board for a grant of $32,500 to the Bone Health Program. The funds were used to enhance the DXA (bone density) scan to provide a TBS (Trabecular Bone Score). This is an added measure that analyzes texture uniformity of bone and thus makes fracture risk easier to predict. We learned that the bone is an active organ that can repair and regenerate its cells, but after age 40 both men and women start to drop bone mass. Women lose mass more rapidly than men and have a higher risk of osteoporosis. The statistics show women over

60 are at a 50% risk for a fracture. The fractures as a result of low bone mass are referred to as fragility fractures. There are 5500 fragility fractures a day, 2 million a year. Fifty percent of people who have a fragility fracture of the hip will not regain their previous level of function. The Strong Bones Program at Christiana Care is focused on evaluating risk and prevention of fragility fractures. The TBS is an important part of the program. In order to help the bone health team gather data and obtain accreditation, Dr. Manzone issued an invitation to all Junior Board members to participate in a study that includes a free DXA scan with TBS. This will include a scan of the spine, hip and forearm- each done twice on the visit. The results will be shared with you and with your personal physician. The Trabecular Bone Score indicates the risk of a fracture within the next 10 years. There is minimal radiation risk with the scan, less than we get in our natural daily background. The results will benefit you personally and the Strong Bones Program at Christiana Care. If you are interested in accepting this invitation to participate in the study, please email strongbones@christianacare.org or call 302733-5592. You are also invited to bring a friend.


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Junior Board Newsletter - Summer 2017


People are doing a double take as they pass the open doors of the Glass Box Gift Shop at Christiana Hospital! What’s catching their attention is a colorful display of children’s toys by Melissa and Doug. Known for many years for their simple toys for young children, the company believes that children’s toys should be 90% kid and 10% toy, meaning these toys are kid powered. So they’ll go to the beach, the playground, or on a long car trip without batteries or a wireless connection. Shop manager Noreen West said that the toys give a creative option to parents and grandparents wondering how to occupy restless children during the summer. Stop by to fill up your toy chest before summer company arrives. But lest you think the kids are the only ones who can find “good stuff” in the shop, the Glass Box continues to carry everything you need for a fun and fashionable summer. Whether it’s a colorful scarf for July 4, a fun

by Phyllis Adams

pillow to spruce up the screened-in porch, or a spectacular necklace to wear with a new summer dress, we’ve got you covered. Browsers are welcome.

And remember, that Junior Board members receive a 15% discount.

Junior Board Newsletter - Summer 2017

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And A Good Time Was Had By All!



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Junior Board Newsletter - Summer 2017

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Junior Board Newsletter - Summer 2017

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In the Spotlight Getting to know Elizabeth: An Interview with Elizabeth Dougherty

By Claudia Fischer

After working with Natalie Dyke for many years, the Junior Board has a new Christiana Care liaison. It is Elizabeth Dougherty! She has been working with us for a few months now, and it seemed like a good idea to get to know her better.

In addition to being new to us, Elizabeth is also relatively new to Christiana Care. She began her position in late December of 2016 and works in the Development Office where she is currently the Director of Annual Funds. In this role, she works with potential donors to contribute to the greatest areas of need in the Christiana Care Health System. Elizabeth is very enthusiastic about her work, and indicated that she enjoys building relationships with people and then helping them to find an area of interest that they would like to support on an annual basis.

When Elizabeth returned to Delaware after working in marketing and advertising in New York City, she began her development career by working for several non-profits. These include the American Diabetes Association, Delaware Nature Society, Produce for Better Health, which promotes healthy eating, and Children and Families First.

Elizabeth was born in Japan, but grew up in Wilmington from the age of 5. She went to Ursuline Academy, and then on to Manhattan College. She indicated that she is so happy to be back in Wilmington where she lives with her husband, her daughter who is 10 and her son, who is 8. She said that she loves the outdoors, and gardening is her passion. In fact, she is a Certified Naturalist and is qualified to teach in that area.

Perhaps the most surprising thing that Elizabeth shared is that she loves lizards! Her family currently has several, including a bearded dragon, a crested gecko, and a regular gecko. In addition, the family pets include a tarantula, 2 guinea pigs, and a cat. Her children are definitely learning an appreciation of all living things. In fact, her son has made it his mission to teach his classmates why it is important not to kill spiders!

Elizabeth said that she is thrilled to be working with the Junior Board. She is eager to help us in any way that she can and if she doesn’t know something, she will make it her mission to get the right answer. We are most fortunate to have her support and we look forward to a long and productive relationship!


Junior Board of Christiana Care, Inc. Post Office Box 1668 Wilmington, DE 19899


* Looking for an Assistant Editor Do you like to write, take pictures, organize things, and share information? Then you might be interested in the newly created position of Assistant Newsletter Editor. Working closely with the editor, these are some of the things you will do: Determine newsletter content. Develop a time line for publication. Write articles. Take pictures. Edit and proofread submitted articles. Work with the printer on layout and publication.

This is a one-year position after which you will become the Newsletter Editor. Sound intriguing? Then contact George Riley or Claudia Fischer for more information.

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