Nutrition Tips for Two

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Nutrition Tips for Two:

Healthy Eating During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Author: Denise Taylor, MS, RD, LDN What you eat right before and during your pregnancy can affect the health of you and your growing baby. That’s why it’s important to understand what foods should be added to your diet and what others should be avoided. This booklet offers nutrition recommendations for maintaining optimal health throughout your pregnancy and while breastfeeding. Also included are weight gain guidelines, user-friendly recipes and four weeks worth of menus – including two weeks specifically for gestational diabetics.

Table of Contents PREGNANCY Increased Nutrient Needs Weight Gain Complications Special Considerations Food Safety

Page 2-5 6-7 8-9 10-12 13-14

BREASTFEEDING Benefits for Baby and Mom Food Allergies Increased Nutrient Needs Food Safety

15 15 16 17-18 19

SAMPLE MENUS General Pregnancy (2 weeks) Gestational Diabetes (2 weeks)

20-21 22-23

RECIPES Breakfast Soups Salads Side Dishes Entrees Desserts

24 25-28 29-32 33-35 36-39 40-56 57-59

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PREGNANCY INCREASED NUTRIENT NEEDS Nutrient Energy Protein Folate Iron Calcium

Daily Need During Pregnancy + 300 calories At least 60 grams 400 mcg 27 mg 1000 mg


The traditional saying “eating for two” does not necessarily mean you need to eat twice as much. Energy needs during pregnancy are increased by 300 calories per day to provide nutrients and energy for proper growth and development of your baby. You can get those extra calories from 8 ounces of skim milk and half of a blueberry muffin. Most pregnant women need 2,200-2,900 calories per day according to the latest guidelines from the American Dietetic Association. However, prepregnancy Body Mass Index (BMI), rate of weight gain, age and appetite are factors that affect the appropriate calorie level for you. The diet recommendations and sample menus in this booklet are based on a meal plan of 2,200 calories per day. Below are some quick snack ideas to get those extra 300 calories each day: 300 CALORIES • 1 cup 1% milk and ½ peanut butter sandwich. • 1 cup low fat yogurt and 1 medium banana. • 1 cup 1% milk and 1 cup raisin bran cereal. • Grilled chicken breast sandwich. • ¼ cup walnuts and 1 packet instant oatmeal. • 2 string cheese, 6 whole wheat crackers and 1 cup berries.

If you are pregnant with twins, you require an extra 500 calories per day. If you are pregnant with multiples, your energy needs increase by 1000 calories per day. Below are a few examples of snacks that provide an extra 500 calories per day. 500 CALORIES • Whole wheat bagel with 2 Tbsp. light cream cheese and 1 cup 1% milk. • 1 cup yogurt with ½ cup low fat granola and 1 banana. • Peanut butter and jelly sandwich on whole wheat bread with 1 cup 1% milk. • ½ cup cottage cheese with ¼ cup almonds and 1 ½ cups of grapes. 2

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Sample Meal Plan for Pregnant Women (2,200 calories) Food Group

Daily Amount

What counts as 1 cup or 1 ounce?


2 cups


3 cups

1 cup fruit or 100% juice; ½ cup dried fruit 1 cup raw or cooked vegetables or juice; 2 cups raw leafy vegetables 1 slice bread; ½ cup cooked pasta, rice, cereal; 1 ounce ready-toeat cereal 1 ounce lean meat, poultry, fish; 1 egg; ¼ cup cooked dry beans; ½ ounce nuts; 1 tablespoon peanut butter 1 cup milk; 8 ounces yogurt; 1 ½ ounces cheese; 2 ounces processed cheese


Meat and Beans

8 ounces

6 ½ ounces


3 cups

Oil and Discretionary Calories

6 tsp oil

Remember These Details Eat a variety of fruits Eat more dark green and orange vegetables

At least half of your grains should be whole grains

Choose low-fat or lean meats and poultry and cooked dry beans

Choose low-fat or fat-free milk, yogurt and cheese

Limit to 290 calories of extras (extra fats & sugars)


For a more individualized sample meal plan for pregnancy, visit Click on Pregnancy and Breastfeeding and then MyPyramid Menu Planner for Moms.


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Protein is essential for providing amino acids, the building blocks of cells. Protein also helps you feel satisfied following meals or snacks. The protein recommendation for pregnancy is a minimum of 60 grams per day, 10 grams more than what is recommended for non-pregnant women. Rich sources of protein include eggs, poultry, fish, beef, veal, nuts, legumes, beans and dairy products. See the sample meal plan (page 3) for suggested serving sizes.


More than half of your total energy should come from carbohydrates, like whole grain breads and cereals, starchy vegetables and fruits. Aim to eat about 8 ounces of grains (4 of which should be whole grains), 3 cups of vegetables and 2 cups of fruit daily. See the sample meal plan (page 3) for suggested serving sizes.

Folate (Folic Acid)

Folate is crucial for helping to prevent serious birth defects in your baby. You should consume 400 mcg of folate per day during your pregnancy, either from the foods you eat or a daily prenatal vitamin. Good sources of folate include darkgreen leafy vegetables, dried beans, fortified breads or cereals, and citrus fruits and juices. Make sure fortified foods are enriched with 100% of the daily value of folic acid.


Iron is needed to help meet the needs of your increasing blood supply. The current recommendation for iron during pregnancy is 27 mg per day. Since your iron needs during pregnancy are so high, you will need to take a prenatal vitamin with iron in addition to consuming iron-rich foods. There are two forms of iron: heme found in meat, and non-heme found in plants. Sources of heme iron, the better absorbed form, include lean ground beef, sirloin or tenderloin, fish, chicken and turkey. Sources of non-heme iron, the less absorbed form, include legumes (lentils, kidney beans), iron-fortified breads and cereals (instant oatmeal, raisin bran, sliced bread) and dried fruits (raisins, dates, apricots). You can improve the absorption of non-heme iron in foods by consuming them with foods that are high in vitamin C (e.g., oranges, orange juice) or by eating them along with meats, fish, or poultry.


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The current recommendation for calcium is 1,000 mg per day for pregnant women. Calcium is essential for building strong bones and teeth. It also plays an important role in muscle contraction and relaxation, as well as maintaining normal blood pressure. If you do not get adequate calcium during pregnancy, your growing baby will deplete the calcium stores in your body to get what is needed for proper growth and development. Good sources of calcium are listed below: • • • • • • • • •

1 cup low fat milk (300 mg). 1 cup low fat yogurt (400 mg). 1 cup calcium-fortified orange juice (300 mg). 1 ounce low fat cheese (200-300 mg). 3 ounce canned salmon/sardines with bones (200/250 mg). 1⁄2 cup custard, pudding, frozen yogurt (100-150 mg). 1 cup broccoli/cooked kale (95/180 mg). 1 cup calcium-fortified soy milk (250 mg). 1 cup calcium-fortified ready to eat cereal (e.g., 170 mg for Total cereal).


Most health care providers recommend that women take a daily prenatal vitamin and mineral supplement in addition to eating a healthy diet during pregnancy. Taking a supplement ensures that you and your baby get enough important nutrients, especially folate and iron. Most prenatal supplements contain at least 600 mcg of folate and 27 mg of iron. It is important that you take the prenatal supplement that your health care provider recommends so you and your baby get the correct balance of micronutrients. Do not take individual vitamins and minerals or other dietary supplements or herbal products on your own. Too much vitamin A from supplements, for example, can cause birth defects. In addition, the possible risks to your baby of taking most herbal or botanical supplements have not been determined.


Be sure to drink at least six to eight glasses of water each day to keep up with your body’s increasing blood volume during pregnancy. Adequate amounts of fluid will also play a key role in decreasing constipation.


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It is important that you gain the appropriate amount of weight during your pregnancy. How much weight you should gain varies depending what your weight is at the start of pregnancy. The timing of your weight gain can have an important effect on the growth and development of your baby. The average weight gain during the first trimester is two to four pounds. Depending on your pre-pregnant weight, a weight gain of approximately one pound per week during the second and third trimesters is appropriate. Gaining too little weight can result in your baby not receiving all the nutrients needed to grow properly. Gaining too much weight can make it harder for you to exercise, cause other weight-related problems and even make delivery more difficult. You can calculate how much weight you need to gain during pregnancy using the body mass index (BMI) charts below. In general, women who are pregnant with twins should gain 35 to 45 pounds. Those pregnant with triplets should gain approximately 50 pounds. BMI Chart

Pre-pregnancy BMI

Recommended Weight Gain During Pregnancy (pounds) 28-40 25-35 15-25 15

less than 18.5 (underweight) 18.5-24.9 (normal weight) 26-29.9 (overweight) more than 30 (obese) 6

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Talk with your health care provider if you feel you are gaining too much or too little weight during your pregnancy. Do not try to lose weight while you are pregnant. After delivery of your baby, talk to your health care provider about reaching a weight that is healthy for you. If you need help reaching a healthy weight, ask your doctor to refer you to a registered dietitian.

Components of Pregnancy Weight Gain Baby Changes in mother’s body Breast increase Blood increase Fat stores Body fluid Uterus increase Placenta Amniotic fluid Total (approximate)

7 ½ – 8 pounds 1 – 3 pounds 4 ½ – 5 pounds 4 – 8 pounds 1 – 2 pounds 2 – 5 pounds 2 – 3 pounds 2 – 3 pounds 25 – 35 pounds


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Morning sickness and nausea are common discomforts during pregnancy. Most morning sickness occurs during the first trimester. Usually by the second trimester you start to feel better. To help manage these problems: • Try eating dry crackers, toast or cereal before you get out of bed in the morning. Eat before sitting up.

• Always have some food in your stomach. Good choices include foods from the grains group, fruits and vegetables. Try to carry snacks like crackers or pretzels with you whenever you go out.

• Drink fluids and liquid foods (i.e., soup) 30 minutes to one hour before or after eating solid foods.

• Eat fewer fried, greasy and high fat foods. • Avoid spicy and seasoned foods. • Limit caffeine.

• Avoid strong smells, especially when cooking.


Many pregnant women complain of constipation. High levels of hormones in your body slow down digestion and relax muscles in the bowels causing constipation. Plus, the pressure of the expanding uterus on the bowels increases the chance for constipation. Some suggestions to alleviate constipation during pregnancy include: • Choose foods high in dietary fiber such as bran and whole grain cereals, whole grain bread, fruits, vegetables, nuts and beans. Include a salad everyday. High

fiber foods increase bulk and promote regularity. Be sure to increase your fluid intake as you increase fiber to avoid any discomfort in the bowel due to dehydration.

• Drinking six to eight cups of fluid every day will help to lessen constipation.

Try to include prune or pear juice with meals and snacks (exception: gestational diabetes).

• Exercising regularly helps prevent constipation. Remember to check with your doctor before exercising.

Do not use laxatives for constipation unless your doctor prescribes them. 8

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Heartburn is common in pregnancy, especially during the last trimester. If you experience heartburn, try: • Eating smaller meals more frequently throughout the day to avoid overfilling your stomach.

• Eating slowly and chewing your food well.

• Drinking the bulk of your fluids between meals instead of with your meals.

• Limiting spicy, greasy and fried foods (such as hot peppers or fried chicken),

chocolate, spearmint, peppermint, citrus fruit, tomato products, soft drinks and caffeine.

• Walking around after eating. Avoid the urge to lie down. It is best to have your last meal or snack at least two hours before going to bed.

Before taking antacids, talk to your healthcare provider.


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If you are following a vegetarian diet during pregnancy, it is important to consume a variety of foods as well as the right amount of foods to meet your calorie needs. Pregnant vegetarians may need to consume additional protein, iron, calcium, zinc, and vitamin B12. Protein

Sources of protein for vegetarians include beans, nuts, nut butters, peas and soy products (e.g., tofu, tempeh, veggie burgers). Milk products and eggs are also good protein sources for lacto-ovo vegetarians. Iron

Sources of iron for vegetarians include iron-fortified breakfast cereals, spinach, kidney beans, black-eyed peas, lentils, turnip greens, molasses, whole grain breads, peas and some dried fruits (e.g., dried apricots, prunes, raisins). Calcium

Sources of calcium for vegetarians include fortified breakfast cereals, soy

products (e.g., tofu, soy-based beverages), calcium-fortified orange juice and

some dark green leafy vegetables (e.g., collard greens, turnip greens, bok choy, mustard greens). Milk products are excellent calcium sources for lacto vegetarians. Zinc

Zinc is necessary for many biochemical reactions and also helps the immune

system function properly. Sources of zinc for vegetarians include many types of beans (e.g., white beans, kidney beans, chickpeas), zinc-fortified breakfast

cereals (e.g., Total), wheat germ and pumpkin seeds. Milk products are a zinc source for lacto vegetarians. Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is found in animal products and some fortified foods. Sources of vitamin B12 for vegetarians include milk products, eggs, and foods that have been fortified with vitamin B12. These include breakfast cereals, soy-based beverages, veggie burgers and nutritional yeast. 10

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Lactose Intolerance

Milk and milk products contain a sugar called lactose that some individuals have trouble digesting. Symptoms of lactose intolerance include gas, bloating, cramps and/or diarrhea. If you are lactose intolerant, it can be difficult to get adequate amounts of calcium. The following are suggestions for increasing your calcium intake. • • • • •

Try smaller, more frequent servings of dairy foods. Drink milk with meals and snacks. Try aged cheese like Swiss or cheddar. Try yogurt it contains less lactose. Use a lactase enzyme tablet or lactase-treated milk/dairy products.

If these suggestions also cause symptoms, the following is a list of non-dairy sources of calcium: • • • • • • •

Calcium fortified cereals, pasta and orange juice. Soy or rice milk with added calcium. Almonds. Canned fish (salmon with bones, sardines). Tofu. Green leafy vegetables such as collard greens and kale. Figs.

Alcohol and Caffeine

It is never safe to consume at any point of your pregnancy. Anytime a pregnant woman drinks alcohol there is a chance the baby will be harmed. Alcohol gets into your blood stream and travels to your baby through the umbilical cord. Alcohol consumption can lead to birth defects, can slow down your baby’s growth and harm your baby’s brain. Drinking alcohol early in pregnancy can cause facial and other physical defects, known as fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). Talk to your doctor before consuming caffeine during pregnancy. Some studies show that the caffeine found in coffee, tea, cola, chocolate and some medicines can harm your baby. Other research suggests that small amounts of caffeine are safe. Consuming large quantities of caffeine can cause irritability, nervousness and insomnia adults.


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Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetes is a form of diabetes that begins during pregnancy and goes away after the baby is born. If you have gestational diabetes, you have a high amount of sugar in your blood during pregnancy. This form of diabetes can be controlled through diet, medication and exercise. If left untreated, it can cause health problems for both you and your baby. If you develop gestational diabetes, your doctor will refer you to a registered dietitian who can help you with special meal plans to control your blood sugar. See the two weeks of menus specifically for women with gestational diabetes on pages 22-23.


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During pregnancy, certain foods may cause serious illness or even death to you and your unborn baby. These foods are normally safe to eat when not pregnant, but should be avoided throughout your pregnancy. Certain foods may contain listeria, a dangerous bacterium that can grow even in cold refrigerator. You should also avoid some fish for their levels of mercury, a harmful metal. Toxoplasma is a risky parasite found in undercooked meats and unwashed fruits vegetables. You should NOT EAT the following foods while pregnant: - Swordfish, tilefish, king mackerel and shark. - Raw or undercooked meat, poultry, fish or shellfish (raw oysters, sushi or sashimi). - Refrigerated smoked seafood like whitefish, salmon and mackerel, products labeled “Nova-style,” lox, kippered or jerky. Canned smoked seafood is allowable. - Refrigerated patés or meat spreads. - Hot dogs and luncheon meats, unless they’re reheated until steaming hot. - Soft cheeses like feta, brie, Camembert, “blue-veined cheeses,” “queso blanco,” “queso fresco” and panela, unless the label says pasteurized or made from pasteurized milk. - Raw or unpasteurized milk or foods that contain unpasteurized milk. - Raw or undercooked eggs, found in Caesar dressing, cookie dough, Hollandaise sauce and home-made custard. - Sprouts such as bean and alfalfa. - Unwashed fruits and vegetables.


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More on Fish and Shellfish

Almost all fish and shellfish contain some mercury, a metal that in high levels can harm the brain of your unborn baby. The level of mercury and shellfish ranges based on the type of fish or shellfish and is highest in fish like swordfish, tilefish, king mackerel and shark. Do no eat these types of fish. Fish and shellfish remain a great source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids. Follow these guidelines to consume healthy amounts of fish and shellfish without feat of mercury.

DO NOT EAT SWORDFISH, TILEFISH, KING MACKEREL, OR SHARK. Eat up to one serving (six ounces) per week: • Tuna steaks.

• Canned albacore or chunk white tuna. • Halibut.

• Snapper. Eat up to two servings (twelve ounces) per week: • Shrimp, crab, clams, oysters, scallops. • Canned light tuna. • Salmon.

• Mahi-mahi. • Pollock. • Catfish. • Cod.

Check before eating fish caught in local waters. State health departments have guidelines on fish from local waters. You can also view local fish advisories online at


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The U.S. Surgeon General recommends feeding your baby breast milk only – no formula – for the first six months of life. Babies can be breastfed at your discretion for 12 months or longer. The American Academy of Pediatrics also suggests a supplement of 400 IU per day of vitamin D for all breastfed infants. Solid foods can be introduced at six months while you continue to breastfeed.


• Breast milk has the right amount of fat, sugar, water and protein that is needed for a baby's growth and development.

• Most babies digest breast milk better than they do formula.

• Premature babies do better when breast fed compared to premature babies who are fed formula.

• Children who were breast fed as babies (especially premature babies) scored slightly higher on IQ tests.

• Breast milk contains antibodies that help protect a baby from illness such as respiratory infections, ear infections, diarrhea and other ilnesses.

Benefits for Mom

• Breastfeeding helps the uterus return to its original size and lessens any bleeding a woman may have after giving birth.

• Breastfeeding lowers the risk of breast and ovarian cancers, and possibly the risk of hip fractures and osteoporosis after menopause.

• Breastfeeding can help a mother bond with her baby. Physical contact is important to newborns and can help them feel more secure, warm and comforted.

• Breastfeeding may help you lose the weight gained in pregnancy because of an increase in energy needs. Women who breastfeed exclusively for more than three months lose more weight than those who do not.


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• There is no convincing evidence that women who avoid peanuts or other foods during pregnancy or breastfeeding lower their child's risk of allergies.

• For infants with a family history of allergies, exclusive breastfeeding for at least four months can lessen the risk of rashes and allergy to cow's milk.

• Exclusive breastfeeding for at least three months protects against wheezing in babies; whether it prevents asthma in older children is unclear.

• There is modest evidence for feeding hypoallergenic formulas to susceptible babies if they are not solely breastfed.

• There is no good evidence that soy-based formulas prevent allergies. Source: American Academy of Pediatrics, Pediatrics, January, 2008.


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During breastfeeding you need to add 500 calories per day to your prepregnancy calorie level to keep up with the energy demands of nursing a baby. Below is a 2,400 calorie sample meal plan for breastfeeding women.

Sample Meal Plan for Breastfeeding Women (2400 calories) Food Group




Meat and Beans


Oil and Discretionary Calories

Eat this amount from each group daily 2 cups

3 cups

8 ounces

6 ½ ounces

3 cups

What Counts as 1 cup or 1 ounce?

Remember These Details

1 cup fruit or 100% juice; ½ cup dried fruit 1 cup raw or cooked vegetables or juice; 2 cups raw leafy vegetables 1 slice bread; ½ cup cooked pasta, rice, cereal; 1 ounce ready-toeat cereal 1 ounce lean meat, poultry, fish; 1 egg; ¼ cup cooked dry beans; ½ ounce nuts; 1 tablespoon peanut butter

Eat a variety of fruit

1 cup milk; 8 ounces yogurt; 1 ½ ounces cheese; 2 ounces processed cheese

Choose low-fat or fat-free milk, yogurt, and cheese

7 tsp oil

Eat more dark green and orange vegetables

At least half of your grains should be whole grains

Choose low-fat or lean meats and poultry and cooked dry beans

Limit to 360 calories of extras (extra fats & sugars)


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For sample 2400 calorie menus for breastfeeding, add any one of the following snacks to the 2200 calorie sample menus on pages 20-21. For a more individualized breastfeeding meal plan (dependent on the extent to which you are breastfeeding), visit Click on Pregnancy and Breastfeeding and then MyPyramid Plan for Moms.

Approximately 200 Calorie Snacks • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

8 wheat thins and 1 ounce cheese. 1 slice cheese melted on ½ English muffin and 8 ounces milk. ½ cup cottage cheese, ¼ cup pineapple chunks and 5 Wheat Thins. 1½ graham crackers, 2 tsp. peanut butter and ½ small banana. ¼ cup almonds or peanuts. 1 ounce string cheese, 5 Triscuits and 1 piece of fruit. 2 RyKrisp crackers, 1 apple and 1 ounce cheese. 1 cup strawberries & ½ cup vanilla yogurt mixed with ½ cup cottage cheese. ½ large bagel and 2 tbsp. light cream cheese. 1 English muffin and 1 hard boiled egg. 3 cups popcorn, 1 medium piece of fruit and 1 ounce cheese. 1 medium apple and 1 Tbsp. peanut butter. 1 cup Cheerios, ½ cup milk and 1 Tbsp. chopped walnuts. 5 caramel corn mini rice cakes with 1½ Tbsp. peanut butter. 1 packet instant oatmeal prepared with 4 ounces milk.

Vitamins and Minerals

Your nutrient needs also increase when you are breastfeeding. To meet these needs, some breastfeeding women may need a vitamin and mineral supplement. Talk with your health care provider about taking a supplement while you are breastfeeding. Be sure to tell your provider about any supplements you are already taking to protect yourself against taking too much. And remember, vitamin and mineral supplements cannot replace a healthy diet.


While you are breastfeeding, your need for fluids increases. You may notice that you are thirstier than before. Drink enough water and other fluids to quench your thirst. A common suggestion is to drink a glass of water or other beverage every time you breastfeed. Some beverages, such as soft drinks and fruit drinks, contain added sugars. Limit your intake of these beverages. Drinking a moderate amount (up to 2 - 3 cups per day) of coffee or other caffeinated beverages does not affect your baby. The Dietary Guidelines recommend that breastfeeding women not drink alcoholic beverages. Any alcohol that is in your bloodstream while you are breastfeeding can pass into breast milk. 18

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Be sure to follow the same recommendations for eating fish that are listed in the pregnancy section. This will help protect your baby against high levels of mercury found in some fish. DO NOT EAT SWORDFISH, TILEFISH, KING MACKEREL, OR SHARK. Eat up to 1 serving (6 ounces) per week: • Tuna steaks.

• Canned albacore or chunk white tuna. • Halibut.

• Snapper. Eat up to 2 servings (12 ounces) per week:

• Shrimp, crab, clams, oysters, scallops. • Canned light tuna. • Salmon.

• Mahi-mahi. • Pollock. • Catfish. • Cod.


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SAMPLE MENUS 2200 CALORIE MENUS: General Pregnancy NOTE: Items in bold italics can be found in the recipe section. (See page 24 for index.) Mon







Breakfast (approximately 450 calories) 1 cup unsweetened ready-to-eat cereal 1 banana 1 tbsp. peanut butter

1 cup oatmeal 11/ 2 cup sliced strawberries

/ 2 oz. walnuts


8 oz. skim milk

8 oz. skim milk

5 egg white omelette with 1 / 2 cup chopped broccoli & 1 oz. low fat cheese

11/ 2 cup unsweetened ready-to-eat cereal

2 slice whole wheat toast with 1-2 tsp. butter 4 oz. orange juice

3 - 4 whole wheat pancakes

1 whole wheat English muffin

2 tbsp. pancake syrup

1 tbsp. peanut butter

/ 4 cup

1 cup fresh fruit


6 oz. low-fat yogurt with fruit

1 hard boiled egg

8 oz. skim milk

1 banana

8 oz. skim milk


Dried Cranberry and Pecan Oatmeal 8 oz. skim milk 1 cup applesauce, unsweetened

Snack (approximately 200 calories) 1 small apple 11/ 2 tbsp. peanut butter

6 whole wheat crackers

1 granola bar 8 oz. skim milk

1 oz. low fat cheese

Fruit Smoothie

1 Blueberry Bran Muffin 1 oz. mozzarella string cheese 8 oz. skim milk

6 whole wheat crackers w/ 1 oz. low-fat cheese

12 almonds

Garden Chicken Salad

Whole wheat pita w/ 1/ 3 cup hummus, 1/ 4 cup diced tomatoes, 1 / 2 cup shredded lettuce, 1/ 4 cup diced cucumbers

3 tbsp. raisins

Lunch (approximately 550 calories) Egg salad sandwich w/lite mayo, 2 slices whole wheat bread, lettuce & tomato 15-20 baked potato chips 1 large apple

3 oz. lean hamburger on whole wheat bun w/lettuce & tomato

Non-Dairy clam chowder

8 oz. skim milk

1 large orange

4 whole wheat crackers

1 small piece fresh fruit

Mandarin Spinach salad w/1 oz. pasteurized feta cheese, 3 oz. grilled skinless chicken breast 1 small roll + <1 tsp. butter or margarine

/ 2 cup coleslaw


Peanut butter & jelly sandwich: 2 slices whole wheat bread, 1 tbsp. peanut butter, 1 tbsp. jelly 1 cup baby carrots 1 large piece of fresh fruit

1 small dinner roll + 1 tsp. butter or margarine 20 small grapes + 1 oz. cheddar cheese

1 cup tomato or broth-based soup

6 whole wheat crackers

1 granola bar

8 oz. skim milk

8 oz. skim milk

Snack (approximately 200 calories) 6 oz. low-fat yogurt with fruit 1 small piece of fruit

/ 2 cup cottage

/ 2 whole wheat





3 cups air popped popcorn

1 small apple

1 tbsp. peanut butter 1 cup cubed cantaloupe

1 cup raw veggies + 2 tbsp. low-fat Ranch dressing

6 almonds

1 small apple 11/ 2 tbsp. peanut butter

1 oz. low-fat cheese

8 oz. skim milk

Dinner (approximately 600 calories) Angel Hair Pasta Instant Black with Fresh Bean Soup Tomato-Olive Sauce Baked Tortillas

3-4 oz. beef, chicken, pork or fish

1 large roll with 2 tsp. butter or margarine

1 cup cooked cauliflower

3 tbsp. guacamole

Tossed salad with 2 tbsp. regular dressing

Cheesy Oven Fried Chicken

Crispy Skin-on / 3 cup cooked rice Oven Fries


8 oz. skim milk

1 cup cooked vegetables + 2 tsp. butter or oil

Salmon with Grilled Vegetables

Dijon Pork w/Potatoes & Carrots

Curried Chicken with Whole Wheat Couscous

1 / 2 large baked potato + 2 tsp. butter +1-2 tbsp. sour cream

Mixed Greens with Pears & Walnuts


(butter, margarine or oil used in cooking / on rice or veg)

8 oz. skim milk

/2 cup Broccoli with Pine Nuts

1 1/ 2 slices Italian bread +2 tsp butter or margarine

Dessert or Snack (approximately 200 calories) Hot chocolate 8 oz. skim milk + 1 pack hot cocoa

/ 2 cup regular



4 animal crackers

3 / 4 cup regular ice cream

Applesauce Gingerbread 4 oz. skim milk

2 small chocolate chip cookies

20 peanuts

1 oz. cheese

3 tbsp. raisins

1 medium pear

4 oz. skim milk


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2200 CALORIE MENUS: General Pregnancy NOTE: Items in bold italics can be found in the recipe section. (See page 24 for index.) Mon







Breakfast (approximately 450 calories) 1 fresh small orange 1 English muffin with 2 tbsp. grated part skim mozzarella cheese, melted

1 cup oatmeal 1 / 2 cups sliced strawberries 1

/ 2 oz. walnuts


8 oz. skim milk

1 egg, any style

3 / 4 cup blueberries

2 slice wholewheat toast w/12 tsp. margarine

/ 4 cup low-fat granola + 6 oz. low-fat yogurt


Blueberry Bran / 2 large pear Muffins (2) 1 large whole1 English muffin wheat bagel with 1 cup cubed cantaloupe with 1 tbsp. 2 tbsp. reduced butter/ margarine fat cream cheese 1 hard boiled egg 2 scrambled eggs 8 oz. skim milk 1 / 2 cup calcium fortified juice


Apple & Flax Pancakes (2) 1 tbsp. regular or 2 tbsp. light pancake syrup 8 oz. skim milk

8 oz. skim milk

6 oz. skim milk

8 oz. skim milk

Snack (approximately 200 calories) 1 cup unsweetened, ready-toeat cereal (e.g., Cheerios)

1 mini bagel 1 tbsp. peanut butter

1 oz. mozzarella string cheese

1 cup tomato soup

15 cashews

4 whole wheat crackers

8 oz. skim milk

3 cups popcorn 6 oz. low-fat yogurt

20 peanuts or mixed nuts 3 tbsp. raisins

1 small apple 11/ 2 tbsp. peanut butter

Lunch (approximately 550 calories) 2 slices whole wheat toast

/ 8 of a 14 inch cheese pizza

/ 2 can tuna with mayo, celery, onion (+lettuce & tomato if desired)

1 Lean Cuisine or similar type meal

large tossed salad with 2 tbsp. salad dressing

raw veggies or salad with salad dressing


15-20 baked potato chips


8 oz. skim milk

Peanut butter & jelly sandwich: 2 slices whole wheat bread, 2 tbsp. peanut butter, 1 tbsp. jelly

2 slices whole wheat bread

1 piece fresh fruit

6 oz. low-fat yogurt

1 / 2 cup chicken salad

1 cup fresh fruit

Instant Black Bean Soup topped with 1 oz. cheese and 1 hard boiled eggchopped 10 tortilla chips

Tortellini-Basil Soup 1 oz. mozzarella cheese 6 oz. skim milk

8 oz. skim milk

Snack (approximately 200 calories) 1 tbsp. peanut butter

6 whole wheat crackers

1 cup raw celery and/or carrots

1 oz. low-fat cheese

1 mini bagel

2 rice cakes

1 snack pudding

1 banana

2 tbsp. cream cheese

1 tbsp. peanut butter

3-4 oz. pretzels

1 tbsp. peanut butter

3-4 oz. pretzels

3 cups air popped popcorn 1 cup raw vegetables/ 2 tbsp. reduced-fat Ranch dressing

Dinner (approximately 600 calories) 3-4 oz. beef, chicken, pork or fish 2/3 cup cooked rice

1 cup cooked broccoli 8 oz. skim milk

2 pieces Quick 1 cup cooked Pizza Margherita pasta

2 Spicy Chicken Kebabs

Large tossed salad with 2 tbsp. regular salad dressing + 2 tbsp. sesame seeds

Curried Greens

8 oz. skim milk

large tossed salad + salad dressing 8 oz. skim milk 2-3 meatballs

1 cup cooked rice a small piece fresh fruit

(butter, margarine or oil used in cooking rice or veg)

3-4 oz. beef, chicken, pork or fish

Molasses Barbecued Chicken

Ravioli with Summer Vegetables

1 cup mashed potatoes

1 / 2 cup cooked non-starchy vegetables

4 oz. skim milk

1 cup green beans 8 oz. skim milk

Strawberry Salad

1 / 3 cup mashed potatoes

1-2 tsp. butter or margarine

Dessert or Snack (approximately 200 calories) 32 pistachios 1 oz. cheese

1 Serving of Peach Delight 3 vanilla wafers

1 oz. trail mix

Hot cocoa: 8 oz. skim milk + 1 pack hot cocoa

1 small, unfrosted brownie (1 oz.) 1 cup skim milk

3 / 4 cup regular ice cream

1 Ooey-Gooey Peanut Butter Chocolate Brownie


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2000 CALORIE MENUS: Gestational Diabetes NOTE: Items in bold italics can be found in the recipe section. (See page 24 for index.) Daily Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun Breakfast (approximately 500 calories) 2 starch 0 fruit 1 milk 1-2 meat/ protein 1-2 fat

1 whole wheat English muffin

1-2 eggs any kind

2 tbsp. peanut butter

2 slices whole wheat toast

8 oz. 2% milk

(butter/ margarine or cream cheese on toast)

1 pack lower sugar oatmeal +1 tbsp. crushed walnuts

2 slices whole wheat toast

/ 4 cup low-fat

6 oz. low-fat yogurt


cottage cheese

2 tbsp. peanut butter

1 1 wedge of / 2 large bagel + 2 slices rye bread + 2 slices Tomato & 1 1/ 2 tbsp. melted cheese Spincah Frittata cream cheese

1 hard boiled egg 8 oz. 2% milk

1-2 tsp of margarine /butter (optional) 8 oz. 2% milk

8 oz. 2% milk

8 oz. 2% milk

1 whole wheat English muffin 1-2 tsp butter or margarine 8 oz. 2% milk

Lunch (approximately 600 calories) 2 starch 1 fruit 1 milk 3 meat/ protein 1-2 fat

Beef and Barley Stew

1 hamburger roll

1 apple + 1 tbsp. peanut butter

3 oz. hamburger (lettuce, tomato, onion, and/or ketchup on burger)

8 oz. 2% milk

1 Lean Cuisine or similar type meal 1 fresh fruit raw veggies or salad with salad dressing

1 small serving french fries (starch instead of milk)

Instant Black Bean Soup topped w/1 oz. cheese and 1 hard boiled egg-chopped 6 oz. low-fat yogurt 1 fresh fruit

2 slices rye bread

Tortellini-Basil Soup

1 / 2 can tuna with mayo, celery, onion, (+lettuce & tomato if desired)

1 oz. string cheese 8 oz. 2% milk

1 / 2 cup unsweetened applesauce

1 piece fresh fruit 6 oz. low-fat yogurt

1 piece fresh fruit

Grilled ham & cheese: 2 slices whole wheat bread, 1 slice of lean cooked ham, 2 oz. cheese, 2 tsp. butter or margarine

8 oz. 2% millk

Dinner (approximately 600 calories) 2 starch 1-2 veg. 1 milk 3-4 meat/ protein 1-2 fat

3-4 oz. beef, chicken, pork or fish 1 small sweet potato 1 / 2 cup green beans

8 oz. 2% milk

2 Fajita Wraps (each made with 2 oz. chicken, 1/ 2 oz. cheese, stir fry peppers & onions, a 6 in. flour tortilla) 8 oz. 2% milk

1 cup cooked pasta 2-3 meatballs tossed salad + salad dressing 8 oz. 2% milk

Sole with Parmesan Breadcrumb Broccoli with Pine Nuts 8 oz. 2% milk

3-4 oz. beef, chicken, pork

Grilled Fish Salad

2 / 3 cup cooked rice

Crispy Skin-on Oven Fries

1 cup cooked cauliflower

1 cup tomato soup

8 oz. 2% milk

1 cup cooked vegetables

(1-2 tsp. butter, margarine, or oil used in cooking / on rice or veg.)

(1-2 tsp. butter, margarine, or oil used in cooking / on rice or veg.)

Sausage, Tomatoes, & Cheese Mixed Greens with Pears & Walnuts 8 oz. 2% milk

8 oz. 2% milk

Snack (approximately 300 calories) 3 1 starch / 4 oz. pretzels 0 fruit 1 oz. cheese 1 milk 1-2 meat/ 6 oz. low-fat protein yogurt

1 cup tomato soup (made with water)

1 / 2 English muffin (lightly buttered)

1 oz. cheese

1 egg, any style 6 oz. low-fat yogurt 8 oz. 2% milk

8 oz. 2% milk

1 string cheese 4 wheat thins

6 oz. low-fat yogurt

8 oz. 2% milk

8 oz. 2% milk

2 4-inch rice cakes

/ 4 cup cottage


1 hard boiled egg

1 / 2 whole wheat pita

1slice bread/toast lightly buttered

1-2 tbsp. peanut butter



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2000 CALORIE MENUS: Gestational Diabetes NOTE: Items in bold italics can be found in the recipe section. (See page 24 for index.) Daily Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun Breakfast (approximately 500 calories) 2 starch 0 fruit 1 milk 1-2 meat/ protein 1-2 fat

1-2 eggs, any kind 6 oz. low-fat yogurt

1 whole wheat English muffin + 1-2 tsp. margarine or butter

1 whole wheat English muffin + 1-2 tsp. margarine or butter

1 poached egg + 1 oz. cheese

1 Lean Cuisine or similar type meal

Grilled cheese: 2 slices whole wheat bread, 2 oz. cheese, 2 slices bacon, 1/ 2 tsp. butter

8 oz. 2% milk

1 / 3 cup cottage cheese

/ 2 large bagel and 1 1/ 2 tbsp. of cream cheese

2 slices of whole wheat toast


8 oz. 2% milk

2 tbsp. peanut butter 6 oz. low-fat yogurt

1 cup high protein cereal (e.g., Kashi Go Lean Crunch) + 4 walnut halves, crumbled

2 slices whole wheat + 1-2 tsp. of margarine or butter

8 oz. 2% milk

8 oz. 2% millk

2 oz. cheese

1 whole wheat pita breadtoasted 2 tbsp. peanut butter 8 oz. 2% milk

Lunch (approximately 600 calories) 2 starch 1 fruit 1 milk 3 meat/ protein 1-2 fat

1 fresh fruit raw veggies or salad w/salad dressing

1 piece fresh fruit 6 oz. low-fat yogurt

Peanut butter & jelly sandwich: 2 slices whole wheat bread, 2 tbsp. peanut butter, 1 tbsp. jelly 1 / 2 cup unsweetened applesauce

6 cashews 8 oz. 2% milk

Garden Chicken Salad

2 slices whole wheat bread

2 slices rye bread

1 / 2 can tuna with mayo, celery, onion, (+ lettuce and tomato if desired)

2 oz. lean roast 1 cup cubed beef, 1 slice melon Swiss cheese, 2 tsp. mayo 1 piece corn bread 1 piece fresh fruit 8 oz. 2% milk

Egg sandwich: 2 slices whole wheat bread or English muffin, 1 slice Canadian bacon, 2 oz. cheese, 2 tsp. butter or margarine

8 oz. 2% milk

1 small orange

1 piece fresh fruit 8 oz. 2% milk

8 oz. 2% milk

Dinner (approximately 600 calories) 2 starch 1-2 veg. 1 milk 3-4 meat/ protein 1-2 fat

/ 4 of 12-inch

/ 4 oz. beef,



pizza, thin crust, meat toppings, veg or cheese

chicken, pork

tossed salad + salad dressing



8 oz. 2% milk

8 oz. 2% milk

1 small baked potato

/ 2 cup cooked

Chicken Caesar Salad: 2 cups romaine lettuce + 3 oz. grilled chicken breast + 1 oz. grated Parmesan cheese + salad dressing

1 dinner roll (1-2 tsp. butter, margarine, or 6 oz. low-fat yogurt oil used in cooking / on rice or veg.)

Beef Stew with Sweet Potatoes

3 / 4 oz. beef, chicken, pork

1 / 2 cup cooked vegetables

2 / 3 cup cooked rice

1 small dinner roll + 1 tsp. butter/ margarine

1 cup cooked vegetables

6 oz. low-fat yogurt

(1-2 tsp. butter, margarine, or oil used in cooking / on rice or veg.)

8 oz. 2% milk

Crunchy Fish Nuggets w/ lemon tartar sauce

Salmon with Grilled Vegetables (4 oz. salmon)

1 / 3 cup brown rice cooked with 1 tbsp. pine nuts

1 / 2 large baked potato + 1 tbsp. butter or margarine

8 oz. 2% milk

Snack (approximately 300 calories) 1 1 starch / 3 cup hummus 0 fruit 6 Triscuits 1 milk 1-2 meat/ (starch instead of milk) protein


1 cup tomato soup

1 / 2 cup cottage cheese

1 / 2 6-inch pita bread

1 string cheese

4 Wheat Thins

8 oz. 2% milk

8 oz. 2% milk

1-2 tbsp. peanut butter

1 slice cheese (can broil cheese on toast)

6 oz. low-fat yogurt

8 oz. 2% milk

1 slice bread

1 sugar free popsicle or creamsicle 1 / 2 cup cottage cheese

/ 4 oz. pretzels


3 cups popcorn topped with 1 oz. grated Parmesan cheese 6 oz. low-fat yogurt

1. Fresh fruit preferred; avoid canned fruit except for occasionally. Fruit juices should be avoided except when treating low blood sugar. 2. During pregnancy, adding extra fats to your diet may help control blood sugar levels. For example, use 2% milk if you are currently using skim or 1% milk, add butter/margarine or oils if desired. 3. These meal plans are simply ideas; adjustments may be made if this plan does not suit you. 4. Talk to your health care provider for suggestions. Sugar substitutes such as Splenda may be used during pregnancy. 5. If you do not drink milk, talk to your health care provider for substitutions.


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RECIPES Breakfast

Dried Cranberry & Pecan Oatmeal Fruit Smoothie Banana Nut Bread Apple and Flax Pancakes Tomato and Spinach Frittata Blueberry Bran Muffins


Beef and Barley Stew Instant Black Bean Soup Non-Dairy Clam Chowder Tortellini-Basil Soup Corn Chowder Super Foods Stew


Grilled Fish Salad Mixed Greens with Pears and Walnuts Garden Chicken Salad Strawberry Salad Mandarin Spinach Salad

Side Dishes

Curried Greens Crispy Skin-on Oven Fries Broccoli with Pine Nuts Dijon Asparagus Rice and Spinach Gratin Spicy Black Beans Sweet Potato Hash



Baked Rigatoni with Sausage, Tomatoes, and Cheese 42 Grilled Chicken Breasts with Fresh Fruit Salsa 43 Curried Chicken with Whole Wheat Couscous 43 Cheesy Oven-Fried Chicken 44 Crunchy Fish Nuggets with Lemon Tartar Sauce 45 Dijon Pork with Potatoes and Carrots 46 Fajita Wraps 48 Five Vegetable Primavera 49 Salmon with Grilled Vegetables 50 Indian-Style Chicken 51 Lettuce Wraps 51 Beef Stew with Sweet Potatoes 52 Molasses-Barbecued Chicken 52 Quick Pizza Margherita 53 Ravioli with Summer Vegetables 53 Sole with Parmesan Breadcrumbs 54 Spicy Chicken Kebabs 54 Mexican Style Pizza 55 Open-Faced Mini Chili Cheese Burgers on Grilled Baby “Buns” 56

25 25 26 26 27 28

29 30 30 31 31 32 33 33 34 34 35 36 36 37 37 38 38 39


Applesauce Gingerbread Strawberries with Mango Sherbet Winter Crisp Peach Delight Ooey-Gooey Peanut Butter Chocolate Brownies

57 57 58 58 59


Angel Hair Pasta with Fresh Tomato-Olive Sauce Baked Tortillas

40 41 24

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BREAKFAST Dried Cranberry-and-Pecan Oatmeal

Fruit Smoothie

1 cup plain low-fat yogurt 1 ⁄ 2 cup orange juice 1 cup strawberries (fresh or frozen) 1 small, ripe banana 1 Tbsp. honey 1 ⁄ 2 cup skim milk

3 cups water 3 cups fat-free milk 2 cups whole oats (not instant) 1 ⁄ 2 cup dried cranberries, coarsely chopped 1 ⁄ 2 tsp. salt 5 Tbsp. brown sugar 1 Tbsp. butter 1 ⁄ 4 tsp. ground cinnamon 1 ⁄ 4 tsp. vanilla extract 2 Tbsp. chopped pecans

Directions Combine all ingredients in a blender or food processor. Process until smooth. Serve immediately. Serves 4 (serving size = 1 cup) Nutritional Analysis (per serving) Calories: 120 Carbohydrate: 24 g Protein: 5 g Fat: 1 g Saturated Fat: 1 g Fiber: 2 g Sodium: 58 mg

Directions 1. Bring first 5 ingredients to a boil; reduce heat, and simmer, stirring occasionally, 20 minutes or until thickened. Remove from heat. 2. Stir in 4 Tbsp. brown sugar and next 3 ingredients. 3. Spoon 1 cup oatmeal in each of 6 bowls. Sprinkle evenly with pecans and remaining 1 Tbsp. brown sugar. Serve immediately. Serves 6 (serving size = 1 cup) Nutritional Analysis (per serving) Calories: 250 Carbohydrate: 43 g Protein: 9 g Fat: 6 g Saturated Fat: 2 g Fiber: 4 g Sodium: 265 mg


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Banana Nut Bread

Apple & Flax Pancakes

3 large or 4 small ripe bananas 1 egg or 1 ⁄ 4 cup liquid egg substitute 2 Tbsp. canola oil 1 ⁄ 3 cup skim milk 1 ⁄ 3 cup sugar 1 ⁄ 2 tsp. salt 1 tsp. baking soda 1 ⁄ 2 tsp. baking powder 1 1 ⁄ 2 cups flour 1 ⁄ 2 cup chopped walnuts (optional)

1 cup whole wheat pancake mix 1 ⁄ 4 tsp. cinnamon dash of nutmeg 1 ⁄ 3 cup flax seed, coarsely ground 1 cored, shredded apple Directions 1. In a large bowl, mix cinnamon, nutmeg and flax with pancake mix. 2. Prepare pancake mix according to package directions. Add shredded apple to batter and stir until just combined. 3. Preheat griddle or heavy fry pan to medium heat. 4. Lightly grease pan or spray with cooking spray. 5. Using a 1 ⁄ 3 -cup measure, pour batter onto pan. Cook pancakes until bubbles appear on surface, about 1 minute. Turn over and brown the other side. Serve hot. Serves 6 (Serving size = 2 pancakes)

Directions 1. Preheat oven to 350º F. 2. Spray loaf pan with cooking spray. 3. In a large bowl, mash the bananas with a fork. 4. Add the egg, oil, milk and sugar, and mix well. 5. In another bowl, sift together the salt, baking soda, baking powder, and flour. 6. Add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients and stir until just mixed. 7. Add the walnuts and stir. Avoid over-mixing. 8. Pour batter into loaf pan. Bake for about 40 minutes, or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. 9. Let bread cool for about 10 minutes before removing from pan. Finish cooling on wire rack. Serves 12 Nutritional Analysis (per serving) Calories: 165 Carbohydrate: 25 g Fat: 6 g Fiber: 3 g Sodium: 385 mg

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Nutritional Analysis (per serving) Calories: 280 Carbohydrate: 36 g Protein: 8 g Fat: 12 g Saturated Fat: 3 g Fiber: 3 g


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4. Stir in tomato, oregano, and basil. Reduce heat to medium-low. 5. In a medium bowl, beat eggs, salt and pepper; stir in mozzarella cheese. 6. Pour egg mixture over tomato mixture in skillet. Do not stir. 7. Cover and cook until eggs are set and light brown on bottom and around edges, 9–11 minutes.

Tomato and Spinach Frittata

1 Tbsp. canola oil 2 cups torn spinach 1 small onion, thinly sliced 1 clove garlic, minced 1 ⁄ 2 cup chopped tomato (or drained diced tomatoes) 1 ⁄ 2 tsp. dried oregano 1 ⁄ 2 tsp. dried basil 6 egg whites 4 whole eggs 1 ⁄ 2 tsp. salt 1 ⁄ 2 tsp. freshly ground black pepper 1 ⁄ 2 cup low-fat shredded mozzarella cheese (or reduced fat sharp cheese) 2 Tbsp. freshly grated Parmesan cheese (optional)

Remove from heat and sprinkle with Parmesan cheese if desired. Place skillet in broiler until golden brown, 2–3 minutes. Slice into wedges and serve. Serves 8 Nutritional Analysis (per serving) Calories: 110 Carbohydrate: 4 g Protein: 9 g Fat: 6 g Saturated Fat: 2 g Fiber: 1 g Sodium: 305 mg

Directions 1. Preheat broiler. 2. Heat oil in oven-proof, non-stick, medium skillet over medium heat. 3. Add spinach, onion, garlic; cook, stirring, 3 minutes.


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5. Add to dry ingredients and stir with a fork until batter is just blended. 6. Gently fold in blueberries. Spoon about 1 ⁄ 4 cup of batter into each muffin cup, filling the cup almost full. 7. Bake until the muffins spring back when pressed lightly in the center, about 15 minutes. Cool in the pan 5 minutes, then remove and serve warm. Serves 12 (serving size = 1 muffin)

Blueberry Bran Muffins

1 cup wheat bran 1 cup unbleached all-purpose flour 1 1 ⁄ 2 tsp. baking soda 1 tsp. baking powder 1 ⁄ 2 tsp. salt 1 ⁄ 3 cup egg substitute 3 ⁄ 4 cup non-fat plain yogurt 1 ⁄ 3 cup unsweetened applesauce 1 ⁄ 4 cup brown sugar 2 Tbsp. molasses 1 cup blueberries Directions 1. Preheat oven to 400º F. 2. Spray a 12-muffin tin with non-stick cooking spray. 3. In medium bowl combine bran, flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt. Stir to blend well. 4. In another bowl combine egg substitute, yogurt, applesauce, brown sugar and molasses. Whisk until smooth and well blended.

Nutritional Analysis (per serving) Calories: 100 Fat: 0.6 g Saturated Fat: 0 g Fiber: 2.5 g Sodium: 316 mg


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Directions 1. Preheat the oven to 350°F. 2. In a Dutch oven or oven-proof 3-to 4-quart casserole dish, stir together all the ingredients except the barley. 3. Bake, uncovered for 1 hour (no stirring needed). Stir in the barley. Bake, covered for 1 hour or until the barley and meat are tender (no stirring needed).

SOUPS Beef and Barley Stew

Minimal effort is needed for preparing this tasty combination of lean beef, vegetables, and barley. The oven method gives a nice roasted flavor, and the slow-cooker method is handy if you want to start preparing dinner in the morning. Like many other stews, this one is even better if made ahead and reheated.

Slow-Cooker Method 1. Put all the ingredients except the barley in a 3 1 ⁄ 2 -to 4-quart slow cooker. 2. Cook on high for 2 hours or on low for 6 hours; stir in the barley. 3. Cook on high for 2 to 3 hours or on low for 2 to 4 hours; or until the barley and beef are tender. Serves 4 (serving size = 1 ½ cups)

1 pound eye-of-round roast, all visible fat discarded, cut into 3 ⁄ 4 -inch cubes 2 cups fat-free, no-salt-added beef broth 1 ⁄ 2 cup water, plus more as needed 14.5-ounce can no-salt-added diced tomatoes, undrained 1 cup baby carrots 1 large onion, chopped 2 medium ribs of celery, cut into ½inch slices 1 Tbsp. low-sodium Worcestershire sauce 2 tsp. salt-free garlic-herb seasoning 1 ⁄ 2 tsp. salt 1 ⁄ 4 tsp. pepper 1 ⁄ 2 cup uncooked pearl barley

Nutritional Analysis (per serving) Calories: 310 Carbohydrate: 34 g Protein: 32 g Fat: 6 g Saturated Fat: 2 g Fiber: 8 g Sodium: 470 mg


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Instant Black Bean Soup

Non-Dairy Clam Chowder

2 15-ounce cans no-salt-added black beans, drained 3 ⁄ 4 cup commercial salsa 3 ⁄ 4 tsp. chili powder 1 ⁄ 4 tsp. ground cummin 1 16-ounce can fat-free, low-sodium chicken or vegetable broth 1 ⁄ 2 cup shredded reduced-fat sharp cheddar cheese 5 Tbsp. fat-free sour cream 5 Tbsp. minced green onions 2 Tbsp. chopped fresh cilantro Optional: Add 1-1 1 ⁄ 2 cups ham, diced

2 medium potatoes, peeled and diced 2 cups low-sodium chicken broth 1 cup clam juice 1 6.5 oz. can clams, drained and rinsed White pepper to taste Directions 1. In a medium saucepan combine potatoes and broth and bring to a boil. 2. Cover and simmer for 20 minutes, or until the potatoes are tender. 3. Transfer to a blender or food processor and process until smooth. 4. Return to pan, add remaining ingredients. Heat thoroughly and simmer for 1 minute. Serve hot. Serves 2

Directions 1. Place beans and broth in a medium saucepan; partially mash beans with a large spoon. Place over high heat; stir in salsa, chili powder, cummin and broth. Bring to a boil. 2. Ladle soup into bowls; top with cheese, sour cream, onions, and cilantro (all equally divided on each portion). Serves 5

Nutritional Analysis (per serving) Calories: 365 Carbohydrate: 56 g Protein: 31 g Fat: 2 g Saturated Fat: 0.2 g Fiber: 3 g Sodium: 459 mg

Nutritional Analysis (per serving) Calories: 145 Carbohydrate: 28 g Protein: 6.5 g Fat: 1 g Saturated Fat: Trace Fiber: 9 g Sodium: 598 mg


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Tortellini-Basil Soup

Corn Chowder

2 qt. canned chicken broth 4 packages fresh cheese-filled tortellini, uncooked 3 cans small white beans, rinsed and drained 1 cup frozen chopped spinach 60 oz. can diced tomatoes 1 cup shredded fresh basil or 2 Tbsp. dried 1 cup grated Parmesan cheese freshly ground pepper

1 Tbsp. butter 8 oz. sliced mushrooms 1 ⁄ 2 cup finely diced onion 1 ⁄ 4 cup all-purpose flour 2 cups 1% low-fat milk 1 1 ⁄ 2 cups evaporated skim milk 1 cup chopped red potato (about 6 ounces) 1 ⁄ 2 tsp. dried thyme 1 ⁄ 2 tsp. salt 1 ⁄ 4 tsp. black pepper 16 oz. frozen whole-kernel corn, thawed

Directions 1. Bring broth to a boil in a large pot. 2. Add tortellini, and cook 4-6 minutes or until tender. Set aside. 3. In large pot, place beans, chopped spinach, basil, and tomato. Reduce heat, and simmer 5 minutes or until thoroughly heated. 4. As portioning, place tortellini in bowls and add soup. Sprinkle with black pepper and cheese to taste.

Directions 1. Melt the butter in a large pot over medium-high heat. 2. Add the onions and mushrooms, and sauté for 3 minutes. 3. Stir in the flour. 4. Gradually add the milk, stirring with a whisk. 5. Add the potato, thyme, salt, pepper, and corn, and bring to a boil. 6. Cover, reduce heat, and simmer for 15 minutes. Serves 4

serving size = 1 cup Nutritional Analysis (per serving) Calories: 185 calories Carbohydrate: 26 g Protein: 11 g Fat: 4 g Sodium: 410 mg

Nutritional Analysis (per serving) Calories: 425 Carbohydrate: 59 g Fat: 6g Fiber: 5 g Sodium: 548 mg


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3. Add the broth and tomatoes and simmer, covered until the peas are tender, about 20-25 minutes. 4. Remove 2 cups of the pea mixture and puree in a blender. 5. Add the onion, garlic, parsley, thyme, pepper and sweet potatoes to the pan. Simmer for 10 minutes. 6. Add the broccoli and simmer until tender, about 8 minutes more. 7. Add the puréed pea mixture to the pan and bring to a boil. Serve hot. Serves 6

Super Foods Stew

1 1⁄2 cups dry yellow split peas or lentils 6 cups low-sodium vegetable broth 3 large plum tomatoes, diced 1 medium onion, chopped 2 cloves garlic, chopped 1 ⁄ 4 cup chopped fresh parsley 2 tsp. chopped fresh thyme or ½ tsp. dried thyme 2 cups pared and cubed sweet potatoes 2 cups small broccoli florets 1 ⁄ 4 tsp. freshly ground black pepper Salt to taste

Nutritional Analysis (per serving) Calories: 245 Carbohydrate: 44 g Fat: 2 g Saturated Fat: 1 g Sodium: 128 mg Fiber: 13 g

Directions 1. Soak the peas in water for 4 hours. If you are using lentils, you do not have to soak them. 2. Drain the peas and place in a medium saucepan.


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SALADS Grilled Fish Salad

cup light cucumber ranch salad dressing 4 - 6 oz. firm fish fillets, such as salmon 1 teaspoon black pepper 1 â „ 2 teaspoon salt Cooking spray 8 cups mixed salad greens 1 small cucumber, sliced

Mixed Greens with Pears and Walnuts

Directions 1. Prepare grill. 2. Sprinkle fish with 1 teaspoon pepper and salt. 3. Place fish, skin sides up, on a grill rack coated with cooking spray and grill 5 minutes on each side or until fish flakes easily when tested with a fork. 4. Remove skin from fillets and discard skin. Break fish into chunks. 5. Divide salad greens between 4 plates. Divide fish chunks evenly among salads and top each serving with cucumber slices and 2 tablespoons cucumber ranch dressing. Serves 4 (Serving Size = 1 salmon fillet, 2 cups greens, 2 Tbsp. dressing)

Directions 1. Dice pears and toss with a little lemon juice. 2. Place greens in a large bowl. Drizzle olive oil and vinegar over greens. 3. Add salt and pepper to taste. Toss to mix well. 4. Divide greens between salad plates. 5. Top with diced pears, walnut pieces and shaved cheese. Serves 12

1â „2

12 cups mixed salad greens 3 Bosc pears, cored and diced lemon juice 4 Tbsp. walnut pieces extra virgin olive oil balsamic vinegar salt and pepper to taste 2 oz. fresh Parmesan cheese, shaved

Nutritional Analysis Calories: 59 Carbohydrate: 4 g Fat: 4 g Saturated Fat: 1 g Fiber: 1 g Sodium: 81 mg

Nutritional Analysis Calories: 158 Fat: 7.5 g Saturated Fat: 1.6 g Carbohydrate: 9 g Sodium: 349 mg Fiber: 2 g Protein: 15 g 33

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Garden Chicken Salad

Strawberry Salad

cup light vinaigrette dressing tsp. cayenne pepper 3 ⁄ 4 lb. skinless, boneless chicken breasts, cooked & cut into cubes 1 cup cherry or grape tomatoes 1 cucumber, peeled, seeded and diced 1 ⁄ 4 cup diced onion 1 cup canned chick peas, drained & rinsed 4 cups mixed salad greens

1-2 tablespoons white wine vinegar 1 ⁄ 4 cup orange juice 1 tsp. sugar 2 teaspoons extra-virgin olive oil 1 ⁄ 8 teaspoon salt 1 ⁄ 8 teaspoon pepper 3 cups quartered strawberries 6 cups mixed salad greens 4 teaspoons toasted, slivered almonds

1⁄4 1⁄4

Directions 1. Combine first 6 ingredients, and stir well with a whisk. 2. Combine strawberries and greens. 3. Add dressing mixture and toss to coat. 4. Sprinkle with nuts. Serves 4

Directions 1. Place the dressing and cayenne pepper in a large bowl and mix well. 2. Add the remaining ingredients except for the greens. Toss to mix well. 3. Divide the greens between 4 plates. 4. Top with the chicken, vegetable mixture. Serves 4

Nutritional Analysis Calories: 110 Carbohydrate: 18 g Protein: 3 g Fat: 4 g Saturated Fat: 0.5 g Fiber: 4 g Sodium: 96 mg

Nutritional Analysis Calories: 230 Carbohydrate: 21 g Fat: 6 g Saturated Fat: 1 g Fiber: 5 g Sodium: 551 mg


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Mandarin Spinach Salad

12 cups washed, torn spinach 1 cup chopped celery 1 â „ 2 cup chopped red onion 2 11 oz. cans mandarin oranges, drained, reserve juice 1 cup fat-free sweet and sour dressing Directions 1. In a large bowl, combine spinach, celery, onions and mandarin oranges. 2. Mix 1 â „ 4 cup of drained juice with the dressing. Toss dressing with salad mixture. Serves 12 Nutritional Analysis Calories: 63 Fat: 0.2 g Fiber: 4 g Sodium: 276 mg


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SIDE DISHES Curried Greens

Crispy Skin-On Oven Fries

3 medium baking potatoes 1 ⁄ 4 tsp. salt 1 ⁄ 4 tsp. paprika 1 ⁄ 4 tsp. garlic powder 1 ⁄ 4 tsp. black pepper Non-stick cooking spray

2 tsp. olive oil 1 medium onion, diced 2 cloves garlic, minced 1 cup carrots, pared and diced 1 cup parsnips, pared and diced 1 cup vegetable broth 1 tsp. curry powder (more or less to taste) Salt and pepper to taste 1 Tbsp. cornstarch dissolved in 2 Tbsp. water 1 lb. mixed greens, cleaned and chopped into bite-sized pieces

Directions 1. Preheat oven to 450ºF. 2. Scrub and dry potatoes. Cut each potato into 8 wedges. Arrange skin side down on a baking sheet. 3. Mix spices in a small bowl. 4. Spray potatoes lightly with cooking spray, and sprinkle spice mixture over wedges. 5. Bake, uncovered, for 20 minutes or until potatoes are tender and skin is crisp. Serves 4 (Serving Size = 6 wedges)

Directions 1. In a large saucepan, heat oil over medium heat. 2. Add onion and garlic and sauté, stirring often, until onion is soft. 3. Add carrots, parsnips, and broth. Cover and simmer until carrots and parsnips are tender, about 5-7 minutes. 4. Add curry powder, salt, and pepper. 5. Add dissolved cornstarch and mix well. Simmer until sauce thickens. 6. Add greens, mix well and cook until greens are bright and tender, about 5 minutes. Serves 4 Nutritional Analysis (per serving) Calories: 120 Carbohydrate: 21 g Protein: 2 g Fat: 3 g Saturated Fat: 0.4 g Fiber: 4 g Sodium: 288 mg

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Nutritional Analysis (per serving) Calories: 105 Carbohydrate: 20 g Protein: 2 g Fat: 2 g Saturated Fat: 0.4 g Fiber: 2 g Sodium: 369 mg


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Broccoli with Pine Nuts

Dijon Asparagus

cup low-sodium chicken broth medium onion, sliced 3 pounds fresh broccoli, washed and cut into bite-sized pieces 1 tsp. extra-virgin olive oil 1 ⁄ 4 cup pine nuts (about 1 oz.) 1 tsp. dried Italian seasoning, crumbled 1 ⁄ 4 tsp. salt Black pepper to taste

2 pounds asparagus 1 Tbsp. Dijon mustard 1 Tbsp. lemon juice 1 ⁄ 2 Tbsp. mustard seeds

1⁄2 1⁄2

Directions 1. Snap off tough ends of asparagus. 2. Bring 4 quarts water to a boil in an 8-quart stock pot. 3. Add asparagus and cook 3 minutes. 4. Remove asparagus from stock pot. Rinse with cold water, drain and pat dry. 5. Combine the Dijon mustard and lemon juice in a small bowl. 6. Place a large non-stick skillet over medium heat until hot. 7. Add mustard seeds; cook 1 minute, stirring constantly. 8. Add asparagus and mustard mixture, and cook 2 minutes or until thoroughly heated. Serves 8

Directions 1. Bring broth and onion to a boil over high heat in a medium saucepan. 2. Add broccoli and cook until tender, about 5 minutes. 3. Drain. Discard liquid and onion slices. Set broccoli aside. 4. Heat oil in a large skillet over medium heat. 5. Add the pine nuts and cook, stirring for about 3 minutes, or until golden. 6. Add Italian seasoning, then broccoli and sauté until heated through, about 2 minutes. 7. Season with salt and pepper and serve. Serves 8 (serving size = 1 cup)

Nutritional Analysis (per serving) Calories: 40 Carbohydrate: 8 g Protein: 4 g Fat: 0.7 g Fiber: 3 g Sodium: 36 mg

Nutritional Analysis (per serving) Calories: 150 Carbohydrate: 30 g Fat: 3 g Saturated Fat: 0.2 g Fiber: 5 g Sodium: 183 mg


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Rice and Spinach Gratin

Spicy Black Beans

2 cups cooked brown rice 2 cups frozen leaf spinach, thawed and drained well 1 ⁄ 2 cup frozen peas 1 cup fat-free ricotta cheese 1 ⁄ 2 cup Parmesan cheese divided 1 ⁄ 2 tsp. onion powder Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste 1 ⁄ 2 cup bread crumbs Olive oil cooking spray

1 15 oz. can black beans, rinsed and drained 2 ounces chopped green chili peppers, drained 1 tsp. ground cumin 1 ⁄ 4 cup salsa Directions 1. Combine all ingredients in a bowl. 2. Serve at room temperature, or heat beans in a sauce pan for hot wraps. Serves 4

Directions 1. Preheat oven to 400°F. 2. Combine rice, spinach, peas, ricotta, 1 ⁄ 4 cup Parmesan and spices in a large bowl. Mix well. 3. Spray a 9” square baking dish with cooking spray. Spread rice mixture evenly in the baking dish. Sprinkle bread crumbs and 1 ⁄ 4 cup Parmesan over top of casserole. Lightly spray top of casserole with cooking spray. 4. Bake until bubbly and lightly browned on top, about 25-30 minutes. Serve hot. Serves 6

Nutritional Analysis (per serving) Calories: 100 Carbohydrate: 18 g Protein: 6 g Fat: 1 g Fiber: 5 g Sodium: 473 mg

Nutritional Analysis (per serving) Calories: 180 Carbohydrate: 22 g. Protein: 15 g. Fat: 3.5 g. Saturated Fat: 2 g. Fiber: 4 g. Sodium: 383 mg.


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onion in oil until onion starts to brown, about 10 minutes. Stir in sweet potatoes, salt, black pepper, and rosemary, pressing down with a spatula to compress the hash. Cook without stirring until potatoes are golden on the bottom, 12 – 14 minutes. Flip hash over in sections and cook without stirring until potatoes are golden on the bottom, 5 – 7 minutes. Sprinkle with rosemary sprigs if desired. Serves 4

Sweet Potato Hash

2 pounds sweet potatoes 1 large red bell pepper, chopped 1 medium onion, chopped 1 Tbsp. canola oil 1 ⁄ 2 tsp. salt, or to taste 1 ⁄ 4 tsp. cracked black pepper 1 Tbsp. minced fresh rosemary Rosemary sprigs for garnish, optional 1. Place sweet potatoes in a large saucepan and add water to cover. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Cover partially, reduce heat to medium and simmer just until tender, 20 – 30 minutes. Drain and let cool. Pare and cut into ½ inch cubes. 2. In a large non-stick skillet over medium heat, sauté bell pepper and

Nutritional Analysis (per serving) Calories: 300 Carbohydrate: 63 g Protein: 5 g Fat: 4 g Fiber: 9 g Sodium: 292 mg


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ENTREES Angel Hair Pasta with Fresh Tomato-Olive Sauce

Directions 1. Cook pasta according to the package directions until al dente. 2. Meanwhile, in a large serving bowl, combine the olives, basil, olive oil, vinegar, garlic, capers if desired, and red pepper flakes. 3. Add the tomatoes to the olive mixture, tossing well. 4. Drain the pasta and add it to the bowl, tossing it well. 5. Sprinkle with cheese if desired. Season with salt and pepper. Serves 8

A home-cooked meal doesn’t get any easier than this. This pasta dish is tossed with fresh tomatoes, olives, balsamic vinegar, and seasonings, and takes only 25 minutes from kitchen to table.

8 ounces of angel hair pasta cup pitted Kalamata olives 1 ⁄ 3 cup packed, chopped fresh basil leaves 1 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil 1 Tbsp. balsamic vinegar 3 garlic cloves, minced 1 Tbsp. capers, drained (optional) 1 ⁄ 2 Tbsp. crushed red pepper flakes 1 3 ⁄ 4 pounds ripe tomatoes, halved crosswise, seeds removed, diced (about 4 large) 1 ⁄ 4 cup grated Parmesan cheese (optional) Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste 1⁄2

Nutritional Analysis (per serving) Calories: 180 Carbohydrate: 22 g Protein: 19 g Fat: 4 g Saturated Fat: 2 g Fiber: 4 g Sodium: 383 mg


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3. Divide chicken, tomato, bell pepper, and onion evenly down center of each tortilla, and roll up. 4. Place rolls, seam sides down, in an 11 x 7 inch baking dish coated with cooking spray. Top with ½ cup salsa. 5. Bake for 15 minutes. Sprinkle with cheese; bake an additional 5 minutes or until cheese melts. Serves 6

Baked Tortillas

1 cup bottled salsa, divided 1 (8-ounce) carton low-fat sour cream 6 (10-inch) flour tortillas 1 1 ⁄ 2 cups chopped cooked chicken breast or lean ground beef (about ¾ pound) 1 ⁄ 3 cup chopped or diced tomatoes 1 ⁄ 3 cup chopped green or red bell pepper 1 ⁄ 4 cup chopped onion Cooking spray 3 ⁄ 4 cup (3 ounces) shredded reduced-fat cheddar cheese

Nutritional Analysis (per serving) Calories: 380 Carbohydrate: 39 g Protein: 29 g Fat: 11 g Fiber: 3 g Sodium: 623 mg

Directions 1. Preheat oven to 350°F. 2. Combine 1 ⁄ 2 cup salsa and sour cream in a small bowl, and spread evenly over each tortilla.


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heat. Reduce the heat to low, cover, and cook, stirring occasionally, for 10 minutes, or until the onions are tender and the flavors are blended. 4. Pour the tomato mixture over the pasta, and toss to mix well. Add the Parmesan cheese, and toss to mix well. 5. Coat a 9 x 13 inch baking pan with non-stick cooking spray, and spread the mixture evenly in the dish. Sprinkle first the mozzarella and then the provolone over the top. Cover the dish with aluminum foil, and bake at 350°F for 25 minutes. Uncover, and bake for 10 additional minutes, or until the cheese is lightly browned. Serve hot. Serves 5

Baked Rigatoni with Sausage, Tomatoes, and Cheese

12 ounces rigatoni pasta 1 can (28 ounces) crushed tomatoes 1 tsp. dried oregano 1 ⁄ 4 cup nonfat grated Parmesan cheese 1 ⁄ 2 cup shredded reduced-fat provolone cheese 1 pound turkey Italian sausage 1 ⁄ 2 cup chopped onion 1 ⁄ 2 tsp. crushed red pepper 1 cup shredded fat-free mozzarella cheese Directions 1. Cook the pasta al dente according to package directions. Drain well, return the pasta to the pot, and cover to keep warm. 2. While the pasta is cooking, coat a large non-stick skillet with non-stick cooking spray, and preheat over medium heat. Add the sausage, and cook, stirring to crumble, until the meat is no longer pink. 3. Add the tomatoes, onion, oregano, and pepper to the skillet mixture, and bring to a boil over medium-high

Nutritional Analysis (per serving) Calories: 365 Carbohydrate: 53 g Protein: 20 g Fat: 9 g Saturated Fat: 3 g Fiber: 8 g Sodium: 300 mg


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Grilled Chicken Breasts with Fresh Fruit Salsa

Curried Chicken with Whole Wheat Couscous

1 1 ⁄ 2 Tbsp. lime juice 1 ⁄ 2 tsp. grated ginger root 1 cup chopped fresh pineapple 1 ⁄ 2 cup chopped fresh melon 1 ⁄ 2 cup chopped fresh mango 4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts

2 lbs. skinless, boneless chicken strips 5 tsp. curry powder 4 Tbsp. canola oil, divided 2 cups dried apricots, cut into 1 ⁄ 4 inch slivers 2 cups instant whole wheat couscous Salt and pepper to taste

Directions 1. Preheat broiler or grill. 2. Combine the salsa ingredients in a small bowl and set aside. 3. Grill or broil chicken breasts about 5 minutes on each side or until the chicken is cooked through. 4. Serve chicken topped with fruit salsa. Fruit salsa also goes well with grilled fish or pork tenderloin. Serves 4

Directions 1. Add curry powder to chicken strips, mixing thoroughly to coat. Heat half of the oil in a non-stick pan and cook chicken in batches on medium-high heat (approximately 2 minutes per side until golden, adding more oil as needed). Remove from skillet to a plate as it browns. 2. Put apricots into pan with 3 1 ⁄ 2 cups water, the couscous and about 1 tsp. salt and 1 ⁄ 2 tsp. pepper, bring to a boil and simmer 1 minute. 3. Arrange browned chicken over couscous on a large platter. Serves 6

Nutritional Analysis (per serving) Calories: 180 Carbohydrate: 10 g Fat: 3g Saturated Fat: 1g Fiber: 1 g Sodium: 65 mg

Nutritional Analysis (per serving) Calories: 525 Carbohydrate: 62 g Protein: 43 g Fat: 13g Saturated Fat: 1g Fiber: 6 g Sodium: 490 mg


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3 inches each. Dip poultry into milk then add a few pieces at a time to the crumb mixture. Seal the bag and toss until pieces are coated. Place strips on prepared baking pan. 4. Bake, uncovered, 5 to 7 minutes or until chicken is tender and no longer pink. Serves 4 (Serving Size = 4 strips)

Cheesy Oven-Fried Chicken

Non-stick cooking spray 2 cups bite-size, low-sodium cheddar cheese crackers 1 â „ 2 tsp. dried basil 1 pound skinless chicken breast 2 Tbsp. skim milk Directions 1. Preheat oven to 450ÂşF. Spray a shallow baking pan with non-stick spray. 2. Place crackers, basil and pepper in a large plastic bag (leave bag open) and crush with a rolling pin, process in a food processor then add to bag. 3. Cut poultry into about 16 strips 1 x

Nutritional Analysis (per serving) Calories: 385 Carbohydrate: 19 g Protein: 37 g Fat: 17 g Saturated Fat: 6 g Fiber: 1 g Sodium: 595 mg


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crumb mixture. Seal the bag and toss until the fish is covered with crumbs. Repeat until all fish is coated. 5. Arrange fish on a baking sheet and bake about 5 minutes, or until fish flakes easily with a fork.

Crunchy Fish Nuggets with Lemon Tartar Sauce

Nuggets: 1 pound skinless white fish fillets 1 ⁄ 4 cup egg substitute 2 1 ⁄ 2 Tbsp. skim milk 1 ⁄ 4 cup grated Parmesan cheese 1 ⁄ 4 cup cornflake crumbs or dry bread crumbs 1 ⁄ 2 tsp. paprika

Lemon Tartar Sauce: 1 ⁄ 2 cup fat-free mayonnaise 2 Tbsp. chopped dill pickle 1 tsp. finely chopped or grated lemon peel 1 1 ⁄ 4 tsp. lemon juice Mix all ingredients in a small bowl. Serve with Crunchy Fish Nuggets Serves 4 (serving size = 6 nuggets)

Directions 1. Preheat oven to 450ºF. 2. Rinse fish and pat dry. Cut into about 24 bite-size pieces, and set aside. 3. In a medium bowl combine egg substitute and milk. 4. Place crumbs, cheese and paprika in a large plastic bag with a tight seal. Add fish to egg mixture and stir to coat pieces evenly. Remove pieces with a slotted spoon and place several pieces in the bag with the

Nutritional Analysis (per serving) Calories: 135 Carbohydrate: 3 g Protein: 22 g Fat: 4 g Saturated Fat: 1.2 g Sodium: 217 mg


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Dijon Pork with Potatoes and Carrots

Directions 1. Preheat the oven to 425ºF. 2. Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil. Put the potatoes, carrots, onion, bell peppers, and garlic on the baking sheet. Add the salt. Toss with 1 tsp. oil. Arrange in a single layer, leaving enough room in the center for the pork. 3. Spoon the mustard over the pork; spread evenly over the top and sides. Sprinkle with the pepper. Place the pork on the baking sheet. Tuck the thin end of the pork under the vegetables for even cooking. 4. Bake for 10 minutes. Stir the vegetables. Bake for 25 minutes, or until the pork is no longer pink in the center. Transfer the pork to a cutting board. Let stand for 3 minutes for easier slicing. 5. Meanwhile, drizzle the remaining 2 tsp. oil over the vegetables. Stir gently. Leave the vegetables in the oven to keep warm while you slice the pork. Serves 4 (serving size = 3 ounces pork plus 1 ½ cups vegetables)

Cleanup is kept to an absolute minimum with the help of a sheet of aluminum foil. Just line a baking sheet with it, combine and roast the ingredients on it, then throw the foil away. There isn’t even a mixing bowl to wash. 8 medium red potatoes (about 2 ounces each), cut into 1 ⁄ 2 inch wedges 4 medium carrots, quartered lengthwise, then cut into 2-inch long pieces 2 small onions cut into eighths 1 medium green bell pepper, cut into thin strips 1 medium red bell pepper, cut into thin strips 2 medium garlic cloves, minced 1 Tbsp. olive oil (extra virgin preferred) 1 pound pork tenderloin, all visible fat discarded 1 1 ⁄ 2 Tbsp. Dijon mustard 1 ⁄ 2 tsp. olive oil (extra virgin preferred) 1 ⁄ 2 tsp. salt

Nutritional Analysis (per serving) Calories: 340 Carbohydrate: 37 g Protein: 29 g Fat: 10 g Fiber: 7 g Sodium: 511mg


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Frozen vegetables – stir-fry or microwave Grated carrots Ground Meat Lettuce Low-fat shredded cheese Mushrooms – raw or cooked Peas Potatoes Raw or sautéed onions or peppers Rice Scallions Seeds and Nuts Seitan Sweet Potatoes Tempeh Tofu Tomatoes

What are wraps? They’re something like tacos, something like crepes, but best of all, they make a fast meal that can please varied tastes. If you’re tired of pizza, and would prefer to make healthy “fast food” at home, give them a try!

Sauces and Seasonings Bar-B-Que sauce Chutney Fat-free sour cream Fresh herbs Garlic Ginger Hummus Lemon or lime juice Oyster sauce Salad Dressing Salsa Low-sodium Soy Sauce Spices Taco Sauce Low-Fat Yogurt


Corn Tortillas Flour Tortillas Pita Bread Taco Shells Whole Wheat Tortillas


Avocado Beans or Chick peas Cabbage Chicken or turkey breast Chopped celery Cucumbers Eggplant Pasteurized Feta cheese Fish


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Fajita Wraps

*You may wish to use precooked chicken Serving Size = 1 tortilla

Cooking spray 1 red pepper 1 green pepper 1 ⁄ 2 onion Boneless skinless chicken breasts* (1 lb.) optional Low-fat, shredded cheese Salsa Tortillas

Nutritional Analysis (per serving) Calories: 315 Carbohydrate: 22 g Protein: 35 g Fat: 10 g Saturated Fat: 3 g Fiber: 3 g Sodium: 300 mg (Actual values will vary with amount of ingredients used)

Directions 1. Spray large frying pan with cooking spray. Place over medium heat. Cut peppers and onions into strips and add to frying pan. Stir-fry 2-3 minutes until crisp and tender. 2. Add chicken and stir-fry until no longer pink. 3. Allow family to “build their own” wraps. Top with salsa. Serve with skim milk and fruit.


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Five Vegetable Primavera

to 6 minutes or until vegetables are just tender. Add remaining chicken broth to skillet; add broccoli and peas. 3. Cover tightly and cook 4 to 5 minutes or until broccoli is crisptender. 4. Stir in mustard mixture; saute 1 minute. Stir in parsley and serve immediately. Serves 5 (servings size = 1 cup)

cup reduced-sodium chicken broth, divided 2 tsp. Dijon mustard 2 tsp. white wine vinegar Cooking spray 1 Tbsp. canola oil 1 1 ⁄ 2 cups sliced yellow squash 1 cup thinly sliced carrots 1 cup diced red peppers 3 cups broccoli flowerets 1 ⁄ 2 cup frozen peas, thawed 1 ⁄ 4 cup minced fresh parsley 1⁄4

Nutritional Analysis (per serving) Calories: 80 Carbohydrate: 11 g Protein: 3 g Fat: 4 g Saturated Fat: 0.3 g Fiber: 4 g Sodium: 114 mg

Directions 1. Combine 2 Tbsp. broth, mustard and vinegar; mix well and set aside. 2. Coat a large non-stick skillet with cooking spray; add oil, and place over medium heat until hot. Add squash, carrots and peppers; sauté 5


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Salmon with Grilled Vegetables

and grill 2 minutes on each side or until tender. Remove squash and keep warm. Place onions on pan and grill 3 minutes on each side or until tender. Remove onions and keep warm. 3. Place salmon on pan and grill 5 minutes on each side or until fish flakes easily when tested with a fork. Drizzle salmon and vegetables with reserved dressing mixture. Serves 4 (serving size = 1 salmon fillet, 2 cups greens, 2 Tbsp. dressing)

1 cup light honey mustard or sesame ginger salad dressing 1 Tbsp. lemon juice 1 ⁄ 2 tsp. ground cayenne pepper 1 ⁄ 2 tsp. black pepper 1 small red onion cut into 8 wedges 1 pound zucchini squash, sliced 4 - 6 oz. salmon fillets Cooking spray

Directions 1. Combine dressing, lemon juice, and peppers in a small bowl. Reserve 1 ⁄ 4 cup of the dressing mixture. Place onion, squash and salmon in a large shallow dish. Drizzle with remaining dressing mixture, cover and marinate in refrigerator 1 hour. 2. Cover grill with foil before lighting, or place a grill pan coated with cooking spray over medium heat until hot. Place squash on pan

Nutritional Analysis (per serving) Calories: 280 Carbohydrate: 18 g Protein: 22 g Fat: 14 g Saturated Fat: 3 g Fiber: 2 g Sodium: 293 mg


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Lettuce Wraps

Indian Style Chicken

4 fresh shiitake mushrooms 7 stalks Napa cabbage 1 lb. lean ground turkey 1 ⁄ 2 onion, chopped 2 Tbsp. hoisin sauce 1 Tbsp. lite soy sauce 1 ⁄ 4 tsp. five-spice powder 1 (8 oz.) can sliced water chestnuts, drained 12 large leaves iceberg lettuce

1 lb. boneless, skinless chicken breasts 16 oz. fat-free plain yogurt 2 tsp. curry powder and 1 ⁄ 4 tsp. cayenne pepper (or 2 1 ⁄ 4 tsp. Tandoori Spice mixture) 2 cups cooked, brown rice Directions 1. Place chicken in a shallow casserole dish. Combine yogurt and spices and mix well. Season with salt if desired. Coat chicken evenly with the yogurt mixture. Cover and refrigerate over night. 2. Preheat oven to 375ºF. Bake uncovered for 35 - 45 minutes or until the chicken is cooked through. Baste chicken with sauce several times. Serve over rice. Serves 4

Directions 1. Remove and discard stems from shiitake mushrooms. Then chop the mushroom caps. Chop Napa cabbage keeping leaves and stems separate. 2. Lightly coat a wok or skillet with cooking spray and place over medium-high heat. Add turkey and then stir-fry until no longer pink, about 3 to 4 minutes. Remove turkey from the wok and set aside. 3. Lightly recoat the wok or skillet with cooking spray. Add chopped cabbage stems and onion; stir-fry until tender, about 2 minutes. 4. Stir in hoisin sauce, soy sauce and five-spice powder. Add cabbage leaves, mushrooms and water chestnuts; stir-fry for about a minute. Add cooked turkey back into the skillet and stir-fry until well combined and heated through, about 2 more minutes. 5. Spoon mixture into lettuce leaves and roll up like a burrito. Serve and enjoy! Serves 4

Nutritional Analysis (per serving) Calories: 305 Carbohydrate: 32 g Fat: 2.6 g Saturated Fat: 0.7 g Fiber: 2 g Sodium: 173 mg


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Nutritional Analysis (per serving) Calories: 120 Carbohydrate: 11 g Protein: 15 g Fat: 2 g Fiber: 2 g Sodium: 332 mg

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Beef Stew with Sweet Potatoes

Molasses-Barbecued Chicken

2 tsp. olive oil 3 ⁄ 4 cup finely chopped onion ½ tsp. garlic powder 1 ⁄ 4 to 1 ⁄ 2 tsp. red pepper 1 ⁄ 2 cup molasses 1 ⁄ 3 cup cider vinegar 1 ⁄ 4 cup Dijon mustard 2 Tbsp. lemon juice 1 Tbsp. reduced-sodium soy sauce 8 (6-ounce) skinned chicken breast halves Salt and pepper

1 pound lean, top round of beef 3 Tbsp. flour 1 tsp. pepper 1 large onion, halved and cut into 1 ⁄ 4 inch slices 1 large sweet potato, cut in 1 1 ⁄ 2 inch cubes 1 ⁄ 2 cup beef stock 1 ⁄ 2 tsp. cinnamon 1 ⁄ 2 to 1 cup Edamame, (green soy beans) or green beans, thawed Non-stick cooking spray

Directions 1. Heat oil in a heavy medium saucepan over medium heat. Add onion, garlic powder and red pepper; sauté 3 minutes. 2. Add molasses, vinegar, mustard, lemon juice and soy sauce; bring to a boil. Reduce heat, and simmer uncovered 10 to 15 minutes or until thickened, stirring occasionally. Cool. 3. Pre-heat a broiler or light barbecue coals outside. 4. Sprinkle chicken lightly with salt and pepper. Broil for 5-8 minutes or grill over medium-hot coals (350˚ to 400˚F) about 5 to 8 minutes on each side. Baste often with some of the sauce, until chicken is glazed and no longer pink. Serve with remaining sauce. Serves 8

Directions 1. Spray crock pot with non-stick cooking spray. 2. Place sweet potato cubes in the crock pot. 3. Toss beef with the flour and 1 tsp. of pepper. 4. Add beef and onions. 5. Mix beef broth with cinnamon. 6. Pour over beef mixture. 7. Cover and cook on low 8-10 hours. 8. Add Edamame or green beans during the last 15-20 minutes. Serves 6 Nutritional Analysis (per serving) Calories: 190 Carbohydrate: 14 g Protein: 20 g Fat: 6 g Saturated Fat: 2 g Fiber: 2 g

Nutritional Analysis (per serving) Calories: 415 Carbohydrate: 18 g Protein: 51 g Fat: 14.5 g Saturated Fat: 3.8 g Fiber: 0.5 g Sodium: 831 mg 52

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Quick Pizza Margherita

Ravioli with Summer Vegetables

1 (10-ounce) can refrigerated pizza crust dough Cooking spray 1 tsp. extra-virgin olive oil, divided 1 garlic clove, halved 5 plum tomatoes, thinly sliced (about 3 ⁄ 4 pound) 1 cup (4 ounces) shredded fresh mozzarella cheese 1 tsp. balsamic vinegar 1 ⁄ 2 cup thinly sliced fresh basil 1 ⁄ 8 tsp. salt 1 ⁄ 8 tsp. black pepper

1 9-ounce package refrigerated light cheese-filled ravioli 2 tsp. olive oil 2 cloves garlic, minced 1 medium yellow summer squash, thinly sliced (about 1 1 ⁄ 4 cups) 4 medium plum tomatoes, quartered 1 15-ounce can chickpeas (garbanzo beans) rinsed & drained 2 tsp. snipped fresh thyme or 1 ⁄ 2 tsp. dried thyme, crushed 1 ⁄ 4 tsp. crushed black pepper 4 cups shredded fresh spinach

Directions 1. Preheat oven to 400°F. 2. Unroll crust dough onto a baking sheet coated with cooking spray; pat into a 13 x 11 inch rectangle baking dish. Bake for 8 minutes. Remove crust from oven, and brush with 1 ⁄ 2 tsp. oil. Rub crust with cut sides of garlic. 3. Arrange tomato slices on crust, leaving a 1 ⁄ 2 inch border; sprinkle evenly with cheese. Bake for 12 minutes or until cheese melts and crust is golden. 4. Combine 1 ⁄ 2 tsp. oil and vinegar, stirring with a whisk. 5. Sprinkle pizza evenly with sliced basil, salt, and pepper. Drizzle the vinegar mixture evenly over the pizza. Cut pizza into 8 pieces. Serves 4 (serving size: 2 pieces) Nutritional Analysis (per serving) Calories: 300 Carbohydrate: 39 g Protein: 12 g Fat: 10 g Saturated Fat: 5 g Fiber: 2 g Sodium: 595 mg

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Directions 1. Cook ravioli according to package direction. Drain. 2. Meanwhile, in a large non-stick skillet heat the olive oil and the garlic. Add squash, tomatoes, chickpeas, thyme, and pepper. Cook on medium-high heat for 4 to 5 minutes or until heated through. Add pasta and toss. 3. Arrange spinach on each serving plate; top with pasta mixture. Serves 4 as a main dish Nutritional Analysis (per serving) Calories: 335 Carbohydrate: 51 g Protein: 17 g Fat: 8 g Fiber: 10 g Sodium: 643 mg


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Sole with Parmesan Breadcrumbs

Spicy Chicken Kebabs

1 1 ⁄ 2 lb. boneless, skinless chicken breasts 3 garlic cloves 1 ⁄ 4 tsp. salt 1 tsp. ground turmeric 1 ⁄ 2 tsp. ground allspice 1 ⁄ 4 tsp. freshly ground black pepper 1 ⁄ 2 tsp. ground cumin 4 Tbsp. lime juice 1 Tbsp. olive oil 6 Tbsp. non-fat plain yogurt

4 (4-ounce) sole fillets 1 cup soft breadcrumbs 1 ⁄ 2 cup grated Parmesan cheese 2 Tbsp. reduced-fat soft margarine, melted 1 ⁄ 2 cup finely chopped watercress (optional) Seasonings: 2 Tbsp. lemon juice 1 tsp. all-purpose seasoning or hot sauce 1 ⁄ 4 tsp. garlic powder 1 ⁄ 4 tsp. salt Directions 1. Combine lemon juice, hot sauce, garlic powder and salt in a small bowl; brush on both sides of fillets. Broil on rack of a broiler pan 6 to 8 minutes or until fish flakes with a fork. 2. Meanwhile, mix breadcrumbs, Parmesan cheese and margarine; mix well and stir in watercress. Spoon breadcrumb mixture on fish; broil 2 minutes or until mixture is lightly browned. Serves 4

Directions 1. Cut the chicken into bite-size pieces and place in a bowl. Mince the garlic cloves and mix with the spices. Place the lime juice in a small bowl. Add the garlic-spice mixture, the olive oil and the yogurt. Whisk to mix well and add to the chicken. Toss to coat the chicken. 2. Marinate the chicken in the refrigerator for 2-4 hours, stirring occasionally. Skewer the chicken, alternating with vegetables if desired. Grill or broil for 4-6 minutes, turning often, until all sides are lightly browned and the chicken is cooked through. Serves 6

Nutritional Analysis (per serving) Calories: 345 Carbohydrate: 16 g Protein: 27 g Fat: 8 g Saturated Fat: 5 g Fiber: 1 g Sodium: 614 mg

Nutritional Analysis (per serving) Calories: 95 Carbohydrate: 5 g Protein: 12 g Fat: 3 g Saturated Fat: 0.5 g Fiber: 0.4 g Sodium: 446 mg 54

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Mexican Style Pizza

4. Bake for 13 to 15 minutes or until cheese is melted and golden brown. Cut into 8 slices. Serves 4 (serving size = 2 slices)

1 12 inch prepared pizza crust 1 cup salsa 8 ounces pre-cooked hickory smoked chicken 1 cup shredded light cheddar cheese 1 â „ 2 tsp. red pepper flakes

Nutritional Analysis (per serving) Calories: 390 Carbohydrate: 49 Fat: 11 g Saturated Fat: 3 g Fiber: 3 g Sodium: 861 mg

Directions 1. Preheat oven to 400ÂşF. 2. Spread salsa evenly over pizza crust. 3. Sprinkle chicken over salsa. Top pizza with cheese and sprinkle with red pepper flakes.


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4. Combine meat in a bowl with onion, garlic, jalapeno, tomato paste, chili powder and steak seasoning blend. 5. Form meat into 16 small patties. Grill meat 1-2 minutes on each side for medium to well-done burgers. Melt cheese over burgers once burgers are flipped to second side. A loose foil tent will help the cheese melt quicker. 6. While the meat cooks, grind the roasted red peppers in a food processor with cilantro or parsley. 7. To assemble, place a portobello capside-down on a plate and spread a spoonful of the ground roasted red peppers into the cavity. Top with a chili-smoked cheese burger and serve.

Open-Faced Mini Chili Cheese Burgers on Grilled Baby "Buns"

16 baby portobello mushroom caps 2 tsp. Worcestershire sauce 2 tsp. balsamic vinegar 2 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil 1 1 â „ 2 pounds ground sirloin 1 small onion, chopped 2 cloves garlic, chopped 1 jalapeno, seeded and chopped 2 Tbsp. tomato paste 2 Tbsp. dark chili powder 1 Tbsp. steak seasoning blend (recommended: MontrĂŠal Steak Seasoning by McCormick) 8 ounces smoked white cheddar (recommended: Cabot brand) or smoked Gouda, sliced 2 roasted red peppers, drained, available in salad bar and deli sections of market in bulk or in jars 2 Tbsp. chopped cilantro leaves or flatleaf parsley Directions 1. Preheat grill pan or large non-stick griddle pan over medium-high to high heat. 2. Brush mushroom caps with damp towel to clean them. Scrape away gills with a spoon. 3. Combine Worcestershire sauce with balsamic vinegar, then whisk in 2 Tbsp. of extra-virgin olive oil. Brush mushrooms with dressing. Grill mushrooms on hot grill pan or griddle for 1 or 2 minutes on each side, until tender. Transfer to a plate and cover loosely with foil to keep warm.

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Nutritional Analysis (per serving) Calories: 180 Carbohydrate: 4g Protein: 12g Fat: 13g Saturated Fat: 6 g Fiber: 1g Sodium: 182mg


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DESSERTS Applesauce Gingerbread

Strawberries with Mango Sorbet

1 cups all-purpose flour 1 cup whole wheat flour 2 ⁄ 3 cup sugar 2 1 ⁄ 2 tsp. baking soda 1 tsp. ground ginger 1 tsp. ground cinnamon 1 tsp. allspice 1 1 ⁄ 2 cups applesauce 1 cup molasses 3 egg whites Powdered sugar/fat-free whipped topping (optional) 1⁄2

1 1 ⁄ 2 cups sliced strawberries 1 Tbsp. powdered sugar 2 tsp. chopped fresh mint 1 cup mango sorbet Mint sprigs (optional)

Directions 1. Combine the first 3 ingredients in a bowl. Cover the strawberry mixture, and let sit for 1 ⁄ 2 hour. 2. Spoon 1 ⁄ 2 cup strawberry mixture into each of 2 dessert bowls. Top each serving with 1 ⁄ 2 cup mango sorbet. 3. Garnish with mint sprigs, if desired. Serves 2

Directions 1. Preheat oven to 325ºF. 2. Combine the flours, sugar, baking soda and spices in a large mixing bowl. Mix well. Add the remaining ingredients to the bowl and mix well. 3. Spray a 9 x 13 inch pan with nonstick cooking spray. Spread the batter evenly in the pan. 4. Bake for 30-40 minutes. Serve warm sprinkled with powdered sugar or with fat-free whipped topping. Serves 18

Nutritional Analysis (per serving) Calories: 150 Carbohydrate: 35 g Protein: 1.6 g Fat: 1.3 g Fiber: 2.9 g Sodium: 68 mg

Nutritional Analysis (per serving) Calories: 150 Carbohydrate: 35 g Protein: 1.3 g Fat: 0.3 g Saturated Fat: 0 g Fiber: 1.5 g Sodium: 203 mg


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Winter Crisp

Peach Delight

Filling: 1 ⁄ 2 cup sugar 3 Tbsp. all purpose flour 1 tsp. grated lemon peel 5 cups unpared, sliced apples 1 cup fresh cranberries butter-flavored cooking spray Topping: 2 ⁄ 3 cup rolled oats 1 ⁄ 3 cup packed brown sugar 1 ⁄ 4 cup whole wheat flour 2 tsp. ground cinnamon 3 Tbsp. soft margarine, melted

1⁄4 1⁄3 1⁄4

Directions 1. Place vanilla yogurt in bowl and top with peach sorbet. 2. Top with raspberries or blueberries. Serves 1 Nutritional Analysis (per serving) Calories: 130 Carbohydrate: 27 g Protein: 4 g Fat: 1.2 g Saturated Fat: 0.6 g Fiber: 3 g Sodium: 42 mg

Directions Preheat oven to 375°F. Filling: 1. In a medium bowl, combine sugar, flour, and lemon peel and mix well. 2. Add apples and cranberries and stir to mix. 3. Spoon into a 6-cup baking dish coated with butter-flavored cooking spray. Topping: 1. In a small bowl, combine oats, brown sugar, flour, and cinnamon. Add melted margarine and stir to mix. 2. Sprinkle topping over filling. 3. Bake for 40 to 50 minutes or until filling is bubbly and top is brown. Serve warm or at room temperature. Serves 6 Nutritional Analysis (per serving) Calories: 275 Carbohydrate: 54 Fat: 6.5 g Saturated Fat: 1g Fiber: 4.5 g Sodium: 53g

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cup peach sorbet cup low-fat vanilla yogurt cup raspberries or blueberries


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3. Combine 1 ⁄ 2 cup condensed milk and marshmallow creme in a bowl; stir in morsels. Spread marshmallow mixture evenly over brownie layer. Carefully drop remaining batter by spoonfuls over marshmallow mixture. Bake for 30 minutes. Cool completely in pan on a wire rack. Serves 24 (1 brownie)

Ooey-Gooey Peanut ButterChocolate Brownies

cup fat-free sweetened condensed milk, divided 1 ⁄ 4 cup butter or stick margarine, melted and cooled 1 ⁄ 4 cup fat-free milk 1 (18.25-ounce) package devil's food cake mix 1 large egg white, lightly beaten Cooking spray 1 (7-ounce) jar marshmallow creme (about 1 3 ⁄ 4 cups) 1 ⁄ 2 cup peanut butter morsels 3⁄4

Nutritional Analysis (per serving) Calories: 175 Carbohydrate: 30 g Protein: 3 g Fat: 5 g Saturated Fat: 2 g Fiber: 0.8 g Sodium: 212 mg

Directions 1. Preheat oven to 350°F. Combine 1 ⁄ 4 cup condensed milk, butter, and next 3 ingredients (butter through egg white) in a bowl (batter will be very stiff). 2. Coat bottom of a 13 x 9 inch baking pan with cooking spray. Press 2⁄3 of batter into prepared pan using floured hands; pat evenly (layer will be thin). Bake for 10 minutes.


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FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (My Pyramid for Moms) (Enter keywords pregnancy and breastfeeding) (Go to pregnancy and newborn)

Christiana Care is a private not-for-profit regional health care system and relies in part on the generosity of individuals, foundations and corporations to fulfill its mission.


Eugene du Pont Preventive Medicine & Rehabilitation Institute 3506 Kennett Pike Wilmington, DE 19807

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