Kiwi styleguide 011917

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Typography Typography Fonts in mac format can be found here: Typography Fonts in mac format can be found here: Typography Fonts mac format be found Typography Fonts inin mac format cancan be found here:here: TYPOGRAPHY TYPOGRAPHY Fonts mac format be found Typography Fonts inin mac format cancan be found here:here: Fonts in mac format can be found here: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Primar Fonts in y mac format can be found here: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ PRIMARY

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Archer Medium abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Use: Headlines and Titles Archer Medium abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Use: Headlines and Titles Archer Medium

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Archer Semi Bold abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Use: Headlines andBold Titles Archer Semi abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Use: Headlines andBold Titles Archer Semi

Use: Headlines and Titles Archer Medium

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Use: Headlines and Titles ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Archer Medium Italic abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Use: Titles,Medium Intro’s andItalic CTA’s Archer abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Use: Titles,Medium Intro’s andItalic CTA’s Archer

Use: Headlines and Titles Archer Semi Bold

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Use: Headlines and Titles ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Archer Semi Bold Italic abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Use: Titles, Intro’s and CTA’s Archer Semi Bold Italic abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Use: Titles, Intro’s and CTA’s Archer Semi Bold Italic

Use: Titles,Medium Intro’s andItalic CTA’s Archer ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Use: Titles, Intro’s and CTA’s ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Museo Sans 300 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Use: Body Text and300 CTA’s Museo Sans abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Use: Body Text and CTA’s Museo Sans 300

Use: Titles, Intro’s and CTA’s Archer Semi Bold Italic ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Use: Titles, Intro’s and CTA’s ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Museo Sans 300 Italic abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Use: Body Text300 and CTA’s Museo Sans Italic abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Use: Body Text and CTA’s Museo Sans 300 Italic

Use: Body Text and300 CTA’s Museo Sans

Use: Body Text300 and CTA’s Museo Sans Italic

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Use: Body Text and CTA’s ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Museo Sans 500 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Use: Body Text and CTA’s, text emphasis Museo Sans 500 (Marketing Only) abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Use: Body Text and CTA’s, text emphasis Museo Sans 500 (Marketing Only)

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Use: Body Text and CTA’s ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Museo Sans 500 Italic abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Use: Body TextMuseo and CTA’s, text 500 emphasis (Marketing Only) Sans Italic abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Use: Body TextMuseo and CTA’s, text emphasis (Marketing Only) Sans 500 Italic

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Use: Body Text and CTA’s, text emphasis (Marketing Only) ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Regular abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghiUse:jArial klmnopqrstuvwxyz HTMLRegular Email live text Arial abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Use: HTML Email live text Arial Regular Halleyvetica Neue NBP

Use: Body TextMuseo and CTA’s, text 500 emphasis (Marketing Only) Sans Italic ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Use: Body Text and CTA’s, text emphasis (Marketing Only) ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ABABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ CDabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz EFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Arial Bold qrstuvwxyz abc defghijklmnop abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Use: HTML ArialEmail Boldlive text abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz KCEmail Try 1live text Use: HTML Arial Bold

Use: Body CTA’s, text emphasis Second ar y Text andMuseo SECONDARY Sans 500 (Marketing Only)

Use:Arial HTMLRegular Email live text

Note: Please use with Tracking set at -200. Use: HTML ArialEmail Boldlive text

File Sizes Use: HTML Email live text Use: Email live text Discuss whether or not toHTML consolidate the two similar File Sizes handwritten fonts. All files should be delivered as vector art files at the following sizes: Fileillustration Sizes All illustration filesrealistic shouldscenes be delivered vector(ifart files at the following sizes:use 5 x 3) -File Hero kiwis and = 3 x 5asinches image is oriented vertically, Sizes illustration files shouldscenes be=delivered vector(ifart files at the following sizes:use 5 x 3) -AllHero kiwis and realistic x 5asinches image is oriented vertically, Step-by-step instructions 2 x=2 3inches



PMS* PMS* PMS 7506

PMS 394

PMS 628

PMS 7409

PMS 7541

PMS 7508

PMS 130

PMS 326

PMS 716

PMS 7436

PMS 4725

PMS 7579

PMS 1795

PMS 7485

PMS 729

PMS 1935

PMS 338

PMS 7611

PMS 876

PMS 7439

PMS 325

PMS 161

PMS 258

PMS 7683

PMS 10

PMS 367

PMS 618

PMS 362

*PMS palet palette colors are are subject *PMS te colors subjectto tochange changedepending dependingon onthe thepiece. piece.


STEP 3 Let the monster dry. Then dip a cotton swab into the ould (cup B) and base shmixture rt The box inselightly paint table your monster tle lit a e lik look to reveal ne.its features!



do when you’re

Design elements


denrod nsters

cotton swabs

If you want to erase something, use the acid mixture to change the red color back to yellow.


Stop and check:

insert e push you’ll need: x as

ger our fin Keep y ched off swit lightsSTEPa4re ready ou y il t n u Repeattsteps em.1-3 to decorate usecohlors o tyour second monster!


After about a week, the monster’s features will fade and you can recreate your monsters over and over again!

hexagon box support piece

g n.

e op of sure n line ox lid.

hexagon box insert

paper stickers

3 finger lights

STEP 3 Fold the 3 white sides together to make a triangle. Then fold the grey side over and secure with the rectangle paper sticker.

STEP 4 ade monSlide ste the triangle into the rs um ! Yo triangle-shaped hole at the

bottom of the hexagon box. Place the black paper sticker over the tabs to secure.

what’s going on? t of a mirror, When you stand in fron n. When you tio c fle re r you e you se , you are ope isc peek into your per flection. re a f o n tio c fle seeing a re

lantern stickers

Stop and check Always teal, with teal text and arrows, no matter what color theme is used for the project. flip

Good and bad Green check and red x treatment *stick* are the same throughout. groove and tab line up

STEP 5 rt should Find the hexagon box insert. The box inse tle table lit a e lik Done! What’s going on? ok lo Fold the tabs down. ne. re u’ yo n he on ado All projects end with a colored A “What’s going on” w goes taped 9 circle color-changing matching themonsters color scheme piece of paper and looks like this. with the final illustration of the TE P 6 size can vary project withinSit. The Text treatment remains Stop and chthe ecksame. : Match up the colors on the insert and is mostly used to fill space. Color will change depending which colors If shrinking it, with makethe sure the on textthe inside project it is for, matching the section of the hexagon box. Gently push does not go below 10 pt. title card color. colors the insert down into the box as match far as it will go.

mixing colored light 3

part B: Write UV pen messages Zoom Light gray circle with gray fill. Linked illustration goes within, zoomed in on the part. This size can change.

Part A/B/C etc. Some projects are broken up into parts. Use this treatment and include an illustration of what the section makes.

Arrows Always teal, no matter what color theme is used for the project.

mixing colored light 3

Discuss whether or not to consolidate the style of arrows with the tech-art, or to leave this.





Main photo Leave space for the title. Be sure all product in main photo is/close to the actual product they will receive. Photoshop work may be required.


Title The title is always on one line. Preference to angle the title upwards. Lines should stretch to match the title length. The logo is left aligned to the line.



On a light background, the colors are as follows: logo is kiwi green, lines are teal, and title is brown. On a dark background, everything is white.

Inside Front Cover What you get what you get Only material copy and material illustrations change on this page. Try to fill the space evenly.


what you get


Put together your own gravity-powered fishing game. game base

plastic disk

game tracks

tumbler pieces

Page 2

In This Crate Updated according to the projects and magazine cover for that crate.

foam spacers

wood disks

Play your fishing game and see how many you can catch.

catapult set

Page 10 About Kiwi Crate

grownup involvement

Kiwi Crate delivers fun and engaging projects to encourage creativity, exploration, and discovery. Visit us online to learn more!

Kiwi Crate makes STEAM accessible, engaging, and fun. Getting hands-on with science,

technology, engineering, art, and math inspires kids to: · See themselves as makers and creators · Develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills · Gain the confidence to experiment, tinker, and try · Approach learning with creativity and curiosity

DIY Ideas: Join us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: @kiwicrate Follow us on Pinterest:

fish pockets

fish pieces

fishing rods

fishing hooks

Follow us on Instagram:


©2016 Kiwi Crate All Rights Reserved

Page 14

grownup involvem


ring clasp

art frame

spray bottle

art stand

gone fishing

Check out your magazine for more fun fishing activities.

Each project gets: -title & caption -messiness & grownup -final illustration image -page # stamp sticks


filter paper

clear stickers

acrobat and acrobat outfits

catapult base


citric acid

target pieces


grownup involvemen



Use acids and bases to create your own color

About Kiwi Crate Kiwi Crate delivers fun and engaging projects to encourage creativity, exploration, and discovery. Visit us online to learn more!

changing monster.

Kiwi Crate makes STEAM accessible, engaging, and fun. Getting hands-on with science,

technology, engineering, art, and math inspires kids to:

· See themselves as makers and creators · Develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills · Gain the confidence to experiment, tinker, and try · Approach learning with creativity and curiosity

DIY Ideas:

stirring sticks

plastic scoop

launch pad

litmus paper strips


Page 4 t



paper strips


Join us on Facebook: Follow us on Pinterest: Follow us on Instagram:

©2017 Kiwi Crate All Rights Reserved

physics carnival

cotton swabs

Surprise your friends with this flipping tumbler.

Check out your magazine for more fun balance activities.

Page 6


zip top bag

roller rod

Page 8

grownup involvement

Check out your magazine for more fun chemistry activities.



grownup involvement

wood squares

Page 2

grownup involvement messiness

NIVAL CAR experiment cupPULT CATA

Build and play a carnival game. knock-down

measuring cups A & B

grownup involveme



Experiment with warm and cold ions. acid-base react


Page 10

grownup involveme

Page 9 messiness



Check out book for your lab chemistry more fizzy experim ents.


Experiment with e to mak mixing colors y art. beautiful spra

pipe cleaners

rainbow ball

eraser weights

Discover how acids and bases change goldenrod paper.

Page 2

grownup involvement

tumbler board

grownup involvement



plastic rods

metal ball



Build a stamp wheel and stamp a pattern.

Can you make the acrobat balan on your finge ce r?

balancing frame




CRAT E IN THISw hat you get

In this crate, you’ll learn about fish and use a pulley and a weight to build a gravity-powered fishing game.

goldenrod paper stamp wheels

sticky foam shapes

stamp pad


Currently going through changes for bottom (learn in this crate?)

carnival art sheet

googly eyes

lab book

In this crate, you’ll learn about how acids and bases interact, create some color changing art, and do a bubbling experiment.

In this crate, you’ll explore balance and center of gravity through colorful carnival-themed activities.


In This Crate — special Sometimes there will be special circumstances and this page will change accordingly. (e.g. 4 projects, extra lab book)



Project Pages

you’ll need:

wooden hexagon

hexagon hexagon box box support piece

hexagon box insert

paper stickers

3 finger lights

STEP 4 Slide the triangle into the triangle-shaped hole at the bottom of the hexagon box. Place the black paper sticker over the tabs to secure.

lantern stickers

STEP 5 Find the hexagon box insert. Fold the tabs down. STEP 1 Remove the paper backing from the wooden hexagon.

Press the sticky side of the wooden hexagon to the top of the hexagon box lid. Make sure the grooves in the hexagon line up with the tabs on the box lid.

flip *stick*

groove and tab line up

STEP 6 Match up the colors on the insert with the colors on the inside of the hexagon box. Gently push the insert down into the box as far as it will go.

should The box insert table look like a little done. when you’re

Tips and Guidelines - Keep the design in the same style. Follow same type treatment. for title, steps, captions, bubbles, etc. - Color themes stay the same. (teal, orange, green, and if necessary, purple) - Colored title box and materials box can change size and location to fit design. Usually tilted.

STEP 10 Place the lid on the box. Then put the jar on the lid so it rests inside the wooden hexagon.

Then decorate the jar with the lantern stickers however you’d like.

Spin the jar to see different colors of light shine through!

STEP 8 Find the 3 finger lights with rubber bands — 1 red, 1 blue, and 1 green. Turn the lights on by sliding the switch towards the light bulb. There are 6 finger lights in the crate. Use the 3 lights with rubber bands on them.

lights To make your be sure to last longer, f when you turn them of them. aren’t using

your own xed lig mi

EXPERIMENT! Try the experiment again. This time, replace the frosted jar with a clear glass or jelly jar.

What is different about the colors you see in the clear jar compared to the frosted jar?

Stop and check: colors match

STEP 2 Next, find the hexagon box support piece. Fold the tabs down.

2 mixing colored light

STEP 7 Find the frosted jar and the sheet of lantern stickers. Place the large circle sticker with a hole on the bottom of the jar.

s! ht

frosted plastic jar

r ur finge Keep yo hed off switc lights ready u are until yo them. to use

STEP 3 Fold the 3 white sides together to make a triangle. Then fold the grey side over and secure with the rectangle paper sticker.

yo u


what’s going on?

STEP 9 Place each light inside the box in the small hole that matches its color. Make sure the switch is facing the walls of the box. Check your lights to make sure they are pointing straight up towards the lid.

mixing colored light 3

4 mixing colored light

- Keep text aligned with other step text vertically and horizontally. - Step text stays the same. replace the body text with new text. Usually the text is on left and the image is on the right. Somestimes steps are side by side, this happens to fill the space better then if it were stacked. In this case the image is below the text.

- Usually, tilt 1 or 2 degrees either way, and - Tips/captions and the arrows are always not tilted >5 degrees either way. teal color, even in another color theme. Usually tilted. - If there is no photo, you should run the list of materials using multiple lines. - Illustrations will be provided as an Ai file. Place the illustration as a link to their - Add the title of the project to the bottom matching step. strip in lower case letters.

You put red, green, and blue lights into your jar. But when you turned the jar, those weren’t the only colors you saw. That’s because when the colored lights shine into the jar, the lights run into the frosted material, bounce around, and combine to make new colors. The sticker on the bottom of the jar is only letting two of the colors through at a time. When the sticker is letting in green and blue you see cyan (light blue) in the jar. When the sticker is letting in red and blue you see magenta, and when the sticker lets green and red into the jar, you see yellow.

mixing colored light 5

- Projects have 13 pages, so each project usually has 2 spreads though it varies according to project complexity. If you need more pages, tell sourcing team. Photography A project usually has a photo, just replace the link and position the photo for the design. If product in the photo is not production accurate photoshopping will be required. If the project is not shown on the cover, it needs to be shown in the project page.


Special Project Pages PAINT ING TECH NIQUE S


STEP 11 Put a pom-pom in the top xplauncher eriment ! ofE the tube.

STEP 12 Hold the launcher tube and pull down on the rod. When you let go, the pom-pom will shoot out of the tube!

Try using different techniques to see what you can create on the large piece of goldenrod paper!

secret m es

Stamps Try dipping a small

toothbrush to flick

object into your mixtures and using

Then stand back and use your meteor launcher to shoot pom-pom meteors at the Moon. If you get a pom-pom to land on a 10-point crater, you get 10 points. If you get one to land on a 30-point crater, you get 30 points.

Make sure you don’t aim your launcher towards your face or at anyone else.

toy or household

the mixtures onto your goldenrod paper This one can get a little from a distance. messy, make sure you are splattering over a mess mat.

them as stamps.

meteor la unc de a ma he r ou



! ge sa

ssage with acid er yellow. When e mixture, the d yellow and the rned red.

Splatter Use a paintbrush or

Spread out the Moon poster on the floor. Then arrange the crater targets on the surface of the Moon. Add all the targets for an easier game, or just a few for a more challenging one.


trouble shooting warning

Stir a scoop of soap into the base mixture. Use a straw to blow

Check that the kno

bubbles into the cup. Press the goldenrod paper onto the bubbles


to capture their images.

Be careful not to t is tdrink ied as closoapy se as possible the mixture to thewhen end o f thare e elastic. you blowing This willbubbles. let you pull

the which

rod back farther, will give you a good pom-pom launch.

Play by yourself and see how many points you can get, or play against a friend. Grab a piece of paper and a pencil and try keeping score. Every time you shoot, write down the number of points.

player 1

Put some of the baking soda mixture in a spray bottle. Spray the goldenrod

corner, that will help prevent the pom-poms from bouncing away.

• If you’re playing with a friend, split

up the pom-poms by color to make it easier to tell who scored. Make sure you both start with the same number of pom-poms to make it fair!

paper to make out When you run , add of pom-poms s to up your point score. calculate your

color changing drawings 7

• Try adding more than one pom-pom

• If you place the Moon poster in the

spray patterns.

12 meteor launcher game

Try these ideas, and have fun shooting meteors!

meteors up in the air rather than straight down onto the target. to your meteor launcher to make a meteor shower!

Check that the elastic is free to move inside the Stripes tub e. If it gets tan gled up Use a pipe cleaner on itself, gently tug on the as a brush to make rod to pull it free. striped patterns.


player 2

• Shoot your

Hybrid Spread This combines a project spread with a Gameplay layout. If there is a project where it is several projects instead of one project with steps, than this would be the template for that sort of layout.

meteor launcher game 13

Use the inspiration sheet pattern for special pages. It always appears white on the light background.

Back Page sticker for you!

Visit us online to learn more!

you show us what

made with


share with us! Take a ph oto project and sha of your re it wit h us! faceboo wicrate instagram .com/kiw icrate

Reagan League City, TX

IDEAS FOR PLAY de a fishing ga ma me ou

Swap Out the Track grab this track


Kiwi Crate delivers fun and engaging projects to encourage creativity, exploration, and discovery.

Social Photo Nothing should change on the back cover except the social photo. Replace the image with the new social photo.



Experiment/Play pages These pages are added periodically when space and content allows for it. If it is for a specific project use the same color scheme if it is for the all the projects then the color is purple. The design varies depending on content.

Wind up your fishing wheel and go fish. Use your fishing rod to catch the fish while the wheel is spinning. Have fun with your fishing game!

STEP 1 Unhook the cord from the corner peg, then lift off the wheel. Pull the cord all the way out of the track.

hole in the track

Social photo should have: -child’s name -city, state

STEP 2 Remove the old track, then put the new one in its place. Make sure the hole in the track lines up with the front slot, just like you did on page 3.

Try these ideas Play by yourself and see how many fish you can catch before the bottle hits the ground. Play with a friend and see who can catch the most fish. If you master your fishing game, try swapping out the track to play in hard mode. The other track will make the fish go up higher and down lower, which makes them harder to catch.

front slot

STEP 3 Feed the cord down through the hole in the track, then fit the wheel back onto the center peg.

what’s going on? Your fishing game uses a pulley to spin. A pulley is just a r ope or cord loope d over a wheel, used to lift or move something. In this case, gravity pulls the bottle down, which tugs on the cord and spins the whe el. The pulley chan ges a downward motion (the bottle falling) into a circular motion (t he wheel spinning) . Cool!

STEP 4 Make sure the fish are in place, then thread the cord back through the ring on the spray bottle. Hook the end of the cord around the corner peg and you’re ready to play again!

©2017 Kiwi Crate, Inc.

12 go fishing CHOKING HAZARD—Small parts. Not for children under 3 years.

go fishing 13


Design Elements











Cod es com e in many form s. re? Have you see n any of these befo

Tabs All Tabs for the section have a color associated with the word. In some cases, you can change the color to better fit the design. Every page or spread should have a tab.

Titles Styles vary depending on content. Colors can change to complement the content. Titles are generally centered on the page, but do not take up a lot of space. Fonts used are Archer (Medium) and Halleyvetica. KC Try 1 is usually used as a descriptor.

Citric acid is bathtu b safe and can be fou nd in many fruits, like oranges and lemons. But be carefu l if you have any cuts. If citric acid gets into a cut it will sting, just like lemon juice. Tips and blurbs Tips, subtitles, questions, and other misc. blurbs and elements use the Halleyvetica font. To consolidate the style, only use variations of the 3 different frames found in the CC Library.

Ripped Notebook Paper This is an Illustrator file. Used for the DIY projects on spreads such as on explore or learn. Can be changed size to fit the content. If not going off the page, try to show the ripped edge of the bottom by adjusting the Illustrator file.

Taped Paper Used for let’s explore title card. Also used to break up long sections of text, and for small sections like What’s going on? type.



Inside Cover Hey friends! rs and dered how com pute Have you eve r won th, discove r what makes a mon e robots robots work? This prog ram s that mak the how see t, robot a robo write you r own k are written, and then it, turn and com pute rs wor , page corner of the prog ram ! Pick up the the rest of the magazine. That’s use you r eyes to read the page and get read ing! turn com pute r cod e for

About Kiwi Crate

discover more DIY activities with KIWI CORNER! Monster Automation

You r friend, Steve the Kiwi

Kiwi Crate delivers fun and engaging projects to encourage creativity, exploration, and discovery. Visit us online to learn more!

Mini-Bots Recycled Robots


For more activities to try, visit:

Paint Robot Bath Tub ized ArtBot g Cream Motor Shavin

Kiwi Crate makes STEAM accessible, engaging, and fun.

letters to Steve!

kiwi crate library National Geographic Readers: Robots

Getting hands-on with science, technology, engineering, art, and math inspires kids to:

by Melissa Stewart Ages 6+

· See themselves as makers and creators · Develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills · Gain the confidence to experiment, tinker, and try · Approach learning with creativity and curiosity

DIY Ideas: Join us on Facebook: Follow us on Pinterest: Follow us on Instagram:

©2017 Kiwi Crate All Rights Reserved

Front Cover Keep the type treatment, and change according to the crate. Back Cover Nothing to update here, except the year when necessary. Discuss a redesign for the back cover to be more like the other crate lines.

robots and coding

Robots of today and tomorrow come to life in National Geographic’s colorful robot book. Readers will learn about the different types of robots that exist today, the science behind how they work, and even meet some of the scientists who build them. This picture-packed book with easy-to-understand explanations will inspire the scientists of tomorrow!

Lift-the-Flap Computers and Coding y Day Steve’s Rain Xavier Age 6

Steve’s Crates Adele

Send your letters, drawings, or photos to or mail them to Steve the Kiwi c/o Kiwi Crate, 170 State Street, Los Altos, CA 94022. If we publish yours in the magazine, online, or on social media, we’ll send you a plush kiwi to take on adventures!

by Rosie Dickins Ages 6+

Have you ever wondered, what is a computer? How do computers think? What is inside a computer? These questions and more are answered in this interactive, fact-filled book. This book explains everything from circuit boards to coding and is a great introduction on how computers work for programmers of any age.

Postcard Replace text, and make sure it fits within the postcard frame. Illustration brought in from separate file. Letters to Steve Only update the pictures of letters/kids. Place brown tabs on 4 corners. Photos need: -title -child’s name -child’s age

Discuss a redesign of the Inside Cover to feel more in line with the inspiration sheet. In particular, the letters to Steve section, 4 brown tabs, DIY section, etc.

DIYs These are Illustrator files. Edit them to update the DIYs, making sure the images are embedded. Also update the QR code and link. Library Update the book covers, with hopefully a high resolution photo from publishers and outline them with the book frame (free transformed). Keep distance between text and book the same for both books. If possible, size the books relative to each other. Books need: -Title -Author(s) -Recommended reading age -Blurb


Cutout Pages Cutout Pages Not used often anymore. Cutout pages are custom, and added only when content calls for it. Make sure the front and back cutouts match. Place cutout material and text flows around the cutouts. Keep instruction design similar to the way it is shown on both sides.


Comic Steve the Kiwi This is my new robot, Chip. Isn’t he great? He can follow all kinds of commands.

You have to give Chip step-by-step commands. Tell him what to do first, second, and so on.

It’s almost finished. Just one more thing!

Hmm. It looks like we need to tell Chip exactly what to do.


Chip, stop!

Computers and robots can do many different things, from opening an email to flying a plane. But they can’t do it on their own.

Chip, give us one big chocolate chip.

Chip, spoon one scoop of ice cream into a bowl.


Who’s that?


The Robot Recipe

Like Steve and the gang learned, robots and computers need instructions to know how to do things and they need someone to write those instructions for them. That was a close one! Chip, say hello to my friends.

Okay, okay, I’ve got it.

Hello to my friends.

Ooh, let me try! Chip, pour one tablespoon of chocolate syrup on the ice cream.

Okay Chip, now put whipped cream on top of the ice cream!

Chip, place one chocolate chip from the package on top of the whipped cream.

At last, a chocolate sundae ready to eat! Although, maybe Chip could throw some sprinkles on top…

too; You can be a programmer s all you need is practice! Program can be written for just about for program a anything. Try writing car a making a sandwich, opening write door, or washing dishes. To up into a program, break the task each specific step, like a recipe.

Chip, give me ice cream with chocolate on top.

Wow! So we can tell Chip to do things and he’ll do them?

Chip, bring me a sundae!

A program is the list of instructions a computer follows and a programmer is the person who writes those instructions.

Chip, no! My turn!

Yep. As long as he understands the command.

When you’re ready, you can start learning how to write programs in computer code.

Chip, pick up the can of whipped cream. Spray one-half cup of whipped cream on top of the ice cream.

Computers can’t speak human language, so their instructions are written in a code that both humans and machines can understand. With a grownup's permission, check out these resources to learn more about coding.

- 1


Pages 1-4 Place the comic in order, 1-4. You will have to edit the flow of text to make it look balanced, and adjust the word bubble to fit the text nicely. Make sure bleeds are correct. Additional Illustration edits may be required if requested.

Discuss redesign of comic title treatment.



- 5


Read Pages


keep your balance

Am I doing it?

all around you every day. Chemical reactions are happeningthese before? Have you seen any of

on a tightrope and wondered Have you ever seen someone walking rope without falling off? how they manage to walk on such a skinny

A chem ical reaction happens ine when two or more things comb and make something new.

It's all about balance.

I’ve got this! You’re balancing, Rufus!

There is also chemistry in your kitchen! How about a Victory Violet?

Ever wonder how sticky brownie batter becomes scrumptious solid brownies? That’s a chemical reaction too! Who knew chemistry could be so tasty?

, but stretch Now try it again either side. your arms out to le less? Did it help you wobb

why does that work? Turn the page to try out a few experiments that play with balanc e.

This is it! Now I’m ready for the Big Top – where I’ll balance on a high wire 100 feet in the air…while riding a unicycle…and juggling! Behold the Great Squirrelini!n

Scrub-a-dub-dub, a chemical reaction in the tub! Soaps use chemical reactions to lift dirt and grime, so that it can be washed away with water. You probably use this chemical reaction every day in the tub.

There's a chemical reactio happening in this glass! The fizzy tablet and waters, combined to make bubble just like in your Cool Reactions experiment!

did you know?

A man in Florida set a world record by living on a tightrope for 205 days!

Most tightrop are only an es or two thick, butinch e are even thinsom ner than that!

What other chemical reactions can you think of? 4

g straight line, puttin Try walking in a . in front of the other one foot directly a little wobbly. You’re probably

rs do the same thing Tightrope walke their arms, and — sometimes with a long, skinny pole. sometimes with

Remember when you mixed baking soda and citric acid during your Cool Reactions experiment? What happened? The citric acid and the baking soda combined and made something new: bubbles!

r more of an ndian Indigo?


chemical reactions


Not if we put it on your center of balance. If we put it on your head, you won’t tip one way or the other.

Now we wait.


saugeil /

Page 5 This is always a “Read” page. You can change the colors of the back ground, and the header box. Preference on having a full bleed photo, or putting an emphasis on one photo in a spread with multiple (i.e. making one photo larger than the rest). Photos Photos need credits and a white box contain the fact next to it. Photo Captions Use the emphasis text treatment on words that describe the picture. Also, put an arrow pointing towards the picture. Random facts These can be displayed in bubbles.

Other read pages Sometimes, there will also be read pages within the magazine in addition to the page 5 one, depending on the content. Lengthy Copy Try to break up long sections of text by emphasizing a word or sentence.



Explore Spread step right up, step right up!

what you need:

Have you ever played the carnival game One Ball? All you do is try to knock over stacked bottles with a ball. It looks easy, but it’s surprisingly tricky to knock down all three bottles. What makes it so difficult? You guessed it: balance.

water food coloring notebook pencil

Let’s investigate! 2

what’s going


iments, you In these exper h part of the change whic vy and which pyramid is hea riments Expe In part is light. bottom of the 1 and 2, the vier than the pyramid is hea , the top 3 nt rime top. In Expe the bottom. is heavier than all to knock over It's difficult 1, and even Experiment 3 bottles in you throw riment 2! If harder in Expe you'll likely in the middle, the ball right bottle, ver the top only knock o standing. bottom two leaving the

beat the carnival game

tennis ball measuring tape c bottles 3 identical plasti

nt 3, on the In Experime is the pyramid other hand, . to knock over pretty easy in the this pyramid hit If you ce e's a good chan ther le, midd fall. will tles bot all 3 weight, you By moving the amid the pyr change how a lot object with balances. An better down low is of its weight a lot of an object with make to balanced than t wan gh. So if you weight up hi ly easy, just One Ball real your game of pyramid light tom of your can! you make the bot as top as heavy and make the


1 Start by setting up your experiment on a flat surface. Fill each bottle with the same amount of water . Add a few drops of food coloring.

Measure a few feet away and mark your throw line.

Set them up in a pyramid.

Throw the ball at the pyramid from the throw line. Repeat 6 times for each experiment, and record your results. Try to hit different spots and see how many bottles you can knock down each time. Experiment 1:

Experiment 2:

Experiment 3:

all bottles filled

bottom bottles filled

top bottle filled

Grab a notebook and record your results. Each time you hit the pyramid, make a note of where you hit it and record the number of bottles you knocked over. Try to hit the same spot in all 3 experiments to see what difference the setup makes.

Which pyramid was the easiest to knock down? Which was the hardest?

Did throwing the ball in the same place work for all three pyramids? Did you need to hit different places?


How do you think the One Ball game at a carnival is usually set up?

Explore spread Taped paper for the title can change size and should not be the same color as regular taped paper. Color of text and background can change colors. Background can be a creative design, as well as the placement of the text.



mixing and separating colored lights We saw that you can separate white light into a rainbow.

But can it be put back together? blue lights It can! When red, green, and white light. are mixed together they make three Different combinations of these can see! colors make all the colors we

Photo Large photo is the background for the hands on project(s) and usually stays in the same placement. Depending on content and what is being shown, this can change, but the default design should be the secret messages pictured above. Projects Some have one project, others have two. The second project will have its own “ripped paper” sheet and “What you need” section.


Red and green combine to make yellow, blue and red make magenta, and blue and green make cyan, a light blue.

TRY THIS! overlapping colors

Grab your completed projector from the “Projecting Colored Shadows” activity. If you haven’t already made the projector, go to page 6 and make the projector first.

1 Remove the plastic projector window. Then wrap the top of the projector box with aluminum foil.

Make sure the foil fully covers the projector box.

completed projector box styrofoam block 3 finger lights (1 red, 1 blue, 1 green) projector placement guide aluminum foil pencil

2 Use a pencil to poke a hole about the size of a quarter in the center of the aluminum foil. 3 Set up your projector placement guide with the finger lights pointed towards the hole in the aluminium foil.

Turn on the blue and green lights. Walk around to the other side of the projector box. You should see the blue and the green overlapping to form cyan (light blue). 4 Experiment! Try turning on just the blue and red lights, then the green and red, then all three at once. How do the different combinations change what you see?


what you need:

Watch colors of light mix right before your eyes!

the lights, If you can’t see nt in try doing this experime er a table. a dark room or und

try this! Wrap

the projector in a fresh piece aluminium foil. of Instead of one large hole, poke many tiny holes to draw a picture in the foil. Repea t the experim ent. What do you s ee?


*On “Step right up, step right up!” what’s going on? is a special case due to text length


Other pages and spreads make


DIY bath bombs Make your own fizzy, foamy chemical reaction for bath time!

you'l l need: citric acid

baking soda

liquid food corn coloring starch


a chemistry conundrum DIY balancing sculpture

you'l lscience need: Steve needs beakers for an inventive

butand he can’t find them all. Can you With just a carrot, someexperiment, wooden skewers, a little bit of tinkering, you can helpmake findjust all about 7 beakers plastic hidingbottle in the scene? wooden anything balance. Let’s make an amazing, skewers balancing sculpture! carrot

oil (essential or vegetable)

of Try balancing lots different things... - marshmallows


- grapes - balloons

experiment! Now it’s time to can keep As long as you ced, you the weight balan arms and can add as many want. objects as you

- paper strips - more gumdrops

Test your sculpture after each addition, and move, add, or remove arms to figure out the balance.


make a base small paper cup

of citric If you run out fou nd at acid. it can be y stores most grocerre they sell and anywhesupplies. canning




too much Do not add h oil will oil. Too muc oily residue leave an thtub. in the ba



Mix 5 scoops of citric acid, 5 scoops of baking soda, and 2 scoops of corn starch together in a bowl.

Mix in 2 drops of food coloring and 2 or 3 scoops of oil. The mixture should be slightly crumbly.

t2 Abou s long. inche



Cut a carrot into chunks.

Break one of your skewers into smaller pieces.

STEP 3 Push a small piece of skewer into one of the carrot chunks.


make balancing arms Use a spoon to press the mixture toge ther. The tighter it is packed, the better it will stay together when it is dry.


Once your bath bomb is dry, tear the cup away to release it.

Place your bath bomb in the bathtub for a fizzy, bubbling bath!


you'l l need:




Push a gumdrop onto the end of each skewer.

Time to balance! Rest the small skewer on your bottle. You can even give it a gentle nudge and it will still balance!

Try balancing marshmallows on one arm, and grapes on another.

Try balancing a gumdrop on one arm, and a balloon on another.


race for power The robots are running out of power! Help the gang get their robots to the power source before they run out of juice!

help find all 7 beakers hiding in the scene?



oil (essential or vegetable)




dollar bill

The Impossible Dollar Bill paper plates





Stand with your back, hips, and feet against a wall. Place a dollar at least 2 feet in front of you. Keep your hips against the wall and try to lean forward to pick up the dollar. No moving your feet or bending your knees!



How many paper plates can you balance on your head before they fall off? Try stacking them in different ways to get the tallest paper plate hat possible !

drops of food coloring and coops of oil. The mixture be slightly crumbly.

how does it work?

pick up the bend over and When you try to and upper t of your head dollar, the weigh rd. Normally, your body forwa body start to pull your hips ng movi yourself by you'd balance way, your the in with the wall backward. But balance. your and you lose hips can't move


Touch t he bath bomb while it’ s fizzing ! You can feel the bub bles (and cold ) it crea tes!

on your you balance How long can left foot? about on your right foot? How r? than the othe Is one easier




Place your bath bomb in the bathtub for a fizzy, bubbling bath!

How long can you balance a pencil on your finger? Try balancing it lengthwise, then for an extra challenge, try balancing it on its eraser!

finish! 10

TRICK 2 Stuck to the Floor

Robots get their energy from electricity, batteries, and the sun.

Robots bend, hop, and roll to do their jobs.


athtub safe and can be ruits, like oranges and be careful if you have c acid gets into a cut it ust like lemon juice.

You'll need: You'l l need:

Robots use sensors to sniff, feel, and see the world around them.

too much Do not add h oil will oil. Too muc oily residue leave an thtub. in the ba

Surprise a friend with these balance tricks!

Find a friend and compete to see who is the Balance Champion!

Robots need instructions to do just about everything. They can’t even turn on without a program!

Play pages Sometimes the play page will be an illustration that takes up the entire page, with only title and caption to add. Other times, it’s looser and can be creatively designed. Color of the backgrounds and text can change as needed.

balance tricks

balance games

program liquid food corn coloring starch

Try balancing out three arms instead of just two.



A robot is a machine can do tasks without help of a science person. Stevethat needs beakers for anthe inventive There are so many machines, how can you tell which ones are hethat can’t findrobot themneeds. all. Can you robots?experiment, Here are four but things every




Push a long skewer into your carrot chunk at an angle. On the opposite side, push another skewer into the carrot at the same angle.


makes what a chemistry conundrum a robot a robot?

zy, foamy bath time!

aking soda

Citric acid is bathtub safe and can be found in many fruits, like oranges and lemons. But be careful if you have any cuts. If citric acid gets into a cut it will sting, just like lemon juice.




Scoop the mixture into a small paper cup and pack it in tightly. Let it the mixture dry overnight.


For an extra challenge, can you make your sculpture balance with these suggestions?

Touch t he bath bomb while it’ s fizzing ! You can feel the bub bles (and cold ) it crea tes!


Make pages DIY projects use this condensed style that featues the title, things you’ll need, and a photo. These use the DIY step type treatment, not the circled number.




Stand with your right side to the wall. Press your right foot and cheek against the wall. Now try to lift your left foot off the floor.

how does it work?

to shift foot, you need To lift your left in order to your right your weight with the balance. But to keep your work, that doesn't wall in the way floor. is stuck to the and your foot



Other pages and spreads funny bones


Make chemistry you can taste with this refreshing color changing drink!

the recipe: 1 Mix 1 cup of lemon juice, 1 cup of sugar, and 4 cups of water in a large pitcher to make lemonade. 2 Fill the glass with ice, then add some lemonade. 3 Pour red cabbage juice into the lemonade You can and watch the add water colors change! or sugar to taste.


Get some calcium and keep your bonesks. strong with these cheesy bone breadstic


To see your bones doctors use X-rays. X-rays can pass through most of your body, but get stopped by bones. If you lay on top of special paper and a doctor shines X-rays on you, it creates a picture of what your bones look like.

what you need: 4 cups cold water red cabbage juice ice

yummy bones

Where would you be without your skeleton? You’d probably be pretty floppy. That’s because your skeleton holds everything up, and gives it structure. It’s a pretty amazing part of your amazing body!

When you’re born, you have about 300 bones, but by the time you grow up, you only have 206. What happened to those other bones? As you grow, smaller bones fuse together to make larger ones.

clear glass cup 1½ cups lemon juice 1 cup sugar



color changing lemonade



what’s going on? Lemon juice is naturally full of citric acid and red cabbage juice is an acid-base indicator. When the cabbage juice mixes with the citric acid in the lemonade it turns pink to show that the liquid is acidic.

tube of breadstick dough Parmesan cheese

The outer layer of your teeth — called the enamel — is the hardest substance in your body. And while they might look like them, your teeth aren’t bones at all!

The recipe: 1


Did you know that bones can heal themselves? If you break a bone, your doctor will make sure that the break is lined up properly and held in place with a cast. Your bones will do the rest of the healing themselves!

Place the bones on a baking sheet. Snip the ends and push them apart to make a bone shape.

Brush your bones with melted butter and sprinkle with Parmesan cheese.



Have a grownup preheat the oven according to the package.

Separate the dough and roll each piece into a snake. Press a little more in the middle so the ends are a bit larger.



e xperiment to surpris Use this lemonade e the cabbage juice your friends! Freeze e he cabbage juice ic in an ice tray. Add t de and watch the cubes to the lemona e yellow to pink as th color change from ice cubes melt!

Parmesan cheese scissors baking sheet

Eat pages Title card, text, and background can change. The photo should have a white border. Use circle numbers for steps. If Rufus is drawn using a table, use one of the boxes as the table.

Bake according to the package. Then eat and enjoy!


Draw and Find pages Not used very often anymore, but use these as examples to design.


Sticker Sheets and Dielines

Packout Sheet pipettes

cotton swa bs

goog ly eyes

stirring stic ks

plastic scoop

Packout Occasionally, to make the crate more organized, there will be a packout sheet. Use taped paper to divide the sheet according to the materials size. Background color can be changed, but keep the science pattern.

Dielines Aim to make these as aesthetically pleasing as possible. Dielines should generally be drawn with at least 1 mm radius tolerance. Use 2 mm to be safe. If drawing characters, make sure they are in line with Kiwi art style. If there is artwork, mask the artwork to the dieline for cleanliness.

li tm u sr pape





Marker, Crayon, Pencils, etc. Boxes

Baking Soda 50g (1.8oz)


in 4 assorted colors

Citric Acid 50g (1.8oz)


Not for food use. Do not consume.

Box Art Boxes for markers, chalk, etc. should be designed to be aesthetically in line with the crate. These packaging pieces also have standard protocol to follow. - Label with the name and contents of box. (e.g. Markers in 5 assorted colors) - Artwork should be a scene. (e.g. a street, underwater, a hill)

- Always have Kiwi Crate logo on front, the website URL on the back, and Kiwi Crate on the sides (top and left)







Not for food use. Do not consume.

Packaging Label Labels will come in many different shapes and sizes, but they generally follow a standard design to fit the necessary information.

- Above the URL on the back, have something of interest.

-Always have the Kiwi Crate logo at top.

- Check with sourcing to include proper warning label and accompanying info.

- Double-check with sourcing for proper naming, quantity, and other info.

- Mask the artwork to the dieline for cleanliness.


Other Component Artwork



Rabbot’s Rules


Tips and Guidelines Component art always varies due to projects in the crate. Make sure these designs fall within the aesthetic of the Kiwi Crate brand. - One idea is to separate projects by color. (e.g. Physics Carnival)

-Keep the design simple. - Generally no gradients, except for bodies of water. - Steve and characters are not in the component artwork.

- Use other Kiwi collateral to design the - Use rounded corners with radius of pieces. (e.g. Robot flashcards similar to 0.15 inches when applicable. inspiration sheet; Robot Programming Board designed like the labels.) - Mask the artwork to the dieline for cleanliness.












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