Gen Xers Ages 39-53 Gen Xers are between the ages of 39 and 53, making up 20 percent of the population,5 a smaller population than their Baby Boomers and Millennials counterparts. Without distinctive generational characteristics, Gen Xers are entering an unglamorous middle-age, where their primary goals shift to improving their health, planning for the future and paying off debt. They are not particularly price sensitive, and they are likely married, empty nesters. This generation was heavily affected by housing market collapse, and are still recovering financially. Even though they are at their prime earning years and may have more spending power than entry-level Millennials and aging Boomers, they are less likely to spend on leisure. Gen Xers are in a financial tug-of-war, trying to reduce debt, save for their retirement, and help support aging parents. They are also avid social media users and somewhat digitally savvy. 60 percent of Gen Xers use a smartphone on a daily basis, while 67 percent use a laptop daily, which surpassed the 58 percent of Millennials who use laptops daily.6 They rely heavily on online reviews when making purchases. Gen Xers utilize search engines, social media and other review sites to research products and find the best deals.7 When marketing to this demographic, providing clear messaging on the product values is the key.8
Target Market
Centennials Ages 18-22 The Centennial audience makes up approximately 9 percent of the US population.9 They are at a turning point in their lives, at the cusp of adulthood learning to make financial and lifestyle decisions without the influence of their parents. Centennials are among the first generation (Generation Z) to reach adulthood having grown up immersed in digital technology, having never experienced life without the internet, leading to dependency.10 Over 75 percent are on their smartphone for more than 5 hours a day, and they feel uncomfortable if they are away from their phones for as few as 30 minutes.11 This immersion in technology has led to a strong interest in online shopping, with 40 percent of centennials purchasing more than 50 percent of their apparel and electronic items online. These consumers are leading the way in the mobile payments category, with an overwhelming 70 percent having made in-app purchases in the past year, higher than any other generation. They carry minimal cash, and prefer to pay with 13 with P2P payment apps like Venmo and Paypal.12