Mar 2018 Newsletter

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CHRIST’S MESSENGER Christ Lutheran Church and Preschool, Eagan MN

March 2018

FROM THE PASTOR by Pastor Hahn

Church and Preschool

Staff Rev. David Hahn Senior Pastor

Alex Mezeritski Director of Music

Wendy Ewald Director of Preschool

Rashmi Raghuwanshi Teacher

Judy Kaner Preschool Aide

Rhoda Houge Church Secretary

Christ Lutheran Church and Preschool 1930 Diffley Road Eagan, MN 55122 Phone: 651-454-4091 Christ Lutheran Church is a congregation of The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod

Christ Lutheran Church is a growing body of believers in Jesus Christ, sharing the love, word, and grace of God with our family, community, and world.

“THY WILL BE DONE” (This year's theme for Lent and Holy Week) “Not as I will, but as you will,” Jesus prayed to his Father the night before He went to the cross for our salvation. And that is our prayer as well this Lent as we seek to do God’s will in our lives, as we draw near to the observance of Christ’s suffering, death, and resurrection during Holy Week. Each mid-week Lenten and Holy Week service focuses on a different aspect of God’s will at work among us. Biblical characters are used as insightful reference points each week to guide us in following our Lord more nearly day by day. If you have yet to attend one of our Mid-Week Lenten Services, I strongly encourage you to join us as we journey through this season of Lent. The “Alleluias!” may not be spoken, but the anticipation of shouting them again on Easter Sunday builds. Below are the themes for these special services. In the “Thy Will Be Done” special service on Wednesday March 7th at 7pm, we will be led to remember that, in humility, Mary dutifully accepted the role God had given her to become the mother of our Savior. That Son would later accept His role, faithfully following the path His Father had in mind for Him to save us all. In the “Thy Will Be Done” special service on Wednesday March 14th at 7pm, we will be led to remember that, on the road to Damascus, Paul had his worldview turned upside down when God called him to preach the name of the Christ he had been persecuting. We follow God’s will by putting the crucified Christ at the center of our worldview. In the “Thy Will Be Done” special service on Wednesday March 21st at 7pm, we will be led to remember that Lydia followed the will of God by responding in faith and hospitality when the Gospel message of Christ’s sacrifice was preached to her. We follow the will of God by responding in love and service to one another in return for what Christ has done for us. Holy Week In the “Thy Will Be Done” special service on Palm Sunday, March 25th at 9am, we remember that we are not always willing to do what God asks of us, but in His Palm Sunday entry into Jerusalem, Christ reveals to us that even tough roads are worth traversing for the good of the Kingdom. In the “Thy Will Be Done” special service on Maundy Thursday, March 29th at 7pm, we remember that Christ asks His disciples to wash one another’s feet, as He has washed theirs, for the joy that was set before Him. Serving one another with joy is a tribute to Him who is the Servant of All. In the “Thy Will Be Done” special service on Good Friday, March 30th at 7pm, we remember that on the cross Christ followed through with the will of God, crying out, “It is finished” as He breathed His last. This ultimate sacrifice serves as a model to look at our lives as a holy sacrifice to Him.

Christ’s Messenger

March, 2018

(from the Pastor, continued)

In the “Thy Will Be Done” special service on Easter Sunday, April 1st at 9am. we remember that when Christ rose from the tomb, He opened the door to a new heavens and a new earth, where righteousness dwells. God’s will for us as Easter people is to fix our eyes on the new creation of perfect paradise prepared for us in heaven. Pastor’s Sunday Morning Bible Study: Pastor Hahn has been leading a Bible Study that has been using the Lenten Theme that goes along with the Lenten Worship Services “Thy Will Be Done.” There are 3 more sessions titled “God’s Will and My Identity,” God’s Will and My Worldview,” and “God’s Will and My Response.” There is always room for more to join in on this faith building Bible Study. Pastor Houge will be leading the Study on Sunday, March 11th. Tuesday Morning Bible Study at Eagan Pointe Senior Living Center: Every Tuesday morning Pastor Hahn leads a Bible Study at the Eagan Point Senior Living Center in Eagan (just up the road from the church). The Study begins at 9am with both members from Christ Lutheran Church and residents of Eagan Pointe attending. At this time the Bible Study has been focusing on Beth Moore’s book “A Heart Like His: Intimate Reflections on the Life of David.” This study is open to anyone and everyone. This book by Beth Moore brings out the heart of a true believer in the one true God. Eagan Pointe has been gracious in providing the venue and the free coffee. There will always be an open seat for you to attend. What is the Confirmation Class doing on Wednesday nights during Lent? Usually they meet in a class setting from 6:30 – 7:15pm every Wednesday learning about the Six-Chief Parts of the Lutheran faith, and then attending Youth Group from 7:15 – 8:00pm. But during Lent, the Confirmation Class has been attending the Lenten Worship Services instead of having class time. After the service we gather together and talk about the service, especially the sermon. The Youth Group has not been meeting on Wednesday nights because of the special Mid-Week Lenten Services. However, they will be helping with the Palm Sunday Breakfast which will take place on Sunday, March 25th following the Worship Service. This is the second of our fundraising efforts of 2018 to help the youth participate in this summer’s Servant Event at Lutheran Island Camp in Henning, MN. What a wonderful way for you to help support our youth and at the same time have a delicious and healthy breakfast! Please attend and donate generously. The first of the Youth Group Fundraisers for 2018 was the Christ Lutheran Church Youth Group Super Bowl Take and Bake Pizza Fundraiser on February 4th. What a great event that turned out to be! The youth profited just over $500. That is enough to send 2 youth on this summer’s Servant Event. Our goal is to have 10 youth participate in this wonderful, uplifting, Christ-filled event. So a special thanks goes out to everyone who ordered the pizzas, the youth who were selling the pizzas, the 11 youth who put together the pizzas, and the adults that were willing to lend a hand.

Be sure to check out the article about Dale Vogt on the bulletin board in the narthex. It was copied from the latest issue of Interest Time, the Lutheran Church Extension Fund publication, and it’s about Dale’s work with Laborers for Christ and other ways he has kept involved in the church.


Christ’s Messenger

March, 2018

Time to sign up for Easter Flowers!

Lilies $8.00

Tulips $8.00

Chrysanthemums $8.00

Hydrangeas $15.00

See the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the narthex. Last day to order is March 11th !

All women at CLC are invited to:

SE Suburban LWML Zone Spring Rally. Saturday, April 14, 2018. Lutheran Church of Our Savior, 14980 Diamond Path, Rosemount Cost is $8.00 Registration begins at 8:30 am, with the program beginning at 9:00 am, followed by lunch. Theme: "Free to be Faithful" – Religious liberty in an ever changing society. Rev. 2:10b Speaker: Rev. Fred Hinz, Assistant to the MNSO District President in Mission Formation and advocate for religious freedom.

Ladies! Save the Date! 27th Biennial MN South District Convention Theme: Grace Above All Theme Verse: But by the grace of God I am what I am, and His grace toward me was not in vain. 1 Corinthians 15:10a New Shortened Format: Friday, June 29, 2018 - 7:00am to Saturday, June 30, 2018 - 4:00pm Optional: Thursday Evening, June 28: Mission Pledge Walk, Servant Events, and First Timer’s Meet & Greet Location: Verizon Wireless Center, 1 Civic Center Plaza, Mankato, MN 56001 More information coming soon!


Christ’s Messenger

March, 2018

Busy, busy, busy… That one word can describe what it is like in our preschool every day! During the month of February, our preschoolers learned about St. Valentine and Valentine’s Day, love, friendship, and service. We talked about Jesus’ miracles, the Good Samaritan, and the Prodigal Son. We made cards for our homebound members and our military personnel, had fun making cards and writing letters to our classmates, and “mailing” them in our preschool Post Office. Now, we are on to learning about Dinosaurs! So far, we have learned how God created the dinosaurs on the sixth day of creation, how Adam and Eve and other people lived at the same time as dinosaurs, and how all dinosaurs were originally plant-eaters before sin came into the world. We will be talking about the changes the world underwent after the flood, and how those changes are what caused dinosaurs to become extinct. We will explore the work of paleontologists and look at actual fossils, shared with us by Glenn Gregory, a member of Christ Lutheran Church, learn the difference between the types of dinosaurs and what they ate, how they cooled down, who their predators were, and how we may have some relatives of the dinosaurs living today. There will be lots of art, music, and books, as well as math, language, and literacy activities surrounding dinosaurs! This will take us to the first week in March. Our final unit for the month of March will, of course, be Easter! I can’t wait to teach the children about all the events that led up to Easter; Christ’s ride into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, His preaching and teaching in the temple, the Last Supper, washing His disciple’s feet, the garden of Gethsemane, His arrest and trial for our sins, His death, but mainly His resurrection! I know that my Redeemer lives! What comfort this sweet sentence gives! He lives! Easter Faire So far, we only have 4 volunteers signed up to help with the Easter Faire. We need 6 more congregational members to help man the tables. You may be asked to take registrations, or help with a craft table. Everything will be set up for you. All you have to do is be there to help guide participants. It’s not hard, but if we want it to run smoothly, we need your help! There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the narthex. If we don’t get enough volunteers signed up by Sunday, March 4, we will have to cancel the Easter Faire and Egg Hunt. Thank you. We also need candy and small prize donations for the Easter Egg hunt. So far, only one member has donated candy. That’s not enough for the Egg Hunt, so if you can pick up a bag or two, your help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Teaching Heart and Mind Our preschool staff will be attending the Early Childhood Educator’s Conference held at Concordia University on Friday and Saturday, March 2 & 3. This conference strives to provide spiritual enrichment and continuing education for early childhood educators. To support this mission, the conference will provide worship, motivational keynotes, and sectionals unique to the needs of program directors and teachers of children from birth through age eight. We are all looking forward to this time of fellowship and skill development. 4

Christ’s Messenger

March, 2018

(Preschool, continued)

Thank You I want to give a very sincere “Thank You” to Glenn Gregory for lending us his collection of fossils for our dinosaur unit! The children were so excited to look at them, and we have added them to our science center with magnifying glasses. It is a favorite spot in the classroom! Open House Our preschool held an Open House on Saturday, February 17. We had 5 families stop by to check us out and got a lot of very positive affirmation, for which we are grateful. Some of the parents were interested in the new full day option we will be providing beginning in September. Please remember to talk about our preschool in the community so people know they have a high-quality Christian preschool option for their children! May God bless you as you prepare your hearts during this Lenten Season for the death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! In His Love and Grace, Wendy Ewald

Lent and Holy Week Service Schedule Wednesday, March 7, 7pm, Lenten Service Wednesday, March 14, 7pm, Lenten Service Wednesday, March 21, 7pm, Lenten Service Saturday, March 24, 5pm, Easter Cantata

(The CLC Adult Choir will present a special Easter Cantata – “At His Name”) Sunday, March 25, Palm Sunday, Breakfast following service

(The Youth will serve a special breakfast after worship.) Thursday, March 29, 7pm, Maundy Thursday with Holy Communion Friday, March 30, 7pm Good Friday Sunday, April 1, 9am, Easter with Holy Communion


Christ’s Messenger

March, 2018

Report from Constitution Committee: In response to promptings from the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod and the Minnesota South District, Christ Lutheran Church formed a Constitution Committee in 2016 to begin the process of examining and modernizing the Church Constitution, By-laws, and current church structures. The last full review and approval of these documents occurred in 2003. On Sunday, January 28th, the committee presented to the Voters Assembly and made recommendations that reduce the need for traditional long-term commitments by suggesting a more streamlined structure, shorter-term time commitments, and fewer requirements for attending monthly meetings. The organizational structure below was presented and received a favorable response from those in attendance. Below are highlights of that presentation: 1) Our Triune God is the Head of Christ Lutheran Church, and the Voting Members are responsible for overseeing the Church and do so by electing officers and approving members of the Church Council. 2) The Board of Elders and the Board of Trustees will continue to each have one voting member on the Church Council, Pastor is also a member of the Council but does not have voting responsibilities. 3) A new concept called “Members-At-Large” was introduced. A Member-At-Large would be a CLC member in good standing who is interested in having a voice and voting responsibility at Church Council Meetings. This member-at-large would not be required to have other responsibilities, but could be part of a committee of action team. This will keep the Council closer to what is important to congregational members, and provide members with an opportunity to learn more about the work of Council and management of the Church. 4) The Committee is recommending a move from 5 officer positions (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Financial Secretary) to 4 officer positions (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer). The Financial Secretary position would continue with the same detailed responsibilities, but with no requirement to attend monthly meetings. 5) The Committee is recommending that the remaining Boards be replaced by Discipleship Teams that are more short-term and action-oriented in nature; teams that simply organize and come together during a particular season or for a particular reason or event. These Discipleship Teams would still need leaders who would need to provide monthly status reports to Council as needed, but attendance at Council would not be required. Based on the favorable response, the Constitution Committee intends to move forward with revising the Constitution and By-laws per the structure below, and will return to a future Voters Assembly meetings with updates throughout 2018.

On the next page is an Organization Chart that the Constitution Committee developed and was discussed at the last Voters’ Meeting in January.


Christ’s Messenger

March, 2018


Christ’s Messenger

March, 2018

FROM THE Fiction section: Love Letters by Debbie Macomber: In this enchanting novel set at Cedar Cove’s Rose Harbor Inn, the author celebrates the power of love- and a well-timed love letter-to inspire hope and mend a broken heart. Summer is a busy season at the inn, so proprietor Jo Marie Rose and handyman Mark Taylor have spent a lot of time together working around the property. She is determined to learn more about her friend’s past, but first she must face her own-and welcome three visitors who like her, are setting out on new paths: Twenty-three year old Ellie who is coming to Cedar Cove to meet a man she’s been corresponding with for months and with whom she might even be falling in love; and Maggie and Roy Porter who are hoping to rekindle the spark in their marriage and win back each other’s trust. But Maggie must make one last confession that could forever tear them apart. For each of these characters, it will ultimately be a moment when someone wore their heart on their sleeve – and took pen to paper – that makes all the difference. This is a moving novel that reveals the courage it takes to be vulnerable, accepting, and open to love.

Biography/Autobiography Section: Escape I Must! WWII Prisoner of War in Germany by Harvey E. Gann Barely three weeks after Harvey E. Gann reported for duty at Grottaglie Air Base, Italy his B-24 bomber was shot down over Udine. Ganm, the sole survivor of his crew, bailed out and immediately was captured. He was taken to a prisoner of war interrogation center near Frankfurt am Main. Gann had been a prisoner of war assigned to Dulag Luft VI near the Lithuanian border less than a month before his first successful escape attempt. He and his three buddies enjoyed seven days of freedom before they were recaptured as civilians. Gann escaped and was recaptured two more times before his final attempt succeeded. He returned to the United States May 7, 1945 – one day before the end of the European war. His story is told simply, with sensitivity and humor.

LIFE Groups    

Monday nights at 6:30 pm at Eagan Pointe. Men and women are invited to join us in the study of Romans. Contact person: Sharonlee Strohkirch (952-431-1865). Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 pm women’s group meet at various homes. Their study is “Divine Design” by Sharla Fritz. Contact person is Gerri Bonewell (952-891-2853). Wednesday at 6 pm singles and couples twice a month. Their study is the Holy Spirit. Contact person is Deb Buntjer (651-452-8956). Saturday at 9 am, the Men’s group will begin at church. Study to be announced. Contact person is Mark Bonewell (952-891-2853). This group would like to see more men join for coffee, Bible study, and fellowship!

LIFE groups are people who embrace Living In Faith Everyday. They meet weekly with Bible Study, Prayer, Fellowship and Service. All are welcome from church, families, neighbors, and anyone who wishes to be in Gods’ Word and grow in faith and spirit in a relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Please come join us and fill our “empty chair.”

Dennison Estate Funds: The Church Council voted and approved to deposit the funds with Lutheran Church Extension Funds (LCEF) temporarily to earn interest and have them available when an endowment account is established.


Christ’s Messenger

March, 2018

Don’t Forget – March 11 – Set your clocks ahead an hour Saturday night!

New Cradle Roll Person Needed! Christ Lutheran Church cares for infants up to 3 years on our Cradle Roll. We need to find someone new to take this over. It’s a very meaningful ministry of encouragement to the parents and the little ones. Please consider if you could get involved in this. Call the church office or talk to Ginger if you want to know more!

PRAYER REQUESTS (Please let Pastor Hahn or the church office know of any additions or changes so we can keep Prayer Requests up to date.)

Cancer – Curt Thompson, Steve Brennan, Karen Hultquist, Judy Lemke-Kline (niece of Darlene Lemke), Pastor LeRoy LaPlante, Lucy Roemhildt, Greg Wills, Don Wolf, Wava Zietlow (mother of Patti Greseth). Recovering from surgery, illness, or other – Darlene Lemke, Richard Ewald, David Strese (brother of Jeanette Uecker), Nanu Ajack, Agnes Carlson (mother of Judy Thompson), Ben Kothe, Antonina Kopcheve (mother-in-law of Alex Mezeritski), Judy Lebahn, Ioannis Madzaris (friend of Alex Mezeritski), Mary Marlow, Tatyana Mezeritski, Louise Neil, Marjwok Ogio, Shirley Schramm, Gerry Studer, LaDonne Taylor (Kathy Heggen's aunt), Dale Vogt, Don Wolf. Homebound – Earl Breuer, Waltraud Bundt, Jim & Shirley Eilola, Hubert Heggen (Pastor Heggen's father), Lucille Jung, Ed & Elaine Klamm, Iona Kruger, Dorothy Lueck, Marlys Lund, Marian Neujahr, Florence O’Brien, Lore Rother, Lois & Lee Scott, Don Stockman, Guy Westphal. Our Preschool – Pray for all the little ones at our preschool this year that they would know the love of Jesus. Those in the military and their families – Dustin Greseth (son of Patti Greseth), MSGT Cordt Jamison (member of CLC), SGT Cody Klinksiek and SH Cole Klinksiek, (nephews of Julie Lefebvre), SR Jennifer Adelmann (granddaughter of Mary Lou Adelmann), Ajack Ajack (son of Adangy Gwoy), Apilo Ojulu (son of Ariet Ojulu), and Jake Anderson, Kyle Anderson, and David Hernandez (grandsons of Dick and Joyce Swedean). The Anyuak ministry at Christ Lutheran Church; the Anyuak people in Ethiopia and Sudan. Persecuted Christians in over 53 countries around the world, especially the Christians in Egypt, Syria, and other parts of the Middle East. Our nation. 9

Christ’s Messenger

March, 2018

March Birthdays 3/5

David Hasche, Samuel Sisk


Tatyana Mezeritski


John Clawson, Eugene Heuer


Morgan Frantes

3/12 Dale Vogt 3/13 Lily Lange, Margaret Wilkins 3/14 Michael Wilkins 3/18 Judy Landis 3/19 Brent Eichten, Judy Thompson 3/20 Glenn Holland 3/21 Sam Fink, Thomas Gustafson 3/23 Caren Jarnagin 3/25 Daniel Larson, Sue Nosbusch 3/28 Jackson Peterson 3/29 Hannah Hartog 3/30 Gregory Wills

Wedding Anniversaries 3/3 Carl & Sandi Meyer Jr.

(56 years)

3/6 Julie & Kji Nichols

(19 years)

3/21Richard & Elsie Olson

(64 years)

3/30Glenn & Eileen Gregory

(27 years)


Christ’s Messenger

March, 2018

MARCH 2018 Sunday



Wednesday Thursday 1

4 9am – Worship – HC 10:15am– Fellowship 10:30am – Education Hour 2pm– Anyuak Worship 11 9am – Worship 10:15am– Fellowship 10:30am – Education Hour

7pm – Bell Choir 6 7 9am – Eagan Pt 1:30 – LIFE 6:30pm – LIFE Bible Study Group group at Eagan Pt 7pm – Lenten Service 7:45pm – Choir



10 9am – LIFE Group 4pm– Praise Jam 5pm– Worship with HC




17 9am – LIFE Group


13 9am-Eagan Pt 6:30pm – LIFE Bible Study group at 10am-Eagan Pt Eagan Pt Worship 7pm–Council Meeting 19

20 9am – Eagan Pt 6:30pm – LIFE Bible Study group at Eagan Pt

2pm–Anyuak Worship

25 Palm Sunday



14 1:30 – LIFE Group

7pm – Bell Choir

7pm – Bell Choir

7pm – Lenten Service 7:45pm – Choir 21 1:30 – LIFE Group

Anyuak Activity 4pm– Praise Jam 5pm– Worship 22


7pm – Bell Choir

7pm – Lenten Service 7:45pm – Choir


6:30pm – LIFE 9am-Eagan Pt group at Bible Study Eagan Pt 10am-Eagan Pt Worship

1:30 – LIFE Group



24 9:30am – Easter Faire

5pm– Easter Cantata



No Preschool - Spring Break

9am – Worship 10:15 – Breakfast


2 3 No Preschool – 4pm– Praise Teacher Jam conference 5pm– Worship

2pm– Anyuak Worship 18 9am – Worship – HC 10:15am– Fellowship 10:30am – Education Hour


7:00pm – Maundy Thursday Worship with HC

7pm – Good Friday Worship


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