Feb 25 NA

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News and Announcements Christ Lutheran Church Eagan

February 25, 2017

Verse of the Week: Romans 5:8

Not unto us, not unto us be glory, Lord; Not unto us but to Your name be praise; Not unto us but to Your name all honor be given For matchless mercy, forgiveness, and grace. Amazing grace—that chose us ere the worlds were made; Amazing grace—that sent Your Son to save; Amazing grace—that robed us in Your righteousness And taught our lips to sing glory and praise. O faithful love—that shepherded through faithless years; Forgiving love—that led us to Your truth; Unyielding love—that would not let us turn from You But sent us forth to speak pardon and peace. Not unto us but to Your name be glory, Lord, For grace so rich, so wide, so high, so free. Abide with us till traveling days are over and done, And pilgrim feet lead us home, Lord, to You. LSB 558; © 1993 Ruth Eggert. Used by permission: LSB Hymn License .NET, no. 100012578.

Sunday Morning Bible Class We are continuing a new 6-week Bible study with the Lenten theme “Thy Will Be Done.” As we look at the Biblical characters of Abraham, Moses, David, Mary, Paul, and Lydia, we see how God’s will for them stood in sharp contrast to their own dreams, ambitions, worldviews, and identities. The call of God through the Gospel changed everything for them, and it has changed everything for us. Please join us!

This week in Sunday School the children will end their study of the Ten Commandments looking at Peter, who denied our Lord and wept bitterly over what he had done. We, too, find ourselves denying our Lord and need the comfort and assurance that Jesus will remain faithful. Also we rejoice in knowing that Jesus has kept God’s commands in our place.

Lenten Season Service Schedule Wednesday, February 28, 7pm, Lenten Service Wednesday, March 7, 7pm, Lenten Service Wednesday, March 14, 7pm, Lenten Service Wednesday, March 21, 7pm, Lenten Service Saturday, March 24, 5pm, Easter Cantata Sunday, March 25, Palm Sunday, Breakfast following church service Thursday, March 29, 7pm, Maundy Thursday with Holy Communion Friday, March 30, 7pm Good Friday Sunday, April 1, 9am, Easter with Holy Communion

In this week’s special service on Wednesday, February 28th at 7pm, we will be led to remember that, anointed by God to rule in Israel, King David followed God’s will to shepherd His people, but often failed to live up to God’s dream for him. We welcome the Good Shepherd into our lives who fulfills God’s dream perfectly to gather His wandering sheep into the sheepfold of heaven. Be sure to check out the article about Dale Vogt on the bulletin board in the narthex. It was copied from the latest issue of Interest Time, the Lutheran Church Extension Fund publication, and it’s about Dale’s work with Laborers for Christ and other ways he has kept involved in the church.

Time to sign up for Easter Flowers!

Lilies $8.00

Tulips $8.00

Chrysanthemums $8.00

Hydrangeas $15.00

See the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the narthex. Last day to order is March 11th !

Documents available after the last Voters’ Meeting: If you would like a copy of the Annual Report, a list of the 2018 church officers and board members and/or the Constitution Committee Feedback form, they are available at the front desk in the narthex. If you would like one mailed to you, please contact the church office. (Phone: 651-454-4091 or email: christlutheraneagan@outlook.com )

Our Gifts to the Lord Feb 17,18 General Fund Feb 12-16 Joyful Response Total

$7386.00 $ 825.00 $8211.00

Attendance Saturday, Feb 17 Sunday, Feb 18 Total

15 65 80

Dennison Estate Funds: Announced at Sunday Service: The Church Council voted and approved to deposit the funds with Lutheran Church Extension Funds (LCEF) temporarily to earn interest and have them available when an endowment account is established.

Preschool Easter Faire On Saturday, March 24, from 9:30-11:30 a.m. the preschool will host an Easter Faire complete with crafts, cookie decorating, games, sensory activities, and an Easter Egg Hunt. In order for this to be a success, we will need help from the congregation in several ways: 1) We need people to sign up to help from 9:00-12 that Saturday. We will train our volunteers from 9-9:30 a.m. Volunteers will then “man” the tables to help the children and adults who visit their particular table. At 11:30 a.m., you will then assist with clean up. We will also need volunteers to help with registration and the Easter Egg Hunt. I am looking for a minimum of 10 volunteers. If you are willing to help on this Saturday morning, please email me at preschool.clc@gmail.org or talk to me on Sundays or whenever you see me. Thanks. 2) We will also need donations of Easter candy prior to the event. There will be a tub in the narthex labeled “Easter Faire Candy/Prizes.” This candy will be used as prizes for the Easter Egg hunt. Pencils and other small prizes are also welcome. Feel free to donate as many bags as your budget will allow. Thank you.

Friday Fish Frys - Immanuel, Prior Lake Immanuel Lutheran Church, 20200 Fairlawn Ave, Prior Lake, MN is holding three Fish Frys this Lenten season: March 2nd and March 23rd, 4:30 – 7:00 pm. We offer three kinds of fish, a choice of potatoes, coleslaw, baked beans and Pastor P's homemade pie for dessert! $12 for Adults, $10 for Seniors 65+, $6 for kids 3-12, free for kids under 3. Take-outs available. All you can eat! Proceeds will support our middle school and high school youth. For more information contact the church office at 952 -492-6010 or go to our website www.immanuel-fishlake.org.

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