German Train Station Service Design: Resting Octopus

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Deutsche Bahn Station Furniture Design Resting Octopus




Product Design 4 Dr. Prof Susanne Schade Chris Yan

Deutsche Bahn Station Furniture Design Resting Octopus




Product Design 4 Dr. Prof Susanne Schade Chris Yan

Product Design Document 2016 Train Station public Furniture HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd Press Rektor-Klaus-Straße 100 Schwäbisch Gmünd Germany 73525 or consult the web-site: Printed in Germany 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Content and Design: Chris Shangqing Yan Typeface: 10/12pt Gibson


The design documentation represents the final assignment of the course product design 4. The design purpose is that railway station as a point of intersection of different logistic, economic and social requirements features many topics. There are various of issues that impact passengers and environment of stations. The project goal is designing a product or a service system to solve problems of railway station in certain aspects. Instructor: Prof. Dr. Susanne Schade Student: Chris Shangiqng Yan


1. Research & Design Goal Brain Storm Passenger Experience Research Design Goal 2. First Concepts Inspiration Flip bench Floating leaning chair Resting Octopus Mock up 2 3. Define & Improve Concept Decision Making Sketch of redesign Time Interface Mock up 2 4. Finish Function Presenting Measurement Manufacture method Service Variation Final Model 5. Review Future Development Design Journey

Research & Design Goal

Research Class Brainstorm

First day of the class we did brain storm about the Germany train station design. Firstly, student find the environmental and service problem from train station, such as furniture, lighting system, food service and so on. Then students decide two design fields that they would like to involve in their following projects. 2

During the Brian storm, I chose the resting area and furniture design as two of my main design direction that I will focus on my design project; I also added light system and information display as secondary design point that I might consider in my project.

The User Journey of Entering a new station Research Passenger Experience

The User Journey of Entering a new station The Passenger User Journey STAGES STAGES





Location Schwäbisch Gmünd B


Location Location

Date Date

WAITING IMPLEMENTATION IMPLEMENTATION Schwäbisch Gmünd Bahnhof 25 /02/2016 Schwäbisch Gmünd Bahnhof 25 /02/2016


EVALUATION EVALUATION •I guess I find the right side to •How much extra time should I the train station. because of holiday. •I need buy the ticket before now, just in case don’t miss get on the train. give myself before train arrive? •I look up guiding signs inticket •I find a ticket machine. the train•Icoming. the•Itrain. •Istill probably should double •• How •I•Icheck environment of of •The office is close •Itselling is decision timetime ! ! have to gototogo the guess I find the right •I should bestill aware Howdo doI Iget gettototrain trainstation? station? •The ticket office is close •I guess I find theside righttoside to •I should be where aware Iwhere I checkthe the environment •It is decision •I have toplatform the platform •Plan the route from home tothe the station. •I research the train schedule •I probablynow, have ask •Which oftrain. the platform check •How much extra time should I because of holiday. •I need buy the the ticket before justto in case don’tdon’t miss miss get side on theon get offget the train. •How much extra time should because of holiday. get the train. off thewith train.other passengers. thetrain trainstation. station. •I need buy ticket before now, just in a case give myself before train arrive? •I•Ilook signs in in •I •I find a ticket selling machine. thethe train coming. the train. •I probably should double •I keep reviewing whatahaptrain station. •I try to find a ticket selling and my destination. strange passenger should thereshould are obvious find nice comfort seat I give myself before train find a ticket selling the train.for help. •II go, probably double •I•Let keepme reviewing what lookupupguiding guiding signs train coming. •Plan thearoute from home •I research the train schedule probably have to ask •Which of the withthis? other passengers. penedhappened with my whole process arrive? machine. thestation. station.machine or ticket office. •Which side ofplatform the platform with other passengers. with my whole •I probably have to aask a•I figure out •It’s good idea to to check thethe •I don’t really•Iunderstand theside order the signcheck tell check me without anyone sitting next train station. •I try to find a ticket selling and my destination. strange passenger for help. should I go, there are obvious •Let me find a nice comfort seat of taking train. •Plan the route from home to •I research the trainthe schedule •I try to find a ticket selling signs are should I go, •Let mea find a nice comfort of taking train. strange passenger for help. the guiding process•Ioffigure how the ticket andsign purchase it. there are obvious •I should find place to next wait theseat •I guessprocess me. •It’s atrain goodschedule. idea to check the machine or•All ticket office. •I don’t really understand out the order the tell me this? without anyone sitting I to fully understand how train station. and my destination. machine orinticket office. sign tell me this? without anyone sitting next •I guess I fully understand how •I figure out the order the German. machine works. train, I sit on the bench train schedule. •All the guiding signs are the process of how the ticket and purchase it. •I should find a place to wait the to should me. to take a train in this area. •It’s a good idea to check the •I don’t really understand •All the guiding signs are •I should find a place to wait the to me. to take a train in this area. ticket and purchase it. in German. machine works. train, should I sit on the bench or not? It looks cold and dirty. the process of how the train schedule. in German. train, should I sit on the bench or not? It looks cold and dirty. or not? It looks cold and dirty.



•I’m•I’m excited for thefor tripthe to my •I feel a little•Ibitfeel anxious to the •I feel confused. •I feel I need to rush to •The Machine’s confused in- •The Machine’s excited trip to my a little bit anxious to the •I feel confused. confused in-find the •I feelenvironment a little bit anxious to the •I feel confused. •I’m excited for the trip to my •The Machine’s •I feel I need to rush to find destination. new myself. feel really anxious and terface areand drivingconfused me crazy. terface are right platfrom. destination. new by environment by•Imyself. •I and feel really anxious driving me crazy. new environment by myself. •I feel really anxious destination. interface are driving me the right platform. •I feel peaceful after research. •I still feel everything is understress out. •I’m frustrated about the previ•I feel the platform’s waiting •I feel peaceful after to research. still feeliseverything is•The understress out. ouscrazy. •I’m frustrated about the previ-waiting •I still feel •I everything under stress •I don’t feel peaceful after research. •I is feel platform’s •I feel full comfortable control. thingout. always doesn’t process. area notthe clear and doesn’t •I don’t feel fullI probacomfortable•I to thing always doesn’t control. •Theout thing always doesn’t •Itake don’t feel comfortable is not clear and doesn’t •I’mreleased frustrated about the ous process. train byfull myself, feel it is hardcontrol. live in Germany work in my first •The time. •I feel after purchaslookarea comfortable. •I feel it speaking is •I hard live work out in my firstwork time. out ining to take byby myself, I process. look comfortable. bly should leave early. without German. the ticket. taketrain train myself, I probafeel itinis hard live in Germany myprevious first time. •I feel released after purchasGermany without speaking probably shouldleave leave early. •Inot feelsure released •I’m if I canafter trust that ing the ticket. bly should early. without speaking German. strange passenger German. purchasing the who ticket. •I’m not sure if I can trust that helped me.sure if I can trust that •I’m not strange passenger who strange passenger who

•When I travel alone, feel the •I feel I need to rush toI find •When I travel alone, I feel sitting isolated. rightsecurity platfrom. security sitting isolated. •I finally can stop worry about •I feeltrain the•Istuff platform’s waiting finally stop for can a little bit.worry about area•Iis not clear train stuffand for adoesn’t little bit. feel realized. •I feel realized. look comfortable.

•I feel lucky I haven’t miss alone, I feel •When I travel •I feel lucky I haven’t miss the train. security sitting isolated. the train. •I a little bit proud myself. finally can stop worry about a•Ilittle bit myself. •I feel•I confident toproud take a train train stuff for a little bit. feel confident to take a train alone•Inext time. alone next time. •I feel realized.

helped me.

See a problem See a problem

Day before See a problem the trip Day before the trip Implement to fix

Day before



Implement to fix Time the trip Transportation TimeImplement to fix Urgency Transportation Urgency

Time Transportation Urgency

Look Signs Look Signs

Observe Surrounding ObserveLook Signs Surrounding


Look interface Look interface

Analysis purchasing Analysis ticket purchasing ticket

Confessed Confessed Ask for help Look interface Ask for help Decision-making


Find selling Understand Decision-making Surrounding Input Figure outpurchasing tickets spot train station Purchase Find selling Understand information Machine ticket Input Figure out tickets spot train station ticket Purchase information Machine

Find selling tickets spot

Understand train station

I , as a new German train passenger, took a train journey to experience the whole train ridding process, ticket purchasing, finding platform and taking sit. During the train riding experience, I observe the design problem of train stations and think what should be improved and redesigned.

Input information

ticket Figure out Machine

Find right platform Find right platform Waiting &

Confessed Resting Waiting & Resting benches Ask forSaw help Saw benches Choose not to sit Decision-making Choose not to sit

Purchase ticket

Find right train Find right train

Getplatform on Find right the train Get on the train

Waiting &

Ask for helps Double check Restingthe sign fromAsk others for helps Double check

from others

Saw benches

Choose not to sit

the sign

Review Find right train pervious Review process previous process Per-research

Get on the train

Observate surrounding Per-research

FolowObservation guide signs surrounding Ask for helps guide signs Follow

AskAsk for for helps helps Double check from others the sign

Chris Yan Prof. Susanne Schade Product Design 4 HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd


Research Finding problems

Waiting Resting Area

During the personal experience research the resting area basically has typical metal benches and the transparent side wind blockers. The sitting benches are cool and lack the space for leave the luggages or food.


Luggage Placing

There is no specific luggage placing area, passengers only could place around them. Firstly, the ground maybe dirty for leaving the luggage. Secondly, if the luggages are placed behind or side of the passengers, the luggages are easy to be stole by thieves.

Information Display

The individual platform display screen or station overview screen only shows the latest train schedule rather than showing the following train schedule in next few hours.

Light Warning System

There is no clear light warning system to remind passenger that when the train is coming, it is hard for people to see it far away.


The Goals of Design Main Statement

The design makes resting area more comfortable and efficiency for people having different waiting period.


Passengers can check out their timetable quickly while waiting for their trains.

The design provide them the quickest visual signal to Passengers.

Luggage placing area where close to passengers.

First Ideas

Mood-board Inspiration


Early Sketches Idea Variation


First Idea Idea Variation

Fig. 1

Fig. 2

The first idea is individual leaning back furniture that could be attached on the wall and also has the function to hold the baggage underneath. The sketch Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 have the baggage holder face to inside and outside. The Fig. 3 show the design has two layers of items holding area the upper one is placing big baggages and under is keep small items. The top of the furniture 10

Fig. 3

have the function of illumination, the brightness of the light could be adjusted. The sketch Fig. 4 is the detail illustration of the furniture, the item holder could be flip back by users in different purpose. Users can flip back the table when they want to leave the baggage on the top; users also can flip over toward to place their coffee and food.

Fig. 4

First Idea Rendering


Third Ideas Inspriation & Sketch

This design is also combine the long waiting seat and leaning backrest from people have quick stop. The feature of the design is placing two types of resting facilities on two side, leaning backrest on the front and regular long waiting seat on the backside. Meanwhile, I consider to add the lighting resource and shelter roof on the top for protect on bad weathers. 12

Third Ideas CAD Model

The digital drawing is using Rhino as CAD modeling software, the digital prototype shows the general form and function of the furniture, the scale and digital measurement will be defined later.


Third Ideas Material List

• Solar Cell Roof

• Lighting system

• Long Resting Seats

• Quick Break Leaning Backrest


Second Ideas Inspiration & sketch

The main focus of my ideas is leaning backrest for people take quick resting. Because the design is for the public space, the design should serve more than one person. I tried design that one main body can attach many small leaning backrest elements. During my sketches, I found the inspiration from octopus that have a main brain body in the center and tentacles are dispersed around the body, the form of curing tentacles fit the leaning back form perfectly.

I add the lighting facility on the top of the furniture, the inspiration is form the twisting light bulb, which the organic form has artistic beauty for public space. The light could provide light source for passengers at night.


Second Ideas Inspiration & sketch


The final of the second idea is combining the octopus base with tentacles and twisted lighting pillar.


Second Ideas CAD Model

The digital drawing is using Rhino as CAD modeling software, the digital prototype shows the general form and function of the furniture, the scale and digital measurement will be defined later.


Rough Mock up Version 1


It is the first rough mock up that I did for mid term presentation. The mock basically is created with organic form; the material of mock up is high density foam for the main body and twisted aluminum on the top. The mock up is really simple, the purpose of making it is getting sense of how the physical model looks like.

Second Ideas Material List

• Artistic LED Light Net • Leaning Backrest • Long Waiting Seats • Flipping Board • Luggage Placing Area


Rendering Furniture at night time

20 20

Define & Improve Concept

Design Define Decision Making


Reason of Decision I decide to choose the Resting Octopus as my final design concept, because it fits public space and support multiple functions on one furniture.

Removed Functions Remove the top LED lights, because the shape of the form doesn’t fit the whole concept and the light present artistic rather than flow the functions.

Kept Functions Pick up the leaning back feature and circular seats arrangement from Octopus project.

Added Functions Set up a timetable display screen to show train schedule and add lighting signal system with it.

Refine Concept Sketch of Redesign

After mid-term presentation, I take the professor and classmates’ feedback and suggestions to my further design. The main purpose of adjust design is attaching timetable display screen on the furniture. I did variation of organic and geometric form for mid pillar. Meanwhile I attached add single and multiple screen on the pillar.


Refine Concept CAD Sketches

After hand sketch I switch to other sketch method as CAD sketch. I mainly played with hexagon shape and tried to attach single display screen on the center pillar. Because I discovered there is no point install multiple screens on the pillar for passengers to view it, which doesn’t enhance the function and waste the cost of building the furniture. 24

Display Function Timetable Interface

This is railway timetable interface that displays the basic and essential information of the train schedule, includes departure time, current time, temps and destination. The reason why it only has these essential information on the screen is that I consider about the low cost of the screen fits mass production, and also it easy to be fixed when it is damaged. 25

Define Form Mock Up Version 2

The prototype in the above image is mock up version 2nd, the mock up is made of high density foam. During building the model, I found out the high density foam is not the right material to make final prototype, it is because that the material still consider as a delicate material; it is easy to cut and be shaped, however the 26

sanding edge and color spray paint are very different to reach a great quality. Moreover, the model’s edges are too sharp which seems can hurt users and are not usefriendly. Therefore I decide to build another prototype with another material and soft edges.


Final Design Design Overview 1. Two types resting facilities, long resting seats and quick waiting leaning backrest. 2. Integration of information screen and waiting furniture. 3. The Signal Lighting System remind passengers status of departure. 4. Luggage placing area where close to passengers and remind them don’t forget it .


Final Design Function Presenting

Two types resting facilities, long resting seats and quick waiting leaning backrest.


Final Design Function Presenting

Integration of information screen and waiting furniture.


Final Design Function Presenting

Luggage placing area where close to passengers and remind them don’t forget it.


Signal Lighting System Color Switching Signals

When the next train will depart over 5 mins the light will turns BLUE and sent the safe signal you still got a time to get on the train. It also will show how much the time you have left.


When the next train will depart within 5 mins the light will turns RED and sent the warning signal “you need to hurry up to get on the train. It also will show how much the time you have left.

Final Design Material • Tempered Glass with LED Light inside

• Blue-Type Display Screen

• Aluminum Alloy Covered with black paint

• Oak Wood


Final Design Engage in Environment


Final Design Scale & measurement

0.95m 4.2 m


1.8m 1.1m 0.5m


Final Design Manufacturing

The manufacture method of the furniture requires simple and low cost machine. The above explosion illustration tells strength forward to clients, It is because the form of the each part is geometric shape, it has not challenge for factory to manufacture. The whole structure building


with two main parts, the hexagon pillar in the center and hexagon bended metal seat placed around the center pillar. Basically the two main material of the furniture are aluminum alloy for main structure and oak wood for covering seating area.

Final Design Mock Up Version 3

After switch the prototype material from high density form, I decide to use uriol (tacke) to be the final material, due to the significant hardness and easy catch the spray paint. The product still on the prototyping process.


Final Design Service Concept

The Concept leads Design The concept will apply to any train station platform. According to the different situation of platforms, design could be adjusted to apply in the environment and with fully functionality.


Final Design Product Variation

Situation: Narrow Platform Solution: The furniture can be design as only four leaning backrest, the two side facing to the railway will leave enough space for people walking through. 39

Final Design Product Variation

Situation: The platform with wall on the side Solution: The design could be changed partly. The back side siting and leaning facility can be remove; the design furniture could be snap against wall. Therefore, the furniture would not be block the walking path and passengers would not be facing to the wall while waiting. 40

Final Design Product Variation

Situation: shelter roof restrict the height of furniture Solution: the signal lighting device could be move down to below the information screen. Thus the height of furniture will be decrease, the functions would not be reduced. 41

Final Design Color Variation


Final Design Final Model

After making the rough mock up of form, I polish and construct the detail of the final model, such as sanding the edges, spray paint, print interface and finally join separated parts together. I took the final model to the HfG photography studio had some shoots with overview and detail of the product.


Final Design Final Model


Final Design Final Model



Review Future Development

What should be considered and improve in the future • Seating area for long period waiting could be more considered with ergonomics, such as the curve on the seating surface and backrest. • The design may need to consider more about functionality self-explain. • The interface of the display screen could have variations to show information. • Wooden seating and leaning surface could be replace other economical strong and permanent material. • The furniture could have more specific design for applying other public spaces, such as subway, airport.


The User Journey of Entering a new station The User Journey of Entering a new station







Location HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd

PER-RESEARCH DECISION-MAKING WAITING Finish Review Research First Concept • How do I get to train station? OBSERVATION •I check the environmentDefine ofINQUIRYConcept •The ticket office is close •It is decision time IMPLEMENTATION ! •I haveIMPLEMENTATION to go to the platform

•How much extra time should I the train station. because of holiday. •I need buy the ticket before now, just in case don’t mi give myself before train arrive? •I look up guiding signs in •I find a ticket selling machine. the train coming. the•Itrain. ••How I get to train station? •I•There check the environment of •The ticket office is closehas a •It •It is decision time •I have to go to thecould platform guess I find the right side is the problem with •The resting octopus is time to get! model finish. •Seating area be improved Whatdoproblem does •Plan the route to the station. •I research the train schedule •I probably have •Which the platform •How much extra timefrom shouldhome I the train station. because of holiday. •I need buy the the ticket beforein now, justto in ask caseadon’t miss get side on theoftrain. furniture in waiting area I good further developing •Rendering product the with ergonomics German Railway Station givetrain myselfstation. before train arrive? •I look up guiding signs in •I find a ticket selling machine. theenvironment train coming.with peoplestrange passenger the•How train. to•Ifor •I probably double •Iatry to find a ticket selling and my destination. help. should I go, should there are obv can create concept and opportunity. should find a place have ? •Plan thearoute from home to the station. •I •What research the train schedule •Iunderstand probably havefunctions to ask a and •Which side of the platform check withthis? other passenge design it. I should feedback I •Presenting to wait the train, should I sit on •It’s good idea to check the machine or ticket office. •I don’t really •I figure out the order the sign tell me •Which problem relates to train station. •I•Itry to design find a ticket sellingback and my destination. strange passenger for help. should go, there are obvious •Let me find a nice comfort s can a leaning should take and apply to my design purposes. theI bench the guiding signs•Iare the process how the ticket andsign purchase it.or not? It looks cold •I should find a place to nex wa product design? •It’s atrain goodschedule. idea to check the machine or•All ticket office. don’t really understand •Iof figure out the order the tell me this? without anyone sitting furniture. in German. refining design. machine works. •Define the model scale and and dirty. train, I sit on the b •train Which direction I should schedule. •All the guiding signs are the process of how the ticket and purchase it. •I should find a place to wait the to should me. •The luggage placing area •Does the original function measurement. in German. machine works. train, should I sit on the bench go for? or not? It looks cold and d could be redesigned. still work well with my • What is the design Goal?



or not? It looks cold and dirty.

current design?

•I’m•I’m excited for thefor tripthe to my •I feel a little•Ibitfeel anxious to the •I feel confused. •I feel I need to rush to •The Machine’s confused in- •The Machine’s excited trip to my a little bit anxious to the •I feel confused. confused in-find the •Idestination. should take a personal •I could the leaning back for •Ifeel need add information •The are model could be great •I feel I need to rush to find new environment by myself. •I really anxious and right platfrom. terface driving me crazy. destination. new environment by myself. •I feel really anxious and terface are driving me crazy. tripresearch. to find people can quick access that display platform. different material •I experimenting feel peaceful after •I still feel everything is understress out.screen and signal •I’m combining frustrated about the previ•I feelthe theright platform’s waiting •I feel peaceful after to research. still feel everything is•The understress out. ousand •I’m frustrated about the previ-waiting railway station. is a good•I direction. lighting systemdoesn’t to my design. •I is feel platform’s use spray paint to simulate •I problem don’t feelinfull comfortable control. thing always area notthe clear and doesn’t process. •I don’t full comfortable to doesn’t •Itake need take photo toI probarecored back •I have toindesign train thing always is not clear and doesn’t the real material looks. ous process. train byfeel myself, •I•The feel itleaning is hardcontrol. live infacility Germany work out my firsta •The time. •I feel released after purchaslookarea comfortable. theshould problems itby have. shouldspeaking be a lot of timetable out ining look comfortable. •Define the final material•I list. bly leave early. the ticket. take train myself, I proba-without •Iservice feel German. it for is hard live in Germany my first time. feel released after purchas•I need theleave designearly. passengerswithout on one time. •The model should be simple •I’m •Presenting not sure if I the can product trust that ing the ticket. blydefine should speaking German. strange passenger who direction the problem I found. • Lighting system should and fit together reasonably. manufacture method. •I’m not sure if I can trust that helped me.variations for combine with the seating •Create strange passenger who function. different surroundings.

•When I travel alone, feel •I feel I need to rush toI find sitting isolated. rightsecurity platfrom. •I finally can stop worry ab •I feeltrain the stuff platform’s waitin for a little bit. area•Iis not clear and does feel realized. look comfortable.

helped me.

See a problem See a problem

Day before Make See a problem the trip Research Implement fix Daytobefore Plans




the trip Collecting Time

Problems Transportation Implement to fix Urgency Connect with My Design Direction.

Time Transportation Urgency

Look Signs Leaning Back

Observe Look Signs Surrounding Sketch A Lot Find Inspiration Find selling tickets spot Floating Furniture


Confessed Define Scale Ask for help Look interface purchasing Choose Resting Digital Rendering ticket as My Octopus Decision-making Look interface Add New Functions Analysis


Final Design Understand Product Variation Surrounding Input Figure outpurchasing train station Purchase Resting information Machine Design Combining ticket ticket Octopus Build Final Functions Interface

Find selling tickets spot

Understand train station

Input information

Mock up Figure out Machine

Find right platform Writing a Final Review

Waiting & Confessed Resting Future Improvement benches Ask forSaw help Design Journey Choose not to sit Decision-making Take the Review to Future Design.

Purchase ticket

Find right train

Getplatform on Find right the train

Waiting &

Ask for helps Double ch Restingthe sig from others

Saw benches Choose not to sit

Chris Shangqing Yan

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