Catalunya Chronicle Issue 12

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The Catalunya



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Welcome to the latest Issue - it has been a lot of fun putting it all together and we have had a great many contributors, so thank you very much to all who have emailed in their articles.





If you would like to see your name ‘In lights’ by publishing a story, or useful piece of information, then please send it over - we would be delighted to hear from you.


The latest instalment in the saga of the ‘Autovia de la Plana’ or new A7 road was brought to our attention this week, so we hot-footed it down to L’Ampolla to view the plans.

689 468 752


The preferred route is now the lower of the two routes initially proposed, and sweeps out of El Perello, above L’Ampolla and cruises above the autopista until it finally joins the Tortosa road. On enquiring as to when works were due to commence, we were told that it was merely a proposal, and that nothing had been decided. Harumph! “Plus ça change...” Still, there appears to be little money available for this (and other) roads, so maybe we can worry about something else for a while.

In this month’s issue...


Growing Nicely

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Other Contents:


Letters to the Editor

Goji Berries




The Puzzle Page - with our prize cryptic Crossword Food Page The Classified Section Incorporating a new Services Section

Tales from the Riverbank And much much more ...



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A Self'ish Life

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The munchie returns...

The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 12 October 2010 - - Page 1


House and Car Insurance 20% Discount available C./ Prol. Sant Cebria, 7 Edifici Hostasol 43896 L’Aldea

Press release

8 September 2010

THE BRITISH CONSULATE, THE PENSION, BENEFIT AND HEALTHCARE TEAM AND AGE CONCERN ESPAÑA TO VISIT EL PERELLÓ AND ROSES The British Consulate will be holding two open events in Catalunya to offer British residents advice and information on key issues, such as: · · ·

Applying for EHICs Working in Spain and how this affects your pension Registering with the Consulate

The Casework Manager for Age Concern España will also explain how you can make a difference by becoming a volunteer caseworker or ‘befriender’. The Pension, Benefit and Healthcare Team will provide information on entitlements in Spain and the services that their team can offer. As well as an open question and answer session, you will be able to book a one-to-one appointment with a member of staff.

Event details: Tuesday 26th October 2010 11.30am (Doors open at 10.45am) Cine Auditori Victoria Carrer Nava, 49 El Perelló Tarragona

Wednesday 27th October 2010 11.30am (Doors open at 10.45am) TarragonaTeatre Municipal Carrer Tarragona 81 Roses Girona

To reserve your place, please go to: If you experience problems booking or do not have internet access, call: 917 14 64 43

4th Fira Gastronomica de Las Terres de l’Ebre

Ebre Gourmet 23rd and 24th October at the Centre Civic de Deltebre, (Av. Girona)

Free entrance Display and Sales of Products from the Area Cooking Demonstrations Tastings of Local Foods and Products Tastings of Wines and Oils And much more ... Open from 11:00 until 22:00

Tel. 977 45 18 37

Harvest Festival Service The Harvest Festival Service in L'Ampolla Catholic Church on 24 September at 18:00. It will be followed by a supper in the Pensioners Club at 19:30. All most welcome - tickets €7 euros

ALCOSSEBRE SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCING - Recommences on Wednesday 6th October 2010 at 2.30pm to 4.30pm in the Sala d'Exposiciones in Calle de Alcala, Alcossebre. All welcome! All you need to know is your left foot from your right foot! For further information contact Sheila on 964 413026 or Moira on 964 414028. CANTILENA - Singing for pleasure. Recommences on Monday, 13th September 2010 at 3.30pm to 5pm. For further information contact 600 255662.

ALCOSSEBRE The Friends of Alcossebre - “Supporting our Community” - The Charity Shop is open from Monday to Friday – 10am to 1pm at El Centro, Las Fuentes, Alcossebre. Tel.: 964 414973 Wheel Chair, Zimmer Frame & Crutches Loan Service - if you need the use of any of these items, please contact Patti on 964 412594 or call in at the Charity Shop. “Bling” Sale on Saturday, 16th October 2010 – 10:00 to 13:00h in the Charity Shop. You can also find a wide range of very reasonably priced 2nd hand clothing for all the family, over 1,500 books – all at 1 €uro each - in English and German and children’s books in English and Spanish, and you can always find something interesting in the bric-a-brac section. Funds raised in the shop and at special events are given quarterly to local charities and organisations. Donations of good quality, clean, clothing, books and bric-a-brac welcome at the shop or at the Collection points in the Alcossebre Pensionistas and the Alcala Pensionistas premises. The shop is run by English and Spanish volunteers and more volunteers are always welcome. .

The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 12 October 2010 - - Page 2

CARTES A L'EDITOR Readers Letters - to the Editor Please address your letters to:- The Catalunya Chronicle , C/ Martirs 6, 43500, Tortosa, or alternatively you may email them to Dear Sir, Two years ago my residencia ran out. I renewed it six months in advance in case of any problems. I must say that the lady in the office was very helpful and after paying 20€, I was issued with an A4 sheet which I thought was valid until my new card came through, however I was then told that this is the new residencia. So no photo or thumb print. I must say that I thought this a bit of a step backward. Still things have been OK until recently when I tried to purchase some items from The Eroski Centre in Amposta. I was told that they will only use ID with a photo. This makes the new residencia invalid as far as they are concerned. The security man said that my English driving licence was not valid as it was an old style licence with no photo and that the police would not accept any id that I was carrying.

Texas Beer Joint Sues Church In Mt. Vernon, Texas, Drummond's Bar began construction on expansion of their building to increase their business. In response, the local Baptist church started a campaign to block the bar from expanding with petitions and prayers. Work progressed right up until the week before the grand reopening when lightning struck the bar and it burned to the ground. After the bar burning to the ground by a lightning strike the church folks were rather smug in their outlook, bragging about the power of prayer, until the bar owner sued the church on the grounds that the church "was ultimately responsible for the demise of his building, either through direct or indirect actions or means". In its reply to the court, the church vehemently denied all responsibility or any connection to the building's demise. The judge read through the plaintiff's complaint and the defendant's reply and at the opening hearing he commented, “I don’t know how I'm going to decide this, but it appears from the paperwork that we have a bar owner who believes in the power of prayer, and an entire church congregation that now does not."

The only thing that I have with my photo is my passport and I am not going to carry that around with me. I now shop at Lidl and Mercadona. No problems with them so far. Has anyone else experienced a problem with the new residencia? John King Name and address supplied.

REPORT ON ARCA FUNDRAISING EVENT FOR SPAY AND NEUTER MISSION Over eighty people gathered to join in a lovely evening, at the Bar Mercat in Camarles on Saturday 4th September. The weather was fine and we sat outside, enjoying the ambience with animal lovers from all over the world. There were even a few very well-behaved doggies who attended and wagged their tails to the music, sung by the talented "Swinging Jeff". Neil Diamond, Robbie Williams and Tom Jones songs rang out, plus many more! The food was prepared by the tireless workers from ARCA and people brought cakes and tapas to add to the delicious buffet table. Xavi and Luisa served everyone with their first free drink at the bar and helped this party go with a swing. Raffle prizes galore, all kindly donated, helped to end a very enjoyable evening and the last of us left the bar at around 1'ish, I think!





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Thank you once again to everyone concerned.

The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 12 October 2010 - - Page 3


More fund-raising events are planned for the Spay and Neuter mission to help to control the number of stray and abandoned animals, both on the street and at the Perrerias.




Finance available (subject to terms & conditions)


Mave, Doreen and their colleagues from ARCA would like to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone who supported and came along to the event. It was a huge success raising €1,600 and just goes to show what can be achieved.


HAVE YOU GOT THE X- FACTOR? It’s that time of year again - yes X-Factor has returned to Saturday evening television viewing. Last Month we caught up with former X-Factor 2008 Finalist Daniel Evans and found out about his X-Factor Experience.

put my own slant on each of the tracks without veering away from the true identity of the songs, so it was quite a balancing act in trying to get my impression on each song yet still making it sound right. It was important for people to feel familiar with the songs they were hearing so there was an instant connection with the listener, albeit with different arrangements.

believe we have achieved that with a big studio sound on a very tight budget. What hurdles have been the most difficult to overcome in gaining exposure for your CD?

Being on an independent label is great if you want to have control of what you record, but when it comes to trying to get publicity and In this edition he discusses the airplay, to be honest, its a On your web-site recording of his debut album “No nightmare. I never expected to ( Easy Way”, life without Simon come up against so many closed you are very open and give an Cowell and co, performing live and doors purely because of the fact i access all areas view on how the what the future may hold for him. was not with a major label. album came together by This is what he had to say.... showing a video diary of life in the studio. Do you miss the “Dan Some stations didn’t even want to How long did the album take to listen to the album as I was not Cam”? record and what can people with a major label and was told expect? politely don't even bother. It was Yes, I suppose I do. I wanted to not an issue of how good or bad it show how much hard work went Overall, the album took seven might have been. It was a tough into the recording of the album but months to recordin a studio in also how much fun we had doing it. thing to learn after investing so Wales, so I was flying back and much time and effort in what I forth during that time. I have not believed to be a perfect album for Were there any songs which used my own songs on this album Radio 2 listeners and such. started off on the album but (apart from one small “interlude” while recording you became track), even though I do have many I knew it was never going to get tired with and ended up being written, I felt it would be Radio 1 or mainstream airplay, but put on the back shelf ready for presumptuous to put those onto to be turned away without even a another day? the public just yet. Hopefully I’ve listen because I was an tried to cater for everyone's taste I originally started off with 30 tracks independent was tough. by including such tracks as Open which I had recorded and laid Arms by Journey / Maria Carey Luckily BBC radio Wales took it to down as piano tracks only. We and Josh Groban’s Broken Vow to their hearts and also stations in then worked on these adding our the more mainstream pop rock own arrangements etc. and it soon Spain were much more supportive. track Wherever You Will Go made If not for them I may have had no became clear which tracks were famous by The Calling. airplay,and I'll always be grateful going to appear on the album. for their support in those early It has been an emotional journey days... Did you ever go into the studio as there are a few tracks that I not looking forward to doing performed on the TV show and What’s the most valuable piece another take on a particular also a mixture of genres and songs of help or advice you have track because it was proving to that have at some point been the received and from whom since be difficult? soundtrack to my life. I’ve tried to appearing on the X-Factor? No, not really because I was very During the X-Factor tour I was lucky to work with some really talented musicians and during that lucky enough to work with an time we built up quite a relationship excellent vocal coach who changed my whole technique on and became a very good team. breathing when singing - I learned There was always a new direction Motor • Home • Pet we could take an arrangement and so much from her and not just Travel • Medical • Marine breathing techniques but whole although sometimes it may have ? Competitive price taken longer than anticipated to get singing techniques. Even Leona ? Instant cover Lewis has a vocal coach and you it right, I decided to steer clear of ? Direct claims service would be amazed how much you auto tuning, computer ? Multi Policy discounts can learn, if like me, you have enhancements and such that are ? Split payments available now inherent in today’s pop songs. never had one before. However, Contact Horizons Consultants I always knew we’d get there in the the most common piece of advice that I have received from various end. As they say “Rome wasn’t today on 96 648 1382 people is to enjoy it. You need to built in a day”. Horizons Consultants CB remember to live life to the full and Calle San Rafael 45 - 1, I wanted an album that the listener seize every opportunity because in Jalon, 03727, Alicante this business, as in life, nothing is can hear every breath, every guaranteed so make the most of nuance of the vocal and all the what chances come along...' emotion therein. I think it’simportant with this kind of music What musical influences do you for the Heart, Soul and Passion of Exclusive Agent for certain underwriters at Lloyd’s, through Ibex Insurance. have? a track to come across andI

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Oh a whole variety of different styles. however one artist that influenced me the most when growing up was Barry Manilow, and still today his songs stand the test of time. So there’s no room for the latest Jedward album in your collection then? No not at the moment, but good luck to them. I admire the way they are playing the game. They know they aren’t the best singers in the world but they are just living for the moment and having a good time. What can people expect to see from one of your live performances? Although I loved playing the arena tour shows, its good to do the small venues and do the types of music I believe in - not just the X Factor stuff. The smaller venues are more intimate. When you see the whites of their eyes and can see peoples emotions change as they are feeling the music not just listening to it - that’s what I like best. As for the style I am happy to sing all types, - obviously the ballads are always popular, but I can do some semi-classical or pop or really go for it with some rock. It’s totally dependent on how the audience interact. No two audiences are the same and you have to play to each of them accordingly. You’ve already appeared on a number one single with the other X-Factor finalists. As an artist what would you like to achieve? I've already achieved so much, felt like I've already lived the dream, I had a number 1 with Hero, sang to over half a million people on an arena tour, and an album of songs I love that that I'm so proud of, that will be with me forever. If I can pay my bills each month doing something I love, that for me is an achievement. But if it all stops tomorrow, I will still feel lucky. Plus I'm looking at getting my

The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 12 October 2010 - - Page 4

MORE FACTOR qualifications to become a vocal coach so there is always that avenue to take... worst case scenario, I'm back to cleaning pools, but what an amazing experience to look back on. So what’s next? I really am concentrating on promotion of the album for the time being so a second album is not on the schedule at present. I have been 100% involved with every aspect of the album from conception to sleeve design and final printing, every note, every beat, every breath was chosen or decided on (and financed) by me so I need to start getting some money back. Recently its been selling well in Japan. That’s something that I find amazing there are people on the other side of the world listening to me on their I-pod - if someone had told me this could happen 2 years ago, who would have ever believed it?

Daniel’s debut album “No Easy Way” is currently available from, iTunes , and It’s an amazing collection of emotional and heartfelt songs sung from the heart. Meanwhile, you can catch Daniel “live “ as he will be appearing at JR’s Bar, L’Ampolla on Saturday 25th September 2010. Table reservations are currently being taken, so to avoid disappointment please book now on 977 593 984!

T HE L OCUST B EAN T REE AKA The Carob The next time you grumble at the miserly 16c that we can receive for a kilo of dried carobs, just pause to reflect that it has been a lifesaving staple of the Mediterranean countries for millennia, also known as St. John’s Bread, reputably because John the Baptist is said to have survived on the beans during his time in the wilderness. It is only found on the Mediterranean coast, and is a flowering evergreen shrub of the pea family. It can grow to over 10 metres in height, and it’s fruit has two main parts, namely the seeds and the pod. The seeds, being of uniform size, were historically thought to have been the origin of the word carat, in that gold and precious stones would have been weighed against a set amount of carob seeds in order to ascertain their weight. In Roman times, the golden coin known as a ‘solidus’ weighed 24 carob seeds, and can possibly be the source of the phrase ‘Solid Gold’. The pod has many uses, not the least as a chocolate substitute. As well as being a food during times of famine, it was also used as a sweetener before sugar and sugar cane became prevalent. Dried and crushed, it can be ground into a flour for baking, and is used to make dog treats as ingredients found in chocolate are potentially harmful to all animals - humans included! Just to get you thinking, I have included a recipe for Carob Brownies, which calls for carob powder. Simply dry the pods over coals, or in a hot oven, and then grind to a fine powder, extracting the seeds as you go along. The finer you can grind the flour the better the finished result will be. Carob Brownies. Cream together half a cup of honey with half a cup of oil together with 3 eggs until you have a smooth paste. Stir in the following; half a teaspoon of salt, half a cup of carob flour, one cup of normal flour and half a teaspoon of baking powder. If wished, you can add some chopped nuts as well. Combine well, and then pour into a greased tray, and bake at 200ºC for about 20 minutes, or until done. Well, that’s used up 1 kilo of carobs, now I need to do something with the other 999 kg ( or €160 worth). Maybe a couple of donkeys would help!







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The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 12 October 2010 - - Page 5

HEALTH especially among young adults. The researchers compared Body-Mass Index (BMI) to longevity and found a correlation Everywhere we between premature death and higher BMIs. look in the For example, a 20-year-old white male, 5'10" western world we weighing 288 pounds with a BMI of greater are inundated than 40 was estimated to lose 13 years of his with pictures, life as a result of obesity. Findings were images, icons similar for women with higher BMIs, who were and inferences of estimated to lose an average of eight years. the 'perfect' While these studies reference extreme levels female shape! of obesity, there are still millions of The truth is that overweight people in developed countries many of these with a life expectancy rate that is three to five images are altered or enhanced in some years less than their healthy-weight way and do not depict the typical female counterparts. form. The pressure to lose weight is immense when we are bombarded every Overweight linked with heart disease. day with media selling products based on Overweight people tend to have higher blood slimness, sex appeal and fashion. The pressure and higher blood cholesterol, which constant message is that slimness will make are major risk factors for heart attack and you desirable. other blood vessel disease. Being overweight can contribute to problems in the joints, and is With the current demographic trends in also associated with other serious diseases western countries, and faced with a sea of such as diabetes. high fat, high sugar combined with physical inactivity; it is time to pay attention to our How you tell if you are overweight weight but not for any reasons of As we are all different shapes and sizes, desirability. The most important reason for there is not one wanting to be a healthy body weight is for recommended health rather than for how your body looks. weight for your height. Instead Overweight and obesity are major public there is a range health problems in western countries. Since of weights that the 1980s both adult men and women have are healthy for become heavier, with obesity rates more your height. than doubling in the last 20 years! Children One way to are also becoming heavier. There is a check your growing concern that we are inadvertently weight is to training our overweight children to become calculate your Body Mass Index or BMI. obese adults. It has been said, we are digging our graves with out teeth! So just Your BMI is a ratio or comparison of your why should we be concerned with achieving height and weight expressed in a number. To a healthy body weight? find out your BMI you need to divide your weight (measured in kg) by your height Overweight linked with diabetes. (measured in m) squared. If you do not know In January 2003, two studies that your measurements in the metric system you highlighted the topic of obesity and its can find any number of BMI calculators online impact on health. The first study focused on that will do the conversion for you into the relationship between obesity and empirical measures. diabetes, as well as the growing concern of diabetes between the years 2000 and 2001. The accepted definitions of weight categories The numbers don't look good, with an by BMI are: alarming 5.6% increase of obesity in both • Underweight - BMI less than 18.5 men and women-from all ethnic groups, age • Healthy weight - BMI between 18.5 and 24.9 ranges and educational levels. The • Overweight - BMI equal to or greater than occurrence of diabetes also increased-up 25 and up to 29.9 8.2% from 2000. • Obese - BMI equal to or greater than 30

Does It Matter If You Are Overweight?

not applicable to children and adolescents and they may not be appropriate for people of other cultural backgrounds. Another way to check your weight is to measure your waist circumference, using a tape measure. This gives you an idea of whether you have a lot of fat stored around your middle. Waist circumferences associated with increased health risk are: For men - Waist circumference greater than 94cm For women - Waist circumference greater than 80cm Being a healthy weight can help: • improve blood cholesterol levels, blood pressure and blood glucose levels • reduce your risk of other health related problems • improve self confidence and self esteem • make it easier to be physically active. If you are obese or overweight…try not to gain additional weight. This will help you in years to come as people tend to increase weight with age. Better still look after your body and follow a healthy lifestyle incorporating a nutritious, delicious, health enhancing weight loss program. Just by losing 10 pounds you can significantly improve your overall health. This article was supplied by: Julian A. Phillips















Overweight linked with premature death. These BMI values only apply to adults aged The second study found that obesity 18 years and over and are based on studies appears to markedly lessen life expectancy, of Caucasian populations. Therefore, they are

The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 12 October 2010 - - Page 6

ONCE UPON A TIME....... BARCELONA by Jennifer Figuerola

possible to further the cause of Madrid against Cataluña, starving the region of investment and new industry. Pyrenean villagers began to drift down into the towns

The city of Barcelona is slightly over 90 km2 in area, and has a population of 1,700,000. It is the centre of a large metropolitan area which has over three million inhabitants. Over two thousand years old, Barcelona is the capital of Cataluña. Cataluña is more than a part of Spain: the Catalan people have a deeply felt individual identity, rooted in a rich and - at times - glorious past. Perhaps its most conspicuous manifestation these days is in the resurgence of the language, which increasingly takes precedence over Castilian Spanish on street names and signs, and has staged a dramatic comeback after being banned from public use during the Franco dictatorship.

and cities in a fruitless search for work, accelerating the depopulation of the mountains.


WORLD WAR II (during which the country was too weak to be anything but neutral), Spain was economically and politically isolated. FTER

to experience the city in an intense Another outstanding building is the way. Palau de la Música Catalana, a spectacular Modernist building Discover the city’s history as you built by Domènech i Montaner. stroll through the Gothic Quarter, Here you will also find the Parc de one of the best-preserved la Ciutadella, a former citadel and medieval districts site of the 1888 Universal Exposition.

in the world. Or you can discover the Bohemian influence from the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century, following the footsteps of Picasso.

Admire the master works of the architects of Modernism or enjoy the flavours of the excellent gastronomy in the old city. The There were serious strikes in 1951 Ciutat Vella or the Old City of in Barcelona and in 1956 across Barcelona is mainly composed of the whole of Cataluña. What saved the Gothic Quarter, La Ribera, La Franco was the acceptance of Rambla and El Raval, and is American aid , offered by General famous for its historic monuments, Eisenhower in 1953 on the narrow streets and vaguely condition that Franco provide land bohemian atmosphere. Nowadays, Although the Civil War left more than half a million dead, destroyed for US air bases - a condition he antique dealers, bookshops, was more than willing to accept. a quarter of a million homes and restaurants and the most original sent a third of a million people shops add to the interest of this Despite the cultural and political (including 100,000 Catalans) into historic quarter. repression , the distinct Catalan exile, Franco was in no mood for identity was never really HE CENTRE OF the the Gothic reconciliation, and there was a obliterated; the Catalan Church Quarter is the 13th century significant number of Catalans retained a feisty independence, Cathedral begun by Jaume who sympathized with him or while Barcelona emerged as the II in 1298. Inside is the crypt of simply acquiesced. most important publishing centre in Santa Eulalia as well as an Spain. ITH HIS GOVERNMENT impressive choir structure and the recognized by Allied 15th century chapel of Santo powers, including Britain Clandestine language and history Cristo de Lepanto, which houses classes were conducted and and France, he set up war the crucifix carried into battle tribunals which ordered executions artists and writers continued to against the Ottomans in the Battle produce work in defiance of the and provided concentration camps of Lepanto. The façade and authorities. By way of contrast to in which upwards of two million octagonal dome are neo-gothic people were held until "order" had conservative Cataluña, Barcelona structures of the 19th century, itself remains by and large a been established by authoritarian inspired by a 15th century Socialist stronghold within the means. drawing. province. Until as late as the mid-1960s, La Ribera consists of a criss-cross isolated partisans in Cataluña (and Part of this is due to the city's of Medieval streets, such as the industrial heritage, but it's also in elsewhere in Spain) continued to famous carrer Montcada, whose good measure the result of the resist fascist rule. noble palaces reveal the large immigrant population from commercial prosperity of elsewhere in Spain. The Catalan language was Barcelona (XIII to XV century). banned again, in schools, ODAY, BARCELONA IS a city churches, the press and in public Three of these palaces currently that invites you to stroll. The house the Picasso Museum. At the life; only one party was permitted climate, the streets filled with end of carrer Montcada is Santa and censorship was rigorously life and the atmosphere invite you Maria del Mar, the most beautiful enforced. The economy was in ruins, and Franco did everything Gothic church in Barcelona.


Some of the buildings from this exhibition are still standing today: the Umbracle (Plant House), the Hivernacle (Glass House), and the exhibition restaurant, which is now the home of the Museu de Zoologia. Today it is a public park, which houses a series of interesting museums as well as the Zoological Gardens. La Rambla is one long, lively spectacle, which enjoys welldeserved fame throughout the world. Make your way past the old shops, cafés, the Palau de la Virreina, the Boquería- the best market in the city-, the plaça Reial and the Centre d’Art Santa Mónica. On the right of the Rambla is the Raval district where you will find the Romanesque church of Sant Pau del Camp, the Palau Güell, designed by Gaudí, and the Centre de Cultura Contemporània



La Rambla de Barcelona. Extending from the harbour to the Plaza de Cataluña, the Ramblas is not only Barcelona’s most famous street, but also the most famous street in the whole of Spain. It’s probably the liveliest too. Split into five distinct sections, this wide

The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 12 October 2010 - - Page 7

MES BARCA pedestrian thoroughfare is lined with restaurants, cafes, shops, stalls and open air markets. Buskers add some musical accompaniment to the whole experience whilst artists wander around selling their wares. Whenever something important happens to the city this is where everyone shows up to celebrate or protest. There are always people on the Ramblas, right up to the very early hours. The characteristic flower and animal stands decorate the top two-thirds of the way, and there are important landmarks like the Canaletas drinking fountain, (said to confer true Barcelona citizenship to whoever drinks from it), the Liceu Opera House, the Joan Miró Mosaic on the pavement, and the Boqueria Market. The Ramblas really is the place to be in Barcelona, especially after dark when the nightlife really kicks off. Not to be missed.

At the foot of the Ramblas, almost at the water’s edge is the 19th century monument to Christopher Columbus. The monument was built to commemorate the return of Columbus from his first trip to the Americas, because it was at Barcelona that the Catholic Monarchs, Ferdinand and Isabel, welcomed him home. The 50 metre tall structure, built on the occasion of the Universal Exposition of 1888, has become one of the identifying symbols of Barcelona.


Ramblas is Plaça Reial, with tall palm trees in striking contrast to the pavement and lamposts. Of special interest are the two central lamposts, Antoni Gaudi’s first commission in Barcelona. Under the porticoes you will find a variety of restaurants and bars. Come by UST OFF THE

at night and the terraces are full of customers and street musicians. One of the best loved areas for artists and bohemians is the confluence of the Plaça del P , placa Sant Josep Oriol í and Plaçeta del Pí, located just off the Ramblas. The area is dominated by the church of Santa María del Pí (XIVXV c.) with its huge multicoloured rose window. Frequent arts and crafts fairs, as well as sales of natural foods such as honey and "mató" (a mild cheese) are held in these squares.


Plaça del Pí to Portaferrisa is the carrer Petritxol, well known by the locals for its art galleries and especially for the "granja’s" that serve delicious thick hot chocolate with pastries such as "ensaimada" and croissant. EADING FROM THE

For admirers of Barcelona’s Modernist movement the historic restaurant, Quatre Gats, or 4 GATS, is an unavoidable visit. Near the Cathedral, in a building designed by Puig i Cadafalch, this became the mecca for the artists and bohemians living in Barcelona in the early 1900s. The first menu was designed by the very young Pablo Picasso. Lovingly restored and cared for, 4 GATSs offers a glimpse back into one of Barcelona’s best cultural and artistic periods.

From its polychrome ceramic ticket windows on one side and its overhead busts of Palestrina, Bach, Beethoven, and Wagner, the Palau is a flamboyant tour de force. Designed by Lluís Domènech i Montaner in 1908, it is today considered the flagship of Barcelona's Modernist architecture. The Museu Picasso is Barcelona's most visited museum. It's housed in three strikingly beautiful stone mansions on the Carrer de Montcada, which was, in medieval times, an approach to the port. The museum shows numerous works that trace the artist's early years, and is especially strong on his Blue Period with canvases like The Defenceless, his ceramics and his early works from the1890s. The second floor shows works from Barcelona and Paris from 1900-1904, with many of his impressionist-influenced works. The haunting Portrait of Senyora Canals (1905), from his Pink Period is also on display.

interesting monumental sculptures to be seen, such as Roy Lichtenstein’s Barcelona Head or Javier Mariscal’s Gambrinus lobster. MAREMAGNUM is a shopping centre with designer shops and restaurants and is a great place to while away an afternoon enjoying the sea breeze. Make sure you cross the interesting Rambla de Mar, an extension to the Rambla that connects the city to Maremagnum via a modern drawbridge. A popular place for a meal or drink is El Petit Miau, a modernist inspired Catalan restaurant with work of up and coming local artists on display. The area Barceloneta has had a tremendous revitalization since the 1992 Olympic Games. It is built upon a triangular peninsula that was formed with displaced sand from the construction of the port of Barcelona in the 17th century.


GRAN TEATRE DEL LICEU is considered by many to be one of the finest opera houses in Europe, along with the Scala of Milan. Tragically, it burnt to the ground in 1994. The new Liceu was inaugurated in the year 2000, conserving the original façade and greatly expanding the facilities. HE

If you want to see one of the best examples of Modernist architecture in Barcelona you can’t miss taking a tour of the Palau de la Música.. One of the world's most extraordinary music halls, with façades that are a riot of colour and form, the Palau de la Música (Music Palace) is a Barcelona landmark.

Until very recently this neighborhood was Barcelona’s only point of contact with the sea, and its residents were mostly fishermen and seafarers. It is well known for its many seafood restaurants, and it now boasts some very good beaches. The dominant feature of Barcelona’s skyline is the 570 foot high mountain of Montjuïc.



Barcelona’s waterfront began with the Moll de la Fusta, a promenade dotted with palm trees and lamp posts, with a series of bars and restaurants overlooking the port and the marina. It extends from near the foot of the Ramblas almost to the Barceloneta. There are some

It was already settled well before Roman times, and was later known by the Romans as Mount Jupiter. In the 9th century the moorish invaders built the Laribal Garden pavilion, and centuries later it became a military fortress. Its modern history begins in the late 19th century when the first plans for urbanizing the mountain were drawn up.

The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 12 October 2010 - - Page 8



1929 UNIVERSAL Exposition held in of Barcelona was the beginning of Montjuïc’s integration with the city, which was only recently completed with the 1992 Olympics. Montjuïc is also one of Barcelona’s most important natural parks and is an oasis of calm and nature in the middle of the bustling city. HE

The buildings of the 1929 plans for Montjuïc are largely intact today, including most of the 15 palaces which have become major museums, such as the recently remodelled Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalu a housed in the ñ Palau Nacional, and the archeological and ethnological museums. Also from 1929 is the Poble Espanyol, a potpourri of Spanish architecture in replicas. Approach the area from Plaça d'Espanya and on the north side you'll see Plaça de Braus Les Arenes, a former bullring where the Beatles played in 1966. The twin venetian towers flank the main entrance off the Plaça Espanya and at either side of the wide Avinguda de la Reina María Cristina towards the Palau Nacional are the buildings which make up the Fira de Barcelona, one of the most active trade fair complexes in Europe. other. The top one is surmounted by a giant Christ and has a lift to the roof. HE MOST POPULAR events of the 1992 Olympic Games were held in the various Finally, with such a vast city, where locations on Montjuïc, well worth visiting. driving is virtually impossible, it makes The 1929 Olympic Stadium was refurbished sense to use public transport, and expanded. Next door, the futuristic Palau which has become more user Sant Jordi, designed in Japan, was built friendly over the years. without supporting columns for the huge monolithic roof. It took 10 days to lift the roof to the necessary height, using hydraulic lifts. Below is the information you need Since the Games it has become a favoured before planning your trip. You can get concert venue because of its excellent a free brochure available in all tourist acoustics and good capacity. The TV information centres with a metro and broadcast images that fascinated the world bus plan. Tickets and Prices were those of the divers at the Picornell swimming pools, with the spectacular backdrop The whole city of Barcelona is one tariff zone. Tickets are valid for the of the city. Today they have become public Metro, FGC, Bus, Tram, and Train swimming pools. Cercan as/Rodalies. At 542m (1778ft), Tibidabo is the highest hill in Be aware that if you buy a single ticket the wooded range that forms the backdrop to a change in transport method requires Barcelona. If the air's clear, it's a great place a new ticket. for views over the city.

the Kiosks and tobacco stores. Tickets must be validated at the entrance of the transport.

The Barcelona Card If you want to discover Barcelona without limits, then the Barcelona Card is perfect for you! This tourist card includes: Unlimited Public Transportation, Free entrance and discounts in over than 80 museums, activities, restaurants, bars, etc. And a map is provided with a small guide of the main attractions. Ticket Adults Children (4-12) 2 days 26€ 22€ 3 days 31,50€ 27€ 4 days 36€ 29€ 5 days 42€ 33€ The card is not valid on the 25th December or 1st January. Children under 4 years go free. Tickets can be purchased in all tourist information points and in the shopping centre Corte Inglés.



HE LOCALS COME up here for some thrills at the amusement park Parc d'Atraccions, which has rides and a house of horrors. As hair-raising as anything at the Parc, however, is the glass lift that goes 115m (126yd) up to a visitors' observation area at Torre de Collserola telecommunications tower.

Single Ticket: 1 journey 1,35€ T-10: 10 journeys 7,70€ T-Dia: 1 day 5,80€ T-Mes: 1 month 47,90€ T50/30: 50 journeys in 30 days 28,60€ T-2,3,4,5 Unlimited travel during 2,3,4 The more sedate can find solace in Temple del or 5 days 10,70–23,10€ Sagrat Cor, Barcelona's answer to Paris' Sacré Tickets can be purchased at the Metro Coeur. Looming above Tibidabo's funicular and FGC stations, at the office or in station, it is actually two churches, one on top the machines, as well as in newspaper

The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 12 October 2010 - - Page 9

A SELF’ISH LIFE IV Continuing the series of articles about a family’s attempts to become less dependant.

Back again, at harvest time and here is my End of Summer report.

Horseradish – two roots planted in the spring have sprouted well all summer, and I am looking forward to a harvest of sorts later on. Fingers crossed for this one.

Aubergines – very good, and just enough to add their weird flavour to dishes most of the summer long. Will try to plant a variety that Tomatoes – did well, we had some 40 plants which no matter that we staggered the planting grows larger fruit for next year. of, all seemed to produce their crop at the All in all, a successful summer. same time. That said, we did manage to carry on picking until the end of August, thus With our stated aim of eating one meal a day extending the season a little. They all from the veg. Patch, we succeeded easily, and appeared to suffer from a 'creeping' browning look forward to continuing in this manner over of the foliage which stated at the bottom of the winter. each plant, desiccating the leaves progressively further up the plant. I am unsure We have just planted broad beans, cabbages, as to what caused this, and I am of the opinion chard, French beans and spinach – all of which that this shortened their life span. have benefited from the higher temperatures That said, we have ample jars of tomato 'frito' to get us through the winter. Cucumbers – went crazy and I have umpteen jars of cucumber relish tucked away. I planted five more plants at the beginning of August and we have been harvesting them for some time now. Peppers – still cannot get the hang of these – we had some, but not many and after a few gazpachos, they were all used up. Must try harder next year. Courgettes – this family is now sick of courgettes, and we have left some to carry on growing as marrows for stews a little later on. A firm favourite has become marrow stuffed with mince, and it can remain on the menu for a short while longer. Chillis – as usual, far too many. Fresh green chilis were my personal 'can't wait for' and they did not disappoint. We have now 20/30 jars of pickled chilis to give that zip to winter, and have five strings of red chillis drying in the kitchen at the moment.

by germinating within a few days. I will also be experimenting with potatoes in large buckets … watch this space. We also managed to find 20 artichoke tubers which have already set off, and I for one cannot wait to start picking these in the spring. Having found the best way to serve this underrated 'thistle', (BBQ it whole) I now see why the Catalans revere this vegetable. We now have harvested enough almonds for the year, and the olives are promising a good 'cosecha' so hopefully we will have oil for this year and next. OK, I know it's not free,, but it is as good as, and IS very good for you. Our Veg Patch II has worked only sporadically well, and I am therefore going to 'deep-bed' half of it, and turn the remainder over to the sprawling squash patch, the artichokes and I will re-site my comfrey beds there in the spring. Inevitably, I will have spare comfrey plants turning up so if anybody should like some in the spring, please let me know.

use for all the olive tree trimmings that are too small to go on the main fire. The concept is simplicity itself., and will based along the picture below, which is taken from the aptly named

Construct a large mud/clay/straw dome (with a little wire and cement) and give it an igloo-like door that will allow the insertion of pizzas, bread, stewpots etc. Stuff the the dome with the trimmings – light, and allow to burn itself out. With a little experimentation, we should be able to judge the cooking times for the various dishes we are hoping to prepare, although I am readying myself for a few slip-ups along the way. We have some fire-bricks rescued from an old fireplace, and any amount of a clay-like soil that was dredged up when our well was being dug, so our outlay will be minimal. Should be fun, anyway. My Catalan Calendar informs that this month I should be planting broccoli, cabbage, chard, onions and beans of varying guises. Not bad - I have done most of these, and will plant the rest when I have made some space by chucking out any malingering courgettes, and under-performing peppers.

Other steps along the 'Self'ish' route this summer have been the installation of two more solar panels expressly for the well. This will save me about €20 per week in gasoline for the generator, and other than using less power I cannot think of a more efficient use of my resources.

Lettuce – kept on and on, excepting July when The second step was the installation of a they just wilted. I have just planted 10 more water filter to clean up our well water for and will plant another ten next week. I am drinking. aiming for a salad on Christmas Day from Spending over €10 per week on bottled water them. has now been eradicated from our budget, and Runner beans – abject failure. Grew up the the filter will pay for itself in under a year, on poles very well, and then the wind battered those figures. them. They recovered only to be smashed The next 'largish' project for our lifestyle here is down again, and they and I, lost heart. Have just sown some French beans, which with their the construction of an 'earth oven'. The plans have been dredged from the internet and for lower growth, should fare better. very few pennies, or centimos I hope to have a

I should then also sow lettuce, parsley and spinach. 3/3 for me on this one! I have been informed that the secret is to plant little and often, 10 today, 10 in two weeks time. Didn’t work with the tomatoes ‘tho!

The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 12 October 2010 - - Page 10

TALES FROM THE RIVERBANK “G ONE F ISHING ” Autumn is just around the corner and for me, this is just my favourite time of the year out on the Ebro. As the water temperatures begin to drop, the fish become more active during day light hours and are more willing to feed. A few days ago, I had a day at Xerta on the embankment and ended up with a few carp on halibut pellet and two small cats on ledgered squid. Earlier in the day, there were some good bass chasing the small fry on the surface, but I did not have any spinning gear with me, so I missed out there. Elsewhere on the river, Tivenys is still fishing quite well. The last time I was up at Mora, I noticed somebody fishing on the pontoons, so I stopped to have a chat; luckily, he was English and on holiday here, so there was no problem communicating! He had a good net of fish, mostly carp of all sizes with a few roach. He was fishing a ground bait feeder with sweetcorn. Cat fishing on the river has been a bit up and down due to the hot weather, although I have had reports from some of the guides on the river, that early and later in the day seem to be more productive, with quite a few fish over the 100 lbs mark, being taken.

MATCH REPORT We fished on the canal at Camarles. All was well and looking good, but after we had been fishing for about two hours, a weed cutting boat came along and I am afraid this did us no favours at all! The weed cutting boats have the job of maintaining the canals regularly, keeping the water running freely to the rice fields. Anyway, we had a very enjoyable day and in first place was Terry (Casanova); in second place, Steve and in third place, Dennis. Inflation proof Funeral Plans bought at Todays prices will Save you money

The weeds being carried away didn't help me at all, but what could be better than spending a day on the river, doing what you enjoy, with a few friends? Our next match is going to be on “Panta d'Utxesa” Reservoir (this is on the way to Lleida from Flix) on Thursday, 30 September. This should be a very good match with some very big weights. If possible, two keep nets would be a good idea. We shall have to obtain our day tickets at Flix before we start fishing, so the plan is to meet at The Tackle Shop at Flix, when they open up at 10 am. We can then make our way to the reservoir in convoy. Anyone who would like to join us, who hasn't been before, please contact me via The Catalunya Chronicle. Until next time, tight lines! Mike Smith


Beware the processional caterpillars! They make silken cocoon style nests in the pine trees and when on the ground, they form a line, hence their name. They are

Fata Morgana


Restaurante Pizzeria Reservas: 977 460 707 619 757 648 Horarios: De Lunes a Domingo de 13:00 a 15:00 y de 19:00 a 23:30. Sábado mediodía cerrado

Plaza del Club Náutico 43895 L'Ampolla

Entrantes Pastas Pizzas en horno de leña Carnes Pescados Menu diario



The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 12 October 2010 - - Page 11

LES MASCOTES A S HELTERED L IFE By Meike Knol Many people ask me where they could go to acquire a new pet. If I know of anyone with puppies or kittens to give away, or if someone needs to re-home their pet. I always tell them all to go and adopt a pet from an animal shelter. They usually take my advice and visit one of the many local shelters in the area to see if they can find their new best friend. Most are successful and happy with their new shelter companion, but some come back to me disappointed and confused. Many people have never adopted from an animal shelter here or back home and therefore don't really know how it works. When confronted with the manner in which an animal shelter operates, some are surprised and taken aback, thinking it a strange way for a Spanish animal shelter to function.

What is an Animal Shelter & how does it work? The Mission Statement of any no-kill animal shelter is to temporarily house and care for lost and abandoned animals, with the goal to reunite them with their owner or to permanently re-home them. and to promote Responsible Petownership. The idea is for all lost and abandoned animals to go through an animal shelter to best serve society and the animals. In many countries it has become common practice to take a stray to a shelter, or to surrender a pet to a shelter when unable to continue its care. In turn it is just as common to adopt a pet from an animal shelter

when life calls for a new fourlegged companion.

transferred, leaving the shelters It happens for instance, that a struggling and in much uncertainty. large impressive dog, like a German Shepherd, is adopted Here in the more rural areas of Though there are varying degrees solely for the purpose to Catalunya however, much work to the struggle of shelters, ALL are temporarily guard a property, only remains to be done to integrate running solely on the dedicated to later be chained up for the rest this concept into society and volunteers devoting all their time, of its life. daily practices. energy, and love to help the shelters function. Private Or that a specific breed is part of a Imagine for a moment, if you will, sponsoring and financial donations Hype, like Chihuahuas to be that something has occurred in are what puts food in the bowls. carried in ones handbag as a your home situation leaving you fashion statement. When the unable to continue to care for your In the shelter, the animals are not Hype is over, the animals have beloved pet. Maybe your health only provided with food, water, and outlived their usefulness and are has deteriorated and you simply shelter, but are also immediately quickly abandoned or returned to cannot take your dog for its treated for fleas, ticks, worms, and the shelter. necessary walks anymore. other parasites, and receive any necessary medical attention. Each shelter has their own Or maybe you are forced to move workable amount for these fees. into an apartment or assisted living The animals which cannot be where pets are not allowed. reunited with their owner are According to the European vaccinated, micro-chipped, and average though, you What now? Where on earth will neutered before they are put up for should not be surprised to you take your pet? Is there adoption. be asked to pay a fee of anyone amongst your friends and around 60 Euro for family who would be willing to take This is part of the Responsible adopting a cat and in good care of it? Petownership the shelters aim excess of 100 Euro for a to promote. dog. Many of us are breaking out in a cold sweat just By spaying & neutering, the This seems to shock many first thinking about this. shelters work on reducing the time animal shelter adopters here endless irresponsible reproduction in Catalunya. Imagine the heartache and the and amount of unwanted pets that stress you'd be under if this will inevitably end up in the But think about it for a minute: situation would become a reality. shelters again, or if unlucky lead a The animal you are adopting short life of suffering and grief. Now imagine that you could take has already been vaccinated. your beloved companion to an Micro-chipped pets can easily and (Would cost you around 40 animal shelter, knowing that it quickly be reunited with their Euro) stands a good chance of being owners when lost & found. re-homed to a good suitable loving Is spayed/neutered and parasite new home within 6 months, and Vaccinations are necessary to free. (Would cost you between that until then it would receive the protect the pet from potentially 70 and 450 Euro, depending on best care possible in the shelter? fatal illnesses and to prevent the the gender and size of the spread of disease. All this costs animal) Wouldn't this make you feel money and the government aid relieved? Has already been microand financial donations simply do chipped, (Would cost you about not cover the expenses. This is an animal shelters ultimate 35 Euro) goal, and has already been In order to function according to achieved in many places. their Mission Statement, an animal and has had medical checkups from a veterinarian, giving it a shelter must ask you to pay fees Make it happen here too by clean bill of health or in case of for adopting and surrendering supporting their cause. animals. The fees are determined a chronic ailment providing you by the costs the shelter incurs and with information on the financial The Money Question & health implications. Though its own experience in how to Local governments have agreed to insure animal well-being in the not everything can always be carry partial responsibility for stray specific region. detected. dogs and cats in their districts, and Starting costs for you to provide support public animal shelters with Some shelters for instance have this care for a FREE animal given financial means. Though this special adoption fees for certain to you or found on the street, financial aid helps the shelters breeds of dogs. would come to a minimum of 180 function, it does not come close to This is NOT to make more profit Euro for a dog and about 140 Euro covering all the costs involved. off of a certain animal BUT per cat. The amount of aid given to necessary to protect them from If it involves a kitten or puppy the shelters can vary greatly from year being adopted for the wrong costs are HIGHER since they need to year. And once an amount has reasons, mistreated, and tossed more vaccinations and medical been granted, it can take up to 2 out on the road again when care in the beginning. I believe this years before the funds are actually they've served their purpose.

The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 12 October 2010 - - Page 12

MES MASCOTES puts things a bit more into perspective and allows people to realize that the one-time adoption fee paid to an animal shelter is very good value for money. Of course you must not forget that the animals must be fed and cared for as well during their temporary stay at the shelter, and that the fee you pay allows the shelter to continue taking in the unfortunate homeless. Though some animals are lucky enough to have a very short stay at the shelter before they are re-homed, most are not and sometimes reside there for many months or years. All this time they need to be cared for, fed, treated for parasites, and provided with the yearly vaccinations and health checks. And of course, all this costs money.

To facilitate this, they will ask you a few detailed questions about your life, work, and living arrangements. Some belief this to be a bit over the top, but the shelter must do this to prevent impulse acquisitions and avoid mismatches leading to the return of the animal to the shelter, or even worse, potentially leaving both animal and adopter with a sad or even traumatic experience.

What can you do to help the shelters? - Adopt from a local animal shelter - Pay it forward! Ask everyone you know to support the Mission of the animal shelters. - Volunteer to care for the shelter animals - Help with financial- or food donations

Once your perfect match is found, the volunteers will advise you about the costs of care for the animal, vaccinations, yearly checkups, basic vet care, food, and parasite prevention. Should any questions or issues arrive in the future about life with your new companion, you are always welcome to contact the shelter and the volunteers will gladly and professionally help you to a solution.

The bank account details are provided below for the two shelters in our local area. Alberg d'animals de les terres de l'Ebre, Camarles 2073-0072-43-0110164000

Arca, Tortosa So if you should for instance go to adopt a dog 2073-0011-67-0110475303 who has been in the shelter for 2 years, it is Why should I adopt from a impossible for the indicated adoption fee to shelter? actually cover the costs that have been Many people think that the animals available in incurred for this specific animal. And then there are the ones that remain in the shelter for a shelter are second hand. Somehow damaged goods, probably traumatised and not the rest of their lives. to be trusted. Usually because they are older and less Nothing is further from the truth. Almost attractive than their cute, playful young counterparts also available en masse. Though everyone who's ever adopted an animal from a perfectly adoptable and desperately waiting for shelter has found that once settled into a new home, they make the most grateful, trusting, a new loving home, they are just overlooked and sweet companions. and never given a second chance.



ober 4th is t c O d Animal Da l r o y

Celebrate it with your pets.

In a no-kill animal shelter these sweet animals are allowed to stay and live out the rest of their days in the "comfort" and security of the shelter. Though always hopeful for that one person to come along and give it a new home. Still, some find these fees to be outrageously high, and think that the shelters should be happy for someone to take an unwanted shelter animal off their hands and if anything ask for a small voluntary donation.

Love Match : Re-homing Of course the shelters want to re-home as many animals as they possibly can. But they also have to do this according to their Mission Statement with the animals' best interest at heart and ensuring Responsible Petownership. They have to make sure that the pet being adopted is going to a permanent loving home in an environment that is suitable for it. Experience has taught the shelters that this cannot be done by giving an animal away for free. The shelter volunteers know all about their residents' characters and will help you find the perfect pet for you and your home situation.

There is a great selection of dogs in the shelters and cats of all colours! You can find anything from Pugs to Saint Bernards.

Tre er a and t your cat with a gourmet fish dinn k. l take your dog for an extra long wa

From Pedigree to Boomer. Available in all shapes and sizes and of all age groups. You can find the physically fit, the philosophers, and the couch potatoes. The shelter workers know the characters of the animals well and can help and advise you to find your perfect four-legged match! By adopting from a shelter you support their Mission to become the commonly accepted central place to take in and re-home homeless and abandoned animals. Please Adopt from an Animal shelter ! * Please understand that not all shelters here in the rural areas manage to function at this level. Some are struggling so desperately to care for their animals that they are forced to abandon the shelters mission statement and merely manage to survive from day to day.

Renewable Energy Systems We have 180 Watt Monocristalline panels in stock: 542,88 Euro incl. IVA. We provide full installation / sales / service in the Amposta / Tortosa / El Perello region

Call 693 206 868 for more info, we speak English, Deutsch, Nederlands, y un poco de espa単ol

The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 12 October 2010 - - Page 13

A MISCELLANY Grand Opening For many years the No-kill animal shelter "L'Alberg d'Animals de les Terres del Ebre" has been run from a private home. Many attempts to move the shelter to a suitable location failed, and the shelter struggled to keep afloat. Finally, the impossible has been overcome and the dream has come true! The shelter has been relocated and can at last begin to function in the correct way. Standard opening hours are daily from 10:00 to 13:00. The grand opening will be held on October 3rd! Please see below.

Sunday 3rd

October 2010

Flea Market English and German food available From 10am until 6pm

C/Ramon I Cajal, 22 Deltebre 43580 // TGN

T: 977 481 525 M: 628 496 209


PARSON PAUL'S DIARY . . . The first urgent job facing me when I got back from a short holiday in Britain was to make plans for our Harvest services never an easy task when you have three churches spread out over 100 kilometres along the coast. And Harvest sneaks up on you and catches you when you don't expect it unlike Christmas which already looms on the horizon. Our church harvest begins in Ampolla which is appropriate because it was there just two years ago that the seeds of our newest congregation were planted. A lot has happened in two years! But it is a bit like singing "In the bleak midwinter" under a Spanish December sky when we sing harvest hymns about barns full of grain and fields of corn when we are surrounded by olive and fig trees, citrus fruits and vines and lots of rice-fields which visitors still find catch them by surprise.

also welcomed the idea of celebrating harvest where people's lives were far from grassy meadows and barns of corn and they welcomed the brightness in their dark and dismal world. The basic principle of harvest can be traced to the earliest days. Religion, for many, was about the weather and seasons and their effect on the soil and what it produced each year. A good harvest meant security; a poor one could bring famine and even death by starvation and poor diet. Perhaps that's why nowadays the weather always crops up in our conversations. Harvest and the pattern of the agricultural year is a familiar topic in the Old Testament of the Bible. Priests and prophets of old called people to be thankful to God for His provision for His world. In the Twenty First century we rightly put emphasis on the environment - preserving and caring properly for the world's precious resources. We also remember the millions without food and clean water and commit to doing what we can to help them - despite corrupt governments and leaders who may be quick to siphon off any help we try to give. That is why we always donate our harvest collections to global aid projects.

Harvest is full of surprises. When (as an innocent cherubic faced young choirboy!) I used to sing the harvest hymns I assumed churches In our services at the end of in England were September I shall read again Psalm 67 following a tradition going back to the days of the Domesday which says "Let the peoples praise you, O God; let all the peoples praise you. Book. Then shall the earth bring forth her The fact is that Harvest Festival as we increase, and God, our own God, will know it began in 1843, when the bless us." As a Vicar friend of mine Reverend Robert Hawker, an eccentric often says; "I feel sorry for atheists when Vicar in Cornwall, invited parishioners to I stand and look at God's creation and a special thanksgiving service at his the fruits of the harvest. Who can they church in Morwenstow. thank for it? On September 13, 1843, he put up a notice saying: "Let us gather together in the chancel of our church, and there receive, in the bread of the new corn, that blessed sacrament which was ordained to strengthen and refresh our souls." Victorian hymns including "We plough the fields and scatter", "Come ye thankful people, come" and "All things bright and beautiful" helped make his idea of harvest festival popular. In industrial and inner-city areas clergy

We welcome everyone to a cheerful celebration of God's goodness:" Friday 24th September 6pm in Ampolla - followed by a Harvest Supper " Sunday 26th September 10am in Vinaros, 12 midday in Alcossebre Paul Needle is the English Vicar serving local congregations in Alcossebre, Ampolla, El Perello and Vinaros. He can be contacted on 662 482 944 or there are more details on the church website

The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 12 October 2010 - - Page 14

LERN YERSELF SPANISH? PART II Following on from the first instalment last month, Sarah continues this enlightening look at the difficulties of learning a second language.


at the normal process of L A (Language Acquisition) in children it appears that the process described as ' learning' to talk is acquired rather than specifically taught, rather in the same way that children not only learn to walk, but also develop their own individual gait. HEN ONE LOOKS

of the child. Which suggests that F L A and 2nd L A are two different processes. It feels as if the former is more intuitive, deeper and less likely to be forgotten; whilst the latter is more intellectual and easily forgotten, particularly if there is no motive to maintain its usage, a bit like algebra. There are many factors that affect the process of 2ndL A . Time and space prohibit a lengthy exploration but some of the most critical I feel for the adult learner of a second language are;

I strongly feel that little attention is paid to the Another way of understanding the process is effect of 'normal' positive or negative that a child is not 'taught' a local accent or experiences in F.L.A. Was it acquired in a dialect, it is acquired by the process positive environment of the maturational process maturation. In effect, it is complete learning by e.g. children encouraged to express themselves, total immersion. Linguistically, I think of positive attitudes to reading and writing. Did the language acquisition in much the same way child acquire a fearful attitude because negative as riding a bicycle. One never forgets the first criticism. language however when it come to the And were the mechanics of language i.e. process of 2nd L A it may be a little time before one can dispense with the use of a set grammar well taught within the setting of their formal education. What are ones own attitudes of training wheels. and aptitudes to learning, is one natural There are many crucial factors in the inquisitive or just happy to get by? Is one process of 2nd L A , e.g. the development genetically endowed with a natural gift for 2nd L of Social and personal identity which is A ( M. D. Berlitz could speak no less than 58 critical in the F L A languages ). However identity once fixed in the F L it may impede the process of 2nd L A , for a person may be unconsciously reluctant to give up or modify their primary social and personal identity. Thus the unconscious reluctance to modify a strong regional accent will distort pronunciation of the target language and will limit both successful 2nd L A and linguistic interaction.

Another critical question is, how long is the 'critical period' for complete L A ? The answer in part is dependent upon how complete the comprehension of grammar has to be, thus if a complete understanding of the rules of the second subjunctive or the dative accusative distinction in German is required then most native German speakers would fail in their F L A in their own lifetime. But most writers generally agree that little progress in F L A is made after puberty. This again reenforces the proposition that age and the physiology of ageing have a significant effect on successful 2nd L A . However it is not all negative for the older learner. For if one compares the investment of time of a Child's first five maturational years of total immersion learning, at a bare minimum of some 9,000 hours to that of an adult's total immersion learning a second language at a language school over a standard six week course , approximately some 500 hours and then compare the relative competence in terms of grasp of grammatical structure then the adult's comprehension of grammar far exceeds that


AS THERE EARLY exposure ( at school or in the home) to 2ndL A and was that a positive or negative experience for example: Peer group pressure on 2nd And 3rd. generation children of immigrants to reject the mother tongue and to identify with the second language, which now has become their first language, whilst paradoxically the mother tongue has become their second language.

Negative experiences such as excessive criticism, shaming and the use of ridicule can literally cripple a child for life and even 'normal' use of shaming as a tool for correction may seriously impede later attempt at 2nd L A . The fear of being ridiculed (external shaming of self) and making a fool of oneself (internalised self shaming) will act as a critical inhibitor, silencing the voice. Specific or generalised low self esteem may create a pervasive sense of lack of ability, or a person may, in an overreaction develop a resistance to acquiring a new language skill that may expose the psyche to perceived negative criticism within the context of normal guided correction. False assumptions are incredibly difficult to shift, some easily become set in stone, for example much of the human race believes that the sun both rises and the sun sets, it does neither, so assumptions in 2nd L A generated in the natural process of mishearing , mispronunciation, and good old simple misunderstanding, once 'fixed' can be extremely difficult to correct.

Similarly embedded cultural beliefs can impinge on the process. Negative cultural attitudes to 'Europe', a belief in the national superiority of one's own nationality for example; An American woman objected to the use of foreign language in America (and by implication, the rest of the world) stated, " If God had not wished us all to speak English, He would not have written the Bible in English." Some attitudes become concretised in the language of insult e.g. when the Americans were invading Mexico in 1848, the Americans soldiers would sing a popular marching song, "Green grow the lilacs." The first two words were heard by the Mexicans as one "Gringo". Which very quickly became a term of insult.


the attitude of the "host" nation to the foreigner. I can recall an incident whilst journeying through France, in which my use of English provoked in a French family, who still it seemed harboured resentful memories of the burning of St. Joan of Arc and the perfidy of the English. QUALLY APPLICABLE IS

One wonders what are the psychical legacies are of English historical engagements with the Spanish, from the Armada, where interestingly for the Spanish 'invincible' and 'liberation' is embedded in the word whereas, for the English it resonates with the threat of 'invasion' and 'occupation'. The English Spanish campaigns in the Napoleonic wars and more recently, on the one hand British support of the arms embargo against the fledgling republican state and on the other, the British who fought and died for the republic in the International Brigades during the Civil war. Not to mention the 1960's English 'invasion' and subsequent English ghettos of southern Spain. Although I have no empirical evidence, I wonder if there is not some residue of an unconscious negative attitude to us, as the 'bloody foreigners'. I recall a moment when attending a class for immigrants to learn Spanish and realising that it was we who were the immigrants. As for myself and my own personal journey in 2nd L A , it can be best summed by paraphrasing one of my heroes 'Eric the Great', for when I speak Spanish, I may use all the "right words but not necessarily in the right order". Sarah A. Massie Part three continues next month.

The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 12 October 2010 - - Page 15



I want this short article to focus on how to get the most from our gardens and keep them safe, without too much work. I am writing with my left hand because I was very stupid and tripped over my own tools, which I had carelessly left beside (behind) me on the ground, injuring my hand rather badly. My inability to use my hand for nearly a month, has forced me to think more carefully, about what I really need from my garden. I have become aware of my pattern of carelessness; I now hurry through tasks in the garden, enjoying them less, sometimes moving on to another area because I haven't completed all the jobs I wanted in a certain time. I have got into the habit of leaving all the clearing up to the end of the day when I am always too tired to put all the tools away properly. Safety in the garden must come first….it is primarily being aware of the tools that are in use, making sure any electrical connection is safe and wires are not trailing over the working space. About standing long handled tools like rakes, hoes, and forks etc. upright near the working area, because they are really dangerous to stand on. They can also easily become damaged or lost when left at ground level, likewise it is important to clean them and store them securely after use, especially if they are power tools. Fortunately my first aid box was easily accessible and contained a range of antiseptic to clean any wound and various creams for abrasions, bruising or bites and stings. However it was a large clean bandage that I needed, which of-course was missing, I

I know this because I always admire a local, huge Hibiscus (possibly 'Red Heart') sporting copious huge white flowers, with a to focus on flowering and also to had to hunt for it in with the linen dark red eye in the centre of each take the fragile specimens under because it had not been returned flower; it is situated impressively cover in cold weather, it also to the box after it was laundered. on the edge of a dry-stone wall makes a micro climate that alongside the country road in front enables them to flourish and of a Rural Police Station, where facilitates constant watering. the garden has been neglected for at least a decade. I also know it The main annual tasks then grows from seed; perhaps I should become focused on pruning and collect and germinate some seeds weeding, the former I will spread in order to grow this lovely shrub across each month, I have already for myself, but that sounds like one discovered that it is less crucial to of the delights of gardening that I prune just twice a year, I am still need to give up. experimenting on timing, the later, weeds, I can have tolerated and My favourites are still those really like many of the wild flowers stalwart shrubs like Plumbago and grasses and will only take out, Lavender and Lantana, which before it seeds, any plant that have bravely flowered in such becomes very invasive. highest summer temperatures, on very little water, and are still very This has reminded me to check The season has changed; the showy. and replenish the first aid box at garden has suddenly become regular intervals. autumnal. This is the time when There are bright orange flowering the hardy Hibiscus syriacus, Lantanas near the entrance, This recent injury has brought me flowers, mine is called 'Blue Bird' pink/yellow Lantanas at the back face to face with the knowledge that as I get older I am going to be which begins to flower with the first of the house, and now white and of the August rain and is now quite pink/white Lantanas by the little much less able to do all I want; I spectacular, ponds. This autumn I have have now had enough time to decided to add more Lantana for contemplate some of my ideas for The hardy Hibiscus is sometimes mid summer colour next year and keeping maintenance to a have allowed several of the minimum in the coming years and called the tree Hollyhock, it is excellent for late colour and grows mature ones to become very large. how I can put these into practice. into a large, easy care shrub, it The lateral growing Lantana create My ideas for low maintenance can needs considerable water to get it a very different effect trailing down established but eventually it will be classified as, firstly containing over slopes, I have finally had find enough natural water from its some success with them this year, the garden space, laying a weed own large root system. reducing membrane, covered in in white and pale lilac. However I gravel wherever possible. am very impressed with the lateral Lantana which a friend has, that I need to keep wide walkways has turned around and decided to where the wild grasses can be cut climb upwards intertwined with and strimmed without difficulty. I another climber on the wall of the want to select only tough, easy house. growing shrubs, perennials and trees for the main garden, with under planting of bulbs that multiply without any attention. Taller Gandia C.B. Any specialist planting I will keep Official Distributor for Stihl and to raised beds that I can manage to maintain with less bending. Viking Sales & Repairs Keep pots near to the house both Trailers - Sprayers for the ability to move them around Chainsaws - Rotovators

David Pique Domingo

ENGLISH SPEAKING LAWYER AV, Barcelona, 67 Edifici C/ Sant Antoni, 31 “Marfil” local 1 43892 43480 VILA-SECA MIAMI PLATJA TEL 977 39 07 74 TEL 977 17 29 39 E-MAIL:

Carrer 30, 13-15, Camarles Tel/Fax: 977 470 060

The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 12 October 2010 - - Page 16

STILL GROWING In November I will transplant the seedlings of Plumbago to as many different places as possible because they will provide more banks of sky blue flowers, either trained upwards or simply left to grow and flower on arching branches like waterfalls, from June to Christmas! I add one or two Lavenders every year but still haven't achieved the lavender hedge I set my heart on, when I visualised the Catalan garden all those years ago! Although the weather is still very hot, it is different; much heavier dew in the evening replenishing daily the moisture that the sun evaporates after all those August storms and rain which gave the land such a gift, bringing new life to beleaguered perennial and shrub beds. This means that so many of the shrubs and perennials will bloom again. I am so glad that I remembered to prune hard the soft wood flowering shrubs when their first fantastic show of flowers began to fade. It is a really difficult task for me to cut these beautiful bushes, full of verdant leaf (even if their flowers have faded), to reduce them to small balls of stubby naked branches. I cut all the evergreen semi-woody perennials like Euryops (Compositae), Osteospurmum (Compositae) and Teucrium fruticans (which is actually the only one, with it's small pale glaucous leaves, that looks really good when it is cut back into a shape. It was worth the time it takes to prune these shrubs in June because the first new flowers started to show by mid September, just three months after my vicious cut back, by October the larger perennial borders will be looking splendid again. The small wild shrubs I trim into shape earlier in March, spreading the pruning over time and specific shrubs rather than cutting all of the plants in one bed so that the stubby naked branches are less visible. In the next few months I will concentrate on ruthlessly cutting the Myoporum hedge and shaping some of the groups.

What I most want in the heat of summer is lots of bright flowers with very little effort but so many plants need to hibernate if they don't get enough water daily.

tame the fish can become. This is an excellent way to add a prominent decorative water feature, as well as to enjoy the fish close up, without needing to stoop and certainly with no danger to any visiting children. The trough in My answer is to increase the number and the photograph is built as a very beautiful end make a feature of, purposed built, fixed raised to one of the ancient stone walls, making it an beds, near the house which are full of dramatic excellent focal point near the house summer colour, large red flowering Hibiscus combined with a mixture of bright red flowering My ponds are by design difficult to really get geraniums (Pelargonium's) mixed in with access, in order to clean etc., this is because although I don't mind the wildlife drinking at the pond I object to animals fishing, but it means I have to lean precariously over the edge of the steps to get near enough to feed them, they simply love the tiny scraps of cat food when I rinse their dishes in the pond, scrabbling to get each tiny bit, they are now so tame that they often lifted out of the water with the dish. Not such a safe pond for visiting children or me! At the moment my beautiful garden looks rather unkempt and possibly a little seedy because I have had no intention of working or even pottering in the heat of the mid-summer days, by evening I am always too busy relaxing. Tradescantia pallida 'Purple Heart' with long purple leaves contrasting with the furry grey green leaves of Tradescantia sillamontana, both have been good value all summer and given constant colour and flower. Because these raised beds are protected by the house these non hardy plants only need to be cut back and well fed to continue to grow like perennials, I always like to add tiny violas which add that little extra different colour and for the winter. The raised beds are simple to tend and enjoy, close up from a relaxed sitting position, often with a little refreshment.

I now do not want to spend all my energy trying to complete those small tasks that would have been quick just a few years ago. In the future, as and when I plan to revamp an area or just tidy it up, it will also be simplified and streamlined. After writing this article I am even more conscious that I need to use easy strong growing plants that just grow and flower without too much interference from me. I now want simple elegance with the minimum of work and the maximum enjoyment from living with my garden..

My ponds have done extremely well over the summer, they have matured and developed into real beauties, however I cannot help admiring the elegant water trough that friends have constructed with a small water spout. The flowering water Hyacinth give just enough sun protection to the fish and is just the right height for me to dabble my hand in to find how

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Avda. Barcelona 92, Local 1, 43892 MIAMI PLATJA Telephone: 659 736 403

The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 12 October 2010 - - Page 17

WOT, NO INTERNET...? How do I get online, can I get it cheaper and what are the options? I read recently that in a survey of people in Britain during these difficult economic times, most people would cut back on food before stopping their broadband internet service.

If, like the majority of people who have emigrated to Spain, you live in the country then your choices are different as the cost of installing a telephone line to the house are most likely prohibitive and would be a waste of money. So, what choices are there?

You get a Spanish phone number (977) and you are able to use both internet and phone at the same time and their package comes with 300 minutes of free landline calls included to either Spain or the UK. Installation is free and the monthly cost for their basic 1Mb service with telephone is 45 euros + IVA per month.

Telefonica have for many years provided a 'Rural telephone', known as a TRAC phone. Eurona are fairly new to the area and provide a This uses their mobile phone network (movistar) similar service to Iberbanda via their own and gives you the equivalent of a fixed phone. WIMAX network. They provide a Spanish This, to me, reflects the growing dependency phone number (977) and unlimited internet and need to 'be online. Before the internet you You have a landline (977) phone number and connection at 1Mb, 2Mb or 3Mb speeds. The had to go searching for the things you wanted in can make and receive calls as you would use a package comes with 300 minutes of free calls to shops where you thought you might find the normal phone. The TRAC boxes can be used Spanish landlines. Calls to the UK are 0.0252 thing you were looking for. This may have for dial-up internet. There are however various euros a minute. Installation is from 60 euros + taken up one or more days, lots of travelling problems with this service. Firstly it can take IVA and the monthly cost for their basic 1Mb and frustration especially if the thing was a bit years for Telefonica to provide it. Secondly service with telephone is 29.90 euros + IVA per obscure. there are numerous incompatibilities between month. the TRAC phone and the computer modem that Nowadays we sit at home, connected to the in many cases make it unusable. Thirdly it is With any of the operators that provide a internet, and within a few minutes can find not very slow and has a habit of cutting off (always telephone you can (by law) transfer your only what we are looking for but also the when you are in the middle of something existing phone number from your old provider to nearest shop that sells it, the best price and important). Fourthly you can't use the phone your new provider when you change even whether they have the item in stock. We and internet at the same time. Fifth... you get companies. The process normally takes even have the option of buying it online and my point.. between 2 to 3 weeks. getting it delivered so never having to leave the house! How the internet has changed our lives. Dongle, USB Modem, Mobile internet 2 way Satellite systems have come down considerably in cost in the last few years as etc. It's not just the youngsters either. More and technology has improved and distribution more older people are getting on line for various Several mobile phone companies offer internet channels have opened up. If you live in an area different reasons. 'I can talk to the kids for free services that arrive via their 3G mobile where there is no coverage of any sort (Burga networks. Some provide a box that you can using SKYPE'; 'I can book my Ryanair or valley, or 'in the mountains' for example) then use to connect multiple computers; others Easyjet flights'; 'I can read the local news from satellite may be your only option. where I came from'; 'I can listen to my old local supply a plug in USB adaptor (dongle) that you radio station'; 'I can keep in contact with my old need to plug in to your computer to use their There are various packages available and you regiment'. These are just a few of the reasons I service. This is great if you travel a lot as you can even have a phone as well. Two can take your internet connection with you. If have heard from my customers around the companies that I deal with are Net2 and you tend to only use it at home then you need area. Eurona. Both offer internet via satellite at to be sure you have a good 3G signal and that it different service levels and price. Depending So, how do you get online, what are doesn't keep disappearing or is nonexistent (did on the company installation and connection you read 'A cautionary tale from a dial-up surfer' the options and, importantly, what ranges between 450 to 500 euros + IVA and in the July issue?). Generally, once you are out monthly price is from 39 euros + IVA a month does it cost? of a town service and reliability drops off rapidly for 1.2Gb download. ADSL. If you live in a town or village then you so be careful with this choice! Prices are may be fortunate enough to have a phone line around 20 euros a month for limited use, up to If you would like any further information on the connected to your house. If so then you can 40 euros a month for unlimited use. Generally options for internet connectivity or the packages take advantage of one of the combined they only provide internet and not telephone. available then please contact me on broadband and phone packages that are 620353138. available from Telefonica, Jazztel and many Iberbanda have been providing internet and other companies. There are packages that start telephone via their WIMAX system for a number I am an agent for Iberbanda, Eurona and Net2. from around 20 euros per month and promise of years. Originally it was a private company internet speeds up to 30Mb. If you don't have a but was then bought by Telefonica. They Nigel Morton phone line then it can take a considerable time provide internet and telephone via microwave to get one installed and many people decide to repeaters at 1Mb, 2Mb or 4Mb speeds. There use one of the wireless providers, either are no monthly download limits and, Iberbanda or Eurona as described below. with a wireless access point, you can connect multiple computers at once.


Progat Tortosa 977446649 630502142

FLEA MARKET (sale of second hand goods) On Sunday 26th September 2010 from 11 am – 3 pm At Restaurant Ermita Mig Cami. Simpatica Road, (direction Hospital), Tortosa FOLLOW THE BALLOONS! Come and support the animals in need. English books needed . There will be coffee, tea and cake, etc.

The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 12 October 2010 - - Page 18


long as they get some, and get some NOW.

- there may be one near YOU - now!

The female can flutter and flitter or stomp and clomp depending on the environment in which they find themselves. If they are the centre of attention, they are all sweetness and light; the subject matter might be dark and depressing, but their delivery will be cheerful.

The Moaning Minny (Manny is the male variety) is a native to these shores. It is a species that can be a thing of nightmares. The spotting of this particular variety of human is not easy. They can be any shape or size, can have any hair, eye or skin colour and worse still, can always be found living somewhere near you. Binoculars are of no use here for this person could be right under your nose, and it's only when they start to twitter that you see through the bright coloured plumage in to the black depths within.

If, on the other hand, they are not the centre of the universe, or worse, feel they are being ignored, usually by some unsuspecting soul, all hell breaks loose and doom and destruction reign!


679 219 715 EMAIL:

These are the sort of folk for whom everything is black; you know, the my glass is half empty brigade, or should that be totally empty and could you get me a refill. If that was not enough, the moaning Minny / Manny is a sickopath - no it is not misspelt.

The outstanding trait of this creature is its ability to say no to Whereas a psychopath is off their trolley the sickopath can't wait to be on one: everything in such a way as to Preferably in emergency, hopefully at make you feel like the guilty night and with as much fuss and frustration as is possible to derive from party. one visit. They often have the intellectual capabilities of the dodo, yes it's extinct, and the zest for life of Eeyore, of Winnie the Pooh fame, as they can be heard bemoaning the fact that : Nobody loves me .Nobody cares, in much the same way. The similarities are endless, except for the fact that Eeyore makes a great cuddly toy! They seek attention, negative or positive. The variety is immaterial, so

Having said this, I should point out that these creatures are sensitive, easily offended or hurt and prone to Vesuvius impressions. So if you're reading this and someone is reading it over your shoulder, beware, because apart from being a moaner, they are also paranoid….yes they would actually check to see if anyone was looking over their shoulder reading their Chronic Cat!

minutes of free calls to or Spanish landlines per month

The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 12 October 2010 - - Page 19

LIFE the computer are two handles looking like sink plungers stuck to the desk. On the computer screen are two red vertical pillars with a white egg in the middle of each one. Once the screen is activated the pillars starts to move apart, with a plunger in each hand by Helen Rowe This cost me more than I bargained he has to keep the eggs within the red pillars, for, a hundred euros more! a bell rings every time this is not achieved. With ringing in his ears, the pillars start to I watched something last week that amused me at the same time it also solved a mystery. A corner free spot I am never early enough to wiggle and move apart, more bells ring and he is becoming convinced that he will never There are two very old police vehicles that I get any other time of the year was vacated. pass or drive again. have noticed some mornings on my walk into Goody, my little car will slot in there nicely, on Tortosa. They have the blue and white Finally this test is over and as it stops the chequered bands around the sides and large returning some hours later a ticket for error score is display at the top of the screen obscuring the highway was on the screen. blue lights on the roof. 300 out of a possible 6000 not that bad!!! Pay a hundred now or two hundred later. The vans must be over 15 years old and After asking a local man if a photo and have so many dents that its hard to recognise contesting it would be in my favour, I was told Relieved that he has not been sent out of the building he joins the decreasing number of the make and model, but all is not what it forget any action, pay up, you don’t win inmates for the finally stage of door 3. seems, if you get close you will see a small against the police especially when the Tortosa council logo on the door. On this pickings are lean due to less traffic, they have Behind door 3 is the final test on hearing and occasion it parked in the disabled driver’s bay a budget to meet even in August! sight a pretty standard affair, once over the in front of the gun shop near my office. Out document with his photograph that was jump three men dress in bright yellow jackets Now, still on the subject of driving and the issued in number one is stamped and he is police they don’t like the old paper licence over scruffy work clothes……under cover though it is still legally valid. Peter needed to told to go to the department of traffic in police?... No… do something about his licence as his expired Tarragona to complete the process. The next twenty minutes was the on his 70th birthday and I was fed up have You guessed, more forms in the Tarragona amusing part. the same argument when I am routinely department, more numbered ticket taking, stopped. more queue waiting! Finally on the second The sign for the restricted bay opposite floor of the building he gets to see a delightful where they parked had been hit by a vehicle Let Peter apply for a replacement Spanish woman with Oxbridge English who explains one first, that way I would know the the day before; it was bent and leaned over the next process. procedure, there is so much differing 30 degrees. The first man rocked it to see if information on various forums and info sites. They send a copy of your current licence to the bottom of the pole was still firmly in the Knowing that he would have to start with a pavement, once this was established he the UK to verify there is no reason not to medical our doctor was the first place to ask. issue a Spanish licence to you. Once the walked over to the other side of the road to He was referred to use one of two places in talk to the other two, and then the biggest of answer from the UK comes back to her she Tortosa to get the medical, a private clinic or will ring and ask you to come back and first the trio came and started to push it with the the Red Cross. other two shouting instructions. pay at the “Caixa” on the ground floor, then come back and see her. Choosing the Red Cross off Peter trots only Slowly the sign was being pushed to the to find out that these medical for “conductor” She will then issue a temporary licence and vertical but with each push he stopped and crossed the road to look at the sign. Then the are done on Saturday mornings only. The the plastic card one will come to him in the next Saturday he rolls up at their boss got out of the van, mobile phone to his post. This is the stage I joined the headquarters with every conceivable ear and stood a little way up the road to proceedings and am awaiting a phone call to document they could possibly want to see. supervise the final push. Happy that it was go back for the temporary licence. Walking in to an area with people sat waiting perpendicular they all stood and admired he takes a wooden paddle with a number on Simple really!!! their work whilst having a smoke. it. He observes that there are three rooms and an order of events that occur. Now the other vehicle is used by the gardening crew and can be seen double RIERES ESTATE AGENT Wishing he took a thick book he knew he parked with the back door open on PROFESSIONAL SERVICE WITH A PERSONAL TOUCH roundabouts with trays of plants on the bench was in for a long morning. Following the seats. So two recycled police vans are part of routine of the other inmates he finally gets to Large portfolio of properties within 50km radius of Tortosa go though door one. This is the form filling are you looking for a finca or villa or apartment ? the council’s fleet now? Call or email for a free guide to buying property office, with time he was on their system and Placa Paiolet 2 Tortosa (near the old bridge) out into the corridor he goes to wait again. In August it is normally easier to park in 977445497 or 645335634 telephone Slowly the inmates in front of him move Tortosa as a large number of people are on English Catalan Spanish spoken their annual hols. Also there are fewer traffic though the next door and out again to sit email and wait. wardens about, so I started to park closer to the office to save a long walk in the August Intrigued to get to the next door his turn heat. comes, in this office sits an old man with an website even older computer on a desk. In front of





D RIVE …..

The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 12 October 2010 - - Page 20

LA COMIDA With peaches in abundance at this time of year, why not try something different. (This recipe is taken from The Cookery Year published by the Reader's Digest Assn.)

C HEATS C UISINE So hot don't really feel like doing too much cooking so here are some dippy idea's to cheer the lack of cooking up.

BAKED STUFFED PEACHES Traditionally this Italian sweet is made with amaretti - tiny macaroons made from apricot kernels or bitter almonds. If these are unobtainable, ratafia biscuits make a good substitute.

Pineapple Blue Cheese Dip

INGREDIENTS (for 4-6):

Take a tub of cream cheese a small tin of pineapple or half a large some blue cheese to taste; about one small packet and some chopped chives or finely chopped mild onion pop all into a blender or processor for 60 seconds, chill and use on salad,cold meats or fresh fruit or use as a dip.

4 large peaches

Garlic Dip


1 egg yolk

Take 2 teaspoons of Worcestershire sauce, 1 teaspoon of mild paprika,1 clove of garlic ( more if liked ) 1 teaspoon of vinegar and 1 tub of cream cheese blend or process while adding a little milk to achieve a dropping consistency.

2 oz amaretti or ratafia biscuits

Use as a dip or top off a steak or jacket potato.

Cream together the sugar, butter and egg yolk in a small bowl. Crush the biscuits with a rolling pin and add these to the creamed mixture.

Speedy Corn Relish

2 level dessertspoons caster sugar 1 level tablespoon unsalted butter

Pour boiling water over the peaches and leave for 2-3 minutes. Peel off the skin, halve the peaches and remove the stones. Enlarge the cavities slightly by scopping out some of the flesh with a pointed teaspoon. Add this pulp to the egg mixutre and blend well. Pile the stuffing into the peach halves and arrange them in a buttered fireproof dish. Bake on the centre shelf of a pre-heated oven, at 350 degrees F (mark 4), for 20-30 minutes or until the peaches are soft, but still shapely. Serve the peaches warm, with a bowl of cream.

Aubergine Omelettes With a glut of aubergine upon us, and a child who does not particularly like their taste, we had struggled for a while to find a use for this vegetable. After searching through the Spanish 1008 Recipes book, we decided to experiment with the version below, and it was well-received by all. A little fussy to prepare, but very much worth it. For the Tomato Sauce 1 Onion 4 Medium Tomatoes Olive Oil For the Omelettes 3 Aubergines 1 Medium Onion Olive Oil FLour Milk 6 eggs Grated Cheese

3/4 tablespoons of french dressing, 1 tablespoon vinegar, half a green pepper, 1 stalk of celery and 1 slice of onion 2 tablespoons of tinned pimento, salt to taste and 1 large tin of sweet corn ( all these amounts are ish ) Blend or process everything except sweet corn for 10 seconds pour over corn and mix cover and refrigerate for several days so that the flavours can blend, use for meats or cheese.

Finely chop an onion into a pan, liberally doused with olive oil and allow to melt on a low heat for some thirty minutes. When this time is up, grate four medium-sized tomatoes into the same pan, mix well and allow to reduce.

Spread a small amount of the tomato sauce over each omelette and top with some cheese (Gruyere is great). Pop under a high grill until the tops are bubbling and serve straight from the dish.

Whilst waiting for the onion/tomato sauce, first peel and and then chop the three good sized aubergines - mincing them in a blender is a great time-saver. Add another finely chopped onion and combine in a pan with some more olive oil. Set on a low heat, stirring occasionally for about ten minutes. Add two tablespoons of flour, mix well and allow to cook for two minutes. Add 500ml milk, a little at a time, and cook for a further ten minutes until you have a soft paste. Season and remove from the heat. Take one egg at a time, and beat with a little salt. Pour into a small greased pan on a low heat and add a tablespoon or two of the aubergine mixture. When almost cooked, flip it over and slide out of the pan and into an ovenproof dish. Continue making these little omelettes until all the filling is used up.

The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 12 October 2010 - - Page 21


EURO DELICATESSEN Discover a selection of British and Catalan Deli products including:

The Munchie has grown. It no longer asks for what it wants, it takes it. That doesn’t mean the Munchie steals food from tables; it means if it wants cuddles it knows how to get them; if it’s hungry - it knows which mournful face to pull to get the job done. The Munchie is smart. This brings me to one of its more recent escapades. Perhaps this would be a good moment to point out that the Munchie loves anything inflatable (and please those of you going off at a tangent stick with the story) I have been known to have friends, not just in the pre-Munchie days, who come to rent our apartment which includes the use of the pool. We always remind our guests that there’s one of the more cuddly, fur-covered members of the family who is rather obsessed by its ability to cause the big bang! As you all know scientists believe this created the world as we know it. Should this be proved in the future to be indeed the case, we have the Munchie to thank, because big bangs are it’s speciality. Anyway, I digress, but it’s important that you the reader, understand the desire the Munchie has to create something out of nothing. The apartment was rented out, and we all decided to go to the Renaissance procession in Tortosa. While we were out another friend, who was staying with my parents, chose to go for a dip in the pool taking her li-lo with her. She knew of the Munchies addiction to popping inflatables, but thought nothing of it, placed the li-lo on the water and settled down for a peaceful drift around the pool. Munchie was not impressed; no matter how hard it tried the air bed was always beyond its reach, very frustrating for such a clever beast. At first it barked in order to spoil the quiet of the afternoon. No response. So, it went to the friend’s bag and took out the dress the friend had been wearing. The Munchie stroll round to the other side of the pool, in front of our friend and ragged¹ the dress quite aggressively. This had the desired effect. The friend, by now screaming and shouting, chased the Munchie round and round. The Munchie dropped the dress after it had enticed the friend far enough away from the pool and the unsuspecting air bed, while the friend delighted at retrieving the garment, didn’t think twice about the lilo floating helplessly unprotected on the water. No one is sure what happened next, because the air bed never got to tell its side of the story, but by the time we returned from Tortosa , the lilo was lying still intact in front of the gate, a good 50m from its natural habitat. On seeing our return the Munchie stood up, clasped the lilo in its formidable jaws and enjoyed the sweet sound of success. Not only was there an explosion of air, but it was followed by, what the Munchie loves best, some explosive attention. Oh yes it was of the negative variety; however that has never, as yet, deterred it. “You horrible creature how could you? You bad beasty.” etc. etc. The Munchie can take anything you might want to throw at it (I mean that quite literally), but the one thing we know it hates beyond all others is to be ignored. So from its perspective this was yet another mission well and truly accomplished. ¹ragged = to shake something violently and pronounced as if it has only one syllable, the same way you might say nagged Opening Times: Mornings: 9:00 - 13:00 Afternoons: 16:30 - 20:00 Sundays and Holidays: 10:00 14:00 (July and August closed)

Workshops & Guided Tours Bee Keeper Museum Fully Stocked Shop

Large range of Organic, Gluten Free, Vegetarian and Dietary Products Av. Catalunya, 23 · 43519 El Perelló (Tarragona) · Tel. 977 49 00 34 Also at El Raco deMuria - Mercat Municipal. C/Galetet s/n Parada 8-9, L’Ametlla de Mar 977 457 260

Beers & Ciders - Jams and Marmalades Chutneys and Cheeses - Sausages English Teas and a large Selection of English biscuits British Bacon, Pies and Pasties

All to die for! C/Santa Anna, 18 - Tarragona Tel: 977 23 22 43

Introducing...Euro Delicatessen Euro Delicatessen is a new deli concept, specialising in British and Catalan/Spanish deli products. We are an independently owned and family run shop. Situated in the heart of the beautiful, historic Old Town Tarragona, on Calle Santa Anna, between the Plaza Forum and Plaza Del Rei. In the English side you can find, English sausages, bacon, cheddar & red Leicester cheeses, Cornish pasties, sausage rolls & steak and kidney pies As well as an assortment of great British deli products, not available within this area. Our Cottage Delight products include a wide range of Jams, Marmalades, Chutneys, Chocolate & Lemon Curds, Mustard, Piccalilli and of course, Marmite. We also have available a selection of Twinings infusion teas, Earl Grey and English breakfast teas, to accompany the teas we offer you a great range of English and Scottish biscuits, Chocolate chip, English toffee, cappuccino, lemon, stem ginger and Walkers shortbread and digestive biscuits. You cannot miss our display of English Beers, cider and soft drinks, Fullers London Pride & ESB, Strongbow and Shandy, ginger beer and Dandelion & Burdock, by Fentimans. Our Catalan/Spanish deli products includes a great range of locally produced jams, marmalades, olive oils & vinegars, herbs and preserves. You have to have a look at our wine display: Red wines from Priorat and Terra Alta, organic white wine from Penedes, rose from Conca de Barbera, traditional sweet wine, homemade Vermouth and our Brut Nature Cava (100% Catalan). And of course, the famous Tarragona “MAGINET” biscuits, all ideal as gifts. As we have grown over the last few months we have been able to introduce some homemade products under our “EURO DELICATESSEN” brand. These include fresh potato salad, coleslaw and an assortment of cheesecakes. You can also pre-order for pick up by phoning 977-23-2243 You can also order and design your own deli gift basket, fantastic for all occasions. We invite you to visit us at “Euro Delicatessen” in Calle Santa Anna 18, Tarragona. Take a look at our website on Do not forget, all our products are to die for!

The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 12 October 2010 - - Page 22

ODDS N ENDS A D AY O UT IN T ARRAGONA By law, if you are resident here in Spain, you should change your driving licence into a Spanish one, within six months. As ours were coming up for renewal anyway, it spurred us on to arrange this process. A trip to Tarragona to the Department of Traffic was on the cards. As usual, armed with the necessaries, ie, everthing you possess on paper, plus photographs (small enough for the driving licence)et al, we set off. Arriving at the train station in Tarragona I jumped into a taxi. The Eroski Centre please, as first, I wanted to go and have a nice cup of tea at Bar Cal Manel, just over the road from the Eroski Centre, before I began my mission. I had paid almost 9€ for the taxi fare, way over the odds! Rodney and Marina (owners of Bar Cal Manel) explained a taxi fare to the station should cost no more than 4€, so be warned. Check first!! After a good cup of English Breakfast tea, I was on my way. It was just a short walk to the huge roundabout where I found my destination. A large, dull, grey building loomed in front of me. I climbed the steps up to the Traffic Building, where first you are led through a security check. Then to find the machine which read, Conductors, Caja, Vehiculos and Informacio. Caja was the one I should have pressed, but I pressed Conductors (Drivers?) instead!

El Perello Freesia Group

heading for the city's beautiful romanic/gothic medieval Cathedral and just as I had almost reached the old quarter and stepped onto the Rambla Vella, my 'phone rang. It was the Traffic Centre. Would I please return as the gentleman had made a mistake and if I was still in Tarragona, could I pop back in to sort out my papers!! My, oh, my! Well, I was in Tarragona, I would now miss the 12.30 train home, but at least it meant, I would have more time to explore, if the Traffic Department were going to cooperate and set me free! After half an hour's walk, trying to keep in the shade, I arrived back at Traffic HQ. I duly went through security, collected my ticket from the 2nd floor and a lovely lady ushered me in. "I am so terribly sorry but my colleague made a mistake and you need to pay 26€ at the Caja below and return to see me" she explained.

Bookstalls In October: Saturday 2nd October Saturday 16th October Saturday 30th October

At the Homogenic Bar, El Perelló. For your Diary...

Car Boot Sale in aid of the Freesia Group will be held on 23rd October near Vinyols. The price per table will be €10 and any money raised will go to the Freesia Group. Please contact Kay Beach on or call 699 604 105.

Back down the stairs, I trotted and collected my ticket from the machine. I only had to wait some 15 minutes before my number popped up on the screen and it was my turn to visit their mini bank. Having paid the necessary 26€ and something, I walked wearily back up the stairs to 2nd floor.

preserved monument and only 1,100 metres out of it's original 4,500 metres is still here today, the part surrounding the old part of the city. Over the last two centuries, the rest has disappeared due to the urban growth of the city. The wall is impressive, dating back to 150 years BC and at the highest part, the wall stands at 12 metres and 6 metres width! On this walk, you pass the Black Small Fort, and the guard force, where some 12 to 15 shiny black cannons stand proud, protruding out over to the north of the city. The walk is ideal if you want to stop for a picnic and has some buenas vistas over the city's north side.

The lady greeted me as I walked in with ticket no 471 (there was no-one else waiting, but you still require a ticket!) and she sorted all the papers out for me in about 5 minutes. No need for the original certificate of Residencia, she said. They would send my new driving licence by post (we have a Post Box number) and in the meantime, After realising my mistake later, (this wasn't Entering the ‘old Tarragona’, I perused the issued me with a temporary driving licence. going to be as straight forward as I had lovely old narrow streets around the hoped!) I headed up to the 2nd floor to press Cathedral and luckily happened to stumble on It takes about three weeks for the new driving for my ticket to wait for the attention of the a new Delicatessen opened recently. Euro Driving Licence Office. This was not going to licence to come through and esta! As simple as Delicatessen is owned by Kristian and his that! So if you would like any further information be a straightforward day! lovely wife, Judit. Judit is Catalan and they on obtaining your Spanish driving licence or met whilst Kristian was working in London. It was August, a good time to pay a visit, as it have any tips or helpful hints on this matter, please don't hesitate to write in to the Catalunya Being lovers of fine food and wishing to live in was fairly quiet. A bespectacled gentlemen Tarragona, they have compromised and their Chronicle. dealt with my papers, insisting I bring the quaint shop tucked away in the old quarter of original of my Residencia certificate (not just Tarragona is where they sell some great TARRAGONA WALLS (archaeological a copy) in next time and said, after a lot of British food and drink with a few local promenade) A UNECSO World paper shuffling, I should wait for a phone call, delicacies too. Well worth a visit. Heritage site. providing of course, I had a clean licence and the British DVLA would honour who I was and I had time to fit in this wonderful not have me registered as someone who Everything for your pool walk following the 18th Century broke all the rules. fortifications, built to protect the city All Accessories for your pool or spa to ensure it This man obviously enjoyed his authoritative against the War of the Spanish is perfectly clean and maintained job. So that was it. All done, or so I thought!! Succession of the Spanish I didn't even have to pay any money (yet). monarchy. In 1932, it became the ► Construction current promenade and was ► Water Analysis & Treatment Tarragona, here I come. I love this city. I opened to the public as a romantic C/ Osca, 5 ► Cleaning love it's buildings, it's history; Tarraco, as it garden area. Tarraco's Roman L’Ampolla ► Jacuzzis & Spas was once called, was capital of the most wall is the most ancient and 670.814.712 ► Water Filters important Roman province in Hispania. I was

The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 12 October 2010 - - Page 23

REVIEWS A S OLDIER ' S W IND by Michael Douglas Bosc. ISBN: 9781452012612 Published by Author House Book review by Rosie Reay Aah, now this is different, I think to myself as I read the synopsis. This paperback book is not the traditional blurb of a retired Expat writer about how great life is living on his finca at Barranc de Rhianos, nestled in in the woody countryside and olive growing area of Garcia, in Catalonia, Spain. Wonderful far-reaching views towards Falsett embraces him and so many pleasurable hours are spent writing for relaxation, initially. He then surprised himself (@michaelbosc) how much he enjoyed scribbling. Now he can't stop churning out these wonderful reads, even though his first desire was just to write that one novel within him. I switched the eight cup coffee percolator on. I had already twigged that this book would not be put down until I had devoured the very last page. I was so right! The front cover of a schooner set against the evening twilight on a calm sea, immediately connects the reader with the authors muses. We hastily turn the pages to see where this journey will take us. Oh, and in Michael Douglas Bosc's own engaging style of writing speech and prose, we connect.

erupts violently on board. This advances his career rapidly as the fatal outcomes leave him in charge. He rises to the occassion, though he has learned to lived with the scars of previous action that marks his profile, but not his ability to command. The authors love of sailing flows through each page and his descriptions grab you (you sometimes feel as though you are on deck yourself), be that you wish to sail on calmer waters and in peaceful times. But he depicts and pitches his reverie perfectly to the era in which he writes. On arrival in Jamaica he soons weaves himself an exciting tangled web of love and satisfaction, pride and joy. Fortuantely being a man of private means, possessions bestowed on him through his late father and ever watchful eye of his finances by his shrewd uncle, he sets up a delightful mistress (and confidante) in Jamaica town. However, he does the traditonal thing and marries a daughter of a plantation owner and purchases his very own plantation too. There he upsets other landowners with his radical and forewarding thinking ideas of how the plantation should be modernised and run for maximum production, but not before he changes the ways in which his slaves are treated. This shocks the island. He revamps their accommodation, and addresses their poverty and treats them as decent, equalspeaking human beings - far ahead of the times in which he presides over it all!. A fervent believer in a happy staff is a well run and financially rewarding plantation to all who work on it and love it!

But his life is not long spent in the arms of the ladies before he receives his naval orders sets sail around the islands and adventures and The pace is running. conquests engulf him.I kept finding myself looking in the inside back cover of the book, Straight away you can tell the author respects (even though I knew it wasn't there) for an old the chain of command in the navy world, be it navigational type map to pinpoint just where that he served Queen and country in the Royal "we" were and near which island. I knew I had Air Force for nigh on nine years. He has coined read something about Cat Island before. I the manner of speech so perfectlyfitting to couldn't recall where it was.That frutstrated the those times, to the rank of the seaman, naval hell outof me and I had to break off and search office or Leiutenant, as in Jason's case the on the internet to locate it, before I could read hero in the book. on. But then I read on hastily One is so intrigued how Jason, who has suffered horrendous wounds at the hands of an alleged American privateer (accused of backstreet duelling in the filthy streets of London by the Doctor in Clerkenwell, where his doting uncle and financier hauled him to be made right for further sea action) recovers. Let alone to be able to resume a high command on a very uncertain sea against disreputable frigates and one confrontational sea-faring adventure after another.. Yet, he doesn't have a tranquil sail across the ocean towards Jamaica and trouble soons

The story has many twists and turns in it and one is never quite sure which turn Michael Douglas Bosc will take in the next chapter, on sea or back on the beautiful, peaceful and sweet smelling islands.But the relationship beween his wife, mistress and mother he did not envisage... This book is such a good read. Men and woman will equally enjoy it. You may too enjoy their blog about life in Catalonia:

I met the author (and his charming wife Carol yesterday and have been bugging him for the sequel. He rocked back on the chair chuckling. I grinned and as they say in the classics (not), "Me thinks this next book is written..."

Having just passed this milestone - it is slightly worrying to see how many these make sense

The Perks of Being 50+ * In a kidnap situation, the kidnappers are not interested in you. * In a hostage situation you are likely to be released first. * No one expects you to run - anywhere. * People call at 9 PM and ask, "Did I wake you?" * People no longer view you as a hypochondriac. * There is nothing left to learn the hard way. * Things you buy now won't wear out. * You can eat dinner at 4 P.M. * You enjoy hearing about other peoples' operations. * You get into heated arguments about pension plans. * You have a party and the neighbours don't even realize it. * You no longer think of speed limits as a challenge. * You quit trying to hold your stomach in, no matter who walks into the room. * You sing along with elevator music. * Your eyes won't get much worse. * Your investment in health insurance is finally beginning to pay off. * Your joints are more accurate meteorologists than the national weather service. * Your secrets are safe with your friends, because they can't remember them either. * Your supply of brain cells is finally down to manageable size. By One of the Editors

The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 12 October 2010 - - Page 24

TALES FROM THE EBRO RIVER VALLEY Tourists for years, visiting our beautiful and one block away from the north end of the Southern Catalonian district have enquired of Marina. me, "...but where are are your local artists? We don't see any!" they have remarked frustrated to hell and quite fed up they were really. Some even went on to inform me (in case I hadn't already twigged), "Not everyone comes to the Ebro and the Delta to fish, you know".

deprivation and persecution for being Catalan. Scraping a living off agriculture on tired and twisted frames from age and disillusionment or huddled in groups seeking shade under straggling olive or almond trees on the mountainside during the hot siestas. "These folk won't be around for ever," she says and on she paints them.

Well, they are coming out of the woodwork now! I have artists, crafters and fascinating artisans queuing up to be interviewed. All have a different perception of their artistic skill. Everyone is different and what intrigues me is delving behind their art to find their personal story - what makes them tick. If you are out there and want to be heard above the herd, contact me. Please, I would be charmed to meet you. I was introduced to this Northumbrian lady a few years ago at a welcoming coffee morning held at Finca Morena, when my kind Devonish friend Julie, from Bitem (who lives a handshake away from the windmills I can see from my kitchen window) took my old mum and I out to mingle with a rainbow of Ebro ladies (some "husbands" were there too, to be politically correct). What a cauldron pot of Expats we made! Such laughter and lasting friendships were moulded without the use of Yeso.

You are tempted not to buy one but several. You want to see the whole story on your wall. Every picture tells a story delicately and From her finca set on the outskirts of Roquetes sympathetically. You share empathy with the and Terrapica, Lorna radiates in and out artists under every stroke of her brush for teaching a vast range of subjects that covers these gentle, humble folk. Sometimes, still they both left and right hand side of the brain are forgotten within the pace their families lives functions. There is no end to this lady talents: as they have left to live far off in the cities now Maths, English, Art and Violin are strings to her of Barcelona, Tarragona or south to Valencia teaching bow. or west to Zaragoza - they have moved away Lorna has volumes of books over-flowing with (or ran) from the finca. Their lives span out now in utter contrast to their rural roots. But sketches and people are such a diversity that You engage immediately with Lorna enraptures her brushes and pencils. She sums may they pause a moment and peruse this Silverstein, her welcoming smile and her lovely it all up so neatly, when I'm trying to widdle out artwork that will not let them forget where they Northumbrian accent. I just love it! But in all of her what her charges are: "Rosie it is not all came from and the values that were installed in that time I spent chatting to her, not once did about the product. It is the process I just love!" them from birth. she give away that she is an artist - an impressionist at that. Lorna has a penchant for art days that rolls on The colours are poignant. The characters stances depict the varying harshness of their for hours on end and will indulge both friends lives, their despair. Yet Lorna has captured in and family to provide a table; set a venue; (whether it be their home, on a beach or off the their faces the radiance of their emotions of beaten track in the foothills) everyone provides times, past and present. Times lived and loved their own transport; brings a 'Pot Lunch'. These and above all their unwavering spirit of survival- something Franco never managed to days are becoming so popular Lorna has break, thank God! extended the invitation to tourists, locals or other Expats (not yet met) to take up her offer "Cataluùa es no Espaùa!" of an Art Away Day. As such she will not charge per person, only as long as the Aside: To learn more about the artist please I am discovering more and more artists are materials (all of which Lorna provides) are contact me directly. quite reserved in coming forward about their reimbursed. own personal skills and attributes. To me this @RosieReay sits at odds with someone's creative You do not need to be a proven artist or have personality who is so artistic. Whereas, the had to have studied art in any formal form (but normal trend would be that they want to "show if you are, fabulous)- maybe just something off" their work to the world. you have mused over or even longed to try for ages, well let’s get another Art Day organised. Well, at last we are seeing Lorna and her work If you are interested drop me a tweet or email. out there! Renaissance Medieval Festival 2010 in Tortosa saw Lorna sharing a display with Lorna's painting covers many scenic sceneries wood sculptor John Daniel Dickinson (see we can all identify with, admire and take home August article on with us to adorn our walls or to make a special Rosie Reay However, on Saturday evenings you will find present for someone else back 'home'. The Lorna at the vibrant and friendly L'Ampolla paintings that fascinate me most are her artists and handmade craft street market. This collection of impressions of the old Catalan +34 619-772-492 is located in a quiet street off the roundabout people. The dying race left in abject poverty Twitter @RosieReay that survived Franco's harsh regime of

Foden Press

The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 12 October 2010 - - Page 25


celebrity berries had toxic substances such as heavy metals and pesticides ...


Lycium barbarum, also known as goji berries, grow naturally in the mountains of Tibet, in the heart of the Himalayas, and in several provinces in southern China. The literature on traditional Chinese medicine, the most notable about this food, reports that these berries have been consumed for hundreds of years and attributes them with increased vitality and counteracting fatigue.

Despite being native to Tibet, most of the samples originated in China. The test results were disappointing: the 10 samples tested satisfied the requirements for commercialisation but, among other things, contain large amounts of pesticides, some illegal for use in Europe, and heavy metals such as cadmium, copper and lead. No need to panic: the intake of Goji berries will not cause acute poisoning (it would be necessary to eat kilos of berries to immediately notice the effect those substances), but their consumption may have long-term effects. The OCU asked the Spanish Food Safety Agency (AESAN) to withdraw the product from the market and to analyze the berries which were obtained and to exert greater control over these products, and also to determine if the common problems identified and in all the samples was an isolated occurrence or not.

"Goji Berries" are surely the "magic" product of the year and are attributed with many nutritional properties; there is even one that dares to call them "medicine." Some time ago the Organisation of Consumers and Users (OCU) warned that there is no scientific evidence to substantiate the health effects of Goji berries, let alone to justify paying the high price asked for them (24 euros a kilo, on average), and that the alleged benefits were the same as could be achieved from any other red fruit.

If you look at the label you will discover that the berries claimed effects on the body are all positive: "Strengthen the immune system, improve health ... protect cells against free radicals, help against fatigue and exhaustion ... the fruit of longevity and health ... to stay young, improve eyesight, regular sleeping and appetite, care for the kidneys and liver and feel better overall and have more energy .... help weight loss, reduce appetite, anti-aging properties to treat high blood pressure, lumbago, dizziness, complaints of menopause and impotence " The OCU has analyzed several samples of Goji berries and found that their possible effects on the body are far from positive: analyzed Goji berries contain toxic substances like heavy metals and pesticides. It bought 10 random samples of Goji berries in different outlets (stores of nuts, Horchateria, herbalists and supermarkets) in Madrid and Barcelona and analysed the Goji berries and see if these

Beware the Jimson Weed - or Stinkplant

However, the AESAN has rejected the interim measure proposed by the OCU to withdraw the product from the market, and claim that there is no immediate health risk to people who have consumed the product. However, it summed up its statement by stating that: "There is no scientific evidence substantiating the publicity on the health effects that sometimes are made on this type of product" Goji berries share the benefits of other berries: they are rich in antioxidants. In general, bright-coloured fruits have the highest antioxidant content in the fruit group, although there are notable exceptions, such as granny smith apple, less intense colour than berries but with more antioxidants than goji berries. But the higher content of antioxidants in food does not reflect that this is better, because that depends on whether antioxidants are absorbed, which is still under study. In any case, countless of the Goji berries extraordinary claims and features remain unproven.

Today the message from the scientific societies of nutrition is that we should consume a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, not to just eat one type of fruit or vegetables in particular. Arancha Coromina

Growing wild in many countries, including Spain, one such example appeared on my finca last month. Unchecked it can grow up to 2 metres in height, and has trumpet shaped flowers that may be white or purple. It also bears spiky green seed pods and it’s leaves are foul-smelling. The plant’s seeds, leaves and flowers are dangerous and should not be eaten, smoked or brewed into a tea. In fact, touching the plant is not recommended, unless wearing suitable protection. A jimson weed overdose could lead to hypothermia, a coma or even seizures. Already there have been deaths linked to this plant’s use. Any resemblance to the plants currently offered for sale on the Tortosa Forum is purely coincidental, I am assured...

I once had a rose named after me and I was very flattered. But I was not pleased to read the description in the catalogue: "no good in a bed, but fine up against a wall" Santa Claus has the right idea - visit people only once a year. My wife has a slight impediment in her speech every now and then she stops to breathe. My husband and I divorced over religious differences. He thought he was God and I didn't!


Advice, Training and Food Education (asesoramiento, formacion y educacion alimentaria) Nutritional treatment for overweight, hypertension, diabetes, cholesterol etc.

DIETÉTICA ROQUETES, C / MAYOR , 36 43520 ROQUETES Call 645565571 to make an appointment (Consultations in English or Spanish)

The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 12 October 2010 - - Page 26

AN ENSEMBLE Norman Jay Singer, Songwriter and Radio presenter. Radio is my Future. I think I could be the only English person on the radio in Catalonia? If I am I am your voice. The only English presenter on the radio in Catalonia now has 2 shows! Wednesdays on Radio Mora La Nova at 8pm and Saturdays on Radio Cala from October base in L’Ametlla de Mar (the time to be confirmed) both radio stations broadcasting on 107.3 fm. The “M Factor” is getting a great response; Auditions will be held in Late October in Mora, to enter email Be a star.....Sponsors required. Anyone can enter any age...

When you are next visiting Tarragona city come and relax and have a coffee or tea in BAR CAL MANEL Rodney, Elizibeth and Marina assure you a warm welcome. Open Mon to Fri 8.00am to 9.30pm English and Spanish spoken. Tel 653557524 C/ Joan Baptista Plana 25, near the Eroski Centre GATES RAILING


Not Just Olives Still Rockin! on 107.3fm

UK Time 7 to 8pm E U Time 8 to 9pm every Wednesday


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Norman Jay

Listen to my show on the internet email

For a free quote call Steve 659 225 068

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Catalonian Properties New and Resale Properties, Large/Small Farms/Coastal, River/Countryside. We have several clients looking for your property so give us a call if you want to sell it. e-mail: Tel/Fax: (0034) 977 470 924 Mobile: 606 813 219 or 615 316 722




MAYOR S.L, Ctra. Tortosa -L’Aldea, Km.2 - TORTOSA Email:

Tel: 977 440 440


Fax: 977 440 758

Is your dog a pleasure to have around, man's best friend?

You don't have to fight a losing battle Want some support?

Or are you struggling to cope with his/her Pick up the phone behaviour with other dogs / barking / house training / 675 071 794 aggression / obedience? Observation, evaluation, assessment in your own home on your territory. User-friendly, non aggressive techniques to alter or eradicate bad behaviour indefinitely Regain your sanity - It must be worth a try!

The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 12 October 2010 - - Page 27































































for further details. Price based on 6 month continuous advert for only €25 (IVA included)

The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 12 October 2010 - - Page 28

PASSATEMPS Cryptic Prize Crossword Little Britain €10 voucher to winner drawn at random from correct solutions received by 10h of the month. Please email or post it to us, with your name and telephone number.



1 Bendy media (6)

1 Thick milkshake a father makes with an apple without novice (6)

4 Something spoken or cheeps about (6) 9 Not less than a meadow and a Holy person lead by a junction (2,5) 10 An abalone found first-formers class (5) 11 When Nero left the operation, they sat in this outside area (5) 12 Just say No! would give one of these (7) 13 Desolate idol intended rice wine a pole on the end (11) 18 In addition, I would join honey producers in the South (7) 20 Disgusting hatred, Na without sulphur (5) 22 Put out, sailed out without tail (5) 23 Link together two points with cord (7) 24 Cereal mix with a smile you it's said (6) 25 Twist Irish stew removing sibling (6)

2 This baby bird comes wrapped in a towel (5) 3 E.g. Hamlet went to the final competition (7) 5 Evidence that softly covered a building (5) 6 He sees man about in the all together (2,5) 7 A raw beginner haled confused trumpeter (6) 8 Slipshod Socrates and his doctors were ill-fated (4-7) 14 Police went south to find medicine that was blurred (7) 15 Fosterer reduced padre to confusion (7) 16 In the same place, I wait for Moslem leader (6) 17 Elf in the east of France, hinder (6) 19 Live in Caldwell (5) 21 Trioxide without king gives half-wit (5)

Last Month’s Solution : Across: 1 Jackdaw, 5 Guava, 8 Lilac, 9 Seaport, 10 Scrambled eggs, 11 Paella, 12 Stymie, 15 Money-spinners, 18 Capstan, 19 Inter, 20 Salem, 21 Rigging. Down: 1 Jells, 2 Calorie, 3 Decimal system, 4 Wisely, 5 Grandstanding, 6 Among, 7 Artiste, 11 Pumices, 13 Maestri, 14 Opener, 16 Nepal, 17

Quick Crossword



7 Associations (13) 8 Thrown out (8) 9 Solid rain? (4) 10 Boxes (7) 12 part of face (5) 14 0.1 (5) 16 Sign (7) 19 Jungle king (4) 20 Replied (8) 22 Makers (13)

1 Not false (4) 2 Dad or Mum (6) 3 Striking (7) 4 A deck of ... (5) 5 0.125 (6) 6 Sapper (8) 11 From the US (8) 13 Mass (7) 15 Talking implement (6) 17 Not Ours (6) 18 Waterway (5) 21 Profit (4)


One set of correct answers to last month’s Cryptic Crossword. The €10 Little Britain Voucher goes to From Valerie Bailey AND HER HELPER WHO DIDN'T GET A MENTION LAST MONTH Colin Bailey



The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 12 October 2010 - - Page 29

INFORMATION Que? Monthly look at some differences between Catalan and Spanish words English Autumn Basket mushroom blonde complain pick up/collect

Spanish El Otoño cesto champiñón rubio reclamar recoger

babysitter bandage chess snails banana dark green September

canguro venda ajedrez caracoles plátano verde oscuro Septiembre

Catalan La Tardor cistell bolet ros rossa queixar-se recollir cangur bena escacs cargols plàtan verd fosc Setembre

Advertising Rates To advertise in the next edition of the Catalunya Chronicle we would need your copy before the 10th of the month. Personal Classified Ads are FREE up to a maximum of 35 words, and subject to a maximum sales value of €1000. No more than three items at a time please. Business Classified Ads start at €15, subject to size. Whether you have your artwork or not, included in the price we offer a design service and we will endeavour to match your requirements. The cost of advertising is €0.80 per square centimetre, and there is a 10% discount for a six month run. This price includes IVA .

Let people know you are in business - can you afford not to?

Amettla de Mar, Peniscola, Reus, Salou Tortosa

TUES Alcossebre, Amposta Camarles Tarragona

A full list and map of all our collection locations is available on our web-site, and if you do not find one near enough to you, then please let us know. Currently we have managed to place the paper in the following towns and villages. L’Ampolla L’Amettla Camarles Amposta Tortosa Miravet Tres Calas El Perello Cambrils Salou

Hospitalet Reus Airport Alcossebre Ulldecona Flix Xerta Riba-Roja Mora D’Ebre Peniscola Benifallet

Miami Platja Gandesa Bitem Vinaros Benicarlo Freginals ... with more to come

The Catalunya Chronicle C / Martirs 6, 43500, Tortosa, Tarragona, Spain. Website: email: Telephone: 636 292 568 (Chris) or 646 353 442 (Tim) Deposito Legal: T-1528-2009 Circulation: 5,000 this month Printed by: Lerigraf sl No part of this document may be reproduced without written consent from the paper.


Distribution Points.



Ampolla Benicarlo Cambrills Hospitalet Mora la Nova

Amettla de Mar La Cava Deltebre

FRI Ulldecona Mora d' Ebre



Camarles Sant Carles Tarragona Miami Playa Hospitalet

An eccentric philosophy professor gave a one question final exam... ... after a semester dealing with a broad array of topics. The class was already seated and ready to go when the professor picked up his chair, plopped it on his desk and wrote on the board: "Using everything we have learned this semester, prove that this chair does not exist." Fingers flew, erasers erased, notebooks were filled in furious fashion. Some students wrote over 30 pages in one hour attempting to refute the existence of the chair. One member of the class however, was up and finished in less than a minute. Weeks later when the grades were posted, the rest of the group wondered how he could have gotten an A when he had barely written anything at all. His answer consisted of two words: "What chair?"

The Catalunya Chronicle cannot be held responsible for the contents of the articles supplied by it’s contributors, nor for the claims made by it’s advertisers. Trademarks and Copyright are held by their respective owners. We would like to thank all our contributors, article writers and advertisers for all their fabulous support.

Copyright © The Catalunya Chronicle 2010 All Rights Reserved. WHEN THE MASSAGE COMES TO YOU.......... Yes, it CAN be true, it IS true Contact THE MOBILE MASSEUR NOW! BACKACHE




FEEL THE RELIEF MULTI-LEVEL THAI MASSAGE A drug-free procedure, suitable for men, women and children Initial consultation 20€ Subsequent treatments 30€

PLEASE CALL: 675 071 794

The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 12 October 2010 - - Page 30

CLASSIFIED SECTION GENERAL BUILDER Time served builder, over 25 years experience. Legal registered builder in Catalunya for over 4 years. All kinds of work including bricklaying, plastering, tiling, plumbing, electrics, roofing etc.

FOR SALE 2 x Gas Bottles €25 each 1 x Pace Sky Box €10 1 x Amstrad Sky Box €15 CALL TORTOSA 654 994 274

Tel. Jonathan 699396053.

Need Homes 2 English Bulldogs(Male and Female,A KC Registered need rehoming to a good pet caring family(for free),contact:

Around the House Can't get to the Shops ?

Aspes electric Oven for sale - works perfectly and easy to install. 100 € Tel : Charlotte - 622 553446 4 Paws 4 Eyes

Also have 5 years experience respite care. Contact: Dot 600 564 097 Benicarlo or Email: dandbplus3@hotmail. com

NVQ 3 Qualified Care Worker Available for home help / respite care Also 24/7 house/pet sitting El Perello/L'Ampolla/ Tortosa & Amposta areas Contact Hazel on 638430338 hazeearnest@hotmail. com or for Vinaros/Benicarlo call Dot on 600564097 4 Ur Security

House-sitting with or without my guard dog Pet care at their home or at ours / Dog walking Contact: Dot 600 564 097 Benicarlo Email:

Andy Mann the Handyman. Simple, practical and economical solutions for ALL your business and domestic building repairs and maintenance. Electrical, plumbing, building, rendering,carpentry, tiling, painting and decorating,electro-domestics and assembling IKEA packs. Whatever your requirements - from putting up a shelf to modernising your kitchen or bathroom to a new build Call ANDY on 663 074 773. see our website at Contact us at



Waterskis for sale (Complete) used twice 50€

Rover Metro 1.1S

Ringo (Complete) for sale suitable for adults 60€

5 door Low Mileage New battery & tyres Very clean & tidy English Plates

No job too small. Call Davide on 680 150 309 (Spanish) or 636 292 568 (English)

COMPUTER FOR SALE Need a Helping Hand

NOT COPING? CONFUSED, UPSET, GOING MAD? COUNSELLING Person-centred, Bereavement, Family Therapy, Drink, Relationship, Sexual problems.... I am here to help: Jennifer Anne Figuerola, BA, Honours Psychology, Dip. Counselling Individual, personal, confidential hourly sessions, 20€, initial consultation 10€, MIRAVET Tel: 977407540 / 654875163

FOR HIRE All types of Agricultural Work undertaken by experienced farmer. Trees sprayed and pruned. Land Cleared Help with Livestock. Has own tractor.

17 usb ports, 2 dvd burners, 5 fans, 750 watt power supply, 4gb fast memory, 10000 rpm hard drive, 2 core processor, card reader, wireless mouse, keyboard, built in wi-fi, 21” high definition tilt and turn monitor, battery backup. Cost €1400 Can be seen working. Sell €500 PHONE 639 036 587 FOR SALE Two PVC white doors brand new Stained glass panels still wrapped €250 each Tel 657 285 436 or 627 291 107

Sky boxes for sale 20€ each TEL: 689 468 752 FOR SALE Pine chest of drawers (6 drawers) with attractive tile decoration. Approx 110 cm ht x 72cm w x 40 depth. 200 €. Tel 977 473278.

You speak only German or English? Not fluent in Spanish? Help with Contracts, Lawyers, Police, Schools etc No Problem Just call


Scooter Piaggio mod. Typhoon 49 cc. 20.000 km. Working well. 400€


BACKACHE? VARICOSE VEINS? FROZEN SHOULDER? TENNIS ELBOW? FEEL THE RELIEF MULTI-LEVEL THAI MASSAGE A drug-free procedure, suitable for men, women or children. Initial consultation 20€; Subsequent individual treatments, 30€ Contact Floreal Figuerola in Miravet: 977407540 675071794

FOR SALE Typhoon scooter 50cc, €650 Racing RX Road Bike 50cc, €200 L Ametlla De Mar, phone 660697135

Tivenys area 656 428 568 WANTED Fridge for gas. Solar panels 12V (17V) I give 1€ per watt. Stove cast iron wanted

New in Spain?


Window H130xW120 cm wood, single glass, shutters new 125€ 644 24 3415


1993 spanish car, ITV until August 2010 Aircon Needs starter motor {100€ second hand} 500 EUROS Tel: 698 201 986

Offers to: Camarles. 644 24 3415 FOR SALE Fridge class A , underworktop size, 85cm x55cm, freezer compt. Immaculate. L'Ampolla. 50€. Tel 977059969/ 669545181 FOR SALE Collection of fishing magazines (Carpworld, Coarse Fishing, etc) . Selling separately: collection of tropical fish magazines (Tropical Fish Hobbyist, Freshwater and Marine Aquarium, etc). Price negotiable. Tel 977 473278.

TERRACED HOUSE - FRONT LINE - L’AMPOLLA MAR Comprising 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, American Kitchen, lounge-diner, three terraces and vast garage space. This charming house stands within its own private walled garden and is situated within the privileged gated community of Valvanera. 2 minutes walking distance of the beach and 10 minutes walking distance from the centre of L’Ampolla, this property offers comfortable living space and/or lucrative letting possibilities. The property is built over three levels and has sea views from most rooms and from its three terraces. For details of price/viewing please contact James on 687 145 043

The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 12 October 2010 - - Page 31

THE FINAL WORD The passenger tapped the cab driver on the shoulder to ask him something ...

After every flight, pilots fill out a sheet which conveys to the mechanics problems encountered with the aircraft during the flight that need repair or correction.

The driver screamed, lost control of the car, nearly hit a bus, went up on the sidewalk, and stopped inches from a department store window. For a second everything went quiet in the cab, then the driver said, "Look mister, don't ever do that again. You scared me half to death!"

The mechanics read and correct the problem, and then respond in writing on the lower half of the form what remedial action was taken, and the pilot reviews the gripe sheets before the next flight.

Pilot's Comments

Mechanics Remarks

The passenger apologized and said he didn't realize that a little tap could scare him so much.

Test flight OK, except auto-land very rough.

Auto-land not installed on this aircraft.

The driver replied, "You're right. I'm sorry, really it's not your fault. Today is my first day as a cab driver.

Something loose in cockpit.

Something tightened in cockpit.

Dead bugs on windshield.

Live bugs on back-order.

IFF inoperative.

IFF always inoperative in OFF mode.

Suspected crack in windshield.

Suspect you're right.

I've been driving a hearse for 25 years." Random Thoughts House Guarded By Shotgun 3 Days A Week. Guess Which Days. Few women admit their age. Few men act theirs.

Engine found on right wing after brief search. Aircraft warned to straighten up, fly right, and be serious.

Number 3 engine missing. Aircraft handles funny.

Dogs have Owners, Cats have Staff.

Mouse in cockpit.

Cat installed.

We learn from experience that men never learn anything from experience.

Noise coming from under instrument panel. Sounds like a midget pounding on something with a hammer.

Took hammer away from midget.


We go that extra mile to ensure your move runs smooth! M1153 - Calafat L’Ametlla de Mar

M1085 - Jesus Riverside, 3 Bedroom bed & breakfast plus 3 bed self catering cottage for sale! Direct River mooring - furnished 3000m2 parcela


Lovely Villa with 4 beds, bathroom, kitchen, lounge/diner with patio doors. Sun terrace & garden. 280m2 plot - 5 mins from beach!

PRICE: 249.500€

PRICE: 150,000€ M1014 - Bitem

M1062 - L’Ampolla

Village House 110m2 Reformed, 3 Bed, en-suite, sh. rm, full bathroom + sep w.c. Roof with outside sm.covered area. Lounge, fully furnished.

138m2 Country House, 3 beds, 2 baths, Sea Views! 5,600m2 parcela with Cedula de Habitabilitat

M1190 - L’Ampolla with Sea views & Cedula de Habitabilitat

PRICE: 146,000€

M0096 - L’Ampolla SALE!

SUPERB VILLA 180m2, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, dining room, terrace, garden, water, electricity. Heating, fenced area of 8000m2, double garage, pool.

M1095 - EL PERELLO With “Cedula de Habitabilitat” Lovely Country House of 120m2 2 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, Auto system installed, Water, Courtyard & Workshops 14,200m2 of land

PRICE: 180,000€ 250m2 Country house on 2 floors with River access for refurbishment! Electricity & Water mains are connected. Land of 4065m2 fenced and gated.

Price: 138,000€

Lovely Villa with sea views. Situated 3km from L’Ampolla. Large 187m2, 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom. Swimming pool. Plot size 3600m2 Fenced with electric gates.


PRICE: 285,000€

M1138 - Tortosa - 5 Mins

PRICE: 125,000€

5 mins walk to village or river! Restored farmhouse with fantastic mountain views! 3 Beds, 3 Baths. 170m2 built 2235m2 plot size, Pool. Reduced from 245,000€ to NOW 229,000€

PRICE: 275,000€ M1192 Alfares de Carles Village House - 2 beds, 2 bath, stunning lounge / kitchen / diner/ air cond & 50m2 terrace with Els Ports views!

PRICE: 125,000€ M0053 - Tortosa Superb country property 2 beds, shower room, fantastic automatic power system! Fenced & gated!

PRICE: 150.000€

The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 12 October 2010 - - Page 32

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