Delivering to more homes in Co Wexford than any other newspaper
ISSUE Thursday NO. 93 Oct 26th 2017
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Colman Doyle Homestores celebrating PASSION PLAY ANTHONY AND 100 years see inside MARIE’S BIG DAY IN CAMROSS
Fireworks Fticket fiasco REE sparks protest fears page 3
page 2
Tony still a crowd-puller It may be many years since he was a big star of Wexford hurling but Tony Doran demonstrated this week that he is still a crowd puller when a big
Cllr. Frank Staples said counSo it was either a ticket affair night of the festival but the Councillors in Wexford have cillors should have been inor no fireworks, the Wexford entire event was cancelled denounced the handling of formed of the situation. ‘As the decision to make the Wex- due to adverse weather condi- District Director Tony Larkin councillors were are expected told councillors at their Octoford Festival Opera Fireworks tions. Now it to be held on Sunday November 5th at 8pm ber meeting. He also revealed to know what is going on’, he Display an all ticket affair as homes in Co. that Wexford than other newspaper the Council had a very anydeclared. to mark the closing of the a fiascoDelivering and they have urgedto more Cllr. Ger Carthy revealed that good working relationship event. those who have threated to there had been problems with the Festival Opera and At a meeting of the Wexford force their way onto the ISSUE 98 Mar. 29th 2018 Follow us on Facebook 053 9123527 meeting all the licencing conrecognised the massive conMunicipal Council this week quayfront to stay away from ditions in previous years and tribution the festival made to members were seething over the re-arranged event on the on one occasion everything the local economy. the fact that they were left in closing night of the festival. had not been sorted out until It appears that the desire to the dark about the problems Controversy has raged since the 11th hour. surrounding the festival open- preserve this relationship it was announced that people Cllr. Lisa McDonald deing and the fact they received meant that council officials would require tickets to take were reluctant to hang festival scribed the whole affair as a the criticism despite the realtheir place on the quayfront PR disaster but she appealed bosses out to dry on the matity that they were not at fault for the fireworks display with to everyone to allow children ter. The result was that counfor what was described by councillors coming in for enjoy the event on closing cillors got the blame and they many as a fiasco. scathing social media critiaway rather vented their anger over the Wexford Festival Opera, who cism, much of it of a vile perthe marketplace. night At and the stay height of the season abreast of developments, particthanenterprise cause difficulties. are the organisers of the sonal nature. issue By this nextweek. week the fruit will be the will employ up ularly in relation to new species. Mayor Jimfive Moore issued Councillors Anthony Kellywill to opening ceremony, were toAnd some members of the Above:Tony ripe, the pickers and packers seventy workers anda the This year he has sown a small similar pleacontinue calling for no and Davy Hynes led the tally to blame for the probpublic have warned that they shares joke arrive and the Wexford produce farm will to provide quantity of aanew variety himself nastiness so that people could charge. Kelly saidtothe lems because they failed to will uphold the right to free will be on its way theorganshelves fresh strawberries until next No- as awith trial Ali and depending on how enjoy the family occasion that it performs it could become the isers hadLidl, ‘created a fiasco’ apply for any licence to hold attendance at the fifty year of Aldi, Dunnes Stores and vember. Pendergast,The fireworks. over the tickets and the event. With no licence in plus tradition by forcing their Super Valu all over theHynes country. of Right: choice for him in is the Operating a successful fruit strawberry Ballagh. Director of Services the fact that councilway onto the quayfront on the place the entire fireworks dis- slammed The clinical operation at Ke- farm future.with young involves a greatTony deal of theTony Larkin said believed the lors were never consulted play would have been cannight of the fireworks. andheinvestment. Each It is essential, according to arns enables Jimmy to geton the planning supporter ticketing would the matter andfarm he described it celled unless some way was The initial threats were made that the Ruth berry both looks year Jimmy and be hisa once crew off vis- Jimmy, fruit from his to the supersolution and would not be rewas a ‘slap in the face’ for found to control numbers at when the fireworks were due Fenlon market shelf in as little as eight it the major European research well and tastes well. peated in public representatives. 5,000. to take place on the opening hours. centre in 2018. Belgium to keep And to ensure that exactly the
attendance showed up in the Riverside park Hotel in Enniscorthy on Monday night for the launch of his autobiography 'A Land of Men and Giants
After hurricanes, storms and blizzards
Jimmy Kearns examines the first of the ripening strawberries this week at Kearns Fruit Farm Curraghgraigue, Enniscorthy. Pickers will arrive to start harvesting the crop next week.
fter a winter of hurricanes, flooding, snow storms and blizzards when many parts of Co. Wexford took a battering and the agriculture and soft fruit sectors were particularly badly affected there was good news this week as the first strawberries of the new season began to emerge on Kearns Fruit Farm in Ballindaggin. Despite the dreadful weather of recent weeks the early crop at Kearns’ is just one week behind schedule, although the main crop, due to ripen later in the Spring, will be about two weeks behind time. This week as Jimmy Kearns examined the first evidence of ripening fruit among the 80,000 plants in his heated tunnel he
reflected on what has been a difficult winter for everyone in the industry and he was relieved that his operation, which is carried on over thirty five acres in a variety of different tunnel types, emerged from the weather virtually unscathed. A combination of woodchip and gas is used to power the heated the tunnel with the temperature gradually increased from the time the plans are sowed at Christmas to the 18c that they enjoy today. This is where the first of the 2018 crop will start to be picked next week. This year the bulk of Jimmy’s crop is the Centenary variety for the first time and he believes this will enable him to deliver a more attractive berry to
right type of strawberry is delivered from his farm each year he must be sure to keep up with all the latest developments and that not only involves regular trips to examine the latest research but an investment of about €200,000 per year is also required to ensure that all the best technology is employed to produce that good looking tasty berry fresh for the supermarket shelves.
Main Street work may start before Christmas dillons
J E W E L District L E RCouncil S that After years of 6 NORTH MAIN STREET,WEXFORD complaints action is to be retexturing of the surface taken to deal with the and the replacement of Offer Valid for the month of April 2018 problem of Wexford Main some of the gullies, Street’s slippery surface. particularly in North There have been Main Street is planned. complaints for years The plan has not yet Get 25% OFF about people suffering been finalised but it could youronwedding injuries the street but start very soon and is there bands has neverand been an likely to take place before acceptance that there is Christmas. wedding party any problem with the Council officials are surface. Now, however, anxious to avoid any jewellery when work to tackle the issue disruption of the retail you purchase may begin before trade and plan to your Engagement undertake the work either Christmas. DistrictRing Director Tony in the evening or with a Larkin told the October 5.30am start each meeting of the Municipal morning. NATIONAL SHOWROOM
50% OFF
Tom Doyle Supplies, Camolin, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford. Telephone 053 938 3700.