December 2011

Page 1

Woods teacher finds old paddle

“Back when I was a kid you got your three swats and a pinch to grow an inch on your birthday.�

The nature of paddling, or “swatting,� has changed over time Page 6 and 7

Greg Anderes

Agriculture Teacher

Vol. 88, Iss. 5 December 16, 2011

Salina Central High School


Thriving off support

After being diagnosed with cancer, junior Kaleb Speilman remains optimistic Speilman said. He began to meet with the doctors at the University of Nebraska Medical Center in November to “make his game plan to kick this cancer’s butt.� Speilman planned to begin chemotherapy and radiation as

Students make pledges at Lock Bridge Page 3

Arts Editor


days until

Chistmas Break


days until

Christmas December Calendar

Tears had streamed down his mom’s face, but junior Kaleb Speilman sat there–emotionless. It took until that evening for it to fully sink in. On an average day in Novemeber Speilman woke up, just as he had so many times before, and jumped in the shower before heading to a doctor’s appointment Speilman sat with his mom in the waiting room and they prayed for the best, trying to stay positive, despite the news they thought they might hear. When the doctor came in to talk to them, Speilman received dramatic news. He was diagnosed with cancer. “I was shocked more than anything‌everyone else was a blubbering mess,â€? Speilman said. Originally, Speilman just had headaches and signs of a sinus infection, but when the prescribed medication didn’t

help, he went back to see a doctor. He did have a sinus infection, but Speilman also had an Arachnoid Cyst on his brain. It was passed off as being nothing to worry about, and more antibiotics were prescribed. Finally, Speilman was referred to an ENT doctor, where he was told that his mass was cancer. His cancer is called Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma– cancer of the sinuses. Junior TeeJay Johnson took it upon herself to help create t-shirts to raise money for Speilman. The shirts were designed by juniors Barkley Edison and Ryan Emme. “We knew he has been Č´JKWLQJ KDUG VWXII DQG KLV family needed help,â€? Emme said. Speilman loves the support from his family and friends. “I had comment after comment, post after post, text after text. I just sat in front of the computer and cried. I never knew so many people cared,â€?

soon as possible. On Friday, Nov. 18, the school came together to sign a get well poster for him. The poster ended up being seven feet ORQJ DQG ZDV Č´OOHG ZLWK VPDOO notes. There were signatures of his friends, and people who don’t even know Speilman who promised to pray for him. “With all the support from the school, my friends, and

Trent Bigler / The Pylon

“Praying for Kaleb� wristbands have been sold at lunch for $3.

Polls: Students spend large amounts on Christmas


Money Spent

Basketball teams start their seasons Page 8


The Masonic Temple hosted junior Kaleb Speilman’s benefit dinner.

By Sarah Gage

Funny Money qualifies for state Page 5

Kaleb Speilman

Brooke Wakefield / The Pylon

<$25 $25-$50 $50-$100

None Money Spent

Mrs. Cullins benefit raises thousands Page 4

“I’m not worried about me; just the people around me and how this will affect them all. �

my family, I see that I need to stay strong for them. I am not worried about me; just the people around me and how this will affect them all. So for me to stay strong I just need some kind of indication that the kids at school are still praying, my family is okay and that they are not hurt, and that my friends stay strong..and send me an occasional text every once in a while,â€? Speilman said, staying positive. Speilman can’t take away his cancer, so instead he has chosen to embrace it. “I see this as an opportunity to spread my faith with others. This has given me the chance to show if you stay strong with God through hard times you will prevail,â€? Speilman said. His mom compared the cancer to football. She told him LW ZDV MXVW OLNH VWDUWLQJ KLV Č´UVW varsity game–nervous, anxious, and scared. But, after he makes Č´UVW FRQWDFW LWȇV VPRRWK VDLOLQJ Speilman has maintained a positive attitude which has helped others stay strong as well.

Very Little Half

A Lot Almost All

>$100 0










December 16 Basketball games vs South at Bi-Center January 6 Basketball vs Derby







December 21 Christmas Break begins

December 25 Christmas

January 3 End of Christmas Break

January 7 Wrestling vs South

January 12 Swimming meet at South

January 16 Basketball SIT begins

Page 2

Student Life


Cross-town trending

Located in the same town, Central and South develop different styles

Central trends:

Gentleman’s swag: 1. Sperrys 2. Polo/Nike socks 3. Sweats 4. Laid back style

Ladie’s swag: 1. Scarfs 2. Skinny jeans 3. Cardigans 4. Boots

Other trends: 1. Strict lunch rules 2. Slang words 3. “Get banged on” 4. Wranglers/Overall Swag

Senior Diabllo McFarland “bangs on” senior Gunnar Sullivan in the hallway.

By MacKenzie Morris Student Life Editor

Ten minutes apart, 14,784 feet away; this town shares two high schools that are close in distance, but gather up many differences as the school years go by. Once you step into the new world of high school, friendships divide by the change of schools and so do the styles and trends. Roaming the hallways of both of these schools, you will realize a major difference in clothing. “Us girls dress down in sweats, while our guys wear the skinny jeans and fresh stuff,” said South High School senior Paige Crawford. Then head to the north side of town and students there will be rocking a different style. “We’ve just got that swag.” said senior Juan Espino, referring to the student body’s everyday wardrobe. While the bros are rocking the Nike socks, the Sperrys, and a laid back style, the ladies of this school dress themselves up more than

the ones across town, with scarfs, cardigans, boots, and more. Besides the fact that our school consists of real classrooms with walls, doors, and windows to see the outside world, another major difference students have began to notice are the

“College isn’t like this. We need more freedom at lunch.” Sabrina Durbin Senior

rules and activities occuring during lunch. While Central stands strict with the rules of not leaving the lunch room or concourse during your designated lunch period, South students are able to gather outside with friends after. “We hack because we’re bosses at it and it helps our foot eye coordination,” said South sophomore Ethan Mitchell.

Rachel Hodges / The Pylon

For months, students outlooks on our rules of the lunchroom have increased in negatitivity. “They say they are preparing us for college,” said senior Sabrina Durbin. “College isn’t like this. We need more freedom at lunch.” Other differences seen by students, like seniors Martika Chappel and Courtney Casey, are the comparisons of the two schools’ pep rallies and overall school spirit. South has music blaring throughout their lunch room and karaoke offered to DQ\RQH ZKR IHHOV OLNH ȵH[LQJ the golden pipes. “Overall their administration just let’s them do more and get away with more,” said Casey. Another noticeable difference is in the hallways. South cliques, like the senior boys for instance, meet up after every class, and occasionally have friendly mosh pits. We just get straight to class; repeat. With one town raising two 5A public high schools, it’s incredible to see how different they become with such a short distance between one another.

vs. South trends:

Gentleman’s swag: 1. Converse 2. Khakis/skinny jeans 3. V-necks 4. Dressed up style

Ladie’s swag: 1. Sweats 2. Boots 3. Nike jackets 4. Dressed down style

Other trends: 1. Karaoke at lunch 2. Hackey sack 3. Hallway cookie sales 4. Kilt Crew

Looking to the future: If you could change one thing about our school, what would it be? “If you have good grades, you should be able to leave for lunch.” Shakera Ross Junior

“Our administration needs to allow us to do more at sporting events.” Chris Muck

MacKenzie Morris / The Pylon

Students from South “hack” during their down time. This has become a a major trend at their school.

Scan to see it on your phone!



Student Life

Page 3

Erika Burns / The Pylon

Locks lay on the fence of the Broadway bridge overpass. This is a new trend for teenagers, and was now brought to Salina by senior Erika Burns.

Lock Bridge new to Salina Senior Erika Burns starts a lock bridge on the Broadway overpass By Nathan Garlow Staff Reporter

$ 6DOLQD EULGJH KDV EHFRPH a symbol of long lasting relationships as students hang decorated padlocks along a chain-linked fence. This trend is popular in Germany according to senior foreign exchange student, Laura Jannusch, and has recently VWDUWHG SRSSLQJ XS LQ 6DOLQD “It symbolizes forever love or forever friendship and that \RX ZLOO VWD\ WRJHWKHU Č‹ VDLG Jannusch. 6HQLRU (ULND %XUQV VWDUWHG the lock bridge in town. It is on WKH %URDGZD\ RYHUSDVV RQ WKH north side of town. “I saw it on Tumblr, they GR LW DOO RYHU WKH ZRUOG Č‹ VDLG %XUQV ČŠ, WKLQN LW VWDUWHG LQ 3DULV Č‹ $FFRUGLQJ WR %XUQV

participating in the new bridge is simple. “You take a lock and you put your names on it. It symbolizes a bond that will never break

“It symbolizes forever love or forever friendship.� Laura Jannusch Senior

since you throw the keys off the bridge after you put the lock RQ Č‹ VDLG %XUQV %XUQV VWDUWHG D )DFHERRN group to encourage people to put locks on the bridge, and so far over 130 people have joined LW 6HQLRU &KH\HQQH 0HQ]LHV LV

planning on putting a lock up soon. “I think it’s a really good LGHD Č‹ VDLG 0HQ]LHV ČŠ3HRSOH started them in bigger cities and WKH\ DUH UHDOO\ SRSXODU WKHUH Č‹ In Germany there is a bridge over the Rhine in Cologne that is a place many couples and close friends go to to place their locks before throwing the key into the river according to junior foreign exchange student Moritz von Essen. “It’s a cute thing; my JLUOIULHQG DQG , GLG LW Č‹ VDLG YRQ Essen. %XUQV LV XQVXUH LI WKH FLW\ will accept the lock bridge as other places have. “The city hasn’t really taken them down, but I don’t know if WKH\ HYHQ NQRZ DERXW LW \HW Č‹ VDLG %XUQV

Laura Jannusch/ The Pylon

A bridge’s fence is covered completely by locks. This is what a typical lock bridge looks like in Germany.

Pick ‘em or surprise ‘em? Do teenagers prefer to have their Christmas presents be surprises or pick them out for themselves instead?


166 students were pulled during W6 on Dec. 6, 2011.

There’s no place like home Foreign exchange student, Moritz von Essen, will be leaving at semester By Gabby Briggs Feature Editor

Despite the 95, 000 inhabitant difference, being on the river of Rhine, and having a monopoly of shopping at whim, junior 0RULW] YRQ (VVHQ Č´QGV 6DOLQD DQ HQWHUWDLQLQJ SODFH WR OLYH Č´OOHG with kind people. 9RQ (VVHQ LV RQH RI WKH Č´YH foreign exchange students and one of the three people at our school representing Germany. “I wanted to improve my English and learn about the 8QLWHG 6WDWHV Č‹ YRQ (VVHQ VDLG

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about his decision to come to WKH 8QLWHG 6WDWHV While showing interest in sports, von Essen played the fall season with the boys’ soccer team, on their road to state. Ȋ7KH ȴUVW WKLQJ , WKRXJKW was okay, let’s show them how ZH SOD\ VRFFHU LQ *HUPDQ\ ȋ von Essen said. 6FKRRO OLIH LQ *HUPDQ\ LV quite similar to that of here, in regards to the schedule of different classes everyday. Though when it comes to church life, it’s completely different.

“Church is totally differentmuch more boring in Germany. ,Q 6DOLQD \RXQJHU FURZG KDV D EDQG DQG \RXWK JURXS Č‹ YRQ Essen said. Although von Essen loves life here, he must return to Germany at semester; returning to his family, friends, and girlfriend. von Essen must return this year because he is graduating, this is his Realschul graduation, which takes him to his next step in school, college.

Laura Jannusch / The Pylon

Foreign exchange student Moritz von Essen tries to leave school as girl’s hold him back. He has been adored by many girls during the semester he has spent here.

Page 4



Students show support for Mrs. Cullins Math teacher Deanna Cullins' benefit dinner on December 8th brought in over $7,000 By Trent Bigler Editor-in-chief

The night wore on and just as it seemed that people were done showing up, more piled LQ 7KH EHQHČ´W GLQQHU KHOG on Thursday December 8th at First Covenant Church, for math teacher Deanna Cullins

“The whole experience was very humbling and very overwhelming.� Deanna Cullins Math Teacher

was a huge success. Money was raised to help Cullins pay for her numerous medical bills and other costs that come with all the doctor visits. "The whole experience was very humbling and very overwhelming," Cullins said. "It was just far more than I could have even imagined." Overall the fundraiser made

a total of $7,371 and donations from people who were not able to attend the dinner continue to pile in. "We predict that there were way over 500 people there," senior Lauren Rowe, one of the students in charge of the dinner said. "We had way more help then we needed, it was awesome." The potatoes for the dinner were donated by Coyote Canyon and Western Sizzlin. The chili was made by anyone who signed up to help and could follow the common recipe. The night included performances from the VETS, Prestige School of Dance, Free Spirit, Jazz Band, and Orchestra. In the middle of the dinner a letter reading occurred where some anonymous letters written by students were read aloud to Cullins over the microphone. "When they started reading the notes it was just hard to keep from tearing up," Cullins said. Cullins plans to spend the

money on several different things. Since she has to keep her leg propped up she has had to sleep on a recliner

Dinner details: Over $7,371 has been raised so far. The total number of people that attended the dinner exceeded 500.

Performances at the dinner included the VETS, Prestige School of Dance, Free Spirit, Jazz Band, and Orchestra.

Spreading Christmas cheer; one bite at time

Ms. Geis' Christmas Morning Casserole ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡


1 pound of grated cheese 1. Butter the pan and place the bread on the bottom of the pan. 6 slices of bread 2. Sprinkle the grated cheese on top of the 9X13" glass pan bread. 8 eggs 3. Mix together the eggs, salt, dry mustard, 1 t. Salt and milk and pour overtop of the bread and 2 t. Dry Mustard cheese. 4 cups of milk 4. Refrigerate overnight and bake the next day at 350 degrees for 1 hour.

Mr. Flemming Mock Cranberry Salad Ingredients:

¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡

1 three oz box of cherry jello 1/2c. sugar 1 c. boiling water 1/2 c. orange juice 1 c. cinnamon applesauce


1. Add water to jello and sugar. 2. Stir until dissolved. 3. Add orange juice and applesauce 4. Mix well 5 Refridgerate until it sets up.

Secret Santa's Homemade Cocoa Mix Ingredients:

¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡

6 1/2 c. dry milk 11 oz. non dairy creamer 1 1/2 c. powdered sugar 1 lb Nestle Quik 1 T. cinnamon 4 T. cocoa - sifted

Emily Wood / The Pylon

Cullins talks to some friends.

Coyote Canyon and Western Sizzlin both donated food.

Teachers' favorite holiday recipes


since the accident; some money may be spent on purchasing a bed that will bend in order to prop her up. Other uses of the money include hotel rooms and gas for the numerous doctor visits in Omaha, as well as medical bills. Cullins heads into the future trying to stay optimistic. She has a doctors appointment on December 30th that will determine what the next step is.


1. Add milk to creamer. 2. Stir in powered sugar, Nestle Quik, and cinnamon. 3. Add the sifted cocoa to the other ingredients. 4. Mix well. 5. Add boiling water to the mix and stir.

Emily Wood / The Pylon

Mrs. Cullins watches one of the many performances at her dinner.

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Page 5

Escaping decorating norms Student strays from traditional Christmas tree decorations By Sarah Gage Arts Editor

Photo courtesy of Kat Scheck

Freshman Brenden Carr holds up his cousin so that she can place an ornament on the fruit tree, one of the two unique Christmas trees in his house.

Freshman Brenden Carr placed a pale green pearshaped ornament on the tree. His brother and cousins pick up the fruit ornaments, one at a time, hanging them on the green branches of the Christmas tree before adding red ribbon. Carr’s family strays from the traditional tree decorations--beads, lights, and ornaments--and instead have their own unique traditions. In his home, there are two trees, neither of which are traditional. First, there is a large tree which is decorated with different fruit shaped ornaments and red ribbon. The second tree is white and is covered in black and white pictures of his grandparents’ grandchildren. “We used to have three trees, and one was decorated with homemade ornaments made throughout the years,� Carr said.

They no longer use the tree that was covered with homemade ornaments, and instead just stick with the fruit and picture trees. So, why did they decide to stray from the typical Christmas tree decorations?

“I like nontraditional trees more...[they] are unique and different.� Brenden Carr Freshman

“We decorate the fruit one with fruit because it’s in our dining room, and we have a fruit theme in that room with with purple, red, and pale green colors with fruit themed things,� Carr said. The photo tree came about

when Carr’s grandparents received some homemade ornaments as a gift from his aunt, and his grandparents wanted a tree to match them. So, the white tree came about and soon it was filled with pictures. “I like the photo tree because it puts all the grandkids together in the same place,� Carr said. He had cousins living in Michigan, so he didn’t get to see them very often, and the tree had pictures of everyone on it.As long as Carr can remember, the trees have always been decorated with fruit and pictures, and the tradition is continuing this year with the nontraditional trees. “I like nontraditional trees more because I think traditional trees are boring and nontraditional trees are unique and different,� Carr said.

Funny Money cast to perform show in Wichita By Sarah Gage Arts Editor

The drama students listened intently as the announcement came on across the school. ‘We would like to congratulate the cast of ‘Funny Money’ for making the state competition,’ was heard in each classroom. Drama students all over the school, those involved in the production ‘Funny Money’ and those who weren’t, were giving KLJK Č´YHV KXJV DQG VPLOLQJ uncontrollably. “I went over to give Trent Brown a big bro hug during pre-calc,â€? junior Eli Beery said. Senior Zoe Rea, who played opposite Beery in the comedy, celebrated by doing ‘happy dances’ down the hallway on her way to the drama room. “In the drama room there was a lot of hugging, ‘woohooing’, and congrats,â€? Rea said. ‘Funny Money’ is the second show to ever to make it to state from Central’s drama depart-

ment. None of the current drama students were involved in ‘Noises Off’, so it is a new experience for them all. “To be in a show that is

“To be in a show that is going to state is a giant step of success as an actor.� Eli Beery Junior

going to state is a giant step of success as an actor,� Beery said. The cast and crew will join the other successful schools on January 5-7, where the ‘Funny Money’ cast will perform their show for everyone attending the Thespian conference.

‘Funny Money’ will be one of four shows in Kansas chosen to perform at this event in Wichita this year. Already, they are getting their scripts back out to refresh themselves on their lines, and they plan on rehearsing around and during Christmas break to get ready for the big performance. After they get the Thespian conference out of the way, the drama department is paying to get ‘Funny Money’ judged for international Thespian conference as well. So, all in all, this is a pretty important show to the cast, crew, and school. “Its such a pleasure to know that I’m part of a cast that has this much talent, and a director that has seen the potential for this play from the beginning. As a cast, we all feel that we deserve this chance for people to see what we are proud of,� Beery said.

Rachel Hodges / The Pylon

Seniors Kiefer Lawson, David Weiner and junior Trent Brown make big plans as they look excitedly into the briefcase of cocaine.

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the following statistics were compiled after a survey of 135 students during ELO.

42 93 students aren’t against initiation processes or hazing Some 52 students consider a paddle a weapon students spend many 80 students do not consider a paddle a weapon hours carving, painting and 41 students said they have been paddled drilling holes into their paddles to make a statement 91 students have not been paddled and attempt to intimidate students say hazing is okay 81 underclassmen. students are against initiation processes or hazing

Looking forward to a b-day swat

Shop teacher, Mr. Meagher was recently reunited with his old paddle that he used to paddle students with By David Weiner Lead Reporter

A small hole in the wall of a former student’s home called for repair; layers of sheet-rock were removed before replacing the wall, but found, buried in the rubble was a missing treasure, stolen many years ago. Rewind to time before internet was on cellphones, rubber-bands were never silly, and when the innocent swat on a kids behind as a birthday tradition in shop class was no big deal. In 1984, wood-shop teacher, Pete Meagher crafted himself a wooden paddle and formed his own tradition of gently swatting his students on their birthdays, voluntarily, and letting them sign it. “It wasn’t anything vicious,� Meagher said. “It got to the point where the kids would ask me before class if they could get their swat so that they wouldn’t have to get chased by the rest of the kids. If they didn’t want to get paddled then I wouldn’t paddle them.� According to Meagher, there are over 100 names on the paddle spanning over 21 years of a shopclass tradition. Among the names littered

on the old, tanned wood is a former student who went on to play for K-State and then on to play for Philadelphia in the NFL; Maurice Henry. “He was probably the hardest person to catch, his friends chased him all over the room before he got his swat,� Meagher said as he reclined in his easy chair with a grin. Meagher’s swats were never hard or done maliciously and according to the shop teacher the kids really had fun with it. He describes the traditional scene as students running around chasing the birthday kid - “probably not safe to run in shop class� - while he got out the

“Back when I was a kid, you got your eight swats and a pinch to grow an inch on your birthday.� Greg Anderes

Agriculture teacher

paddle. The kid would stand at the front of the class while Meagher raised the paddle as if about to swing it like a baseball bat, then stop mid swing so as to build up suspense. The process of cocking back then stopping repeated for a while, then he would give a little pat to their behind with the paddle. “I remember one kid started to cry just over the suspense,â€? Meagher said. “I felt bad, but the kid still wanted me to give him a little swat.â€? Girls, boys, it didn’t matter in wood-shop. Students got their swat and the paddle got its signature. The tradition lasted for over 21 years until the paddle was stolen out of 0HDJKHUȇV RÉšFH IURP LWV SHUFK in 2006, until its recent, mysterious discovery. Found on accident by a former student, Jessica Allen, in her new house, the paddle had been hidden where only Nicholas Cage could have found it. The paddle, split into

two parts, was uncovered in the rubble of a wall in the home that was being repaired. “It was crazy how the paddle showed up. One of my former student’s just came into my room and started asking me about my paddle then brought it out and told how she found it,â€? Meagher said. “I just Č´JXUHG , ZDVQȇW JRLQJ WR VHH LW DJDLQ 7KH RGGV RI VRPHRQH Č´QGLQJ LW DQG NQRZLQJ ZKDW LW ZDV ZHUH VR slim.â€? Meagher felt no hope for the safe return of his paddle and the tradition was lost. Birthdays came and went and not a single butt was swatted nor paddle signed, but now, according to Meagher, his once popular tradition would lead to a guaranteed dishonorable discharge from the school system anyways had the paddling continued. Even now that his paddle has been safely returned WR KLV RÉšFH 0HDJKHU GRHQȇW IRUHVHH DQ\ IXWXUH paddling in his class. “To paddle kids now in class would be like cutting my own throat,â€? Meagher said. According to Mr. Andres, the agriculture teacher, “the norms have changed.â€? Meagher nodded his head, agreeing; to accidentally paddle the wrong person could could lead to lawsuits and criminal charges. “Back when I was a kid, you got your eight swats and a pinch to grow an inch on your birthday.â€? “Now a pat on the back could be called assault,â€? Anderes explained. With the administration laying the hammer down on hazing, paddling has almost gone extinct. “When I was a freshman I got paddled 20 times,â€? senior Andrew Fontes said. Although Meagher’s paddling was never done maliciously, the swats were more like light pats and it was all voluntary, the simple tradition is “not worth the risk.â€? 0HDJKHU VWDQGV Č´UPO\ DJDLQVW KD]LQJ DQG GRHVQȇW condone the vicious paddling of underclassman. As a young man in high school, Meagher was one of the smaller kids in his freshman class and was used as a “practice dummyâ€? in football. The mysterious reappearance of his paddle will MXVW UHPDLQ DV DQ RUQDPHQW LQ KLV RÉšFH XQXVHG DQG broken, tanned and marked up. “I’ll probably just glue it back together.â€? Meagher said. “I’m retiring this year, and I’ll bring it with me.â€?



Page 7


a spanking or beating with a paddle

Consequences of bullying A description of bullying can be found in the student handbook and reads as follows:

staff vote Should paddling be considered a form of bullying?


Everyone has a right to feel safe, valued and respected in the school environment. A student is being bullied or victimized when he or she is exposed repeatedly and over time to negative actions on the part of one or more students, either personally or through eltronic means. All victims of bullying and persons with knowledge of such behavior are encouraged to erport the bullying immediately to the building principal, another administrator, a counselor or another certified staff member.

10 Pylon staff members voted

Page 6


Victims of the paddle

Some students have already been paddled. Here are their views.

Tara Bradley

Maddison Giles



Lexi Beedy



“At my first party freshman year I was paddled with a pink paddle.�

“I was paddled with a skateboard at Meadowlark when I was a freshman.�

Decker Gates

“They paddled me because I was a freshman.�

“I got paddled my sophomore year before basketball practice.�

“I got paddled at a party my freshman year.�

Tessa Jager junior

“I got paddled in the band room my freshman year.�

Aaron Thomas sophomore




the following statistics were compiled after a survey of 135 students during ELO.

42 93 students aren’t against initiation processes or hazing Some 52 students consider a paddle a weapon students spend many 80 students do not consider a paddle a weapon hours carving, painting and 41 students said they have been paddled drilling holes into their paddles to make a statement 91 students have not been paddled and attempt to intimidate students say hazing is okay 81 underclassmen. students are against initiation processes or hazing

Looking forward to a b-day swat

Shop teacher, Mr. Meagher was recently reunited with his old paddle that he used to paddle students with By David Weiner Lead Reporter

A small hole in the wall of a former student’s home called for repair; layers of sheet-rock were removed before replacing the wall, but found, buried in the rubble was a missing treasure, stolen many years ago. Rewind to time before internet was on cellphones, rubber-bands were never silly, and when the innocent swat on a kids behind as a birthday tradition in shop class was no big deal. In 1984, wood-shop teacher, Pete Meagher crafted himself a wooden paddle and formed his own tradition of gently swatting his students on their birthdays, voluntarily, and letting them sign it. “It wasn’t anything vicious,� Meagher said. “It got to the point where the kids would ask me before class if they could get their swat so that they wouldn’t have to get chased by the rest of the kids. If they didn’t want to get paddled then I wouldn’t paddle them.� According to Meagher, there are over 100 names on the paddle spanning over 21 years of a shopclass tradition. Among the names littered

on the old, tanned wood is a former student who went on to play for K-State and then on to play for Philadelphia in the NFL; Maurice Henry. “He was probably the hardest person to catch, his friends chased him all over the room before he got his swat,� Meagher said as he reclined in his easy chair with a grin. Meagher’s swats were never hard or done maliciously and according to the shop teacher the kids really had fun with it. He describes the traditional scene as students running around chasing the birthday kid - “probably not safe to run in shop class� - while he got out the

“Back when I was a kid, you got your eight swats and a pinch to grow an inch on your birthday.� Greg Anderes

Agriculture teacher

paddle. The kid would stand at the front of the class while Meagher raised the paddle as if about to swing it like a baseball bat, then stop mid swing so as to build up suspense. The process of cocking back then stopping repeated for a while, then he would give a little pat to their behind with the paddle. “I remember one kid started to cry just over the suspense,â€? Meagher said. “I felt bad, but the kid still wanted me to give him a little swat.â€? Girls, boys, it didn’t matter in wood-shop. Students got their swat and the paddle got its signature. The tradition lasted for over 21 years until the paddle was stolen out of 0HDJKHUȇV RÉšFH IURP LWV SHUFK in 2006, until its recent, mysterious discovery. Found on accident by a former student, Jessica Allen, in her new house, the paddle had been hidden where only Nicholas Cage could have found it. The paddle, split into

two parts, was uncovered in the rubble of a wall in the home that was being repaired. “It was crazy how the paddle showed up. One of my former student’s just came into my room and started asking me about my paddle then brought it out and told how she found it,â€? Meagher said. “I just Č´JXUHG , ZDVQȇW JRLQJ WR VHH LW DJDLQ 7KH RGGV RI VRPHRQH Č´QGLQJ LW DQG NQRZLQJ ZKDW LW ZDV ZHUH VR slim.â€? Meagher felt no hope for the safe return of his paddle and the tradition was lost. Birthdays came and went and not a single butt was swatted nor paddle signed, but now, according to Meagher, his once popular tradition would lead to a guaranteed dishonorable discharge from the school system anyways had the paddling continued. Even now that his paddle has been safely returned WR KLV RÉšFH 0HDJKHU GRHQȇW IRUHVHH DQ\ IXWXUH paddling in his class. “To paddle kids now in class would be like cutting my own throat,â€? Meagher said. According to Mr. Andres, the agriculture teacher, “the norms have changed.â€? Meagher nodded his head, agreeing; to accidentally paddle the wrong person could could lead to lawsuits and criminal charges. “Back when I was a kid, you got your eight swats and a pinch to grow an inch on your birthday.â€? “Now a pat on the back could be called assault,â€? Anderes explained. With the administration laying the hammer down on hazing, paddling has almost gone extinct. “When I was a freshman I got paddled 20 times,â€? senior Andrew Fontes said. Although Meagher’s paddling was never done maliciously, the swats were more like light pats and it was all voluntary, the simple tradition is “not worth the risk.â€? 0HDJKHU VWDQGV Č´UPO\ DJDLQVW KD]LQJ DQG GRHVQȇW condone the vicious paddling of underclassman. As a young man in high school, Meagher was one of the smaller kids in his freshman class and was used as a “practice dummyâ€? in football. The mysterious reappearance of his paddle will MXVW UHPDLQ DV DQ RUQDPHQW LQ KLV RÉšFH XQXVHG DQG broken, tanned and marked up. “I’ll probably just glue it back together.â€? Meagher said. “I’m retiring this year, and I’ll bring it with me.â€?



Page 7


a spanking or beating with a paddle

Consequences of bullying A description of bullying can be found in the student handbook and reads as follows:

staff vote Should paddling be considered a form of bullying?


Everyone has a right to feel safe, valued and respected in the school environment. A student is being bullied or victimized when he or she is exposed repeatedly and over time to negative actions on the part of one or more students, either personally or through eltronic means. All victims of bullying and persons with knowledge of such behavior are encouraged to erport the bullying immediately to the building principal, another administrator, a counselor or another certified staff member.

10 Pylon staff members voted

Page 6


Victims of the paddle

Some students have already been paddled. Here are their views.

Tara Bradley

Maddison Giles



Lexi Beedy



“At my first party freshman year I was paddled with a pink paddle.�

“I was paddled with a skateboard at Meadowlark when I was a freshman.�

Decker Gates

“They paddled me because I was a freshman.�

“I got paddled my sophomore year before basketball practice.�

“I got paddled at a party my freshman year.�

Tessa Jager junior

“I got paddled in the band room my freshman year.�

Aaron Thomas sophomore

Page 8



Starting off strong With basketball well underway, here is a recap of the games so far


65-35 56-32 39-35 56-52


Andover Central Maize South Newton Hutch


Team points per game: 53.5 Team assists per game: 12.0 State ranking: 1st in 5A Leading scorer: Emily Wood- 19.5 PPG Leading rebounder: Shaelyn Martin- 8.0 RPG Leading steals: Shaelyn Martin- 5.3 SPG


48-60 61-39 65-53 33-52

L Andover Central W Maize South W Newton L Hutch


Team points per game: 51.8 Team assists per game: 9.0 State ranking: 9th in 5A Leading scorer: Kyle McQuaige- 16.8 PPG Leading rebounder: Mark Vaughn- 5.3 RPG Leading steals: Kyle McQuaige- 2.0 SPG

*The Mustangs take on the Cougars tonight at the Bicenter. Girls start at 6 pm, boys at 7:30.

Kate Martens/ The Pylon

Junior Damion Cooper high fives the student section before the Andover Central home game.

Support for swimming Girls support boys’ swimming by providing them with food and treats when they have meets By Sammy Jordan Opinion Editor

Maggie Vernon/ The Pylon

Mitchell Arpin swims in a recent race at South. Girls like Liz Thompson make food for Arpin and other swimmers on days of meets.

Seen swimming through the hallways, carrying bags full of treats and Gatorade are female guppies. No, the VFKRRO LV QRW IXOO RI VPDOO ȴVK who are skilled at baking, but instead, a group of devoted women supporting their male swimmer counterparts. “Guppies are girls that know how to work in a kitchen! They bake or whatnot and show support for the guys’ swim team by going to meets and giving them motivators before home meets,” said junior, Maggie Vernon The Guppies are made up, mostly of the girls on the swim team, however, membership to this group of supporters is open to anyone who wants to support the boys’ swim team skilled in treat making. “Guys eat everything, so

what wouldn’t they like? “Guppy” Chow, cookies, brownies... anything that tastes good after working your butt off for your team,” said Vernon. Jumping at the opportunity to show more support to the

“Just come out and support their meets to recognize their hard work.” Sabrina Durbin Senior

swim team, Vernon decided to become a guppy because she loves baking and is good friends with her swimmer, sophomore, Kyler Bell. “I became a guppy my

sophomore year, because an older girl swimmer told me about it and since I’m friends with a lot of the swimmers it sounded like a good idea to join,” said senior, Liz Thompson. In charge of this year’s guppies, is senior, Sabrina Durbin. She is in charge of informing the girls of when meets are, making the Guppy T-shirts and assigning the girls to their own personal swimmer. Sabrina encourages everyone, not just guppies to support the swim team. “Just come out and support their meets to recognize their hard work,” said Durbin. “People should show up to the meets! Having more peers supporting them would be a great way; full stands always make for a more intense competition,” said Vernon.



Page 9

Switching sides By Nathan Garlow The Pylon

Chemistry. Whether in a relationship or on a basketball team, it is an essential thing for people to have if they desire to succeed in group efforts. This is a slogan that the basketball team wore on their shirts last year, and though an ex-cougar has joined their team, they believe they will still have plenty of chemistry this year. Senior Jarek Unruh may have transferred from South, EXW KH KDV VWLOO VWDUWHG KLV ȴ UVW four games as a Mustang. “His progress is coming along well after four games; he is getting a lot better with our help-side concepts,” said Head Basketball Coach Doug Finch. According to Finch, Unruh is also improving as an offensive threat. “We are trying to work him in the box to get some inside presence, and we eventually want to establish a perimeter shot with him as well,” said

Finch. Juniors Mark Vaughn and Decker Gates agree that Unruh brings a lot to the team. “Jarek is really good at

“At Central, basketball is way more intense than at South.” Jarek Unruh Senior

shooting threes, he can handle the ball pretty well too, and he has some good moves in the paint,” said Gates. The team lost some key seniors last year, but they still have high hopes for this year’s team. “After winning league last year and returning some of our starters, I think we should have a good season, plus it helps to have Jarek coming over from

South,” said Vaughn. According to Unruh he has been accepted well at school. He thinks that there are a few differences between basketball here and at South. “At Central basketball is way more intense than at South,” said Unruh. Unruh credits that fact to Coach Finch being more into the game than his previous coaches at South. Unruh is looking forward to the game Friday against people who used to be on his team. “It shouldn’t be too weird, I am ready for that game though; it will be fun playing South,” said Unruh. Finch admits that some South transfers have had trouble with this rivalry game, but he believes Unruh could get past that emotional aspect. “Traditionally the kids from South struggle because it becomes a personal thing,” said Finch. “I don’t think Jarek will have this problem though.”

By the

numbers a quick look at numbers and stats from the winter sports season


the number of points Kyle McQuaige scored against Andover Central in the home opener.


Matt Martin’s time in the 200 freestyle swim. It is ranked in the top 20 times in school history.

Chelsie Wilson/ The Pylon

Senior Jarek Unruh shoots the ball over a Maize South opponent.

Tebow always seems to find a way Emily’s Extra Point Emily Wood Sports Editor

Tim Tebow is one of the most prominent and controversial ȴ JXUHV LQ SURIHVVLRQDO IRRWEDOO and all of sports. Whether it is for his football style, or his

public displays of religion, it seems as if every sports source is talking about him. Personally, I admire Tebow’s work ethic, drive and relentless attitude. I also think the way that he stands up for what he believes is impressive when he clearly opens himself up for criticism. Tebow was an extremely successful college football player, winning a national title as well as a Heisman trophy. However, most of football’s top analysts doubt him. They doubt his throwing motion, and ability

to be successful in the NFL. So far this year, Tebow is 7-1 as a starter in Denver, including a six game winning streak. Half of those wins have come in overtime. Despite rarely throwing the ball in a league typically dependent on the arm strength and the accuracy of the quarterback (which clearly isn’t necessarily Tebow’s strong point), he has found a way to win by using his running ability, heart and leadership strengths. Experts and fans alike, are unable to explain this success.

On the Spot

Athletes in the mix Maddy Shetlar Girls Basketball Justin Bengtson Boys Basketball Kade True Wrestling Noah Hadnot Swimming & Diving Mark Vaughn Boys Basketball

Last movie seen in theaters “Up in 3D” “Harry Potter Deathly Hallows (Part 1)” “Twilight Breaking Dawn (part 1)” “Justin Beiber Never Say Never in 3D” “Tower Heist”

Favorite candy: “Sour Patch Kids” “Wild Berry Skittles”

Tebow has found a way to pull out numerous comeback victories when it hasn’t seem possible. His quarterback rating is one of the lowest in the league and yet he could be considered one of the most valuable players. How is that possible? I am not sure, but regardless I enjoy tuning in and watching the Broncos on Sundays as one of the biggest sports stories of 2011-2012 continues to unfold week by week. If the Broncos can continue to win, the media frenzy will continue to grow.

Biggest clown on the team “Lupita Bujanda” “Jackson Rolfs”


“Trace Cutbirth”

“Twizzlers all the way”

“The Big Black (Tevin Mcmillan)”

“Skittles Crazy Core”

“Justin Bengtson”

after tonights game aginst South, the number of hours until the next basketball game.



the number of charges the girls basketball team has taken this season.

the percent that senior Tionna Trarbach is shooting from the field this year.

75 8.0 the number points that sophomore Max Kuhn is averaging this season.

*For more basketball stats visit

Page 10



Forbidden technology By Eric Luce

have accepted the policy, “Sometimes it’s good to block some things,” Freshman Tahnika Miles said, “because not all things are appropriate on the Internet, and we get exposed to that anyway.” Still other students don’t seem to mind these blocked websites, “I haven’t noticed,” Freshman Daniel Lorentz said, “I just get on through my phone anyway.” Kelly Struebing, a network administrator for MIS, explained all the reasons that they block websites on school computers. “Websites are blocked from school computers because we are mandated by law to block websites after receiving federal funds that go towards technology. Such mandates require us to block pornography and then it comes down to malicious behaviors such as bombmaking, weapons, and racial hate groups.” Struebing also explained that the categorization of

Entertainment Editor With the amount of technology our school districthas, it’s not uncommon for a student to log on to a school computer at least once a day. It is equally as common that the student will run into a blocked site while browsing the internet. Whether it be ZKLOH WU\LQJ WR ȴQG DQ LPDJH to use in a project, or looking for research needed for an English paper, running into the blocked website dead end is always a frustrating experience. Some students strongly oppose these restrictions, “they shouldn’t have to block sites because we should be responsible enough to not visit bad websites,” Freshman Angela Furgison said, “If students abuse it, they should have it taken away, but we should have the respect in ourselves to not visit bad websites” Other students seem to

websites is obtained from the Blue Coat service. “Day to day, they are making changes to a websites’ category because websites change daily. One day it may be categorized as a gaming site and the next day it may be categorized as social networking. Because of that change, it will re-categorize it and we receive those updates nightly. So a site that may have been open yesterday, maybe blocked the next day.” Struebing went on to

Top 5 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

- Finals - No money for Christmas - Christmas break not long enough - No snow

The solution to this sudoku puzzle will be available on the next issue of the Pylon.

Difficulty: Hard





We Found Love



7 8



Sexy and I Know It





7 3

Good Feeling





Flo Rida

- Christmas - Time off school - Hats with yarn beards - Joyous Noel - Car on fire

Puzzle 1 (Hard, difficulty rating 0.68)

“December in a Nut Shell”

month that we open based on these requests.” It is mostly important to remember that there is always an important reason websites are blocked. In many cases, the reason may not be obvious because hidden items such as advertisements or malicious downloads can cause websites to be blocked. The school district is fortunate to have MIS working hard to maintain a safe and reliable network.

Puzzle 2 (Hard, difficulty rating 0.61)


Sham wows are positive and negative words or phrases that describe the month. These were chosen by the Pylon staff for December. If you have a sham or a wow for the November issue, go to and leave a comment to submit your suggestion.

clarify the misconception that MIS looks to block all the websites. MIS only takes requests from principals and Dr. Witt, however, students can also request to open blocked websites. “A student can either talk to their teacher or their principal, and the principal will then send that request to Dr. Witt. He will review that site and deem whether it’s appropriate or inappropriate.” Struebing said. “We have about 6 sites a

iTunes Sudoku


Paige Johnson/The Pylon

Junior Eddie Algaguer looks at a blocked website on his school computer.



It Will Rain


Bruno Mars

Katy Perry

Puzzle 2 (Hard, difficulty rating 0.70)



The One That Got Away







































































































































































































































































































































Puzzle 3 (Hard, difficulty rating 0.61)



5 2


Puzzle 4 (Hard, difficulty rating 0.66)


Generated by on Wed Oct 19 15:16:46 2011 GMT. Enjoy!

Solution to November 22 issue of the Pylon



Page 11

Hipsters are hypocritical and mainstream For those too mainstream to know what a hipster is, a The Inciteful hipster is a man or woman Lioness who listens to bands you’ve never heard with names that Sammy Jordan sound like a sketchy drug such Opinion Editor DV Ȋ6DXF\ 0RQN\ ȋ IUHTXHQWO\ shops at thrift stores, adorns tight jeans and ironic t-shirts Tell a hipster they’re a (usually under a plaid shirt or hipster and they will most cardigan), loves cats, and most likely give you a pompous characteristically, thinks they look through their lensless are better than you. thick rimmed glasses and say This haughty attitude VRPHWKLQJ ȊSURIRXQGȋ VXFK comes from knowing bands, DV Ȋ3VK KLSVWHUV DUH ODPH ,ȇP musicians, books, or any alternative� after they take a concept before the majority drink of their herbal tea. discovers it. Once their Do you know what a hipster is? precious obsession is revealed to the general public, the hipsters will quickly reject it and move on to the next weird indie fashion or No: 63% Yes: 37 % music selection. Their sense of individuality can be described almost as pious, treating mainstream culture 135 students were polled during ELO such as Hollister, Mac

Miller and Miss Me jeans like a Ouija board in a church yard. The hypocritical thing about hipsters, is that they are all the same. Their obsession with being different is what makes it so easy to label them, contrasting with their fear of being labeled. Ironically, it’s now become cool to be a hipster. Or as a hipster would PRVW OLNHO\ SKUDVH LW ȊLWȇV GHFN to be the minority� I say, kudos to those few, true hipsters, who are different, not to be different, but who are individuals because they are not concerned with what is mainstream and what isn’t. Their quiet approach to

Different Views

Crossing enemy lines: Taking classes at two different schools can be hectic, and it’s not easy to get used to, especially when they are rivals. This is a situation multiple Central VWXGHQWV ȴQG WKHPVHOYHV LQ each year when attending classes at South. I was not sure what to expect when , ȴUVW ZHQW WR WKH ȊGDUN side,� (being that there are no windows) but once I got past the whole no windows or doors thing, I started to realize South is not as bad as I thought. 7KH ȴUVW WLPH , ZDONHG LQWR 6RXWK WU\LQJ WR ȴQG P\ two classes I automatically did not like the different setup. For one thing, their circular pods made me

They will wear: -plaid shirts -grandma sweaters -beanies -ironic t-shirts

individuality isn’t to make a statement, but simply to express themselves through their different interest. Understanding that culture should not and can not GHȴQH WKHP DGYHUWLVLQJ their distinction from the majority will not provide them happiness. So next time you hear a KLSVWHU VD\ Ȋ, IRXQG WKLV FRRO

They will own: -cat paraphanialia -�Coexist� bumper stickers -Nutella -crappy polaroid band, but you wouldn’t have ever heard of it� or see them photographing their breakfast for no apparent reason, poke them in the eye through their lensless thick rimmed glasses or knock over their weird blend of tea. To cause even more harm to their ego, compliment them on how very ȊLQȋ WKHLU RXWȴW LV

From Another Perspective

David Weiner/ The Pylon

By Nathan Garlow Staff Reporter

How to spot hipsters:

dizzy just going to class. (YHQ DIWHU Č´QGLQJ \RXU classroom things are not the same. For some reason the architects decided to leave out a few walls, so there is nothing separating the hallway from most classrooms. This gap is believed to allow teaching from each URRP WR Č´OWHU LQWR RWKHU rooms so that students would learn subliminally, but in practice hearing movies in Spanish or screams of terror from other parts of the school tends to be more distracting than educational. After getting used to its quirks though, I have come to like South a great deal. As a football player I expected students there to at least trash-talk, but everyone in

all of my classes is actually very friendly. I look forward to my time at South everyday, it is an accepting and interesting place to be. Most days there are people outside playing catch, hacky-sacking, or sometimes just straight up parkouring. Inside, its not uncommon to see some karaoke going on or maybe even Wii bowling during the lunch hour. Don’t get me wrong, I still prefer attending school at Central, but if you are open to it, you might see that we don’t have to dislike South simply because they are our rival, and if you ever see a South student taking classes here, try to present our school as well as they present theirs.

Meredith Frazier/ guest cartoonist

Junior Nathan Garlow shares his experiences taking classes on the dark side, Salina South High School

Sammy Jordan/ The Pylon

Garlow asks his teacher at South, Mrs. Mahoney, a statistics question.

Page 12

The Pylon

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