February 2013

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TeeJay Johnson / The Pylon

pg 2

Vol. 89, Iss. 7 • Salina Central High School www.chspylon.com • February 22, 2013 Maggie Vernon/ The Pylon

Competing with compelling art

pg 8

Wrestlers grasp spot at state

Valentine’s Day has come and gone, but...

Will you still accept this rose? Check out our most eligible bachelors and bachelorettes

Pages 6-7

What’s inside

Senior to play for K-State

Students to participate in state ensembles, contest Many students will be busy with music activities as they participate in state choir and prepare for concerts and competition.

Senior Kade True has been accepted as a walk-on to play football for K-State his freshman year of college.

Page 2

Page 8

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for photos, stories, videos and more.


February 22, 2013

Fine Arts Student singers to perform with state best By Austin Huynh The Pylon

Editor-in-Chiefs Emily Wood and Sarah Gage editor@chspylon.com

Business Team Jorrie Dykes, Afton Miller, and Sara Ingrassia business@chspylon.com

Student Life MacKenzie Morris, Editor studentlife@chspylon.com

Opinion Sammy Jordan, Editor opinion@chspylon.com


Lindsey Wood / The Pylon

Junior Shekhinah Jones, sophomores Grant DeMars and Sam Highsmith, senior Jackson Mattek and freshman Sam Beck.

Carson Jett, Editor sports@chspylon.com

Recently, five choir members were able to hit their high notes and qualify for state honor choir. After six long months, junior Shekhinah Jones, freshman Sam Beck, sophomore Sam Highsmith, senior Jackson Mattek and sophomore Grant DeMars finally made the cut. Making state honor choir isn’t an easy task. Even though Jones and Mattek have made it in the previous years, they still take the same outlook when they audition. “Even though I’ve made improvements from last year, it’s even more difficult to make it than it was last year,” Jones said. “Mainly because there is a chance someone younger than

me might make it and if that were to happen, it would make me feel like I didn’t do well, so it brings more pressure.” Now for the first-timers, they are very excited that they made it. For Beck, he wasn’t aware that he would even be close to making it to the middle-level state honor choir, a choir for students in grades 7-9. “It feels pretty good, I guess. It’s really an honor to make it as a freshman because I’m the only freshman that did. At first, I just tried it for fun and didn’t really expect to make it, but when I found out, I felt really good,” Beck says. The five qualifiers will travel to Wichita this weekend to perform with other students from all over the state.

Fine Arts Hayley Hager, Editor arts@chspylon.com

Feature Emily Wood, Editor feature@chspylon.com

Web Brantley Straub, Editor webmaster@chspylon.com

Photography Maggie Vernon, Brianna Chora, Eli Berner, Sydney Kossow, Lindsey Wood photography@chspylon.com

Videography Dakota Rowlison, Katie Kelemen, Ruby Garcia video@chspylon.com

Freshman Akiyaa Hagen-Depusoir and sophomore Patty Dominguez drawing during a field trip at the Wichita Art Museum.

Copy Editor

By TeeJay Johnson The Pylon

Hayley Hager

Staff reporters: Sydney Dauer, Chandler Burris, Bailey Driver, Austin Huynh, Genna Salstrom, Beth Cash

J.D. Garber, Adviser jd.garber@usd305.com (785) 309-3578

The Pylon wants to hear your opinion The Pylon gladly accepts contributions from guest writers on any subject. Email your letters, preferably limited to 500 words, to editor@chspylon.com. Submissions must contain a full name for inclusion and we will contact you to confirm that you are the author of the letter. Letters may be edited for clarity. The Pylon is the official student newspaper of Salina High School Central. It is produced entirely by students of the newspaper production class, daily on chsPylon. com and monthly in print.

Photos by TeeJay Johnson/ The Pylon

Blown glass artwork.

Artists sparked with inspiration

Anna McHenry


Sophomore Eryn Hassler pondering art in the museum.

The field trip to the Wichita Art Museum had something a little different to bring to the table for the art students who participated in the experience. Moments after the students walked in the door, their jaws dropped as they saw a huge glass blown sculpture above their heads. As the art students walked into the Wichita Center for Arts, they were greeted with a huge smile and a huge open space full of art. The center is a 14,000 square foot gallery with exhibitions showcasing regional and national artists. From huge sculptures to simple, hand drawn sketches, they saw art from young artists everywhere. “I feel this trip was

necessary for the students to get an award for their hard work,” art teacher Mr. Pahls said. “I really want them to take pride in their work, and to learn that being a good artist takes time.” For these students, being able to have their art showcased for anyone and everyone to see is a huge accomplishment to make in high school. “I like being recognized for my work. Seeing it in this exhibition has inspired me to take my art to the next level,” senior Will Shadwick said. “The most interesting part was to see the steampunk sculpture,” which is a sculpture that includes gears and moving parts. Strolling through each room, there were different kinds of materials being used and many creative and interesting pieces that

various artists had created. “This trip was quite beneficial. It helped inspire me to come up with new, creative ideas,” junior Patty Dominguez said. With multiple floors of art, the students began in a room that was full of teapots and ceramic pottery. “The amount of time, effort, and patience each piece required really showed,” Dominguez said. The students finally made their way to the “children’s station,” where you can color, play with puppets, or lounge on bean bags. “It was amazing how involved the art museum is with people of all ages,” Dominguez said. With art from all different time periods and places around the world, the students got a taste of different styles and cultures.

TeeJay Johnson / The Pylon

Senior Joe McKenna sketching.

February 22, 2013

News Updates Senior a finalist for National Merit Scholarship Did you By Beth Cash The Pylon


Senior Anna McHenry has been named a Finalist in the National Merit Scholarship Program. The scholarship is an academic competition in

which approximately 1.5 million high school students enter each year by taking the PSAT test. To qualify for the program, a score of 212 in Kansas must be scored on the PSAT. Anna, scoring a 214, became a semifinalist: one of 15,000 others. Out of the 1.5 million entrants, only 1% of students (15,000) make it to the finals. “I was sitting in Calculus and

Mrs. Rector pulled me out of class to let me know that I’d made it to the finals. I was really excited,” McHenry said. Beginning in March approximately 8,300 finalists are notified that they have been selected to receive a merit scholarship. These awards include $2500 scholarships and four year scholarships to many colleges around the country.

All winners are chosen based on their abilities, skills and accomplishments. “I could get a full ride to a college in Oklahoma, but I’m not sure where I want to go yet,” McHenry said. Wherever McHenry ends up, she plans to study chemical engineering and biochemistry. “I just love chemistry!” McHenry said.

Finalizing college decisions removes stress By Beth Cash The Pylon Stress is winding down for some seniors as final decisions regarding college are made. After exploring college options, applying to colleges, saving money, organizing dorm rooms, applying for many scholarships, which often require an essay, and dealing with senioritis, a stress relief such as signing a paper to finalize the acceptance of a sports scholarship is much needed. Senior Will Oaks recently signed with Butler Community College to play football during an ELO signing party. “It felt pretty good seeing so many people show up to see me sign. I felt the love,” Oaks said.

Maggie Vernon / The Pylon

Seniors Will Oaks and Kade True shake hands during Oak’s signing party. Oaks is one of many seniors signing to play sports in college. Finally signing with a college takes a lot of stress off of a senior’s mind, but for those

students not receiving financial aid due to a sports scholarships, college stress is much higher.

“I don’t feel as prepared as I should be; I worry about financial stuff, and I’m a little nervous about moving away from everyone,” senior Jack Long said. The FAFSA, Free Application for Federal Student Aid, provides financial assistance for a student’s college fund depending on household income. Although applicants don’t have to be good at sports or write an essay, they do have to qualify for help from the government. For some students, this is the deciding factor on whether or not they can go to college. Senior year is a fun time, but as graduation creeps closer, the realization of “real life” is coming into view.


know... A visioning committee has been put together to come up with physical and building changes that will benefit the school.

So, what has been added in the past? -Wrestling/ conditioning wing expansion -New concourse furniture -Training room -Removal of the glass dividers by the cafeteria -New tennis courts

-New band lockers

Forensics team limited in tournament choices By Chandler Burris The Pylon The forensics seasons started off the same as every year with the team having to decide which tournaments to attend this season. Each team member is only allowed to attend eight tournaments a year due to the fact that forensics is considered a sport and has to follow the athletics guidelines of the state. The guidelines also state that they are only allowed to attend three tournaments outside of 500 miles. “I think the school loses out in national recognition because of the guidelines we must follow. It causes kids to lose opportunities to compete

in tournaments that they would excel in. These regulations only limit the academic progression we could be making throughout high school. Central isn’t the only school affected this way; it happens throughout the entire state and has been this way for a long time,” junior Drayton Willey said. There are only two events that allow the team to go anywhere, no matter the distance. Those two events are Public Forum Debate and Student Congress. Other than these two events, the school must decide on the eight tournaments that they will be attending for the season. This prohibits the team from knowing what’s trending with other forensics teams, which puts the team at a disadvantage when

What changes would you like to see?

Drama expansion Pool Get rid of all chalkboards Lindsey Wood / The Pylon Freshman Mary Freelove and sophomore Emma Curry work the IDA draw table during the forensics team’s host tournament. they attend the few out of state tournaments that they can. “We hope that they will change the rules, but every year it continues to stay the same. It takes some of the fun out of

it because we are stuck with the same tournaments every year. The forensics team would expand if we were treated as an academic activity rather than a sport.” Willey said.


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Updated library Addition to the school to replace the MODs Cast your vote at chspylon.com!

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February 22, 2013

Student Life



hot spots Typical dance party locations:

1.Friendship Center 2. Carver Center 3. Indian Rock Top dance party songs


Too much of a good thing

Dance parties; once a rare occasion, now a regular weekend occurrence By MacKenzie Morris

something to look forward to,” senior Derek Wheeler said.

The Pylon As the weekend rolls around, most of the student body is whispering about the upcoming dance party on Saturday at the Friendship Center and how “turnt up” it’s going to get. If it was last year, the whole school would be buzzing about this type of event that used to never occur in the town of Salina, Kansas. Now, dance parties are constantly happening on the weekends to where the scene is being over done. With not a lot of options in this little town, dance parties have been the hot spot on the weekends. “It’s something to do and

“Dance parties have progressively got more ratchet.” Joe McKenna Senior However, dance parties were a once a month occurence last year. Everyone would go to be with friends and of course, get their freak on. Now, dance parties occur so much to where the number of attendees is becomming smaller, and the motivation to dance is

decreasing. “Dance parties have progressively got more ratchet,” senior Joe McKenna said. People used to get excited about these parties because they were rare. Now that they happen every weekend, the excitement is gone. “It gets old when it’s the same music, same thing every time,” sophomore Courtney Roberts said.

The twerking sensation Dance party “regulars” all know the different types of dances within the different types of groups. Even though the typical scene last year would have been a large group

in the middle of the dance floor grinding to “Get low,” a new dance craze has swept the teenage population. “Twerking” is the new style of dancing for girls that involves low position and lots of bending in the knees. The difference between twerking and grinding is overexaggerated motions in the pelvic area at a faster tempo. Instead of teens “gettin’ it” in the middle, they have now resorted to areas on the wall where the guy is against the wall being danced on. More people at dance parties, now, are lining up the walls while a few loners awkwardly stand in the middle.

“Grind on me” -Pretty Ricky


“Shake that” -Eminem & Nate Dogg


“Pop that”

-French Montana & Rick Ross

4. 1.

“Salt Shaker” -Ying Yang Twins


“Bring it back” -Travis Porter


“Get low”

-Lil Jon & The East Side Boyz


“Sex out south”


-Tech n9ne

“Whisper song”

9. 10.

What to do at a dance party Dance

2. Make new friends 3. Wear leggings 4. Wear deodorant 5. Stay away from ratchets

What NOT to do at a dance party

1. Start fights 2. Sacred Heart “sway” 3. Get “handsy” 4. Stand there 5. Text while dancing

Twerking: A dance move that involves a person shaking their hips and bottom in a sexually provocative manner

-Ying Yang Twins

“Make it nasty” -Tyga

“Ay ladies” -Tyga & Travis Porter


@chspylon @chspylon

“I like twerking because I get to show off my real moves and get to move my own body the way I want instead of the guy moving it for me.” Shakera Ross Senior

Twerking is much more than moving your hips. You get

lower and move faster.


February 22, 2013

Student Life Number of transfer students reaches twice the number of last year By Genna Salstrom The Pylon The number of students transferring to Central have already reached ninety, which is double that of last year. “About 1200 students come and go by the end of the year, counting the solid population,” school registrar Denise Hoeffner said. However, principal Shanna Rector explains that many of the transfers spur from the changing boundary lines. She believes that once the students that were “grandfathered in” graduate, the population of South and Central will be

similar. “It’s extremely difficult to transfer within the district. There are certain forms the student must fill out, and we generally only grant them for extenuating circumstances,” Rector said. For junior Christin Good, who moved earlier this year from Washington, Kansas, transferring has been a good experience. “It’s definitely a lot bigger than my last school, but it’s not intimidating. For the most part, everyone’s been really welcoming,” Good said. For sophomore Tony Gonzalez, however, transferring

was a bit of a different experience, as he attended Central last year.

“It’s extremely difficult to transfer within the district.” Shanna Rector Principal “I transferred back earlier this year from Bakersfield, California. It’s just been a big welcome back,” Gonzalez saidz. There have also been almost

Facebook’s fall out

eighty students who have left since September, somewhat evening out the sudden spike in enrollment. Fourteen of those are students who made the decision to drop out. The rest of the leaving population is made up of thirtytwo in-state, sixteen out-of-state and eight in-district transfers as well as various others. Since Central is already a relatively large high school for Kansas, the transient population may make for more difficulties such as less personalized teaching, a decrease in school spirit and less sincere friendships. CAN’T WAIT A MONTH? FOLLOW US ON TWITTER FOR DAILY UPDATES.

@chspylon With Instagram and Twitter rising to the top, Facebook falls in popularity By Austin Huynh The Pylon Let’s rewind back to 2008. The time when creeping through people’s profiles was okay, liking and commenting on statuses was just a daily thing, and messaging random people you don’t know was a way of meeting new people. Yes, I am referring to the great site that you all began to know as Facebook. When Facebook first came along, it seemed as if it was the perfect website to interact with people you know. There was so much do to all packed into one site. But recently, everybody

has seem to die down from the Facebook craze. Honestly, do you even remember the last time you made a status? Or the last time you posted a new photo album? Now, there are reasons why people have seemed to lay off Facebook lately. One reason why people stopped using Facebook is because of the random pictures that they see when they are scrolling down their newsfeed. You know, the pictures that say, “Click like or share if you love God, scroll down if you hate him.” Not only were people easily persuaded to actually do

what it said, but the pictures began to get more and more outrageous. It would literally be the most random, irrelevant thing to ever come across your newsfeed. “I’d always hate seeing those pictures on Facebook. They’re one of the main reasons why I’m done with Facebook. It’s just outdated. I’m more adapted to Twitter now,” junior Zach Martin said. Also, Facebook became the hotspot for creepos to make fake accounts in order to fulfill their lost love lifes. Yes, believe it or not, but this Catfish stuff actually happens,

even in Salina, KS. It got to the point where there were some accounts being made to make fun of other people. “I always get people adding me that I have never heard of in my life. It’s kind of creepy in a way,” junior Ian Johnson said. Finally, Twitter and Instagram have become insanely popular in the past year. Twitter and Instagram are a lot less confusing than Facebook has become. Sending a quick tweet or posting a picture on Instagram is a lot more simple than going through the process that Facebook offers.

Social Media

On the


Transfer students How has Central been different than your last school you attended?

“People are nice here.” Rylie Womochil Freshman

“There is hardly any drama.” Haley Thomason Freshman

What is your favorite thing about Central?


100,000 tweets are sent every minute 3,600 photos are shared on Instagram every minute 684,478 pieces of content are shared on Facebook every minute 93% of US adult Internet users are on facebook


“The art program is great here.” Christin Good Junior Sydney Kossow / The Pylon

Freshman Jake Bellerive checks his twitter at lunch, while freshman Kyle True checks his Instagram account.

“The people. They are more real than my old school.” Brandon Clark Sophomore

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month counting

by April 1

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February 22, 2013

In depth

What is your idea of a perfect date? “A perfect date isn’t necessarily going to a nice restaurant or anything. It’s just when you can spend quality time with your date and talk about your personal time together.” -Michael Gage, 9

Central’s singles: bachelors and bachelorettes

Attracting a date: Even after Valentine’s Day, there are still plenty of people on the market; get to know our top 16 candidates

The turn-ons and turn-offs of dating

Jacob Martin Grade: Senior

Eye Color: Hazel

Hair Color: Dark Blond

What is your idea of a perfect date: Having dinner at a nice resauraunt and talking. Neither person would want the date to end, so we leave the restaurant and walk around. The date would end with smiles and “see you soon.”


in a relationship

139 students surveyed during lunch.

Eye Color: Brown Hair Color: Black

What is your idea of a perfect date: Out in public with a real girl. Peeved by... Most of this city. Loves to eat at... Restaurants

Adrian Castelli

Hair Color: Light Brown

Interests: Art, sports

Crazily obsessed with... chocolate and shoes Peeved by... squeaky mechanical pencils Dreams of working at... Extreme Home Makeover

Grade: Freshman Eye Color: Brown Hair Color: Brown Interests: Girls, trying new things, cooking What is your idea of a perfect date: To me it would be at home with a home cooked meal with a few movies and popcorn for after dinner. Loves to eat at... Longhorns, Daimaru

Skills: Can type 43 words per minute

Crazily obsessed with... Brownies Peeved by... people who are disrespectful and lazy Dreams of working as... a KU basketball/ football athletic trainer

Grade: Junior

Dreams of working as a... body painter for Sports Illustrated. Activites involved in...walking, thinking, speaking, breathing, swimming, volleyball manager.

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Brown

What is your idea of a perfect date: Going out to eat at Applebee’s and then going to a baseball game. Dreams of working as a... Backup dancer for someone

Jessi Johnson

Connor Martens

Grade: Sophomore

Grade: Sophomore Eye Color: Blue

Eye Color: Blue Hair Color: Blond

Interests: Traveling, skiing, sports

What is your idea of a perfect date: Going to some sort of sporting event.

Loves to eat at... Chili’s

Crazily obsessed with... Picture frames and Nike shorts

Activities involved in... Youth group, theatre, diving, volleyball

Peeved by... slow walkers

Hair Color: Blond

Loves to eat at... Bogey’s

Interests: Sports, dancing, swimming, being with friends and family Peeved by...when people smack their gum Crazily obsessed with...Sour Patch Kids

Skills: Sand volleyball

What is your idea of a perfect date: Drive-in movie

Dreams of working at... Starlight Skating Rink

Peeved by... Homework

Crazily obsessed with... Purple O’s

Loves to eat at... Big Cheese Pizza

Interests: Exploring downtown Salina

Activities involved in... Science Olympiad

Brittany Campbell

Gabe Geisen Grade: Junior Eye Color: Dark Brown Hair Color: Dark Blond What is your idea of a perfect date: Dinner by candle light under the stars while a full orchestra plays the Danse Macabre in the distance. Then, a snowball fight with 8 of our best friends.

Grade: Senior

Interests: Astronomy, music, politics

Crazily obsessed with... web comics and podcasts, books, European architecture.

Crazily obsessed with... Eating chicken, chapstick, chinchillas, Vera Bradley, Dr. Pepper, tie-dye, V-necks, and tie-dyed V-necks

Dreams of working at... NASA, Google, any major publishing company or being a professor of psychology.

Grade: Sophomore Eye Color: Brown

Crazily obsessed with... Food and staying organized.

Grant England

-Picnic at the park

Grade: Sophomore Eye Color: Blue

-Longhorn Steakhouse

What is your idea of a perfect date: No set plans, just chilling, maybe going to a party.

-Diamaru Steakhouse

Interests: Baseball, football, weightlifting

Loves to eat at... Applebee’s

Interests: Men, never being at school, making new friends Dreams of working at.. Anywhere that has to do with law enforcement/criminal justice.

Travis Bigler

Hair Color: Dirty Blonde

What is your idea of a perfect date: Going out to eat at Olive Garden and afterwards watch a movie and cuddle.


Eye Color: Blue Hair Color: Brown

What is your idea of a perfect date: the zoo

Morgan Hauserman

-Movie Theatre

-Laying underneath the stars on a golf course

Eye Color: Blue

Interests: Running, playing piano, Netflix

Crazily obsessed with... Gossip Girl Peeved by... people who drag their feet while walking Dreams of working as a... plastic surgeon in California

Paige Johnson


-Ordering food to your house and watching Netflix

Loves to eat... Chicken and rice soup

Noah Hadnot

Best places in Salina for a date:

-Eating ice cream on the dike

Peeved by... those who are disrespectful and oblivious to everyone around them.

Loves to eat at... Chipotle

Peeved by... Rachets

Hair Color: Brown

What is your idea of a perfect date: Eating at Ihop and college basketball tickets

What is your idea of a perfect date: A fun, laid back date. Then having dinner followed by an activity like bowling or ice skating.

Are you single or in a relationship?

74% 26%

Grade: Senior Eye Color: Brown

Crazily obsessed with... anything with peanut butter in it.

Grade: Freshman

“A drive-in movie on a clear night in my dad’s convertible.” -Mason Courbot, 9

“Having a picnic and watching a soccer game during the sunset.” -Octavio Arias, 11

Interests: Athletics, art, golf, drafting

Makenzi Carlgren

Grade: Junior

Photos by Lindsey Wood/The Pylon

Calla Hill

“A quiet area lit by candle in a fancy restaurant, along with a single violin playing to soothe the heart. Italian food works best.” -Zach Hilbig, 9

“Something calm. Probably just hanging out in casual apparel. My Idea of casual is pajamas. We would browse YouTube and eat vegetarian enchiladas.” -Corbin Hotz, 10


Loves to eat at... La Casita

Grade: Freshman

Eye Color: Green

Hair Color: Brown

Interests: Sports, fishing, hunting

Interests: Tennis, basketball, track, food, God

What is your idea of a perfect date: Fishing

Peeved by... People who never give me enough personal space.

Activities involved in... Tennis, football, basketball, FFA

Crazily obsessed with... K-state. Dreams of working at... McDonald’s Skills... Sports

Skills... Baby-sitting and scrapbooking

Loves to eat at... Qdoba

Peeved by.. People who chew gum really big

Gracie Truelove Hair Color: Brown

Loves to eat at...Chipotle

Grade: Freshman

Dreams of working at... Google

Hair Color: Brown

What is your idea of a perfect date: March 22nd (perfect weather).

Crazily obsessed with... K-State

Crazily obsessed with... Spiderman and Harry Potter

Activities involved in... Baseball, football

Noah Grant

Korin Koch Grade: Junior Eye Color: Brown

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Dark Blonde Interests: Reading, baking, movies

What is your idea of a perfect date: I’d have to say April 25th. Because it’s not too hot, not too cold, all you need is a light jacket. Activities involved in... Theatre, Free Spirit, Church youth group

Loves to eat at... Chipotle Dreams of working at... The Renaissance Festival Crazily obsessed with... Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, cats, theatre, Carey Mulligan and Marcus Mumford.

Grade: Senior Eye Color: Green

Hair Color: Dirty Blonde Loves to eat at... my house

What is your idea of a perfect date: Driving around in my truck on some back road gazing up at the stars, listening to music with nothing on my mind except the woman by my side.

Crazily obsessed with...The Notebook, Dear John, and any other Nicholas Sparks book Dreams of working at... Bel’s Tree Farm Interests: Star gazing, picking flowers, and saving orphan puppies and kittens

Interests: Softball, music

Loves to eat at... Imperial Garden Dreams of working at... High school/middle school Skills... spidey senses! Activities involved in... Orchestra, golf, softball

Turn-offs -Long fingernails -Bad breath -Greasy hair -Smacking your gum -Sweat pants -Yellow teeth -Picking your nose -Ear wax -Chapped lips -Back sweat -Patchy facial hair -High-waters -Love handles -Wrangler jeans -Body acne -Flare jeans -Sweat pants with flip-flops -Wife beaters

Turn-ons -Good hygiene -Good eyes -Smelling good -Soft hair -Physically fit -Smiles -Good taste in music -Prominent facial features -Skinny jeans and Vans -Tan skin -Sundress -Pulling off glasses -Natural beauty -Curves -Being able to sing -Girls with long hair -Dark hair -Motivated -Intelligent -Adventurous -Good sense of humor

Do you watch the “Bachelor” or “Bachelorette”?

25% yes 75% no

139 students surveyed during lunch.


February 22, 2013

In depth

What is your idea of a perfect date? “A perfect date isn’t necessarily going to a nice restaurant or anything. It’s just when you can spend quality time with your date and talk about your personal time together.” -Michael Gage, 9

Central’s singles: bachelors and bachelorettes

Attracting a date: Even after Valentine’s Day, there are still plenty of people on the market; get to know our top 16 candidates

The turn-ons and turn-offs of dating

Jacob Martin Grade: Senior

Eye Color: Hazel

Hair Color: Dark Blond

What is your idea of a perfect date: Having dinner at a nice resauraunt and talking. Neither person would want the date to end, so we leave the restaurant and walk around. The date would end with smiles and “see you soon.”


in a relationship

139 students surveyed during lunch.

Eye Color: Brown Hair Color: Black

What is your idea of a perfect date: Out in public with a real girl. Peeved by... Most of this city. Loves to eat at... Restaurants

Adrian Castelli

Hair Color: Light Brown

Interests: Art, sports

Crazily obsessed with... chocolate and shoes Peeved by... squeaky mechanical pencils Dreams of working at... Extreme Home Makeover

Grade: Freshman Eye Color: Brown Hair Color: Brown Interests: Girls, trying new things, cooking What is your idea of a perfect date: To me it would be at home with a home cooked meal with a few movies and popcorn for after dinner. Loves to eat at... Longhorns, Daimaru

Skills: Can type 43 words per minute

Crazily obsessed with... Brownies Peeved by... people who are disrespectful and lazy Dreams of working as... a KU basketball/ football athletic trainer

Grade: Junior

Dreams of working as a... body painter for Sports Illustrated. Activites involved in...walking, thinking, speaking, breathing, swimming, volleyball manager.

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Brown

What is your idea of a perfect date: Going out to eat at Applebee’s and then going to a baseball game. Dreams of working as a... Backup dancer for someone

Jessi Johnson

Connor Martens

Grade: Sophomore

Grade: Sophomore Eye Color: Blue

Eye Color: Blue Hair Color: Blond

Interests: Traveling, skiing, sports

What is your idea of a perfect date: Going to some sort of sporting event.

Loves to eat at... Chili’s

Crazily obsessed with... Picture frames and Nike shorts

Activities involved in... Youth group, theatre, diving, volleyball

Peeved by... slow walkers

Hair Color: Blond

Loves to eat at... Bogey’s

Interests: Sports, dancing, swimming, being with friends and family Peeved by...when people smack their gum Crazily obsessed with...Sour Patch Kids

Skills: Sand volleyball

What is your idea of a perfect date: Drive-in movie

Dreams of working at... Starlight Skating Rink

Peeved by... Homework

Crazily obsessed with... Purple O’s

Loves to eat at... Big Cheese Pizza

Interests: Exploring downtown Salina

Activities involved in... Science Olympiad

Brittany Campbell

Gabe Geisen Grade: Junior Eye Color: Dark Brown Hair Color: Dark Blond What is your idea of a perfect date: Dinner by candle light under the stars while a full orchestra plays the Danse Macabre in the distance. Then, a snowball fight with 8 of our best friends.

Grade: Senior

Interests: Astronomy, music, politics

Crazily obsessed with... web comics and podcasts, books, European architecture.

Crazily obsessed with... Eating chicken, chapstick, chinchillas, Vera Bradley, Dr. Pepper, tie-dye, V-necks, and tie-dyed V-necks

Dreams of working at... NASA, Google, any major publishing company or being a professor of psychology.

Grade: Sophomore Eye Color: Brown

Crazily obsessed with... Food and staying organized.

Grant England

-Picnic at the park

Grade: Sophomore Eye Color: Blue

-Longhorn Steakhouse

What is your idea of a perfect date: No set plans, just chilling, maybe going to a party.

-Diamaru Steakhouse

Interests: Baseball, football, weightlifting

Loves to eat at... Applebee’s

Interests: Men, never being at school, making new friends Dreams of working at.. Anywhere that has to do with law enforcement/criminal justice.

Travis Bigler

Hair Color: Dirty Blonde

What is your idea of a perfect date: Going out to eat at Olive Garden and afterwards watch a movie and cuddle.


Eye Color: Blue Hair Color: Brown

What is your idea of a perfect date: the zoo

Morgan Hauserman

-Movie Theatre

-Laying underneath the stars on a golf course

Eye Color: Blue

Interests: Running, playing piano, Netflix

Crazily obsessed with... Gossip Girl Peeved by... people who drag their feet while walking Dreams of working as a... plastic surgeon in California

Paige Johnson


-Ordering food to your house and watching Netflix

Loves to eat... Chicken and rice soup

Noah Hadnot

Best places in Salina for a date:

-Eating ice cream on the dike

Peeved by... those who are disrespectful and oblivious to everyone around them.

Loves to eat at... Chipotle

Peeved by... Rachets

Hair Color: Brown

What is your idea of a perfect date: Eating at Ihop and college basketball tickets

What is your idea of a perfect date: A fun, laid back date. Then having dinner followed by an activity like bowling or ice skating.

Are you single or in a relationship?

74% 26%

Grade: Senior Eye Color: Brown

Crazily obsessed with... anything with peanut butter in it.

Grade: Freshman

“A drive-in movie on a clear night in my dad’s convertible.” -Mason Courbot, 9

“Having a picnic and watching a soccer game during the sunset.” -Octavio Arias, 11

Interests: Athletics, art, golf, drafting

Makenzi Carlgren

Grade: Junior

Photos by Lindsey Wood/The Pylon

Calla Hill

“A quiet area lit by candle in a fancy restaurant, along with a single violin playing to soothe the heart. Italian food works best.” -Zach Hilbig, 9

“Something calm. Probably just hanging out in casual apparel. My Idea of casual is pajamas. We would browse YouTube and eat vegetarian enchiladas.” -Corbin Hotz, 10


Loves to eat at... La Casita

Grade: Freshman

Eye Color: Green

Hair Color: Brown

Interests: Sports, fishing, hunting

Interests: Tennis, basketball, track, food, God

What is your idea of a perfect date: Fishing

Peeved by... People who never give me enough personal space.

Activities involved in... Tennis, football, basketball, FFA

Crazily obsessed with... K-state. Dreams of working at... McDonald’s Skills... Sports

Skills... Baby-sitting and scrapbooking

Loves to eat at... Qdoba

Peeved by.. People who chew gum really big

Gracie Truelove Hair Color: Brown

Loves to eat at...Chipotle

Grade: Freshman

Dreams of working at... Google

Hair Color: Brown

What is your idea of a perfect date: March 22nd (perfect weather).

Crazily obsessed with... K-State

Crazily obsessed with... Spiderman and Harry Potter

Activities involved in... Baseball, football

Noah Grant

Korin Koch Grade: Junior Eye Color: Brown

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Dark Blonde Interests: Reading, baking, movies

What is your idea of a perfect date: I’d have to say April 25th. Because it’s not too hot, not too cold, all you need is a light jacket. Activities involved in... Theatre, Free Spirit, Church youth group

Loves to eat at... Chipotle Dreams of working at... The Renaissance Festival Crazily obsessed with... Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, cats, theatre, Carey Mulligan and Marcus Mumford.

Grade: Senior Eye Color: Green

Hair Color: Dirty Blonde Loves to eat at... my house

What is your idea of a perfect date: Driving around in my truck on some back road gazing up at the stars, listening to music with nothing on my mind except the woman by my side.

Crazily obsessed with...The Notebook, Dear John, and any other Nicholas Sparks book Dreams of working at... Bel’s Tree Farm Interests: Star gazing, picking flowers, and saving orphan puppies and kittens

Interests: Softball, music

Loves to eat at... Imperial Garden Dreams of working at... High school/middle school Skills... spidey senses! Activities involved in... Orchestra, golf, softball

Turn-offs -Long fingernails -Bad breath -Greasy hair -Smacking your gum -Sweat pants -Yellow teeth -Picking your nose -Ear wax -Chapped lips -Back sweat -Patchy facial hair -High-waters -Love handles -Wrangler jeans -Body acne -Flare jeans -Sweat pants with flip-flops -Wife beaters

Turn-ons -Good hygiene -Good eyes -Smelling good -Soft hair -Physically fit -Smiles -Good taste in music -Prominent facial features -Skinny jeans and Vans -Tan skin -Sundress -Pulling off glasses -Natural beauty -Curves -Being able to sing -Girls with long hair -Dark hair -Motivated -Intelligent -Adventurous -Good sense of humor

Do you watch the “Bachelor” or “Bachelorette”?

25% yes 75% no

139 students surveyed during lunch.


February 22, 2013

Athletes & Sports In the Driver’s seat Bailey Driver The Pylon

Parks and Rec basketball too serious One of two things are likely to happen as you walk into the K-State Salina gym to watch a rec basketball game. Parents are either yelling at the apathetic referees who aren’t calling “enough” fouls because their child’s team is taking this friendly basketball game too serious. Or, you see teams like “The Bucks”, “Wizards” or “Heat” giving each other chest bumps and making ridiculous plays all in pure fun and enjoyment. There’s nothing serious about this when teams are seen sporting t-shirt jerseys with hiked up socks past their knees, and Nike sweat bands fastened over their sweaty foreheads.

“It’s not that competition is a bad thing, it’s just the way you compete.”

Football player to take talents to next level By Austin Huynh The Pylon Not since his childhood idols, Andrew Braxton and Jake Sharp, has a football player went on to play at the division one level. Senior Kade True is following his dreams. Growing up, True always dreamed of one day playing for K-State. He finally has the ability to do so, after an outbreak year, recording 13.7 tackles and 2 sacks a game. Not to mention he is 6’3” and weighs 230 pounds which got him a lot of looks from scouts. Playing on the collegiate level is always an exciting thing to do, but it doesn’t come easy. Even though True is only walking on, his size and way of play gives him a good chance to make the depth chart. He knows how much hard work he needs to put

in to be great in college. “When I committed to K-State, I realized that it will take a lot of hard work in the off-season for me to even compete with the other players on the team. I’m going to have to embrace the grind and develop a huge dedication,” True said. Our school has a small background on football players going D1. The last one to go D1 was Jake Sharp, and that was back in 2006. So for True to be able to do what only a few have done from Central is a huge accomplishment. Although his size seems average for a football player, the way he plays and performs on the field makes him different from others. “What sets him apart from the past players that went D1 is his physical presence. Being 6’3” 230 pounds and being able to

run the way he can is a rare find. Obviously his intelligence on the field helps him too. Basically, the tools he has, including his size, will allow him to be very versatile at K-State,” Coach Hall said. When word gets out that a fellow student is going to be playing somewhere big in college, people tend to get starstruck when they see them. But for True’s situation, the way people act around him didn’t really change at all. “Of course we’re all proud of Kade and glad he’s gonna do big things, but honestly, nothing has really changed at all. He’s still going to be the same old Kade, just a lot more swoll,” senior Nathan Garlow said. Lindsey Wood / The Pylon

Senior Kade True

Crushing the competition Wrestlers wreck regionals and advance five to state; swimmers excel at state State Wrestlers:

De’Kyhale McFarland Dayton Will Dalton Peters Kade True Zak Will Brianna Chora / The Pylon

Bailey Driver

State Swimmers:

The Pylon

Just because your team, coach and parents are taking this game serious doesn’t mean that anyone else is taking you serious. Frankly, that just makes the opposing team want to beat you that much more. There’s nothing cool about being that guy that gets belligerently upset about missing a lay up or fouling. Congratulations, you just got the whole student section to laugh and make fun of you AND now your mom is yelling at you. It’s known that your team is taking their lives too serious when there’s more than one coach on your bench, and your coach has a board to draw up plays. It’s not that competition is a bad thing, it’s just the way you compete. The Parks and Rec basketball league wasn’t created in hopes of creating NBA all stars, it was created for teenagers to bond and have fun while being active. Just because your team name is connected to professional basketball doesn’t mean that your teams skill level is supposed to match. You are a teenager, not a grown man who gets paid millions of dollars annually to play basketball. Have fun with it! Teams that are focusing on getting better with weekly practices tend to not be the ones with winning records anyways. The point is, sports are meant to be fun and beneficial. The Parks and Rec basketball league is a place for high school kids to play basketball while not being too serious. Besides, having fun usually brings out the best results in all of us.

Eli Berner/ The Pylon

Above: Freshman Dalton Peters grapples with his opponent. Below: Matt Martin swims his 500 freestyle.

Eli Berner/ The Pylon

Freshman Dayton Will chases down his competitor during a home meet while Coach Shannon Peters cheers him on.

Bryen Baker Noah Hadnot Erick Nilson Chandler Bryan Ian Korinek Decker Gates Matthew Martin

On the Spot

Athletes in the mix

Celebrity dream date

When I was 5 I wanted to be...

Biggest pet peeve

RaShun Allen Boys’ basketball

“Megan Fox”

“A rapper”

“Grant Dodge” “Sheep”

Kyle True Wrestling Morgan Hauserman Girls‘ basketball Keylee Fuller VETS

“Shannon Peters”

“A luchador”

“Channing Tatum”

“An astronaut”

“When people hover over me.”

“A princess”

“‘When people don’t match.”

Ian Korinek Boys’ swimming

“Hayden Panettiere”

“A pro football player”

“When I have my headphones in and people try to talk to me.”

“Bow Wow”


February 22, 2013

Athletes & Sports

Star athletes pack spring sport line-ups By the Teams return with experience to prep them for successful seasons


numbers a quick look at numbers and stats about the winter sports season

Head coach: Dee Kolzow Starting Seniors: Mason Brightbill,


Ethan Casey, Clay Commerford, Trent Earley, Todd Humiston, Mark Vaughn After losing only two seniors from the varsity squad, the team is set for success this season.

the length of senior Decker Gates’ wing span

First game: April 2 at Hutchinson First home game: April 16 against Maize

Track & Field


Head Coach: Rick O’Neill Returning State Qualifiers: Shaelyn

Head Coach: Pamela Arnold

Returning Starters:

Martin, Calla Hill, Malique Tolbert, Mareshah Francois, Ashley Weaverling, Jamiah Evans, Bronwyn Ross, Isaac Rodriguez, Terrell Rodriguez, Spencer Schrader

Taylor Knopp, Michelle Perales, Breanna Feight, Afton Miller, Marlo Streit, Adrianna Del Real

First game: March 28 against Wichita Southeast

First varsity meet: March

First home game: April 16 against Maize

28 in Junction City

First home meet: April 9 at Salina Stadium

Girls’ Soccer

Boys’ Tennis Head Coach: Mike Goll Returning State Participants: Jeffrey

Head Coach: Dave Ouderkirk

Returning Starters: Devon

Schmitz, Jorrie Dykes, Shannon Bradbury, Sara Ingrassia, Katie Kelemen, Madi Carlgren, Carson Jett, Mallory Wiggins Senior leaders will be the key to the team’s success First home game: March 14 against rival McPherson

Michels, Zach Hampton, Jack Weiner, Nathan Garlow, Justin Bengston

First varstity meet: March 28 at Andover Central

First home meet:

March 30 (Varsity Doubles Invitational)

Boys’ Golf

Girls’ Swimming Head Coach: Patrick Newell

Returning Players with Varsity experience: Matt

Martin, Will Shadwick, Jacob Martin, Chase Howard, Christian Leyh, Max Humphrey, Zach Martin, Matt Grammer

First meet: April 1

Head Coach: Dawn Sheforgen

Returning State Qualifiers: Hannah Schulte, Sarah Schulte, Sydney Dauer, Emily Ewing, Paige Johnson The swim team is returning with experience and have recruited a large freshman class.

First home meet: March 14 at South High


the heigh of junior Kamen Kossow’s vertical jump in inches


the number of boys that qualified to participate in the state meet


junior Brooke Peter’s current field goal percentage


the width of the white box on the basketball backboard in inches


the rating that the cheerleading team received at competition


the number of yards that junior Noah Hadnot swam at the state swim meet


junior Max Kuhn’s three point percentage


February 22, 2013

Editorials & Opinion

A Letter to the physical education department By Sammy Jordan The Pylon

The following are tweets provided by students on their thoughts about P.E. classes. Tweet @chspylon and you could be featured in our next issue. TJ Ralston @sophomore I go hard in PE and never back down from a challenge Cody Shute @junior We play mat ball too much. And people that either try too hard, or just stand around are really annoying... Malik Veal @junior I think people should take P.E. seriously and not joke around in it anymore. Shannon Bradbury @senior They shouldn’t make us take P.E. in order to graduate. I graduate based on my learning ability, not my athletic ability.

As an upperclassman, my time spent in physical education classes are episodes of nostalgia sparked when I pass the big gym after lunch and hear a snide retort from Morris or see gangly freshmen clad in yellow mesh jerseys chasing a ball around. As a 14 to 15 year old girl at the time, I cannot say that I enjoyed this class that required physical exertion and personal vulnerability. Instead of seeking mastery of indoor soccer, volleyball or mat-ball, most of the hour and ten minutes spent avoiding eye contact with the upperclassmen in Advanced P.E. and trying to create a persona of being an “athletic girl,” while making sure not to try “too hard.” The participation motive in our current physical education system does not outweigh potential embarrassment, or, goodness forbid, breaking a sweat. The learning curve is too steep. Football players and State track champions are mixed with less physically active students whose strengths

Underclassmen choose to sit out in the bleachers during P.E. classes instead of participating, despite receiving zero points for the day’s participation grade. are not in the gym. These less athletic students are expected to perform skills to mastery but are too frightened to participate for fear of inadequacy. In response to this issue, I propose two solutions: allow for personal choice in alternate curriculum based on skill level, and lengthen the time allowed to shower and dress after class. The seldomly used wrestling room could be utilized as a yoga or Zumba class while the gym harbors a more traditional P.E. curriculum. Not only would it be possible to cater

to the less physically active, by creating P.E. classes based on ability, athletes would also have a better opportunity strengthen their abilities in a climate of fellow athletes. Teens, girls especially, would be willing to participate-and even physically push themselves -- if they were allowed more time to shower and get ready for the remanding classes of the day. The five to ten minutes currently given are not enough to shower off the sweat, blowdry hair and re-apply their

Only 31 percent of teens regularly attend Physical Education classes, according to the Center for Disease Control.

“Teachers and researchers widely note that many girls begin to feel disaffected with PE at secondary school, particularly towards the middle and end of their secondary schooling.”

Suzy Weller @senior I don’t like running. It’s never really been my thing. Same with locker rooms. Ours would be a nice set for a horror movie

blushed, mascara-ed and lipglossed faces. Though certain curriculum would have to remain the same, based on standards set by the Department of Education, Central could be seen as a progressive model to other mid-west schools in regards to physical education. Our system would no longer follow the curve of clearly ineffective modes of physical activity, but our system would focus on personal improvement according to skill level.

Sheryl Clark Gender and Education Association Affiliate

Staff Editorial: The morality of birth control

Restrictions on birth control restrict women’s rights By Genna Salstrom The Pylon The recent hullaballoo made by the Birth Control Mandate is reminding me a bit too much of the olden days. I mean, really, are we seriously still debating what women should be legally able to do with their bodies? The Birth Control Mandate, Obama’s proposed federal regulation requiring health insurers and employers to include contraception in their health insurance plans, has even more religious Americans outraged than are normally, and it’s hard not to notice that the majority of the politicians fighting against birth control are men that have scary little knowledge of women’s health. Some Republicans, like Mark Huckabee and Mitt Romney, believe that life begins at conception, something that science widely discounts. Not to mention Republican Todd Akin and his infamous misconception that the female body can shut itself down

to defend against rape and unwanted pregnancy. If these ill-conceived notions were accepted, common birth control methods would be considered murder. One of the most commonly heard accusations about birth control is that it promotes promiscuity. This notion is hilarious in itself. Just because a female uses birth control doesn’t mean she’s inherently going to sleep around. It is nice, however, to have the peace of mind that if something does happen, you’re protected. And hey, it’s better for a high school to be full of protected, empowered females rather than pregnant ones. Some Republicans feel so threatened by birth control, they come up with outrageous ideas to speak out against it. Rick Santorum believes police should be able to enter the bedrooms of Americans in search of evidence of contraception use, and Mike Kelly counts the birth control mandate in the same category

of American tragedy as Pearl Harbor and 9/11. When it comes down to it, birth control is just another way for men to try to restrict women’s rights. Women have been fighting for hundreds of years to be considered as men’s equals, yet men still find the need to throw their power around and restrict women’s rights just because they can.

In 1918, Margaret Sanger wrote, “Birth control is the first important step a woman must take toward the goal of her freedom. It is the first step she must take to be man’s equal. It is the first step they must both take toward human emancipation.” Who would have thought that one hundred years later birth control and women’s rights would still be a

“...it’s better for a high school to be full of protected, empowered females rather than pregnant ones.” Genna Salstrom The Pylon

topic of debate? There are very few laws that specifically restrict what men can or can’t do with their own bodies, so why is it necessary for there be so many laws directed towards women? If you don’t have a female reproductive system, you don’t reserve the right to dictate what is allowed to happen to ours.


February 22, 2013

Editorials & Opinion Versus- Are gender roles reversing? ‘We can do it’ woman VS a renaissance man By Sammy Jordan

By Dalton Willey

The Pylon The saying, “the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world,” is losing its significance and meaning. ‘The hand,’ referring to ‘women,’ has used its motherly influence to sway the direction of male leaders according to parental choices in upbringing. But the hand no longer belongs solely to females. According to the Office of National Statistics, over 227,000 men categorized themselves as “stay-at-home-dads” in 2012, a number that increased 19,000 from the previous year. The study on this increase of “Mr. Mom’s,” suggests that male unemployment rose more quickly and substantially than that of females during the great mancession...I mean, recession. Though the great recession was detrimental to business and consumers throughout the country, this period (2005 to 2008) catalyzed growth for females in the work place. Females now comprise about half (47 percent) of the workforce, as provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. This kind of equity in labor is unprecedented to any other generation in the United States. Education is directly correlated with employment, so it is no mystery as to why females are bridging the once vast gap in labor. Females now surpass males in both college enrollment and completion. So, not only does the modern woman have an influence on her family, but she now holds a

The Pylon

valuable position in education, the work place...and now in politics. Last month, the senate swore a record 20 females into office. Though this is a small portion compared to their 80-strong male counterparts, this is a significant benchmark for woman. However, there is unfortunately still a severe gap in economic equity between genders, with men earning an average of $824 and women falling short at just $669 for median weekly earnings, as reported by the Pew Research Center. The more equal a society is, the more economically stable and globally competitive the nation will be. As threats such as India and China to the United States’ global standings become more aggressive, the U.S. needs to prepare their secret weapon: the woman. And according to recent trends, the U.S. is taking long strides in the education department, but is severely lacking financially.

To start this off, know that I am no sexist. However, it is necessary that in an age where the spotlight always shines on women that I show that men, too, have a lot to be proud of. More importantly, now the playing field is looking more lopsided towards women making men feel ostracized. Internationally, it seems that men harness the necessary skills to be more competitive. The Christian Science Monitor in April of 2012 pointed out that men are in 90 percent of the highskill positions at multinational corporations; meanwhile, women only have the remaining 10 percent. More importantly that article points out that men have a more competitive drive that propels them to climb up the ladder, while women are more prone to settle for the position they’re in. Overall, men are more competitive in the workplace and with each other, which makes males more profitable in the work place. Men’s

marketability over women is extremely evident in a pew poll in 2011, which highlights that men between the ages of 18-29 make 3,000 more dollars than women. The reason it looks as if women are making more than men, as many observers are prone to point out, is because most men retire early taking their income out of the equation, while women stay in the workplace longer, attributing to higher wages. At the least, it seems that men will be making more money in the workplace. This is not to say that women don’t possess the ability to achieve but instead that women are merely not harboring as much success as men are. When it comes to politics, it seems that there will be more Monica Lewinsky scandals and less high profile politicians like Hilary Clinton. The Economist in 2013 points out that the United States is beginning to elect fewer women and more men every session. This trend began in early 2000 and is causing more women to lose their jobs in politics. With that it seems that the American people are more prone to elect men over women. While individuals like Gabby Giffords and Hilary Clinton show us women can make it, it seems more men possess the qualities the American people want. Again, I am not a sexist. The facts just point that men are excelling quicker than women in the workplace and in politics. Remember, I am a man who was forced to write this by a woman, so obviously women have the power to excel.

Bell Schedules: Right on time is too late By Bailey Driver The Pylon As I casually walk into school, I glance at the time on my phone feeling reassured that it’s only 7:32, then I realize I have three long-ish minutes to get to Mrs. Cullin’s room until the minute bell rings a second later.... At 7:32? Last time I checked, school started at 7:35 on Maroon days, and 8:00 on White days. So, I would just like to point out to everyone that the bell rings a whole two minutes early every morning. Therefore, the minute bell should ring a MINUTE before the actual bell should ring, either at 7:35 or 8:00. In case anyone’s confused, that would be at 7:34 and 7:59. At first, two minutes doesn’t

seem like a significant amount of time, but those two minutes could be the difference in receiving a gold or silver Renaissance card, depending on the number of tardies accumulated over a quarter. Who doesn’t love semester test exemptions? I know I do. I realize that for some students this isn’t as big of a crisis as other students believe it to be, but the bell ringing early leads to inconvenience and anger. Especially on the rare occasion that I happen to wake up on time or early, in hopes of getting to school with a few minutes to spare... But not so shockingly, I’m still late. Not because I’m seriously late to class, but because the bell rang two minutes early, once again. Most teachers are already

lenient when it comes to being tardy, as long as you walk into class at a reasonable time. But those teachers who haven’t been so lenient shouldn’t be concerned about counting their students tardy when our school can’t be responsible enough to ensure that the bells ring on schedule every day. The point is, if the school board wanted school to start at 7:33 or 7:58, it would.

“When your classes are clear across the school and you park on the opposite side, two minutes makes a difference.” Taylor Vogan Sophomore

Kudos & Call outs The following are situations in which our students and faculty deserve praise for a job well done or to be called out for dropping the ball.

Kudos: -Shakera Ross. See page 4. -Winter sports are almost over. -Those kiddos who interviewed for the Dane Hansen this week. -The swimmy swim team for doing some work at state. -Bucks going undefeated all season. Rec league champions baby! -47 days left for seniors. We can do it. The finish line is in sight. -Strawberry Watermelon Gatorade makes my heart sing to the mountaintops. K-Money and T-Pretty for their choreographed dance abilities. If you’d like to see these moves, contact Tanner Montoy and Katie Kelemen and ask them to make it rain. -One Acts are coming up this weekend. -Twerk Team. -Spring Break is soonish. -Physics Kinematic equations for being applicable to real life calculus tests. Thank you Mr. Goodwin! -The VETs for allowing the senior ladies to dance the fight song for the last home game of regular season!

Call outs: -Soccer conditioning. Full field suicides are called ‘suicides’ for a reason -There’s no more jump-rope team. -Campus has a bowling team. I think we could take them. Quick! Someone start a bowling team! -The Bells are off by two minutes. Those two minutes are vital to my attendance status. -This weather is still bipolar. Dear weather, do you need some counseling? Maybe some medication? I’d be happy to talk anytime. -Cynical singles on Valentine’s Day. I’m over here spreading the love with Star Wars valentines (with a mini glow in the dark light saber inside) and you’re raining on my parade. -The Harlem shake is about to get real old real fast. -The munchkins who keep moving my Pylon Pets around and write mean notes on our computers. It’s not nice. -Ell Saline and South East NEVER have school. Whatever. My education is of higher quality.


February 22, 2013

the Pylon


SENIOR PUPPET DAY MARCH 12 Don’t miss out on your chance to own your favorite senior. Make your bid at Lunch by March 8. Advertise with Us! (785) 309-3578 business@chspylon.com



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