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2013 All-Kansas Newspaper

November 7, 2013

Salina Central High School Vol. 90, Iss. 3

Lindsey Wood / The Pylon

Hannah Shulte/ The Pylon

Nailed it! New cast hopes for judges approval pg2

All-State Alissa: Kim wins 5A Title

Hot, attention seeking or newly single...

the Selfie

Jolie Bartz

pg8 Mr. Keffel

Is it too self-centered or harmless fun? h

Holding breat

Mirror pic Juan Preciado


Jake Bellerive

Keylee Fuller

Garrett Campion


Looking Away

Duckface Addie Justus

Colton Maxwell

Shekhinah Jones



OOTD Nash Johnson

Mr. Pahls

Meg Johnson

Sophomore Tafaomaleuato-

Looking Away

Playin’ it cool

Looking ahead


Days until the 305 Live! concert



Days until the senior panoramic picture during ELO



Days until the debate tournament



Sophomore Tafaomaleuatogi Garman junior and Mason

Days until the 3rd annual Mustang spirit dinner/auction


Above the he


Days until winter sports practices begin



Days until Thanksgiving



Senior Barret Koch

28 Days until winter One Acts



November 7, 2013

Fine Arts

Silly Strings

Editorial Board

Students dress in costume for Orchestra’s Disney Concert On November 4

Riley Miller, Riley Gates, Eli Berner, Kamen Kossow, Mackenzie Morris & Emily Wood

News Emily Wood

Business Team Afton Miller, Sara Ingrassia & Rachel Bevans

Student Life Jera Richardson


Sarah Brown/ The Pylon

Sarah Brown/ The Pylon

Senior Mackenzie Stultz plays Freshman Evan Schneider plays the base. the violin.

Sarah Brown/ The Pylon

Senior Ruby Garcia plays the violin while Senior Joe McMahon plays the base.

Genna Salstrom

Sports Bailey Driver

Fine Arts

Lindsey Wood / The Pylon

Sophomore Xan Mattek and Junior Sam Highsmith have a moment on stage.

Eryn Hassler

Feature Mackenzie Morris

Staff reporters Austin Huynh, Travis Bigler, Trey Cullins, Casey Rayas, & Patty Dominguez Photography Carniecia Robertson, Eli Berner, Ian Johnson, Lindsey Wood, & Sydney Kossow

Videography Dakota Rowlison, Connor Martens & Casey Campbell

Picture this Sydney Kossow / The Pylon

“If this show made it to conference I would feel accomplished. It would be a great reward.”

Junior Danny Lorentz means business.

Copy Editor

Sydney Kossow / The Pylon

Korin Koch and Jeffery Micheal kiss during “Boeing Boeing.”

Malina Barber-Regier

Cartoons Eryn Hassler, Sam Beck & Alexis Karabinas

Xan Mattek

J.D. Garber, Adviser (785) 309-3578


Lindsey Wood / The Pylon

The Pylon wants to hear your opinion The Pylon gladly accepts contributions from guest writers on any subject. Please email your submissions to of Salina High School Central. It is produced entirely by students of the newspaper production class, daily on and monthly in print.

Email your letters, preferably limited to 500 words, to Submissions must contain a full name for that you are the author of the letter. Letters may be edited for clarity.

Senior Miranda Allen stares longingly.

Cast hopes to keep ‘Boeing Boeing’ flying high, earn trip to state thespian conference By Eryn Hassler Junior The show “Boeing Boeing” was performed last Thursday through Saturday night. The play was about a man who is engaged to three different airlines. None of the girls know he’s engaged

to anyone else. He ends up marrying one of them, his friend gets engaged to another, and the American girl who was having an affair with two other men the whole time, goes back to America. The audience loved the show. Judges were also watching. If the judges decide they like the show and the

cast, “Boeing Boeing” could be one of the top three Kansas shows and will perform at the Kansas State Thespian Conference. Funny Money was the last show to go to the conference and it also went to the International Thespian Festival. The theatre department has high hopes for “Boeing Boeing” as well.

Lindsey Wood / Sophomore

SophomoreXan Mattek gets sassy

November 7, 2013

News Updates FCA returns with new name, leader By Emily Wood

and reestablish this Christian

Mustangs spread throughout the

The Pylon

FCM meetings: First Thursday of the month In the cafeteria 7:30 a.m. After a year long absence, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, FCA, will return- but with which includes a name change from FCA to FCM, the Fellowship In the past, teachers like their retirement has left the parent that has stepped up to take the leadership role this year

“Seeing the tremendous ranging from forensics to FFA, student unity and pride this music, athletics, journalis, school year got me asking “For that “I enjoy and support the question, reason, my athletics at Central as ‘Why isn’t there anything like much as anyone, but I also name our group FCA at Central?’ Fellowship recognize that being a of Christian Mustang is so much more Mustangs,” why does an than just athletics.” organization As of now, supporting the meetings Todd Bigler out Christian are scheduled

FCM leader

be limited to ‘athletes’? “I enjoy and support athletics at Central as much as anyone, but I also recognize that being a Mustang is so much more than

pastries, a student led prayer, a short message, and a call to

projects both in the school and

“I see FCM as a wideopen door for students who don’t feel connected to the is hesitant to try FCM, I’d

Carniecia Robertson/ The Pylon

to twice a month as the group fellowship we will walk in the Meetings will include breakfast such as donughts and

Jan Ganzenmuller, Kitchen Manager

What is the traveling bear award? “An award given to the cafeteria staff who has the best attendance throughout the year. We compete against South High, both middle schools, and all the elementary schools.”

305 Live! will take place Saturday, November 9 at 7 pm in the theatre. This is the second annual concert that is a collaboration of Joe’s Pet Project and USD 305 students. The concert will feature music by The Beatles, Coldplay, U2, student originals, and much more. Tickets are $10 and can be purchased at Central, Lakewood, South, South File Photo Middle, the Board Office, and Midwest Music. Proceeds Senior Shekhinah Jones sings at last to benefit the Salina Education Foundation. year’s concert.

File Photo

Senior Jacob Murray plays the electric guitar.

Theatre lowers movie prices times for a cheaper price,”

The Pylon noticeable with the change been pushing teens away for years and now they are Cinemas now offers $1 hotdogs

Showplex Cinemas at the Central Mall is now Starplex all has been the dramatic cut “We are now under a new

offering $4 drinks and $8 compared to the outrageous prices that they use to offer,” said sophomore Alexis “With lower prices, I am

Kromer hopes that the lower prices of tickets will bring in more atendance at

The award for the lunch staff in the district with the best attendance. The bear has been at Central for the past two years.

Interview with

File Photo

Alexis Karabinas Sophomore


meetings, the group plans

Senior Toby King and other trombone players perform.

“With lower prices, I am able to go to more movies with the money that I have.”


meetings, but as of now those

305 Live!

By MacKenzie Morris

3 Bringin’ home

How many years in a row have you won? “I know for sure that we have won the past two years in a row.”

Student survey:

Did you know the Salina Mall movie theatre recently lowered their ticket prices?

84% 16% yes no How many movies have you seen since they lowered the ticket price? 1 or 2

What does it mean to win this award? “Winning this award shows the dedication the ladies have to the school.”

74 students responded in a survey taken in random M1 classes

Where do you receive the award? “Every year the bear is given at an appreciation dinner in the spring. The dinner is for all the cafeteria workers in the district. At Central, we have 19 workers.” What is the physical reward for winning? “A big teddy bear that is wearing a chef hat.” CAN’T WAIT A MONTH? FOLLOW US ON TWITTER FOR DAILY UPDATES.

3 4


$5.55 Classic LARGE Pepperoni, Sausage, Beef or Cheese 645 E. Crawford 785-452-9999


“like” on Facebook


November 7, 2013

Student Life Ian Johnson / The Pylon

Syd’s Sermon

A new club in the last few school years, Yu-Gi-Oh is growing and increasing in popularity. To join their club contact junior Michael Burbach.

Sydney Kossow Sophomore

Superstitions give us hope but that’s where it stops I think everyone has at least one superstition that they do naturally, Sophomore Moni Sutherlin won’t step on the white the game which could be bad luck. Emma Norris (freshman) will lose the soccer game if she doesn’t tape her socks. Junior Marysa Bradshaw always puts the toilet seat cover seat down after she goes to the bathroom because she heard that when you can get into your toothbrush. I like to think I’m pretty superstitious myself, but to be honest, whether or not I bounce the tennis ball three times or not, I will most likely not miss my serve. When we were kids we were always saying if you step on a crack you’ll break your moms back. I stepped on a crack so many times, yet my moms back is not broken. Even if we are just doing something silly to try and lower our chances of having something bad happen, it puts us in the mindset that they won’t. So I think we should all be knock on wood, don’t step on cracks or break mirrors, be ware of black cats and most importantly, put the toilet seat cover down when your done with your business so you won’t be brushing your teeth with toilet germs. Thank god for superstitions keeping us safe...but do they really?

Check out the strange superstitions of students t t



Ian Johnson / The Pylon

Sophomore Terrell Turner plays an intense game of Yu-gi-oh with fellow club member and Freshman Andrew Shirley . The Yu-Gi-Oh club meets every friday in the cafeteria.


Yu-Gi-Oh club becomes official, holds meetings By Travis Bigler The Pylon Yu-Gi-Oh club is a hidden blessing to a unique group of competitve gamers. More advanced players, such as junior Michael Burbach, are working hard to get some of the lesser experienced players better at the game. Yu-Gi-Oh is split into three

dorms Slifer, Ra, and Obelisk. Obelisk is the highest level of players, which mean they can win games very easily. Ra is the medium talented players. They can attempt to challenge the Obelisks. Slifer is the lowest level of players, where all beginners start. The club experiencing growing as there are nearly 35 members now in the group,

LEARNING FROM By Trey Cullins The Pylon The food company, Darden, hosts a day at Longhorn Steakhouses all over Kansas that they devote to helping disabled students learn what a workplace feels like. As they give a tour of the building and show them what jobs must be done to maintain the restaurant, the kids are revealed to the everyday life of a Longhorns employee. “It was really cool to see all of the equipment that they use in the back,� Brian Beasley said. Not many people get to see how restaurants such as this work on the inside. Being able to see how the food was prepared and

all the cleaning equipment was a special opportunity for these students. Showing these kids around and giving them a say as to what they like and don’t like about the steak house provides insight to the employees. They are given many new ideas for the restaurant as well as for the event that took place, making the program even stronger. For this period of time, the students get to enjoy socializing with each other and learning things about the restaurant that they did not know before. “It means a lot that we got to go. I liked seeing all the nice people and eating the good food,� Zach Vessey said.

YOUR YOURDREAM DREAMISISOUT OUTTHERE. THERE. YOUR DREAM IS OUT THERE. GO GET IT.IT. WE'LL PROTECT IT.IT. GOYOUR GET WE'LL PROTECT YOUR DREAM DREAM IS OUT IS OUT THERE. THERE. GO GET IT. WE'LL PROTECT IT. GOGO GETGET IT. IT. WE'LL WE'LL PROTECT PROTECT IT. IT. Daran Neuschafer Agency, Inc. DaranDaran Neuschafer Agency, Neuschafer Agency, Inc. Inc. 1528 E Iron Ave 1528 1528E EIron Iron Ave Ave Salina, KSKS 67401 Salina, KS 67401Inc. Salina, 67401 Daran Daran Neuschafer Neuschafer Agency, Agency, Inc. Bus: (785) Bus: (785) 827-5150 Bus: (785) 827-5150 1528 1528 E827-5150 Iron E Ave Iron Ave Salina, Salina, KS 67401 KS 67401 Bus: Bus: (785)(785) 827-5150 827-5150

which is a huge incline from last year. “This is our entire life,� Burbach said.� When some of the players can’t go it starts to hurt some of the group. The less people that are there, the less people there are to duel with. Luckily, the group is just a group of friends that play together. There is never very much tension in their

competitiveness. “It feels like I’m just hanging out with my friends doing what I love at school,� said Burbach. With interest in the game growing, the group is certainly going to keep inclining in the next few years. This club is unique with its members and targets kids who aren’t involved in other school related extracurricular activities.


Carniecia Robertson / The Pylon

Students visit Longhorns steak house to gain employee perspective


November 7, 2013

Student Life


In the middle


SOUND Students enjoy upgrading stereos, cars Based off a poll of 100 random students taken during M1 classes:

What do you have in your car right now? t Taco costume - Freshman Ulises Garcia t Bread Maker - Sophomore Moni Sutherlin t Potatoes - Junior Juan Preciado

Do you drive to school?

46% 100

Carniecia Robertson / The Pylon

Sophomore Zach Hilbig, Junior Ty Brull and Junior Malcom Gardner chill in front of their cars after school last Friday. Hilbig, Brull and Gardner have some of the hottest car stereos on campus.


2 3

out of

Lindsey Wood / The Pylon

Sophomore Abby McBreaty sits on the steps of her foster parents home on Monday. McBreaty has moved several times in her life and will move again today to a new home.


a foster

Sophomore searches for home, peace By Trey Cullins The Pylon Living a life completely different than most people,

foster kids must deal with a variety of stressful situations. Being moved around without much of a say, and starting over, begins to become a

“In The Middle of Everything” is a feature on 1 of about 1000 students who have a story to tell- this month’s student is Freshman Austin Chart

HOW THEY RANK Brull - 2 12 inch Kickers 2000 watt amp Favorite song - “Ali Bomaye” by The Game ft. 2 Chainz & Rick Ross

Hilbig- 2 12 inch Kickers C12 600 watt amp Favorite song - ”A Milli” by Lil Wayne Gardner - 2 10 inch Rockford fosgate 500 watt amp Favorite song - “Headband” by B.O.B

normal thing for several of to miss school as well. This them. Foster homes could be can cause grade problems if all boys, all girls, or a mix they aren’t careful and plan of both. This means that the their time wisely. people they live with are “It’s so hard to make strangers for a time; people friends and start to build a they call family. life and then just have to start “Although my foster parents over somewhere else as if it took me in as their own, they didn’t ever happen,” McBreaty aren’t my actual parents. This said. Grades aren’t the only gives a little bit of distance,” school effect being a foster sophomore Abby McBreaty kid gives; at any time for any said. After reason they can time, a be pulled from connection their home, “It’s so hard to make begins to school, and life be formed; and placed right friends and start to but in into a new one. other cases, build a life and then just Dealing with the there is this gives start over somewhere stress nothing. along with the else as if it didn’t ever responsibility Being the parents of following all happen.” of such a the rules and diverse meeting new Abby McBreaty group of people makes kids, there their lives Sophomore usually truthfully harder are many than many think. rules in There is a place while at these homes, common stereotype that (depending on the home.) comes in the package of being Some of these may include no a foster kid; that most of them phones, no internet, and little tend to be troublemakers. social freedom. Making an effort to defy the Of course living with odds and show others that no internet connection or some of them aren’t, they lead having no phone can affect the life of a role model that schoolwork. Court dates that most people look up to. they receive can cause the kid


Much like brother, Chart is off the charts talented By Genna Salstrom The Pylon Freshmen Austin Chart is unlike most other freshmen. Chart, much like his brother, has found his niche in music, in which he excels at trumpet. “Playing the trumpet motivates me to go to school and is my main source of inspiration,” Chart said.

“Playing the trumpet motivates me to go to school and is my main source of inspiration.” Austin Chart Freshman Even though he is but a freshmen, Chart has won many awards for his musical talent, including honored band awards, all of the jazz soloist awards, and making district jazz band, which is extremely rare for freshmen. Even his brother, who excels at piano, did not make district jazz band until his junior year. Chart has a bright future ahead of him, as he is a friendly and talented individual.



November 7, 2013

In depth

Everyone does it,

By MacKenzie Morris

it’s nothing to be ashamed of...

But when is it taken too far?


selfie the

Definition: selfie

Scrolling down your Instagram news feed, it is nearly impossible not to pass A large group of teenagers are boys and girls crossing

of faces, angles, and meanings

lot of likes, it makes you feel

“Girls post (selfies) to get people to like their photos on social media. When you get a lot of likes, it makes you feel better about yourself.”


“Nobody cares on

is planned to be uploaded to Facebook, Myspace or any

“I think people who take selfies on a day to day basis are looking for attention...”

are looking for attention is annoying and needs to stop,”

Take a shirtless selfie

1. 2. 3. full make-up social 4. gain status seeking attention dressed up

A pigsty is not an attractive look

Participate in selfie Sunday

Chuck up the deuces

If anything, that’s a girl thing... NOT GUYS

Unless your joking, the peace sign needs to go

Pose with a serious face

Overuse filters when posting pictures

Why u no smile?

It’s better to have a natural look than fake

Put lyrics as the caption for your selfie

Self time your selfie

It’s not inspiring, it’s just plain weird

Self timer’s should never be used on selfie’s

The half face

Above the head

Bailey Driver

The above the head angle became popular in middle school, even though it should have never started. I understand you want to show off your whole outfit, but there is better ways of doing this. Simply, say no to this creepy angle.

Riley Gates

Girls take pictures of half of their face to be artistic, while some big foreheads cut off part of their forehead to make it appear smaller. Either way, don’t cut off too much. Your full face is just as beautiful as a 1/4 of it.

Thumbs up!





What app do you use to edit your selfies?


9% 75% 60 students surveyed in M1 classes

100 students said..

5. 9. 6. gaining 10. confidence 7. wanting “likes” 8. good hair day newly single

Bite the finger

Patty Dominguez

Girls may think that biting their finger while smiling is innocent but to others viewers, it is not. This pose could be appealing to the male gender, but it is not necessary. A pretty smile is more attractive than a seducing pic.

No 29%

Yes 71%

How many selfies do you

make fun of others special occasion (holiday)

List created by The Pylon staff

There is nothing to be said about throwing up a thumbs-up in a picture. It just shouldn’t happen, especially if you are rotating your wrist so much to the point where you are just pointing to the side.

Afton Miller


Getting into numbers

taken a selfie?

Top 10 reasons why people take selfies

Show off your messy room in the background

You look conceded, stop it

Cartoons by Kate Martens

Have you ever

Behind the selfies


25% Ages 65 and over


it turns out good, in a way

The serious look away face is not necessary

75% 18-24 year olds


it and you are able to take it

Look at the camera, not away from it

A selfie for a guy is weird in general, help a friend out

Sydney Kossow

Selfie posts, filters are being overused by teens


It’s not likeable if people can’t see your face

Call out your bro’s for looking like tools

While taking a picture from the side can give you a zoomed-out effect to get more of you in the picture, the side of your arm that is taking up half of the overall picture can be distracting from the cute smile on your face.



Have good lighting when taking the picture

Humor is just as attractive as a hot face

Side arm angle



Josh Martinez

Dirty mirrors can be a turn-off

Take funny selfie’s


you and your duck face

Have a clean mirror when taking a mirror selfie

No toilets in the background please


a day and it can in fact lead to


Be aware of your surroundings

in the 18-24 year old demographic

The Pylon

Cartoons by Eryn Hassler

1 Million

selfies are taken each day

By Dakota Rowlinson

n o i t i d e e i f l se



Self abuse


Survey done by on 2,000 people ages 18-24.





Do’s and the Dont’s of selfies



48% “People take pictures of

Shea Myers


There are many kinds of selfies you can take with all different styles of facial expressions and views. Some are a plus, while others can be a turn off. Here are selfie examples from our staff that need to become extinct.

to send out to a certain group


“A picture taken of yourself that is planned to be uploaded to Facebook, Myspace, or any other source of social networking website.” -Urban Dictionary

Breakin’ down the view


How selfies are being

be seen to be posted to boost

The Pylon

take on a weekly basis?

1-385% 4-610% 7-105%

60 students responded in an M1 classes


Genna Salstrom

We’re all victims of the cheesy smiles and overly raised eyebrows, but avoid this kind of facial espression in a picture as much as possible. It is not cute. If anything, it looks as if you are in some type of extreme pain.

“Check it out”

Malina Barber-Regier

STOP THIS NOW IF YOU TAKE PICTURES LIKE THIS. In no way, shape or form is this acceptable for the female gender. This style of pose is not to simply smile and look cute, but instead to show off your voluptuous backside in a wrong fashion.


November 7, 2013

Athletes & Sports Connor’s Conference Connor Martens The Pylon

Fantasy Football frenzy 2 out of 100 students participate in Fantasy Football and check their teams 2-4 times a week. Sounds kind of fishy to me so I’m gonna go ahead with some predictions. 100 students were surveyed during M1 last week

By Connor Martens The Pylon

Year so far As week 10 awaits in the NFL season, many unexpected things have occurred that have caused this Fantasy Football Season to look differently than you may have thought.

Smart Picks Denver Broncos running back Knowshon Moreno has been truly remarkable. Moreno, who has been overshadowed in past years by Willis McGahee, has surfaced so well. In his time of shining brightly, Moreno, who was initially drafted in very few Fantasy leagues, has averaged 15 Fantasy points per game this season. Other Broncos that have produced well this season as a part of a dominant offense include Peyton Manning, Wes Welker, Demaryius Thomas, and Julius Thomas. The Kansas City defense, best defense in the league, is not owned in all Fantasy leagues. There have only been two games this year in which they didn’t put up double digit Fantasy points. They will certainly be challenged as they play Denver twice in the next three weeks, but they haven’t force turnovers and win football games.

Busts Ray Rice of the Ravens and Trent Richardson of the Colts, both owned in all Fantasy leagues, are just two of some of the biggest busts this year. Neither of them have an average of over seven points per game. Don’t expect either to emerge anytime soon.

Bold predictions 1. As a big threat in the red zone for the Carolina Panthers, Mike Tolbert is the guy to get. He isn’t amazing for yardage 2. Although Percy Harvin has been slow to heal, get him if you have room on your bench. If you don’t have room; make room. There is a chance we will have to wait until week 13, depending on his recovery.

Who to look at Aaron Dobson- Patriots Darrel Young- Redskins Zac Stacy- Rams Mike Tolbert- Panthers Keenan Allen-Redskins

Photo courtesy of Steve Ewing / The Pylon Senior Alissa Kim poses next to the state championship banner to display her 5A championship state title.

“While I’m very thankful to have won state, I hope that this year’s performance by our team builds a platform for future success.” Alissa Kim Senior

Photo courtesy of Steve Ewing/ The Pylon

The state golf team holds up senior Alissa Kim with their Runner-Up plaque at the Regional golf meet held in Wichita.

STATE STANGS Kim takes 5A title, girls’ golf has best season in recent history By Connor Martens

and we were able to put in the extra dedication and focus needed.”

The Pylon Ever since girls’ golf started at Central in 1976, the team has never had a state champion, until now. Senior Alissa Kim took home the 5A state title, and regionals. “It’s a big honor. Words can’t describe the feeling,” said the standout golfer. “We have three experienced seniors who are tightly knit. We wanted to pick up where we left off last year. We have all put in a lot of work

“She works so hard in the off season and it shows. She loves golf.” Coach Ewing Girls’ golf

golf,” mentioned coach Ewing, in his fourteenth year as girls’ golf coach. Kim and her father spent many hours together on the course, working on improving her game for this championship, and for the future. “My dad is a major reason I am where I am today. He has taught me so much,” said Kim. Kim is unsure on which college she wants to play golf for, but says she would like to stay close to home.

“She works so hard in the off season and it shows. She loves

The girls placed 9th as a team in 5A

Villarreal establishes dominance Season best: 16:42 ran at League in Goddard Standings: 2nd at League meet in Goddard, 3rd at Bill Burke home meet, 5th at Regional meet in Newton, 9th at 5A state meet in Lawrence

Improvements: finished 9th at state, one year after placing 65th, bettered time by 26 seconds “From last year to this year, Daniel has improved immensely because of his dedication and hard work in the off season.” Eli Berner/ The Pylon

Coach Gooch Head cross country

Junior Daniel Villarreal sprints to the finish line at their home meet held at Bill Burke park. Villarreal placed third.


November 7, 2013

Athletes & Sports

By the

Photo courtesy of Kim Rayas / The Pylon

Senior tailback Malik Veal prepares himself for the gator bowl scrimmage at the start of the season.


Photo by Lindsey Wood / The Pylon

Left: Senior quarterback J.W. Maldaner looks on as the football team loses a close game to Hutch early in the season.

a quick look at numbers and stats from the fall sports season


ROAD CREW record setters

the number of strokes by the girls’ varsity golf team

Football team earns spot in 5A Playoffs, record books Startling Statistics

After three years the football team has returned to the playoffs and have rejuvinated an offense and defense that used to be a powerhouse.

Photo by Lindsey Wood / The Pylon Coach Hall high fives senior wide receiver Casey Rayas after making a catch.

Sr. Malik Veal- 1163 rushing on the season Sr. JW Maldaner- 1386 passing yards on the season Sr. Kamen Kossow- 496 receiving yards on the season Sr. Tanner Robl- 84 tackles on the season Jr. Javon Burse- 7 interceptions on the season Jr. Brandon Huynh- 4 sacks on the season Soph. Dalton Peters- 43 carries on the season

By Connor Martens The Pylon

The wait is over. The football team has made it back to the

looked great over the past two get to where they are.

still have goals ahead of us to

Athletes in the mix Dane Hoffman Football Emily Ewing Girls’ Golf Ruby Garcia VETS Christian Jacobs Boys’ Cross Country Paige Hieger Girls’ Tennis

for the team.

persevered through adversity.

On the Spot Fad that should never come back...

Most embarrassing song on my iPod...

“The song ‘What Does the Fox Say’ by Ylvis”

“Pokemon theme song”

First thing I do when I wake up in the morning...


“The Cheetah Girls”


“Burnin` Up by the Jonas Brothers”

“Immediately check my phone”


“I Will Always Love You by Whitney Houston”


“I Am a Gummy Bear”

the number of goals scored by the boys’ soccer team

427 the average number of calories burned after running at a cross country meet


the number of days until winter sports practice starts

290 the total number of points scored by the football team


“Hit the snooze button” “Open my eyes, then go back to sleep”



“Go back to sleep for another five minutes”

the average number of miles ran in a soccer game


the number of kills the volleyball team had this season


the number of 5A state champions on the girls’ golf team

10 Genna’s Grudge By Genna Salstrom The Pylon

Protectors or power-hungry control freaks? Driving down the streets in Salina, cops are ever-present. Now, I know policemen do their best to protect citizens, but most of the time they’re just nuisances. Salina has the sixth highest number of law enforcement employees in the state according to the FBI. The police, not just in Salina but everywhere, are corrupt. The word around town is that the reason we have the most DUIs is not because there are more drunk drivers but because the cops go around marking cars that are parked at the bars. This is completely illegal. Policemen do whatever they want, and they get away with almost everything. I personally see them driving like idiots on a daily basis. Granted I’m not the best driver, but one almost smashed into me trying to swerve through they almost killed someone in that recent high speed chase. But, of course, they’re cops; they can get away with it.

Top 3 ways cops are corrupt up and using 1 Beating other forms of

brutality Doubling as drug 2 dealers and gang members Setting people up for 3 arrests when they are innocent I have also been told many stories of police brutality. Just last month, a policemen violently slammed an innocent kid to the ground for no apparent reason and later threatened to arrest him for touching him on the shoulder. This was all caught on video and posted on YouTube. I have also heard many stories of friends being pushed against cars or being hit by police with no probable cause. From April 2009 to June 2010, almost six thousand cases of police misconduct were reported in the United States, and almost four hundred of them were fatal according to data collected from NPMSRP. in the world, but I just don’t see anything right with the way police conduct themselves. My lawyer advised me that police take advantage of teenagers and to never get out of the car or say anything to them other than your name and address and asking whether or not you’re free to go. Be safe, and protect yourselves from power hungry law enforcement.

November 7, 2013

Editorials & Opinion Letter to the editor: Dear Sports Editor and Sports Staff, It has been greatly noticed that in the past articles of the Pylon there has been absolutely zero articles written about the Central Ladies Golf team. So the golf team has a few questions for the staff. (These questions were written the day after regionals and rewritten the day after the state golf competition.) *How come the girls golf team has not had any articles written

Girls’ golf deserves more coverage due to success

about them? *The girls golf team has been very successful this year winning several meets. In the meets that we did not win, we were one of the top 5A teams accumulating 54 medals and 2 plaques. (1 Bennington championship plaque and 1 Regional plaque) but still no articles. *Alissa Kim is without a doubt the #1 golfer in the history of Salina Central. She won the AVCTL tournament, the regional tournament, and the 5A State

tournament. She is the only Central girls golfer who has ever won the 5A state competition and the only Salina girl who has won all three tournaments in the same year. And …… no articles. *Girls golf has been a sport since 1976. Eight Salina Central teams have gone to state competition as a team. This state 3 times a as a team. And again ….. no articles *How come the girls golf team is not included in “On the Spot”?

All of the other fall sports are included. *The Lady Stangs golf team season is over with arguably one of the best Central HS teams of Central HS history and without a doubt the best golfer the history of Central Lady Golf in Alissa Kim. The team is very disappointed in the coverage that they received. I know that the Pylon will do better in the future. Signed, Coach Ewing & the Girls’ Golf Team

WORDS OFModest WISDOM is hottest

PDA can wait until later By Austin Huynh

By Bailey Driver

The Pylon

The Pylon

We all have those days at school when we’re just feeling good. It seems like everything is going your way and nothing can ruin

Personality quality can’t be measured by the way girls dress, but false judgements are made and self worth is degraded when girls dress in scandalous clothing. Speaking for the girl population, when we see another girl dressed in a revealing fashion, we’re disgusted. Sometimes, we even laugh out of embarrassment. By dressing skimpy, you’re only attracting boys that are not worthy of your time or bringing home to meet the parents. No one ever hears boys saying, “Dang that girl in that short, tight black dress has a great personality!”

class and run into two people sucking face right next to the door. PDA has reached a new high. These days, it’s hard NOT to see a couple in the hallways showing PDA. It’s like everywhere you go, you have to be cautious of the couples standing in the middle of the hallway doing…well, you know. What I’m trying to address is the fact that no one is doing anything about it. At some points during the day, I feel like staff and students are oblivious to what is going on outside their clean, make-out free classrooms. We all know that it happens. You’d be blind as a bat not see it happen. Also, hey couples in the hall ways, do you all not realize that you’re making everyone else feel uncomfortable? I get it, you two must love each other so much that it’s hard to contain your burning love for each other but gosh dang, can’t it wait until after school? If you’re reading this and you think that this may directed towards you, I know what you’re thinking. No, I’m not just some grumpy single guy who is envious over your “oh so passionate” relationship. I think I speak for everyone else when I said we’re all just plain tired of seeing it. Let’s cut it out and keep it school appropriate.

Staff Editorial: By Austin Huynh The Pylon One of the coolest things growing up was being able to not be yourself for a day. Changing your whole persona for one day and being someone completely out of character was a day that kids all over the map looked forward to. Yes, I’m talking about Halloween. Looking back at my adolescent stage in life, I began to think that Halloween was too childish for me. I began seeing myself as treating Halloween as just another day on the calendar. But as I got older, the sound of Halloween didn’t sound so bad. Of course, you’re probably not going to catch me late at night rushing through neighborhoods going door to door asking for candy, but the idea of dressing up as someone else for a day doesn’t seem as bad as it used to. There is a slight problem with that though; a lot of high school students are busy with sports and extra curricular activities, which makes it hard for students to be able to dress up and show off their costume. Way back when I was

a young boy in elementary school, you would actually be allowed to dress in your Halloween costume during the school day, but when middle school and high school came around, the idea was shut down.

in you because they want to get to know you, they’re interested because they want to use you. Girls continually complain that ‘all guys are the same.’ Well, maybe if girls started to dress with some class guys would stop taking advantage of them. More and more girls don’t realize that keeping your body a mystery is attractive, hence the term ‘modest is hottest.’ If you disagree with that statement, at least have enough decency to dress in a way that won’t make teachers and faculty feel uncomfortable when they see girls’ butts hanging out of their shorts as they walk down the hallway. It’s sad that we haven’t evolved enough to where girls still think they need to use their bodies for attention instead of their brains.

HALLOWEEN COSTUMES NO DIFFERENT THAN SPIRIT WEEK ELO parties by having the qualifying students come in costume to the party. The party was a Halloween themed, but if everyone there was in costume, the Halloween spirit would have

20 out of 20

Pylon staffers believe students should be able to dress up for Halloween during school It never really occurred to me as a problem until this year when Halloween fell on a Thursday, the same day as our “No Tardy Party”, an ELO party opened for students who haven’t received tardies for the month of October. When StuCo found out that Halloween fell on the same day as the ELO party, it opened up a perfect opportunity to make the party a lot more fun than previous

The only problem was that the school administration didn’t allow it to happen. The overall reason was that costumes could get out of hand and violate dress code, or it could just be too much of a distraction during class time. What I’m trying to say to you, administration, is that having costumes would not be such a bad idea if there were guidelines to it. If the administration is

worried about some costumes being too “revealing” or “skimpy”, then they could just set a rule to where the costume must follow normal dress code. Also, the costumes would not be a distraction to learning. Of course, at the beginning of class the students may react to the costumes in a simple comedic gesture or a laugh, but that’s no different from the reactions the students give out when they see their fellow classmate dressed up for spirit week. Am I right? Remember Merica’ Monday and Tiki Tuesday and how many people were dressed up for that? Administration that a violation of dress code or distraction to students’ learning. Basically, all I’m saying is that we should consider the idea of allowing students to dress up on Halloween next year just to enjoy the spirit of the holiday. It wouldn’t cause any harm to other students or their learning. In fact, it would just liven the atmosphere of the student body, knowing that they’re able to enjoy the special holiday even when class is in session.

November 7, 2013

Editorials & Opinion


Kudos Callouts


45 % of students consider their parents strict taken from a survey of 100 students in random M1s.

cartoons by Alexis Karabinas

Strict parents create structure for kids By Hannah Schulte The Pylon Do strict parents really cause a teen to rebel? Parents, please stop letting your teens run wild. I understand you don’t want to seem like a helicopter parent. By having involved parents, I believe I have been blessed with parents that truly care. Not all parents take time out of their day to help their kids with homework and to make sure grades are kept up. I was brought up by parents that are a lot more strict than most. If I


want to go somewhere, I need to tell them where I am going, what time I leave, what time I will get home and who I am going with. It isn’t a crime that my parents ask for this information. They are looking out for my well being, making sure I have made good choices in the places I go and the friends I am with. I am expected to keep my grades up. If I let my grades slide, going places and doing things with friends is out of the question. My grades are very important. Getting a good education is my responsibility and my parents are there alongside me to help. In the real world, if I let a job slide, I would most likely lose the job. By learning this now I can

prepare myself for the future. Being out past my curfew would mean that I have to skip the next outing

“Getting a good education is my responsibility, and my parents are there alongside me to help.” Hannah Schulte Junior I want to go to. My parents hold me responsible for what I say and if I say I will be home by curfew

my parents can trust me. I don’t feel that I have been deprived of anything or have the need to rebel. My parents have made it clear to me that I am worth protecting. They want me to come home on time because they care about where I am. I am expected to keep my grades up because they know that I’m capable. My parents have given me a certain amount of responsibility as a young adult and they expect me to live up to that. As teens we want to go out and try it on our own, rebel against what we are told to do, our parents were once teens they have gone through the same pressures and problems.

The following are situations in which our faculty, students and others deserve praise for a job well done or to be called out for dropping the ball. They are made by the opinion editor with the help of the rest of the staff.

Kudos: -Senior Alissa Kim for continually dominating the sport of women’s golf. -Drake’s new album, again. I still have it on repeat 24/7. -Drake, again, for coming to Kansas City in December for only $50...road trip, please! -The construction by South is done...FINALLY. -Big cozy sweaters -This fog reminds me of beautiful Seattle...without the mountains or awesome music scene, that is. -Those involved in 305 Live! for having the guts to sing their hearts out on stage. -The cast of “Boeing Boeing” for putting on such a great show. Here’s hoping it goes to state! -Wendy’s’ chicken sandwiches... yumm -It’s time to break out the Christmas music and movies! -Abker’s brownies for being delicious. -Football for making the 2010. Congratulations! -Movies are getting progressively better. “Bad Grandpa” and “Catching Fire,” good job. -iPhones for being able to withstand being dropped in the toilet.

Strict parents create sneaky kids Callouts: By Genna Salstrom The Pylon Parents across the world overuse strictness in order to ensure that their child doesn’t go down the wrong path. To these parents, I ask you to please just cut it out. Sheltering and overdisciplining your children will do nothing but make them sneaky and wild. Granted, there are success stories from being strict; however, they’re few and far between. I guarantee that underneath the goodytwo-shoes exterior, your teenager is sneaking around and going wild. Even if you don’t “Tiger mom” them, they could still do this. It all depends on their personality. Some people like to be bad, and some people like to be good; there’s nothing you can do about which one your kid decides to be. You could lock them in their room or send

them away, but most likely they’ll keep living their lives the way they want to. When you suppress a teenager’s free will, especially if they’re rebellious like me, they feel the need to go against what they’re supposed to be doing, and when they are sheltered for most of their developmental lives, teenagers become curious about what is out there in the world that is “so bad”. I’ve had friends who weren’t allowed to go out or even have friends; not only does this isolate the child and make them lonely and depressed, but it also makes them hate their parents. I’ve also had friends who were so sheltered it was unbelievable. Doing this will make them unable to deal with the real world when

the time comes. Making so many unnecessary rules and being so unwilling to compromise will make your teen lose all respect for you, which will result in them acting out more often. It’s a science; I don’t see why parents don’t understand this. What’s even worse are the

“Sheltering and overdisciplining your children will do nothing but make them sneaky and wild.” Genna Salstrom Junior parents who force their kids into sports or other activities in a desperate attempt to relive their glory days. This is just despicable. All this does is create unhappiness and extreme hate. Just let your

teenagers live their lives make mistakes, and they might get into some trouble at some point, but that’s okay. I’m not saying you should allow your kids to go out and do meth. All I’m saying is that they’re going to do what they’re going to do, whether you like it or not. yourself, and different people do that in different ways, whether it be through partying or other means. They’re going to listen to the music they want to listen to and hang out with the people they want to hang out with. It’s okay for your kid to be imperfect; that’s what growing up is about. So, calm yourselves, and stop being so strict with your teenagers or else they’ll probably end up doing crack and getting pregnant, and no one wants that.

-The ridiculous amount of police in this town. I could drive police cars in a few minutes. -People and their irrelevant complaints. Look through your blinders and see the truth, my dude. -Pandora needs to quit it with all the commercials. -Paris Hilton and Lil’ Wayne collaborated...why? -Jonas Brothers broke dreams are crushed. -No spirit bus for the game on Friday. Yay, we get to waste our own gas. -Everyone that is going to be wasting their lives with the new Call of Duty game. -We don’t understand Chemistry, Mr. Peters. What are you even saying? -They’re making a 50 Shades of Grey movie. Just why? -Guys who just started No Shave November and have that gross baby stache. -Starbucks drive-thru for not having any of the food you have listed on the menu - thanks for nothing. I’m still hungry.


November 7, 2013

the Pylon Sarah Brown / The Pylon

Senior Landon Smutz and sophomores Jetta Green and Reagen Basinger have a good time at homecoming. The “Light up the Night” themed dance looked great but the DJ didn’t win the vote from students looking for something to dance to. Sarah Brown / The Pylon

Students party hard at the cRave. The cRave was a huge hit among the student body and got students pumped for things to come.

Eli Berner / The Pylon

Junior, Zach Hampton helps renovate the courtyard. Mr. Finch’s leadership class spent time last quarter adding new mulch and flowers to spruce things up. Lindsey Wood/ The Pylon

Junior Devon Cooper cheers loud at the homecoming pep rally. Cooper is a member of the Maroons spirit group.



Lindsey Wood/ The Pylon

Sophomore Mackenzie Carlgren focuses hard on her art project. Like Carlgren, many art students spend many hours perfecting their master pieces.

Eli Berner/ The Pylon Junior, Raven Darby helps lead the crowd in a cheer during the homecoming pep rally.

Eli Berner/ The Pylon Lindsey Wood/ The Pylon Senior varsity cheer captain K-Lee Jones is handed The volleyball team celebrates a good play at Sub-State. Volleyball finished the a balloon by her little brother during senior night. season with a 27-12 record and joined Maize as Co-AVCTL Champs.

Sarah Brown/ The Pylon Senior defender Josue Rodriguez dribbles the ball down the field. The boys soccer team finished the season with a 9-8-1 record.

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