Chung Wah Magazine Issue #32 - WINTER 2017

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冬 季 刊

2017年 第32期 AUGUST ISSUE #32

爸 爸您最棒 Daddy, you’re the best





Notice Of Annual General Meeting 2017 2:30pm on Saturday 21st October 2017 At Chung Wah Cultural Centre, 18 Radalj Place, BALCATTA

中华会馆 2017 年会员大会通知 10 月 21 日周六下午 2 点 30 分,于巴卡达中华文化中心举办



Confirming the presence of a quorum by the Secretary. Opening Address by the Chairperson. Confirming the Minutes of 2016 Annual General Meeting Adoption of the Association’s Annual Report and Audited Financial Report for 2016-17. 5. Acknowledgement of New Members of the Chung Wah Council of Elders. 6. Discharging the outgoing Executive Committee. 7. Introduction of Returning Officer 8. Election of President 9. Declaration by new President 10. Election of other members of the Executive Committee 11. Appointment of Auditor. 12. Other Business.

1. 秘书长确定法定出席人数 2. 大会主席致辞 3. 通过2016年度会员大会记录 4. 通过2016-2017年度报告和财务审计报告 5. 宣布元老会新成员 6. 解散卸任理事会 7. 介绍选举主任 8. 会长选举 9. 新任会长致辞 10. 理事会其它任职人选选举 11. 委任审计师

1. 2. 3. 4.

12. 其它议项

Nomina�ons For The 2017-19 Execu�ve Commi�ee 2017/2019年度中华理事会选举提名 Nomina�ons are called for the following posi�ons 提名参选以下职位 President 会长 Senior Vice President 首席副会长 Vice President 副会长 Honorary Secretary 秘书长 Assistant Secretary 副秘书长 Honorary Treasurer 财政 Assistant Treasurer 副财政 Nomination forms are available from the Chung Wah Association on 9328 8657 or on Friday, 11 August 2017. Nomination forms must be addressed to the Returning Officer, and deliver to Chung Wah Association Office BEFORE and not later than 2.00 pm on Friday, 8 September 2017. 提名期由2017年8月11日(星期五)开始,请联系中华会办公室获取提名表。完成后的提名表必须注明交送选举 主任,并于2017年9月8日(星期五)下午2点之前送交到中华会馆办公室。 Ting CHEN 陈挺 Honorary Secretary 秘书长 10 August 2017



New Look of “Chung Wah Magazine” 之声




冬 季 刊

2017年 第32期 AUGUST ISSUE #32

Making Chung Wah Magazine your favourite publication is one of our goals after the coming Annual General Meeting in October. As the first step moving towards this direction, you can easily notice the drastic changes in this August edition in comparison to the past editions of Chung Wah Magazine.

爸 爸您最棒 Daddy, you’re the best



“Interactive, Proximity and Gratitude” are the three key elements of the concept of this new look. Interactive: We encourage your participation. Proximity: We publish informative articles and stories relevant to the lives of our members. Gratitude: We appreciate, acknowledge and recognise the contributions of people. Enjoy reading; we would love to hear from you. As Father’s Day is around the corner, I hereby represent our team to wish you Happy Father’s Day.

今年十月份一年一度的中华会馆会 员大会,我们的目标之一就是尽力促使《 中华之声》这本刊物成为您最爱不释手 的精神粮食。 作为朝这个目标进行的第一步,你可 以轻易地发现这八月份的《中华之声》与 过去好几期相比,有着天渊之别。 《中华之声》的编采风格上的新概 念,主要有三大元素。 互动 - 我们鼓励读者的参与。 贴近生活 - 我们选择与会员的生活相关 的文章题材 感恩 - 我们认可对社区有贡献的人物 好好阅读这本刊物,我们愿意聆听你 的意见和建议。随着父亲节即将到来,我 谨代表我们的团队祝各位“父亲节快乐”

Ting Chen 陈挺 Chief Editor 主编 读者来信 YOUR LETTER


We welcome your feedback 《中华之声》是一本为中华会馆会员 而编的刊物。我们致力使它成为您的精神 粮食,给您提供有用的信息的同时,也帮 助您传达您的心声给有关政 府单位。 为了让《中华之声》的内容编采更加贴近 您的生活,我们在此呼吁读者将您的意见 和建议发送给我们。

Chung Wah Magazine is a magazine specially designed for members of Chung Wah Association. We endeavour to make it your favourite publication. In addition to providing informative resources, we also intend to use it to communicate your thoughts and feelings to the relevent government departments. In order to increase its proximity to you, we would like to encourage your participation by providing your feedback and suggestions to us.

You can reach us by 您可以

Phone 致电 9328 8657

Fax 传真 9227 5694

Post 邮寄 PO Box 73 Northbridge WA 6865 Email 电邮 Online Feedback 网上留言


会长感言 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE 亲爱的会员们: 时光荏苒,中华会馆已经走过了一百零八 个春夏秋冬,并在文化交流、社区服务及中文 教育等各个领域都取得了显著的成绩。很荣幸 能在2015年的年会上当选为中华会馆会长,自 理事会接任以来,转眼已过去两年的时间,在 此要特别感谢广大会员、中华会馆理事会成员 对我的信任和支持,让我有机会为广大会员们 服务,为中华会馆的发展尽一份心力。

丁少平 会长 President Ding Shao Ping

两年来,新一届理事会恪守中华会馆章 程,一如既往地秉承创会宗旨,团结和服务 广大会员,在促进中澳文化交流、弘扬中华文 化、维护会员权益等各个方面做了很多卓越成 效的工作: 在发展会馆会务工作方面:恢复中华妇 女部、重启中华龙狮团及中华会馆龙舟队等曾 一度停顿的附属委员会,并推动各个部门的职 能在有效的运行中。在中华秋园建设方面,我 们一直在与市政府、州政府的相关部门进行 十多次的会议讨论关于中华秋园的建设与发 展。此外,我们为Balcatta文化中心更换了崭 新的地板和厕所设施,并成功申请了州政府多 元文化办公室专项基金$45,000澳元,其中的 $25,000澳元用于修缮Balcatta文化中心,以 及$20,000澳元用于中华中文学校黎明校区的 设施更新。 在提升社区服务方面,中华社区与长者服 务中心一直为来自语言文化多样性背景的移 民和亚裔人士及社区提供专业的支持和关爱 服务,中华会馆理事会继续协助中华长者服 务中心的各项活动,使其各项支持和关爱的 服务有序推进,各种社区服务如中华日间暂息 中心、日间看护中心、英文学习班、太极班等 也一直在积极运行中,其服务范围将会进一步 扩大,以提供更加贴心周到的服务。

在中文教育方面,恢复中华中文学校管委 会,确保三间中文学校由学校管委会根据其 职权范围统一管理。各类课外兴趣班的开展, 进一步加强中文教育的多样性,提高学生的学 习兴趣和热情,得到家长的充分肯定。 在丰富社区活动方面:中华会馆坚持为 会员福祉而努力,先后承办、协办了50余项大、 中、小型活动和座谈会等,为会员间交流、联 谊、互通有无提供良好的平台,提升了中华会 馆的活力及华人社区活动力。比如:珀斯中华 新年文化节、 “中华杯”龙舟节、2016“文化中 国·四海同春”珀斯站演出(与福建同乡会联 合承办)、中国新年舞会(与西澳中华总商会 联合承办)、中华中文学校中秋活动、2016“ 文化中国·华星之夜”大型文艺演出、2017中 澳建交四十五周年庆典(与珀斯华星艺术团 主办),以及各类法律知识、社区安全、签证移 民、购房投资、协会保险等相关知识讲座和交 流咨询会。此外,春节期间,会馆为会员们举 办了每年一次的新春联欢舞会,增进了会员之 间的交流与联系。 在加强当地政府联系方面:增加与当地 市政府、州政府之间的沟通与交流,提出中国 城改造规划申请;在当地政府的中国新年系 列活动的协调工作中进行积极的双向沟通,真 正发挥了中华会馆作为百年社团在华人社区 与政府之间的桥梁作用。 在团结华人社区方面,我们与各个侨团 组织并开展了2016和2017中国新年系列庆祝 活动,利用会馆的平台和机制,进一步加强 会馆与广大华人社区和社团的紧密联系。.与 此同时,我们正在紧锣密鼓的配合西澳州政 府筹备明年华人社区的春节系列活动,期待 在新年庆典期间为民众奉献出各种多彩纷呈 的社区庆祝活动和文娱项目来迎接农历狗年 的到来。 作为 会 长,我 深感 任 重道 远,中华 会 馆理事会一定不会辜负全体会员的期望,严 格遵守章程,努力办好各项会务,增强会馆 的凝聚力和公信力,使中华会馆成为真正的 “华人之家”。 希望大家能够继续支持我和理事会, 祝 大 家 事 业 蒸 蒸日 上 ,生 活 幸 福 安 康! 谢谢大家!


会长感言 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Dear members, Time flies, Chung Wah Association has been established in Western Australia for 108 years. We feel proud to see the significant achievements of the Association in the aspects of cultural exchange, social services and Chinese language education. I was honoured to be elected as the President of Chung Wah Association in the 2015 Annual General Meeting. I am grateful to have the trust and support of our members and executive committee members for the last two years. It gave me an opportunity to serve our members and assisted in the development of the Association as a leader. For the past two years, our new executive committee members have been working together to unite and serve our members, and to abide by the Constitution of the Association. We have done an excellent job in promoting cultural exchange between Australia and China, and in promoting Chinese culture and protecting the interests of our members. In terms of the development of the Association, we have reactivated three subcommittee groups: Women’s subcommittee, Chung Wah Lion Dance Troupe and Chung Wah Dragon Boat Team. With regards to the Autumn Centre project, we have conducted dozens of meetings and discussions with local government and the state government in order to start constructing the project. In addition, we successfully obtained a grant of $45,000, special funding from the WA Office of Multicultural Interests. This monetary support was used for two purposes. Firstly, we allocated $25,000 to refurbish the Chung Wah Balcatta Cultural Centre, including new flooring and toilet facility upgrade. The balance of $20,000 was used for equipment replacement at Chung Wah Leeming School.

Chinese New Year Fair, Chung Wah Dragon Boat Festival 2017, 2016 China International Cultural Show, Chinese New Year Ball, Chung Wah Chinese School’s Mid-Autumn Festival, and celebrations of the 45th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Australia. In addition, we have also organised a series of seminars for our members. These seminars covered topics such as law, community safety, visa and migration, property investment, insurance cover for the Association. For the purpose of uniting the Chinese community in Perth, we worked together closely with numerous other community groups for the 2016 and 2017 Perth Chinese New Year events. We have also strengthened our rapport with the local government by having frequent meetings and conversations with city councils and the state government. We have been working closely with relevant government bodies on the new planning scheme for Northbridge (Chinatown) and the planning and coordination work for the Chinese New Year events in the coming year. As the President of Chung Wah Association, I feel a strong responsibility to ensure every mission of the Association meets the provisions of the inhouse constitution. In addition, it is also my role to strengthen the cohesion and credibility of the Association, making the Chung Wah Association a truly “Home of the Chinese community”. Finally, I hope that you will continue your support to me and our executive committee. May you be blessed with a successful career, lots of happiness and good health. Thank you.

As part of the improvement in our community service, the Chung Wah Community & Aged Care (CAC) has always been a service provider for people from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse backgrounds, providing essential services with love and care. Our executive committee have been playing a supportive role to CAC in implementing all of its services and activities, such as the Day Long Respite Care, Centre Based Day Care and interest classes such as English and Tai Chi lessons. We believe this service will be expanded to a higher level. In addition, we reactivated the Chung Wah Chinese School Management Committee to ensure all the three schools are managed and monitored. We developed new extra curriculum activities for students in order to diversify the ways of Chinese language learning. This has enhanced the interest and enthusiasm of students in learning the language. We have received overwhelming support and recognition from parents for this effort. We have endeavoured to broaden the variety of community activities. For the past two years, we have organised or in partnership with other organisations, over 50 events and seminars of different scales. These events included the Perth


目 录 CONTENTS 中华之声 Voice of Chung Wah 1


Editorial 会长感言

President’s Message 《中华之声》新面貌

New Look of “Chung Wah Magazine” 读者来信

Your letter 6


Chung Wah News 最新动态 -- 中华秋园

Chung Wah Autumn Centre 给巨龙找一个家

Finding A Home For the Chung Wah Balcatta Cultural Centre Dragon 10


Profile Interview 陈振发医生 - "我,一直都在"

Dr. Bob TAN - “I am always there for Chung Wah”

家爱 Family 20




Daddy’s Love Home & Garden 秘制食谱-薄饼

我们的社区 Community 12




2016 Census vs Chinese Community in Western Australia






In Memorial

活动参与 Events & Activities 48


Regular Activities 42


Upcoming Events

At what age should children sleep in their own room?


Mid-Autumn Festival




The School Yard

Annual General Meeting

The Hainanese Association of Western Australia

中华乐思中文学校举行小学部 全体大会及学生汇演

多元文化 融合典范-暨2017年西澳 “中华杯”龙舟赛顺利举行

新任西澳公民兼多元文化部长Paul Papalia首访中华会馆

2017 Chung Wah Chinese School Rossmoyne Junior School Assembly

Embracing Multiculturalism - Chung Wah Dragon Boat Festival 2017

New WA State Minister for Citizenship and Multicultural Interests visits Chung Wah Association John Septimus Roe 圣公会社区学校 到访中华会馆

John Septimus Roe Anglican Community School students explore Chinese culture at Chung Wah Association 移民心声

52 家有一老 Elderly 32


Migrant's Voices

Grandparents deserve more respect from our community 松柏长青

Community & Aged Care 活到老,学到老



Good Health 舒缓感冒的秘方

Cold Comfort 40


Activity in Focus 中华舞狮舞龙团

Chung Wah Lion & Dragon Dance Troupe


Never Too Old to Learn


Dr. Lee Lee TAN - Psychogeriatrician



Community Engagement


Secret Recipe- Popiah

陈丽利医生 - 老年病精神科医生


Medical Information



Photo Gallery

会员专利 Members’ Exclusive 56








Father’s Day Messages Member’s Yellow Pages Special Moments Quiz

中华黎明中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School Leeming Campus Aulberry Parade, LEEMING 6149 电子邮箱 E-mail Address


Chung Wah Hall & Administration Office

联系人 Contact Details 李华博士 Dr Li Hua 0401 686 306

128 James Street Northbridge WA 6003 电话 Telephone (08) 9328 8657 传真 Facsimile

中华摩利中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School Morley Campus

(08) 9227 5694

Bramwell Road, NORANDA 6062 电子邮箱 E-mail Address

电子邮箱 Email 网址 Website 通信地址 Mailing Address PO Box 73, Northbridge, WA 6865 联系人 Contact Details 陈水玉校长 Ms Emily Tan 0406 492 944

中华乐思中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School Rossmoyne Campus Keith Road, ROSSMOYNE 6148

电子邮箱 E-mail Address

中华社区与长者服务中心 Chung Wah Community and Aged Care Unit 1, 98 Lake Street, Northbridge, WA 6003 电话 Telephone 传真 Facsimile (08) 9328 3988

(08) 9228 3990

联系人 Contact Details 马烜历校长 Dr Xuanli Ma 0403 003 898 中华妇女部 Chung Wah Women Subcommittee 中华龙舟队 Chung Wah Dragon Boat Team 中华舞狮团 Chung Wah Lion Dance Troupe


Pulished by


Chung Wah Association


中华会馆文化中心 Chung Wah Cultural Centre 18 Radalj Place (off Fortune Street) Balcatta WA 6021

威乐顿中心 Wiletton Centre 58 Burrendah Blvd, Willetton WA 6155


Editorial Team

主编 陈挺

Chief Editor Ting CHEN

编辑 陈薇 张娟妮

Editor Abbie CHEN Jen Nie CHONG

视觉设计 卡尔 汪

Visual Designer Carl ONG

行政助理 林爱琳

Administration Support Aileen LING


封面摄影 叶俐廷

Cover Photo Elvie YAP

Sundays from 10 am to 11am

印刷 Printed by Vanguard Press

中华舞蹈团 Chung Wah Cultural Dance Troupe 中华民乐团 Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra 中华粤剧社 Chung Wah Cantonese Opera 中华京剧社 Chung Wah Beijing Opera 电子邮箱 E-mail Address




中华社区广播电台 Chung Wah Chinese Radio 广东话节目 Cantonese Program FM 95.3

Saturdays from 10 am to 11am 普通话节目 Mandarin Program FM 90.5 每周日上午10点至11点


版权所有, 未经允许,

不得转载本刊文字及图片。 All materials and photographs contained in this publication must not be reproduced without the permission of the Chung Wah Association. 声明:《中华会刊》中的言论和观点未必出自 中华会馆。因为题材来源多样,会刊基于对 其真实性和准确性的理 解而予以登载。对 题材中的任何误差,中华会馆不予负责。

Disclaimer: Statements or opinions expressed in the Chung Wah Magazine are not necessarily those of the Chung Wah Association Inc. Materials from various sources are published on the understanding of its authenticity and accuracy. The Association does not accept responsibility for any discrepancies.



Chung Wah Autumn Centre

中华秋园 最新动态

中华 秋 园管委会任职 人 选名单 2017/2018 Chung Wah Autumn Centre AGM Election Results

以下是2017年4月22日中华秋园年度大会管委会任职人选名单 The following are the newly elected members to the 2017/2018 Board of Management on 22 April 2017: Chairperson Secretary Treasurer Committee Member

主席 秘书 财政 管委员成员

: Doreen Chin : Jen Nie Chong : Eddie Ko : Leonard Kho

陈清灵 张娟妮 高耀泉 许历仔

Report From The Chairperson Of Chung Wah Autumn Centre Inc, Doreen Chin CHUNG WAH AUTUMN CENTRE INC. 22nd April 2017 Chairperson AGM Report

The objective of the 2016/2017 Board of Management is to work closely with the Chung Wah Executive Committee, led by President Ding Shao Ping. Our main aim was to lay the foundation to move forward the project of building accommodation for aged and disadvan taged persons in Balcatta in any way we could. The previous Board of Management had found that the change in zoning to “Development” had made it very difficult to proceed with the project. In July 2015, the Board of Management submitted a planning advice and was informed by the City of Stirling that the applicati on to construct aged care accommodation would not be approved “in the absence of an adopted Structur e Plan”. Our Balcatta land is within the East Roselea Development (Structure Plan) Area. To date, a structure plan had not been approved and the City had no funding to prepare such a plan. Based on the City of Stirling Coordinator City Planning email of 11/5/16 to our query, he informed that “the City had previously endeavoured to obtain agreement of all landowners to fund the preparation of a structure plan for this area but was unable to secure their agreement to do so.” As there were no records of such information in the Autumn Centre file, we were not aware of such “endeavour” by the City of Stirling or that the Balcatta property zoning had changed.

OUR CONCERNS: It will take several years for the Structure Plan to be gazetted . We now have the funding, resource & architectural plans for the 6 bedroom Aged Persons Accommodation but find that we cannot proceed with the project. We can't afford to wait another 10 or 20 years as the cost of construction will escalate the longer we wait. Our members and those who had donated to this project were constantly asking when this project will be completed. How do we explain that we cannot proceed with the project for another several years due to the change in the zoning of this area which require a structure plan to be completed for the whole development area of East Roselea. The changing value of the Australian dollar over time can affect the cost of construction – labour, materials and other related costs will increase with time. It is ironical that here we are, ready and prepared to build short stay accommodations for our aged and disadvantaged persons, find that we are unable to do so because the zoning of our land had changed. After waiting for more than twenty years to be able to finally provide for our older community members, we have to wait another 10 years or more.

ACTIONS TAKEN: The Association is a not for profit community organisa tion. We did not purchase the land for private developm ent to make money but to provide facilities for and look after the welfare of our members, in this case our elderly and disadvantaged members. Due to the change in building regulations, a six (6) bedroom Aged Persons Accommodation is much easier to build as it is easier to meet the conditions and get approval in a shorter period of time. Building accommodation of more than six (6) bedrooms falls under Aged Care Accommodation would require a longer time for approval and more stringent conditions have to be met.

This is a summary of the actions that we have taken: to the City of Stirling in support a) met with Mr Chris Hatton the then MLA for Stirling, in May 2016, who wrote reply that there will be no of our project. However, The City of Stirling sent Mr Hatton a very disappointing adopted”. and “prepared was plan structure development until a Citizenship and Multicultural b) wrote in June 2016, to Dr Mike Nahan, in his position as the then Minister for for Citizenship and Interests, to seek a meeting for his help and advice. He replied that as the Minister t issues”. However, Multicultural Interests, he was unable “to provide advice on planning or developmen Donna Faragher, MLC to he forwarded our email request for a meeting to the Minister for Planning, Hon request that Ms Faragher meet with us on this issue. Donna Faragher, MLC met with Senior Policy Adviser-Planning, Jason Gordon, from the Office of the Hon problems and issues and our discussed we meeting, the At Perth. West House, Dumas at 2016 October in by them. was advised to talk to the City of Stirling again as the final decisions were made a Concept Plan presented and Planners senior his and d) met with the Mayor of Stirling, Giovanni Italiano, the car park fencing, as which showed Chinese Gardens on the currently undeveloped land, just beyond Centre as part of the well as the Short Stay Accommodation where it will be built just behind the Cultural development residential of lot a was there As ways. walk covered by extension of the Centre, connected of the extension to the around and right behind the current entrance to the Cultural Centre, the possibility Cultural Centre in building the Short Stay Accommodation could be considered.


that bought the land many At the meeting with the Mayor, it was also pointed out that the ethnic communities for the Associations’ members years ago need to fulfil their objectives to their members to develop the land special consideration to these benefit as provided in their Constitutions. As such, the Council should have given We intend to meet with changed. was zoning the when rule, the to exception an made and communities ethnic and discuss this opinion their seek to properties nearby bought which the Sicilian & Macedonian Associations change in zoning. was willing to fund the One of the planners mentioned that a property developer company, ABN Group, the structure plan and other of (inclusive costs t developmen the pay to have still we but first, Plan Structure the property owners have the associated costs) later which would be more than $10 Million. How many of join in the development – we money to pay such a large amount of the costs? However, we are not forced to would be shown as a “dotted line” in the Plan. properties to discuss and find In February 2017, we met with the ABN Group, which had been buying up some out their intentions. Plan which is the Design Plan The next step to be taken would be to present the second stage of the Concept to the City of Stirling, which will show greater details of the development.

Doreen Chin Chairperson Chung Wah Autumn Centre 22nd April 2017




The Development of Chung Wah Autumn Centre

中华秋园以独立的法定个体成立,旨 在建造居所给老年人和有需要的社区 人士。


2003: 中华秋园的管委会停止运作。

2013年4月17日: BDAWA




Copyright to this drawing is reserved by Kyria Design & must not be retained or reproduced without their written permission. Before any new construction, alteration or shop fabrication is commenced the contractor must check all dimensions against the intent of the drawing & notify the superintendent of any discrepancies or omissions which will prevent or inhibit the satisfactory performance of the work. Contractor shall carry out all work in accordance with current BCA & Australian Standards.




20 m


304 newcastle st perth 6000 wa T 08 9227 50 58 M 0419948693

concept floor plans 1 : 200

议中重新成立。这新成立的管委会开 始处理利用秋园基金在中华Balcatta

Chung Wah Assoc. Autumn centre and community facility & short stay accommodation

lot.63 No.18 Radalj place Balcatta

Scale Project number

1 : 200

floor plan



new boundary wall & tandem parking

CD A102

preliminary drawings

03-Feb-17 1:55:12 PM


new bin store

new road widening


existing side access road

new drop off service vehicles only

existing kitchen

new parking

cafe min 70 seat

2013年 特别会员大会中,租出中华 Balcatta的部分土地给中华秋园项目是

new covered link new toilets

new entry foyer new trafficable access path to Chinese gardens

new drop off portico

Autumn center gardens adjacent property

proposed addition 550m2


existing main hall

caretaker accom


bath kitchen




visitors lounge & recreation



existing parking

new display museum & VIP room

Autumn center short stay accommodation

new multi purpose & dance studio



new access road

existing residential multi unit development




CD A103


new bin store

existing parking


2014年12月31日: 中华秋园基金共计$360,644.

existing parking new parking

2015年7月: 中华秋园的管委会向Stirling市政府提

1983: The Chung Wah Autumn Centre was set

May 2016: Our Balcatta land is within the East

up as a separate legal entity for the purpose of building accommodation for the aged and needy.

Roselea Development (Structure Plan) Area. We were informed by the City of Stirling that the City had previously endeavoured to obtain agreement of all landowners to fund the preparation of a structure plan for this area but was unable to secure their agreement to do so.

2003: The Board of Management of Autumn Centre became inactive.

17 Apr 2013: A new Board of Management was appointed at a meeting of the Chung Wah Executive Committee. The new board will commence the process of building an accommodation facility for the aged and needy on our land in Balcatta, using the Autumn Centre funds.

Jun 2013: Leasing part of the Balcatta land to Chung Wah Autumn Centre was the only special resolution passed at the 2013 Extraordinary General Meeting.

2014: Discussions were held between the Autumn Centre and the Hoy Poy Foundation on how the two organisations could pool together their resources for the benefit of the aged.

31 Dec 2014: The Autumn Centre Fund balance was $360,644.

2016/2017: In Autumn Centre 2016/2017 update as reported by the Chairperson of Chung Wah Autumn Centre, Doreen Chin, a Concept Plan was presented to the City of Stirling for consideration. The plan included the proposed construction of Chinese Gardens on the currently undeveloped land, just beyond the car park fencing, as well as a Short Stay Accommodation facility which would be built just behind the Cultural Centre as part of the extension of the Centre, and connected by covered walkways. As there was a lot of residential development around and right behind the current entrance to the Cultural Centre, the possibility of the extension to the Cultural Centre in building the Short Stay Accommodation facility could be considered.

交一份计划书,申请在中华的Balcatta 土地上建造老人居所。

2016年5月: 中华 的 Balcat ta地 皮 被 归 纳 在 East Roselea发展区计划内。根据Stirling市 政府表示多次努力征求此发展区的其 他地主的同意,出资完成此发展区的 规划蓝图,然而多次遭受反对。

2016/2017年度: 根 据 中华 秋 园 管 委 会 陈 清灵 主 席 2016/2017年度报告中表示,管委会 给Stirling市政府提交了一份概念规划 建议书。这建议书的内容包括在中华 Balcatta地皮未开发的部分土地上兴 建中式花园,另外在Balcatta 文化中心 的所在地后方建造短期居所,作为文 化中心扩充的一部分。考虑到中华文 化中心附近开发了不少房屋项目,建 造短期居所设施或许更容易获批。

Jul 2015: The Board of Management submitted a planning advice to the City of Stirling for the application to construct aged care accommodation at our Balcatta land.



Finding A Home For the Chung Wah Balcatta Cultural Centre Dragon

给巨龙找一 个家 文◎Doreen Chin陈清灵 译◎Elvie Yap叶俐廷 August 2016, Chung Wah received a

It was sad to take down the magnificent Dragon

According to Dr Edward Ye Zhang, he was the

notice from the City of Stirling to remove

and put it away, to eventually deteriorate and be

one who requested the Dragon from the Consul

the Chung Wah Balcatta Cultural Centre Dragon

forgotten. It had such a proud history but it seemed

General, Mr TIAN Junting. The Dragon, made

from its resting place to test if it is fire retardant ”

to be forgotten and for many years it remained

in Guangzhou, was donated to the WA Chinese

in the interest of public health and safety”.

quietly perched on the walls Chung Wah Cultural

Community to commemorate the 50th Anniversary

Centre, to become part of the decorations. The

of China’s National Day. The inscription by the

Dragon was too large and heavy to be used for

side of the Dragon’s head says “Celebrating the

regular practice or performances and it would be a

50th Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s

For more than sixteen years, the 50 metre long Dragon had been perched on the walls, just above the front entrance door to the Hall. It straddled across three walls, its tail stretched from the wall

problem to take it down without damaging it.

where the kitchen counter is situated, right across

In the year 2000, the then Consul General of

(above) the whole length of the front entrance wall

the People’s Republic of China in Perth, Mr TIAN

to the next wall above the two sliding doors, where

Junting, handed over this Dragon, which was a gift

its one metre large head rested above one of the

to the Western Australia Chinese Community, to

wall fans.

the Chung Wah Association for safe custody. It was understood that any Chinese groups could borrow the Dragon. Due to the Dragon being so large and long, hardly any Chinese organisations borrowed it.

Republic of China”. Therefore it became a mission to look for a “home” where it would be appreciated, restored to its former glory and taken care of for many years to come, to be remembered as part of our Chinese culture and heritage and shared among the wider Australian communities. The Chung Wah Executive Committee, led by President Ding Shao Ping, and Honounary Secretary Ting Chen, was most supportive and agreeable to this idea. The Office of Multicultural Interests and the Western Australia State Library were approached and helped to contact the right person in the Western Australia Museum by forwarding information and a photo of the Dragon. The Museum is the best “home” we can find for the dragon as it will be cleaned and restored as close to its once pristine condition, then kept in a specially controlled environment to preserve it for many years to come. In December 2016, Dr Moya Smith, Head of the Department of Anthropology and Archaeology,








Association to register interest in the acceptance of the offered donation of the Dragon. Several visits were then made to organise how best to take the Dragon down and send it to the Museum's Fremantle division, so that it could properly cleaned and restored. The process will take a few months as it is a painstaking and delicate job. Once done, it is hoped to be displayed at the new WA Museum. In early April 2017, several Museum staff, specialists in different areas of the cleaning and restoration of the Dragon, took two days to carefully remove the Dragon. They came well prepared, with their specially made equipment and materials, as well as face masks to prevent inhaling the sixteen years (or more) of dust and dirt as the Dragon was taken down from its perch. The Chung Wah Association is grateful to the many people who, over the years, have contributed to the rich history of the Chung Wah Balcatta Cultural Centre Dragon.



The Association would also like to thank those who



have helped to find the Dragon a “home”, especially



the Office of Multicultural Interests and the Western



Australia State Library. Our grateful thanks to the Western Australia Museum for giving it a home,


where it will be well looked after and preserved as


part of the multicultural heritage contribution by


the Western Australian Chinese Communities for


generations of Western Australians to come.

在墙上。将此深具历史意义的华丽巨龙收藏起 来,然后被后人遗忘,未免太令人惋惜。

2016年12月,西澳博物馆的人类学和考古 学部主任亲自联络中华会馆表示愿意接受转 送此龙的好意。经过专人的处理,此巨龙将会 展示在未来新建的西澳博物馆。 2017年4月初,博物馆的工作人员和清理 和修复的专家花了两天的时间小心翼翼地搬 移了这条龙。为了卸下这条高挂在原位十六年

在2000年时,在任的中国驻珀斯田俊亭总 领事代表中国政府捐献此巨龙给西澳的华人 社区,中华会馆代表看管。华人社区可以借用 此龙,但是由于龙太长太大,没有一个社团借

巨龙一直默默守护着 The Dragon is always there behind the scene.

的巨龙,博物馆的搬运员工动用了特别装置 的器具,同时也不忘给自己戴上口罩。 中华会馆向所有曾经为此巨龙的故事出 过一份力的人士,表示万二分的谢意。谨此也








收留此巨龙,以让它背后的意义可以继续流传 给西澳华侨的下一代。

由于此巨龙的历史价值,中华会馆不惜 一切给它寻找一个“归宿”,让它可以重拾昔 日的光芒之际,有更好的置身之地,使后人可 以知道它与华人文化历史的渊源。



“I am always there for Chung Wah” 文/译◎Elvie Yap 叶俐廷 摄影◎Elvie Yap 叶俐廷

Nearly 40 years of involvement in Chung Wah Association, Dr Bob Tan is one of the few community leaders who have witnessed the development of and changes to the Chinese community in Western Australia (WA). During this interview, Bob was reminiscing the past, appreciating the present and visioning the future of the Association in WA.

1980 First involved with Chung Wah Association 初次加入中华会馆

1980-1982 Vice President of Chung Wah Association 委任为中华会馆副会长



Dr. Tan arrived in Perth from Malaysia in February

In response to the question about his greatest

Initiated into Council of Elders

1968 to pursue a medical degree. He graduated

contribution for the Association, he proudly


from the University of Western Australia in 1975.

indicated that he had actively initiated, fundraised

At the age of 32, Bob came to realise it was time

and subsequently bought the Balcatta land where

to make a contribution to the Chinese community

the current activity centre is situated. He was

after his family and career were pretty much

grateful to his supportive wife who allowed him to

settled in good shape. He made his first move by

spend at least two nights every week approaching

joining Chung Wah as an ordinary member.

potential donors for the mission during the period

1983 Became a Justice of the Peace 当上太平绅士



2008 – May 2009

As described, the Association by then was like a Boy

Caretaker President

Scout group, with mainly social gatherings being


organised regularly. An ambitious young man back

1992-2010 / 2014 Current- Chairman of Council of Elders 委任为元老会主席

then, Bob organised the first ever Chinese New Year Ball for the Association and kept organising this for many years thereafter. In addition, he successfully applied for the first ever Governmentfunded Social Worker for the Welfare Department of Chung Wah. He also acted as the Chairperson of the then Business and Professional group and organised many lectures and seminars. This group was subsequently remodelled and renamed as the WA Chinese Chamber of Commerce.


between 1980 and 1984. Another highlight was during his six-month term as a Caretaker President for the Association, when he led a group of young professional migrants to represent Chung Wah Association to conduct a community-based fundraising event for the Victorian bushfires in 2009. It was truly a community effort in trying to heal the grievances of the victims from the mainstream community. Over $14,000 was raised by sixty seven recruited volunteers within three hours of street collection.




Bob is pleased to see that Chung Wah has

Bob would love to see Chung Wah Association

become a well-established and recognised

continue to expand Chinese education in Western

ethnic community entity in the eyes of the


Australian Government. As the leader of the

curriculum to the vast majority of the mainstream

Council of Elders for more than a decade, Bob

day schools. He promised that he will always be

has emphasised the importance of this council

there to support the vision of the Association.





in playing a supervisory and advisory role to the Executive Committee when it is necessary.

参与中华会馆事务接近四十年,陈振发 医生可算是在西澳仅有的几位社区侨 领,见证了这么多年来华人社区发展到 今天所走过的风风雨雨。在此次的访谈 中,陈医生怀缅过去的中华会馆,感恩会 馆有今天的成绩,并展望会馆在西澳未 来的前景。 2009社区赈灾活动

“我,一直都在” 过去 陈振发医生于1968年二月份从马来西亚














他形容当年的中华会馆相当于童子军 队,主要还是经常组织一些社交聚会。作为当 年一个胸怀大志的年轻人,陈医生发动会员 主办中华会馆的首个大型的春节舞会。除此以 外,他也成功替会馆向政府申请拨款聘请首 位社工入驻当年的福利组。他也曾是会馆商 务和专业人士组的主席并主办多项的讲座。后 期,此商务组重组命名成为一个独立的机构, 即现在的西澳中华总商会。 陈医生被问及他认为自己在中华会馆最

于2009年组织了一次大型的社区赈灾活动。67 名热心的移民凭着努力在三个小时内在珀斯 募捐,为维多利亚省的山火灾民筹得超过一万 陈振发夫妇与孙子们的合影



现在 陈医生很高兴见证到今天的中华会馆已 经被澳大利政府公认为一个深入民心的民族 社区单位。作为中华元老会主席超过十年的他 认为,元老会的存在可算任重道远,在适当的 时候给执行理事会行使顾问和监督的职能。

陈振发医生希望可以目睹中华会馆在未 来的日子里,将中文教育进一步发扬光大,让 更多的主流日间学校可以注入中文科目。在访 谈中,他也承诺在有生之年会继续支持会馆 达成各项愿景。




2016 Census vs Chinese Community in Western Australia 澳大利亚2016人口普查 vs 西澳华人社区 文/译◎Elvie Yap叶俐廷

Image from SBS Australia (21 JUN 2016)

On June 27, 2017, The Australian Bureau of


Statistics (ABS) released the results of the 2016


census, revealing an Australia that is bigger,


older, more likely to live in a capital city, more


diverse, less religious and becoming more


Asian. The Census has helped update Australia’s


estimated resident population, which has grown 整个澳洲,从2011年到2016年,5年间一

to 24.4 million people by December 31, 2016. Between 2011 and 2016, 1.3 million new migrants have come to call Australia home, hailing from some of the 180 countries of birth recorded in the Census, with China (191,000) and India (163,000)

the relatively recent increase in Asian migration,


those born in Asia had a younger age profile with a


median age of 35 years. By contrast, people born


in Europe had a median age of 59 years.


being the most common countries of birth of our

The data also showed that Mandarin consolidated


new arrivals.

its position as the second-most commonly spoken


language in Australia after English. 596,711


people in Australia speak Mandarin at home, while


280,943 speak Cantonese at home.

59岁。全国讲普通话人口有596,711人, 广东话

According to the census, one in four Australians are migrants from other countries. The census shows Australia is more culturally diverse than ever before, with 49% of Australians either born overseas or with at least one parent born overseas. Given


Source: Census of Population and Housing 2016

人口有280,943人。 来源:2016年人口与住房普查

我们的社区 COMMUNITY The Census was used to update Western


Australia’s estimated resident population, which at 31 December, 2016 had grown to 2,567,788

Western Australian Population

people. With 32% of the state’s population reporting they were born overseas. WA is home to the country’s fastest growing region for the second Census running (for the past 10 years), with Serpentine Jarrahdale showed the fastest regional growth in the country, with a population increase of 51 percent.

西 澳 人 口 截 至 去 年 最 后 一 天 ,共 有 2,567,788人。其中32%的西澳人口是由海外 移民构成的。西澳是连续过去两次的人口普 查(即过去十年以来),人口增长最快速的省 份。2016年西澳的Serpentine Jarrahdale是

2016 census revealed that Australia’s capital cities


are home to two thirds of our growing population.


Those born overseas were more likely to live in a capital city than Australian-born people. Perth


had the third largest overseas-born populations


(702,545) of all the capital cities, after Sydney


and Melbourne.

702,545人是继悉尼和墨尔本的第三多海外移 民的主要城市。

Australian Bureau of Statistics 澳大利亚统计局 The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) will host a series of free Census Data Seminars across Australia, revealing what the 2016 Census of Population and Housing tells us about ourselves, our communities and Australia. Please register your interest on ABS website. 澳大利亚统计局陆续在不同的主 要城市举办座谈会,公开给社区人士 参加。以下是珀斯站座谈会的活动资 料。想要参加的社区人士,可到澳大利 亚统计局的网站报名参加。 Perth 珀斯站 24/8/2017, 2pm or 5:45pm 州立图书馆放映室 State Library Theatre, State Library of Western Australia 25 Francis Street, Perth, WA 6000 资料来源 Source: ABS Census of Population and Housing 2016 澳大利亚统计局2016人口普查

Age and Sex Distribution of the Asian born and European born population in Australia 澳大利亚欧裔和亚裔人口的性别和年龄




WA Chinese population at a glance The 2016 census data showed there 27,076 people born in China (exclude SARs and Taiwan) living in WA, it was 16,692 people in 2011. For Chinese ancestry people living in WA has rises to 103,677 people, it was 75,935 people in 2011. You can search for the Basic Community Profile available on ABS website to access more

Region/Country of Birth of Person in Western Australia 亚裔人口部分出生地 total




1777 2893



4525 6871



13355 15774

2016人口普查结果显示,西澳的中国(不 包括香港、澳门特区和台湾)出生的华人人口




population data of West Australian residents born in other countries.





6778 8208

从2011年的16,692人增长到2016年的27,076 人。而父母一方出生在中国的华人人口从2011


SAR Hong Kong

2936 3192

年的 75,935人增长到2016年的103,677人。 0









People born in China (exclude SARs and Taiwan) living in WA

一份西澳的基本社区资料 。

2011年的16,692人  (16,692 people in 2011)

Mandarin, Italian and Vietnamese were the most commonly reported languages other than English spoken in Western Australian Homes. In WA, in total 47,840 people speak Mandarin which is 1.9% of the WA populations. This figure was 28,032 in 2011. It was a significant increase as high as 70% within the last five years. On the other hand, Cantonese is also one of the commonly used languages for Chinese, 18,006 people in 2011 which has increased to 19,339 in 2016.



2016年的27,076人 (27,076 people in 2016)

普通话、意大利语和越南 语是西澳家庭最常用的第二语言。在 西澳,总共有47,840人说普通话,占据 人口数量1.9%。而在2011年说普通话的 人口为28,032,短短5年间,普通话用 户增涨了70%。另外,广东话也是华人 主要的语言之一,说广东话的人口也 从2011年的18,006增长到2016年底的 19,339。



西澳华人聚居地 Western Australia Suburbs with high population of Chinese 西澳有250个居住区。根据统计局的2016 人口普查数据显示西澳有86.7%的房产有人居 住,13.3%是空置房。其中有人居住的房产中, 44%是拥有四室或以上的房子。 There are 250 suburbs in Western Australia. The 2016 Census Data recorded 86.7% of private dwellings were occupied and 13.3% were unoccupied in WA, 44% of private dwelling owned by Western Australian had four rooms and above. Chung Wah Association’s Perth Chinese New Year Fair - Scoop Australia

Suburb 居住区

Count of Persons 人数

% of Population 人口比例

Canning Vale















Bull Creek












South Perth






Table shown Top 10 Western Australia Suburb with a high number of Chinese population 以上图表列出华人最多的十个西澳居住区。

中华会馆 vs 2016 人口普查

Chung Wah Association vs 2016 Census 澳大利亚统计局2016人口普查工作人员在Balcatta文化中心提供语言帮助

In mid 2016, the WA Office of Australian Bureau

the 2016 census via various communication tools.


of Statistics actively engaged with Chung Wah

Chung Wah Community & Aged Care as well as the


Association for our support and participation in the

three Chinese schools of Chung Wah Association

2016人口普查。 作为西澳历史最悠久的华人

2016 Census targeting the Chinese community in

also provided complimentary venues for the ABS


WA. As the Chinese Association with longest history

to conduct information sessions for community


in WA, we worked collaboratively with the ABS’s

members. In addition, Chung Wah Association also


Special Area Supervisor for the Chinese community,

assisted ABS to provide a fill-in-form service (online


Elvie Yap to engage the Chinese community through

or paper) to people from non-English speaking


working with community leaders and promoting

backgrounds during the census period.

人士讲解2016人口普查的重要信息。此外,中 华会馆也协助ABS


助非英语背景的社区人士,网上或书面填写人 口普查表。



The newly formed Hainanese Association of Western Australia

新成立的华人协会--西澳海南同乡会 华会馆喜见在过去的十年越来越多的的 同乡会、社团、俱乐部在西澳陆续成立。 最新的与华人相关的协会就有西澳海南同乡 会,其成立庆典晚会在今年5月27日举行。 中华会馆的荣誉秘书长,陈挺博士代表 出席。除了四弦小吉他演奏合唱组合的演唱, 中华会馆华乐团也受邀演奏中乐给出席的330 位嘉宾。 出席的贵宾包括:中国驻珀斯总领事雷克 中伉俪、马来西亚海南会馆联合会会長拿汀 林秋雅女士、越南胡志明市海南会馆副会长 林明辉先生、新州海南同乡会王家德会长、澳

held on 27 May 2017, to celebrate the formation

in Perth, Mr and Mrs KeZhong Lei, President


of the Association.

of the Federation of Hainanese Association of


Dr Ting Chen, the Honorary Secretary of Chung

Malaysia, Datin Lim, Vice President of the Hainan Association of Ho Chi Minh City, Mr Lam Minh

Chung Wah Association is delighted to witness

Wah Association, attended the event. In addition

the establishment of various associations,

to performances from the Ukelele musical group

of New South Wales, Executive President of

groups, societies, clubs in Western Australia in

and other groups, our Chinese Orchestra was

the Federation of Hainanese Organisation of

the past decade. The most newly formed Chinese

also invited to perform for up to 330 guests.

Australia, and President of the Hainanese

association is The Hainanese Association of

Some of the honourable guests in attendance

Western Australia. The inaugural dinner was

were Consul-General of the Chinese Consulate

John Septimus Roe Anglican Community School students explore Chinese culture at Chung Wah Association John Septimus Roe 圣公会社区学校到访中华会馆

Huy, President of the Hainanese Association

Association of South Australia, Pro Tem.

18 May 2017, fifty seven Year 9 students from John Septimus Roe Anglican Community School attended a school visit cultural tour of the heritage building of Chung Wah Association in Northbridge. Dr Ting Chen, the Secretary of Chung Wah Association, briefly introduced the history of the Association, the functions of every committee and its regular activities. Through the briefing, we hope that the students have increased their knowledge of the functions of the Association in Western Australia’s society. This also shows Chung Wah's endevours to promote Chinese Culture. The students found that it was a meaningful visit. It gave them a deeper knowledge of the ethnic association with the longest history in WA, the Chung Wah Association. 2017年5月18日下午,57名来自John Septimus Roe 圣公会社区学校的九 年级学生,来到北桥詹姆士街参观百年历史的中华会馆礼堂,加深对 中华文化的认识。 中华会馆秘书长陈挺博士向来访的学生们简要的介绍了会馆的 发展历史,各部门的职能以及现在的日常活动,希望通过这次讲解, 让学生们对中华会馆的社会功能和作用,以及会馆在传承和推广中 华民族文化方面所作出的不懈努力。 来访的学生们纷纷表示这次参观很有意义,让他们对中华会馆 这个历史最悠久的少数民族社团有了更加全面的认识。



New WA State Minister for Citizenship and Multicultural Interests visits Chung Wah Association

新任西澳公民兼多元文化部长 Paul Papalia首访中华会馆 2017年5月11日下午,中华会馆北桥百年 礼堂迎来一位贵宾,新上任的西澳多元文化部 兼旅游部的部长Paul Papalia,这是部长上 任后第一次访问华人社区。 Paul Papalia先生自2007年3月17日,出 任公民和多元文化部、旅游部、竞赛与博彩 部、小生意部、防务问题部部长。 Papalia部长在讲话中表示,作为多元文 化部部长,他首先感谢华人社团的邀请。并表 示华人社区是西澳大利亚多元文化社区的重 要且珍贵的组成部分,为西澳大利亚的发展做 出了卓越的贡献。

新任西澳公民兼多元文化部长 Paul Papalia

此外,Papalia介绍说,新的西澳大利亚 政府在旅游方面会吸引更多亚洲客人特别是 中国客人来西澳大利亚旅游。西澳大利亚在 中国市场虽然没有东部悉尼,墨尔本知名度 大,但是西澳大利亚有自己的优势。例如:与 中国在同一个时区,丰富的自然旅游资源,美 丽的环境,使得西澳大利亚旅游业的发展更 有潜力。此外政府也意识到华人之间也有文 化和地域有差异,要尊重各种文化,信仰等 等。除了旅游业,吸引更多的留学生前来西澳 大利亚留学也是很好的方案。留学生的增加, 留学生家长的探访,都为西澳大利亚经济做 出了贡献。

On the afternoon of May 11, the Minister for Citizenship and Multicultural Interests cum Tourism, the Honourable Paul Papalia, visited our heritage building in Northbridge. This was his first visit to the Chinese community after he was appointed this portfolio. The Honourable Paul Papalia was appointed as the Minister for Tourism; Racing and Gaming; Small Business; Defence Issues; Citizenship and Multicultural Interests on 17 March 2017. During the visit, the Minister acknowledged that the Chinese community was an essential and precious part of the multiculturalism of WA and its contributions had been significant to the state. As the Minister for Tourism, he also indicated that the new government would prioritise attracting more tourists and international students from Asia, specifically China, to make WA their preferred choice. After the visit, a group photo of the Minister with the community leaders in attendance was taken. Furthermore, the Honourable Paul Papalia has also placed the photo on his Facebook page with a thank you note for the support of the Chinese community members.

访问结束后,Papalia部长与华社侨领合 影留念。此后,Paul Papalia部长还在社交媒 体facebook上表达对华社接待的谢意,并感 谢社区会员把智慧,才华等积极性的东西引进 西澳。



不管男女老少、新老移民,新增设的《移民心声》栏目旨在给你一个版块抒发异乡情怀。分 享你生活在珀斯的喜怒哀乐、甜酸苦辣,述说你所关注的时事焦点和身边的人、事、物。请 将文章邮寄到。 This “Voice of Migrant” column is designed for migrants to share their thoughts, feelings and life experience with our readers, regardless of your age, gender and background. Kindly write an article of no more than 400 words and email to


Getting to know Perth better 文◎Xuha TRAN陈细娟 译◎Elvie Yap叶俐廷

During my leisure time, I like travelling, walking and window shopping at shopping centres. I would also like to express my gratitude to the staff of Chung Wah for organising tours for seniors like me to travel to remote and regional areas. It enables us

嗨!大家好。我中文名字叫陈细娟,来自 越南, 亦是一位退休人士。我在2011 年7月份 移民到西澳定居。我刚到澳洲时,好不习惯, 尤其是天气,好冷,因为在越南只有热天和雨 天,从来没有冷天。再者,西澳是个多元化的 国家,所以有很多事物和生活上的习惯,当时 我未能适应。 后来,我到TAFE进修英文,我认识了许多 来自不同国家的朋友,大家交流,彼此了解双 方的文化和知识。渐渐地,我开始变得开朗和 活跃。 2012年,经朋友介绍,我认识了中华会馆, 于是我参加了这个大家庭内的一份工作,做“ 义工”。每星期我抽一天去疗养院探访长者 们,跟长者们说说笑,问问好和长者们交流, 而且可以认识不同背景的长者们,同时也可以 聆听到每位长者的心声。我很喜欢这份工作。 在休闲的日子里,我喜欢旅行,步行和逛 逛百货商店。在此衷心感谢中华各位同事们, 在百忙之中也安排带长者们去珀斯郊区和较 远的地方游览, 让长者体验到西澳州是个美 丽和有趣的地方。 Hi, my name is XuHa Tran. I am a retiree, originally from Vietnam. I migrated to Western Australia in July 2011. The weather was my biggest concern when I first came. I was not used to cold weather as the weather in Vietnam is usually hot and wet but no cold days. In addition, it also takes time adapting to the multiculturalism of this country as there are so many different cultures and customs. This has improved after I started learning English at TAFE. I met friends from different countries with different cultural backgrounds. With a deeper understanding of these differences, it makes me happier and I have become more socially active. Through the recommendation of a friend, I joined Chung Wah as a volunteer in 2012. I spend some days visiting elderly residents in nursing homes every week. I love this job because I am able to communicate with seniors from different backgrounds and listen to their fascinating stories.


to know more about the beautiful and interesting parts of Western Australia.


What worries Western Australia? 文◎Dr. Alex Chong 张晋玮博士 译◎Elvie Yap叶俐廷

Having lived in Western Australia (WA) for 20 years, I have witnessed the growing path of WA, from its mining boom to the current economic downturn. I remember Australia was one of the victims during the global financial crisis faced by the United State and other countries in 2008. Fortunately, the substantial infrastructure developments in China then fuelled the economic boom of WA due to a huge demand for mining resources. Western Australia is now facing a financial crisis due to the significant drop in the prices of commodities and resources. There was extensive media coverage on how the Federal Government shared the prosperity of WA with other states during the peak of the economic boom. Ironically, the financial assistance from the Federal Government that is now badly needed by WA has been delayed. A major issue is the unfair distribution of the goods and services tax (GST) which has brought a significant impact to the state revenue. WA is still awaiting a firm decision on this issue. In comparison to the economic conditions in 2008, the entire country is now in an opposite shape. Sydney and Melbourne have far exceeded the economic performance of Perth and the property values in these two cities have increased rapidly. In order to stabilise the property market, the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (ARPA) urged banking institutions to increase the interest rate for home loans on investment properties. It may be appropriate to apply this policy for the current economic conditions in Sydney and Melbourne, but it has in fact made the property market in WA worse.

During the critical financial crisis in 2008, in most parts of Australia, it was the generosity of Western Australia sharing its prosperity that helped the nation to overcome the economic challenges. This has also helped Australia to retain the record of zero recession for over 20 years. When it comes to policy making in economic strategies, I feel wholeheartedly that the Federal Government should strongly consider the Chinese saying, “When one drinks water, one must not forget where it comes from”. 在西澳生活了20年,见证了西澳的成长, 矿业的兴起,到今日的衰退。记得2008年,美 国面临金融风暴,全球经济受冲击,澳洲也深 受其害。后来,中国大势发展基建,向西澳购 买大量的矿产,西澳经济因此一飞冲天,此事 帮助澳洲避免了一次经济衰退。 如今原产品价格暴跌,西澳的经济陷入 困境。在西澳经济旺盛时,报章头条布满着联 邦政府承诺将西澳收入分发到全国的新闻, 如今只见西澳求助于联邦政府而迟迟未得到 帮助,纵使消费税(GST)分配不公平导致西澳 收入大减,联邦政府对解决此问题始终没有 确定的方案。 澳洲现在的情况跟2008年恰好相反, 悉尼和墨尔本的经济比西澳强得多,两个城 市的房价因此而暴涨。澳大利亚审慎监管局 (ARPA)为了压制房价,向银行施压要它们提 升投资房贷款利率。此举可能适用于悉尼和 墨尔本,但对于房价已下调多时的西澳则适得 其反。如今西澳经济疲弱,打击西澳房产等同 于对西澳落井下石。 矿业兴盛时,西澳可以说是撑起了半边澳 洲的天空。它帮澳洲在经济面临危机时度过了 难关,让澳洲得以维持20多年不衰退的奇迹。 若问澳洲需要怎么样的经济策略,我个人觉得 四个字:饮水思源。

刊 登 的 文 章 作 者, 还可获赠由赞助商 “品之味”所赞助的一 包50g的茶叶,价值$25。 The writer of the published article will be rewarded with a packet of 50g tea leaves valued at $25 sponsored by “It’s More Than A Sip”.


商业投资签证 - 移民政策收紧趋势下不错的选择 Business and Investment Visas – A Good Option as Government Tightens Immigration Policies 文/译 ◎ Azurra Migration 年三月以来,澳洲移民政策发生了巨大 的变化。政府对工作签证、技术移民和 家庭移民政策作出了一系列重大改革。总体看 来,在各级政府财政紧张、各政党争相取悦本 地选民的大环境下,澳洲移民政策总体趋紧。 商业投资签证是本轮改革中少有的没有 涉及到的签证种类。考虑到投资移民为澳洲 经济做出突出贡献,澳洲政府应当会继续对 商业投资移民持欢迎态度。 商业投资签证虽然知名度不高,但其实并 不是太复杂。只要在符合要求的生意中占有显 著股份,或者有成功的投资经历,甚至只需要 拥有来源合法的大额财富,您都可能满足澳 洲商业投资移民的要求。详情请咨询澳大利 亚安居移民公司。 我们的网站

ince March of this year, significant changes have taken place in Australian migration laws and policies. A series of reform has been undertaken involving work visas, skilled migration and family member migration. It is expected such a tightening trend will continue as governments face deteriorating budgetary condition while political parties compete for local votes. The Business and investment visa stream is one of the few visa programs that have not been impacted in this round of reform. Considering the significant economic benefit brought in by business migrants, it is reasonable to expect that they will continue to be welcomed by the Australian Government. Not as widely known as other visas, business and investment visas are in fact not too complicated. As long as one has a significant shareholding in eligible businesses, or has extensive and successful investment experience, or simply has a large amount of legally acquired wealth, there

is likely to be a suitable visa pathway under this program. Azurra Migration will be pleased to answer your questions regarding Australian business and investment visas. Our website :

Home is where I find peace in my heart! 主营 Core Business 商业投资移民教育留学等各类签证业务。 Business & investment visas, student visa and other types of visas.

我们的优势 What's Special • 商业投资移民受政策影响小,成功率高。 • 丰富的188和132签证申请,132签证1010表审核, 188转888签证经验。 • 与本地知名开发商和企业主长期合作。

商业投资移民(132和188)好消息 现有少量适合132签证投资人的地产开发投资机会,以 及188转888签证的中小生意机会。欢迎咨询洽谈。 Opportunities for 132 and 188 Visa Holders: We are referring a few property development business opportunities to 132 visa holders, and small & medium business opportunities to 188 visa holders for 888-visa transition.

• Business visas have high success rate and are least impacted by policy changes. • Experienced in 132 and 188-visa application, 132 Form 1010 Survey and 188 to 888 visa transition. • Have a long-term relationship with reputable local developers and business owners.



Father’s Day 父爱 文/译 ◎ Elvie Yap 叶俐廷

有别于大部分的亚洲地区,澳大利亚是在九月首个周 日庆祝父亲节,而不是六月份第三个星期天。随着时代的

Unlike many Asian countries, we celebrate


Father’s Day on the first Sunday of September

皆是;父亲的角色也不仅限出外打拼养家糊口,这个年代周 末在家带娃的爸 爸也属常见。趁着即将到来的父亲节,《中 华之声》特别采访了三位来自不同背景的父亲,讲述他们与 孩子之间的亲子乐。

instead of the third Sunday of June. In this new era, a married woman is not merely a stay-athome mother or housewife; working mothers are a common status for many women in today’s society. This change of family model is also applicable to married men. As you may have noticed, there are many fathers who take up the role of looking after their children at home on

Tysun Chan 曾衡旺

weekends. In this special father's day article, we have featured the stories of three fathers from

年龄Age: 38

different background.

血统 Origin: 具德国人血统的澳籍华裔 Australian born Chinese/German ancestry 职业 Occupation: 商业能源咨询师 Commercial energy consultant

Peter Xu 许德锋 年龄Age: 41 血统 Origin: 来自福建漳州的中国人 Mainland Chinese from Fujian Province 职业 Occupation: 机械师 Machinist

What message would you like to pass on to your child/children when they grow up? Tysun: Seek what makes you happy in life. If you’re unhappy with your situation, take proactive steps to change it. Don’t delay in taking steps towards what you want, don’t let fear hold you back. Pursue what you want with determination, courage and focus. Don't look back and regret what you didn’t do. Peter: Learn to treat people sincerely and honestly. Sincerity and honesty are simple traits well liked by everyone. Eric: Daddy and Mummy love you all so much. Although we may use different ways to handle the four of you, we will be around for you all when you need us. It is inevitable that we will leave this world one day, however you all must continue with your life path with courage. All barriers are removable, it is important to handle it with calm. Live happily every day.

Eric Soh 苏子汉


年龄Age: 43 血统 Origin: 来自马来西亚沙巴州的华裔 Chinese Malaysian from Sabah 职业 Occupation: 建筑设计师 Architect

曾:人生最重要快乐。如果遇到不愉快的情况,主动想办法改变。做 事当机立断,别因恐惧而止步。别往后看,不为错过的事而后悔。 许:学会真诚待人,因为,真诚最简单,最受欢迎 苏:爸爸妈妈都很爱你们,虽然对每个孩子的处理方法都不一样, 但是我们都会守护着你们。总有一天,爸妈会离开这个世界,但是 你们也要勇敢走下去。没有过不了的坎,要保持平静的心态,好好 的过每一天。



What would you like to do during your leisure time? Tysun: Travelling, whether it is a day trip around Perth or the occasional overseas holiday. We tend to take family trips every year or so with the grandparents and extended family here. My son Max loves playing with his slightly older cousins and it’s great they have a good relationship. We also enjoy cycling as a family. Flying my drone, catching up with friends and relaxing at home are things that we all like to do. Peter: I love nature and I am especially interested in exploring the underwater world. I regularly go fishing with friends and I enjoy abalone fishing during the season. Diving is also what I love to do. Eric: I am quite flexible in terms of leisure activities. I used to spend more time in outdoor activities such as hiking. It is different now. During my limited leisure time, I like listening to classical Chinese music and reading. I also like to collect books and antiques relating to ancient China. During my short leisure time at night, I like to explore the wisdom of ancient Chinese people from these collections.

你会怎样利用休闲的时间呢? 曾:旅游,珀斯的一日游或出国游玩。我们尽 量每年带着孩子与祖父母或亲属同游。我的 孩子Max喜欢与比他稍大的堂姐们玩在一起。 另外,与家人一起去骑自行车、操作我的遥控 飞机、与朋友聚会,待在家里放松自己也是我 喜欢做的事。 许:我热爱大自然特别对海底世界有非常浓 厚的兴趣。我经常相约朋友去钓鱼,每年都不 会错过抓鲍鱼的季节。潜水也是我喜爱的休 闲活动。 苏:我是个宜动宜静的人,过去年轻有时间 的时候热爱户外活动诸如远足之类的。目前 就很不一样。在有限的空余时间,我喜欢听 中国古典音乐、阅读、喜欢收藏有关中国古代 的书籍或收藏品。有时利用深夜短暂的休闲 时间,我喜欢看看这些收藏品,从中发掘古 代人的智慧。



What are your favourite activities with your child/children? Tysun: Taking Max on a bike ride to a local park and playing with him there at the playground. We also like to read to Max every day and play games with him. He usually sees his grandparents every week and they like to spoil him. Quite luckily for us, Max likes going to shopping centres and looking at all the products as we pass through the aisles.

Eric Soh and Family Candit Moment on the street 苏子汉和太太一起陪孩子逛街

Peter: I love to bring my children to explore the nature in Western Australia. Our favourite activities during school holidays or long weekends are camping at different sites in the regional areas of WA such as Augusta, York and Bunbury, etc. I also enjoy flying a kite with my children at a spacious field. For indoor activities, my children love to play hide and seek with me. Further, I have passion teaching my children drawing. Eric: Taking my children to simply go for a drive, to a local park for different games, go swimming or fishing. Bush trekking or exploring the nature is also what I love to do with my children in order to nurture their adventurous spirit. At home, I have been training my children to play chess and observing the lives of insects and birds, for example, how ants move things from one place to another. I believe this could improve their logical thinking.

你喜欢和孩子进 行什么活动呢? 曾:我喜欢载着孩子在公园骑自行车,让他 在公园的游乐场尽情玩。我们也会在家做一 些游戏给Max和阅读给他听。祖父母特别宠 爱Max,每个星期我都会带他到爷爷奶奶家 玩。庆幸的是Max很爱逛购物中心,享受随 意看看所有划过眼帘的物品。 许:我喜欢让孩子体验西澳的大自然环境。 每当长周末或学校假期,我最爱带着一家 人去偏远地区露营。我也很享受和孩子们在 广阔的草地上放风筝。室内活动方面,孩子 们很喜欢与我一块玩抓迷藏,我热衷于教他 们画画。 苏:我喜欢开车载着孩子到处转、到公园进 行多元化的游戏,带他们去游泳或钓鱼。我 也喜欢带孩子去树林步行,探索自然奥秘, 培养他们的冒险精神。在家时,我会培养孩 子对下棋的兴趣和多观察昆虫和鸟禽的生 活,比如看看蚂蚁怎样搬家等。我相信这样 对孩子的逻辑思考有帮助。 Peter Xu enjoys exploring nature in Western Australia 许德锋非常享受与孩子体验澳洲大自然的时光



What are the changes in your personal outlook on life and

In the modern Australian society,

career after having children?

it has become norm for Fathers to care for their children like the above three interviewees. A strict

Tysun: Max is pretty much the top priority for us. We tried for a number of years to have children and when he finally came, we were overjoyed. We often think of the short and long term future for Max and the career comes second to him. Peter: Career is rather important, however it is even more essential to spend more time with my children to ensure they have a happy upbringing. Every time after a long day at work, the laughter and happiness of my children are the best remedy to get rid of my tiredness. After having children, I always try my very best to give them a beautiful childhood. Eric: The process of witnessing the growth of my children makes me think of my parents and me. For a migrant who is not living close to my parents, it has brought greater feelings to me after having my own children. Every parent wishes they could spend a longer time with their children, however many children have to leave their parents to seek a better future somewhere else when they grow up. I now treasure every moment I spend with my children and I always make time to see my parents. In terms of career, the greatest advantage after having children is that they are like a driving force that makes me work harder for a better lifestyle for the family.

Daddy is more or less a past description for a Father, the new definition for a Father should be a gentle Daddy. As Father’s Day is around the corner, we would like to wish all Daddies “Happy Father’s Day”.

有 了 孩 子,对 你 的 人 生 观 和 事 业 观 带 来 什么 变 化 呢?

时代变迁,在澳大利亚的 社会像以上三位如此用行动关 爱孩子的爸爸,比比皆是。严父

曾:Max几乎是我们夫妻倆做任何决定的优先 考虑。我们尝试了很多年才有这个孩子,他的 降临带给我们无法形容的快乐。我们常常会 思考如何给孩子安排的短期和长期计划,事 业对我们而言绝对是排在孩子之后。

已经逐渐成为过去式, “暖爸” 才是现代父亲的代名词。趁父 亲节的到来,让我们一起歌颂 父爱的伟大。

许:事业虽然很重要,陪孩子快乐成长更加 重要。每当工作下班带着疲惫的身体回到家, 听见孩子们的欢声笑语,什么疲倦都没了。有 了孩子,就希望尽最大的努力给他们美好的 童年。 苏:看到孩子就好像看到自己和父母一样。特 别是离乡背井的我们,当有了孩子就有更深的 感触。每个父母都很想能多陪孩子,然而孩子 终究会离开父母去寻找自己的人生。现在的我 更加珍惜陪孩子的时间,也会尽量多陪伴自己 的父母。事业方面,有了孩子最大的帮助就是 他们所形成的推动力,使我更拼搏给家人更 好的生活。

Tysun Chan Family Potrait 曾衡旺与太太和宝宝合影



Secret recipe 秘制食谱

Popiah 薄饼

家园 Home and Garden

家园这个栏目是专为热爱家庭生活的读 者们而设的。如果你有哪些独门食谱、轻 松完成家务的方法和园艺贴士的话,我 们欢迎你通过这个版面带给读者这方面 的信息。 Home and Garden is specially designed for family life lovers. We would love to invite you to share your secret recipes, tips for gardening and making household chore simple. 期,我们请来数十年来为中华会馆和自 己家庭烹调出了不少美食的郑绣丽。热 情好客的郑绣丽特别喜欢在家里设宴招待朋 友。 印象中的Shirley可真是贤妻良母的典范, 家中里里外外都收拾地井井有条,在短时间 内就能做出一桌的佳肴美食。 was with great pleasure that we were able to invite our past vice president, Shirley Teh, who has been contributing her delicious and tasty dishes at numerous Chung Wah events and activities for the past 30 years. Shirley is no doubt a hospitable person who loves to invite friends for a meal at her home. In my opinion, she is indeed a role model as a mum and a wife. She can prepare a table of delicious dishes within a short period of time. Furthermore, she keeps the house clean and tidy.

Popiah Skin 薄饼皮 Ingredients 材料 ½ kg plain flour 400ml water ¼ teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon cooking oil

500克面粉 400毫升水 ¼ 茶匙盐 1汤匙食油

1. 将全部材料拌匀,用手搅拌成浓稠的糊团 2. 搁置1-2小时 3. 用手心抓牢糊团,抹在微热的平锅上,待 糊边微凉,轻轻地撕起 4. 每片薄饼皮重复步骤3直至糊团用完 5. 用湿布盖住做好的薄饼皮5分钟 1. Mix all ingredients, then beat it by hand into a soft dough until it can be firmly held. 2. Leave for 1-2 hours 3. Use hand to hold the dough to spread over the pan till the side cools slightly, then peel it off. 4. Repeat step 3 for every piece of popiah skin until all the dough is finished. 5. Cover the popiah skin with a damp cloth for 5 minutes.



My favourite plant --Roses 我最爱的植物 --玫瑰树 Tips for growing roses 我的种植小贴士 Find a good spot. Roses need a lot of sunlight. The more sunshine, the more the roses will grow happily. If roses are planted in the shade, they will struggle to grow and will easily be infected with fungus. 4 hours of sunlight is good enough. Protection is required if exposed to windy weather.

Home & Garden Hints Free Fertiliser

The next time you boil or steam vegetables, don’t throw the water down the drain. Pour it over your plants once cooled. 用来烫或蒸蔬菜的水,待凉后,可以用 来浇花

找个适合个别植物的种植地。玫瑰需要 大量的日光。阳光越充足,玫瑰长得越好看。 如果把玫瑰树种在阴凉地,会使其无法茁壮 成长,而且容易长霉菌。每天4小时的阳光就 已足够。一旦遇上刮风天气,最好能加上保

A lasting flame


To make candles last longer, put them in a plastic bag and place in the freezer for 24 hours before lighting them. 将蜡烛用塑料袋装好置入冰箱24小时后 取出,可以使蜡烛燃烧的时间更持久。

Popiah Filling 薄饼馅 Ingredients 材料 1.





200克猪肉碎,用生抽腌制后、翻炒做成肉末內馅。或者使用现有 的叉烧肉、切成肉丁直接使用。














500 gram Chinese turnip or cabbage and carrot, stir fry according to your taste.


200 gram cooked prawn, peeled and sliced length wise.


200 gram minced pork, marinated with soya sauce, then stir fried as meat patty; or using ready cooked Chinese barbeque pork diced into small pieces.


3 Chinese sausages steamed or fried, slice thinly.


4 eggs pan fried thinly and cut into strip.


2 hard bean curd cut into thin stripes and fried.


Bean sprouts and Green Lettuce.


Cucumber, Shredded thinly


Home made sweet sauce and chilli sauce



Western Australia is a vast territory with a sparse population, room availability is not an issue for a Chinese family. However, it is still commonly see children sleeping in the same room with parents. In some cases, it is the parent's choice for this arrangement. In other cases, it was because the children refuse to sleep in a separate room. In terms of when the children should be in a separate room, our editorial team has collected experience from seven mothers through social media and wechat.

地广人稀的西澳,有不 少华人家庭的房子都不缺房 间,然而,似乎不少父母仍然 与孩子共睡一室。这种情况 有可能是父母特意安排的, 有的是因为孩子拒绝与父母 分房睡。到底父母应该在孩 子多大的时候让他们自己睡 一间房呢?针对这个亲子课 题,我们编辑组通过微信搜 集了七位母亲的经验分享, 以及东西方的心理学分析给 读者做一个参考。

At what age should children sleep in their own room? 孩子应该再多大的时候与父母分房睡呢? What a Chinese doctor has to say 华人医生怎么说 According to the Deputy Director of the Mental Health unit in the subsidiary hospital of the

澳大利亚亲子关系 权威机构 Ngala 如何看待

GuangZhou medical college, Dr. JinLong Yu,

Ngala Family Services manager Melanie Marsh

parents may consider children sleeping in a

said “The safest place to sleep a baby is in their

separate room when they reach three years old,

own safe sleeping place, in the same room as an

ideally around five years old is appropriate to sleep

adult caregiver.” Ms Marsh said there were plenty

in a separate room. It seems to be a bit late if the

of other ways for parents to bond and remain close

child still in the same room as parent when they

to their babies. “Babies respond to loving touch

start schooling. Having children sleeping in the

and skin-to-skin cuddles, which are both very

same room with parent for too long, may develop

valuable ways to connect,” she said. “Eye contact,

some mental and psychological issues such as

facial expressions, talking to your baby and body

anxiety disorder, personality disorder, adaptable

language all convey how you feel about your baby

disorder, psychosexual disorder, as well as facing

and builds a loving connection. “Having baby sleep

difficulty in developing human relationships.

in the same room as the parents, on separate sleep

However, Dr. Yu indicated that this decision also depends on the psychological age of the child and their courage, independency, the intimacy with parents and the environmental factors of the home etc. 广州医学院第一附属医院精神医学科副 主任医师余金龙表示,过晚分房睡有可能跟 某些精神疾病和心理问题有关,如各种焦虑 障碍或神经症,人格障碍、适应性障碍、性心 理障碍、人际关系困难等。因此,他认为,孩 子满3岁以后可以考虑分房睡,5岁左右较适 合;如果上小学后还没分房睡,通常来讲,这 可能就有些晚了。 不过,余金龙也提出,具体孩子几岁应该 分房睡因人而异,还要看孩子的心理年龄、胆 量、独立性、跟父母的依恋程度、家庭的具体 环境等因素。 资料来源Reference:


What the Australian Parenting Authority Ngala has to say

surfaces, is recommended for at least the first 12 months. This assists with night-time bonding and the ability to respond promptly to baby. Ngala家庭服务的经理,Melanie Marsh 说道: “婴儿最安全的睡觉地方,就是可以让 他在有个人睡觉空间的同时,与他的照顾者共 处一室。孩子出生后至少12个月内最好可以和 父母同房不同床,这样不但有助于晚间的亲 子关系,而且可以及时回应婴儿的需求。 资料来源 Reference:


Experience Sharing Alina


的小孩,无论是和父母同房或分房睡都可以睡 得很好。 “睡得好”比“睡在哪儿”更重要,不


其实 我们在亲






了还不肯分开睡,到 现在十岁多了,一个人



重要的成长期,孩子需要安全感! Three years old is a good age. The child needs to feel secure before 3 years old.


我们同睡。看着孩子们一天天长大,还能一睁 眼就看到他们甜甜的笑脸,好心情也会覆盖 一整天。 All my three children started to sleep in their own

It is really a bad experience for us, my child is

believe it depends on the family and other factors.

still afraid to sleep alone even though he is over

No matter how, most importantly, both parents and

ten years old. Every night he needs someone to

children have to be happy either in the same room

accompany him to fall asleep under a bright light.

or separate rooms. Sometimes on the weekend, I

room before they turned one. However, I strongly

will invite my children to sleep with me. I love to see their smiling faces when I wake up.

子的经验,太早分房 睡 和 太 晚 分房 睡 都

好的。我 认 为 3

不利于孩子的心理健 考

虑分房睡,5岁左右最适合,但上year one 后 还没分房睡,就有些晚。当然,具体情况也要 因人而异,要看孩子的心理年龄、胆量、独立 性、对父母的依恋程度以及家庭的环境等因 素。孩子太小时跟父母分房睡会损害孩子的安

岁以后可开始考虑分 房睡,5岁左右最适合 跟父母分房睡会损害孩子的安全感,孩子就可







Separating them into a different room when they


are too young, may affect their feeling of security,


causing them to think that their mother may have


left or abandoned them.

识到男女之间的不同。在这个时候与孩子分开 睡,可以给孩子自己的空间,养成孩子形成独






five, I am starting to train the youngest child at the moment. This is the age that they are aware about gender differences. Giving them their own space

间。和妈妈在一个房 间孩子也有安全感, 万一晚上孩子醒了妈妈也容易照顾,省得大冷 天大半夜的还要去另一个房间。不过最晚4岁 我会给她们单独的房间。

I think as long as we are in separate beds, there is no point forcing the child to sleep a separate


training my three children when they were around


My children are still in the same room with me.


I reckon five years old is most appropriate. I started

我们还没有分房间睡。她们从小一直睡 的自己的小床,但是

I think five years old is most appropriate.





room at a certain age. However, I will give them a separate room at the age of four at the latest.

自己的房间入睡,可 我并不推荐所有人都 效仿我的做法。因为每家的家庭模式不同,是 否需要与父母分房睡、什么时间把孩子“请” 出去,都是因人而异的。

can help develop their independency. However


no point forcing them, better to use rewards to


help them make this change. Once the child has


done it, give them an immediate compliment


and affirmation.


至入睡 。




我反倒认为让孩子学会独自入睡比和父 母分房睡更为实用。通常来说,可以独自入睡



2017 Chung Wah Chinese School Rossmoyne Junior School Assembly 中华乐思中文学校举行小学部全体大会及学生汇演 文/译◎Principal Ma Xuanli 马烜历校长

6月24日上午,Rossmoyne中学礼堂内 外欢声笑语,热闹非凡。一年一度的中华 乐思中文学校小学部全体大会及学生汇 演正在这里举行。 虽然大会九点三十才正式开始,但很 多学生家长早早就来到礼堂,有的帮助 老师在展板上张贴学生作品,有的协助 设置音响装备,大家热情十分高涨,随着 时间推移,越来越多的家长聚集在礼堂, 欣赏孩子们的书画手工作品及中文作业 展示。 九点三十分,大会正式开始。马烜历 校长首先讲话,她在讲话中充分肯定了孩 子们的学习成绩,表彰了今年上半年在

吴丽莎(Lisa Wu) story telling

学校“汉字墙”活动及华裔中小学生讲 故事比赛中成绩优秀的同学。同时她也 代表学校感谢家长及老师们对孩子们的 支持及教导。在讲话的最后,马校长带领 全体同学向在座的老师们致谢,并在全 体同学异口同声的“谢谢老师”声中结束 了她的讲话。

语言及文化,同时赞扬了老师们为中华文 华传承所做的奉献。

校长讲话结束后,小学部中文第二语 言组负责人蔡美燕老师及中文背景语言 组负责人陈美丽老师主持了“汉字墙”活 动及讲故事比赛优秀学生颁奖礼。中华中 文学校管理委员会主席苏翠妹女士及中 华会馆副会长齐金龙先生为获奖学生颁 发了奖状。齐副会长在颁奖礼上发表了简 短讲话,他鼓励同学们继续努力学习中华

继幼儿班表演之后,从学前班到五年 级的十几个班级以及唱游班也分别表演了 同学们精心准备的节目。节目内容丰富多 彩,有活泼的儿歌表演,也有传统的古诗 吟诵,有展示口语技巧的绕口令,也有再现 课堂的课文朗读。参加讲故事比赛的几位 优秀选手也为全校同学和家长们演绎了他 们的精彩故事。孩子们活泼可爱的表演赢 得了一阵阵会心的笑声和热烈的掌声。

颁奖礼后,家长和孩子们盼望已久的 演出正式开始了。演出从年纪最小的幼儿 班开始,别看孩子们年龄小,他们在台上 却表现得落落大方,家长们纷纷举起相 机,拍下宝贝活泼可爱的精彩瞬间。

这次学生作品展示与汇演,不仅是孩 子们展示学习成果的平台,也是对上半年 教师及学校工作的总结。看到孩子们在短 短的时间里用中文表演出如此丰富的节 目,来宾和家长们都感受到了孩子们在中 文学习中的努力和进步,也对老师们的辛 勤工作表示赞许。



“一分耕耘,一分收获”,在学校和 家长的共同支持下,在同学们的持续努力 下,我们相信乐思中文学校的全体同学在 下半学年一定会有更大的进步。



The Chung Wah Chinese School Rossmoyne Junior School Assembly was held recently on Saturday, 24 June 2017 and attended by Kindergarten to Year 5 students, who performed enthusiastically including rhyme singing. Principal Ma Xuanli proudly addressed the assembly and briefly the junior school’s excellent performance in Term 1 and Term 2. She thanked the teachers for their dedication to students and the parents for their support.


Chung Wah Vice President, William Chi, and Chung Wah Chinese School Council Chair, Sheila Rejek, presented certificates to outstanding students in the “Chinese Word Wall” activity and the “Story Telling” competition. William Chi gave a short speech, encouraging students to continue learning the Chinese language and culture. He thanked teachers for their contribution in community language education.

Parents who attended the assembly viewed an exhibition of art/craft works created by students during the Chung Wah Chinese School’s regular Saturday morning classes as well as performances.





Medications - Helpful or harmful? 药物 - 有益或有害? ver the past eight years as a community pharmacist I have seen medication have the power to prolong and improve a person’s quality of life or alternatively cause harm if used incorrectly. This hit home three years ago when my uncle Keith, was diagnosed with early onset dementia and experienced rapid memory loss. He struggled to recognise family members and would become easily frustrated with himself when he couldn’t remember our names or find the words to speak. The diagnosis was so painful for the family and on top of this, the onslaught of new medications he was prescribed made the situation even more stressful. Keith became confused and anxious, at times both he and his immediate carers did not know if he had taken his tablets that day, which put him at risk of being overdosed. As a pharmacist, I have been confronted with the harrowing fact that almost 1 in 3 people over 65 will be hospitalised due to the medication they are taking. As his pharmacist, I wanted to do whatever I could to improve the quality of life for himself and his family. My aunty placed a bagful of mixed medication in my hands, as well as her trust. When I went back to the pharmacy and reviewed his medication, I unearthed several issues. One tablet may have been the cause of his terrible discomfort and stomach pains, another could have been making his memory loss even worse and two medications directly interacted with each other rendering them both less effective. Once the suggested medication changes were reviewed and approved by his doctor, we packed them into one of our Saint’s Safety Packs. These unique packs are designed to organise medication into daily doses so that patients know if they have taken them at the correct time.

去8年来,作为社区药剂师,我看到药 物有能力延长和改善人们的生活质量, 但是如果使用不当会造成不必要的伤害。3年 前,当我的叔叔Keith被诊断患有早期发作性 痴呆并经历了快速记忆丧失的时候。他努力去 记忆每位家庭成员,他会非常的沮丧当他不记 得我们的名字或找到说话的用词的时候。 诊断对于家庭来说是非常的痛苦,除此 之外,他所采用的新药物的冲击使情况更加 紧张。Keith变得非常困惑和焦虑,有时他和 他的照顾者不确认他当天是否吃了药,这使他 有被过度服用的风险。作为一名药剂师,我了

The Saint’s Safety Packs GUARANTEE


解到一个令人悲痛的事实,即65岁以上的1/3 人中由于服用药物而入院。 作为他的药剂师,我想尽全力为他和他 的家人改善生活质量。我的阿姨在我手中放了 一大堆混合药物,还有她的信任。 当我回到药店,检查他的药物,我发现

If you want to help someone like Keith whose quality of life will be improved by this service call me on 1300 STFRANCIS (1300 783 726). We’ll conduct a FREE medication review (valued at $75). PLUS, we’ll pack their first month for FREE when they present the voucher on page 31. We guarantee your loved one’s quality of life will improve.

了几个问题。一种药物可能是导致他的不适 和胃痛的原因,另一药物可能会使他的记忆 丧失更糟糕,两种药物直接相互作用,直接 减少了药效。 一旦建议改变的药物被他的医生审查和 批准,我们将它们包装到我们的Saint安全包 里面。这些独特的包装旨在将药物组织成每 日剂量,以便患者知道他们是否在正确的时间 服用。 他们为照顾者和家庭成员提供安心,因 为他们知道他们关心的是正确和安全地服用 他们的药物。

They provide peace of mind for caretakers and family members alike because they know that the ones they care about are taking their medication correctly and safely.


When I called to check up on Keith, his family reported that his spirits had lifted because he was less anxious and that they were extremely grateful for this service. His son remarked that Keith “really likes the packs! It’s so much easier, we should have done this sooner!”



Kirsty Chew Pharmacist 药剂师

的精神已经好了很多,因为他不那么焦虑,他 们非常感谢这项服务。他的儿子说Keith 真的很喜欢这样的Saint安全包!这

如果您想帮助像Keith这样的人,通 过这项服务将改善生活质量,请致电 1300 STFRANCIS (1300 783 726)。 我 们将进行免费药物评 估(价值75澳 元)。再加上,如果他出示我们宣传彩 页上面的优惠券时,我们将免费安排 包装他们的第一个月。我们保证您的 亲人的生活质量将提高。

30th September 2017



Grandparents deserve more respect from our community

家有一老,如有一宝 文/译 : Elvie Yap 叶俐廷

ccording to the results of the 2016 census, released on 27 June 2017, grandparents are providing child care for their grandchildren and 2.1 million Australians are unpaid carers for relatives or friends. The rising costs and lack of accessibility to child care are driving more and more parents to turn to their children’s grandparents to ease the burden.

to take on family roles and care for their grandchildren while they went to work. This has significantly reduced family pressure on child care for the working parent, however, it is a sacrifice for the grandparents who have had to leave their social life behind and face language, cultural and social barriers living in Australia.

Many parents see grandparents as the ‘next best thing’ to parental care, offering flexibility and fostering inter-generational family relationships that can benefit grandparents and grandchildren alike. And most grandparents agree – looking after grandchildren can be a significant source of satisfaction, by taking on a nurturing, caretaking role with less responsibility. Grandparents also often want to pass on the culture, traditions and language of their country of origin to their grandchildren.

It is essential for the grandchildren and adult children to appreciate and respect the elders in the family for their love and care devoted to the family.

For the past decade, many Asian migrants arranged their parents to come to Australia on a parent visa or tourist visa


In Western Australia, grandparents were officially recognised on 28 October 2012 as the state celebrated its first official Grandparents' Day. The day was to celebrate the role that grandparents play in their grandchildren's lives. In addition, the Seniors Week in the state runs every year from the end of October. This year’s Seniors Week will run from 29 October to 5 November 2017 and is an opportunity for West Australians of all ages

or ethnic backgrounds to join together and celebrate the valuable contributions of older people. Last year’s Seniors Week featured hundreds of events run by local governments and community organisations across the state. Among the events on offer were 93 activities that received funding from the Department of Local Government and Communities (DLGC) and Lotterywest. More than $80,000 was provided to organisations to help celebrate WA Seniors Week 2016. The major event of the Seniors Week in WA is the Have a Go Day a "LiveLighter" event which is being held in the picturesque grounds of Burswood Park. It is organised by the Seniors Recreation Council and the Burswood Park Board. This year, 1 November 2017 marks the 25th year of the event for community members to try a range of activities, source seniors-specific services and information, and enter free raffles, etc.


据今年6月27日公布的2016人口 普查结果显示,祖父母成为带 孙子的生力军,有210万澳洲人无偿为 亲人或朋友看顾孩子。随着日益昂贵 托儿服务费用和时间无法配合的情况 下,越来越多的父母将孩子托付给祖 父母看护以减轻自己的负担。 相比父母自己带孩子,祖父母对孙 子的照顾是有过之而无不及的。这样 的安排,看护孩子的时间更加灵活, 而且有有助于祖孙两代维持紧密的关 系。有的祖父母也同意看护、培养孙 子的期间,可以让找到一份满足感。 祖父母也可以在这过程中,传承祖辈 的文化、传统和语言给下一代。 在过去的十年,许多双薪家庭的 亚裔移民安排自己的父母,以父母签 证或旅游签证来到澳大利亚,留在家 中照顾孙子。这样的安排,大大地减 低在职父母在育儿上的家庭压力。为 了孩子,这些祖父母牺牲了轻松的退 休生活,同时身在海外还要面对语言、 文化交流上的障碍。因此,得到孩子 和孙子的尊重,是这些长辈们为家庭 无限付出的最大安慰。

2012年10月28日,西澳大利亚首次 正式将这天拟定为“祖父母日”,以庆 祝祖父母在孙辈的生活中所扮演的重 要角色。此外,每年十月份最后一个星 期的开始是西澳的长者周。今年长者 周会在10月29日-11月5日,有多项的活 动公开给任何年龄和种族背景的西澳 居民参加,以作为嘉许老年人给社会 带来的贡献。 去年长者周,全省有超过百项由 地方政府和社区组织所举办的活动, 其中有93项是由西澳地方政府和社区 部以及彩票局所资助。总额超过八万 元的拨款拨入多个社区机构,作为庆 祝2016西澳长者周的用途。 西澳州的长者周的主要活动,莫 过于是每年在Burswood公园举办的 Have A Go 日活动。此活动是由乐龄 长者协会和Burswood公园委员会所组 织。今年11月1日是该活动的25周年, 届时会有一系列的游戏、节目供社区 人士参加,此外还有免费抽奖和与长 者相关的服务信息等等。

For more information about events and activities of the 2017 Seniors Week in WA, you may browse the website of the Department of Local Government and Communities in October. 有关更多2017年西澳长者周 的精彩活动,可在十月份浏览西 澳地方政府和社区部的网站。 CommunityInitiatives/Pages/ Seniors-Week.aspx



活到老,学到老 澳大利亚的老龄人口在文化和语言上






来自非英语国家背景的 移民们,对健康和




社区与长者服务(CAC)存在超过三十年的 原因就是为了向长者们,甚至是整 个 华人 社区,提供文化 适宜的养老及其他类别服 务,以提高人们的生活质量。

长青学院自2013年开班以来,许多 我们的客人都重返了学生时代,并且和教课的

















– 无论是客人还是义工。











Never Too Old to Learn

A better community for all Australia’s older population is culturally and linguistically diverse, which provides challenges for meeting people’s needs for health and aged care services, especially for those who migrate from non-English speaking countries. The reason why Chung Wah Community & Aged Care (CAC) has existed for more than three decades is to provide the elderly, and the whole Chinese community, with culturally appropriate aged care and other services, to improve their quality of life. In traditional Chinese culture, we believe healthy ageing implies physical as well as mental health. Getting older doesn’t mean you have to stay at home and watch TV for the whole day. Based on our experiences, longevity always combines brain work, physical exercise and social activity. As the

saying goes, “Never too old to learn.” Learning is one way to keep you off the couch, meet new friends and feel stronger and happier. Therefore, apart from providing the usual aged care services to our elderly on a regular basis, a new personcentered service model called “Evergreen College” has been established to satisfy their needs for mental health. Evergreen College is not like a traditional school, it is a unique service that promotes wellness amongst culturally and linguistically diverse individuals. This program helps to increase awareness to nurture personal wellbeing beyond the day-today living and CAC clients and community people can choose to participate in activities and outings that interest them. Currently, we have developed several interest classes at both our day centres

for our clients, which include physical exercise, Tai Chi, English, Computer, Calligraphy, Singing, Cooking and Memory Support. And we are trying our best to brain storm and bounce around ideas for new activities to assist the elderly from migrant background in living a more joyful and healthier life. Since Evergreen College began in 2013, many of our clients have stepped back to the past as students and had a lot of fun with the teachers, who are all CAC volunteers and dedicated to helping us accomplish the goal “A Better Community for ALL!” With CAC, ageing can be happy too, as long as you are willing to step out your home, get in touch with the community, keep your body and brain working and be a part of CAC – as a client or volunteer.



Good Health 养生 Cold Comfort According to a local magazine “Good Health”, there are ways to get better fast when you’ve got a cold or flu as well as ways to avoid getting sick in the first place.

1. Nourish TO PREVENT


Take probiotics

Wrap up and keep warm in cold weather.

A study of 33 adults in 2015 showed that taking probiotics can reduce your risk of catching a cold by 47%.

Viruses that are responsible for the common cold reproduce themselves more effectively in colder environments. If you keep your body temperature up by dressing appropriately for the weather, you’ll lower your risk of developing symptoms when you encounter a cold virus by 20%.

Take a garlic supplement In a study, those who took allicin extract, a compound in garlic, caught 64% fewer colds during winter.

TO TREAT Eat some chicken soup Chicken soup cooked with plenty of vegetables has an anti-inflammatory action that can help to ease the symptoms caused by the immune system’s response to a virus, like coughing and a runny nose.

Stock up on zinc lozenges It is believed that by taking 75mg of zinc a day in the form of a lozenge, you could shorten the length of your illness by up to 42%.

2. Sleep TO PREVENT Make sure you get enough sleep every night. Proof is the fact that people who get less than seven hours’ sleep per night are about three times more likely to develop symptoms after being exposed to a cold virus than those who get eight or more hours’ sleep.

TO TREAT When you feel sleepy, sleep. Sleep helps the body to overcome infection. As soon as the virus hits your head, your brain reacts by stimulating an inflammatory reaction designed to make you feel sleepy. So to feel better as soon as possible, give in to the feeling and rest.


TO TREAT Have a hot drink. When Welsh scientists put the theory to the test, people who drank a hot apple-and blackcurrant-flavoured drink experienced immediate relief from symptoms including a runny nose, cough, sore throat and sneezing.

4. Exercise TO PREVENT Work out regularly. Exercise enhances the role that cells play in the immune system, including immunoglobulins that circulate around the body. It is believed that you could reduce your risk of catching a cold, when a virus is doing the rounds, by more than a third if you do some regular exercise.

TO TREAT Do some light exercise when you’ve got a head cold. Light exercise can make you feel better if your symptoms are limited to the head, rather than the chest. Researchers have discovered through selfreported assessments that cold symptoms improved after physical activity.




舒 缓 感冒的 秘 方 根据一本叫《好健康》的当地杂志说,当你患了感冒或者流感的时候,有很多方法可以 让你快速地好转同时也可以预防疾病的发生。

1. 滋养


预防 服用益生菌 一个研究表明在2015年33个成年人服用了益生菌减 少了47%的感冒的风险。

多吃蒜 研究表明,吃了大蒜提取物的人在冬天患上感冒的 几率减低64% 。

治疗 喝鸡汤 往汤放蔬菜有消炎的作用,可以提高你的免疫系 统,防止病毒侵犯,比如说咳嗽或者流鼻涕。

储存锌 每日定期服用75毫克的锌锭,就能够缩短患病时间 高达42%。

3. 高温 预防 保持身体温暖 普通感染的病毒在较冷的环境下会更有效地繁殖。 如果你通过天气的变化来调整自己穿衣服的量,那 么当你遇上感冒病毒的时候,会降低染上风寒20% 的风险 。

治疗 喝热饮 当威尔士的科学家把理论付诸实践时,患了感冒的 人喝了苹果和黑加仑味道的热饮料之后,流鼻涕, 咳嗽,喉咙肿痛,打喷嚏这些症状都会有好转. 38

预防 确保你每天的睡眠充足 一旦接触感冒病毒,每天睡觉少于七个小时的人会 比睡八个小时以上的人容易患上感染的几率高出三 倍多。

治疗 当你觉得想睡,就去睡 睡觉可以帮助你的身体克服感染。一旦病毒袭击 了头脑,你的大脑会产生刺激炎症的反应从而让 你想睡觉。所以这样的话你需要休息,以让身体 好起来。


4.锻炼 预防 经常锻炼 锻炼可以使你免疫系统里的细胞活跃,包括在身体周 围循环的免疫球蛋白。当病毒在你周围时,经常运动 的人会减少患感冒30%的几率。

Facts of Cold Virus • There are 200 different viruses which can result in a cold and at least half of them are caused by the rhinovirus (rhino means nose) • A cold virus remains highly infectious for up to 24 hours on an infected surface such as a hand rail or desk.


• Fever is an obvious sign that your body is fighting an infection, including one caused by the influenza virus.



简单的运动能让你感觉好点如果你的症状只限于头 疼,而不是胸痛。研究人员发现在做锻炼之后感冒 的症状会有好转。

• 有200种不同的病毒会导致感冒,至少 有一半能导致鼻病毒。 (rhino指鼻子) • 物品上的感冒病毒可保持长达24小时的 高传染度,这些物品包括扶手或桌子。 • 当一个人发烧的时候,是身体在抗击感 染的征兆,其中包括由流感病毒引起的 发烧。



Mental health of older adults

老年人精神健康 文◎Dr. Lee Lee TAN 陈丽利医生

译◎Elvie Yap 叶俐廷

与医 Medical 有约 Information 每期请来不同的专科医疗人员, 跟你一起探索健康课题

We are inviting medical professionals to share their knowledge and experience with our readers in this column. Let’s explore wellness together. Dr. Lee Lee TAN陈丽利医生 psychogeriatrician老年病精神科医生

2003年毕业于墨尔本大学医科不久 后,我开始了成为一位老年病精神科医生 的人生路程。老年病精神科医生所指的 是专门处理65岁或以上老年人精神健康 问题的精神科医生。毕业后,我用了十年 时间参加了纽省、昆州和西澳多家医院的 培训。2013年,我开始在公立和私立医院 执业。 作为一名老年病精神科医生,我常常 会被问及如何区分三种老年人常见的精 神病态。失智症、抑郁症和精神错乱有不 少相似的症状,经常难以区分。





(psychiatrist who sub-specialises in mental health of older adults aged 65 and above) began in 2003, soon after I graduated as a medical doctor from the University of Melbourne. I spent the next ten years training at various hospitals in NSW, QLD and WA. Upon obtaining my fellowship in 2013, I served in both public hospitals and private practice. As a Psychogeriatrician, I am often asked to differentiate 3 mental conditions that occur in older adults.

Dementia, depression and delirium may

mimic each other and are often hard to tell apart. The onset of Dementia is usually slow and gradual. Patients may present with memory loss and apathy which can resemble depression. There are more than 353,800 Australians currently living with dementia. The number of people with dementia is expected to hit almost 900,000 by 2050.

widowed, divorced or separated are also more likely to develop depression. Risk factors for late-life depression include female sex, social isolation, widowed, divorced or separated, lower socioeconomic status, comorbid medical conditions, pain, insomnia and functional or cognitive impairment. Delirium is a condition that may occur after an operation or as a side effect of certain medications. The patient becomes acutely confused and disoriented. Some may experience visual and/or auditory hallucination. From my personal experience throughout the years, I noticed a reluctance from many to seek treatment for mental health problems, due largely to the stigma associated with mental illness. If you or someone you know is experiencing mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, psychosis or memory loss, do not

Elderly patients who suffer from clinical depression

hesitate to discuss it with your general practitioner (GP).

present with low mood and energy, loss of interest in

Early intervention always yield better outcomes..

life, sleep disturbance and loss of appetite. Women are more likely to develop depression compared to men. Elderly people who are socially isolated,


失智症的初期症状通常是渐进型且 发展得较慢。病患者会出现记忆力衰退和 对事物缺乏兴趣,这也与抑郁症的症状相 似。目前,有超过353,800人患有失智症。 预估到2050年,失智症病患人士可达近90 万人。 患有临床抑郁症的老年病人通常会出 现情绪低落、乏力、对生活失去兴趣、失 眠和没有食欲等症状。女性比男性更容易 患有抑郁症。缺少社交活动、失去伴侣的 老年人更有可能患上抑郁症。 产生晚年抑郁症的风险因素包括:性 别是女性、遭社区隔离、失去伴侣、社会 地位低、健康出现问题、疼痛、失眠和认 知能力受损。 精神错乱通常出现在手术后或食用某 种药物后所产生的副作用。病患者会变成 严重性失调和精神混乱,甚至会出现视觉 或听觉上的幻觉。 这么多年的个人经验,我意识到有很 多病患者不愿采取治疗的原因,主要在于 对患有精神病感到羞耻。如果你或身边的 家人朋友出现精神健康问题如抑郁、焦 虑、思觉失调或记忆力衰退,请尽快与家 庭医生讨论对策。病从浅中医,往往才有 好结果。



一个妳可以自豪的家 A place to call home

Concorde’s multicultural staff and resident population provide a supportive and familiar environment for our Chinese residents. • Residential aged care • Respite care • Dementia support • 24-hour nursing care • Large community of Asian residents • Bilingual carers

• Cultural activity program • Daily Asian meals • No accommodation bond • Centrally located in South Perth

We welcome you to contact us on 9367 6 7559 for further information or to arrange a tour. Concorde Aged Care Home 25 Anstey Street South Perth WA 6151 Email: Web:



Chung Wah Chinese School

Leeming-Morley-Rossmoyne 2017 Mid Autumn Festival

Chung Wah Association, Chung Wah Chinese school and the

Mid Autumn Festival celebration Committee sincerely thank the following sponsors for their participation and support:

‘The Best of Orthodontic treatment in a Caring and Gentle environment. Joining Hands with the Local Community’

“Find Out How Much You Can Save With Us!

Stephen Kum/ 甘尚君 Funeral Director |殯儀主任| Subiaco Tel/电话(08) 9381 5888 Fax/传真: (08) 9388 3774 Mobile/手机: 0428 765 248 Email/电邮: Website/網站:

Rev C

Rev B




$5/adult. Free entry for Chung Wah Chinese School students

30 prizes to be won ! Raffle Tickets

$20/booklet of 10 tickets Ticket sale Contact: Leeming Campus: 0401 686 306 Morley Campus: 0411 249 463 Rossmoyne Campus: 0424 322 979 Chung Wah Admin: 08-9328 8657

Lucky Draw

Door Prizes

Terms & Conditions Entry tickets are eligible to win door prizes only. Raffle tickets are eligible to win lucky draw prizes and the grand prize. Free tickets are not eligible to any prizes. Ticket holders must be present to claim their prizes. After 3 calls a new number will be redrawn. Actual prizes might varies from pictures and subject to availability.

Rev A



C 1c1 C 1c1

Chung Wah Chinese School Chung Wah Chinese School Program Mid Autumn Festival Concert Mid Autumn Festival Concert Program to 9:00pm Saturday 16th September 2017, 5:30pm

TIME TIME 5:30pm 5:30pm 5:40pm


Saturday 16thCultural September 2017, to 9:00pm Chung Wah Centre, 185:30pm Radalj Place, Balcatta Chung Wah Cultural Centre, 18 Radalj Place, Balcatta


MCs - Ms. Hui Lin & Mr. Anderson An

OPENING SEQUENCE MCs - Ms. Hui Lin & Mr. Anderson An National Anthem MCs - Ms. Hui Lin & Mr. Anderson An National Anthem MCs - Ms. Hui Lin & Mr. Anderson An Welcoming Speech Mr. Ding Shao ping – CWA President

Welcoming Speech Mr. Ding Shao ping – CWA President Speech by Hon Paul PAPALIA CSC MLA Minister for Tourism; Racing and Gaming; Small Business; Defence Issues;

Speech by Hon Paul PAPALIA CSC MLA

Minister for Tourism; Racing and Gaming; Citizenship and Multicultural InterestsSmall Business; Defence Issues; Citizenship and Multicultural Interests Lion Dance CW Lion Dance Troupe & CWCS Leeming and Morley Lion Dance CW Lion Dance Troupe & CWCS Leeming and Morley Opening Performance- Chang’E in the Rainbow Sky Chung Wah Association Cultural Group Opening Performance- Chang’E in the Rainbow Sky Chung Wah Association Cultural Group

Lucky Draw (幸运抽奖) no 1 MCs - Ms. Hui Lin & Mr. Anderson An Lucky Draw (幸运抽奖) no 1 MCs - Ms. Hui Lin & Mr. Anderson An

Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra Chung Wah Association Cultural Group Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra Chung Wah Association Cultural Group Cultural Dance - Joy of Spring Chung Wah Association Cultural Group Cultural Dance - Joy of Spring Chung Wah Association Cultural Group Choy Lee Futt Kungfu Morley Choy Lee Futt Kungfu Morley Group Singing - Solo song & a little lamb wants to go home Leeming Group Singing - Solo song & a little lamb wants to go home Leeming Poem - A Song for Dad and Mum Rossmoyne Poem - A Song for Dad and Mum Rossmoyne Cultural Dance - The Drunken Beauty Morley Cultural Dance - The Drunken Beauty Morley

Lucky Draw (幸运抽奖) no 2 MCs - Ms. Hui Lin & Mr. Anderson An Lucky Draw (幸运抽奖) no 2 MCs - Ms. Hui Lin & Mr. Anderson An

Guzheng - Dance of the Yeo Tribe Guzheng - Dance of the Yeo Tribe TAI CHI You Long Fan Dance TAI CHI You Long Fan Dance Group Dance - Love and Passion Group Dance - Love and Passion AFL Demonstration AFL Demonstration

Leeming Leeming Chung Wah Association Women’s group Chung Wah Association Women’s group Chung Wah Association Women’s group Chung Wah Association Women’s group Western Australian Football Commission (WAFC) Western Australian Football Commission (WAFC)

Qi Dance Art Group Dance - 'Liang Liang' Qi Dance Art Group Dance - 'Liang Liang'

Group Singing & Dancing - Kang Kang exercises Rossmoyne Group Singing & Dancing - Kang Kang exercises Rossmoyne

Lucky Draw (幸运抽奖) no 3 MCsMCs - Hui Ms. Lin Hui & Lin & Anderson Mr. Anderson Lucky Draw (幸运抽奖) no 3 - Ms. Mr. An An

COSTUME PARADE Adults Adults Children are wearing traditional Chinese costumes are welcome to COSTUME PARADE and and Children who who are wearing traditional Chinese costumes are welcome to participate in the Costume Parade on stage participate in the Costume Parade on stage

Home-made Lanterns Leeming/Rossmoyne/Morley Leeming/Rossmoyne/Morley Calligraphy/Drawing/ Home-made Lanterns Calligraphy/Drawing/ Competition Best awards Competition - Best awards Kungfu Leeming Leeming Kungfu

Qipao Show Morley Morley TheThe Qipao Show Show - Little Looking for Food Rossmoyne Rossmoyne Show - Little LionLion Looking for Food Chinese YoYo - Diabolo Leeming Leeming Chinese YoYo - Diabolo Teacher's Choir - Heavenly Leeming Teacher's Choir - Heavenly roadroad Leeming Teacher's Choir - We are are Australia Teacher's Choir - We Australia Teacher’s Group Dance - The fire fire girl girl Teacher’s Group Dance - The

Lucky Draw (幸运抽奖) no no 4 &4 Grand Prize (特等奖) - Ms. Mr. An An Lucky Draw (幸运抽奖) & Grand Prize (特等奖) MCsMCs - Hui Ms. Lin Hui & Lin & Anderson Mr. Anderson 9:00pm 9:00pm

CLOSING SEQUENCE - Ms. Mr. An An CLOSING SEQUENCE MCs MCs - Hui Ms. Lin Hui & Lin & Anderson Mr. Anderson




AFL (FOOTY) DEMONSTRATION & GIVEAWAYS!! 中秋节快乐! ZHONG QIU JIE KUAI LE! Happy Mid-Autumn Festival 2017! 中秋节快乐! ZHONG QIU JIE KUAI LE! Happy Mid-Autumn Festival 2017!


如果您想通过文字 追悼已逝的亲人朋友, 欢迎向我们咨询有关详情 We welcome for your enquiries if you would like to use wording to pay tribute to a great family members or friends.

2007年是我们家族最难熬的一 年。我们,七个孩子十八个孙子从此与 您们阴阳相隔。为了这个家族您们无私 的付出、无条件的奉献,让身在任何国 度的子子孙孙至今仍然惦记着您们。 爷爷您漂洋过海来到异国他乡,凭着 刻苦耐劳的精神赚钱养家,给孩子吃 饱穿暖;奶奶您含辛茹苦照料子孙,秉 持再苦不能苦孩子的心态,牺牲自己 的一切给子孙一个幸福的家庭。 离开我们的十年时光,多么希望 可以常常在梦境里见到您们,盼望您 们是快乐无忧地生活在另外一个世 界。每当看到您们曾用过的物品,奶奶 曾做过的家乡菜,对您们的思念涌在 心头。


我们这叶氏家族至今仍互助互 爱,是您们以华人家庭的传统文化而 造就的。作为您们的子孙,我们会努 力把这种难能可贵的精神文化继续传 承下去。





- 2007年7月28日

- 2007年9月27日


was the most critical year for our Yap family. We, your seven children and eighteen grandchildren had since then separated from both of you forever. The unconditional love and care derived from you to the family has not been forgotten no matter where we are. Ah Gong (Grandpa), you lived in a foreign land, suffered hardship and persevered in toil raising a family and yet to ensure every child had enough to eat and wear. Ah Ma, (Grandma), you fully devoted yourself to cared for all the children and grandchildren, bearing all the bitter part of lives to ensure we grown up in a happy family. For the past ten years without seeing you both, we yearned to dream of you, praying that you could live happily in another world. Every time when we see the things you used, the dishes Ah Ma cooked, we could not stop missing you. It was because of the strong sense of traditional Chinese family values you used to raise the family, we are all care for each other, love and help each other up till now. As a descendent of both of you, we promise to endeavour keeping this precious family values generations by generations.




lanning your own funeral or memorial service can provide peace of mind to you and your family and could also mean you safeguard more of your pension to enjoy in your retirement.

A prepaid funeral, regardless of its value, is also exempt from the asset testing and thus a great way to reduce ones assessable worth, potentially safeguarding the pension seniors receive at the end of the day.

A prepaid funeral takes the responsibility away from your family and gives you the reassurance everything has been set to your wishes. It is paid for at today’s prices and incurs no further costs when the holder of the prepaid contract dies, unless the family wishes to add anything to the plan then costs will be involved. Not only a sound financial decision, a prepaid funeral also allows you to plan the service you want.

So planning and prepaying for your desired service will not only protect your family from emotional and financial hardship, but can also provide you with financial benefits today.

All of the benefit goes towards the funeral and the money is secure. A prepaid funeral is a safe and secure option that offers value for money and better service.

Chipper Funerals has the expertise to assist you with all elements of planning for your own funeral or memorial service. Decisions around flowers, music, readings, speakers, and colour schemes are just some of the decisions that must be made. The team at Chipper Funerals can work with you to create the type of event that feels most special to you, including religious or cultural traditions.

Importantly, Chipper Funerals can also assist you in speaking with your family about your desired funeral or memorial arrangements. Discussing death can be difficult and the team at Chipper Funerals has the expertise to ensure the conversation is managed gracefully. Whatever your wishes are, Chipper's team has the experience, care, and professionalism to reflect your true wishes. After all, they have been arranging funerals for the families of WA for over 100 years. To take the first step in planning for your own funeral or memorial service, please speak to your friends at Chipper Funerals on 08 9330 6344 (South Perth) or 08 9381 5888 (North Perth). And for assistance in your language of origin please ask to speak with Stephen Kum on 0428 765 248.

Make your wishes known 我们在乎你的意愿 文◎Chipper Funerals

译◎叶俐廷 Elvie Yap

前规划您的葬礼或追悼会可以使你 和你的家人免除不必要的烦恼,而 且更能保障你的养老金从而更好的享受 退休。

无论价格多少的预付葬礼都可以豁 免资产测试,因此是减少可评估价值的 好办法。这或许可保障退休人员最终获 得养老金。

预付葬礼可以让你的家人无需背负 这份责任,并确保一切都按照您的意愿 去安排。费用是以付款当天的价格为准。 合同持有人去世后不会再有额外收费。 这不仅是一个健全的财政决策,而且还 能提供你想要的服务。

提前规划和预支你的理想服务,不但可 以会让面对不必要的情绪和钱财拮据的痛 苦,同时也即时让你得到财务上的好处。

所有的福利都会在葬礼中体现,预付 的钱是绝对安全的。预付葬礼是一个物 有所值的绝佳安全的选择。 46

Chipper Funerals 有着专业的水平去帮 助你规划自己葬礼和追悼会的方方面。 鲜花,音乐,悼文,演讲人和颜色的 布置是一些必须要决定的项目。Chipper Funerals 团队会和你一起去设计适合你的 最具特色的葬礼,包括宗教和文化传统 方面的考量。

更重要的是,Chipper Funerals 可以协 助你去和你的家人去商讨你的葬礼细节。 讨论死亡这一话题是非常沉重的,我们 有专业的员工可以让此对话平和地进行 下去。 不管你有什么样的意愿,我们的团队 有着经验丰富且热诚的专业员工去达成 你的心愿。我们已经在西澳为许多家庭 筹办葬礼超过100年了。 为 规 划属于自己的葬 礼 或 追悼会 所采取的第一步,就是向如你朋友般的 Chipper Funerals 员工进行联系。请致电08 9330 6344 (South Perth)或者 08 9381 5888 (North Perth) 查询。如果你需要用母语来 表达,可以联系甘先生0428 765 248.

我们遵从您的习俗 We’ll do it your way.

我们遵从您的习俗 We’ll do it your way. Chipper Funerals has been serving Perth’s multicultural communities for Chipper Funerals 已经为珀斯的多元文化社群提供殡仪服务 over 125 years. Chipper Funerals has been serving Perth’s multicultural communities for 已经为珀斯的多元文化社群提供殡仪服务 Chipper Funerals 超过125年。 over 125 years. 超过125年。 Our highly regarded funeral directors have a wealth of experience in

我们经验丰富的葬礼主持人能在家人们最需要的时候给与他们 Our highly regarded directors wealth experience in dealing funeral with families at have theiratime of of need. 我们经验丰富的葬礼主持人能在家人们最需要的时候给与他们 及时的帮助。 dealing with families at their time of need.

Chipper Funerals supports you every step of the way and will tailor your 及时的帮助。 Chipper Funerals you traditions every step of way and will tailor your 我们提供全程支持并且能按照您的习俗和需求订制仪式。 culturalsupports values and to the your requirements. 我们提供全程支持并且能按照您的习俗和需求订制仪式。 cultural values and traditions to your requirements.

Incorporating Oakwood Funerals

Subiaco 9381 5888 SUBIACO 9381 5888 SUBIACO 5888 Myaree 9330 6344

Rockingham 9528 1244 ROCKINGHAM 9528 1244 ROCKINGHAM 9528 1244 Mandurah 9581 9166



9330 6344 6344

Universal Chung Wah Chapel

9581 9166 9581 9166

Servicing All Cemeteries – 247 7Hours 7– Pre-arranged Days – Prepaid Funerals available Servicing All Cemeteries Cemeteries ––24 Days – Pre-arranged andand Prepaid Funerals available Servicing All 24Hours Hours Days Prepaid Funerals available

華語和方言熱線: 0428 765 248 0428 765 248 華語和方言熱線: 0428 765 248 47


Activities and Services 活动与服务

Day 日期

Time 时间

Location 地点

Fee 收费

Contact 联系人

Chung Wah Chinese Cultural Dance 中华舞蹈

Saturday 周六

2.00pm - 5.00pm

Chung Wah Hall Jen Nie CHONG Each class 每堂课 128 James Street, Northbridge $10 for members 会员 08 9328 8657 $16 for non-member 非会员

Dragon & Lion Dance 中华龙狮团

Sunday 周日

2.00pm - 5.00pm

Chung Wah Hall $10 for members 会员 128 James Street, Northbridge

Stephen Kum 0416 921 422

Chinese Orchestra 中华民乐

Sunday 周日

11.00pm - 2.00pm

Chung Wah Hall Per term每学期 128 James Street, Northbridge $50

CHEN Zhi 08 9328 8657

Cantonese Opera 粤剧社

Wednesday 周三

12.00pm - 3.00pm

Chung Wah Hall Free (members only) 128 James Street, Northbridge 免费,仅限会员

Annie WONG 08 9328 8657

Beijing Opera 京剧社

Sunday 周日

11.30am - 2.00pm

Chung Wah Hall Free (members only) 128 James Street, Northbridge 免费,仅限会员

LIU Baohe 08 9328 8657

Chung Wah Women Subcommittee 中华妇女联谊活动

Saturday 周六

9.00am - 2.00pm

Chung Wah Hall Free (members only) 128 James Street, Northbridge 免费,仅限会员

Rose 0423 308 765

Social Dancing 交际舞

Monday 周一

7.30pm - 9.30pm

Chung Wah Cultural Centre 18 Radalj Place, Balcatta

Please contact Coordinator for more information.


Chung Wah Line Dancing 排排舞

Saturday 周六 Sunday 周日

12.30am - 3.30pm Chung Wah Cultural Centre 10.00am - 12.00pm 18 Radalj Place, Balcatta

Please contact Coordinator for more information.

Doreen CHIN

Chung Wah New Vogue Dance 中华新时尚交际舞

Sunday 周日

1.30pm - 3.30pm

Please contact Coordinator for more information.

Chris THEN


Chung Wah Cultural Centre 18 Radalj Place, Balcatta


Activities and Services 活动与服务

Day 日期

Day Long Respite Care Monday to 中华日间暂息中心 Friday 周一至周五

Time 时间 9.00am - 6.00pm

Location 地点 Balcatta Hub 巴卡达中心 18 Radalj Place, Balcatta Willetton Hub 威乐顿中心 58 Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton

Fee 收费 Government eligibility criteria applies, please contact Chung Wah Community and Aged Care staff for more details 此类服务都须经由政府 部门评估,请联系中华 社区与长者服务部以了 解更多详情

Centre Based Hub Activities 中华日间中心活动

Tuesday to Friday 周二至周五

9.00am - 2.00pm

Community Enquiry Service 社区咨询服务

Various 商议待定

Various 商议待定

Various 商议待定

Home Help Services 中华家居护理服务

Various 商议待定

Various 商议待定

Various 商议待定

Visitors for nursing homes or seniors’ homes 社区探访活动

Various 商议待定

Various 商议待定

Various 商议待定

Migrant English class 英文学习班

Mon, Tues, Thursday (school terms)

10.30am – 12.00pm Chung Wah Hall member $40.00/term 128 James Street, Northbridge 会员价$30/学期

Balcatta Hub 巴卡达中心 18 Radalj Place, Balcatta Willetton Hub 威乐顿中心 58 Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton

Tuesday (Northbridge) Thursday & Friday (Willetton)

Please contact Chungwah Community and Aged Care Coordinator for more information. 请向中华社区与长者服务 部了解更多详情。 Phone 电话:08 9328 3988 Email 电子邮箱 :

non-member $50.00/term

周一,二,四 (开学期间) Tai Chi class 太极班

Contact 联系人

10.00am – 11.30am Chung Wah Hall member $5.00 /session 11.00am – 12.00pm 128 James Street, Northbridge 会员价$5/节 Willetton Hub 威乐顿中心 non-member $6.00/session 58 Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton 会员价$6/节

周二 (北桥) 周四、五 (威乐顿) New Vogue Dance class 新时尚交际舞

Thursday & Friday (Willetton)

11.00am – 12.00pm Willetton Hub 威乐顿中心 58 Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton

Monthly 每月一次

会员价$5/节 non-member $6.00/session

周四 、五 (威乐顿) Community talks 社区讲座

member $5.00 /session

会员价$6/节 Monthly 每月一次

Northbridge Hub 北桥中心 U1/98 Lake Street, Northbridge

Free 免费

Balcatta Hub 巴卡达中心 18 Radalj Place, Balcatta Willetton Hub 威乐顿中心 58 Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton Community Outings 社区出游

Quarterly 每季度一次

Quarterly 每季度一次

Various 待定

Various 待定



多元文化 融合典范

An Act of Embracing Multiculturalism 暨2017年 西澳“中华杯”龙舟赛 顺利举行 2017年6月4日早十点三十分,一年一度的 由中华会馆主办,西澳龙舟协会和上海联合会 联合协办的“中华杯”龙舟赛在Armadale市的 Champion Lakes Regatta Centre 隆重举行,吸引 了一千多名群众相聚在美丽的冠军湖畔一起 看龙舟,赏表演,庆端午佳节。西澳州长代表、 公民兼多元文化部长Paul Papalia先生,中国驻 珀斯总领馆雷克中总领事,西澳反对党领袖代

Chung Wah Dragon Boat Festival 2017

表、反对党领袖议会秘书 Zak Kiakup 先生,西 澳体育部长代表、上议员杨帅先生,Armadale 市长 Henry Zelones 太平绅士,珀斯市副市长

Chung Wah Dragon Boat Festival 2017 was held at the

The annual event was supported by the State Government

James Limnio 先生,西澳龙舟协会主席 Barbara

Champion Lakes Regatta Centre located in the City of

through the Office of Multicultural Interests' Community


Armadale on 4 June, starting at 10:30am. This annual

Grants Program. “The dragon boat race is one example


event was organised by the Chung Wah Association

of the many wonderful Chinese cultural community

in partnership with the WA Shanghai Federation. The

celebrations given to us by the Chung Wah Association

participated groups include Amazons Perth Dragon Boat

– WA’s oldest ethnic association”, Citizenship and

Club; Cockburn Dragon Boat Club; Forza Dragon Boat

Multicultural Interests Minister Paul Papalia said.

Club (Bunbury); Fremantle Dragon Boat Club and Lakers

宾应邀出席观看比赛。 本次龙舟节得到了西澳多元文化办公室 的大力支持,由中华会馆与西澳龙舟协会及上

“Chinese cultural celebrations, such as this dragon boat


race, provide an opportunity for everyone to enjoy and

Amazons Perth 龙舟俱乐部、Cockburn 龙舟俱

The 2017 Dragon Boat Festival attracted a large crowd to

learn about Chinese culture, which is a rich and colourful


beautiful Champion Lakes to enjoy a variety of traditional

part of our community.”

Swan龙舟俱乐部、The Lakers 龙舟俱乐部等六

Chung Wah Association is very grateful for the support


and assistance of all the sponsors of the event, as well as


all the participants and volunteers involved in all aspects


of the event.


Dragon Boat Club.

Chinese cultural activities beteween watching the dragon boat races. Forza Dragon Boat Club (Bunbury) won the cup after a thrilling contest. The winning team was rewarded with a $1,000 food voucher sponsored by Han Palace Chinese Restaurant. Thousands of people attended the family-friendly event, which returned to Perth last year after a ten-year break. The event aims to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival which is a traditional Chinese Festival, with the WA community as well as providing a fun and healthy activity for young people. This traditional festival occurs on the fifth day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar and is celebrated by Chinese communities around the world.





上午十一点整,遵循古礼,由会馆请来的 高僧进行庄重的龙舟洒水祈福仪式,祈求人 员船只一切平安,赛事圆满顺利。中华龙舟队 队长唐智和其他五支龙舟队伍的队长在祈福 仪式后为龙舟进行一一点睛。在中国,龙舟是

生赞助的价值一千元的汉宫酒家的餐券。 本次活动由中华会馆理事会成员洪泉龙 先生担任筹委会主席。由衷感谢全体参与者 对本次活动的支持,感谢全体理事及办公室 的组织协调,感谢西澳多元文化部(Office



Multicultural Interests)、Westminster 保险经纪


公司、 Commonwealth 联邦银行、St Francis 药


房和 Chipper Funerals 公司对本次活动的资助













大利亚时报、马晓东先生、Dannis Tan 先生、苏





Chung Wah Lion & Dragon Dance Troupe

中华舞狮舞龙团 文◎Stephen Kum甘尚君

译◎Elvie Yap叶俐廷

History of Chung Wah Lion Dance Troupe The Chung Wah Lion Dance Troupe has a relatively short history. The troupe came together in Perth during the late 1960s through a group of overseas engineering students from Christmas Island with past lion dance experience. They got together and performed at restaurants, private functions, parties and cultural shows. They soon became known as the WA Lion Dance Troupe in the early 1970s. The troupe soon faced problems with a lack of new members, but luckily during this time, the Chung Wah Association indicated its interest in including lion dance as one of its activities. Because of this, the Chung Wah Association Lion Dance Troupe was formed in 1984. With the sponsorship and

formed in conjunction with the Chung Wah Chinese

Since then, the Lion & Dragon Dance Troupe has

support of the Association, new lion costumes

School. This new young troupe made its debut at

progressed in leaps and bounds. Thanks to the

and equipment were purchased and the troupe

the 75th Anniversary Celebration Festival.

hard work and dedication of the troupe leaders and

has been kept active with performances during Chinese New Year celebrations. In October 1985, a childrens lion dance troupe was

In 1988, Simon Lee donated a great green dragon that resulted in the birth of the Chung Wah Lion and Dragon Dance troupe. Until then Chung Wah Lion Dance Troupe had solely been a Lion

especially younger ones. As a result, baby and teenage lions were added to the dance troupe of adult lions.

Dance troupe. We received our first lessons in


performing the dragon by Simon Lee as he was a

internationally recognised. Being amongst the first

dragon dancer in his youth and had been a strong

of many troupes around the world to be able to fly

supporter of the troupe ever since.

three metres on the props and do a 180 degree jump

Chung Wah Lion & Dragon Dance Troupe was disbanded for about three years before being reactivated in September 2015 by three very passionate lion dancers. Two of them, Stephen Kum and Ben Lim, are former Chung Wah lion dancers, while their friend, Jason Ng, is a very experienced and knowledgeable lion dancer who recently moved to Perth from the eastern states.





on the tightropes. In 1988, Chung Wah Association Lion and Dragon Dance Troupe was invited to their first international competition in Malaysia, led by David Chew. The competition opened our eyes to what other lion dance troupes were training up for and the standards to be achieved. In 1994, we competed in Malaysia, Genting Highlands, and was ranked 7th in the world. In 1995 we competed in Hong Kong and was ranked 5th in the world and

The revival of the Chung Wah Lion & Dragon Dance

in 1996 in Malaysia we were seeded 5th out of the

Troupe would not have been possible without

28 competing teams.

the help and support of the then newly elected Executive Committee, led by President Ding Shao Ping


instructors, it has attracted a lot of new members,



Welcome New Students

上世纪六十年代末,一群来自圣诞岛的舞 狮热爱者来到珀斯攻读工程系的同时,经常在 各大华人餐馆、私人聚会和文化节庆做舞狮表 演。七十年代初,他们的舞狮团已经被公认为 一支出色的西澳舞狮团。后来,这支舞狮团被 招揽加入中华会馆旗下。中华舞狮团于1984年 正式成立。 1985年十月份,一支由儿童组织而成的舞 狮队也随着中华会馆中文学校同时成立。这支 儿童舞狮队初次登场就是在中华会馆的建馆七 十五周年庆。 1988年,富商李瑞喜先生捐赠了一条绿巨 龙,使得中华会馆舞狮团荣升为舞狮舞龙团。 李瑞喜先生年轻时曾是一名舞龙队员,他还亲 身给中华舞狮舞龙团上了一堂宝贵的一课。自 此以后,李先生是中华舞狮舞龙团的最大支持 者之一。

欢迎新生加入 There is no age limit and we encourage female members to join as well. We have two training sessions, every Friday from 6.30pm until 9:00pm in Balcatta and every Sunday from 2:00pm until 5:00pm at James Street in Northbridge. 舞狮、舞龙组组员 1998 Troupe Members

2015年九月份之前有三年时间,中华舞狮 舞龙团由于种种原因曾被解散。此团在三位舞 狮舞龙热爱者的努力下得以重见天日。其中两 位是Stephen Kum和Ben Lim,另外一位是舞狮 技术纯熟的Jason Ng。 中华舞狮舞龙团得以重启,不得不感谢由 两年前新上任的丁少平会长及他的执行委员会 团队,给予的大力支持与帮助。 重启后的中华舞狮舞龙团表现卓越,这归 功于领导和教练的用心。队友也日益增加,尤 其多见的是新加入的一群年轻小朋友的参与。 现在舞狮舞龙团不仅限于成人,还增加了青少 年和小孩舞狮团队。 中华会馆舞狮舞龙团曾参与过不少国际 舞狮竞标赛。最高排名可算是在1995年在香 港举办的国际赛中,获得世界排名第五的出色 成绩。

Lion Dance Culture 舞狮文化

Performed in costume resembling a lion, accompanied by the music of beating drums, clashing cymbals and resounding gongs, lion dances imitate a lion’s various movements or demonstrate martial arts agility, depending on the style. In many countries in South East Asia such as Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei & Thailand performed lion dance during funerals as part of their custom just to celebrate the life of the deceased however the lion must be traditional funeral colour in just black and white.

Stephen Kum, on 0416 921 422 or email to

参与中华舞狮舞龙团,没有年龄和 性别的限制,我们非常欢迎女性朋友加 入。每周两次的培训时间,分别是星期 五,晚上6:30pm–9pm在中华文化中心 和星期天下午2pm–5pm在北桥区James Street的中华会馆。我们正寻找新成 员,欢迎你的加入,请与我们的联络人 联系。

Acknowledgement of Sponsors and Supporters

特别鸣谢以下 赞助商和支持者

一九九六年马来西亚世界锦标赛 The Troupe at the 1996 World Championship in Malaysia

The lion dance has been part of the Chinese culture for thousands of years and is performed on auspicious days such as weddings, new shop openings and various festivals and celebrations. The lion, a symbol of power, wisdom and good fortune, chases away evil spirits and brings happiness, longevity and good luck. The lion dance is also performed at many business locations during Chinese New Year celebrations as the lion brings prosperity and good luck to the business for the coming year.

Currently we are still looking for fresh members to join us, so if you think you have the passion to learn and be part of the team, please contact

舞狮,是华人文化中历史悠久的一种 传统表演艺术,通常用于庆贺特别的日子如 婚庆、新张开业和各类节庆。舞狮,象征着 一种能量、智慧、喜气,可驱邪避鬼,带来欢 乐、长寿和幸运。农历新年期间,许多商户 会在营业的地点安排舞狮表演,以让业务 在新的一年可以大展鸿图。 表演者会装扮成狮子的样子,在锣鼓 音乐下,作出仿狮子的各种形态动作,结合 一些武术元素演出。 在许多东南亚国家,如:新加坡、马来 西亚、汶莱和泰国,有的葬礼还会出现黑白 素色的舞狮表演以对逝者致敬。

The Lion and Dragon Dance Troupe is very grateful for the support and assistance of the Executive Committee and parents of their Lion Dance team and would like to acknowledge

中华舞狮舞龙团衷心感谢中华执行 委员会和舞狮团队员的父母这些年 来的支持与帮助。在此,我们也特 别鸣谢一下赞助商: Sponsors for the Baby Lions

小舞狮赞助者: Ian, Jay, Kim & Lester Tan, Doreen Chin Sponsors for the Teenage Lions

舞狮赞助商: Dinkum Oriental and Chung Wah New Vogue Dancers, Central Oriental Food Supply Jason Ng Sponsors for the Chung Wah Lion & Dragon Dance Troupes uniforms

中华舞狮团制服赞助者: Francis and Mary Wee, John Chee and Chung Wah Line Dancing



CAC Volunteer Appreciation 志愿者聚餐 7月15日,中华 社 区及长者服务在中华 文化中心办了一场志愿 者感恩聚餐会。目前, 中华社区及长者服务 有 2 2 0 名注 册的志 愿 者,服务的范畴包括为 长者准备膳食、广播节 目、家居及养老院长者 探访等等。当天出席的 志愿者大约五十人。其 中资历最深的莫过于 服务超过25年的龙先 生。 中华CAC员工廖先生高歌一曲






On 15 July, Chung Wah Community and Aged Care (CAC) organised a volunteer appreciation lunch at Chung Wah Balcatta Centre. Currently, CAC has 220 registered volunteers helping in services ranging from meal preparation, radio broadcasting and home and residential facility visits, etc. The event was attended by approximately 50 people. The longest-serving volunteer of the day was Mr Loong, who has been helping as a volunteer for over 25 years.





Women's Subcommitee 中华会馆妇女部 中华会馆妇女部连续在2016年和2017年的 农历新年组织承办了中华新年文化艺术节的小 舞台表演,组织了长达四个小时的文艺表演。 今年更由妇女部傅绪琼副部长召集了社区十多 个社团参加民族文化游行方阵活动,尽展中华 文化风采,博得主流社会青睐。 3月,妇女部主办了三八妇女节庆祝及活 动汇报演出活动,邀请了社区各方妇女前来参 与。 6月初,第二届中华龙舟节,在开幕式剪裁 仪式上,美丽端庄、落落大方的礼仪小姐们款 款而出,她们大都是妇女部骨干成员。妇女部

妇女部会餐:妇女部组织的活动丰富多样,吸引了众 多会员参加。每周六,姐妹们团聚在这里太极、舞蹈、 健身、会友,欢乐着大家的欢乐

表演了多支欢快热烈的广场舞,还有太极扇, 游龙扇,游龙扇糅合了太极和舞蹈,阴柔刚劲, 令观众们眼前一亮。除了文艺表演,龙舟上奋力 拼搏的赛手中活跃着妇女部成员的身影,秘书 邱小红是龙舟赛的主力干将。 6月底,妇女部和西澳Vintage摩托车赛俱 乐部联谊,在俱乐部礼堂表演了富有民族特色 的中华舞蹈,太极扇和太极刀,赢得一阵阵热 烈的掌声。



The Women’s Subcommittee of Chung Wah

clubs for an impressive ethnic cultural parade



that received an overwhelming response from

entertainment programs of both the Perth Chinese

the community. In addition, we also organised

New Year Fair in 2016 and 2017. A series of art and

an International Women’s Day celebration event

cultural performances were organised for a four-

in March. On 4 June, we performed a series of

hour stage performance. Ms XuQiong Fu, the vice

cultural dances and tai chi at the 2017 “Chung Wah

chairperson of the Women’s Committee, gathered

Cup” Dragon Boat Race. At the end of June, we

members from over ten other associations and

promoted traditional Chinese art and culture at the





Vintage Motorcycle Club by presenting a traditional Chinese dance and a tai chi fan dance.




祝天下爸爸“父亲 节快 乐” Happy Father’s Day 爸爸,虽然 孩子 远在他国,但是您的


前闯。谢谢 鼓励常围绕着我,使我更加勇敢地向 节快乐, 您,爸爸!在这特别的日子里,祝您父亲 我永远爱您! 诗意 上

傲。 ,您是我们心中的骄 子 孩 的 您 为 成 能 兴 我们很高 家,我 苦您了。为了育儿养 辛 爸 爸 , 出 付 的 们 谢谢您对我 饱, ,只是想给我们吃得 作 工 的 力 努 在 都 天 们知道您每 睡得暖。 都 论 遇 到什么困难 ,您 无 , 适 舒 全 安 得 变 有您家 才 顾、鼓 谢您对我们的爱、照 谢 , 爸 爸 。 雨 挡 风 是为我们遮 。 我们开心,关心我们 逗 会 都 常 时 您 。 伴 励、引导与陪

乐,我爱你 乐!!爸爸,父亲节快 洵 彦升、于芹、于娜、于



陪 伴 我 们 两姐

远平安、幸福 、快

我们讲 故事 、 唱歌 给 我们听。希望 您注 意 身 体 , 健康快 乐。 爱您的芷薇、 芷菲


身 体健 康,永 趁着父亲节,祝爸 爸

爸 爸,谢 谢 您


舒 ,有 您 家 才 变 得 安 全 爸 爸您是家的脊梁 怕雨大 大伞,有您我们才不 适,您是遮风挡雨的 们变得 们成长,也是您是我 风狂;是您教会了我 ,父亲 您为我们所 做的一切 更勇敢 。爸 爸,感谢 健 康快 日子里,祝爸爸永远 节将至,在这感恩的 的父亲节日快乐! 乐!也祝愿天下所有 Emma & Jack‘ 您的儿女们: Tina,

To Ow Life has given u s a loving husban d, selfless father and a wonder ful family. You are quiet as yo always are, but u in your silence yo ur lo ve for us is beyond words. How special yo u are to us and we are grateful have you in our to lives. We love yo u ve ry m u ch and wish you a very Happy Father’s Day! From Lili,Kam ile and Maurice

爸 亲爱的爸 ! 亲节快乐 父 , 爸 爸 的 您是最好 世杰 jamin 吴 n e B m o Fr


Only for Members New opportunities to advertise your business

$80+GST 优惠有效的广告机会 - 仅公开给会员 每期广告仅需 $80+GST

Chung Wah A ssociation

128 James Str eet, Northbrid ge WA 08 9328 8657 w w w.chung w 珀斯历史 最 悠久的民族 团体 Perth longest h is

tory ethnic org anisation

Advertising with us 广告热线 Tel 电话: (08) 9328 8657 Email 邮箱:


We invite you to join the Chung Wah Family

炎黄子 孙 共同的大家庭 Annual Membership rates 年会费 Category 类别

Standard 普通

Concession 优惠

Family 家庭



Individual 个人



You can join us by either calling our membership and enquiry hotline 入会及咨询热线

9328 8657

or downloading a membership application form online 网上下载入会申请表格

or email to us 申请表电子回传

or post it to us 或邮寄回传

or fax it to us 或传真回传

PO Box 73, Northbridge WA 6865

9227 5694



会员的人生大事,中华都想知道。此栏目特别为会员而设,让你在这分享找到终生伴侣、迎接新生命等的快乐时光。 Make your family’s important day known. We specially design this Special Moment column for our members to share their precious moments in their lives. We welcome photos taken on your wedding day as well as the arrival of a new member in your family, or photos of other special moments that you would like to share in this column.

Marriage 良缘 Helene Fung & Rex Lau – married in March 2017 佳偶天成 -- 冯恺盈和刘国伟

New Born 新生 Lam Family –arrived on 9 April 2017 林家新生儿林俊屹-生于2017年4月9日

Left to right (左至右) Sow Chan WOO 邬秀珍 (Paternal Grandmother) Hoy Leong LAM林海良 (Father) Lucas Jun Yi LAM 林俊屹 (New Born) Adrian Jun Yew LAM 林俊耀 (Son) Poh Meng PHOI 贝宝明 (Mother) Wan Bee LOOI 雷远美 (Maternal Grandmother)


Chung Wah member and long-time volunteer, Helene Fung married Rex Lau in March 2017 中华会员兼资深志愿者冯恺盈女士与刘国伟先生于 2017年三月结为夫妇


We would like to find out how our members know our Association. 作为中华会馆会员,你对中华会馆有多了解呢? What is the date when Chung Wah Association was formally registered? 中华会馆是在哪天正式注册呢?

A. 10 June 1910 B. 12 July 1910 C. 11 August 1911 D. 16 May 1911 Tell us in 30 words or less, what you like about Chung Wah. 请以30个字或以下写出你喜欢中华会馆哪方面呢?

Enter Now 如何参加 To enter this exclusive prize winning quiz for members, tell us the answers to the above question and provide your full name, email address, address and membership number before 15 September 2017. You can send your answers and details to one of the following contact options: 想要参加这项进公开给会员的有奖问答,请回答以上问题,将答案联同 参加者名字、电子邮箱、地址和会员号,在9月15日之前发到以下的 联系方式

传真Fax: (08) 92275694


邮寄Address: PO Box 73 Northbridge WA 6865

答对的一位参加者,可 获得由赞助商赞助的一 包价值$25的50g茶叶。 A sponsored gift of 50g of Chinese tea leaves valued at $25 will be rewarded to a selected contestant who provided the correct answers.







Advertise with Us

《中华之声》广告邀请 《中华之声》双语季刊由西澳中华会馆编辑出版。成 立于1909年的中华会馆,是西澳规模最大、实力最强的 华人社团,得到澳大利亚联邦、西澳洲、珀斯市和各 个地区政府的共同承认,是西澳超过14万华人的官方代 言人。 每一期的《中华之声》,通过素材丰富的人物专 访、背景介绍、相关知识和信息的深度和广度挖掘, 来对每一个与会员和本地华人密切相关的不同主题, 进行全面演释和报道,我们力求通过多样的形式和风 格,来传达中华会馆关于“凝聚华人精神、传承中国 文化、加强人道关怀”的理念追求,以此来记录中华 会馆乃至西澳华人社会百年以来的生活历程和历史变 迁。 本刊向会员和包括商业机构、政府部门和其它非盈 利性组织在内的全社会各界人士免费寄送,同时在中 华会馆网站中有电子版可供阅读和 下载。 我们诚挚地邀请您在本刊发布广告,将您的产品和 服务信息与我们的读者分享。我们具有全方面专业才

The Chung Wah Magazine is a bilingual quarterly publication of the Chung Wah Association. Founded in 1909,the Chung Wah Association is the largest and most established Chinese organization in Western Australia. We are recognised by the federal, state, and local governments as the spokesperson for the Chinese community in WA which numbers over 140000. Each edition of the magazine has a major theme or topic to report and explain matters and information that impact our members and the Chinese community. This is done through comprehensive research and interviews, and expressed via storytelling and reporting based on fascinating and factual materials and information. We strive to use a variety of styles and formats to spread the messages of the Association in promoting cohesion within the Chinese community, preserving our rich heritage, and increasing our efforts in people services. In the process, through this generates a historical record for the Association and the WA Chinese community of their life experiences and changes time. The magazine is posted to our members, the business community, government departments, and other non-profit organisations. The electronic version is available on our website,au. We invite you to advertise in our magazine to share information about your goods and services with readers. We have a professional team of people with a variety of expertise that can help you to optimize your business’ exposure and presentation.


《中华之声》广告费标准 Advertisement Rates For Chung Wah Magazine 位置 Position

全页 Full Page

半页 Half Page

¼页 Quarter Page

普通内页 Inside pages

$600 + GST

$300 + GST

$200 + GST

封面内页 Inside front cover

$900 + GST

无 Not Applicable

无 Not Applicable

封底内页 Inside back cover

$900 + GST

无 Not Applicable

无 Not Applicable

中心页 Centre page

$900 + GST

无 Not Applicable

无 Not Applicable

$1,500 + GST

无 Not Applicable

无 Not Applicable

封底 Outside back cover

*广告设计或许需额外收费 Extra costs may be charged if artwork is required

广告热线 Advertisement Contact Details 电话 Tel: (08) 9328 8657 | 电邮 E-mail: 62



2017 Annual General Meeting

二零一七年度会员大会 Saturday 21st October 2017, 2:30pm 10 月 21 日周六下午 2 点 30 分 巴卡达中华文化中心 Chung Wah Cultural Centre, 18 Radalj Place, BALCATTA

中华会馆年度会员大会 期待您的参与! Together, We make a difference

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