1 minute read
Worship and Liturgy
Little Books on Liturgy
Series Edited by Samuel Torvend The basics of Episcopal and Anglican worship in North America are explored in this Little Books series, which invites parishioners and newcomers to consider both the beauty of worship and Episcopal ethical commitments. SAMUEL TORVEND is senior historian in Religion at Pacific Lutheran University and associate priest for adult formation at Christ Episcopal Church in Tacoma, Washington. He is the chair emeritus of the Commission on Liturgy and the Arts in the Diocese of Olympia and a much-published author on liturgy and social justice.
Church Publishing 9781640654228 $8.95 paper | 5 x 7 | 96 pages September 21, 2021
Much Fine Gold
The Revised Common Lectionary Gail Ramshaw How does this contemporary lectionary nourish Christian faith and life? Further, why does the lectionary employ metaphor, the richest form of language, in the midst of the worshiping assembly? How do the biblical readings prepare worshippers for the church’s mission? Well-known liturgist and author Gail Ramshaw opens up the logic and purpose of this widely used resource.

Church Publishing 9781640654204 $8.95 paper | 5 x 7 | 80 pages September 21, 2021

Church Publishing 9781640654181 $8.95 paper | 5 x 7 | 80 pages September 21, 2021
Abide in Peace
Healing and Reconciliation Marcus George Halley How is Christian community fostered when healing and reconciliation are prayerfully and actively sought? How do the ancient rituals of healing practiced among us today form a community committed to the Way of Love, the Way of Healing? And how does such practice lead the Christian community to seek peace?
For the Life of the World
The Essentials of Episcopal Worship Samuel Torvend The ecumenical movement of the 20th century revealed a common pattern of worship among Christian communions, a pattern that bears the imprint of distinctive denominational emphases. In this exploration of that pattern, Samuel Torvend invites readers to delve into this flexible tradition that centers a parish in the life of God given for the life of the world.