fall 2022 New Releases

The Book of Common Prayer/ El Libro de Oración Común 2022 Translation, Pew Edition
The Book of Common Prayer/ Le Livre de la Prière Commune 2022 Translation, Pew Edition


The Spanish-language translation is also available in an inexpensive, compact paperback edition that is ideal for personal use as well as a bilingual edition which was created to support bilingual congregations.
Selections from the Book of Common Prayer/Selecciones del Libro de Oración Común Bilingual Edition, 2022 Translation x 7.5 | 376 pages March 21, 2023
Hardcover$32.959781640656086|5x 7.5 | 740 pages January 17, 2023
The Book of Common Prayer Our Publishing LONG-AWAITEDImprintsNEWTRANSLATIONS

The Book of Common Prayer/ El Libro de Oración Común 2022 Translation, Personal Edition x 6 | 888 pages December 20, 2022
Based on modern translation principles, these newly authorized translations of the Book of Common Prayer contain Spanish and French-language liturgical materials for use in the Episcopal Church. A monumental liturgical and literary work is available in accessible translation. Created using dynamic equivalence, with an eye toward inclusive language throughout, these translations support the liturgical and pastoral needs of Spanish and French-speaking Episcopalians. The hardcover editions are designed for use in churches, with a sturdy binding and cover.

Hardcover$24.959781640656048|5x 7.5 | 888 pages December 20, 2022

In her work as executive director of the Absalom Jones Center for Racial Healing, Meeks has fought tirelessly to shed light on racism and provide tools and experiences to enable faith communities to work to combat it. In this new book, she shares highlights and insights from her journey and offers a muchneeded meditative guide for the weary and frustrated. By looking inward and at each other clearly, she argues, good people of all backgrounds can forge a long-term and individual path to making a difference. With personal stories and thoughtful direction, she takes the reader on the trajectory from self-awareness to recognition of the past to a new and individual way forward.
Related ReadingLiving into God’s
“In this hard-hitting yet heartfelt analysis, historians Meeks and Stroupe use Gilded Age reformer Ida B. Wells (1862–1931) as a touchstone for a discussion of 21st century racism. In simple language, Meeks and Stroupe present a cogent, persuasive blueprint for achieving racial justice and equality in America.”

Passionate for Justice B. Wells as Prophet for Our Time
The Night is Long but Light Comes in the Morning Meditations for Racial Healing
Meditation topics include how to work through fear and rage, how stories can help heal, honoring your ancestors while looking toward the future, what it really means to love one another, and the meaning of social justice.
This collection of nine essays is honest, pragmatic, and courageous in its real-world view of racism and how people of faith and conscience can work together to “dismantle racism.” Reflection questions at the end of the book, appropriate individual or engender deeper discussions.

9780819233219 | $21.95 | paper

Foreword by Michael B. Curry
Edited by Catherine Meeks

churchpublishing.org 1 Christian Living/Social Issues Morehouse Hardcover$24.959781640655973Publishing|5.5x8.5| 224 Pages November 22, 2022
—The Rev. Rachel Taber-Hamilton, vice president of the House of Deputies CATHERINE MEEKS, PhD, is executive director of the Absalom Jones Center for Racial Healing. She is the retired Clara Carter Acree Distinguished Professor of Socio-Cultural Studies from Wesleyan College and Founding Executive Director of the Lane Center for Community Engagement and Service. She is the editor of Living Into God’s Dream: Dismantling Racism in America and co-author of Passionate for Justice: Ida B Wells as Prophet for Our Times. She lives in Atlanta, Georgia. Dream Dismantling Racism in America
From the winner of The President Joseph R. Biden Lifetime Achievement Award, a spiritual guide to restoring yourself from racial trauma and committing to the long work of dismantling racism.
Catherine Meeks and Nibs Stroupe Foreword by Stacey Abrams
“Meeks is clear that racial healing is the work of a lifetime, requiring our thoughtful meditation and therapeutic response. Ultimately, only we can be the cure that we seek.”
group study, can
Catherine Meeks
Foreword by Jim Wallis
Publishers Weekly 9781640651609 | $21.95 | paper
The Book of Occasional Services 2022
Newly updated Episcopal liturgies for every season.
The Book of Occasional Services 2022 contains authorized liturgies for numerous occasions, including seasonal blessings, lessons and carols for Christmas and Advent, tenebrae, blessing of animals, preparation for baptism, planting of churches, setting apart for a religious vocation, and more. This new edition features additional liturgical materials authorized by the General Convention of the Episcopal Church in 2022, such as a liturgy for quinceañeras and revised liturgies for the founding of a church and reaffirmation of ordination vows.

January 17, 2023
January 17, 2023
| 584 pages
Worship & Liturgy
The Episcopal Church
Lesser Feasts and Fasts 2022
Newly revised commemorations for saints and occasions throughout the church year.
2 churchpublishing.org
| 364 pages
The Episcopal Church
Lesser Feasts and Fasts supplements the Book of Common Prayer with material to commemorate numerous saints and occasions. This 2022 version of Lesser Feasts and Fasts includes new commemorations authorized by the General Convention of the Episcopal Church in 2022 including the consecration of Bishop Barbara Clementine Harris, Simeon Bachos (the Ethiopian eunuch), Episcopal deaconesses, and Frederick Howden, Jr.

Hearts Ablaze
—Kelly Brown Douglas, author of Sexuality and the Black Church: A Womanist Perspective 9781596272415 | $24.95 | paper
“This much-needed book provides theological support and a word of hope for transgender allies. Combining thoughtful scholarship and honest personal narrative, Soughers helps Christians think differently about gender and God and so creates room to stand with and receive the gifts of transgender people in our midst.”
Patrick S. Cheng
In this new set of devotions, Rolf R. Nolasco Jr. examines ten parables (or queerables) of Jesus with a queer eye. Intertwining lived stories with a fresh take on familiar biblical parables, this book repurposes weapons that have been used to clobber queer spirits and uses them as a source of subversion and resistance. Designed to be used by individuals and groups, these queerables set hearts ablaze and ignite the queer spirit.
churchpublishing.org 3 Spirituality Morehouse Paperback$18.959781640653658Publishing|5.5x8.5| 208 Pages October 18, 2022
Ten parables that highlight God’s extravagant welcome.
Rainbow Theology Bridging Race, Sexuality, and Spirit

DR. ROLF R. NOLASCO, JR. is the Rueben P. Job Professor of Spiritual Formation and Pastoral Theology at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary in Evanston, Illinois. As a queer person of color whose country of origin is the Philippines, Rolf works at the intersection of critical and liberative psychology, theology, spirituality, and affective neuroscience to address the complexity of the human condition. He is the author of The Contemplative Counselor: A Way of Being, Compassionate Presence: A Radical Response to Human Sufferings, and God’s Beloved Queer. He lives in Evanston, Illinois.
Related ReadingBeyond a Binary God A Theology for Trans* Allies

Rolf R. Nolasco Jr.
Parables for the Queer Soul

Tara K. Soughers
—Scott Bader-Saye, academic dean and professor of Christian Ethics and Moral Theology, Seminary of the Southwest, Austin, Texas 9780898690057 | $16.95 | paper
“This is a landmark book. It not only brings to the center of theological reflection the silenced but vibrant voices of LGBTIQ persons of color, but it charts ground-breaking directions for religious thought, church practices, and social and political analysis.”
V. Romanik, president of the Episcopal Church Foundation
“I recommend this valuable resource to all lay and clergy religious leaders who are looking for guidance and inspiration in launching a program in their own local —Donaldcontexts.”
An interfaith guide to planned giving.
JAMES W. MURPHY, a Certified Fund Raising Executive, is managing program director at the Episcopal Church Foundation (ECF). Active in ecumenical collaborations, he works with congregations, dioceses, and other Episcopal organizations to grow their endowments and develop their planned giving programs and various philanthropic efforts and resources. He is a member of the Association for Financial Professionals (AFP) and the Philanthropic Planning Group of Greater New York (PPGGNY). He lives in New Jersey.
intentionally inclusive of Christian and other faith traditions by offering several case studies from a variety of Christian denominations and other religions, including Roman Catholic, Episcopal, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Baptist, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Sikh, and others.
4 churchpublishing.org
Faithful Giving
The Power of Decisive Action and Incremental Change
Church Paperback$29.959781640654761Publishing|6x9 256 Pages 18, 2022
Foreword by Donald V. Romanik
Planned gifts are typically the largest gifts received by a charity and can transform religious organizations and congregations to become more sustainable, impactful, and vibrant entities for decades to come. Encouraging planned gifts to congregations and religious organizations is essential at this time of tremendous generational wealth transfer; these gifts also provide an opportunity to enhance relationships between supporters and organizations. Many congregations and religious entities fear that they cannot raise these transformational gifts due to a lack of expertise among staff or volunteers, the limited financial resources of their constituents, or the simple discomfort of addressing ultimate issues with donors. Faithful Giving can help change those Thedynamics.bookis
“The discussions and case studies from the variety of faith perspectives further ingrained in me that faith can be a driving force behind one’s philanthropic legacy, and it is up to each of us in our roles to harness and implement those aspirations in our own way. You will take away many practical approaches and reflections to build a successful program no matter how large or small.”
The Heart of Planned Gifts James W. Murphy Foreword by Robert F. Sharpe Jr.

—Kevin McGowan, chief financial officer of Catholic Extension

Related ReadingFaithful
Edited by James W. Murphy
Faithful Investing provides thoughtful insights and practical guidance from experts who daily navigate the multifaceted labyrinth of faith-based investing. The variety of approaches will assure congregations, organizations, and individuals at all levels of expertise and understanding that there are ways to synergize their resources and their heart-felt desires as followers of Jesus in ways that witness to the local, national, and global communities of which we are a part.”
—Marcia Shetler, executive director/CEO of the Ecumenical Stewardship Center 9781640652446 | $24.95 | paper

This long-awaited work by the church’s top clergy, scholars, and thought leaders examines the theological foundation of Beloved Community and its threats. It addresses such important topics as the legacy and sin of white supremacy, economic disparity, racial healing, and the call for reparations. The committee’s work sheds light on the societal and cultural implications of the largest obstacle to the core mission of Presiding Bishop Michael Curry and outlines what is necessary for the future of racial justice.
Seabury Paperback$39.959781640655881Books|6x 9 | 248 Pages Available Now
Edited by Allen K. Shin and Larry R. Benfield Foreword by Michael B. Curry
Realizing Beloved Community
ALLEN K. SHIN was elected to be bishop suffragan of the Episcopal Diocese of New York on December 7, 2013, at a special election convention held at Manhattan’s Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine, and was consecrated at the Cathedral on Saturday May 17, 2014. He lives in New York, New York.
Stories, Scripture, and Liturgy in International Peacebuilding
Robert S. Heaney and John Y. H. Yieh with Jean A. Cotting Foreword by Archbishop Hosam Naoum, Diocese of Jerusalem
ROBERT S. HEANEY PhD, DPhil is professor of theology and mission, Virginia Theological Seminary, USA. He has experience in research, teaching, ministry, and consultation on three continents. Widely published, his most recent works include Post-Colonial Theology: Finding God and Each Other Amidst the Hate; The Promise of Anglicanism with William L. Sachs; and God’s Church for God’s World (Senior Editor). He lives in Alexandria, Virginia.
churchpublishing.org 5
| 232
A major study on the theology of Beloved Community.

“This is a welcome and important statement by the House of Bishops Theology Committee that will strengthen and continue the church’s important conversations about beloved community. It challenges us not to stop with conversation but to move on to action—repairing and transforming relationships through acts of material repentance.”
Report from the House of Bishops Theology Committee
Building Dialogue
JOHN Y. H. YIEH, PhD is the Molly Laird Downs Professor in New Testament at the Virginia Theological Seminary in Alexandria, Virginia. His research focuses on the Gospel of Matthew and the Johannine Literature from the vantage of sociological and history-of-effects approaches. His published works include Conversations with Scripture: The Gospel of Matthew; A History of Biblical Interpretation in China; and One Teacher: Jesus’ Teaching Role in Matthew’s Gospel. He lives in Alexandria, Virginia.
A guide to enhancing dialogue in peacebuilding and conflict resolution. Building Dialogue is intended as an aide to inter-contextual analysis of conflict and practices of peace. This book emerges from inter-cultural relationships and discernment. Based on a three-year effort by a community of scholars and practitioners from across the Anglican Communion who reflected on the nature of conflict in relation to Christian visions of peace.

Available Now
The Living Church
LARRY R. BENFIELD was elected the thirteenth bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Arkansas in 2006 and consecrated in 2007. He lives in Little Rock, Arkansas.
Christian Church
Church Paperback$28.959781640655935Publishing|6x9 Pages
Stephanie Spellers, author of The Church Cracked Open
Active congregations can change the world.
Christian Church
6 churchpublishing.org
Vital Christian Community offers churches of every kind access to clear, tested practices and pathways toward authentic, transformed life with Jesus and with each —Theother.”Rev.Canon
“Dr. Sandra T. Montes is a prophetic and fearless evangelist who loves God’s people and God’s church. Her use of personal stories and anecdotes shines a loving and sometimes harsh light on the ways that our good intentions may fall flat—and she offers practical and insightful strategies for moving forward in a more authentic and sustainable way. If your church or ministry needs an infusion of new energy, you must read this book!”
Phil Brochard and Alissa Newton
Sandra T. Montes
PHIL BROCHARD has served as the rector of All Souls Episcopal Parish in Berkeley, California, since 2008. As a trainer with the College for Congregational Development and as a consultant with congregations and dioceses in leadership development and lecturer at seminaries, Phil has helped develop and apply a variety of models to help congregations learn, grow, adapt, and thrive. He lives in Albany, California.
| 240 Pages September 20, 2022
At a time when all kinds of institutions are being buffeted by swift and strong cultural forces, Brochard and Newton believe the congregation to be a primary site for the transformation of individuals, communities, and the world and that the measures for congregational vitality begin with health, faithfulness, and effectiveness as local expressions of the Church.
ALISSA NEWTON serves the Episcopal Diocese of Olympia as canon for Congregational Development and Leadership Formation. She is also the vicar of St. Columba’s Episcopal Church in Kent, Washington. Alissa is a co-founder of the College for Congregational Development and has over a decade of experience as a development consultant with congregations across the mainline church. Alissa lives in Des Moines, Washington.
Vital Christian Community 12 Characteristics of Healthy Congregations

For the fifteenth anniversary of its publication, this revised edition features a new introduction from the author on the state of the church and its “radical welcome” today, along with new reflections on how it continues to reshape the 9781640654686church. | $22.95 | paper
Embracing God, The Other, and the Spirit of Transformation
Stephanie Spellers
Related ReadingBecoming REAL And Thriving in Ministry

Church Paperback$28.959781640655201Publishing|6x9
This insightful resource holds the tools to creating engaged groups, including: developing a strong sense of purpose, building trust, encouraging curiosity, becoming more collaborative, appreciating productive conflict, and others.
—Heidi J. Kim, director of talent and organizational culture at Propel Nonprofits in Minneapolis, Minnesota 9781640652484 | $19.95 | paper
Radical Welcome, 15th Anniversary Revised Edition

While churches have long since used technology to reach broader audiences, the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in a huge, sudden shift in the ways in which congregations were able to gather. This book explores the role of digital technology in faith-based communities in the future, serving as a guide for church leaders to expand their digital ministries beyond a broadcast model.

Related ReadingTheDigital Cathedral
This timely guide provides insight and tools to address the challenges and opportunities in leading ministry in a new hybrid world.
Networked Ministry in a Wireless World Keith ForewordAndersonbyElizabeth Drescher
“In The Digital Cathedral, Keith has provided not simply tips on using social media or the Internet for ministry, but rather offers us the means by which to participate in the virtual Body of Christ, extending the care and compassion of the gospel to, quite literally, the ends of the earth via digital means.”
—David J. Lose, president, The Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia 9780819229953 | $34.95 | paper
Topics include hybrid leadership, the role of technology during disruptive circumstances, digital technology in faith formation and mission, the metaverse, and steps in integrating digital media in lifelong faith formation, among others. This guide also addresses digitally enabled strategies in faith formation events.
The Agile Church Spirit-Led Innovation in an Uncertain Age

Dwight J. Zscheile
“Zscheile understands that innovation must be a way of life for churches in the next decades. This is one of the most important books I have read in a long time.”
The author compiles a variety of useful resources that provide insight on the challenges associated with using technology in faith formation teaching contexts, as well as the advantages and opportunities that arise in a hybrid environment.
Christian Church
Leading Digital Ministry A Comprehensive Guide Marvin Bergman

churchpublishing.org 7 Church Paperback$34.959781640656062Publishing|6x9 | 256 Pages December 20, 2022
MARVIN BERGMAN (1934–2022) was a professor of Theology at Concordia University for nearly thirty years, where he was also the editor for Issues in Christian Education. He was a church planter-pastor at Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Warren, Michigan and a religious education consultant for Hong Kong International School. He held an MDiv at Concordia Seminary, an MEd from Presbyterian School of Christian Education, an EdD from Columbia University, and a PhD from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
—Lovett Weems, professor of church leadership, Wesley Theological Seminary 9780819229779 | $24.95 | paper
—The Rt. Rev. J. Neil Alexander, author, Celebrating Liturgical Time
Other Books in the Series
For the Life of the World The Essentials of Episcopal Worship
In a world and nation marked by suffering and division, Marcus Halley invites readers to explore rituals of healing and reconciliation in parish practice. 9781640654204 | $8.95 | paper

Much Fine Gold The Revised Common Lectionary Gail Ramshaw

“Samuel Torvend offers a primer on the essentials of worship that takes the reader more deeply into the liturgical and theological purpose of the Sunday gathering.”

Juan M. C. Oliver
Ideal for group or individual study in churches, seminaries, and schools of ministry.
Shaped by Worship
JUAN M. C. OLIVER has served in a variety of ministerial positions as vicar, interim rector, acting canon to the ordinary, and as an academic and professor. Dr. Oliver has published widely on worship and Latino ministry. Ripe Fields: The Promise and Challenge of Latino Ministry was published in 2009; A House of Meanings: Christian Worship in Plain Language in 2020. The Rev. Dr. Oliver lives in Santa Fé, New Mexico.
Liturgy and Formation
Worship & Liturgy
—The Rev. Dr. Paul Fromberg, author, The Art of Disruption 9781640654181 | $8.95 | paper
8 churchpublishing.org Church Paperback$9.959781640655904Publishing|5x7 | 80 Pages September 20, 2022
“The Little Books on Liturgy series is a gift to the church that will inspire parish conversations, liturgy planners, and individual study. These are great resources that deserve wide circulation and broad engagement.”
9781640654228 | $8.95 | paper

Juan Oliver, former custodian of the Book of Common Prayer, outlines why rituals and liturgy have great meaning in forming individuals and communities. His work is focused on topics such as the sacraments, worship, mystery, and the sacred.

The newest in the Little Books on Liturgy series, focused on the intersection of liturgy and formation.
Samuel Torvend
Marcus George Halley
Abide in Peace Healing and Reconciliation
Well-known liturgist and author Gail Ramshaw opens up the logic and purpose of this widely used resource, The Revised Common Lectionary.
Susan Eaddy
—Julie Hedlund, author of Over, Bear! Under, Where?
churchpublishing.org 9 Morehouse Hardcover$21.959781640654907Publishing|11.5x8| 48 Pages October 11, 2022
A unique retelling of a timeless story for the Christmas season and beyond.
“[A] tale full of heart, faith, and friendship. Truly stunning.”
SUSAN EADDY is an award-winning illustrator, author, and art director. She is the illustrator of Sir Drake the Brave and author of Eenie Meenie Halloweenie. Eaddy has won international 3D illustration awards, earned a Grammy nomination, and has served as a judge for the Audie Awards. She lives in Nashville, Tennessee.
Related Reading Sir Drake the Brave Joy IllustratedJordan-LakebySusan Eaddy The magical story of how a boy with a disability who is bullied finds the hero within. 9781640654532 | $18.95 | hardcover Children’s Books

In this enchanting story, Melchior, one of the three wisemen, finds himself waking night after night with a calling he can’t ignore. Still in the throes of worry about the unknown, he embarks on a perilous, unpredictable journey to follow a newly risen star in the vast and inviting sky. At his side is his wise and loyal camel Nubia, who never loses hope and is steadfast in their purpose. As they travel the distance of a remarkable landscape, and transcend the perils of doubt, Melchior learns an important lesson in faithfulness and facing your fears.
The Worried Wiseman

| 512 Pages
The everything-you-need-to-know adult guide to the Episcopal Church— now in Spanish.
Church Paperback$44.959781640655744Publishing|6x9
The author has interwoven new content recognizing the diversity of the church and the significance of events and individuals previously less acknowledged. For church historians, seminarians, and those who have interest in the past, present, and future developments within the Episcopal and broader religious landscape.
ROBERT W. PRICHARD has been teaching liturgy at Virginia Theological Seminary since 1979. While his primary publications have been in church history, he has contributed occasional articles to journals and collections about the liturgy. Prichard has been a General Convention deputy since 2006 and has twice served on the General Convention’s Joint Committee on Liturgy and Music. At the convention of 2015, he served as one of the two secretaries of that body. He lives in Alexandria, Virginia.
| 288 Pages
This updated and revised translated edition incorporates new initiatives and changes in the Episcopal Church, including marriage, inclusion of LBGTQ+ persons, Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s call to join the Jesus Movement, and taking our faith out into the world. A leader guide is included in this revised edition in addition to the questions that follow each chapter. Easy to read but with substance for newcomers, adult formation groups, and lifelong Episcopalians, this book is for all who desire to know more about the Episcopal Church.
Robert W. Prichard
—E. Brooks Holifield
10 churchpublishing.org
A History of the Episcopal Church/Una historia de la Iglesia Episcopal

JENIFER GAMBER is a trusted author of several bestselling books for youth in the Episcopal Church, including My Faith, My Life and Call on Me: A Prayer Book for Young People. She is a sought-after speaker on topics related to Christian formation, teen spirituality, and Christian parenting. She serves as chaplain at St. Patrick’s Episcopal Day School and assistant rector at St. Patrick’s Parish in Washington, DC, where she lives.
Spanish Resources
November 15, 2022
An Invitation to the Episcopal Church/Una invitación a la Iglesia Episcopal Jenifer Gamber and Bill Lewellis
A carefully researched history that sets church events against the background of social changes—now in Spanish.

Church Paperback$24.959781640655768Publishing|6x9
“ . . . a lively story of the Episcopal tradition.”
Your Faith, Your Life/Tu fe, tu vida
BILL LEWELLIS served as Communication Minister on the staffs of two bishops in the Diocese of Bethlehem for twenty-five years before his 2009 retirement. Prior to that, he served in a similar capacity on the staff of the RC bishop of the Diocese of Allentown for fifteen years. He continues to publish the newSpin blog and a biweekly newSpin newsletter for the Diocese of Bethlehem. He earned an STL at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome. He lives in Whitehall, Pennsylvania.
November 22, 2022
2023 Episcopal Church Year Guide Kalendar
9781640655355 | 22 x 17 | $19.95
2023 Desk Diary with Lectionary
December 2022 through December 2023
September 2022 through December 2023
9781640655386 | 8 x 14 | $4.95
Planners and Calendars
Daily Office readings from the Book of Common Prayer, Sunday readings from the Revised Common Lectionary, proper liturgical colors, holy days, commemorations, and secular observances are all noted for easy reference. 2024 calendar included for ease of advance planning.
Leatherette | $13.95 |
Includes secular holidays. Padded and hole-punched for use as a desk pad or to hang on a wall or bulletin board.
2023 Episcopal Church RCL Lesson Calendar

Perfectly sized to fit into a briefcase, purse, or backpack and featuring one week on each two-page spread, ribbon markers, and an elastic 9781640655324rclosure band.
2023 Episcopal Liturgical Appointment Calendar

| 5.75 x 8.375 | imitation leather | $34.95
December 2022 through December 2023
| 8 x 14 | $4.95
churchpublishing.org 11
September 2022 through December 2023
2023 Christian Planning Calendar

A unique 16-month planning tool citing religious observances and seasons for Anglican, Roman Catholic, Orthodox, Islamic, and Jewish faiths, as well as secular holidays. Ample space for writing daily 9781640655317notes.| 11 x 8.5 | Spiral bound | $13.95
Two facing pages for each week with ample space for noting appointments.
Pages provide 3 x 2-inch daily space for notes. Cites religious observances for Anglican, Roman Catholic, Orthodox, Islamic, and Jewish faiths.
This weekly planner highlights major holy days for Anglican, Roman Catholic, Orthodox, Islamic, and Jewish faiths as well as civil holidays. Other features include prayers for special occasions, daily devotions, space for addresses and phone numbers, and reminder pages for 9781640655362birthdays.
| 3.25 x 6.125 |
January 2023 through December 2023
2023 Churchman’s Ordo Kalendar
2023 Christian Pocket Diary December 2022 through December 2023

Offers a traditional use of the Revised Common Lectionary and The Anglican Service Book. Includes a full listing of the traditional feasts and devotional days celebrated throughout the Anglican Communion. Days are color-coded to indicate proper vestment colors.

9781640655348 | 8 x 10 | Spiral bound | $16.95
A comprehensive calendar of the readings for the Episcopal Revised Common Lectionary Year A, daily eucharistic readings, and readings for the Daily Office Year One, including sanctoral observances. Hymn suggestions drawn from Liturgical Music for the Revised Common Lectionary are also included. 9781640655331 | 10.5 x 9 | $13.95
2023 Parish Wall Calendar

January 2023 through December 2023
Conforms to the Revised Common Lectionary, with the calendar dates in the proper color for each day. On the back of each month’s calendar sheet are printed the lessons and psalms for each Sunday and major feast day, along with other suggestions and notes. Under the calendar pad is the Table of Feasts together with useful information about lessons and psalms. Useful for home and 9781640655393church.
This is the indispensable companion for worship planning for the Episcopal Church.

Presiders and preachers, worship team leaders, musicians, Christian educators, sacristans, and altar guilds will find this to be the perfect resource, putting all the elements for planning worship and seasonal observances in one handy volume.
Following the three-year Revised Common Lectionary cycle and the church calendar year, this is the all-in-one liturgical season planner for worship. Included are suggestions for each season: rites, blessings, prayers, litanies, pageants. Readings, psalms, worship, and formation, and hymn suggestions are compiled for each Sunday and holy day.
“Gafney’s paradigm-shifting scholarship will influence biblical preaching and teaching for generations to come.”
WILDA C. GAFNEY is a Hebrew biblical scholar and Episcopal priest, a former Army chaplain, and congregational pastor in the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. She is a graduate of Duke University with a Doctor of Philosophy and Howard University with a Master’s of Divinity. In addition to her biblical scholarship, she has written for Sojourners, Huffington Post, Feasting on the Word, and Working Preacher. She is also an editor and essayist and author of several other books and teaches at Brite Divinity School. She lives in Fort Worth, Texas.

This edition includes contributions by Peter Wallace, Marcus Halley, Martha Baker, Bryan Bliss, and many more.
A Women’s Lectionary for the Whole Church Year A Wilda C. Gafney

What would it look like if women built a lectionary focusing on women’s stories? The scriptures are androcentric, male-focused, as is the lectionary that is dependent upon them. As a result, many congregants know only the biblical men’s stories told in the Sunday lectionary read in their churches. A more expansive, more inclusive lectionary will remedy that by introducing readers and hearers of scripture to “women’s stories” in the scriptures.
Planning for Rites and Rituals
Church Paperback$36.959781640651623Publishing|6x9 360 Pages Now
A Resource for Episcopal Worship Year A: 2022–2023
—National Catholic Reporter
12 churchpublishing.org
A Women’s Lectionary for the Whole Church, when completed, will be a threeyear lectionary accompanied by a stand-alone single year lectionary, Year W, that covers all four gospels. Year A features the Gospel of Matthew with John interwoven as is the case in the Revised Common Lectionary (RCL) and Episcopal Lectionary.
Church Paperback$49.959781640655300Publishing|8.5x | 352 Pages Now
The leading source of information on the Episcopal Church.
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With origins dating back to 1830, The Episcopal Church Annual—aka “The Red Book”—is an indispensable reference tool, trusted year after year by churches, diocesan offices, libraries, and many others.
The Episcopal Clerical Directory is the biennial directory of all living clergy in good standing in the Episcopal Church—more than 18,000 deacons, priests, and bishops. It includes full biographical information and ministry history for each cleric.

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