Lent and Easter Resources 2022
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New Lent Resources The Silence of Calvary Meditations on Good Friday
Christopher L. Webber “The Silence of Calvary is an evocative and contemplative book that explores and exposes the story of the crucifixion in a new way. . . . Here, by moving into silence instead of words, Christopher Webber offers rich and challenging insights. This book is the perfect companion for Lent and Holy Week.” —Sheryl A. Kujawa-Holbrook, Claremont School of Theology, Bloy House, the Episcopal School of Theology at Los Angeles 9781640654709 | $9.95 A Path to Wholeness A Lenten Companion Russell J. Levenson Jr. “Russ Levenson’s Lenten devotions breathe with the air of a seasoned pastor and preacher. With his characteristic wit and Southern charm—and many, many good stories—Levenson brings the gospel to life. Above all, he shows what it looks like to devote one’s life to the only one who deserves our allegiance, Christ Jesus our Savior. One could look for no better path to wholeness.” —The Rev. Christopher A. Beeley, Duke University Divinity School 9781640653177 | $16.95 Winged with Longing for Better Things Sylvia Sweeney This Lenten devotional invites readers to move beyond sympathy for those in strife into action and advocacy on the behalf of the earth and its less powerful inhabitants. Photographs and poetry enhance the daily devotional readings. 9781640651425 | $16.95
God be in my Head The Sarum Prayer Ken Wilson A step-by-step introduction to the prayer that fosters conscious contact with God. With forty short meditations, it draws the reader into different aspects of the prayer each day and can serve as a guide for Lent. 9781640651661 | $10.95 Sense and Sensibility A Lenten Exploration Sam Portaro An exploration of our five physical senses—one for each week in Lent—as pathways to a fuller awareness of ourselves and our relationship to God. 9781640651272 | $12.95
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Lenten Classics Hanging by a Thread The Questions of the Cross Samuel Wells With unswerving courage, elegant simplicity, and captivating example, Hanging by a Thread scrutinizes the assumption that the crucifixion was about fixing human problems, and instead suggests it was the culmination of God’s disarming purpose to be with us, no matter what. 9780898699777 | $9.95 Under the Fig Tree Visual Prayers and Poems for Lent Roger Hutchison Foreword by Fleming Rutledge “Under the Fig Tree is a chorus of words, pictures, poems, images, hymns, dreams, lullabies, and waking kisses that will become a beloved book for the Lenten journey.” —C. Andrew Doyle, Bishop of Texas, author of Citizen: Faithful Discipleship in a Partisan World 9780819232076 | $16.95 Getting to Know Jesus (Again) Meditations for Lent Peter M. Wallace “Lent is a deep and slow walk that leads us to new life. Peter helps us when we get fearful, distracted, lazy, or judgmental to come back to the heart of the journey. For him, it’s not just the journey or the destination, it’s both on the Lenten walk. You will be blessed by walking with Peter during Lent.” —Becca Stevens, author, Letters from the Farm 9780819233615 | $12.95 Blessed Is She Living Lent with Mary Tim Perry Drawing primarily from the Gospel of Luke, this lovely book of spiritual reflections reveals a Lenten Mary who teaches us about being disciples. 9780819222336 | $14.95
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Lenten Reading Pilgrim Road, Revised Edition A Benedictine Journey through Lent Albert Holtz, O.S.B. “Pilgrim Road does not feel like puffed-up spiritual advice from a wise sage; instead I felt it was written to the child in me, all too aware of not being ‘grown up’ enough (in Christ), yet still yearning to be assured that I am dearly loved. I look forward to re-reading it many times.” —Norvene Vest, author of Preferring Christ 9780819229816 | $19.95 A Practical Christianity Meditations for the Season of Lent Jane Shaw Foreword by Br. Curtis Almquist, SSJE A devotional book for Lent that challenges readers to take up “practical Christianity”—proposing Christian faith as something we do, not something we merely believe in. 9780819227768 | $14.95 The Passion Marcus Hummon and Becca Stevens Explore the gospel stories of Jesus’ death in this six-session book that provides some of the background of each original musical setting by Grammy-winning composer Marcus Hummon as well as reflections on its theological significance. 9780819233295 | $14.95
Gifts from Within Women’s Meditations for Lent Women of Brigid’s Place “This collection of meditations by women offers honest, instructive, and touching personal stories and reflections from which spiritual truths are expertly mined. It can become a meaningful companion on your Lenten journey.” —Sue Monk Kidd, author of When the Heart Waits 9780819218957 | $14.95 Give Us This Day Lenten Reflections On Baking Bread and Discipleship Christopher Levan Give Us This Day offers meditations for every day in Lent, inviting us to connect faith—our daily bread—and the world in which we live, along with recipes that range from Shrove Tuesday “No-Fret Pancakes” to Easter challah bread. Each of the 40 meditations begins with a scripture verse and a prayer. 9781596270466 | $14.95 2 churchpublishing.org
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Activities for Lent Faithful Celebrations Making Time for God from Mardi Gras through Pentecost Edited by Sharon Ely Pearson This edition of Faithful Celebrations focuses on Mardi Gras/Carnival, Shrove Tuesday, Lent, Holy Week, Easter, and Pentecost. It includes plenty of activities to learn more about each of these sacred seasons or days in a small, intimate or large, multigenerational group. 9780898692280 | $14.95
Christ Walk Series Anna Fitch Courie “Walk it off,” that much-used advice of coaches, turns out to work in the spiritual realm too. Take a walk with Anna and explore reconciliation and healing using the best-selling framework found in Christ Walk, Christ Walk Kids, and Christ Walk Crushed.
9781640651159 | $19.95
9780819233196 | $12.95
9780819231697 | $19.95
What We Do in Lent A Child’s Activity Book Anne E. Kitch Illustrations by Dorothy Thompson Perez A fun activity book for ages four to seven that will help children learn about the seasons of Lent and Easter. 9780819222787 | $9.95
Love Life, Live Lent Be the Change! Paula Gooder and Peter Babington Forty simple activities—one for each day of Lent—to encourage, guide, and inspire children during Lent. 9780819232380 | $4.95 Pack of 25 | 9780819232410 | $55.95 Adult Edition: 9780819232366 | $6.95 Pack of 15: 9780819232403 | $33.95
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Holy Week and Easter A House of Meanings Christian Worship in Plain Language Juan Oliver Designed for individual reading and structured to be a resource for a series of parish workshops, ideally during the seven weeks of Easter. Each chapter concludes with a discussion guide to assist parishioners in developing their own sense of the value of worship and its relationship to our daily lives. 9781640651401 | $19.95 The Week That Changed the World The Complete Easter Story Timothy Dean Roth The book invites the reader to experience the events of Christ’s passion as they happened, thus fully entering into the drama of the Easter story. More than anything, this book is an invitation to join Jesus and the disciples in walking the road that leads to Jerusalem, and to experience the events that happened there in an intimate and life-changing way. 9781596271067 | $14.95 Resurrecting Easter Meditations for the Great 50 Days Kate Moorehead “Kate Moorehead consistently advocates for a generous Christian orthodoxy grounded in faithful, disciplined practice and joyful living. Her books are inspirational, accessible, and practical. I highly recommend her work!” —The Right Rev. J. Scott Barker, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Nebraska 9780819228482 | $16.95 Living the Resurrection Reflections After Easter C. Franklin Brookhart Frank Brookhart takes stories of the Resurrection and illuminates a way for Christians and seekers to explore life in the new creation. Tying the gospel narrative to our lives as followers of Jesus, he proposes a means for transforming people and churches through living into the Resurrection with the Risen Lord. 9780819227959 | $16.95 A Walk in Jerusalem Stations of the Cross John L. Peterson “A very moving presentation of the Way of the Cross . . . Nicely done.” —Religious Resources International 9780819217356 | $12.95
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The Way of Love Living the Way of Love A 40-Day Devotional Mary Bea Sullivan Foreword by Courtney V. Cowart & Stephanie Spellers “The Rev. Mary Bea Sullivan has written a guide for Lent, organized into the seven practices our Presiding Bishop calls us to reclaim as we offer ourselves to Jesus’ way of love. These are not concepts for our minds to consider but a faithful person sharing her story, her ministry, and her love for our hearts to hear. Lent can be difficult if we pay attention; it’s good to have a friend to walk with us.” —The Rt. Rev. John McKee Sloan, 11th Bishop of Alabama 9781640652309 | $14.95 Walking the Way of Love Edited by Courtney Cowart Foreword by Michael B. Curry A step-by-step guide to nurturing a profound friendship with God in Christ, based on the Way of Love. Proceeds support The Way of Love Scholarship Fund. 9781640652965 | $16.95
Receiving Jesus The Way of Love
Mariann Edgar Budde Foreword by Michael B. Curry Through the seven practices of The Way of Love, Mariann Edgar Budde shares biblical stories, wisdom from the Christian tradition, and her own personal stories of spiritual growth. Also available in Spanish. English | 9781640652408 | $12.95 Spanish | 9781640653030 | $12.95 The Very Best Day / El Mejor Día The Way of Love for Children / El Camino del Amor para Niños
Roger Hutchison Foreword by Jerusalem Jackson Greer “Roger has captured the essence of the Way of Love beautifully while diving even deeper into what it means to live and love like Jesus in the beautiful, sacred, everyday moments of life.” —From the Foreword by Jerusalem Jackson Greer, staff officer for Evangelism, the Episcopal Church English | 9781640652811 | $9.95 Spanish | 9781640653863 | $9.95
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Prayer Books The 1979 Book of Common Prayer An ideal gift, this Prayer Book features imitation leather binding (Vivella) with a soft, matte finish. It is sturdily assembled, with Smyth-sewn pages and a spine that won’t crack under heavy use. A presentation page and certificates for the rites of baptism, confirmation, and marriage are included. Black | 9780898696196 | $28.95 Red | 9780898696202 | $28.95 Wine | 9780898696189 | $28.95 The 1979 Book of Common Prayer Personal Deluxe Edition Edited by Mark D. W. Edington Available in your choice of five colors. Bonded leather, gold edges, ribbon markers, in a gift box. Black | 9780898691115 | $46.95 Burgundy | 9780898691412 | $46.95 Navy | 9780898691283 | $46.95 Red | 9780898691108 | $46.95 White | 9780898691122 | $46.95 The Book of Common Prayer & The Holy Bible (NRSV) Combined into one volume, this edition is an excellent and logical choice for personal use, both in daily devotion and study and on Sundays during the liturgy. It comes with bonded leather, gold edges, ribbon markers, and a gift box. Available in black. Black | 9780898695786 | $89.95 Book of Common Prayer and Hymnal This is the standard Book of Common Prayer combined into a single volume with the Singers Edition of The Hymnal 1982. Bound in genuine leather, it includes gold edges, ribbon markers and a gift box. Available in either black or red. Black | 9780898692440 | $99.95 Red | 9780898692433 | $99.95 Prayer Book Offices Pulling from the riches of the Prayer Book Office and the Contemporary Office Book, Prayer Book Offices includes both Rite I and Rite II versions of the round of offices from the Book of Common Prayer. Additionally, the volume includes canticles, the Psalter, Collects, and the full cycle of readings for Years One and Two and Holy Days in the Daily Office Lectionary. The book is Smyth-sewn bonded leather with gold foil stamped, and includes four ribbons. Bonded Leather | 9781640652071 | $119.95
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Reading Groups—Lent and Beyond Praying with Saint Benedict Reflections on the Rule
Stephen Isaacson “Isaacson . . . writes with elegance, depth, and humbleness. . . . [He] has given Benedictines (and those curious about the Rule) a rich and accessible resource for prayer, reflection, and confession in our daily disciplines. This will be my new go-to book as I reflect on the Rule.” —The Rt. Rev. Diana Akiyama, Episcopal Diocese of Oregon 9781640654464 | $19.95 Contemplative Knitting NEW
Julie Cicora From a tour through the fascinating history of knitting to steps for setting up and sustaining a knitting prayer practice, this book is filled with inspiration and projects that can be used to deepen the spiritual nature of knitting, such as encouraging crafters to knit one inch per day of a 40-inch cowl during Lent. 978164065262 | $16.95
This Band of Sisterhood Black Women Bishops on Race, Faith, and the Church
Edited by Westina Matthews Foreword by Catherine Meeks Afterword by Paula Clark “There are so many nuggets of wisdom to be found in the conversations between these remarkable Black women bishops. . . . The reflections, experiences, and profound humanity that my sisters share in these pages are indeed priceless.” —The Most Rev. Michael B. Curry, presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church Download a free study for individuals or groups on our website. 9781640653511 | $14.95 Building Resilience When There’s No Going Back to the Way Things Were Alice Updike Scannell Foreword by Stephanie Spellers Discover resilience with explorations of mindfulness, courage and perseverance, flexibility, creativity, hope, and spirituality. 9781640653764 | $16.95
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Reading Groups—Lent and Beyond The Dream of God A Call to Return
Verna J. Dozier Foreword by Sophfronia Scott Through adept storytelling and study, Dozier reawakens our sense of calling and our desire for truth. This new and revised edition includes a new foreword by Sophfronia Scott and a study guide. 9781640654884 | $19.95
Radical Welcome, 15th Anniversary Revised Edition Embracing God, The Other, and the Spirit of Transformation
Stephanie Spellers “The beautiful thing about re-revisiting Radical Welcome fifteen years on is discovering that it has a timelessness and relevance that we critically need today. . . .” —The Rt. Rev. Jennifer Baskerville-Burrows, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Indianapolis 9781640654686 | $22.95 Hospitable Planet Faith, Action, and Climate Change Stephen A. Jurovics Foreword by Matthew Sleeth “Churches can massively reduce their impact on God’s good earth if they understand the Bible’s mandate to care for creation and develop practical skills to decrease their energy use. This book hit the target directly on both counts.” —Fletcher Harper, Executive Director, GreenFaith 9780819232533 | $22.95 Walking Home From Eden to Emmaus Margaret Guenther In this book, popular author Margaret Guenther retells the “walking stories” of Scripture and unpacks the truths they reveal about spiritual life. The spiritual life is oftentimes about putting one foot in front of another, always on the way, never home, until crossing another new threshold. 9780819223951 | $18.95
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Reading Groups—Lent and Beyond The Church Cracked Open Disruption, Decline, and New Hope for Beloved Community
Stephanie Spellers “This book will make a profound difference for the church in this moment in history.” —The Most Rev. Michael B. Curry, Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church 9781640654242 | $16.95
Listening Hearts: 30th Anniversary Edition Discerning Call in Community Suzanne G. Farnham, Joseph P. Gill, R. Taylor McLean, and Susan M. Ward Foreword by Eugene Taylor Sutton
“With updated language, revised appendices, and added stories, Listening Hearts can impart the deep wisdom embedded in its pages to new generations of those who seek to answer the call of Jesus to ‘follow me.’” —The Most Rev. Michael B. Curry, Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church English Edition: 9781640654136 | $22.95 Spanish Edition: 9781640654099 | $22.95 We Shall Be Changed Questions for the Post-Pandemic Church Edited by Mark D. W. Edington The book is designed to spur conversation within parishes, fellowship groups, and clergy gatherings about how to embrace the gifts this time has given while anticipating and addressing the very real challenges the church will confront in its wake. 9781640653726 | $9.95
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