New Church Year Resources

The Lectionary Insert program is a popular and affordable weekly worship program that gives parishioners the convenience of having appointed scripture readings, psalms, collects, and refrains for Sundays and Holy Days organized on single sheets of paper.
“The Lectionary Inserts are a valuable tool we use in Sunday worship. I find them to be a real time saver and the congregation can follow along with the readers. It sure beats having to print them out every week.”
—Joyce A. Withers, office administrator, St. Peter the Fisherman Episcopal Church, New Smyrna Beach, Florida
Program features:
• Easy-to-read format (14-point font).
• Appropriately sized for easy insertion in service bulletins (8.5" x 11").
• Offered in packs of 25.
• Four mailings per year, each incorporating the Holy Days within that quarter.
• Readings are from the Revised Common Lectionary, Episcopal Edition.
• Two track options from which to choose for the season after Pentecost.
To subscribe or to learn more about the program, please contact Warner Press, our distribution partner, for the Lectionary Inserts program:
Call: (844) 639-0240
The Book of Common Prayer a wide variety Hardcover
Pew $24.95
The Book of Common Prayer & The Holy Bible (NRSV)
Combined into one volume, this edition is an excellent and logical choice for personal use, both in daily devotion and study and on Sundays during the liturgy. It comes with bonded leather, gold edges, ribbon markers, and a gift box.
Black$92.95| 9780898695786
Red | 9780898695793
The Book of Common Prayer and The Hymnal 1982
This is the standard Book of Common Prayer combined into a single volume with the Singers Edition of The Hymnal 1982. Bound in genuine leather, it includes gold edges, ribbon markers and a gift box.
Black$105.95| 9780898692440 Red | 9780898692433
Based on modern translation principles, these newly authorized translations of the Book of Common Prayer contain Spanish and French-language liturgical materials for use in the Episcopal Church. Created using dynamic equivalence, with an eye toward inclusive language throughout, these translations support the liturgical and pastoral needs of Spanish and Frenchspeaking Episcopalians. The hardcover editions are designed for use in churches, with a sturdy binding and cover.
The Book of Common Prayer/ El Libro de Oración Común 2022 Translation, Pew Edition
Hardcover$24.959781640656048|5"x 7.5" | 888 pages | December 20, 2022
The Book of Common Prayer/ El Libro de Oración Común 2022 Translation, Personal Edition
Paperback$22.959781640656055|4.25" x 6" | 888 pages | December 20, 2022
The Book of Common Prayer/ Le Livre de la Prière Commune 2022 Translation, Pew Edition
Hardcover$32.959781640656086|5"x 7.5" | 740 pages | January 17, 2023
Selections from the Book of Common Prayer/Selecciones del Libro de Oración Común Bilingual Edition, 2022 Translation
Paperback$26.959781640656116|5" x 7.5" | 376 pages | March 21, 2023
The normative edition for all who sing—choir and congregation alike— containing all hymns and service music.
Blue | 9780898691207 | hardcover | $26.95
Red | 9780898691214 | hardcover | $26.95
This popular collection of 280 musical pieces from both the African American and Gospel traditions was compiled under the supervision of the Office of Black Ministries of the Episcopal Church.
Pew Edition | 9780898691948 | cloth | $34.95
An eclectic collection of 200 hymns, songs, and spiritual songs including a large selection of service music and devotional pieces. It is a valuable resource for worship, parish functions, and home use.
Pew Edition | 9780898692266 | paper | $29.95
Leader’s Edition | 9780898692686 | spiral | $49.95
A hymnal designed for all-age worship, with the aim of the full inclusion of children in weekly worship. It is organized in two main sections, the eucharistic liturgy and the church year.
Pew Edition | 9780898694741 | paper | $29.95
Teacher’s Guide | 9780898695014 | spiral | $55.95
The Anglican Church of Canada’s new supplemental hymnal is specifically designed to be of use throughout the Anglican Communion. It includes many hymns and service music settings that do not appear in Common Praise, nor in any of the Episcopal Church’s hymnals.
Pew Edition | 9781640652736 | hardcover | $23.95
A Women’s Lectionary for the Whole Church
Wilda C. Gafney
An inclusive lectionary introducing readers to the stories of the women in the Bible. When completed, A Women’s Lectionary for the Whole Church will be a three-year lectionary accompanied by a stand-alone single year lectionary, Year W, that covers all four gospels.
Year A | 9781640651623 | $36.95
Year W | 9781640654747 | $36.95
This revised edition includes new commemorations authorized by the General Convention of the Episcopal Church in 2022 including the consecration of Bishop Barbara Clementine Harris, Simeon Bachos (the Ethiopian eunuch), Episcopal deaconesses, and Frederick Howden, Jr.
9781640656277 | January 2023 | cloth | $32.95
The Book of Occasional Services 2022
This updated edition features additional liturgical materials authorized by the General Convention of the Episcopal Church in 2022, such as a liturgy for quinceañeras and revised liturgies for the founding of a church and reaffirmation of ordination vows.
9781640656253 | cloth | January 2023 | $39.95
This resource contains weekday propers for the seasons of the church year (the temporal cycle), the Common of Saints (the sanctoral cycle), and various resources authorized since the adoption of the prayer book. The propers are grouped into three sections by type for the temporal cycle, the sanctoral cycle, and various occasions.
9781640650787 | paper | $24.95
The complete readings for the Revised Common Lectionary Years A, B, and C, as authorized by the 2006 General Convention of the Episcopal Church, together with readings for the major Holy Days of the church year, in the NRSV translation.
Pew Edition | 9780898695557 | cloth | $39.95
Lectern Edition | 9780898695540 | cloth | $119.95
RiteSong is a digital music library that provides a quick and easy way to include hymns and songs in your worship services.
Choose an annual subscription for unlimited downloads throughout the year or purchase individual song downloads at
RitePlanning is an online worship planning tool that includes a comprehensive library of liturgical and music resources, content for special services and celebrations, and fully customizable templates. Start your 14-day free trial at
A Resource for Episcopal Worship, Year A: 2022–2023
An all-in-one liturgical planner for worship that includes suggestions for each season: rites, blessings, prayers, litanies, pageants, and checklists. Readings, psalms, and hymn suggestions are compiled for each Sunday and Feast 9781640655300day.
| paper | $42.95
Liturgical Music for the Revised Common Lectionary, Second Edition – Year A Carl P. Daw, Jr. and Thomas Pavlechko
A revised and expanded version of this classic text for church musicians and other worship planners. 9781640654341 | paper | $36.95
This guide for clergy, parish musicians, lay readers, and congregational representatives covers all the stages of organizing worship services for the entire year. Using the Book of Common Prayer and The Hymnal 1982 as primary resources, it explores the rich variety of options—both timehonored traditions and accepted innovations.
9780819215543 | paper | $15.95 New!
All registers conform to the reporting requirements of the General Convention Office of the Episcopal Church, and the Parochial Report Form.
This sturdy register matches the Parochial Report Form of the General Convention Office of the Episcopal Church. Columned pages provide a day-by-day record of attendance and number of services for Sunday and Saturday evening Eucharists, weekday and private Daily Offices, and other services. Space is also provided for names of celebrant or officiant and notes. Red cloth binding. 1,978 9781640655003entries.
| 9" x 11" | $44.95
Register of Church Membership and Rites
In compliance with Title I, Canon 6.1.1, the Register of Church Membership and Rites provides space for recording historical data, rectors and vicars along with other ministers, baptisms along with a record of baptized members within a parish, confirmations and receptions, a summary of communicants, marriages, and burials within a 9781640654945parish. | 10.5" x 8" | $120.95
Provides a permanent record of gifts made to your church. This sturdy faux leather mulit-ring binder includes a starter pack of twenty-five pages to record memorial and other gifts, held in place with seven one-snap binder rings. Arrives in a protective box.
9781640655102 | 11.875" x 10.25" | $66.95
Refill Pages (Pack of 25) | 9781640655119 | $18.95
Guest of Our Church Register Refill Pages (Pack of 25)
Twenty-five double-sided index-weight register pages plus title page. Hole-punched for Guests of Our Church Register. Spaces for date, name, address, telephone, and e-mail address. Shrink wrapped. 8.5" x 11"
Refill Pages (Pack of 25) | 9781640655089 | $18.95
Register of Confirmation/Receptions
Space for 1,425 entries.
9781640655140 | 10.5" x 8" | $120.95
Register of Marriages
Space for 151 single-page entries. 9781640655157 | 10.5" x 8" | $120.95
Printed in red and black on white paper stock decorated with a dove. Includes 9781640654921envelope.| paper | 4.75" x 7" | $19.95
Four-page certificate with Sponsor’s Prayer plus other prayers and helpful suggestions. Printed in red and black on creme stock.
9781640654969 | paper | 3 3/4" x 6 3/8" (folded) | $15.95
The Declaration of Intention and the Marriage Certificate are printed on handsome parchment-like paper, and stitched into the booklet. Interior pages are printed in red and black. Includes envelope. 9781640655133 | paper | 5" x 8.5" | $10.95
Confirmation Certificate Pack of 25
This certificate for the Rite of Confirmation is printed in red and black on cream colored stock. Matching cream colored envelopes included. 9781640655485 | paper | 4.75" x 7" | $19.95
Beautifully printed in red and black on heavy natural white stock. Appropriate for the ordination of priests or deacons. Suitable for 9781640655027framing. | paper | 19" x 13" | $17.95
2023 Christian Planning Calendar September 2022 through December 2023
A unique two-year planning tool citing religious observances and seasons for several faiths, as well as secular holidays. This year’s calendar features church gardens and includes ample space for writing daily 9781640655317notes.|
spiral | 11" x 8.5" | $13.95
2023 The Episcopal Liturgical Appointment Calendar November 2022 through December 2023
Two facing pages for each week include art and a brief devotion with ample space for noting appointments.
9781640655348 | spiral | 8" x 10" | $16.95
The 2023 Desk Diary features one week on each two-page spread, making it ideal for advance planning and day-to-day working for all clergy and church staff. The contemporary design includes an imitation leather cover with rounded corners, two ribbon markers, and an elastic closure band.
9781640655324 | Hardcover with ribbon | 5.75" x 8.375" | $34.95
2023 Parish Wall Calendar September 2022 through December 2023
Pages provide 3 x 2-inch daily space for notes. Cites religious observances and seasons for several faiths and secular holidays. Padded and hole-punched for use as a desk pad or to hang on a wall or bulletin 9781640655355board.|paper | 22" x 17" | $19.95
2023 Christian Pocket Diary December 2022–2023
This weekly planner highlights major holy days for Anglican, Roman Catholic, Orthodox, Islamic, and Jewish faiths as well as civil holidays. Other features include prayers for special occasions, daily devotions, space for addresses and phone numbers, and reminder pages for birthdays.
9781640655362 | leatherette | 3.25" × 6.125" | $13.95
2023 Episcopal Church Year Guide Kalendar
January 2023–December 2023
Conforms to the Revised Common Lectionary, with the calendar dates in the proper color for each day. On the back of each month, the lessons and psalms for each Sunday and major feast day are listed. Under the calendar pad is the Table of Feasts together with useful information about lessons and psalms. Useful for home and church.
9781640655393 | paper | 8" ×14" | $4.95
2023 Churchman’s Ordo Kalendar January 2023–December 2023
Offers a traditional use of the Revised Common Lectionary and The Anglican Service Book. Includes a full listing of the traditional feasts and devotional days celebrated throughout the Anglican Communion. Days are color-coded to indicate proper vestment colors.
9781640655386 | paper | 8" × 14" | $4.95
2023 Episcopal Church Lesson Calendar December 2022–2023
A comprehensive calendar of the readings for the Episcopal Revised Common Lectionary Year A, daily eucharistic readings, and readings for the Daily Office Year One, including sanctoral observances.
9781640655331 | paper | 10.5" x 9" | $13.95
The Episcopal Church Annual 2022
With origins dating back to 1830, The Episcopal Church Annual – aka “The Red Book” – is an indispensable reference tool trusted year after year by churches, diocesan offices, libraries, and many others.
9781640655294 | hardcover | $49.95
The Episcopal Clerical Directory is the biennial directory of all living clergy in good standing in the Episcopal Church—more than 18,000 deacons, priests, and bishops. It includes full biographical information and ministry history for each cleric.
9781640654501 | paper | $99.95
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