3 minute read
The Episcopal Church
Church Publishing 9781640654358 $19.95 paper | 9 x 6 in | 192 pages May 17, 2021
Embodied Liturgy
Virtual Reality and Liturgical Theology in Conversation C. Andrew Doyle Can the “reality” of the Eucharist be maintained online? Author C. Andrew Doyle, in a well-researched and thoughtful study of both virtual reality and liturgy, argues that the Eucharist is not a formulaic rehearsal of words and rituals but an embodied and lived experience. This requires a shared place and presence. While the church should not shy away from virtual ministry, we should be wary of using the technological realm for the celebration of the Eucharist, an act that is an outward and visible sign of our spiritual union with God and one another. It brings us closer to friend and stranger for the transformation of individuals into unity in Christ. The context of the ritual–with people, objects, words, and all sorts of nuance–creates intimacy with God and each other. This unique book is especially timely and will be of interest to scholars, liturgists, and those interested in sacramental theology in the digital age. C. ANDREW DOYLE, the ninth bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas, summarizes his autobiography in six words: “Met Jesus on pilgrimage; still walking.” He is author of Vocaˉtioˉ, Unabashedly Episcopalian, Orgullosamente Episcopal, A Generous Community, and The Jesus Heist. He and his wife JoAnne live in Houston with two daughters. Follow him on Twitter at @texasbishop.
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The Agile Church Spirit-Led Innovation in an Uncertain Age Dwight J. Zscheile “Zscheile understands that innovation must be a way of life for churches in the next decades. This is one of the most important books I have read in a long time.” —Lovett Weems, Professor of Church Leadership, Wesley Theological Seminary 9780819229779 | $18.95 | paper

Church Publishing 9781640654242 $16.95 paper | 5.5 x 8.5 | 160 pages March 17, 2021
The Church Cracked Open
Disruption, Decline, and New Hope for Beloved Community Stephanie Spellers “This book will make a profound difference for the church in this moment in history.” —The Most Rev. Michael B. Curry, Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church Sometimes it takes disruption and loss to break us open and call us home to God. It’s not surprising that a global pandemic and once-in-a-generation reckoning with white supremacy—on top of decades of systemic decline— have spurred Christians everywhere to ask who we are, why God placed us here, and what difference that makes to the world. In this critical yet loving book, the author explores the American story and the Episcopal story in order to find out how communities steeped in racism, establishment, and privilege can at last fall in love with Jesus, walk humbly with the most vulnerable, and embody beloved community in our own broken but beautiful way. The Church Cracked Open invites us to surrender privilege and redefine church, not just for the sake of others, but for our own salvation and liberation. STEPHANIE SPELLERS serves as Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s Canon for Evangelism, Reconciliation, and Creation, helping Episcopalians share good news and cross boundaries as part of the Jesus Movement. A former church planter, journalist, and seminary faculty member, she is the author of Radical Welcome. She lives in New York City.
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We Shall Be Changed Questions for the Post-Pandemic Church Edited by Mark D. W. Edington A gathering of brief essays from thought leaders around the church on pressing topics that the church needs to be considering now—in preparation for the end of this pandemic. The book is designed to spur conversations about how to embrace the gifts this time has given while anticipating and addressing the very real challenges the church will confront in its wake. 9781640653726 | $6.95 | paper