5 minute read
Seabury Books 9781640653696 $18.95 paper | 5.5 x 8.5 | 176 pages April 16, 2021
The Art of Disruption
Improvisation and the Book of Common Prayer Paul Fromberg As the Episcopal Church considers prayer book revisions, discover new ways of bringing prayer to life. In many liturgical churches, it seems that the prayer book confines—more than frees—the transformational potential of worship. Drawing on his experience at St. Gregory of Nyssa, Paul Fromberg encourages us to question the assumption that there is a “right way” and a “wrong way” of using prayer books. Instead, he encourages readers to pay attention to doing worship well and engaging worshippers’ desire to be transformed. This book is for those who plan and lead worship, as well as those who are curious about the ways that worship is transformative in people’s experience. Additionally, fans of St. Gregory of Nyssa Episcopal Church will discover more about the ways in which this ground-breaking congregation has engaged the work of liturgical disruption and trusted in the transformative potential of the liturgy for more than forty years. PAUL FROMBERG is rector of St. Gregory of Nyssa Episcopal Church in San Francisco and president of the Board of The Food Pantry there. He teaches at Church Divinity School of the Pacific and for the Diocese of Minnesota, and consults with congregations. He is a speaker and liturgist for the Wild Goose and Greenbelt Festivals and a contributor to liturgical materials for the Episcopal Church. Fromberg and his husband live in San Francisco.
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Signs of Life Worship for a Just and Loving People Rick Fabian
A glimpse into the ideals and insights that have shaped one of the Episcopal Church’s most widely known parishes, St. Gregory of Nyssa in San Francisco. 9781640652187 | $19.95 | paper

Church Publishing 9781640653672 $14.95 paper | 5.5 x 8.5 | 144 pages March 17, 2021
The Common Thread
Liturgy Looking Forward Kevin J. Moroney The Episcopal Church is embarking on a new era of liturgical reform, giving us an opportunity to reflect on why we do what we do as a body. A Christian understanding of life sets every act of personal or communal worship as a response; we look on ourselves and everything around us with curiosity, wonder, awe, fear, love, hope, and uncertainty about what it all means for us and how we feel about it. Worship begins as a response, but reaches into the future and makes alterations to adapt to changing circumstances. This is essential reading as the General Convention approaches and these conversations continue. “It’s not often that a liturgical theology will make you laugh, cry, and stay interested all the way until the end, but this book practically glows with theological depth and life wisdom. What a gift to the church—and the world!” —April Stace author of White Knuckle Love KEVIN MORONEY serves as the H. Boone Porter Chair of Liturgics at The General Theological Seminary, where he also serves as Director of the Chapel of the Good Shepherd. In 2018, he was appointed to serve a three-year term on the Task Force for Liturgical and Prayer Book Revision, a thirty-member committee created by the General Convention to explore future paths for worship in the Episcopal Church.
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In Spirit & Truth A Vision of Episcopal Worship Edited by Stephanie A. Budwey, Kevin Moroney, Sylvia Sweeney, and Samuel Torvend A volume of essays from liturgical scholars to aid parishes and individuals engage more deeply in this time of liturgical revision. 9781640652989 | $14.95 | paper
Proclaim! Sharing Words, Living Examples, Changing Lives Marcus George Halley Proclaim! is an exploration of Episcopal liturgy from a black, queer, millennial perspective, with an eye toward proclamation and justice. Part memoir, part history, part biblical studies, and part practical theology, Proclaim! suggests that the politics of our liturgical tradition is the ground from which we can engage in the justice work that our world needs. 9781640652422 | $14.95 | paper

Church Publishing 9781640653238 $14.95 paper | 5.5 x 8.5 | 136 pages April 16, 2021
Behold What You Are
Becoming the Body of Christ Lisa G. Fischbeck Foreword by Samuel Wells Opens the possibilities of liturgy and liturgical awareness, in the church and of the church, Sunday by Sunday, season by season. In a world increasingly and sharply divided, the image of the body of Christ can provide an alternate and life-giving narrative. We don’t just gather to worship God; we gather to worship God together, even when that gathering is virtual. And we go forth together to be the body of Christ, that the world might be repaired and restored to God. This body is not finite and exclusive; it is porous and open to all. Our traditions are a wonderful springboard for refreshed liturgical expressions in settings within and beyond our church buildings. These expressions can connect with people who would not otherwise enter a beautiful but somewhat austere structure. With some thoughtful reflection and intentionality, the public expression and formation of the body of Christ through liturgy can become more vital for all. Study Guide included. “You will never think of liturgy the same way—this is a book well worth reading and sharing with others!” —The Most Rev. Michael B. Curry, Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church LISA G. FISCHBECK is a parish priest and missionary with experience in established and new church settings. She serves as vicar of the Episcopal Church of the Advocate mission, known for its engaging and thoughtful liturgy. She has a background in marketing, fundraising, and public relations, but more significantly in church history and liturgical studies, which sparks a passion for the church and its liturgy in our time. She lives in Durham, North Carolina.
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Liturgy on the Edge Pastoral and Attractional Worship Samuel Wells
Renowned vicar Sam Wells and members of the staff of the church of St. Martin-in-the-Fields offer insights about the intersections between liturgy and outreach. 9781640651562 | $19.95 | paper
Becoming REAL And Thriving in Ministry Sandra T. Montes
If congregations were to look outside their doors, they may find that the people who need the good news don’t look like them and that the way to engage them is by having ministries that are REAL. REAL ministry is respectful relationships, excellence, authenticity, and love. This easy-to-understand perspective on relationships can be implemented in any setting with any group. 9781640652484 | $16.95 | paper