伯恩茅斯郡年宵歡會 2016

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伯恩茅斯中文學校: 欣聞貴校將舉辦2016年中國春節慶祝活動,謹表示熱 烈祝賀,並向貴校全體教職員和同學們致以節日問候。 長期以來,旅英僑胞在推動中英關係發展、弘揚中華 文化、促進中英各領域交流與合作方面做了許多積極 工作,受到普遍讚譽。2016年將是中國發展史上的重 要一年,也是中英關係進入“黃金時代”後的第一年。 我相信,貴校舉辦的春節活動,一定能夠增強英國民 眾對中國的瞭解,促進中英民間友好,提升華僑華人 在英國良好形象,意義重大,影響深遠。衷心祝願慶 祝活動取得圓滿成功!祝各位僑胞猴年身體健康, 吉祥如意,事業發達!

中國駐英國大使館 參贊 李輝 二〇一六年新春

什么是中国年宵市场? 中国年宵市场–在中国是一个除去不好的, 迎接好的民间習俗。在中国传统中, 我们会在市场裡买新的东西/服装/鞋/花/福句 俗稱辉春/灯笼等帶回家佈置擺放好。 每个家庭都将辉春貼在家中並掛上賀年灯笼及鮮年花, 来庆祝新年。所有家人及他们親人从其他国家返回來一同 慶祝新年。整理清潔的房子和穿上新衣服的意思是欢迎财神 来参观我们的房屋,希望财神满意,开心地把铙泒到每一家 每一户過一个肥年。並在整一年中求財顺利。 伯恩茅斯中国学校想和大家分享这个好传统 - 幸运的、 有意义的、给所有当地居民。祝福所有的人游访这个 CWW好运市场。购买帶幸运的物品、吃好東西, 并把好运帶回家。整整一年也好運。 希望每一个市民都喜欢 我们美丽的中国传统。 伯恩茅斯校監 贝蒂・杨 致意 伯恩茅斯中国学校

刘凯旋 英国中文学校 联会会长

年宵是中国一个傳统節日, 是除舊迎新的好開始. 即意味著萬象更新迎春節. 2016年正是中国和英国政府建立伙伴合作的重要 年份,中国文化及傳統能受當地人尊重慶祝, 正是中国受尊重及認同的重要角色。 全英中文学校履行著教育語文及推廣中国文化的一个重要 配合. 本会支持全英中文学校所推廣的文化活动育培青少年. 英国中文学校联会在此祝賀伯恩茅斯政府, 伯恩茅斯 中文学校及Coastalbid合力举辦首界”年宵”活动成功. 祝贺伯恩茅斯中文学校邁出彩虹. 将中国文化在 英国推展与民同樂. 希望大家继续支持中文学校. 热烈推动中华 文化教育. 借此机会预祝大家 猴年工作愉快, 身体健康, 万事如意!

Acknowledgement The Organising Committee wish to record their grateful thanks to the following for their generous support of the 2016 Chinese Winter Wonderland.

Thank you to Sponsors and Partners


Bournemouth Coastal BID Boscombe Regeneration Hope FM Sovereign Shopping Centre

Bournemouth Coastal BID Bournemouth Chinese School Boscombe Regeneration


Organising Committee

Embassy of the People’s Republic of China Bournemouth Borough Council Dorset Race Equality Council Dorset County Council Dorset POPP Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group Dorset Fire and Rescue Wessex Energy Advice Centre Wing Yip Croydon Superstore Wonderful Karaoke Rooms Wah Hing Chinese Supermarket Lan KTV Bournemouth Little Asia Restaurant Rod Wilson - Boscombe Market Manager Stevie - Sasamusements

Project Leader: Catherine Nicholls


Bournemouth Chinese School Betty Yeung

UK Shaolin Group JH Action Fighters Bournemouth Arts and Culture Group School SUBU Dance Society - Bournemouth Uni. Natural Elements Group UK Nepal Friendship Society

Event Production Manager: Cady Nguyen Coastal BID Manager: Stefan Krause Boscombe Centre Manager: Carol Butler Coastal BID Design Director: Anna Chamberlain Designer: Donald Hung Ciayi Lim (yeva clarkson)

Event Coordinator: Hong Anh Nguyen, Ming Huo, Vika Stepanska, Baitong Ruksasup, DREC Coordinator: Alan Mercel-Sanca

Photography & Filming

Dorset POPP Coordinator: Sue Warr

Fabienne Dupres - Bournemouth Uni. Stefen Mathhews - Bournemouth Uni. Sophie White - Bournemouth Uni. Alexis Pond, Harry Finn, Charlie Finn, Hattie Miles

Emcee: Candy Lam Volunteer: Fitri Rachmawati, Michelle Vo, Nguyen Mai Thao, Thu Giang Vo, Y C Pond

十二生肖2016運程 鼠 生肖鼠在2016猴年为三大合太岁的生肖之一,太岁是生肖鼠的三合贵人, 因得贵人相助 ,人缘佳,运势非常理想。同时,流年有正财星透出,主财 喜临门,正财运极佳,是充满 机遇与收获的一年。因逢三合贵人, 感情运有不错的收获,单身的生肖鼠今年是难得的姻 缘年。但是生肖鼠今年运势过旺,有高处不胜寒的旺极之势,要注 意物极必反,行动上要 量力而行,以免小人坏事。另需注意的是健康、意外、灾祸 方面。

牛 生肖牛今年拨开云雾见明月,整体运势不错,有正印星出现,正印星是一颗贵人星,利于 升学考试,对成年人的工作事业,功名成就、地位权力等起到一定的帮扶作用。只是今年 生肖牛容易出现凶险的血光之灾、意外横祸,要特别注意一下。总的来说今年生肖牛贵人 多出,生助有情,有生有泄,正所谓一通到底百事顺,纵有险阻福不弃, 可尽享一年旺运。

虎 生肖虎犯太岁,俗话说:“太岁不可冲,冲者必有祸”。钱财不利防贼盗,还要提防意外 灾”。大耗大耗,就像强盗,明的不得,暗的也要,由于受太岁攻伐克制的原因,往往受 制于人,才能得不到发挥,多成压抑之象。因此,生肖虎今年一整年,在生活、工作、心 理、健康等方面变动较多,轻者有波动,重者受损害,可谓是劳心重重,恋爱中的人最好 万事都应以稳定为主。尤其五黄凶星入命的原生肖虎身体因此受冲克最为明显,慎防疾病 突袭(特别是肝脏、四肢)。

兔 生肖兔进入2016年,首先是迎来了九紫旺神归临本宫,主桃花和添丁。同时,月德贵人入 命,所以生肖兔各方面在诸多正派贵人的压力下,小人匿藏,不敢出来作乱搅局,非常有 利于事业的发展和人际关系的培养。生肖兔还遇到正官流年,对于升职加薪、拓展事业, 在职场官场生意场大有帮助,并且自己此阶段有更高的追求和目标。但是同时由于逢太岁 克制,虽然力度较小,但逢太岁克,总体会难以安于现状,所以是付出较多、拼博奋斗的 一年。

龙 生肖龙有多助多福的一年,突出个人才华、特别升职加薪,尤其是职场官场生意场,文字 创意网络设计策划管理之类的职业,应该把握机会好好争取。同时,一白吉星飞临本宫, 加之有贵人关照把握商机收入多多,财福齐美,事业有成。同时,一白贪狼星到东南方巽 宫,也有利于学子们的学业运与升学运,运势还是不错。不过,虽然一白吉星可以很大程 度上化解五鬼凶星,但吉星化泄气后,力量减弱,所以生肖龙在今年要懂得借助其他力量 加以护运。

蛇 生肖蛇在2016易得贵人朋友帮扶,很多计划都会进展得比较顺利,做事处处事半功倍。又 遇禄星必然多福多寿,金玉满堂,可见运势相当的不错。六合太岁,合中带财,财旺以生 官,财官两旺,福星高照,运势非常理想,婚恋运势不错。但需注意的是防旧疾加重,特 别是心血管、呼吸系统及血液疾病,如有词讼及小人事非者也难以脱身,往往会纠缠不清 越陷越深,最好避免过多纠缠。

十二生肖2016運程 马 生肖马进入2016丙申年,“六白”武曲星飞入命宫,对仕途、公职方面的人士亦会有帮助 ,今年属马之人在做事方面的态度积极进取,能遇到不少机遇,所以,从事公职的人员或 者大企业的中高层人士今年有较好的发展机会,经商之人也容易获得一定的财富,要好好 把握,宜稳步前进,避免好大喜功和凡事过于理想化的心态。生肖马整体运势吉凶参半, 只有化去凶煞,方能吉祥平安。

羊 生肖羊进入2016丙申年,生太岁,又见印星,是头脑知识增长、功名有成的一年,运势相 当不错。以礼待人,聪明勤勉,有喜事降临。金舆乃贵人所乘之车,譬之君子居官得禄, 非常利于职场运和事业的发展,积极努力进取应该有所进步。但是遭遇天空星,身体容易 出问题,所以生肖羊不要太掉以轻心。生肖羊的整体运势来说贵人多出,凶煞虽然严重还 好入命不多,及时化解可保一年吉顺。

猴 生肖猴今年本命年犯太岁,生活和工作中易出现许多突如其来的变化,本命年实际上是伏 吟在作怪,容易导致一整年的心境郁郁不振,也有另起炉灶之征,专门破坏婚姻宫。因此 本命年的生肖猴运势起伏较大,压力不小,事业、感情等方面容易举步维艰。但不必灰心 丧气,万事车到山前必有路,需要多与人交流,并要虚心接纳建议和良言,自我调节,凡 事应以稳为先,本年不宜操之过急,整体宜静不宜动。

鸡 生肖鸡在2016丙申年,首先是遇到了天乙贵人,非常有助于公职人员的升迁,同时又遇到 正官贵人,充满正能量,并且对自己以往的缺陷会有所改观,是重生与再造的一年。太岁 为比劫,一方面婚恋上会出现争夺和失和;另一方面,有可共患难但难有共富贵的朋友。 同时四绿木星入命不旺,四绿星主文昌、科名,不利考试求功名或参加公职竞争。因此一 年多反复,是需要坚定信念,切勿左右两盼,否则会因不专一而失败。

狗 生肖狗2016年功名和贵人运利,事业趋势十分良好,被人重视,但因生太岁的原因必须多 付出才有回报,并且有时过于为他人着想而少不了吃苦头。财运上平平,由于受到天狗运 的影响,心里忧思重重有不安感,容易在婚姻感情上让对方陷入迷茫与不理解。属狗人今 年健康方面很不错。只是流年遇到吊客,容易有好事变坏,生肖狗要在好运中不掉以轻心 ,遇到坏事多做调整不宜灰心丧气。

猪 生肖猪为2016年犯太岁,各方面运势都会受到莫大的影响, 所以生肖猪今年万事小心谨慎 ,防人之心不可无,切记保守发展,看起来不错的偏财运势,可能暗藏着陷阱。感情也不 要轻信外人谗言,避免夫妻或恋人因外人的挑拨而关系疏远,甚至反目。因此今年也不利 与人合作,多有不吉,防外伤,容易患病,所以要注意。不过,生肖猪好在“福德”“天 德”两大吉星缓解了流年,整年运势吉凶参半。

There is a meaning to all festivals 02 April 2016

清明 [qing ming]

filial piety

Qingming Festival is an important day to show respects to ancestors. Qingming Festival, also called Tomb Sweeping Day or Pure Brightness in English, usually falls on April 4 or 5.

09 June 2016

端午節 [duan wu jie]


中秋節 [zhong qiu jie]


The Dragon Boat Festival, also often known as the Tuen Ng or Duanwu Festival, is a traditional festive from China to commemorate Qu Yuan, a Chinese poet who sacrifies himself for the country.

15 September 2016 Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as Moon Festival, is the 2nd most important festival in Chinese lunar calendar. This is the time for family to savor the moon cake and tea together while appreciate the beauty of full moon.

Head OďŹƒce 2 Finch Lane London EC3V 3NA

Manchester OďŹƒce Manchester One, 3rd Floor, 53 Portland Street Manchester M1 3LD

Netherlands Branch Willemswerf 14th Floor Boompjes 40


How do you wish across the country? There are more than 100 Chinese dialects but the official language is Chinese Mandarin, also called as “GuoYu”(國語) or “PuTongHua”(普通話). China (Mandarin)

新年快樂 Xin Nian Kuai Le

Japan (Japanese)

謹賀新年 Kinga Shinnen

Hong Kong (Cantonese)

恭喜發財 Gong Hey Fatt Choy

Instant learning 1, 2, 3 Hello


(ni hao)





Delicious 好吃

I am fine

我很好 (wo hen hao)

(xie xie)

You are welcome

不客氣 (bu ke qi)

(hao chi)


真的嗎 (zhen de ma)

(jing xi)



(xi wang)



(xiang yao)




在哪兒 (zai na er)



How much 多少錢 (duo shao qian)



(shi wu)

Expensive 太貴了 (tai gui le)






(kuai le)

I Love You 我愛你 (wo ai ni)


(rong yi)

湯圓 [tang yuan]

Eating tangyuan on the Lantern Festival is a way for Chinese people to express their best wishes for their family and their future lives.

Yuan Xiao: Eating Tang Yuan As tangyuan is pronounced similarly to tuanyuan (團圓 /twan-ywen/ 'group round'), which means the whole family gathering together happily, Chinese people believe that the round shape of the balls and their bowls symbolize wholeness and togetherness.

Tips 1 :

you might find this delicious tangyuan from The Old Place Restaurant. Call to find out more about the menu today!

Tips 2 :

If you are looking for Lantern Festival celebration in the UK? Join The Magical Lantern Festival in London! visit www.magicallantern.uk for more detail.

Support the Community Not only is a multicultural celebration, Chinese Winter Wonderland is also a non-profit project to support Dorset Race Equality Council (Dorset REC, Charity No: 1104642), Dorset County Council and Bournemouth Chinese School (Charity No. 01162663). These charities are focused on a support service project to benefit and support people with their day-to-day life event, from arranging a doctor appointment to attending specialist appointment. Many people have English as their second language, Asians, Indians, Africans… and also including European. When people get old or when they first reach a new environment, they would not feel confident to approach help when needed. Sometimes conflicts simply result from the language barriers and its embarrassment. The support services is set out to provide necessary support to those `less able' English speakers to understand the changes in lives and the constantly Changing world. This project will set its first step in Dorset (a very DIVERT place) and work on more locations. Part of its work will create a radio project to bring different generations together and allow them to share their knowledge and wisdom of their own. It’s important to learn and share experience from all angles in life, bringing people closer together and creating a beautiful environment. Following this will be a Telephone Help Line set up to assist all non-English speakers breaking down language barriers and accessing services more easily. All in all, its job is to boost quality of life and community cohesion, and counteract effects of isolation, misunderstanding or discrimination, that people from ethnic minority communities sometimes experience. Thereby, it will create the wisdom of knowledge, live and living, and harmony for as many as it can benefit.

這是一項非盈利活動, 宗旨為慈善機構籌款。 這慈善機構主要是為了 缺乏英語溝通的人士而 設,策劃在近期內設立 廣播電台以及補助電話 熱線,協助需要人士在 英國生活上的基本溝通 需求。

é­šç”&#x; [yu sheng]

The Festive Tradition: Yu Sheng The Cantonese Chinese welcome Chinese New Year with a spectacularly festive tradition: communally tossing a raw-fish salad with their chopsticks and shouting good-luck wishes.

Tossing a yu sheng is popularly believed to bring luck to participants - and the higher you toss the ingredients, the more luck you're believed to bring in!

Special thanks to Little Asia Restaurant and Lan KTV for the kind donation to us. you can find more delicious meal from Little Asia Restaurant or get a karaoke session from Lan KTV:

01202 555 685

01202 556 688

Little Asia Restaurant


A glance through the tradition

Preceding Days: Spring-Cleaning


New Year Eve: Reunion Dinner


First Day of New Year: House Visiting


Day 15: Festival of Lanterns


塵(chen) is a homophone for the word “old”. Thus, cleaning means to drive the bad luck or the old things away from the house to get ready for a new start.

It is an important celebration in Chinese tradition to have all the family member gather around for reunion dinner (團圓飯) on the New Year eve.

Paying Chinese New Year visits to relatives and friends is an important convention in China. It is a way of giving one’s best wishes to others.

Celebrated on the fifteenth day or last day of the Lunar New Year celebration. The lanterns are almost always red to symbolize good fortune.

紫微斗數算命,專睇公司家宅風水 設計,擇曰开市,小兒命名。楊師 傳執业三十多年,經驗丰富,專排 解人生難題,改运。一个月期预 约。 請透過以下電郵與我聯絡


Monkey year: The monkey’s luck Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky

Numbers Colours Flowers Directions

: : : :

1, 7, 8 White, Gold, Blue Chrysanthemum, Alliums North, Northwest, West

2016 is the Zodiac Year of Birth (Ben Ming Nian) for them. Their overall fortune won’t be smooth in the whole year. They need to be cautious about cooperation and investment. Balanced lifestyle will improve their health conditions a lot.

RAT Intelligent, Adaptable, Artistic Charming. Perfect Partner:

OX Loyal, Reliable, Strong, Steady, Reasonable.

TIGER Enthusiastic, Courageous, Charm, Ambitious, Leader.

Dragon & Monkey

Snake & Rooster

Perfect Partner:

Perfect Partner:

RABBIT Trustworthy, Emphatic, Modest, Sincere, Sociable.

DRAGON Lucky, Imaginative, Artistic, Charismatic, Flexible, Spiritual.

SNAKE Philosophical, Intelligent, Intuitive, Elegant, Attentive.

Perfect Partner:

Perfect Partner:

Horse & Dog

Perfect Partner:

Goat & Pig

Rat & Monkey

Rooster & Ox

HORSE Adaptable, Loyal, Adventurous, Strong, Seducing, Impatient.

GOAT Tasteful, Crafty, Warm, Creative, Thinker, Charming.

MONKEY Quick-witted, Bright, Versatile, Lively, Smart.

Perfect Partner:

Perfect Partner:

Pig & Rabbit

Dragon & Rat

ROOSTER Honest, Energetic, Intelligent, Diverse, Confident, Practical.

DOG Loyal, Sociable, Steady, Lively, Smart, Sensitive, Adaptable.

PIG Honourable, Tasteful, Determined, Optimistic, Sincere.

Dog & Tiger

Perfect Partner:

Snake & Ox

Perfect Partner:

Tiger & Horse

Perfect Partner:

Perfect Partner:

Goat & Rabbit

Know your Chinese Zodiac PIG




2017 2016 2005 2004 1993 2 1992 20 018 15 3 0 1981 8 0 9 1 1 0 2 00 1 1 99 6 2 99 9 1968 1969 19 982 4 1 97 7 70 1 96 1


2014 2002 1990 1978 1966



2013 2001 1989 1977 1965




201 2010 199 1 1998 19 9 2 8 1986 2 01 19 7 1 00 2 1974 19 75 63 19 988 0 1962 1 96 76 4



2008 2019 1996 7 0 0 2 2 1984 1995 19 009 1 9 3 72 19 97 198 1 1971 960 1 197 85 96 3 1





Like the western 12 astrology signs, the Chinese 12 zodiac animal signs also provide guidance on people’s love match and personality analysis, while the difference lies in the time division: western astrology signs are marked by 12 months according to Gregorian calendar, while Chinese animal signs are defined by a 12-year circle.

China Taiping Insurance (UK) Company Limited, formerly known as China Insurance Company October 1985, it is a member of the ABI.

with 30 years of trading experience


the three [yuan] of Chinese Winter Wonderland

mo nkey

Chinese New Year, also called Spring Festival, has more than 4,000 years of history. It is the grandest and the most important annual event for Chinese people. And this time, we are celebrating the year of Monkey starting from 8th February 2016. Flip over to know more about the 12 Chinese zodiac.

reunio n

Being one of the traditional festivals, it is the time for the whole families to reunite together, which is similar with Christmas Day to the Westerners. While visiting new year market for the preparation of reunion dinner and house decoration is part and parcel of the culture. Refer to the 2016 prediction at the back for more guidance on shopping list.

de stiny

Chinese Winter Wonderland is the perfect occasion to bring the people of Dorset together and warm up the winter season with a colourful market of joy and happiness. And this is part of our destiny to gather along at this new year market and enjoy the Performance of Chinese Dance, Kung Fu, Lion Dance Chinese Fashion show and more exciting activites. Join the lucky draw today to stand a chance to win away attractive prizes.

In China, Chinese Winter Wonderland can be referred as “Lunar New Year Fair”. As a Chinese tradition at Lunar New Year, we buy new clothes, shoes, beautiful flowers, blessing words, lanterns etc. at the Market. Every family display the flowers and blessing words and lanterns at home to celebrate Chinese New Year. The families’ members they working outside town & they must return home to celebrate Chinese New Year for 15 days. New Year Tradition to tidy up the house and dressing up new clothes at Lunar Year are meaning to welcome the Money God to visit our house in the New Year period and hoping to receive fortune from Money God of the treasure coming smoothly from works and business in whole year. Bournemouth Chinese School would like to share this good tradition lucky meaningful to all local citizens living in Bournemouth and surrounding areas; to blessing all people visit this CWW lucky market. Buy lucky things and bring lucky back home for whole year. Hope every citizen likes our beautiful Chinese Tradition in Bournemouth. Chair of Governor Betty Yeung Bournemouth Chinese School


Bournemouth Chinese School 課程介紹 Curriculum 普通話班 Mandarin Class 初級班 / 中級班 / 高級班 Beginner / Middle / Advance GCSE and A-Level

廣東話班 Cantonese Class 初級班 Foundation Class

Business Mandarin Class We guarantee you can hold a Chinese Conversation after this short course

課程包括 拼音,寫生字,閱讀,故事,作句, 作文,美勞創作,詩歌,中國文化等。 pin yin, writing, reading, story telling, composition, art & craft, poem, culture,etc. Other activities classes: Chinese Dance / Kung Fu / Art & Craft / Cookery / Flower Arrangement, etc.

註冊時間 Registration March 2016 to August 2016 開學學期 Academic year Starts September 2016 Tues & Thurs : 7PM to 9PM Sat & Sun : 1:15PM to 3:15PM www.bournemouthchineseschool.org Facebook: Bournemouth Chinese School Contact Us

0800 426 1681


Chinese Winter Wonderland learnt about the Bournemouth Chinese School when I carried out the Role as Mayor of Bournemouth in 2009/2010. Betty Yeung invited me to attend many functions including the successful Chinese New Year Celebrations in partnership with Bournemouth Borough Council with events particularly the Lantern festival and workshops held at the Bournemouth Library teaching children about the Chinese culture. I had the pleasure of presenting children from the Bournemouth Chinese School with certificates at the Academic year & Student Awards Ceremony. I was asked to become a Governor of the School and have performed this role to the present time. The School is a registered charity it’s aim is to bring together those with different cultures by promoting and embracing their cultural heritage through festive celebration events, language lessons, workshops and many other activities. The School celebrated the first Dragon Boat Festival during the summer of 2015. I am delighted to support the Chinese Winter Wonderland a free event to be held on 30/31st January 2016 in Boscombe together with the Chinese Embassy and Bournemouth Borough Council and Bournemouth Coastal Bid. Betty, Catherine and all are to be congratulated on all their hard work in putting on this event. China’s President Mr Xi Jinping visited the United Kingdom with his wife Peng Liyuan during October 2015. The purpose of the visit was to encourage the Chinese in establishing a business partnership between China and England. The Chinese culture would like to play a part in promoting the friendship between England and China. Beryl Baxter Mayor of Bournemouth 2009/2010

Chinese Winter Wonderland Bournemouth Borough Council is delighted to support the inaugural 2016 Chinese Winter Wonderland. We are thrilled Bournemouth has been chosen to host the event – the first of its kind in the South of England! The event promises to be rich in culture, generating harmony and optimism for the year ahead – the Year of the Monkey. Bringing people together from different ethnic groups, with different beliefs, languages and traditions helps to create understanding, recognition and acceptance that we are not all the same. This is not something we need or should seek to change; it is something to celebrate. The Winter Wonderland event promises to do just that and will help Build a Better Bournemouth. It will complement the exemplary work the Council does to bring communities together, to reduce isolation and discrimination, and promote social inclusion. The Asian community is well represented in Bournemouth – over 4% of the resident population. Taken together with other ethnic groups, it is the most culturally and ethnically diverse area in Dorset. It is also the most popular place in the United Kingdom for English language study outside the capital, with over 50,000 international students electing to study here. With seven miles of award-winning sandy beaches, significant student accommodation, over 2000 acres of award-winning parks and gardens, and a vibrant nightlife, it is little wonder that Bournemouth is the UK’s premier coastal resort, and the perfect location for this engaging event. We look forward to a multicultural weekend of fun and celebration, and welcoming people from a variety of backgrounds to enjoy the market and join in the live entertainment. We wish to congratulate the organisers on bringing what promises to be an exciting celebration of Chinese culture to Bournemouth and hope this is an event that will continue to grow and develop in future years. Kung Hei Fat Choy! Tony Williams Chief Executive Bournemouth Borough Council

“Coastal BID helps the Chinese New Year swing into the Year of the Monkey!” The Coastal Business Improvement District (BID) is proud to fund and help to secure the inaugural Chinese Winter Wonderland which is taking place in Boscombe this year on Saturday 30th and Sunday 31st January. The festival, which is set to wow, boasts a vast number of acts performing at Boscombe precinct celebrating Chinese New Year and swinging into the Year of the Monkey! The Chinese Winter Wonderland builds on the resounding success of Boscombe’s existing annual Chinese New Year celebrations which, year on year in partnership with the Sovereign Centre, have brought visitors in to Boscombe to relax and enjoy the cultural programme that is on offer. At this year’s event the Year of the Monkey will be ushered in with an eye catching dragon and lion dance and shoppers will be treated to a mix of dance, live music, craft stalls, Kung Fu dancing, a Chinese fashion show and a cultural explosion of food which will celebrate the different cultures of Korea, Nepal, Vietnam, Thailand and Thaiwan. Paul Clarke, Coastal BID Chairman and General Manager of the Bournemouth Hallmark West Cliff Hotel enthused, “We are thrilled to be supporting the Chinese Education School who are launching this new Chinese Winter Wonderland. It is allowing them to really showcase everything that Chinese New Year can offer. There will certainly be a real buzz and vibe around Boscombe as visitors are treated to this amazingly diverse mix of Chinese culture and traditions.” Coastal BID Manager Stefan Krause advised, “I know many local people who have invited friends to come and stay in Bournemouth especially to visit the Chinese Winter Wonderland and visitors will discover a vast variety of Chinese culture and genuine food offers. This festival really does have something to appeal to all ages!” Stefan Krause continued, “People clearly love and enjoy all that Boscombe has to offer, from the Countdown to Christmas to the Chinese New Year Celebrations. This winter season captures peoples’ imaginations and we have already received positive feedback of how we are improving shoppers and visitors experiences in Boscombe all year round.”

Programme Itinerary 30 January 2016 (Saturday) 12:00 13:00 13:15 13:45 14:00 14:15 15:00 15:45

Circus Star Aerial Dance Performance Opening Ceremony Lion Dance Dragon Dance Lucky Draw Winner JH Action Fighters Show Chinese Qua Po Show Nepali Dance

31 January 2016 (Sunday) 11:30 12:00 13:00 15:00

JH Action Fighters Show Singing and Dance Multicultural Fashion Show Announcement of Best Decorated Stall Winner Singing and Dance Thank you and Close

Please follow us on Facebook or website for update details. Interested to perform? Please do not hesitate to contact us at 0800 2461 861 or info@chinesewinterwonderland.co.uk

Chinese Winter Wonderland

Log on to www.boscombemarket.co.uk to see more information about the venue. Getting there By Train Nearest railway stations are Pokesdown and Bournemouth By Bus Wilts & Dorset Buses (red buses) More 2, 16, 121, and X3; Bournemouth Transport (yellow buses) 1a, 1b, 1c, 2a, 2b, 2c, 25, and 26 By Car Refer to the post code BH1 4SX Vendor List SD Leisure - Kitty Rides Bournemouth Entertainment Bouncy Castle Kori Korean Restaurant Woko Woko Chinese Restaurant Eat Pho Vietnamese Restaurant Just Thai Cuisine The Old Place Chinese Restaurant UKNFS - Nepali Society DREC - Dorset Race Equality Council Dorset County Council Dorset Fire Authority & Dorset Energy Advice Yobu Bubble Milk Tea & Frozen Yogurt Sunrise Bubble Tea

Porky Pig Hog Roast Caterers EF Language School Baltic Treasure Wilder Lopez Clothing and Accessories Mystical Tarot Bournemouth Chinese School (Photobooth, Chinese Accessories,Calligraphy, Games and Workshop, Sweets and Desserts.) Haibin Fu - Chinese Tattoo & Body Painting Funky Punky Face Paint HopeFM Asia Shop Feng Hua Chinese Supermarket Flowers Shop

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