April 2012 CIMA benevolent fund newsletter

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About us


The CIMA Benevolent Fund helps CIMA members and their dependants who are going through hard times. Difficulties may arise for a variety of reasons: long-term illness, disability, loss of employment, caring responsibilities, marital breakdown, bereavement or quite simply a less than adequate retirement income may all result in serious hardship. Whatever the cause of the distress, the CIMA Benevolent Fund is able to support members through difficult periods.

David was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis at the age of 44. His condition deteriorated over the next few years, leaving him unable to work. Aside from a regular grant to David, the Fund is now helping his two sons, who are both university students, through their studies and recently contributed towards buying an electric muscle stimulator which helps David’s mobility. He comments ‘it’s fantastic to be able to walk kind of normally.’

The CIMA Benevolent Fund has always relied on the generosity of more fortunate CIMA members for the financial resources it needs to support members in need.


How the Benevolent Fund helps – some examples

When member John in Zambia died suddenly at a young age, his widow Emma was left struggling to support their six young children and to meet mortgage payments on their home and pay school fees. The Fund offered her help with this year’s school fees.

Nigel Nigel’s mental health condition remained undiagnosed until he was in his late forties. Up to that time, he had managed to hold down a job as a qualified CIMA accountant. Then, in a short period of time, he was declared bankrupt, suffered a breakdown and then had to cope with the death of his mother, with whom he had lived all his life. Their home, which his mother had owned and Nigel inherited, had to be sold to discharge his debts. It was at this stage that Nigel came to the CIMA Benevolent Fund, which offered him help with the deposit and advance rental he needed to pay to find a new place to live.

Support your fellow professionals in need like Nigel, Sue and David by making a donation to the Benevolent Fund.


You can send a cheque, made payable to ‘CIMA Benevolent Fund’, to the Benevolent Fund Secretary at CIMA, 26 Chapter Street, London SW1P 4NP.

After Sue had to stop work to undergo intensive treatment for cancer, the Fund started to help her financially with a regular grant. A year later Sue had clinical depression also and tests showed that, as the cancer had returned, she needed further chemotherapy and radiotherapy. It was at this stage that Sue wrote to us with ‘thanks for your support. It takes a lot of stress away at this worrying time.’

It was like a great lifting off my shoulders to know that help is there for me.

You can do this online by visiting www.cimaglobal. com, and logging on to ‘My CIMA’ using your personal password, clicking onto ‘My financials’ and then ‘Donate to Benevolent Fund’ and following the online instructions.

You can make a regular annual donation by direct debit; please contact the Benevolent Fund Secretary, Caroline Aldred, at CIMA’s Chapter Street address, or at 17% benevolent.fund@cimaglobal.com or on +44 (0)20 8849 2221 40% 17% 26%

CIMA Benevolent Fund – helping members and their families in times of need – registered charity no. 261114

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