October 2011
Welcome to our new e-bulletin – updating you on the most recent ethics and sustainability news from CIMA and beyond. DIRECTORS MESSAGE
Ethics are important to me because… “…in the long term right works and wrong does not. Our Code of Ethics provides a global platform for professional people that businesses can rely on to help them succeed by doing the right thing to keep the business intact, in other words it’s about business sustainability.” Robin Vaughan, Executive Director, Governance and Professional Standards
UPCOMING SURVEY Responsible business In 2008 we conducted a survey which was the basis for the Managing responsible business report. We are now conducting the second survey on the same theme, striving to always keep up in this ever changing business climate. Look out in your email in October for the 2011 survey to share your experience and take part in shaping the 2011 Manage responsible business report, or follow this link to complete the survey now. Everyone who completes the survey will be entered in a prize draw with the chance to win an IPad (16GB, wifi only). ANTI-BRIBERY Guidance With regards to the new Bribery Act which came into force in mid 2011, CIMA and St Paul’s institute held a seminar to discuss the responsibilities financial management has in implementing anti bribery guidance. UK Bribery Act: how will you act? is a good tool to help you understand the principles of the Act. At our Bribery Act pages you will also find webcasts from the seminar, the results of our survey on how our members prepared themselves for the implementation of the Bribery Act and our initial briefing document. Action against corruption Corruption worldwide is increasingly under the spotlight. The Arab Spring showed how people are making a stand for change against corrupt regimes. More recently anti-corruption campaigner Anna Hazare has been making the headlines in his strive for the establishment of a nationwide ombudsman system in India. The organisation Transparency International works globally against corruption, read their views on the struggle against corruption in India here, or study up on world corruption via their 2010 Corruption Perception Index.