content keeps me abreast of the latest thoughts and
“Stephen Covey mentions in his
knowledge on diverse topics such as functional, business
book 'The 7 Habits of Highly
and soft skills” says Sriram.
Effective People' about 'sharpening
Every CIMA member would advocate the fact that it is
the saw' as an important part of maintaining effectiveness. To me,
a qualification that professionals should definitely look forward to in order to take their career to an altogether new level. Sriram thoroughly preaches the qualification and is of the view that, “CIMA members bring a unique
CIMA membership means that
combination of financial and business skills and are
sharpening saw which consistently
flexible enough to assume diverse responsibilities.”
provides me with a rich source of
Apart from the growth benefits that a CIMA member can
material. This strong content keeps me abreast of the latest thoughts
reap, the most credible enhancement in skills is the approach to situations in a well-thought manner in order to derive the best possible solutions.
and knowledge on diverse topics such as functional, business and soft skills.”
Memberspeak: CIMA India Liaison Office 303, 3rd Floor, VIBGYOR Towers, C-62, G Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra East, Mumbai 400 051.
T. +91 22 4237 0100 +91 22 4237 0111 +91 22 3291 1383 E.
Sriram Kameshwar
ACMA, CGMA Financial Controller, Prudential Process Management Services India (Pvt) Ltd
Prudential plc is an international
approximately 500 employees and
financial services group with
focuses on providing offshore support
significant operations in Asia, USA and
to Prudential's operations in UK and
UK. The group serves over 25 million
across the world.
customers and has £349.5 billion of assets under management (as of 30
June 2011). It is one of the best
As Financial Controller of Prudential Process Management
capitalised insurers in the world with
Services India (Pvt) Ltd, Sriram is responsible for financial controls, financial analysis, management reporting and
an Insurance Groups Directive (IGD)
financial accounting. He leads a group of about 90
capital surplus estimated at £4.1
people, comprising of qualified chartered accountants, cost accountants, management graduates, commerce
billion (as of 30 June 2011). Prudential
graduates and post graduates. He is a member of the
plc is listed on stock exchanges in
leadership team of the organisation.
London, Hong Kong, Singapore and
Sriram started working for Prudential Process
New York.
Management Services India (Pvt) Ltd in 2005 as a Senior
The group's Asian business is in the top three for market share of new business in India as well as China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, the
Manager. Having worked as the Deputy Manager for MIS & Accounts at BASF India Ltd, Sriram enhanced his managerial skills for five years. He had also worked as a Manager in the finance department of Mahanagar Gas Ltd, a privately held company in the oil and energy sector.
Philippines and Vietnam. Prudential
He started to draw his future career after high school.
Corporation Asia provides a
After five years of studies, Sriram became the holder of
comprehensive range of savings, protection and investment products tailored to meet customers' needs in each market. Established in December 2003, Prudential Process Management Services India (Pvt) Ltd at present has
a Bachelor of Commerce degree (finance and accounting), from the University of Mumbai.
accounting which he developed through his job roles. With his high quality international experience of almost
He continued to learn more at the Institute of Cost and
20 years in finance and accounts and senior management
Work Accountants of India for two years. Then he pursued
of both manufacturing and service sector companies,
and acquired the CFA finance qualification.
Sriram believes that CIMA qualification leveraged his
With such an extensive experience in finance, Sriram
international growth opportunities.
eventually decided to gain a good balance between
Sriram quotes the CIMA membership as a gem in the
technical/ financial education and managerial/ business
crown, by virtue of which one reaps immense respect
combination of financial and
education with the CIMA qualification.
and sense of achievement from personal as well as
business skills and are flexible
The 360 degree business approach of the CIMA
“CIMA members bring a unique
professional peers.
enough to assume diverse
membership helped Sriram to move beyond finance and
“Stephen Covey mentions in his book 'The 7 Habits of
lead other business verticals.
Highly Effective People' about 'sharpening the saw' as an
Obtaining the CIMA qualification made him proud; it reinforced his technical skills in financial and management
important part of maintaining effectiveness. To me, CIMA membership means that sharpening saw that consistently provides me with a rich source of material. This strong
Prudential plc is an international
approximately 500 employees and
financial services group with
focuses on providing offshore support
significant operations in Asia, USA and
to Prudential's operations in UK and
UK. The group serves over 25 million
across the world.
customers and has £349.5 billion of assets under management (as of 30
June 2011). It is one of the best
As Financial Controller of Prudential Process Management
capitalised insurers in the world with
Services India (Pvt) Ltd, Sriram is responsible for financial controls, financial analysis, management reporting and
an Insurance Groups Directive (IGD)
financial accounting. He leads a group of about 90
capital surplus estimated at £4.1
people, comprising of qualified chartered accountants, cost accountants, management graduates, commerce
billion (as of 30 June 2011). Prudential
graduates and post graduates. He is a member of the
plc is listed on stock exchanges in
leadership team of the organisation.
London, Hong Kong, Singapore and
Sriram started working for Prudential Process
New York.
Management Services India (Pvt) Ltd in 2005 as a Senior
The group's Asian business is in the top three for market share of new business in India as well as China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, the
Manager. Having worked as the Deputy Manager for MIS & Accounts at BASF India Ltd, Sriram enhanced his managerial skills for five years. He had also worked as a Manager in the finance department of Mahanagar Gas Ltd, a privately held company in the oil and energy sector.
Philippines and Vietnam. Prudential
He started to draw his future career after high school.
Corporation Asia provides a
After five years of studies, Sriram became the holder of
comprehensive range of savings, protection and investment products tailored to meet customers' needs in each market. Established in December 2003, Prudential Process Management Services India (Pvt) Ltd at present has
a Bachelor of Commerce degree (finance and accounting), from the University of Mumbai.
accounting which he developed through his job roles. With his high quality international experience of almost
He continued to learn more at the Institute of Cost and
20 years in finance and accounts and senior management
Work Accountants of India for two years. Then he pursued
of both manufacturing and service sector companies,
and acquired the CFA finance qualification.
Sriram believes that CIMA qualification leveraged his
With such an extensive experience in finance, Sriram
international growth opportunities.
eventually decided to gain a good balance between
Sriram quotes the CIMA membership as a gem in the
technical/ financial education and managerial/ business
crown, by virtue of which one reaps immense respect
combination of financial and
education with the CIMA qualification.
and sense of achievement from personal as well as
business skills and are flexible
The 360 degree business approach of the CIMA
“CIMA members bring a unique
professional peers.
enough to assume diverse
membership helped Sriram to move beyond finance and
“Stephen Covey mentions in his book 'The 7 Habits of
lead other business verticals.
Highly Effective People' about 'sharpening the saw' as an
Obtaining the CIMA qualification made him proud; it reinforced his technical skills in financial and management
important part of maintaining effectiveness. To me, CIMA membership means that sharpening saw that consistently provides me with a rich source of material. This strong
content keeps me abreast of the latest thoughts and
“Stephen Covey mentions in his
knowledge on diverse topics such as functional, business
book 'The 7 Habits of Highly
and soft skills” says Sriram.
Effective People' about 'sharpening
Every CIMA member would advocate the fact that it is
the saw' as an important part of maintaining effectiveness. To me,
a qualification that professionals should definitely look forward to in order to take their career to an altogether new level. Sriram thoroughly preaches the qualification and is of the view that, “CIMA members bring a unique
CIMA membership means that
combination of financial and business skills and are
sharpening saw which consistently
flexible enough to assume diverse responsibilities.”
provides me with a rich source of
Apart from the growth benefits that a CIMA member can
material. This strong content keeps me abreast of the latest thoughts
reap, the most credible enhancement in skills is the approach to situations in a well-thought manner in order to derive the best possible solutions.
and knowledge on diverse topics such as functional, business and soft skills.”
Memberspeak: CIMA India Liaison Office 303, 3rd Floor, VIBGYOR Towers, C-62, G Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra East, Mumbai 400 051.
T. +91 22 4237 0100 +91 22 4237 0111 +91 22 3291 1383 E.
Sriram Kameshwar
ACMA, CGMA Financial Controller, Prudential Process Management Services India (Pvt) Ltd