MEPCA Machine Building Supplement September 2023

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September 2023 Machine Building Supplement

A pluggable system solution for control cabinet-free automation: The MX-System

a highly flexible control cabinet-free automation solution robust, water- and dust-proof design (IP67 protection rating) plug-and-play with pluggable function modules for IPC, coupler, I/O, drive, relay and system standardized connectors for transmission of data and power EtherCAT communication tried-and-tested connector for the field level reduces engineering work high time and cost savings integrated diagnostic functions

Find out about

world of control-cabinet free automation!



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September 2023

As factories become smarter and the number of connected devices grows, so do the cybersecurity risks. With a greater number of connected devices, there are more potential entry points for cybercriminals. Components or software sourced from third-party vendors might have vulnerabilities, and many IoT devices don’t get regular software updates, making them vulnerable to known exploits.

Disgruntled employees or contractors might exploit internal knowledge to cause harm, where physical access to devices might lead to malware installation or alteration of their functions.

If a malicious attack occurs, sensitive operational data, intellectual property, or production-related data might be targeted, or production halted, leading to significant financial losses.

Therefore, it is critical that, as automation levels grow within a factory site, the business has a thorough approach to mitigating these risks. This should include regular software updates and patches, tight controls over system and device access – using multi-factor authentication where appropriate – and carrying out vendor security assessments. Physical security should be in place to prevent unauthorised in-person access to devices and systems, and staff should be regularly trained around the importance of cybersecurity and their obligations.

Critical data and systems should, of course, be regularly backed up to allow for fast recovery if needed, and an incident response plan should be developed to enable the business to address potential cyber incidents swiftly.

As the benefits of automating factories are increasingly understood, adopting a multi-layered security approach and considering cybersecurity as an integral part of the design and operation phase will significantly reduce the associated risks.

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Industry Partners: 5 CONTENTS 28 30 24 16 20 FEATURES 6 SOLUTIONS FOCUS ifm, Micro Epsilon, Schmershal, DigiKey, SICK and KEB 12COVER STORY Display Technologies 14 HYDRAULICS & PNEUMATICS Camozzi 16 CONNECTIVITY Brainboxes 18 MATERIALS HANDLING Spiroflow and mkProfile Systems 22 LINEAR MOTION British Encoder Company and Linak 26 IMAGING & VISION Optimal Industrial Technologies and Smart Vision Lights 30 MACHINE SAFETY IDEC 26

Combine real-time images and data in a single view with Vision Assistant

The popular Vision Assistant software package from ifm electronic, which provides a convenient yet flexible way of capturing images from vision sensors in machine and process applications without specialist knowledge, has been augmented by the release of a new monitoring tool add-on. With the new add-on installed, it is now possible to display plant data alongside images in the same dashboard, giving users a comprehensive at-a-glance overview of all critical aspects of plant operation.

The user can configure the data displayed alongside the images, but it might typically include statistics on good and reject parts, current production rate and status information from critical sensors.

Combining real-time images and data in a single view makes it much easier to identify problems and deviations from normal operation. This may indicate that a fault is developing or that product quality standards are not being maintained. As a result, remedial

action can be taken promptly, reducing or eliminating wasted out-of-specification production and costly unplanned downtime.

Like Vision Assistant, the new monitoring tool add-on has been designed to be easy to install, configure and use. It allows easy integration of new and existing sensors using network search and, in addition to real-time options, it supports analysis of past trends

New high-speed true colour recognition controller

High-precision sensor supplier Micro-Epsilon has extended its true-colour recognition CFO series with a new controller model. The existing colorSENSOR CFO100 and colorSENSOR200 focus on fast, precise evaluation of colours; the output of the raw Lab or XYZ measurement values was at the rate of just a few Hertz. The new colorSENSOR CFO250 controller offers a significantly faster raw measurement data output up to 500 Hz. With a wide range of sensor heads to choose from, the CFO250 is particularly suitable for high-speed processes such as the monitoring of mixing processes (granulates and powders) and in-quality inspection in filling plants.

The colorSENSOR CFO250 true colour controller performs colour evaluations at very high speeds (measuring rates) of

up to 30 kHz. In the process, taught colours are compared with the current measurement value, controllers are internally evaluated (colour detected/not detected) and output via the digital switching outputs. In addition to the evaluated result, the unevaluated raw data can also be provided in Lab or XYZ colour spaces at up to 500 Hz via UDP, RS232 or USB interface. Using a Micro-Epsilon-specific simplified binary 3-byte protocol, the data can be transferred directly to a PLC for further processing.

For applications where a pure OK/

and process status thanks to functionality that provides automated capture of data and image history.

The new monitoring tool add-on is compatible with all versions of Vision Assistant from Version 2.6 onward. It is offered as a six-camera connection version, with optional single-camera additions thereafter.

NOK evaluation is insufficient, but at the same time, there is a need to regulate high-speed processes, the CFO250 offers new possibilities in evaluation and further processing.


DigiKey debuts factory tomorrow season 3 video series

DigiKey, a leading global commerce distributor of technical components and automation products, has released the first episode in Season 3 of its ‘Factory Tomorrow’ video series focused on the latest innovations driving sustainable change in industrial automation.

Sponsored by Schneider Electric and Panduit, the three-episode series takes a closer look at how powering production with alternative energy sources, sustainable operations, and more are shaping the next major leap forward for manufacturing.

“As global demand continues to increase, automation technology has rapidly advanced to keep pace, especially at the intersection of sustainability and efficiency,” said Eric Halvorson, Partnership Marketing Manager II, Strategic Programs at DigiKey. “Innovative partnerships with suppliers like Panduit

and Schneider Electric illustrate our shared vision of a more sustainable future and ensure DigiKey’s customers have access to the products they need to accelerate progress.”

The first of three videos in the series, ‘Reducing the Impact of Production,’ is now live on DigiKey’s website and explores how the factories of tomorrow will rely on a foundation of connectivity and high-speed infrastructure. This episode highlights Panduit and how its commitment to sustainability enables better technologies for customers and the planet.

The second video, entitled ‘Inspiring Change on the Factory Floor,’ will feature a

visit to Schneider Electric’s smart factory in Lexington to learn how it serves as a model for others in the industry looking to create more sustainable operations. The third video, ‘Sustainable Automation Techniques in Action,’ will showcase how automation and sustainability intersect within DigiKey’s cutting-edge distribution facility.

More usage options – less cost

Schmersal is launching two new versions of its Safety Fieldbox. This means that the box can not only be integrated into systems with PROFINET/ PROFIsafe as before, but it is now also available for the EtherNet/IP with CIP Safety and EtherCAT with FSoE bus systems.

The benefit this brings is that the designer can now plan the safety functions of a machine in a project regardless of the fieldbus system that is used, as the three versions together cover the most commonly used control systems worldwide.

The Safety Fieldbox from Schmersal enables flexible safety solutions, failsafe and fast installation and maximum process transparency. It also enables easy connection of up to eight safety switchgear devices with plug-and-play. Universal device interfaces for eight-pin M12 connectors allow a wide range of different safety switchgear devices to be connected, including electronic and electromechanical solenoid interlocks, sensors, control panels, light curtains and switches.

Unique features of the Safety Fieldbox from Schmersal include the need for just a single M12 slot for solenoid interlocks and safety light curtains and the connection of control panels with the emergency stop function and up to three non-safe command and signalling devices.

Connecting safety devices via the Safety Fieldbox also helps to save costs, as up to eight devices can be connected to a single Fieldbox, which is much more cost-effective than equipping each individual device with a bus interface.

An integrated digital input on each device slot allows the diagnostic signals of all connected safety devices to be evaluated. This means that safety-related and operational signals, such as those required for diagnostic purposes, can be

collected and transmitted. The user can use this information to detect irregularities, e.g. a safety guard that has been moved, and enable prompt intervention if service is deemed necessary. This helps to improve system availability and minimise the risk of downtime. Users can also benefit from greatly simplified, and therefore more costeffective, wiring of safety devices.


When it comes to absorbing short peak currents, braking resistors already mounted on the inverter are a good choice. However, when operating inverters, braking resistors can also become thermally overloaded – with costly consequences. A special feature in the COMBIVERT F6 drive controllers from KEB Automation solves this problem.

The trend in plant and machine design is increasingly moving towards the re-use of regenerative energy in the system. Wherever possible, operation in a DC network is used, whereby the energy is actively utilised in the respective application. If the braking energy exceeds the demand of the other axes or if an emergency stop is carried out, braking resistors are always required.

For the COMBIVERT F6 drive controllers (starting from housing size 4), KEB offers

sub-mounted braking resistors, which are installed on the rear side of the inverter cooling element. This saves space in the control cabinet and avoids the otherwise necessary wiring effort for the user. The braking resistors are cooled directly via the liquid heat sink, which allows them to absorb significantly more power.

Available as built-in or push-through versions, the liquid-cooled F6 inverters in all device versions have an integrated thermal resistance model that is activated when sub-mounted braking resistors are used and protects them from thermal overload. The monitoring function noticeably increases

safety and prevents high costs due to machine failures.

The state space model installed in the F6 drive controllers simulates the temperature of the braking resistor and detects when predefined limit values are reached. If this is the case, the frequency inverter goes into a fault state to prevent possible damage.

KEB drive controllers monitor sub-mounted braking resistors SICK’s extended Ruler3000 family focuses on the finest details

SICK has expanded its nextgeneration Ruler3000 family to focus the outstanding speed and precision of its top-flight 3D streaming cameras on the finest details of high-quality, high-resolution 3D inspection and measurement tasks. With the launch of three compact cameras, as well as an additional mid-range variant, the Ruler3000 cameras now span fields of view between 26.6mm and 1680mm, down to heights of 0.8 micrometres.

The Ruler3000 has set a new standard by combining the outstanding image quality of SICK’s Ranger3 streaming camera with the convenience of a built-in laser, pre-selected optics and factory-calibrated fields of view. Since its launch two years ago, vision specialists all over the world have taken advantage of the Ruler3000’s unmatched processing speed and ease of integration. Already it has solved challenging 3D applications as diverse as inspecting

railway tracks, windmill blades and tire walls, measuring and portioning meat products, and volume dimensioning of legal-for-trade freight.

Now, the SICK Ruler3002, 3004, and 3010 cameras open up the high performance of the Ruler3000 to guaranteed fields of view down to 26.6mm. The addition of a high-powered blue 3R laser gives the three smaller cameras the rapid exposure times necessary to capture the tiniest three-dimensional details at rapid production speeds. With more compact dimensions, these cameras, therefore, extend the capabilities of the Ruler3000 to the minutest details required to inspect electronics and consumer goods assemblies, printed circuit boards and semiconductors. The addition of the mid-range Ruler 3060, with a field of view of 740mm, is targeted at applications in the automotive and consumer goods industries.

The Ruler3000 achieves outstanding

repeatability on light, reflective and metal surfaces, and a new patent-pending Surface+ technology adds another image dimension that reveals even the tiniest scratch on smooth, shiny metal surfaces such as battery housings. The Ruler3000 performs equally well with products with low light remissions, such as when inspecting tire walls.


Enabling innovation in food manufacturing

Display and touchscreen specialist Display Technology explains how it worked with manufacturing information and execution systems provider, Harford Control, to develop a touch screen solution for use in the food manufacturing sector.

Technology specialists Display Technology, works closely with its customers to solve complex technical challenges using displays, embedded computing, monitors, components, and power solutions. The company guides its customers to make the right choices for their projects and enables them to think beyond their initial specifications to solutions which are more effective, efficient, or sustainable. One such project that exemplifies Display Technology’s dedication to finding cuttingedge solutions is its collaboration with

Harford Control in the food manufacturing industry.

As manufacturers aim for efficiency and compliance, tailored solutions become crucial. In industries like food manufacturing, displays and touchscreens must withstand harsh conditions, ensure food safety, and enhance production.

Display Technology’s partnership with Harford Control demonstrates its skill in aiding clients’ decisions, as the two organisations worked together to co-create a specialised touch screen assembly meeting the strict needs of food manufacturing.

Harford Control is a market-leading provider of manufacturing information systems (MIS) and manufacturing execution systems (MES) with over 50 years of experience in various industries, including food and beverage, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, chemicals, and household consumer goods manufacturing. The company’s end-to-end MIS/MES solutions help manufacturers minimise production risks and wastage, increase production efficiency and maintain the highest level of quality consistency.

Harford Control seamlessly integrates


its end-to-end MIS/MES solutions into hardware from Display Technology and Zytronic, fostering a harmonious synergy between software and hardware. This powerful combination of Harford’s multilingual software and robust touch screens has been distributed to clients worldwide, spanning the United Kingdom, France, Italy, South Africa, Mexico, Australia, Canada, the United States, India, and more.

Many of Harford’s clients have been utilising these touch screens for over ten years, a testament to the enduring reliability of Harford Control, Display Technology, and Zytronic as long-term partners for your manufacturing operations.

Zytronic Displays’ internationally awardwinning touch sensors are used globally in ATMs, digital signage, self-service kiosks and gaming machines, as well as by industrial and other commercial OEMs. The company’s success rests on its patented and highly durable touch-sensing technologies, which can be provided in custom designs from 5” to 85” and beyond. These touchscreens are supplied under registered trademarks such as Zypos, Zybrid, Zytouch, Zyfilm and Zyprofilm.

Revolutionising the food industry

In the dynamic landscape of the food manufacturing industry, operational efficiency and adherence to stringent hygiene standards are paramount. As this industry evolves, the demand for advanced control and display solutions has become increasingly vital. A critical challenge faced by food manufacturers is the requirement for display touch monitors that can withstand the harsh conditions prevalent in food processing environments.

To address this challenge and maintain safety and hygiene in food factories, display touch monitors must be resilient to factors like water exposure, chemical splashes, and extreme temperatures. The risk of broken or damaged screens contaminating the production process necessitates solutions that prioritise both reliability and safety.


When Display Technology was approached by Harford Control, renowned for manufacturing versatile stainless steel touchscreen terminals enabling direct data capture from connected devices and reducing human error, it recognised the significance of this project. Harford Control’s

terminals were well-suited for the food industry, streamlining workflows, ensuring data accuracy, and complying with food safety standards.

In collaboration with Zytronic, the leading touch sensor technology company, which can configure their unique PCAP (Projected Capacitive) sensing technologies in a myriad of material configurations, Display Technology embarked on a journey to develop a unique touch screen solution tailored for the food industry’s specific requirements.

The solution

To meet the challenges posed by food processing environments, Display Technology and Zytronic supplied the following components:

1. AUO 15” Panel with 15” ZYTRONIC PCAP Touch Sensor: The AUO 15” panel provided clear visuals and excellent brightness, while Zytronic’s PCAP touch sensor, laminated with 0.75mm polycarbonate, ensured resilience and durability in the face of harsh conditions.

2. Embedded - ASROCK SBC-210N: Paired with custom gold plated LVDS (Low-Voltage Differential Signaling) and LED cables, the ASROCK SBC-210N provided a reliable and efficient solution for driving the LCD display. The collaboration with Harford Control and Zytronic resulted in a cutting-edge touchscreen solution for the food industry,

which offered a range of benefits:

• Resilience: The PCAP touch sensor’s polycarbonate overlay provided enhanced durability, preventing any glass contamination or substrate fallout in the event of screen damage.

• Hygiene and safety: The stainless-steel touch screen terminals offered by Harford Control, paired with Zytronic’s PCAP touch sensor, facilitated easy cleaning and maintenance, complying with stringent food safety standards.

• Data accuracy: The direct data capture capability of Harford Control’s terminals, combined with reliable touch input from Zytronic’s touch sensor, minimised human error during data entry and ensured precise information recording.


Display Technology’s collaborative approach with Harford Control and Zytronic delivered a unique and robust touchscreen solution that empowers the food manufacturing industry. This innovative solution, leveraging UK design excellence enhances operational efficiency, minimises contamination risks, and fosters a safer and more reliable food production process. The collaboration showcases the power of synergy and expertise in delivering solutions that redefine safety and reliability standards in the food industry. 13 COVER STORY

The path to performance

In the heart of the UK’s bustling machine-building industry, one machine builder found itself in a bind. Its existing valve island system was lagging behind, unable to meet the performance demands of today’s fast-paced environment. That’s where Camozzi Automation UK stepped in, armed with the Series D pneumatic valve island.

Camozzi Automation’s customer wasn’t looking for any off-the-shelf answer; it was on the hunt for the perfect fit. The client’s unique specifications and the need to increase efficiency – reducing costs – were challenges that needed a bespoke solution. The Series D’s design offered a promising start with its easy installation and flexibility. But what truly made the difference was Camozzi’s ability to build the valve island entirely to the customer’s specifications, right here in the UK.

Camozzi’s technical team sat down with the client, understanding its needs and crafting a plan. It was a collaboration that went beyond mere transactions, transforming into a partnership where both sides worked towards a common goal. The result saw an increase of performance, over the previous valve island, something that offthe-shelf solutions couldn’t achieve.

But the story doesn’t end there. The partnership introduced the client to

CoilVision software, a tool that can monitor and predict the wear and performance of selected parts of the solenoid valves. No longer were the machine builders left guessing about maintenance; they had a tool that would guide them and ensure their system’s longevity.

The Series D itself turned out to be a real game-changer. Its single pneumatic and electrical subbases, combined with an intuitive valve-connection system, allowed complex pneumatic functions to become quick and effortless. Whether it was multipole or serial communication versions, the Series D was ready to integrate with the existing setup, all without missing a beat.

Leveraging the Industry 4.0 capabilities of the Series D valve island, the machine builder has future-proofed its systems, a move that demonstrates foresight and strategic thinking. The innovative technology will allow it to enhance the adaptability and efficiency of its machines without the need to modify or replace the Series D when moving forwards. The company is now equipped to

face the challenges of tomorrow, not just the demands of today.

Reflecting on this journey, it’s clear that the collaboration between Camozzi Automation UK and the machine builder was more than a business deal; it was a story of innovation, understanding, and teamwork. The Series D Valve Island wasn’t merely a product; it became the protagonist of a success story, embodying the flexibility and adaptability needed in today’s challenging landscape.

In the end, the machine builder didn’t just get a valve island; it received a solution that was crafted to specifically meet the project’s needs. And Camozzi Automation UK proved that sometimes, the path to performance and success isn’t about picking a product off the shelf but about taking the time to understand, innovate, and build solutions that truly make a difference. That’s the real power of partnership, and it’s a lesson that will resonate with machine builders across the UK.


ELEVATE™ your cobot palletiser to the next level

The ELEVATE™ lifting column extends the range of your cobot palletiser, taking performance to new heights.

Flexibility meets simplicity Faster than ever

Secure high speed data connectivity over long distances

Digital transformation continues to revolutionise industry, fuelling the demand for faster and more reliable data transmission. Industrial communication device specialist, Brainboxes, explains how the integration of versatile Small Form-Factor Pluggable technology, with Gigabit Ethernet’s high-speed capabilities, is enabling seamless scalability, allowing businesses to easily expand and adapt their networks as their data needs change, and providing a robust and future-proof networking solution.

Aleading hospitality company aimed to establish an ecoresort in a remote location, operating efficiently while embracing sustainable energy practices. The challenge was integrating diverse renewable energy sources into a smart microgrid and ensuring reliable data communication for monitoring and control.

Brainboxes’ new industrial Small FormFactor Pluggable (SFP) Gigabit Ethernet switch offered versatile connectivity options, high-speed data transmission, long-distance communication capabilities, and network security, contributing to the seamless integration of renewable energy sources and ensuring a stable and environmentallyfriendly power supply. The scalability and ease of maintenance of the system also enabled the eco-resort to expand its energy infrastructure as it grew, supporting its commitment to sustainability and offering guests an eco-conscious experience without compromising on the comforts of five-star hospitality service.

Versatile connectivity

An integrated SFP port provided seamless communication between different devices and components within the smart microgrid, including solar panels, wind turbines, and biomass generators, as well as energy storage systems such as battery banks.

As the industrial Ethernet switch supports Gigabit data rates, fast and efficient data transmission is possible between the various components of the microgrid. This highspeed data exchange is crucial for real-time monitoring and control of the energy sources and loads, optimising energy flow and maximising system performance. Gigabit Ethernet speeds reduce latency in data

transmission, ensuring minimal delays in communication between different components. This low latency is critical for time-sensitive applications in both the resort’s energy management and guest amenities.

The SFP port allows for the use of fibre-optic connections, ensuring reliable data transmission over long distances without signal degradation, maintaining data integrity and system stability. This feature was particularly useful in the resort’s remote setting, where renewable energy sources and loads might be distributed over significant distances.

With fibre-optic connections, the microgrid is less susceptible to electromagnetic interference and electrical noise, reducing the risk of communication disruptions. This ensures continuous data exchange between components, even in the most remote locations and challenging environmental conditions.

Scalability and expansion

The SFP Ethernet switch offers scalability, allowing easy integration of additional energy sources or loads as the resort’s energy requirements evolve. Its modular design and support for SFP transceivers make it straightforward to add new devices or upgrade existing ones without major changes to the microgrid’s infrastructure.

Data from different renewable energy sources and loads is gathered and transmitted through the switch to a central control panel. This real-time data access

enables operators to make informed decisions, optimise energy distribution, and respond quickly to changing energy demands. With Gigabit Ethernet, the smart microgrid can efficiently handle the vast amounts of data generated; this improved control contributes to the eco-resort’s energy efficiency goals.

Ease of installation and maintenance

Brainboxes’ 4-port Ethernet switch with an integrated SFP port simplified the installation process, whilst the modular nature of SFP transceivers makes maintenance and troubleshooting more efficient by allowing individual SFPs to be replaced without affecting the entire system.

The integration of SFP technology, fibre optics, and Gigabit Ethernet switches has significantly transformed industrial networking infrastructure, offering highspeed data transmission, seamless connectivity, and improved network reliability. As a result, businesses benefit from enhanced efficiency, productivity, and resilience, making it a crucial element in modern industrial networking.


The tec.nicum academy offers a comprehensive range of seminars and training on machine and plant safety worldwide.


The Machinery CE Expert seminar is held over four days, the course provides a compact overview of all knowledge required to satisfy legal and normative requirements in the EU single market. The tec.nicum academy’s speakers make it easy for seminar participants to understand the complex compliance assessment requirements of the EU Machinery Directive.

Participants will receive all of the information they need to be able to correctly apply CE marks to machinery and systems. After passing the test, participants will be able to use the title “Machinery CE Expert with TÜV Rheinland Certified Qualification”

We’ll be exhibiting at Machine Building Live 2023. Visit us on stand 29, talk to us about our services and how we can assist you to achieve your safety goals.

Next-generation twin-line bulk bag filling system

Leading materials handling specialist, Spiroflow, has launched a next-generation twin-line bulk bag filling system. Following extensive research and development, the new system addresses the limitations of slow, outdated equipment that was prone to spillages and excessive product and dust emissions.

Introducing several key features that significantly enhance production capacity, weigh accuracy and operator ergonomics, the twinline system is able to handle up to 20 x 500kg bulk bags per hour on each process line – a total of 40 bulk bags. Weigh accuracy is a key aspect of the new system as it achieves an impressive -0/+500g per bulk bag -– this precision ensures consistent and accurate filling of each bag, minimising product waste and optimising inventory management processes.

One of the system’s notable design innovations is the incorporation of a raising and lowering filling head, specifically engineered to improve the ergonomic load of empty bags for operators. This feature aims to enhance operator comfort and safety, reducing the risk of workplace injuries.

The integration of auto-release hooks and roller conveyors streamlines the entire filling process, allowing for seamless and automated transfer of full bulk bags from the filler to the conveyors. This automation minimises the need for manual intervention, further enhancing efficiency.

With a strong emphasis on housekeeping, each filler is equipped with an integrated and independent dust extraction and filter system. This ensures that product and dust emissions are minimised, maintaining a clean and safe workspace for both operators and the environment.

The system includes a customised platform design that complements its functions and facilitates operator workflows to optimise operational efficiency. This design consideration ensures smooth operations and enhances the overall performance of the filling system.

The inclusion of an automated roller conveyor system enables the smooth transfer of full bulk bags throughout the entire system, significantly reducing the need for manual handling and increasing overall throughput. In addition, the auto-dispensing pallet system efficiently places the pallet in position before loading the empty bag, simplifying the bag-loading process and saving valuable operator time.

Safety is a top priority in the design of the new bulk bag-filling system. The equipment is fully enclosed with safety fencing, and features interlocked access gates to prevent unauthorised access while ensuring that the equipment operates safely and efficiently.

The new bulk bag filling system combines enhanced production capacity, precise weigh accuracy, ergonomic design, automation, safety features, and customised platform design to create a state-of-theart filling solution that optimises efficiency, minimises waste and ensures a safe working


“We are excited to introduce this revolutionary double bulk bag filling system, which addresses our clients’ needs for increased productivity, accuracy, and safety,” said Spiroflow’s Rhodri Jones. “This advanced technology not only enhances operations, but also contributes to a more sustainable and efficient working environment. The new system is currently in use with a powder manufacturing company, where it has considerably improved throughput, safety and efficiency.”

Automated Handling Solutions (AHS) is set to join forces with Advanced Material Processing (AMP), integrating Kason Corporation and Marion Process Solutions, to showcase their material processing equipment and solutions on stand F54 at the PPMA show, at Birmingham’s NEC, UK between the 26 - 28 September.

18 MATERIALS HANDLING 19 C M Y CM MY CY CMY K u Safety system with guard locking device u Modular layout for maximum flexibility during operation u Bus module with PROFINET/ PROFISAFE/ EtherCAT with FSoE u Expansion module MCM for even more functions u Category 4 / PL e according to EN ISO 13849-1 Multifunctional Gate Box MGB2 Modular SAFETY FOR PERSONNEL AND MACHINE More than simply safeguarding AZ 178x124 CTM, MGB2 Modular, EKS_UK.indd 3 13.07.20 11:32

Timing belt conveyor serves as load handling device

SEW-EURODRIVE has established efficient and flexible processes to achieve its vision for Industry 4.0. The company’s new design for automated guided vehicles, which serve as mobile workbenches for mounting individual gearboxes, includes integrated timing belt conveyors from mk Technology Group, as MEPCA discovered.

Classic interlinked conveyor technology is the most efficient way to automate processes in mass production. In customised production, however, the requirements are ever-changing – with ‘lot size one’ being the keyword. This is where the flexibility of automated guided vehicles can be put to good use.

At its American headquarters in Lyman, South Carolina, SEW-EURODRIVE has built a flexible production facility that is optimised for precisely such custom production – where classic conveyor technology is combined with flexible workstations. The autonomous vehicles drive through the hall independently, picking up pre-assembled gearboxes from a belt conveyor and taking them to the workers, who can then continue mounting them on the vehicle itself as if they were at a mobile workbench. The vehicle then travels to the next station and transfers the gearbox back to a belt conveyor. This makes it possible to mount individual gearboxes with efficient and flexible processes.

Through its MAXOLUTION System

Solutions business segment, SEW offers scalable and future-proof system solutions in the field of mobile and rail-guided conveyor technology. As an overall solution supplier for automated guided vehicle systems, it focuses not only on the vehicles themselves but also on all the services associated with them, from system planning to commissioning and servicing. The vehicles and system components are produced at SEWEURODRIVE’s headquarters in Bruchsal, Germany. Alongside SEW’s world-renowned modular system for gearmotors and electronic products, it also engineers autonomous

vehicles based on an innovative modular technology and software system. This system makes it possible to configure individual vehicles while keeping complexity low.

Timing belt conveyor

To autonomously pick up and then set down the gearmotors with a belt conveyor, the vehicles need an appropriately powered load-handling device. “We had initially considered a chain conveyor that we could integrate into our vehicles,” said Aaron Bronner. However, working with the conveyor technology experts at the mk Technology Group (mk), the team found a better solution. “We decided on a dual-line timing belt conveyor instead of a chain conveyor,” added Ulrich Klein, one of the field representatives at mk who assisted with the project. A timing belt conveyor is more

economical and requires less maintenance than the chain conveyor in the original plan. Furthermore, the timing belt has a higher contact area than the chain. That also provides greater stability for the product on the vehicle, even when navigating sharp corners or making abrupt (emergency) stops. The ZRF-P 2010 timing belt conveyor from mk was the ideal solution for the project: it can safely carry the maximum load of 160kg, and the drive variants available also allow for reverse operation (in both directions).

Because mk uses SEW drive technology as standard, integrating the drive was not a problem. The experts at MAXOLUTION programmed the controller and coordinated it with the overall system.


Series D is the new valve island from Camozzi Automation, able to ensure optimum productivity and flexibility for use in many industrial automation systems.






Compact design

Individual, modular sub-bases in technopolymer

Flexibility in connecting different I/O modules

Integrated diagnostics and predictivity

Available protocols: PROFIBUS-DP, CANopen, EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, EtherCAT, IO-Link








The Series D valve island is equipped with CoilVision® technology which can monitor and predict the wear and efficiency of parts of the solenoid valves.

Camozzi Automation Ltd 024 7637 4114


ON/OFF status of each valve

Health status

Power consumption



Within 24 hours, we can assemble and test Series D Valve Islands, creating an unbeatable turn around for valve islands in the UK. If you need valve islands fast, get in touch with our team today.


Fast and accurate linear measurement

With encoders increasingly becoming the basic elements of automation systems due to their wide applicability but also the effects of their use, encoder specialist, British Encoder Products Company, outlines some of the key benefits its range of linear encoders can offer.

Process automation, machine construction, and increasing the efficiency of systems or installations require highly precise equipment, and encoders are such equipment. The encoder is part of the automation system, thanks to which it is possible to determine the efficiency of various types of machines. With proper knowledge of encoder functionality and the ability to use them, it is possible to increase productivity – in other words, encoders save time and money and improve results. The encoder allows the control of the movement, drive, and operation of individual machine components, and then - most importantly from a business perspective –enables operations to be optimised.

When applying encoders, selecting the optimum model, and specifying the appropriate configuration are critical for success. Proper encoder selection begins by understanding the role of the encoder in the motion control system.

There are several variables to consider when choosing an encoder. The most common are mounting style, resolution, output type, frequency response, accuracy, and electrical connection. The environment also plays a role: specifically, encoders must withstand a range of conditions, such as moisture and dust, that can seep into

internal optics and electronics.

The Tru-Trac linear measurement solutions from British Encoder Products Company (BECO) are highly versatile and reliable options for tracking velocity, position, or distance over a wide range of surfaces. These are compact units that integrate an encoder, measuring wheel, and springloaded torsion arm. This unique combination of features makes it a convenient and effective option for applications that require accurate linear measurements.

One of the key benefits of the Tru-Trac range is its ease of installation. With their compact design, these devices can be installed in a variety of orientations, making them highly flexible for use in different applications. The spring-loaded torsion arm also allows for adjustable torsion load, which further enhances the flexibility of the unit. The threaded shaft on the pivot axis is field reversible, which makes it possible to mount the unit from either side.

For instance, the Model Tru-Trac TR1 encoder can operate at speeds of up to 3000ft/min, which makes it ideal for use in high-speed applications. It is also highly configurable, with multiple wheel material options available. This flexibility allows users to choose the ideal wheel material for their specific application, ensuring the best possible performance and accuracy.

Another key advantage of the Model TR1 is its durable, conductive composite material housing, which minimises static build-up. This is an important consideration in applications that require precision measurements, as static electricity can interfere with the accuracy of the measurements.

The composite material used in the housing also makes the Model TR1 highly resistant to wear and tear, ensuring longlasting performance and reliability.

For most linear measurement applications, BECO’s line of Tru-Trac encoders is a great option. These integrated linear measurement solutions are easy to install and deliver reliable, accurate feedback for applications such as cut-to-length, spooling, length measurement, and print registration.

Occasionally, though, there is a linear measurement application that requires something the Tru- Trac encoders don’t offer. Maybe absolute feedback is needed. Maybe an additional bearing load is required. Maybe the encoder needs to be programmable.

If an application calls for any of those options, BECO has another solution: a bracket that turns a Size 25 shaft encoder into a linear measurement solution that can meet all these needs.


Amped up actuators have the power to deliver

Increased efficiency is a keyword in modern industrial production. Organisations strive to devise new ways of optimising production and reducing energy consumption. Meanwhile, legislation and unions rightly continue to call for improved ergonomics for employees to lower absenteeism caused by illness or injury. Electric linear actuator specialist LINKA explains how you can now meet both these requirements.

By changing to low-energy, maintenance-free electric actuators, choosing intelligent actuators tested to withstand harsh conditions, and having easily installed customised solutions to improve ergonomics, it is possible to reduce energy consumption and improve working conditions.

Whether you produce soldering ovens, packaging, welding or textile machines, bar feeders, or conveyor belt systems, electric actuators can improve your application. For example, LINAK actuator solutions help adjust height, accurately load materials or create fast refits for size variations – all of which improve ergonomics for employees while keeping costs down.

Unlike other actuation systems, electric actuators do not use any hoses, pumps or compressors. This not only means no risk of leaking oil but also eliminates maintenance, minimises downtime, and significantly prolongs actuator service life. Furthermore, the standby energy consumption of LINAK actuators is close to zero, making them the most cost-efficient solution on the market.

Solutions with intelligence

LINAK actuators undergo thorough testing before they are released for sale. They are designed to work in even the harshest environment and to tolerate washing without damaging the finer electronics inside. This is important not only to avoid time-consuming breakdowns but also to keep employees safe.

Electric actuators are easy to install as they require only a power cord and a data cable to connect them to the industrial machine. LINAK solutions can be customised to fit into almost any industrial

machine and will integrate easily with almost any existing control system. This means significantly better ergonomics.

The newest introduction to the LINAK TECHLINE range, the LC3 IC – Elevate is ideal for applications in areas such as material handling as well as industrial automation and ergonomics, as it features an integrated controller offering easy integration thanks to its compact size and industrial interfaces, a brushless DC motor for precise control and longer lifetime and offers high speeds.

The LC3 IC electric lifting column comes with a built-in controller to facilitate easy integration into industrial applications. The integrated controller allows you to choose between digital and analogue signals or Ethernet Modbus TCP/IP. These interfaces provide several feedback options like position, speed, current temperature, status and error codes.

The brushless DC motor enables better motor control and precise positioning, which results in smooth acceleration and an increased lifetime.

The LC3 IC can push or pull loads of up to 1000N with a speed of up to 100 mm/sec. The speed is adjustable and independent of the load.

The LC3 IC comes in a 3-stage version and offers stroke lengths of up to 900mm. The column can handle high bending moments - dynamic as well as static - and can be mounted in both vertical directions.

The integrated controller removes the need for an external control box, which makes the LC3 IC fit even where space is limited.

With its faint sound, this discreet electric lifting column also benefits the work environment.

Certainty in metrology

Robust quality control starts with quality technologies

The latest developments in machine vision can bring quality inspections to the next level, supporting accurate, high-speed and fully automated robotic operations. When a leading pharmaceutical manufacturer wanted to upgrade its tabletting quality assurance machines, Optimal Industrial Automation developed a cutting-edge application that will futureproof the company’s testing activities for years to come.

Oral solid dosage (OSD) forms, such as tablets and capsules, are the dominant drug delivery system. To ensure product quality and patient safety, these medicines need to be thoroughly tested during production and in their final delivery form before they are released into the marketplace.

Final quality checks are typically performed on a number of systematically picked samples within a batch. If these meet the necessary quality targets, the entire set of OSD forms is considered suitable for distribution. Conversely, if the samples are off spec, the batch is discarded. When manufacturing is a continuous process, then frequent evaluations of OSD form samples can detect trends and prevent products from moving outside of specification and being rejected. The detection of quality trends can prompt manual or automatic changes in key processing conditions, not only ensuring product quality compliance but also improving productivity and efficiency.

Automating quality checks

The latest advances in industrial automation can help pharmaceutical manufacturers improve quality control and assurance activities, enabling the automated, high-speed, high-precision inspection of raw materials in process product and final product forms. More precisely, according to recent estimates, digital technologies can increase the productivity of pharmaceutical companies by 50 to 200%, especially when applied to quality testing, where faster testing processes can reduce lead times for quality control labs by 60 to 70%.

In particular, a robotised system can be a game-changer in the characterisation of tablets and capsules, as it can be used to

perform the many highly repetitive tasks that inspections involve, such as sample collection, preparation and analysis. Such a solution was able to greatly advance tablet inspection and overall manufacturing efficiency for a leading pharmaceutical producer.

As a forward-looking business, the company had been an early adopter of continuous manufacturing and at-line automated tablet testing machines, with a number of units populating its shop floor. These received tablets from the press and used an automated feeder to deliver tablets to the testing section and correctly position them for accurate analytical analysis. With the well-established inspection machine being discontinued by the original vendor, the OSD form manufacturer was interested in leveraging a more advanced setup. In particular, the company was keen to improve inspection speed, tablet positioning accuracy and overall machine reliability to ultimately advance performance and productivity.

To develop a suitable system, the company contacted its long-standing automation and process control partner, the Optimal Group,

formed by Optimal Industrial Automation and Optimal Industrial Technologies. The organisation has been supporting the digitalisation of businesses and the application of Process Analytical Technology (PAT) in the pharmaceutical industry with state-of-the-art solutions for decades. In particular, Optimal Industrial Automation’s engineers and system integrators have extensive expertise in machine vision and robotics, which they could apply to help the manufacturer meet their requirements and futureproof their operations.

An eye for product quality

The industrial automation specialist suggested and developed an innovative cybernetic setup for tablet inspection. This consists of a system that receives OSD forms from the tablet press unit and determines the position of each in a reception tray by means of a 2D camera. This vision system provides the XY coordinates that are used by a six-axis robot to pick each individual tablet in turn and place them onto a high-precision weigh platform. After the mass has been measured, the robot picks up the tablet, rotates it to the correct orientation and


places it with high precision into an analytical instrument. The correct positioning of the tablet is critical for accurate and repeatable measurements.

The analytical instrument selection can be tailored to a client’s particular requirements. It is often more convenient to use the same type of instrument in the at-line system and in the laboratory so that all of the pre-existing models can be used, saving considerable time and validation effort. In this specific case, Optimal used a Bruker multipurpose analyser.

Through a PAT knowledge management platform, synTQ, and the customer’s productspecific multivariate analysis (MVA) prediction model, a prediction of content uniformity is made. Then, in combination with the weight, that is used to determine the assay, synTQ is used to bi-directionally interface to the instrument in a GMP-compliant way, to run the client’s preferred MVA software, and to store all data in a compliant way. The synTQ platform is, therefore, critical in meeting the PAT requirement as well as providing flexibility in instrument and MVA type selection.

Following this quality inspection, the robotised arm places the tablets into a tray

for storage. The tested tablets are placed in uniquely identified and easy-to-handle pockets within stackable trays to support traceability. The testing unit incorporates multiple trays to support uninterrupted, autonomous operations for many hours, meaning that once a tray is full, the system picks another one and starts to fill it. By using this technology, it is possible to analyse at least one tablet per minute, which is much faster than the previous technology.

The entire machine, including the robot and vision system, is controlled by a PLC, which communicates with synTQ and SCADA software. The SCADA software monitors all operations, visualises key data, allows operators to interact with the unit, and provides KPIs and status information. The tablet inspection machine can operate in two modes: stand-alone operation, where all recipe data is supplied from the local SCADA, or it can be integrated with the control system of the manufacturing plant, either batch or continuous. In this second configuration, the recipe data would be fed from the manufacturing plant’s SCADA or a distributed control system. This configurable

design provides the OSD manufacturer with a very flexible setup.

Adding value

The resulting unit, with its additional capabilities, improves the overall performance of quality inspections both in terms of inspection speed and tablet positional accuracy. It reduces operator intervention to a minimum and provides an easier method for manual post-analysis tablet selection (if required). The machine offers an integrated or stand-alone operation and, due to the speed of operation, allows a continuous process to make timely operational changes to ensure consistent product quality.

Benedict Yelf, Machine Vision and Automation Engineer at Optimal, commented: “This automated testing system for OSD is a game-changer because of its uniqueness and the growing market demand for such a solution. While the backbone is standardised, we can customise key components, such as the analytical instrument within the cell, to address specific requirements.” 27 IMAGING & VISION

The best feature you’ll never see

Whether it’s a machine vision system inspecting cans of food at high speeds or a label inspection or verification system on a fast-moving conveyor, the effects of strobing lights are felt by people who work near the system and see these lights on a regular basis. Smart Vision Lights explains how its Hidden Strobe technology for industrial applications, including machine vision, minimises the impact while allowing the vision benefits of strobe lighting.

Machine vision systems operate at increasingly high speeds, which means the lighting deployed in such systems must be capable of helping to capture the right images. Strobing (or pulsing) an LED light helps freeze images of fast-moving objects in applications, including logistics, consumer goods, and pharmaceutical manufacturing. From an imaging standpoint, LED strobe offers several benefits, but doing so also causes unintended environment hazards to nearby personnel, as these flashing lights can be disorienting and cause issues for employees. A new hardware feature, however, can minimise the negative impacts of strobing LEDs while allowing manufacturers to get the most out of their machine vision systems.

The challenge

Even the fastest camera shutter speeds may be too slow to freeze the motion of fast-moving objects for high-speed machine vision applications. Even if the shutter speeds are up to the task, a light must be strobed for very short durations to minimise movement during exposure.

Certain applications, however, require more intense light. Performing optical character recognition (OCR) through plastic wrap, for example, presents a set of challenges. Plastic is highly reflective, which results in hot spots in the captured images that render the software incapable of reading a barcode underneath. Polarisers help reduce reflections but eliminate a significant amount of available light.

Running a light in ‘overdrive’ mode

– where the LED is overdriven past a manufacturer’s rating, producing more light but also more heat – helps solve these problems. In fact, traditional overdrive mode can deliver light that is five times more intense than the same light running in continuous mode, while a new ‘dual

overdrive’ mode offers ten times the light of a continuous mode. For this to work, the LEDs must be running in strobed mode.

The strobed mode can cause issues in unshielded machine vision systems for nearby operators and factory personnel. These lights can be disorienting and can


annoy and distract employees. To reap the benefits of strobed lights in overdrive mode requires the use of shields around the machine vision system to protect operators, else the manufacturer will need to forego the benefits and use its LEDs in continuous mode. But opting for this method requires the use of five to ten times the number of total lights. A new Hidden Strobe feature solves all these problems and allows companies to take advantage of LEDs in their most powerful modes while still offering the convenience, ease of use, and safety of a continuous light source.

Beyond perception

LED lights equipped with the new Hidden Strobe feature internally self-trigger thousands of times per second. The short triggered pulses occur continuously and follow the duty cycle of the individual light upon which the feature is implemented. Since the human eye perceives light that flashes faster than 60 to 100 times per second as continuous, this feature allows human operators working near the system to see the light as continuous. When the light is

triggered in sync with the camera to capture an image, the Hidden Strobe pulses stop, and the programming pulse for the camera is executed. After image capture, the light returns to continuously generated Hidden Strobe pulses to deliver a ‘continuously on’ appearance to anyone nearby.

Traditional overdrive pulses intended for camera exposure can have a separate duration than the faster Hidden Strobe pulses in the background. Nearby personnel will only notice a slight flicker as the light switches between the camera exposure pulse and the Hidden Strobe pulses in the background. This flicker is barely noticeable when compared to the same exposure pulse that would be used in the standard strobed operation.

Lights operating in standard strobe operation cause humans to adjust their vision to the darker light level present before a strobe flashes. The human body uses light for information. When the strobe flashes, however, it overpowers a person’s vision before their eyes can react. When presented with a quick burst of light, the human body attempts to quickly adjust it to gain information, but the process

occurs so quickly that this is impossible. When a person is near a machine vision system where strobed flashes occur at the same repetition rate, the human body is continuously adjusting between the light level changes, which can be disorienting and distracting.

With Hidden Strobe, the opposite effect takes place. Human vision normalises to the brighter, near-continuous Hidden Strobe pulses. When a camera exposure pulse and Hidden Strobe pulse take place at the same time, a slight flicker may occur, especially if the exposure pulse is longer and has a longer duty cycle. In this case, the Hidden Strobe feature minimises the physical impacts on personnel and allows companies of all types to maximise the effectiveness of their machine vision lights without having to shield the light itself.

Available lights that offer the Hidden Strobe feature include Smart Vision Lights’ Lightgistics series lights, which feature dual overdrive technology – delivering ten times the brightness of continuous lighting. 29 IMAGING & VISION

Increase safety for tablet operated equipment

IDEC has released a series of Safety Commander products that can be attached to commercially available tablets to enhance safety, robustness, and reliability by adding mechanical switches such as emergency stop switches and 3-position enabling (3PE) switches, as well as wired LAN communication (HT4P version).

In recent years, the introduction of commercially available tablet devices into various machines and equipment has been promoted at manufacturing sites due to their easy-to-understand screen displays and touch panels for ease of operation.

On the other hand, as collaborative robots and AGV/AMRs (automated guided vehicles/ autonomous mobile robots) become popular, general-purpose tablets with high expressive power, excellent operability, and relatively low cost are increasingly being used in place of conventional teaching pendants. The challenge, then, is the safety of tablet operation. Even with such tablets that excel in expressiveness and operability, risk reduction in the field is essential, and there is a growing demand for safety devices such as emergency stop switches and threeposition enabling switches.

The ISO 10218 series of international standards for industrial robots and robot systems, which are scheduled for revision, will incorporate the contents of ISO/ TS 15066, the technical specification for collaborative robots, and will require the use of new safety functions and safety devices for many industrial robots, including collaborative robots. These new safety requirements and control functions can be solved by adopting the Safety Commander, and it is rapidly gaining attention in the industry not only for its ease of use at the manufacturing site but also for its effectiveness in ensuring safety and improving worker wellbeing.

IDEC’s Safety Commander adds safety features to tablets on the production floor. Two models are in the lineup, the HT3P type for tablets with 8 to 11” screens launched

in 2021, incorporating the required E-Stop and 3-position enabling switch all mounted ergonomically. And now the latest model, the HT4P type (for 10 to 13” tablets) has added features too. The HT4P type, in its basic format, includes the emergency stop switch and a 3-position enabling switch; however, other buttons and joysticks can be equipped as options providing more control features to the user and their application.

The applications for the Safety Commander include teaching industrial robots, operation control of large equipment and machinery, control of automobile production lines and conveyor lines, control of semiconductor manufacturing equipment,

chip mounters, food machinery, packaging machinery, and other equipment, and manual control of AGV/AMRs, etc. The number of companies that have already introduced the system and the number of cases where the system is being introduced on a test basis increases on a weekly basis.

The traditional teaching pendants, which are dedicated devices from various companies, have been widely used for teaching industrial robots for decades. The teaching pendant must be equipped with an emergency stop switch and a threeposition enabling switch in accordance with ISO 10218, an international standard that specifies the safety of industrial robots and


their systems, to reduce risks when a human and a robot work in close proximity.

Therefore, IDEC has introduced the Safety Commander to provide a costeffective alternative to these dedicated teaching pendants. The latest version, the HT4P, answers the requests from users with the need to install emergency stop switches, 3-position enabling switches, and, most importantly, add other mechanical switches depending on the application, such as mechanical pushbuttons, key selector switches or even a joystick. The users add their tablet, and their solution is safe and provides good operability and high cost performance.

Many end users who use robots and AGVs at factory automation sites consider that tablets must also have safety functions and set internal regulations. This trend is reflected in global safety standards, and the HT4P was newly developed as a product that can easily add an emergency stop switch and a 3-position enabling switch to tablets on the market and can be used with a hand strap or shoulder strap for stable operation and a wired LAN

communication system that can be used safely even in environments where Wi-Fi is not available.

Easily to attach and detach

The HT4P is equipped with a slide mechanism and is designed to be easily attached to 10 to 13” tablets. Once installed, the tablet can be secured with a lock that prevents accidental removal.

Right- or left-handed

The ergonomic grip structure of the Safety Commander and the placement of the enabling switches make it easy to hold and operate the tablet regardless of the user’s dominant hand.

Portrait or landscape

The rotating grip allows the tablet to be set and operated in portrait or landscape or in the direction desired for operation. Vertical and horizontal rotation can be changed only when the rotate button is pressed. This also prevents unintentional rotation due to the tablet’s own weight.

Mechanical switches

The HT4P model is equipped with the safety-compliant emergency stop switch and a 3-position enabling switch as standard, allowing the robot or equipment to be stopped at any time. In addition, illuminated pushbutton switches, key selector switches, and joysticks can be installed in a customised manner as options.

Wired LAN compatible

Wi-Fi communication is the mainstream for tablets, but concerns remain about the reliability of wireless communication. The HT4P type is equipped with a USB/LAN converter so that tablet operations can be exchanged over a more reliable wired LAN. In addition, with built-in USB Power available, the tablet is always ready to be powered, so there is no need to worry about running out of battery power.

Other features include a robustness rating of 1.2m drop resistance and an IP54 protection structure for water splash, dust, and dusty environments.


100 percent hand, mate!

Manual production: On - the - job - training has never been easier!

The smart worker assistance system. No frills at all.

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