Join the Movement! Pray MISSISSIPPI
he Pray Mississippi Movement is an initiative to foster the spiritual discipline of prayer across the Mississippi Conference. This prayer movement will permeate all the ways in which the conference works to strengthen and grow the kingdom of God. One of the main Pray Mississippi events coming up that clergy and laity are encouraged to attend will be a prayer tour with Bishop Sharma D. Lewis and Rev. Dr. Terry Tekyl in September. This week-long tour will include seven stops across Mississippi where both Lewis and Tekyl will meet with clergy and laity and teach about prayer from Tekyl’s book, “Chronicles of Prayer: Praying in Jesus Name for 21 Centuries.” For tour details and more information on the Pray Mississippi Movement, visit

ICE Raids, Five Years of UM Generosity

Jasmine Haynes, Communications Specialist

It’s five years later and news cameras have long left the communities across Mississippi that experienced the largest single-state immigration enforcement action in U.S. history. However, the impact of that day lingers on in the families affected by the raids. On August 7, 2019, Immigration and Customs Enforcements agents—more commonly known as ICE—arrested approximately 680 people and left many school children facing a sudden and traumatic separation from their families not knowing when they would see them again. News of the story spread nationally and internationally and where trauma and fear abound, grace and generosity also abound. Click here to read about the closing of a chapter in long-term recovery efforts here in Mississippi.
Executive Team Charts Future of Conference Disaster Response
Matthew Johnson, Connectional Ministries and Communications Assistant
Last month, the disaster response executive team met at the conference office in Jackson to revamp the Mississippi Conference’s disaster plan. The team’s goal was to develop a disaster plan that would be informational and easy to follow. As disasters increase in frequency and destruction a new plan will allow the Mississippi Conference to be prepared to lead an effective and coordinated recovery effort for brothers and sisters in Christ who have survived disasters. Read More

U.S. Sees Big Changes in Episcopal Assignments

ASoutheastern Jurisdiction College of Bishops. Photo Credit: Ben Smith
t the 2024 Southeastern Jurisdictional Conference, we learned that Mississippi’s episcopal leader, Bishop Sharma D. Lewis would be returning, and that the Mississippi Conference would remain its own episcopal area. While that is good news for Mississippi, other conferences will be sharing episcopal leaders or combining with nearby conferences. Click here to read more about the changes coming to some episcopal assignments in the U.S.
Moore Community House’s Women in Construction Now Enrolling
Enrollment is now open for the Women in Construction program at Mississippi Conference benevolence Moore Community House in Biloxi. The free job training program prepares women for careers in trade jobs while also offering child-care assistance for working mothers. Click here for more information on the program and to enroll.

Safeguarding Your Funds at the Methodist Foundation
The Methodist Foundation of Mississippi is committed to safeguarding the funds entrusted to them by churches, individuals and nonprofits. Click here to read an article from Methodist Foundation associate director and CFO, Dr. Todd Marion about the safeguards the Foundation has in place to protect your funds.

Communicating with
Your Church About Change

The Mississippi Conference has gone through many changes since 2019. Disaffiliations, a worldwide pandemic and changes to The Discipline may leave members with many questions. United Methodist Communications is here to help by offering the course “Communicating with Your Church About Change.” The free online course will equip church leaders to effectively communicate about change. Click here to view the course and for more information.
Mississippi Conference News
All Things 2024 AC Session
Convening on the campus of Millsaps College in Jackson, the 2024 Session of the Mississippi Annual Conference was a noteworthy experience. Click here to review every moment of annual conference from the worship and business sessions to the ordination, memorial and mission services. You can also rewatch reports and see images from all three days.

Bishop Lewis addresses annual conference body during opening worship. Photo credit: Greg Campbell Photography
Clergywomen’s Retreat
Mississippi Conference female clergy are invited to attend the Clergywomen’s Retreat October 14-16 at Crossgates United Methodist Church in Brandon. The events featured speakers will be Mississippi episcopal leader, Bishop Sharma D. Lewis and professor of biblical preaching Rev. Dr. Joy Moore. The cost to attend is $75 and 1.5 CEUs will be available. For more information on the retreat, click here

Treasurer Talks Giving and Retirement
Click here to read notes from conference treasurer David Stotts. In his notes he details the new organization and leadership of the administry committees, reviewing your church’s benevolence through mission shares, updates on the conference health insurance plan and preparing for Wespath’s new Compass retirement plan. You can also click here to see your mission shares at work here in the Mississippi Conference.

Faith Community Formation at State Fair
For the second year, the office of faith community formation will have a booth at the Mississippi State Fair. The booth will be located inside the Mississippi Trade Mart Building and will provide information about the Mississippi Conference, ministries, benevolences and offer prayer for fairgoers. For more information about the Mississippi Conference booth contact Rev. Jason Zebert at jzebert@
Looking for Youth and Young Adults Participating in 2024 Bible Challenge
If you are a child, teenager or young adult who is engaging in Bishop Lewis’ 2024 Bible Challenge by yourself or with a group, we want to hear from you! Share your journey through God’s word this year with the conference by sending your name, age, faith community, email address and cell phone number to

Send photos and videos showing your Bible Challenge experiences. The 2024 Bible Challenge is a chronological dual reading plan with daily scriptures from the Old and New Testament for reading and reflection. Click here to download the full 2024 Bible Challenge.
Disaster Response Advanced Training Class – Aug. 17
Parkway Hills United Methodist Church, located at 1468 Highland Colony Parkway in Madison is hosting a disaster response advanced training Saturday, August 17. The class will teach disaster site evaluation to those who have already taken early response team, ERT, classes. For more information and to register, click here
Labor Day Office Closure – Sept. 2
The conference and episcopal offices will be closed Monday, September 2 in observance of Labor Day. Offices will reopen Tuesday, September 3 at normal business hours.
United Women in Faith Annual Meeting – Oct. 4-5
The Mississippi Conference United Women in Faith will host their annual meeting October 4-5 at Central United Methodist Church in Meridian. The theme of the conference is “Love One Another.” The conference will also feature a sermon from Mississippi’s episcopal leader Bishop Sharma D. Lewis. Click here for more information.
World Communion Sunday – Oct. 6
Sunday, October 6 is World Communion Sunday. Offerings collected on this Special Sunday support racial and ethnic students in achieving their educational goals and transforming communities. In 2021, World Communion Sunday offerings awarded
242 scholarships and grants. Click here for World Communion Sunday video, history and resources.
As you pause to pray this week, take time to ask for strength, peace and comfort for the families and friends of those listed below who have joined the Church Triumphant:
• Former Mississippi Conference episcopal secretary Mary Lynn Still passed away July 20.
• Rev. Marshall Burnett died July 17.
• Rev. Harrell Poole took his earthly rest July 3.
• Bobby Ruth Thomas, wife of Rev. Gaines Thomas went to be with the Lord, July 3.
• Rev. Roy Givens passed away June 27.
As a courtesy to the Mississippi Annual Conference, job announcements from across the United Methodist connection are featured in The Circuit Rider. To submit an employment notice, send an email to Postings are not guaranteed to appear more than once in Mississippi Conference publications. To read a description of job opening(s) listed below as well as other listings, click here.
• Associate Editor, Cokesbury Kids (Temporary - 1 Year Term) (Nashville, TN)
• Lead Editor - Adult Resources (Nashville, TN)
• Youth Minister, Columbia First UMC (Columbia, TN)
• Rev. Cecil Williamson finished his earthly assignment June 25.
• Suzette May, wife of Rev. Joe May went to be with the Lord, June 16.
• Former Mississippi episcopal leader Bishop Carlton Minnick died May 4.
• Rev. Joe Felder joined the Church Triumphant April 12.