Tour Prioritizes Prayer for Mississippi Conference
Jasmine Haynes, Communications Specialist
Bishop Sharma D. Lewis went on a week-long, seven-district prayer tour across Mississippi with Rev. Dr. Terry Teykl teaching from his book, “Praying Jesus Name for 21 Centuries.” This prayer tour was the latest event created out of the Pray Mississippi Movement, an initiative to foster the spiritual discipline of prayer across the Mississippi Conference. Read more about ways to re-envision how and what to pray and ways we can reignite the power of corporate prayer.

Hurricane Helene, Milton Disaster Response Update
The Mississippi Conference Disaster Response Team is in constant contact with the United Methodist Committee on Relief, UMCOR, to learn how to best respond to our sisters and brothers impacted by Hurricanes Helene and Milton. While the desire is to run out and be helpful, in trying to help it can do more harm. Click here to read UMCOR’s ways you can be most helpful.

Voyage with Bishop Lewis on Tour
Join Bishop Sharma D. Lewis on the Civil Rights Educational Opportunities (EO) Tour happening March 11-16, 2025. Based on Ezekiel 11:19 and themed “No Stone Unturned for Justice,” this transformative tour will explore some of the most significant sites associated with the American Civil Rights Movement. Click here to learn more about this exciting opportunity. Share this personal invitation from Bishop Lewis with your churches and colleagues by clicking here

New Vision for Student Engagement

Matthew Johnson, Communications Assistant
Two new Wesley Foundation directors at the University of Mississippi in Oxford, and Jackson State University in Jackson are taking exciting approaches to build comfortable spaces for students to worship and fellowship with their peers. Wesley Foundations on the campuses of Mississippi colleges and universities provide a caring Christian environment for students to grow and develop spiritually. Read More
Connection News
Rust College Choir Selected for
Competition in Italy
The world-renowned Rust College A’Cappella Choir has been selected to participate in the 36th Annual International Verona Competition. The prestigious competition takes place March 26-30, 2025, in Verona, Italy, and the Rust College A’Cappella Choir is the only choir from the United States participating. To take advantage of this once in a lifetime opportunity, the choir students will need the assistance of Mississippi Conference congregations. Read More

United Women in Faith Hold 36th Annual Meeting Methodist Foundation
Assists with YearEnd Financial Planning
The Methodist Foundation of Mississippi is here to help with your end of the year giving and saving. The foundation is ready to assist with establishing trusts, endowments, legacy gifts, bequests and donoradvised funds (DAF). In addition, you can also take advantage of the new 5% interest rate on short-term savings accounts. Click here to read more about how the Methodist Foundation can help your end of the year saving and giving goals.

The Mississippi Conference United Women in Faith hosted their 36th annual meeting October 4-5 at Central United Methodist Church in Meridian. The theme of the conference was “Get Together-Love One Another.” The conference featured inspired worship services, a service project and installation of new officers. Click here to read more about the annual meeting.

Bread Lesson Teaches Youth Meaning
of Communion
On the Saturday before World Communion Sunday, children gathered in the kitchen at Maples Memorial United Methodist Church in Olive Branch, photo right, to learn how to make bread. The bread making lesson would be used to teach the children about Communion, its significance and World Communion Sunday. Read More

2024 Called Annual Conference Session
The called annual conference session will be held virtually Tuesday, October 29. The purpose of the session will be to receive the report and recommendations of the Implementation District Realignment Team, IDRT, and vote on reducing the number of districts in the Mississippi Conference from seven to five. Voting members can contact their district office to register. For more information on the called annual conference session, click here. For more details on the IDRT’s recommendation visit the realignment webpage here.

Visit the Miss. Conference Booth at the State Fair

Treasurer’s Notes for October
In his latest notes, conference treasurer, David Stotts offers a few reminders for congregations. November is open enrollment for the conference health insurance plan. Stotts also offers reminders about submitting clergy budget compensation forms and mandatory district meetings that will inform clergy and church administrators about Wespath’s new Compass retirement plan. Click here to read the latest notes from the conference treasurer.

The office of faith community formation is taking Jesus to the Mississippi State Fair. If you go to the fair, visit the Mississippi Conference booth inside the Mississippi Trade Mart. Volunteers will be on hand to give fairgoers information about Mississippi Conference missions and ministry in addition to offering prayer. Click here to see the dates when conference volunteers will be at the fair.
Faith Community Formation Sets Stage for Connection, Discipleship
The Mississippi Conference Faith Community Formation (FCF) staff and committee recently stepped away from their daily work and retreated to Eagle Ridge Conference Center in Raymond, Mississippi to acclimate new team members and create a common framework. During the retreat, attendees participated in team building, brainstorming and innovation around connecting faith communities to FCF resources. Click here to learn more about the two-day retreat.

Clergywomen’s Retreat
Mississippi Conference female clergy are invited to attend the Clergywomen’s Retreat October 14-16 at Crossgates United Methodist Church in Brandon. Featured speakers will be Mississippis episcopal leader, Bishop Sharma D. Lewis and Rev. Dr. Joy Moore. The cost to attend is $75 and 1.5 CEUs will be available. Click here for more information on the retreat. Click here to watch a Clergywomen’s Retreat promotional video from Bishop Lewis.
Festival of Preaching Online, Laity and Clergy – Oct. 21-22
The Mississippi Conference Office of Spiritual Leadership is pleased to announce that the 2024 Virtual Festival of Preaching is now open to all the clergy and laity of the Mississippi Annual Conference October 21 and 22. Spiritual leadership does not want anyone to miss the opportunity to share in the teaching of Rev. Dr. Joy Moore, so this event is being offered for free to all who wish to participate. For more information and to register, click here.
Deadline to Submit Mission Grant Applications – Oct. 31
Need to strengthen or start a ministry for which you have a vision but limited resources?

Consider applying for a mission grant for your church. Thursday, October 31 is the last day to submit Mission Grant applications. Mission Grants range from $250 to $5,000 and provide financial assistance to church initiatives that form spiritual leaders, develop new places for new people, renew existing congregations and engage in ministry with the poor. Only applications submitted online will be considered. Click here for more information and to apply.
All Saints Sunday – Nov. 3
All Saints Sunday is observed on the first Sunday in November. On All Saints Sunday, believers remember brothers and sisters in the faith who have joined the Church Triumphant. This year, All Saints Day is Sunday, November 3. Click here for All Saints Day worship resources you can use in your congregation.
As a courtesy to the Mississippi Annual Conference, job announcements from across the United Methodist connection are featured in The Circuit Rider. To submit an employment notice, send an email to Postings are not guaranteed to appear more than once in Mississippi Conference publications. To read a description of job opening(s) listed below as well as other listings, click here
• Church Pianist | Morton UMC (Morton, MS)
• Chief Financial Officer | Conference Office (Jackson, MS)
• Director of Ministry with Children and Families | Belmont UMC (Nashville, TN)
• Director of Youth Ministry | Church Street UMC (Knoxville, TN)
• Sunday Morning Broadcast Audio/Visual Technician | Galloway UMC (Jackson, MS)
Benedictine Prayer Retreat –Nov. 13-16
The office of spiritual leadership invites Mississippi Conference clergy to a time away to focus on the discipline of prayer. The Benedictine Prayer Retreat takes place November 13-16 at St. Bernard Abbey in Cullman, Alabama. The theme of the event is “I Thirst for You” and is based on Psalm 63:1. The cost to attend is $350 with 3.0 CEUs available, but hurry because only 24 slots are available. For more information and to register, click here.
As you pause to pray this week, take time to ask for strength, peace and comfort for the families and friends of those listed below who have joined the Church Triumphant:
• Rev. Johnny Crosby Jr. took his heavenly rest September 27.
• Francis Delmas, wife of Rev. James Delmas, passed away September 9.
• Rev. Franklin Burton went to be with the Lord on September 9.
• Mary Rutherford, wife of Rev. Hubert Rutherford took her eternal rest on September 6.