New Task Force Focuses on Children, Youth
Matthew Johnson, Connectional Ministries and Communications Assistant
The Mississippi Conference has formed a new task force to address the spiritual development of children and youth. The cohort is composed of children and youth leaders from churches big and small across the state. The group meets monthly via Zoom to develop plans for future conference-wide events, support and equip children and youth ministry leaders and ensure the safety of the young people in their care. Read more

Mississippi Conference Welcomes New Lay Leader
Matthew Johnson, Connectional Ministries and Communications Assistant
At the beginning of September, former District 6 lay leader, Vera Thomas began her quadrennium as the new conference lay leader. Thomas, a certified lay servant and certified lay speaker brings a wealth of experience in leading and teaching lay leaders. Having served in lay leadership roles on both the local church and district levels, Thomas now looks to grow the involvement of laity into more aspects of the local church, district and conference. Read more
District lay leader, Vera Thomas, speaks during Hattiesburg and Seashore Chat and Chew. Photo courtesy Jasmine Haynes
Clergy and Laity, come to Prayer Tour Stop Near You
Beginning Saturday, September 21 from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. at Centenary United Methodist Church in McComb, Bishop Sharma D. Lewis and Rev. Dr. Terry Tekyl will launch a prayer tour stopping in several areas across Mississippi. The duo will teach on prayer from Tekyl’s book, “Chronicles of Prayer: Praying in Jesus Name for 21 Centuries.” Clergy and laity are invited to this tour which is an initiative of the Pray Mississippi Movement. The movement seeks to foster the spiritual discipline of prayer throughout the state. For tour details and more information on the Pray Mississippi Movement, visit

Connection News
United Women in Faith Host Annual Meeting
The Mississippi Conference United Women in Faith will host their 36th annual meeting October 4-5 at Central United Methodist Church in Meridian. The theme of this year’s event is “Get Together-Love One Another.” The gathering will also feature workshops, mission projects and a sermon from assistant to the Bishop, Rev. Tim Thompson. Click here for more information and to register. Click here to read the latest issue of The Beacon.

Methodist Foundation Raises Short-Term Savings Rate
The investment committee at the Methodist Foundation of Mississippi has voted to raise the shortterm funds rate to 5.35% Click here to learn more about the rate increase and how it allows the foundation to help churches and nonprofits do more with the funds entrusted to them.

Celebrate Laity Sunday
Sunday, October 20 is Laity Sunday, a day to celebrate the ministry of all Christians in your congregation. This year’s theme is “Rise Up and Retain” taken from II Timothy 1:14. Click here for resources you can use during service and a history of Laity Sunday. Click here for 2024 Laity Sunday images, bulletin inserts and the laity address for the next quadrennium from General Conference.

United Methodist Communications Training offers online training, both live and on your schedule, to help you be an effective church communicator. Whether you’re a pastor, a church staff member or a lay volunteer, United Methodist Communications can walk with you in communicating with your congregation and your community. Click here to view the categories of courses United Methodist Communications offers.
Mississippi Conference News
Apply Now for Connectional Ministries Mission Grants
Connectional ministries mission grants are now available for Mississippi Conference churches. These matching grants range from $250 to $5,000 and provide financial assistance to church initiatives that form spiritual leaders, develop new places for new people, renew existing congregations and engage in ministry with the poor. Grants applications will be accepted until October 31. Click here to apply for mission grants.

Bishop’s Clergy Day Away
Bishop Lewis addresses clergy and laity during Chat and Chew 2.0 at Oxford First UMC in February 2024.

Following the Prayer Tour, Mississippi Conference clergy are invited to a time of worship and prayer with Bishop Sharma D. Lewis at the Bishop’s Clergy Day Away. The retreat takes place Saturday, September 28 at First United Methodist Church of Gulfport beginning at 10:00 a.m. Click here for more information.
Attend the 2024 Clergywomen’s Retreat
Mississippi Conference female clergy are invited to the Clergywomen’s Retreat October 14-16 at Crossgates United Methodist Church in Brandon. The retreat will be led by Bishop Sharma D. Lewis and Rev. Dr. Joy Moore and will be a time of fellowship, worship and fun you will not want to miss. The cost to attend is $75 and those who attend will receive 1.5 CEUs. Click here for more information and to register.

After 23 years of service, conference treasurer, David Stotts announces he will be retiring from the Mississippi Conference effective December 31. Click here to read his retirement announcement. Also click here to read the latest notes from the conference treasurer reminding churches about open enrollment and clergy budget compensation forms. Photo courtesy of Greg Campbell Photography, Inc.
Celebrate Clergy Appreciation Month
In October, we dedicate time to honor clergy who give so much of themselves to lead and guide our congregations. Originally known as Pastor Appreciation Month the name has been broadened to recognize all clergy who serve our congregations. Click here for ideas on honoring the leaders of your congregations from Rev. Trey Harper. Send us your ideas and plans for honoring your clergy. Email us at
Faith Community Formation Outreach at State Fair – Oct. 2-14
The office of faith community formation will have a booth inside the Mississippi Trade Mart during the 2024 Mississippi State Fair October 2-14. Volunteers at the booth will be offering information on the Mississippi Conference and its missions and ministries, prayer and conference swag for fairgoers. While you’re enjoying the fair stop by and say hello. For more information contact Rev. Dr. Jason Zebert at
World Communion Sunday – Oct. 6
Sunday, October 6 is World Communion Sunday. Offerings collected on this Special Sunday provide racial and ethnic students with scholarships, grants, mentoring and
October is Pastor Appreciation Month
Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honor, especially they who labor in the word and doctrine. – 1 Timothy 5:17

training for leadership. Last year’s offering raised $443,000 for future leaders of The United Methodist Church. Click here for World Communion Sunday resources.
Festival of Preaching – Oct. 21-22
The annual Festival of Preaching takes place virtually, via Zoom, October 21 and 22. Rev. Dr. Joy Moore will be the keynote speaker. The cost to attend is $50 and 0.5 CEUs are available for parcipitants. Zoom links will be emailed only to those who have registered and paid. For more information and to register, click here.
2024 Called Session of the Mississippi Annual Conference –Oct. 29
Save the date for a called annual conference session on Tuesday, October 29. The
As a courtesy to the Mississippi Annual Conference, job announcements from across the United Methodist connection are featured in The Circuit Rider. To submit an employment notice, send an email to Postings are not guaranteed to appear more than once in Mississippi Conference publications. To read a description of job opening(s) listed below as well as other listings, click here.
• Part-time Choir Director, Central UMC (Meridian, MS)
• Director of Youth Ministries, St. Mark UMC (Brandon, MS)
• Lead Editor - Adult Resources (Nashville, TN)
• Sunday Morning Broadcast Audio/Visual Technician, Galloway UMC (Jackson, MS)
session will be held virtually, via Zoom, and delegates will vote on reducing the number of districts in the Mississippi Conference. Follow conference communications for more information on the called session.
Benedictine Prayer Retreat –Nov. 13-16
Mississippi Conference clergy are invited to a special time away to focus on prayer at the Benedictine Prayer Retreat. The retreat takes place November 13-16 at the St. Bernard Abbey in Cullman, Alabama. The theme of the event is “I Thirst for You” and participants will be reading the book “Praying with the Desert Mothers” by Mary Forman. The cost to register is $350 and those who attend will receive 3 CEUs. For more information and to register, click here.
As you pause to pray this week, take time to ask for strength, peace and comfort for the families and friends of those listed below who have joined the Church Triumphant:
• Rev. Kelly Pope passed away August 29.
• Virginia Coggins wife of Rev. Charles Coggins died July 13.