NJDB gLAM // October 2018

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October 2018 | Issue 1 Vol. 7 ORANGE WITH SERVICE

Table of Contents

Letter from LTG At-Large 3 Member Recruitment 4 Preferred Charities & Partners 5-6 Major Emphasis 7 Service Project Ideas 8 Fall Rally RECAP 9-10 District Programs Updates 11 District Project 12 Key Leader 13 Trick or Treat for UNICEF 14 Board Meeting Words 15 Social Media 16 Contact Information 17

3 Letter from LTG

Hello Everyone! Welcome to my seventh publication of NJDB gLAM of the 2018-2019 service year. I hope you are enjoying your October month so far! We are already half-way through the service year, so we have to continue our Key Club grind! At club meetings, make sure there are fun activities and service projects to engage members into Key Club! It is important to have many involved members that are interested in attending events. Please take your time to read this issue to see what I have to say. I hope you all enjoy! Thank you :)

Likes: Fluffy pillows, sailor moon, ASMR videos, carving pumpkins Dislikes: soggy food, roller coasters, dust Fun Fact: After being told I couldn't dress in "boy" Halloween costumes. I dressed up as the Scream in fifth grade! Gender equality :D

Member Recruitment Want more students to join your club? Here are some ideas to recruit more potential Key Clubbers! Incentives: Have food out during meetings (everyone likes food!). Let people know of the benefits of being a Key Clubber (senior scholarships, service hours, attending fun conventions, etc.) Take advantage of every social media platform to let students know about upcoming meetings and project! Collaborate with another service-organization club (Interact, NHS, E.R.A.S.E, etc.) and attract some of their members to your Key Club Promote with flyers and announcements! The more publicity, the better! There are many resources online (ex: https://www.keyclub.org/resources/recruitmen t-posters/ )



Preferred Charities & Partners Preferred Charities: Children's Miracle Network Hospitals (CMN Hospitals)

A nonprofit organization that raises funds to aid hospitalized children across North America. Like a miracle, CMN provides health care for children whose parents cannot afford to pay for medical care.

March of Dimes The March of Dimes foundation works tirelessly to improve the health of premature babies. Birth defects are the leading cause of infant mortality and 70% of the cause of these birth defects are unknown. Funds donated to the foundation go towards birth defect prevention research. Key Club Members can support the March of Dimes Foundation by raising premature birth awareness by hosting a multitude of programs through November for Prematurity Awareness Month, participating in the March for Babies in the spring, even simply wearing purple (Premature Awareness Color). This is especially prevalent on November 17, Prematurity Awareness Day.

UNICEF For years, the New Jersey District of Key Club International has partnered with UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Fund) for the Eliminate Project in their fight against Maternal Neonatal Tetanus, a disease that claims the lives of dozens of mothers and their infants every second of every day. As a result of the generosity of K-Families all over the globe, the Eliminate Project has eliminated this deadly virus from 44 countries. For only $1.80 one vaccine can end the pain and suffer from a mother and all of her future children. Recently one more nation, the Philippines, has won the fight against MNT!


Preferred Charities & Partners Service Partners: Thirst Project The Thirst Project is a movement of thousands of students who have joined

the fight against the global water crisis. By providing a community with safe drinking water, disease rates can drop by up to 88% virtually overnight!

US Army The United States Army is an organization originally created to help the unified colonies fight Great Britain in 1775, but is now used as one of the main forms of protection for the United States. As Key Clubbers, we have chosen to support this cause because of the protection and sacrifices the US Army as a whole has given for us. As an organization with millions of volunteers that are willing to risk their life for our protection, the US Army rightfully deserves our support both inside and outside of Key Club!

Landscape Structures Landscape Structures has been committed to improving the lives of children for 47 years. Their mission is to enhance the lives of children by “fostering and creating inspiring play experiences,” and they do just that by creating innovative, strategically-designed playgrounds for all ages and children. Playgrounds aren’t just for fun, however, they serve as great community gathering spots. Kiwanis International is proud to partner with an organization committed to great fun, as well as community building, and we encourage you to learn more about Landscape Structures to see how you can build a playground in your own community.


Major Emphasis Major Emphasis is a Key Club International focus that is based on the idea of helping children. The slogan is “Children: Their Future, Our Focus.” It focuses on serving preferred charities that also have focuses that are based on serving children and their futures.

Key Club, as well as other service partners, have helped serve the Children’s Miracle Network foundation though fundraisers as well as service projects within the hospitals. Key Club alone has raised over 62 million through fundraising projects. These projects include things like selling balloons similar to the Children’s Miracle Network logo or having sponsored dance marathons or even just bake sales. Service projects such as visiting the hospitals to put on a concert to cheer up children or helping rebuild the hospital’s garden to ameliorate the environment are also some of Major Emphasis’s goals.

Although the Children’s Miracle Network and the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals are one of Key Club’s largest preferred service partners, the ELIMINATE Project and UNICEF are some examples of others that Major Emphasis works closely in order to serve the kids around the world and work towards a better future.

Service Project Ideas Easy : ● Puffy Paint Socks ● Care Cards ● Bracelets and Cards for Children’s Specialized Hospitals

Moderate: ● Food Packaging ● Suicide Prevention Awareness Bracelets ● Beach Clean Up Difficult: ● Care Packages for the Homeless ● Walk for Water ● TurKEY Pie Night ● Elementary School Family Day

Contact your LTG for the Service Project guide folder. All of the ideas are in it!


Fall Rally this year was held in Six Flags Great Adventure on October 7th. It was a success and it is all thanks to those who helped and attended! We had a total of 1,563 people in attendance. Divisions came in their spirit gear and cheered their heads off! Congrats to Division 8 for winning the spirit stick that was put together by our LTGs. The day starts off a food drive for the district project: Hunger in New Jersey. All proceeds from the food drive will benefit the New Jersey Federation of Food Banks, which provides meals to food-insecure families in New Jersey. Then began our general session, where we listened to the district board as they talked about our Key Events like District Convention, Regional Training Conferences, and Key Leader. We also talked about our Advocacy Focus, the District Project, and our Keynote Speaker, Mr. Stephen Gandley inspired us with his words about facing your fears and public speaking. Two of the international board members attended! International Vice President Hannah Nivar from our District and our International Trustee Lamiya Kudrati from the sunny Florida

District. Circle K Governor Michael l tti and International Trustee Stephania stopped by for this event as well. Mr. Seeman, our Kiwanis Governor, also got to introduce himself. After Fall Rally, everyone got to experience the fun rides and attractions at Six Flags for the rest of the day and attend Fright Fest by night!

Fall Rally RECAP


Fall Rally Pictures


District Programs Updates Advocacy Focus: Our goal is to

raise awareness against Sexual

Harassment. By doing so, we want to educate students, parents, and teachers about the effects, the signs, what to do, and when it crosses the line to sexual assault. We want to encourage students to speak up for themselves and eliminate myths (for example, sexual harassment only happens to girls).

At club meetings and DCMs, you can create cards to sexual harassment victims and/or distribute teal ribbons to show that you are a supporter of ending sexual harassment. Also, include the advocacy focus in your newsletters. Key Leader:

You can register and pay online at www.key-leader.org. All LTGs should register by September 19th. Registration ends on November 19th, 2018, and any registrations afterward will be charged an extra $25. It lasts for three days and two nights from November 30thDecember 2nd at the Baptist Camp and Conference Center.

DCON Promotion/Planning: The 73rd annual District Convention of the NJ District Key Club will be

March 29th-31st at Ocean Place Resort. Please keep promoting the event and make sure every Key Club in NJ knows of it! on

The theme has been decided! *Drumroll* It will be Disney/Pixar - Toy Story If cost is the problem,


fundraise early!

District Project The NJ District of Key Club International has declared Hunger in NJ as our District Project for the 2018-2019 service year yet again! The district collaborates with the NJ Federation of FoodBanks to help support food banks around the state. This federation services 5 main food banks across the state (as illustrated in the picture). You may be unaware about it, but 1 in 8 NJ residents rely on food banks. Hunger is a very serious problem, yet it can be overlooked in our very own state. Key Club will continue to aid with this problem, and that is why the district hour goal towards the NJ Federation of FoodBanks is 25,000 hours and a fundraising goal of $65,000. Continue to participate in activities, like the canned food drive in our school, as your contributions can assist in promoting our District Project, and help those in need.Â


Key Leader

Key Leader is approaching really quickly! If you are unaware of what Key Leader is, it is a weekend camping trip. It is from November 30th to December 2nd at the Baptist Camp in Lebanon, NJ. The address of the camp is 79 Blossom Hill Rd, Lebanon, NJ 08833.Â

Katrina, our Key Leader ambassador has created a Key Leader brochure and the template letter for club presidents to ask their Kiwanis Club for sponsorship. The Kiwanis Template Letter can be used by anyone that is looking for financial support; they do not have to be a club president. The letter lists the club president as an example! Contact your LTGs for these resources!Â

For students, it is $195.00. For registrations submitted after November 19th, there is a $25 late fee. Attached below is the link to register! Anyone can attend Key Leader and you do not need to be a Key Clubber to attend so promote this event to anyone you can!!! Registration Link: https://fs22.formsite.com/barriewerfel/form17/index.html

In addition, our wonderful LTG of Division 15, April Wang created a Key Leader video to give everyone more information about the weekend event. Key Leader Video: https://youtu.be/KugDv72mFCI


Trick or Treat for UNICEF For Key Clubbers, Halloween means more than spooky decorations, cool costumes, and ghoulish treats. It’s a chance to save lives and have fun— for less than the cost of a bag of Halloween candy. Protect a mother and her future newborns from MNT by Trick-or-Treating for UNICEF.

Steps: 1.

Pick a fundraiser. Collect funds door-to-door. Dance the night away

alongside vampires and werewolves. Host a “trunk-or-treat.” 2.

Set your goal. Estimate what you’ll raise through your project. Then

subtract your expenses. This is your fundraising goal.

Get supplies. Order collection boxes at the Kiwanis Family Store. 4. Promote your event. Let everyone know about the upcoming event 3.

and how he or she can donate. Share the information with your sponsoring Kiwanis club. 5.

Submit your donations. Send your donations to the Kiwanis

Children’s Fund, along with the donation form. If your club submits US $250 Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF donations by December 31, 2018, your club will earn a banner patch.


Board Meeting Words




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