Celebrating 19 years as your resource for Healthy, Inspired and Sustainable Living
Celebrating 19 years as your resource for Healthy, Inspired and Sustainable Living
Creating Community Magazine
Celebrating 19 years as your resource for Healthy, Inspired and Sustainable Living
Creating Community Magazine
Celebrating 19 years as your resource for Healthy, Inspired and Sustainable Living
Creating Community Magazine
Celebrating 19 years as your resource for Healthy, Inspired and Sustainable Living
Creating Community Magazine
Celebrating 19 years as your resource for Healthy, Inspired and Sustainable Living
Creating Community Magazine
Celebrating 19 years as your resource for Healthy, Inspired and Sustainable Living
Creating Community Magazine
Celebrating 19 years as your resource for Healthy, Inspired and Sustainable Living
Creating Community Magazine
Celebrating 19 years as your resource for Healthy, Inspired and Sustainable Living
Creating Community Magazine
Celebrating 19 years as your resource for Healthy, Inspired and Sustainable Living
Celebrating 19 years as your resource for Healthy, Inspired and Sustainable Living
Creating Community Magazine
Creating Community Magazine
Come Celebrate the Summer Solstice with Us at our Fifth Annual
Solstice Expo & Holistic Fair nd
Saturday, June 22 ~ 10:30am - 7pm Sunday, June 23nd ~ 10:30am - 6pm
Come tune up your body, mind and spirit Experience the love of higher consciousness
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New Hope Eagle Firehouse 46 North Sugan Road, New Hope, PA 18938
Special guest appearance at this year’s Fair
$500 Admission All Day
Art Gutkin is a meditative spiritual healer who removes pain and facilitates good health. He has worked with cancer, a quadriplegic, cerebral palsy, and physically impairing ailments. Art receives his healing powers from Spirit and now teaches this knowledge to anyone who is interested. You can find out more about Art at www.medintuitive.com. Sponsored by the Society for Metaphysical Enlightenment
SME is a non-profit organization
Celebrating 19 years as your resource for Healthy, Inspired and Sustainable Living
Creating Community Magazine
Wednesday, May 1 MEN’S HEALTH AND STRESS REDUCTION Work all day then come home to decompress from the day. Our energy levels are exhausted.Your wife will not touch you because she is exhausted as well. We will discuss how to reinvigorate your life again. Natural supplements to boost energy, Men’s discussion about the highs and lows of family life and keeping it together.contact Staff@drbagnell.com May 8 7pm RSVP (See ad page 23) Wednesday, May 1 LEARN TO KEEP BACKYARD CHICKENS Bryn Gweled Homesteads hosts an opportunity to learn about keeping chickens at your home, including a tour of several different homeowners’ chicken set-ups. Early evening presentation, 6:30pm-9:00pm. Meet at the Community Center, 1805 Meadow Rd., Southampton, PA 18966. Tour followed by discussion at community center. Hand-outs provided. More info: 215-355-8849; email: susancf54@hotmail.com. Event co-sponsored by Bucks County Foodshed Alliance. (See ad page 52) Wednesday, May 1 A SOULFUL EVENING EXPERIENCE: TAIZE Center yourself in the quiet joy of spring. A blend of prayerful chants, sacred readings, silent meditation and evocative Native American flute awaits your presence at this quarterly interfaith service, 7:30 pm at Awakening Wellness Studio, 10 Ruthland Ave., Malvern, PA. Love donation. Leader: Rev. Bob Deen, Greater Philadelphia Center for Spiritual Living http://www.CSLphilly.com 610-695-0375 info@cslphilly.com Thursday, May 2 FREE WEBINAR: KARMA BUSTER FOR YOUR BUSINESS Do you have good business karma? Discover the keys to identifying and then clearing your business karma. Join spiritual teacher and best selling author, Joe Nunziata on this exclusive webinar. Go to http://impactlifetraining.com to register at no-cost. (See ad page 53) Thursday, May 2 BECOMING A CLEAR CHANNEL FOR GOD’S USE (4 WEEK TELECLASS) If you are undergoing major transformation in your life, then perhaps you are being pruned by God for your divine destiny. In order to become a clear channel for God’s use, you must release those things which no longer serve you. Join the teleclass for $99. Contact: Robin Johnson, certified life coach 215-659-2103 or visit www.eta2oneness.com (See ad page 44) Friday, May 3 COMPLEMENTARY SMUDGING LESSONS Learn this common practice to purify and cleanse your home with the use of white sage (a native American herb). 6-9PM on First Fridays of each month May - October 2013. Individual lessons (easy and short at 10 minutes) provided for walk ins during these public hours in unity with Lansdale’s First Friday events. A gift to the community from Mystic Magick Metaphysical Healing Center, 105 Walnut Street, Lansdale, PA 19446 www.mysticmagick.biz 215-817-3342
Friday, May 3 DETOXIFY YOUR MIND AND BODY - NOW! Join Dr. Tetlow at 12:00PM for this webinar. Dr. Tetlow will hold a Live Q & A at the end of the webinar. Learn how to mindfully pause in any situation. Practice giving yourself undivided nonjudgmental attention. Gain tools to support a home mind-body practice. In addition to mental detox, Dr. Tetlow covers a physical (body) detox. Learn how to detox safely. See Events at http://www.philly-im.com for more information and to register. 888-702-7974 ext 2. Register to have access to a Replay of this event. (See ad page 46) Saturday, May 4 OPENING DAY AT WRIGHTSTOWN FARMERS MARKET Freshly harvested, pesticide-free, Bucks County grown produce. Hormone and antibiotic-free meat, dairy and eggs. Baked goods, prepared foods, gourmet mushrooms, handmade soaps and more. Kids Veggie Bug making. Free seedlings to first 75 shoppers. Live music by Goose Creek Pioneers. 9 AM to 1PM. 2203 2nd Street Pike, Wrightstown, 18940. www.buckscountyfoodshedalliance.org, wfm@buckscountyfoodshedalliance.org, 215-860-7081. (See ad page 45) Sunday, May 5 TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION PROGRAM - DOYLESTOWN Free Public Lecture on the benefits of the Transcendental Meditation Program at 1:00 PM in the Doylestown area. The TM Program is widely known for lowering blood pressure, reducing stress and creating deep relaxation. Find out why over 6 million people have taken our course worldwide. Start living life to its fullest. Email csmith@tm.org or call 215-783-4629 to sign up and find the location of the lecture. Seating is limited. Visit www.tm.org for more info. Wednesday, May 8 BLUEPRINT FOR LIVING: MASTERING YOUR MINDSET...LOVING YOUR LIFE: Join The Possibility Coaches Jon Satin & Chris Pattay for 6 consecutive Wednesday evenings 7-9 PM beginning May 8th. Learn step-bystep ways to achieve more happiness, success and inner peace in your life! Receive powerful tools to create new habits, beliefs and the results you want. Location-Doylestown, PA. Pre-register at www.ANewInnerYou.com or call 215794-0135. Limited seating. Wednesday, May 8 TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION PROGRAM - JENKINTOWN Free Public Lecture on the benefits of the Transcendental Meditation Program will be held at 12:00 PM in the Jenkintown area. The TM Program is widely known for lowering blood pressure, reducing stress and creating deep relaxation. Find out why over 6 million people have taken our course worldwide. Start living life to its fullest. Email gdavis@tm.org or call 610-622-0727 to sign up and find the location of the lecture. Seating is limited. Visit www.tm.org for more information. Saturday, May 11 RINA’S ROCKS GRAND OPENING & RIBBON CUTTING CEREMONY We welcome everyone to join us in celebrating the opening of our new and
Celebrating 19 years as your resource for Healthy, Inspired and Sustainable Living
enlarged store. We carry the finest crystals, minerals ,and fossils from all over the world,& will be carrying a full line of organic essential oils, hand made jewelry and gifts. We also have an expanded team of healers that teach and perform Reiki, IET, Shiatsu,and Angel classes. Wed Nite meditations are still free 78pm.Open May 1st. Grand Opening May 11th.42 S. York Rd. Hatboro Pa. 19040 215-443-ROCK RinasRocks.com (See ad page 11, 48) Saturday, May 11 REIKI I CERTIFICATION Would you like to accelerate healing, reduce, or eliminate acute as well as chronic pain, promote tranquility, revitalize, energize, and increase your awareness? In this hands-on class, you receive the ability to transmit Reiki Energy to help heal yourself, your family, friends, pets, plants, and more. 9am-6pm. Registerby 5/4. Circle Of Miracles, 10 Beulah Road, New Britain, PA Rev. Glenda Smith 267-218-4254 Reiki@circleofmiracles.org www.circleofmiracles.org (See ad page 40) Saturday, May 11 INTRODUCTION TO RAW FOODS 3 hour intensive to gain an understanding of rawfood lifestyle. Learn the science behind it, setting up your kitchen, buying in bulk, and prepping for quick meals. Students will receive a complete starter kit with information, recipes, nut milk bag, and Som Tom peeler for making raw noodles. Recipe demos and samplings! $125. 13 jugtown Hill Road, Upper Black Eddy 908-996-7702 www.kriskeating.com (See ad page 26) Saturday, May 11 FREE HCG DIET SEMINAR Informal and informational HCG DIET seminar. Saturday, May 11 9AM to 10AM Functional and Wellness Sciences Institute 2505 Blvd. of the Generals Jeffersonville, PA 19403 Please call to register: 610-6308600 jody@drbazzan.com Presented by Reina Marino, MD (See ad p. 28) Monday, May 13 COMMUNITY WELLNESS DAY , at Lambertville Public School on Saturday, May 18th, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Local businesses and professionals will provide educational and awareness programs in the areas of safety, theft protection, financial freedom, green living, and more. Also, fun, food, entertainment, drawings and prizes. Money raised will be donated to Fisherman’s Mark. All ages welcome. Admission is free. Wednesday, May 15 ROSICRUCIAN ORDER AMORC PUBLIC MEETING The Rosicrucian Order, AMORC is a worldwide fraternal organization devoted to the investigation of natural laws. Public meetings provide an opportunity for non-members to be introduced to members and some aspect of the Rosicrucian tradition. Tonight’s topic: The Path to Attainment,7:30PM - 9PM, Allentown Masonic Temple Building,1524 W Linden Street,3rd floor, Allentown,PA. For more information, www.rosicrucian.org, or contact Tina tcvogler@msn.com or 215-327-3822. Thursday, May 16 HEALING CRYSTALS WORKSHOP An interactive workshop with hands on crystal experiences. 7:30-9:30PM. Preregistration and prepayment is required to reserve your space. Cost $30 (includes book). Register online at www.mysticmagick.biz or call 215-817-3342. At Mystic Magick, Metaphysical Healing Center, 105 Walnut Street, Lansdale, PA Friday, May 17 FRIDAY NIGHT ENLIGHTENMENT WITH JOE NUNZIATA Enjoy a powerful interactive presentation, meditation and connect with others on the path. We meet on the third Friday of each month live in Irvine, CA (Orange County) See details & reserve seat at http://FridayEnlightenment.com (See ad p. 53) Friday, May 17 THAI YOGA MASSAGE Thai Yoga Massage Two Day Class Academy of Massage Therapy & Bodyworks 141 E. High Street Pottstown, PA 19464 learnmassage@comcast.net Instructor: Stephanie Smolik Thai Yoga therapy (thai massage) is the art and practice of assisted yoga postures offered to a fully clothed recipient. Traditionally offered on a massage futon, this practice can also be offered on a massage table. This powerful bodywork has the potential to
Creating Community Magazine
seamlessly integrate into any of your existing practices or can be used as a standalone therapy. This course will offer basic principles of this practice through demonstration and hands on experience. Learn to feel the echo of the muscle, how to hold a safe space for the client to release the muscle, while respecting individual flexibilty. 7 CEUs (See ad page 45) Saturday, May 18 GROWING SPROUTS AND MICROGREENS Learn how to grow your own indoor garden of nutrient-dense sprouts and microgreens. Students receive their own Easy Sprouter to take home. $50. 11-2pm. 13 Jugtown Hill road Upper Black Eddy. 908-996-7702. www.kriskeating.com (See ad page 26) Saturday, May 18 HEALING WITH YOUR ANGELS Come meet and work with the 9 healing Angels of the Energy field,Meditate with each Angel,Having a personal experience and establishing a life long connection to the Angels. Angels want to help guide you on your life journey.The creator put Angels on the Planet to assist us but they can only help us if we ask.This class shows you how to do that effectively.105pm Rina’s Rocks New Location 42 South York Rd Hatboro, Pa 215-443-ROCK RinasRocks.com (See ad page 11, 48) Saturday, May 18 AMAZING STORYTELLING CONCERT Brilliantly entertaining Bill Mettler of Quiet Riot Storytellers and the talented Ken Kaplan combine their gifts to bring us an unforgettable evening of storytelling. This exiting event is a Fun-Raiser for Circle Of Miracles & Pebble Hill Churches. Circle Of Miracles, 10 Beulah Road, New Britain, PA $25 Advance tickets, $30 at door. Rev. Glenda Smith 267-2184254 info@circleofmiracles.org www.circleofmiracles.org (See ad page 40) Sunday, May 19 TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION PROGRAM - READING Free Public Lecture on the benefits of the Transcendental Meditation Program will be held at 2:00 PM in the Reading area. The TM Program is widely known for lowering blood pressure, reducing stress and creating deep relaxation. Find out why over 6 million people have taken our course worldwide. Start living life to its fullest. Email nlist@tm.org or call 484-334-2101 to sign up and find the location of the lecture. Seating is limited. Visit www.tm.org for more information. Sunday, May 19 HOT STONE THERAPY Academy of Massage Therapy & Bodyworks 141 E. High Street Pottstown, PA 19464 610-705-4401 Instructor: Jim Funk, LMT The use of Hot Stones for healing dates back to ancient times. The heat relaxes muscles, allowing the therapist to work without using deep pressure. Hot Stone massage will help the client with back pain and aches, poor circulation, osteoarthritis pain, stress, anxiety and tension, insomnia and depression. This class will teach the art of Hot Stone massage and how to safely handle the stones for a full body massage. The class begins with the history of stones and stone therapy, contraindications, the care and cleaning of stones, and necessary equipment. The workshop continues with demonstration and guided handson work and session practice. 7 CEUs; (See ad page 45) Wednesday, May 22 I HAVE A PAIN IN THE.....! Get a understanding of how your PAIN affects your body and natural treatments that may benefit you. Learn how to avoid getting reinjuried, compression wear and spinal alignment. Nerve pressure can cause you unwanted stress. 7pm staff@drbagnell.com (215)504-2711 RSVP www.drbagnell.com, like us on Facebook Bagnellchiropractic/facebook (See ad page 23) Wednesday, May 22 NATURAL TREATMENTS FOR WOMEN’S HEALTH ISSUES Wednesday, May 22 6:00 PM - Complimentary Dinner 6:30 PM-8:30 PM - Workshop Demonstrations and Questions & Answers Following Workshop Gorman Optimal Health Solutions 333 North Oxford Valley Rd. Suite 402 Fairless Hills, PA 19030 Must call 215-9-HEALTH (943-2584) to RSVP for this free workshop. For more information on our upcoming workshops, visit our website www.GormanOptimalHealth.com.
Wednesday, May 22 ALLERGY ELIMINATION WORKSHOP/DEMONSTRATION I am offering a free workshop to demonstrate the NAET technique for allergy elimination. It will take place from 7:30-9:00 PM at Ridgegate Acupuncture, 47 West Oakland St. 2nd floor. Call 215-230-8190 to reserve your spot. Limited to ten participants. E-mail ridgegate01@msn.com (See ad page 51)
vision of what you want with a guided workshop, Use images, words and other materials, Access the power of intuition and intention to assist you. Preregistration and prepayment is required to reserve your space. Cost $30 (includes material fee. Register online at www.mysticmagick.biz or call 215817-3342 for more information. Sponsored by Mystic Magick, Metaphysical Healing Center, Lansdale, PA
Thursday, May 23 TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION PROGRAM - DOYLESTOWN Free Public Lecture on the benefits of the Transcendental Meditation Program will be held at 6:30 PM in the Doylestown area. The TM Program is widely known for lowering blood pressure, reducing stress and creating deep relaxation. Find out why over 6 million people have taken our course worldwide. Start living life to its fullest. Email csmith@tm.org or call 215-783-4629 to sign up and find the location of the lecture. Seating is limited. Visit www.tm.org for more information.
Sunday, June 2 TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION PROGRAM - DOYLESTOWN Free Public Lecture on the benefits of the Transcendental Meditation Program will be held at 1:00 PM in the Doylestown area. The TM Program is widely known for lowering blood pressure, reducing stress and creating deep relaxation. Find out why over 6 million people have taken our course worldwide. Start living life to its fullest. Email csmith@tm.org or call 215-783-4629 to sign up and find the location of the lecture. Seating is limited. Visit www.tm.org for more information.
Thursday, May 23 FREE HCG DIET SEMINAR Informal and informational HCG Diet seminar. 6PM to 7PM Functional and Wellness Sciences Institute 2505 Blvd of the Generals Jeffersonville, PA 19403 Please call to register: 610-630-8600 Email: jody@drbazzan.com Presented by Reina Marino, MD (See ad page 28) Friday, May 31 REIKI II CERTIFICATION Power is increased, works faster and deeper. Learn to transmit this Energy over distance and time. Learn how Reiki can be applied to situations, be sent into the future, help heal the past, eliminate habits, and enhance talents. Friday 6:30-9:30pm and Saturday 9am-6pm. Register by 5/ 24. Circle Of Miracles, 10 Beulah Road, New Britain, PA Rev. Glenda Smith 267218-4254 Reiki@circleofmiracles.org www.circleofmiracles.org (See ad p. 40) Saturday, June 1 VISION BOARD WORKSHOP Lansdale Public Library. 12-3PM. Create your
Tuesday, June 4 BECOMING A CLEAR CHANNEL FOR GOD’S USE (4 WEEK TELECLASS) If you are undergoing major transformation in your life, then perhaps you are being pruned by God for your divine destiny. In order to become a clear channel for God’s use, you must release those things which no longer serve you. Join the teleclass for $99. Contact: Robin Johnson, certified life coach 215-659-2103 or visit www.eta2oneness.com (See ad page 44) Tuesday, June 4 BECOMING A CLEAR CHANNEL FOR GOD’S USE (4 WEEK TELECLASS) Are you being pruned by God for your divine destiny? Are you releasing those things which no longer serve you? Share your experiences. Join the teleclass discussion about the shift happening in your life. For more information contact: Robin Johnson, certified spiritual life coach at 215-6575302 or visit www.eta2oneness.com (See ad page 44)
Celebrating 19 years as your resource for Healthy, Inspired and Sustainable Living
Wednesday, June 5 SHIFT YOUR ENERGY, TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE Are there obstacles keeping you from achieving your special goals or desires? Learn how you can use your energy to propel you beyond those blocks, so you can take full charge of your life! 7:00 pm at the Center for Spiritual Living, 19 S. Valley Rd, Paoli PA. Facilitator: Cheryl Macklin. http://www.CSLphilly.com 610-695-0375 Wednesday, June 5 MEET THE ACUPUNCTURIST Marianne Hoover, Licensed Acupuncturist at Naturally Acupuncture in Langhorne, will be hosting a table at the PWBN 2013 Amazing Connections Expo. This is a free event and open to the public. Stop by and meet Marianne, ask questions about your condition and see an acupuncture needle! 2-7pm, Spring Mill Manor, 171 Jacksonville R., Ivyland, PA. Questions: 215-630-5324 /info@naturallyacupuncture.com. (See ad p. 39) Friday, June 7 MICRO-NUTRIENT TESTING: OUR BODY TELLS US WHAT IT NEEDS Join Dr. Tetlow at 12PM for this webinar. Live Q & A. Access information provided upon registration. See Events at http://www.philly- im.com for information and registration. 888-702-7974 ext 2 University research shows that 50% of people taking multivitamins are still nutritionally deficient. Vitamin, mineral and antioxidant deficiencies have been shown to suppress immune function, which can contribute arthritis, cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. If your missing something important, don’t you want to know what it is? Micro-Nutrient testing is easy, and can even be free!* *Free test kits are available on a first come first served basis to existing patients. Prospective patients can participate in the Mind Body Panel—Micro-Nutrient Testing for $215 including testing and 1hour interpretation with Dr. Tetlow (offer expires 6/28/13) (See ad p. 46) Saturday, June 8 OPEN HOUSE JUNE HINES PILATES DOYLESTOWN 1-3 please join us for an Open House at 26 E. Swamp Rd. (Rt. 313), Doylestown. Free give
Creating Community Magazine
aways, refreshments, presentation on Pilates and how it can help you get fit. www.junehinespilates.com /call 215.230.0198 (See ad p. 44) Saturday, June 8 A NEW NARRATIVE ~ FOR A NEW WORLD: A WORKSHOP IN KNOWING Experiential Workshop-We Will Explore: òpower of language & how speech is actionò how language, emotions & bodies serve as our window onto the worldò how our perspective on the world can imprison or liberateò the need to embrace the spirit in a culture of reasonò how breakdowns can become breakthroughs Time: 9am5pm Location: Philadelphia Ethical Society, 1906 So. Rittenhouse Square Register: newfieldnetwork.com/phillyevent Info: Linda Fischer 575.770.5278 (See ad page 33) Saturday & Sunday, June 8 & 9 UP CLOSE WITH LEE CARROLL & KRYON Weekend Event (Saturday): Lecture/Channeling w/15 book author/channel explores Reality and Physics; the world beyond our perception-how God works with us using multidimensional realities. Is it woo woo or physics? Is quantum info in our DNA? Is there proof about our Pleiadian ancestors? Was there really a Lemuria? What is Awakening of the Puma in South America? Why is it happening? Are the indigenous trying to tell us something? Unity Christ Church, Gaithersburg, MD, www.kryon.com/register-dc, 910-352-7495, register@kryon.com (See ad p. 55) Sunday, June 9 PRACTICE AKASH POWER WITH LEE CARROLL & DR. AMBER WOLF Weekend Event (Sunday): Workshop, live Kryon channelling w/Lee Carroll and Dr. Amber Wolf. Rare Q&A with Lee! Is it possible to be Human AND spiritually conscious? How do we awaken and improve our innate ability to mine our Akash? If we live accessing our Akash, how will our lives change? Bring quantum, akashic living alive thru interactive exercises, transformational meditations and practical tools for today’s challenging world. Holiday Inn, Totowa,
NJ, www.kryon.com/register-totowa, 646-662-4445, register@kryon.com (See ad page 55) Tuesday, June 18 ANIMAL SPIRIT GUIDE WORKSHOP Find the animal guide who is working to assist and guide you. 7:30-9:30PM. Learn to identify and understand the guidance of Spirit Animals in your life. Preregistration and prepayment is required to reserve your space. Cost $30 (includes book. Register online at www.mysticmagick.biz or call 215-817-3342 for more information. At Mystic Magick, Metaphysical Healing Center, 105 Walnut Street, Lansdale, PA 19446 Wednesday, June 19 TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION PROGRAM - DOYLESTOWN Free Public Lecture on the benefits of the Transcendental Meditation Program will be held at 6:30 PM in the Doylestown area. The TM Program is widely known for lowering blood pressure, reducing stress and creating deep relaxation. Find out why over 6 million people have taken our course worldwide. Start living life to its fullest. Email csmith@tm.org or call 215-783-4629 to sign up and find the location of the lecture. Seating is limited. Visit www.tm.org for more information. Saturday, June 22 2013 SOLSTICE EXPO & HOLISTIC FARE Rev. Art Gutkin, named 2013 Solstice Expo featured exhibitor, will lay hands to relieve pain and help those with disease. He will provide his service of traveling the Akashic Record from womb to present to begin resolution of adult issues arising from childhood physical and emotional traumas. Art travels the Record off site. Art is also a certified hypnotist and helps clients with weight, smoking and many other life problems. (See ad page 10) Sunday, June 23 THE METAPHYSICAL 12 STEPS TO EMPOWER YOUR LIFE Everyone is addicted to something. Do chocolate, Facebook, caffeine, or designer shoes
come to mind? Discover how a positive approach to the 12 steps can lead to freedom from dependence and a fuller, happier life. Held 1:00 pm at Upper Main Line YMCA Carriage House, 1416 Berwyn-Paoli Rd, Berwyn, PA. Facilitator: John Rossi. http://www.CSLphilly.com 610-804-3987 Sunday, June 23 CREATING HEALTHY AND FULFILLING RELATIONSHIPS WORKSHOP: Join the Possibility Coaches-Jon Satin & Chris Pattay and The Bliss Mistress-Edie Weinstein. Learn communication skills and strategies to: ask for what you desire, heart opening, intimacy inducing exercises, self- love practice. Music, movement, mindfulness, writing, meditation and art exercises. 2pm-6pm. Circle of Miracles 10 Beulah Road New Britain, PA. Register: http:// www.eventbrite.com/event/6111735365 or call 215-738-8668. Monday, June 24 SUMMER ART CAMPS Tyler Park Center for the Arts half/whole day camps June 23RD to August 31ST.Wide variety of mediums.Fine Ats and Crafts Art Sampler ,Garden Art, Fiber, basic Drawing, Acrylic Painting,Nature Explorers, Recycled and Found Art,Building a Marionette, Glass Fusion, Bugs vs. Butterflies, Mixed Media & Multi Cultural and Pottery. 8 and up with teen camps too! See details at TylerParkArts.org and register call 267- 218-0290. (See ad page 39) Wednesday, June 26 MEDITATION FOR PEACE The Rosicrucian Order, AMORC is a worldwide fraternal organization devoted to the study of philosophy, mysticism, psychology, health,and culture. Public meetings provide an opportunity for nonmembers to be introduced to members and some aspect of the Rosicrucian tradition. Tonight we conduct a visualization exercise in the service of bringing about world peace, 7:30 PM - 9 PM, Allentown Masonic Temple Building, 1524 W Linden Street,3rd floor, Allentown, PA. For more information,www.rosicrucian. org, or contact Tina at tcvogler@msn.com or 215327-3822.
Celebrating 19 years as your resource for Healthy, Inspired and Sustainable Living
Wednesday, June 26 NATURAL SOLUTIONS TO DIGESTIVE DISORDERS Wednesday, June 26 6:00 PM - Complimentary Dinner 6:30 PM-8:30 PM - Workshop Demonstrations and Questions & Answers Following Workshop Gorman Optimal Health Solutions 333 North Oxford Valley Rd. Suite 402 Fairless Hills, PA 19030 Must call 215-9-HEALTH (943-2584) to RSVP for this free workshop. For more information on our upcoming workshops, visit our website www.GormanOptimalHealth.com.
Thursday, July 18 GROUP COACHING MASTERMIND NOW FORMING - 3 MONTH PROGRAM 7-9PM: Now forming: a small group, heart centered approach to self-empowerment. Create massive shifts and positive results over a short period of time. A safe and nurturing space where the energy of the group amplifies your intentions. Meets 1st & 3rd Thursday of each month starting July 18th. Facilitated by The Possibility Coaches. Location-Doylestown. Pre-register: http://possibilitycoaches.com/groupcoaching.html or call 215-794-0135.
Saturday, July 6 DAIRY DAY AT WRIGHTSTOWN FARMERS MARKET Pet the calf. Meet Bucks County’s Dairy Princess contestant. Butter-making demonstration. ECOMAN entertains the kids. Specialty cow and goat cheeses, yogurt smoothies, raw, organic milk. Freshly harvested Bucks County produce, meat and eggs from pasture-raised animals, baked goods, prepared foods. 9 AM to 1 PM, 2203 Second Street Pike (Rt. 232), Wrightstown, 18940. www.buckscountyfoodshedalliance.org or wfm@buckscountyfoodshedalliance.org or 215.860-7081. (See ad page 45)
Monday, August 5 and Monday, August 12 PEACE WORKS CAMP SPONSORED BY A WOMAN’S PLACE Don’t miss this summer’s exciting opportunity to have your child(ren) participate in this year’s Peace Works Camp being held at Doylestown Mennonite Church. This week long summer camp represents an extension of AWP’s successful Peace Works elementary curriculum delivered throughout the regular school year in Bucks County’s school districts. Activities/games/crafts foucs on building self-esteem, healthy relationships, and team-building; skills sets that will benefit your child(ren) throughout their school years and beyond. To register, contact Christine 215-343-9241, ext 112 or cferrante@awomansplace.org. Register online www.awomansplace.org/events/peace- works-camp/ (See ad p. 19)
Sunday, July 14 INTRODUCTION TO MASSAGE THERAPY We would like to invite you to attend our free Introduction to Massage class. This class is designed to give you a better idea of what it takes to become a licensed massage therapist as well as the earning potential and the various venues available to you in the work force as a therapist. There is no cost to attend this class, however, we do ask that you bring a set of twin sheets and a towel large enough to wrap around you. You will learn how to give a basic massage and experience firsthand the quality of touch you will be learning in our massage therapy program. Please call us at 610705-4401 if you would like to attend this class as space is limited. Academy of Massage Therapy & Bodyworks 141 East High Street Pottstown, Pa 19464 (See ad page 45)
Creating Community Magazine
Saturday . August 31 UP CLOSE WITH LEE CARROLL & KRYON Weekend Event (Saturday): Lecture/Channeling w/15 book author/channel explores “Reality and Physics”; the world beyond our perception-how God works with us using multidimensional realities. Is it woo woo or physics? Is quantum info in our DNA? Is there proof about our Pleiadian ancestors? Was there really a Lemuria? What is “Awakening of the Puma in South America”? Why is it happening? Are the indigenous trying to tell us something? Unity Christ Church, Gaithersburg, MD, www.kryon.com/register-dc, 910-352-7495, register@kryon.com (See ad page 55)
Sunday, September 1 LEMURIAN SISTERHOOD INITIATION WITH DR. AMBER WOLF Weekend Event (Sunday): Reactivate sacred Lemurian circle of women. Receive two initiations in holographic energy and morphic fields of ancient Lemurian Sisterhood that empowers, honors women. Pray, meditate, chant to increase connection to Truth of Sacred Feminine alive within. Reclaim your inherent divine power. Discover, honor your gifts and purpose. Acknowledge, activate life potentials. Integrate, heal your contract. Live channeling of Lemurian Ancestors. Unity in Gaithersburg, MD, http://bit.ly/ 12yfVHo, 910-352-7495, register@kryon.com (See ad page 55) Thursday, September 12 ANGELIC IMMERSION RETREAT WITH KATHY MILANO, PHD, ANGEL THERAPY PRACTITIONER Join Kathy, the Angelic Realm, and fellow Lightworkers for a transformative weekend retreat set in nature’s beauty at The Country Place, Poconos, PA. Deepen into your Sacred Self, awaken intuition, and soothe your Soul with Angelic teachings, energy attunements, angel healing practices, yoga, energy psychology, labyrinth, inspired art, and sacred ceremony. Thursday, 9/12 - Sunday, 9/15. Slideshow online. www.kathymilano.com. 856778-1981. We await your HeartLight. Tuesday, October 8 WOMEN’S RETREAT TO UMBRIA, ITALY: OCTOBER 8-18 Connect with the Sacred Feminine as revealed in the ancient landscape, customs, art and architecture of Italy through retreat in the mystical region of Umbria. Facilitated by Mary Teti (co-facilitator of overseas retreats since 2004, and Maria Orr (artist). Space very limited. Contact Mary at handsfromtheheart@comcast.net, 215-364-5990 THESE CALENDAR LISTINGS ARE ONLY $9 !!! Event and Activity Listings are only $9 for 65 words in Creating Community Magazine. Advertise all of your
workshops, classes, lectures, events, meetings, support groups, activities etc. to an audience of 90,000 readers for great results.The Deadline for the JULY/ AUGUST ISSUE is JUNE 10th. SUBMIT YOUR EVENT & ACTIVITY LISTINGS AT OUR WEBSITE www.CREATINGCOMMUNITY.com and click on ‘Magazine’. See Rates for Display Advertising at www.creatingcommunity.com
Ongoing Activities PART-TIME WORK DISTRIBUTING CREATING COMMUNITY MAGAZINE 1 to 3 days every 2 months. Meet great people and travel. Routes in Bucks, Montgomery Counties. $12-14 an hour & .35 cents per mile. Must have availability for a full weekday during the hours of 9am through 5pm. Please note, this is not an ‘under the table job’. 215- 345-6525. I AM DISCOURSES A weekly discussion group on the I AM Discourses held Wednesday’s @ 7pm at the Quakertown Center for Spiritual Living; 501 West Broad Street (Masonic Hall, Lower Level, Rear Entrance) Quakertown, PA 18951. Check our website for more information: wwwQuakertownCSL.org (See ad page 51) FREE INTRODUCTION TO HYPNOTHERAPY IN ABINGTON, PA Learn how Hypnotherapy can heal and empower you. Who is the right Hypnotherapist for you? Question and Answer session and more... Every Saturday from 1pm to 2pm. To register contact Karen, Registered Nurse and Master Hypnotherapist 215-806-1594 / info@ohmusa.com Light refreshments served. (See ad p. 41) PHILADELPHIA INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE WEBINAR WITH DR. GEORGIA TETLOW, MD Join Dr. Tetlow the first Friday of every month from 12:00-1:00pm for an interactive webinar on health topics such as Nutrition and Mood, Micronutrient Testing, Improving Digestion and Absorption, I Only Want Supplements I Need, Who Needs Fish Oil, Stress Reduction, Mindfulness and more! Register at https://www.philly-im.com, email info@philly-im.com or call (888) 702-7974. (See ad page 46)
Celebrating 19 years as your resource for Healthy, Inspired and Sustainable Living
WOMEN’S STRESS REDUCTION GROUP Women’s Stress Reduction Group located in Richboro, PA. Meets Tuesdays from 10:00am-11:00am. Come meet other wonderful women like yourself. Learn to reduce stress, increase energy and practice mindfulness meditation. No experience needed. Contact Stacey Shapiro, LCSW,RPT-S at 610-608-2960 or stacshap@aol.com. Or contact Shari Pescatore, LPC at 215-343-3091 or empoweryou2@comcast.net. (See ad page 52) PSYCHIC PARTY FOR SPECIAL EVENTS birthday celebrations, bridal and baby showers, graduation parties, bar mitzvahs, etc. or in your home or office just for fun. Loretta Vasso is a skilled Psychic-Medium who provides the most unique experience, reading Tarot Cards and Gemstones. Access your own Inner Wisdom to reach a career goal, find that perfect relationship or gain insight on any issue of importance to you. Call 215-692-2753, email info@ThePsychicPartners.com and visit ThePsychicPartners.com. NIGHT SKY SANGHA cultivates the art of Awakening through direct encounter with our curious and inconceivable nature. Just like the Buddha, we don’t practice Buddhism - we go straight to Awake! This present moment does not suffer from lack of enlightenment, only your imagination can convince you otherwise. Tuesday & Thursday evenings, 7:30 - 9:30 pm @ Pebble Hill Church - email practice@nightskysangha.org, by donation. MEDICINE WITHIN CLASS A weekly program of gentle exercise and relaxation techniques; held Monday’s @ 6:30pm at the Quakertown Center for Spiritual Living; 501 West Broad Street (Masonic Hall, Lower Level, Rear Entrance) Quakertown, PA 18951. Check our website for more information: wwwQuakertownCSL.org (See ad page 51) TRIBAL BELLY DANCE CLASSES Fitness Made Fun! Improve strength, stamina, and flexibility while learning this beautiful art form. Day, evening, and weekend classes, beginner through advanced levels, as well as specialty classes.
Creating Community Magazine
Open to women of all ages, shapes, and ability levels. Tribal Bellies Studio (located inside Body Dynamics), 1810 County Line Road, Huntingdon Valley, PA. www.tribalbellies.com 215-504-9732 CHILDREN’S GROUP AGES 4-7 AND GROUP FOR AGES 7-9 Children need a safe place to grow and socialize . Children will learn skills to increase self esteem and assertiveness skills. Reduce anxiety, anger, stress, learn relaxation skills and grounding through play activities and art. Limited to 5 children per group. The group meets 4:30- 5:30 either Tuesdays or Thursdays in Yardley. Minimum four weeks sessions Contact Stacey Shapiro, LCSW, RPT-S at 610608-2960 or 215-352-4400. (See ad page 52) AN EVENING WITH THE ANDARAS Spend an evening in the company of the high frequency Andara’s. Learn more about these beautiful Beings of Light , apppearing as stones. Hear some of the messages they bring to us now to aid us in our progress on life’s amazing journey.This evening will be held in Doylestown, Pa. date yet to be determined. Call 215-345-1291 for more information. (See ad page 24) MOTHER’S DAY ORGANIC SPA SPECIALS! Mother’s Day Specials from Blissful Beginnings & Beyond at the Holy Redeemer Women’s Health Center in Southampton, PA. Call 267-2375536 or email info@blissfulbeginningsandbeyond.com. Shop our website for the perfect gift! Order instant on-line Gift Certificates at www.blissfulbeginningsandbeyond.com for your Special Moms. Upcoming classes/seminars will also be listed on our website. Check back frequently for updates, specials and events you can’t miss! ART WORKSHOPS AND EVENTS Tyler Park Center for the Arts offers year round workshops for Adults and Children in many areas of interest including Fiber, Fine Art, Glass, Carving, Jewelry and Pottery. Special events occur periodically like our Mad Hatters Garden Party in June, Crafts in the
Meadow Show in October and Community Music and Art Gatherings. See TylerParkArts.org for all of the details or call 267-218-0290 (See ad page 39) WRIGHTSTOWN FARMERS MARKET Bucks County farmers and producers. Hormone and antibiotic-free meats, eggs and dairy, pesticide-free produce, freshly baked goods, gluten free products, prepared foods, handmade soaps, local raw honey, locally roasted organic coffee. Live music. Every Saturday from May 4 to Thanksgiving. 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM. 2203 Second Street Pike (Rt. 232), Wrightstown, 18940 (next to Wrightstown Township municipal offices.) See www.buckscountyfoodshedalliance.org or wfm@buckscountyfoodshedalliance.org. (See ad page 45) REIKI CERTIFICATION CLASSES AND HEALING SESSIONS Treat yourself to a healthy lifestyle. Awaken the healer within, while learning the Ancient Sacred Japanese Healing technique to heal yourself and your family and friends. All Levels of Reiki! 215 742 2998. Call to make an appointment for a Healing Session. http://www.healingwithinu.org/default.html Email: healingwithinu@yahoo.com
COMPRESSION WEAR AND SPORTS Learn about the lasted medical compression wear. Stronger than most on the market EC3D. Better, stronger, anti-microbial and supportive for all athletes. Running, Hockey, Football, Soccor etc.. www.drbagnell.com. contact Dr. B staff@drbagnell.com RSVP May 15 7pm RSVP (See ad page 23) LIFE SKILLS TRAINING SUPPORT GROUP FOR YOUNG ADULTS Life Skills Training Support Group for Young Adults to learn what parents, teachers & educators didn’t teach to be able to be successful in a marriage, schooling, parenting & socially. Includes financial, healthy lifestyles, organizational, social, time management & much more. Meets alternating Sundays at 3 pm for an hour. Must pre-register. Sellersville 215-799- 2220 drjaallender@gmail.com SOULCOLLAGE SoulCollage is an intuitive collage process. If you enjoy using your intuition and creating collages this class is for you. Not only is it fun, this
FREE WEIGHT LOSS SUPPORT GROUP MEETING Transform now. Getting rid of painful unwanted pounds takes courage, commitment and the support of others on the same life changing journey. Learn how you can avoid self sabotage and self limiting beliefs through the power of Hypnosis. Become empowered. Dates: 7PM, Thursday, April 25th, May 16th and June 13th. BuxMont Hypnosis, 1590 Arline Ave. Abington PA. Bring a friend. R.S.V.P. Call: 267-622-5103 or BuxMontHypnosis@yahoo.com (See ad page 31) ANNETTE’S PSYCHIC ANGEL READINGS Psychic Angel Readings,Tarot -Private Readings - Guidance - Host a Party in your home. A great way to spend time with family and friends. 215 742 2998 http://www.healingwithinu.org/ Psychic-Readings.html
Celebrating 19 years as your resource for Healthy, Inspired and Sustainable Living
process allows you to gain more insight into your self and your life! Classes are ongoing, come when you can, starting May 31st from 10:30- 12:30. Classes will be held the last Friday of the month at Rina’s Rocks in Hatboro, PA. The cost is $36.00. No artistic skill necessary. Call Stacey Shapiro at 610-608-2960 to reserve your spot and learn more! (See ad page 52)
our website www.junehinespilates.com, email at junehinespilates@verizon.net or call 215.230.0198 (See ad page 44)
PLAYGROUP FOR CHILDREN ON THE SPECTRUM Casual playgroup beginning at my home for children with autism and their siblings. Langhorne, Bucks County area. 2nd and 4th Fridays of the month 6-8pm. For more info. call Nancy at 215-752-2487 or e-mail booboo7@netzero.net
COMPLIMENTARY 3 CARD TAROT READINGS Offered on 3rd Saturdays, 9Am-1PM. May 18, June 15, July 20, August 27, September 21 and October 21 A simple here/now Tarot (what you need to know now) Card Reading of three cards on a walk in basis during these public hours in unity with Lansdale’s Farmer’s Market events. A gift to the community from Mystic Magick Metaphysical Healing Center, 105 Walnut Street, Lansdale, PA 19446 www.mysticmagick.biz 215-817-3342
BEGINNING PILATES MAT CLASS June Hines Pilates in Doylestown, 26 E. Swamp Rd. (Rt. 313) offers a beginning level mat class Saturdays from 1112. Learn the principles of Joseph Pilates floor work which incorporates strengthening and stretching exercises. Pay per class or buy a class card. See
BACTERIA, MICROBES, VIRUSES Eliminate those nasty bacteria, microbes & viruses. Learn how here... www.HealthyWorld.2truth.com and follow our blog... www.LeadingEdgeHealth.org Request an Educational Health package: LeadingEdgeHealth@shaw.ca THESE CALENDAR LISTINGS ARE ONLY $9 !!! Event and Activity Listings are only $9 for 65 words in Creating Community Magazine. Deadline for the JULY/AUGUST ISSUE is JUNE 10th. SUBMIT YOUR EVENT & ACTIVITY LISTINGS AT OUR WEBSITE www.CREATINGCOMMUNITY.com LEARNING THROUGH MOVEMENT /CREATING NEW PATHWAYS Certified HANDLE Screener and Teacher. Serving children and adults with challenges in academics,autism, perplexing behaviors, sensory integration, results from stroke or head injury, and more. Please call for information. 610570-7408. Kintnersville, PA, Upper Bucks County. TAROT CARD READINGS Tarot Readings in high energy, private reading room. Scheduled by appointment. We host Tarot Parties for groups of 5 or more with discounts. www.mysticmagick.biz Mystic Magick Metaphysical Healing Center, 105 Walnut Street, Lansdale, PA 19446, 215-817-3342
Creating Community Magazine
Celebrating 19 years as your resource for Healthy, Inspired and Sustainable Living
Creating Community Magazine
Celebrating 19 years as your resource for Healthy, Inspired and Sustainable Living
Creating Community Magazine
Celebrating 19 years as your resource for Healthy, Inspired and Sustainable Living
Creating Community Magazine
Celebrating 19 years as your resource for Healthy, Inspired and Sustainable Living
Creating Community Magazine
Celebrating 19 years as your resource for Healthy, Inspired and Sustainable Living