Creating Community Magazine
Creating Community Magazine
Creating Community Magazine
Facing Dragons Contemplating Divorce “The hardest part is admitting I spent 35 years of my life with the wrong person,” the client says as we walk through each room surveying the landscape of stuff to be divided up, donated or discarded. Stunned, another client declares “I wanted to leave him 15 years ago, but I was afraid to be on my own. Now he’s found a 35 year old and says she ‘makes him feel good’. I’m 58 years old, what now?” And yet another sighs “I can barely think straight these days. I’ve spent the last year waking up each day wondering what to do, should I stay or should I leave?” While it is still generally true the more years you are married the less risk of divorce, it is no longer a certainty. Recent studies reveal more couples are splitting after long term marriages. Like the situations described above, many regretfully admit the relationship had gone stale years before but they were too fearful to face change. Now they have no choice, change has arrived. And, for all those choosing divorce, many more remain in unhappy situations. In resignation they do nothing to improve their relationship. Paralyzed by fear, they cannot allow themselves to rationally consider divorce. Staying stuck; they deny themselves the opportunity to experience joy and happiness either together or apart. I’m not advocating divorce. If there is anything you can do to reconnect and stay together by all means do it! Go for couples counseling, a retreat or that third honeymoon to some exotic place. But, also consider the importance of facing the beast. Allowing yourself to feel the fear as you explore what getting divorced would mean for you enables you to identify all the reasons why you choose to stay or choose to go. Feeling empowered in your decision, you can then take action to create a better life. As a Divorce Coach I am an objective sounding board helping you to sort out all the pieces and overcome the overwhelm that happens when we face life-changing decisions. Together we dissolve the confusion and address each fear. You gain a clear vision of what you truly want your life to look like. If that vision means divorce, I can help you embrace the changes, navigate the emotional roller coaster and avoid the common mistakes many make in the divorce process. Learn more at www.seechangedivorcecoaching.com See Ad on p. 30.
Transform Pilates Transform Pilates is a professional studio providing private instruction, small group instruction, and rehabilitation, following the Classic Method, which was developed and refined over many years, by Joseph Pilates. The instructors at Transform Pilates have been certified in The Method, which re-
Creating Community Magazine
quires many years of study, including apprentice hours, teacher training and observation hours, and practical and written examinations. Continuing education and study is also a requirement to maintain certification and to enhance knowledge. The experienced staff at Transform Pilates includes Sue Long, Mike Zelesko, and Beth Butterworth. The Classic Method includes over 500 exercises that are mat based or performed on a variety of specialized apparatus, including the Reformer, Cadillac/Tower, Pilates Chair, and Barrels, which can all be found at our studio. The emphasis is on flowing, precise movements that stretch and strengthen the entire body. The focus is on the deep abdominal musculature, (named the “Powerhouse” by Pilates), as well as the muscles surrounding the spine, to help develop spinal stability and mobility. The many benefits of practicing Pilates include: - increases core strength - develops muscular strength and flexibility - improves posture, balance, coordination and circulation - develops longer, leaner muscles - non-impact, gentle on the joints - mind body connection Clients of Transform Pilates are closely monitored at all times by one of our qualified instructors. A wide variety of exercises are used to address the client’s needs in order to improve functional and overall conditioning, alignment, and joint stability. Sport specific training, as well as rehabilitation is also offered to our participants. Transform Pilates offers a variety of programs. Private and duet instruction is available as well as small group classes. Our group classes include instruction in mat and training on the apparatus. We recently added Barre classes to our offerings, a very popular program which includes Pilates, Ballet, resistance training, and flexibility training. We invite you to share the wonderful practice of Pilates with us in our beautiful state-of-the-art studio, where we provide instruction in a caring and supportive environment. Please visit our web site, www.transform-pilates.com or call us at 267-544-5083 for further information in regards to staff, classes, and rates. Transform Pilates is located at 2325 Heritage Center Drive Ste #114 Furlong. PA 18925. See Display Ad on page 36.
Living with Pain? How Myofascial Release Can Help Unfortunately many people are living with chronic pain: back pain, neck pain, hip pain, headaches just to name a few. Myofascial Release is a form of therapeutic bodywork that addresses restrictions and imbalances in the body’s connective tissue called the Fascial System. It a modality that goes to the root of the problem, greatly reducing or eliminating pain and restoring mobility and movement where traditional therapy, surgery, or medication has failed. With expert technique, the Myofascial Release therapist uses a highly trained understanding of the body’s extensive fascia system of connective tissue and applies a gentle, sustained pressure on and around
areas of restriction and tension to guide in the release of the very patterns that have resulted in chronic pain. The therapist will repeat this timed pressure into various areas of fascia until each restriction has released, enabling muscles to stretch and elongate promoting a lasting relief of pain and restoring optimal health. In addition, clients are educated in several forms of self-treatment to take charge of their own care and goals for wellness. Myofascial Release is a highly effective treatment that has long lasting, positive results for many conditions including but not limited to chronic pain conditions, neck, back, shoulder pain, headaches and athletic injuries, neurological disorders, sinus and TMJ and enhances athletic performance. At HeartSong Healing Arts we combine craniosacral and myofascial technique, Therapeutic Touch and Subtle Energy work. For more info, to view what clients are saying, and to schedule an introductory session visit abbemfr.massagetherapy.com or email centergybodywork@yahoo.com. Nobody should have to live with pain! See Ad on p. 26
Bio-Energetic Testing The wave of the future! What is it? Technology that bridges the gap between science and complimentary medicine. It unites ancient wisdom and practices with modern technology. Vital to the understanding of futuristic medicine therapies is the view of the physical body as an energy system composed of wave forms or oscillation at various frequencies. Many of the most sophisticated diagnostics systems used today in medicine such as the EEG, EKG & MRI employ the principles of energy medicine. Practitioners of computerized bio-energetic testing systems use instruments that measure the body’s energy system. What can you learn from the session: Your body has its own innate intelligence and will re-prioritize its issues as needed. The Spectra Vision has the means to tap into that intelligence and through bio reassurance analysis reveal the current top stress issues or hottest fires associated with the signals tested. - Non-diagnostic - Determines energy level and function of all organs - Evaluates the digestive, endocrine, lymphatic and immune systems - Will assess your nutritional needs - Identifies environmental allergies to various substances - Tests over 300 foods - Indicates hidden intestinal microorganisms - Will give a new understanding as to how your body is functioning One single session can accomplish what previously may have required undergoing several different evaluations at a number of different locations. After the initial evaluation, you will be advised on an eating program and a specific supplement program and life-style enhancements. On the follow-up visits, you will have a new re-evaluation test and update of your program. See Display Ads on pages 35 & 46.
Building a Better Brain: Parkinson’s Disease and Beyond The brain is possibly our least understood organ. The heart pumps, the stomach churns, and the brain does what exactly? With no moving parts, it’s not easy to dissect its functions. The nervous system is a vast network of cells surrounded by a fatty coating that sends and receives chemical and electrical messages. In Parkinson’s disease (PD), part of the brain that makes the chemical messenger dopamine isn’t functioning normally. Tremor and altered gait are the classic symptoms; but difficulty with fine motor skills, loss of smell, constipation, and watery eyes may be early symptoms. Current medications for PD replace the missing dopamine, and can be effective for a time. However, these same medications actually decrease the brain’s own ability to make more dopamine. They also deplete the brain of an essential antioxidant called glutathione, an anti-aging molecule. Not surprisingly, PD patients end up on higher and higher doses of these medications as time progresses. As the brain is mostly fat, Parkinson’s patients should maintain healthy fat and fatty molecules like cholesterol. High cholesterol levels (above 280 mg/dl) are a sign of inflammation and poor health, while low cholesterol levels (below 160 mg/dl) can mean fatigue, low sex hormone levels, and other issues (this is the reason for erectile dysfunction in men on cholesterol-lowering drugs like statins). In fact, it’s been shown that Parkinson’s patients have lower cholesterol than controls. And, a 10-year study in women showed that those with the highest cholesterol had a lower risk of developing PD. Statin drugs also decrease CoQ-10[hyphen’s optional but I don’t see it written as COq anywhere], an essential nutrient for the brain and heart. Omega 3 fats, such as fish, flax, and nut oils,[add if desired; it replaces the 7 redundant words deleted above] are essential components for brain tissue. In addition, the nutrient choline, found in eggs and lecithin, makes up the backbone of cell membranes. Look for a special form of choline called CDP-choline. Given at 500mg twice daily for 30 days, researchers were able to lower the doses of PD drug Levodopa by 30%! It may be wise to schedule a visit with your provider a month after starting CDP-choline, as your current dose of drugs by then may be too much, which could result in tremors. No matter what stage your brain is in, there are always ways to add health and quality of life. Read Natural Therapies for Parkinson’s Disease by Laurie Mischley, ND, for more lifesaving tips. See Ad on page 11.
Tendons and Ligaments Need Special Care to Heal Completely Tendons attach muscles to bones and Ligaments hold bones and tendons in place. Fascia guides muscle groups and allow them to slide over other structures. They all have a few things in common. Predominantly, they are all made up mostly of collagen. In some injuries, there are little blood clots that form in the connective tissues that block the flow of nutrients and vital repairing constituents to the region.
These blockages inhibit the repair. As we age, more of the small microcapillaries in these tissues are also blocked with plaques. Enzymes within Arnica break-up micro-clots in damaged tissues and are very enabling in the healing process. Also, it contains constituents called prostaglandin blockers that relieve pain. When this is combined with the natural Salix of White Willow bark, the pain relief is terrific. Comfrey and Plantain contain a constituent called Allantoin which actually stimulates the fibroblasts (little collagen factories) and gets them to produce more collagen. By continually applying this to damaged tissue (ligament, tendon, fascia or bone) the process of repair will continue… for as long as you keep applying it. If you apply these two herbs to a soft tissue injury for 4 or 6 weeks, a very complete repair can be generated long after the pain and inflammation are gone. Rosemary and Thyme increase circulation when applied to tissues and Witch Hazel increases flexibility. This is a very important of healing tissues as the areas can hold residual trauma which increases the load on adjacent fibers and puts them more at risk of damage. The increased circulation allows more nutrients to the cells that are rebuilding. If you put all of these herbs together with a little vitamin C for collagen production and a little peppermint leaf for soothing, you have a wonderful combination to facilitate complete healing of soft tissues. You can make a water decoction of these and apply them to the damaged area several times per day or put them in a gel so that they can be easily applied and rubbed into the skin. This will make your damaged Tendons, Ligaments and Fascia as-good-as-new after an injury and will actually reduce recovery time dramatically. Knees, ankles, wrists, elbows, shoulders… You name it, they will all benefit. The important thing to remember is to use it long after the pain stops to complete the repair. Steve Frank is an Herbalist with many years of experience in treating musculo-skeletal injuries using indigenous plants and herbs. He has studied the actions of these natural remedies in the clinic and the laboratory so that he can combine the best that science and ancient wisdom have to offer. Mr. Frank can be reached with questions at stevef@NaturesRiteRemedies.com His blog can be found on www.MyNaturesRite.com. See Display Ads on pages 2 & 20.
It’s All GOØD Yoga likely began with a man and/or woman who wanted to sit and converse with the Source. They sat and felt a tweaky back or uncomfortable joints or a restless mind. “Say, if I twist like this I feel a little better. Hmmm, if I bend my back backward I feel something good. If I fold and touch my toes, I like that release.” Over time there were more and more poses or asanas, which were passed down by word of mouth from someone who for a time served as teacher and one who served as student, with the original teachers Shiva and Parvati. After a time as the body acclimated, these poses brought little sensation and were made (physically and mentally) more difficult. The
Creating Community Magazine
only reason there are harder poses is to continue to receive the sensation, and the peace that leads to communion with the Source. In the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, sthira sukham asanam, YS 2:46, we are reminded to keep asana steady and comfortable. As yogis, we do accept pain to gain purification – but asana should not be painful. In fact, Patanjali tells us heyam duhkham anagatam (Pain that has not yet come can be avoided). Why would we want to cause ourselves pain if, “As on the mat – off the mat…”? In practice we search for our “edge,” and in doing so, our edge will shift on its own, without pain (and hopefully with newfound awareness about ourselves). This leads us to deeper, more perfected asana – and – to the deepest of meditations or most profound realizations of our true nature, which is peace. Pain is not peace. What could cause us to pursue harder asana before we’re ready? What drives us to inflict pain or discomfort in poses? Ego wants you to be the best in the room (the best in the entire universe) and this causes us to judge (am I better or worse?)… The answer to that question doesn’t matter. When done properly, the newer student would likely feel the same intensity as the yogi performing the same asana at its highest peak embodiment. Don’t make practice a pain in your asana. Asana is awesome, but yogas chitta vrtti nirodhah (the restraint of the modifications of the mindstuff is yoga) or “All yoga is internal. The rest is just a circus.” Sri K. Pattabhi Jois. By DorothyO. See Display Ad on page 28.
Native Gardens Meadows and Wildlife Shari’s back yard was once a patch of scraggly, struggling lawn. It has since been transformed into a vibrant meadow filled with native wildflowers and grasses. Swaths of color and texture emerge in early spring and continue through fall. Winter is a tapestry of tawny hues, textural seed heads, and wind swept grasses. Through all seasons, the meadow supports abundant wildlife. As lawn, the back yard was as ecologically barren as it was uninspiring. Without native grasses and flowers, insects and birds had little to feed on. Since 97% of North American terrestrial birds rely on insects to raise their young, the meadow’s biodiversity is critical to local birds. Shari has many gardens. Gardens closer to the house were laid out with drifts of compatible colors, masses of texture, and focal point areas. More ordered and ornamental than the meadow, these gardens are just as important ecologically, as they are filled with natives and spectacular native cultivars. This approach to gardening is something worth considering. When we transform lawn and non-native plantings to native ecosystems, we open our lives to a world teeming with life, vibrance, and beauty. Consider that: NATIVE PLANTS require virtually no soil amendments, fertilizers, or ad-
ditional watering once established. ORNAMENTAL CULTIVARS of tough native plants run the gamut of color, texture, size, form, and adaptability. There is much to choose from. We can all bring nature back into our lives. Discovering and nurturing the delicate web of life is a wonderful way to bring ourselves peace and connectedness to our environment. To learn more about native and organic gardening, visit our web site at vanderlelylandscaping.com or call Vanderlely Landscaping at 267377-5947. There are infinite ways we can help you transform your property into a beautiful, natural oasis. Our resources and education web site pages provide information, ideas, and resources to help you get started. An upcoming presentation by our ecological landscape designer is packed with information to help inspire and inform you. The presentation is titled Bring Nature Home and is held Saturday, Oct. 25, 6 p.m. in the Art Room at the United Friends School, 1018 W. Broad St., Quakertown. Happy gardening! See Ad on page 28.
Navigating the Stress of Positive Change In life, a battle often occurs between our desire to remain comfortable in what is and the invitation to stretch outside our comfort zone towards what could be. When I founded The Resiliency Center, I was answering a call I felt for nearly a decade to create a center for healing, education, and community. The center began when opportunity presented itself, and I responded “Why not now?” From that decision grew a strong family of healing arts practitioners and teachers, dedicated to a shared vision. The 250-year old home that housed us felt cozy and supportive. Entering into a seventh year in the space, however, I began wondering if “cozy” might confine my vision for the next five, ten, or twenty years. I began asking, “What would support us best going forward?” as I opened to a vision of expansion. Some decisions were easy, like creating a larger workshop space and prioritizing wheelchair accessibility. Others were more daunting. Sometimes I was juggling the balls, and sometimes they were juggling me. Remembering favorite resiliency practices became paramount. Here are a few reminders for your own journey of growth: 1. Anticipate Stress. As much as we talk about eliminating stress, stress is a sign we’re alive and learning. Accepting it as a normal part of taking on new challenges makes it less dramatic when it sets in. 2. Let Yourself Grieve. Deciding to move on doesn’t make doing it easy. We grow attached to people, places, and things. It’s easier to let go once we’ve given ourselves permission and time to grieve for our losses. 3. Take Extra Good Care of Yourself. It’s tempting, but stressful periods aren’t the time to stop eating, sleeping, or seeing your acupuncturist. Do everything you can to be as good to yourself as possible. Make time for what you find relaxing and enjoyable.
4. Reach Out for Support. So often we convince ourselves we’re alone. We take on too much, delegate too little, and get overwhelmed. Asking for help is a sign of strength. Friends, family, colleagues, and professionals want to help. Let them. 5. Laugh. Laughter increases our vitality and helps us keep stress in perspective. Moving through the inevitable setbacks that occur on the way to actualizing our dreams actually prepares us to step into them. Laughter helps us keep moving – without taking those setbacks or ourselves too seriously. by Elizabeth Venart See Ad on page 48.
Color Me This to Remember That Bring In Color to Bring Up the Grades: Certified reading specialist Linda Gross, Ed.M., explains how color plays a pivotal role in aiding students with retention, memory and enhancement of their learning experience. With the end of the school year fast approaching, students will soon be inundated with lots of reading and studying in order to prepare for final exams. Throughout the academic year, students are constantly exposed to lectures, facts and figures, but are they really learning how to study all of this information? The results from the 2012 Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) suggest the answer is “no.” According to the National Center for Education Statistics, teenagers in the U.S. slipped from 25th to 31st in math since 2009; from 20th to 24th in science; and from 11th to 21st in reading. While these statistics may sound dismal, Linda Gross, Ed.M., a statecertified reading specialist with over 25 years’ experience in education, says there are things that teachers and parents can do to help kids learn to incorporate study techniques that are not typically taught in school. Below, Gross shares the following strategies students can immediately use to obtain excellent results. Many students use highlighters when reading and have been taught that it’s important to illuminate the main points. But is that the best way to use them? According to Gross, the answer is yes…and no. “The first question I ask students is what color highlighter do you use?” Gross says. “Yellow? Pink? Orange? The ‘trick’ is to use all of the colors. I tell them that if they only use one color, they might as well not even bother because their brains will surely ‘turn off’ as if they were reading black and white. Ever read to the end of a page and then ask yourself, “What in the world did I just read?” This is an all-too common problem, which is why Gross says it’s essential to constantly wake up your brain by changing the colors to keep your brain engaged. “Instead, students should use numerous colors to highlight important sections on the page,” Gross continues. “I also encourage using multi-colored pens, which are useful when taking notes in the margins. Margins are especially good for recording supporting details, while highlighters do an exemplary job of pinpointing main ideas.” Another popular study technique is the use of ubiquitous flash cards for vocabulary, spelling, math facts, etc., but Gross says most students are not using them to their cont’d on page 37
Creating Community Magazine
Creating Community Magazine
Wednesday, September 3 REIKI SHARE Reiki shares bring both practitioners and recipients together in a warm and supporting atmosphere. Participants will receive by several Reiki practitioners at once. New to Reiki? Welcome! This is a great opportunity to experience Reiki for the first time in our supporting environment. Everyone will experience a healing session. 7:30-9pm. Banyan Yoga & Ayurveda, 8080 Old York Rd #207, Elkins Park PA. 215-2549123 or www.BanyanYogaandAyurveda.com. (See ad page 42)
Tuesday, September 9 MEN’S MEDITATION CLASS - 4 WEEKS, 7:15 - 9:15 PM Release pain and stress. Get free of other people’s problems and demands. Learn no-hassle ways of healing and re-energizing. Relax, and get unstuck. You won’t have to silence your mind or sit uncomfortably in this intro class. It’s easy, useful and fun. Led by Brad Hess, Director. Intuitive Energy School, 18 E 2nd St., Media, PA (610)848-8334 IntuitiveEnergy@verizon.net - www.IntuitiveEnergy.com (See ad pg 33)
Wednesday, September 3 ENTER THE AUM, BECOME WHO YOU ARE with Paradiso & Rasamayi. Angel Board SessionsJoin these internationally renown musicians on their Northeastern US tour for a Sound Healing Concert featuring: The World’s Largest Crystal Didjeridoo. Ruby, Diamond, Citrine, & Tanzanite Singing Bowls. Seed Mantras, Chao Gong, and more! For samples of their music, please visit www.OnlineSoundHealing.com. Please sign up early by contacting Soulutions to register: 215-968-9750. 7pm. $25 in advance / $30 day of. (See ad page 41)
Tuesday, September 9 THE ANDARA GENESIS SPIRAL Chris Griscom writes in her bookTime is an Illusion,Each time we access our multidimensionality,we amplify our capacity to become the manifesters of our lives. Tucked away in these timeless dimensions are levels of knowledge and experience that can dissolve all the blocks that keep us from moving freely and harmoniously within realities of grace and purpose. Sitting with the Andara’s enables us to access this multidimensional self and clear the emotional residue. We look forward to seeing you in Doylestown. Donation basket. For more information call 215-345-1291 or email: Deb@AndaranLemurianEnergy.com (See ad page 17)
Saturday, September 6 LEARN ABOUT AFRICAN TRADITIONAL RELIGIONS! The School of Sacred Ministries explores world religions, different faiths, mysticism, and wisdom traditions. On this date: African Traditional Religions presented by Professor Mei-Mei Sanford from the College of William and Mary. Space is limited; RSVP required! Time: 9:30am - 4:00pm. Location: Pebble Hill Interfaith Church in Doylestown, PA. Contact: contact@ssminfo.org or (267) 772-7301. $75 (See ad pages 30 & 42) Saturday, September 6 HANDSTAND WORKSHOP WITH CAROLYN COHEN 10:30am12:30pm, $25. For those who can kick up at the wall, this workshop will give potent tools which will demystify handstand practice and take-home gems to work with for the long-term. Super fun! Jaya Healing Arts, 24 Arnett Ave #115, Lambertville, NJ 8530 www.JayaHealingArts.com 908.251.7428 Pre-registration required. (See ad page 47) Sunday, September 7 200 HOUR PRANA YOGA TEACHER TRAINING WITH JEFF MIGDOW, MD: FREE INTRO Learn how to practice and teach yoga at its essence and greatly expand the depth and power of your practice and the healing experiences of your students. Meet Jeff Migdow holistic MD,see the center, experience a short yoga practice with this gifted and inspirational teacher. Weekend format, once a month 10/11/14-6/28/ 15. Yoga Alliance Registry #52143 http://www.princetonyoga.com/ events/events-calendar/2014/09/07/3571-free-intro-prana-yogateacher- training-200-hr-/ (See ad page 16)
Creating Community Magazine
Wednesday, September 10 NEW MOMS GROUP This free workshop, facilitated by Kim Vargas, LCSW and Lynne Unikel, Phd, provides a safe and supportive space to explore how becoming a mother changes both our identity and our relationships with others. Contact Kim at 267-568-7846 or kimvargastherapy@gmail.com with any questions or to register. The group will be held at The Resiliency Center, Flourtown Commons, 1811 Bethlehem Pike, Suite 212-213, Flourtown, PA 19031. Babies welcome! (See ad page 48) Thursday, September 11 4-WEEK SELF-HEALING MEDITATION CLASS 7-9 PM De-stress, affirm your boundaries and get your energy moving. Release other people’s problems. Get unstuck and feel more like you! No need to silence your mind or sit uncomfortably in this fun and useful class for beginners. Intuitive Energy School, Brad Hess, Director. 18 E 2nd St., Media, PA (610) 848-8334 IntuitiveEnergy@verizon.net www.IntuitiveEnergy.com (See ad page 33) Thursday, September 11 EMPOWERMENT COACHING WORKSHOP NOW FORMING 3 Month program 7-9PM (2nd and 4th Thursday of the month). Experience the benefits of empowerment coaching, build confidence, gain insight and a new perspective in creating more balance and contentment in your life. Accompanied by the added benefit of synergistic group support.
Location: Dragonfly Yoga Studio & Massage, 156 Green St, Doylestown Pa Register at: www.totalserenitycoaching.com/what-we-offer/ -Group Coaching Workshop or call 215.906.9393 Friday, September 12 LUNCH BOX & SNACKS ON THE GO BOOT CAMP 101 DISCUSSION & LUNCH Wellspring Homeopatic Care ~ Well Bites Kitchen Table Talks with Rosella will be sharing Lunch Box & Snacks Boot Camp 101 Discussion & Lunch Wholesome Real Food Ideas & Packaging Solutions 12:00pm - 2pm @ Wellspring Homeopathic Care Office RSVP ~ rosellarossi.ntp@gmail.com (See ad page 27) Saturday, September 13 FAMILY CONSTELLATION WORKSHOP Almost any issue we have, whether physical, emotional,psychological or spiritual can be traced back to the unconscious energetic burdens that we have acquired through certain family dynamics. Constellation therapy serves to uncover and heal these energetic entanglements and is an extraordinarily powerful and effective process. 10am-4pm Joy Integrative Medicine, Buckingham, PA. Facilitator Douglas Economy. For more info and RSVP 215-794-5691 (See ad page 7) Saturday, September 13 THE ULTIMATE DATE NIGHT TUNE UP, JOIN THE CENTER FOR LONGEVITY FOR CONSCIOUS COUPLES Both Intimate relationships and yoga may well be the most challenging and also the most rewarding parts of our lives. This workshop is designed to build trust, communication, joy, and intimacy. No experience with yoga req’d. This workshops fills fast, reserve now at-thecenterforlongevity.com 215-7915829 319 w. main st. Lansdale Sept. 13 & 27, Oct. 11 & 25. 6-7:30 pm. Sunday, September 14 BUCKS COUNTY HEALTHY LIVING FESTIVAL 12-5 pm Tamanend Park - 2nd Street Pike, Southampton 18966 This is a FREE, ALL AGES family Event! Enjoy Eco, sustainable, metaphysical, and holistic vendors, speakers, many unique workshops, a Community Drum Circle, Yoga Classes, a Kids Crafting Corner, a Silent Auction, awesome organic and natural food, and more throughout the day! See the website for details: www.buckshealthylivingfestival.com Wednesday, September 17 CONTEMPLATING DIVORCE A decision like this can be overwhelming. We’ll explore how to overcome the chaos and confusion, consider the impact on your life and discuss your legal options to divorce. Feeling empowered and having a plan can save you emotionally and materially. FREE 7-8pm Lidia Alperovich, Esq & Patricia Governale, Certified Divorce Coach 1200 Bustleton Pike, Ste 13, Feasterville (near Buck Hotel) info: (267)544-5283 or seechangedivorcecoaching.com (See ad page 30) Saturday, September 20 TOUCH FOR HEALTH 1 a two day workshop, introduces the basics of Touch for Health (TFH) for both lay and professionals. Learn core techniques of muscle testing for the 14 energy meridians and standard balance-as-you -go technique of balancing the body’s energies. TFH theory and acupuncture meridians introduced with western reflex techniques are used to restore balance by dramatically improving posture, alleviating pain, managing stress and enhancing mental performance. CEU’s LMT,PT RN. 9:30 to 5:30 Saturday & Sunday. Healing Space 8400 Pine Rd Phila. 19111 sheilamcgmms@cs.com www.healingartsmms@cs.com. (See ad page 47)
Saturday, September 20 & Sunday, September 21 FALL SPIRITUAL HOLISTIC EXPO The Fall Spiritual Holistic Expo in Allentown-PA is having the 22nd year with the intention all people to come together in love and light. Saturday, Sept. 20 10am- 6pm and Sunday, Sept. 21 10am- 6pm. This event has been successful each year with thousands of people coming through the doors. It has 176 vendors in all modalities that are for the mind, body and spirit. We invite to join us at the Agri-Plex Center, 302 N. 17th St, Allentown, PA Door price is $8.00 it includes all lectures. info Call 610-791-2641 or website www.mumexpo.com (See ad page 38) Saturday, September 20 MASTERING LOVE FOR YOURSELF: Loving yourself is essential if you want to have a full and exhilarating life experience. Self-love is at the very core of well-being, joy and self-empowerment. Learn techniques and receive guidance to feeling better about yourself so that you can attract more good into your life! Facilitated by The Possibility Coaches. Location: Greenshire Arts Consortium, Quakertown, PA $57. 9am-2pm. Register by calling 215-538-0976. Tuesday, September 23 DECODING DYSLEXIA PA MEETING The IEP Process- How Does It Work Lutheran Church of God’s Love 791 Newtown Yardley Rd, Newtown, PA 18940 7pm-9pm Wednesday, September 24 PUBLIC MEETING ROSICRUCIAN ORDER, AMORC The Rosicrucian Order, AMORC is a worldwide fraternal organization devoted to the investigation of natural laws. Public meetings provide an opportunity for non-members to be introduced to members and some aspect of the Rosicrucian tradition.Tonight’s topic: The Memorial Ceremony. Honors past workers in the service of Knowledge. Includes the symbolic building of a pyramid.7:30 PM at the Allentown Masonic Temple Building,1524 W Linden Street,3rd floor,Allentown, PA. For more information,www.rosicrucian.org,or contact Tina at tcvogler@msn.com or 215-327-3822. Wednesday, September 24 HOLISTIC SOLUTIONS TO STRESS Wednesday, September 24 6:00 PM - Complimentary Dinner, Spinal Screenings, and Chair Massage 6:30 PM- 8:30 PM - Workshop Demonstrations and Questions & Answers Following Workshop Gorman Optimal Health Solutions 333 North Oxford Valley Rd. Suite 402 Fairless Hills, PA 19030 Must call to RSVP 215-9HEALTH www.Gorman-Health.com Please visit our website for more information on all of our upcoming workshops. Wednesday, September 24 200 HOUR YOGA TEACHER TRAINING AT THE CENTER FOR LONGEVITY WITH AERIAL YOGA Coming January 2015, 200 Hour Longevity Yoga teacher training Yoga Alliance Accredited. Highlights include in depth study in Art of Yoga, Light Body Activation, Bodywork, 8 Gems of Longevity, and Aerial Yoga. Please Join us for a free Informational Meeting Scheduled: 8/24 9/21 10/12 11/8 7:00PM 319 W. main St. #5 Lansdale Pa. 19446 thecenterforlongevity.com. 215-791- 5829 Thursday, September 25 FIBROMYALGIA MEDICAL YOGA SERIES 8 week medical yoga series for people with fibromyalgia. Sessions will start on Thursday, September 25th at 6:15 to 7:30 pm. Held at Central Bucks Physical Therapy, 350 S. Main St. Suite 216, Doylestown. Sessions include workbook and is discussed at the beginning of each session. Limited to 5
participants. Please call 215-348-3260 to register for a pre-screening. Pre-screening and class taught by Janet Drake, PT PYT-C. Friday, September 26 REIKI II CERTIFICATION 9/26-9/27 Reiki power increased, works faster and deeper. Learn to transmit Energy over distance and time. Learn how Reiki can be applied to situations, be sent into the future, help heal the past, eliminate habits, and enhance talents. Friday 6:30-9:30pm and Saturday 9am-6pm. Register by 9/19. Manual & certificate. Circle Of Miracles, 10 Beulah Rd, New Britain, PA Rev. Glenda Smith 267-218-4254 Reiki@circleofmiracles.org www.circleofmiracles.org (See ad pg 36)
Saturday, September 27 YOGA IMMERSION/RYS-200 Yoga Vibhuti RYS-200 2014-15 program begins Sept. 27. We are located in Southampton, PA. Enroll now. www.yogavibhuti.com to request an application or call DorothyO @ 215514-6065. One or two weekends a month. You can do this! (See ad page 28)
Saturday, September 27 REIKI CERTIFICATION CLASSES AND HEALING SESSIONS Reiki 1 Certification Class Bensalem Pa.19020 Learn the Ancient Sacred Japanese Healing technique to heal yourself and your family and friends. Learn to feel the subtle chi energy of the aura in your hands and perform energy healing.See more information on my website: healingwithinu.org 215 245 1211 email:healingwithinu@yahoo.com Classes also in Flemington N.J.
Saturday, September 27 PHILADELPHIA’S PARADE OF CHARIOTS The City of Brotherly Love will once again experience the lively sights and sounds of the ancient Indian Cultural parade known as the Ratha Yatra Parade of Chariots. This 9th annual event is sponsored by the Philadelphia chapter of the International Society of Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) and will feature a vibrant parade on the Parkway starting at Noon from Love Park to the Philadelphia Art Museum, culminating in the entertaining and informative Festival of India until 7:00 PM. The festival will include a free vegetarian/ vegan meal served to 5,000 guests, live music, Indian dance and drama, crafts & street fair, and much more. Come join us for this spiritual and cultural experience for the whole family. Visit our site at www.paradeofchariots.com (See ad page 41)
Saturday, September 27 MWA AUTUMN FEST AT SHADY BROOK FARM Arts and Craft Family Fun Festival 10 am to 5 pm Rain or Shine. Shady Brook Farm, 931 Stony Hill Road, Yardley, PA. Free admission. Over 100 fine artisans, delicious food vendors, live music, family entertainment. MWA’s famous raffle baskets. Stop, shop, and eat for a good cause!100% of our proceeds are donated to local charities. visit www.makefieldwomensassociation.org or call 267.573.9692
Saturday, September 27 THE TOP TEN PAIN RELEASERS 1 Learn how to relieve most chronic and acute pain naturally with a wide variety of hands-on meridian based energy techniques. Taught to thousands of people with proven results. Learn the art of muscle testing from, Arlene Green, author, Touch for Health Kinesiology Senior Faculty from Chapel Hill, NC. 8 CEs for Nurses, Massage Therapists, Acupuncturists. Plymouth Meeting. $150 includes manual. www.USKinesiology.com (See ad page 29)
Creating Community Magazine
Sunday, September 28 REIKI LEVEL 1 CERTIFICATION Learn to give basic Reiki treatments to yourself, friends, family and animal companions. Professionals including Massage Therapists and Nurses will be able to integrate Reiki into their current practices. No prerequisites, this class is open to anyone who wishes to bring the rewarding practice into their lives. 11-5pm. Banyan Yoga & Ayurveda, 8080 Old York Rd #207, Elkins Park PA. 215-2549123 or www.BanyanYogaandAyurveda.com. (See ad page 42) Sunday, September 28 TOP TEN PAIN RELEASERS - PART 2 More meridian based techniques for chronic and acute pain, insomnia, food sensitivity testing, joint mobility, emotional stress, etc. Learn how to assess priority based on the 17 techniques taught in part 1 & 2. 7 CEs available. $135 includes manual. www.USKinesiology.com Arlene (919) 933-9299. email: greentfh@mindspring.com at Hampton Inn,Plymouth Meeting. (See ad p 29)
Estheticians Raffelle and Nicole. We will be giving free demonstrations, consultations, samples, refreshments, and a chance to win valuable prizes! A demonstration will follow to learn chemical-free easy cleaning tricks! We are located at 122 Wood Street in the heart of Doylestown. RSVP- call or text: 215-340-5755 yourimagecenter.net. Saturday, October 4 CAREGIVERS WORKSHOP To provide loving care for others Caregivers need to learn how to take care of themselves.This daylong workshop reviews the Physiology of stress reactions identifies sources of stress provides information on how to avoid some stress and handle unavoidable stress . Information is transferable to those we care for and about. Healing Space 8400 Pine Rd Phila. 19111 sheilamcgmms@cs.com www.healingartsmms@cs.com (See ad page 47)
Thursday, October 2 GROUP MASTERMIND NOW FORMING - 3 MONTH PROGRAM 7-9PM: Create massive shifts and positive results in 90 days or less. Facilitated by The Possibility Coaches, this group provides a heartcentered approach to self-empowerment and personal growth in a nurturing environment. Meets 1st & 3rd Thursdays of each month starting Oct 2nd. Location: Doylestown, PA or join us by phone. Pre-register: possibilitycoaches.com/MastermindGroup.html or call 215-794-0135.
Tuesday, October 7 THE ANDARA GENESIS SPIRAL We were born to open up the creativity within us. We have come here as part of a solution. Everyone has come here with a gift to give. Sitting with the Andara’s opens our energy field to this creative source within us. It allows us to access it fully and perceive our gifts more clearly. We will be meeting in Doylestown, and begin at 7:15PM. There will be a Donation basket. To RSVP for seating purposes, call 215-345-1291 or email: Deb@AndaranLemurianEnergy.com WE look forward to greeting you. (See ad page 17)
Saturday, October 4 YOUR IMAGE CENTER OPEN HOUSE Short and Sweet, Fun and Free! 2:00-3:00 Come by and meet our new Acupuncturist, Kerri, and
including The Healing Angels of The Energy Field. Stand alone classes, or preparation for Master Class. IET is a powerful self-healing technique releasing emotional/physical energy patterns from body’s cellular memory map. Nine Beautiful Angels, 12 strand DNA, Violet Ray, Multiple Attunements. Manuals/ certificates included. Newtown area, Fri 4:30/9:30; S/S 10 to 6. Rev. Arianna Khrystyna Kahnn, IET/Reiki Master Instructor, Angel Channel, Psychic Medium, www.DivineLightWithin.com 215 860-6011 Saturday, October 11 LEARN ABOUT THE BAHA’I FAITH! The School of Sacred Ministries explores world religions, different faiths, mysticism, and wisdom traditions. On this date: The Baha’i Faith presented by James West (from the Baha’i Community of the Lehigh Valley). Space is limited; RSVP required! Time: 9:30am - 4:00pm. Location: Pebble Hill Interfaith Church in Doylestown, PA. Contact: contact@ssminfo.org or (267) 772-7301. Cost: $75.00. Special instruction: Bring a bag lunch. (See ad pages 30 & 42) Wednesday, October 15 ROSICRUCIAN ORDER AMORC PUBLIC MEETING The Rosicrucian Order, AMORC is a worldwide fraternal organization devoted to the study of philosophy, mysticism, psychology,health,and culture. Members receive a series of monographs to study at home and may meet with other members in an affliated body. Public meetings provide an opportunity for non-members to be introduced to members and some aspect of the Rosicrucian tradition.Tonight’s topic: The Silver Cord.7:30 PM at the Allentown Masonic Temple Building, 1524 W Linden Street,3rd floor,Allentown,PA. For more information,www.rosicrucian.org,or contact Tina at tcvogler@msn.com or 215-327- 3822. Wednesday, October 15 CONTEMPLATING DIVORCE A decision like this can be overwhelming. We’ll explore how to overcome the chaos and confusion, consider the impact on your life and discuss your legal options to divorce. Feeling empowered and having a plan can save you emotionally and materially. FREE 7:00-8:00pm Lidia Alperovich, Esq & Patricia Governale, Certified Divorce Coach 1200 Bustleton Pike, Ste 13, Feasterville (near Buck Hotel) info: 267-544-5283 or www.seechangedivorcecoaching.com (See ad pg 30) Thursday, October 16 JUMP START YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF HOMEOPATHY With The Cell Salts. Learn about this simpler, slow and steady method. Which ones for rebuilding damage to the nervous system, and what that feeds in the body. For bone issues: growing pains, spurs, gingivitis, how to avert osteoporosis, and what is the cell salt considered to be the fountain of youth. 7:00pm - 8:30 with Karen Maleski, Upper Black Eddy. $12 in advance, $15 at the door (610)982-9074 Friday, October 17 ERIN MOTZ: THE ‘BAD’ YOGI Erin Motz is a carniverous, red wine and French cheese-loving, yogi. She aims to keep classes fun and accessible. You won’t hear much Sanskrit but you’ll probably get plenty of corny jokes, lots of core work, and sweet, delicious deep stretches. Erin teaches challenging classes and workshops to build a strong body while maintaining a clear mind. Full weekend or single sessions.http://www.princetonyoga.com/events/ erin-motz-the-bad-yogi/ (See ad page 16) Friday, October 17 GRAND OPENING CELEBRATION Join us for a festive evening of live music and refreshments at the new Flourtown location of The Resiliency Center. The family- friendly revelries run from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. Meet our practitioners and take a tour of our new facility. Find out more at
Creating Community Magazine
www.theresiliencycenter.com, or call 215-542-5004. The Resiliency Center, Flourtown Commons, 1811 Bethlehem Pike, Suite 212-213, Flourtown, PA 19031 (See ad page 48) Friday, October 17 THE SOUND OF ASHANA - CONCERT AND HEALING SESSIONS October 17, 18 &19. Transcendent music for healing and relaxation with crystal singing bowls Life-changing, transformative and deeply healing. Ashana and the crystal singing bowls create an energy field that is deeply relaxing and profoundly healing, on emotional, physical and spiritual levels. Come into a greater and more expanded sense of Self and Life Purpose and connection with your own innate wisdom. During the session, the frequencies of the bowls will literally enter into your cellular knowingness and shift energy on a molecular and subtle level. Soulutions For Daily Living: 215-968-9750 (See ad p 41) Friday, October 17 REIKI III MASTER PRACTITIONER CERTIFICATION 10/17-10/18 Friday 6:30-9:30 & Saturday 9am-8pm. Receive the Usui Master Power Attunement, increase Reiki flow, learn Usui Master Symbol and instructions to utilize this symbol for increased intensity Reiki power. Manual & Certificate. Register by 10/10 for discount. Add optional Teacher Training Saturday 5-10pm & Sunday 2-10pm glenda@circleofmiracles.org or 267-218-4254 Circle of Miracles Church, 10 Beulah Rd, New Britain, PA 18901 www.circleofmiracles.org (See ad p. 36) Saturday, October 18 REIKI CERTIFICATION CLASSES FLEMINGTON N.J. Reiki 1 Training Learn the Ancient Sacred Japanese Healing technique to heal yourself and your family and friends. Learn to feel the subtle chi energy of the aura in your hands and perform energy healing.Receive guided meditations.Learn in a comfortable atmosphere. More information at healingwithinu.org Drop me an email- healingwithinu@yahoo.com (215)245 1211 Many Angelic Blessings, Annette Saturday, October 18 TOUCH FOR HEALTH WORKSHOP LEVEL 2 This two day workshop introduces additional muscles and more energy balancing techniques and theory. New: Circuit locating which helps identify the body’s preference for balancing technique;over energy detection ;Meridian Wheel and Time of day Balance; the 5 Element theory;specialized balancing techniques and self balancing techniques. 15 CEU’s LMT, RN, PT Oct. 18-19 9:30 to 5:30 each day. Healing Space 8400 Pine Rd Phila. sheilamcgmms@cs.com www.healingartsmms@cs.com. (See ad p. 47) Sunday, October 19 ACROYOGA BEGINNER WORKSHOP 11am-2pm, $45. Accessible, challenging, and super fun, this workshop is for those with some partner yoga experience so we can add new skills into the mix! No partner needed to attend. Jaya Healing Arts, 24 Arnett Ave #115, Lambertville, NJ 8530 JayaHealingArts.com 908.251.7428 Pre-registration req’d. (See ad p 47) Thursday, October 23 PRACTICAL HOMEOPATHY FOR PARENTS Parents who are interested in having knowledge to use homeopathy, herbs and nutrition to keep their children healthy will be interested in joining this ten-session weekly course on Thursday evenings at 7:00 to 8:30pm. (No class 11/ 27, 12/18, 12/25 or 1/1) You will learn how to confidently use homeopathic remedies and herbs as well as how to assess your child and make decisions about care. Conditions covered include First aid for injuries, colds and flu, coughs, earaches, sore throats, gastroenteritis,
bladder infections, vaginitis and emotional issues. All classes taught by an experienced pediatrician and homeopath. Class meets in Flourtown, PA. For more information see www.LindaBakerMD.com. Pre-registration req’d. 215-247-4400. (See ad page 27) Friday, October 24 CIRCLE OF MIRACLES RETREAT AT MT. EDEN - THE CIRCLE IS SACRED Join us 10/24-10/26 for a beautiful fall weekend The Circle is Sacred retreat to Mount Eden, a holistic mountaintop retreat in Washington, NJ. Dance around bonfire, walk labyrinth, create Mandalas, and more! Huge rock outcroppings, boulders, ridges and meadows to explore. Gourmet, mostly organic vegetarian fare. Reservation Deadline 10/1 Rev. Annie Scull at 267-251-7775 anne@circleofmiracles.org (See ad page 36)
Creating Community Magazine
Friday, October 24 RETREAT WITH CIRCLE OF MIRACLES AT MT. EDEN Join Circle of Miracles on retreat at Mt Eden, a holistic mountaintop retreat, Washington, NJ. Friday-Sunday. Exploring the theme “The Circle is Sacred” through creative expression, meditation, and movement. We will dance around the campfire, create mandalas, walk the Labyrinth, and more. Free time to explore the rock ridges and walk in the woods. Rev. Anne Scull, 267-251- 7775, anne@circleofmiracles.org (See ad page 36) Saturday, October 25 BRING NATURE HOME Ecological landscaping and organic gardening presentation. Learn about native plants, gorgeous gardens, and how to bring wildlife and beauty to your home with native, organic gardening. Get started with this inspiring and informative presentation. 6 p.m. in the Art Room at the United Friends School, 1018 W. Broad Street, Quakertown. For more information contact Ecological Landscape Designer Gina Frederick at 267-377-5947. (See ad page 28)
energy & step into the true you. Gain a clearer vision of who you are at your core. Let go of the stuff that holds you back and does not serve your highest good. Become empowered and reclaim your authentic self. Facilitators: The Possibility Coaches Jon Satin & Chris Pattay. Register: www.TrueYouWeekend.com or call 215-794-0135. Location: Greenshire Consortium, Quakertown, PA. Saturday, October 25 THE NORTHEASTERN TAROT CONCLAVE: TAROT AND DREAMWORK The conference will be held at the Fort Washington Holiday Inn on Saturday, October 25 . Presenters include internationally respected author Rachel Pollack, Paula Chaffee Scarmadalia, and Eva Yaa Ysantewaa. Learn, play, and make tarot friends in a warm, encouraging setting. Price includes complimentary Continental Breakfast. For more information: www.northeasterntarotconclave.com or contact Diane Wilkes at dianewilkes@comcast.net
Saturday, October 25 LEARN ABOUT WITCHCRAFT AND WICCA! The School of Sacred Ministries explores world religions, different faiths, mysticism, and wisdom traditions. On this date: Witchcraft and Wicca presented by Rik Potter and Filomena Phoenixmoon. Space is limited; RSVP required! Time: 9:30am 4:00pm. Location: Pebble Hill Interfaith Church in Doylestown,. contact@ssminfo.org or (267) 772-7301. $75 (See ad pages 30 & 42)
Tuesday, October 28 HOW TO RAISE A HEALTHY CHILD IN AN UNHEALTHY WORLD Tuesday, October 28 6:00 PM - Complimentary Dinner, Spinal Screenings, and Chair Massage 6:30 PM-8:30 PM - Workshop Demonstrations and Questions & Answers Following Workshop Gorman Optimal Health Solutions 333 North Oxford Valley Rd. Ste 402 Fairless Hills, PA 19030 Must call to RSVP 215-9-HEALTH www.Gorman- Health.com visit website for more information on our upcoming workshops.
Saturday, November 1 FOOT REFLEXOLOGY Using reflexes on the feet you will learn to balance the body’s energies for health and wellbeing. This two day
workshop will present basic anatomy and physiology as well as hands on practice. A Step by Step workbook and certificate of attendance are included in the fee. Sister Sheila McGinnis instructor. Healing Space 8400 Pine Rd Phila. 19111 Sheilamcgmms@cs.com More info at www.healingartsmms.org. (See ad page 47) Saturday, November 8 CHILDREN’S YOGA TEACHER TRAINING WITH LITTLE FLOWER YOGA: WEEKEND FORMAT Join one of the most professional and comprehensive trainings available and learn to teach using all aspects of yoga practice to support children’s physical, emotional and social needs. Three levels starting 11/8-9 or 1/31-2/1, 2015. (Levels 1,2 & 3 may be taken out of order with permission of the trainers) Yoga Alliance Registered http://www.princetonyoga.com/yoga- teacher-training/ children-yoga-teacher-training/ (See ad page 16) Sunday, November 16 LOVEMAKING 101 Are you quick to say, that doesn’t bother me when it does? Ever had sex to avoid conflict? Withhold the truth to spare feelings? Trade these intimacy busters for lovemaking ingredients that are irresistibly attractive, deepen intimacy and keep the spark alive in the bedroom and out with Trish Whynot, author of Why Me? Why Now? Why Not? 2-2:50pm. Natural Living Expo, Marlborough, MA. (See ad page 30) Friday, November 21 MIND BODY SPIRIT EXPO November 21-23 in the Valley Forge Convention Center at the Valley Forge Casino Resort, King of Prussia, PA. Keynotes: Dan Millman Way of the Peaceful Warrior, Mark Victor Hansen Chicken Soup for the Soul book series. Special Yoga events and legendary Yoga Master Sri Dharma Mittra. Workshops, free lectures, 120 exhibitors. Call 215-627-0102, visit www.mindbodyspiritexpo.com or send email to: info@mindbodyspiritexpo.com (See ad page 31) Saturday, March 7, 2015 TOUCH FOR HEALTH KINESIOLOGY WINTER FLORIDA RETREAT Holistic approach to balancing the body’s energy that integrates acupuncture principles, gentle touch reflexes, emotions, diet, sound, color and muscle balancing. Learn the art of muscle testing from one of the leading instructors in the field. March 7 - 15. Spring & Summer Retreats in Chapel Hill, NC. 60 hr basic certification. CEs available. www.USKinesiology.com 919- 933- 9299 Arlene Green instructor. (See ad p 29)
Ongoing: Activities LST WAND Sound frequencies have been a healing modality throughout the ages. The LST wand is modeled from Ancient Egypt. It works to activate your DNA and balance your Chakras. You can use Rife or Soffaggio frequencies to help heal the body and calm the mind. This is for anyone who wants to up-level their energy frequency. Call Hang the Witch a wellness shoppe for your appointment 215-355-4416 (See ad page 35) FREE ENERGY HEALING CLINIC EVERY WEDNESDAY 7-9 PM Good things happen here! Release pain and stress, learn about yourself, and get unstuck. Let go of other people’s problems and re- discover your own energy in a relaxed, safe setting. Non-invasive. Drop in—no appointment needed. Our 11th year! Intuitive Energy: A School for Creative Healing, Brad Hess, Director. 18 E 2nd St., Media, PA 610-8488334 IntuitiveEnergy@verizon.net - www.IntuitiveEnergy.com (See ad page 33) CHAIR YOGA Practice yoga seated on a chair every Monday from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. at Neshaminy Activity Center, 1842 Brownsville Rd., Trevose,
Creating Community Magazine
PA. Open to all levels of experience. Certified yoga teacher leads class. Comfy, congenial group. $3 215-355-6967 or administration@neshaminyac.org. MEDITATION CLASSES Group and private instruction. Learn gentle and powerful techniques to calm the mind and emotions, expand the breath, relax the body, and open the heart. Classes include silence, mindfulness, chanting, guided imagery, chakra meditation, sharing, and support. Techniques from various traditions with a core focus in Tibetan Buddhism. Carol Pomplun (30 years experience) Philadelphia (Chestnut Hill) 215-242-0904 caroljpomplun@gmail.com WOMAN’S LIFE COACHING/RELEASING SPECIALIST Are you ready to let go of what is holding you back in your personal or professional life? Michelle McInnis Life Coaching is Unique and a Self Empowering process which gives you the tools to letting go and creating your life’s mission. Now is the time to empower yourself! Contact me for a free 45 minute “Getting Clear” session. www.michellemcinnis.com or 269-598-7857 or michelle@healthbodysoul.com (See ad page 32) CHAIR YOGA Practice yoga seated on a chair every Thursday from 9:15 to 10:15 a.m. at Falls Township Senior Ctr., 282 Trenton Rd., Fairless Hills, PA. Open to all levels of experience. Certified yoga teacher leads class. Comfy, congenial group.$3 215- 547-6563 or fallstwpsrctr@aol.com. NON-DRUG PARKINSON’S STUDY NOW ENROLLING Parkinson’s patients are invited to participate in this first-of-its-kind study on the use of a homeopathically-rendered natural substance to see if it can: (1) effectively arrest the progression of symptoms associated with Parkinson’s, and (2) reverse the symptoms associated with its neurodegenerative effects. Current medications may be continued during the study. There are no side effects. Patients must commit to taking the formula every day. Contact the office of Julie Lachman, ND for more information: 267-895-1733. (See ad page 11) NEED CE’S - WANT TO LEARN REIKI? Massage Therapists can earn 6.5 credit hours for Reiki 1 & 2 or 13.5 CEs for Reiki Level 3. Classes are open to anyone who wants to learn this gentle, loving healing modality. I provide small groups, comfortable home environment-will do my best to accommodate your schedule. 215-368-7837 Connie Bell-Dixon, Reiki Master/Teacher www.reikiplusmore.com Lansdale, PA. RAINDROP MASSAGE Raindrop Technique is a sequence of essential oils that are immune enhancing & support the body’s natural defenses. Using oils that are high in antioxidants, mood elevating and antiseptic it creates an unfavorable environment for harmful viruses & bacteria that can hibernate in the body. The location is along the spine and the feet. Call for an appointment at Hang the Witch 215-355- 4416 (See ad page 35) CHAIR YOGA Practice yoga seated on a chair every Tuesday from noon to 1:00 p.m. at Bristol Township Senior Ctr., 2501 Bath Rd., Bristol, PA . Open to all levels of experience. Certified yoga teacher leads class. Comfy, congenial group. $3. Contact: 215-785-6322 or btscoffice@comcast.net. HATBORO FARMERS’ MARKET Come out and support local farmers and business owners at the Farmers’ Market every Friday night from 530830pm. The market is located at 32 N. York Rd on the property of the Hatboro Baptist Church. Visit www.hatbororesidents.com for more information on the market and/or the HRA or email us at hatbororesidents@gmail .com. The market runs from May 2nd through October 24th. KUNDALINI YOGA 6-WEEK SERIES Join Ogden Kruger for 6 weeks of incredible yoga; cleansing body, mind, and spirit! 6 Tuesdays from October 7
- November 11.Jaya Healing Arts, 24 Arnett Ave #115, Lambertville, NJ 8530 www.JayaHealingArts.com 908.251.7428 Pre-registration required. (See ad page 47) NIGHT SKY SANGHA - When all your spiritual activities have atrophied and are lying at your feet strewn about the floor in heaps of disappointment - that’s when you’re ready to listen. One does not wake up as a result of spiritual success, only total failure can transmute into awake. We meet 4x a week to celebrate this failure at no cost to you! See www.nightskysangha.org. FULL BODY EXERCISE IN ONLY 8 MINUTES Join us for a free workout on the ROM Fast Exercise! Enjoy a challenging Full Body Workout; Cardio, Stretching and Muscle Toning equal to 120 minutes at the gym in only 8 minutes a day. This workout is never too hard to do but is always challenging. Clients are losing weight and getting stronger in as little as two weeks. Call today for our next FREE workout session. 215-860-7275 www.aboutthrive.com (See ad page 10) JOY NATURAL BREAST HEALTH Featuring European Whole Body Thermography our program is gentle, non-invasive, informative and empowering. We also look at factors influencing your breast health including hormones. immune & lymphatic function, toxicity, nutrition and psycho- emotional stress. If you want to be proactive, preventive or restorative our program is for you. Love your breasts and do it with Joy! Joy Integrative Medicine 215-794-5691 (See ad page 7) SCREENING THERMOGRAPHY OFFERED Thermography is an FDA approved procedure that can be a useful adjunct to breast cancer risk screening. Thermography is a highly sensitive heat-measuring test with no radiation exposure, and is pain-free because nothing touches the body. Thermography is useful for women of all ages, and is particularly useful for younger women with dense breasts where mammography has particular difficulties. For additional information or a free information packet contact us at (609) 397-8585. STOCKTON FAMILY PRACTICE, STOCKTON, NJ (See ad page 42) LAWS OF PROSPERITY LAWS OF PROSPERITY is Based on Catherine Ponder’s book, The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity. This 12 course process will take you past blocks to your prosperity and replace them with your natural ability to prosper. These practical classes give you ways to practice and integrate the law of attraction and other principles into your daily life. Upon completion of these classes, you will be a new, more prosperous person - happier, wiser, more confident and self-assured! SECOND TUESDAY of each month @ 7-9 pm LOCATION: Quakertown Center for Spiritual Living at 501 West Broad Street (rear entrance) Quakertown, PA CONTACT: quakertowncsl@gmail.com (See ad page 45) VERJU LASER FOR CELLULITE & BODY SCULPTING The world’s first and only FDA cleared green laser for body contouring and cellulite reduction. A non-invasive, painless low-level laser therapy solution that effectively helps reset your fat cells to their healthy lean state. Lose 4+ inches and reduce the appearance of cellulite in as little as 2 weeks. Joy Integrative Medicine 215-794-5691. 10% off September only (See ad page 7) ARE YOU TRYING TO QUIT SMOKING OR LOSE WEIGHT? Join us for a workshop on how to lose weight, quit smoking and end addictive or emotionally attached vices. Dr. Gary Scardino will explain his proven program utilizing Auriculotherapy, Amino Acids and Aromatherapy. You can be free of cravings, anxiety and emotional attachments to drugs, cigarettes and food. Your brain has been manipulated by food scientists and tobacco companies. Break this artificial addiction. Call today for times. 215-860-7275 www.aboutthrive.com/recovery (See ad page 10)
Creating Community Magazine
TEEN GROUP THERAPY CIRCLE This weekly therapy group can benefit high school teens, ages 14 through 18 who are experiencing problems in school, depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, social rejection or isolation, and family conflict. The group is ongoing and meets on Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. at The Resiliency Center in Flourtown. Please call 610-813-2575 or email Katie@creativehealingphilly.com for more information, including cost and registration. (See ad page 48) HEALTH, WEALTH AND HAPPINESS Join us to learn more about how you can create the life of your dreams. The Secrets to Unlimited Success, Health, Wealth & Happiness. These are Proven and Guaranteed Programs to Improve Your Potential . Dr. Gary Scardino has been studying the secrets to total success for over 25 years, including understanding the StockMarket to create true wealth. Call about our free introductory class 14 Mistakes Millionaire’s Never Make Call 215-860-7275 Newtown. www.HWHLife.com (See ad page 10) POCONO-LEHIGH ROMANCE WRITERS PLRW meets on the second Saturday of each month (except July and December) at the Palmer branch of the Easton Library. Upcoming workshops include haunted crime scenes with author, Katherine Ramsland and an antagonist boot camp with Producer, Terry Lee. Those interested are encouraged to attend our local meeting. Your first 2 are free! See PLRW.ORG for details and directions. YOU DON’T HAVE TO BE TEENY TO BE A YOGINI - YOGA FOR PLUS-SIZED PEOPLE Curvy girls and guys, welcome to a special class that embraces humor, compassion, and self-acceptance while learning ways as a plus size person to move into a healthier you through yoga. All levels are welcome! Every Thursday from 7-8:15pm. Banyan Yoga & Ayurveda, 8080 Old York Rd #207, Elkins Park PA. 215-254-9123 or www.BanyanYogaandAyurveda.com. (See ad page 42) LUNCHTIME YOGA Come refresh your energy and focus during your lunch break. This class is just the right length (45 min) of time for a midday Yoga Break! Tuesdays and Thursdays 12:15pm-1:00pm Newtown Therapy & Wellness Center: 17 Barclay St. Newtown PA 18940 Contact Yoga Director Patty Janoch for details at Yoga@newtowntherapy.com or 267-755- 9333 www.newtowntherapy.com (See ad page 27) YOGA FOR ANXIETY AND PTSD Come enjoy and grow from this gentle yoga class designed specifically to aid in the recovery from anxiety and PTSD symptoms. Sleep better, breathe better and feel better. Friday Evenings at 6:00-7:15 Newtown Therapy & Wellness Center: 17 Barclay St. Newtown PA 18940 Contact Yoga Director Patty Janoch for details at Yoga@newtowntherapy.com or 267-7559333 www.newtowntherapy.com (See ad page 27) INTRO TO MINDFULNESS & MEDITATION 1) This weekly class is intended to introduce people to the practice and benefits of practicing regular mediation. 2) Mondays and Wednesdays at 6:00-7:15pm 3) Newtown Therapy & Wellness Center, 17 Barclay Street, Building A, Newtown PA 18940 4) 267-755-9333 5) Yoga@newtowntherapy.com 6) contacy Patty Janoch, Yoga Director at yoga@newtowntherapy.com (See ad page 27) PSYCHIC/INTUITIVE READINGS I do use Tarot cards and yes questions are encouraged, however, once I get started, anything goes. I tend to be more of a life reader. As my clients/friends say, its better than a therapy session. I call in Guides, Angels, and your love ones, basically anyone of higher vibrations that want to give their input. It’s fun & insightful. Call Hang the Witch a wellness shoppe for an appointment 215-355- 4416 (See ad page 35)
Creating Community Magazine
fullest potential by making a common mistake: using only white index cards. “Index cards come in so many great pastels and bright neon colors, so it’s important to use all different colors and mix them up,” Gross explains. “Turn on the creative (gestalt) side of your brain! You can enhance short- term and long-term memory by consciously activating this side of your brain. Try adding pictures as well as doodles when inspired. Above all, be imaginative.” During her more than two decades of working with students, Gross says she has seen first-hand their test scores improve significantly when utilizing these study techniques. Most importantly, she adds, students say that studying has become a more enjoyable experience. “These study tips are for students of any age and can greatly aid in retention, memorization as well as remove learning blocks,” Gross says. “So, the next time you have to hit the books, don’t forget to bring in the color, stock up on multi-colored pens and highlighters, and have fun while you rack up those grades.” Linda is a state-certified reading specialist with expertise in diagnosing and remediating dyslexia for children and adults. She is also certified in brain integration programs utilizing applied kinesiology (muscle testing) in order to alleviate stress, increase attention and concentration, improve memory, and enhance learning in all areas of life. See Display Ad on page 42.
Improve Your Looks with Botanicals As the summer winds down and the cooler weather sets in, Shear Success Salon can offer you many new fall looks from a stylish trendy cut, a richer more vibrant hair color or even changing the texture of your existing hair. We work with Aveda hair color which is up to 99% naturally derived from plants and nonpetroleum minerals with plant powered ingredients: organic castor, sunflower, jojoba, coconut and babassu oil to condition hair for incredible shine. Exclusively patented green tea extract and red tea rooibos are Aveda’s secret weapon against color oxidation and fading. Our customized formulas offer outstanding grey coverage and provide a full range of possibilities from light to dark, warm and cool brunettes, full on vibrant reds, soft or summer blondes. We even have the latest fun trend colors, a full range of pastels, stand out purple, blue, green red, yellow and orange! Our highly trained stylists with extensive knowledge formulating customized color techniques just for you with personalized results every time. Fun in the sun, chlorinated water and the salty ocean can wreak havoc with the cuticle of your hair leaving the hair dull and void of shine. Come in and experience our Shine Shot which improves the shine, condition and strengthens hair up to 84% in one five minute treatment. Our Shine Shots are 100% botanically based which are formulated with Ayurvedic wisdom and aroma-therapeutic essential oils. Breakthrough plant micro technology penetrates strands for in-
tense moisture or repair with customized treatments to meet your personal needs-restoring balance to your scalp and hair. Our Shine Shots are always $10 (regularly $25-35 value.) Experience botanical therapy treatments to bring out the full beauty of your hair. Our consultations are always free so call one of our two locations to set up your appointment today. We have two locations for your conscience, Colmar 215-822-5122 and Downingtown 610-2699996. ShearSuccessSalon@gmail.com or Like us on FaceBook under Shear Success Salon See Display Ad on page 19.
A Dream: Nothing Short of World Peace Members of the Pebble Hill Interfaith Church founded the School in 1997 after recognizing the need for a divinity school for individuals seeking to better understand other religious traditions and for those seeking a high standard in interfaith education and ordination. In 2000, the School ordained 26 men and women, all members of the very first class of students. Ever since, a new class of students has convened every two to three years. To date, the School has ordained nearly 100 Interfaith Ministers. The founders at Pebble Hill established the School as an outreach program, and their dream was nothing short of world peace. “We started the school to build awareness and acceptance within our students of other points of view, both spiritual and religious,” recalls co-founder Beverly La Rue. “Once we understand each other, there can only be harmony and peace.” That is, perhaps, a lofty goal, but most worthwhile goals are. And while students may agree that world peace is a great idea, most have their own reasons for attending. Consider, for example, the psychologist who wanted to enhance her practice with a greater understanding of her clients’ various religious backgrounds. Or the widowed molecular biologist who had decided to retire from her long career and become a Hospice chaplain. Still, other students simply wanted the opportunity to perform weddings and other celebrations. The program at the School of Sacred Ministries is unique in that it is heart-based and experiential, more focused on sharing experiences with instructors than on academics. Students supplement their studies with reading and reflective writings of their own. They are guided in processing new information and examining, challenging, and clarifying their own belief systems. In this manner, they explore their spirituality within a community of like-minded people; expand their awareness of other points of view, beliefs and traditions; and learn how they can help others. You can join the current class on their journey. Sessions about world religions and spiritual traditions open to the public: September and October include: Sept. 6- African Traditional Religions; September 20 - Hinduism (Practice and Mysticism); Oct. 11- Baha’i; Oct. 25, Witchcraft & Wicca Space is limited, RSVP req’d. Contact for info & to reserve space: contact@ssminfo.org/267- 7727301. See Ad on pages 30 & 42.
Unlock the body/mind secrets with touch How do we change the energy flow of the Meridian system? How do the reflexes on the feet make changes to other parts of the body? Do our thoughts make a difference in the way our body/mind responds? Our bodies hold secrets and answers to these and other questions. We can unlock some of them with simple touch therapies. Touch for Health (TFH) is a good example. Using the Acupuncture Meridian system, John Thie D.C. and others developed a method of muscle testing to discover unbalanced energies in the body. As a result of their studies they were able to correlate muscles and organ systems with the meridians. Touch for Health uses the 14 Meridians and identifies 42 muscles that relate to the meridians as well as acupressure points which correct the imbalances uncovered. Taught in a series of weekend classes TFH provides a practical guide to natural health using acupressure touch and finger tip massage to improve postural balance and reduce physical and mental pain and tension. It is work intended for the professional as well as the layperson who is interested in facilitating the health and well being of family and friends. Reflexology is another touch therapy which facilitates changes in the body/mind. It is an ancient form of natural healing introduced to the USA in the early 20th century by William Fitzgerald MD. Its mode of action is less well documented scientifically, though it too is thought to be related to the meridian system. Practice has shown that by using finger and thumb pressure to systematically compress areas of the feet (also of the hands ears and face) a reflex response is noted in the target area e.g. neck, back, hip, etc. Pain is reduced, function improved and a sense of well being is enhanced. An overall improvement in energy level is noted by the individual. Both professionals and lay persons use this in their care of others. Instruction in both of these natural healing modalities is available at Healing Space 8400 Pine Road Philadelphia PA 19111. More information at www.healingartsmms.org These modalities are intended to integrate with and complement other Medical care and not to replace the care of competent medical personnel. See Ad on page 47.
The Truth About Love I used to be one of those people who would be quick to tell you that something didn’t bother me when deep down inside it did. That was how I had learned to cope. I was even proud of how I had mastered this version of pridefulness. But it was this dishonest methodology that led to my health problems, relationship discord and financial challenges. We are in a relationship with everything—with people, with our health, and even with our finances. Experience is our teacher. When the fruit of our labors is health, relationship or financial discord, it is a headsup that we may have encountered an insane coping skill such as pridefulness. Insane, because it is incapable of providing us with the
Creating Community Magazine
results our hearts are seeking. “You cannot evaluate an insane belief system from within it,” states the Foundation for Inner Peace’s edition of A Course in Miracles. Learned behaviors and beliefs about love modeled during childhood become our love habits as adults, so what you have been practicing may warrant a second glance. When I laid my beliefs out on the table for reevaluation, some of them made no sense. Some of what I was practicing as love created frustration for me. How could love create frustration? I didn’t think it could, so I dedicated a period of time to reevaluating and redefining my definition of love. If peace of mind, integrity and authenticity are virtues you seek, I urge you to undertake such a reevaluation yourself. Those experiences that are the most challenging to forgive contain the seeds to our greatest liberation. The healing and understanding that accompany forgiveness free our hearts to live more, love more and be more of who we truly are. We emerge from these challenges with humility and clarity—seeing purpose where there once was confusion, order where we previously could only see chaos, and similarities where we could only see differences. Sometimes we can genuinely be loving and sometimes we can’t. When we can’t it is time to purify our hearts by taking responsibility for the reasons that are preventing or blocking our ability to love. Healing in its truest sense involves changing some of our deepest and most basic limiting attitudes about love. Adapted from Why Me? Why Now? Why Not? by Trish Whynot. copyright 2012 Patricia Whynot. Reprinted with permission from the author. www.TrishWhynot.com See Display Ad on page 30.
Journey On the River of Life My mother Laura Stauffer died suddenly on the third of October, 2013 at the age of 89. Although it was a difficult event for those who cared about her, it was not a tragedy. She was still able to drive, although only short distances and not at night, and could still beat us at Scrabble and balance her checkbook. She lived in her own home with my sister and a delightful cat, and was still making plans for the future. She investigated solar and wind power for the house during 2012 (we came to the conclusion that it would be impractical), still read constantly on every subject from psychol-
ogy to UFOs (and, of course, natural health). It was she who got me interested in herbs and wild foods in the 1960s. Armed with Euell Gibbons books, we’d walk in the woods, hedgerows and backyard, picking pennyroyal and linden blossoms for tea, digging groundnuts and daylily tubers to eat. We collected wintergreen berries with her father (they taste like Clark’s teaberry gum, if you remember that flavor) and chewed on sweet birch twigs as we walked. I will forever be grateful to them for helping me feel in tune with the plant world at an early age. Mom was one of those “health nuts”, as they called them back then. Vitamins appeared on our breakfast plates and she hounded us until we took them. We visited the local health food store and got carob candies, wheat germ, Familia muesli cereal (pretty good stuff- I still eat it) and other, less palatable items. She later in life admitted to sneaking ground soy burger into our homemade chili(we never noticed)! White rice gave way to brown, potatoes and carrots were cooked with the skins on, and candy rationed. She was supportive when I got a job in a tiny natural food store while in high school. They paid a dollar an hour and all the dried fruit I could eat while working. So from there I worked for four vitamin and health food stores until in 1989 I decided I could help people more effectively if I owned the store. Mom was right there while some friends and I fixed up the rented space, with a paintbrush, a camera and good advice. We opened for business at 202 and Aquetong road in New Hope on December 15th, 1989. For the first 6 months I worked 7 days a week. For years she came in once a week to give me time off to run errands, and as she stood behind the register and helped out. She became “Mom” to many of our regular customers. In 2000 we moved the shop to Lahaska. As she got older, the visits slowed to once a month, because the drive would tire her out. She started to have trouble hearing the people on the phone, and frustrated when she couldn’t find something. The fatigue got worse over the next few years, and was finally diagnosed as congestive heart failure, complicated by atrial fibrillation and mild diabetes. Well, she had to take some prescription medicines and I did a lot of research to find out the best supplements for her. I worked along with her cardiologist, who recognized that I asked the right questions. I also gave him regularly updated charts of each vitamin and its dosage, and counted the prescription pills along with the supplements into weekly/daily pill boxes. There came a time when Mom got short of breath despite everything she was taking, and had to have oxygen at night. She had been refusing the cardiologist’s strong suggestions to have a heart valve transplant operation, but realized at last that it was necessary to prevent an unpleasant slow suffocation. We had her in the hospital within weeks. The surgeon agreed to the operation, although she was in her mid-eighties, because she was “in good shape, otherwise”. Her brain, kidneys and liver could see her through the 3 month recovery period, and her family would be there to help her as well. So the operation went beautifully, although we kidded her for having a cow valve, mooing at her and getting her a small stuffed cow. In the hospital and nursing facility things were not without glitches during her recovery, however. She began to complain of feeling worse, and I demanded that the doctor transfer her back to the hospital. I had been keeping close attention on all the readings, test results and her signs, symptoms and appearance, and at that point asked
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her if we should smuggle in a few vitamins, against hospital rules. We felt that her life would be in more danger if we did than if we didn’t. I was very careful to give nothing that might interfere with her medications, and only the basics to get her through the crises. Up to that point we had followed the regulations, which I understand are there with good reason, but I was not going to let her die for the sake of rules. She agreed. My sister and I alternated being at the hospital any time we weren’t at work, making polite but firm demands when necessary and keeping notes. Within a few days of starting the supplements, she began to improve. It took about 3 months, but finally she came home. Her energy gradually increased, and she was able to walk to the mailbox, then to shop for groceries on her own, and live a mostly normal life. Of course we insisted she get one of those emergency pendants to press a button for instant help. She took a bad fall from trying to stand up too quickly (the cat had just ejected a hairball on the rug) and had to use it once, but aside from bad bruising and a torn rotator cuff, she was OK. We also got her a simple cell phone so she’d have help available while driving. During late summer of 2013 we had fun going to craft shows. Sometimes she walked and occasionally I pushed her in a wheelchair I got at the thrift store when she was tired. But then she began to complain about pain in her right knee and it swelled up alarmingly. At first we thought the walking had been too much too often and the doctor said “probably arthritis”, but that didn’t seem right. I insisted on a battery of blood tests, one of the tests being for Lyme disease. The deer run right through her yard, and she could easily be bitten by a tick just going to the mailbox. (I’ve had Lyme for 15 years, and while I try not to see it as the cause of every illness, its prevalent enough to be a serious concern). A second test confirmed that she did have Lyme. Her new doctor prescribed 3 weeks’ worth of antibiotics, which she started immediately. Then we went to her regular cardiologist appointment, explained the situation, he examined her and said he’d see her in 6 months! Two weeks into the 3 week prescription, the severe pain and swelling were almost gone. That Tuesday she went grocery shopping, happy to be more active again. I spoke to her at about noon on the phone, as I did almost every day, and everything seemed fine. At 5 that afternoon, I got a call from my sister’s boyfriend, who was with her at the house. Mom had still been sitting upright in her favorite chair in front of the T.V. The groceries were put away, the dishes done, and the cat on the rug when my sister got home from work. It could have been the Lyme that triggered a fatal heart event, or it could have just been chance. The coroner elected not to autopsy, since she was an 89 year old heart patient, so we’ll never know for sure what happened. The important thing, I believe, is that she got to live up to her last day on her own terms, in her house. I also believe that the vitamins, minerals and herbs she took saved her life, helped her to recover from the operation and helped preserve her brain so that she lived a full, meaningful life up until the very end. And, since she planted the seeds of interest in me regarding those things so many years ago, I was able to help her- which helped me do more than just worry and hope for the best. Thanks, Mom. Your picture’s still up at River of Life Natural Foods. And if you’re somewhere now, I hope it’s good. By Karen Stauffer, owner of River of Life Natural Foods. See Display Ad on page 22.
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Creating Community Magazine
Are You the Problem? So often we think we are. We’re too angry, too rushed, too anxious, too shy, too much, too little, too whatever. We just feel like we’re never enough, and we’re always asking the question “Why am I like this?” We’re always trying to fix ourselves. Yet no matter what we try, it doesn’t seem to work. Maybe you don’t need fixing! What if some of what you thought was you, wasn’t? What if it was simply the stuff you’ve picked up from others that took up permanent residence in your space? Then, instead of trying to fix something that isn’t yours, you could just release it. For example, you’re in a great mood but your friend is having a bad day. Suddenly you start to feel down yourself. Perhaps you’ve picked up their energy. Rather than trying to figure out why you’re down, you might simply need to move their energy out. Imagine how many times that happens in a day, a week, a lifetime. It’s no wonder we feel like we’re never good enough. We’re trying to fix everybody else in our space! It helps to have good energy boundaries so that not as much “stuff” from others gets in. Does that mean alienating people or being isolated? On the contrary, having your own space or boundary actually allows for clearer communication in relationships. Things really aren’t clear when your energies are all mushed together. But when you step back a little from someone you can more fully appreciate and enjoy you being you, and them being them. Creating healthy boundaries is one of the things we emphasize at the Intuitive Energy School. In our self-healing meditation classes we provide tools for doing that. We also help you discover your ability to see and move out the energy of others. In the process you begin to recognize and appreciate yourself and how good your own energy can feel. Our intermediate and advanced training programs provide an opportunity to explore even further. We also offer readings where we look at your energy, strengths and challenges, as well as how you are affected by the energy of others. Our weekly Free Energy Healing Clinic—Wednesdays 7-9 pm—provides an opportunity to experience what it’s like to have some of the “non-you” energy identified and moved out. We invite you to stop by! 610-848-8334 www.IntuitiveEnergy.com See Ad on page 33.
Teaching the Way to Love & Inner Peace Have you ever wanted to explore your spirituality and deepen your awareness of your connection to God? If yes, then Circle Of Miracles, an interfaith, non-denominational church may be for you.
Circle is loosely based on the teachings of A Course In Miracles, a unique, universal, self-study, spiritual thought system that teaches the way to Love and Inner Peace. Often when we speak of inner peace, it is dependent upon external things… and love is often conditional. A Course in Miracles (ACIM) gently undoes our current way of thinking and teaches us that: “Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God.” ACIM teaches the fundamental distinction between the real and the unreal; between our preconceived ideas and the truth of love. Truth is unambiguous, perception is ever changing. Getting caught in the world of perception blinds us to love, forgiveness and universal truth. Circle welcomes you to ACIM study groups either on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday evenings, or every Tuesday morning. Whether you are new to ACIM or well-traveled in it’s lessons, everyone is welcome. (Learn more at www.CircleOfMiracles.org. ) Be Welcome Here… Explore the Truth and Wisdom that is already within You. Circle Of Miracles is located at 10 Beulah Rd. New Britain, PA 215-598-8002 www.CircleOfMiracles.org. See Ad on page 36.
AcroYoga: The Transformative Power of Connection Touch is elemental to our humanity, yet our existence in a modern world disconnects us from the simplicity of touch, the joy of play, and the immense nourishment of connecting with another soul. AcroYoga is the answer! It’s a fusion practice which blends the power of acrobatics, the mindfulness of yoga, and the therapeutic value of healing arts into a profound package, accessible to all. Not just a fad, practicing with a partner requires more presence and awareness - of oneself and another. At first, the AcroYoga practice engages the curious with stunning physical feats and beautiful bodily shapes. But in short order, one quickly discovers that the nectar of this work lies in cultivating trust and connection. In the dynamic (Solar) elements of AcroYoga, practitioners develop muscular and mental strength through partner conditioning, acrobatic training techniques, and handstand training. Students rely on their bone structure to support a partner’s weight, rather than tiring the muscles. One’s communication skills are thoroughly exercised as partners navigate counterbalances, sharing of weight, adjusting for comfort, and discerning what isn’t working while celebrating what is. Within the therapeutic (Lunar) aspects of AcroYoga, participants tap into their receptivity and sensitivity, learning to quiet the senses and see with the heart. Surrendering to the healing potential within and receiving healing touch from a partner can sometimes be more difficult than a one-handed handstand. Both the Solar and the Lunar aspects offer abundant and exponential rewards.
Playfulness is stress-relieving and since stress causes 60% of all diseases, everyone should run to the nearest play outlet and start playing! AcroYoga helps adults use their well-earned tools while playing like children. It helps us not take ourselves so seriously, to practice non-attachment (like when a certain skill isn’t successful), and to be open to a variety of approaches to reach a common goal. Students leave an AcroYoga class feeling empowered and connected to larger whole - this is the essence of yoga. Regardless of one’s experience, size, flexibility, or perceived strength, the AcroYoga practice is highly accessible. Start with a basics workshop and feel the joy! Carolyn Cohen co-developed AcroYoga in San Francisco in 2004. She owns Jaya Healing Arts in Lambertville, NJ where she offers acupuncture, deep tissue, Thai massage, yoga privates, and AcroYoga workshops. She travels locally and abroad teaching and training in AcroYoga. www.jayahealingarts.com See Display Ad on page 47.
Mindfulness Meditation: 5 Tips for Better Emotional Wellbeing As a psychologist I work with clients to decrease stress, increase coping skills and facilitate better psychological wellbeing. It is inevitable that life will present challenges; however, practicing mindfulness can effectively help with stress, obsessive thinking, anxiety and depression. Mindfulness meditation is the practice of uncritically attempting to focus your attention on one thing at a time. Focus on your breathing and shift your awareness to the here-and-now as opposed to allowing the mind to drift into the future or into the past. Mindfulness is not about changing internal experiences, it’s about simply observing and accepting whatever is happening in the present. Here are five tips to be more mindful in your daily life: 1. Non-judgment: Assume the stance of an impartial observer to your internal experiences. 2. Patience: Be kind with yourself and don’t try to force anything to happen. 3. Non-striving: Mindfulness is non-doing. Without trying to change anything, simply observe whatever is happening in the moment. 4. Acceptance: See things as they actually are in the present. If you have an uncomfortable thought, simply accept the thought. (It’s only a thought after all!) 5. Letting Go: Cultivate the attitude of non-attachment to your thoughts, emotions and experiences. Observe without judgment. Research indicates that practicing mindfulness can lead to decreased emotional reactivity and better overall wellbeing. Audrey Ervin, Ph.D. is a licensed psychologist in Doylestown, PA. She specializes in women’s wellbeing, stress coping techniques, anxiety, depression, lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer & transgender concerns, and career decision making. She owns Ervin Counseling & Consulting and is an assistant professor of counseling psychology at Delaware Valley College. See Ad on p. 41.
Creating Community Magazine
Heaven Has to Be Better Than This Teaching and Parenting is all about dealing with mental/emotional illness, as well as education. We are all hurting, young and old. The REM song in the 90’s – “Everybody Hurts” is about emotional pain being part of the human condition. Teens face problems in their world as we adults do, but their frontal lobes are not closed; therefore, they do not have the logic and executive functioning skills that adults have in order to handle the hurts, even on a good day. Addiction and depression often co-exist because severe depression drains the soul and distorts reality. If there is no treatment, both counseling and medication, humans find a way to escape the pain. When teens choose to smoke pot instead of play baseball, something is wrong. However, parents who find addiction in their child’s life get angry, and in the presence of anger, no one in depression will open up and seek help. Teens are angry enough with themselves for being bad, weak, and hopeless. The more “mad” adults seem, the more “bad” kids feel. It becomes “I’m a bad kid anyway; why bother with trying to be a good student. If mom and dad hate me, I hate me more. I am worthless and my family would be better off without me.” Kids smoke more pot to escape more pain. All addictions dull feelings that humans don’t want to experience, even the legal addictions. Studies show that in most suicide notes, the victim writes, “You are all better off without me.” Suicide victims are just too tired to keep trying to give up their addiction. They believe, “I will never be able to do it, and I am hopeless. Heaven has to be better than this.” We need to be aware of the fact that, even if people of any age, portray strong self-confidence on the outside, they can have low, or no, self-esteem on the inside. SEEK treatment for kids and help adults to CHOOSE treatment. Seeing someone annoyed with your help, is better than finding them dead without your help. By Kathleen Rosso-Gana, President of New Hope Academy & METC Tutoring Studio. Visit newhopeacademy.net or metc.com, Call 800.300.0003. You can reach Kathleen on her cell at 215.435.0031. Listen to Kathy speak on the Education Hour on WPHT, 1210AM each weekend. See Ad on p. 35.
Neurofeedback Remediates Concussions Concussions are associated with head injuries. Unless a person is knocked unconscious, very little attention is given the problem. Actually, there can be serious consequences with or without a loss of consciousness. With concussion comes traumatic injury, the actual disturbance that manifests physically and emotionally. Until recently, it was difficult to adequately identify and remediate the damage done by the actual injury. Eeg neurofeedback is successful in bringing about the recovery that does not occur spontaneously.
Understanding a concussion requires a peek at the brain, itself. Resting inside the rigid skull, the brain has the consistency of jello. On impact or a sudden jolt (as in a whiplash), the brain keeps moving and impacts the inside of the skull. It can recoil back and impact the opposite side of the skull, inflicting further damage to the opposite side of impact. Big changes can occur when nerve fibers are torn or detached, nerve cell bodies are injured and function is disrupted. Depending on the severity of the impact, the damage can be mild or severe. A mild impact may seem inconsequential, but a series of mild impacts can be very damaging. Neurofeedback retrains the damaged neural pathways in order to regain normal functioning. Concussions result from sports injuries, accidents, and assaults. The cognitive problems that result can be very terrifying. These include memory problems, repetition of the same thoughts, slowed thoughts and speech, decreased focus and concentration, disorganization and loss of executive function, loss of a sense of direction, and loss of old skills. Physical problems can include headaches and body pain, visual problems, severe fatigue and apathy, gastrointestinal problems, speech problems, and sleep disruption. Emotional problems can include impulsivity, anger, explosiveness, loss of social skills, panic attacks, depression. The list goes on. Those suffering from a traumatic brain injury have difficulty navigating the many challenges facing them. Additionally, they feel detached from the world around them, and simply withdraw, helplessly. A quantitative electroencephalogram (QEEG) shows the brainwave activity that has been thrown out of balance as a result of the injury. From the information, a program of neurofeedback training rebalances the brainwave activity over time using a system of rewards at the locations where the imbalances occur. Information regarding neurofeedback treatment for concussions can be found in Conquering Concussions by M.L Esty and C.M. Shifflett. Individuals interested in learning more about QEEGs and neurofeedback treatment for head injuries can call our office for a free consultation. See Display Ad on page 20.
Join Us at Soulutions for the body, mind & soul PRESENT &PAST LIFE CLEARING, Healing & Reading Session with Reverend Scott: September - December 10am-4pm. Sessions include Chakra clearing and balancing of Present Life assisted by the Master Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls; and a Past Life Channeling guided by Spirit. JOHN OF GOD CRYSTAL LIGHT HEALING BEDS September -December 10am-4pm. Assisted by Crystal Bowl Master Reverend Scott Raymond. Cont’d next page
GUIDED MEDITATION, SOUND HEALING & Awakened Dream Travel with Reverend Scott. Join us for this rare and amazing sound healing and dream travel experience of the New Earth Energy in Spirit, Mind and Body. OLD KING SOLOMON WORLD MYSTERY SCHOOL Classes 3 Levels of Guided Energy Channeling Intensives with Rev Scott Raymond. With the high frequency 4th and 5th dimensional energies of the Master Alchemy Crystal Bowls and Paiste Planet Tuned Harmonic Gongs. Prepare and clear your present and past with 3,000 year old teachings for spiritual ascension. From the first true world library of King Solomon which held the collection of Earth’s wisdom; of all known civilizations, religious study, spirituality, medicine, culture, language and much more. CRYSTAL CARD CONSULTATIONS…Insights into Your Life with Donna Renzetti. Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays 11am – 4:30pm. Explore your special connection with the crystal world. Each crystal contains a unique vibration that will enhance your insight into your life. You will receive an affirmation pertaining to your crystal. Donna is an intuitive crystal therapist whose metaphysical journey started over 22 years ago in Galisteo, NM and Sedona, AZ. CRYSTAL VIBRATIONAL THERAPY Fridays & Saturdays. 11am4:30pm. A healing modality that works directly with the vibrations naturally occurring in crystals, stones, tuning forks and singing bowls, facilitating the identification and clearing of blockages and misalignments of the chakras, accessing much more subtle levels of consciousness and being. CARING CIRCLE with Rev. Robin V Schwoyer. 3rd Tuesday of the month, 7pm–9pm. FULL MOON FIRE CEREMONY with Candy Batterton. Once a month please check the Soulutions calendar 7:30 - 9pm. SPIRITUAL MEDITATION AND SUPPORT GROUP with Michele Rix Journey Back to Self, with Michele Rix. 2nd and 4th Tuesdays 7-8pm. NEW MOON LABYRINTH WALK with CONNIE FENTY. Once a month 7-8:30pm. date varies per the moon cycle. PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT LEVEL I with Eagle Skyfire Sundays, September & October. More information on these and lots of other events at www.SoulutionsforDailyLiving.com. 126 N. State St. Newtown 215.968.9750. See Display Ad on page 41.
Creating Community Magazine
SUBLET IN DOYLESTOWN BORO Looking for a psychotherapist or life/executive coach to share with two established therapists in their cozy suite. Lovely building, centrally located, easy parking. We can also help your practice grow. Call Diane at: 215-348-8836 PARKING AND STORAGE Contractors/landscaper yards for rent.stoned,fenced,secure.also parking and storage for autos, trucks, boats, campers,RV’s,tractors.call herb with any questions 215-757-2524. CANCER , DIABETES, MS, ALS... SOLUTIONS There are solutions to ALL health challenges. Follow our informative blog... www.LeadingEdgeHealth.org Our educational and ultra powerful product sites... www.AvenaOriginal.info and www.HealthyWorld.2Truth.com Help yourself and others and be highly rewarded! DO YOU KNOW SOMEONE SUFFERING FROM CHRONIC PAIN? Nyloxin provides all-natural anti-inflammatory analgesic pain relief that is non-toxic, nonnarcotic, non-addictive, non-steroidal and contains no aspirin or acetaminophen. http://getridofyourpain.MyNyloxin.com/ INSIGHTFUL AND INTUITIVE TAROT READINGS WITH JACQUELINE Quality readings for over 17 years. Read more about me at http:// www.tarotbyjacqueline.com or call me at (916) 284-5552 MINDBODY THERAPEUTICS. MASSAGE AND MANUAL THERAPY Specializing in pain management and the relief of acute injuries and chronic conditions of the soft tissue. Free postural exam. Call for appt. MindBody Therapeutics William F Burton Jr LMT, CMCE 267-303-0539 mbtphilly@gmail.com MORNING CEU CLASSES FOR MASSAGE THERAPISTS Traditional Vedic Thai-Yoga Massage, Intro to NMT, ‘Back In Balance~Posture & Flexibility’ with Nita Keesler LMT. Mon/Tues mornings. www.schoolofbodytherapies.com