The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction Issue 22.2

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JMU: The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction

Issue 22.2 | August 2018


of Conventional Weapons Destruction UR ING T A



by Messiah College and The HALO Trust

Contributing Organizations:

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The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction, Vol. 22, Iss. 2 [2018], Art. 1


of Conventional Weapons Destruction

ISSUE 22.2 | AUGUST 2018 THE JOURNAL OF CONVENTIONAL WEAPONS DESTRUCTION Center for International Stabilization & Recovery James Madison University - MSC 4902 Harrisonburg, VA 22807 / USA Email:

COMING IN ISSUE 22.3 | FALL 2018 EDITORIAL: Landmine Free 2025: A Shared Responsibility FEATURE: Unmanned Aircraft Systems in Mine Action SPOTLIGHT: South and Central Asia

ISSUE 22.2 | AUGUST 2018 | ISSN: 2469-7575 • The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction Issue 20.1 ongoing: (print) ISSN 2469-7575 (online) ISSN 2469-7605 • For previous ISSN numbers visit

CISR Director DR. KEN RUTHERFORD Associate Director DR. SUZANNE FIEDERLEIN CISR Publications Staff AMY CROCKETT, Communications Specialist HEATHER HOLSINGER, Communications & Publications Manager JENNIFER RISSER, Managing Editor BLAKE WILLIAMSON, Technical & Content Editor Editorial Board STEVE COSTNER MOLLIE DAVIS SUZANNE FIEDERLEIN

The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction is a professional trade journal for the CWD community, including but not limited to humanitarian mine action, physical security and stockpile management, small arms and light weapons, and other related topics. It is a forum for best practices and methodologies, strategic planning, risk education and survivor assistance. The Journal Editorial Board reviews all articles for content and readability, and it reserves the right to edit accepted articles for readability and space, and reject articles at will. Authors who submit articles to The Journal are expected to do so in good faith and are solely responsible for the content therein, including the accuracy of all information and correct attribution for quotations and citations.


Please note that all rights to content, including photographs, published in The Journal are reserved. Notification and written approval are required before another source or publication may use the content. For more details please visit our website or contact the managing editor.

R&D Review Board LUKE ATKINSON, NPA Program Manager, Palau WILLIAM BAGLEY, Johns Hopkins University ULRIC ERIKSSON, NPA Operations Manager, Laos GARY FENTON, COO Disarmco BOB GRAHAM, NPA Chief Technical Advisor for Arms Management and Destruction TOM HENDERSON, U.S. DoD HD R&D Program CRAIG MCINALLY, NPA Operations Manager, Northern Iraq DIVYAKANT PATEL, U.S. DoD HD R&D Program ANDY SMITH, AVS Mine Action Consultants

This publication was funded [in part] by grants from the United States Department of State and the United States Department of Defense. The opinions, findings and conclusions stated herein are those of the author[s] and do not necessarily reflect those of the United States Department of State, the United States Department of Defense, James Madison University, or the Center for International Stabilization and Recovery.

CISR Programs and Support Staff LINDSAY ALDRICH, Senior Project Manager CAROLYN FIRKIN, Program Support Technician BRENNA MATLOCK, Project Manager/Research Associate NICOLE NEITZEY, Grants Officer/Program Manager PAIGE OBER, Project Manager/Research Associate ALEX PATE, Graduate Assistant LETITIA TURNER, Fiscal Technician

To help save natural resources and protect our environment, this edition of The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction was printed on 30-percent post-consumer waste recycled paper using vegetable-based inks.

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JMU: The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction

Cover Photo:

A bombed out hospital in Iraq. Image courtesy of Janus Global Operations.

IN THIS ISSUE: Editorial 4

Letter from the Director

FEATURE: Safe and Secure Management of Ammunition 5 15

Life-cycle Management of Ammunition: Safety, Security, and Sustainability of Conventional Ammunition Stockpiles by Jovana Carapic, Eric J. Deschambault, Paul Holtom, and Benjamin King Increasing Efforts in SSMA: What Does it Take? by Ursign Hofmann, Samuel Paunila, and Katherine Prizeman


Shattered Lives and Bodies: Recovery of Survivors of Improvised Explosive Devices and Explosive Remnants of War in Northeast Syria by Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)


How Iraq Is Changing What We Do: Measuring Clearance in Urban Environments by Pehr Lodhammar

Field Notes 40

Sepon Supports UXO Clearance in Laos by Saman Aneka and Michael Valent


The Hybrid Thermal Lance: A Promising New Technique for the Destruction of Landmines and UXO by Deflagration by Donald Pratt and Nicolas Torbet

59 Endnotes Published by JMU Scholarly Commons, 2018


The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction, Vol. 22, Iss. 2 [2018], Art. 1

Ken Rutherford

Our summer has been a busy one, with CISR recently completing the Regional Senior Managers’ Course in Conventional Weapons Destruction in Dushanbe, Tajikistan, this past June and July. With funding from the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Political Military Affairs’ Office of Weapons Removal and Abatement and in partnership with the Tajikistan National Mine Action Center (TNMAC), CISR’s fourth regional course, and the second held in Tajikistan, enrolled 25 senior managers from Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan. In line with the concerns of the South and Central Asian region, the course focused on management topics pertinent to these countries, drawing on the expertise of JMU College of Business professors. It also included technical training and field visits on survivor assistance, improvised explosive devices (IED) in the humanitarian context, weapons and ammunition destruction, as well as demining in mountainous and border environments. Local implementing partners and technical experts, including Fenix Insight, Norwegian People’s Aid, Swiss Foundation for Mine Action, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the Tajikistan Ministry of Defense, and the Union of Sappers of Tajikistan joined CISR and TNMAC in providing instruction. The course bolstered the skills of already high-quality programs in the region, adding to the network of nearly 400 senior managers trained by CISR across the globe. For this issue of The Journal, we turn our attention to the Middle East, specifically Iraq and Syria, which present complex work environments for those working in humanitarian mine action. In their article, “Shattered Lives and Bodies: Recovery of Survivors of Improvised Explosive Devices and Explosive Remnants of War in Syria,” Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF, Doctors Without Borders) describes the types of injuries and the often difficult journey to treatment that internally displaced persons face when encountering improvised explosive devices (IED) and explosive remnants of war (ERW). MSF highlights the urgent need for a comprehensive mine response in Syria, including risk education, victim assistance, and mine clearance, and a greater coordinated effort from the international community to sponsor, support, and lead demining and other mine action activities. Moreover, Pehr Lodhammer (UNMAS) proposes the need for the mine action community to determine standards for properly assessing clearance values, specifically in Iraq. As with the Fallujah Iron Bridge, the monetary cost of clearing two IEDs from a major piece of infrastructure in two weeks should be judged on the socioeconomic impact it has on the area and not compared to the per unit price of clearing landmines under ideal conditions. In the feature section, contributions from Small Arms Survey, the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD), and the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) discuss the safe and secure management of ammunition (SSMA). In their article, “Life-cycle Management of Ammunition: Safety, Security, and Sustainability of Conventional Ammunition Stockpiles,” Small Arms Survey explain how ammunition stockpiles threaten national security and public safety and how improving the technical, structural, and political aspects of the stockpile management process can ensure a safe and secure national stockpile. In their article, “Increasing Efforts in SSMA: What Does it Take?” GICHD and UNODA build on a GICHD study illustrating the current state of SSMA while reviewing developments, as well as identifying capacity and implementation gaps in ammunition stockpile management. In Notes from the Field, MMG Lane Xang Minerals Limited Sepon (LXML), a mining company, discuss how they have integrated unexploded ordnance (UXO) clearance into their mining operations and development projects in Laos. Sepon mine, owned by LXML, is situated in Vilabouly District, Savannakhet Province—one of the most bombed districts in Lao PDR. And finally, Donald Pratt at Messiah College and Nicholas Torbet from The HALO Trust present their research and development on the Hybrid Thermal Lance. The article presents an alternative method to destroy landmines and other thin-cased ordnance through burning and deflagrating the explosive inside. While at a relatively early stage of testing, the authors believe that sharing the results and making the concept open-source will benefit the HMA community. September will be a busy month for CISR as we attend the Eighth Meeting of States Parties to the Convention on Cluster Munitions in Geneva and present at both the regional workshop on Improvised Explosive Devices Threat Awareness in Astana, Kazakhstan, sponsored by the OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe and Astana, and the Middle East Institute’s “Explosive Hazards in the Middle East: Addressing a Growing Threat,” which is the first conference in Washington, D.C. to focus exclusively on explosive hazard removal efforts in the Middle East. As our focus continues on the South/Central Asia region, we welcome contributions on HMA operations and programs in Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. In addition, as the HMA community increasingly leverages unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) for various uses within the field, we welcome contributions from the community on UAS technology, case studies, and standards. Please be in touch with Journal staff regarding any questions you may have regarding submissions.

James Madison University | Center for International Stabilization and Recovery | MSC 4902 | Harrisonburg, VA 22807




JMU: The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction




mmunition is an essential resource for the implementation of a national defense and security policy. National ammunition stockpiles—regardless

of their functional classification—can pose risks to national security and public safety.1 Poor accounting and inadequate physical security of storage facilities can lead to the diversion of ammunition from the national stockpile to terrorists, criminals, and other armed groups, increasing insecurity and instability. Furthermore, the deterioration of munition components can contribute to unplanned explosions at munitions sites (UEMS), which can have significant negative socioeconomic and political consequences for the public and national governments.2 Comprehensive ammunition management ensures that the right types and quantities of ammunition are available, at the right time, to support national strategic and

A Practical Guide to LCMA Handbook and the case study, “LCMA: Lessons Learned from Bosnia and Herzegovina,” this article provides an abridged version of the LCMA model and the lessons learned from efforts to establish LCMA in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH).4–6 Perhaps more importantly, it also invites policy-practitioners to think creatively about ammunition management and argues that national ownership creates an enabling environment that supports the effective functioning of LCMA. The political and structural aspects of ammunition management determine the efficiency of LCMA-related processes and activities: rather than being opposing concepts, the political dynamics and technical aspects of ammunition management are tightly intertwined.

What Is LCMA?

operational needs. It is also seen as the only long-term strat-

Ensuring effective management of ammunition requires a

egy for preventing the excessive accumulation of surplus and

comprehensive approach that allows states to meet their long-

for mitigating the safety and security risks inherent to all am-

term strategic and operational requirements and ensure safe

munition stockpiles.3 Such an approach takes into account the

and secure ammunition stockpiles. LCMA is an example of

technical aspects of ammunition management that are often

such an approach and recognizes the importance of adequate

covered by stockpile management efforts, as well as the relat-

technical capabilities but also emphasizes the political dimen-

ed structural and political dynamics. This results in planning

sion of managing ammunition across its life cycle: planning,

challenges and has significant budgetary implications for gov-

procurement, stockpile management, and disposal. This sec-

ernments. A systems-based approach to the life-cycle man-

tion provides an overview of the safety and security implica-

agement of ammunition (LCMA), and a long-term strategy to

tions of improper stockpile management before introducing

execute it, can help a state to address these challenges by min-

the concept of LCMA.

imizing the probability of excessive surplus accumulation and mitigating diversion and UEMS risks while meeting national strategic and operational needs.

UEMS, Diversion, and Surplus Accumulation Despite growing awareness, in many states ineffective man-

This article provides an overview of the LCMA approach.

agement of ammunition stockpiles continues to be the norm.

Drawing on previous Small Arms Survey work such as

All ammunition stockpiles pose a risk of UEMS and diversion

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ISSUE 22.2 @ AUGUST 2018



The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction, Vol. 22, Iss. 2 [2018], Art. 1

40 35 30 25 20 15 10











































Figure 1. Number of UEMS incidents per year, 1979–2018. (Data available until end of February 2018.) Figure courtesy of Small Arms Survey (n.d.).

along all points of the national stockpile chain: manufacture,

ammunition-related risks are not usually designed or imple-

storage, employment, and disposal. According to the Small

mented in a way that would address the systematic failures

Arms Survey’s UEMS Database, about 580 UEMS occurred

in stockpile management that lead to UEMS, diversion, and

in more than 100 countries between 1979 and February 2018,

excessive surplus accumulation. A key challenge faced by na-

often with grave social, economic, and political consequenc-

tional authorities, donors, and implementing organizations is

es (see Figure 1).7 In addition to fueling crime and terrorism,

to deliver appropriate technical programs to respond to inci-

ammunition that is diverted from state stockpiles can affect

dents of UEMS and diversion, as well as to address the under-

the duration and intensity of armed conflicts.8

lying, higher-level causes of these events. The effectiveness of

States view conventional ammunition stockpiles as assets

technical initiatives cannot be guaranteed without addressing

rather than liabilities and thus have a tendency to retain am-

systemic shortcomings. International guidelines emphasize

munition stockpiles in excess of strategic and operation-

that states take a proactive, rather than reactive, stance in en-

al requirements. In some contexts, together with ineffective

suring the safety and security of stockpiles to the highest pos-

stockpile management practices, this leads to the accumula-

sible standards.12 Effectively addressing both is contingent on

tion of unsafe, unserviceable, and obsolete surpluses in the

adopting a comprehensive approach to ammunition manage-

national stockpile. The result is a build-up of ammunition and

ment, as outlined by the Small Arms Survey’s LCMA model.

an increase in safety and security risks.9 Surplus accumulation also leads to a considerable financial burden for states in terms of operational, maintenance, and destruction costs.


Historically, national authorities, international donors, and

LCMA comprises a comprehensive set of integrated pro-

practitioners have adopted technical approaches for dealing

cesses and activities that ensure sustainable and cost-

with surplus accumulation and mitigating the risk of UEMS

effective management of ammunition, delivering a safe and

and diversion. Often under the heading of physical securi-

secure stockpile that meets national strategic and operation-

ty and stockpile management (PSSM), the aim is to improve

al needs. The LCMA approach recognizes the importance of

stockpile management practices by bringing them in line with

adequate technical capabilities but also emphasizes the polit-

international best practices, such as the measures elaborated in

ical dimension of managing ammunition across its life cycle.


the International Ammunition Technical Guidelines (IATG).

It requires that state actors at the strategic, operational, and

Technical approaches have a number of benefits: they can be

tactical levels work together on multiple ammunition-related

cost-effective and help to mitigate the risk of UEMS, diversion,

aspects to ensure cost-effective management of the entire na-

and surplus accumulation at storage locations.

tional stockpile.

One of the main shortcomings of the technical approach is

The LMCA model draws on current practices among a

its lack of sustainability. Despite the increase in safety and

number of states that participate in NATO’s Partnership for

security, most technical programs and initiatives to reduce

Peace (PfP) program as well as other NATO partners that


LCMA: A Comprehensive Means of Ammunition Management



JMU: The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction

Representations of LCMA models tend to be linear depictions that mask the degree of interaction and sequencing among the functional elements of the system. Such depictions also tend to omit the key role of national ownership, which complements and supports the functional elements and is critical to the overall integrity of an LCMA system. In contrast, Figure 2 highlights the interrelationships among the elements. It also stresses the importance of the two crucial aspects of ammunition management: the political, which is the structural element necessary for effectiveness of the functional elements; and the technical, which is the functional elements necessary for the management of am-

Figure 2. The Small Arms Survey’s LCMA Model.

munition across its life cycle.

Figure courtesy of Carapic, et al.


implement comprehensive ammunition management systems.13 These states have well-established militaries and a long history of ammunition management. While national approaches may differ, one feature is central to all: the effectiveness of LCMA systems in these states is ensured by a high degree of national ownership. This feature guarantees an enabling environment, a prerequisite for sustainable ammunition management.

Milestones Throughout an LCMA system, decisions are made in order to manage the national stockpile and mitigate the risk of UEMS and diversion. Milestones are points in the life cycle where the most critical decisions are made regarding transition across the functional elements of LCMA and their related processes and activities.14 There are a number of milestones within any LCMA system. Examples include:

»» Planning to procurement: involves the development LCMA Model By analyzing the various LCMA systems observed in the NATO and PfP states, the Small Arms Survey developed a general LCMA model (Figure 2). It is composed of one structural element and four functional elements. To be effective, all elements must work together as an integrated and efficient whole. The structural element, which involves national ownership and its associated enabling conditions, supports the effective and efficient management of ammunition across the life cycle to ensure the integrity and sustainability of the LCMA system. Often recognized as a key aspect of LCMA, the structural aspects of ammunition management are rarely elaborated in detail by international guidelines. The LCMA model also

and approval of strategic plans and budgets for the acquisition and management of types and quantities of ammunition necessary for achieving defense goals and operational requirements.

»» Procurement to stockpile management: involves the procurement of ammunition based on confirmation that the items being acquired are safe and suitable for service (also known as an S3 process).

»» Stockpile management to disposal: involves the approval of disposal of ammunition following a national disposal review.

»» Disposal to planning: involves the certification or confirmation of disposal activities.

consists of four functional elements: planning, procurement, stockpile management, and disposal, which ensure the safety,

Prerequisites for Implementing LCMA Systems

security, and cost-effectiveness of ammunition stockpiles. The

An enabling environment is a prerequisite for sustainable

four functional elements draw and, where necessary, elabo-

ammunition management. It allows for long-term policies and

rate on the best practices for stockpile management accord-

plans to become targeted, integrated, and coordinated pro-

ing to the IATG.

grams aimed at effectively managing the national stockpile

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ISSUE 22.2 @ AUGUST 2018



The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction, Vol. 22, Iss. 2 [2018], Art. 1

and mitigating the risks posed by the ammunition. There is

The concept of enabling conditions is inherent in U.N.

agreement, both within and outside the U.N. system, that a

General Assembly Resolution 72/55 “Problems arising from

high degree of national ownership is necessary for sustainable

the accumulation of conventional ammunition stockpiles

ammunition management. Despite the recognition that na-

in surplus” (2017), which recognizes “the importance of ap-

tional ownership matters, there is little guidance on what it

propriate national ammunition management structures and

means in practice. This section provides an overview of the

procedures, including laws and regulations, training and doc-

concept of national ownership before discussing the enabling

trine, equipment and maintenance, personnel management

conditions that foster it and support effective implementation

and finances, and infrastructure in order to ensure sustain-

of LCMA.

ability in ammunition management.”20 The rest of this section


presents the four enabling conditions in more detail.

National Ownership for Ammunition Management

Normative Framework

At its core, national ownership is grounded in the premise

An LCMA system needs to be anchored in and informed by a

that states need to take responsibility for ammunition man-

normative framework that provides guidance on ammunition

agement and be actively engaged in ensuring the safety and

management at different operational levels. The development

security of their stockpiles. A state demonstrates national

of an appropriate framework is a national responsibility and

ownership when national actors—including relevant politi-

is based on national needs and priorities. For states without a

cal decision-makers, armed forces planning and logistics staff,

normative framework in place, the IATG offer concrete guid-

and procurement authorities—have defined and active roles

ance and tools for ammunition safety and security, as well as

in designing, implementing, and monitoring all processes and

a model for effective stockpile management. They also provide

activities across the ammunition life cycle, such as planning,

advice on developing technical directives for ammunition

procurement, stockpile management, and disposal.

management and on the roles and competencies of ammuni-

The IATG state that “the primary responsibility for conven-

tion specialists.21

tional ammunition stockpile management shall rest with the Government of the state holding the ammunition.”17 It follows

Organizational Framework

that national ownership is not simply about political buy-in

National ownership for ammunition management calls for

for ammunition management but also about taking respon-

context-specific organizational frameworks (i.e., relevant insti-

sibility for setting up and maintaining an LCMA system by:

tutional and organizational structures that are led and staffed

»» Establishing a set of effective life-cycle and enabling

by national personnel) and allows for coordination and over-

processes that allow them to make milestone-relevant

sight of ammunition management processes and activities, and

decisions and to plan and implement programs for each

ensures efficient implementation. Establishing a framework in-

functional element of LCMA.

volves meeting a number of preconditions, including:


»» Providing national financial resources for the system

»» A high level of institutional and organizational devel-

to cover the cost of procurement and post-acquisition

opment. An LCMA system demands a high level of in-

costs, such as those associated with storage, surveillance,

stitutional and organizational development, with clearly

transportation, maintenance, security, and disposal.

defined tasks, competencies, and responsibilities.

»» Facilitating the establishment of the enabling condi-

»» A high level of flexibility. The organizational structure

tions necessary for supporting the effective manage-

must also be flexible enough to ensure that there is in-

ment of ammunition over its life cycle.

formation exchange, coordination, and oversight among relevant stakeholders, both international and national.

Enabling Conditions for LCMA There is a dynamic relationship between national ownership

Infrastructure and equipment are essential to support the

turn, these conditions foster national ownership for ammuni-

implementation of LCMA. A state cannot claim to have the

tion management and ensure the sustainability of the LCMA

capacity to ensure the safety and security of its stockpiles or

system as a whole. They include a normative framework, an

the disposal of surplus without them. For this reason, the last

organizational framework, infrastructure and equipment,

decade has seen a considerable increase in the number and

and human resources.

scale of international assistance programs related to capacity


Infrastructure and Equipment

and the enabling conditions that make LCMA possible. In



JMU: The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction

development.22 Since 2012, the international community has

is maintained over the entire system. An information man-

coordinated its efforts to provide infrastructure upgrades to

agement system also allows planners to gather essential in-

strategic ammunition (and weapon) storage. Similar efforts

formation for the development of element-specific programs,

have also been seen in Mali, where the international com-

which turn identified needs into achievable outputs given fi-

munity has focused on improving physical security infra-

nancial and human resource constraints.24

structure in order to prevent weapons and ammunition from getting into the hands of insurgent groups.23


Human Resources

is suitable for the implementation of the national defense pol-

An effective procurement process delivers ammunition that The implementation and sustainability of an LCMA system

icy in a safe and secure manner.25 While the planning element

depends on the availability of adequately trained personnel

of the LCMA model determines the general parameters for the

at all levels (strategic, operational, and tactical) and the ex-

quantity and type of ammunition to be procured, the procure-

istence of effective personnel management systems. Training

ment element begins with the approval of ammunition for ac-

on basic stockpile management activities—such as cleaning,

quisition and concludes with its entry into service.

storehouse maintenance and organization, inspection and

Even before an order is placed, a limited amount of ammu-

surveillance of ammunition, inventory management, and ac-

nition is usually acquired for testing (i.e., demonstration and

counting—can help to reduce the probability of UEMS and

evaluation) purposes to determine the safety and suitability for

diversion. In addition, training is key in fostering national

service of the ammunition.26 Once ammunition is deemed suit-

ownership and is most effective when it is transferred and in-

able for service, it can be acquired either from producers lo-

tegrated into a recipient state’s institutions.

cated within their national territory or, more commonly, from commercial suppliers in other states. States import new and

Functional Elements of an LCMA System

surplus ammunition via commercial sales, government-to-

There are four functional elements of the LCMA model that

government sales, or gifts. The import of surplus ammunition

relate to the different stages of the ammunition life cycle:

is cost-effective if it is in good condition.27 However, purchas-

planning, procurement, stockpile management, and disposal.

ing from old stockpiles can lead to “controversial quality con-

The elements must be managed in order to ensure that they

trol, dubious traceability issues, and procurement fraud.”28

operate in a coordinated manner and that the risk of UEMS

Procurement systems are expected to adhere to good gov-

and diversion is kept to a minimum. Each functional element

ernance principles and include robust anti-corruption pro-

is summarized below.

visions. Regardless of the mode of acquisition, states manage the safety and security of ammunition during the acquisition


process, with a focus on ensuring state control and oversight,

Planning is essential to the overall management of ammuni-

comprehensive registration and record-keeping, and safe

tion. An LCMA system must be thoroughly planned from the

and secure transportation.29 States also develop laws, regula-

outset, with dedicated resources and procedures put in place

tions, and administrative procedures to control and regulate

in advance of any new acquisitions or other alterations to the

the import, export, transit or transshipment, and brokering

system. Direction is provided by a state’s national defense

of military items and technologies, including ammunition.

policy, which is translated into a comprehensive, long-term

Recording each stage of the acquisition process and of the am-

defense strategy that defines the scope of LCMA planning

munition’s entry into service is essential to ensuring the safety

(Figure 3). Consequently, a primary milestone of the planning

and security of the ammunition.30 This is particularly true at

element is the development of a cohesive national ammuni-

moments when the ammunition is susceptible to theft, loss, or

tion stockpile plan that meets the long-term defense planning

an unplanned explosion.

goals. The LCMA planning begins by defining the nation’s am-

Stockpile Management

munition requirements and continues through the develop-

In order to meet operational and strategic requirements, as

ment of integrated programs. It is incumbent on planners

well as to ensure the safety and security of stored items, it is

to understand all of the downstream ramifications of their

important to emplace effective stockpile management poli-

stockpile-related decisions. For this to take place, an informa-

cies and practices. Stockpile management begins when am-

tion management system must be in place to ensure oversight

munition enters the stockpile and ends when it leaves, be it

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The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction, Vol. 22, Iss. 2 [2018], Art. 1

National Defense Policy Long-term defense strategy Developed by the MoD, approved by the head of state/national legislature

LCMA planning Developed by chief of defense/joint chiefs of staff approved by the MoD

Developed by general or joint staff, approved by joint chiefs of staff

Figure 3. Long-term defense planning and LCMA. Figure courtesy of Carapic, et al.6

through issuance (for training or operations), consumption

process ends with the physical removal of disposal-designated

(ammunition spent), or disposal (through exports or demil-

ammunition from the stockpile as a result of a disposal action.

itarization). With many complex and interrelated processes

A number of milestones are related to disposal and include

and activities, stockpile management requires continuous review and assessment to ensure the adequacy of resources, infrastructure, equipment, and personnel. These review processes form the key milestones of the stockpile management element. The stockpile management element of the Survey’s LCMA

»» The decision to dispose of ammunition. »» The selection of a disposal method and process in the case of demilitarization.

»» The completion of disposal activities. »» The confirmation that ammunition has been disposed of properly and in accordance with a disposal decision.

model is based on the IATG—more specifically, the IATG

While historically various disposal methods were avail-

core groups of activities around which all stockpile manage-

able to a state, there currently are only two internationally-

ment processes and activities are structured.31 To ensure effec-

accepted disposal methods: exports (sales or donations) and

tive stockpile management and reduce the risk of unplanned

demilitarization. Of these two, states tend to prefer export;

explosions and diversion, the core groups interact very close-

however, international arms and ammunition control efforts

ly, with individual activities depending on or influencing

emphasize demilitarization.36 The Arms Trade Treaty (ATT)

each other across group boundaries. The six core groups of

establishes legally binding commitments governing the ex-

ammunition-based activities are accounting, destruction,

port, import, transit, transshipment, and brokering of con-

maintenance, stockpile security, storage, and transport.

ventional arms and ammunition. A number of technologies

Management of the risks inherent to ammunition stor-

are potentially available for demilitarization, each one with

age is a fundamental component of stockpile management.

advantages and disadvantages. Although commonly used,

Adherence to the IATG fulfills many of the requirements of

open burning (OB) and open detonation (OD) are modes of

an integrated risk management system. Figure 4 outlines the

disposal that are increasingly discouraged by states due to

overarching risk management approach of the IATG, in par-

health and environmental concerns.37a


ticular the relationship between the different components of

Age, unclear history, or the existence of internal damage,

risk management. The IATG also offer detailed explanations

corrosion, and other dangerous conditions (such as exuda-

of each component of risk management and techniques for

tion or crystallization) can mean demilitarization causes

stockpile management.

significantly greater risks than those associated with new



ammunition. Advanced planning is key to fully address-


ing ammunition disposal methodologies and risks, and can

Disposal is the removal of unsafe, unserviceable, obsolete,

reduce costs and ensure appropriate equipment and train-

or excess ammunition from the national stockpile. Until it

ing for individuals assigned to accomplish safe and effi-

has been physically removed from the stockpile, disposal-

cient disposal and decommissioning tasks. Managing risk

designated ammunition is treated as part of the national

for demilitarization also requires developing effective mu-

A state’s decision to dispose of ammunition as

nitions emergency response processes and procedures for

part of a national disposal review is the first step in the pro-

the decommissioning of contaminated sites, both of which

cess, and a number of factors can influence that decision. The

require the participation of specially trained individuals.






JMU: The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction

Figure 4. IATG risk management matrix. Figure courtesy of Carapic, et al.6,11, 37b

LCMA in Context: Lessons Learned from Bosnia and Herzegovina

undermined the disposal process (Figure 5). Consequently, international pressure for addressing the safety and securi-

Recognizing that a comprehensive approach is best suited to

ty concerns of the national ammunition stockpile increased

address complex ammunition management challenges, this

by the end of the 2000s, paving the way for the develop-

section uses the LCMA model presented as a framework for

ment of a plan to establish an LCMA system in the country.

analyzing the emergence of an LCMA system in BiH during

The priority for BiH to date has been to identify and dis-

the period 2012–2016. The section stresses the importance of

pose of excessive, unstable, and unsafe ammunition and to

focusing on ammunition management as a distinct area of

put in place the planning and management processes that

concern when considering ammunition, weapons, and explo-

will ensure the safety and security of the ammunition that

sives (AWE) challenges in post-conflict settings. It highlights

the country needs to implement its national defense and

ten lessons learned from implementing four of the five main

security strategy.

elements of an effective LCMA system: national ownership,

Lesson 1: National ownership is fundamental for ef-

planning, stockpile management, and disposal. The fifth ele-

fective LCMA. The international community substituted for

ment has not been implemented, as BiH has not yet made pro-

a lack of national capacity to manage and dispose of surplus

visions for the procurement of ammunition.

ammunition in post-conflict BiH. Since 2012, however, the in-

The disintegration of Yugoslavia had serious repercus-

ternational community has focused on building national ca-

sions for ammunition management in BiH. The onset of con-

pacity to ensure ownership of the LCMA system. As a result

flict, in June 1991, combined with a U.N. arms embargo on

of these efforts, high-ranking BiH Ministry of Defence (MoD)

Yugoslavia’s successor states in January 1992, had serious neg-

and Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina (AFBiH) per-

ative consequences for ammunition management capacities

sonnel, including the minister of defense and chief of defense,

and practices. The immediate post-conflict period was char-

are now taking the lead in related decision-making and plan-

acterized by efforts to exercise basic control of ammunition

ning on ammunition as well as ensuring that armed forces

and weapon stockpiles in BiH instead of developing life-cycle

personnel are sufficiently trained.


management systems for ammunition and weapons.39

Lesson 2: The coordinated, long-term commitment of

By 2000, the focus had switched toward defense reform, mil-

international partners is essential for the establishment of

itary downsizing, and the identification and disposal of sur-

LCMA in a post-conflict setting. Prior to 2013, there was a

plus weapons and ammunition. Despite the urgency to deal

lack of coordination, communication, and information shar-

with the surplus ammunition, and the establishment of a

ing between international and regional organizations, states,

normative framework to do so, competing political interests

and NGOs working to address BiH’s ammunition stockpile

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The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction, Vol. 22, Iss. 2 [2018], Art. 1

challenges.40 To address these issues, all key internation-

single national ammunition list, and establish a national in-

al stakeholders committed to providing expertise and re-

ventory management system.45 BiH’s limited capacity made it

sources in a complementary and coordinated way to help the

difficult to conduct the 100 percent inventory in an effective

BiH MoD and the AFBiH address the challenges posed by

and timely manner.46 Therefore, from 2012 to 2013, AFBiH

the AWE stockpile. By the end of 2012, thanks to the non-

personnel received training in basic ammunition handling,

paper, the international community had streamlined

testing, storage, LCMA regulations and standard operating

its efforts on how to address BiH’s ammunition stock-

procedures (SOP), and inventory management.42 The AFBiH

pile challenges.40

began the ‘100 percent inventory’ in 2013 MoD, and it is ex-


Lesson 3: Implementing effective LCMA in a postconflict setting requires early agreement on overall objec-

Lesson 6: Stockpile safety depends on an assessment of

tives, specific priorities, and resource requirements. During

the condition of stored ammunition. A key component of ef-

the first quarter of 2013, the international community con-

fective LCMA, more specifically of the 100 percent inventory

vened a task force consisting of key international and BiH

referred to previously, is the ability to determine the physi-

stakeholders to develop an AWE Master Plan that defined the

cal condition, chemical stability, and hazard classification

desired outcome for addressing AWE challenges as “the trans-

of ammunition in the national stockpile.47 With the support

parent disposal of surplus ammunition and weapons and the

of the international community and as part of the 100 per-

introduction of a sustainable ammunition and weapons life-

cent inventory mentioned in Lesson 5, the BiH MoD decided

cycle management system in BiH.” The AWE Master Plan

to undertake


AWE challenges. It also defined the roles and responsibilities

»» A stock-check of the entire ammunition stockpile. »» A visual technical inspection of all the ammunition. »» A chemical test of the propellant, using quick propellant

of the different international actors, the BiH MoD, and the

analysis kits (QPAK) provided by the Austrian compo-

AFBiH.43 The AWE Master Plan was endorsed by all relevant

nent of the mobile training team (MTT) Project.48

provided clarity on the international community’s capacities, resources, and potential contributions in addressing BiH’s

national and international stakeholders.

Lesson 4: Sustainable LCMA requires robust organizational structures and appropriate personnel.

These additional assessments laid the foundations for the development of an ammunition surveillance system in BiH.

Lesson 7: Adequate resources and capacities are needed

The AWE Master Plan defined the organizational structure

for a safe and secure ammunition stockpile. Effective stock-

required to support the programs and activities for the trans-

pile management involves the safe and secure storage, trans-

parent disposal of surplus ammunition and the implemen-

portation, and handling of ammunition.49 In accordance with

tation of sustainable LCMA.44 This organizational structure

BiH’s Law on Defence and the future operational require-

ensured effective and efficient coordination of national and

ments of the AFBiH, OSCE SECUP, and UNDP EXPLODE,

international activities, confidence among all key stakehold-

assistance projects upgraded safety and security standards for

ers, and empowered BiH authorities and senior leaders within

two prospective ammunition storage sites in BiH: Kula 1 and

international organizations.

2, and Krupa. The Doboj demilitarization facility was also

Moreover, appropriately experienced, skilled, and motivated

upgraded, because these sites have capacity to house BiH re-

personnel should be placed in key positions to ensure that the

quired ammunition and can be maintained by the AFBiH.50

organizational structure delivers the desired changes. A criti-

These infrastructure upgrades, as well as donations of equip-

cal factor in the case of BiH was the European Union Force

ment and training provided by the EUFOR MTT Project

(EUFOR) commander’s decision to create the position of se-

troop-contributing nations, reflect good coordination be-

nior advisor for weapons and ammunition disposal (SAWAD)

tween BiH and its international partners.51

in April 2013. SAWAD can influence decision-making, over-

Lesson 8: Effective and efficient surplus disposal re-

sees implementation, and ensures the overall coordination of

quires adequate normative and institutional frameworks,

Master Plan activities.

as well as the necessary political will. As noted previously,

Lesson 5: Successful LCMA rests on a comprehensive inventory of the ammunition stockpile.

ammunition disposal was a politically sensitive issue during the late 2000s. While presidential approval was (and contin-

It was not until 2012 that a decision was made for BiH to

ues to be) required for any form of disposal, the process for

conduct a comprehensive inventory—locally referred to as the

authorization is now more efficient, and approval is grant-

100 per cent inventory—of its ammunition stockpile, create a

ed more quickly than in the past.40 The reduction in the time


pected to be finished by the end of 2018.



JMU: The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction

Figure 5. Disposal of ammunition in BiH using open burning/open detonation (OB/OD) and other forms of demilitarization, 2006– 2016. Figure courtesy of Carapic and Holtom, 2018.

taken for the presidential approval led to a significant increase

demonstrate support for international partners. The BiH

in the ammunition disposal rate during the period 2015–2016

president must approve the disposal of surplus through in-

(see Figure 5).

ternational donation after an assessment of political, strate-


Despite BiH authorities preferring to export their surplus

gic, and foreign policy considerations. MoD BiH and AFBiH

ammunition, demilitarization continues to be the primary

representatives have raised two sets of concerns regarding

mode of disposal in the country.52 International stakeholders

such donations. The first is a concern over foregone profit.

have facilitated the demilitarization and destruction process

International stakeholders, however, have stressed that dona-

by increasing the capacity and skills of AFBiH personnel and

tions help to dispose of ammunition that, while still service-

employing independent contractors at the TROM Doboj de-

able, needs to be used quickly.52 Such ammunition is unlikely

militarization facility and the Glamoc range.

to meet the quality needs of commercial importers. The sec-


Lesson 9: Serviceable but surplus ammunition may be

ond concern relates to the perceived risk of donated material

disposed of through export sales authorized in conformity

diverting.57 This reflects recent media coverage of the pos-

with a country’s international commitments. Prior to 2013,

sible diversion of BiH donations intended for Iraqi govern-

international partners and key BiH stakeholders had diver-

ment forces to non-state armed groups in the Middle East and

gent views regarding the export of surplus ammunition.


North Africa.58 Yet diversion risks can be reduced via interna-

Stakeholders have come to accept export sales as a valid meth-

tional cooperation and good practice.55 At the same time, such

od for the disposal of surplus if carried out by national au-

donations can allow BiH to contribute to efforts to strengthen

thorities in accordance with international standards, such

international peace and security.59

as those of the ATT.54 Several independent assessments have concluded that BiH’s arms export control legislation and ad-

Looking Forward

ministrative procedures meet such standards. The BiH MoD

A comprehensive ammunition management approach is re-

has developed administrative guidance for the disposal of

quired to ensure that a state’s national stockpile is safe, se-

surplus by export in the 2012 Plan for Resolving Surplus.56

cure, and operational when needed in order to meet national


Lesson 10: Serviceable but surplus ammunition can

and strategic objectives. The LCMA approach not only allows

also be disposed of through international donation to

for the mitigation of the risk of UEMS and diversion, but also

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The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction, Vol. 22, Iss. 2 [2018], Art. 1

ensures sustainability of international cooperation and assistance projects. The most recent General Assembly Resolution on the “Problems arising from the accumulation of conventional ammunition stockpiles in surplus” (A/RES/70/35) stresses the need to develop and implement cooperation and assistance programs that ensure sustainability—i.e., are able to mitigate the immediate risk of UEMS and diversion and have a lasting impact on ammunition management practices at the national level. To date, a limited number of international cooperation and assistance projects have been designed and implemented with the intention of ensuring sustainability by addressing ammunition management practices across the life cycle: from planning to procurement, stockpile management, and disposal. The case of BiH is an illustrative example. From a practical perspective, this article provides an overview of the experience and lessons learned from efforts to establish and implement a sustainable LCMA system in BiH. The BiH experience is useful for other prolonged post-conflict environments or those states aiming to establish an LCMA system. Establishing and implementing better stockpile management processes and ultimately LCMA are long-term and challenging endeavors. These efforts do not need to be accomplished all at one time. Improvements can be incrementally structured and implemented based on national priorities, available resources, capacities, and capabilities, considering the potential efficiencies and benefits that will be derived along the way with regards to the national stockpile’s functionality, safety, security, and ability to meet national strategic and operational needs. See endnotes page 59

Jovana Carapic, Ph.D. Researcher Small Arms Survey Jovana Carapic is a Researcher at the Small Arms Survey. She works on various projects within the field of weapons and ammunition management, with a particular focus on Southeast Europe. Jovana has authored several publications on unplanned explosions in Southeast Europe and ammunition life-cycle management, as well as capacity building and training for physical security and stockpile management. She holds a Ph.D. in political science from the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva.

Eric J. Deschambault Technical Consultant and LCMA Specialist Eric J. Deschambault is a Technical Consultant and LCMA Specialist for the Small Arms Survey. A retired member of the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) Explosives Safety Board, he served as the U.S. representative to the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) Technical Review Panel, which assisted in the development of the first edition of the IATG, and then as the U.S. representative to the Technical Review Board that supported UNODA efforts to develop the SaferGuard Programme and publish the second edition of the guidelines.

Paul Holtom Political Affairs Officer Paul Holtom is a Senior Researcher and Policy and Outreach Coordinator at the Small Arms Survey. His research focuses on efforts to regulate and monitor the international arms trade, as well as measures to address arms trafficking and diversion. He was the director of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute’s Arms Transfers Programme (2009–2013) and served as adviser to the 2013 and 2016 United Nations’ Group of Governmental Experts on the UN Register of Conventional Arms.

Benjamin King Project Manager Benjamin King is a Project Manager at the Small Arms Survey. Since joining the Survey in 2010 he has concentrated on the implementation and effectiveness of small arms control programs, particularly in the areas of firearms marking and physical security and stockpile management. His recent research has focused on the proliferation of converted firearms. He received his master’s degree from the Monterey Institute of International Studies.




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INCREASING EFFORTS IN SSMA: WHAT DOES IT TAKE? by Ursign Hofmann, Samuel Paunila [ Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining ], and Katherine Prizeman [ United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs1 ]


he inadequate management of conventional ammu-

the last forty years.5 In 2017, at least one major incident in-

nition results in negative consequences such as di-

volving a UEMS was reported every month.6 In light of the

version to illicit groups and unplanned explosions

sensitivities surrounding ammunition management and the

at munitions sites (UEMS). Both diversion and unintended

reputational concerns of states, the actual number of inci-

blasts can result in a severe humanitarian impact, undermine

dents may be significantly higher than reported.

development efforts, compromise defense capabilities, and lead to instability.

When ammunition depots are located in urban areas, explosions can have an even greater humanitarian impact, further

In recognition of this recurring danger, political, normative,

resulting in considerable socio-economic, environmental,

and operational efforts have increased to promote the safe and

and financial repercussions. The implications for national

secure management of ammunition (SSMA). As the issue en-

defense capabilities are also apparent. A sudden loss of ser-

joys greater national, regional, and international attention,

viceable ammunition may reduce the state’s ability to defend

stakeholders should simultaneously take stock of achieve-

national territory, and the armed forces may attempt to resup-

ments, consider if current efforts address the challenges at

ply with an urgent procurement for an often-significant cost.

hand, and appreciate what further steps are needed to achieve

Conversely, preventing incidents is known to cost a fraction of

greater success.

repairing the damage and replenishing stock. Beyond finan-

This article builds on a Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD) study depicting the cur-

cial considerations, regaining trust with affected communities is also a formidable task.7

rent state of SSMA.2 It reviews recent normative developments

To address the risks of diversion and unintended explosions,

and identifies capacity and implementation gaps for further

SSMA is growing as a political, normative, and operational

consideration by relevant stakeholders.

priority. What are the key recent developments related to ammunition safety and security, and what are their implications

Better Safe Than Sorry: The Case for SSMA

for the future direction of SSMA?

Ammunition is usually stored in a legal, state-owned stockpile. Unfortunately, diversion from state-owned stockpiles is

Expanding Normative Framework

not uncommon. Such diversion risks fueling regional pro-

In the early 2000s, poor ammunition-management prac-

liferation as recently evidenced in Libya, Southeast Europe,

tices became obvious. In response, and after a recommenda-

Kenya, and Côte d’Ivoire, and is increasingly understood as a

tion by a Panel of Governmental Experts in 2008, the United

major threat to peace and security.3,4

Nations created a set of International Ammunition Technical

Diverted conventional ammunition can be leveraged by non-

Guidelines (IATG) in 2011. The IATG are meant to offer prac-

state actors, including terrorist groups. Ammunition diver-

tical, coherent, authoritative, step-by-step advice for those who

sion and use by such third parties is widespread, including

wish to improve the safety and security of ammunition storage

as energetic material for improvised explosive devices (IED).

sites. Simultaneously, the U.N. SaferGuard Programme was es-

Considering the manufacture of IEDs, large-caliber ammuni-

tablished, which provides the United Nations with knowledge

tion such as artillery shells and mortar bombs are particularly

management to oversee and disseminate the IATG. Both were

dangerous due to their substantial high-explosive content and

welcomed in the U.N. General Assembly by resolution 66/42.

casings designed to spray quantities of lethal fragments over

With universal acceptance of the IATG, a clear and coherent

a wide area.

reference point is now available for national ammunition man-

Poorly-managed ammunition also poses a safety threat—a development experienced by half of the world’s countries in

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agement regulations and relevant regional initiatives, as well as state- and non-state-led SSMA programs.8

ISSUE 22.2 @ AUGUST 2018



The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction, Vol. 22, Iss. 2 [2018], Art. 1

The terrifying scale of the blast of an arms warehouse that sparked a mass evacuation of 20,000 people in Balakleya, Ukraine, March 2017. Images courtesy of YouTube/Oleksii Tamrazov.

Since ammunition was initially addressed under U.N. guid-

Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) is the latest addition to this frame-

ance in a 1997 report of a Panel of Governmental Experts

work through its prohibitions and export assessment crite-

on Small Arms, a patchwork of international and regional

ria, which apply to ammunition utilized in weapons covered

instruments—particularly well developed on the African

by the ATT’s scope. This includes all major categories of con-

continent—now address ammunition.9,10 Most instruments

ventional weapons as well as SA/LW. In exporting ammuni-

have approached ammunition through specific reference to

tion, adequate stockpile management is key to mitigating the

small arms and light weapons (SA/LW). Adopted in 2013, the

risk of diversion. Stockpile management also features areas for




JMU: The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction

A good example of an ammunition depot: ammunition warehouse ASP 7 (Ammunition Supply Point 7), Italy. Image courtesy of Dino Fracchia/Alamy Stock Photo.

treaty-related international cooperation and assistance.11 It re-

The General Assembly has addressed “problems arising from

mains to be seen how ATT States Parties will concretely share

the accumulation of conventional ammunition stockpiles in

good practices and report on effective measures taken to ad-

surplus” since 2004 when it first decided to include this topic

dress the diversion of transferred ammunition.12

as a stand-alone agenda item.16 The resolution has been gener-

Current frameworks, which sometimes differ in their defini-

ally adopted on a biennial basis with the latest iteration from

tion of ammunition, pose challenges to their effective and co-

2017.17 In this context of heightened political momentum on

herent implementation.13 More systematic scrutiny on how to

SSMA, the latest version established a multilateral platform

bring regional regimes closer to global frameworks is also war-

for discussions. Coordinated by Germany, the lead sponsor,

ranted. A positive example of this is the call by the Organization

the resolution mandated to identify urgent issues on which

for Security and Co-operation in Europe’s (OSCE) Ministerial

progress can be made in the area of conventional ammuni-

Council in 2017 to explore the possibility of voluntary use of

tion. These informal discussions are intended to inform the

the IATG in relevant OSCE assistance projects.14

work of a Group of Governmental Experts, which will be convened by the U.N. Secretary-General in 2020.18 In parallel,

Toward More Coherent Political Action In parallel to normative developments, several political processes on ammunition management have taken shape within and outside of the United Nations.

the African Union (A.U.) adopted its regional Ammunition Safety and Security Management initiative in 2017 in support of the A.U.’s vision of silencing the guns in Africa by 2020. Importantly, the scope of discussions in international and re-

Since 2015 and through its SSMA initiative, Switzerland

gional fora appears to be expanding from surplus ammunition

has stimulated open and inclusive discussions among policy-

to address broader issues related to the safety and security of

practitioners and technical experts on ammunition management

ammunition management. This development is positive as the

implementation challenges and responses. By doing so, the Swiss

risks of diversion and explosions are best addressed through

initiative has contributed to setting the stage and focusing politi-

a comprehensive, whole-life-cycle approach to ammunition

cal attention to an issue that has historically been sensitive and

management. Proper management of all conventional ammu-

sometimes difficult to address in multilateral settings.

nition, including but not limited to surplus stocks, is necessary.


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The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction, Vol. 22, Iss. 2 [2018], Art. 1

An example of an exposed, insecure, and potentially unsafe stockpile of ammunition in Kosovo. Image courtesy of PCM ERW Risk Management and MAT Kosovo LLC.

Deliberate efforts are now needed to ensure that the vari-

Improving stockpile management and data collection capac-

ous political initiatives do not duplicate one another. The

ities is key to curbing illicit arms flows and helps to prevent

U.N. General Assembly track has thus far prompted substan-

unplanned explosions, enabling at-risk countries to better

tive exchanges on trends in diversion and on the provision

protect civilians; increase urban safety for all groups of soci-

of technical assistance and capacity building, thereby clari-

ety such as the safety of housing, basic services, and education

fying current gaps and possible remedial actions concerning

facilities; and provide a safe and secure work place for am-

ammunition safety and security. Concurrently, the rather re-

munition storage guards. The SDGs can also serve as a vehi-

gional and more ‘operational’ SSMA initiatives of Switzerland

cle for strengthening national institutions in charge of SSMA

and the A.U. could be harnessed to complement and enhance

and promoting their effectiveness, accountability, and trans-

the General Assembly platform.

parency, as well as for more consistent participation of women in decision-making. Finally, the international cooperation

Seeing Big: From Providing Security to Broader SSMA Dividends

and assistance in SSMA contributes to reducing inequalities

Historically, policymakers have perceived ammunition man-

General Assembly has called on states to consider ammuni-

agement as a highly technical activity involving only armed

tion management as part of their national efforts to achieve

forces and state security preparedness. This perspective has,

the SDGs and to consider the development of ammunition-

however, started to encompass the bigger picture, including

related national indicators.20

the community safety and environmental contamination as-

Similarly, by reducing the risk of diversion, SSMA can be un-

pects of ammunition management, as well as to recognize

derstood as a means to sustain peace and represents a tangi-

the complementary role and capabilities of non-military per-

ble contribution to the U.N. Secretary-General’s new agenda

sonnel and organizations. Indeed, SSMA can demonstrate

for disarmament. “Securing Our Common Future,” the newly

considerable dividends in view of broader peace and securi-

-minted disarmament agenda, argues that poorly-managed

ty efforts and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

stockpiles of conventional arms and ammunition constitute

(see Figure 1, next page). The Sustainable Development Goals

humanitarian hazards and pose threats to peace and secu-

(SDG) provide a framework to systematically articulate the

rity. The Secretary-General acknowledges that proper physi-

many dividends of ammunition management.

cal security and stockpile management supports and sustains


among countries, supporting those in greatest need.19 The U.N.



JMU: The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction



Sustaining peace Sustainable development SAFE AND SECURE AMMUNITION MANAGEMENT Prevention of diversion and proliferation

Prevention of unplanned explosions at munitions sites

Security sector governance

Disarmament, demobilization and reintegration


Arms embargoes


Figure 1. Broader policy landscape of SSMA. Figure courtesy of GICHD.

development efforts and is an important component of how

(SDGs), governance (security sector reform), or peace and

disarmament saves lives.21

security, and embracing a longer-term, broad perspective for

At a time when many donors consider their political and financial support as concrete investments, implementing part-

support, could help identify and better demonstrate the longterm impact and effectiveness of SSMA projects.

ners are called upon to demonstrate tangible impacts. Whether or not these investments are perceived to pay off may deter-

From Ad Hoc to Investing in Sustainable Change

mine future funding trends and modalities. To date, SSMA

Years of practice in the SSMA domain have shown that im-

has largely remained reliant on output-based measurements

mediate, short-term interventions can be essential in prevent-

(e.g., the number of munitions destroyed or storage areas

ing a disaster from materializing and saving lives. However,

refurbished).22 Approaching SSMA as an element of wider

experience has also illustrated that a comprehensive, gradual

frameworks, such as normative (treaties, IATG), development

approach to institutional, legislative, and operational changes

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The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction, Vol. 22, Iss. 2 [2018], Art. 1

Figure 2. GICHD Ammunition Safety Management tool set—step 2F: how to rehabilitate an existing ammunition storage area. Figure courtesy of GICHD.

in ammunition management is necessary to attain sustain-

National ownership has not always been sufficiently prior-

able solutions.23 Supported by international and regional good

itized in international assistance frameworks. In the area of

practice, expertise, and guidelines, international assistance

ammunition management, assistance has sometimes lacked

has taken place through direct engagement with national au-

adequate national responsibility and accountability. This,

thorities. Investing in lasting change should logically drive

compounded by a persisting lack of awareness of the risks as-

international assistance. For example, ammunition plan-

sociated with the consequences of inadequate ammunition

ning should entail its entire life cycle: all technical, financial,

management practices, has hampered progress in SSMA. A

and normative aspects concerning its safe arrival in a stock-

mix of tailored incentives must be offered more convincingly

pile, security of stocks, sheltered and cool storage locations,

to increase appreciation of these risks and foster understand-

inspections and maintenance protocols, trained personnel,

ing of the breadth of measures an appropriate response entails.

transport, use, and final disposal. Whole-of-life assistance

As opposed to focusing only on the Ministry of Defence and

should become the norm rather than the exception.

relevant departments of the armed forces, greater awareness is




JMU: The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction

responsibilities between national and international partners in national action plans and/ or roadmaps. As important as such documents are in activating national ownership, they may not succeed without concurrent competent guidance and capacity development. This is particularly true for identifying and establishing contextspecific,




Failing to do so presents the risk of openended, ineffective international assistance. In this vein, the development of a national normative and technical framework that draws on the IATG is crucial for sound implementation and the sustainability of SSMA. Certain national norms might often be in place, but these are generally spread over disciplines associated with fire safety, construction standards, inventory controls, and transport and storage of hazardous materials. They are rarely considered together as one entity to address the full scope of SSMA. Additionally, national principles of ammunition management may not always reflect the latest normative or technological developments. There may also be challenges related to oversight and enforcement. Therefore, familiarity with the IATG GICHD Ammunition Safety Management training, Switzerland, 2015. Image courtesy of GICHD.

should be increased at an early stage in those contexts where national regulations are incomplete or not yet established.

required across state institutions on the accountability of the state for ammunition management. Sensitizing and involving oversight bodies such as parliaments could be considered to that effect. Moreover, national commitment may need to be nurtured from the top all the way down to the keeper of a local ammunition store. To do so effectively, trust building

Matching Needs With Resources In the last decade, countries that are considered at risk have increasingly benefitted from international assistance. Assistance has been provided through multiple channels and by an array of governments and other actors, sometimes re-

over time is essential and presupposes a long-term partner-

sulting in duplication of efforts, lack of coordination, and

ship with international stakeholders.

ensuing inefficiencies. The various coordination mecha-

Effective and well-coordinated national structures are evi-

nisms have largely not kept up with the speed at which sup-

dence that ammunition management is nationally owned.

port has grown. This is compounded by the difficulty to fully

Yet the reality is that structures often lack adequate author-

grasp the magnitude, modalities, and destinations of assis-

ity, skills, and resources if they exist at all (e.g., national SA/

tance globally; mapping the available technical expertise in

LW commissions). The establishment, equipment, and em-

this field, taking into consideration regional and language

powerment of national institutions should thus be given in-

needs, and then matching it with the needs at a national lev-

creased attention, which includes the development of skills

el. Furthermore, many governments may not yet be fully fa-

and knowledge specific to stakeholder groups at all levels.

miliar with the IATG as an international baseline for good

Equally important is to anchor a clear division of labor and

practice. This knowledge gap risks thwarting a wider donor

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The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction, Vol. 22, Iss. 2 [2018], Art. 1

involvement in SSMA and continues to impinge on the effec-

In particular, the GICHD and UNODA collaborate closely

tiveness of matching resources, needs, and expertise. The con-

on operationalizing the U.N. Saferguard Programme, from es-

duct of the comprehensive survey of assistance provided and

tablishing a truly global roster of expertise to the further up-

expertise available, the review of national reports submitted

dating of the guidelines and making them more accessible. In

pursuant to the U.N. Programme of Action on the illicit trade

light of the challenges ahead, many SSMA stakeholders, from

in SA/LW and requests for assistance contained therein, and

donor and at-risk countries to implementing partners, are re-

the fostering of knowledge and use of existing good-practice

solved to scale up their engagement. Deepening commitment

tools under the U.N. Saferguard Programme could help tran-

and expanding activities are promising developments toward

scend that gap.

the safe and secure management of ammunition. See endnotes page 61

Accelerated IATG rollout, establishment of national regulatory and strategic frameworks, and enhanced international cooperation may not sound particularly revolutionary as possible solutions; however, they remain essential components of effective and sustainable SSMA efforts. There is significant potential to promote more structured in-country coordination to overcome the often-fragmented responses, with the national counterpart in the driving seat. Similarly, where strong regional leadership is in place, regional mechanisms should be strengthened to better respond to and act on requests, including by developing and availing local training capacities. The A.U.-Germany coordination platform for the Greater Sahel is a useful example in this regard. At the international level, an effective multilateral forum for donor coordination could also be beneficial.

Conclusion SSMA is becoming a key consideration of the international community at various levels, from the normative to the technical. International support has stepped up to strengthen national efforts. These are highly positive developments in recent years. However, major bottlenecks persist, particularly in view of more effective and sustainable SSMA. Greater awareness around the risks stemming from inadequate ammunition management should be a priority, along with communicating available expertise and instilling national responsibility in risk-mitigation measures. Additionally, more efforts are needed to move away from ad hoc and shortterm responses toward sustained efforts in building national capacities, designing laws, standards and roadmaps, and seeking systemic improvements. In parallel, international cooperation and assistance must be coordinated and allocated more effectively. The GICHD and the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) have deepened their collaboration and continue to work to address these gaps jointly with their partners, in line with the spirit of partnership called for by the U.N. Secretary-General’s new Disarmament Agenda.24



Ursign Hofmann Advisor, Policy Geneva International Center for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD) Ursign Hofmann is Policy Advisor at GICHD, conducting research on legal and policy aspects of mine action in relation to broader human security. Before joining the GICHD in 2011, he worked with the Joint Inspection Unit of the United Nations on a comprehensive review of the United Nations in Mine Action. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in history and political science as well as a master’s degree in history and French from the University of Lausanne. Samuel Paunila Advisor, Ammunitions Operations GICHD Samuel Paunila heads the ammunition operations within GICHD. His team assists the U.N. Saferguard program and advises and builds capacities of national authorities and international organizations on effective risk management related to explosive weapons and safe and secure management of ammunition. Since 1997, he has headed mine action, ammunition disposal, and armed violence reduction programs with military, the United Nations, and NGOs in Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Middle East. Paunila holds a degree of ammunition and light weapons technical officer from the Finnish Armed Forces, and Master of Science in Resilience from Cranfield University, Defence Academy of the United Kingdom. Katherine Prizeman Political Affairs Officer United Nations Katherine Prizeman is a political affairs officer in the Conventional Arms Branch of the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs. Before joining the United Nations in 2013, she worked for a NGO offering policy guidance to small-to-medium-sized delegations on international peace and security issues, with particular focus on multilateral disarmament and arms regulation processes. Previously, she served as a project consultant to the World Health Organization focusing on alleged use of chemical and/or biological agents. Prizeman holds a Master of Science in Global Affairs from New York University and a Post-Graduate Certificate from Harvard Extension School in International Security.


JMU: The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction


IRAQ AND SYRIA Published by JMU Scholarly Commons, 2018

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The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction, Vol. 22, Iss. 2 [2018], Art. 1

Shattered Lives and Bodies: Recovery of Survivors of Improvised Explosive Devices and Explosive Remnants of War in Northeast Syria by Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)


n northeast Syria, fighting, airstrikes, and artillery shell-

children were playing when one of them took an object from

ing have led to the displacement of hundreds of thousands

the ground and threw it. They did not know it was a mine. It

of civilians from the cities of Deir ez-Zor and Raqqa, as

exploded immediately. Two of the children died. “I felt noth-

well as rural areas along the eastern bank of the Euphrates

ing,” said Nizar, but he was bleeding profusely and had a frac-

River. Now that active fighting has moved toward the Syrian-

tured leg, shrapnel throughout his body, and multiple cuts.

Iraqi border, the population is beginning to return home.

His uncle, Khalif, explained what happened: “We took the

However, explosive remnants of war (ERW), improvised ex-

boy to Hakel Alomar camp, but there was no medical point

plosive devices (IED), and booby traps (remaining from con-

there so we went to Dhiban hospital. Health services there

flict or planted purposefully in homes) continue to put the

were not functioning properly either with only two nurses.

returning population at immense risk and further obstruct

They needed gauzes, which I had to buy myself for 1,500 SYP

vital humanitarian access.

in a pharmacy. After that we tried in Bussera, where a doc-

From November 2017 to May 2018, Médecins Sans Frontières

tor put him on an IV. In Shadade they could not treat him

(MSF) treated more than 150 patients injured by ERW and

because they lacked capacity to deal with that kind of injury.

IEDs, nearly one patient every day. There was a peak of 39 cases

In another medical structure they refused to treat him be-

in December and 41 in January, correlating with the return of

cause our car plate was from Deir ez-Zor. We went to another

populations from displacement camps in the region. Seventy-

camp then, where they cleaned the wounds, wrapped the in-

five percent of those patients came from the Deir ez-Zor gov-

jury in some bandages and requested an ambulance that fi-

ernorate, mostly from Abu Hamam and Dhiban in Mayadin

nally brought us here to the hospital.”

district but also from Hajin in Abu Kamal district. Half of the

For the victims and their relatives, reaching the health

patients were children. The victims were those with the means

structure is only the first stage of a longer journey toward a

or necessary support to survive the journey’s various obsta-

complex and uncertain recovery. If a patient survives, they

cles and checkpoints. The 60 minutes after a traumatic inju-

will need long rehabilitation, physical therapy, and psychoso-

ry (sometimes referred to as the golden hour) is a window of

cial support. Some will suffer lifelong consequences requiring

time in which the patient is thought to have the greatest chance

specific support.

of survival provided they receive adequate medical attention.

Patients usually arrive at the MSF-supported facility by am-

One of the major issues for the context of Deir ez-Zor is the

bulances or in private cars, sometimes having already been sta-

increasing difficulty to provide care within this timeframe,

bilized at a field or private hospital, usually where basic care is

as medical assistance and the most basic health services are

provided before referring the patient to another facility. Often,

currently widely restricted across the governorate. An MSF

the treatment in those facilities is insufficient due to limited sur-

surgeon explained that, “Only those patients with less severe

gical and wound-management capacity, and a lack of postopera-

prognoses manage to come to us, the rest die.”

tive care or appropriate infection control measures. Moreover,

Nizar, 14-years-old, was riding a motorcycle in Deir ezZor with his friend Hayyan. Near Al-Mayadin bridge, some 1



availability of equipment, capacity, or conflicting priorities also limit their services and level of attention given to the patients.


JMU: The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction




Figure 1. Deir ez-Zor. Figure courtesy of MSF.

“Ayla was going to fetch water from the river with my daugh-

control any hemorrhaging, keep the patients still if they have

ter and other children. She then stepped on a land-mine. ‘My

open fractures, and provide blood transfusions to compensate

foot! My foot! My foot!’ they told me she screamed. Bleeding,

for the loss of blood, which poses further challenges in conflict

crying… It was terrible for her. She didn’t faint, so she was ful-

zones because of the shortage of available blood. It is a very

ly aware of everything and is now worried that she will not be

resource-demanding process, as it takes significant time and

able to walk again, that her friends have two feet and she will

personnel, especially when several people have been wounded

not have one anymore.” At the time of the interview, Ayla was

in the same explosion.

receiving treatment in the intensive care unit and about to en-

Everyone is involved, from doctors and nurses to

ter the operating theatre for an amputation of her leg at the

laboratory specialists, surgeons, and anesthetists. Special

knee. According to the MSF surgeon, if the tourniquet that ini-

equipment is also needed such as tourniquets to stop the bleed-

tially was applied had been removed earlier, it would have been

ing and splints for broken bones. The surgical team then assess

possible to save more of her limb.

who will require surgery first and what is needed, as each case

Patients are then directly admitted to triage and the emer-

often requires multiple types of surgery depending on injuries:

gency room, where their status is assessed according to the

abdominal, shrapnel extraction, amputation, internal bleed-

severity of trauma they suffer. Green for minor injuries, yel-

ing, or burns. Conservative surgery is performed when possi-

low for semi-critical injuries, and red for severe and immedi-

ble but in most cases amputation is decided from the onset for

ately life-threatening injuries. One percent of patients receive

these types of wounds.

red status, which usually means multiple traumas, as is often

With ERW and IEDs, the pattern of injuries and devastation

the case with explosion-related injuries. The first steps are to

observed varies according to the type of device, the amount of

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ISSUE 22.2 @ AUGUST 2018



The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction, Vol. 22, Iss. 2 [2018], Art. 1

explosive, and the situation. Effects are always substantial considering the velocity of the projectiles, the accompanying high temperatures, and the extremely violent shocks. From a surgical point of view, there are usually three types of patterns observed with IED/ERW injuries, which are linked to how the incident happened. Firstly, when a victim steps on a mine, this primarily affects the feet, perineum, scrotum, and waist. Secondly, when a victim is exposed to a fragmentation explosion such as a landmine or an anti-tank mine, different kinds of high velocity shrapnel may affect the body, often requiring intraabdominal exploration for bowel injuries. Finally, when the victim picks up the explosive device, it can wound and maim fingers, hands, and arms as well as the head. This often happens with children who are naturally curious and tend to be more affected by this type of pattern. An MSF surgeon explains It takes a lot of time and a lot of patience. We are able to manage main injuries, but cannot do everything ideally required such as neurosurgery, advanced chest surgery, perforated eardrums or eye operations (although with shrapnel, eyes are often affected and end up being lost). There is a big gap in specialists. Often, you can save a patient with good postoperative management, with a full-fledged intensive care unit but in war zones it is often not possible. We do the maximum with the minimum. When patients affected by explosions come out of surgery and are moved into the inpatient department, there is always an initial chaos for a few minutes. Relatives are nervous and agitated, while patients, especially children, often find themselves in a state of shock. The violence, shock, and lack of understanding of what has happened to the patient produces a state of stupefaction. This is an emotional stupor in which the patient blocks everything to protect and distance themselves from their suffering, to the point that emotions seem almost absent. This contrasts with the chaotic atmosphere around them, which is disturbing to the patient who has no preparation or time to comprehend what happened to them or their limbs.

Child survivor of improvised explosive devices and explosive remnants of war. Image courtesy of Louise Annaud/MSF.

Post-surgery, the first phase of the treatment is ensuring proximity care, which means closely monitoring patients via

body as if the limbs are still present. From time to time, jux-

the continuous presence of caretakers. This is when the under-

taposing a mirror in front of the stump as if the limb appears

standing of what has happened begins to develop and when the

whole is used to alleviate suffering. Mirror therapy is simple

patient’s status is closely monitored to prevent complications,

but has positive effects in half of the cases.

which can include the occurrence of phantom pain, a particu-

Pain management is generally a challenge in itself because

larly difficult sensation generated by the remaining nerves of

it is not culturally accepted. We use several scales to under-

the severed limbs that continue to transmit information to the

stand the pain depending on the age and situation of the




JMU: The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction

patient. For children, we have faces that express the levels of

For others, dressing changes are made in the ward with a doc-

pain (see Figure 2).

tor. Caretakers are involved as early as possible in the patient’s

Patients are then transferred to a hospital ward to continue

recovery and are crucial in preventing further complications

the healing process. Depending on the severity of the case,

such as phlebitis (when the veins become inflamed); skin re-

they return to the surgical block every two or three days for

traction, which further impedes movement (when the skin

dressing changes. This is often accompanied by apprehension,

is altered through the operation, it retracts in on itself and

as memories of the intervention and of the incident reemerge.

therefore limits movement); bleeding of the wounds; muscle

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ISSUE 22.2 @ AUGUST 2018



The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction, Vol. 22, Iss. 2 [2018], Art. 1

Child survivor of improvised explosive devices and explosive remnants of war. Image courtesy of Louise Annaud/MSF.







No particular expression or smile

Occasional grimace or frown, withdrawn, disinterested

Frequent to constant frown, clenched jaw, quivering chin


Normal position or relaxed

Uneasy, restless, tense

Kicking or legs drawn up


Lying quietly, normal position, moves easily

Squirming, shifting back and forth, tense

Arched, rigid or jerking


No cry (awake or sleep)

Moans or whimpers, occasional complaint

Crying steadily, screams or sobs, frequent complaints


Content, relaxed

Reassured by occasional touching, hugging or being talked to, distractible

Difficult to console or comfort

Figure 2. FLACC scale (Face, Limb, Activity, Cry, Consolability). Figure courtesy of MSF.

loss; and atrophy. They also help the patient with early rising.

The recovery process varies according to the wounds. For

Following surgery, a patient is encouraged to move as soon as

instance, abdominal wounds can have greater consequenc-

possible, which improves circulation and healing during the

es on diet, food absorption, and also bed rest, more so than

recovery period. The risk of additional infections is also very

with limbs. It often means a long healing period because the

present because fragmentations can leave lots of shrapnel in

wounds are easily soiled by the content of the bowels. At the

the body. Whereas some shards will come out naturally, others

same time, although orthopedics is much cleaner than ab-

will need further intervention.

dominal surgery, it has an extremely long rehabilitation and




JMU: The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction

hospitalization period with long-term effects. If the surgical intervention has not taken the orthopedic aspect sufficiently into consideration and failed to create a clean flap to close the stump and allow for a prosthetic to be put in place in the

effort is needed from the international community to fund, support, and facilitate demining and other mine action activities in Deir ez-Zor and Raqqa. See endnotes page 62

future, the patient’s best chances of resuming movement are sharply reduced. Little information is available about the levels of ERW and IEDs in Deir ez-Zor. However, the number of patients treated

The author would like to thank colleagues for providing their experience and support in writing this article.

and the stories they tell suggests a dramatic situation requiring an urgent need for a comprehensive mine response. This includes risk education, victim assistance, and mine clearance in

François Tillette de Mautort Emergency Humanitarian Affairs Officer Médecins Sans Frontières

order to avoid more preventable deaths, injuries, and psychological trauma. The situation is also very acute in Raqqa, where MSF treated close to 500 victims of ERW and IEDs over the same period of time, thanks to the better proximity of stabilization points prior to referrals. Along with the tremendous humanitarian impact these incidents are having on the population, the high levels of contamination are also hindering the arrival of much-needed humanitarian support. The scale of the contamination shows that a greater coordinated

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ISSUE 22.2 @ AUGUST 2018



The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction, Vol. 22, Iss. 2 [2018], Art. 1

How Iraq Is Changing What We Do: Measuring Clearance in Urban Environments by Pehr Lodhammar [ UNMAS ]


raq is changing what we think, say, and do about mine ac-

activities supporting the five pillars of Iraq’s Recovery and

tion. The terms, standards, and measurements used by the

Development Framework (RDF), and as documented within

humanitarian mine action (HMA) community need to be

the Recovery, Resilience Programme (RRP) that were both

revised as Daesh remains a destabilizing influence. While the

officially launched at the Kuwait conference in February 2018.

Al Maedam district of Mosul fell to Iraqi Security Forces in a ‘last battle’ on 10 July 2017, the government declared an official end to the conflict in Iraq on 10 December 2017.

Context Delays work for Daesh while urgency works for an eco-

Whereas HMA followed the signing of the Dayton Peace

nomically thriving, politically-stable Iraq and for the Middle

Accords, HMA started in East Mosul while fighter jets were

East region as a whole. Therein lies the strategic, geopoliti-

still bombing West Mosul. Although defeated, Daesh remains

cal importance of explosive hazard clearance in Iraq today.

active. One year later, the same pop-up tactics used by Daesh

International focus has shifted from the legacy of millions of

to harass communities continue with reports of killings, kid-

landmines left from the Iran-Iraq War and two Gulf wars, a

nappings, and also to disrupt explosive ordnance clearance

legacy that is now handled exclusively by Iraqi authorities, to

operations, leading to the need for ‘day-of ’ adjustments to

the one-third of Iraq formerly occupied by Daesh. Roughly

avoid potential new threats. Regrouping in parts of Kirkuk,

the equivalent of New York state, this region is home to more

Daquq, and Hawija, Daesh is now patrolling day and night,

than 1.9 million internally displaced persons (IDP) who still

collecting taxes from locals.

live in camps. Clearance contributes to a safe home for all.

The distinction for explosive hazard clearance, whether con-

Producing stable communities is arguably the most im-

ducted as a peacekeeping or a humanitarian mission, is not

portant component of a shared Iraqi-international com-

trivial. When United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS)

munity soft power strategy to secure economic and social

Iraq teams enter communities for the first time, they come as

recovery. 2 Communities depend upon stabilization pro-

unknowns, sometimes seen as extensions of a peacekeeping

grams, all of which cannot begin until explosive hazards

mission or an occupying foreign power. Their first task is to

have been removed.

overcome suspicion and gain the trust of the local community, street-by-street. Relying on community liaison officers flu-

Initially, the comprehensive data collection phase that nor-

for their interpersonal skills, teams endure a time-consuming

mally precedes explosive hazard clearance did not happen in

but necessary process. However, these efforts yield an impor-

Iraq for the following reasons:

tant return: community sources that provide essential infor-

1. The urgent need to clear key infrastructure so as to be-

mation for teams to locate, survey, and assess contaminated

gin stabilization and humanitarian programs shifted

sites. The second task is to deliver clearance in a timely way so that stabilization can happen sooner rather than later.1 During 2018, funding for the explosive hazard response

government priorities.

2. The changing security conditions limited access to certain areas.

will be focused in the five priority governorates identified

3. The time-consuming procedures for registration

by the government of Iraq: Ninewa, Kirkuk, Anbar, Salah

and accreditation of additional operators limited in-

al Din, and Diyala, in addition to the explosive hazard

country resources.



ent in the local language and experienced operators selected



JMU: The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction

Headlines as reported for 26 June 2018 • Official questions government’s intention to strip militias of arms (The Baghdad Post) • Terrorists linked to kidnapping incident on Kirkuk road arrested (NINA) • Kurdish citizen killed in Islamic State attack in Kirkuk (Iraqi News) • Booby-trap found in the district of Hawija (NINA) • Kurdish official makes serious warnings on IS re-emergence in Khanaqin (Bas News) • IS insurgents raid south of Daquq (Bas News/Iraq TradeLink) • Two terrorists arrested in Sulaymaniyah (NINA) • Iraqi security in ongoing operation against Islamic State in Diyala: Local politician (Kurdistan 24) • Diyala Operations Command announced the destruction of the so-called Sharia court and Daesh caches in operation to hunt down terrorists (NINA/The Baghdad Post) • Four Islamic State members arrested in joint operation, north of Diyala (Iraqi News) • Ten ISIS guesthouses torched as operation in Hamrin Mountains continues (The Baghdad Post) • Seven IMIS terrorists killed, wounded in ISIS attack in Samarra (The Baghdad Post) • Terrorist infiltrated from Syrian territory into Iraqi territory arrested (NINA) Figure 1. Daesh continue to be a destabilizing force and potential threat to operations. Figure courtesy of United Nations Aid Mission to Iraq (UNAMI) Media Monitoring Report, June 26, 2018/CISR.

Accordingly, the explosive hazard management community at

concentration, dispersal, location, and type of hazards, so

large joined in support, with all operators assigned tasks from

that information could be shared with the government of

a common Funding Facility for Stabilization (FFS) list devel-

Iraq. This has led to a catch-up effort to upload data into a de-

oped and managed by Iraqi authorities and the United Nations

veloping information management system for shared use and

Development Programme (UNDP) to coordinate clearance of

transfer to Iraq’s Directorate of Mine Action (DMA).

critical infrastructure to be followed by repair and reconstruction known as stabilization programs. Many teams, including

Unique Environment

those funded by UNMAS, have achieved significant results in

In conventional mine action, if operators have access to the

a relatively short period of time; however, early successes came

surface, they most likely have access to the threat. Whether

with an indirect cost and a predictable result (see Figure 2).

arrayed in a pattern to defend a military position or used in

Without comprehensive data collection as a starting

isolation, landmines typically target personnel or vehicles.

point, the extent of contamination one year later remains

Their known fit-for-purpose design, properties, and function

an unknown pending completion of a comprehensive, non-

make landmine clearance a surface or near-surface activi-

technical survey and assessment of the liberated areas. UNMAS

ty; procedures and standards evolved accordingly. Similarly,

Iraq will field NTS teams during the latter part of 2018 to con-

clearance of known explosive remnants of war (ERW) —e.g.,

duct this survey. Meanwhile, explosive hazard management

large, air-dropped munitions—even when buried or sub-

and operations continue on a daily basis (see Figure 2).

merged, differs mostly by proximity to the surface.

The absence of a comprehensive survey to assess and quan-

In legacy contamination areas, such as along the Iran-Iraq

tify contamination by type meant that UNMAS Iraq teams

border, Iraqi authorities focus conventional clearance meth-

needed to integrate surveys into clearance tasks to record

ods on threats posed by unknown amounts of ERW and

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The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction, Vol. 22, Iss. 2 [2018], Art. 1

During the 12-month period ending June 2018, UNMAS Iraq teams assessed and cleared critical sites and conducted training in both urban and rural areas. • More than 350 explosive devices from 30,000 sq m bordering a power grid serving 60,000 people and seven schools near Fallujah. • Thirty-four IEDs weighing a total of 435 kg from a fuel station in Jadidah— enough to completely destroy the building, and kill or injure anyone within a 100-m radius. • Forty-four IEDs from under or on the Fallujah ‘New Bridge,’ totaling 380–400 kg of homemade explosives. UNMAS divers found and safely removed two submerged IEDs from Fallujah’s ‘Iron Bridge.’ • Forty-four IEDs, 51 main charges, three items of unexploded ordnance, and 343 IED component parts from a 37,995 sq m asphalt factory in Fallujah. • Forty-plus IEDs along a 50-m stretch of road which, due to earth compacted by rains, made search-find-remove-and-render-safe extremely hazardous for operators. • From commencement of clearance operations in Mosul’s Old City on 28 November 2017 through 31 May 2018, UNMAS teams completed 790 tasks resulting in the removal of approximately 33,500 explosive hazards, including 610 suicide belts. • In the Al Maedam district alone, 491 explosive hazards, of which 232 were suicide belts, and of these, approximately 100 were removed from human remains. • Conducted 70 surveys in Al-Anbar, Salah al-Din, and Ninewa governorates in support of high priority stabilization and humanitarian interventions. • Removed 15,700 ERW and 900 IEDs, including 610 suicide belts in liberated areas. • Conducted 750 clearance tasks enabling the UNDP and government to begin rehabilitation of critical infrastructures. • Completed 10 joint assessment missions enabling the United Nations and humanitarian partners to deliver aid in liberated areas. • Trained 170 police officers in first response techniques, including identification, marking, and reporting explosive hazards; and 20 U.N. security staff to safely respond to IED and explosive-hazard threats. • Trained 1,600 UNDP cash-for-work employees, 800 government, and 300 U.N./NGO staff working in high-risk environments to recognize and behave safely in the presence of explosive hazards. • Conducted risk education sessions attended by 147,000 people in schools, IDP camps, and other high-priority areas.

Figure 2. Critical sites cleared. Figure courtesy of United Nations Mine Action Service Iraq/CISR.

landmines estimated to be in the millions. In liberated ar-

In urban environments, the surface may be covered by mas-

eas of Iraq, the mix of conventional threats with improvised

sive amounts of debris. Contamination can include a mix of

explosive devices (IED) adds a three-dimensional aspect to

ammunition, air-dropped munitions, other ERW, suicide belts

clearance since the operator must contend not only with haz-

still attached to human remains, and IEDs placed by Daesh

ards on or below the surface but with IEDs placed in walls,

forces as they withdrew. An estimated 7 million tons of con-

ceilings, fixtures, etc.

taminated debris in West Mosul await clearance. While the




JMU: The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction

Iron Bridge, Fallujah

Reconstruction suspended in February 2018 due to suspected IEDs at or below waterline. • Total dive time underwater: 17 hours and 53 minutes • April 8 - Dive team briefed • April 9 - Dive 1 to check conditions: »» Water depth at 7.0 meters »» Current of 5 to 6 knots »» Visibility at 3 cm due to the current »» Divers adjust plan, hold onto the bridge structure continually or be swept away from the task, slowing progress • April 9 - Dive 2 »» Suspected main charge case was found and photographed »» Fingertip search established that no other hazards were present, i.e., battery pack detonator or pressure plate • April 9 - Dive 3, suspected main charge (1) safely recovered • April 10 - Dive 4, suspected main charge (2) safely recovered • April 11 - Dives suspended, following holidays, resume • April 14 - Dives continue: An AK47 assault rifle was located and recovered • April 15 - Dives conclude, confirming no further hazards • Area searched: 900 sq. m. • Found: »» Two IEDs, 20 kg main charge cases, plastic, filled with homemade explosives (HME) »» One AK47 assault rifle Figure 3. Case study: Iron Bridge, Fallujah. Figure courtesy of United Nations Mine Action Service Iraq/CISR.

presence of IEDs in Mosul varies by district, five of Mosul’s

similar environments, IMAS may need such a reference

eight districts searched through June 2018 yielded 27,000 ex-

and the development of a surface-and-above standard. The

plosive hazards. Until battle damaged buildings are searched

implications of such a standard would seem important for

and debris is safely inspected, managed, and removed,

the HMA community for certification and for accountabil-

there is no way to know the extent and level of the three-

ity purposes.4 For certification, cleared buildings, debris management,

dimensional contamination. In rural environments, IEDs arrayed in belts have substitut-

and disposal need standards. However, in an environment

ed for landmines to defend combatant positions during conflict

such as Iraq, the community may need to settle for some-

and continue to contaminate agricultural land. IEDs have also

thing less than previously accepted standards. With debris

been used to deny villagers access to wells, schools, government

and structural assets above ground, what if 100 percent

offices, and virtually any other asset essential to livelihood.

clearance is not possible? What level of risk is acceptable?


If the HMA community considers the use of IEDs in Iraq as

Compared to conventional clearance, what are the implica-

a fundamental change to explosive hazard clearance, what is

tions for time, cost, and the priority of tasks and commit-

a satisfactory term for an acceptable clearance standard for

ment of resources?

this surface-and-above threat? Whether debris from col-

The search conducted at Fallujah’s Iron Bridge may serve

lapsed buildings or the space within a battle-damaged build-

as a case in point for an honest and open exchange of views.

ing, the problem deals with volume and certification, not just

The impact of the open bridge measured in socioeconom-

of cleared land but also of cleared space. The International

ic terms is arguably the real outcome of clearance and

Mine Action Standards (IMAS) do not have such a reference,

should be a measurement of success rather than the linger-

but if experience in Iraq to date is an indicator of a need for

ing perception that the operation cleared only two IEDs for

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The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction, Vol. 22, Iss. 2 [2018], Art. 1

a week’s effort. What matters is that the elimination of the

hazard management, which understate the cost-benefit, value

threat led to the resumption of the rehabilitation work.

-added, and socio-economic outcomes associated with envi-

If all tasks on the stabilization list are deemed high value and there is no way to quantify cost-benefit, they must compete

ronments such as Iraq with its 1.9 million IDPs waiting to safely return home.

with one another on some basis for purposes of priority. But

Consider the lesson learned by the Fallujah Iron Bridge ex-

what is that basis? Since priority remains a matter for Iraqi au-

perience: if the operation were measured in terms of contami-

thorities to decide, UNMAS Iraq’s best response is to antici-

nation alone, the two IEDs destroyed during the week-long

pate needs and quickly deploy clearance assets in the case of Fallujah’s Iron Bridge case study (see Figure 3).

Eliminate Suspicion Whether mine action ultimately returns cleared land or cleared space to communities, eliminating suspected threats and achieving security and safety should be a measure of success. Even if nothing is found, the suspicion of IEDs needs to be removed before rehabilitation can begin. While the problem of “who comes first” belongs to the government, the solution is partly a function of the HMA community and its ability to mobilize, deploy, and use resources efficiently based on an internationally agreed upon common value statement or model for determining socioeconomic gains, e.g., clearing Fallujah’s Iron Bridge saves the community time and additional fuel costs attributable to detours.

Impact This value statement should speak to the impact of mine

effort would seem costly in terms of efforts expended, yet more than commensurate when valued by the socio-economic impact. Effectively, this indicates that the mine action community should reevaluate its model for measuring outcome for nonconventional clearance. Inevitably, limited resources delay stabilization and humanitarian tasks in post-conflict environments. Similarly, UNMAS surveyed and assessed clearance needs for two textile factories in western Mosul used by Daesh to manufacture ammunition. The buildings were believed hit by two 500–1000 lb (226.8–453.6 kg) airdrop weapons, one of which exploded when delivered. 5 Clearance will require intensive manual operations since the building structures could be severely damaged by the use of mechanical assets. When operational, the factory employs approximately 6,500 staff— mostly women—producing textiles largely for export. In rural areas, the devastation may appear less, but the net effect is the same: denial of the means of production and loss

action instead of the number of explosive hazards cleared.

of livelihoods. IEDs arrayed in a traditional minefield pattern

Although UNMAS Iraq teams typically clear enough ex-

are known to contaminate some agricultural land; similarly,

plosive hazards in a given week to fill a 20-ft (6-m) contain-

individual IEDs contaminate key infrastructure, such as the

er, such inventories are quantitative measures of explosive

village well in Al Bokald near West Mosul.

Al-Shifa Hospital, Al Maedam district • Used by Daesh as a treatment center and for ammunition and IED manufacturing • August–September 2017: Phase 1 clearance of accessible areas: 653 explosive hazards and 10 kg of IEDs removed • April 2018: Phase 2 clearance of previously inaccessible areas begins using newly arrived armored heavy equipment and manual methods to remove »» 4 kg of improvised explosives »» 85 explosive hazards »» 48 small arms ammunition (SAA) »» 12,350 kg of de-bulleted SAA (Daesh propellant harvesting) »» 29,945 m3 of rubble and debris • May 2018: Clearance complete • June 2018: Site reverts to UNDP and reconstruction begins

Figure 4. Case study: Al-Shifa Hospital, Al Maedam district, West Mosul. Figure courtesy of United Nations Mine Action Service Iraq/CISR.




JMU: The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction

Following clearance, the now-repaired Al Qasoor Water Treatment Plant in East Mosul again supplies clean and safe water to more than 300,000 people across 34 service areas. In Ninewa province, following clearance, the land registry office offers access deeds to validate land claims of residents seeking return. Following clearance of the fuel station in Al Jadidah, 20 employees pump fuel for more than 300 vehicles daily after a three-year hiatus. Following clearance and repairs to the Fallujah Iron Bridge, travel time for some residents to the only maternity hospital in a 50 km (31.1 mi) radius will be reduced from two hours to five minutes. Moreover, the as-

Al-Shifa Hospital: before and after. Image courtesy of Google Earth.

phalt factory reopened after four years and will employ 65 workers when operating at full capacity. Clearance teams use diversionary routes to avoid pre-

Difficult Choices

dictability, adding time to mission planning and execu-

Looking back with perfect hindsight does not solve the

tion. Armored vehicles located close to operations may

problem for government decision makers responsible for determining task priority. The model to predict socioeconomic benefits is not new but the application of such thinking to mine action probably is.6 The problem comes with the value judgment made between a large workforce employed by the Mosul textile factory previously mentioned and a small agricultural community dependent upon land contaminated with an IED belt. While the decision on where to prioritize clearance does not belong to the HMA community, standardizing the mine action variables involved in efficiently delivering clearance can influence this decision beginning with operational and security reasons. The anticipation of needs, operational flexibility, and response is key for the HMA community. However, in terms of clearance, Iraq’s working environment is unique in a number of ways:

Narrow, cluttered streets increase clearance time in urban environments, whereas relatively open spaces in some outlying neighborhoods and rural areas may take less time.

Travel time to and from sites and checkpoints effectively limit teams’ access to sites. For example, there are 14 checkpoints between the UNMAS Iraq base in Erbil and contamination sites in Betu, Kirkuk, and Naweji, extensively reducing clearance time to half a day of work.

limit access to certain areas entirely.

Specialized and highly-trained operators, as with the Fallujah Iron Bridge divers who deployed in record time, may lead to the government reprioritizing clearance based on asset availability.

Quality Assurance Complexity of design, manufacture, and quantity of IEDs creates a mix of threats and a unique operating environment for clearance teams in Iraq. IEDs vary significantly by manufacturing methods. IEDs have been found in artificial rocks, in air conditioning units, and under hanging garments triggered by an infrared device. Components can include repurposed common objects such as plastic tubing, washing machine timers, and syringes. In one of two bomb factories located within the Al-Shifa Hospital complex, UNMAS teams found more than 150,000 electronic components intended for use in IED manufacture (see Figure 4). The combination of scarce resources and/or inadequate clearance, as well as IDPs eager to return home inevitably lead to cleared areas being recontaminated. For example, when returnees collect explosive hazards from their land and homes and deposit these in an already cleared street, this leads to re-

Heavy contamination linked to human remains causes

contamination and creates problems in terms of mapping, re-

a stop-start-stop sequence to clearance, whether manual

cording, and managing data.

or mechanical. Mechanical operations stop-start-stop for

Although Daesh officially has been defeated, daily security

each new discovery to allow government authorities to re-

reports confirm what UNMAS Iraq teams know from experi-

cover, identify, and return the remains for a proper burial.

ence in the field: Daesh remains an active if sporadic threat,

Deteriorating security conditions influence operations.

often returning to recontaminate cleared areas.7

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ISSUE 22.2 @ AUGUST 2018



The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction, Vol. 22, Iss. 2 [2018], Art. 1

Aerial view of Al-Shifa Hospital. Image courtesy of United Nations Mine Action Service Iraq/George Tan.

Al-Shifa Hospital interior.

Al-Shifa Hospital: armored heavy equipment operations. Image courtesy of United Nations Mine Action Service Iraq/George Tan.

Image courtesy of United Nations Mine Action Service Iraq/George Tan.


management results in terms of square meters and items

Convention. Iraq’s National Strategic and Executive Plan for

cleared on a monthly basis; however, without an accompany-

Mine Action 2017–2021 outlines Iraq’s commitment to work

ing narrative, numbers can understate the complexity of the

toward a safe environment free from explosive hazards, desig-

situation. Planning is integral for both mine action profes-

nating the DMA as the national authority for explosive hazard

sionals and those agencies responsible for stabilization and

management charged with the responsibility to survey, mark,

humanitarian tasks.

and render safe 50 percent of known contamination by 2021.

Priorities. Should we clear rural communities last be-

Iraq’s commitment to the National Strategic and Executive

cause urban populations are larger? Do the 50 families in

Plan currently covers only landmines and ERW, not IEDs.

Al Bokald matter any less than the 6,500 workers waiting









to return to their jobs in the textile factory? Government


JMU: The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction

Divers at the Iron Bridge in Fallujah. Image courtesy of Wtorplast.

authorities could benefit from a system that measures an economic and/or social return and avoids perceptions of political, ethnic, or other arbitrary inf luences when setting priorities. The HMA community can assist decision makers with this responsibility by efficiently managing and deploying assets and managing conditions that reduce task times while meeting quality standards. Assessment. How might government authorities assure themselves and donor organizations of maintaining capacity once it is enhanced? One idea the mine action community might adopt is to formally recognize the need to recertify staff based on peer reviews or skill audits conducted by a professional board or regulatory authority as commonly practiced by other professions. Organizations and individuals would need to meet standards and demonsrate proficiency in managing information and conducting surveys as well as generating, monitoring, and closing tasks. Costs. Although explosive hazard clearance precedes stabilization and humanitarian tasks, the HMA community has yet to recognize high-value clearance, as illustrated by the

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Euphrates Rive with near zero visibility. Image courtesy of Wtorplast.

ISSUE 22.2 @ AUGUST 2018



The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction, Vol. 22, Iss. 2 [2018], Art. 1

Iron Bridge, Fallujah. Image courtesy of United Nations Mine Action Service.

Fallujah Iron Bridge or scenarios involving long-distance

handover methodology and a certification procedure could

travel, high-threat environments, physical constraints such as

leverage available international organization expertise to in-

heavy debris, collapsed buildings, or limited access to infra-

clude destruction after rendering safe, removal, and collec-

structure, all of which add to costs. For many, the convention-

tion of explosive hazards, thereby maintaining accountability

al thinking and measures regarding cost date from battle area

while alleviating a potential delay.

clearance or legacy mine fields where experience says clear-

Knowledge management. IED removal is predicated on

ance can cost as little as US$3.50 for one meter cubed (one

problem-solving skills and understanding how the devices

square meter to a depth of one meter). The HMA community

function so as to identify the different components. How

needs to develop and refine appropriate benchmarks as a basis

IEDs are manufactured, function, IED composition vari-

for value statements consistent with clearance costs related to

ety, and knowing what to look for before going into the

stabilization and humanitarian returns.

field have become daily tasks for operators and caused

Disposal. Although the Iraqi government understandably restricts exclusive use of explosives to Iraqi Security Forces,

management capabilities.

this procedure demands the secure and timely transportation

Community. UNMAS Iraq has relied extensively on com-

of explosive hazards to secure sites for safe disposal to avoid

munity liaison officers to help establish trust with the local

potential buildups of large amounts of explosive hazards. A

community to gather information regarding possible IED


UNMAS Iraq to re-invent its information/knowledge



JMU: The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction

locations and areas to avoid should Daesh have a presence. Casual cash-for-work cadres when trained have proven successful as a multiplier for areas thought to be cleared when paired with other UNMAS clearance teams. Cash-for-work workers are hired as casual laborers to remove debris in destroyed neighborhoods in Mosul and elsewhere. While they are hired only to remove and clear debris, they are given risk education to be able to identify, report, and warn of explosive hazards. By doing this, local citizens identify and report on potential hazards. See endnotes page 62

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Pehr Lodhammar Senior Programme Manager United Nations Mine Action Service Pehr Lodhammar, UNMAS Iraq Senior Programme Manager, has more than 28 years of professional work experience from military and humanitarian mine action. He began his humanitarian demining career in 1999 in northern Iraq following 10 years in the Swedish Army where he specialized in EOD/IEDD and demining operations. Lodhammar has worked in Kosovo, Eritrea, New York, Lebanon, Jordan, and Democratic Republic of the Congo and a number of other countries. He also worked for the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining for seven years and with the Mine Action Unit of the Swedish Rescue Services Agency (now MSB). Lodhammar holds a Bachelor of Military Arts and a Master of Arts in International Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid.

ISSUE 22.2 @ AUGUST 2018



The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction, Vol. 22, Iss. 2 [2018], Art. 1

Field Notes Sepon Supports UXO Clearance in Laos by Saman Aneka and Michael Valent [ MMG LXML Sepon ]


epon mine, owned by the largest international min-

challenges to mining operations, development projects, and

ing company in Laos, MMG Lane Xang Minerals

agricultural production.

Limited Sepon (LXML), is situated in a remote area

LXML has integrated UXO clearance as an essential activity

of Vilabouly District, Savannakhet Province—one of the most

in its mining cycle. This ensures employees and communities

bombed districts in Lao PDR. Over 21,000 people have been

are safe and will sustain a lasting legacy for agricultural activ-

killed or injured as a result of unexploded ordnance (UXO)

ity in the future. Additionally, LXML has invested in software

accidents in the post-war period (1974–2018), of which 25 per-

and hardware via strategic partnerships to enhance technical

cent were in Savannakhet Province.1 This legacy brings unique

capacity and improve clearance practices in Laos.

LXML UXO technicians use the UltraTEM to detect items of UXO up to 3.5 m (3.8 yd) deep at Sepon mine. Image courtesy of MMG.




JMU: The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction

UXO Work in Numbers

Building on this framework, LXML partnered with

Since 1996, LXML has invested over US$45 million in UXO

the Lao Ministry of Defence, the National Regulatory

activities, clearing around 2,900 ha (7,166.1 ac) of land and

Authority (NRA), and Lao National Unexploded Ordnance

destroying over 58,000 UXO items. Up to 80 percent of the

Programme (UXO Lao) to improve UXO clearance stan-

125,000 ha (308,881.7 ac) of concessional land granted to

dards in Laos by enhancing the capacity of Lao UXO tech-

LXML by the Lao government was heavily bombed during

nicians. The accredited explosive ordnance disposal (EOD)

the Indochina War as part of the logistics route known as the

training programs were developed in cooperation with the

Ho Chi Minh Trail.2

NRA to provide recognized qualifications and experience in

In Sepon, UXO clearance is conducted before exploration,

UXO clearance techniques.

mining, civil engineering, and to support projects and local

In 2016, LXML founded, hosted, organized, and managed

villages’ activities surrounding the mine and archaeological

the 5th NRA Senior Explosive Ordnance Disposal (SEOD)

site areas.3 In the 1990s, UXO clearance was conducted before

course to build capacity for Lao Explosive Ordnance Disposal

exploration and local roads and tracks were cleared and en-

(EOD) technicians. The EOD training materials provided by

larged during the exploration phase, allowing the local pop-

LXML are systematically sent to NRA for quality assurance

ulation safer and better access to rice fields and plantations.

and to ensure they align with NRA standards and the battle-

UXO clearance before civil engineering, such as the rehabilitation of Road 28A—a main transport route linking Vilabouly

field clearance operator (BCO) EOD levels 1, 2, and 3, as well as SEOD, the in-country EOD level 4 qualifications.

with Road 9 (Savannakhet Province’s main east-west high-

In 2016, 35 LXML employees successfully completed the

way)—involved a shallow search to a depth of 25 cm (9.8 in)

EOD levels 1 and 2, increasing the number of qualified Lao

followed by a deep search to a depth of 250 cm (98.4 in) along

personnel capable of supporting UXO operations. A further

the entire stretch.4 Thousands of submunitions, bombs, rock-

nine employees completed the pathfinder training, an in-

ets, and other ammunitions were cleared, allowing safer road

house training to those who have completed and qualified for

access for the Vilabouly community.

EOD level 1. The pathfinders are trained to accompany non-

In partnership with Sunlabob Renewable Energy, LMXL

EOD LXML technicians (geologists, environmentalists, and

supported development projects and provided safe, sustain-

community-relations employees) to work areas that have not

able water supplies to villages in Vilabouly by using solar-

been cleared and may potentially contain UXO. Pathfinders

powered pumps to draw water from unusually deep bore

use a basic metal detector to find the safest path for people

holes, which were not amenable to using hand pumps.5 This

they accompany. Pathfinders’ roles are to detect and mark

project resulted in UXO clearance for the twelve targeted vil-

UXO, not to excavate UXO. Instead, they will mark each

lages comprising almost 3,400 community members.6

contact found or spotted item of UXO from a safe distance and

The Mandarin Project, a partnership with Australian com-

guide their group safely around the hazards. The qualified em-

pany Ironbark Citrus, created an avenue for Lao farmers to

ployees who completed the above training are now working in

move from subsistence to commercial agriculture by enabling

survey or geology and continue to support LXML’s UXO and

smallholder families to grow mandarin oranges using best

other operations.

practices and current technology.7 Before any planting could commence, land areas were cleared from UXO. To date, beneficiaries of the project have planted mandarins covering nearly 22 ha (54.4 ac) of land.

Software: Enhancing Capacity and Leveling to International Standards

Hardware: Increasing Speed and Accuracy of Detection

LXML continues to investigate and invest in technology to

improve target detection and identification. It has developed advanced geophysical gravitational and electromagnetic survey methods to deliver productive clearing activities to sup-

LXML and the Lao Ministry of Defence’s Engineering

port operations, particularly open pit mining. In 2015, LXML

Department signed a memorandum of understanding in

introduced new equipment to enhance UXO detection. The

mid-2013 in a joint effort to clear UXO within Sepon Mine,

UltraTEM II Deep Bomb Detection System was developed by

including the site of the mine as well as potential areas for ex-

Australia’s Gap Explosive Ordnance Detection (GapEOD) in

ploration and mining activities. LXML received full National

close coordination with LXML geophysicists.

Regulatory Authority (NRA) accreditation to conduct UXO clearance within its vicinity.

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UltraTEM is a time domain, electromagnetic system using multiple three-component sensors on a mobile frame.8

ISSUE 22.2 @ AUGUST 2018



The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction, Vol. 22, Iss. 2 [2018], Art. 1

A female UXO technician, accounting for eight percent of the workforce, of which 80 percent are local Vilabouly residents, uses a metal detector to locate UXO at Sepon. Image courtesy of MMG.

The system provides high-definition mapping of buried

The UltraTEM loop is powered by a low noise generator and

UXO, accurate estimates of position and depth, and pro-

signal generator mounted on a support truck, allowing for

duces a digital recording. The stored digital recording

the unit to be easily relocated.

can be further analyzed and calibrated with results in the

The UltraTEM is maintained by a team of five operators un-

field. UltraTEM can detect UXO in a single pass in a range

der the supervision of a specially trained Lao EOD level 3

of background conditions that proved difficult for other

supervisor. The supervisors send data collected for interpre-

equipment, increasing both speed and reliability. The sys-

tation. Data is then sent back with a list of potential UXO that

tem is capable of detecting Mk 81 aerial bombs at depths of

need to be investigated. The system has proven robust and re-

up to 5 m (5.5 yd) in good geophysical ground conditions,

liable in the field with electrical connectors requiring checks

although the operational target is a clearance depth of 3.5 m

and maintenance for operation.

(3.8 yd). In areas where the geophysical ground conditions

LXML has a strong commitment to ongoing improvements

are poor, based on the quality of the data and operating ex-

and has fully supported these activities by participating in

perience, the detection depth is reduced by up to 50 percent.

standardization and field trials. The company’s experience




JMU: The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction

is shared with the local and international UXO clearance

operational standards, and quality management processes.

community working in Laos.9 LXML attends the NRA UXO

The organizations that were involved included the Geneva

Technical Working Group that meets every three months

International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD),

in Vientiane. The activities undertaken by the attendees is

LXML, UXO Lao, and NRA.

shared openly at this forum. Additionally, LXML held a detection trial at Sepon in late 2014 to assess the suitability and cost effectiveness of advanced ordnance detection systems for small ordnance. Using blind

Assurance: Maintaining the Quality of UXO Clearance

Throughout 2017, LXML reinforced quality management via

seed (i.e., free from explosive (FFE) inert material) test sites,

UXO blind seed, which was planted in the ground to be de-

a number of advanced systems were compared with each oth-

tected and cleared. This ensures UXO teams are consistently

er as well as with systems that were currently in use. Multiple

achieving and delivering high-quality clearance for the benefit

systems were considered to be viable UXO detection systems,

and safety of mining operations and surrounding communi-

but the trial highlighted the importance of accreditation,

ties. LXML’s UXO quality management coordinator plants a

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ISSUE 22.2 @ AUGUST 2018



The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction, Vol. 22, Iss. 2 [2018], Art. 1

A BLU 17/B found in Sepon mine that contains white phosphorus that burns instantly when in contact with oxygen. It can create horrific injuries and its smoke is extremely harmful. Image courtesy of MMG and Yvon Le Chevanton.

number of blind seeds, which consist of one-half of a FFE BLU

Blind seed FFE Mk 81 250 lb (113.4 kg) UXO were also placed

26 (a single shell of a cluster bomblet BLU 26), at the UXO

regularly throughout the year in different mine pits to main-

clearance sites planned for the day. The ratio is a minimum of

tain assurance of the quality of the geophysical digital data

one blind seed for every twelve detectors working that day, i.e.,

collected by UXO teams in the field and the quality of the geo-

additional blind seeds being planted for each additional set of

physicist’s interpretation. Random dataset samples were reg-

twelve detectors. Blind seed positions are recorded by GPS

ularly sent to a third party for independent verification and

and are entered and overlaid by the Lao National Geographic

review, with both parties of geophysicists (independent and

Department’s Graphical Information System (GIS). The blind

LXML) critiquing the results.

seeds are monitored every day by the GIS when entering the

With a single international EOD expert remaining in the

daily work record in the system. Any blind seed remaining

LXML UXO team at Sepon since 2016, the newly qualified

and appearing in shallow, cleared-area maps would imme-

SEOD national employees (EOD level 4 qualification) now

diately alert the UXO coordinator of a deficiency and would

take a larger role to ensure compliance with NRA standards

initiate an investigation and preventive action. The daily

and to maintain a safe and professional approach. SEODs are

clearance record by operators and site supervisors also iden-

now more involved in the NRA technical working group and

tifies the operator that cleared the lane where the UXO was

LXML SEODs are in charge of planning and coordinating

missed and where EOD level 2 and 3 supervisors conducted

UXO field operations. This experience will enhance capacity

their quality check.

in future.




JMU: The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction

Harnessing UXO Knowledge: Saving our People and Communities LXML achieved zero UXO-related incidents within its clear-

ance team and consistently champion one of LXML’s core values: Think Safety First regarding the unique hazards associated with UXO clearance.10 In 2017, fifty LXML employees and contractors joined hands for an UXO awareness day. The purpose was to raise awareness around UXO hazards. LXML also provides financial support to the Cooperative Orthotic and Prosthetic Enterprise (COPE) in Vientiane in its awareness raising activities. COPE was established by the Lao Ministry of Health in 1997 to ensure that people with physical disabilities have local access to affordable, nationally-

Saman Aneka Managing Director and Stakeholder Relations Manager MMG LXML Sepon Saman Aneka is Managing Director and Stakeholder Relations Manager at LXML, and Vice President to the Advisory Board of the Lao National Chamber of Commerce and Industry. He currently provides strategic guidance to the LXML Board as Managing Director and leads the Stakeholder Relations function. Aneka has over thirty years of experience in the mining industry, locally and internationally. He has extensive field experience in Australia, China, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, and Thailand. With his expertise, Aneka was involved in the early days and inception of LXML. He has extensive institutional knowledge of the company and industry in Lao PDR. Aneka holds a master’s degree in hard rock geo-mineral exploration.

managed rehabilitation services. In 2008, COPE opened its visitor center to increase awareness about disabilities in Laos and highlight the work to help people with mobility-related disabilities lead full and productive lives with access to quality prosthetics. Throughout its history, COPE has provided comprehensive support for the government of Laos’ mobilityrelated rehabilitation efforts. COPE services are also used for amputees in road accidents and other trauma. In Laos, LXML is supporting development and is keeping people safe by enhancing capacity, investing in modern technology, and raising awareness of UXO through active partnerships with key players in the UXO sector. See endnotes page 62

Michael Valent Mine Technical Services Manager MMG LXML Sepon Michael Valent is Manager of Mine Technical Services at LXML. He holds a Bachelor of Engineering (Mining) and an Executive Masters of Business Administration. Michael has over 35 years’ experience in the mining industry. He has extensive risk management experience and has worked with high-hazard environments such as open pit mining in and around underground voids and with the LXML operations, open pit mining, and clearing in land contaminated with UXO. Michael enjoys building the capability and accountability of the technical functions and operations personnel to support safe and productive mining that continuously improves.



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ISSUE 22.2 @ AUGUST 2018



The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction, Vol. 22, Iss. 2 [2018], Art. 1




xplosive ordnance can be destroyed by a variety of meth-

ordnance are well established.2 They are often employed as they

ods. Destruction in-situ using an explosive charge is

can allow for mass disposal of ordnance, with a significantly re-

generally the preferred means; it is reliable, technically

duced chance of a high-order explosion, or as an alternative to

straightforward, and often the safest option. Other techniques

explosives where licensing issues do not permit the use of high

include thermite-based tools or low-explosive powered disrup-


tors. However, in a number of current humanitarian mine ac-

◊ Thermite EOD tools. Thermite is an energetic material

tion (HMA) operating environments, clearance organizations

composition in which a metal-based powder, incorporating

are faced with restrictions on explosive use and/or importation of

a fuel and an oxidizer, upon ignition undergoes an exother-

other energetic materials such as thermite. This may be due to the legitimate security concerns of mine-affected states, or legislative frameworks that do not account for non-military use of explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) tools. This takes place against a broadening range of explosive ordnance, particularly given the proliferation of improvised explosive based hazards in the Middle East.1 This article presents an alternative method for destroying landmines and other thin-cased ordnance by burning through the case and deflagrating the explosive inside so that it is consumed without detonating. The device, referred to herein as the Hybrid Thermal Lance (HTL), is made from low-cost parts readily available in almost all countries, none of which are prohibited from carry-on baggage or likely to be subject to dual-use import restrictions. Single-use fuel tubes and locally-sourced gaseous oxygen make the HTL simple and inexpensive to use. While at a relatively early stage of testing, the authors felt sharing the results thus far (and making the concept open-source) would best meet the urgent needs of the HMA community, allowing other individuals or organizations to develop the concept further as they see fit. Following a meeting in Cambodia between Donald Pratt and staff from The HALO Trust, there developed a research and development partnership between HALO and the Messiah College Collaboratory for Strategic Partnerships and Applied Research. The Collaboratory is an interdisciplinary undergraduate research initiative of Messiah College that connects students and faculty mentors from many different disciplines with real-world projects involving clients from around the world. HALO’s need for a method to destroy ordnance in locations where explosives are highly regulated prompted an investigation into the idea that a modified hybrid rocket motor might be a suitable solution. SIMILAR METHODS FOR THE DISPOSAL OF EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE

Techniques using heat to enable the disposal of explosive


mic process producing significant amounts of heat in a focused area for short periods. For EOD purposes, aluminum powder is commonly used as the base fuel and, along with an oxidant mix, is initiated electrically using a magnesiumbased (or similar) ignitor. The heat is focused onto the ordnance by either a crucible, flare, or direct placement system. Producing a high-quality thermite delivery system is relatively challenging, but a number of commercial products are available and have been employed by the HMA community with some notable successes. However, thermite-based EOD tools are often subject to licensing and import restrictions as, while comparatively safe to transport, they are considered to have potential military applications.3 Moreover, the price per demolition is often relatively high. ◊ Gas-combination torches. Torches that combine oxygen

with liquid gas (or other similar fuel) have also been developed. These tools use principles similar to oxy-fuel welding/ cutting torches to produce focused heat and flame. These have often been found to be overly complex to set up and challenging to reliably deploy in the field. ◊ Incinerators and open-pit burning. Although general-

ly used for different purposes, this technique is mentioned for completeness. Large quantities of unfuzed, safe-to-move munitions can be destroyed using incinerators or burning of stacks in the open. In this case, wooden fuel is normally stacked among or under the munitions and ignited, often supplemented by a diesel mixture. This has the benefit of disposing of large quantities of munitions over time without detonating them. Disposing of mines or fuzed munitions using this technique is normally impractical or unsafe, although grill burners have been used successfully to destroy smaller anti-personnel mines in some instances.



JMU: The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction

Figure 1. Schematic view of the basic component of a Hybrid Rocket Motor. Figure courtesy of Emily Bean Design.


increasingly difficult. Early versions used PVC as the fuel and liq-

Hybrid rocket motors, consisting of a solid-fuel and liquid or gas-

uid nitrous oxide in aluminum or composite tanks small enough

eous oxidizer, have been around for a long time. Figure 1 shows the

to fit within the rocket tube. Modelers experimented with a vari-

basic components of a typical hybrid rocket motor. A recent nota-

ety of different fuels, including cast rubber and machined and/or

ble example is the liquid nitrous oxide/hydroxyl-terminated poly-

3D printed polymers. Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) became

butadiene (a type of polyurethane elastomer) motor used in the

a popular option due to its availability, low cost, ease of ignition,

suborbital Space Ship One developed by Mojave Space Ventures,

high combustion temperature, and minimal production of harm-

which won the X-Prize in 2004. In contrast to solid rocket mo-

ful byproducts during combustion. Typical model rocket engines

tors, having the oxidizer in liquid or gaseous form allows the re-

produce an impulse lasting from 0.5 to 4.0 seconds, with thrust

action to be throttled, stopped, and restarted easily, without the

levels ranging from about 20 to 100 Newtons.5

complexity of mixing and metering required of rockets using liquid/gas fuel and liquid/gas oxidizer. Hybrid rocket motors are also safer than solid rocket motors, since mixing of the fuel and oxi-


dizer in a hybrid does not take place until the point of combustion.

A hybrid rocket motor is intended to produce high pressures in

In addition, many different types of materials can make effective

a confined chamber to eject gases at high velocity to create thrust,

fuels, including commonly available plastics, like polyvinyl chlo-

usually for a relatively short duration. A suitable torch for burn-

ride (PVC), acrylic, and polyethylene.4 Nitrous oxide is commonly

ing explosives need not produce thrust but does need to run for a

used as an oxidizer, primarily because it’s easier to concentrate in

longer period of time. Ideally, it would also be able to be throttled,

liquid form than pure oxygen.

and so easily started and stopped. The HTL, shown in Figure 2,

Small hybrid rocket motors gained popularity with large-scale

meets all of these requirements. It produces a focused flame that

model rocket enthusiasts in the United States after 9/11 when

exits the fuel tube at a relatively low pressure, producing a very

shipping solid rocket motors for large-scale models became

minimal thrust reaction, and burns for a much longer time than

Figure 2. Basic components of the Hybrid Thermal Lance. Figure courtesy of Emily Bean Design.

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The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction, Vol. 22, Iss. 2 [2018], Art. 1

Figure 3. Fireproof test chamber used for initial prototype testing in the laboratory. Figure courtesy of Donald Pratt.

a similarly sized hybrid rocket motor. Also, since the HTL is stationary while functioning and need not be light enough to fly, the use of gaseous oxygen is practical. Gaseous oxygen used for oxyacetylene welding is very suitable and readily available virtually anywhere in the world. Medical oxygen can be used but high purity oxygen is not required. The HTL is fueled by a consumable plastic tube, which can be easily machined from stock, cast, or 3-D printed plastic shapes. PMMA (more commonly known as acrylic), was chosen for the initial laboratory tests and also the first field trials of the HTL, and found to be practical and effective. The HTL requires very little energy to ignite, and remote ignition can be achieved with a small electric arc or similar methods. The field tests described on the next page used an electric match for the ignition source, operated from the firing point by standard demolition equipment. During early development, simple tests conducted by Pratt and his students in the Collaboratory using plastic tubing and gaseous oxygen were encouraging enough to warrant the construction of a fireproof test chamber equipped with high-impact glass observation ports, shown in Figure 3. Simple prototype fuel tubes were machined from 1" diameter acrylic rod stock cut in 4" lengths. A ¼" diameter hole was drilled down the center of each rod, and one end was threaded for 1/8" national pipe threads (NPT). Figure 4


Figure 4. Prototype HTL fuel tubes made of 1” diameter 4” long PMMA before and after testing. Figure courtesy of Donald Pratt.



JMU: The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction

Figure 5. 3" diameter wood test sample after 20 second exposure to the HTL. Figure courtesy of Donald Pratt.

shows an unused fuel tube alongside one that has been subject-

combustion temperature is considerably higher. PMMA burns in

ed to four 30-second burns. A 3" long brass nipple was threaded

the presence of oxygen and produces monomer methyl methacry-

into a bulkhead fitting that passed through the end plate on the

late (MMA), which decomposes to generate methane, methanol,

test box. The oxygen was delivered through a rubber hose con-

propylene, formaldehyde, acetone, acetylene, etc. These molecule

nected to an oxy-acetylene torch oxygen tank, using a stock regu-

products undergo combustion and produce carbon monoxide

lator. Noting that the hose could potentially become a fuel source

(CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), water vapors, and other gases with

if the flame were allowed to propagate back through the tube, an

the generation of high temperatures. For purposes of comparison,

aluminum plug was pressed into the outlet end of the brass nip-

thermite burns at temperatures between 2,200° and 2,500° C, and

ple, with a 0.05" diameter hole drilled through the center to create

a properly adjusted oxy-acetylene torch can reach temperatures

a venturi to block propagation of the flame front. An emergency

close to 3,500° C. During initial tests in the laboratory, the de-

shutoff valve and an adjustable metering valve were attached to

structive power of the HTL was evaluated by placing a 3" cylin-

the brass tube to provide precise control of the oxygen flow to the

drical block of pine 1.5" diameter at a distance of about 2" from

test sample.

the outlet of the fuel tube.5 Significant removal of material from

Tests confirmed that the HTL was easily ignited and controlled

the wood block occurred after only 20 seconds of exposure to the

by adjusting the flow of oxygen. Even at relatively low flow rates of

HTL, as shown in Figure 5. A similar test on an identical block of

under 0.5 cubic feet per minute, the HTL proved capable of pro-

wood using an oxy-acetylene torch did roughly the same amount

ducing an intense flame, which was easily throttled and quick-

of damage to the test block, and while precise measurement of the

ly extinguished by simply cutting off the oxygen supply. While

HTL flame temperature has yet to be confirmed, it would appear

the ignition temperature of PMMA is only about 450°C, the

that it is comparable to an oxy-acetylene torch.

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The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction, Vol. 22, Iss. 2 [2018], Art. 1

Figure 6: Test setup using the HTL to destroy a simulated IED explosive charge (loose-fill ammonium nitrate-based explosives). Figure courtesy of Donald Pratt.

Figure 7. Complete destruction of the simulated IED explosive charge. Figure courtesy of Donald Pratt.




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Figure 8. Test setup using the HTL to destroy a Pakistani P3 Mk2 anti-tank mine. Figure courtesy of Donald Pratt.

Figure 9. Nothing remained of the P3 Mk2 anti-tank mine after exposure to the HTL. Figure courtesy of Donald Pratt.

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The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction, Vol. 22, Iss. 2 [2018], Art. 1

Figure 10. Test setup using the HTL to destroy a PG-2 grenade. Figure courtesy of Donald Pratt.

Figure 11. Penetration of the casing of the PG-2 grenade by the HTL. Figure courtesy of Donald Pratt.




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Figure 12. Test setup using the HTL to destroy a Soviet TM-62M anti-tank mine. Figure courtesy of Donald Pratt.

Figure 13. Remnants of the TM-62M anti-tank mine after exposure to the HTL. Figure courtesy of Donald Pratt.

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The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction, Vol. 22, Iss. 2 [2018], Art. 1 were slightly scorched, but otherwise undamaged. The hose was

operational challenges that might present in the field and to make

simply trimmed back and reattached to the HTL, after which test-

a first pass at incorporation of the HTL into EOD task proce-

ing continued.

dures. Back at the Collaboratory, testing is underway to further

The third test was performed on a Soviet-era PG-2, as shown in

establish operational parameters, but it appears quite likely that

Figure 10.9 The HTL was aimed at the side of the case where the

the HTL will prove suitable for the penetration and destruction

main charge was located, to try to avoid setting off either the fuse

of thin-cased metal ordnance.

or the booster. As can be seen from Figure 11, the HTL made a hole in the case roughly 35 millimeters in diameter, and ignited the explosive material inside without detonation occurring. With no easy way to safely examine the inside of the grenade, it was diffi-

As well as being technically functional, a key concern for the end

cult to assess the state of the main explosive fill, fuze, and booster,

user is that the equipment is at least as safe as other EOD meth-

so the decision was made to ensure the complete destruction of the

ods as well as being operationally practical. While the testing was

grenade using a small explosive charge. After examining the rem-

conducted under the tight control of the Afghanistan program’s

nants, it appeared that the fuze and booster had been consumed

demolition range safety procedures, HALO is still establishing the

by the burn initiated by the HTL, but this could not be established

SOPs for how the HTL will be deployed operationally once out of

for certain. More testing on RPG-type ordnance is indicated.

the prototype stage.

The fourth test was made on an unfuzed TM-62M anti-tank

A primary safety consideration is that although a high order det-

mine, which has a metal case.10 Considering that the prototype

onation is unlikely while using the HTL, it must still be consid-

HTL with 1" diameter and 4" long fuel tubes has a maximum burn

ered as a possibility. Also, the HTL will require placement in close

time of only two minutes, the team were unsure of its ability to

proximity to a potentially hazardous item of explosive ordnance.

penetrate the case and fully deflagrate the explosive material. As

Any EOD operator must take both of these into account when de-

shown in Figure 12 the HTL was placed at an angle to the case

ploying the equipment. Principals such as minimal time at target,

to reduce the possibility of the HTL flame reaching the booster

initiation from a protected shelter or safe distance, personal pro-

charge before the outer HE explosive was fully engaged. Shortly

tective equipment, safety distances, equipment emplacement, etc.,

after completing the HTL triggering sequence, the observation

must mirror those of conventional EOD techniques when a high

team reported smoke and flames, which continued and increased

order is expected. In addition, the HTL induces a burn the dura-

after the oxygen supply to the HTL was cut off. During this test,

tion of which will depend on the nature of the target and environ-

the mine emitted loud and varied roaring sounds. After examin-

mental factors. A detonation could occur at any time during the

ing the remnants, we surmised that these sounds were made by

burn, particularly if the explosive ordnance is fitted with a fuze or

the hot gases from the burning explosive material exiting the case

booster. As such an igniferous soak will be required following use

through the hole made by the HTL. Smoke, flames, and noises

of the HTL before the EOD operator can approach the target, con-

persisted for at least ten minutes after the HTL was extinguished.

firm successful destruction, and collapse any cordon.11

Subsequent examination of the remnants of the mine revealed

For field purposes the HTL will need to be initiated remotely to

complete destruction of the explosive material, as shown in Figure

ensure no positive EOD action takes place while the operator is

13; all that remained was a tattered metal case filled with ashes.

in the vicinity of the target area. During field testing of the initial

With these encouraging results on targets containing live ex-

prototype, two methods were employed to achieve this: placing

plosive fill, the question of how well the HTL could penetrate

the tank on a short hose near the target, leaving the oxygen run-

steel plate was briefly investigated at the HALO office in Kabul,

ning, returning to the firing point (protected bunker) and initi-

shown in Figure 14, where the HTL was found to be capable of

ating the burn using an electric match on a length of firing cable,

cutting a 10–15 millimeter hole through sheet steel several mil-

and alternatively, running a long hose (80+ meters) from the tank

limeters thick in under 20 seconds. Following these successful

at the firing point to the fuel tube. In the latter case, both control-

tests, the decision was made to take advantage of an opportunity

ling the oxygen flow and initiating the burn were conducted from

for HALO EOD staff to be introduced to the HTL. A number of

the firing point, which required two people. Clearly, neither of

Afghanistan national staff were participating in an EOD train-

these methods would be particularly practical in the field as the

ing course at the same time that the HTL field trials were under-

setup is a relatively complex procedure and control of the oxygen

way, and the HTL was somewhat hastily incorporated into that

flow is somewhat haphazard. Additionally, when the longer hose

course and used during a number of training tasks against “dry

is employed, there is the potential for the hose itself to become

targets” (i.e. non-explosive dummy devices), as shown in Figures

a conduit for the propagation of flame back to the firing point,

15 and 16. This provided an additional opportunity to uncover

if a violent burn or high order should separate the venturi tube





The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction, Vol. 22, Iss. 2 [2018], Art. 1




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Life-cycle Management of Ammunition: Safety, Security, and Sustainability of Conventional Ammunition Stockpiles by Carapic, Deschambault, Holtom, and King [ from page 5 ] 1. Any national ammunition stockpile consists of a range of ‘function-specific stockpiles’. There are many types of individual am-

munition and explosive stockpiles within a country, that are under the control of separate organizations (e.g., such as the police, military (both active and reserve), border guards, ammunition production company holdings) and make up a state’s national ammunition stockpile. These include: a) operational ammunition and explosives; b) war reserve ammunition and explosives, c) training ammunition and explosives; d) experimental ammunition and explosives (if a producing nation); e) production ammunition (if a producing nation); and ammunition and explosives awaiting disposal (unsafe or surplus stocks). See UNODA (2015), mod. 1.30, para. 8. 2. Berman, Eric, and Pilar Reina, eds. 2014. Unplanned Explosions at Munitions Sites (UEMS): Excess Stockpiles as Liabilities rather than Assets. Handbook. Geneva: Small Arms Survey. 3. UNGA (United Nations General Assembly). 2008. Resolution 63/182. A/63/182 of 28 July. 4. Publication of the Handbook was made possible thanks to financial support from the Governments of Germany, Switzerland, and the United States. Specifically, we wish to extend our gratitude to the Conventional Arms Control division (OR10) of the German Federal Foreign Office, the Human Security Division of the Swiss Federal Department for Foreign Affairs, and the Office of Weapons Removal and Abatement in the US State Department’s Bureau of Political-Military Affairs (PM/WRA). 5. The BiH case study was made possible through the support of PM/WRA. 6. See Carapic, Jovana and Paul Holtom. 2018. Life-cycle Management of Ammunition: Lessons from Bosnia and Herzegovina. Briefing Paper. Geneva: Small Arms Survey; Carapic, Jovana, Eric J. Deschambault, Paul Holtom, and Benjamin King. A Practical Guide to Life-cycle Management of Ammunition. Geneva: Small Arms Survey. 7. Small Arms Survey. n.d. Unexpected Explosions at Munition Sites (UEMS) Database. Accessed February 2018. <>. 8. CAR (Conflict Armament Research). 2017. Sudanese Stockpiles and Regional Weapon Diversion: An Analysis of Captured Equipment in the Possession of the Sudan People’s Liberation Army-North in the Nuba Mountains. London: CAR. May. 9. Bevan, James. 2008. ‘Introduction: Conventional Ammunition in Surplus.’ In James Bevan ed. Conventional Ammunition in Surplus: A Reference Guide. Geneva: Small Arms Survey, pp. 2-3; UNGA, 2008, paras. 14–15. 10. Carapic, Jovana, Adrian Wilkinson, and Ian Ruddock. 2017. ‘Deliverable 1: Cost-benefit Analysis of Stockpiles Surplus Storage versus Destruction.’ In Mechanisms for Control and Reduction of Stockpiles in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Options for Disposal and Improving Safety and Security. Unpublished background paper. Geneva: United Nations Development Programme and Small Arms Survey. 11. UNODA (United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs). 2015. International Ammunition Technical Guidelines, 2nd ed. New York: UNODA. 1 February. 12. UNODA, 2015, mod. 09.10. 13. ISO/IEC (International Organization for Standardization/International Electrotechnical Commission). 2016. ‘Systems and Software Engineering: Life Cycle Management—Part 1: Guidelines for Life Cycle Management.’ ISO/IEC TS 24748-1:2016; NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization). 2007. NATO System Life Cycle Stages and Processes. AAP-48, 1st edn. Brussels: NATO. February. 14. NATO, 2007, p. 34. 15. Carapic et al (2018), p. 41. 16. Carapic, Jovana, Prasenjit Chaudhuri, and Pierre Gobinet. 2016. Sustainable Stockpile Management in Bosnia and Herzegovina: The Role of EUFOR Mobile Training Team for Weapons and Ammunition Management. Working Paper No. 24. Geneva: Small Arms Survey. October, pp. 41-43; Switzerland. 2017. ‘Chair’s Summary.’ International Workshop on the Safe and Secure Management of Ammunition, 8–9 December 2016. Geneva: Government of Switzerland. Unpublished document. 14 February, pp. 3, 5; UNGA (United Nations General Assembly). 2017. Resolution 72/55. Adopted on 12 December 2017. A/RES/72/55 of 4 December, para 1. 17. UNODA, 2015, mod. 01.10, para. 6.1. 18. Life-cycle processes include the management of decisions, risk, and opportunities, as well as coordination and information. See Haskins, Cecilia, ed. 2006. Systems Engineering Handbook: A Guide for System Life Cycle Processes and Activities. Version 3. San Diego: International Council on Systems Engineering. June sec. 5.1. 19. Enabling processes are used to direct, control, and support LCMA and include the management of resources, the environment, and quality control. See Haskins (2006), sec. 6.1. 20. UNGA, 2017, pp. 1-2. 21. UNODA, 2015, mod. 01.90. 22. Parker, Sarah and Christelle Rigual. 2015. What the National Reports Reveal: Trends in UN PoA and ITI Reporting. Issue Brief No. 13. Geneva: Small Arms Survey. June. 23. Dupouy, Marlène (2017) “Strengthening Security in Mali with Weapons and Ammunition Management,” Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction, 21(3), pp. 23-24.

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The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction, Vol. 22, Iss. 2 [2018], Art. 1 24. US Navy (United States Navy). 2012. The Naval Ordnance Management Policy (NOMP) Manual, Volume 1: Ordnance Concepts,

Objectives, Policies, Organizations, and Responsibilities. OPNAV M-8000.16, Change 3, 18 May 2016. Washington, DC: Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, para. 8.5.3. 25. NATO. 2009. Guidance on the Assessment of the Safety and Suitability for Service of Non-Nuclear Munitions for NATO Armed Forces, 3rd edn. AOP26. Brussels: NATO. April; UNGA, 2008, para. 22; Wilkinson, Adrian. 2008. ‘Stockpile Management: Planning.’ In James Bevan, pp. 77. 27. NATO, 2009. 28. UNGA, 2008, para. 39. 29. Gobinet, Pierre and Claudio Gramizzi. 2011. Scraping the Barrel: The Trade in Surplus Ammunition. Issue Brief No. 2. Geneva: Small Arms Survey. April, pp. 4-5; King, Benjamin, ed. 2010. Surveying Europe’s Production and Procurement of Small Arms and Light Weapons Ammunition: The Cases of Italy, France, and the Russian Federation. Working Paper No. 10. Geneva: Small Arms Survey, p. 40. 30. UNODA, 2015. 31. NATO, 2009. 32. UNODA, 2015, mod. 01.10, para. 4. 33. UNODA, 2015, mod. 02.10, p. v. 34. UNODA, 2015, mod. 02.10, para. 6.1. 35. UNODA, 2015, mod. 02.10, paras. 6-13. 36. UNODA, 2015, mod. 01.30, para. 8; mod. 01.40, para. 3.18. 37. a. OSCE (Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe). 2011. Decision No. 3/11: Destruction of Conventional Ammunition. FSC.DEC/3/11 of 23 March. Vienna: OSCE. b. IATG Module 2.10 (Table 2: Risk management matrix), page 5. 38. NATO. 2001. Safe Disposal of Munitions, Design Principles and Requirements, and Safety Assessment. STANAG 4518. Brussels: NATO. 8 October. 39. UNSC (United Nations Security Council). 1992. Resolution 727 (1992). Adopted 8 January. S/RES/727 (1992) of 8 October. 40. Carapic, Chaudhuri, and Gobinet, 2016, p. 18. 41. Author interview with a senior political advisor to the Commander of EUFOR, Sarajevo, 25-26 May 2016. 42. Non-paper. 2012. Surplus Ammunition and Weapons in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Unpublished internal document. Revised 28 November 2012. 43. EUFOR Sa (European Union Force Sarajevo). 2013. ‘Initial Campaign Plan.’ Draft No. 3. Sarajevo: EUFOR. 11 February. 44. SAF (Swiss Armed Forces). 2013a. ‘EUFOR ALTHEA Mobile Training Team Ammunition and Weapons Storage Site Management.’ Quarterly Report, 1 January 2013 to 31 March 2013.12 April; 2013b. ‘EUFOR ALTHEA Mobile Training Team Ammunition and Weapons Storage Site Management.’ Quarterly Report, 01 April 2013 to 05 July 2013. 8 July. 45. SAF, 2013b, p. 4; OSCE. 2014. ‘Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro and Serbia Take Ownership of Regional Arms Control, Dayton Peace Agreement Article IV Annex 1/B: Mission accomplished.’ Basel, 4 December. 46. Non-paper, 2012, p. 3. EUFOR Sa, 2013, p. 9. 47. UNODA, 2015, mod. 07.20, para. 4. 48. BiH MoD (Bosnia and Herzegovina Ministry of Defence). 2014. Upustvo za izvrsenje kontrolnotehnickog pregleda municije i minskoeksplozivnih sredstava u Oruzanim snagama Bosne i Hercegovine. No. 11-03-25-846/14. Sarajevo: MoD. 49. UNODA, 2015, mod. 01.40, para. 3.275. 50. OSCE. 2016. ‘Project for Safety and Security Upgrade of Ammunition and Weapon Storage Sites in BiH.’ Preliminary Project Brief. Sarajevo: OSCE; SAWAD. 2016. Ammunition Master Plan Brief. Sarajevo, 10 October. 51. SAF. 2012. ‘EUFOR ALTHEA Mobile Training Team Ammunition and Weapons Storage Site Management.’ Status Report. Rev 5. 11 December, pp. 12-13. 52. Author interview with senior military advisor to the commander of EUFOR, Sarajevo, 10 October 2016. 53. BiH Government. 2008. Agreement on Final Disposal of All Rights and Obligations over Moveable Property that will Continue to Serve Defence Purposes (also known as the Doboj Agreement, 2008). Sarajevo: Council of Ministers. Signed on 14 February; 2009a. ‘Odluka Predsjednistva BiH o utvrdjivanju viskova naoruzanja, streljiva I minsko-eskplozivnih sredstava u Oruzanim snagama Bosne i Hercegovine i principima njihogov rjesavanja.’ No. 01-011-1599-32/09. Sarajevo: Presidency of BiH; 2009b. ‘Prijedlog Ministra Odbrane Bosne i Hercegovine za resavanje viskova naoruzanja, streljiva i minsko-ekspozivnih sredstava za Oruzane snage Bosne i Hercegovine.’ No. 11-03-25-2336-3/09. Sarajevo: Ministry of Defence. 54. EUFOR Sa, 2013, p. 8. 55. Parker, Sarah. 2016. ‘Deliverable 2: ATT Regulatory Refinement Analysis.’ In Mechanisms for Control and Reduction of Stockpiles in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Options for Disposal and Improving Safety and Security. Unpublished Paper. Geneva: UNDP and Small Arms Survey; Kytömäki, Elli. 2016. The proposed new BiH law on Control of Foreign Trade in Weapons, Military Equipment and Special-Use Goods and The Arms Trade Treaty. Vienna: OSCE. 56. BiH MoD. 2012. Plan Resavanja Viskova Pokretne Vojne Imovine. No. 16-14-03-03-25-28112. Sarajevo: MoD.




JMU: The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction 57. Author interview with senior BiH MoD representative, Sarajevo, 1 July 2015. 58. Marzouk, Lawrence et al. 2016. ‘Making a Killing: the 1.2 billion Euro Arms Pipeline to the Middle East.’ Balkan Insight and BIRN,

27 July; Redzic, Edin. 2016. ‘Šverc i trgovina oružjem: Bosanski kalašnjikovi u rukama terorista’.

59. BiH MoD. 2005. Defence White Paper of BiH. Sarajevo: MoD, pp. 15-21. 60. BiH MoD. 2016. Unpublished Weapons, Ammunition, and Scrap Material Database. Sarajevo: MoD BiH.

Increasing Efforts in SSMA: What Does it Take? by Hofmann, Paunila and Prizeman [ from page 15 ] 1. This article does not necessarily reflect the views of the United Nations Organization. 2. Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (2018), Towards security, peace and sustainable development: The state

of play in safe and secure management of ammunition (Geneva: GICHD). This study was commissioned by the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs. 3. For Libya, see for instance UNSC (2013), Final report of the Panel of Experts established pursuant to resolution 1973 (2011) concerning Libya, UN Doc. S/2013/99, paras 112-114; UNSC (2015), Final report of the Panel of Experts established pursuant to resolution 1973 (2011), UN Doc. S/2015/128, paras 201-204; for South-East Europe, see for example UNSC (2002), Report of the Panel of Experts appointed pursuant to Security Council resolution 1408 (2002), paragraph 16, UN Doc. S/2002/1115, paras 64-82; for Kenya, see for instance Bevan James (2008), Blowback. Kenya’s Illicit Ammunition Problem in Turkana North District (Geneva: SAS); for Côte d’Ivoire, see for instance UNSC (2012), Letter dated 14 September 2012 from the Group of Experts on Côte d’Ivoire addressed to the Chair of the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1572 (2004), UN. Doc S/2012/766, p. 7; UNSC (2013), Letter dated 12 April 2013 from the Chair of the Security Council Committee Established Pursuant to Resolution 1572 (2004) Concerning Côte d’Ivoire Addressed to the President of the Security Council, UN Doc. S/2013/228, pp. 14-15. 4. UNGA (2017a), Countering the threat posed by improvised explosive devices, UN Doc. A/RES/72/36, pp. 1-2; UNGA (2017b), Problems arising from the accumulation of conventional ammunition stockpiles in surplus, UN Doc. A/RES/72/55, p. 1. 5. Berman Eric and Reina Pilar (eds) (2014), UEMS Handbook: Excess Stockpiles as Liabilities rather than Assets (Geneva: SAS), pp. 10-12. 6. Small Arms Survey, Unplanned Explosions at Munitions Sites, unplanned-explosions-at-munitions-sites.html (Accessed: 15 May 2018). 7. For the case of the explosion of an ammunition storage area in Gërdec, Albania, in 2008, see for instance Carapic Jovana and Gobinet Pierre (2014), Taking Stock of Excess Stockpiles: UEMS in South-east Europe (Geneva: SAS), p. 3. 8. e.g. Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (2008), OSCE Handbook of Best Practices on Conventional Ammunition (Vienna: OSCE). 9. UNGA (1997), Report of the Panel of Governmental Experts on Small Arms, UN Doc. A/52/298. 10. At the international level, for instance, the 2001 UN Firearms Protocol, the 2003 Protocol V to the Convention on Certain Convention Weapons or the 2013 Arms Trade Treaty. At the regional level could be mentioned the 1997 Inter-American Convention Against the Illicit Manufacturing and Trafficking in Firearms, Ammunition, Explosives and Other Related Materials, the 2003 Document on Stockpiles of Conventional Ammunition of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, the 2006 Convention on SALW, their ammunition and other related materials of the Economic Community of West African States or the 2013 CARICOM Crime and Security Strategy. 11. Casey-Maslen Stuart, Giacca Gilles and Vestner Tobias (2013), The Arms Trade Treaty (2013) (Geneva: Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights), pp. 29 and 34. 12. UNIDIR (2018), Reporting on Conventional Arms Trade. Synthesis Handbook (Geneva: UNIDIR), p. 21. 13. For instance, the UN Firearms Protocol considers complete round, and components (including cartridge cases, primers or propellant powder) as being part of ammunition. Others however, including the ECOWAS Convention on SALW, their Ammunition and Other Related Material, do not include parts and components, but cover munitions that are not fired or expelled from a small arm or light weapon. See Saferworld (n.d.), Ammunition and the ATT: Options for and implications of its inclusion (Geneva: UNIDIR), p. 3. 14. OSCE Ministerial Council (2017), Decision No. 10/17: Small Arms and Light Weapons and Stockpiles of Conventional Ammunition, OSCE Doc. MC.DEC/10/17, p. 3. 15. Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs and Swiss Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sports (2015), Consultative Meeting on the Safe and Secure Management of Conventional Ammunition, Geneva (16-17 November 2015). Chair’s Summary; Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs and Swiss Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sports (2016), International Workshop on the Safe and Secure Management of Ammunition, Geneva (8-9 December 2016). Chair’s Summary. 16. UNGA (2004), Decision 59/515 of 3 December 2004 on problems arising from the accumulation of conventional ammunition stockpiles in surplus of 3 December 2004, UN Doc. A/59/49 (Vol. II). 17. UNGA (2017b), op. cit. 18. UNGA (2017b), op. cit., paras 15-16. 19. See for instance United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (n.d.), The United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs and the Sustainable Development Goals, p. 1; Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining and United Nations Development Programme (2017), Leaving No One Behind: Mine Action and the Sustainable Development Goals (Geneva: GICHD), pp. 38-39;

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The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction, Vol. 22, Iss. 2 [2018], Art. 1 UNGA (2016), New Urban Agenda, UN Doc. A/RES/71/256, para 103.

20. UNGA (2017b), Problems arising from the accumulation of conventional ammunition stockpiles in surplus, UN Doc. A/RES/72/55,

para 12.

21. United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (2018), Securing Our Common Future. An Agenda for Disarmament (New York:

UN), pp. vii-x and 44, accessible at

22. Mines Advisory Group (2016), Practical Disarmament Initiative. Developing good practice for measuring the success, effectiveness

and impact of PSSM (Manchester: MAG), pp. 6-9.

23. Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs and Swiss Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sports (2015), op. cit., p. 3. 24. United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (2018), op. cit., pp. 33-45 and 61-64, ac-

cessible at Accessed 18 July 2018.

Shattered Lives and Bodies: Recovery of Survivors of Improvised Explosive Devices and Explosive Remnants of War in Northeast Syria by MSF [ from page 24 ] 1. Names have been changed.

How Iraq Is Changing What We Do: Measuring Clearance in Urban Environments by Lodhammar [ from page 30 ] 1.

Stabilization definitions vary but generally it is understood to be a combination of military, humanitarian, political and economic activities that together bring stability to areas affected by violent conflict. In Iraq, the word stabilization is most often associated with the Funding Facility for Stabilization, managed by the United Nations Development Programme in collaboration with the Government of Iraq. Decisions of the Higher Committee for Mine Action (HCMA) Meeting № 2 of 2017 held on Wednesday 29 November 2017.

1. 2. IEDs used as substitutes for conventional landmines in a ‘belt’ configuration to defend a combatant position during a conflict meet

the International Humanitarian Law (IHL) definition of landmine.

3. Note: The IMAS Review Board has agreed to develop an IMAS on Improvised Explosive Device Disposal (IEDD). The need to clar-

ify a standard of clearance where ‘depth’ is not a suitable measurement is being considered.

4. Based on unconfirmed reports. 5. Economic theories differ as to ‘how much’ for ‘how many’ and ‘how soon’ when setting objectives and guidelines for societal wel-

fare and distribution of individual benefits. In his essay What Utilitarianism Is, John Stuart Mill defined utility as “the Greatest Happiness Principle, (which) holds that actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to promote the reverse of happiness.” In his theory of efficient economic allocation, Vilfredo Pareto argued that no one individual should be made better off while making at least one individual worse off. Other economists have suggested that “Pareto improvements” consider offsetting compensation for those disadvantaged by one government improvement that favors others so as to maintain a “Pareto efficient outcome” also considered the basic theorem of welfare economics. 6. Just as IMAS should include guidance on a standard for clearance in a 3-dimensional environment, so, too, should IMAS include a standard for threat assessment to ensure that organizations are properly considering risks. References 1. 2.

MMG Limited (MMG) is a global metals producer based in Melbourne, Australia. MMG is listed on the Hong 1. Baghdad Daily Situation Report (Unclassified), British Embassy, 30 June 2018. Decisions of the Higher Committee for Mine Action (HCMA) Meeting № 2 of 2017 held on Wednesday 29 November 2017.

3. Kubis, Cable CZX-086, 8 July 2018, UNAMI, Baghdad, Subject: The importance of mine action for Iraq’s recovery. 4. Marcaillou, Agnès Statement, IEDD standards, All Donor Forum and Open House, 19 April 2018, UNMAS HQ, New York. 5. Mill, John Stuart, Political Writings. Franklin Center, Pennsylvania: The Franklin Library, 1982 pp. 16, 363, 390. 6. Monthly Report, United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS) Iraq, June, 2017 7. National Strategic and Executive Plan for Mine Action 2017-2021. 8. Pareto, Vilfredo, Mind & Society, Dover, 1935. 9. REACH/CCCM Cluster ‘Intentions Survey’ January 2018. 10. Tan, George, UNMAS Iraq Ops Dispatch, No. 14, May 23, 2018. 11. United Nations Security Council Resolution 2365 (2017).

Sepon Supports UXO Clearance in Laos by Aneka and Valent [ from page 40 ] 1. The Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) Problem and Operational Progress in the Lao PDR.” NRA. Accessed 6

June 2018.

2. Under the Mineral Exploration and Production Agreement between the Government of Lao PDR and LXML signed in 1993. 3. “MMG LXML Sepon Supports 3000 Years of Cultural Heritage and Lao History.” MMG. 22 August 2016

Accessed 6 June 2018.




JMU: The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction “Seeking safer roads around Sepon mine.” MMG. 12 October 2010. Accessed 6 June 2018. Sunlalob Renewable Energy. “Sepon mine provides lasting clean water.” MMG. 1 November 2011. Accessed 6 June 2018. “MMG LXML Sepon partners with the Australian Government to improve agriculture productivity.” MMG. 27 July 2017. https:// Accessed 4 June 2018. 8. Transient electromagnetics, (also time-domain electromagnetics or TDEM), is a geophysical exploration technique in which electric and magnetic fields are induced by transient pulses of electric current and the subsequent decay response measured. 9. UXO Lao Detection Trial Test Report. GICHD. July 2015 Accessed 6 June 2018. 10. LXML has achieved 0 UXO-related incidents or injuries that would require medical treatment, including any minor injuries such as bruises and minor cuts. 4. 5. 6. 7.


1. MMG Limited (MMG) is a global metals producer based in Melbourne, Australia. MMG is listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange





(HGEx:1208) with a secondary listing on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX:MMG). Sepon is an open-pit copper mining operation in Laos. The name of the company in Laos is Lane Xang Minerals Limited (LXML), of which MMG owns 90% and the Lao Government 10%. More info at National Regulatory Authority (NRA) is a public institution of the Lao Government. It is responsible for regulation and coordination of all UXO operators in the country working on the impact of unexploded bombs, artillery shells, grenades, landmines and like ordnance. The overarching aims of the NRA are to enable all people in Lao PDR to live free from the threat of UXO, help promote national development, and see UXO victims fully integrated into society and ensure their needs are comprehensively met. More info at www. UXO Lao (Lao National Unexploded Ordnance Programme) was established by the Lao Government with the support of NUDP, UNICEF and other stakeholders in 1996. UXO Lao is working in the nine most impacted provinces nationwide, clearing land for agriculture and community purposed as well as other development activities. More info at Cooperative Orthotic Prosthetic Enterprise (COPE) was established by the Lao Ministry of Health in 1997 to ensure that people with physical disabilities have local, affordable access to a quality, nationally-managed rehabilitation service. More info at www.

THE HYBRID THERMAL LANCE: A PROMISING NEW TECHNIQUE FOR THE DESTRUCTION OF LANDMINES AND UXO BY DEFLAGRATION BY PRATT AND TORBET [ FROM PAGE 46 ] 1. McInally, Craig and Risser, Hans (2017) “Humanitarian Mine Action and IEDs,” Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction:

Vol. 21: Iss. 3, Article 10; Rhodes, Guy (2017) “Improvised Explosive Devices and the International Mine Action Standards,” Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction: Vol. 21: Iss. 3, Article 3 2. Patel, Divyakant (2009) “Proper Usage of Torch Systems for In-Situ Landmine Neutralization by Burning for Humanitarian Demining,” The Journal of ERW and Mine Action: Vol. 13: Iss. 1, Article 43 3. In some areas there are generally no issues with thermite importing and licensing; however, thermite becomes difficult to obtain once it is “weaponized” as an EOD tool. 4. Novozhilov, Joseph, Ishiko, Shimada, Wang, and Liu (2011) “Polymer Combustion as a Basis for Hybrid Propulsion: A Comprehensive Review and New Numerical Approaches,” Energies Journal: Vol 4: ISSN 1779-1839; doi:10.3390 5. Phone interview with Douglas Pratt of Pratt Hobbies, Inc. 6. Wood was chosen mainly because the use of hazardous materials (explosives in particular) is strictly controlled on the Messiah College campus. Wood, while it does burn, degrades relatively slowly while burning, and thus makes for a good comparison of the ability of the HTL to degrade a combustible material. 7. These were homemade explosives recovered from the field. 8. The P3 Mk2 anti-tank mine contained approximately 5 kg of TNT. 9. The PG-2 contained a TNT/RDX based shaped charge 10. The TM-62M anti-tank mine contained approximately 7.5 kg of TNT. 11. The term “igniferous soak” refers to a safe waiting period following EOD action involving a burn. HALO’s SOPs for any EOD burning mandate a 30-minute wait from the last signs of fire or smoke. 12. Such items are often mounted on stakes or trees above ground level. Placing an explosive donor charge in these instances, particularly in the vicinity of tripwires, is challenging. Although the use of EOD tools such as shaped charges can mitigate this to a degree.

Published by JMU Scholarly Commons, 2018

ISSUE 22.1 @ APRIL 2018



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