NJBM Recap By Jonathon Haggarty - CISV London
Intro CISV in Motion is the USA equivalent of NBM. It is not held in Cincinnati, Ohio. Across the river from Cincinnati is Northern Kentucky, which is where the conference and hotel were located. The weekend was filled with some old but mostly new friends, great conversations, lots of laughs, and the beginning of some really cool ideas for projects to try back in Canada. The theme for NJBM was “Our National Park�. It focused on sustainable development, and how we can make changes to our lives, or in the CISV sense our Chapter or NA. Sessions During the weekend I sat in on the JB sessions and plenaries as well as the joint workshops. The most interesting one for me was called the Reciprocal Relationship. During this workshop we talked about ways that we can communicate what we do for CISV and what CISV can do for us. We learnt practical ways to incorporate CISV into our daily lives and talked a lot about ways to educate non-CISVers on what exactly we do, without overwhelming them.
Round Table Discussions Everyone participated in round table discussions with topics such as recruitment, marketing, social media, adult-JB relations, and fundraising. Since these topics are routinely discussed at CISV events, feel free to hit me up if you have questions about specific topics. NEW NJR The JB also elected Sofia Goodman as the next NJR of CISV USA.
In one of the more entertaining sessions we were split into small groups and given time to create our own national parks. While most were extremely fictional, all had their issues that we later had to fix by starting a mosaic that would make each park more sustainable.