Dear IJB World,
March 2023
We are happy to share with you all the International Junior Branch Team Year Plans for 2023! By publishing this document, we hope to promote transparency and accountability in the IJB Team so that we can ser ve the Junior Branch better.
Please take note that this document only includes the plans for our work as JB Specialists. Plans and updates on Committee work are sent via CISV Internationalʼs Member News. To learn more about how the IJB Teamʼs work is structured, you can visit ijb.cisv.org /about-us/ junior-branch.
Should you have any comments or questions about our year plans or for the IJB Team in general, please reach out to us at ijbteam@ijb.cisv.org. You may also check the IJB Team 2023 Director y at the end of this document for all our contact details.
Vy, Georgia, Amanda, Antonio, Lianna, and Omar
IJB Team 2023
Goal Key Results / Means to Achieve Goal
International Junior Branch Conference
● Use as an opportunity for strategy
● Increase impact
Regional Meetings
● Increase impact from IJB at Regional Meetings
● Use Regional Meetings as a “first step” for content that can be used at IJBC
Reintroduce strategy in IJBʼs agenda
1. Include a thread for strategy
2. Measure increase in participants at IJBC (including Regional, National, JB leadership, CISV International leadership representation)
1. At least 1 IJR at each Regional Meeting
2. Feedback, action items, and concrete plan coming out of Regional Meetings
1. Reintroduce idea of motions
2. Put for ward motions and engage all stakeholders in doing so
Increase IJR interaction and work in collaborating with the Governing Board and International Office
1. Attend GoBo midway meeting
2. Develop concrete next steps for improving this relationship with actionable items from IJRs and CISV International
Align Risk Management (RM) into IJB
1. Engage in RM sessions at Regional Meetings
2. Input RM procedures in IJB documents
3 Input IJB into RM documents
4 Update IJB event planning resources (e g , J-02, Clipboard, IJB Events Form) Increase awareness of the work and the impact of the IJB Team
1 Restructure team
3. Monitor and evaluate the implementation of the IJB Team
Improve IJR knowledge continuity
4. Monitor the progress of portfolios
5. Feedback from NJRs (through Regional Teams) of increased awareness of IJB Team work
6. Run sessions at Regional Meetings and IJBC that promote IJB Team portfolio work
1. IJR transition guide from IJB point of view
2. IJR inclusion in Governing Board orientation
Increased presence on social media
IJB Team Onboarding
Januar y-March IJB Events Super vision
IJR Nominations
IJBC 2023 Logistics Planning
IJR Evaluation
IJBC 2023 Scholarship Applications
C-03 Motion
IJR Elections
IJBC 2023 Content Planning
IJB Event Process
1. Increased number of posts and Instagram Stories
2. Meaningful promotion of the work of IJRs and IJB Team
3. Meaningful promotion on a regional and national level on the IJB social media
IJR Handover and Onboarding
IJB Evaluations
IJBC 2024 Proposals
IJB Team Evaluation
IJB Budget Proposal
IJB Team Applications
For any questions, please contact Vy Nguyen and Ge orgia Chase (IJRs) at i jr@cisv.org.
International Junior Bra nch Tea m
Portfolio Yea r Pla ns
Com munications
Eve nts
Information Te ch n olo g y
Proje cts
Resourc es
Initiate and manage IJBʼs communication strategy, with the aim to improve the visibility of the organisation to different target audiences Support Local, National and Regional JB by advising their communication efforts and ensuring alignment to the CISV brand, maintaining impactful profile-raising. Collaborate on strategic planning for campaigns, general communications and promotions, major events and social trends with the Regional Team. Sit on the Communications, Fundraising, and Partnership Committee.
Make IJB Teamʼs work more present and transparent to the IJB community
Support Regions
Minimise the information gap between JB and CISV
Key Results / Means to Achieve Goal
1. Use social media more frequently
2. Promote more content that showcase our activities
1. Advertise regional workshops
2. Update IJB Communications documents (Handover and Regional Communication)
1. Promote CISV International sur veys/ questionnaires
2. Increase presence of JBʼs voice and opinion in CISV International
Personalise the IJB Communication experience and make it more interactive
Year Plan
Promote IJR Nominations
IJBC Announcements and Content
Regional Meeting Takeovers
New Regional Teams Announcements
1. Instagram Reels, people appearance, etc.
IJR Candidates Content
Post-IJBC 2023 Content and 2024 Location
IJB Thinks
Update Communications documents
IJB Team Applications Announcement
For any questions, please contact Omar Soliman (Communication Spe cialist) at omar.soliman@e g.cisv.org.
Work on evaluating in ever y area of JB Ensure that the IJRs, Regional Teams, IJB Team, and IJB events are evaluated regularly, that relevant information from those evaluations reach the right people, and document the outcome Make evaluation as accessible to all levels of IJB as possible and continue the pilot of the local JB assessment developed by 2022 Evaluation specialists.
Create standardised strategies/ tools to evaluate Local, National, Regional JBs and the IJB Team
Key Results / Means to Achieve Goal
1. Analyse the current JB landscape and determine where standardised evaluation can further support JBʼs activities
2. Coordinate with Regional Teams and IJB Team to adapt current evaluation resources to be relevant to Local, National, and Regional JBsʼ function
3. Pilot the newly created tools
Improve current resources and tools related to evaluation
Extract results within the context of each region to promote evaluation practices throughout IJB
1. Integrate evaluation into current IJB documents (IJB Evaluation Tools and Clipboard)
1. Share collected general information of the year and analyse data collected
2. Show the results in graphics and spread awareness about it
For any questions, please contact Amanda Aragão (Evaluation Spe cialist) at amanda.aragao@br.cisv.org.
Approves, oversees, and supports all IJB Events. IJB Events include, but are not limited to IJBC, Regional JB Meetings and Neighborhood Workshops. Main point of contact throughout the planning of IJB Events and guide event planners to relevant and necessar y support. Improves the quality of IJB Events by identifying priorities for change as well as maintaining relevant documents such as the IJB Events Form.
Subsidise the registration fee for IJBC participants
Key Results / Means to Achieve Goal
1 Coordinate with IJRs and Finance Committee to generate funding for JBers to attend IJBC
2. Run the application process
3. Promote this form on social media to increase awareness of the financial support and engage people in applying
Increase the visibility of IJB Events (for 2024)
1. Making a timetable or a calendar with IJB events (International workshops, midway meetings, etc.);
2. Posting it on the IJB Website, so it is available for ever yone;
3. Making a monthly Instagram Stor y explaining the calendar for that month
Promote and improve the IJB Teamʼs work to and for JBers
1. Facilitate an IJB Team session in Regional Meetings and IJBC;
2 Sur vey NJRs and Regional Teams on their knowledge and opinions o he IJB Team, and how to improve our communication with the rest of IJB, using IJB events as platforms for this sur vey;
3. Promote IJB Team applications and International Events.
Promote Regional Meetings on social
1. Make a post announcing where and
media when they are happening;
2. Promote the Instagram Stories of Regional Meetings while they are happening.
Year Plan
Clipboard Review
IJBC 2023 Scholarship Applications
IJBC Facilitator Applications
Events A ssistance for IJBC
Neighbourhood Workshops Approval
International Events Timeline 2024
For any questions, please contact António Mota Capitão (Events Spe cialist) at antonio.mota@pt.cisv.org.
Supports the technological end of IJB and IJB Team. Maintain the IJB website, the IJB Team Teams platform, and mailing lists, with the support of CISV Internationalʼs IT Specialists. Promote IJBʼs usage of CISVʼs Microso licence.
Goal Key Results / Means to Achieve Goal
Increased use of Microso 365 platforms among IJB Team members for work
1. All IJB Team meetings are conducted on Microso Teams
a. To be verified manually
2. All IJB Team files are stored on Microso Teams / SharePoint
b To be verified manually
3. Positive feedback from IJB Team members on use of Teams
c To be gathered informally via WhatsApp at the middle and end of our terms
Increased awareness among JB members about the IJB website as a resource for their JB
1. Significant rise in % engagement on social media posts promoting the IJB website 30 days a er
○ To be verified with engagement statistics on Instagram and Facebook, with assistance from Communications
2. Increased site traffic on the website 30 days a er promotions
○ To be verified using MonsterInsights plugin on WordPress
Increased efficiency of JB IT Specialist
1. All requests and inquiries are attended to within 1 week
○ To be verified using IT Logbook
Update and relaunch IJB website
Provide technical support for IJBC
Develop IT Guide for IJB Team
Maintain the website
For any questions, please contact Lianna Cabigas (IT Spe cialist) at lianna.cabigas@ph.cisv.org.
Oversees and supports projects happening in IJB. Keep track of projects taking place in IJB throughout the year, develop an IJB project form and promote its usage for a better management and documentation of IJB projects. Support project planners with logistics and providing access and/ or resource references,, and develop an international project guide.
Increased motivation among JBers to plan and implement projects
Increased knowledge among JBers on how to plan and implement projects
Develop JB project guide
IJB Peace One Day project
Projects blog post
Projects session at IJBC
Regional Team sur vey on projects
Key Results / Means to Achieve Goal
1 75% of JBs in the Americas implement a project in 2023
2. 50% of JBs in the A sia Pacific implement a project in 2023
3. 60% of JBs in Europe, Middle East, and Africa implement a project in 2023
To be verified with Regional Teams sur vey in Nov 2023
For any questions, please contact the Proje ct Spe cialists, Amanda Aragão (amanda.aragao@br.cisv.org) and Lianna Cabigas (lianna.cabigas@ph.cisv.org).
Compile past IJB resources into a comprehensive databank and lead its maintenance.
Improved access to IJB resources among JB members
Key Results / Means to Achieve Goal
1. All IJB Team members report positive feedback on accessing the internal database of resources on SharePoint
○ To be verified with a sur vey to be sent out within a month a er internal database has been organised
2. All IJB Team members and Regional Teams report positive feedback on accessing the resources database on the IJB website
○ To be verified with a sur vey to be sent out within a month a er re-launch of IJB website
Improved documentation of IJB resources
1. All pertinent documents of IJB Team 2022-2023 are accessible on the IJB Working Area SharePoint by the end of the year
○ Feedback from IJRs and IJB Team
Increased awareness of JB resources among JB members
1 Significant % engagement on social media posts promoting the IJB website 30 days a er promotions
○ To be verified with engagement statistics on Instagram and Facebook, with assistance from Communications
2 Increased site traffic on the IJB website
○ To be verified using MonsterInsights plugin on WordPress
Increased efficiency of Resources Specialist
1 New or updated resources are added to the website within 1 week
2. All inquiries on the database and resources are addressed within 1 week
○ To be verified using IT Logbook
Migrate IJB resources to myCISV
Launch resources database (website)
Maintain resources database
Develop IJB Resources Guide
Migrate IJB Team 2022-2023 resources to SharePoint archive
For any questions, please contact Lianna Cabigas (Resources Spe cialist) at lianna.cabigas@ph.cisv.org.
International Junior Representatives 2022-2023 | ijr@cisv.org
Vy Nguyen vy.nguyen@vn.cisv.org
Georgia Chase georgia chase@ca cisv org
International Junior Representative (Sr.)
International Junior Representative (Jr )
International Junior Branch Team 2023 | ijbteam@ijb.cisv.org
Evaluation Specialist
Amanda Aragão amanda.aragao@br.cisv.org
Projects Specialist
DEI Committee
Safeguarding Committee
Events Specialist
António Mota Capitão antonio.mota@pt.cisv.org
Finance Committee
Verification Committee
IT Specialist
Lianna Cabigas lianna.cabigas@ph.cisv.org
Projects Specialist
Resources Specialist
Education & Research Committee
Communications Specialist
Omar Soliman omar.soliman@eg.cisv.org
Decarbonizing Working Group
Organizational Development Committee
Training Committee