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Editor-in-chief CONTENTS Coming out of the pandem ic, New York City is trying to find new places homelessfor peo ple to live.
IMAGESFERDMAN/GETTYSTEVENORTEGA;R.RALPH FIRST READ … 4 The week that was JANET DIFIORE … 8 Who will replace the state’s top judge? REAL ESTATE WOES … 10 Ideas for saving affordable housing in New York City HOMELESSNESS … 12 Strategies cities are using to build more housing KATHY HOCHUL … 16 Looking back on her first year as governor LOBBYING IN ALBANY … 22 A more civil atmosphere emerges TOP 60 LOBBYISTSSTATE… 27 Ranking the leading government relations firms WINNERS & LOSERS … 66 Who was up and who was down last week
TWO SUMMERS AGO, I participated in an investigative project for Documented, the New York City-based immigration news site, which had reporters observe the federal immigra tion courts in Manhattan every day for three months. In each of these administrative hear ings, a U.S. Department of Homeland Security lawyer presided as judge and another one of the agency’s attorneys represented the government. Migrants, often without a lawyer, appeared to answer why they should be allowed to stay in the U.S. Case after case, I heard names called for migrants who were no-shows.
Catholic Charities and other nonprofits that work with migrants last week reported receiving hundreds of improperly addressed asylum hearing notices and without explana tion, as the city has seen an influx of migrants, including those that have been bused from Texas by Gov. Greg Abbott, who is protesting President Joe Biden’s immigration policies. If the notices turn out to be for these recent arrivals, their chances for deportation may have increased. If New York City is going to welcome these migrants with open arms, then it needs to ensure they are given their due process for seeking asylum. Otherwise, the perilous trek they made to the U.S. may have been in vain.
3August 22, 2022 City & State New York EDITOR’S NOTE
The government, according to immigration lawyers, will send asylum hearing notices to the addresses migrants gave upon their initial intake with immigration officials, but often those addresses were temporary or no longer good by the time the notifications arrived. When the hearing date comes and a migrant fails to show, the government can start deportation proceedings without the migrant even knowing it. They essentially could lose their day in court, all due to a lack of a follow-up.

– Rep. Carolyn Maloney on former President Donald Trump’s surprise – and unwelcome – endorsement of her candidacy in the 12th Congressional District, via The New York Times
In bizarre posts on Truth Social, former President Donald Trump claimed to have endorsed Rep. Carolyn Maloney in the 12th Congressional District and 10th District candidate Dan Goldman – the man who helped impeach him the first time around. The former president heaped lavish, sarcastic praise on both candidates describ ing Maloney as “kind and wonderful” who will always “support me no matter what I do,” and Goldman as “highly intelligent” and someone who would assist Republicans in defeating “the Radical Left Demo crats.” While many in the political world recognized the endorsements as Trump’s attempt to get back at two of his foes, candidates Yuh-Line Niou, Jo Anne Simon, Mondaire Jones pounced. The former president’s endorsement wasn’t the only one that got “The district needs more than a one-note Daddy Warbucks in Congress.” “ Thanks, but no thanks. I’ll pass.” – New York City Council Member Carlina Rivera on her 10th Congressional District opponent Dan Goldman, via the Daily News people talking: The New York Times released its long-awaited congressio nal endorsements about a week ago, spurring back lash after selecting three white men – Reps. Sean Patrick Maloney and Jerry Nadler, and Goldman. New York City Council Speaker Adrienne Adams endorsed Carlina Rivera in the 10th District.
FINAL CAMPAIGN DAYS With the Aug. 23 primary less than a week away, it’s crunch time for candidates in a slew of competitive contests as they make lastditch efforts to sway voters. Early voting began on Aug. 13, though turnout was low so far. Polling showed Nadler had pulled ahead in the 12th District, with 43% of likely Democratic voters. With 24% support, Maloney could face an uphill battle against her colleague. One of the methods she deployed to try and make up some ground was to send nearly 26,000 letters to constituents, which had some ethics experts questioning whether she crossed a line due to a House rule that prohibits members from sending mass
CityAndStateNY.com4 August 22, 2022
While these products are now legal to possess and use in New York, the state has not issued permits to sell them yet.
SMOKED OUT Looking to buy edibles in New York City’s least chilled-out locale? You’re officially out of luck. The NYPD cleared out 19 trucks openly selling cannabis food products from Times Square last week as the city cracks down on the now commonplace practice of selling marijuana and other cannabis products.
Former President Donald Trump made a couple curious endorsements in New York Democratic primaries, leaving all the candidates in those races scratching their heads.

TUESDAY 8/23 Having déjà vu? It’s primary Election Day, again! Get out and vote in races for Congress and state Senate –plus there will even be a couple of special elections. endorsement, progres sive candidates Jones and Niou teamed up at a press conference to express their concern about the threats that the moderate Goldman could impose on the country. And people were also paying attention to a special election in Hudson Valley, where two high-profile candidates are vying to seize the 19th Congressional District swing seat last held by Democrat Antonio Delgado, who gave it up to serve as lieutenant governor. Whoever wins will be in office for only a few months, but the outcome is expected to offer insight into whether Democrats should expect a Republican wave in November. ADAMS STRIKES AT OUTDOOR DINING
New York City schools Chan cellor David Banks vowed that under his tenure, students will leave the system with a “sense of possibility” for the careers they want to have and the tools they’ll need to get there.
The New York City Districting Commission holds a public hearing on the New York City Council district lines at 5:30 p.m. at the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture in Harlem.
Six months into his tenure as chancellor of the coun try’s largest school system, he has overseen a tumultu ous school budget process, faced enrollment declines, rolled out two first-of-theirkind virtual academies and urged the state to extend mayoral control of schools.
The New York City Council CommitteeHealthholds an oversight hearing on the monkeypox virus at 10 a.m. in the council chamber.
– Sahalie Donaldson
“We do a lot of schooling, but not necessarily educat ing, and certainly not mak ing it clear for all of our young people about why we do this every day,” Banks said at City & State’s 2022 Educa tion Summit. “As I’ve spo ken to parents and teachers and students all across the city, we have framed what we think is our mission for this administration: And that is ultimately that every one of our students will graduate on a pathway to a rewarding career, long-term economic security and to be a force for change in their communities.” Banks, who oversees the system of nearly 1.1 mil lion students, underscored these points before a packed room of educators, elected officials, advocacy organiza tions, business leaders and other stakeholders last week. He urged attendees to grap ple with the true reasons for school, saying educators and parents have a duty to help children deepen their con nection to what they learn and clarify that they aren’t in school to be compliant or complete assignments.
5City & State New YorkAugust 22, 2022
All eyes will be on the 10th inafterprogressiveslargerDistrictCongressionalaswellasonthemeslikehowwilldoatoughshowingtheJuneprimary.
New York City Mayor Eric Adams is starting to double down on demolishing deserted outdoor dining sheds amid the restaurant industry’s post-pandemic recovery.
Preparing NYC students for the real world
It’s not every day that a mayor puts on a hard hat and drives a sledgehammer into the side of a once-pop ulated structure. Yet in the kind of slightly unusual photo op he seems to relish, New York City Mayor Eric Adams helped knock down an abandoned restaurant shed in Manhattan. He was taking the first swing in a new city initiative to demolish deserted sheds. Outdoor dining has been a COVID-19 pandemic staple over the past two and a half years. The structures have helped struggling restau rants remain open and ensure that thousands of employees could keep their jobs. But as cases have de creased and the restaurant industry has recovered, a citywide debate has re sumed over the longevity of the outdoor dining program. Like many New Yorkers, Ad ams has defended outdoor dining and said it should become a permanent part of city life. It’s the “blight and disorder” at some sheds that the mayor was taking a swing at.
Banks emphasized that leaders in the education space must create an environment where students graduate with a strong post-second ary plan regardless of whether they decide to go to college –where they’ll leave school with the tools and skills they need to get off “mommy and daddy’s payroll.” This, he said, was the department’s “North Star” and a driving theme in the years to come.
“I want young people to have a greater sense of pos sibility for themselves when they go through this K-12 system,” Banks said. “If you come into our schools in kindergarten and stay clear through 12th grade, we’ve spent close to $350,000 per student. The question that you should all be asking is, what’s the return on invest ment? What are the kinds of young people that we ought to be producing? What should we expect as we hand them that diploma and we offer up a hearty congratulations?”

CityAndStateNY.com August 22, 20226 $2,000,000$1,000,000$500,0000$1,500,000$2,500,000$3,000,000$3,500,000$4,000,000 TO:FROM:
The $2,900 contribution limit for congressional primaries doesn’t exist for the candidates themselves. That means wealthy people running for office can put extraordinary amounts of their own money into their campaigns – like $4 million for Levi Strauss heir Dan Goldman. These dona tions usually come in the form of loans, which candidates can forgive at any time, effectively turning them into cold, hard contributions. And some congressional candidates in New York are spending big on themselves.
By ColtinJeff
The New York congressional candidates contributing the most to their own campaigns.
DAN GOLDMAN (D), 10th District CARL PALADINO (R), 23rd District CAROLYN MALONEY (D), 12th District MICHELLE BOND (R), 1st District GEORGE SANTOS (R), 3rd District JO ANNE SIMON (D), 10th District 72% OF TOTAL $3,988,468FUNDRAISING
$2,000,000 $910,000 $800,309 $580,000 $409,000 99% OF TOTAL

7City & State New YorkAugust 22, 2022
Our Perspective
I think the misperceptionbiggest is that we’re just a hospital. We’re more than a hospital.
lawmakers?mindbothaboutmisconceptionbiggestthenSUNYDownstate,inthepublic’sandinthemindof I think the employers.the2,000havemorewe’remisperceptionbiggestisthatjustahospital.We’rethanahospital.We4,000employees,students.We’reintop10ofallBrooklynWhenyouroll up all of our economic impact, we have a $1.1 billion economic impact in New York City and to Brooklyn. We are a major contributor to the health sciences and health professions nationally. The medical school is the 16th largest medical school in the country out of 150-plus medical schools. And that was part of why I, shortly after I got here, began discussions with the then-chancellor and the SUNY board that we needed to change our name – that we needed to change our official name to SUNY Downstate Health UniversitySciencesbecause of that misperception that we’re just a hospital. – Peter Tomao
What is the
It was a tough decision. But again, with a $160 million deficit visited upon us because of our COVID work, we had to make tough decisions. And my job as a leader is to make tough decisions. As much as I really enjoyed and was proud of the fact that we provided support for the schoolbased clinics, because of our fiscal situation, we had to make that tough decision to exit the schoolbased clinic. If we can one day get to a better fiscal situation, we will be happy to revisit that. So again, this is a tough decision. We understand people are concerned. We’re working with the New York City Board of Education to help them to backfill with DOE personnel. We will help in the vetting of providers who could replace us. So we’re being very cooperative as much as possible to try to make sure that, even though we’re no longer there, somebody is there who can provide some level of service for these school-based clinics.
N ew York’s farmworkers work as hard — or harder — than most New Yorkers, yet they are not entitled to overtime pay after 40 hours worked. This injustice needs to end now — farmworkers deserve the same dignity and respect on the job as other workers in the state, most of whom are already entitled to a 40-hour workweek. Unlike most workers in the Empire State — and the rest of the country — New York’s farmworkers are currently denied overtime pay by New York law until they’ve worked 60 hours a week. This is a shameful relic of Jim Crow-era labor laws that have historically treated farmworkers — the backbone of New York’s agriculture industry — as secondclass workers.
Give Farmworkers the 40‑Hour Workweek now!
Thanks to the efforts of New York’s labor movement, including the RWDSU, farmworkers won historic legislation in 2019 that includes finally giving them the right to organize. Workers at Pindar Vineyards on Long Island made history last year when they joined RWDSU Local 338 and became the first farmworkers in the Empire State to join a union, and others are organizing across New York. But as long as New York’s farmworkers are denied the 40-hour workweek, they are still denied justice and equality. New York has made some progress towards correcting this unfair standard, but unnecessary delay is holding back this progress. This year, the New York State Department of Labor’s Farmworker Overtime Wage Board indicated it would recommend lowering the overtime threshold for farmworkers to 40 hours per week, bringing these workers in line with virtually every other hourly in New York over a ten-year period. And, to address farm owners’ concerns about increased labor costs, a dollar-for-dollar tax credit for farm owners to cover overtime pay over 40 hours was approved in this year’s stateIt’sbudget.been six months since the wage board met; it’s time to make this change a reality, and finally ensure justice and equality for farmworkers in New York. We call on state officials to immediately implement this plan and provide farmworkers with a 40-hour workweek. New Yorkers depend upon these workers every single day, and changing the labor law immediately to bring fairness to the fields where they toil is the right thing to do, both economically and morally. Let this be the last summer New York’s farmworkers are denied the 40-hour workweek.
You have been handling a lot over the past two years with the public health crisis. Could you describe how SUNY Downstate has weathered the COVID-19 pandemic? We performed superbly during COVID, even in an environment where we have more constrained resources than other hospitals and health systems. The problem is the designationCOVID-onlycreated this perception in the minds of our patient base here in Central Brooklyn that we were, and still are, COVID only.So needless to say, because the designation of being COVID only was in some respects, quote-unquote, an unfunded mandate, we find ourselves in a little bit of a fiscal rut. So we’ve been working with state leadership, SUNY leadership, the SUNY board, the Department of Health and the governor’s office to ameliorate the financial challenges that were brought on principally by that almost nine-month period where we were, officially COVID only. You might have seen Chalkbeat New York had an article looking at your five Brooklyn school clinic closures. What was your response to these city disappointment?officials’
By Stuart Appelbaum, President, Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union, RWDSU, UFCW Twitter: @sappelbaum
A Q&A with SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University President

Troutman, who was appointed to the court by Hochul last year and who would be the first Black woman to serve as chief judge, is a former prosecutor – having worked as an assistant district attorney, assistant U.S. attorney and assistant attorney general before becoming a judge. That’s a deal breaker for the progressive organizations behind the letter.
On Aug. 12, the coalition sent a letter to Hochul laying out a set of criteria for her to consid er when nominating DiFiore’s replacement as chief judge. The letter was spearheaded by the Center for Community Alter natives and co-signed by more than 100 other progressive orga nizations – including such heavy hitters as the state Working Families Party, New York Com munities for Change, Make the Road New York, and the United Auto Workers Region 9A. The letter, which was shared with City & State, calls on Ho chul to nominate “a thought ful, principled lawyer who will safeguard New Yorkers’ rights, bring independence and a demonstrated appreciation for the law’s power to protect the most vulnerable, and defend our democracy in the challeng ing years ahead.” It also sharp ly criticizes DiFiore’s tenure as chief judge and encourages the governor to select someone who will reverse DiFiore’s decisions and administrative policies.
“The DiFiore Court’s con servative turn – most dramati cally displayed in its decision in Harkenrider v. Hochul to give redistricting power to a single Republican trial court judge –has been complemented by in stitutional dysfunction,” the letter states. “Under Chief Judge DiFiore, the Court of Appeals has heard fewer cases than ever before, especially criminal ap peals, and has written fewer and shorter decisions than pre vious courts. Its decisions have harmed workers, immigrants, and tenants, curtailed New Yorkers’ rights, undermined our state’s democratic institu tions, and made it more difficult for the state to protect our nat ural environment. This Court’s priorities have been clear – and they have been clearly wrong for NewTheYork.”letter also makes a clear demand: “The next Chief Judge must not be a former prosecu tor.” That requirement would rule out Shirley Troutman, a cur rent associate judge on the Court of Appeals who is thought to be one of the leading contenders to replace DiFiore as chief judge.
Of the current associate judges on the Court of Appeals, progressives favor Rowan Wil son, a member of the court’s liberal minority known for
CUOMOANDREW highestofrightwardseestopprocessthewillinggroupsAdvocacyaretodisruptconfirmationtowhattheyastheshiftthestate’scourt. By
T HE SURPRISE res ignation of Chief Judge Janet DiFiore from the Court of Ap peals has set up a tense nomination battle to select her successor. Although the actual nomination will not happen until this fall, a coalition of left-wing groups has begun mobilizing to pressure Gov. Kathy Hochul to nominate a progressive pick who will re verse the Court of Appeal’s drift to the right under DiFiore. Until recently, nominations to New York’s highest court were relatively dull affairs, with lit tle of the political maneuvering or ideological debates that char acterized U.S. Supreme Court nomination fights. That changed in May 2021, when then-Gov. Andrew Cuomo nominated Madeline Singas, the former district attorney for Queens and Nassau County, and an ad hoc coalition of criminal justice reform groups sprung up to urge the State Senate to reject herAlthoughnomination.this “Stop Singas” campaign failed to block Singas’ nomination to the Court of Ap peals, it did succeed in politiciz ing the nomination process. In the end, 10 Democratic senators voted against Singas. As the process to replace Di Fiore begins, this coalition is beginning to organize once again – this time, with backing from some of the state’s largest progressive advocacy groups.
“That’s a bright line that we’ll stand behind,” said Peter Mar tin, Center for Community Al ternatives’ director of judicial accountability and a leading or ganizer behind the letter.

9City & State New York his dissents. A former corpo rate attorney, he would be the first Black man to serve as chief judge and has never worked as a prosecutor. His record since joining the court in 2017 clear ly marks him as someone who disagrees with the court’s di rection under DiFiore.
“I will not be engaged until much further down the road,” Hochul said when asked about the chief judge vacancy at a press conference on July 13. “The ju dicial commission will be solic iting applications. They have up to four months to put forth seven names to me to consider. So that is the narrow universe that I’ll be able to Martinconsider.”alsosaid it was too early to discuss candidates.
“Theprosecutor.”bemustChiefnextJudgenotaformer – A letter from a coalition of progressive groups to Gov.HochulKathy
Gov. DiFiore.JudgeAppealsstatewantspickingaHochulKathyfacesbigchoiceinwhoshetoreplaceCourtofChiefJanet
“When we get seven names, they will have relative mer its against each other, and at that time, we will do advocacy around who is acceptable, who is unacceptable, who are our top choices,” he said. “But we’re very far from that.” While the progressive coali tion remains publicly hopeful that Hochul will eventually pick a nominee who fulfills the cri teria laid out in the letter, they have already begun mobilizing senators to vote against a pick they find unacceptable.
■ Peter Sterne is a journalist based in Queens who covers politics and the media.
“Of the current associate judges, Wilson’s record is the one that most clearly fulfills the criteria laid out in the letter,” Martin said. “His jurisprudence is clear and it represents, strict ly from a jurisprudential stand point, an appreciation in his record that the recent decisions of the Court of Appeals have beenTroutmanharmful.”and Wilson are only two of the possible candi dates to replace DiFiore. Any lawyer in New York state is eli gible to apply for the position of chief judge and applications are open until Aug. 29. Martin said that the progressive coalition would like to see more progres sive lawyers and would stand be hind any applicant who meets the criteria laid out in the letter.
“We are seeking applications from as many highly qualified, accomplished, professionally di verse lawyers – public defend ers, civil rights lawyers, tenant and housing lawyers – and we are confident that there are many very qualified, very cred ible from among that universe of New York lawyers,” he said. Once the application period closes, the Commission on Ju dicial Nomination will begin winnowing down the pool of ap plicants to produce a “shortlist” of seven candidates by the end of November, and Hochul will se lect one of those names to for mally nominate to the position. When the state Senate recon venes in January, it will vote on theFornomination.now,both the progressive activists and Hochul are reluc tant to discuss specific candi dates to replace DiFiore. At a press conference on July 13, Hochul was asked about the Court of Appeals vacancy and who she might nominate to replace DiFiore. She declined to say, noting that she would have to wait until the commission had made its picks.

“That takes the form of a lot of cash buy ers entering the home space and especial ly a lot of flippers,” Perez said. “So we see really aggressive, high-frequency flipping, where they buy low, sell high. And in re cent years, we’ve seen that accelerating in the Bronx specifically.”
On Aug. 11, New York City Council Member Lincoln Restler introduced a bill that would give nonprofits and community land trusts first dibs on developing publicly owned land. It would be a step toward fostering housing that prioritizes affordability and limits prof its – models like community land trusts and limited-equity co-operatives. Housing ad vocates believe these ideas can be part of the city’s future because they present a way to maintain affordability and prioritize housing as a home, instead of as an investment.
Sanchez said long-term solutions for New York’s housing system should involve in creasing support for programs that create permanent“Focusingaffordability.onwhatwe have the power to do and do as a city here. What are models that remove speculation from the equation, that remove that profit? And again we always end up thinking about homeownership op portunities,” Sanchez said.
O VER THE PAST DECADE IN New York City, a housing short age, increased investor activity and quickly rising home pric es have exacerbated the afford able housing crisis. Today, there are almost no apartments with a monthly rent below $1,500 in the city. Housing advocates and policymakers have been pushing the city to invest in different housing models that prioritize affordability overCitywide,profit. homeownership declined 33.6% to 31.9% from 2009 to 2019 and during the same time frame, the medi an sales price of a home nearly doubled to $790,000. Rents have also sharply risen since 2010, increasing faster in the outer boroughs. Rents rose the most in Queens, climbing 30%, followed by 19% in the Bronx. And just last month, the average rent in Manhattan crossed $5,000 a month. “We’re seeing rents at unbelievable new heights. There’s just obviously such a mas sive horrifying housing crisis that it’s clear we need to create a different type of system,” said Elise Goldin, community land trust campaign organizer at the New Economy Project. “I think everyone knows that it’s past the moment to be taking land and hous ing off of the speculative market.”
The Bronx exemplifies many of the struggles facing New York’s housing system. Cash in vestors competing with families to purchase homes as well as continually rising rents paired with entrenched inequality. Today, 18.9% of Bronxites own a home. The borough is also home to the highest share of low-income renters in the city, making residents more vulnerable to price increases.“Fromthe beginning of the pandemic, the Bronx has been the hardest hit in terms of unemployment numbers,” said Ivy Perez, policy and research manager at the Center for New York City Neighborhoods. “This is also happening in the context of really aggressive speculation.” A 2020 report from the Center for New York City Neighborhoods found that near ly 40% of New York City home, condo and co-op purchases were cash sales. And the Bronx saw the largest increase in cash ac tivity during the previous decade. Since the Bronx is home to a large portion of the city’s remaining lower priced properties, it can be particularly vulnerable to specula tion and investors.
“That one example where you come across a building that is not rent regulated. For some reason, there you have a private equity company coming in purchasing and pushing tenants out. It’s like clockwork, right?” said Sanchez, who also serves as the chair of the New York City Council Housing and Buildings Committee.
tive home deals firsthand. Sanchez’s Bronx district is home to many rent-stabilized buildings but other properties – where tenants have fewer legal protections – are vulnerable to flips.
New York City Council Member Pierina Sanchez has seen the fallout from specula
That’s an idea that’s gaining momentum.
FINDING SOLUTIONS One piece of the solution to New York’s housing woes can be found right in the Bronx’s backyard. The borough is home to Sydney House, Habitat for Humanity’s largest multifamily development. The 56-unit, 77,000-square-foot co-op
A couple alternative housing models are taking root in New York City. By TomaoPeter

11City & State New York
“(It) is an incredible tool for commu nities to have a say in the development in their neighborhood and to (ensure) that land is being used for the benefit of the community and (is) affordable in perpetu ity,” Goldin said. Goldin estimated there are about 15 com munity land trusts throughout New York City – and three of them currently have land: Cooper Square Community Land Trust (the oldest one in New York City), Interboro Community Land Trust and East Harlem El Barrio Community Land Trust. Goldin and other advocates are support ing initiatives to help the trusts acquire land, including Restler’s bill to give them the first crack at the development of pub lic land. Another piece of legislation is the city Community Opportunity to Purchase Act, which would give the trusts and other nonprofits the first right to purchase mul tifamily buildings when landlords sell.
“We’reprogram.certainly at the council … look ing at how we can support more on the technical side, how we (can) get more prop erties into this kind of ownership, and how we (can) make sure that what we’re doing is sustainable,” Sanchez said. Ultimately, Sanchez said the fight for more community housing was an import ant part of keeping New York a vibrant city. She pointed to New York’s past suc cesses with Co-op City and the Mitch ell-Lama program as inspiration.
■ “There can be no buildforopportunitieswithoutispolicyhousingaffordablethatequitablepeopletoequity.”
This summer, Adams announced a major new housing plan to turn New York into a “city of yes.” The plan supported a host of items, including increased homeownership and community land trusts but it was criti cized as being vague on measuring success.
Habitat for Humanity’s Dunbar also em phasized tenant opportunities to purchase programs as an important policy tool.
erative offers permanently affordable homeownership to middle-class families. Apartments in the building cannot ap preciate by more than 2% per year. When residents sell their unit, buyers must meet income restrictions and the sales price ad heres to a predetermined formula.
The building, which opened in 2021, was the first development to receive fund ing from the Open Door Program, a New York City initiative designed to boost homeownership among low- to middle-in come households. Sales prices at Sydney House ranged from $188,823 to $326,099, depending on size of the unit.
“There can be no affordable housing policy that is equitable without opportuni ties for people to build equity,” said Matt Dunbar, chief strategy officer and execu tive vice president of Habitat for Humani ty New York City and Westchester County. “And that is both personal equity and fam ily equity, but also community equity. And cooperative ownership with long-term af fordability is the ultimate community eq uity.”Dunbar said the project represented a shift in priorities for the city, pivoting from building affordable rentals to providing more affordable homeownership. Goldin, from the New Economy Project, stressed that community land trusts were not the sole answer to the affordability cri sis, but they were a powerful way to but tress affordability. Land trusts differ from the co-ops in that a nonprofit would own the land and operate the building.
“A strategy to create new home owner ship in the Bronx would be to work with landlords and tenants to sell their build ings to their tenants and create home ownership where people are already liv ing,” Dunbar said.
Sanchez, who was a professional urban planner before being elected, said support ing alternative housing models from the city takes investing in technical assistance for nonprofits or community land trusts, increasing access to land acquisition and new financing through New York City’s capital
– Matt Dunbar, Habitat for Humanity New York City and Westchester County chief strategy officer and executive vice president Habitat throughdevelopmentSydneyHumanity’sforHousewasthefirsttoreceivefundingNewYorkCity’sOpenDoorProgram.
“Land trusts and limited equity mod els come into the conversation because we have seen, in some cases, wild success of limited equity models,” Sanchez said. “But we haven’t prioritized them as we build our arsenal of tools to approach the affordable housing crisis in New York City.

The challenge On any given night in 2021, more than 326,000 people were reported to be in an emergency shelter, transitional housing or other temporary housing situations, ac cording to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. An underlying cause of homelessness is a shortage of af fordable housing, said Steven Berg, vice president for programs and policy for the National Alliance to End Homelessness.
C OMMUNITIES ARE grappling with how to best assist people experiencing homelessness, in cluding with tiny homes, hotel conversions, rental assistance and supportive services. Some of those methods have proven effective in some parts of the country but have been more difficult to implement in some of the largest cities, including New York City.
In an April report, the National Low In come Housing Coalition found that there was a shortage of 7 million affordable rent al homes for extremely low-income renters.
Berg said that while the problem is dire and there needs to be more housing built, there were effective strategies that could re duce the most immediate and harmful effects of “Thishomelessness.hasbeen many years in the mak ing for many of these cities that just didn’t allow their housing – or didn’t force their housing – supply to keep up with increas ing demand,” Berg said in a recent interview with City & State and Route Fifty. “Home lessness is one result of that and (there are) tools available to resolve it. But people have got to have the patience and the willingness to stick to it over time in order to solve the problem that took that long to get this bad.”
Permanent supportive housing Permanent supportive housing provides low-cost housing in tandem with support ive services, such as health care and coun seling. It’s an effective tool for combating homelessness – especially if it were to be scaled up, according to Berg. Research shows permanent housing is ultimately the most cost-effective approach to addressing homelessness, even in a place like New York City, Berg said.
New York City is using pandemic funding to aid renters and build more affordable housing.
By Molly Bolan & Peter Tomao
“The public saves money by getting homeless people, particularly people with the most severe issues, off the streets and into housing. Even though the hous ing costs money, they save in emergency rooms, jails and homeless shelters,” Berg said.King County, Washington, home to Seat

tle, has an initiative called Health Through Housing, which aims to create 1,600 emer gency housing and supportive housing units by the end of the year for people who are ex periencing or are at risk of homelessness. As of April, the initiative included 10 proper ties, five of which are in Seattle. Since the beginning of 2021, more than 600 people who were previously experienc ing homelessness have been housed, accord ing to Seattle Weekly.
doable and effective but would take increased resources to scale up. And those extra costs can make the programs more difficult to im plement.“High rents are correlated with home lessness everywhere in the country. Places with the most homelessness are the places with the highest rents,” Berg said. “A place like Houston has housing policies that cause rents to be lower. It’s just going to be easier to get homeless people housed than it is in New York City or Los Angeles.”
Using one-time funds Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the federal government has released trillions of dollars in emergency funding. These allo cations were well suited for “rapid rehous ing,” a model that involves short-term rent paired with services, Berg said. Participants are housed and after a few months, once they’re settled and employed, they’ll be ex pected to cover rent themselves without the subsidy.InJuly 2020, Houston announced its Community COVID Housing Program, a $65 million plan coordinated by the city, Harris County and Coalition for the Home less, a local nonprofit that aims to move people experiencing homelessness into per manent housing. That initiative was in part funded by the CARES Act. In addition to offering permanent sup portive housing, the Community COVID Housing Program helped support rapid re housing. Under the plan’s rapid rehousing program, people were expected to be able to support themselves after a 12-month period of rental assistance and light case manage ment. Between Oct. 1, 2020, and July 12, 2022, 3,683 people had been housed under the rapid rehousing program, according to New York City Public JumaaneAdvocateWilliamsspeaksatarallyforhomelesspeoplewhoneedrentalassistanceorpermanenthousing.
Berg noted permanent housing programs in expensive places like New York City were
According to a 2019 report from Third Door Coalition – a nonprofit alliance of business leaders, service providers and re searchers aiming to end chronic homeless ness in King County – 98% of people who are chronically homeless in the county said they would participate in the program if of fered the opportunity.

CityAndStateNY.com14 August 22, 2022 the Coalition for the Homeless. Several mu nicipalities have gotten creative with their use of COVID-19 relief funds. In Madison, Wisconsin, the city allocated nearly $9 mil lion in American Rescue Plan funds for ad dressing homelessness. Of that, $2 million went toward creating a tiny house village. Denver, meanwhile, approved $3.9 million to expand temporary housing areas – called “safe outdoor spaces”– where people expe riencing homelessness could connect with support services. Noncongregate housing During the pandemic, many communi ties reconsidered the layout of their home less shelters, which often relied on large shared rooms for sleeping, Berg said. But as that became a significant health risk during the pandemic, many places began exploring noncongregate options, such as using hotels as temporary housing. “I think the idea is that shelters need to be designed by talking to homeless people and figuring out what will make the shelter feel like a safe and helpful place to them,” Berg said. “And I think that the noncongregate model often met that objective.” It’s an approach that has been utilized across the country, from Los Angeles to Ver mont. In some communities, the strategy has been successful enough to justify continuing it beyond the pandemic. In 2020, Oregon al located $65 million for Project Turnkey, an initiative that involved purchasing hotels and motels for people experiencing homelessness or who had been displaced by wildfires. In less than a year, Project Turnkey secured 19 properties, resulting in a 20% increase in that state’s supply of shelter beds. In March, the state Legislature allocated another $50 mil lion for Project Turnkey 2.0. How does New York compare? In New York City as homelessness increas es and the red-hot pandemic housing market makes affordable housing even more scarce, policymakers have attacked the problem with varying degrees of success. And unlike in other jurisdictions, residents have a legal right to shelter. When the pandemic began, single adults who were homeless were moved into hotels and noncongregate shelters. But last summer, then-New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio ended the program after pushback from wealthy neighbors, which disappointed advocates who believed the program showed promise.“Interms of how New York City is doing when it comes to noncongregate options, like hotels and motels, I would say it’s very This convertedOregonMotelformer6inwasintosupportivehousing. FOUNDATIONCOMMUNITYOREGON

“The eligibility categories for people to use those vouchers as homelessness prevention is relatively narrow,” Simone said, adding that there’s often waiting periods in shelters be fore residents are eligible for aid.
15City & State New YorkAugust 22, 2022 mixed,” said Jacquelyn Simone, policy direc tor at Coalition for the Homeless. “The con tinued spread of the virus has underscored the inherent vulnerabilities that people who are without safe, private indoor places to sleep at night face.” New York state utilized federal stimulus money to create the Emergency Rental As sistance Program, which has distributed $2 billion in aid to renters. Lawmakers hoped the emergency aid – in addition to a tempo rary eviction moratorium – would help keep residents in their homes. Despite a bumpy start, the program was able to distribute the funds to nearly 190,000 New Yorkers. And the high demand for the program under scored the need for more robust housing aid.
In addition to the emergency aid, Simone noted that both the city and state have hous ing voucher programs for people experienc ing homelessness, but the programs have encountered administrative hurdles.
Advocates applauded the mayor’s steps to eliminate administrative burdens but cau tioned that the devil was in the details.
– Jacquelyn HomelessCoalitionSimone,forthepolicydirector
In an attempt to cut through the red tape, New York City Mayor Eric Adams recent ly eased rules that prevented homeless peo ple outside of the city’s shelter system from accessing aid. Additionally, the mayor has committed to a host of other initiatives to ease homelessness, from accelerating the de livery of 15,000 units of supportive housing to reforming zoning laws and preserving ex isting below-market-rate units.
“It sounds promising, we just need to see the fine print,” Simone said. “I think it’s great that this administration does seem focused on reducing bureaucratic hurdles. But we don’t see the impact yet of how any reforms are being implemented on the ground.” ■ Molly Bolan is an assistant editor at Route Fifty. “The


The former LG no one had heard of combined political savvy and pure luck to cement her position as the most powerful person in New York

After being sworn in, Gov. Kathy Hochul said Albany.transparencyinwouldadministrationherusheraneweraofin
When Hochul stepped into her new posi tion as the most powerful official in the state, she raised money at a record pace, even by the high standards of Albany and those set by Cuomo, himself a relentless fundrais er. When she took office, Hochul had under $2 million in her campaign account. Now, heading into her first general election for governor in November, she boasts nearly $12 million on hand, even after spending heav ily in the Democratic primary. In the past year, she has raised over nearly $36 million in total, nearly $22 million of which came in just her first five months as governor. “I’ll tell you what, I don’t think I would have been able to do that,” former Gov. David Pater son, who took over when former Gov. Eliot Spitzer resigned in 2008, told City & State.
CityAndStateNY.com August 22, 202218
O NE YEAR AGO this week, Kathy Hochul took a new oath of office, stepping up following several tur bulent months for her predecessor to become New York’s first female governor. After numerous allega tions of sexual harassment, mul tiple investigations and a bombshell report from the attorney general’s office, former Gov. Andrew Cuomo stepped down, allow ing the lieutenant he tried to dump more than once ascend to new heights. And ascend she has, capping off a historic first year with a landslide primary victory and a comfort able lead in general election polling. Prior to Cuomo’s fall from grace, few gave much thought to the second-term lieutenant governor, nor to her political prowess. In 2018, Hochul came unexpectedly close to los ing the second term to New York City Public Advocate Jumaane Williams despite running alongside Cuomo with his ever-growing war chest. While the governor barely broke a sweat in besting his own progressive oppo nent, Hochul had reason to worry that she would once again fall to a challenger after just a single term, a repeat of her short-lived con gressional career. Hochul finds herself, once again, fight ing for the chance to maintain her seat of power – but this time, she has spent the past year wielding that power to its full extent in practiced displays of political savvy. Hochul owes her successes to a number of factors, in cluding calculated decision making and plain old luck. But perhaps more than anything else, the story of her first year is one told in a series of dollar signs, with a term character ized by copious amounts of cash.
The New York Times reported in June that Hochul hoped to increase that number to as high as $70 million before Election Day. Her Republican opponent, Rep. Lee Zeldin, has about $1.6 million on hand in his gubernato rial campaign account.
The exact number of fundraisers Hochul has held since taking office is not public ly known – the schedules her office releases
Hochul easily outraised Cuomo during the same period prior to the 2018 Democrat ic primary for governor, which took place in September rather than in June like it did this year. In the roughly comparable yearlong pe riod, Cuomo raised just under $13 million. The over $31 million the ex-governor had on hand at one point remains an unbeaten sum, but even he has never brought in cash at the rate Hochul has managed in just one year. She seamlessly stepped into the financial arena where Cuomo once reigned supreme, successfully winning over the donor class that had long helped to ensure her prede cessor could outspend any opponent tens of times over. “She easily dispatched her chal lengers in the Democratic primary, and she has defied expectations regarding her fund raising,” Jake Dilemani, a Democratic con sultant with Mercury Public Affairs, told City & State. “Hochul’s successes show the power of (her) office coupled with her savvy.”

Budgets offer a gauge of most governor’s suc cess in a year in New York, due mostly to the amount of power and influence they have over the process. Unlike the rest of the year, the governor can take the lead in driving policy as part of the spending plan, which in recent years has included legislation that has very little to do with finances. Particularly under Cuomo, the governor’s executive bud get often included the most important parts of their agenda so they can dictate the terms
governor, thanks in part to her own reli ance on lobbyists to help raise campaign cash. But those critiques long predate Ho chul in both Albany and American politics at large, with the problem of money in poli tics one of the oldest unanswered questions plaguing public officials. And the criticisms levied against Hochul have not slowed her fundraising pace, nor affected her ability to dwarf her competitors’ spending in the June primary. Nor have they hindered her offi cial government efforts in the state Capitol.
signs.ofinisfirststoryelse,anythingmorePerhapsthantheofheryearonetoldaseriesdollar don’t specify what kind of campaign events she attended, simply that they were “pri vate.” But through March, Hochul’s sched ules indicate that she has had 437 “private events” so far, often back to back with each other. While those include meetings with do nors, campaign supporters or staff that don’t directly result in money changing hands, the number is a testament to Hochul’s dedication to the politics of her position and helps ex plain her success in bringing in big bucks. Hochul’s incredible fundraising hauls have not come without their share of scru tiny. Her top donors are a who’s who of in terests before the state in industries ranging from real estate to gambling. A wealthy supporter who hosted a fundraiser for the governor won a lucrative state contract, giv ing at the very least the appearance of payto-play politics. The state Department of Health, which awarded the contract, told the Times Union that Hochul had no in volvement in the bidding process. More broadly, the outlet has also reported on the level of access that top donors have to the
19August 22, 2022 City & State New York

under which they will pass. After that April budget deadline, lawmakers take back the lead of the legislative process. Hochul is no different, the budget process offering her first real test as governor after a five-month honeymoon before the 2022 legislative session began. Like Cuomo, she presented a packed agenda that she hoped to accomplish as part of the budget, as well as big plans for spending. On the latter, Hochul succeeded. The $220 billion bud get was the largest in state history, larger than the $216.3 billion she had initially pro posed in January, itself already greater than the record $212 billion plan approved last year. That spending included major Hochul talking points like $7 billion for expand ed child care and $31.5 billion in school aid.
The $600 million to finance a new Buffalo Bills stadium hardly broke the bank when dealing with such large numbers, but those dollar bills proved among the most contro versial of Hochul’s time in office.
In one of two ways she decided to flex her executive power during the particu larly opaque budget negotiations, Hochul surprised New Yorkers and lawmakers alike when she announced a billion-dol lar deal to build a new football stadium for her hometown team. The state, she said, would foot $600 million, local gov ernments $250 million and the fracking billionaire owners of the Bills, who were threatening to leave New York, the rest of the costs. It caught legislative leaders and their members off guard, angering some, but they approved it nonetheless as part of the larger budget. In the same process, Ho chul also managed to settle a five-year fi nancial dispute between the state and the Seneca Nation over casino proceeds. After the state froze the Seneca’s bank accounts, those used for official municipal purposes, Seneca leaders agreed to pay hundreds of millions of dollars in slot machine revenue. They had maintained the state had no right to even after court rulings. Hochul then said she would use those funds to cover much of the state’s share of the stadium.
WHEN LIFE GIVES YOU LEMONS … Hochul’s first 12 months certainly had their share of would-be scandals for the governor, had her own savvy and a healthy dose of luck
The combination of surprise and hardball tactics have served Hochul well during her year in office, even as she continued to es pouse her niceties about a healthier working relationship between herself and her part ners in government. “This first year, I think everyone, every player, knew exactly how to sort of manage these relationships very, very well,” Basil Smikle, former chair of the state Democratic Party, told City & State. “So she used a strongarm when she needed to, she was more warm and welcoming when she had to be.” Hochul employed the same ethos to her other big budget accomplishment: bail reform tweaks. Although Hochul did not get everything she wanted when she struck a final deal with lawmakers after coming in from a comparatively much weaker position than Cuomo in the years before his fall, she held strong on her last-minute bail chang es. She introduced them late in the negotiat ing process, throwing legislative leaders for a loop when the proposal got leaked to the press before they ever got wind of it and re fused to pass the budget unless the changes made it in. It forced the hands of state Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins and Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie, who had repeatedly said they had no appetite to revisit the issue of bail again. But if they wanted the money to flow, Hochul proved they needed to play ball with her. “She’s an impatient governor … because she wants to get things done,” Paterson told City & State. “She will stick her nose in and take responsibility for it.” Although her tactics have left many observers wanting when it comes to her promised government trans parency, Hochul has managed not only to masterfully brush aside potentially di sastrous situations, but even to turn some around in her favor.
One of governor’sthe newthebigdecisionscontroversialmostwasthehandoutforBuffaloBills’stadium.

In her first few months in office, Hochul invoked her Catholic faith fairly frequently.
21City & State New York
At this point in the election cycle, luck came in to help Hochul even further. Na tional political observers expected the 2022 midterms to deal a blow to Democrats, and New York certainly would not be immune. But the Democratic base was reengaged on the issues of gun control and abortion after a racist mass shooting in Buffalo left 10 dead and federal protections for abortion under Roe v. Wade were stripped away. Just as she wasted no time fundraising, Hochul imme diately took the opportunities to cast her self as a leader on hot-button national issues.
“She used towhenwelcomingwarmSheneededwhenstrongarmasheto.wasmoreandshehadbe.”
not kicked in. The budget debacle with the Bills stadium and bail – though ultimately both victories – was soon forgotten in favor of a much bigger story. Less than a week after the budget passed, her former lieutenant governor resigned after his indictment and arrest on corruption charges. Brian Benja min maintained his innocence, but said at the time his legal woes would interfere with his governmental responsibilities. That left Hochul looking like a fool for tapping some one with a questionable ethical background (Media outlets had reported the allegations in questions well before Cuomo had even re signed.) and without a running mate as the June primary loomed. Her honeymoon had long since soured. But even that scandal couldn’t stick to Ho chul after she pushed lawmakers to approve a new bill that would permit Benjamin to re move himself from the ballot and her to get a new running mate. She achieved that with out even giving up any leverage – at least it appeared that way publicly. With Benjamin gone and Lt. Gov. Antonio Delgado replacing him, Hochul’s wayward No. 2 quickly exit ed the collective consciousness of New York. So late in the election cycle, Delgado had only a month to shift his campaign from a reelec tion in a largely rural Hudson Valley con gressional district to a statewide race against two other candidates. He came in with little if any name recognition outside his district and just a handful of days left to introduce himself to Democrats across the state. But unlike his opponents, Delgado had a secret weapon: Hochul and her fundraising appa ratus. After transferring roughly $2 million from his existing campaign account, Delga do managed to raise millions more, which he promptly spent on ads that flooded the air waves with his name and likeness. Like Ho chul, he trounced his two opponents despite the hyper-streamlined campaign. And the governor managed to avoid another potential headache of an antagonistic running mate for November thanks in no small part to the cash at her fingertips. “She’s one of these individuals who will throw themselves, or sometimes get thrown into, difficult situ ations but seems to have a plan,” Paterson said. “And her plans so far have worked.”
“She is acutely aware of the power of the of fice, the influence of the governorship of the state of New York,” Smikle said, referenc ing the way Cuomo used his position to his benefit during the height of the pandemic to become a national figure. “The moment was just the window that she had to make an im pression not just on New Yorkers, but on the rest of the country.” ■
– former state Democratic Party Chair Basil Smikle

Lobbyists navigate a more civil Albany landscape under Gov. Kathy Hochul. By MurphyTim SCREAMINGANDKICKINGLESS

23City & State New York
F OR A DECADE, and until only about a year ago, lobbyists, advo cates, consultants and other Alba ny influence peddlers all feared one thing: the wrath of then-Gov. An drew Cuomo and his inner circle of enforcers, such as Melissa DeRosa, Larry Schwartz and Alphonso David. Deal ing with Cuomo’s inner circle was never pleasant, according to lobbyists, but cross them and they’d lash out. In the past year with Gov. Kathy Hochul, they said that’s changed. “It’s obviously an enormously different de meanor and culture with the new adminis tration,” said Mike Elmendorf, president and CEO of the Associated General Contractors of New York State. “I haven’t been screamed at yet, and I don’t know anyone who has been, so that’s a marked improvement.”
Now, he added, “You can have conversations with people (in the governor’s office) without them becoming irate if you offer a different perspective as you defend the interest of your client or industry. And that’s certainly a wel comeCitychange.”&State reached out to more than a dozen lobbyists and advocates represent ing diverse, and often opposing, interests to ask about how their jobs have changed in the past year or so. Some of them declined to speak, and some only did so on background, but among those who spoke publicly, a clear picture emerged: Dealing with the Second Floor, which houses the executive offices, is now a lot less nerve-wracking.
Saima Anjam, senior vice president at The Parkside Group said, “There’s a new col laborative approach in dealing with stake holders and it’s been a refreshing change.” Before, she said, “There was this balance of, how pushy can we be before we blow up all of our Somework?”ofthis change seemed to be attribut ed to the respective personalities of Cuomo and Hochul. “Andrew was a tornado, an absolute force of nature,” said David Wein raub, who heads Brown & Weinraub, the state’s highest-grossing lobbying firm. “He was very involved in every single aspect of things, especially media coverage. He spent an inordinate amount of time with journal ists and was super aggressive. And on many occasions, you could be talking to his staff but know that their questions and subtleties were coming from him.”
“The Hochul administration is by and large more civil and polite than Cuomo’s,” said longtime lobbyist Jim Featherstonhaugh of the law firm Featherstonhaugh, Wiley & Cline. “But that’s partly because it’s a new administration, which tends to be less cyni cal and more open to not only talking but lis tening to people.”
Hochul, on the other hand, Weinraub said, “In my view (she) is not as focused on her image and how it plays in swing states.
Andrew was national this, national that. Kathy, for now, just wants to succeed, and she’s more concerned about what the Albany Times Union and The New York Times are going to think than the Los Angeles Times.”
Lobbyists said the Hochul administration has been a breath of fresh air in Albany.
Former Gov. Andrew Cuomo surrounded himself enforcers,withwho would be direct when he didn’t like an idea.

He added, “But Cuomo had to be dragged kicking and screaming into doing anything (to ameliorate inequality), and never until an issue had an 85% to 90% approval rating. Hochul seems a little bit more humane – and her people aren’t complete and total jerks.”
– David Weinraub, Brown & Weinraub co-founder and managingonpartner,Cuomo
“I see that the governor and her team have more trust in whom they’re working with at the agencies,” Anjam said. Elmen dorf largely agreed: “The folks in the agen cies have been given more latitude to do their jobs without the obsessive level of mi cromanagement, which was the hallmark of the prior administration.” That latitude, Iwanowicz said, “indicates someone who has faith and trust in their agen cy heads, which didn’t exist with Cuomo.”
Of course, all this new ease of communi cations with Albany’s executive branch ex ists in tandem with lobbyists navigating a slightly more long-standing yet still newish relationship with the Legislature, which has seen an incredible influx of first-term law makers in recent years.
Many lobbyists said that whereas once they tried to get their first win in the Assem bly and then tried to crack the nut of the state Senate, it was often the reverse today – work with state Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins to pass legislation there, then hunker down for the harder ask to As sembly Speaker Carl Heastie. Despite those shifts, nearly everyone said the absence of Cuomo’s overbearing presence had facilitated a lot of new possibilities.
It’s ironic, he added, that Zoom lobbying –something that began as a stopgap during COVID-19, and initially felt less than ideal –evolved into an efficient new tool for con necting with all those new faces. “In a lot of ways, we have a more focused conversation when we’re all working from home than we would in their office, where they get pulled out of the meeting by something else.”
“Andrew was a coverage.”mediaespeciallyofeveryinvolvedHeforceantornado,absoluteofnature.wasveryinaspectthings,
Tim Murphy is a Queens-based freelance journal ist focusing on health care, housing and LGBTQ issues. Michael Kink, center, said Hochul is working in good faith, especially with lobbyists like him progressiverepresentingcauses.
“Cuomo took up a lot of space and energy,” Weinraub said. “If Cuomo liked your idea, it was great for you, and if he was against it, you were dead. So now, there’s more of an oppor tunity to work an issue.”
August 22, 2022
Of course, Hochul has basically been in campaign mode since she stepped into Cuomo’s shoes in August 2021. “We’re in an election cycle,” Elmendorf said. “We may not see what this administration is re ally going to be like until after the political dust settles.” (Polls generally show Hochul comfortably leading her Republican rival, Rep. Lee Zeldin.) “At this point, the ad ministration has been careful not to really upsetDespiteanybody.”that, some lobbyists – perhaps especially liberal and progressive ones –sense more good faith from Hochul than they ever did from her predecessor. “Cuomo fought for big corporations and the su per-rich, and so does Hochul,” said Michael Kink, who leads the anti-inequality group Strong Economy for All coalition. “Look at her campaign finance filings, and you’ll see that she quickly consolidated the massive support of the business class and the lobby ists who work for them.”
Peter Iwanowicz, executive director of En vironmental Advocates NY, said, “When it comes to the environment, Gov. Hochul seems to me (to be) someone who actually wants to do the right thing. The past admin istration did some things right on the envi ronment, but it always felt like Cuomo had to do it for political purposes. Hochul has al lowed her administration to call their balls and strikes fairly on a number of projects, looking at the science, like on power plants proposed in the Hudson Valley.” Which leads to another point: Many lob byists said substantive communication was possible again with heads of key state agen cies like housing and health – a marked contrast from the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, when Cuomo seemed to consoli date pandemic decision-making and messag ing within his own office, with himself as the star of a daily TV briefing.
“It’s a different animal altogether, the amount of new faces and turnover over the last several election cycles,” Elmendorf said. “Before COVID, you’d walk around and know every name on every door, and now I say, ‘Who’s that?,’ which brings both chal lenges and opportunities. Once, you could divine better (where people would fall on something), but now there’s a lot of new, younger players in both (the state Senate and Assembly Democratic) majorities.”

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The leading government relations firms in the state, ranked by revenue.
OSPITALS SHAPING THE response to the coronavirus pandemic. Casino companies pushing for a lucrative expansion into the New York City area. Real estate developers seeking to move forward with major land use projects. What these efforts – and countless others – have in common is that they’re driven at least in part by well-connected and wellinformed lobbyists in Albany and elsewhere across the state. And lobbying activity is on the rise again in New York, with a whopping $292.87 million reported in 2021 alone.
City & State’s annual top lobbyists list highlights the government affairs firms that are bringing in the largest share of that pot. The figures are based on an analysis of compensation figures reported to the Joint Commission on Public Ethics, the state body since rebooted as the state Commission on Ethics and Lobbying in Government. The list omits other income, such as communications and campaign consulting or federal lobbying income, and excludes entities – such as the Greater New York Hospital Association – that lobby on their own behalf. We also combined lobbying entities that are part of the same corporate family. We then reached out to each firm to identify key industries and clients, and to share the biggest accomplishment and any other notable updates from the past calendar year. We’re pleased to present New York state’s Top 60 Lobbyists.
27August 22, 2022 City & State New York
1 BROWN & WEINRAUB COMPENSATION: $15,480,791 David Weinraub, Co-Founder and Managing Partner Patrick Lespinasse, Partner and New York City Practice
KEY INDUSTRIES: Technology, renewable nonprofits,telecommunications,energy,education
Lead KEY INDUSTRIES: Health care, alternative energy, cannabis, transportation and infrastructure, information technology NOTABLE CLIENTS: Ørsted Wind Power North America, Metrc, CAMBA OTHER KEY EMPLOYEES: Alex Betke, Carolyn Kerr, Michael Cassidy COMPANY NEWS: Welcomed Dan Sheppard, formerly of Mount Sinai and the New York State Department of Health and Division of Budget
OTHER KEY EMPLOYEES: Julie Greenberg, Jennifer Rivera, Jovia Radix, Lester Marks, Eldad Gothelf, Omar Alvarellos COMPANY NEWS: Notable new hires include Jennifer Blum, formerly of The Doe Fund; Charlie Samboy, formerly with the New York Building Congress; Tristan MassalayEllis, formerly with the New York City comptroller; and Jelanie DeShong, formerly in the Hochul administration.
From LespinasseandWeinraubDavidWeinraub'sBrownleft,&Patrick
BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT: Helped NextEra Energy Transmission New York secure approvals for the Empire State Line, which will provide an additional 3,700 megawatts of renewable energy throughout New York state.
KEY INDUSTRIES: Government relations, community relations, lobbying NOTABLE CLIENTS: New York Blood Center, Charter Communications, SL Green Realty Corp., New-York Historical Society
BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT: Kasirer represents Vornado Realty Trust, which owns about 20 million square feet of office space in the city, about half of which is near Penn Station. Kasirer was key part of the team who executed the strategy that led to the favorable approval by Empire State Development of the General Project Plan to construct 10 towers in the Penn District, which will fund the state's proposal to renovate and potentially expand Penn Station, as well as the revitalization of the public realm and transit improvements. The new towers on Vornado’s five properties around Penn Station could exceed 10 million square feet and consist of a hotel, offices, stores and up to 1,256 residential units.
3 BOLTON-ST. JOHNS COMPENSATION: $14,169,449 Giorgio DeRosa, Senior EmilyPartnerGiske, Senior Partner
2 KASIRER COMPENSATION: $15,456,993 Suri Kasirer, Founder and President

COMPENSATION: $12,053,566 John Mascialino, Chair of New York City Government Law and Policy Practice Samir NeJame, Chair of the New York State Government Law & Policy Practice
NEWS: We were very saddened by the passing of our friend and Partner Bill McCarthy. We miss him and continue to build on his work on behalf of our clients and New York.
Top row: TraurigfromMarkBottomIndiaOppenheimer,MiddleGustafsonBosworth,LynelleEllenrow:JoshSneedrow:Weprin,allGreenberg
NEWS: Former state Sen. Todd Kaminsky recently joined Greenberg Traurig and advises a broad swath of regulated companies with complex issues involving New York state government with a particular focus on environmental, social and governance issues. Beth Garvey, one of the most experienced attorneys in New York state government, joined the Albany office. Jane McLaughlin, former director of legislative affairs for the state Department of Environmental Conservation, also joined the Albany office this past year. The GT team is also excited to welcome back India Sneed from maternity and medical leave.
Bolton-St. Johns is working in renewable energy, helping the state meet its climate goals.
29August 22, 2022 City & State New York
BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT: BSJ is excited to be working with clients in the renewable energy space, especially in helping move New York state’s climate goals forward and ensuring that New York stays a leader in the fight against climate change. Similarly, our team is proud to have worked with the Freelancers Union to help pass two state bills, one to increase wage theft protections and a second to enhance retirement benefits. As New York’s workforce continues to grow and more people are choosing freelancing, these bills are crucial to ensure that all people are getting paid for the work they do, as well as giving access to a system that will allow them to save and plan for their future retirement.
CLIENTS: Verizon, Equinor, Live
BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT: During a time of significant change, Greenberg Traurig’s city and state practices were able to help guide our clients during new administrations at the city and state level. Additionally, GT worked on behalf of the Joyful Heart Foundation on a pro bono basis to obtain passage of legislation of that would implement a statewide electronic tracking system for sexual assault kits. Once the governor signs the legislation, the implementation of the tracking system will streamline the chain of custody process to the benefit of law enforcement agencies and provide sexual assault survivors with certainty regarding the processing of their kit.
Tech:NYC, Google, Caesars, Saint
KEY INDUSTRIES: Real estate, health care, energy and environment, technology, election and compliance law, transportation NOTABLE CLIENTS: Morgan Stanley, Life Insurance Council of New York, EDF Renewables, AT&T, Hornblower, NYU Langone, OTHER KEY EMPLOYEES: Lynelle Bosworth, Ellen Gustafson, Josh Oppenheimer, India Sneed, Mark Weprin COMPANY
NOTABLE Nation, Regis Mohawk Tribe, OTHER KEY EMPLOYEES: Tom Connolly, Mike Keogh, Juanita Scarlett, Patrick McHugh, Teresa Gonzalez, Samara Daly, Anne Marie Anzalone, John Albert, Violet Moss, Prisca Salazar-Rodriguez, Pat Reilly, Joseph DeRosa, Sara Ritz, Justin Berhaupt, Bill McCarthy Jr., Debra Feinberg, Sarah Bangs, Brette McSweeney, Robin Brown, John McCarthy, Keyla Espinal Antigua, Julie Jursik, Jessica Davos COMPANY

BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT: In the past year, after New York took the bold and necessary step to legalize cannabis, Mercury established itself as the preeminent firm for this new, burgeoning sector. Our team has been involved in New York state cannabis since the beginning, forming strong relationships within the industry, the Office of Cannabis Management and lawmakers. Additionally, Mercury helped secure the first state funding in this year's budget to support the over 40,000 remaining Holocaust survivors living in New York. This funding is crucial for survivors – many of whom live in poverty. The governor also signed key legislation towards improving Holocaust education, for which Mercury was instrumental.
COMPENSATION: $8,281,564 Rick Ostroff, President and ScottCEO Wexler, Managing DianaDirectorOstroff, Managing Director KEY INDUSTRIES: Economic development, hospitality and gaming, financial services, health care, energy and environment NOTABLE CLIENTS: AnheuserBusch, Buffalo Bills and Pegula Sports & Resources,ActionEverytownEntertainment,forGunSafetyFund,NextEraEnergySiemens
childrenaddressEndwellbenefittheinAdditionally,ApprenticeshipIntermediaryProgram.weweresuccessfuladvocatingfor$1millionforbloodcancerresearchto9/11firstrespondersasas$50,000fortheSouthChildren’sCafetohelpfoodinsecurityforinAlbany. 7 PARK STRATEGIES COMPENSATION: $7,723,204 Lisa Marrello, Partner and Managing Director David Poleto, Partner and Managing Director Gregory Serio, Partner and Managing PartnerExecutiveChristopherDirectorD’Amato,VicePresident,andGeneralCounsel KEY INDUSTRIES: Health care, transportation, insurance, hospitality, construction, energy, cannabis NOTABLE CLIENTS: Microsoft, Iroquois Association,HealthcareExpedia, State Farm, TransUnion, Rochester Regional Health Information Organization, Rocket Central, CONNECTIONPAGANO/PRINTRICHHEADSHOTS;CITYPHOTOGRAPHY;HEFFLERJOANMercury helped secure support for over 40,000 Holocaust survivors in NY. OstroffDiana Charlie King Lisa Marrello
OTHER KEY EMPLOYEES: Kate Knight, Andrew Kennedy, Rebecca Marino, Liz Misa, Evan Sullivan, Jessica Morelli COMPANY
OTHER KEY EMPLOYEES: Jonathan Greenspun, Lisa Reid, Nancy Sciocchetti, Patrick Halpin, Patrick McCarthy, Deanne Braveman, Greg Drilling, Greg Lavine COMPANY NEWS: We hired Vice Presidents Edu Hermelyn, Therese Daly and Wesley Clayton. Jake Dilemani was promoted from managing director to partner, and Greg Drilling and Deanne Braveman were promoted to senior vice president.
August 22, 2022 5 MERCURY COMPENSATION: $8,819,648 Charlie King, Partner Jan Feuerstadt, Partner Jake Dilemani, Partner KEY INDUSTRIES: Cannabis, real estate, climate and energy, fintech, health care NOTABLE CLIENTS: SomosofPepsi-ColaResidentialCommunications,CharterNewYorkAgentContinuum,BottlingCompanyNewYork,PharmaCann,CommunityCare
NEWS: Jessica Morelli recently joined our health care team, bringing over 20 years of experience in government, health care, hospital and human services policy and finance. We’ve also continued to expand our legislative team to include more analysts, along with adding a communications director.
BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT: Helping to secure millions of dollars in the budget to provide critical funding for a number of our clients in a variety of industries. We were successful in helping to secure historic investments in the developmental disabilities and behavioral health field. Our firm also assisted in securing $300 million to jump-start New York’s shovelready projects as well as a $1.75 million investment in the Manufacturers

Main Court Building, 438 Main St., Suite 500, Buffalo, NY 14202 Phone: (716) 923-4156 | Fax: (716) 923-4157 mmcassoc.com You have a constitutional right to be heard in the halls of government. Masiello, Martucci & Associates offers more than 70 years of collective partner experience in lobbying, government relations and strategic communications. Our winning team is ready to go to work for you!

OTHER KEY EMPLOYEES: Kevin Bronner, Fred Hiffa, Jay Bove, Nick Barrella, Michael Wilton, Ryan Moses, William McGahay COMPANY NEWS: In July 2021, Park Strategies launched the Cannabis Practice Group led by Managing Director Joe Rossi, to support our cannabis clients including the New York Cannabis Growers and Processors Association. Joining Rossi in the Cannabis Practice Group are Tom Wickham, Tom Buchan and Alyssa Snyder. Park Strategies also opened a Syracuse office.
BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT: In addition to the creation of a dynamic new practice group that services an entirely new alliance of clients, we take pride in our expert representation of clients in highly regulated industries including insurance, health care, energy, andbeforeourachievementsOurtransportationconstruction,andnightlife.successfulclientarerealizedinpolicyadvocacyeffortstheExecutiveChamberLegislatureduringthe budget negotiation process and at the culmination of the legislative session, in addition to client representation before state agencies resolving impactful regulatory and administrative issues.
CityAndStateNY.com August 22, 202232 Rite Aid, ExxonMobil, Capital District AuthorityTransportation
year ago.
KEY INDUSTRIES: Health care, education, labor, financial services, energy, environment, human services, gaming, transportation NOTABLE CLIENTS: Con Edison, HSBC, Toyota, Zillow
BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT: As one of Albany’s oldest law firms and government relations practices, the most important measure of our success continues to be the faith and trust that our clients have in Hinman Straub. Our firm has always focused on taking a comprehensive and collaborative approach in meeting our clients’ goals. We were successful this year in achieving numerous legislative victories and were instrumental in securing much-needed state support for many of our not-for-profit clients. As the state and nation transition into the post-pandemic world and the associated challenges that come with it, our entire firm will be focused on providing exceptional legal and government relations services.
Park Strategies launched
OTHER KEY EMPLOYEES: Estibaliz Alonso, Katy Coleman, Heather Evans, Jonathan Graves, Matthew Leonardo, Julie Marlette, David Previte, Wendy Saunders, Janet Silver, Brittany Vogel COMPANY NEWS: Hinman Straub continues to grow across disciplines and practice areas as well as through the addition of new and talented professionals. Some of our recent client additions have been in emerging issues and technologies that interface with state government.
9 CONSTANTINOPLE & VALLONE CONSULTING COMPENSATION: $6,085,507 Anthony Constantinople, PerryPartnerVallone, Partner KEY INDUSTRIES: Energy and environment, P.C.STRAUBHINMAN Caron HinmanO'ConnorMatthewO'Brien,left,andofStraub a Practice little a
8 STRAUB COMPENSATION: $6,460,306 James Carr, Government CaronAnalystO’Brien, Government MatthewAnalyst GovernmentO’Connor,Analyst
Group a

Thank You to all of our clients, and to the dedicated team at Ostroff Associates for earning this year’s honor. Congratulations to all our fellow lobbyists in this issue. www.ostroffassociates.com 518-436-6202 EXPERIENCE. IN TEGRITY. RESULTS. We’re Advocating All Year. Results-focused strategic planning. Advancing legislative goals. Providing real-time legislative updates. Delivering substantive results.

11 MIRRAM GROUP COMPENSATION: $5,292,050 Catherine Torres, Partner Eduardo Castell, Partner John Emrick, Partner Matthew Smalls, Senior Vice OnidaPresidentCoward Myers, Senior Vice DanaPresidentCarotenuto, Senior Vice President
KEY INDUSTRIES: Health care, nonprofit, labor, energy, cannabis
NOTABLE CLIENTS: UPS, FWD.us, Somos Community Care COMPANY NEWS: Capalino helped pass the NY Health and Essential Rights Act (NY HERO Act) and the Low-Embodied Carbon Concrete Leadership Act. Capalino welcomed three new members: principals Matt Green and Karina Jimenez and Lucy Christensen in the compliance department. Principal Adam Buchanan also joined Capalino to provide expertise in business strategy and procurement/RFPs.
12 PITTA BISHOP & DEL GIORNO COMPENSATION: $5,191,645 Vincent F. Pitta, Chair and Managing Member Vito R. Pitta, Co-Managing RobertMemberJ. Bishop, Founding JonMemberR.Del Giorno, Founding Member
NOTABLE CLIENTS: Transport Workers Union Local 100, Public Health Solutions, Simon Wiesenthal Center, International Union of Painters and Allied Trades District Council 9, Consortium for Worker Education
KEY INDUSTRIES: Civil service and trade unions, nonprofit organizations,community-basedcriminaljustice, health care, construction and development
NEWS: New hires include Reggie Johnson, senior vice president of communications, and Vice Presidents Ana Chireno and Stephanie Arroyo. Onida Coward Mayers was promoted to senior vice president.
Clockwise from top left, Vincent F. Pitta, Vito R. Pitta, Jon R. Del Giorno and Robert J. Bishop, all of Pitta Bishop & Del Giorno Capalino helped pass the NY Hero Act, which protects workers from viral outbreaks.
10 COMPENSATION: $5,535,010 James Capalino, CEO Travis Terry, President Mark Thompson, Executive Vice President and Group JeanneLeader Mullgrav, Managing AshleyDirectorThompson, Principal Karina Jimenez, Principal KEY Real estate, nonprofits, and tourism, clean energy and sustainability, health care and sciences
CityAndStateNY.com August 22, 202234 education and housing,telecommunications,nonprofits,affordabletransportation NOTABLE CLIENTS: Waste Management, T-Mobile, TD Bank, Walgreens, Electrify America, YAI OTHER KEY EMPLOYEES: Peter Vallone Sr., Tony Constantinople, Jake Potent, Jordan Press, Steve Williams, Lauren George, Yanni Trittas, Carol Swift, Andrea Reres, Isabel Lane, Joe Newman, Alina Agusti
NOTABLE CLIENTS: Transport Workers Union Local 100, Greater New York Hospital Association, Hispanic Federation, Cresco Labs COMPANY
DAVIDOFF HUTCHER & CITRON COMPENSATION: $5,029,633 Steve Malito, Partner and Chair, New York State Government Relations Group Esteban Maccera, Associate Director, State Government NicoleRelationsL. Weingartner, Director, State Government BiancaAffairs Rajpersaud, Associate Director, RelationsGovernment
OTHER KEY EMPLOYEES: Theresa Cosgrove, Carlos Beato
BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT: FWD.us has credited Capalino with helping increase the resources for the Liberty Defense Project and helping to enact the Language Access law, which requires translation of documents in the 12 most common languages and interpretation for limited English proficient New Yorkers.
BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT: The company achieved continued funding increases and policy changes for its health care clients to address ongoing COVID-19 and related health challenges. The company has become a leader in the state’s renewable energy industry and emerging adult-use cannabis industry. The company also expanded its championing of BIPOC communities and the nonprofit organizations that serve our neighborhoods.

GREENBERG TRAURIG, LLP | ATTORNEYS AT LAW | 2500 ATTORNEYS | 43 LOCATIONS WORLDWIDE °PRACTICEGOVERNMENTGTLAW.COMLAWLOCATIONS Albany, Atlanta, Austin, Denver, New York City, Philadelphia, Sacramento, Tallahassee, Washington, D.C. Greenberg Traurig is a service mark and trade name of Greenberg Traurig, LLP and Greenberg Traurig, P.A. ©2022 Greenberg Traurig, LLP. Attorneys at Law. All rights reserved. Attorney Advertising. Contact: John L. Mascialino in New York at 212.801.9200 / Samir NeJame in Albany at 518.689.1400. °These numbers are subject to fluctuation. *Not admitted to the practice of law 37164 GT_LawGreenberg Traurig, LLP GT_LawGreenbergTraurigLLP One Vanderbilt Avenue | New York, NY 10017 | 212.801.9200 54 State Street | 6th Floor | Albany, NY 12207 | 518.689.1400 Greenberg Traurig’s Power 60 Team is Honored to be Recognized by City & State as a Top NY Government Advocacy Group. Our 25+ Team o ers clients insight, energy and e ectiveness based on historic knowledge, government experience and a thorough understanding of how to advocate before government decision-makers. We are part of a global law firm with local Government Law & Policy practices in Washington and leading state Capitals. Michael Berlin Jonathan L. Bing Lynelle K. Bosworth Christopher Cernik Laura Evangelista Elizabeth Garvey Mark Glaser Todd Kaminsky Larry Levy Michael Murphy Joshua Oppenheimer Mark Weprin Nicola Coleman Jane McLaughlin Julia Rogawski India Sneed Christopher Del Giudice* Quinn Caruthers* Ellen Gustafson* Roy Mogilanski* Jane Preston* Deborah Stevens* We congratulate City & State for its service and all honorees for their achievements. Samir NeJame, New York State Practice Chair John Mascialino, New York City Practice Chair NY FOUNDERS: Harold N. Iselin, National Practice Chair, Robert M. Harding, Albany Founder, Ed Wallace, NYC Co-Chair

BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT: This year we worked with our client, the Association of Public Broadcasting Stations of New York, to successfully advocate for $7.8 million in additional funding. The funding was awarded to run a public awareness campaign about mental health, senior social isolation and to address student learning loss during the COVID-19 pandemic. This was a multiyear effort which involved advocacy across multiple state agencies, the Division of Budget and state lawmakers, combined with constant education, third-party validators and APBS’ history of delivering high-quality content. FRANK COMPENSATION: $4,452,054 Zachary Bernstein, Real Estate Partner Tal J. Golomb, Real Estate DavidPartnerKarnovsky, Real Estate Partner Melanie Meyers, Real Estate WesleyPartner O’Brien, Real Estate CarolPartnerE. Real Estate Partner
BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT: In the past year, we focused efforts on commercial casino expansion, education funding and economic development initiatives. We assisted clients in navigating the continued economic impacts of COVID-19. We also worked with a variety of clients in successfully implementing mobile sports wagering.
NOTABLE CLIENTS: Delta Air Lines, Block, FWD.us, Verizon, JPMorgan Chase & Co.
KEY INDUSTRY: Real estate NOTABLE CLIENTS: Vornado Realty Trust, South Street Seaport, RXR Realty, Macy’s Retail Holdings Inc., NewYorkPresbyterian Hospital 17 THE PARKSIDE GROUP COMPENSATION: $4,414,700 Jake Herring, Managing Director and Deputy General SaimaCounselAnjam, Senior Vice KatelynPresidentO’Leary, Vice President KEY INDUSTRIES: Technology, sports and gaming, energy and telecommunications, nonprofit, labor NOTABLE CLIENTS: AT&T, Brooklyn Nets, CAMBA, Microsoft, 32BJ SEIU GROUPPARKSIDETHEAVELLA;&DICKINSON Christina Dickinson AnjamSaima
15 ALBANY ADVISORSSTRATEGIC COMPENSATION: $4,533,211 KEY INDUSTRIES: andfinanceentertainment,technology,Telecommunications,travelandbanking,andinsurance,criminalsocialjustice
NOTABLE CLIENTS: Hotel and Gaming Trades Council, Verizon, Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America, New York Yankees, New York Mets
Nicholas Antenucci, Senior Counsel
NEWS: Within the last year, DHC’s state government relations team welcomed new clients such as BusPatrol America LLC, the village of Mineola and the Information Technology Industry Council. In addition, we have expanded our practice to include lobbying local municipalities on Long Island and across New York state.
KEY INDUSTRIES: Construction, education, entertainment, health care, municipalitiesnonprofits,
BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT: After nine hard years of constant vigilance and effort, we were thrilled to see that Gov. Kathy Hochul finally included vital funding for one of our most beloved not-for-profit clients in her annual budget proposal. Previously, DHC had been working with the Assembly and Senate to add this “make or break” funding into the final budget product. While we were so proud of all of the great champions that helped us in the Legislature, it was extremely important and gratifying that this funding be recognized as an annual proposal from the executive.
CityAndStateNY.com August 22, 202236
DICKINSON & AVELLA COMPENSATION: $4,659,816 Christina Dickinson, Partner Michael Avella, Partner KEY INDUSTRIES: Technology, health care, cannabis, gaming, sports and entertainment, finance
NOTABLE CLIENTS: Warner Bros. Discovery, Metropolitan Package Store Association, Helen Keller Services, Henry Viscardi School, International Union of Journeymen and Allied Trades
OTHER KEY EMPLOYEES: Eglantina Haxhillari, Mike Avella Jr. COMPANY NEWS: Katie Neer joined our firm to lead a cannabis practice as New York state moves forward with medical expansion and adultuse implementation.
OTHER KEY EMPLOYEES: Allison Lee, Mike O’Leary, Dan Cain, Jill Scalzo, Dan Vardaro, Justin Birzon, Michela Paniccia, Andrew Marocco COMPANY NEWS: We were thrilled to welcome back one of ASA’s founding touchstones, Andrew Marocco, at the beginning of the year. We were also proud to announce Jill Scalzo was promoted to vice president and Dan Vardaro as ASA’s chief of staff earlier in the year.

Honored to be named one of New York’s Top Lobbying Firms. © 2022 Cozen O’Connor Katie Schwab (212) 883-4913 | kschwab@cozen.com Rose Christ (212) 883-2248 | rchrist@cozen.com New York, NY | 3WTC | 175 Greenwich Street 55th Floor | New York, NY 10007 Stuart A. Shorenstein (212) 883-4923 | sshorenstein@cozen.com Kenneth K. Fisher (212) 883-4962 | kfisher@cozen.com cozen.com | copublicstrategies.comCozen O’Connor Public Strategies: New York, Washington, D.C., Illinois, Pennsylvania, Virginia The New York State Restaurant Association congratulates our lobbying and consulting firm STATEWIDE PUBLIC AFFAIRS and its Managing Partner CHRISTOPHER DURYEA for being named a top New York lobbying firm. Our members appreciate all you do for our vital New York industry. NYSRA strongly recommends Statewide Public Affairs to any large statewide industry association looking to successfully advance their advocacy goals in New York.

OTHER KEY EMPLOYEES: Lauren Bush, Katy Dunn, Dan Katz, Ben Kern, Paul Thomas COMPANY NEWS: Lauren Bush, Katelyn O’Leary, Sezlyn Petersen and Juan Osorio all joined our government relations team. Ben Kern and Saima Anjam were promoted to senior vice president on our government relations team. And several new clients came on board, including Catapult Learning, ChargePoint, D2L, DirecTV, First American Title, SAS and Scientific Games.
18 COZEN O’CONNOR AND COZEN O’CONNOR PUBLIC STRATEGIES COMPENSATION: $4,223,602 Katie Schwab, Managing RoseDirectorChrist, Senior Principal
KEY INDUSTRIES: Banking and financial services, insurance, cannabis, nonprofits and associations, gaming
Nora Boyle, Partner and Vice AdamPresidentRichardson, Partner and Senior
KEY INDUSTRIES: Health care, labor unions, gaming and casinos, beer wholesalers NOTABLE CLIENTS: 1199SEIU, CVS Health, Somos Community Care, New York State Beer Association,WholesalersGentingNew York OTHER KEY EMPLOYEES: John PHOTOGRAPHYELARIOJPO’CONNOR;COZEN The Parkside Group worked to reform New York's Wrongful Death law. From left, Cordo & Company Partner and Vice President Nora Boyle, and Partner and Senior Vice President Adam Richardson From left, SchwabKatieandRoseChristofCozenO'ConnorPublicStrategies
OTHER KEY EMPLOYEES: Stuart Shorenstein, Ken Fisher, Nathan Toth, James Ansorge, Kaitesi Munroe, Zakariah Malik, Vivien Krieger, Rachel Scall, Sunny Bhatt COMPANY
BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT: Our team seized opportunities presented by the rapidly changing political environment in New York in 2021 to benefit our diverse client base. Thanks to decadeslong relationships with leaders in the new administration in Albany, the state Legislature and broader civic community, we were well positioned to help our clients succeed in 2021. A few notable successes include: playing a key role in the approval of mobile sports betting; obtaining an amendment to the Hudson River Park Act to allow for permanent public artwork on Gansevoort Peninsula; and securing significant state funds for clients’ capital projects and workforce development programs. & $3,640,686 Vice President
NEWS: Katie Schwab and Rose Christ were elevated to co-chairs of the New York Public Strategies team, succeeding Stuart Shorenstein, who remains actively engaged in the practice. The lobbying team expanded with the addition of Kaitesi Munroe, who had formerly held senior positions in the state Legislature and with Madison Square Garden, and Nathan Toth, who had served for 11 years as the deputy director of the New York City Council’s Finance Division.
CityAndStateNY.com August 22, 202238
BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT: This year’s legislative session was hugely successful for many of our clients, but our biggest success was clearly the passage of the Grieving Families Act. This bill reforms New York’s 175year old Wrongful Death law, which limits damages when someone dies solely to economic losses and not the grief of survivors. Current law devalues the lives of people who are likely to be underpaid due to other inequities in society by valuing lives solely based on how much money a victim earns. Through direct lobbying, earned media and advertising, we led the effort to pass legislation to correct this inequity.
NOTABLE CLIENTS: Apollo Theater, Canopy Growth, CocaCola, Chubb, Central Park Conservancy

ASA Government Affairs provides government relations strategy and political counsel to Fortune 500 companies, real estate developers, not-for-profit organizations, health care providers, and the telecommunications industry among others. Our team has the experience and relationships to effectively engage policy makers and advocate for the enhancement and continued resiliency of our clients’ specific interests. ALBANY STRATEGIC ADVISORS 111 Washington Ave 2nd Fl Albany, NY 12210 https://www.albanystrategicadvisors.com/government-affairs/ (518) 813-4832

CityAndStateNY.com August 22, 202240 Cordo, Steve Harris, Amy Agars
COMPANY NEWS: Amy Agars, Nora Boyle and Adam Richardson became partners and now hold the title of vice president of operations, vice president, and senior vice president, respectively.
OTHER KEY EMPLOYEES: Tracy Fay Raleigh, Michael Paulsen, Gregory Pratt, Laura Manley Ladopoulos COMPANY NEWS: With the addition of Tracy Raleigh, who previously served as the director of the Center for Planning, Licensure, and Finance for the New York State Department of Health, Manatt is focused on fully utilizing its experienced team to help providers navigate a perfect storm of challenges, including financial distress and workforce challenges. In addition, in the wake of the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization Supreme Court decision, Manatt is proud to continue supporting Planned Parenthood Empire State Acts as well as a new engagement to provide legal support and consulting to all five Planned Parenthood New York affiliates as they respond to the impact of the Dobbs decision and seek to ensure access to care in New York.
BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT: We worked closely with New York state government to help develop strong partnerships with our clients that will advance critical policy goals that improve peoples’ lives –enhancing the delivery of health care, advancing renewable energy, building more affordable housing and improving our higher education systems. This was accomplished through securing millions of dollars in state funding, passing critical legislation and crafting policies that help make New York state a national leader, and we are proud to have contributed toward that effort. B.
BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT: Cordo & Co. headed efforts to include in the budget language which authorizes the state to award the remaining three casino licenses in the downstate region. We also led the expansion of new health care sustainability funds for distressed health care institutions, including hospitals and primary care facilities. MANATT COMPENSATION: $3,193,168 James Walsh, Partner Meghan McNamara, Partner, Manatt Health Julia Donnaruma, Senior Adviser KEY INDUSTRIES: Health care, higher education, procurement, energy, environment NOTABLE CLIENTS: New York State Coalition of Anchor Safety Net Hospitals, New York University, Oracle, Coalition of New York State Public Health Plans, Solar Energy Industries Association
JENKINS & ASSOCIATES COMPENSATION: $3,139,654 Jennifer Richardson, Senior Vice DirectorCoryPresidentLoomis,Legislative KEY INDUSTRIES: Gaming, education, telecommunications and technology, real estate and development, health care NOTABLE CLIENTS: New York State Trial Lawyers Association, Genting New York, Charter Communications, Uber, Bank Street College of Education OTHER KEY EMPLOYEES: Patrick B. Jenkins, Dwayne M. Andrews 22 TBA COMPENSATION: $3,048,252 Kristen Walsh, Vice President for Government and Public MatthewAffairs Powers, Albany Senior Director KEY INDUSTRIES: Energy, transportation, health care, financial services and education NOTABLE CLIENTS: Amtrak, DAYRYANPHOTOGRAPHY;ORTIZLANALLP;PHILLIPS&PHELPSMANATT,Jennifer Richardson Cory Loomis From left, Manatt Partner James Walsh, Manatt Health Partner Meghan McNamara and Manatt Senior Adviser Julia Donnaruma

ww w.c and v c o n s ul ting . c o m T HE W OO LW O RT H B UI LDI N G 2 3 3 B r oadwa y, S u it e 8 3 0, N e w Yo r k , NY 10 27 9 • 2 1 2 3 9 3 -65 0 0 Congratulations to all the honorees of the New York State Top 60 Lobbyists list from Nick Spano, Maureen Kronau, John Spano and everyone at Empire Strategic Planning

KEY INDUSTRIES: Nonprofit and human services sector, affordable housing, arts and culture, legal services, mental health, immigration rights and juvenile justice
Additionally, Statewide led advocacy and lobbying efforts on newly introduced Lockable Spa Safety Cover legislation. This new legislation, strongly supported by our newly retained client Northeast Spa & Pool Association, passed both houses and currently awaits gubernatorial action.
THE WRIGHT GROUP NY COMPENSATION: $2,891,616 John Wright, Founder and VincentPrincipalRossetti, Director of State Government Relations
NOTABLE CLIENTS: Association for Neighborhood and Housing Development, African Communities Together,
Statewide Public Affairs lobbied for restaurants to get the return of to-go alcohol.
COMPENSATION: $3,028,398 Michael Woloz, President and CEO
25 PUBLIC AFFAIRS COMPENSATION: $2,996,786 Christopher Duryea, Managing Partner
OTHER KEY EMPLOYEES: Danna DeBlasio, Anthony “Skip” Piscitelli, Regina Poreda Ryan COMPANY
OTHER KEY EMPLOYEES: Wayne Lair Jr., Kevin Banes, Brian Quiara, Jim Quent COMPANY NEWS: Statewide took on some exciting new accounts in the last year including The Home Depot, Gemini Trust, TikTok, American Rock Salt Corp. and the Northeast Spa & Pool Association.
KEY INDUSTRIES: Transportation, technology, education, hospitality, culturals NOTABLE CLIENTS: Hotel Association of New York City, Closed Loop Partners, Verizon, Cisco Systems, New York State Latino Restaurant, Bar & Lounge Association
Strategies'CMWMichaelWoloz PublicStatewideAffairs'ChristopherDuryea
KEY INDUSTRIES: Health care, energy, technology, insurance, cannabis NOTABLE CLIENTS: Stroock, Constellation Energy Generation, Xerox, NewYorkPresbyterian, Apple OTHER KEY EMPLOYEES: Patrick Zlogar, Alexandra Moore and Caley Taratus
THE ROFFE GROUP OF ROBINSON+COLE COMPENSATION: $3,004,525 Andrew S. Roffe, President Christine C. Rutigliano, Managing Director
CityAndStateNY.com August 22, 202242 American Airlines, Greater New York Hospital Association, AECOM 23 CMW STRATEGIES
BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT: Statewide is proud to have played a key role as the New York State Restaurant Association’s lobbying and advocacy lead in securing NYSRA’s huge win with the return of alcohol-to-go. We are proud to have led advocacy and lobbying efforts on behalf of our new client American Rock Salt, seeing through passage of the Buy American Salt Act in both houses.
KEY INDUSTRIES: Energy and environment, health care, cannabis, financial services, technology NOTABLE CLIENTS: Comcast, Volkswagen, New York State Restaurant Association, The Home Depot, Cresco Labs
NEWS: CMW Strategies is expanding, both its physical office space at the Woolworth Building, and taking on several new staff this year, including budget expert Regina Poreda Ryan, who ran the expense budget at the New York City Council for 25 years.

Carol. Edna. Connie. Diane. Donna. Agnes. Gloria. Floyd. Erin. Bob. Irene. Sandy. Joaquin. Hermine. Jose. Fay. Isaias. Elsa. Henri. Ida. Carol. Edna. Connie. Diane. Donna. Agnes. Gloria. Floyd. Erin. Bob. Irene. Sandy. Joaquin. Hermine. Jose. Fay. Isaias. Elsa. Henri. Ida. Carol. Edna. Connie. Diane. Donna. Agnes. Gloria. Floyd. Erin. Bob. Irene. Sandy. Joaquin. Hermine. Jose. Fay. Isaias. Elsa. Henri. Ida. Carol. Edna. Connie. Diane. Donna. Agnes. Gloria. Floyd. Erin. Bob. Irene. Sandy. Joaquin. Hermine. Jose. Fay. Isaias. Elsa. Henri. Ida. Carol. Edna. Connie. Diane. Donna. Agnes. Gloria. Floyd. Erin. Bob. Irene. Sandy. Joaquin. Hermine. Jose. Fay. Isaias. Elsa. Henri. Ida. Carol. Edna. Connie. Diane. Donna. Agnes. Gloria. Floyd. Erin. Bob. Irene. Sandy. Joaquin. Hermine. Jose. Fay. Isaias. Elsa. Henri. Ida. Carol. Edna. Connie. Diane. Donna. Agnes. Gloria. Floyd. Erin. Bob. Irene. Sandy. Joaquin. Hermine. Jose. Fay. Isaias. Elsa. Henri. Ida. Carol. Edna. Connie. Diane. Donna. Agnes. Gloria. Floyd. Erin. Bob. Irene. Sandy. Joaquin. Hermine. Jose. Fay. Isaias. Elsa. Henri. Ida. Carol. Edna. Connie. Diane. Donna. Agnes. Gloria. Floyd. Erin. Bob. Irene. Sandy. Joaquin. Hermine. Jose. Fay. Isaias. Elsa. Henri. Ida. Carol. Edna. Connie. Diane. Donna. Agnes. Gloria. Floyd. Erin. Bob. Irene. Sandy. Joaquin. Hermine. Jose. Fay. Isaias. Elsa. Henri. Ida. Carol. Edna. Connie. Diane. Donna. Agnes. Gloria. Floyd. Erin. Bob. Irene. Sandy. Joaquin. Hermine. Jose. Fay. Isaias. Elsa. Henri. Ida. Carol. Edna. Connie. Diane. Donna. Agnes. Gloria. Floyd. Erin. Bob. Irene. Sandy. Joaquin. Hermine. Jose. Fay. Isaias. Elsa. Henri. Ida. Carol. Edna. Connie. Diane. Donna. Agnes. Gloria. Floyd. Erin. Bob. Irene. Sandy. Joaquin. Hermine. Jose. Fay. Isaias. Elsa. Henri. Ida. Carol. Edna. Connie. Diane. Donna. Agnes. Gloria. Floyd. Erin. Bob. Irene. Sandy. Joaquin. Hermine. Jose. Fay. Isaias. Elsa. Henri. Ida. Carol. Edna. Connie. Diane. Donna. Agnes. Gloria. Floyd. Erin. Bob. Irene. Sandy. Joaquin. Hermine. Jose. Fay. Isaias. Elsa. Henri. Ida. Carol. Edna. Connie. Diane. Donna. Agnes. Gloria. Floyd. Erin. Bob. Irene. Sandy. Joaquin. Hermine. Jose. Fay. Isaias. Elsa. Henri. Ida. Carol. Edna. Connie. Diane. Donna. Agnes. Gloria. Floyd. Erin. Bob. Irene. Sandy. Joaquin. Hermine. Jose. Fay. Isaias. Elsa. Henri. Ida. Carol. Edna. Connie. Diane. Donna. Agnes. Gloria. Floyd. Erin. Bob. Irene. Sandy. Joaquin. Hermine. Jose. Fay. Isaias. Elsa. Henri. Ida. Carol. Edna. Connie. Diane. Donna. Agnes. Gloria. Floyd. Erin. Bob. Irene. Sandy. Joaquin. Hermine. Jose. Fay. Isaias. Elsa. Henri. Ida. Carol. Edna. Connie. Diane. Donna. Agnes. Gloria. Floyd. Erin. Bob. Irene. Sandy. Joaquin. Hermine. Jose. Fay. Isaias. Elsa. Henri. Ida. Carol. Edna. Connie. Diane. Donna. Agnes. Gloria. Floyd. Erin. Bob. Irene. Sandy. Joaquin. Hermine. Jose. Fay. Isaias. Elsa. Henri. Ida. Carol. Edna. Connie. Diane. Donna. Agnes. Gloria. Floyd. Erin. Bob. Irene. Sandy. Joaquin. Hermine. Jose. Fay. Isaias. Elsa. Henri. Ida. Carol. Edna. Connie. Diane. Donna. Agnes. Gloria. Floyd. Erin. Bob. Irene. Sandy. Joaquin. Hermine. Jose. Fay. Isaias. Elsa. Henri. Ida. Carol. Edna. Connie. Diane. Donna. Agnes. Gloria. Floyd. Erin. Bob. Irene. Sandy. Joaquin. Hermine. Jose. Fay. Isaias. Elsa. Henri. Ida. Carol. Edna. Connie. Diane. Donna. Agnes. Gloria. Floyd. Erin. Bob. Irene. Sandy. Joaquin. Hermine. Jose. Fay. Isaias. Elsa. Henri. Ida. Carol. Edna. Connie. Diane. Donna. Agnes. Gloria. Floyd. Erin. Bob. Irene. Sandy. Joaquin. Hermine. Jose. Fay.
Visit NYC.gov/knowyourzone or call 311 to find your zone and learn what to do to prepare for hurricanes in NYC.#knowyourzoneHurricanes don’t wait. Neither should you. Prepare today. We’re honored to be named a top lobbying firm in New York! Government Relations | Strategy | Healthcare Consulting & Advocacy | Corporate and Legal Affairs 76 N. Pearl St., Suite 3, Albany, NY 518 427 7350 | brownweinraub.com

August 22, 2022
KEY INDUSTRIES: Alcohol and cannabis licensing, automobile dealers industry, banking and financial services, clean fuels and care,telecommunications,energy/healthlabor NOTABLE CLIENTS: Greater New York Automobile Dealers Association, New York State Pipe Trades Association, Clean Fuels Alliance America, New York Bankers Association, CTIA CLARK&RUSSOSHENKERDESIGNS;REDDYDAN DevelopmentandLuisabove,McBride,RobertandMontesofMcBrideConsultingBusinessGroup
Theresa Russo Douglas Clark
NOTABLE CLIENTS: PepsiCo, New Alternatives for Children
29 RUSSO & CLARK LLP $2,500,368 Theresa Russo, CEO and CoManaging Partner Clark, Co-Managing Partner
27 GETO & DE MILLY COMPENSATION: $2,794,000 Ethan Geto, Principal Michele de Milly, Principal KEY INDUSTRIES: Real estate/ land use, professional sports, affordable housing, education, culture and the arts, LGBTQ+ advocacy, criminal justice reform and social services nonprofits
OTHER KEY EMPLOYEES: Kristin Ruggles, Racquel Saddler BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT: Seeing our clients and the communities they serve work together to overcome the challenges of the pandemic –which were much more intense for low-income and marginalized New Yorkers – is nothing short of remarkable. On more solid ground this year, we were able to refocus our attention on policies and funding that help correct years of disinvestment in communities across our state. We are proud to have done our part to secure enhanced resources for LGBTQ+ health and human service providers, a historic investment for foreclosure prevention and counseling services and passage of first-in-the-nation protections in the immigration bond industry.
28 MCBRIDE CONSULTING AND BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT GROUP COMPENSATION: $2,693,050 Robert McBride, President and CEO Luis Montes, Senior Partner, State & Local Government Practice Lead KEY INDUSTRIES: Renewable energy and transmission solutions, attainable and supportive housing, waste management, utilities and water, gaming and wagering NOTABLE CLIENTS: Eversource Energy, Disability Opportunity Fund, Winters Bros. Waste Systems
BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT: Two significant achievements our team recently had was the advancement and adoption of bills for Suffolk County OTB and Sunrise Wind on behalf of our client Eversource. We worked with a bipartisan coalition to pass state legislation authorizing Suffolk OTB to build on the success of Jake's 58 Hotel and Casino by doubling to 2,000 video gaming machines which will create hundreds of good-paying union jobs and increase Suffolk OTB's contribution to New York state and Suffolk County by more than $50 million annually. We also moved critical agreements from the town level to state legislation to advance Sunrise Wind, which will power approximately 600,000 homes with clean energy and unlock tens of millions for workforce development and host community benefits.
Classical Theatre of Harlem, Getting Out and Staying Out, The Trevor Project
OTHER KEY EMPLOYEES: Daniel White, Maya Kremen, Mark Benoit, Laura Dolan, Christopher Johnson BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT: Our successes include approval of the exciting mixed-use plan for Manhattan's South Street Seaport and the transformative rezoning of Gowanus, Brooklyn, ongoing firm projects that ensure New Yorkers benefit from new affordable housing, job creation and sustainable development.

BRIDGING THE GAP BETWEEN BUSINESS&GOVERNMENT 111 WASHINGTON AVENUE, SUITE 501, ALBANY, NEW YORK 518-436-0786 WWW.FWC-LAW.COM Manatt’s New York State government practice—once again listed on the City & State New York State’s Top Lobbyists list—navigates the regulatory, legislative and political arenas that is New York government to help clients achieve their policy and business objectives. Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, llp manatt.com Albany Office: 518.431.6700 Advocacy is part of our DNA. Dickinson & Avella, PLLC congratulates all of those named to City and State’s Top 60 Lobbyists

O'Donnell & Associates secured big wins on green energy jobs and wage theft. Malkin & Ross Vice President of Government Affairs Jessica Schafroth
KEY INDUSTRIES: Health care and human services, renewable energy, labor, higher education, fintech NOTABLE CLIENTS: North Atlantic States Regional Council of Carpenters, The Buffalo Zoo, AIDS Healthcare Foundation, Earnin
BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT: OD&A secured important and in some cases long-awaited wins for clients, including renewable energy jobs standards, construction industry wage theft legislation, public contractor registration, a prevailing wage standard in the Bond Act, flagship status for SUNY Buffalo, a delay of the Medicaid drug benefit carve-out that means millions of dollars in critical revenue for our safety-net clients, and millions in funding for the Albright Knox Gundlach Museum, the Strong Museum of Play, the Buffalo Zoo and a new UB School of Engineering.
OTHER KEY EMPLOYEES: Arthur Malkin, Jaron Benjamin, Amanda Cavanaugh, Carol Ann Lemon, Cylas MartellCrawford, Stacie Orell COMPANY NEWS: Sadly, Founding Partner Donald K. Ross passed away earlier this year. He will be sorely missed. We are happy to announce that we hired Amanda Cavanaugh as a new lobbyist and Jaron Benjamin as a senior campaign and organizing manager. Additionally, we are establishing an Organizers Training Academy.
OTHER KEY EMPLOYEES: Ed Draves, Jill Sandhaas, Michael Trunzo, M. Tracey Brooks, Donna Clyne, Ryan Horstmyer, Philip Bolen, Maston Sansom, Michael Relyea, Richard Lauricella COMPANY NEWS: Ed Draves and Phil Bolen joined the firm in 2022. We also added cannabis licensing to our already established alcohol beverage licensing practice.
KEY INDUSTRIES: Mental and physical health care, criminal justice reform, addressing sexual and gender-based violence and justiceenvironmentalharassment,justice,worker
BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT: We worked with our client the National Association of Theatre Owners to argue through a declaratory ruling that movie theaters in New York state that are not restaurants can apply for beer and wine licenses allowing guests to take their beer or wine beverage into the auditoriums. This ruling was approved by the New York State Liquor Authority at a board meeting. This was exciting news for theater owners who were devastated by the pandemic and something NATO and SRC had fought for in New York state for many years.
KEY INDUSTRIES: Construction/ engineering, finance/health, death care, gaming, racing and wagering, technology NOTABLE CLIENTS: CVS Health, The General Contractors Association of New York, Goldman Sachs Group, New York State Association of Cemeteries, Robin Hood Foundation
31 MALKIN & ROSS COMPENSATION: $2,263,735 Jessica Schafroth, Vice President of Government ChristineAffairs Tramontano, Vice President of Government Affairs
OTHER KEY EMPLOYEE: Michael Cinquanti
COMPENSATION: $2,340,750 Jack O’Donnell, Founder and Managing Partner
August 22, 2022
BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT: Passing the Adult Survivors Act, a first in the nation moratorium on cryptocurrency mining, establishing a Primary Care Reform Commission, securing enhanced funding for refugees, establishing an Extended Producer Responsibility program from the recycling of carpets and passing initiatives to fund child care and combat child poverty.
NOTABLE CLIENTS: Alliance for Clean Energy New York, Coalition for the Homeless, Drug Policy Alliance, Make the Road New York, New York State Nurses Association, Safe Horizon, National Employment Law Project
OTHER KEY EMPLOYEES: James D. Featherstonhaugh, Jonathan S. McCardle, Ryan J. Banagan, Brendan J. Boyle, Justin A. Hogan, Stephen D. Morgan
33 YOSWEIN NEW YORK COMPENSATION: $1,963,700 Joni Yoswein, Founder and JamieCEO Van Bramer, President
FEATHERSTONHAUGH, WILEY & CLYNE LLP COMPENSATION: $2,060,250 Elizabeth K. Clyne, Managing DavidPartnerF. Fleming Jr., Chief Operating Officer

Congratulations to all of this year’s honorees and special thanks to our remarkable clients and talented team for making this recognition possible. 518-436-0751 | HINMANSTRAUB.COM @hinmanstraub 121 STATE STREET, ALBANY, NY 12207

From left, Victor A. Martucci and Anthony M. Masiello of Masiello, Martucci & Associates
KEY INDUSTRIES: Health care, nonprofits, finance, criminal justice, cultural NOTABLE CLIENTS: PhRMA, New York State Camp Directors Association, National Institute for Reproductive Health Action Fund, Legal Action Center, Judge Rotenberg Educational Center
KEY INDUSTRIES: Real estate development, technology, educational and cultural nonprofits, trade organizations, health care NOTABLE Wegmans Food Markets, Amazon, New York City Hospitality Alliance, JetBlue Airways, Brooklyn Public Library
TCA was instrumental in the passage of a long-standing bill to allow pharmacists to inject medicines for individuals with SUD and SMI.
BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT: The passage of concurrent resolutions adding the Equality Amendment to the New York State Constitution was a longtime priority for several clients. After a multiyear effort, TCA was successful in enacting a new law allowing children’s summer camps to hire mental health professionals. The ConsumerDirected Personal Assistance Program fiscal intermediary expansion enacted in the budget was a big budget win for us. We were also successful in ensuring that severely disabled individuals placed out of state can remain in their highly successful educational and treatment programs.
OTHER KEY EMPLOYEES: Jeffrey Denman, Justin Pascone
BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT: YNY worked tirelessly in 2021 to help clients recover and thrive in the fairest and most equitable manner possible. We achieved unprecedented legislative victories – from to-go cocktails to outdoor dining – for the city’s restaurant industry (NYC Hospitality Alliance); ensured that small businesses had access to economic development and recovery funds (Brooklyn Chamber); created innovative public school support programs for students (NYC Outward Bound); protected critical healthcare institutions (SUNY Downstate); and even helped secure ULURP (Uniform Land Use Review Procedure) approvals for one of the most innovative, ambitious waterfront developments in New York City’s history (Two Trees’ River Ring). MARTUCCI & ASSOCIATES $1,828,850 Victor A. Martucci, Managing AnthonyPartner M. Masiello, President and Partner Health care, municipaltransportation,education,nonprofits,government Kaleida Health, Erie County Medical Center, Frontier Transportation Authority, D’Youville University, Rosina Food Products
CityAndStateNY.com August 22, 202248
36 WHITEMAN OSTERMAN & HANNA COMPENSATION: $1,676,873 Richard PracticeGovernmentalCoordinatingLeckerling,Partner,RelationsGroup KEY INDUSTRIES: Health care, education, insurance, finance NOTABLE CLIENTS: American Express, Hertz, Life Insurance Council of New York, Columbia University’s Teachers College
OTHER KEY EMPLOYEES: Connie Martucci, Allie Castilloux
PHOTOGRAPHYJAMESGORDONTress Capitol Advisors fought for the Equality Amendment to the state constitution.
35 TRESS CAPITOL ADVISORS COMPENSATION: $1,741,401 Kristen Murphy, Senior DanLobbyistLeinung, Counsel

5 Penn Plaza 19th Floor, New York, NY 10001 119 Washington Avenue 2nd Floor, Albany, NY 12210 www patrickbjenkins com Congratulates all of the New York Top 60 Lobbyists Advocate, negotiate and when all else fails, change the rules. srclawoffices.com I 518.407.5800 Our practice areas include: Government Affairs and Procurement I Lobby Law Compliance Alcohol Beverage Licensing & Hospitality Law I Cannabis Licensing

37 STATE & BROADWAY COMPENSATION: $1,567,490 Jacqueline S.L. Williams, Founding Partner Lawrence E. Scherer, Founding Partner KEY INDUSTRIES: Finance, film and television, labor, cannabis NOTABLE CLIENTS: Writers Guild of America East, National Domestic Workers Alliance, Broadway Stages, New York Chiropractic Council OTHER KEY EMPLOYEE: Richard D. Winsten 38 EMPIRE PLANNINGSTRATEGIC COMPENSATION: $1,560,125 Nick Spano, Founder and Owner Maureen Kronau, Senior JohnLobbyistSpano, Senior Lobbyist KEY INDUSTRIES: Health care, real estate, labor NOTABLE CLIENTS: Greater New York Hospital Association, Cappelli StandardOrganization,Amusements LLC, Westchester County Police Benevolent Association 39 PATRICIA LYNCH ASSOCIATES INC. COMPENSATION: $1,463,044 Patricia Lynch, Founder KEY INDUSTRIES: Entertainment, real estate, renewable energy, cryptocurrency and transportation NOTABLE CLIENTS: Thor Properties LLC, The Walt Disney Co., Chia Network, Avis COMPANY NEWS: Patricia Lynch Associates is headed up by Albany veteran Patricia Lynch. Lynch retains a portfolio of top-tier corporate clients with business before the state and city. 40 PLUMMER & WIGGER COMPENSATION: $1,189,701 Scott Wigger, Partner Dan Plummer, Partner KEY INDUSTRIES: Manufacturing, media, transportation, energy NOTABLE CLIENTS: General Electric, MortgageFinancial,Association,ElectricalInnovativeWasteNewFuneralEngineering,MillenniumRailroadsNBCUniversal,ofNewYork,Pipeline,DelawareNewYorkStateDirectorsAssociation,YorkTransco,CasellaSystems,SABICPlastics,NationalManufacturersGenworthJERAAmericas,ArchInsuranceCo. OTHER KEY EMPLOYEE: Marge Marto COMPANY NEWS: Looking forward into 2023, our main focus will be on continuing to assist our clients in working with the governor’s office and state Legislature to help grow New York’s business community and overall economy. 41 REID, MCNALLY, & SAVAGE COMPENSATION: $1,173,615 Robert Reid, Partner Shauneen McNally, Partner Marcy Savage, Partner KEY INDUSTRIES: Health care providers, public health, public transit, finance, human services NOTABLE CLIENTS: Community Pharmacy Association of New York State, New York State Association of Health Care Providers, New York State Council for Community Behavioral Healthcare, New York Public Transit Association 42 ENVISION STRATEGY COMPENSATION: $1,171,872 Tim Bishop, Principal Jim Thompson, Principal Alyssa Lovelace, Principal KEY INDUSTRIES: Health care, government procurement, INC.IMAGESCOLLEYWALTERLLC;MEDIASOURCESUPERVASSILAKIS;KIKIMANCHESTER;MEGAN Empire Strategic Planning represents the Greater New York Hospital Association. From left, Dan Plummer and Scott Wigger of PlummerWigger&

46 TLM ASSOCIATES LLC COMPENSATION: $1,034,396 Thomas McMahon, President and JamesFounderMcMahon, Partner INDUSTRIES: Affordable housing, financial services, waste NOTABLE Bank of America, CommunityPreservationCommunityCorp.,EnterprisePartners
OTHER KEY EMPLOYEE: Caitlin A. Anderson COMPANY NEWS: We were pleased to expand our team this year with the addition of our new associate, Caitlin “Caiti” Anderson. Caiti comes to us with over three years of government affairs and lobbying experience. She has worked extensively in heavily regulated industries such as the alcoholic beverage industry and brought with her several new clients including the New York State Brewers Associa tion. In addition, Caiti brings regulatory experience to our group, including regulation review and defending clients in administrative hearings.
BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT: Working closely with clients and govern
From left, Amy J. Kellogg and John HarterJenningsM.ofSecrest&EmeryLLP
BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT: Our biggest achievement in the past year has been helping our clients accomplish their legis lative priorities in a challenging environment where the con tinued impact of the pandemic had a significant effect on gov ernment in Albany. Notably, we successfully advocated for the passage of numerous pieces of legislation in diverse industries, including the transportation sector, the alcoholic beverage sector, the life sciences sector and for health care profession als. It is often easier to defeat a bill than to pass one, so we are very proud of the affirma tive successes we helped our clients to achieve.
51August 22, 2022 City & State New York transportation NOTABLE CLIENTS: Cigna, Chamber of Digital Commerce, Ellis Hospital 43 BARRETT ASSOCIATES COMPENSATION: $1,137,502 Peter V. Carr Jr., Managing Partner KEY INDUSTRIES: Technology, financial services, health, education, nonprofits NOTABLE CLIENTS: Procter & Gamble, eBay, PayPal, StubHub 44 HILL, GOSDECK, MCGRAW & NEMETH COMPENSATION: $1,074,700 Jeffrey Hill, Principal Frank Nemeth, Principal KEY INDUSTRIES: Health, technology, construction, financial services, the arts NOTABLE CLIENTS: American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, AT&T, Builders Exchange of Rochester, International Business Machines, March of Dimes OTHER KEY EMPLOYEE: Karen LaJuene BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT: We successfully advocated for the passage of two pieces of legislation to improve access to behavioral health and addiction treatment care, as well as legislation to provide equitable relief to contractors for unanticipated construction material price escalations and numerous defensive victories. 45 HARTER SECREST & EMERY LLP COMPENSATION: $1,054,325 Amy J. Kellogg, Partner and Practice Group Leader John M. Jennings, Partner KEY INDUSTRIES: Life sciences, transportation, health care, telecommunications, trade associations NOTABLE CLIENTS: Amalgamated Transit Union New York State Legislative Conference Board, American Nurses Association - New York, GSK, New York Biotechnology Association, New York State Telecommuni cations Association

KEY INDUSTRIES: Health care and Medicaid, long-term care and assisted living regulation and licensure, payroll and HR IT, higher education NOTABLE CLIENTS: Argentum, Healthcare Distribution Alliance, Indivior, Paycom, Velocity BioGroup
KEY INDUSTRIES: Real estate, nonprofits, tech, education
NEWS: Nicole Epstein became vice president of Gotham, and Gotham has entered the cannabis market by providing consulting, legal and security services. In addition, Gotham created the first New York State Blockchain and Crypto Association, as well as new services to the venture capital world.
NOTABLE CLIENTS: Intel, The Floating Hospital, LeFrak
49 COMMUNICATIONRELATIONSGOVERNMENT& COMPENSATION: $1,000,800 Brad Gerstman, Founding DavidPartnerSchwartz, Founding Partner KEY INDUSTRIES: Education, commercial real estate, construction, international affairs, business associations
BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT: Secured the largest growth in special education funding from the governor and the Legislature in the New York state budget.
KEY INDUSTRIES: Technology, consulting services, energy, real estate and construction NOTABLE CLIENTS: KPMG, Oracle, Red Hat, Transit Wireless, Armis
CityAndStateNY.com August 22, 202252 ment partners to manage and navigate through the challenges and chaos caused by the global pandemic. With much of our work focused on affordable housing, we worked closely with state and city government partners and the advocacy community to adopt legislation and programs that protect tenants and allow development to move forward in 2021. 47 KRAMER LEVIN COMPENSATION: $1,026,721 Paul D. Selver, Partner and Co-Chair Gary R. Tarnoff, Partner and EliseCo-ChairWagner, Partner Valerie G. Campbell, Partner James P. Power, Partner
51 HODES & LANDY COMPENSATION: $909,000 Ginger Lynch Landy, Principal and Owner Michele O’Connor, Director of Licensing and Senior Legislative Associate Carrie Harring, Senior Legislative Associate
OTHER KEY EMPLOYEE: Gregory Mitchell BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT: RG Group prides itself on being the "go-to firm" for technology companies doing business in New York. In the past year, RG Group has successfully guided its clients through the mayoral administration change. Our team advised our clients on the new mayoral and agency leadership, identified new priorities and helped position them as partners to the Adams administration.
KEY INDUSTRY: Real estate NOTABLE CLIENTS: The Shubert Organization, New York Blood Center, Vornado Realty Trust
NOTABLE CLIENTS: AARP, Red Apple Group, New York School Bus Contractors Association
David CommunicationBradabove,Schwartz,andGerstmanofGothamGovernmentRelations&
50 RG GROUP COMPENSATION: $974,000 Alan Rosenberg, Partner Catherine Giuliani, Partner
OTHER KEY EMPLOYEES: Olivia Marfleet, Lorie Massad COMPANY NEWS: In 2021, Hodes & Landy welcomed Olivia Marfleet as legislative analyst and director of membership. This year, Hodes & Landy is proud to celebrate its 30th anniversary. The firm was founded by Nancy Hodes in 1992, with Ginger Lynch Landy joining in 2000 and later becoming a partner and taking over as principal and owner in 2017.
BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT: Hodes & Landy achieved numerous legislative and regulatory goals over the past year, despite
COMPENSATION: $1,002,333 George Fontas, Founder and CEO
OTHER KEY EMPLOYEES: Tom Gray, Scott Crowley, John Sabini

NOTABLE CLIENTS: Education Equity Campaign, Latchable, Angi, Bird BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT: Notable achievements are that we have the largest crypto practice in New York, representing nearly a dozen companies in the space. We ran the successful campaign to win Apex Crypto their BitLicense in April, which is one of only a few awarded in the past year and made them the largest company to get a BL at the time of licensure. We also represent the Crypto Council for Innovation, which is backed by industry mainstays Coinbase, Gemini and Fidelity. We also represent Israel-based eToro and New York City-based companies Paxos, Genesis and Webull, as well as MoonPay, among others.
NEWS: We recently expanded our client base to include more health care professional associations and societies, offering grassroots advocacy at the state and federal level. In addition to advocacy and government affairs, CHC provides strategic solutions for complex health care related policy and business issues. To support our growing client base, CHC recently brought on new clinicians, policymakers and individuals, and associates in health and human services to round out our team. In 2021, Keith Servis joined CHC as a senior adviser and brings over 36 years of government leadership and policy experience. In his most recent position, Keith served as deputy commissioner of the state Department of Health’s Office of Primary Care and Health Systems Management.
BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT: In partnership with Elizabeth Seton, CHC has dedicated its mission to improving the lives of medically fragile children and their continued care into young adulthood. In 2021, CHC successfully championed the enactment of landmark legislation in the state budget to provide for the establishment of a medically fragile young adult demonstration program. The law authorizes the establishment of two eligible pediatric nursing homes for medical fragile young adults between the ages of 18 and 35. This sets a national precedent for medically fragile children and adults that are living beyond their expected years because of new treatments and technologies.
the challenges presented by the ongoing public health emergency. Our experienced team successfully executed comprehensive, effective strategies to advance our clients priorities, including those involving substance use disorder, assisted living, health care, payroll and benefit administration, and pharmaceutical distribution.
Keith W. Servis, Steve Simmons, Jamie Papapetros, Maura Fiore, Cheryl Rings, Valerie Harris COMPANY
COMPENSATION: $878,000 Shontell Smith, Executive Vice President Eric Soufer, Partner, Head of Crypto + Fintech
54 BOGDAN AND LASKY LLC COMPENSATION: $876,500 Edward A. Bogdan III, Managing Partner
Owner KEY INDUSTRY: Technology NOTABLE CLIENTS: Deloitte, Verizon 56 B2GNY GROUP COMPENSATION: $846,032 Gino Menchini, Principal and Co-Founder KEY INDUSTRIES: Tech, IT NOTABLE CLIENTS: Crown Castle, Global Technology Solutions From left, Ginger Lynch Landy, Michele O'Connor
Additionally, H&L expanded its assisted living licensure portfolio and achieved several additional project approvals. are most proud to be recognized by top-tier clients as the "Gold Standard" of government relations services.
James A. Lasky, Government Affairs Director INDUSTRIES: Retail, finance, health care, transportation AnheuserBusch, AstraZeneca, The Toy Association, Institute $852,000 J. Cotrona, Partner and Owner G. Burdick, and and Wickens-Alteri
52 CAPITAL HEALTH CONSULTING COMPENSATION: $892,950 Lisa PresidentCarolinePresidentWickens-Alteri,andCEOMorelli,Vice KEY INDUSTRY: Health care NOTABLE CLIENTS: Davita, New York State Society of Dermatology & Dermatological Surgery, Shinnecock Indian Nation OTHER KEY EMPLOYEES:
Carrie Harring of Hodes & Landy Lisa
KEY INDUSTRIES: Cryptocurrency, education, transportationtechnology,

CityAndStateNY.com August 22, 202254 57 THE CAREY GROUP LLC COMPENSATION: $825,500 Michael G. Carey, Founder and President KEY INDUSTRY: Real estate NOTABLE CLIENTS: Triangle Equities, Rabsky Group 58 ELK STREET GROUP COMPENSATION: $770,604 Diane Frazier, Partner KEY INDUSTRIES: Health care, trade associations NOTABLE CLIENTS: New York State Association of Nurse Anesthetists, U.S. Hemp Roundtable 59 BENDER CANTONE CONSULTING COMPENSATION: $769,000 Bruce Bender, Principal and ScottCo-FounderCantone, Principal and Co-Founder KEY INDUSTRIES: Culturals, real estate, nonprofits, labor NOTABLE CLIENTS: Brooklyn Museum, Independent Drivers Guild, The Woodlawn Cemetery 60 RIDDETT ASSOCIATES COMPENSATION: $768,832 Kenneth Riddett, President KEY INDUSTRIES: Sports, gaming NOTABLE CLIENTS: Major League Baseball, National Basketball Association, PGA Tour, FanDuel, DraftKings, New York State Trial Lawyers Association Start hiring now on New York’s highest-quality job site! City & State Jobs helps hundreds of job seekers and employers find the right fit every day.

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In partnership with City & State and the 32BJ Labor Industry Cooperation Fund, the 32BJ Health Fund is holding a major forum – “Hospital Prices: the Policy and the Practical” – with national policy experts and other stakeholders to discuss strategies to address hospital price increases. Health Street, York, NY Co-leader, Saini MD, President, Lown Institute Whaley PhD, Economist, Corporation Veltri, Founding Executive Director, Connecticut Office of Health Strategy Deacon,
10011 SPEAKERS WILL INCLUDE: Dave Chase, Creator and

Notice of Qualification of RailWorks Track Services LLC Appl. for Auth. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 03/22/22. Office location: NY County. LLC formed in Indiana (IN) on 05/28/62. Princ. office of LLC: Hilltop & Midland Terrace, Bldg. D, Sewell, NJ 08080. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to c/o Corporation Service Co., 80 State St., Albany, NY 12207-2543. Cert. of Form. filed with Secy. of State, 302 W. Washington St., Rm. E 018, Indianapolis, IN 46204. Purpose: Any lawful activity.
Mangrum Studios NY LLC. Filed with SSNY on June 17, 2022. Office: Bronx County. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom processes against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: 30 Pilot St., 2A, Bronx, NY 10464. Purpose: any lawful act or activity.
Notice of Formation of JS CONSULTING,YOUNGLLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 07/15/22. Office location: NY County. Princ. office of LLC: 20 E. 9th St., Apt. 14K, NY, NY 10003. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to Jill Young at the princ. office of the LLC. Purpose: Any lawful activity.
IRENELLCMETROPOLITANdbaSHAKINGCRAB.ANDJOELLELLC , Arts. of Org. filed with the SSNY on 07/07/2022. Office loc: Kings County. SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 15 Ocean Avenue, 2nd FL, Brooklyn, NY 11225. Purpose: Any Lawful Purpose.
CityAndStateNY.com / PUBLIC and LEGAL NOTICES56 August 22, 2022 August 22, 2022 For more legalnotices@cityandstateny.com212-268-0442info.Ext.2039EmailNoticeofformationof
Notice of Qualification of INFOSPECTRUM LLC filed with SSNY on 05/03/2022. Office: NEW YORK County. LLC formed in DE on 4/5/22 SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: C/O MASUDA, FUNAI, EIFERT & MITCHELL, LTD. 203 N. LASALLE STREET,, SUITE 2500 CHICAGO, IL, 60601, USA. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of FERNANDA LITERARY SERVICES LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/07/2022. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 195 PLYMOUTH STREET, #323, BROOKLYN, NY, 11201. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of RIVERVIEW TEI XI LLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 06/10/22. Office location: NY County. Princ. office of LLC: 55 Fifth Ave., 15th Fl., NY, NY 10003. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC at the addr. of its princ. office. Purpose: Any lawful activity.
Notice of formation of FIFI VENDING LLC, LLC filed with SSNY on 06/27/22, office: BRONX county. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: 1401 Jesup ave 4D Bronx NY,10452. Purpose: any lawful act or 6462483337activity
Notice of Registration of THE PHYSICIANS,MADISONLLP, a domestic LLP. Notice of Reg. filed with the SSNY on 03/22/2022. Office loc: NY County. SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom process against the LLP may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLP, 1860 Walt Whitman Road, Melville, NY 11747. Principal Loc: 635 Madison Ave., 7th FL, NY, NY 10022. Purpose: Purpose: To practice the profession of medicine.
Notice of Qual. of COMPANYTIMBERMETROPOLITANANDSTEELLLC, filed with the SSNY on 12/13/2021. Office: NY County. LLC formed in NJ on 12/3/2021. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served and shall mail process to: c/o The LLC, 210 W. 29th St,#7, NY, NY 10001. Address required to be maintained in NJ: 105 State St, Paterson, NJ 07501. Cert of Formation filed with NJ State Treasurer, Dept of Treasury, Division of Revenue, 33 W State St, Trenton, NJ 08608. Purpose: any lawful act.
ROZENSHTEYN,GUCOVSCHIPLLC, a Prof. LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with the SSNY on 09/23/2020. Office loc: NY County. SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The PLLC, 318 West 88th St., Apt 2A, NY, NY 10024. Purpose: To Practice The Profession Of Law. NOTICE OF FORMATION of Hyacinth Lily LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 07/13/2022 Location: Westchester County. SSNY designated as agent for service of process on LLC and shall mail a copy of process to: Catherine Walsh Taubner, 81 Witherbee Avenue, Pelham, NY 10803. Purpose: Any lawful purpose
The Dopwell Group, LLC was formed on January 11, 2022. The Dopwell Group, LLC is located in Bronx County at 4019 GUNTHER AVE. BRONX, NY 10466. The Dopwell Group, LLC purpose is to provide consultant services. REGISTERED AGENT : UNITED STATES CORPORATION AGENTS, INC. 7014 13TH AVENUE , SUITE 202 BROOKLYN, NY, 11228, USA
Notice of Formation of SEC CONSULTANCY, LLC filed with SSNY on 6/6/2022. Office: Richmond County. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: United States Corporation Agent, inc. 7014 13th Ave Suite 202 Brooklyn NY 11228. Purpose: any lawful act or activity
Notice is hereby given that a license, number 1344995, for beer, liquor, cider, and wine, has been applied for by the undersigned to sell beer, liquor, cider, and wine at retail in a restaurant under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law at 1045 Flushing Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11237 for on premises consumption.
Notice of Qual. of NORTH STAR 2010,MANAGEMENTVENTUREL.L.C.. Auth. filed with SSNY on 07/28/2022. Office location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 03/07/2011. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 600 MAMARONECK AVENUE #400, HARRISON, NY, 10528. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose. Notice of formation of FIFI VENDING LLC, LLC filed with SSNY on 06/27/22, office: BRONX county. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: 1401 Jesup ave 4D Bronx NY,10452. Purpose: any lawful act or 6462483337activity
A petition has been filed asking the Court to put an end to all rights you have to your child A. P., born 9/28/2016, biological child of Caitlyn Herb. The Court has set a hearing to consider ending your rights to your children. That hearing will be held on September 1, 2022, at 9:30 a.m., at the Lackawanna County Government Center, 123 Wyoming Ave., 1 st Fl., Scranton, PA 18503. If you do not appear at this hearing, the Court may decide that you are not interested in retaining your rights to your child and your failure to appear may affect the Court’s decision on whether to end your rights to your child. You are warned that even if you fail to appear at the scheduled hearing, the hearing will go on without you and your rights to your children may be ended by the Court without your being present. You have a right to be represented at the hearing by a lawyer. YOU SHOULD TAKE THIS PAPER TO YOUR LAWYER AT ONCE. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A LAWYER OR CANNOT AFFORD ONE, GO TO OR TELEPHONE THE OFFICE SET FORTH BELOW TO FIND OUT WHERE YOU CAN GET LEGAL PennsylvaniaNortheasternHELP.LegalServices 33 N. Main Street – Suite Pittston,200PA 18640 (570) 299-4100
Notice of Formation of WARNER SLATE TWO LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/14/2022. Office location Schoharie SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 176 UNION STREET, BROOKLYN, NY, 11231. Any lawful purpose.
NOTICE OF FORMATION of Hyacinth Lily LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 07/13/2022 Location: Westchester County. SSNY designated as agent for service of process on LLC and shall mail a copy of process to: Catherine Walsh Taubner, 81 Witherbee Avenue, Pelham, NY 10803. Purpose: Any lawful purpose Public Notice TO: XAVIER PAGAN Address unknown NOTICE
Notice is hereby given that a license, number pending, for beer and wine, has been applied for by Film at Lincoln Center, Inc. d/b/a Walter Reade Theater to sell beer and wine at retail in a tavern under the Alcohol Beverage Control Law at 165 West 65th Street, New York, NY 10023 for on premises consumption. Film at Lincoln Center, Inc. d/b/a WalterTheaterReade Notice of Formation of 313 EAST 162 LLC. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 02/11/2019. Office location. Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to 5014 16TH AVENUE, SUITE 9, BROOKLYN, NY 11204.Any NoticepurposelawfulofFormationof LC HOME REALTY LLC Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/05/22. Office location: NY SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to 10 MONROE ST, APT 5H, NEW YORK, NY 10002 Any lawful purpose
Notice of Formation of SAM CROPSEY LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 06/20/2022. Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 6141 159TH STREET, FLUSHING, NY, 11365. Any purpose.lawful Notice of Formation of SUTTON AVIATION LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 05/27/2022. Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 1964 EAST 2ND STREET, BROOKLYN, NY, 11223. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of 217A PIERCE ST. L.L.C.. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/11/2022. Office location Richmond SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 217A PIERCE ST., STATEN ISLAND, NY, 10304. Any lawful purpose.
57PUBLIC and LEGAL NOTICES / CityAndStateNY.comAugust 22, 2022
Notice of Formation of BELNORD 201 LLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 06/28/22. Office location: NY County. Princ. office of LLC: Congress Wealth Management, 155 Seaport Blvd., Boston, MA 02210. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to Michael Galvin at the princ. office of the LLC. Purpose: Any lawful activity. Notice of Qualification of 223 HOLDINGS,SUNSETLLC Appl. for Auth. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 10/06/21. Office location: NY County. LLC formed in Delaware (DE) on 06/24/21. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 280 Park Ave., 41st Fl., NY, NY 10017. DE addr. of LLC: Corporation Service Co., 251 Little Falls Dr., Wilmington, DE 19808. Cert. of Form. filed with Secy. of State, State of DE, Dept. of State, Townsend Bldg., Dover, DE 19901. Purpose: Any lawful activity. Form of notice for onpremises license. Notice is hereby given that a license, number 1348434 for liquor has been applied for by the undersigned to sell liquor at retail in a OP 252 Restaurant under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law at 10 COLUMBUS CR NEW YORK, NY 10019 for on premises consumption. Pomodoro on the ParkLLC Form of notice for onpremises license. Notice is hereby given that a license, number 1348444 for liquor has been applied for by the undersigned to sell liquor at retail in a TW 344 Restaurant under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law at 35 CEDAR ST NEW YORK, NY 10005 for on premises consumption. Cedar Street Pi LLC Form of notice for onpremises license. Notice is hereby given that a license, number 1348437 for liquor has been applied for by the undersigned to sell liquor at retail in a OP 252 Restaurant under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law at 506 LAGUARDIA PL NEW YORK, NY 10012 for on premises consumption. Damselle LLC
Notice is hereby given that license number 1348642 for liquor has been applied for by the undersigned to sell liquor at retail in a RESTAURANT-OP 252 under the alcoholic beverage control law at 1681 3RD AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10128. NEW YORK COUNTY, for onpremises consumption. FIVE IRON GOLF NYC LLC 1681 3RD AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10128 Notice of Formation of DESMONND EMPIRE, LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 04/28/2022. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 42 BROADWAY, FL. 12200, NEW YORK, NY, 10004. Any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of NOVUS SEELEY, LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/12/2022. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 213 20TH STREET, SUITE 1B, BROOKLYN, NY, 11232. Any Noticepurpose.lawfulofFormationof 1540NYBK64 LLC, LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 04/05/2022. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 560 51ST ST FL 1, BROOKLYN, NY, 11220 - 2014. Any purpose.lawful
Notice of Formation of ALEX PRODUCTIONSADVOCAATLLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 03/11/2022. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 205 MIDDLETON ST., APT. 7M, BROOKLYN, NY, 11206. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of 142 WATTS HOLDING, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 02/10/2022. Office location: New York SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to 600 AnyHARRISON,AVENUEMAMARONECK#400,NY,10528.lawfulpurpose CITYANDSTATENY.COM
Notice of Formation of 602 MORGAN AVE. L.L.C .. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/11/2022. Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 602 MORGAN AVE., BROOKLYN, NY, 11222. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of CAREASE HEALTH NY-MSO LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 06/09/2022. Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 8 BOURBON CT, LAKEWOOD, NJ, 08701. Any Noticepurpose.lawfulofFormationof L&L BROTHERS LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/11/2022. Office location Richmond SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 660 LIBERTY AVE, STATEN ISLAND, NY, 10305. Any purpose.lawfulNoticeofFormationof JT ST MARKS LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/06/2022. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 1465 NEW YORK AVENUE, APT. 1, BROOKLYN, NY, 11210. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of AMERICAN FIRST REVERSE LLC . Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/08/2022. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 1470 86TH STREET, BROOKLYN, NY, 11228. Any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of BASIC ENTERPRISES,DRONELLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/07/2022. Office location: Madison SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to 3350 EAST ROAD, CAZENOVIA, NY, 13035. Any lawful purpose.
Love Ny Freak’n City Arts. of Org filed with the SSNY on 04/06/2022 Office: Bronx County. United States Corporation agents, inc. Designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to: United States Corporation agents, Inc.7014 13 avenue suite 202, Brooklyn, NY 11228 Purpose: Any lawful purpose. LEGALNOTICES@ CITYANDSTATENY.COM LEGALNOTICES@ CITYANDSTATENY.COM
Notice of Formation of ATKINSPER LLC filed with SSNY on 06/15/2022. Office: KINGS County. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: 118 Knickerbocker Ave, Brooklyn NY 11237. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. Notice of Formation of LARGO 76N8 LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/15/2019. Office location New York SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 67 WEST STREET, SUITE 423, BROOKLYN, NY, 11222. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Qualification of ACI VI ZD DEVELOPER LLC Appl. for Auth. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 06/29/22. Office location: NY County. LLC formed in Delaware (DE) on 06/28/22. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to c/o Corporation Service Co., 80 State St., Albany, NY 12207-2543. DE addr. of LLC: 251 Little Falls Dr., Wilmington, DE 19808. Cert. of Form. filed with Secy. of State, 401 Federal St., Ste. 4, Dover, DE 19901. Purpose: Any lawful activity.
Notice of Formation of R3825 THIRD AVENUE, LLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 07/21/22. Office location: NY County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to c/o Casa Nela LTD., 181 W. 10th St., NY, NY 10014. Purpose: Any lawful activity.
Notice of Formation of Healing Caring Center LLC filed with SSNY on 05/02/2022 Office: Kings County SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: The Limited Liability Company. Purpose: any lawful act or activity On Wednesday, July 20, 2022 at 12:11:06 PM EDT, City and State Legal Notices
NOTICE OF FORMATION OF JILI HOTELS AND RESORTS LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) on May 5, 2022. Office location: NEW YORK COUNTY. SSNY is designated as agent for LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The address to which the SSNY shall mail a copy of any process against the LLC served upon them is: 66 Ninth Avenue, Suite 1101, New York, NY 10011. The principal business address of the LLC is: 66 Ninth Avenue, Suite 1101, New York, NY 10011. Purpose: any lawful act or activity.
NOTICE OF FORMATION OF JILI MANAGEMENTPROPERTYLLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) on February 15, 2019. Office location: NEW YORK COUNTY. SSNY is designated as agent for LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The address to which the SSNY shall mail a copy of any process against the LLC served upon them is: 66 Ninth Avenue, Suite 1101, New York, NY 10011. The principal business address of the LLC is: 66 Ninth Avenue, Suite 1101, New York, NY 10011. Purpose: any lawful act or activity.
Notice of Formation of 685 FIFTH AVE 6A LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/13/2022. Office location New York SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 40 WEST 57TH STREET, SUITE 1440, NEW YORK, NY, 10019. Any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of BRONX HOPE RX LLC. Arts .Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/13/2022. Office location: Bronx SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to 1767 SOUTHERN BLVD, BRONX, NY, 10460. Any lawful purpose. Notice of Qual. of SMART FOODS PISCATAWAY LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 07/12/2022. Office location: KINGS. LLC formed in NJ on 09/16/2021. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 465 86TH ST, BROOKLYN, NY, 11209. Arts. of Org. filed with NJ SOS. P.O. BOX 45, TRENTON, NJ 08646. Any Noticepurpose.lawfulofformationof SparkleY LLC. Arts of Org filed with Secy of State of NY (SSNY) on 7/13/22. Office location: NY County. SSNY designated as agent upon whom process may be served and shall mail copy of process against LLC to: 241 W. 17th St., NY, NY 10011. Purpose: any lawful act. LEGALNOTICES@ CITYANDSTATENY.COM LEGALNOTICES@ CITYANDSTATENY.COM
Notice of Qualification of Rev4, LLC Appl. for Auth. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 06/23/22. Office location: NY County. LLC formed in Illinois (IL) on 10/11/09. Princ. office of LLC: 1560 Sherman Ave., #1005, Evanston, IL 60201. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to Corporation Service Co., 80 State St., Albany, NY 12207-2543. Cert. of Form. filed with Secy. of State, 213 State Capitol, Springfield, IL 62756. Purpose: Any lawful activity.
Notice of Formation of JBB IK Enterprises LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with NY Dept. of State: 6/6/22. Office location: NY County. Sec. of State designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served and shall mail process to: Cogency Global Inc., 122 E. 42nd St., 18th Fl., NY, NY 10168. Purpose: all lawful purposes.
Notice of formation of STYLEDBYPHINA LLC. Articles of Org. filed with NY Dept. of State (DOS) on 04/15/2022. Office location: Schenectady County, DOS is designated as agent upon whom process may be served. DOS shall mail service of process to 258 WARD AVE, SCHENECTADY, NY, UNITED STATES, 12304. Company is organized for any lawful 8/5,12,19,26,9/2;9/9purpose.
lawfulNY,16A,200SSNYagainstupondesg.location:07/06/2022.OfficeonNewYorkSSNYasagentofLLCwhomprocessitmaybeserved.mailprocesstoE36THST,ROOMNEWYORK,10016.Anypurpose.NoticeofFormationof 729 SECOND AVE DM LLC filed with SSNY on 11/09/2021. Office: New York County. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: SHOP ARCHITECTS, INC. 233 BROADWAY, 11TH FLOOR NEW YORK, NY, 10279, USA. Purpose: any lawful act or activity.
CityAndStateNY.com / PUBLIC and LEGAL NOTICES58 August 22, 2022 LEGALNOTICES@CITYANDSTATENY.COM Public Notice MCDONALD LAW GROUP, LLC 203 S. Water Street, Suite 300 Henderson, NV 89015 Phone (702)448-4962 Fax (702)448-5011 SUMM RENA MCDONALD, ESQ. Nevada Bar No. 8852 MCDONALD LAW GROUP, LLC 203 S. Water Street, SuiteCASE300NO: Department:D-22-648593-DTobedetermined Henderson, NV 89015 Phone (702)448-4962 Fax SUSANNACLARKFAMILYDISTRICTAttorneyrena@mcdonaldlawgroup.com(702)448-5011forPlaintiffCOURTDIVISIONCOUNTY,NEVADAMENDIA, CASE NO.: Plaintiff, DEPT. NO.: EDWARDv. JOSE ENCARNACION, Defendant. SUMMONS NOTICE! YOU HAVE BEEN SUED. THE COURT MAY DECIDE AGAINST YOU WITHOUT YOUR BEING HEARD UNLESS YOU RESPOND IN WRITING WITHIN 21 DAYS. READ THE INFORMATION BELOW VERY CAREFULLY. To: EDWARD JOSE ENCARNACION A complaint has been filed by the Plaintiff against you for the relief as set forth in that document complaint. The object of this action is IfDivorce.youintend to defend this lawsuit, within 21 days after this summons is served on you (not counting the day of service), you must: 1. File with the Clerk of Court, whose address is shown below, a formal written answer to the complaint or petition. 2. Pay the required filing fee to the court, or file an Application to Proceed In Forma Pauperis and request a waiver of the filing fee. 3. Serve a copy of your answer upon the Plaintiff whose name and address is shown below If you fail to respond, the Plaintiff can request your default. The court can then enter a judgment against you for the relief demanded in the complaint or CLERKpetition.OF COURT By:___________ 5/23/2022 Deputy Clerk Date Family Courts and Services Center 601 North Pecos Road Las Vegas, Nevada 89155 Dated this ____ day of May 2022. MCDONALD LAW GROUP, LLC /s/ Rena McDonald _ Rena McDonald, Esq. Nevada Bar No. 8852 203 S. Water Street, Suite 300 Henderson, NV 89015 Phone (702) 448-4962 Fax (702) 448-5011 Attorney for Plaintiff
Notice of Qual. of 38 EAST 75 OWNER LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 07/19/2022. Office location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 09/28/2021. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 535 MADISON AVE, 19TH FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY, 10022. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of JS LAW OFFICE PLLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY
Notice of Form. of SOMMERS IMPROVEMENTS,HOMELLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/14/2022. Office location: Onondaga SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to 1260 MILL STREET, FABIUS, NY, 13063. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of SOLELOT LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/05/2022. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 2602 AVENUE U #1031, BROOKLYN, NY, 11229. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Qualification of PRIVATE EQUITY VI GP LLC Appl. for Auth. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 07/13/22. Office location: NY County. LLC formed in Delaware (DE) on 07/01/22. Princ. office of LLC: 9 W. 57th St., 12th Fl., NY, NY 10019. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to c/o Summit Rock Advisors, LP at the princ. office of the LLC. DE addr. of LLC: c/o Corporation Service Co., 251 Little Falls Dr., Wilmington, DE 19808. Cert. of Form. filed with Secy. of State, 401 Federal St., Ste. 4, Dover, DE 19901. Purpose: Any lawful activity. Notice of Formation of T-FOUR CORE LLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 07/14/22. Office location: NY County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to Corporation Service Co., 80 State St., Albany, NY 12207-2543, regd. agent upon whom and at which process may be served. Purpose: Any lawful activity.
Notice of Formation of 409 ROCKAWAY AVENUE OWNER LLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 07/18/22. Office location: Kings County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC c/o EL Equity LLC, 407 Rockaway Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11212. Purpose: Any lawful activity.
Notice of Formation of 409 ROCKAWAY AVENUE OWNER LLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 07/18/22. Office location: Kings County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC c/o EL Equity LLC, 407 Rockaway Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11212. Purpose: Any lawful activity.
Public Notice TO: XAVIER PAGAN Address unknown NOTICE A petition has been filed asking the Court to put an end to all rights you have to your child A. P., born 9/28/2016, biological child of Caitlyn Herb. The Court has set a hearing to consider ending your rights to your children. That hearing will be held on September 1, 2022, at 9:30 a.m., at the Lackawanna County Government Center, 123 Wyoming Ave., 1 st Fl., Scranton, PA 18503. If you do not appear at this hearing, the Court may decide that you are not interested in retaining your rights to your child and your failure to appear may affect the Court’s decision on whether to end your rights to your child. You are warned that even if you fail to appear at the scheduled hearing, the hearing will go on without you and your rights to your children may be ended by the Court without your being present. You have a right to be represented at the hearing by a lawyer. YOU SHOULD TAKE THIS PAPER TO YOUR LAWYER AT ONCE. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A LAWYER OR CANNOT AFFORD ONE, GO TO OR TELEPHONE THE OFFICE SET FORTH BELOW TO FIND OUT WHERE YOU CAN GET LEGAL PennsylvaniaNortheasternHELP.LegalServices 33 N. Main Street – Suite Pittston,200PA 18640 (570) 299-4100
Notice of Formation of PROSPECTBRILLIANTLLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY ofNotice11220.303,8THmailmaywhomdesg.location:07/20/2022.OfficeonKingsSSNYAsagentofLLCuponprocessagainstitbeservedSSNYprocessto6402AVENUE,UNITBROOKLYN,NY,Anylawfulpurpose.ofFormation
Purpose: any lawful act or activity 6462483337
Notice of Formation of THREE KIDS RENTALS LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/21/2022. Office location ONONDAGA SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 4989 SHAW 13215.SYRACUSE,TERRACE,NY,Anylawfulpurpose.
SERVICES,FULFILLMENTGENERALLLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/19/2022. Office ofNoticelawfulNY,STREET,processbeprocessLLCdesg.ONONDAGAlocationSSNYAsagentofuponwhomagainstitmayservedSSNYmailto307BACONSYRACUSE,13209.Anypurpose.ofFormation 428 AURORA HOLDINGS, LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 05/17/2022. Office location Cayuga SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 110 GENESEE ST., SUITE 200, AUBURN, NY, 13021. Any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of HILLTOP HAVEN LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/18/2022. Office location: Ontario SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to 7711 WHISPERS LANE, ONTARIO, NY, 14519. Any lawful purpose.
Purpose: To Practice The Profession Of Law. LEGALNOTICES@CITYANDSTATENY.COM
Notice of Formation of 409 ROCKAWAY AVENUE OWNER LLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 07/18/22. Office location: Kings County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC c/o EL Equity LLC, 407 Rockaway Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11212. Purpose: Any lawful activity. ROZENSHTEYN,GUCOVSCHIPLLC, a Prof. LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with the SSNY on 09/23/2020. Office loc: NY County. SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The PLLC, 318 West 88th St., Apt 2A, NY, NY 10024.
Notice of Qual. of I.M.E.M. CLINICAL ASSOCIATES LLC, Authority filed with the SSNY on 07/19/2022. Office loc: NY County. LLC formed in NJ on 01/12/2005. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, C/O H. Peltz Emergency Medicine, PLLC, 366 Pearsall Ave., Ste 2, Cedarhurst, NY 11516. Purpose: To practice the profession of Medicine. LLC,DEVELOPMENT,BEYOND ARTICLES FIFI VENDING LLC, LLC filed with SSNY on 06/27/22, office: BRONX county. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: 1401 Jesup ave 4D Bronx NY,10452.
Public Notice Mahmudjan Abdullaev is hereby notified that litigation has been filed against him and the whereabouts of said Defendant is unknown. The litigation pending in the Jasper Superior Court in Jasper County, Indiana under cause number 37D01-2205CT-401 bearing caption: STEPHANIE DAVISSON and TOD DAVISSON, Plaintiffs vs demandedagainstdefaultresultthethisafterwithinrespondnotifiedAbdullaevaction.Plaintiffs.47978St.,P.C.,SamanthaofSamanthaDefendants.EXPRESSABDULLAEVMAHMUDJONandADTRUCKING,AttorneyM.JoslyntheLawOfficesofM.Joslyn,129E.WashingtonRensselaer,Indiana,representstheThisisacivilMahmudjanisherebythatyoumusttothisnoticethirty(30)daysthelastnoticeofactionispublished,failureofwhichmayinjudgmentbybeingenteredyouforthereliefinthePetition.
ROZENSHTEYN,GUCOVSCHIPLLC, a Prof. LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with the SSNY on 09/23/2020. Office loc: NY County. SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The PLLC, 318 West 88th St., Apt 2A, NY, NY 10024. Purpose: To Practice The Profession Of Law. LEGALNOTICES@ CITYANDSTATENY.COM
SHAY WHITE LLC . Articles of Organization filed with Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) on 1/13/2022. Office location: NEW YORK County. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the principal business address of LLC: 909 3rd Ave #7694, New York, NY 10150. Purpose: any lawful act/activity.
Notice of Formation of MODERN DENTAL ORANGE COUNTY PLLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/15/2022. Office location Orange SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 236 WOODLANDS ROAD, HARRISON, NY, 10528. Any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of NYS KLEANING 2 LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/18/2022. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 725 4TH AVENUE, APT TT4, BROOKLYN, NY, 11232. Any Noticepurpose.lawfulofFormationof 2269 OCEAN AVENUE LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/21/2022. Office location: Richmond SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 23 OCEANIC AVENUE, STATEN ISLAND, NY, 10312. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of 1022 BROADWAY LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY
Notice of Formation of 3517 HOLDINGS LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/19/2022. Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 1541 55TH STREET, BROOKLYN, NY, UNITED STATES, 11219. Any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of 6307 62ND AVE LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY ofNoticepurpose.11237.ST,processmaywhomdesg.location:06/23/2022.OfficeonKingsSSNYAsagentofLLCuponprocessagainstitbeservedSSNYmailto449HARMANBROOKLYN,NY,AnylawfulofFormation
6309 62ND AVE LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY purpose.11237.ST,processmaywhomdesg.location:06/23/2022.OfficeonKingsSSNYAsagentofLLCuponprocessagainstitbeservedSSNYmailto449HARMANBROOKLYN,NY,Anylawful
RAMON RODRIGUEZ 502 W. 135 th Street, Apt. 6C New York, NYDefendant10031,PUBLICATION
Notice of Formation of SHUGO INVEST LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/22/2022. Office location Rensselaer SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 33 SCOTCH PINE DRIVE, MEDFORD, NY, 11763. Any
Notice of Formation of JS CONSULTING,YOUNGLLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 07/15/22. Office location: NY County. Princ. office of LLC: 20 E. 9th St., Apt. 14K, NY, NY 10003. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to Jill Young at the princ. office of the LLC. Purpose: Any lawful activity.
Noticepurpose.lawfulofFormationof 3909 5TH AVENUE LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/05/2022. Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 706 5TH AVENUE, BROOKLYN, NY, 11215. Any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of LLC.CANNABISAMSTERDAMCLUBS1 Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 04/21/2022. Office location Bronx SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 795 ALLERTON AVE, BRONX, NY, 10467. Any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of FATIMA NAWAZ LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 06/24/2022. Office location Hamilton SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 236 NYS ROUTE 28, INLET, NY, 13360. Any lawful purpose.
Dated this 29th day of July, 2022. HANSON & PAYNE, LLC Attorneys for Plaintiff By: /s/ Ben Payne_____ SBN Notice1041478of
Notice of Formation of MJ CHEUKLAP LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/24/2022. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 1238 63RD ST, APT D226, BROOKLYN, NY, UNITED STATES, 11219. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of SEC CONSULTANCY, LLC filed with SSNY on 6/6/2022. Office: Richmond County. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: United States Corporation Agent, inc. 7014 13th Ave Suite 202 Brooklyn NY 11228. Purpose: any lawful act or activity Notice of Qual. of NORTH STAR 2010,MANAGEMENTVENTUREL.L.C.. Auth. filed with SSNY on 07/28/2022. Office location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 03/07/2011. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 600 MAMARONECK AVENUE #400, HARRISON, NY, 10528. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose. Notice of Qual. of COMPANYTIMBERMETROPOLITANANDSTEELLLC, filed with the SSNY on 12/13/2021. Office: NY County. LLC formed in NJ on 12/3/2021. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served and shall mail process to: c/o The LLC, 210 W. 29th St,#7, NY, NY 10001. Address required to be maintained in NJ: 105 State St, Paterson, NJ 07501. Cert of Formation filed with NJ State Treasurer, Dept of Treasury, Division of Revenue, 33 W State St, Trenton, NJ 08608. Purpose: any lawful act. The Dopwell Group, LLC was formed on January 11, 2022. The Dopwell Group, LLC is located in Bronx County at 4019 GUNTHER AVE. BRONX, NY 10466. The Dopwell Group, LLC purpose is to provide consultant services. REGISTERED AGENT : UNITED STATES CORPORATION AGENTS, INC. 7014 13TH AVENUE , SUITE 202 BROOKLYN, NY, 11228, USA Notice OF WISCONSIN LLC, 3212 Fiddlers Creek Drive, Waukesha, WI Plaintiff53188 v. Case No.:Case2022CV000841Code:30301
Notice of Formation of R3825 THIRD AVENUE, LLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 07/21/22. Office location: NY County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to c/o Casa Nela LTD., 181 W. 10th St., NY, NY 10014. Purpose: Any lawful activity.
Formation of 409 ROCKAWAY AVENUE OWNER LLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 07/18/22. Office location: Kings County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC c/o EL Equity LLC, 407 Rockaway Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11212. Purpose: Any lawful activity.
Notice of Formation of 30A 310 EAST 53RD ST. NYC. LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY NoticelawfulNY,FLOOR,MADISONmailitwhomdesg.location:05/20/2022.OfficeonNewYorkSSNYasagentofLLCuponprocessagainstmaybeserved.SSNYprocessto366AVENUE,3RDNEWYORK,10017.Anypurpose.ofFormationof JIAEN LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/14/2022. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 7311 5TH AVE, BROOKLYN, NY, 11209. Any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of 349 EAST 138TH LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 11/04/2013. Office location Bronx SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 1946 CONEY ISLAND AVENUE, BROOKLYN, NY, 11223. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of 2322 LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/08/2022. Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 706 5TH AVENUE, BROOKLYN, NY, 11215. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of LINA HOLDINGS, LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 06/29/2020. Office location: New York. SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 5 WEST 37TH STREET 12TH FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY, 10018. Any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of JUMBO DUMBO LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/12/2022. Office location New York SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to ONE BRYANT PARK, NEW YORK, NY, 10036. Any
Noticepurpose.lawfulofQual.of 4 CORNERS LEAD, LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 07/25/2022. Office location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 07/25/2022. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 114 EAST 25TH STREET, NEW YORK, NY, 10010. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of NYS KLEANING 2 LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/18/2022. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 725 4TH AVENUE, APT TT4, BROOKLYN, NY, 11232. Any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of GAK RENTALS LLC, LLC filed with SSNY on 07/21/2022. Office: Orange County. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: 1 SUMMERVILLE RD, GOSHEN, NY, 10924, USA. Purpose: any lawful act or activity.
SUMMONS STATE OF WISCONSIN, to each person named above as a defendant: You are hereby notified that the plaintiff named above has filed a lawsuit or other legal action against you. Within 40 days after August 1, 2022, you must respond with a written demand for a copy of the complaint. The demand must be sent or delivered to the court, whose address is 515 W. Moreland Blvd., Waukesha, Wisconsin 53188, the attention of Branch 9, and Hanson & Payne, LLC, plaintiff’s attorneys, whose address is 740 N. James Lovell St., Milwaukee, WI 53233, (414) 271-4550. You may have an attorney help or represent you. If you do not demand a copy of the complaint within 40 days after August 1, 2022, the court may grant judgment against you for the award of money or other legal action requested in the complaint, and you may lose your right to object to anything that is or may be incorrect in the complaint. A judgment may be enforced as provided by law. A judgment awarding money may become a lien against any real estate you own now or in the future, and may also be enforced by garnishment or seizure of property.
CityAndStateNY.com / PUBLIC and LEGAL NOTICES60 August 22, 2022
lawfulNY926is: c/othe LLC servedoftheOfficemaywhomdesignatedSSNYlocation: KINGS County.on 08/03/2022.(SSNY)Officehasbeenasagentuponprocessagainstitbeserved.ThePostaddresstowhichSSNYshallmailacopyanyprocessagainstuponthemRivkinRadlerLLP,RXRPlaza,Uniondale,11556.Purpose:anyactoractivity.
Notice of Formation of 612 EAST MAIN STREET, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 06/29/2022. Office location: Wayne. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to 1160-A NoticeAnyPITTSFORD,VICTORPITTSFORD-ROAD,NY,14534.lawfulpurpose.ofFormationof DECP, LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 11216.PARKSSNYagainstupondesg.location:07/05/2022.OfficeKingsSSNYAsagentofLLCwhomprocessitmaybeservedmailprocessto892PL,BROOKLYN,NY,Anylawfulpurpose.
Notice is hereby given that license number 1349501 for liquor has been applied for by the undersigned to sell liquor at retail in a RESTAURANT-OP 252 under the alcoholic beverage control law at 129 E 60TH ST NEW YORK, NY 10022 for consumption. on-premises
Notice of Formation of YANG 56TH STREET LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 08/03/2022. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 901 56TH STREET, 1ST FLOOR, BROOKLYN, NY, 11219. Any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of 161 NASSAU LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/26/2022. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 161 NASSAU AVE, BROOKLYN, NY, 11222. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of ZSTACHURA LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY
Any3,RICHARDSONmailmaywhomdesg.location:07/29/2022.OfficeonKingsSSNYAsagentofLLCuponprocessagainstitbeservedSSNYprocessto38ST.APTBROOKLYN,NY,11211.lawfulpurpose.NoticeofFormationof 933 XYZ REALTY LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 08/02/2022. Office location Bronx SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 933 E 217TH ST, BRONX, NY, 10469. Any lawful purpose.
LCSW,PSYCHOTHERAPY,ALMONTEPLLC. Arts .Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/29/2022. Office location: Bronx SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to 855 FOX STREET, , APT 7, BRONX, NY, 10459. Any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of 6157 SENTINEL ROAD, LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 02/10/2022. Office location New York SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 5 WEST 37TH STREET, 12TH FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY, 10018. Any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of 6163 SENTINEL ROAD, LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 02/07/2022. Office location New York SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 5 WEST 37TH STREET, 12TH FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY, 10018. Any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of LINS E&R REAL ESTATE LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY 10305.STATENMCCLEANmailitwhomdesg.location:02/23/2022.OfficeonRichmondSSNYasagentofLLCuponprocessagainstmaybeserved.SSNYprocessto408AVENUE,ISLAND,NY,Anylawfulpurpose.
Notice is hereby given that a license, number pending, for beer, wine and liquor has been applied for by the undersigned to sell beer, wine and liquor at retail in a catering establishment under the Alcohol Beverage Control Law at 620 Fifth Avenue, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10020 for onpremises consumption. 620 Venue, L.L.C. 620 Fifth Avenue, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10020
61PUBLIC and LEGAL NOTICES / CityAndStateNY.comAugust 22, 2022
Notice of Formation of NW 25TH STREET LENDER LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY lawfulYORK,LIBERTYmailitwhomdesg.location:07/06/2022.OfficeonNewYorkSSNYasagentofLLCuponprocessagainstmaybeserved.SSNYprocessto28STREET,NEWNY,10005.Anypurpose.
Notice of Formation of PERRY STREET 4 LLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 11/22/21. Office location: NY County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 347 5th Ave., Ste. 300, NY, NY 10016. Purpose: Any lawful activity.
Notice of Qual. of PF REAL ESTATE 1 LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 08/05/2022. Office location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 08/05/2022. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 93 PEARL STREET, , SECOND FLOOR , NEW YORK, NY, 10004. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of 228 WEST 52ND STREET LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 06/29/2022. Office location New York SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 10 E 40TH ST, STE 17, NEW YORK, NY, 10016. Any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of 152 WYCKOFF LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY ofNoticelawfulSTATES,BROOKLYN,WYCKOFFmailmaywhomdesg.location:08/04/2022.OfficeonKingsSSNYAsagentofLLCuponprocessagainstitbeservedSSNYprocessto152AVE.,NY,UNITED11237.Anypurpose.ofFormation
Notice of Formation of PERRY STREET 2 LLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 11/22/21. Office location: NY County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 347 5th Ave., Ste. 300, NY, NY 10016. Purpose: Any lawful activity.
Notice of Formation of PERRY STREET 3 LLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 11/22/21. Office location: NY County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 347 5th Ave., Ste. 300, NY, NY 10016. Purpose: Any lawful activity.
Notice of Formation of 6157 SENTINEL ROAD, LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 02/10/2022. Office location New York SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 5 WEST 37TH STREET, 12TH FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY, 10018. Any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of 6163 SENTINEL ROAD, LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 02/07/2022. Office location New York SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 5 WEST 37TH STREET, 12TH FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY, 10018. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of FITZ ROY ROAD LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 06/06/2022. Office location New York SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 246 WEST 16TH STREET, 1R, NEW YORK, NY, 10011. Any lawful purpose. The Malin West Village LLC App. for Authority filed with Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) on 7/29/2022. LLC formed in DE on 7/28/2022. Office location: New York County. SSNY desig. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to 32 Mercer St., 3 rd Floor, NY, NY 10013. Cert. of Form. on file: DE SOS, DE Div. of Corps, PO Box 898, Dover, DE 19903. Purpose: any lawful business. NR 2022 LLC filed w/ SSNY on 8/1/22. Office: New York Co. SSNY designated as agent for process & shall mail to: 201 E 87th St., #30R, NY, NY 10128. Purpose: any lawful.
NOTICE OF FORMATION OF 34th Street Care Investors LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of NY
Notice of Formation of CHRISTINA PEABODY, LLC filed with SSNY on 05-31-2022. Office: NEW YORK County. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: 205 WEST 89TH STREET #3G. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. Notice of Formation of High Tides Consulting, LLC filed with SSNY on July 25 2016. Office: Kings County. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC Registered Agent: US Corp Agents Inc, 7014 13th ave, Brooklyn 11228. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. Notice of Formation of FOREVER DESIGNS BY VANESSA LLC filed with SSNY on May 22, 2022. Office: Richmond County. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: 390 Thornycroft Ave Staten Island NY 10312. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. Notice of Formation of JOHNSON PROPERTY GROUP, LLC filed with SSNY on anyNY,APTprocessSSNYagainstLLCSSNYOffice:KINGS05/11/2022.County.designatedagentofuponwhomprocessitmaybeserved.shallmailcopyoftoLLC:100E21ST,207BROOKLYN,11226,USAPurpose:lawfulactoractivity. S7HILLS Holdings LLC filed w/ SSNY on 6/30/22. Office: New York Co. SSNY designated as agent for process & shall mail to: 253 W 72nd St., #1109, NY, NY 10023. Purpose: any lawful.
Notice of Qual. of CRESCENDO LLC.MANAGEMENTASSET Auth. filed with SSNY on 08/02/2022. Office location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 06/21/2016. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 501 MADISON AVENUE, 4TH FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY, 10022. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of LEGACY DONUT 157 LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 06/28/22. Office location: NY County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: THE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, 240 WEST 40TH ST., NY, NY 10018. Purpose: any lawful activities.
Notice of Formation of GOLDEN GROUPCONSTRUCTIONDRAGONLLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 08/10/2022. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 1368 82ND STREET 2ND FLOOR, BROOKLYN, NY, 11228. Any lawful purpose. Notice is hereby given that license number 1349613 for LIQUOR has been applied for by the undersigned to sell LIQUOR at retail in a RESTAURANTOP 252 under the alcoholic beverage control law at 895 FULTON ST BROOKLYN, NY 11238 for onpremises consumption. VESSEL NEW YORKINC. 895 FULTON ST BROOKLYN, NY 11238
Notice of Qual. of PH WATER STREET LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 08/05/2022. Office location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 08/05/2022. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 93 PEARL STREET, , SECOND FLOOR , NEW YORK, NY, 10004. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of UD 46th STREET, LLC filed with SSNY on 04/23/2013. Office: NEW YORK County. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: 212 E 49 TH STREET, NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10017. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT RICHLAND COUNTY RICHLAND COUNTY 181 West Seminary Street Richland Center, WI Plaintiff53581 Case22CV72No. UMS-vs- VENTURES, LLC Defendant. SUMMONS PUBLICATONBY TO: UMS Ventures, LLC A suit has been initiated against you by the Richland County in the Court of Richland County, located at 181 W. Seminary St. Richland Center, WI 53581. You have 20 days from August 15, 2022 to respond to the Complaint against you. If you do not respond, a judgment will be given to the party suing you. A copy of this Summons along with the Complaint is being mailed to you. Dated this 10th day of August,ABT2022.LAW OFFICE, Electronically signedby: /s/ Michael S. Windle Richland County Corporation Counsel State Bar No. 1104983 210 N. Main Street P.O. Box 128 Westby, WI 54667 (608) 634-2157
Notice of Formation of M1 EAST 13TH STREET LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 09/18/2020. Office location New York SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 125 PARK AVENUE 7TH FLR, NEW YORK, NY, 10017. Any lawful purpose. Notice is hereby given that license number 1349384 for liquor has been applied for by the undersigned to sell liquor at retail in a TAVERN under the alcoholic beverage control law at 228 7TH AVE BROOKLYN, NY 11215 for consumption. on-premises BRBK 228 LLC 228 7TH AVE BROOKLYN, NY 11215
Notice of Formation of MUTTON HILL AFAB, LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 08/08/2022. Office location Madison SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 3674 MUTTON HILL ROAD, CAZENOVIA, NY, 13035. Any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of POLAR BRONX BLVD, LLC. Arts .Of Org. filed with SSNY on 08/02/2022. Office location: Bronx SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to 32-57 84TH STREET, G/F, EAST ELMHURST, NY, 11370. Any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of 57 LLC.MANAGEMENTGARAGE Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 08/08/2022. Office location New York SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 90 STATE STREET , SUITE 700, BOX 10, ALBANY, NY, 12207. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Qual. of 87-89 PEARL LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 08/05/2022. Office location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 08/05/2022. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 93 PEARL STREET, , SECOND FLOOR , NEW YORK, NY, 10004. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose.
CityAndStateNY.com / PUBLIC and LEGAL NOTICES62 August 22, 2022
Musing Studio LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the SSNY on 6/29/22. Office: Kings County. SSNY designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to the LLC, 765 MacDonough St #1C Brooklyn, NY 11233. Purpose: Any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of ICHTHYSroe, LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed SSNY on 8/5/22. Office: Richmond Co. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served & mailed to: ICHTHYSroe, LLC, 344 Mountainview Ave, SI NY 10314. Purpose: Any lawful act.
Notice of Formation of Stream Valley Irrigation LLC , filed with SSNY on 06/12/2022. Office: New York County. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: 630 west 173 street 4H New York NY 10032. Purpose: any lawful act or activity.
Notice of Qual. of 262 FIFTH AVENUE PROJECT LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 03/02/2022. Office location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 02/28/2022. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 444 MADISON AVENUE, 6TH FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY, 10022. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of ARIES BUILDERS / STUDIO WOODMAN, LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/28/2022. Office location New York SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 245 E 19TH STREET, APT 18K, NEW YORK, NY, 10003. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of 825 THIRD AMENITY LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 08/08/2022. Office location New York SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to ONE BRYANT PARK, NEW YORK, NY, 10036. Any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of CARE ABOUT MEDICAL, PLLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/26/2022. Office location New York SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 300 PARK AVENUE, SUITE 2501, NEW YORK, NY, UNITED STATES, 10022. Any lawful purpose.
Notice is hereby given that license number 1349303 for liquor has been applied for by the undersigned to sell liquor at retail in a RESTAURANT-OP 252 under the alcoholic beverage control law at 50 NORTH SEA DR. SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 for consumption. on-premises LITTLE SOUTHOLD,50HOSPITALITYFISHLLCNORTHSEADR.NY11971
Notice of Qual. of AHEAD REALTY LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 08/05/2022. Office location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 08/05/2022. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 93 PEARL STREET, , SECOND FLOOR , NEW YORK, NY, 10004. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of LLFP LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 08/08/2022. Office location New York SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 348 WEST 20TH STREET, NEW YORK, NY, 10011. Any purpose.lawful
Notice of Formation of CCA The Rise LLC . Arts. of Org. filed with NY Dept. of State: 12/21/20. Office location: NY County. Sec. of State designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served and shall mail process to: c/o Community Preservation Corp., 220 E. 42nd St., 16th Fl., NY, NY 10017, principal business address. Purpose: any lawful activity. Kew ApartmentsGardensLLC Authority filed SSNY 6/22/21. Office: NY Co. LLC formed DE 6/22/21. Exists in DE: c/o National Registered Agents, Inc., 1209 Orange St., Wilmington, DE 19801. SSNY designated agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served & mail to: 45 Broadway, 25th Fl., NY, NY 10006. Cert of Formation Filed: Secy. of State, Corporation Dept., 401 Federal St., Ste. 4, Dover, DE 19901. General Purpose.
63PUBLIC and LEGAL NOTICES / CityAndStateNY.comAugust 22, 2022
NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated March 14, 2022, and entered in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Kings, wherein U.S. BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE TO BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. AS SUCCESSOR TO LASALLE BANK, N.A. AS TRUSTEE FOR THE MERRILL LYNCH FIRST FRANKLIN MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST, MORTGAGE LOAN ASSET-BACKED CERTIFICATES, SERIES 20072 is the Plaintiff and JOYCE NICHOLS, ET AL. are the Defendant(s). I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction RAIN OR SHINE on the COURTHOUSE STEPS OF THE KINGS COUNTY COURTHOUSE, 360 ADAMS STREET, BROOKLYN, NY 11201, on September 22, 2022 at 10:50AM, premises known as 313 TROY AVENUE, BROOKLYN, NY 11213: Block 1401, Lot 8: ALL THAT CERTAIN PLOT, PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND, WITH THE BUILDINGS AND IMPROVEMENTS THEREON ERECTED, SITUATE, LYING AND BEING IN THE COUNTY OF KINGS, BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN, CITY OF NEW YORK AND STATE OF NEW YORK Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment Index # 507432/2014. Joel Abramson, Esq. - Referee. Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid, Crane & Partners, PLLC 900 Merchants Concourse, Suite 310, Westbury, New York 11590, Attorneys for Plaintiff. All foreclosure sales will be conducted in accordance with Covid-19 guidelines including, but not limited to, social distancing and mask wearing. *LOCATION OF SALE SUBJECT TO CHANGE DAY OF IN ACCORDANCE WITH COURT/CLERK DIRECTIVES. Notice of Formation of WISHME, LLC filed with SSNY on April 30, 2022. Office: New York County. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: WISHME STUDIO, 16 MADISON SQ W., 11TH FL, NEW YORK, NY, 10010. Purpose: any lawful act or activity.
NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF KINGS DEUTSCHE BANK TRUST COMPANY AMERICAS, AS TRUSTEE FOR 01-092394-F00Street&LambertEsq.,sale.timepracticesmaskssocialpersonsshtml)nycourts.gov/Admin/oca.websiteAdministrationtheProtocolsKINGSaccordancewillaforementioned#500662/2016.filedsubjectPremisesplusof31.York,Brooklyn,beingerected,andland,plot11230.Avenue,knownatonBrooklyn,360stepsOutsideCountyauctionReferee2020,dulyofPursuantetAGAINST2006-QS8,CERTIFICATESPASS-THROUGHASSET-BACKEDINC.,ACCREDITRESIDENTIALLOANS,MORTGAGESERIESPlaintiffANNEINHORN,al.,Defendant(s)toaJudgmentForeclosureandSaleenteredOctober20,I,theundersignedwillsellatpublicattheKingsSupremeCourt,oncourthouseonAdamsStreet,AdamsStreet,NewYork11201September22,202211:05AM,premisesas100LawrenceBrooklyn,NYAllthatcertainpieceorparcelofwiththebuildingsimprovementssituate,lyingandintheBoroughofCityofNewBLOCK:5422,LOT:Approximateamountjudgment$1,298,720.31interestandcosts.willbesoldtoprovisionsofJudgmentIndexTheauctionbeconductedinwiththeCountyCOVID-19locatedonOfficeofCourt(OCA)(https://ww2.andassuchallmustcomplywithdistancing,wearingandscreeningineffectattheofthisforeclosureJonathanEngel,RefereeFrenkelWeissWeismanGordon,LLP53GibsonBayShore,NY1170672325Public Notice Cellco Partnership and its controlled affiliates doing business as Verizon Wireless (Verizon Wireless) proposes to collocate wireless Marietta,400,Parkway,1395phone:Allen,to: thewithinmayoneffectsregarding10704.Avenue,vicinityfootofandWhiteoftheaheightantennasproposesNY.WestchestermultipleantennascommunicationsatlocationsinCounty,VerizonWirelesstocollocateatatopof84feeton95-footbuildingatapprox.vicinity70FerrisAvenue,Plains,NY10603;atatopheight88feetona95-buildingattheapprox.of1122YonkersYonkers,NYPubliccommentspotentialfromthissitehistoricpropertiesbesubmitted30daysfromdateofthispublicationTrileafCorp,Benjaminb.allen@trileaf.com,678-653-8673,SouthMariettaBuildingSuite209,GA30067.
Notice of Formation of LMCV INVESTORSEASYKNOCKLLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 08/15/2022. Office location: New York SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to 535 5TH AVENUE, 12TH FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY, 10017. Any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of VASETTA, LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 05/31/2022. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 455 OCEAN PARKWAY, APT 3F, BROOKLYN, NY, 11218. Any ofNoticepurpose.lawfulofFormation HOLDINGS,WASHINGTONLLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 08/03/2022. Office location New York SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 485 LEXINGTON AVENUE, NEW YORK, NY, 1001. Any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of AKH156 LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 08/03/2022. Office location: New York SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to 156 EAST 62ND, NEW YORK, NY, 10065. Any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of EDGE LLC.MANAGEMENTNY Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 06/20/2022. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 546 62ND STREET, BROOKLYN, NY, 11220. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of 128 E 64th St LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with NY Dept. of State: 8/10/22. Office location: NY County. Sec. of State designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served and shall mail process to: 128 E 64th St LLC, 128 E. 64th St., NY, NY 10065, principal business address. Purpose: all lawful purposes. Homes by Habersang LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with the SSNY on 04/28/22. Office: Schenectady County. SSNY designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to the LLC, [2106 Nott St, Niskayuna, NY 12309]. Purpose: Any lawful purpose.
Application of Authority of Launddoor LLC filed with SSNY on 07/22/2022. Office: New York County. SSNY is designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to Launddoor LLC: 10279 South 86th Terrace, Apt 308, Palos Hills, IL 60465. Purpose: any lawful act or activity.
Section 106 NoticePublic T-Mobile Northeast, LLC proposes to install additional antennas, replace existing antennas, add & replace ancillary equipment and reinforce an existing platform on the rooftop of an existing building at 61 Jackson Street, New York, New York County, NY 10002. Interested parties with comments regarding potential effects on Historic Properties may contact T-Mobile c/o Julia Klima at Dynamic publication.fromcomDynamicEnvironmental.968-4787,Macon,LakeAssociates,EnvironmentalInc.,3850Street,SuiteC,GA31204,877-Sec106@within30daysthedateofthisRe:22207037
Notice of Formation of RED ROVER BK, LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 08/03/2022. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 1008 MANHATTAN AVENUE, #4B, BROOKLYN, NY, 11222. Any lawful purpose. Notice of Qual. of YS 220W42 OWNER LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 08/12/2022. Office location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 02/15/2022. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 1325 AVENUE OF THE AMERICAS, 28TH FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY, 10019. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of KENT AVENUE OWNERS LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 04/20/2021. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 45 BROADWAY, SUITE #1850, NEW YORK, NY, 10006. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of Rhinebeck House LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with NY Dept. of State: 3/3/17. Office location: NY County. Sec. of State designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served and shall mail process to: National Corporate Research, Ltd., 10 E. 40th St., 10th Fl., NY, NY 10016. Purpose: any lawful activity.
Notice of Formation of PARQUET MEDICAL, PLLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/26/2022. Office location New York SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 168 CENTRE STREET, NEW YORK, NY, 10013. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of EVERGREEN REAL ESTATE 623 LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 08/10/2022. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 843 52ND STREET APT 4B, BROOKLYN, NY, 11220. Any lawful purpose.
Public Notice T-Mobile Northeast LLC proposes a facility upgrade atop an existing 126’ building at 88 E 4th St in Manhattan, NY (40.72579° N and -73.98894° W) as well as atop an existing 211’ building at 21-00 49th Ave in Long Island City, NY (40.74219° N and -73.94900° W). Additionally,
Notice of Formation of MYRON WEAVER HOUSE, LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 08/16/2022. Office location: Yates SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to 172 WEST LAKE RD., BRANCHPORT, NY, 14418. Any lawful purpose. Notice is hereby given that license number 1349910 for liquor has been applied for by the undersigned to sell liquor at retail in a OP 252 RESTAURANT under the alcoholic beverage control law at 603 MANHATTAN AVE BROOKLYN, NY 11222 in Kings County for onpremises consumption.
com.cherundoloconsulting.orMorrisatcontactthecommentsNEPA.of1.1307)regulationsaccordancepublishingNEXTWAVET-MOBILENBrooklyn,atexistinginstallationproposesBroadbandNextWaveLLCanewfacilityatopan86.8’building2709OceanAveinNY(40.59523°and-73.95033°W).andarethisnoticeinwithFCC(47CFR§forSection106theNHPAandforPartieswithregardingfacilityshouldCHERUNDOLO976TaborRd,Ste1,Plains,NJ07950viaemailattcns@ Public Notice Notice of Auction Sale is herein given that Access Self Storage of Long Island City located at 29-00 Review Avenue, Long Island City, N.Y. 11101 will take place cancelreserves“withAlltimechargesbyredeemhours.premisesbelotunitThe30+#2125-personal2Morston;Media#347generallyContentsfollowingchargesunpaidatSeptember2022SeptemberbiddingCOMSTORAGETREASURES.WWW.onSalebycompetitivestartingon2nd,andendon13,202212:00p.m.tosatisfyrentandontheaccounts:ofroomscontainmisc.–CeeLoKingLLCc/oBarry4plastictotes,suitcases,2dufflebags,items.MiguelRivera;boxes,10+bags.contentsofeachwillbesoldasaandallitemsmustremovedfromthewithin72Ownersmaytheirgoodspayingallrentanddueatanybeforethesale.salesareheldreserve”.Ownertherighttosaleatanytime.
Notice of Formation of AWAY & UNPLUGGED, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 08/16/2022. Office location: Ontario SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to 53 WILLIAM ST., PHELPS, NY, 14532. Any lawful purpose.
CityAndStateNY.com August 22, 202266
It may be odd to see former Gov. Andrew Cuomo on the winner’s list, but here we are. The judge in his lawsuit against the state’s former ethics agency ruled in his favor, which means the ex-gov no longer has to pay back $5.1 million from his pandemic book deal. This could change under the new state ethics agency, but Cuomo now has more time to find a job.
The NYPD is coming for the weed trucks. The department seized 20 vendors on wheels, cheekily tweeting that they won’t be open for business “anytime soon!” because despite legalization nearly a year ago, permits to sell marijuana have still not gone out in New York. The removal of the trucks was potentially good news for people who actually wanted to get high though, since Weed World’s owner claimed to the Daily News: “We don’t sell real weed. We never have.”
WINNERS & LOSERS is published every Friday morning in City & State’s First Read email. Sign up for the email, cast your vote and see who won at cityandstateny.com.
Despite Mayor Eric Adams receiving props from the president’s spokesperson for signing into law a package of bills to protect abortion access, those bills came from the first majority-female City Council – a fact Speaker Adrienne Adams didn’t hesitate to point out.
For a congressional candidate in a high-profile race like state Sen. Alessandra Biaggi, losing a coveted endorsement from The New York Times might have kicked off a bad week all on its own, but then came accusations of ageism and a string of negative press, including a Politico article that highlighted her alleged mistreatment of staff. While Biaggi indicated she was undeterred, the events made her run more difficult.
The Gray Lady went gold, man. The New York Times was the most sought-after endorsement in the 10th Congressional District, and the former prosecutor got it. Goldman also got the least sought-after en dorsement, in the form of a Donald Trump social media post – self-con gratulatory and dripping with sarcasm. But Goldman is trusting that voters know better.
THE REST OF THE WORST JOHN FLANAGAN Political “housekeeping” accounts can spend their money on certain things, but the state elections enforcement counsel said state Senate Republicans went too far under then-leader John Flanagan in 2016 by spending housekeeping funds on campaign mailers. The GOP settled for a $200,000 fine.
ALLEN WEISSELBERG It’s never good to have to admit guilt for 15 felonies, but in the former Trump CFO’s case, the plea deal he took with the Manhattan DA’s office was expected to significantly reduce his potential jail sentence.
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