If you wish to contact Mike Keogh or any of our outstanding team members, please visit: Bolton-St. Johns would like to send congratulations to our friend and partner, Mike Keogh, for being acknowledged in City & State’s 2022 NYC Labor Power 100. Mike’s work with the labor sector has spanned more than two decades making him an invaluable asset for clients interacting with labor groups across New York. 11 Park Place York, NY 212-431-474810007 146 State Street, Albany, NY 518-462-462012207 DC 1450 G. Street NW Washington, DC 20005

Mike is a respected voice and colleague within the labor movement and we are thankful for the perspective he brings to an array of City and State policy issues. Your dedication and commitment to creating the most positive relationships with all sectors is appreciated and we are proud to have you as a leading member of our firm.


It’s clear there’s a lot of love out there for animals, which is why it’s sad to see the city’s elected officials not lending more attention to the continued suffering of carriage horses. There have been heart-breaking stories about horses collapsing this summer and of questionable care for the animals.
IMAGESPOST/GETTYWASHINGTONTHEFORMARCHLIBBYORTEGA;R.RALPH FIRST READ … 4 The week that was STATE SENATE UNION … 8 Making inroads with employees CITY STAFFCOUNCIL…10 Organizing for raises and overtime pay NYC AGREEMENTSLABOR … 12 Talks have stalled due to Medicare Advantage STARBUCKS … 16 Fired workers take their fight to the courts MINIMUM WAGE … 20 Does the Legislature have the votes to boost it to $20? NEW YORK CITY LABOR POWER 100 … 27 The key leaders standing up for workers WINNERS & LOSERS … 74 Who was up and who was down last week RALPH R. ORTEGA Editor-in-chief CONTENTSIn just the past Starbucksyear, has gone from three union ized stores to more than 200.
Transport Workers Union Local 100, which represents carriage drivers, has called for legislation that would create more oversight of the industry, among other requests, including a new trough to keep the horses hydrated. Opponents to the industry have mounted a campaign to ban horse-drawn carriages. City Council Member Robert Holden also has introduced a bill to replace the carriages with electric ones by 2024.
The debate over horse-drawn carriages has dragged on for years. It’s time for policy makers to see that they deserve to be protected just the same as other furry beasts loved by New Yorkers.

3September 5, 2022 City & State New York
SOME PET OWNERS in New York City push their dogs and cats around in strollers. I never quite got the point of such a posh amenity for a furry friend. Then after meeting the owner of two small dogs, who considered herself their “mommy,” I realized the strollers are all about love. This pedestrian preferred walking her dogs in a sheltered doggy carriage where they were protected from larger animals and the weather.
– state Sen. Joseph Addabbo Jr., on the unexpected blowback to the legislation he sponsored targeting teens’ use of “whipped cream chargers,” or whippits, via the New York Post

CityAndStateNY.com4 September 5, 2022
New York City Mayor Eric Adams is giving tours of his place of work – no, not the Verizon Building. City Hall hosted its first public tour since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, and Adams was there to kick things off in the 200-year-old building. With his fervid love for New York City and its energy-giving stones, Adams probably makes for a decent tour guide.

“Why would you not want to do this? It’s preventative and it holds accountablepeople .” “ I used to love whipped cream – but now I’m having thoughtssecond .”
It’s officially been a year since the remnants of Hurricane Ida swept across the New York metro areas, flooding streets, basement apartments and other low-lying areas and killing a total of 50 people in New York and New Jersey. New York City was hit especial ly hard as record rainfall sured into the streets, over whelming the sewer sys tem. Many people lost their homes and still bear deep financial and emotional wounds from the disaster. But while New York leaders took to the streets during the Thursday anniversa ry to commemorate the loss, not that much has really changed. Basement apartment tenants across the city still face many of the same dangers that they did last year after a bill that would have legalized and regulated basement apart ments stalled in the Leg islature last session. The threat of climate change continues to loom. Still, at least a little progress has been made on other fronts. New York City Mayor Eric Adams announced that the city has taken steps to build more resilient, green infrastructure like curbside rain gardens to absorb stormwater.
NO HOPE FOR RIKERS Days after New York City Public Advocate Jumanne Signs for a new gun-free zone went up around an expansive definition of Times Square last week, placing strict penalties on anyone found with a gun in that part of the city.

– New York City Public Advocate Jumaane Williams, on requiring the credit card industry to launch a system to trace gun purchases, via the Daily News isting permit requirements were unconstitutional.
A new state law bans the carrying of guns in sensi tive areas like government buildings, playgrounds, li braries, parks – and Times Square. Attention on this new measure, however, has brought the actual boundaries of Times Square into dispute. The city’s map that illustrates the boundaries where the strict limit on guns will take effect consists of about three dozen blocks – areas that some New Yorkers haven’t consid ered actually part of Times Square. The New York City Council recently met to discuss new legislation to officially define the area’s parameters. This is just one aspect of the state’s new Concealed Carry Improvement Act, which New York leaders passed in response to the Supreme Court’s June ruling that New York’s ex

A competitive congressional race on Long Island is get ting an attention boost from national Democrats aiming to defeat an “insurrection ist” Republican candidate. The Democratic Congres sional Campaign Commit tee is adding the race in New York’s 3rd Congressional Dis trict – covering parts of Nas sau County and Queens – to its “Red to Blue” program. Running in the district is Democrat Robert Zimmerman, the leader of a public relations business, and Republican in vestment banker George San tos. Santos, the DCCC asserted, was an “insurrectionist” and “too radical for this district.” The DCCC cited a video in which Santos bragged about listening to Donald Trump speak in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 6, 2021. “Something I mention often – I was at the Ellipse on Jan. 6,” San tos said in an interview with Lara Trump in February 2021. “That was the most amazing crowd, and the president was at his full awesomeness that day. It was a front-row spec tacle for me.” In a tweet that was geotagged from Washing ton, D.C., the day after Trump supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol in an attempted insur rection, Santos appeared to denounce the action. “January 6th, 2021 will go down as a sad and dark day in our histo ry,” he tweeted. “Our nation needs immediate healing.” Santos campaign manag er Charles Lovett called the DCCC’s criticism of Santos as an “insurrectionist” a dis traction. “The DCCC is doing everything they can to try to distract voters from the disas ters that Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi’s policies have caused with Robert Zimmerman’s full support,” Lovett said. The DCCC’s Red to Blue program provides Democrat ic candidates vying for com petitive seats access to the committee’s organizational resources, including help with field operations and fundrais ing support. City & State iden tified the race as one of half a dozen competitive seats to watch. The recognition from the DCCC could bring Zim merman national attention and potentially a fundraising boost. Several other New York Democrats have also been identified as getting a help ing hand from the DCCC’s Red to Blue program, includ ing Bridget Fleming, Jackie Gordon and Max Rose. The current 18th District – like the current 3rd District – is also now represented by a Democrat. A spokesperson for the DCCC said that open seats – which both the 3rd and 18th Districts are – are also included in the program. – Annie McDonough
SUNDAY 9/11 New York marks the 21st anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks – just a month after the U.S. killed al-Qaida leader Ayman al-Zawahri.
Democratic county committee members in Assembly District 80 are expected to choose a candidate to take Nathalia Fernandez’s spot on the ballot, since she’s expected to go to the state Senate.
Assembly Member YuhLine Niou – who came in a close second – is reportedly considering a rematch in the general election as the progressive Working Families Party candidate. Given how deep the district’s Democratic support runs, this could be done without opening a path to a Republican victory, still, Niou’s path forward would be an uphill one.
The city’s workforce is the smallest it’s been in five years, with many employees quitting over complaints of no flexibility to work from home and low pay.
The high-profile race for New York City’s 10th Congressional District may not be over just yet. In the days since Democratic nominee Dan Goldman won with 26% of the vote, many progressive New Yorkers have lamented what could have been.
Assembly Member Yuh-Line Niou is considering running in the 10th Congressional District against Democrat Dan Goldman in the November general election on the WFP line.

The New York City Council Civil Service and Labor Committee and the Oversight and Investigations Committee hold a 1 p.m. hearing at City Hall on maintaining New York City’s municipal workforce. Williams, City Comptroller Brad Lander and Council Member Carlina Rivera visited Rikers Island and announced conditions had slightly improved at the troubled jail complex, an other incarcerated person died. Michael Nieves was the 13th person to die this year and the third suspect ed of taking his own life after being held on Rikers Island – a staggering toll that has continued to grow even as the city has done its best to imple ment reforms in hopes of staying off a federal court takeover. Three corrections department employees were suspended in wake of his death after reports surfaced that they failed to act for at least 10 minutes after Nieves slit his throat with a razor. Also on the incarceration front, twothirds of the City Council have attached their names as co-sponsors of legisla tion that would ban solitary confinement in New York City jails.
5City & State New YorkSeptember 5, 2022
Robert Zimmerman added to “Red to Blue” program September 5, 20226 WHEN THESE PEOPLE TWEET, NEW YORK CITY AND READING.LAWMAKERSSTATEARE

Members of the state Legislature and the New York City Council get on New York political Twitter for the same reasons as the rest of us: to stay informed, spar with other users and get the latest hot goss. So it is insightful to look at who these powerful decision-makers are following and where they’re getting their information. For instance, it’s no surprise that more Assembly members follow Speaker Carl Heastie than any other legislator in the chamber. And City Council Member Justin Brannan’s Twitter account is always �� Plus, the journalists that are being followed by lawmakers also gain some amount of influence in their own right. Legislata, a political productivity and information platform, scraped 204 official and personal accounts for state legislators and 90 accounts for City Council members to analyze hundreds of thousands of follows. Here are the top lawmakers and journalists who legislators in each chamber are reading on Twitter.
FOLLOW THE TWEETER By HolmbergEric STATE LEGISLATURE Top legislative follows ASSEMBLY MEMBERS 1. Carl Heastie (81%) 2. Nily Rozic (59%) 3. Crystal Peoples-Stokes (58%) 4. Latoya Joyner (57%) 5. Richard Gottfried (56%) STATE SENATORS 1. Andrea Stewart-Cousins (74%) 2. Gustavo Rivera (71%) 3. Liz Krueger (69%) T-4. Brian Kavanagh T-4. Brad Hoylman INFLUENTIAL JOURNALISTS 1. Zack Fink (81%) NY1 State House reporter 2. Nick Reisman (77%) Spectrum News state politics reporter 3. Jimmy Vielkind Wall Street Journal reporter 4. Susan Arbetter Spectrum News political anchor 5. Jon Campbell (63%) WNYC/Gothamist reporter CITY COUNCIL TOP COUNCIL FOLLOWS 1. Justin Brannan (84%) 2. Adrienne Adams (83%) 3. Keith Powers(81%)(82%) 5. Carlina RiveraINFLUENTIAL(79%) JOURNALISTS 1. Sally Goldenberg (76%) Politico New York City Hall bureau chief 2. Ben Max (74%) Gotham Gazette executive editor 3. Errol Louis (71%) NY1 political anchor 4. Jeff Coltin (70%) City & State New York City Hall bureau chief 5. Katie Honan (58%) The City reporter GoldenbergSally BrannanJustinHeastieCarl CousinsStewart-Andrea FinkZack

I’m not alarmed by the change in work patterns brought on by the pandemic. Some degree of hybrid work is not going away, and we all have to adapt to that new normal. But as I always say, never bet against New York. People want to be in New York – for the best jobs with the best companies, and enjoy all this city has to offer, whether that’s Broadway, sports or nightlife. And they will use the mass transit system to get to their destination. You said you were “seeding decisionmakers” going into this process of addressing the shortfall. Can you explain what you meant by seeding? So what we did at that board meeting was to raise nowunderstoodtooperatingbudgetcliffsizeexplanationthings:awarenesseverybody’sofafewOne,anupdatedofwhattheoftheMTAfiscalwas,thestructuraldeficitonthebudget.Two,makesureeverybodythatthiswasgoingtohittheMTA,
Which policymakers were you directing your comments to? I think we’re talking about all of the leaders of the Legislature. First and foremost, Gov. Kathy Hochul and her team; the team at the state Division of the Budget; the legislative leaders of both houses, state Sen. Andrea Stewart-Cousins (and Speaker) Carl Heastie in the Assembly and key committee chairs in the state Senate –Finance (Committee) Chair Liz Krueger and (Corporations, Authorities, and Committee)CommissionsChair Leroy Comrie. Also, (stateChairTransportationstateCommitteeTimKennedyintheSenate)…aswellas
the full fiscal cliff was going to hit in 2025 rather than 2026 based on our updated projections. And third, we did identify one major strategy. We’d be addressing the fiscal cliff in a significant way if the Legislature and other stakeholders put together a strategy and path that will … permanently reduce the size of the budget deficit by $800 million. So, when I said “seed,” I said that what we’re trying to do is to “seed” the discussion of what actions we can all take that would help the MTA’s financial problem. And we’re already moving forward with that.
“ Our Perspective exploitation as the price of living in a global economy, a movement that isn’t afraid to stand up for a country where dignity and respect and justice will prevail for all working people.
“Union approval ratings are at their highest since the 1960s and we owe it to this new wave of organizing for shifting this narrative. We owe it to the Amazon workers in Bessemer Alabama who stood up to Jeff Bezos and shocked the nation. We owe it to the Amazon Labor Union who won their election in Staten Island, the Starbucks workers sweeping the country, REI workers from coast to coast, and every worker who in this moment embodies the phrase ‘enough is enough.’ We know that workers around the country are demanding more and think more positively of unions than they have in decades. It’s up to us in the labor movement to work together with newer generations to change our labor movement to be one that can grow through strong worker militancy, for many decades to come,” said Stuart Appelbaum, President of the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union (RWDSU).
T he true strength of any union is defined by its values and convictions, and whether it sees itself less as an institution and more of a movement: A movement that isn’t afraid to stand up for decency and dignity and respect, a movement that fights for racial and economic justice, a movement that never loses its sense of outrage at injustice around it. “At our core, we are a movement for justice, a movement to help lift up those who have been weakened by indifference and neglect, a movement that speaks out for those whose voices too often go unheard, a movement that provides strength for each and every worker, a movement that isn’t willing to accept
A Q&A with Metropolitan Transportation Authority Chair and CEO

You spoke mean?month.pressCOVID-19publicNewregarding“permanentaboutchanges”howYorkersusetransitafterduringaconferencelastWhatdidyou
Assembly Member Amy Paulin. The funding gap is pertaining to operations, but will it also impact improvements?capital The budgetoperatingincludes a lot of maintenance and maintenance,preventativeand the capital budget obviously includes things that maintain the state of good repair, upgrades and key elements. When you try to cut operations and cut investment,capitalyou can end up with a very bad outcome and we cannot let that happen. – Megan McGibney
By Stuart Appelbaum, President, Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union, RWDSU, UFCW Twitter: @sappelbaum
RWDSU Statement: Labor Day 2022

“We are currently in a moment where young workers are fighting back and actively leading campaigns that are inspiring working people across the entire nation. Young workers who have lived through the pandemic are tired of being treated as dispensable by employers who are making billions of dollars off their backs. Just as the Occupy Wall Street movement and the movement for Black lives engaged millions of young people, young people are now taking their activism to the workplace to demand a better life.
As I always say, never bet NewagainstYork.
Since then, little news has come out of the organizing effort, overshadowed in part by the August state Senate primaries and soon the November general election that may affect which staff will still have jobs in Jan uary. “The initial launch announcement, I would say, had the desired effect,” Astrid Aune, a staffer for state Sen. Jessica Ramos who handles the union’s communications, told City & State of what has been going on behind the scenes. “We saw a real rush of cards and offices that we haven’t been able to make inroads with reach out and start engaging.” Aune wouldn’t say just how
By Rebecca C. Lewis
“We saw a real rush of cards engaging.”outwithmakebeenweofficesandthathaven’tabletoinroadsreachandstart
– Astrid Aune, New York State Astrid Aune said next year’s session will important union.

WorkersLegislativeUnitedspokesperson A unionperfectmore
D EMOCRATS in the state Senate talk a big game about support ing unions and fighting for labor rights. Now, staffers are ask ing leadership to put their money where their mouth is by recogniz ing their union. Staff went public with their efforts in July, and although they haven’t gotten an update from state Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins on where she stands, organizers feel confident that they’re on pace to get their union rec ognized.OnJuly 15, the newly formed New York State Legislative Workers United sent Stewart-Cousins a letter announcing its organizing efforts. At the time, nearly 80 state Senate staffers from 18 senators’ offic es had signed cards in support of forming a union. In the letter, organizers wrote that they hope Stewart-Cousins’ “long histo ry fighting for the working people of New York will guide (her) decision” as they con tinue to work toward voluntary recogni tion. At the time, a spokesperson for the majority leader said she would “review any additional information forthcoming.”
for the legislative
UNITEDWORKERSLEGISLATIVESTATEYORKNEW Legislative staffers are continuing to organize across party lines to form New York State Legislative Workers United.
As organizers continue to consolidate sup port for the union, Aune said that first they must all make it through one more election to make sure that everyone involved still has a job and is able to be a part of the bargaining unit. That means that public next steps likely won’t come for a few more months at least. But Aune struck a confident tone about what that will look like.
9City & State New York many cards organizers have gathered since the launch, but said she was “very pleased with our progress.” The union has not yet released a list of grievances, but the long hours and inconsis tent pay for legislative staffers in Albany is a widely known and oft-discussed issue. Aune added that the second primary was “really draining” for many of its members – gov ernment staff is often asked to work on law makers’ campaigns when they aren’t on the clock, or to take comp time away from their job to take up a role on the political side. On top of that, Aune said that staffers have their own work and preparation for the new ses sion they have to attend to while trying to en sure they still have a job in January with their boss’sSeveralreelection.lawmakers have responded well to the organizing efforts from staffers, offering public support on social media. Although it came from many of the usual suspects on the Democratic side – people like progres sive state Sens. Gustavo Rivera and Robert Jackson – the union also has GOP support. “Proud of this new effort (and) hope my staff signs on,” Republican state Sen. Mike Mar tucci wrote in a tweet following the union’s initial letter. He added that he has tried to introduce legislation that would help enable staff to unionize in the past. Aune said the bipartisan support was welcome. “We’ve been very adamant from the beginning that every worker, every worker, deserves a union,” she said. “And we are workers first, and then we are party affiliated.” In addition to positive feedback from lawmakers, Aune said that former staff ers have also reached out to express their support for the current unionization push.
“I’ll say that our organiz ers, and our members, are really looking for ward to next session,” she said. ■

One such person was Erica Vladimer, one of the co-founders of the Sexual Harrassment Working Group that has fought for better protections against harassment and dis crimination for workers in the state Legis lature. She resigned from her job in the state Senate after former state Sen. Jeff Klein al legedly kissed her without her consent in 2015. “I can’t help but think that had I had a union that I could go to when I was work ing in the state Senate, I might not have ever left,” Vladimer told City & State. “I would have felt like I had people on my side.” Vlad imer said she couldn’t recall participating in any conversations during her time in the Legislature about the prospect of unioniz ing, but that she and other members of the Working Group have more recently dis cussed the benefits of current staff organiz ing. “I’m just grateful to see such a collective effort happening,” Vladimer said.

HAT DO YOU DO after forming the largest legisla tive staff union in the coun try? Keep organizing, if you’re the New York City Council staffers’ union.
The Association of Legis lative Employees, which represents around 350 council member aides and central staff members, was officially certified by the city a year ago, and as of July had 138 dues-paying members. While the union’s leaders are hop ing to make more progress this fall on ham mering out the terms of a contract, much of the union’s work over the past year was ded icated to learning more about its own mem bership and what they wanted to get out of a contract.Afteran initial meeting in May between the union leaders and representatives of the speaker’s office – internal council attorneys and human resources, along with the city Office of Labor Relations – at which union members laid out some of their broad con cerns and priorities, the union has spent the past few months gathering its members for in-person socials and analyzing the results of a bargaining survey.

CityAndStateNY.com10 September 5, 2022
ting standards across council members’ of fices for the level of training that staffers get or how termination works. But the specifics of the union’s asks –putting a dollar value on pay raises or structuring an overtime compensation system, for example – are still being de termined. While some union leaders said they hoped to have a contract by this fiscal year, a long process of negotiating their specific demands still lies ahead.
“I think everyone kind of works at least 10 hours of overtime generally, but for some folks it’s more,” said Vinuri Ranaweera, union vice president and scheduler for Coun cil Member Rita Joseph. “If you’re a constit uent services person and you’re dealing with a case or an overload of cases, you can’t leave sometimes – and you really want to help peo ple if their needs are urgent.” Unlike staff at New York City agencies or members of Mayor Eric Adams’ adminis tration, City Council staffers are mostly still able to work remotely or on a hybrid sched ule. Maintaining that flexibility was another goal that union leaders identified, as was set
Another top concern was the lack of a system for compensating staffers for over time work. “I think for a really, really long time, council staffers have been overworked and underpaid,” said Matt Malloy, the stew ards’ representative on the union’s execu tive board, who has served as a constituent services liaison in Council Member James Gennaro’s office since January. “What we’re hearing a lot of is that that leads to a lot of turnover, which really isn’t helpful for run ning an office, and it’s not good for New Yorkers who want good services or who want a council with staffers who know what they’reAlthoughdoing.”the standard week for a council staffer is 35 hours, union leaders said it’s rare to see staffers actually keep those hours. “A lot of folks are regularly working as many as 60, sometimes 70, hours a week for no ad ditional compensation,” Malloy said, adding that council members’ offices vary widely in how they deal with overtime. While some members attempt to compensate with time off after a staffer has worked extra hours, others seem to be less aware of it, he said.
The New York City Council staff union wants pay raises and an compensationovertimesystem.
So far, City Council Speaker Adrienne Adams’ office hasn’t been vocal about how it will approach these negotiations. “We are in the early stages of negotiations,” a spokesper
By McDonoughAnnie
The union is not affiliated with existing municipal unions like District Council 37, so its democratically elected bargaining committee is, to some extent, starting from scratch. “For the first time, we’re going to be setting standards,” said Daniel Kroop, pres ident of the Association of Legislative Em ployees and a senior financial analyst in the council’s finance division. While the union is still working on their specific demands, feedback from the council staff union members highlighted a few key issues that they’ll want to include in an even tual contract: pay raises and overtime com pensation. The members of the union come from different corners of the council – not just from council members’ offices, but cen tral finance staff as well – and represent ra cial and ethnic diversity too. According to the results of the bargaining survey, the union’s membership was roughly 40% white, 27% Hispanic, 16% Black, 4% two or more races, and 1% American Indian/Alaskan Native. Among that cross section, some common themes emerged. “Over 120 staffers in the City Council in our unit, whom we repre sent, earn under $55,000 a year,” Kroop said. “There’s really strong consensus on the bargaining committee about the need to make sure that people can live in New York City and that there is equitable access for people to actually see a job path in public ser vice, and that includes the City Council.”
Staffers in the state Senate are organizing, largely around similar concerns about sala ry and overtime hours. Last year, staffers at the New York City public advocate’s office formed a Despiteunion.thelong road ahead, Malloy said legislative staffers were ready for this work.

“We have a lot of people who are organiz ers. We have people who are finance an alysts that can model the data. We have people who know the labor territory and have worked with other unions in the past,” Malloy said. ■
Earlier this year, the City Council voted to increase its own operating budget to $100 million for the new fiscal year – a move that opens up funding in individual members’ budgets for salary increases for staffers.
“They’re always open to meeting and wrong.”donetothey’reresponsive.definitelyButstillhesitantadmitthatthey’veanything
The gettingpreparingofAssociationLegislativeEmployeesisworkingontheirprioritiesandreadytonegotiatewithleadership.
The union was publicly supported last year by then-City Council Speaker Corey John son, and Adams was among the majority of council members who voted in favor of a res olution that allowed the speaker to collective ly bargain with staffers. “I feel like there’s a similarly hesitant but receptive speaker’s of fice,” said Ranaweera, when asked wheth er there was any difference in how Johnson and Adams approached the union. “Both Corey Johnson and Adrienne Adams are like that, where they’re responsive to any issues that we send to them – we still communi cate often because in the interim there are going to be workplace issues that we tell them about and advocate on behalf of staffers – and they’re always open to meeting and definitely responsive. But they’re still hesitant to admit that they’ve done anything wrong.”
While the union hasn’t had formal nego tiations with the council yet to lay out spe cific demands – something they hope to do this fall – the initial meeting between the union’s bargaining committee and the council representatives in May left some of the union’s leaders feeling cautiously opti mistic. “It felt really encouraging that our union has been recognized, that we did get OLR, and we did get the speaker’s office to sit down at the table with us for us to offi cially begin this process,” Malloy said.
“A major part of the increase in the budget for the next fiscal year that will begin on July 1 is connected to my commit ment to invest in promoting staff leader ship, providing raises to the hardworking public servants on the council staff that help council members represent their dis tricts and oversee agencies and are central to the council’s operational health,” Adams said in March. While Adams said the bud get increase was decided internally, the union also considered it a victory. Although the union is charting its own course to a first contract, it’s far from alone.
– Vinuri Ranaweera, Association of Legislative Employees vice president, on the speaker’soffice
11City & State New YorkSeptember 5, 2022 son for the speaker said in a statement. “Both sides are eager to reach a fair contract.”
New York City’s plan to get retirees on Medicare Advantage is stalling labor contract negotiations.
The union’s contract expired in June, and the upcoming talks for city unions will play out under strained conditions. And with a booming private sector job market, New York City’s public agencies just don’t seem as attractive as they once did when jobs were harder to get.

By HennellyBob
According to an analysis by New York City Comptroller Brad Lander’s office, Mayor Eric Adams did not set aside a lot of money for raises in the upcoming con tract“Intalks.addition, looming on the horizon is the upcoming round of collective bargain ing, which could pose a significant addi tional risk to the budget,” the comptroller wrote. “The city set aside resources in the labor reserve assuming 0.5% increases in the first two years of the contracts and 1% increase in each year thereafter, which is likely to be insufficient. Each additional percentage point in wage increases would cost $450 million per year.” DiGiacomo noted that the contract limbo was playing out at a time when more of his members were opting to retire, a trend that’s applicable across the NYPD. The pandemic and a perceived lack of sup port, DiGiacomo said, had affected mo
CityAndStateNY.com12 September 5, 2022
T THORNY ISSUE of how New York City provides its nearly 250,000 retired civil servants with health care is shaping up to be a major impediment for contract ne gotiations getting underway with dozens of unions that represent the city’s roughly 280,000 employees. “I think I was one of the first unions to reach out to City Hall to try and start nego tiations for the next round of bargaining to get detectives their well-deserved increase in salary but the Medicare Advantage situ ation is holding everything up up because it could have a devastating effect on both our active and retired members,” Paul DiGiaco mo, president of the Detectives’ Endowment Association, told City & State. “My strategic analysis is if I settle a contract now and get 3%, 4%, 5% over five years, whatever it may be, and then the health care costs come back and they say we have to contribute 3%, 4% or 5%, where’s the raise?”
13City & State New YorkSeptember 5, 2022 rale. “There is no rank that stands out more than the rank of detective during the COVID virus when we lost eight NYPD detectives,” DiGiacomo said. “Prior to the 2001 9/11 attack, we had 7,400 detectives. Right now, we are at 5,300, and we are doing a lot more inves tigations in addition to counterterrorism. The rank of detective is spread very thin with the number of violent crimes and shootings that need to be investigated,” he said. “There are some days when there are more defendants in the precinct cell than there are detectives working.”

Last year’s retiree revolt against thenNew York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s ad ministration and the Municipal Labor Committee’s proposal to shift retirees to a privatized Medicare Advantage program resulted in an ongoing court case and a de cision by the two health insurance com panies to withdraw. One key issue was a requirement that city retirees who opted out of the new offering would have to pay New York City Mayor AdamsErichas a bunch of expired union contracts that need to be NYPDincludingresolved,withdetectives.
Dalvanie Powell, president of the United Probation Officers Association, told City & State that the inability to start contract talks due to the unresolved Medicare Ad vantage controversy was problematic.
While City Hall and the unions said the Retiree Health Alliance, which was going to be run by Anthem and Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield, would produce $600 million in savings with no degrada tion in coverage, the New York City Or ganization of Public Service Retirees said the change threatened retirees’ continu ity of care, would cost more and would coverLastless.month, when Anthem and Empire walked away, Adams spokesperson Jonah Allon said the city and the Municipal Labor Committee “continue to believe that a customized Medicare Advantage Plan (was the) best opportunity” for retirees and the city’s taxpayers, but there was been no resolution of the controversy that has pit ted some retirees against union leadership. Further clouding the city’s public sector labor contract picture was a request for in formation put out by the city and the Mu nicipal Labor Committee in June looking for a new benefits administrator for its ac tive duty workforce and dependents. “Our joint goal of the redesign is to re duce the cost of delivering health care by at least 10% while continuing to provide ef ficient, high-quality health care to all city employees and pre-Medicare retirees with out significant increases in member outof-pocket cost,” according to the request. “This RFI requests information from in terested, qualified entities to determine whether creative ideas and better delivery strategy can be Traditionally,achieved.”NewYork
“We would probably be making 33% more in wages if we didn’t have to make the concessions to hold on to the health care for all these years,” said Joe Puleo, president of Local 983, which represents thousands of blue-collar workers. “A lot of our members don’t realize how it works, how these ben efits are funded. They think the city just voluntarily picks up the tab.” Citizens Budget Commission, a nonprof it fiscal watchdog, has advocated that city workers should pay some portion of their health insurance premium, a non-starter for city “Thisunions.(is)always quite a challenge be cause the city has a long-term structural problem in its budget and any money that we spend in raises for workers that’s cer tainly deserved by many is not in the cur rent budget that has out-year gaps,” said Andrew Rein, the group’s president. “We really need to change the nature of the la bor-management compact because city em ployment has been structured to guarantee job security, not necessarily to be flexible, innovative and nimble.”
City civil ser vants have successfully resisted having health care premiums imposed on them, even as other public employees, including state workers, have had to pony up. City union leaders insisted that they were not getting a free ride because they had made wage concessions for a generation to hold on to those benefits.

CityAndStateNY.com14 a $191 monthly premium for their old plan.
“Our contract expired back in Novem ber of 2020, during the height of the pan demic,” Powell said. “I have been losing members since 2019 when we had 849, down to now just 671 in just the last three years. They are frustrated. The young peo ple are leaving after just three, four and five years for other agencies because our salaries that start at just $45,934 are ex tremelyPowelllow.”noted that her members are re quired to have a four-year college de gree, are armed and receive firearms and self-defense training as peace officers, yet are considered civilians. The union, which is mostly comprised of women of color, has a pending Equal Employment Opportuni ty Commission case alleging that the exist ing pay disparity with the NYPD amounts to race- and gender-based discrimination. The city’s FDNY emergency medical ser vices unions have a similar case pending. In an interview with City & State, Harry Nespoli, chair of the Municipal Labor
“Universal child care is a big issue,” Mulgrew said. “My union is 80% female –and it shouldn’t be this way – but the women are always the ones taking care of theOrganizationfamily.”
The UFT, which is unusual in that it per mits retirees to vote and participate in the union, has started its internal committee process that relies on hundreds of members to weigh in on future contract priorities.
– Harry Nespoli, proceedonAssociationSanitationmen’sUniformedpresident,howthecityshouldwithnegotiations
“Start talking to the unions now so that once this theirthesewewayresolved,AdvantageMedicareisoneortheother,cangetworkersmoney.”
15City & State New York Committee, the umbrella coalition of all of the city’s public unions, said it was his understanding that the city Office of Labor Relations was holding off on contract nego tiations pending a resolution of the Medi care Advantage controversy. “This mayor did kind of inherit a broken city right now and he has been trying to put it back together, and all the unions are anx ious to get back in there to negotiate,” Ne spoli said. “These city workers have been through hell for these 2 1/2 years during COVID and there are still unions out there that did not get their contract settled in the last round yet because of the pandemic. I don’t see why (Adams) doesn’t move for ward with those unions that didn’t settle in the last Nespoli,round.”who is also president of the Uniformed Sanitationmen’s Association, believes that City Hall and the unions can work on a two-track strategy. “You know how long a contract takes? So, start talking to the unions now so that once this Medicare Advantage is resolved, one way or the other, we can get these work ers their money,” he said. “I mean people like my members were all ordered in when the whole city was shut down. You have to compensate them. You see what inflation is doing now in the grocery store.”
Michael Mulgrew, president of the United Federation of Teachers, spoke in a wide-ranging interview about the UFT contract expiring in the middle of Sep tember and he expressed confidence that the health care coverage issue would be re solved because of the city’s strong financial situation.“Theworkers of New York City are es sential to it bouncing back from COVID,” he said. “They performed admirably throughout the pandemic and now the city does have record reserves. We are going to wait to see where things go. We see that tourism is back and is alive and well. But if New York City is going to bounce back big time and thrive, then we need to make sure we’re giving the workers the raises that they need to live here.”
of Staff Analysts Chair Bob Croghan, whose organization rep resents several thousand staff analysts in city agencies as well as in NYC Health + Hospitals, said wages were not the only thing on his members’ minds.

Henry Garrido, the executive director of District Council 37, representing over 100,000 city workers, said in a statement, “City workers have sacrificed so much since the pandemic began, and they con tinue to put their lives on the line every day for New Yorkers while dealing with the pressure of economic uncertainty at home. As the cost of living continues to rise, our workers deserve a fair and reasonable wage. We look forward to negotiating with the Adams administration to achieve the best possible contract for our members.” ■ Bob Hennelly is a reporter with The Chief.
District Council 37 thethatcontractformembersgatheredaJune15rallyemphasizedbetterpayandimportantroletheyplayatwork.
“It appears to be an odd period because people have been battered by the tremen dous changes brought on by COVID and the pandemic that’s been going on forev er, so that everything is really discombob ulated, making it really hard to know what comes next, not just here in the city, but nationally,” Croghan said. “For that rea son, I don’t think I am getting battered yet by my members about the high infla tion and that there’s at least a possibility we don’t see such a high raise. I think I am waiting for the other shoe to drop.” City Hall was asked about the concerns raised by several union leaders that con tract negotiations were contingent on the resolution of the Medicare Advantage issue. “The city looks forward to bargain ing with any unions who are willing to come to the bargaining table for contracts that are in the best interest of city workers and taxpayers,” Allon said.
A successful injunction would make Buffalo the second local Starbucks union campaign to receive a federal court victory. A federal judge in Ten nessee just became the first to order Starbucks to reinstate a group of fired workers at a Memphis location in mid-August. The company was also or dered to stop meddling in other ways, such as by discarding pro-union flyers. That landmark win for the union in Tennessee set up the NLRB’s Buffalo case currently making its way through courts. But the Buffalo case will test a much more extensive set of allega tions – and it’s being heard by a more conservative judge.
The Buffalo district court case will be the third NLRB attempt to score an injunction against Starbucks. The Ar izona branch of the agency lost its first bid for an injunction before the vic tory in Memphis. The Tennessee in junction was a major boost, according to Michael Dolce, a partner at the law firm representing the Buffalo workers.
More than 200 stores have been unionized in the past year.
After a legal victory in Tennessee, Starbucks workers in Western New York are watching a National Labor Relations Board case that could boost their drive to unionize.

“The thorough and well-reasoned order from the Western District of Tennessee should be a sign of things to come. We expect district courts across the country who are examining similar
Baristas unite! September 5, 202216
By ParrottMax
In reaction to the wave of Starbucks unionization, NLRB General Coun sel Jennifer Abruzzo has pushed for regional offices to “aggressively seek” injunctions in cases like those against Starbucks, where an employer is being accused of undermining active union campaigns. In the normal course of an NLRB investigation, the agency can take anywhere from one to two years to reach a final decision on a labor case –especially one as expansive as the one against Starbucks in the Buffalo re gion. A federal injunction would fasttrack enforcement within the span of several months. (Separately, New York City is also getting involved in the cause, suing Starbucks for alleged ly firing a union organizer in Queens.)
T HE FUTURE OF the U.S. labor movement is set to play out in a Western New YorkUnioncourtroom.advocates alleged that seven Western New York Starbucks baristas were fired in retaliation for organizing. They also alleged union-busting practices across 18 Starbucks locations, including sur veillance and threats. In June, the Na tional Labor Relations Board filed a petition for a federal injunction that would reinstate fired workers and send a message that the union is here to stay.
The union said the Memphis decision val idated reports that Starbucks stores across the country have intimidated and in multiple cases terminated workers involved in the or ganizing“Starbuckscampaign.hasrepeatedly denied firing the Memphis workers for their organizing activity, and this decision … set the record straight. We will continue holding Starbucks accountable for their vicious and unethical union-busting campaign,” the Starbucks Workers Union wrote in a statement. In response, Starbucks’ corporate leader ship continued to maintain that the workers in Memphis were let go for violating com pany policies. In Buffalo, the company has thus far launched a similar defense.
17September 5, 2022 City & State New York fact patterns to follow in its footsteps, in cluding up in Buffalo,” Dolce said.
Protesters rallied outside former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz’s New York City apartment
According to a statement on the Star bucks website, the company plans to ap peal the Tennessee decision and request a stay of the injunction, potentially delaying the rehiring of fired workers.
The Memphis decision upheld a broad cease-and-desist order against labor viola tions at all Starbucks stores. In the Mem phis case, the labor violations included interfering with a sit-in campaign, a re taliatory writeup and the removal of fli ers from the community bulletin board, but the main consideration involved Star bucks firing the majority of one store’s bar gaining unit after several workers invited a news crew into the store after hours to cover the nascent union drive. In Buffalo, the complaint issued by the NLRB was much more extensive. It in cluded 18 stores and hundreds of impact ed workers. Like in Memphis, the NLRB is seeking a cease-and-desist order as part of its injunction, but the range of labor vi olations involved in the NLRB’s New York complaint included surveillance, interro gation, store closures, threats and promise of benefits to nonunionized stores, among otherPotentialoffenses.enforcement of cease-and-de sist orders raises new legal challenges for Starbucks that a court order in Buffalo would expand on. If the injunction is or dered, future violations like those listed in the case could allow the union lawyers to charge Starbucks with contempt of a feder al court at other Starbucks stores. In New York, penalties for civil con tempt can be strong. The rulings could

Employees in Buffalo waited for the results of a union vote count last year.
Whileimprisonment.theunioncelebrated the Mem phis injunction as a landmark win, there were several parts of the injunction that the judge denied. September 5, 202218 IMAGESSENS/AFP/GETTYELEONORE
A major consequence for the injunction case came in July, when Administrative Law Judge Michael Rosas ruled that swathes of evidence unearthed in the hearing will be transferable to the district court hearings as well. The NLRB’s general counsel demanded sanctions over Starbucks’ “glacial production pace” of providing subpoenaed mountains of internal documents that Starbucks reported ly anticipated numbering in the millions.
Since the initial sparring, sources fa miliar with the matter said that Starbucks has turned over tens of thousands of pages of evidence and the pace of witness inter views has picked up. Though the NLRB’s administrative judge has ruled favorably so far for the union, the outlook may not be so sympa thetic in federal court.
The union was hoping to begin court pro ceedings on the Buffalo injunction ear lier this summer, but the federal judge in charge put the case on hold because it would overlap with the first step of the NLRB’s internal hearing process over the Buffalo Starbucks case, in which an ad ministrative law judge hears the case and issues a ruling to be handed up to the ex ecutive board.
The administrative case wrapped up on Aug. 29 giving both Starbucks and NLRB lawyers the opportunity to file a status report based on where the case stands. Judge Sinatra will decide whether to recommence the dis covery process in district court and set a new court schedule for the injunction case. ■
The ofextensiveacaseBuffalowilltestmuchmoresetallegations –and judge.conservativebybeingit’sheardamore
The federal judge who will be oversee ing the case in the Western District of New York is John L. Sinatra Jr. He’s a Trump appointee, and a host of Senate Democrats, including U.S. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, voted against installing him in 2019.
Littler Mendelson’s attorneys have re sponded by making motions against the judge himself, calling his order to turn over evidence to the district court case ”wholly improper” and demanding he reverse course.
Prior to becoming a judge, Sinatra had a prestigious legal career, working as general counsel for the U.S. Department of Com merce under George W. Bush before join ing a private firm. There, one of his focuses involved representing parties on both sides of the False Claims Act, a federal law that is typically used to prosecute federal contrac tors who defraud government programs.
For instance, the NLRB general counsel asked the judge to order a remedy forcing Starbucks to read aloud the court’s order and share it through an online system called Partner Hub, but the judge declined the request, saying that it went beyond the scope of a remedy for the Memphis work ers impacted by the labor violations at that one store.

Sinatra made headlines last summer when he ruled to place Byron Brown on the ballot in the general election for mayor of Buffa lo after Brown lost the Democratic prima ry to Democratic Socialist India Walton and missed the deadline to get on the ballot with a different party by several months.
lead to monetary penalties and in some cases
For the past two months that adminis trative hearing resulted in Starbucks at torneys from employer-side labor law firm Littler Mendelson locking horns with NLRB prosecutors in a long series of du eling motions.
SINCE THE FIRST employees at three Starbucks stores in Buffalo filed petitions to unionize about one year ago, Star bucks Workers United has quickly grown this year. More than 200 Starbucks locations have approved a union, while about 45 rejected forming a union, according to data com piled by pro-labor union group More Perfect Union.

While the movement started in Buffalo, other Starbucks locations in Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn, Long Island and upstate have all voted for a union this year.
By HolmbergEric More
It’s only taken a year for a couple hundred Starbucks stores to organize.
September 5, 2022
Here’s how much the movement has grown – and how quickly it has grown – in the past year.

Perfect Union

CityAndStateNY.com20 September 5, 2022

If the New York City minimum wage went up to $20, she said, her monthly in come would increase roughly by $800. “That would help a lot,” she said. Gabriela is not the only one struggling.
By MurphyTim
21City & State New YorkSeptember 5, 2022
ABRIELA WOULD LOVE, every once in a while, to take her two sons – Car los, 15, and Steven, 8 – out to their favorite Mexican restaurant in Brooklyn for chorizo tacos with guaca mole and breaded chicken cutlets. That’s their favor ite meal. But she can’t. In fact, most nights, she can’t afford to serve them meat of any sort in the single room they share in an apartment in habited by others. They mostly live on rice andThat’sbeans.because Gabriela, 47 – who withheld her last name because she is an undocumented immigrant from Mexico –pulls in a little more than $2,000 a month as a housecleaner working at the current New York City minimum wage of $15 an hour. (One employer, she said – speaking in Spanish through translator Guadalupe Cortez, an organizer at New York Commu nities for Change – actually pays her below the legal minimum, $14 an hour, but she can’t afford to complain.) Her monthly rent for that room is $670, which leaves her about $1,330 to cover all other expenses, including food, transpor tation and the boys’ clothes and school sup plies. But with the U.S. Department of Ag riculture having recently reported that, with current inflation, food prices were up nearly 11% from last summer, Gabriela is really feel ing the squeeze. “A dozen eggs have gone from $5 to $6, and meat has gone even high er. I’m very stressed and start crying, and then my youngest starts crying and saying, ‘Oh my God, we don’t have money again.’”

Some lawmakersstate want to boost New York’s minimum wage, but no one wants to talk about the chances of doing so in the next session.

A version of such a bill, introduced in the state Senate by Sen. Jessica Ramos, died in the previous legislative session –due largely, advocates said, to having been introduced late, with little time to promote it properly. The bill called for raising the minimum wage by 2025 to more than $20 in New York City, to $17.95 downstate and to $15.75 upstate – and then pegging those floors to inflation going forward.

Ramos said exactly how the new bill
In May, the nonprofit Robin Hood report ed that 1.4 million New York City residents (including 1 in 5 children) – about 16% of residents – were living in poverty in 2020, even before inflation surged in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. The report also found that roughly 41% of Hispanic resi dents, 36% of Black residents and 27% of Asian residents faced material hardship, compared to 15% of white residents. And that hardship was not limited to downstate. The U.S. Census Bureau found that seven of the 10 counties in the state with the highest poverty levels were up state: Tompkins, Montgomery, Franklin, St. Lawrence, Chautauqua, Oswego and Broome. And currently, the state min imum wage outside of New York City, Long Island and Westchester is not $15, but $13.20. Working that rate at 40 hours a week comes to $2,112 each month be fore taxes, at a time when the average rent statewide for a two-bedroom apartment is about half that. (Households are consid ered unduly rent-burdened if 30% or more of their income goes to rent.) For all these reasons, a coalition of state lawmakers and advocates will push in next year’s legislative session to raise the mini mum wage incrementally over the next few years on three separate tiers – New York City, downstate (Long Island and West chester) and upstate – until likely 2025, then peg the minimum wage to inflation annually thereafter. That kind of annual indexing is already done in 16 states and Washington, D.C.
Advocates pointed to an April poll from the progressive group Data for Progress that found 95% of New Yorkers thought the minimum wage should be at least $15, and 62% said it should be at least $20. Majorities of both parties said a living wage in the state was at least $20.

“There hasn’t been a minimum wage hike in New York in four years even as prices have skyrocketed, so this is a moral step we must take,” she said.
The last minimum wage hikes in the state were passed in the mid-2010s, incre mentally bringing New York City’s rate to its current $15 and other regions’ to some what below that. (Of course, a recent trend of more job openings than those interested has, in many instances, brought offered wages above the minimums, sometimes well above $20, in many service and tradi tionally low-wage jobs.)
The coalition hopes to increase its pool of small and midsized businesses that support the legislation – partly on the idea that, if the minimum wage is pegged annually to inflation, then businesses will know what to expect for their payrolls year to year and can plan accordingly. One business owner al ready on board is Jonathon Welch, owner of Talking Leaves Books in Buffalo, who starts his staffers at just above the upstate mini mum wage of $13.20 but also has workers currently making as much as $18. “People need to make a living wage, which the current minimum wage is not,” he said. “But also, if people make more money, then they’re able to spend more and also don’t have to be on food stamps and a burden to the state.”
“True,” said Silva-Farrell, “some politi cians’ hands are tied because they take mon ey from big business. But on the other hand, this isn’t a Democrat versus Republican is sue, because everyone is struggling. Hope fully, we’ll have newly elected people who know that their constituents need this just to keep up with the rising cost of living.”
23City & State New York would tweak those numbers was still being worked out privately, but that passing such a bill was imperative. “I’ve always argued that the minimum wage should cover the bare minimum of expenses, but today that includes not just food, shelter and clothing, but broadband, health insurance and higher education,” she said. “The minimum wage should be a living wage, but even before the pandemic” – and the inflation that has followed it –“the minimum wage in our state was out of step with the cost of living.”
– state Sen. Jessica Ramos
According to Maritza Silva-Farrell, execu tive director of the nonprofit ALIGN, which is part of a statewide coalition focused on minimum wage called Raise Up NY, a broad goal is to bring the statewide minimum to $21 an hour by 2025, or perhaps 2028, regardless of how the new bill details shake out.
Advocates for the hike were reluctant to speculate how easily the bill could pass next year in Albany, where some seats will be in play in the November elections. Most ob servers expect Democrats to hold on to their comfortable majorities in both chambers.
He also thought, as much research has suggested, that paying people more made them more loyal and efficient workers and reduced turnover, which comes with its own costs. “I want people to work here for a long time and become committed to the store,”
She said the coalition was currently planning a monthslong campaign to raise awareness and support for the bill with elected officials, business leaders and working communities across the state. She said there would be a rally in support of the bill on Sept. 10 in Manhattan, and that the group, working with Ramos and Assembly Member Latoya Joyner, hoped to unveil a new bill in late October.
State Sen. Jessica Ramos speaks at the launch rally for her minimum wage bill in April.
Warren also pointed to a 2021 National Bureau of Economic Research report that looked at countless studies since the early 1990s on the effect of minimum wage hikes on the job market overall – and concluded that there was “a clear preponderance of negative effects,” with “evidence stronger” for negative growth in the job market “for teens and young adults as well as the less educated.”It’sthrough that lens that groups like the New York chapter of the National Feder ation of Independent Business oppose the hikes in New York.
And, although he acknowledged the difference between federal and individual state scenarios, he cited a 2021 Congressio nal Budget Office report finding that if the federal minimum wage were increased in crementally from its current $7.25 up to $15 by 2025, that would increase the cost to em ployers of producing goods and services –increases that they would pass on to con sumers via higher prices, thereby reducing consumption, which would in turn would make employers produce fewer goods and services and, accordingly, cut their worker rolls. (The report also found that raising the federal minimum wage to $15 would lift nearly 1 million people out of poverty.)
“Small businesses are sinking under the weight of substantial economic headwinds,” said Ashley Ranslow, a spokesperson for the group. “Supply chain issues, 40-year-high inflation, stubbornly high gas and energy prices, and excessive unemployment insur ance taxes are pushing small businesses to their breaking points. While the nation has largely recovered and many states have sur passed pre-pandemic employment levels, New York’s unemployment rate is signifi cantly higher than the national average, and the state has not recovered all of its pre-pan demic jobs. The absolute last thing Albany should be contemplating is increasing the minimum wage, and even worse, indexing it toButinflation.”despite those arguments, pro-hike advocates are confident that 2023 will be the year the increases go through in Alba ny. “We got the bill out late in the game last year when there was already quite a bit on the agenda,” said Charles Khan, the orga nizing director of the Strong Economy For All coalition, part of the Raise Up NY coali tion. “This year, we’ll get it out early, really raising the voices of regular New Yorkers.”
CityAndStateNY.com24 he said, “because staff that develops rela tionships with customers helps me stay in business.”Ofcourse, liberal and conservative econ omists have long argued over whether wage hikes are ultimately good or bad for the overall workforce and the economy, and this time is no different. On the pro-hike side, supporters pointed to a 2019 report on the massive New York City restaurant sector from the New School’s Center for New York City Affairs and the National Employment Law Project that found that as New York City’s minimum wage gradually rose to $15 by that year, “the large wage floor rise did not diminish various indicators of restaurant performance, including job growth.” James Parrott, director of economic and fiscal policies at the Center for New York City Affairs, said the wage hike did not hurt restaurants because “in the wake of a wage increase, turnover goes down, which saves employers on recruitment and training.” And the wage hikes have good outcomes beyond employers, he said: “If you in crease wages, workers tend to spend a lot of that back into the local economy, which increases demand for many businesses.” If more hikes pass, he said, “We expect it’ll reduce child poverty and increase the incomes of about 2 million workers state wide, which is more than 20% of the entire state workforce, which will help some por tion of them rise above poverty.” But on the flip side, Peter Warren, re search director of the conservative Empire Center for Public Policy, said, “If it makes sense for a business to raise its wages, they can do so on their own. Who would know more than a business owner the impact of the wages they pay on hiring prospects, employee satisfaction and the company bottomWarrenline?”also said that the cost of hiring in the state had gone up due to the recent hike in unemployment insurance payroll taxes resulting from mass layoffs sparked by the COVID-19 pandemic. “Those in creased taxes are essentially a tax on hir ing,” he said, “with each new hire costing more to keep on the rolls.”
Tim Murphy is a Queens-based freelance jour nalist focusing on health care, housing and LGBTQ issues.
Chipotle workers have protestingbeen for better wage.aconditionsworkingand$20minimum “Supplychainpoints.”theirbusinessespushingtaxesinsuranceunemploymentandenergyhighstubbornlyinflation,40-year-highissues,gasandprices,excessivearesmalltobreaking

– Ashley Ranslow, a spokesperson for New York chapter of the National Federation of Independent Business
In Brooklyn, Gabriela is hoping for that. “If the minimum wage gets raised to $20, it would help many people, not just me,” she said. But, she added, it certainly would help her. “I could buy Steven a toy occasionally, and we could have chicken every day.” ■
Join us for a forum bringing together industry professionals from across New York including policymakers, government officials, advocacy groups, energy sector leaders, academia, media and more! SEPTEMBER 15, 2022 Capital Center, 55 Eagle Street, Albany NY PANEL TOPICS INCLUDE: • Achieving State Climate Change Goals with Bio-Energy • Environmental Equity with Liquid Transportation and Heating Fuels • Clean Emissions with Biomass-Based Diesel • How the West Coast is Cleaning Emissions in the Transportation Sector –Can it Work in the Northeast? KEYNOTE PANELISTS:SPEAKERS:StateSen. Kevin S. Parker, Chair, Committee on Energy and communicationsTele Donnell Rehagen, CEO, Clean Fuels Alliance America Valerie Sarisky-Reed, Ph.D., Dir. U.S.TechnologiesBioenergyOffice,Dept.ofEnergy Michael Wang, Ph.D, Center Director and Distinguished Fellow, Argonne LaboratoryNational Cory-Anne Wind, Clean Fuels Program, Oregon DEQ Antoine M. Thompson, Executive Director, Greater Washington Region Clean Cities Rep. Joe Fitzgibbon (WA), Chair, EnergyEnvironmentHouseandCommittee Carrie Woerner, New York State Assembly Member CHECK OUT THE TODAY!REGISTERAGENDAFULL& Pathways to a Clean Future

Congratulations to all the Honorees, especially to our Business Manager, Mike Apuzzo. hard work and dedication is appreciated by Plumbers Local Union No. 1 and all of the Labor Movement.

Michael Apuzzo Paul O’Connor
MAZON WAREHOUSE WORKERS on Staten Island defied the odds to form a labor union. Employees at REI in SoHo voted to join the Retail, Wholesale and Depart ment Store Union, making it the first unionized store for the company. Baristas at a Manhattan Starbucks also unionized, following on the heels of a breakthrough organizing effort in Western New York. And that was just over the course of a few weeks in the spring. Whether such developments mark a turning point in the labor movement is unclear, but the renewed energy around organizing for workers’ rights is undeniable – especially in pro-union New YorkCityCity.&State’s New York City Labor Power 100 – written by City & State’s Asar John – features the labor leaders, city officials, immigrant advocates and other allies who are building momentum as they stand up for workers of all kinds. And in contrast with our State Labor Power 100, this list highlights individuals whose ef forts are largely or entirely within the five boroughs.
27September 5, 2022 City & State New York THE 100POWERNYC2022LABORTheleadersbehindarevitalizedlabormovementinthecity. A


EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR District Council 37 In 2014, Henry Garrido became the first Latino executive director of District Council 37, which is the largest public sector union in New York City. In June, he led members of the union on a march at Foley Square to demand pay raises, affordable health care and safer working conditions. When the city closed beaches this summer due to a lack of lifeguards, Garrido helped negotiate a new agreement in July with the New York City Department of Parks & Recreation to provide city lifeguards with a pay raise and a $1,000 retention bonus at summer’s end. Garrido’s union endorsed Eric Adams for New York City mayor and is also a player at the state level, where Garrido has called on lawmakers to pass the Clean Slate Act to seal criminal histories of job applicants.
HotelPRESIDENTandGaming Trades Council
3 MICHAEL MULGREW UnitedPRESIDENTFederation of Teachers
As president of the Hotel and Gaming Trades Council, Rich Maroko has advocated keeping hotels’ doors open during the coronavirus Bragg has started organizing fast-food workers to help them get higher wages.
George Gresham leads 1199SEIU, the largest health care workers union in the nation. In December, the union struck an agreement with the Greater New York Health Care Facilities Association, narrowly averting a strike at New York nursing homes. Gresham’s union has wielded its power in city and state politics –throwing its considerable support behind the likes of Gov. Kathy Hochul and Rep. Jerry Nadler, although 1199SEIU’s pick for New York City mayor, Maya Wiley, fell short last year. The union is also a heavyweight in Albany, where it has a track record of shaping budget spending and pushing policy issues.

On the heels of unionization campaigns at Amazon and Starbucks that garnered national attention, workers at Chipotle recently announced their intention to join 32BJ SEIU in a similar push. The union, led by President Kyle Bragg, is mostly known for representing building service workers, but in recent years has begun trying to organize fast-food workers –and applauded City Hall’s $20 million settlement with Chipotle this summer under the city’s Fair Workweek law. Meanwhile, 32BJ SEIU secured a deal with the Realty Advisory Board this spring that will give city doormen a 12.6% increase in wages over four years.
September 5, 2022 1
Now in his fifth term as president of the United Federation of Teachers, Michael Mulgrew faces the monumental task of helping New York City’s public school teachers adapt to a postpandemic world – all while the city Department of Education’s budget hangs in the balance. He has also maintained his influence at City Hall, joining New York City Mayor Eric Adams’ push for an extension of mayoral control of schools this year. With UFT’s threeyear contract expiring this month, negotiations for contracts covering teachers, counselors, social workers and more are all on the table.

Unite Here Local 100 congratulates President Jose Maldonado for being recognized on City and State NY’s NYC Labor Power 100 list.

Vincent Alvarez is the president of the New York City Central Labor Council, the nation’s largest regional labor organization. Alvarez’s labor union roots run from the Queens-based International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 3, which he joined as a member in 1990. Recently, the organization stood with several other major labor groups to oppose the potential ban of horse-drawn carriages from city streets, warning that banning the carriages would cost the unionized drivers their jobs.
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR September 5, 202230 pandemic to protect workers’ jobs. Maroko has been on a hot streak lately, backing Eric Adams’ New York City mayoral campaign, securing city and state support for unemployed hotel workers and winning an expansion of casinos in downstate New York that will benefit his members. His union also backed state Sen. Gustavo Rivera’s successful reelection bid as other unions backed a challenger. As New York moves to convert some hotels into affordable housing, Maroko argued that increasing the move shouldn’t come at the expense of hospitality jobs.
PRESIDENT; DISTRICT 1 VICE CommunicationsPRESIDENTWorkers of America Christopher Shelton and Dennis Trainor joined the New York Telephone Co. within one year of each other in the late 1960s. Now, Shelton is the president of the
As president of the Uniformed Sanitationmen’s Association, Teamsters Local 831, Harry Nespoli has helped sanitation workers navigate the toughest challenges of the pandemic –from trash accumulating and deaths among workers to municipal vaccination mandates. Nespoli, who also serves as chair of the Municipal Labor Committee, blamed the city’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for trash pileups. Local 831 was one of the four municipal unions to sue the city over the mandate and later reached an agreement with City Hall that allowed for certain exemptions. SHELTON & DENNIS TRAINOR
NewPRESIDENTYorkCity Central Labor Council
Construction Trades Council of Greater New York Gary LaBarbera has led the 100,000-member Building and Construction Trades Council of Greater New York for over a decade. LaBarbera, who now leads the state-level New York State Building and Construction Trades Council as well, won a victory when the state Legislature passed a new law holding general contractors liable for wages or benefits owed by subcontractors. More recently, LaBarbera has sounded off on the replacement for the 421-a tax exemption for developers, insisting that any new affordable housing incentive include prevailing wage requirements. HARRY NESPOLI
New York Taxi Workers Alliance Bhairavi Desai stands at the helm of the New York Taxi Workers Alliance, representing and advocating for a largely urged President Joe Biden to pass the CHIPS Act to create more union jobs. York Taxi DesaiBhairaviDirectorExecutiveAllianceWorkers

win new contract extensions with major telecom companies like Verizon and AT&T.

Our Family of Funds Trustees and Staff Leadership congratulate our Executive Directors on being named to City & State’s NYC Labor Power 100 list and are proud of the work they do every day on behalf of our more than 450,000 1199SEIU members, retirees and their families. #1199SEIUBenefits@1199SEIUBenefitFunds @1199SEIUTEF@1199SEIU_TEF#1199SEIUChildCare@1199SEIUChildCare Donna Rey, EdD EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR AND CEO 1199SEIU BENEFIT AND PENSION FUNDS Sandi Vito EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 1199SEIU TRAINING AND EMPLOYMENT FUNDS Rossmery Dais EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 1199SEIU CHILD CARE FUNDS TRUSTEES AND STAFF LEADERSHIP CONGRATULATE

AmazonPRESIDENTLabor Union
Under his leadership, the union has advocated for private sanitation employees, immigrant workers and warehouse workers. Gesualdi has also been an outspoken critic of lax safety policies, telling the New York Amsterdam News that Amazon warehouses “had 40% more injuries than other warehouses in the state.” Gesualdi also successfully fought for the passage of the Warehouse Worker Protection Act by the state Legislature. September 5, 202232 immigrant workforce. Over the past two years, Desai has rallied with taxi workers for higher wages and debt relief for drivers who took out onerous loans to purchase taxi medallions. Last October, Desai and the union staged a 15-day hunger strike outside City Hall. In response, the city and lenders agreed to a landmark deal to write down taxi drivers’ debts. JOHN SAMUELSEN
As president of Teamsters Joint Council 16, Thomas Gesualdi represents the 120,000 workers in downstate New York who belong to the International Brotherhood of Teamsters.

New York City is the epicenter of the battle over Amazon –from the failed HQ2 proposal in 2019 to the establishment of the company’s first union. The independent Amazon Labor Union, which is now seeking a contract at a Staten Island warehouse, was the creation of Chris Smalls, who was fired from Amazon in 2020 after staging a walkout
Union As head of the Transport Workers Union, Brooklyn native John Samuelsen represents the workers who keep the heart of New York City beating. Before being elevated to international president of the union, Samuelsen served as the president of TWU Local 100 in New York City, and he still keeps a close eye on the city and state’s transit policies, including in his role as a member of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority board. This summer, New York City Mayor Eric Adams nominated Samuelsen to serve on the Traffic Mobility Review Board, which will make recommendations for the city’s congestion pricing plan.
Retail,PRESIDENTWholesale and Department Store Union Amid yearslong tussles with Amazon in and out of the city, Stuart Appelbaum shows no signs of slowing down. He was just reelected to his seventh consecutive term as president of the Retail, Wholesale, and Department Store Union last month, and he’s also the president of the Jewish Labor Committee and a vice president at the national AFL-CIO. In March, RWDSU became the first union to organize workers at REI, after over 100 employees in the outdoor equipment retailer’s SoHo store voted in favor of unionization.
Samuelsen will help shape congestion pricing in NYC as part of a key mobility board.

Union Local 100 Tony Utano has been in the New York City labor sphere since he was 19 years old, when he started working as a electrical power maintenance helper at the opponentsafetyMayorsupportercap.andhazardhasLocaloftoDecember,TransportationMetropolitanAuthority.InhewasreelectedasecondtermaspresidentTransportWorkersUnion100.Aspresident,UtanofoughttoeliminatesecurepayfortransitworkerseliminatetheirovertimeHehasbeenastrongofNewYorkCityEricAdams’publicplanandanoutspokenofbailreform.
TeamstersPRESIDENTJoint Council 16

RENEE CAMPION September 5, 202234 to protest unsafe working conditions. As the president of ALU, Smalls now regularly travels the country to rally for workers’ rights and educate Amazon employees about the advantages of unionizing.
NewCOMMISSIONERYorkCityOffice of Labor Relations Across three Campion’sadministrations,mayoralReneecommitment to labor relations in New York City has remained steadfast. First appointed the head of the New York City Office of Labor Relations in 2019, Campion mediates between city government and the more than 360,000 city workers represented by municipal unions. Under her leadership, the office has embarked on an ambitious plan to reform the city’s health benefits program. New York City Mayor Eric Adams gave Campion a vote of confidence last year when he reappointed her as labor relations commissioner.

Over the past two years, principals and other school administrators have had to deal with the ebb and flow of coronavirus cases, often spending their off hours figuring out contact tracing and quarantine procedures. Through it all, Council of School Supervisors & Administrators President Mark Cannizzaro has been there to advocate for them. In March, following negotiations with Cannizzaro’s union, the New York City Department of Education agreed to provide overtime payouts worth millions of dollars to school administrators who had worked on contract tracing and other pandemic measures.

After successfully fighting for passage of the $2.1 billion Excluded Workers Fund as a member of the Assembly, Carmen De La Rosa decided to shift gears. She left Albany and traveled back down the Hudson to run for the New York City Council in the Inwood neighborhood where she grew up. Following her victory last November, De La Rosa became the first Dominican woman to represent her council district. She now chairs the City Council Civil Service and Labor Committee.
CouncilPRESIDENTofSchool Supervisors & Administrators
NewPRESIDENTYorkCity Police Benevolent Association
Totaling almost 24,000 members, the New York City Police Benevolent Association is the largest municipal police union in the country. Led since 1999 by the outspoken Pat Lynch, the PBA backs its men and women in blue on all fronts. Lynch famously led rank-and-file officers to turn their back on then-New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio during a police funeral, and he’s not not afraid to criticize any politician, even former NYPD Capt. Eric Adams, who he believes is supporting policies that will endanger the safety of his officers.
In 2019, then-New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s administration added “Worker Protection” to the name of the Department of Consumer Affairs, emphasizing its focus on low-wage employees. Vilda Vera Mayuga’s appointment in February as its commissioner
The continued challenges of the pandemic have not fazed the head honchos at the New York State Nurses Association. Nancy Hagans, a member of the union’s Social Justice Committee who was named president last summer, has tirelessly sounded the alarm on hospital staffing shortages and the importance of unions in New York City. And as the omicron variant drove a spike in cases this past winter, Executive Director Pat Kane touted New York City Mayor Eric Adams’ plan to funnel $145 million to safety net hospitals and increase hospital staffing.

This spring, Michael Hellstrom took the reins of the Mason Tenders’ District Council of Greater New York, succeeding Robert Bonanza as the leader of the 17,000-member construction workers union. The politically active union has pushed for unionized labor on affordable housing projects in New York City. At the state level, Hellstrom is a major proponent of Carlos’ Law, which would increase penalties for construction worker deaths, and praised Gov. Kathy Hochul for signing legislation aimed at fixing up public housing through a New York City Public Housing Preservation Trust.

In July, it was announced that Steven Meier was named chief investment officer for the New York City Retirement System, which manages the statutory pension benefits for municipal unions’ members, retirees and beneficiaries –more than 350,000 people in total. Working under New York City Comptroller Brad Lander, Meier supervises the comptroller’s Bureau of Asset Management, which is responsible for the city’s $250 billion pension portfolio. A number of unions, including the New York City Police Benevolent Association and District Council 37, have their pensions managed through
MICHAEL HELLSTROM BUSINESS MANAGER Mason Tenders’ District Council of Greater New York

LECETFRIEDMAN;JILLErikson has become an advocate for clean energy infrastructure and green jobs.
New York City Employees’ Retirement System.
A Queens native who got his start as an electrician apprentice, Christopher Erikson is now business manager of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local Union No. 3 and has become an advocate for New York’s shift to cleaner energy. In April, Erikson joined with New York City Council Member James Gennaro to call on the state to approve Clean Path New York, which will invest billions of dollars to produce new clean energy infrastructure and generate new green jobs for workers. ANDREW ANSBRO
UniformedPRESIDENTFire Officers Association Since being appointed president of the FDNYUniformed Fire Officers Association last September, Lt. James McCarthy has spent much of his time fighting with City Hall. Along with other municipal unions, the FDNY lieutenant called on New York City Mayor Eric Adams to lift the vaccine mandate for all employees in the city. He has also demanded that the city release files containing information about the dangerous air quality in and around the World Trade Center site after the 9/11 attacks.
When former New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio announced a COVID-19 vaccine mandate for all city employees, many municipal union leaders pledged to defy the order. Among them was Andrew Ansbro, president of the Uniformed Firefighters Association, who took to the media to explain that the union was not anti-vaccine, just anti-mandate. But the controversy over the vaccine mandate didn’t keep Ansbro from negotiating a new contract agreement with the city in December, which will provide wage increases to nearly 8,500 FDNY employees.
CityAndStateNY.com36 followed her experience as deputy secretary for economic opportunity at the state Department of State, where she managed several divisions serving consumers and low-wage workers. The department has been cracking down on labor violations in New York City and in August secured a $20 million settlement with Chipotle over violations of the city’s Fair Workweek law.

BenevolentCorrectionPRESIDENTOfficers’Association Benny Boscio Jr. presides over the Boscio,municipalAssociation,Correction20,000-memberOfficers’Benevolentthesecond-largestjailunioninthenation.whohascultivateda

September 5, 2022 27 MICHAEL PROHASKA BUSINESS MANAGER Laborers’ Local 79 A year ago, Michael Prohaska was handily reelected to his post as business manager of Laborers’ Local 79, which represents over 10,000 current and former construction laborers in New York City, including mason tenders, mortar mixers and fireproofers. Prohaska went on to notch several policy victories this year, including increased funding for the New York City Housing Authority, increased penalties for construction worker deaths and the Adams administration’s community hiring push. Local 79 has also criticized Robert De Niro for allowing a contractor to use nonunion labor to build his new Wildflower Studios in Astoria. 28
MunicipalPRESIDENTHospital Employees Union Local 420
ProfessionalPRESIDENT Staff Congress
TeamstersPRESIDENTLocal 237
As New York City’s social services system has reeled the effects of COVID-19, Anthony Wells has made sure that the city’s social service workers are not left behind. Wells, a former caseworker at a Bronx juvenile detention center, was elected president of the Social Service Employees Union Local 371 back in 2011. Representing more 20,000 social service workers across various city agencies, Wells has not been afraid to speak up about the dangers of staff shortages and the need for the city to hire more caseworkers and pay them well.
For two decades, Carmen Charles has directed the Municipal Hospital Employees Union Local 420, representing 10,000 health care workers across the city’s municipal hospitals and jails. When COVID-19 cases peaked in spring 2020, leading to the deaths of 11 members of her union, Charles spoke out about the need for N95 masks and other personal protective equipment – for both medical and nonmedical staff working in hospitals.
When the New York state budget passed in April, it included hundreds of millions of dollars of funding increases for CUNY, the city’s largest public university system. That was good news for James Davis, the president of the university’s union, the Professional Staff Congress of CUNY, who has long fought to increase the state’s support for CUNY. With almost 17 years of activism for a better CUNY, the Brooklyn College professor has advocated for items such as adjunct equity and a prevention of tuition hikes.
strong relationship with New York City Mayor Eric Adams, has defended his members amid scrutiny over the city’s Rikers Island jail complex. The corrections veteran has staunchly opposed the proposed federal takeover of Rikers Island, arguing that federal control would not make the ongoing problems with the jail complex suddenly disappear. ANTHONY WELLS

Charles has been outspoken about protecting hospital employees from COVID-19.
Greg Floyd leads Teamsters Local 237, which represents 24,000 public employees in New York City and Long Island – including school safety agents. Floyd has been an outspoken opponent of progressive activists’ demands to remove these officers from schools. In the wake of assaults against school safety agents, Floyd wants even more of them in schools for extra reinforcement. “This shows once again that there’s a need for at least two school safety agents,” he told the Daily News. “They shouldn’t work alone.”
International Union of Operating Engineers Affiliated with the AFL-CIO Edwin L. Christian Business Manager Christopher T. Confrey President Kenneth B. Klemens, Jr. Vice-President Thomas Roemer, Jr. Treasurer John R. Powers Rec./Corr. Secretary Hugh R. Manley Financial Secretary Business Representatives Chris t op her T. C o n f rey J ohn R . Powers Hugh R. Manley K e n neth B . Klemens, J r. Allen S. Wright Timothy S. Brogan 159-18 Northern Boulevard • Flushing, New York 11358 • Telephone (718) 939-0600

In October, Rebecca Damon was hired as executive director of New York local, labor policy and international affairs at the Screen Actors Guild and the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists. The New York City-based actress, who had previously served as the local’s executive vice president, has sought to emphasize the economic contributions that film and television production have brought to the city. New York City Mayor Eric Adams appointed Damon, who has focused on the need for affordable housing for workers in her industry, to his Film and Television Production Industry Council.
37 JOSEPH GEIGER EXECUTIVE DistrictNewTREASURERSECRETARY-YorkCityandVicinityCouncilofCarpenters

Actors' KatePresidentAssociationEquityShindle
harassment. “Equity has made it a top priority to combat inequality in the industry, but we cannot do this work alone,” Shindle said in March, after the union released its latest diversity and inclusion report.
36 LESTER CROCKETT CSEAPRESIDENTMetropolitan Region 2 Lester Crockett started his decadeslong career in civil service after working on the late Assembly Member Al Vann’s Youth Council initiative in the 1970s. He now serves as president of the Civil Service Employees Association Metropolitan Region 2, representing 14,000 active and retired state government employees across the five boroughs. CSEA was a strong supporter of Eric Adams in the 2021 New York City mayoral primary, and Adams has since pushed the city to hire more mental health workers, who are represented by the CSEA.
Damon has emphasized the need for affordable housing for film and TV workers.
Association Since being elected president in 2015, Kate Shindle has led the Actors’ Equity Association through the #MeToo reckoning, the Black Lives Matter protests and the totheatricalincreasegrouptheaters.shutdownpandemic-inducedofBroadwayOnherwatch,thehascampaignedtodiversityintheindustryandworkedprotectworkersfromsexual

Actors’PRESIDENTEquity September 5, 202240 33 REBECCA DAMON
American Federation of Musicians Local 802 Tino Gagliardi returned as president and executive director of the American Federation of Musicians’ Local 802 at the start of the year, after the professional trumpeter ran unopposed for a three-year term. Gagliardi, who succeeded Adam Krauthamer, held the same post from 2010 to 2018 and aims to address the ongoing challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. Local 802, which bills itself as “the largest local union of professional musicians in the world,” includes musicians who perform in orchestras, operas, Broadway productions, television shows and a wide array of live music venues.
Following last year’s passage of a state law against wage theft, the New York City and Vicinity District Council of Carpenters continues to march on in the fight to protect the pay of its members. Joseph Geiger, the group’s politically savvy executive secretary-treasurer, recently took to the media to highlight the issues faced by his fellow construction

Last year, the Writers Guild of America, East welcomed back a familiar face as former President Michael Winship –who led the union from 2007 to 2017 – returned as president. The award-winning documentary and news writer has seen the union through some of its toughest fights, including the successful 2007 writers’ strike. Under the guidance of longtime Executive Director Lowell Peterson, the 6,000-member union has been busy this year. The union ratified a new collective bargaining agreement with CBS News affiliates in May and with ABC News affiliates in July.
40 PAUL DIGIACOMO AssociationDetectives’PRESIDENTEndowment
PRESIDENT AND EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Freelancers Union Rafael Espinal serves as president and executive director of the Freelancers Union, which supports hundreds of thousands of independent workers by providing them insurance benefits and advocating on
Last year, his union reached a tentative contract agreement with a pay hike for over 5,000 New York City Police Department detectives.
Paul DiGiacomo may agree with New York City Mayor Eric Adams that more needs to be done to combat crime, but he’s outspoken in his view that city and state officials aren’t doing nearly enough – such as appointing a special firearms prosecutor. “The criminal element is empowered, is emboldened, and they feel they could do whatever they want to do with no consequence,” he told Fox News this summer.

ThePRESIDENTNewsGuild of New York
September 5, 2022 workers, especially those from communities.disadvantagedMeanwhile, the organization has continued to play an active role in state politics, endorsing Gov. Kathy Hochul and a long list of state legislative candidates this cycle.
CommunicationsPRESIDENT Workers of America Local 1180
The wave of media unionization shows no signs of slowing down. In March, more than 500 employees of Condé Nast, the storied Manhattan magazine publisher, joined forces with The NewsGuild of New York. Under president Susan DeCarava, The NewsGuild has supported newsroom labor actions at publications ranging from The New York Times to BuzzFeed. Lately, DeCarava has been fighting media companies’ attempts to force reporters back into the office.
UnitedDIRECTORAuto Workers Region 9A

When National Equal Pay Day rolled around on March 15, members of Communications Workers of America Local 1180 rallied in front of City Hall to celebrate the passage of the Pay Transparency Law. Local 1180 president Gloria Middleton stood with her members and praised the law as a victory for women in the workforce. Now serving her second term as president, Middleton has continued her efforts to ensure equitable workplaces for communications workers and other union members.
As director of United Auto Workers Region 9A, Beverley Brakeman represents nearly 60,000 union members and retirees in New York City, New England and Puerto Rico. A veteran organizer, Brakeman previously ran Citizens for Economic Opportunity –an alliance of community and labor groups focused on challenging corporate power. Brakeman is also on the executive board of the New York City Central Labor Council, a regional labor federation comprising almost 300 local unions.

ON BEHALF OF OUR 17,000 CONGRATULATIONS!MEMBERS, Mike Prohaska Business Manager Laborers Local 79 Mike Hellstrom & Mike Prohaska on being recognized as two of NYC’s Labor Power 100 Mike Hellstrom Business Manager Mason Tenders District Council

Oren Barzilay began his career in New York City’s emergency services sector at the age of 16 when he joined the Forest Hills volunteer ambulance corps. Almost 34 years later, Barzilay now serves as the president of FDNY Local 2507, which medicalparamedics,representsemergencytechniciansand fire inspectors. Throughout the pandemic, he has spoken out about the issues facing EMS workers, including wage discrepancies and the risks of a shrinking EMS workforce. After 17 died in a deadly Bronx fire in January, Barzilay testified that the building had not received a fire inspection because the worker scheduled to conduct it had been reassigned to coronavirusrelated restaurant checks.
UniformedPRESIDENTEMS Officers Union Local 3621 As president of Uniformed EMS Officers Union Local 3621, Vincent Variale continues to spar with the New York City government over recognition and fair wages for emergency medical service workers. Last August, Variale and the city reached a tentative contract agreement to allow a 6% pay increase for training related to mental health emergencies. But Variale faces more uphill battles – including a recent increase in assaults on EMS workers during the pandemic and ongoing 9/11-related health complications affecting his members.
Shillitto plays a key role in shaping the state's ambitious climate change policies.

When two organizations merged to create ALIGN in 2011, they did so with the goal of creating a more sustainable New York City and state. Under the leadership of Executive Director Maritza Silva-Farrell, ALIGN has focused on the race to address climate change and challenges faced by workers in disadvantaged communities. Silva-Farrell recently praised a new plan to convert a Queens fossil fuel plant into a renewable energy center, citing it as a “shining example” of how to help unionized workers while transitioning to renewable energy sources.
James Shillitto is the president and a longtime member of Utility Workers Union of America Local 1-2, headquartered in the heart of Manhattan. The local represents all unionized Con Edison employees as well as workers with the New York Power Authority, Rise Light & Power Eastern Generation and other power producers. Shillitto, who opposed the shutdown of the Indian Point nuclear plant north of New York City, is among the labor leaders in New York playing a key role in the state’s climate policy.
National Employment Law Project Since becoming executive director in 2020, Rebecca Dixon has positioned the National Employment Law Project at the forefront of debates over modern workers’ rights, from the safety of Amazon warehouse workers to the exploitation of Uber and Lyft drivers. Senior staff attorney Brian Chen has played a leading role advocating for gig workers, which has sometimes put him and the project on the opposite side of some traditional unions. When the state Legislature considered introducing a bill, backed by the Transport Workers Union, that would have given ride-hailing workers certain bargaining rights but not full employment status, Chen blasted it as “bargaining for crumbs and not bargaining for power.”
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ALIGN September 5, 202244 their behalf. No stranger to making extraordinary moves, Espinal joined the Freelancers Union after abruptly resigning from the New York City Council and exiting the 2020 race for Brooklyn borough president. When the pandemic hit, Espinal led calls for freelancers to be included in COVID-19 relief. His efforts paid off when Congress included workersinsuranceunemploymentforfreelanceintheCARESAct.
Union of America Local 1-2
The Association of Master Painters and Decorators of New York, Inc. Congratulates Joseph Azzopardi Business Manager/Secretary Treasurer District Council No. 9, IUPAT, AFL-CIO For Being Named to City and State’s Labor Power 100 List THE ASSOCIATION OF MASTER PAINTERS AND DECORATORS OF NEW YORK, INC. 370 Seventh Avenue, Suite 418, New York, NY 10001 TEL: (212) 697-4790 FAX: (212) 687-4401 Randy Pearlman President John Caruso 1st Vice President Michael Levine 2nd Vice President Frank Rasizzi Treasurer Todd Nugent Chairman of the Board Bruce Ruinsky Executive Director

William Lynn, who heads up IUOE Local 30, is part of the New York City Coalition of Operating Engineers as well and is also active far beyond the five boroughs, whether it’s on Long Island or the Hudson Valley, on a statewide basis through the IUOE New York State Conference or as a international IUOE vice president. The Local 30 veteran has been in the news in recent years for securing better pay for employees at the Guggenheim.
LosORGANIZERDeliveristas Unidos
As conditions for food delivery workers worsened during the coronavirus pandemic, Sergio Ajche and his fellow “deliveristas” teamed up with advocates in New York City to demand better working conditions. Launched by the nonprofit Workers Justice Project and supported by 32BJ SEIU, the group has successfully drawn the attention of policymakers and the press. In September, the New York City Council passed a package of legislation guaranteeing basic workers’ rights to food delivery workers, including a living wage and access to restaurant restrooms.
EDWIN CHRISTIAN & WILLIAM LYNN BUSINESS MANAGER, LOCAL 14-14B; BUSINESS MANAGER, LOCAL 30 International Union of Operating Engineers Edwin Christian’s International Union of Operating Engineers Local 14-14B, which he has led for over a decade, represents many of the crane and heavy construction equipment operators on projects across New York City. Christian is also a member of the New York City Workforce Development Board, which advises City Hall on federal workforce investments, and the president of the New York City Coalition of Operating Engineers, which often endorses in local races.
The Workers Justice Project is a Brooklyn-based nonprofit co-founded by Ligia Guallpa that organizes programs for and empowers lowincome immigrant workers. The organization is also behind Los Deliveristas Unidos and hosted the first app-based food delivery workers march in October 2020. The march prompted responses from both the food delivery app DoorDash and city government. Guallpa’s organization is also behind Liberty Cleaners, a group of female cleaners who are banding together to advocate for higher wages and to combat wage theft while also offering worker training.

UnionEmployeesOfficePRESIDENTandProfessionalInternational Richard Lanigan leads the Office and Professional

Following Ed Mullins’ resignation in the face of wire fraud charges, Vincent Vallelong became president of the Sergeants Benevolent Association last October. Like his outspoken predecessor, Vallelong is no fan of New York Democrats, whom he blames for rising crime. The veteran New York City Police Department sergeant is particularly critical of “sanctuary city” policies that limit cooperation between the NYPD and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which he said are “handcuffing police.” In December, the city and SBA reached a tentative agreement that will grant wage increases to 4,700 NYPD sergeants.

DC 37’s Local 372, which represents 25,000 New York City Department of Education staffers who provide support services in schools. Francois was part of the push for a $15 minimum wage for city employees and higher wages for crossing guards. Francois, who got his start as a school lunch helper, has also sought to ensure every student has enough food to eat. September 5, 202246 49
51 SHAUN FRANCOIS DistrictPRESIDENTCouncil 37 Shaun Francois is the president of the massive public sector union District Council 37, assisting Executive Director Henry Garrido and helping to oversee more than two dozen locals. Francois also runs one of those locals –
Andrew Ansbro PresidentMarine1 Robert C. Eustace ViceLadderPresident27 Edward Brown LadderTreasurer48 William Greco BronxEngineTrustee68 Eric Bischoff Staten Island Trustee Chairman, Board of Trustees Retired Dennis Tveter QueensLadderTrustee127 Vincent Speciale RecordingEngineSecretary55 Michael Schreiber Health & Safety Officer Sergeant at Arms Ladder 116 Christopher Viola Manhattan Trustee Engine 65 Douglas Carroll BrooklynLadderTrustee119 Kevin Lunny Fire Marshal Rep 204 East 23rd Street, New York, NY 10010 212-683-4832 ●


Johns Mike Keogh has a long history advocating for labor in New ZIMMERMAN/MURPHYMADEEVAN1;LOCAL Sims Brown has supported and invested in diversity initiatives at Amalgamated.
NewPRESIDENTYorkState Ironworkers District Council James Mahoney is ready to organize more ironworkers. The 40-year ironworker serves as both president of the New York State Ironworkers District Council and general vice president of the International Association of Bridge, Structural, Ornamental and Reinforcing Iron Workers. He recently told LaborPress that the social and political climate was ripe for organizing, thanks to a “friendly administration” in Washington, D.C., as well as a pro-worker secretary of labor and recent federal funding for repairs on city infrastructure.
LISA OHTA AssociationPRESIDENTof Legal Aid Attorneys As the movement for public defenders to unionize expands across the country, groups like the UAW-affiliated Association of Legal Aid Attorneys have continued to tussle with both local governments and nonprofit employers over issues affecting their staff and clients. Under the leadership of President Lisa Ohta, the ALAA has demanded that New York City fund equitable wages for legal services workers while leading successful union recognition campaigns at the Brooklyn Defender Services Union, the Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund and the Center for Appellate Litigation.
UA ApuzzoMichaelManagerBusinessLocalPlumbers1
IUPAT District Council 9 In response to the pandemic, International Union of Painters and Allied Trades District Council 9 business manager Joseph Azzopardi made sure that the union provided members with personal protective equipment, COVID-19 testing and ongoing health benefits. He has also worked to create a brighter future for future tradespeople in New York City. Over the past year, District Council 9 has opened applications for apprenticeship training for 500 members, reopened and renovated a training facility in Long Island City and announced a four-year apprenticeship program for respective trades.
PRISCILLA SIMS BROWN PRESIDENT AND CEO Amalgamated Bank As Amalgamated Bank searched for a new leader last year, it carefully considered who would best fit its mantra of being a “socially responsible” bank. It found the answer in Priscilla Sims Brown, who walked into the position ready to align herself with the values of the unionowned bank. What are those values? In an interview with Ebony magazine, Sims Brown highlighted the importance of supporting and investing in diversity and said that Amalgamated doesn’t invest in sectors that are socially “harmful,” like private prisons.
59 September 5, 202248 Employees International Union, which represents more than 104,000 office workers and employees in other professions that range from credit unions to the hotel industry. Lanigan, a labor lawyer, joined OPEIU Local 153 as an organizer in 1980 and later served as secretarytreasurer of the local. Since being named OPEIU president in 2015, Lanigan has worked to provide proactive benefits to union members, including the development of an OPEIU 401(k) program. 55 MICHAEL APUZZO
BUSINESS MANAGER UA Plumbers Local 1 As business manager for United Association Plumbers Local 1, Michael Apuzzo has spent much of the past year fighting against New York City and state’s attempts to limit the use of natural gas. He was a supporter of the NRG Energy’s proposed natural gas plant in Astoria, Queens, which was eventually rejected by the state in October, and condemned the New York City Council’s recent decision to ban natural gas hookups in new residential buildings, telling PIX11, “We can’t just shut the switch off to New York City and say ‘hey there’s no more gas.’”
Congratulations to all the honorees and especially to our Business Manager William M. Lynn Recognized as one of City & State’s Labor Power 100 We thank you for your dedication and hard work to Local 30 and the Labor Movement On behalf of the International Union of Operating Engineers Local 30 Officers, Members & Staff Robert BusinessPresidentMoccioRepresentatives Kevin Cruse Dana Sanders Robert Wilson Steven Broderick Brendan Benn Brian Ahern James Carroll 16-16 Whitestone Expressway, Whitestone, NY 11357 |



JOSÉ MALDONADO September 5, 202250 York. As District Council 37’s principal lobbyist, he led the union’s efforts to secure public employee pension reforms, including cost-ofliving adjustments for retirees. Keogh also worked on labor and pension issues in the New York City mayor’s Office of State Legislative Affairs and as the New York City Council’s finance director. Now, as lead partner for labor and workforce affairs at the lobbying firm Bolton-St. Johns, he deals with trades, transportation, environmental, new technologies and public employee sectors. 61
Earlier this year, the New York Committee for Occupational Safety and Health issued a report titled “Deadly Skyline,” which found that 41 construction workers had been killed while on the job in New York state in 2020. Executive Director Charlene Obernauer has been sounding the alarm about the dangers faced by construction workers in New York, telling Gotham Gazette that the lack of federal inspections on New York construction sites at the time were “one of the biggest disappointments” in the report.
Joining a union isn’t just about gaining leverage in the workplace – it’s also about the perks that come after retirement. Marianne Pizzitola, a retired emergency medical specialist who also heads up the FDNY EMS Retirees Association, has been battling to maintain union health benefits. When New York City reached a cost-cutting deal with unions that would shift coverage to Medicare Advantage for former city workers, she and other retirees launched a legal attack – and saw the deal fall apart when insurers walked away.
Maldonado lent his support to the Amazon Labor Union when they needed to meet.
UnitePRESIDENTHereLocal 100 Unite Here Local 100 represents over 17,000 service workers in the New York metro area, many of them in food service throughout several business sectors across the region. José Maldonado took over as president in 2021 after several years of serving as secretary treasurer. In Maldonado’s time with Local 100, he has dedicated himself to securing pension plans and family health care, as well as boosting membership. Maldonado also lent support for the Amazon Labor Union, providing meeting space for the ALU in its successful unionization drive.
CHARLENE OBERNAUER EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR New York Committee for Occupational Safety and Health
NYCPRESIDENTOrganization of Public Service Retirees
Pitta Bishop & Del Giorno Robert Bishop is the go-to lobbyist for New York’s labor unions. He’s a co-founder of Pitta Bishop & Del Giorno, which lobbies city government officials to support pro-union legislation. (His fellow partner Vito Pitta was the attorney for Eric Adams’ New York City mayoral campaign.) The firm’s clients include a number of powerful labor unions, including the Transport Workers Union and the Teamsters Union. Last year, the firm brought in over $4.9 million in revenue, making it one of the top-ranked firms by revenue in New York City.
In his role as a co-managing partner in the Manhattan office of the national law firm Stroock, Alan Klinger is the vital link between a number of highpower labor unions and city and state government. As the firm’s co-managing partner and chair of its Government Affairs and Regulatory Support Group, Klinger has represented such heavyweights as the United Federation of Teachers, District Council 37, the MunicipalandSanitationmen’sUniformedAssociationtheNewYorkCityLaborCommittee.
Congratulations to President Rich Maroko for his recognition in the City and State NYC Labor Power 100 list. The members of the New York Hotel & Gaming Trades Council are the heart and soul of our city’s tourism and hospitality industry that is central to our economic resurgence. They lead the way, showing what it means to be labor strong and union proud.

&TOMASDEJESUS,FRETMARKHENRY AmalgamatedLOCAL1179;AGENTS,PRESIDENTS/BUSINESSLOCAL726;LOCALLOCAL1181-1061;1056TransitUnion The Transport Workers Union may have a higher 1500LOCALUFCWDEPT.,COMMUNICATIONS&MEDIAREAGAN;ADRIANMulligan has criticized De Niro's film production studio for not hiring union labor. NewellRobertPresidentLocalUFCW1500Jr.

When Robert De Niro announced plans to build an Astoria film production studio, the company running its operations, Wildflower Ltd., promised “over 1,000 permanent new union jobs.” Yet, most of the workers hired to construct the studio were not union members, leaving unionized construction workers feeling excluded. Daniel Mulligan, the business manager of the Queens-based Steamfitters Local 638, has joined local officials and other union leaders criticizing the project.
CityAndStateNY.com52 66
BUSINESS SteamfittersMANAGERLocal638
TeamstersPRESIDENTLocal 202
The Building, Concrete, Excavating and Common Laborers' Local 731 is
Since 1990, when Robert Newell Jr. found a job as a cart clerk at a Long Island Pathmark store, he has risen steadily through ranks at the United Food and Commercial Workers Local 1500, ultimately winning the presidency in 2019. On his watch, the local made agreements with Stop & Shop for a multimilliondollar investment in member pension benefits and assisted in the ratification of 19 union contracts. Newell has also pushed for New York City Council legislation that would regulate nonunion grocery delivery apps. CASSELLA, JOSE

LaundryCO-DIRECTORSWorkers Center
For six days in January 2021, the Hunts Point Produce Market in the Bronx saw its first strike in over three decades as union members from Teamsters Local 202 rallied for a new contract and higher wages. Led by Teamsters Local 202’s president, Daniel Kane Jr., the union reached an agreement on a new three-year contract with wage increases that also allowed business to continue at the city’s biggest food distribution hub. Kane was honored last fall at the Bronx Democratic Party’s awards ceremony and fundraiser. DANIEL MULLIGAN
Since its creation in 2011, the Laundry Workers Center has campaigned on behalf of lowincome immigrant workers, primarily in the laundry and food service sectors. The 2,100-member organization, which is led by Mahoma Lopez Garfias & Rosanna Rodríguez-Aran, joined other advocates in calling for the state’s pandemic-era $2.1 billion Excluded Workers Fund to be replenished and has joined worker rallies against Starbucks after facing hurdles in their own efforts to unionize.
New York | Miami | Los Angeles | Washington, D.C. Congratulations to Stroock’s Co-Managing Partner Alan Klinger for being named to City and State NY’s Labor Power 100 list Congratulations to Gar y LaBarbera and all the Honorees for being Recognized on City & State’s NYC Labor Power 100 list The Building & Construction Trades Council of Greater New York Proudly Representing 100,000 Working Men and Women in NYC’s Unionized Construction Industry COMMUNICATIONS WORKERS OF AMERICA, DISTRICT 1 Salutes our own Chris Shelton National WorkersComunicationsPresidentofAmerica for your strong leadership, courage, and passion fighting for working families! DENNIS G. TRAINOR Vice President, CWA District 1 GLADYS FINNIGAN Assistant to the VP Dennis G. Trainor Vice WorkersComunicationsPresidentofAmerica

The Subway Surface Supervisors Association’s Michael Carrube is a driving force behind protecting transit workers. During the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, Carrube voiced concerns for the safety of raged.employeesTransportationMetropolitanAuthoritywhilethevirusThencametherise in attacks on transit workers. After years of Carrube’s pleas to increase protections for the 11,000 transit workers who don’t work directly on trains, such as customer service attendants, the state Legislature passed a new law covering those transit workers in June.
Gentili is fighting for transgender rights and advocating for sex workers.

Cecilia Gentili is the founder of both Transgender Equity Consulting, an organization dedicated to sex worker advocacy and transgender rights, and Decrim NY, leading lobbying efforts to repeal a state law that advocates say discriminated against transgender people and sex workers. A veteran of the LGBT Center and GMHC, she is now a leading advocate in Albany and at City Hall, having lobbied successfully for the state’s Gender bothtransgenderforNon-DiscriminationExpressionActandincreasedfundingforhealthcareatthecityandstatelevel.
Given that 1199SEIU is the country’s largest health care union, it’s no surprise that its labor-management funds serve close to half a million active and retired workers. The funds, which are overseen by Donna Rey, Sandi Vito and Rossmery Dais, illustrate the benefits that come with effective union leadership. Rey runs the 1199SEIU Benefit and Pension Funds, which spend more than $2 billion a year on health care, and also serves as CEO of Funds Administrative Operations. Vito heads the 1199SEIU Training and Employment Funds, which delivers training and job placement to employers and workers in New York and other states. Dais this year took the helm at 1199SEIU Child Care Funds, which has served over 400,000 children.
Supervisors Association
TransgenderFOUNDER Equity Consulting
1199SEIU Family of Funds
74 September 5, 202254 profile in New York, but the Amalgamated Transit Union –which bills itself as “the largest labor union representing transit and allied workers in the U.S. and Canada” – plays a key role representing transit employees in New York City as well. Danny Cassella’s ATU Local 726 on Staten Island represents 2,000 current and retired bus operators and mechanics with New York City Transit. Local 1179’s Jose DeJesus represents MTA bus employees in Queens and on routes extending into Brooklyn and Manhattan. Local 1181-1061’s Tomas Fret, who recently succeeded Michael Cordiello, has pushed for a School Bus Bill of Rights that would benefit his members. Local 1056’s Mark Henry was reelected to his post last summer and represents over 2,000 MTA bus workers in Queens. CARRUBE
Gloria Middleton CWA Local 1180 One of 2022’s Labor Power 100 You are a leading and outspoken voice for not only Local 1180 members, but the entire NYC labor movement. Your determination has given power to the working, middle class. Congratulations to Our President Members at Large Ranston Foster Denise Gilliam Helen S. Jarrett Debra HazelVenusGregoryRosarioPaylorRomanSmithWilliamsO.Worley GloriaOFFICERSMiddleton President Gerald Brown 1st Vice President Teesha Foreman 2nd Vice President Robin Blair-Batte Secretary-Treasurer Lourdes Acevedo Recording Secretary New York Administrative Employees Local 1180, Communications Workers of America, AFL-CIO 6 Harrison Street, 4th Floor l New York, NY 10013 CWA LOCAL 1180 @CWA1180 @CWA1180 CWA LOCAL 1180 ENTERPRISE ASSOCIATION OF STEAMFITTERS LOCAL UNION 638 James R. Sheeran Jr. President Patrick Daly Financial Secretary Treasurer Tim Sullivan Vice President Business Agents Manuel Ferrer, Vincent Gaynor, Brian Hunt, Cliff Johnsen, Dave Johnson, Michael Koebel, James Moriarty, Charles Pellegrino, Janet Powers Organizers Johny Martincic, Julio Reinoso Organized 1884 Daniel Mulligan Business Manager CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR LABOR LEADERS P r o u d t o b e h o n o r e d b y C i t y & S t a t e F i g h t i n g f o r e v e r y m e m b e r w h o m a k e s N e w Y o r k r u n . D C 3 7 | H e n r y G a r r i d o E x e c u t i v e D i r e c t o r | d c 3 7 n e t September 5, 202256 75 JAMES CONIGLIARO JR. & BRENDAN SEXTON FOUNDER; EXECUTIVE IndependentDIRECTOR

Some of the biggest hip-hop stars have made millions of dollars in the music industry, but many more artists haven’t
Bradley opposed the plan to ban new gas hookups in residential buildings.
Union Local 101 Representing over 1,600 employees of National Grid in Brooklyn and Queens, Transport Workers Union Local 101 is spearheaded by President Constance Bradley. Bradley has not hesitated to stand up for her members’ livelihoods – even if it means criticizing the most powerful politicians in the state. When Gov. Kathy Hochul backed a plan to ban gas hookups in new construction, Bradley warned that the ban would “wipe out thousands of good union jobs” and rallied workers to oppose it.
Since its creation in 1998, the Metropolitan Transportation Authority Police Department has continued to expand in manpower and coverage for other jurisdictions. Led by Michael O’Meara, the MTA Police Benevolent Association represents these MTA police officers. Like his counterparts in the NYPD, O’Meara has loudly pushed back on calls to “defund the police,” pointing to increases in crime since 2020. This year, O’Meara was appointed as executive director for the Police Conference of New York.

Accountants,PRESIDENT Actuaries and Statisticians Local 1407 Maf Misbah Uddin has led the Accountants, Actuaries and Statisticians Local 1407 since 2000 and also is the longtime treasurer of its parent union, the influential District Council 37. Earlier this year, Uddin was appointed to the 15-person New York City Districting Commission that is redrawing New York City Council districts. The Bangladeshi founder and president of the Alliance of South Asian American Labor also pushed successfully for the city to make Eid al-Adha and Eid alFitr official school holidays.
When registered respiratory therapist Carmen De León ran for the Local 768 election last year, she did so with the intention of improving the union’s advocacy on behalf of its members. De León, who has worked at Harlem Hospital and Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center, notched her victory over longtime leader Fitz Reid in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, and she spoke out about the lack of substantial resources to protect hospital workers from COVID-19. This year, she won a seat as vice president on District Council 37’s executive board.
Transportation Authority Police Benevolent Association
Drivers Guild State legislation granting collective bargaining rights to Uber and Lyft drivers is stalled in Albany, but that hasn’t stopped Brendan Sexton from advocating on behalf of ride-hailing drivers. Sexton applauded New York City Mayor Eric Adams for raising wages for drivers through the city Taxi & Limousine Commission and thanked Gov. Kathy Hochul for extending health benefits through The Black Car Fund. Sexton’s organization, which was founded by labor lawyer James Conigliaro Jr. under the umbrella of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, represents 80,000 drivers in New York City alone. He’s now seeking a congestion pricing exemption for his members.
RDLaborPower100_7.25x4.75_F.indd 1 8/26/22 1:16 PM From The League of Voluntar y Hospitals and Homes of New York Congratulations DONNA REY, EdD, Executive Director and CEO of the 1199SEIU Bene t and Pension Funds; SANDI VITO, Executive Director of the 1199SEIU Training and Employment Funds; and ROSSMERY DAIS, Executive Director of the 1199SEIU Child Care Funds, on being named to City & State’s NYC Labor Power 100 list. Your leadership and oversight help ensure 1199SEIU members’ access to quality health coverage, pension, training and child-care benefits. Council of School Supervisors & Administrators LOCAL 1: AMERICAN FEDERATION OF SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS, AFL-CIO 40 R EC TO R S T., 12TH F L., N Y, N Y 10006 | Tel: 212 823 2020 LeadeGBEGINSGreatchoolsWITHreatrs! CSA salutes honorees on th e CITY& STATE NYC Labor Power 10 0 Lis t inc l udin g M a r k Ca nni zza r o , C SA Presiden t

EMBLEMHEALTHYORK;NEWGREATEROFCOUNCILTRADESCONSTRUCTION&BUILDINGIgnagniKaren September 5, 202258 broken through – and could benefit from an organization advocating on their behalf. That’s the idea behind The Hip Hop Alliance, which was launched earlier this year.
Five years ago, Claire Chang started a retail job at the REI Co-op in SoHo – a career choice that would evolve into a source of activism during the COVID-19 pandemic. With the help of Chang and other members of the organizing committee at the outdoor sports gear store’s SoHo location, workers secured an 88-14 vote to unionize in March, joining the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union. The SoHo Co-op is the first REI in the nation to take that step. Chang now faces the hurdles of negotiating with the retail giant over increased wages, workplace safeguards and adequate training.
82 ANGELO ANGELONE PRESIDENT AND BUSINESS CementMANAGER&Concrete Workers District Council Angelo Angelone worked his way up the Cement & Concrete Workers District Council ranks over the years, taking over in 2016 as the council’s leader, which represents more than 3,000 members across locals 18A and 20 and 6A, where Angelone previously served as business manager. The labor organization, whose members are largely Black or Latino, endorsed Eric Adams’ successful New York City mayoral campaign last year. Angelone also serves on the board of the Building and Construction Trades Council of Greater New York.
The NFL Alumni Association has represented retired National Football League players since 1967, securing a settlement providing concussion payouts and teaming up with partners to tackle everything from Alzheimer’s to opioid use. In New York, which lays claim to the New York Jets and New York Giants as well as the Buffalo Bills, the association’s local chapter is led by former Green Bay Packers linebacker Jude Waddy and former safety David Caldwell of the Indianapolis Colts and New York Giants.
PRESIDENT AND CEO EmblemHealth Once dubbed the nation’s top health lobbyist by Politico, Karen Ignagni has served as the president and CEO of EmblemHealth since 2015. The Manhattan-based insurance company counts nearly 3 million members in the New York metropolitan area – including many public sector employees

REIMEMBERSoHo CommitteeOrganizing
“Who’s really speaking for the artists? Everybody knows the music industry is heartless,” KRS-One, the group’s chair, rapped in an Instagram video marking the organization’s launch. Filling out the trio of New York leaders, Chuck D serves as president while Kurtis Blow is executive director.
NewPRESIDENTYorkMetro Area Postal Union
Wayne Joseph leads the Bridge & Tunnel Officers Benevolent Association, representing the 380 state peace officers who patrol the city’s bridges and tunnels. These workers include former toll booth operators, who were reassigned to positions as toll enforcement officers after the Metropolitan Transportation Authority removed all cash toll booths at New York City crossings in 2017. Elected to a fourth term as president in 2020, Joseph also co-chairs the New York State Public Employee Conference, a group of statewide public-sector labor unions.

The U.S. Postal Service has weathered tough times recently, from then-President Donald Trump’s plan to privatize the service to the seemingly deliberate speed reductions in service ahead of the 2020 election. As president of the New York Metro Area Postal Union, Jonathan Smith has highlighted the importance of the postal service and its unionized employees. His members got some relief this year when Congress passed the Postal Service Reform Act.
Officers Benevolent Association
IDG is proud to sponsor the 2022 Labor Power 100 Congratulations to our own Jim Conigliaro and Brendan Sexton, and all this year’s honorees! Together, rideshare drivers are building power to win the right to a union. NJ CT N Y IL MA BUILD IT RIGHT. BUILD IT SAFE. BUILD IT UNION. SINCE 1881 B d u 395 Hudson Street - 9th Floor | New York, NY 10014 | P 212.366.7500 F 212.675.3118 @CarpentersNYC @CarpentersNYC | @CarpentersNYC Joseph SECRETARY-TREASUREREXECUTIVEOFTHE NEW YORK CITY DISTRICT COUNCIL OF CARPENTERS FOR BEING HONORED IN CITY & STATE’S NYC LABOR POWER 100 Proudly Representing New York’s Labor Organizations - Since 1995 Robert A. Ungar Associates, Inc. Government and Media Relations Consultants 150 State Street, Suite 501 Albany, New York 516-227-240012207

Mata is seeking a permanent path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.

A former officer in the American Federation of Teachers Local 1796, Gregory
MagnaCare is a division of Brighton Health Plan Solutions, a health plan management company headquartered in New York City.
Michelle Zettergren leads the labor and public sector division at MagnaCare, a third-party administratorhealththat’s known for serving unions and public sector employers. A former executive at EmblemHealth and Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield, Zettergren has extensive experience in sales and underwriting, with a concentration on labor clients.

Founded in 2014, La Colmena is a nonprofit organization that empowers and represents the immigrant workforce on Staten Island. Executive Director Yesenia Mata has worked to highlight the contributions of immigrant workers during the pandemic and advocated for a permanent path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. This year, she and the organization celebrated the 10th anniversary of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals policy, while highlighting the need for a more stable solution for all undocumented workers seeking naturalization. GREGORY MANTSIOS FOUNDING DEAN CUNY School of Labor and Urban Studies
September 5, 2022 and retirees. Last year, Ignagni touted the telehealth provisions in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, which she said will help enable greater access to health care in disadvantaged communities. 87
Thomas Canty has spent over two decades delivering health care for unionized workers through Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield, which provides coverage for over 2 million members. Canty, who grew up in a pro-labor household, previously worked at HIP, where one area of focus was workers’ compensation. In March, he was appointed chair of the Municipal Credit Union, one of the oldest and largest of its kind.
La YeseniaDirectorExecutiveColmenaMata
Congratulations to Tom Canty on this well-deserved recognition. We thank our friends in the labor community who are working to strengthen New York’s economy and communities. 121 STATE STREET, ALBANY, NY 12207 HINMANSTRAUB.COM | 518-436-0751 @hinmanstraub The Association of Contracting OnMCongratulatesPlumbersichaelApuzzomakingCity&State’s2022 " N Y C L ab o r P ow e r 1 0 0 L i st " Robert Greenberg, President Terence O’Brien, Executive Vice President ⋄ 535 8th Avenue, 17th Floor, New York, NY 10018 ⋄ Web: ⋄ Email:

92 DANIEL WRIGHT PRESIDENT AND PRINCIPAL TeamstersOFFICER Local 813 Teamsters Local 813 is a diverse union that represents New Yorkers working in the private sanitation sector, along with funeral and cemetery workers, and employees in the car rental industry. Last September, Daniel Wright, Local 813 president and principal officer, commended workers from Stericycle, a company that handles medical waste, for voting to join the Queens-based union. Local 813 has joined with other Teamsters locals to campaign for better working conditions in warehouses and celebrated the passage of the Warehouse Worker Protection Act in June.
KATHLEEN CULHANE September 5, 202262 Mantsios has spent over 40 years centering labor around education. Mantsios helped found and continues to lead CUNY’s School of Labor and Urban Studies. This year, the School of Labor and Urban Studies announced a new partnership with the City College of New York to establish a national institute dedicated to social justice –one of the same values the school itself was founded upon.
For 20 years, the Damayan Migrant Workers Association has fought to support survivors of labor trafficking and connect them to social services. Linda Oalican, the co-founder and executive director of Damayan, has personal experience with many of the abuses suffered by migrant women. A former political prisoner in the Philippines who became a domestic worker after migrating to the U.S., Oalican now works to empower victims of wage theft, discrimination and racism.
RobertPRESIDENTA.Ungar Associates Robert Ungar has spent more than three decades as a lobbyist, consultant and communications professional in New York, with a special focus on serving clients in organized labor. The wellconnected Ungar, who has a presence in Albany and on Long Island, works with such big-name labor clients as the Building Trades Employers Association, the Uniformed Firefighters Association of Greater New York and other law enforcement and firefighter unions. 94
One of the most attentiongrabbing endeavors in the labor world is the effort to
Employment for Women As president of Nontraditional Employment for Women, Kathleen Culhane helps provide women with the tools to forge careers in the construction and utility industries in New York City. Under her leadership, NEW has introduced programs to help women interested in working in the building trades, including a Young Women’s initiative, green economy core program and specific opportunities for women of color in trades programs. Culhane has also advised New York City Mayor Eric Adams as a member of his transition committee for infrastructure, climate and sustainability.
ChipotleORGANIZERSWorkers Union
Figueroa has worked on everything from gig worker rights to fast-food unions.
SUNY Empire State College Maria Figueroa is one of the foremost thinkers in New York’s labor world. She has weighed in on everything from gig worker rights and fast food workers to a revitalized unionization movement – and even teamed up with Liberty Cleaners and Los Deliveristas Unidos on trainings. After spending over two decades at Cornell University’s School of Industrial and Labor Relations, where she served as director of labor and policy research, Figueroa last year took on a new role as dean of SUNY Empire State College’s Harry Van Arsdale Jr. School of Labor Studies.
CONGRATULATIONS to ALL HONOREES ON THE NYC LABOR POWER 100 LIST! KIVVIT.COM | BOSTON | CHICAGO | MIAMI | NEW JERSEY | NEW YORK | WASHINGTON, D.C. An advocacy campaign including City & State First Read provides a targeted way to reach decision makers in New York government and politics. Campaigns Include: ADVOCACY NEWOPEN-HOUSEMESSAGINGPROMOTIONSHIREANNOUNCEMENTS Contact us at for advertising and sponsorship opportunities.

CityAndStateNY.com64 unionize fast-food restaurants, and Chipotle is one of the top targets in New York City. With the assistance of the powerful union 32BJ SEIU, Chipotle employees have successfully drawn attention to working conditions at the restaurant chain, with then-New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio pledging not to eat there and the Adams administration securing a $20 million settlement with the company over the city’s 2017 Fair Workweek Law. Ed Dealecio, Brenda Garcia and Richard Figueroa are among the many Chipotle workers agitating for changes, with Garcia and Figueroa both getting fired by the company. & Lamadrid
When workers at United Metro Energy Corp.’s Greenpoint oil terminal went on strike last April, they were quickly fired and replaced. Luckily, they have had the full backing of their union, Teamsters Local 533, and its setthehasstrikeDemopoulos.secretary-treasureroutspokenDemosSincethebegan,Demopoulosworkedtirelesslytohelpworkers–theTeamstersupastrikefundtopay the fired employees – and to force UMEC CEO John Catsimatidis to rehire them and negotiate a union contract.
Local RodriguezEddiePresident1549 Coyote
New Immigrant Community Empowerment promoted Nilbia Coyote to serve as its new leader this summer, and she has big shoes to fill, as her predecessor, Manuel Castro, left to become the commissioner of the New York City Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs. The nonprofit immigrant rights advocacy organization, also known as NICE, has called for more resources for Latin American asylum-seekers bused to New York from Texas. The group also backed Carlos’ Law, a construction safety measure that’s before the governor.
New Immigrant Community Empowerment
Eisner Dictor & DictorBenjaminPartnerLamadrid has called for more resources for Latin American asylum-seekers in NYC.
Not many lawyers can brag about securing a deposition with former President Donald Trump – but Benjamin Dictor can. Dictor represented four New Yorkers of Mexican descent who claimed that

New York City Clerical Administrative Employees Local 1549 represents nearly 16,000 clerical employees from a number of city agencies. The local is under the District Council 37 umbrella and is led by Eddie Rodriguez, the former president of DC 37. Rodriguez started out as a clerk and eligibility specialist who rose to a leadership post within the influential DC 37 union in 2011 before losing the post in an election to Shaun Francois in 2019.
Trump’s security guards attacked them and disrupted their protest outside Trump Tower in 2015. A partner at the boutique employment law firm Eisner Dictor & Lamadrid, Dictor has also counseled a number of influential unions, including the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union and the United Auto Workers.

NewPRESIDENTYorkCity Clerical Administrative Employees Local 1549
Rapidly increasing hospital prices are the biggest driver of escalating health care costs for employers, workers and local governments. They’re becoming a real impediment to business recovery post-COVID and a serious threat to the health and financial stability of workers and families. In partnership with City & State and the 32BJ Labor Industry Cooperation Fund, the 32BJ Health Fund is holding a major forum – “Hospital Prices: the Policy and the Practical” – with national policy experts and other stakeholders to discuss strategies to address hospital price increases. SEPTEMBERTHURSDAY, 22, 2022 9:00AM-2:00PM 32BJ Health Fund, 25 West 18th Street, New York, NY 10011 SPEAKERS WILL INCLUDE: Dave Chase, Creator and Co-leader, Health Rosetta Vikas Saini MD, President, Lown Institute Christopher Whaley PhD, Economist, RAND Corporation Vicki Veltri, Founding Executive Director, Connecticut Office of Health Strategy Chris Deacon, Versan HospitalConsulting Prices

Notice of Formation of JS CONSULTING,YOUNGLLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 07/15/22. Office location: NY County. Princ. office of LLC: 20 E. 9th St., Apt. 14K, NY, NY 10003. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to Jill Young at the princ. office of the LLC. Purpose: Any lawful activity.
Purpose: To Practice The Profession Of Law. Notice of Formation of SERVICES,FULFILLMENTGENERALLLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/19/2022. Office lawfulNY,STREET,processbeprocessLLCdesg.ONONDAGAlocationSSNYAsagentofuponwhomagainstitmayservedSSNYmailto307BACONSYRACUSE,13209.Anypurpose.
ROZENSHTEYN,GUCOVSCHIPLLC, a Prof. LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with the SSNY on 09/23/2020. Office loc: NY County. SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The PLLC, 318 West 88th St., Apt 2A, NY, NY 10024.
Notice of Qualification of RailWorks Track Services LLC Appl. for Auth. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 03/22/22. Office location: NY County. LLC formed in Indiana (IN) on 05/28/62. Princ. office of LLC: Hilltop & Midland Terrace, Bldg. D, Sewell, NJ 08080. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to c/o Corporation Service Co., 80 State St., Albany, NY 12207-2543. Cert. of Form. filed with Secy. of State, 302 W. Washington St., Rm. E 018, Indianapolis, IN 46204. Purpose: Any lawful activity.
ROZENSHTEYN,GUCOVSCHIPLLC, a Prof. LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with the SSNY on 09/23/2020. Office loc: NY County. SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The PLLC, 318 West 88th St., Apt 2A, NY, NY 10024.
Notice of Qual. of NORTH STAR 2010,MANAGEMENTVENTUREL.L.C.. Auth. filed with SSNY on 07/28/2022. Office location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 03/07/2011. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 600 MAMARONECK AVENUE #400, HARRISON, NY, 10528. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of R3825 THIRD AVENUE, LLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 07/21/22. Office location: NY County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to c/o Casa Nela LTD., 181 W. 10th St., NY, NY 10014. Purpose: Any lawful activity.
The Dopwell Group, LLC was formed on January 11, 2022. The Dopwell Group, LLC is located in Bronx County at 4019 GUNTHER AVE. BRONX, NY 10466. The Dopwell Group, LLC purpose is to provide consultant services. REGISTERED AGENT : UNITED STATES CORPORATION AGENTS, INC. 7014 13TH AVENUE , SUITE 202 BROOKLYN, NY, 11228, USA
NOTICE OF FORMATION of Hyacinth Lily LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 07/13/2022 Location: Westchester County. SSNY designated as agent for service of process on LLC and shall mail a copy of process to: Catherine Walsh Taubner, 81 Witherbee Avenue, Pelham, NY 10803. Purpose: Any lawful purpose
Notice of Qual. of COMPANYTIMBERMETROPOLITANANDSTEELLLC, filed with the SSNY on 12/13/2021. Office: NY County. LLC formed in NJ on 12/3/2021. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served and shall mail process to: c/o The LLC, 210 W. 29th St,#7, NY, NY 10001. Address required to be maintained in NJ: 105 State St, Paterson, NJ 07501. Cert of Formation filed with NJ State Treasurer, Dept of Treasury, Division of Revenue, 33 W State St, Trenton, NJ 08608. Purpose: any lawful act.
Notice of formation of FIFI VENDING LLC, LLC filed with SSNY on 06/27/22, office: BRONX county. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: 1401 Jesup ave 4D Bronx NY,10452. Purpose: any lawful act or 6462483337activity
Notice of Formation of RIVERVIEW TEI XI LLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 06/10/22. Office location: NY County. Princ. office of LLC: 55 Fifth Ave., 15th Fl., NY, NY 10003. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC at the addr. of its princ. office. Purpose: Any lawful activity. / PUBLIC and LEGAL NOTICES66 September 5, 2022 September 5, 2022 For more legalnotices@cityandstateny.com212-268-0442info.Ext.2039Email
Notice of Registration of THE PHYSICIANS,MADISONLLP, a domestic LLP. Notice of Reg. filed with the SSNY on 03/22/2022. Office loc: NY County. SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom process against the LLP may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLP, 1860 Walt Whitman Road, Melville, NY 11747. Principal Loc: 635 Madison Ave., 7th FL, NY, NY 10022. Purpose: Purpose: To practice the profession of medicine.
Notice of Formation of SEC CONSULTANCY, LLC filed with SSNY on 6/6/2022. Office: Richmond County. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: United States Corporation Agent, inc. 7014 13th Ave Suite 202 Brooklyn NY 11228. Purpose: any lawful act or activity
Notice of formation of STYLEDBYPHINA LLC. Articles of Org. filed with NY Dept. of State (DOS) on 04/15/2022. Office location: Schenectady County, DOS is designated as agent upon whom process may be served. DOS shall mail service of process to 258 WARD AVE, SCHENECTADY, NY, UNITED STATES, 12304. Company is organized for any lawful 8/5,12,19,26,9/2;9/9purpose.
Notice of Formation of PROSPECTBRILLIANTLLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY Notice11220.303,8THmailmaywhomdesg.location:07/20/2022.OfficeonKingsSSNYAsagentofLLCuponprocessagainstitbeservedSSNYprocessto6402AVENUE,UNITBROOKLYN,NY,Anylawfulpurpose.ofFormationof NYS KLEANING 2 LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/18/2022. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 725 4TH AVENUE, APT TT4, BROOKLYN, NY, 11232. Any purpose.lawful
NOTICE OF FORMATION of Hyacinth Lily LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 07/13/2022 Location: Westchester County. SSNY designated as agent for service of process on LLC and shall mail a copy of process to: Catherine Walsh Taubner, 81 Witherbee Avenue, Pelham, NY 10803. Purpose: Any lawful purpose
Notice of Formation of JBB IK Enterprises LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with NY Dept. of State: 6/6/22. Office location: NY County. Sec. of State designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served and shall mail process to: Cogency Global Inc., 122 E. 42nd St., 18th Fl., NY, NY 10168. Purpose: all lawful purposes.
Purpose: To Practice The Profession Of Law.
Notice of Formation of 409 ROCKAWAY AVENUE OWNER LLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 07/18/22. Office location: Kings County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC c/o EL Equity LLC, 407 Rockaway Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11212. Purpose: Any lawful activity.
Notice of Formation of 409 ROCKAWAY AVENUE OWNER LLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 07/18/22. Office location: Kings County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC c/o EL Equity LLC, 407 Rockaway Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11212. Purpose: Any lawful activity.
Notice of Formation of MODERN DENTAL ORANGE COUNTY PLLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/15/2022. Office location Orange SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 236 WOODLANDS ROAD, HARRISON, NY, 10528. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of formation of FIFI VENDING LLC, LLC filed with SSNY on 06/27/22, office: BRONX county. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: 1401 Jesup ave 4D Bronx NY,10452. Purpose: any lawful act or 6462483337activity
6309 62ND AVE LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY purpose.11237.ST,processmaywhomdesg.location:06/23/2022.OfficeonKingsSSNYAsagentofLLCuponprocessagainstitbeservedSSNYmailto449HARMANBROOKLYN,NY,Anylawful
Notice of Formation of HILLTOP HAVEN LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/18/2022. Office location: Ontario SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to 7711 WHISPERS LANE, ONTARIO, NY, 14519. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of AWAY & UNPLUGGED, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 08/16/2022. Office location: Ontario SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to 53 WILLIAM ST., PHELPS, NY, 14532. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of MJ CHEUKLAP LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/24/2022. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 1238 63RD ST, APT D226, BROOKLYN, NY, UNITED STATES, 11219. Any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of 2322 LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/08/2022. Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 706 5TH AVENUE, BROOKLYN, NY, 11215. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of R3825 THIRD AVENUE, LLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 07/21/22. Office location: NY County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to c/o Casa Nela LTD., 181 W. 10th St., NY, NY 10014.
Notice of Formation of 3517 HOLDINGS LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/19/2022.
Purpose: To practice the profession of Medicine.
Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 1541 55TH STREET, BROOKLYN, NY, UNITED STATES, 11219. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of 1022 BROADWAY LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY lawfulNY,SUITEBEDFORDmailmaywhomdesg.location:09/20/2012.OfficeonKingsSSNYAsagentofLLCuponprocessagainstitbeservedSSNYprocessto543AVENUE,103,BROOKLYN,11249.Anypurpose.NOTICEOFFORMATIONOF SHAY WHITE LLC Articles of Organization filed with Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) on 1/13/2022. Office location: NEW YORK County. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the principal business address of LLC: 909 3rd Ave #7694, New York, NY 10150. Purpose: any lawful act/activity.
Notice of Formation of FATIMA NAWAZ LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 06/24/2022. Office location Hamilton SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 236 NYS ROUTE 28, INLET, NY, 13360. Any lawful purpose.
Noticepurpose.lawfulofFormationof 3909 5TH AVENUE LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/05/2022. Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 706 5TH AVENUE, BROOKLYN, NY, 11215. Any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of LLC.CANNABISAMSTERDAMCLUBS1 Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 04/21/2022. Office location Bronx SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 795 ALLERTON AVE, BRONX, NY, 10467. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of SHUGO INVEST LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/22/2022. Office location Rensselaer SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 33 SCOTCH PINE DRIVE, MEDFORD, NY, 11763. Any
Notice of Formation of 30A 310 EAST 53RD ST. NYC. LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY NoticelawfulNY,FLOOR,MADISONmailitwhomdesg.location:05/20/2022.OfficeonNewYorkSSNYasagentofLLCuponprocessagainstmaybeserved.SSNYprocessto366AVENUE,3RDNEWYORK,10017.Anypurpose.ofFormationof
JIAEN LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/14/2022. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 7311 5TH AVE, BROOKLYN, NY, 11209. Any lawful purpose.
Purpose: Any lawful activity.
Notice of Formation of 409 ROCKAWAY AVENUE OWNER LLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 07/18/22. Office location: Kings County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC c/o EL Equity LLC, 407 Rockaway Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11212. Purpose: Any lawful activity.
67PUBLIC and LEGAL NOTICES / CityAndStateNY.comSeptember 5, 2022
Notice of Formation of 349 EAST 138TH LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 11/04/2013. Office location Bronx SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 1946 CONEY ISLAND AVENUE, BROOKLYN, NY, 11223. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of MYRON WEAVER HOUSE, LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 08/16/2022. Office location: Yates SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to 172 WEST LAKE RD., BRANCHPORT, NY, 14418. Any lawful purpose. Notice is hereby given that license number 1349910 for liquor has been applied for by the undersigned to sell liquor at retail in a OP 252 RESTAURANT under the alcoholic beverage control law at 603 MANHATTAN AVE BROOKLYN, NY 11222 in Kings County for onpremises consumption.
Notice of Formation of 2269 OCEAN AVENUE LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/21/2022. Office location: Richmond SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 23 OCEANIC AVENUE, STATEN ISLAND, NY, 10312. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of 428 AURORA HOLDINGS, LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 05/17/2022. Office location Cayuga SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 110 GENESEE ST., SUITE 200, AUBURN, NY, 13021. Any lawful purpose.
ROZENSHTEYN,GUCOVSCHIPLLC, a Prof. LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with the SSNY on 09/23/2020. Office loc: NY County. SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The PLLC, 318 West 88th St., Apt 2A, NY, NY 10024. Purpose: To Practice The Profession Of Law.
Notice of Formation of 409 ROCKAWAY AVENUE OWNER LLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 07/18/22. Office location: Kings County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC c/o EL Equity LLC, 407 Rockaway Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11212. Purpose: Any lawful activity. Notice of Qual. of I.M.E.M. CLINICAL ASSOCIATES LLC, Authority filed with the SSNY on 07/19/2022. Office loc: NY County. LLC formed in NJ on 01/12/2005. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, C/O H. Peltz Emergency Medicine, PLLC, 366 Pearsall Ave., Ste 2, Cedarhurst, NY 11516.
Notice of Formation of 6307 62ND AVE LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY ofNoticepurpose.11237.ST,processmaywhomdesg.location:06/23/2022.OfficeonKingsSSNYAsagentofLLCuponprocessagainstitbeservedSSNYmailto449HARMANBROOKLYN,NY,AnylawfulofFormation
Notice of Formation of THREE KIDS RENTALS LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/21/2022. Office location ONONDAGA SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 4989 SHAW 13215.SYRACUSE,TERRACE,NY,Anylawfulpurpose.
S7HILLS Holdings LLC filed w/ SSNY on 6/30/22. Office: New York Co. SSNY designated as agent for process & shall mail to: 253 W 72nd St., #1109, NY, NY 10023. Purpose: any lawful.
Notice of Formation of SEC CONSULTANCY, LLC filed with SSNY on 6/6/2022. Office: Richmond County. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: United States Corporation Agent, inc. 7014 13th Ave Suite 202 Brooklyn NY 11228. Purpose: any lawful act or activity Notice of Qual. of NORTH STAR 2010,MANAGEMENTVENTUREL.L.C..
Notice of Formation of FOREVER DESIGNS BY VANESSA LLC filed with SSNY on May 22, 2022. Office: Richmond County. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: 390 Thornycroft Ave Staten Island NY 10312. Purpose: any lawful act or activity.
The Malin West Village LLC App. for Authority filed with Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) on 7/29/2022. LLC formed in DE on 7/28/2022. Office location: New York County. SSNY desig. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to 32 Mercer St., 3 rd Floor, NY, NY 10013. Cert. of Form. on file: DE SOS, DE Div. of Corps, PO Box 898, Dover, DE 19903. Purpose: any lawful business.
Auth. filed with SSNY on 07/28/2022. Office location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 03/07/2011. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 600 MAMARONECK AVENUE #400, HARRISON, NY, 10528. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Qual. of COMPANYTIMBERMETROPOLITANANDSTEELLLC, filed with the SSNY on 12/13/2021. Office: NY County. LLC formed in NJ on 12/3/2021. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served and shall mail process to: c/o The LLC, 210 W. 29th St,#7, NY, NY 10001. Address required to be maintained in NJ: 105 State St, Paterson, NJ 07501. Cert of Formation filed with NJ State Treasurer, Dept of Treasury, Division of Revenue, 33 W State St, Trenton, NJ 08608. Purpose: any lawful act. The Dopwell Group, LLC was formed on January 11, 2022. The Dopwell Group, LLC is located in Bronx County at 4019 GUNTHER AVE. BRONX, NY 10466. The Dopwell Group, LLC purpose is to provide consultant services. REGISTERED AGENT : UNITED STATES CORPORATION AGENTS, INC. 7014 13TH AVENUE , SUITE 202 BROOKLYN, NY, 11228, USA LEGALNOTICES@ CITYANDSTATENY.COM
Notice of Formation of 228 WEST 52ND STREET LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 06/29/2022. Office location New York SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 10 E 40TH ST, STE 17, NEW YORK, NY, 10016. Any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of 152 WYCKOFF LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY ofNoticelawfulSTATES,BROOKLYN,WYCKOFFmailmaywhomdesg.location:08/04/2022.OfficeonKingsSSNYAsagentofLLCuponprocessagainstitbeservedSSNYprocessto152AVE.,NY,UNITED11237.Anypurpose.ofFormation
Notice of Formation of CHRISTINA PEABODY, LLC filed with SSNY on 05-31-2022. Office: NEW YORK County. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: 205 WEST 89TH STREET #3G. Purpose: any lawful act or activity.
Notice of Formation of NW 25TH STREET LENDER LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY lawfulYORK,LIBERTYmailitwhomdesg.location:07/06/2022.OfficeonNewYorkSSNYasagentofLLCuponprocessagainstmaybeserved.SSNYprocessto28STREET,NEWNY,10005.Anypurpose.
Notice of Formation of LINA HOLDINGS, LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 06/29/2020. Office location: New York. SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 5 WEST 37TH STREET 12TH FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY, 10018. Any lawful purpose.
Notice is hereby given that license number 1349501 for liquor has been applied for by the undersigned to sell liquor at retail in a RESTAURANT-OP 252 under the alcoholic beverage control law at 129 E 60TH ST NEW YORK, NY 10022 for consumption. on-premises
Notice of Formation of JUMBO DUMBO LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/12/2022. Office location New York SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to ONE BRYANT PARK, NEW YORK, NY, 10036. Any
Notice of Qual. of PF REAL ESTATE 1 LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 08/05/2022. Office location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 08/05/2022. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 93 PEARL STREET, , SECOND FLOOR , NEW YORK, NY, 10004. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose.
Noticepurpose.lawfulofQual.of 4 CORNERS LEAD, LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 07/25/2022. Office location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 07/25/2022. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 114 EAST 25TH STREET, NEW YORK, NY, 10010. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of NYS KLEANING 2 LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/18/2022. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 725 4TH AVENUE, APT TT4, BROOKLYN, NY, 11232. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of GAK RENTALS LLC, LLC filed with SSNY on 07/21/2022. Office: Orange County. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: 1 SUMMERVILLE RD, GOSHEN, NY, 10924, USA. Purpose: any lawful act or activity.
Notice of Formation of PERRY STREET 2 LLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 11/22/21. Office location: NY County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 347 5th Ave., Ste. 300, NY, NY 10016. Purpose: Any lawful activity.
Notice of Formation of PERRY STREET 3 LLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 11/22/21. Office location: NY County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 347 5th Ave., Ste. 300, NY, NY 10016. Purpose: Any lawful activity.
LCSW,PSYCHOTHERAPY,ALMONTEPLLC. Arts .Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/29/2022. Office location: Bronx SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to 855 FOX STREET, , APT 7, BRONX, NY, 10459. Any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of 6157 SENTINEL ROAD, LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 02/10/2022. Office location New York SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 5 WEST 37TH STREET, 12TH FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY, 10018. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of High Tides Consulting, LLC filed with SSNY on July 25 2016. Office: Kings County. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC Registered Agent: US Corp Agents Inc, 7014 13th ave, Brooklyn 11228. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. / PUBLIC and LEGAL NOTICES68 September 5, 2022
Notice of Formation of JOHNSON PROPERTY GROUP, LLC filed with SSNY on anyNY,APTprocessSSNYagainstLLCSSNYOffice:KINGS05/11/2022.County.designatedagentofuponwhomprocessitmaybeserved.shallmailcopyoftoLLC:100E21ST,207BROOKLYN,11226,USAPurpose:lawfulactoractivity.
Notice of Formation of PERRY STREET 4 LLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 11/22/21. Office location: NY County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 347 5th Ave., Ste. 300, NY, NY 10016. Purpose: Any lawful activity.
NR 2022 LLC filed w/ SSNY on 8/1/22. Office: New York Co. SSNY designated as agent for process & shall mail to: 201 E 87th St., #30R, NY, NY 10128. Purpose: any lawful.
Notice of Formation of FITZ ROY ROAD LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 06/06/2022. Office location New York SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 246 WEST 16TH STREET, 1R, NEW YORK, NY, 10011. Any lawful purpose.
NOTICE OF FORMATION OF 34th Street Care Investors LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of NY lawfulNY926is: c/othe LLC servedoftheOfficemaywhomdesignatedSSNYlocation: KINGS County.on 08/03/2022.(SSNY)Officehasbeenasagentuponprocessagainstitbeserved.ThePostaddresstowhichSSNYshallmailacopyanyprocessagainstuponthemRivkinRadlerLLP,RXRPlaza,Uniondale,11556.Purpose:anyactoractivity.
Notice of Formation of LINS E&R REAL ESTATE LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY 10305.STATENMCCLEANmailitwhomdesg.location:02/23/2022.OfficeonRichmondSSNYasagentofLLCuponprocessagainstmaybeserved.SSNYprocessto408AVENUE,ISLAND,NY,Anylawfulpurpose.
Notice of Formation of ZSTACHURA LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY Any3,RICHARDSONmailmaywhomdesg.location:07/29/2022.OfficeonKingsSSNYAsagentofLLCuponprocessagainstitbeservedSSNYprocessto38ST.APTBROOKLYN,NY,11211.lawfulpurpose.NoticeofFormationof 933 XYZ REALTY LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 08/02/2022. Office location Bronx SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 933 E 217TH ST, BRONX, NY, 10469. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of Night Wolf Studios, LLC filed with SSNY on August 8, 2022. Office: Richmond County. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: 85 Amazon Lane Staten Island, NY 10307. Purpose: General- any lawful act or activity.
Notice of Formation of 6163 SENTINEL ROAD, LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 02/07/2022. Office location New York SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 5 WEST 37TH STREET, 12TH FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY, 10018. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of YANG 56TH STREET LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 08/03/2022. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 901 56TH STREET, 1ST FLOOR, BROOKLYN, NY, 11219. Any lawful purpose.
69PUBLIC and LEGAL NOTICES / CityAndStateNY.comSeptember 5, 2022
Notice of Formation of LEGACY DONUT 157 LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 06/28/22. Office location: NY County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: THE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, 240 WEST 40TH ST., NY, NY 10018. Purpose: any lawful activities.
Notice of Formation of 57 LLC.MANAGEMENTGARAGE
Notice is hereby given that a license, number pending, for beer, wine and liquor has been applied for by the undersigned to sell beer, wine and liquor at retail in a catering establishment under the Alcohol Beverage Control Law at 620 Fifth Avenue, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10020 for onpremises consumption. 620 Venue, L.L.C. 620 Fifth Avenue, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10020
Notice of Formation of LLFP LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 08/08/2022. Office location New York SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 348 WEST 20TH STREET, NEW YORK, NY, 10011. Any purpose.lawful
Musing Studio LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the SSNY on 6/29/22. Office: Kings County. SSNY designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to the LLC, 765 MacDonough St #1C Brooklyn, NY 11233. Purpose: Any lawful purpose.
NoticeAnyPITTSFORD,VICTORPITTSFORD-ROAD,NY,14534.lawfulpurpose.ofFormationof DECP, LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 11216.PARKSSNYagainstupondesg.location:07/05/2022.OfficeKingsSSNYAsagentofLLCwhomprocessitmaybeservedmailprocessto892PL,BROOKLYN,NY,Anylawfulpurpose.
Notice of Formation of CCA The Rise LLC . Arts. of Org. filed with NY Dept. of State: 12/21/20. Office location: NY County. Sec. of State designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served and shall mail process to: c/o Community Preservation Corp., 220 E. 42nd St., 16th Fl., NY, NY 10017, principal business address. Purpose: any lawful activity. Kew ApartmentsGardensLLC . Authority filed SSNY 6/22/21. Office: NY Co. LLC formed DE 6/22/21. Exists in DE: c/o National Registered Agents, Inc., 1209 Orange St., Wilmington, DE 19801. SSNY designated agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served & mail to: 45 Broadway, 25th Fl., NY, NY 10006. Cert of Formation Filed: Secy. of State, Corporation Dept., 401 Federal St., Ste. 4, Dover, DE 19901. General Purpose.
Notice of Formation of UD 46th STREET, LLC filed with SSNY on 04/23/2013. Office: NEW YORK County. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: 212 E 49 TH STREET, NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10017. Purpose: any lawful act or activity.
Notice of Formation of 6157 SENTINEL ROAD, LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 02/10/2022. Office location New York SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 5 WEST 37TH STREET, 12TH FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY, 10018. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of 612 EAST MAIN STREET, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 06/29/2022. Office location: Wayne. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to 1160-A
Notice of Qual. of 87-89 PEARL LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 08/05/2022. Office location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 08/05/2022. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 93 PEARL STREET, , SECOND FLOOR , NEW YORK, NY, 10004. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Qual. of PH WATER STREET LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 08/05/2022. Office location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 08/05/2022. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 93 PEARL STREET, , SECOND FLOOR , NEW YORK, NY, 10004. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of CARE ABOUT MEDICAL, PLLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/26/2022. Office location New York SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 300 PARK AVENUE, SUITE 2501, NEW YORK, NY, UNITED STATES, 10022. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of SAMIRA 0200 LLC filed with SSNY on 8/19/2022 Office: New York county. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: 2075 First Avenue, Apt. 11E New York, NY. 10029 Purpose: any lawful act or activity
Notice of Formation of 825 THIRD AMENITY LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 08/08/2022. Office location New York SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to ONE BRYANT PARK, NEW YORK, NY, 10036. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of 6163 SENTINEL ROAD, LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 02/07/2022. Office location New York SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 5 WEST 37TH STREET, 12TH FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY, 10018. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Qual. of CRESCENDO LLC.MANAGEMENTASSET Auth. filed with SSNY on 08/02/2022. Office location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 06/21/2016. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 501 MADISON AVENUE, 4TH FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY, 10022. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Qual. of AHEAD REALTY LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 08/05/2022. Office location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 08/05/2022. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 93 PEARL STREET, , SECOND FLOOR , NEW YORK, NY, 10004. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Qual. of 262 FIFTH AVENUE PROJECT LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 03/02/2022. Office location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 02/28/2022. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 444 MADISON AVENUE, 6TH FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY, 10022. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of ICHTHYSroe, LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed SSNY on 8/5/22. Office: Richmond Co. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served & mailed to: ICHTHYSroe, LLC, 344 Mountainview Ave, SI NY 10314. Purpose: Any lawful act.
Notice of Formation of JS CONSULTING,YOUNGLLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 07/15/22. Office location: NY County. Princ. office of LLC: 20 E. 9th St., Apt. 14K, NY, NY 10003. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to Jill Young at the princ. office of the LLC. Purpose: Any lawful activity.
Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 08/08/2022. Office location New York SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 90 STATE STREET , SUITE 700, BOX 10, ALBANY, NY, 12207. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of 161 NASSAU LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/26/2022. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 161 NASSAU AVE, BROOKLYN, NY, 11222. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of EDGE LLC.MANAGEMENTNY Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 06/20/2022. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 546 62ND STREET, BROOKLYN, NY, 11220. Any lawful purpose. / PUBLIC and LEGAL NOTICES70 September 5, 2022
Notice of Formation of LMCV INVESTORSEASYKNOCKLLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 08/15/2022. Office location: New York SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to 535 5TH AVENUE, 12TH FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY, 10017. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of Rhinebeck House LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with NY Dept. of State: 3/3/17. Office location: NY County. Sec. of State designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served and shall mail process to: National Corporate Research, Ltd., 10 E. 40th St., 10th Fl., NY, NY 10016. Purpose: any lawful activity. LEGALNOTICES@ CITYANDSTATENY.COM LEGALNOTICES@ CITYANDSTATENY.COM
Notice is hereby given that license number 1349303 for liquor has been applied for by the undersigned to sell liquor at retail in a RESTAURANT-OP 252 under the alcoholic beverage control law at 50 NORTH SEA DR. SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 for consumption. on-premises
Notice of Formation of ARIES BUILDERS / STUDIO WOODMAN, LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/28/2022. Office location New York SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 245 E 19TH STREET, APT 18K, NEW YORK, NY, 10003. Any lawful purpose.
Notice is hereby given that license number 1349613 for LIQUOR has been applied for by the undersigned to sell LIQUOR at retail in a RESTAURANTOP 252 under the alcoholic beverage control law at 895 FULTON ST BROOKLYN, NY 11238 for onpremises consumption. VESSEL NEW YORKINC. 895 FULTON ST BROOKLYN, NY 11238
Notice of Formation of MUTTON HILL AFAB, LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 08/08/2022. Office location Madison SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 3674 MUTTON HILL ROAD, CAZENOVIA, NY, 13035. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of POLAR BRONX BLVD, LLC. Arts .Of Org. filed with SSNY on 08/02/2022. Office location: Bronx SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to 32-57 84TH STREET, G/F, EAST ELMHURST, NY, 11370. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of AKH156 LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 08/03/2022. Office location: New York SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to 156 EAST 62ND, NEW YORK, NY, 10065. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of Stream Valley Irrigation LLC , filed with SSNY on 06/12/2022. Office: New York County. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: 630 west 173 street 4H New York NY 10032. Purpose: any lawful act or activity.
Notice of Formation of 128 E 64th St LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with NY Dept. of State: 8/10/22. Office location: NY County. Sec. of State designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served and shall mail process to: 128 E 64th St LLC, 128 E. 64th St., NY, NY 10065, principal business address. Purpose: all lawful purposes.
SSNY shall mail copy of process to Launddoor LLC: 10279 South 86th Terrace, Apt 308, Palos Hills, IL 60465. Purpose: any lawful act or activity.
Notice of Formation of M1 EAST 13TH STREET LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 09/18/2020. Office location New York SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 125 PARK AVENUE 7TH FLR, NEW YORK, NY, 10017. Any lawful purpose. Notice is hereby given that license number 1349384 for liquor has been applied for by the undersigned to sell liquor at retail in a TAVERN under the alcoholic beverage control law at 228 7TH AVE BROOKLYN, NY 11215 for consumption. on-premises BRBK 228 LLC 228 7TH AVE BROOKLYN, NY 11215
Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 08/10/2022. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 1368 82ND STREET 2ND FLOOR, BROOKLYN, NY, 11228. Any lawful purpose.
NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated March 14, 2022, and entered in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Kings, wherein U.S. BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE TO BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. AS SUCCESSOR TO LASALLE BANK, N.A. AS TRUSTEE FOR THE MERRILL LYNCH FIRST FRANKLIN MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST, MORTGAGE LOAN ASSET-BACKED CERTIFICATES, SERIES 20072 is the Plaintiff and JOYCE NICHOLS, ET AL. are the Defendant(s). I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction RAIN OR SHINE on the COURTHOUSE STEPS OF THE KINGS COUNTY COURTHOUSE, 360 ADAMS STREET, BROOKLYN, NY 11201, on September 22, 2022 at 10:50AM, premises known as 313 TROY AVENUE, BROOKLYN, NY 11213: Block 1401, Lot 8: ALL THAT CERTAIN PLOT, PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND, WITH THE BUILDINGS AND IMPROVEMENTS THEREON ERECTED, SITUATE, LYING AND BEING IN THE COUNTY OF KINGS, BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN, CITY OF NEW YORK AND STATE OF NEW YORK Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment Index # 507432/2014. Joel Abramson, Esq. - Referee. Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid, Crane & Partners, PLLC 900 Merchants Concourse, Suite 310, Westbury, New York 11590, Attorneys for Plaintiff. All foreclosure sales will be conducted in accordance with Covid-19 guidelines including, but not limited to, social distancing and mask wearing. *LOCATION OF SALE SUBJECT TO CHANGE DAY OF IN ACCORDANCE WITH COURT/CLERK DIRECTIVES. Notice of Formation of WISHME, LLC filed with SSNY on April 30, 2022. Office: New York County. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: WISHME STUDIO, 16 MADISON SQ W., 11TH FL, NEW YORK, NY, 10010. Purpose: any lawful act or activity.
Launddoor LLC filed with SSNY on 07/22/2022. Office: New York County. SSNY is designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served.
Homes by Habersang LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with the SSNY on 04/28/22. Office: Schenectady County. SSNY designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to the LLC, [2106 Nott St, Niskayuna, NY 12309]. Purpose: Any lawful purpose.
NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF KINGS DEUTSCHE BANK TRUST COMPANY AMERICAS, AS TRUSTEE FOR ofApplication01-092394-F00Street&LambertEsq.,sale.timepracticesmaskssocialpersonsshtml),Brooklyn,beingerected,andland,plot11230.Avenue,knownatonBrooklyn,360stepsOutsideCountyauctionReferee2020,dulyofPursuantetAGAINST2006-QS8,CERTIFICATESPASS-THROUGHASSET-BACKEDINC.,ACCREDITRESIDENTIALLOANS,MORTGAGESERIESPlaintiffANNEINHORN,al.,Defendant(s)toaJudgmentForeclosureandSaleenteredOctober20,I,theundersignedwillsellatpublicattheKingsSupremeCourt,oncourthouseonAdamsStreet,AdamsStreet,NewYork11201September22,202211:05AM,premisesas100LawrenceBrooklyn,NYAllthatcertainpieceorparcelofwiththebuildingsimprovementssituate,lyingandintheBoroughofCityofNewBLOCK:5422,LOT:Approximateamountjudgment$1,298,720.31interestandcosts.willbesoldtoprovisionsofJudgmentIndexTheauctionbeconductedinwiththeCountyCOVID-19locatedonOfficeofCourt(OCA)(https://ww2.andassuchallmustcomplywithdistancing,wearingandscreeningineffectattheofthisforeclosureJonathanEngel,RefereeFrenkelWeissWeismanGordon,LLP53GibsonBayShore,NY1170672325ofAuthority
Notice of Formation of VASETTA, LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 05/31/2022. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 455 OCEAN PARKWAY, APT 3F, BROOKLYN, NY, 11218. Any ofNoticepurpose.lawfulofFormation HOLDINGS,WASHINGTONLLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 08/03/2022. Office location New York SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 485 LEXINGTON AVENUE, NEW YORK, NY, 1001. Any lawful purpose.
If you do object to any part of the Petition or Motion that accompanies this notice, you must file with the court a written objection describing the legal basis for your objection at least three (3) days before the hearing date or you must appear in person or through an attorney at the time and place set forth in the notice of hearing. There is a FEE for filing a response. If you cannot afford the fee, you may file in advance a Fee Deferral Application to request a payment plan from the Court.
Notice of Formation of THE LOST AND FOUND BK LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 08/19/2022. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 226 CLIFTON PL 3B, BROOKLYN, NY, 11216. Any lawful purpose.
TORTAZO NYC LLC 1441 BROADWAY NEW YORK, NY 10018 Notice of Formation of 1000AGrantAve LLC. Articles of Organization filed with Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 8/3/22. Office location: Bronx County. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: 1000A Grant Ave, Bronx, NY 10456. Purpose: any lawful act or activity.
Thomas Hodges Music LLC, LLC filed with SSNY on August 21, 2022. Office: New York County. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: The Limited Liability Company 611 West 171st St, 1B New York, NY, 10032, USA. Purpose: any lawful act or activity.
2. COURT HEARING. A court hearing has been scheduled to consider the Petition and matters in the court papers as follows::
1. Petition to appoint guardianship 2. Notice of hearing
1. NOTICE IS GIVEN that the Petitioner has filed with the Court the following Petition and other court papers (List the title of the Petition and the titles of all papers you filed with the court):
Notice of Auction Modern Moving Inc. will sell at Public Auction at 3735 Merritt Avenue, Bronx, NY 10466
Notice of Formation of PARQUET MEDICAL, PLLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/26/2022. Office location New York SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 168 CENTRE STREET, NEW YORK, NY, 10013. Any lawful purpose.
[X]Appearance REQUIRED [ ] Non3.AppearanceRESPONSE TO PETITION. You are not required to respond to this Petition, but if you choose to respond, you may do so by filing a written response or by appearing in person at the hearing. If you choose to file a written response:
At 6:00 P.M. on SEPTEMBER 13 TH , 2022 for due and unpaid charges by virtue of lien in accordance with the provisions of the law and with due notice given all parties claiming an interest therein, the time specified In each notice for payment of said charges having expired household furniture & effects, pianos, trunks, cases, TV’s, radios, hifi’s, refrigerators, sewing machines, washers, air conditioners, household furniture Of all descriptions and the contents thereof, stored under the following names:
HON Linda Wallace
Notice of Formation of RED ROVER BK, LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 08/03/2022. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 1008 MANHATTAN AVENUE, #4B, BROOKLYN, NY, 11222. Any lawful purpose. Notice of Qual. of YS 220W42 OWNER LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 08/12/2022. Office location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 02/15/2022. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 1325 AVENUE OF THE AMERICAS, 28TH FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY, 10019. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose.
MSTAR GROUP HOLDING COMPANY LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 04/19/2022. Office location Richmond SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 1324 FOREST AVE, UNIT 194, STATEN ISLAND, NY, 10302. Any lawful purpose.
An important court proceeding that affects your rights has been scheduled. If you do not understand this notice or the other court oaoers, contact an attorney for legal advice.
Notice of Formation of 2921 BRIGHTON 4 LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 06/08/2022. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 35 BRIGHTON 2 PLACE, 4B, BROOKLYN, NY, 11235. Any purpose.lawful Notice is hereby given that license number 1350090 for liquor has been applied for by the undersigned to sell liquor at retail in a CT 246 consumption.for11249BROOKLYN,SOUTHcontrolalcoholicunderESTABLISHMENTCATERINGthebeveragelawat98A4THSTREETNYinKingsCountyon-premises
Notice of Formation of 1950 EAST 4TH STREET, LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/20/2022. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 1946 EAST 4TH STREET, BROOKLYN, NY, 11223. Any lawful purpose.
THIS IS A LEGAL NOTICE. Your rights may be affected. (ESTE ES UN AViSO LEGAL. Sus derechos podrian ser afectados.)
Notice of Formation of New Balab LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with NY Dept. of State: 8/17/22. Office location: NY County. Sec. of State designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served and shall mail process to: Samuel Chenillo, 350 7th Ave., Ste. 1605, NY, NY 10001, principal business address. Purpose: all lawful purposes.
Notice of Formation of KENT AVENUE OWNERS LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 04/20/2021. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 45 BROADWAY, SUITE #1850, NEW YORK, NY, 10006. Any lawful purpose.
Name of Person Filing Document: Mary L Chambers Address: 4448 Verde View Dr City, State, Zip,: Cottonwood, AZ 86326 Telephone Number: 928-202-2632
Notice of Formation of EVERGREEN REAL ESTATE 623 LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 08/10/2022. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 843 52ND STREET APT 4B, BROOKLYN, NY, 11220. Any lawful purpose.
• File the original with the Court; • Provide a copy to the office of the Judicial Officer named above; and • Mail a copy to all interested parties at least five (5) business days before the hearing.
71PUBLIC and LEGAL NOTICES / CityAndStateNY.comSeptember 5, 2022
Notice is hereby given that license number 1349658 for liquor has been applied for by the undersigned to sell liquor at retail in a RESTAURANT under the alcoholic beverage control law at 1441 BROADWAY NEW YORK, NY 10018 in NEW YORK County consumption.on-premisesfor
Attorney Bar Number (if Applicable) Representing [X] Self Without Lawyer or Attorney [] For SUPERIOR COURT OF ARIZONA IN YAVAPAI COUNTY In the Matter of (check one or both) [X] Guardianship [ ] Conservatorship of Skyler D Netecke Case Number: 1300GC202280020 [ ] an A [ ] a Minor NOTICE OF HEARING REGARDING (Check one box) [X]Guardianship [ ] Conservatorship [ ] Guardianship and Conservatorship [ ] Account [ ] Release of Funds
DATE and TIME: Thursday, September 29, 2022 at 2:00 PLACE:PM.2840 N Commonwealth Dr, Camp Verde, AZ JUDGE:86322
Dated Pititioner’sMary(Month/Day/Year)8/26/2022LChampersSignature
LEGALNOTICES@ CITYANDSTATENY.COM LEGALNOTICES@ CITYANDSTATENY.COM Notice of Formation of 6031 SENTINEL ROAD, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY ofNotice10018.FL,37THmailitwhomdesg.location:05/04/2022.OfficeonNewYorkSSNYasagentofLLCuponprocessagainstmaybeserved.SSNYprocessto5WESTSTREET,12THNEWYORK,NY,Anylawfulpurpose.ofFormation
Notice of Qual. of AMERICAN ROBIN CLEAN ENERGY, LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 08/26/2022. Office location: Kings. LLC formed in DE on 08/26/2022. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 370 JAY STREET, 7TH FL, ALBANY, NY, 12201. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose.
Notice is hereby given that license number 1350376 for LIQUOR has been applied for by the undersigned to sell LIQUOR at retail in a OP 252 RESTAURANT under the alcoholic beverage control law at 200 E 3RD STREET NEW YORK, NY 10003 for consumption. on-premises
Notice of Qual. of WINTERGREEN CLEAN ENERGY, LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 08/29/2022. Office location: Kings. LLC formed in DE on 08/26/2022. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 370 JAY STREET, 7TH FL, ALBANY, NY, 12201. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Qual. of VESPER SPARROW CLEAN ENERGY, LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 08/26/2022. Office location: Kings. LLC formed in DE on 08/26/2022. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 370 JAY STREET, 7TH FL, ALBANY, NY, 12201. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of W&F 168 LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 06/23/2022. Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 8212 14TH AVENUE, BROOKLYN, NY, 11228. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of NY HLC LLC . Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/06/2022. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 813 55TH ST FL 3, BROOKYN, NY, 11220. Any lawful purpose.
Notice is hereby given that license number 1350442 for wine/beer has been applied for by the undersigned to sell wine/beer at retail in a Restaurant under the alcoholic beverage control law 250 West 86th Street New York, NY 10024 for onpremises consumption. SOCCER SPACE LLC 250 WEST 86TH STREET NEWNYYORK,10024
Notice of Formation of TELESTAR 311 LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/25/2022. Office location New York SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 1 PELICANS DRIVE, NEWPORT COAST, CA, 92657. Any lawful purpose. / PUBLIC and LEGAL NOTICES72 September 5, 2022
Notice of Formation of LLC.SOLUTIONINGMAGNOLIA Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 08/26/2022. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 6410 15TH AVENUE, BROOKLYN, NY, 11219. Any lawful purpose.
Arts. of Org. of HV MANAGEMENT GROUP, LLC (“LLC”) filed with NY Dept. of State on 08/26/2022. Office location: Rensselaer County. Sec. of State designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served and shall mail process to: 765 WESTERN ROAD, Springs,HighJ.Lawpurposes.Purpose:datedoesbusinessGROUP,LLC,LLC,ON-HUDSON,CASTLETON-NY,12033,HVMANAGEMENTprincipaladdress.LLCnothaveaspecificofdissolution.AlllegalFiler:EdMartin,OfficeofEdwardMartin,PLLC,125RockAve.,SaratogaNY12866.
Notice of Formation of BROADWAYSOLOMONLLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 05/09/2022. Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 4 RALPH AVENUE, BROOKLYN, NY, 11221. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of LEXINGTONSOLOMONLLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 05/09/2022. Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 4 RALPH AVENUE, BROOKLYN, NY, 11221. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Qual. of TEABERRY CLEAN ENERGY, LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 08/26/2022. Office location: Kings. LLC formed in DE on 08/26/2022. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 370 JAY STREET, 7TH FL, ALBANY, NY, 12201. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of MARK BAY LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 02/14/2012. Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 274 49 STREET, SUITE 211, BROOKLYN, NY, 11219. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of BELLA TRUCCO TEAM LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 08/29/2022. Office location Orange SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 53 JAMES CLARK
Notice of Qual. of NHC HUDSON GP LLC Auth. filed with SSNY on 08/23/2022. Office location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 06/17/2022. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 600 MAMARONECK AVENUE #400, HARRISON, NY, 10528. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Qual. of NEW HOLLAND HUDSON FUND L.P.. Auth. filed with SSNY on 08/25/2022. Office location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 06/17/2022. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 600 MAMARONECK AVENUE #400, HARRISON, NY, 10528. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of 42 Distilled Consulting Group LLC. Articles of Organization filed with Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 8/25/22. Office location: New York County. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: 875 W. 181st Street #3L, New York, NY 10033. Purpose: any lawful act or activity.
Notice of Formation of Lady Enterprises,AndersonLLC filed with SSNY on [06/17/2022]. Office: [New York] County. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: [720 Lenox Avenue 26F, NY, NY 10039]. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. Notice of formation of 122 Deer Meadows Road, LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of NY on 8/22/2022. Office location: County of Onondaga. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to: Mark Bethmann C/O BellCornerstone 100 E Seneca St Ste 100 Manlius, NY 13104
GINKA PROPERTIES LLC Auth. filed with SSNY on 08/19/2022. Office location: New York. LLC formed in CO on 06/07/2022. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 257 PARK AVENUE, ASPEN, CO, 81611. Arts. of Org. filed with CO SOS. 1700 Broadway, Suite 550, Denver CO 80290.Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of RESILIENT BY ALANA LLC . Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 08/29/2022. Office location: Richmond SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to 60 LONGVIEW ROAD, STATEN ISLAND, NY, 10304. Any lawful purpose.
Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 08/30/2022. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 128 E 94TH ST, BROOKLYN, NY, 11212. Any lawful purpose.
Notice10940.MIDDLETOWN,DRIVE,NY,Anylawfulpurpose.ofQual.of CHICKADEE CLEAN ENERGY, LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 08/26/2022. Office location: Kings. LLC formed in DE on 08/26/2022. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 370 JAY STREET, 7TH FL, ALBANY, NY, 12201. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of TK1 56 ST LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on ofNoticeAnyNEWtoSSNYagainstupondesg.location:04/21/2022.OfficeNewYorkSSNYasagentofLLCwhomprocessitmaybeserved.mailprocess42W56THST1FL,YORK,NY,10019.lawfulpurpose.ofFormation 188 CONSELYEA ST., LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY NoticeAnyBROOKLYN,CONSELYEAmailmaywhomdesg.location:06/29/2022.OfficeonKingsSSNYAsagentofLLCuponprocessagainstitbeservedSSNYprocessto188STREET,NY,11211.lawfulpurpose.ofQual.of
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Section 402 of the Abandoned Property Law of the State of New York that: a) A report of unclaimed amounts of money or other property held or owing will be made to the Comptroller of the State of New York pursuant to the Comptroller of the State of New York, and that a listing of names of the persons appearing from the records of such corporation to be entitled thereto is on file and open to public inspection at its principal office or place of business located at 33 Stearns Street, Massena, NY 13662 where any such property is payable; b) such deposits, payments and refunds, together with interest due thereon and less lawful deductions, will be paid by it on or before the succeeding thirtieth day of September to persons establishing to its satisfaction their right to receive the same; and c) in the succeeding month of October, and on or before the tenth day thereof, such unclaimed deposits, payments and refunds, together with interest due thereon and less lawful deductions, still remaining will be paid to the Comptroller of the State of New York, and that it shall thereupon cease to be liable therefore. St. Lawrence Gas Corp. 33 Stearns Street, Massena, NY 13662
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that you have the right to be represented by a lawyer, and if the Court finds that you are unable to pay for a lawyer, you have the right to have a lawyer assigned by the PLEASECourt. TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that upon failure of the person summoned to appear, all of his or her parental rights to the children may be terminated; PLEASEand TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that his or her failure to appear shall constitute a denial of his or her interest in the children, which denial may result, without further notice, in the transfer of the commitment of the children’s care, custody or guardianship, or in the children’s adoption in this or subsequentany proceeding in which such care, custody and guardianship or adoption may be at issue
73PUBLIC and LEGAL NOTICES / CityAndStateNY.comSeptember 5, 2022
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that if guardianship and custody of said children are committed to the petitioning agency, THE NEW YORK FOUNDLING, said children may be adopted with consent of said petitioning agency without your consent or further notice to you.
Public Notice NOTICE OF NAMES OF PERSONS APPEARING AS OWNERS OF CERTAINPROPERTYUNCLAIMEDHELDBY FEDEX EMPLOYEES CREDIT ASSOCIATION. The persons whose names and last known addresses are set forth below appear from the records of the ofpropertyentitledcompanyabove-namedtobetoabandonedinamountsfiftydollarsormore:
Dated: Queens, New York By Order of the Court August 30, 2022 /s/ Clerk of the Family Court
Shvonne McHugh 664 Dryden St Westbury, NY 11590 Janice Novak 79 Altamont Voorheesville,RdNY 12186 Kelly Pietrzkowski 43 Priscilla Ln Lockport, NY 14094 David Punzi 1018 Donna Ct Baldwin, NY 11510 Honie Reisman 3392 Bay Front Pl Baldwin, NY 11510
John PamelaStylesStyles 2539 Ramona St East Meadow, NY 11554
Notice of Formation of Limited Liability Company (LLC) - name: Hibza Capital, LLC. Articles of Organization filed with Secretary of State of New York(SSNY) on September 28, 2021. Office Location: Wayne County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 654 Autumn Breeze Ln, Ontario, NY 14519. Purpose: any lawful activities.
Part 5, Honorable Joan L. Piccirillo, at 151-20 Jamaica Avenue, Jamaica, New York, 11432 on October 26, 2022 at 12:15 PM in the forenoon of said day to SHOW CAUSE why the Court should not enter and Order committing the guardianship and custody of said children to the petitioning agency as provided by law.
FAMILY COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK CITY OF NEW YORK: COUNTY OF QUEENS ------------------------X Docket Nos.: B-3680-81/22 In the Matter of the Commitment of Guardianship and Custody of AALIYAH NOEL HARDY also known as SUMMONS AALIYAH HARDY JAMAR MARCELL HARDY also known as JAMAR ChildrenHARDYUnder the Age of Eighteen Youhereto:FOUNDLING;theNEWtheAADDRESS:TO:NEWIN---------------------------------------------------------XYearsTHENAMEOFTHEPEOPLEOFTHESTATEOFYORK:YULHARDYUnknownPetitionhavingbeenfiledinthisCourt,allegingthatabove-namedchildren,inthecareofTHEYORKFOUNDLING,shouldbecommittedtoguardianshipandcustodyofTHENEWYORKacopyofthepetitionbeingannexedareherebysummonedtoappearbeforethecourt,
Notice of Formation of ABA SACK WERN MANAGER LLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 08/24/22. Office location: NY County. Princ. office of LLC: 7 Penn Plaza, Ste. 600, NY, NY 10001. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC at the addr. of its princ. office. Purpose: Any lawful activity. Notice of Formation of ABA SACK WERN LLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 08/24/22. Office location: NY County. Princ. office of LLC: 7 Penn Plaza, Ste. 600, NY, NY 10001. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC at the addr. of its princ. office. Purpose: Any lawful activity.
Gerard Hickey 225 Marshall Ave West Hempstead, NY 11552
Harry Shum 585 Gifford Ave Oceanside, NY 11572
Arts of Org filed with Secy of State of NY (SSNY) on 8/29/22. Office location: NY County. SSNY designated as agent upon whom process may be served and shall mail copy of process against LLC to: 384 Grand St., Store #3, NY, NY 10002. Purpose: any lawful act.
Notice of Formation of ANDREW LOUIS GUITAR LLC , filed with SSNY on 07/12/2022. Office: NEW YORK County. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: 7014 13TH AVENUE, SUITE 202 BROOKLYN, NY, 11228. Purpose: any lawful act or activity.
Notice of formation of
Vol. 11 Issue 34 September 5, 2022 Cover illustration:
“It’s never been about rules. It’s never been about transparency,” The Brooklyn Democratic leader said in July about the reformers in the New Kings Democrats who oppose her. “It’s always been about power.” Well, real recognize real in Brooklyn. Her party held a quiet meeting last week to change the rules, reduce transparency and make it easier to maintain power.
The New York City Department of Correction commissioner’s staff was again accused of negligence that led to the death of the 13th inmate on Rikers Island this year. Two correc tion officers and a captain allegedly watched Michael Nieves, a man with a history of mental illness, bleed for 10 minutes after he slit his throat with a razor. The captain and guards were suspended and the incident is under investigation, Molina said. LOSERS

WINNERS & LOSERS is published every Friday morning in City & State’s First Read email. Sign up for the email, cast your vote and see who won at
After beating the No. 2 seeded Anett Kontaveit in the second round of the U.S. Open, Serena Williams told an interviewer, in the understatement of the century: “I’m a pretty good player.” If only we could see more of that kind of modesty in New York politics! We can’t go a half hour without Eric Adams declaring himself the face of the Democratic Party. If only, instead of running for president, Bill de Blasio had said, “I’m a pretty good mayor.” Modesty or no modesty, last week we were all winners watching Serena play.
A year ago, limo company operator Nauman Hussain pleaded guilty to 20 counts of criminally negligent homicide. As part of the plea, Hussain would not see any jail time. But now, a state judge has thrown out the deal and suggested that Hussain should face up to four years in prison.
down last
CITY & STATE NEW YORK (ISSN 2474-4107) is published weekly, 48 times a year except for the four weeks containing New Year’s Day, July 4th, Thanksgiving and Christmas by City & State NY, LLC, 61 Broadway, Suite 1315, New York, NY 100062763. Periodicals postage paid at New York, NY and at additional mailing offices.
There’s a new face helming New York’s highest court. Associate Judge Anthony Cannataro was designated to serve as the acting chief judge in place of Janet DiFiore, who stepped down after six years in the role. Temporary or not, it’s no easy position to lead the entire state court system. September 5, 202274
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Publisher & General Manager Tom Allon tallon@, Vice President of Operations Jasmin Freeman, Director, Editorial Expansion Jon Lentz, Comptroller David Pirozzi, Business & Operations Manager Patrea Patterson, Media & Event Sales Coordinator Sarah Banducci
Despite striking a hard-fought deal with New York City last fall on debt relief for taxi medallion owners, it wasn’t until this month that the program finally got up and running. Despite the delay, the New York Taxi Workers Alliance’s Bhairavi Desai celebrated an updated agreement with the city last week.
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor rejected the NYPD detective’s request to halt the city’s vaccine mandate for municipal workers, marking another loss for Anthony Marciano in his monthslong legal battle.
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Who was up and
Join us for a full-day of discussions that dissect the biggest infrastructure issues, including funding for repairs, use of MWBEs, policy recommendations, and where the city and state has seen its biggest successes and shortcomings. September 29, 2022 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM Museum of Jewish Heritage 36 Battery Place, New York, NY 10280 For more information on programming and sponsorship opportunities, please contact Lissa Blake at &! Panel Topics Include: • Design & Construction in a Post-Pandemic Era • Rethinking New York’s Transportation Systems • Innovation in NY Rebuilding: Construction, Development & Workforce • The Public-Private Partnerships Bringing Projects to Life in New York SPONSORS: NEWDATAMINRYORK ASSOCIATESPATRICKGLOBALCITRONDAVIDOFFSYSTEMSCUBICCOZENCAPALINOCONGRESSBUILDINGA&SREBARO’CONNORTRANSPORTATIONHUTCHERSTRATEGYGROUPB.JENKINS& KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Maria Torres-Springer, New York City Deputy Mayor for Economic & Workforce Development CDWTRUSTTDHOLTAIRBNBBTEAT-MOBILENYSPSPBERKELEYTRANSITWIRELESSSTROOCKCOLLEGECONSTRUCTIONBANKFORPUBLICLAND