Rep. Adriano Espaillat is the undisputed leader in his district, but it hasn't come easy.

The at Espinal
Antigua, Senior VP, for being acknowledged in City & State’s 2022 Power of Diversity: Latino 100. NYC 11 Park Place New York, NY 212-431-474810007 ALBANY 146 State Street, Albany, NY 518-462-462012207 WASHINGTON DC 1450 G. Street NW Washington, DC 20005 We are proud of the dedication and commitment you all show to your respective communities and unprecedented work as advocates for Latinos in New York. Your leadership and perseverance to increase equitable and inclusive representation across government is invaluable to our City and State. BSJ is fortunate to have colleagues with such a unique perspective on how to best support our communities and clients across NYS.
If you wish to contact Teresa Gonzalez, Prisca Salazar-Rodriguez, Keyla Antigua, or any of our outstanding team members, please visit: www.boltonstjohns.com

Bolton-St. Johns congratulates our colleagues and friends, Teresa Gonzalez, Partner, Prisca Salazar-Rodriguez, Partner, and Keyla

RALPH Editor-in-chief


IMAGESARRIENS/NURPHOTO/GETTYJAAPORTEGA;R.RALPH FIRST READ … 4 The week that was NYC TEACHERS … 8 Deciding whether to return to the classroom MISINFORMATION … 12 It’s flourishing in Spanish on social media ADRIANO ESPAILLAT … 16 How he’s built a Dominican political empire POWER OF DIVERSITY: LATINO 100 … 23 Latinos making significant breakthroughs WINNERS & LOSERS … 62 Who was up and who was down last week
LEADING UP TO THIS YEAR’S OBSERVANCE OF THE 9/11 terrorist attacks was the closing of the 9/11 Tribute Museum just south of the World Trade Center site. I wish I had visited the space, but after reporting on this tragic event, I found myself hesitating. I also have not yet visited the nearby 9/11 Memorial Museum.
3September 12, 2022 City & State New York
Many of the museum’s exhibits will be displayed at the New York State Museum in Albany, and others are going to smaller venues. Photos are being returned to more than 500 people who lost someone in the attacks. I’ve interviewed family members and friends who covet these images, and the emotions are hard to process for all, including me. That’s why I shied away from visiting the museum. Now with the museum gone, I find myself regretting that I didn’t push myself. It was an opportunity to honor, and to always remember.
The 9/11 Tribute Museum is now online only. The museum had been in its physical loca tion since 2017, and, aside from its exhibits, it was best known for its walking tours and discussions led by survivors and family members. It had been averaging 300,000 visi tors annually before the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the shutdown took its toll on the museum, reducing the number of annual visitors to about 26,000 in 2021. “It’s really unfor tunate, the overhead of the space we occupy is really unsustainable,” museum co-founder Jennifer Adams-Webb told the Daily News last month before the closure.
– state Republican Party Chair Nick Langworthy, on the gubernatorial race between Gov. Kathy Hochul and Rep. Lee Zeldin, via the New York Post

Queen Elizabeth II, who was the longest-reigning British monarch, died last week at age 96 after ruling for 70 years. She was coronated in the aftermath of World War II when Winston Churchill was still the prime minister and helped usher the country through the Cold War and tragedies like the death of Princess Diana. So what’s the local angle? A number of New York politicians and organizations tweeted about her death, even when there was no reason to do so.hours,anguishedannouncementCharlesandhiswife,cameafterofseveralfollowinglunchtimestatementthepalacethatqueenbeenplacedundermedicalsupervision.FamilymembersrushedsideBalmoralCastle,suggestingthiswasnoordinarymedicalcrisisthatwasnear.Newsthequeen’sbe-circulatingasParliamentwasdebatinganemergencyaidpack-agetoprotectBritonsfromhugeincreasesandelectricityseniorperedherear,Ms.Trussrosetothechamber.Hourslater,cladinblack,emergedfromDowningStreetpaytribute.“QueenElizabethIIwaswhichmodernwasMs.Trusssaid.wasveryspiritBritain,andthatspiritendure.”Ms.Trussconcludedbyswearingtytothemonarch,disclosingfirsttimebeasKingCharles,ratherthanbyanothername,asamonarch’sprerogative.“Godking,”Ms.newkingsaidstate-“Wemournprofoundlythepassingofcherishedsovereignandmother.herlossbedeeplythroughoutthecountry,theandCommonwealth,andcountlesspeoplearoundtheworld.”Tributespouredinworld.Bi-denhiswife,Jill,instatementthatthewas“thefirstBritishtopeopleallaroundtheworldcouldfeelapersonalandimmediate sover-eignoftheworld’smostimportantconstitutionalmonarchy,thestoriedroyalandofcontinuitystorm-country.Havingagedfromawkward,self-doubtingyoungmanintoanunhappymiddle-agedhusband,Charleshasbecome,at73,aself-assured,gray-hairedeminence,steepedcauseslikeclimatechangeenvironmentalpro-tection,whichwereoncequirkybutseempeculiarlysync
CityAndStateNY.com4 September 12, 2022
C M Y K Nxxx,2022-09-09,A,001,Bs-4C,E1 Through seven decades on the throne, Queen Elizabeth II an enduring presence, one who remained determinedly committed to the hallmark aloofness, formality and pageantry of the monarchy. Her reign survived tectonic shifts in Britain’s post-imperial society as well as challenges posed by the marriages and missteps her descendants. many ways, was an accidental reign. the abdication her uncle, King Edward VIII, that her in direct line of succession. When father, King George VI, died, she 25. Some predicted that she would recede into the shadows after the death in April 2021 of Prince Philip, her husband 73 years. However, she surprised many by re-emerging into public life. OBITUARY, SPECIAL SECTION QUEEN AND SPIRIT OF BRITAIN Elizabeth II, Whose 7-Decade Reign Linked Generations, Dies at 96 MUMBY/INDIGO, The Steady Hand of a Nation LONDON — Queen Elizabeth II, whose seven-decade reign made her only sovereign most Britons had ever known, died Thursday at summer estate in Scotland, thrusting a bereaved country momentous transition timeofpolitical economic upheaval. The queen’s death at Balmoral Castle, announced BuckingPalace at 6:30 elevated hereldestson heir,Charles,to the Britain’s king since 1952, taking the King CharlesvisiblyIII.frail, having survived multiple scares, queen had the twilight of her reign some years. But news deathstill a thunderclap across the British realm, where the queen was revered figure and anchor of stability.Initself, the queen’s death watershed moment.timeof uncertainty Britain. A prime minister,LizTruss, beeninoffor only three days, following months of political turmoil in the British government. The country faces gravesteconomicthreats in generation, besieged inflasoaring energy and the specter prolonged recession. The Elizabeth motion transition complicated than any change in primeministers.Itwill meticuchoreographed its ritubut what kind monarchy will produce mystery. At Charles oldest person come monarch in British history — familiar figure, sure — one who clear wants to the nature the royal family. “The Queen died peacefully Balmoral afternoon,” palace in a stark, two-line stateaffixed to the gate of Buckingham Palace. “The KingQueen Consort remain at Balmoral this evening and return to London tomorrow,” it said, ferring

“There’s a whole lot of Democrats that want to declare this race dead and over with – but they ain’t seen nothing yet.”
A Country in Turmoil Enters a Period of Mourning and Transition Outside Buckingham Palace on Thursday after the queen’s death. Continued PageA9 LANDLER gest-ever rate increase of threequarters percentage point. the same it acknowledgedinvasion and the continuing effectscountriesthe Global Economic Shock Waves Pose the Gravest Risk to Europe PATRICIA COHEN LONDON Never, perhaps, has an heir more ready for theCharles,crown. eldestsonofQueen Elizabeth man king, acceded to the throne Thursday after being the designated successor for longer than anyone in the history the monarchy. King Charles III, he will become
tests until Sept. 2 – over two weeks after officials became aware of the results. In the days since, questions have circulated over the city’s response. New York City Mayor Eric Adams showed up at the complex with bottled water in tow, pledging

At a New York City Hous ing Authority development on the Lower East Side, testing found arsenic in the water that made it unsafe to drink. Jacob Riis Houses residents weren’t made aware of the

with Charles enjoy respect or affection showon his another question. Thrust the throne at25,ElizabethreignedforlongerthanBritonsalive,anchoringhercountrywithstoic dignity made a turbulent passage globe-spanning empire EuropeanreluctantmemberUniontoanuncertainafterBrexit.Charles’sjourneyperhapsinevitably,lessacclaimed.Hisfoiblesandwerecilesslydissectedthenewsme-dia;hispethobbies,fromarchi-tecturecriticismtoorganicing,frequentlymocked;hismarriagetoDiana,PrincessCharles, Long in the Wings, Ascends a Throne He Was Born To MARK LANDLER From Awkward Prince to Self-Assured King Continued on PageA10 Trump and some of his trying to overturn the Trump Fund-Raising After Loss Is Investigated by Justice Dept. as that of the litigationentirewill Oberlin Will Pay $36 Million To Bakery Over Racism Claim ANEMONA HARTOCOLLIS L Edition VOL. CLXXI No. 59,541 The Company NEW YORK, FRIDAY SEPTEMBER9, 2022 plenty of sunshine, warm afternoon, high 82. clear seasonable temperatures, low Tomorrow, warm day, high 84. Weather map, Page B10. 3.00
to produce a thorough report on how his office handled its knowledge of the arsenic-laden water. He has issued statements repeatedly since, claiming that additional testing no longer showed any traces of the arsenic. Still, concerns remain for the
Gov. Kathy announcementHochul’sthat riders will no longer be required to wear masks on public transit invoked strong responses – especially when a new sign debuted in the subway donning the Metropolitan Transporta tion Authority’s trademark yellow. The sign – posted to inform New Yorkers about the new policy –urged riders to respect people who wear masks and those who do not, and joked “you do you” for someone who wears a mask incorrectly. The signage invoked a slew of memes and had many health experts and New Yorkers saying that it undermined the MTA’s earlier messaging. Masks will also no longer be required in homeless shel ters, correctional facilities and detention centers. Hochul said lifting the mask mandate will restore some normalcy to the state and that the decision was made based on a stabilization of COVID-19 cases. Still, while the formal go-ahead is fresh, it should be noted that the number of people wearing
– New York City schools Chancellor David Banks, via amNewYork

roughly 2,600 residents. NYCHA was flushing the Jacob Riis Houses’ taps prior to administering the tests that haven’t measured additional arsenic, leading some to question whether this strategy prevents officials from determining the true scope of the issue.
“So, sorry kids! No more snow days, but it’s going to be good for you!”
Portable water stations were setup outside the Jacob Riis Houses on the Lower East Side after arsenic was discovered in the drinking water.
“I want to extend my sincer est congratulations to John Zac caro for his nomination to serve the 80th Assembly District,” Fernandez said as part of a lon ger statement released Wednes day morning. “John has been a tremendous community part ner to me over the years, and I know he is the best candidate to serve the people of this district.”
This isn’t his first run for office. Zaccaro failed to unseat District Leader Marcos Sierra in 2020, despite having the en dorsement of the Bronx Demo cratic Party. But he’s not a “nepo baby.” John D. Zaccaro is not related to former Rep. Geraldine Ferraro, whose husband and son are named John A. Zaccaro.
masks on public transit has decreased over the summer.
Be on the lookout for congressionalinteresting races on Long Island and in the Hudson Valley, plus a toss-up in the 22nd District for Syracuse and Utica.
Adams to restore school budget cuts and those efforts, including a pending lawsuit that would force the city to restore the funding, are likely to stretch well into the new school year. Banks also announced earlier in the week that an additional 850 new school safety agents will be brought into schools along with bolstered active shooter training for principals as well as a new messaging system to let families know about any Meanwhile,emergencies.atthetailend of a long first day, teachers and education advocacy groups got some long-awaited news: After months of suspense, Hochul signed legislation that will impose stricter limits on class sizes in New York City schools starting in 2023, despite opposition from Adams who said it would be expensive to implement.
5City & State New YorkSeptember 12, 2022
City & State New York hosts the Future of Work Summit at the Museum of Jewish Heritage in Manhattan, featuring New York City Deputy Mayor Sheena Wright as the keynote speaker.
Zaccaro worked on Fernan dez’s state Senate campaign and was building up support to succeed her among coun ty committee members and Bronx power brokers. Fer nandez is personally close to Bravo, but she was support ive of Zaccaro and his be hind-the-scenes campaign.
Roughly 900,000 New York City public school students returned to class on Thursday after summer break. The day marked a pivotal moment – not only did buildings open this year with no COVID-19 restrictions, it’s also the first time that New York City Mayor Eric Adams and schools Chancellor David Banks have presided over a full school year since taking office. They’ve already outlined their visions and goals for the nation’s largest school district, emphasizing that one of their top priorities is to improve literacy instruction. Many teachers and students are hopeful for a return to normalcy, rapid recovery and a smooth experience that’ll attract more families. Parents and educators are still urging
New York City Mayor Eric Adams traveled around the city on the first day of school and welcomed students back to class.

Zaccaro, who is of Puerto Rican, Colombian and Italian descent, is the longtime chief of staff to New York City Coun cil Member Rafael Salaman ca Jr. He previously worked in intergovernmental affairs for the New York City De partment of Education and got into politics as a 20-year-old backing former Council Mem ber Fernando Cabrera’s first run for office. He then worked for Cabrera in the council.
be a great Assembly member.”
– Jeff Coltin
“John knows the area, he knows the district, and he’s seasoned enough to succeed Nathalia,” said former Assem bly Member Mark Gjonaj, who represented the district from 2013 to 2017. “I think he will
John Zaccaro Jr. likely heading to the Assembly
City & State New York hosts the Pathways to a Clean Future forum at the Albany Capital Center, featuring state Sen. Kevin Parker and others.
The vote Tuesday night among county committee mem bers was unanimous. Other potential candidates – Ischia Bravo and Bharati Kemraj, as The Bronx Times reported –declined to put their names forward, knowing that Zaccaro had secured the votes. A former district leader, Irene Estra da, did put her name forward but failed to get a second.
This is the final deadline for the state Board of Elections to certify the ballot for the general election, setting the stage for competitive races in November.
At 33 years old, Zaccaro is all but guaranteed to win in November and be sworn in as a legislator in January to represent the East Bronx district that in cludes neighborhoods like Pel ham Parkway, Morris Park and Norwood. He’ll face Republican Phyllis “Tiz” Nastasio, a Catho lic school teacher, in November.
Nice way to get an Assem bly seat! Bronx Democratic Party insiders are giving John Zaccaro Jr. their line in As sembly District 80, replacing Assembly Member Nathalia Fernandez on the ballot after she won the Democratic pri mary to succeed Alessandra Biaggi in the state Senate.
WITH REPUBLICAN Kari Lake, a former local TV anchor, gaining the party’s guberna torial nomination in Arizona, Columbia Journalism Review looked at other local news anchors who’ve run for office. In New York, CJR wrote about Rachel Barnhart, who was an anchor in Rochester and lost a
New York City public advocate (2019) and state Senate (2022)
The Republican former Newsmax host is taking on Chuck Schumer, so he may not have much of a chance this year, and in 2018, he lost an Assembly race to Nader Sayegh in Yonkers.
U.S. Senate Newsmax
For about seven years, Rich Funke was a lead evening news anchor in Rochester before retiring in 2012. About two years later, he won a state Senate seat and served three terms.

21st Congressional District (2018)
The former CNBC anchor switched from Republican to Democrat to challenge Rep. Alex andria Ocasio-Cortez. That didn’t go well, and a run for comptroller didn’t fare much better.

While Mimi Rocah had a long legal career as an assistant U.S. attorney, voters got to know her better as an legal analyst talking about the Mueller investigation.

CityAndStateNY.com September 12, 20226
Westchester County district attorney (2020)
14th Congressional District (2020) and NYC comptroller (2021)
10th Congressional District (2022)
Former Westchester County executive (2010-2017)
She reported for The Young Turks, but she finished 11th in the public advocate special election and dropped out of her state Senate race.
In all likelihood, Dan Goldman is headed to Congress. It didn’t hurt the former legal analyst that Trump was in big trouble over classified documents in the final weeks of his primary campaign.


By HolmbergEric
2018 Democratic congressional primary but is now a county legislator. Kristen Browde, a longtime TV reporter in the state, narrowly lost to Assembly Member Chris Burdick in a 2020 Democratic primary. Here are just a few of the local and national media figures who’ve jumped into politics.
News10NBC Rochester 1050 AM, WFAS, CNN
Former state senator (20152020)

The former host of “Fast Money” and host of “The Dylan Ratigan Show” didn’t get good ratings among congressional voters in the 2018 Democratic primary.

Rob Astorino was a radio and TV reporter and anchor at various local stations, as well as a politician. He was a former Westchester County executive and was also a CNN contributor.

MAYA WILEY New York City mayor (2021) Maya Wiley led the New York City Civilian Complaint Review Board and worked at The New School, but many Democratic voters in the city first saw her on MSNBC as a legal analyst.

What happened at Riis is unconscionable. We still don’t have answers from the city about what happened.
Do you see broadband access empowering NYCHA residents to better deal with
We launched the program earlier this year. We’ve signed up a tremendous amount of NYCHA residents in my district for the program. Basically, the program helps reduce the cost of broadband so it’s essentially free. We negotiated with Spectrum and Verizon a high connectivity, low cost plan and paired it with the federal Affordable Connectivity Program, which provides a subsidy
to cover the cost. Together that brings the cost to zero for residents. We’ve had incredible enthusiasm in my district among our NYCHA residents about this, so it’s very exciting. We’ve done numerous events to sign people up.
social media would have helped. To me, having WiFi is something that every New Yorker should have. It shouldn’t even be like a question of people not having access to it.
Obviously, I think the cuts should be restored. I wish this had been addressed months ago, because a new school year has started and this issue is still unresolved, which is unfortunate. And it absolutely should be resolved.
I went back to commissioners.thefor,That’sConnectivityaboutaboutneedbecauseJessicaCommission)(Federalaremembers.workandwithprofitSuperhighway,Educationanot-for-thatweworkedontheprogram,they’regoingtowith10councilAndwealsosendingalettertoCommunicationsChairRosenworcelwefeelwetodoalotmoreraisingawarenesstheAffordableProgram.whattheletterisandwe’resendingsametothe
Where do you stand on starting a new school year with the budget cuts made by the Adams administration not yet restored?

the problems that have plagued public housing, like the discovery of arsenic in the Jacob Riis Houses’ drinking water? What happened at Riis is unconscionable. We still don’t have answers from the city about what happened. When did it happen? When did they do the testing? When were people notified? The fact that residents are largely being kept in the dark is incredibly anxietyprovoking. Arsenic is really dangerous and it’s incredibly anxietyprovoking to not know and have this accessessentiallydisseminated.informationHavingfreeWi-Fitotheinternetand
We did a briefing along with Workers(CommunicationstheofAmerica) for other council members and elected officials. As a result of that, a number of council members reached out to me who wanted to replicate what we did in our district. So,
– Ralph R. Ortega
How is the rollout of the Wi-Fi access program spearheadedyou at two New York City Housing Authority comingCouncilcomplexesapartmentinCityDistrict5along?
A Q&A with New York City Council Member The City University of New York is proud to congratulate Chancellor Félix V. Matos Rodríguez on being named to City & State’s Power of LatinoDiversity:100 September 12, 2022
Are you looking to expand the program to other buildings?NYCHA


CityAndStateNY.com8 September 12, 2022 NYCabsencetookwhileindecidedDeirdreschoolElementaryteacherLevy,left,tostaytheclassroom,LiatOlenickaleaveoffromschools.

Three New York City teachers talk about how they approached the new school year.

9City & State New YorkSeptember 12, 2022
N SEPT. 8, nearly a million New York City public school students pushed supplies into their bags, slung backpacks over their shoulders and boarded buses, trains and cars that car ried them toward a new school year. Though many have faced a challenging two and a half years during the COVID‑19 pandemic, they and their families can be sure of at least one constant: teachers were waiting to welcome them back.
Another school year is beginning – one that poses new and long standing difficul ties. A battle over school budget cuts has persisted through the summer, compli cating principals’ ability to make plans for the year. New York City schools have also rolled back many pandemic era policies, such as ending random COVID 19 testing and mandating masks. Student enrollment at K 12 schools, as reported by Chalkbeat New York, has also declined about 9.5% in the past two and a half years, which has prompted questions about how funding should be tied to the number of students in the future. Some of the children return
New York City’s educators have been at the forefront of the many changes that have swept through the nation’s largest school district during the pandemic. They’ve pre sided over prolonged classroom closures, implemented remote instruction and piv oted back to in person, navigated staffing shortages, supported vulnerable students and have put their own mental and physical health on the line to do so. Some have even lost colleagues and friends to the virus.
By DonaldsonSahalie
As for what comes next, Olenick said she was excited to spend time with her baby and have more time to work on climate organiz ing – another one of her passions. Still, she acknowledged that the classroom will likely always call to her in some capacity.
spoke with three New York City teachers about how their recent expe riences have shaped their choices and per spectives.
New York City teachers are certainly not a monolith, and many of their feelings heading into the new year are complex. They’ve experienced a myriad of grief, de termination, burnout, hope, frustration, fear and, perhaps above all else, an un bowed belief in public education at its best. Some teachers have left their posts to pur sue other jobs, heal or attend to other mat ters. Other educators have forged ahead, doing as they always have; adapting, pivot ing – making the best of the cards they’ve beenCityhanded.&State
But after about 11 years of teaching, Ole nick was not among the ranks of teachers returning to school this fall. She decided to take a leave of absence. It was a very diffi cult decision to step away – one she made this summer after giving birth and con sidering her own health. Olenick received an emergency liver transplant when she was 19. As an immunocompromised trans plant recipient and new parent, she said the risk felt too great given the rolled back COVID 19 rules and class sizes that have returned to pre-pandemic sizes.
This is one of the things that the special education teacher said she did to feel more in control as she battled feelings of intense isolation during those early months.
“But it’s not what should be happening right now,” Mulgrew said. “We are finally back to some sort of normal and there’s a lot of work that has to be done. We know from the last two years, and especially from last year, how much damage has hap pened. Yet, again we’ve left every school to come up with their own plan.”
“Ultimately the most important thing is relationships and making learning mean ingful and joyful for kids,” she said. “In every context I worked in throughout COVID, I felt like the experience of this roller coaster reaffirmed that for me.”
She described it as a tumultuous time. Levy and her partner, who she was set to marry, had broken up before they realized the pandemic was serious, and she had just declared her candidacy for City Council District 35. Her colleague and longtime mentor was also the first Department of Education teacher to die from the virus. Still, she pushed forward, doing her best to balance helping others with self care.
“I don’t want to be scared at work,” she said, adding that she wished there were more exceptions this year for high-risk teachers, students and their families.

“I’m a lifelong educator. Once an edu cator, always an educator,” Olenick said. “I definitely think that in some capaci ty, I’ll work in education again. … I hope I can return to my school next year but I will just need to see how things are. Maybe they’ll come up with a universal vaccine. Wouldn’t that be amazing?”
CityAndStateNY.com10 September 12, 2022
During a Thursday morning press con ference outside of P.S. 51 in Hell’s Kitchen, United Federation of Teachers President Michael Mulgrew acknowledged that New York City wasn’t exempt from the teacher shortage currently impacting parts of the country, as it has become increasingly dif ficult to attract and retain enough teachers, especially those who work in special edu cation and English-language learner pro grams. As for the educators who’ve been “excessed” – a term for being let go and placed into a districtwide hiring pool – due to decreased school funding, Mulgrew said about 1,000 teachers are currently without school placements. The teachers union will start connecting those educators with open positions in the next couple of weeks.
Regardless of whether school was held remotely or in-person, Fridays were for dancing in Liat Olenick’s classroom. Near ly every week in the previous school year, the 36-year-old Park Slope teacher would play Kidz Bop renditions of popular songs in the hope of building community and her second graders’ social skills.
In the months leading up to this school year, Levy – now entering her 10th year of teaching – said the city’s millions of dollars in budget cuts have challenged planning. At least 10 of her colleagues, in cluding the principal and school guidance counselor were either excessed or resigned last month. As a special education teach
These two things were recurring themes she pulled from her teaching arsenal throughout the pandemic, whether it was incorporating dancing, talking about ecolo gy on walks to the parks, or leading art proj ects and science experiments over Zoom while teaching pre-K during the 2020-2021 school year. The remote teaching experi ence, she said, was especially rewarding because it gave her the chance to introduce young children to education in a positive way despite the stressful and scary time.
After schools went remote in the spring of 2020, Deirdre Levy worked to develop a coloring book about hope and recovery so she could deliver it to her students and oth er members of her community in Brooklyn.
ing to class may have experienced the loss of loved ones, food insecurity and mental health challenges during the pandemic.
New York City students made it through two very pandemicchallengingyears.
Annie Tan remembers being shaken to her very core when she heard that fellow New York City teacher Kimarlee Nguyen had died from COVID-19. It was April 2020 – a time where fear and uncertainty sweltered the city like a bed of smoke – and Tan saw
Tan applauded her colleagues who are continuing to teach and she’s hopeful that with time, she’ll be able to rejoin them. Until then, she’ll reflect as she reconnects with her creative spirit – and finishes her book. ■
er, Levy said her biggest concern was about class sizes, as it seemed that hers may go up, but she’ll have to wait and see.
strong parallels between herself and Nguy en. Though they hadn’t been personally acquainted, they were both Asian Ameri can women in their early 30s, writers and teachers trying to maintain as much secu rity as they could for their students, even as the world changed around them.
“I’m grateful for the position I do have, I just worry about the kind of things that we’re going to have to deal with when we get back to school,” Levy said. “Things change so quickly. All the things that hap pen in school are a direct reflection of what choices are made in the City Council or the mayor’s office or whomever controls the (Department of Education), so I never hold on to anything. I take things day by day.”
11City & State New YorkSeptember 12, 2022
Tan said the loss of her creativity was a symptom – a sign that something deeper was going on. This realization was part of the reason she decided to quit after 10 years of Fromteaching.worrying about the safety of her poorly ventilated classroom, supporting stu dents who reeled from loss and battled brain fog, explaining the ever-changing guidelines to kids and their families, watching as peo ple got sick around her, and advocating for safer school conditions, Tan knew her men tal health was suffering. Her identity as an educator of color had also taken on additional emotional weight as she tried to gently refute students’ misunderstandings that China was responsible for COVID-19. Tan said she’d made it through all this by telling herself that things would get better, but as time went on she no longer believed the system would pro tect teachers and students.
“I came from District 75, so I’m used to working with nothing,” Levy said. “I don’t depend on anyone whatsoever. I don’t think other teachers do either. I think they know better than to depend on anyone to helpLevythem.”said growing up she had never re ally wanted to be a teacher – she want ed to work in policy. That’s what initially pushed her to become a teacher. Back then, Levy said she thought becoming one would help her understand how the system works and she wanted to have that background if she was going to one day make decisions that impacted schools. Her experiences as a City Council candidate only reiterated that belief and while she loves her school and current work, she would consider piv oting to policy if the timing was right.
“Teachers have to go in and teach right? We have to do what we do and I was doing it, but I was on autopilot,” Tan said. “I’ve always been a teacher to help kids feel like they can do things and now I’m leaving be cause I just know that if I continue like this and being retraumatized without focusing on my healing first, I will just leave teach ing altogether and I want to be back.”
Tan – then a special education teacher in Sunset Park – said she realized that could have been her; she could die from the virus. She began working on her book in earnest, pumping out 1,000 or so words each day on top of her lengthy teaching hours. But then the omicron variant swept through schools in December 2021, bringing new challeng es and exacerbating all the difficulties Tan had endured the previous year.
“When that despair utterly hit, I stopped writing, and I did not write for the rest of the school year because my creativity was gone,” she said. “I was just in complete sur vival and despair mode – and that was a combination of why I realized I had to quit.”

CityAndStateNY.com September 12, 202212 COMMENTARY
If you thought things were bad on Facebook and Twitter, social media companies have done even less to Spanish-languagemoderateposts.
By Felipe De La Hoz

New York is fortunate to have a well-developed community organization and nonprofit sector that can help combat the worst of it, but trying to parry indi vidual false claims directly with Lati no voters is a bit like plugging holes in a leaking dam. The only feasible solutions are scalable tech and social media policy fixes, whether they are undertaken ac tively and voluntarily by the companies most at fault (which, after years of limit ed change, we shouldn’t hold our breath) or compelled by consumer behavior and local, state and federal policymaking.
Being able to receive messages from a neighboring borough or thousands of miles south has become an invalu able information web that connects far-flung communities with job up dates, birth announcements and funny stories. Yet there’s something ominous interspersed between photos of grand ma cooking or a nephew graduating from school: gobs of largely unmoderat ed misinformation and disinformation, often with almost untraceable ori gins and spreading wildly by conspira cy-minded or simply uninformed users.
A separate problem is presented by platforms like WhatsApp, which is pri marily used outside the U.S. and by those who have friends or family liv ing abroad. Whereas public posts on sites like Facebook are visible to moder ators, fact-checkers, community orga nizations and other such groups, private WhatsApp chains are visible only to those
on preventing its proliferation. In many cases, the spread doesn’t exactly cause incorrect beliefs so much as an uncer tainty about what’s real and what isn’t.
13September 12, 2022 City & State New York
Attempts to spread false information aren’t new. Those of us from Latin Amer ica – convulsed as it has been by political movements and countermovements, many of them involving armed and insurgent groups, many fomented and shaped from abroad (including from Washington, D.C.) – know that information warfare has a rich history. What’s new is the speed and ease with which disinformation can spread. No longer is it necessary to print and distribute pamphlets or take control of TV stations; misinformation ranging from the general to the extraordinari ly detailed can spread from some obscure source all around the world and deep into U.S. communities, including New York, in a matter of hours, all more or less sight unseen to our non-Latino counterparts.
According to an in-depth survey and report by Equis Research, which polled 2,400 Latino adults around the coun try, when it comes conspiracies like the idea that Antifa was responsible for the Jan. 6 insurrection, “the ‘uncertain’ are the majority group, and in some cases the supermajority.” The researchers wrote that “this widespread uncertainty rep resents both a threat and an opportuni ty for those who want to see an informed populace,” as the uncertainty undermines trust but also “signals a healthy skepti cism and an openness to persuasion.”
DDS ARE EVERY Latino in New York, whether born or immigrated to the Unit ed States, has a phone home screen featuring a small green box with a stylized car toon telephone and a lit tle red bubble constantly counting up. That’s WhatsApp, the messaging plat form with more than 2 billion users.

For example, most research on the subject has shown that organizations like Meta, which in addition to Facebook and WhatsApp also owns Instagram, are falling short in moderating misin formation in general, and then on top of that have a special lack of emphasis and urgency around cracking down on it in non-English-language spaces. Various researchers have pointed out, for ex ample, that even as Facebook was roll ing out efforts to take down election and health misinformation, the tools seemed to miss Spanish-language posts entirely.
This reality came into stark, widespread view in the run-up to and immediate af termath of the 2020 presidential election. Researchers and political groups warned about the reach and volume of misinfor mation among Latinos, which predictably eluded much of the mainstream press and tech moderators who had focused on pro liferating English-language disinforma tion spreading on Facebook and Twitter. Despite a renewed public focus, there ap pears to have been little action since then
As I explored in an examina tion of Latino political power earlier this year, one of the phe nomena that surprised outside observers – though Latino po litical analysts considerably less so – was that a growing share of the Latino vote is being cap tured by the Republican Party, a trend that has continued in the intervening months. There are many explanations for the shift, including, as I posited, a religiously tinged conservative social culture, but the impact of misinformation cannot be over looked. As with its English-lan guage parallel, the bulk of this misinformation seemed geared to fan right-wing para noias, perhaps most notably COVID 19 vaccine skepticism. This was no mere blip: An avalanche of information pro moting, for example, the use of ivermectin, a dewormer for an imals, as opposed to COVID-19 vaccines was flooding not just social media but then jumping to Spanish-language AM radio.
WhatsApp, for example, uses so-called end-to-end encryp tion, meaning that the con tent of a WhatsApp message is encrypted by the sender’s device and decrypted by the receiver; it cannot be deci phered while in transit. Tam pering with that would partly defeat the purpose of the app.
There are, generally speak ing, four overarching rea sons why they don’t. The first two are technical in nature: For services like WhatsApp and Telegram, the company actually can’t see the con tent of the messages, mean ing that active moderation is impossible. Allowing them to analyze the content for mis information would present its own significant issues around privacy and surveillance.
posts being created every day, which also have to be flagged by a user to come to their at tention. Otherwise, they can try to do so via artificial intel ligence, which can be trained on specific types of misin formation and automatically move to delete or obscure it. These companies almost certainly can’t hire enough moderators to filter all con tent that might run afoul of the rules, but machines lack the ability to factor in con text, intent or meaning, which can result in false positives. In the most absurd cases, re porters and researchers who are themselves attempting to correct or counter spreading misinformation can be sus pended or have posts marked as suspect because they’re alluding to the same language used in malicious posts.
members and can thus spread not only unchallenged but often practically unnoticed.
For public-facing posts on sites like Facebook and Tik Tok, these global companies with billions of users speak ing many different languages have to hire small armies of moderators to make deter minations for the millions of

Regulating misinforma tion as a general notion sounds good, but the mechanics of how to do so quickly trip up against the bounds of free speech. It is not, and never has been, unlawful to spread lies or conspiracies through any medium. Private tech com panies, unbound as they are by the strictures of the First Amendment, are free to mod erate content as they see fit, and could, in theory, develop tools that would automatically cull misinformation or at least label it as such, as most already do in some limited fashion.
among the receivers of disin formation, but to create enough of a sense of general confusion about what’s real that some subset of voters will also just give up on participating in the political system altogether.
On the purely political side of things, more conserva tive-leaning Latinos in the U.S. have a host of pressure points to which misinforma tion can latch on to. While the right wing has long cam paigned on an apprehension for socialism, Latinos have much more specific bogeymen to point to. It can be claimed that President Joe Biden is, for example, in league with Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro or that he’s angling to turn the United States into a totalitarian socialist state, an obviously false charge that nonetheless packs an emotion al punch for some folks who’ve been steeped in such fears. As Equis Research’s findings in dicated, the objective isn’t only to create certain sets of beliefs

Brad solutions.presentformationonbelow,ditharatne’s,Mekelaman’sHoylbillandPanreportmisintwo
Often, this means compa nies use both techniques –an algorithm flags posts that moderators review – but that
is expensive and introduces friction with the users, which brings us to a third, nontech nical reason: Tech companies might get significant flak for hosting and spreading mis information, but at the end of the day their business models are built around maintain ing the attention of as many
Studies have shown that nothing drives engagement like strong negative emotions and feelings of belonging to some sort of in-group, both of which are suited to con spiracies. Tamping down on this sort of content is a goal at odds with these behemoths’ designs for maximum atten tion and maximum scalability. They also tend to be con cerned – similarly to media companies, it’s worth not ing – with being perceived as partisan, and if the misin formation is largely weighted toward a right-wing ideology, the fear is that taking a strong stance against it will draw the scrutiny of conservative public officials always itch ing to throw down against the supposed biases of Big Tech.
The distinction between hosting and spreading content is hazy enough that a number of legal experts have ques tioned whether it meaningful ly exists enough to hold up in court. There would have to be some sort of test that a publi cation would trigger if it was deemed to be pushing content, and Hoylman acknowledged that this key plank remained undefined: “I would leave that to a judge and jury to deter mine.” Still he said some ac tion must be taken to combat the dangerous information: “Social media is the tail wag ging the dog and the extremes of opinion are, unfortunate ly, the ones that often shape important policy decisions.”
– state Sen. Brad Hoylman, on why his bill that could halt the spread of misinformationneededis
as with robust voter educa tion programs that can, in a nonpartisan way, disseminate accurate information about voting and party platforms, as well as support community organizations doing the same. In a recent blog post, Mekela Panditharatne, counsel for the Brennan Center for Justice’s Democracy Program, drew attention to California’s efforts during last year’s gubernatorial recall election, when jurisdic tions like Los Angeles County maintained a tip line and pro vided phone support for voters to get up-to-date information.
Felipe De La Hoz is a lecturer at the CUNY Graduate School of Jour nalism and an investigative jour nalist focusing on immigration.
State Sen. Brad Hoylman of Manhattan, who chairs the Judiciary Committee, pro posed a somewhat novel way around this limitation in a bill introduced last year, which would create a cause of action for both private citizens and entities like the state attorney general’s office to try to hold social media companies liable not for hosting but for ostensi bly spreading misinformation.
nies actually employ complex algorithms designed to put the most controversial and provocative content in front of as many users as possible,” Hoylman told City & State.

One way for local govern ments in particular to com bat misinformation without outright stepping into the minefield of trying to control its spread is to take active steps to simply counteract it, such
15City & State New York
“It’s our contention that social media websites aren’t just a simple host for users’ content or viewpoints. These compa
Panditharatne also noted that “large numbers of elec tion officials have left or plan to depart their posts, drain ing offices of exper ience (and) dozens of candid ates for offic es with power over elections have embraced false election claims.” In New York, we’ve mostly avoided this semicol lapse of electoral institutions (the state Legislature’s attempt at a congressional gerryman der notwithstanding) and are well-positioned to be a nation al model for how to respond with a mixture of government resources, public pressure and community intervention. We’ve already had plenty of experience, having been the epicenter of the COVID 19 pandemic. Ultimately, we reached about 80% vaccination rates for the first two doses across New York City, out pacing the national average by about 10%. According to city statistics, Hispanics actually overperformed, hitting about 74%, more than white and Black New Yorkers. The mes saging eventually worked. ■
For these and other reasons, we shouldn’t expect tech com panies to go out of their way to tackle this problem of their own volition, which means they must be compelled to do so. The most ironclad way of
doing that is through policy, but there we run into the First Amendment. It’s not really an edge case that speech pub lished online, regardless of its content, is protected from government intervention with extremely narrow exceptions for things like direct, specific and imminent threats against another person. In addition to that, social media com panies benefit from Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which general ly exempts them from liabili ty for merely hosting content that they aren’t producing.
people as possible for as long as possible so they can both serve them ads and har vest and resell their data.
Espaillat had been on a untilcandidates,hisstreakwinningwithendorsedtheAug. 23 primaries.
CityAndStateNY.com16 September 12, 2022

17City & State New YorkSeptember 12, 2022
HERE WAS SUPPOSED to be a party. The word ahead of time was that Rep. Adriano Espaillat and Angel Vasquez, his newest politi cal protege, would be celebrating on election night at Quisqueya Plaza in his Upper Manhattan congressio nal district. All of his political allies would be there, including the younger, Domini can American elected officials who he helped guide into office, helping secure his reputa tion as the preeminent political power broker north of Central Park and the leading Do minican elected official in the United States.
By ColtinJeff
Instead, election night was spent in a
Adriano Espaillat has created a base of Dominican political power – and he just hit his first bump in the road in a long time.

“He’s a politics.”NewbeenhavelikesmachineturnouttheofwhichrarelyseeninYorkCity
A quarter past 10 p.m., Espaillat emerged from the backroom. Some 50 people were gathered in front of the building on Sher man Avenue in Inwood, next to La Casa del Mofongo. “We’ve been here, we’ve been as a club – Northern Manhattan Democrats for Change was started back in 1993 when I was elected district leader. And it’s still going strong,” he said. “We tried to empow er a community that at one point felt that it did not have a voice. And I think we’ve done a tremendous job in doing that.”

seats. Carmen De La Rosa, who served as Es paillat’s campaign manager before he helped her get elected to an Upper Manhattan As sembly seat in 2016, moved to the council. Shaun Abreu and Pierina Sanchez got in too, and Feliz was reelected. In early 2022, there was a special election to fill De La Rosa’s Assembly seat. Espaillat worked the inside game, and a longtime ally, Manny De Los Santos, won the Democratic Party line at the county committee meeting. He was elect ed comfortably. Months later came the June primaries. Candidates across the city had been plotting for months to unseat incum bents. Out of 29 Assembly primaries, Espail lat’s guy, George Alvarez, was the only one to actually do it. Assembly Member José Rive ra’s star had dimmed considerably since his days as Bronx Democratic Party leader, but he was still an institution in the heart of the borough, someone who had held office for 40 years. Another Rivera opponent in that race, Emmanuel Martinez, had a super PAC spending nearly $1 million to get him elected. Alvarez, a consultant who had unsuccessful ly run for office three times before, beat them both, with Espaillat’s full support.
sweaty ground floor office, under harsh fluo rescent lighting, where Espaillat leaned over the shoulder of an aide refreshing the elec tion night returns page. Vasquez would lose handily and so would another Dominican American candidate who Espaillat supported for the state Senate, Miguelina Camilo. His effort to unseat two incumbents – one Black, one Puerto Rican – had failed.
CityAndStateNY.com18 COLTINJEFF
– Rep. Ritchie Torres, on Espaillat
Espaillat himself had just won his pri mary, but with only token opposition. His focus had been on electing Vasquez. That would have gotten another ally into of fice in state Senate District 31 and would have removed a frequent political oppo nent, state Sen. Robert Jackson, from of fice. After speaking, Espaillat walked down the street to his waiting black SUV. A man sitting on a plastic chair outside the El Bodegon deli lit up when he saw him, congratulating him – “Felicidades!” The sidewalk was littered with palm cards that featured Vasquez and Espaillat next to each other. Building up Dominican political power was never going to be easy – even if Espaillat had been making it look that way.
SPAILLAT IS NO stranger to los ing elections. He lost his first two New York City Council races and lost two House primaries before getting elected on his third try in 2016. But his proxy losses in the August primaries were surprising: They ended what might have been the most impressive modern winning streak in New York City politics.
In March 2021, there was a special elec tion to fill the central Bronx City Council seat that Rep. Ritchie Torres left when he went to Congress. Three other candidates had big ger endorsements and more money behind them. But it was Oswald Feliz who won, with Espaillat’s backing. Three months later, three more Espaillat protégés won in crowd ed, competitive races for open City Council
That didn’t come easy. Espaillat’s work ethic is legendary. Even critics give him cred it on that point. “I am the only person as an elected public official in northern Manhattan that can challenge Adriano regarding a work ethic to get the job done,” Jackson said, in a gloating interview with City & State after de feating Vasquez in the primary.
“Most elected officials are intent on clinging on to their office to the bitter end, but Adri ano’s thinking about the future,” Torres said. “He approaches politics with a longrange perspective, and I respect it enor mously. And he’s willing to take chances.”
“I think Adriano has become a pseu do-county leader,” said Eli Valentin, a political analyst with a focus on Latino politics. Espaillat’s candidates have won across his district, from Manhattan to the Bronx. “There’s something to that which speaks to his ability to build an organiza tion, but also to make it work. And to make it work for others that are not named Adri ano Espaillat,” Valentin said. “When I consider other Latinos elected officials in New York, even over the last decade or so, I can’t think of any individual Latino elected official that can say the same.”
Candidates under Espaillat’s watchful eye tell stories of nightly check-ins on how many doors were knocked on. “He would stop by subway stops, and say ‘I didn’t see you at the subway stop this morning,’” Abreu told City & State. “That’s the kind of person he is.”
In an era when Democratic county orga nizations have become less powerful, some see Espaillat as playing a greater role.
But the decisions he makes will last long after he is retired or gone. “We pride our selves on being the future generation of leaders, which Adriano has done very well in terms of cultivating,” Abreu said of the Squadriano. But it’s not power for power’s sake – these elected officials are in office, holding hearings, passing laws and most importantly providing constituent ser vices to their districts with big Dominican populations. “And that’s why we are very proud to form this powerful coalition that is most singularly focussed on delivering for families,” Abreu said. Put another way? “He wants us to use the power that we have for the betterment of our community.”
And Espaillat doesn’t come alone. He brings hundreds of political volun teers, many associated with his political club Northern Manhattan Democrats for Change. Building captains in the Heights’ massive apartment blocks get their neigh bors out to vote. Every subway stop and polling site in the district has people outside handing out flyers with Espaillat’s face on it.
19City & State New York
Political observers were amazed by the wins.“He’s a political animal,” Torres told City & State on the day of the August primary. “He’s a turnout machine the likes of which have rarely been seen in New York City politics.” The two members of Congress worked together on Camilo’s campaign, among other races – even after Espaillat backed then-City Council Member Ydan is Rodriguez (a Dominican representing Washington Heights) over Torres (a Puer
What’s the end goal? Influence, of
“He’s very assiduous,” said Nelson Denis, an East Harlem politico who was elected to the Assembly in 1996, the same year as Espaillat. “In Spanish, there’s a word called necio. It’s ‘obnoxiously dili gent.’ … He is very often the first to arrive and the last to leave in his office. He puts in the time, puts in the work.”
course. “I think it’s ultimately about build ing his power,” Valentin said. “Yes it is ex panding Dominican representation, but ultimately, it goes back to Adriano.”
to Rican from the Bronx) in the open 2020 primary for the 15th Congressional District.

Six candidates in 15 months. All Do minican American, all in districts over lapping Espaillat’s congressional district. Feliz, De La Rosa, Abreu and Sanchez are in their 30s. De Los Santos and Alvarez are in their 40s. All younger than Espaillat, a 67-year-old who emigrated from the Do minican Republic to Manhattan as a child. They meet for strategy sessions. They text. They go to the same events and fundrais ers, work together on elections and hire the same people to work on their campaigns. It’s a multipronged political partnership, the likes of which are rare in the modern day. Call it the Squadriano.
“It’s great to be the first, but it’s better to be the best,” Espaillat told the “Blackstage” podcast in April. A huge baseball fan since his youth, he points to Jackie Robinson. Not just the first, Black major leaguer, but a star.
Espaillat has turned allies.centerMarkopponents,politicalformerlikeLevine,right,into
HERE WEREN’T ALWAYS so many Dominican American elected officials in New York City. Espaillat moved to Manhattan in 1964, in the first modern wave of Dominican immigration to New York City. His grandparents were already working in the city. The commu nity grew, particularly on the West Side, in the Heights and in the West Bronx. There are now more than 700,000 New York City residents of Dominican descent, a huge and essential part of the five bor oughs’ “beautiful mosaic.” Espaillat was there every step of the way, rising with the diaspora. A community organizer who worked for criminal justice nonprofits, he ran and lost City Council races in 1989 and 1991 – when he was defeated by Guillermo Linares, who became the first Dominican elected to office in New York City. Espail lat won a Democratic district leader seat in 1993, then unseated Irish American in cumbent John Brian Murtaugh to win an Assembly seat in 1996. He won an open state Senate seat in 2010 and an open House seat in 2016. Espaillat was the first Domin ican immigrant in the Assembly, first Do minican in the state Senate and the first in Congress. He was also the first member of Congress to speak about once being an un documented immigrant too.
Manny De Los Santos, AssemblyManhattanmember,
20City & State New YorkApril 25, 2022
Oswald Feliz, New York City Council member, Bronx

Shaun Abreu, New York City Council member, Manhattan

George Alvarez, Democraticnominee,AssemblyBronx

Diana Ayala, New York City Council member, Manhattan and the Bronx

Who’s in the representative’s political orbit

Yudelka Tapia, AssemblyBronxmember,
Mark Levine, Manhattanpresidentborough

Chris Marte, New York City Council member, Manhattan

Pierina Sanchez, New York City Council member, Bronx

The Squadriano
Carmen De La Rosa, New York City Council member, Manhattan

share of criticism. He’s never been one to abide by the sometimes unspoken nonag gression pacts among political incumbents. He personally challenged then-Rep. Charles Rangel, the lion of Harlem, in two straight elections. To some critics, he’s too aggressive, too confident, too proud. Some privately rev eled in seeing his candidate lose to Jackson. “If he was going to flex his muscles, maybe he should have eaten his Wheaties,” quipped one elected official uninvolved in the race. Jackson suggested to City & State that his win was democracy triumphing over what could be “a dictatorship” of “one person ruling northern Manhattan and the Bronx.” An other Manhattan elected official called Es paillat a “Tammany Hall-type.”
“One can ask whether some of his tactics have been heavy-handed,” Valentin said.
(Espaillat was reportedly investigated by the FBI in 2013 for steering significant public funding toward an economic de velopment organization closely associated with him and his allies. No charges were everEspaillat’sbrought.)political involvement – down to the lowest levels of district leaders and judicial delegates – has earned him his fair
When it comes to elections, Espaillat is not often on progressives’ side. He opposed Jackson and Gustavo Rivera, who were backed by organizations like the Working Families Party. He also backed Alcantara for state Senate in 2016, even after it be came clear that she would likely join the Independent Democratic Conference in

– Eli Valentin, a political analyst with a focus on Latino politics
The city’s progressive movement, too, has been uneasy with Espaillat’s politics. Outside organizations have consistently ranked his voting record as among the most progressive in Congress. But he’ll take campaign dona tions from corporate political action commit tees and conservative organizations like the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, eschewing the litmus tests expected by crit ics of money’s role in politics. “Because I’m not a rich guy!” Espaillat told City & State. “I may be one of the poorest members of Con gress. … And it’s tough for me to go to a local bodega and tell them: ‘Give me $1,000.’”
One of handingstopatseeminglyorganizers,strengthsEspaillat’sishiswhoappeareverysubwayandcorneroutcards.
So Espaillat has been playing like an all-star for years. His political influence uptown isn’t a new phenomenon. He has been deeply involved in other candidates’ campaigns in Upper Manhattan for more than two decades now. Roberto Lizardo, Miguel Martinez, Ydanis Rodriguez, Ga briela Rosa, Marisol Alcantara. Remember them? Candidates for mayor, governor or district attorney have visited him, seeking his counsel, or better, his endorsement.
S ESPAILLAT’S POLITICAL power has grown, so have the rumors and gossip. There’s a danger in overstating it. Op ponents have accused him of having supporters vote once, twice or 10 times. (To be clear, those are just rumors – no one has actu ally brought a lawsuit or criminal case). True believers said if Vasquez lost, Espail lat must have wanted it that way. Maybe he didn’t give him his full effort. A suspicious number of his political opponents – like Martinez, Rosa and Nelson Castro – re signed amid investigations or due to crim inal charges. Did Espaillat orchestrate it?
What’s new is that Espaillat’s involve ment has expanded to the Bronx. And that –until August at least – he kept winning. Espaillat represents, by area, the smallest House district in the country. And he’s the undisputed leader among every other elect ed official whose district touches its bor ders. There are the Dominican politicians within his inner circle, who he helped get elected, sure. But he’s also built up close ties with state Sen. Cordell Cleare and As sembly Member Inez Dickens, who are Black, and New York City Council Member Diana Ayala, who is Puerto Rican. He’s got a longtime ally in Jewish Assembly Mem ber Jeffrey Dinowitz and now his son, City Council Member Eric Dinowitz. If you’re not tight with him? Espaillat might back somebody to challenge you. After running against Jackson and state Sen. Gustavo Ri vera, there’s rampant speculation over who might be next. And the August losses did little to quiet the whispers. City Council Member Kristin Richardson Jordan could be vulnerable. Assembly Member Al Taylor is probably watching his back too.
“If I told you who was the first Dominican to play baseball – we love baseball, you know that – you won’t know. Because he wasn’t the best.” (Ozzie Virgil Sr., for the New York Giants, Espaillat added.)
CityAndStateNY.com22 September 12, 2022 IMAGESMAY/NURPHOTO/GETTYCHERISS
Albany, which had a power-sharing agree ment with Republicans. Espaillat pulled his support for her reelection, but declined to endorse Jackson either. In the 2021 New York City mayoral race, Espaillat was an early backer of a progressive leader, thenNew York City Comptroller Scott String er. But after his campaign lost momentum following deacdes-old allegations of sexu al harassment, Espaillat and his closest al lies endorsed the relatively moderate Eric Adams, rather than following the progres sive exodus to Maya Wiley’s campaign. Adams won the race and the vote in Espail lat’s congressional district.
Espaillat isn’t shy about his political am bitions. City & State asked him in a Septem ber phone call why he gets so involved in local politics. What’s the end goal? “Fair ness. Representation. And for communities to move forward. Hopefully together,” he said. “And for communities that are down and out and often don’t see themselves in the boardroom or the discussion room to feel that they have a voice and can move their families forward for the future.”
Espaillat was also eager to push back
against the idea that he only supports Do minican candidates, rattling off a list of candidates he has supported – mostly out side the bounds of his district. And it’s true, from Adams in the mayoral race and Tali Farhadian Weinstein in the 2021 Manhat tan district attorney race, to Ayala, and then Francisco Moya in the ill-fated 2021 City Council speaker race, it’s rare to find a race where Espaillat doesn’t get involved.
There are some complicating factors to the easy Black versus Dominican narrative, however. The first of which is that Espaillat, as a dark-skinned man of partially African descent, identifies himself as Black and Lati no. He helped reunite the Black and Latino caucuses in Albany in the 1990s. And made waves by trying to join the Congressional Black Caucus after already being a member of Congressional Hispanic Caucus. Earlier this year, he said he was still trying to join the Congressional Black Caucus – even as Torres, a fellow Afro Latino representative, has become a member of both.
Espaillat has a way of winning over foes. Manhattan Borough President Mark Levine, now a close ally, ran against Es paillat in a state Senate primary. Assembly Member Yudelka Tapia wasn’t part of his club – now she’s an insider. Torres has be come an ally in Congress. Even Rangel is now considered a friend.
“If you cannot understand that there’s a million Dominicans in New York City and we deserve to have a seat at the table? What can be more progressive than that?”
Espaillat spoke at the ConventionNationalDemocratic2016 Philadelphia.in

– Rep. Adriano Espaillat, on his goals
cal power, supporting a Dominican candi date for office often means running against other Dominicans. Haile Rivera, an educa tor and longtime Dominican political activ ist, was just one of those candidates. Rivera campaigned for Espaillat in 2012, but when he ran for City Council himself last year, Es paillat backed Pierina Sanchez. Rivera said he understood – they’re working toward the same goal of Dominican political representa tion. “I can hold a personal grudge, or I can say let’s continue working together to build political power and the resources we need,” he said. “Every other community did it. Puerto Ricans did it. The African American community. And it’s only a matter of time before the Mexican community does it.”
Some saw Espaillat’s focus on ethnic pol itics as divisive. He – or his supporters –accused Linares of “betrayal” for backing Rangel over Espaillat in 2012. After all, Dominican candidates winning has often meant African American candidates los ing. Espaillat defeated Keith Wright, who is Black, to win his congressional seat in a dis trict including Harlem. “It’s probably best if I don’t comment,” said Wright, who is now the Manhattan Democratic Party chair.
And of course, Espaillat was also never fully embraced by all Dominicans, even in the Heights. His local feuds with Linares have become the stuff of political legend. And with the growth of Dominican politi
One of those communities, obviously, is Dominicans in Washington Heights, In wood and the West Bronx. And they cer tainly get special attention, when it comes to Espaillat’s political activities. But his goals are bigger than that. “I’m a progres sive. I’m a practical guy. I believe that more women should be in government. I believe that race matters. I believe that ethnicity is important. And that everybody should have a seat at the table. And that’s, I think, the fundamental piece of being a progres sive,” he said. “If you cannot wrestle with that and get it done, everything else is just window dressing.” Harlem deserves to have Black leadership, he said. East Har lem, or El Barrio, deserves to have Puerto Rican leadership.
The leaders of New York’s community.Latino
23September 12, 2022 City & State New York
Yet, a growing population has yet to propel Latinos into New York’s most powerful political posts. Not one has ever served as governor of New York, as a U.S. senator in the state or as mayor of New York City. The only statewide office ever occupied by a Latino is the relatively ceremonial position of lieutenant governor.
ATINOS HAVE SOLIDIFIED their status as the sec ond-largest demographic group in New York and na tionally, and that has led to some significant political breakthroughs. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, one of the country’s most iconic politicians, has been floated as a future U.S. senator, New York City mayor or even president. Rob ert Mujica, the state’s budget director, garners less attention but is perhaps the most powerful unelected official in the state. And this year, the ranks of Latinos in the New York City Council swelled to 15, up from 11 last year.
City & State’s Power of Diversity: Latino 100, researched and written in partnership with journalists Felipe De La Hoz, Kim Gonzalez and Juanita Ramos, identifies New York’s leading Lati nos, including government officials, business executives, labor leaders, academics, advocates, activists and others.
Rep. Alexandria OcasioCortez’s status as a secondterm House member who doesn’t chair a committee belies her power as the standard-bearer for a continuing wave of progressive politicians. She is the archetype for a certain sound bite mastery and no-holdsbarred intraparty conflict to the extent that being the “next AOC” has become both a coveted moniker for likeminded Democrats – and a bull’s-eye for conservatives taking aim at them. Prior to her 2018 upset win, Ocasio-Cortez had never held political office; now, the question is how high she can go?

in New York. Rosa took the reins of 731 school districts with over 4,400 schools on an interim basis in early 2020 – at the start of the coronavirus pandemic – and was given the role permanently last year. Prior to ofchancellorcommissioner,becomingRosawasofthestate’sboardregents.

influence. Raised in Brooklyn and Staten Island by Puerto Rican parents, Mujica also serves on more than 30 boards, including CUNY’s board of trustees and the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, giving him purview over a huge swath of state government.
CityCHANCELLORUniversity of New York
A ubiquitous presence in Albany, Robert Mujica is one of the only high-level survivors of the Cuomo administration. He continues to oversee the state’s behemoth $220 billion budget for the Hochul administration in what many see as a mark of both sheer competence and
Mujica is a budget expert who has worked for both Democrats and Republicans.
Félix V. Matos Rodríguez became the first Latino steward of the citywide system

Thanks to her many years spent as a teacher, principal and superintendent in the Bronx, Betty Rosa has a deep understanding of the inner workings of public education


Gonzalez recently moved to vacate nearly 400 convictions because of dirty cops.
Eric Gonzalez, who grew up in Bushwick and East New York in a Puerto Rican family, was
District Council 37
25September 12, 2022 City & State New York
District Council 37, which boasts 150,000 members working a wide array of jobs, from lifeguards and park workers to actuaries and city agency staffers. Dominican-born Henry Garrido, whose mother was a union garment worker, took over leadership at the end of 2014. He has recently been at the center of battles over retiree health benefits and the Adams administration’s insistence that all municipal workers return to the office.
State Sen. Gustavo Rivera survived an onslaught from the Bronx Democratic Party to vanquish primary challenger

Around New York, it’s known that calling “Nydia” about an injustice to the Hispanic community will yield an immediate response. She arrived from her native Puerto Rico on a scholarship for a master’s degree at New York University in 1974 and got involved in politics in 1981. In nearly 30 years in Congress, Rep. Nydia Velázquez has risen to become the chair of the Small Business Committee and been a consistent sponsor of bills to encourage mom and pop commerce. In September, her favored candidate in the 10th Congressional District, New York City Council Member Carlina Rivera, fell short.

of 25 campuses, including the “working man’s Harvard” of City College, in 2019. In addition to previously serving as Queens College president for almost five years, Matos Rodríguez spent four years working in the government of his native Puerto Rico. The longtime academic, who has prioritized expanding student access to growing industries, is dealing with problems ranging from funding needs to an alarming rise in antisemitic incidents at CUNY.

The first undocumentedformerlyperson in Congress, Dominican-born Adriano Espaillat’s 2017 primary victory was a referendum on the growing Latino power base forming in Upper Manhattan. Espaillat, a former member of the Assembly and state Senate, has long known how to build bridges with various constituencies. He was a consistent voice denouncing the Trump administration’s abuses of immigrants and holds leadership roles in the Hispanic Caucus, Progressive, and Latino-Jewish Caucuses. He has also elected a growing “Squadriano” of local allies, although his endorsements fizzled in September.
thrust into the limelight when he became acting Brooklyn district attorney after the sudden 2016 death of reformminded predecessor Ken Thompson. As a part of the office since 1995, Gonzalez was well-positioned to take charge. Gonzalez, who has since won reelection twice, has continued the office’s progressive legacy with initiatives including a policy to help noncitizens avoid disproportionate immigrationrelated consequences when facing low-level convictions.
There’s hardly a bigger union town than New York City and few unions with more muscle than the public employee union
NewCOMMISSIONERYorkCityDepartment of Transportation
Rep. Ritchie Torres became the youngest elected official in New York City history and the first openly gay legislator from the Bronx when he joined the New York City Council in 2013 at age 25 before jumping to Congress in 2021. He has attributed the achievement to his Afro Latino heritage, growing up with a Puerto Rican dad and African American mom. He has said that his focus on affordable

Among the highest-ranking Latinos in the Ydanisadministration,AdamsDominican-bornRodriguezarrivedinthe

CityAndStateNY.com September 12, 202226
shift the balance of power in Albany – and she went on to champion worker and immigrant rights as the state Senate Labor Committee chair.
As the first Latino president of the New York City Central Labor Council since 2011, Vincent Alvarez represents the collective interests of some 1.3 million workers across 300 unions in the city. This has put him in the middle of disputes as diverse as a
and public housing stems from a childhood spent at the Throggs Neck Houses.
Alvarez is the first Latino president of the New York City Central Labor Council. RamosJessicaSen.
NewPRESIDENTYorkCity Central Labor Council
strike of building doormen around the city and arguments over the operation of Staten Island ferries. Throughout it all, the former International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers member has become known for his ability to keep cool and negotiate truces.
Queens native state Sen. Jessica Ramos cut her teeth on local civic issues as a teenager before starting in politics as a New York City Council staffer during college. After taking on a variety of roles, Ramos, the daughter of Colombian immigrants, decided to run for the state Senate against a former Independent Democratic Conference member in 2018 as part of a movement angry at the IDC’s cooperation with Republicans. Her victory helped

In New York City, where few things come at a higher premium than land, City Council Land Use Committee Chair Rafael Salamanca Jr. wields considerable clout, which he often uses to try to secure more affordable housing from developers. Before winning a 2016 special election in a six-person race where he received the support of the Brooklyn Democratic machine, Salamanca served on Bronx Community Board 2 and as president of the 41st Precinct Community Council.
Miguelina Camilo in August. It’s just the latest uphill battle for Rivera, a reformer who won Pedro Espada Jr.'s seat in 2010. Now, an elder statesman among Albany progressives, Rivera has pushed for statelevel single-payer health care –and assuming he continues as health committee chair, he’ll be taking the lead on health policy with longtime legislative partner Assembly Member Richard Gottfried retiring.

Miami-born Democratic Socialist state Sen. Julia Salazar has always been an activist and organizer, getting involved in campus organizing at Columbia University and later focusing on police reform. Salazar, who overcame a flurry of controversies about her

city as a fresh-faced 18-year-old and spent 15 years teaching before elected office. He then served for more than a decade in the New York City Council advocating for medallion owners, fighting to enact municipal noncitizen voting and chairing the City Council’s Transportation Committee. Now, as city Department of Transportation commissioner, Rodriguez oversees a billiondollar budget and is aiming to make New York City more walkable and bikeable.
upbringing and background during her 2018 Democratic primary race to handily defeat longtime incumbent Martin Malavé Dilan, is now chair of the state Senate Crime and Correction Committee, where she has been a notable supporter of sex worker rights.
Raised by parents who immigrated to Crown Heights from Costa Rica, state Sen. Zellnor Myrie was part of the wave of young progressives who took down the Independent Democratic Conference in 2018, when he defeated incumbent Jesse Hamilton by a comfortable margin. Myrie knows his way around the technicalities of legislation, having served previously as a New York City Council legislative director. He has been a vocal defender against rollbacks to the controversial 2019 bail reform, of which he was a co-sponsor.

This time last year, no one expected then-Rep. Antonio Delgado to be second-in-commandnamedof state government – including Delgado himself – but the sequence of Andrew Cuomo’s resignation as governor, Gov. Kathy Hochul’s elevation and former Lt. Gov. Brian Benjamin’s own fall from grace had the domino effect of putting the Schenectady native on the primary ballot, which he won a month after his swearing-in.
Myrie was part of the wave of progressives that took down members of the IDC.
Rep. MalliotakisNicole

Member Diana Ayala was a top contender in the crowded contest to serve as speaker of the city’s legislative body, a position previously held by her mentor, Melissa Mark-Viverito. While she fell short, the Puerto Rico native was savvy enough to step aside and back the eventual speaker, Adrienne Adams, while landing a plum post as deputy speaker. Ayala also chairs the Committee on General Welfare, which has been scrutinizing the lack of shelter space for homeless people.

New York City Council
CityAndStateNY.com September 12, 202228
Where others might be cowed by being the only Republican member of Congress from New York City, Rep. Nicole Malliotakis seems to revel in her outsider position. For example, she ran against thenNew York City Mayor Bill de Blasio in 2017 for his position as mayor in a race she was almost guaranteed to lose; she then defeated incumbent Democratic Rep. Max Rose the following year. Malliotakis, the daughter of a Cuban mother and Greek father, is a Trump supporter – but also voted in favor of Democrats’ recent infrastructure bill.

abortion access in the wake of Roe v. Wade being overturned. Another firstterm lawmaker, Assembly Member Amanda Septimo, has pushed for greener transportation systems. Assembly Member Erik Dilan fended off a Democratic Socialists of America-backed primary challenger this year, but another DSA-backed Brooklynite, Marcela Mitaynes, is coasting to a second term. While Assembly Member Nathalia Fernandez is moving up to the state Senate, Assembly Member Phil Ramos of Long Island lost his state Senate primary bid to comeback candidate Monica Martinez. Another non-New York City incumbent, Jonathan Rivera, is making his mark in Western New York. Two other incumbents, Manny De Los Santos and Yudelka Tapia, won special elections but have served for less than a year, while longtime lawmaker José Rivera is on his way out after losing to primary challenger George Alvarez this year.
Only 14 Latinos serve in the Assembly, exactly the same as a decade ago, and they make up just under 10% of the
Fernandez won the Democratic primary for a state Senate seat in the Bronx.
Antonio Reynoso, Williamsburg-borntheson of Dominican immigrant parents, hasn’t let what is often considered a semiceremonial role stop him from making his mark on Brooklyn, pledging to combat NIMBYism and
Growing up largely in Rockland County with a Cuban father and a formerly undocumented Colombian mother, Nathalia Fernandez always felt more at home in the Bronx. In 2018, when her former boss Mark Gjonaj won a seat on the New York City Council, Fernandez, who had been working as then-Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s representative in the Bronx, ran a successful campaign for Gjonaj’s old Assembly seat. Now she’s on the move again, having won the pivotal Democratic nomination for an open state Senate seat.

CityAndStateNY.com September 12, 202230
legislative body’s 150 seats –even as Hispanics account for nearly 20% of the state’s population. Despite this lack of representation, however, many of New York’s Latino lawmakers punch above their weight. Assembly Members Catalina Cruz, the sponsor of the Clean Slate Act, and Kenny Burgos, whose district includes Rikers Island, have been on the forefront of recent criminal justice reform efforts. Assembly Member Karines Reyes, who identifies as Afro Latina, championed the New York HERO Act, a worker safety measure, and is a proactive legislator on a number of fronts. Assembly Member Maritza Davila chairs the Puerto Rican/ Hispanic Task Force, which oversees the popular Somos conference. Assembly Member Jessica GonzálezRojas, who previously led the National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health, has sought to increase
UniversityPRESIDENTat Albany
Delagado – whose Afro Latino roots came into question before he clarified that his roots include Cape Verde, Mexico, Venezuela and Colombia – had been in Congress since 2019.
improve maternal health. Prior to becoming Brooklyn borough president this year, Reynoso served two terms on the New York City Council, succeeding Diana Reyna – for whom he was chief of staff – where he wasn’t shy about taking controversial stances, as exemplified by the ultimately unsuccessful plan to rezone Bushwick.
In 2017, Havidán Rodríguez, who grew up shuttling between Puerto Rico and the Bronx, became the first Latino SUNY president when he was named to lead the University at Albany. The appointment was a homecoming of sorts for Rodríguez, who had been serving in an executive role at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley. Prior to coming to Albany, Rodríguez conducted significant

Community Affairs Montefiore Einstein
Montefiore Einstein Congratulates Marcos Crespo and Ruben Diaz Jr. For being honored in City & State New York ’s 2022 Power of Diversity: Latino 100 in recognition of their influence and dedication to the Latino community. ¡Felicidades!
Marcos A. Crespo Vice President,
Ruben Diaz Jr. Senior Vice President, Strategic MontefioreInitiativesEinstein

research on topics like disaster preparedness and socioeconomic conditions among minority communities.
One exception is Council Member Francisco Moya, a veteran lawmaker who was New York City Mayor Eric Adams’ pick for council speaker but fell short. Council Member Oswald Feliz also took office before most of his colleagues, winning a special election in the spring of 2021. Other than Diana Ayala, who’s the council’s deputy speaker, the rest of the legislative body’s Latino contingent took office this year. Among the notable members of the group are Council Member Carmen De La Rosa, a Rep. Adriano Espaillat ally who previously served in the Assembly, and Tiffany Cabán, a progressive who previously came close to winning the Queens district attorney race. Two Bronxites, Amanda Farías and Marjorie Velázquez, ran in 2017 and lost, but saw their respective rivals decline to seek reelection ahead of the 2021 race. Council Member Pierina Sanchez is in a key role as chair of the Housing and Buildings Committee, while Council Member Alexa Avilés chairs the Public Housing Committee, Council Member Jennifer Gutiérrez chairs the Technology Committee, Council Member Sandy Nurse chairs the Sanitation and Solid Waste Management Committee and Council Member Shaun Abreu –another Espaillat protege –chairs the State and Federal Legislation Committee.
Luis Miranda Jr., MirRam Group founder and partner, has worked as a representative of the Latino community in various political and cultural board positions. His company has become one of the most influential political consulting and strategic communications groups in New York, thanks in no small part to the contributions of Eduardo Castell and Catherine Torres, who are partners of the firm and have each previously worked as public servants dealing with the array of issues facing minority communities in New York City. MirRam Group has advocated for equal treatment for Puerto Ricans in the United States and is a supporter of the Unity March for Puerto Rico.
Following the pipelines of both nonprofit executive and legislative staffer to elected official, Carlina Rivera put in her time as director of programs for nonprofit organization Good Old Lower East Side and as a legislative director for then-New York City Council Member Rosie Mendez. As chair of the City Council Criminal Justice Committee, she has sparred with New York City Mayor Eric Adams on his enforcementfocused approach to crime. And though she didn’t win, Rivera was a strong candidate in the newly redrawn 10th Congressional District’s Democratic primary.
A former Bronx borough president and administrationObamaofficial, Adolfo Carrión Jr. was selected by New York City Mayor Eric Adams to lead the city Department of Housing Preservation & Development as City Hall seeks to address the housing crisis
CityAndStateNY.com September 12, 202232
A recognizable family name can be both a blessing and a curse in politics, but onetime New York City Council member and longtime South Bronx state Sen. José M. Serrano is forging a path distinct from that of his father, Puerto Rico-born former Rep. José E. Serrano. As chair of the state Senate Cultural Affairs, Tourism, Parks and Recreation Committee, Serrano has been a champion for an arts industry that was heavily battered by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Most of the New York City Council’s Latino members are still in their first year in office.




NewCOMMISSIONERYorkCityDepartment for the Aging
Lorraine foodfundingsustainablemealsrateincreasingmealwaypopulationsupportsCortés-Vázquezthatgrowingbyleadingtheonkeyinitiativeslikeprogramsfortheelderly,thereimbursementforhome-deliveredtomaketheprogramandsecuringforvehiclestodelivertoolderadults.
It is perhaps the least enviable task in New York City government to reform the Rikers Island jail complex, a crisis that has persisted for years. Louis Molina, the Bronx-born son of Puerto Rican parents and a former public safety chief of Las Vegas, was tapped by New York City Mayor Eric Adams to clean up the mess. In the months since, despite mounting criticism from numerous stakeholders, Molina has maintained his commitment to improving conditions and avoiding receivership.
and encourage more affordable housing construction. Carrión left his role as an executive vice president at Stagg Group, one of the Bronx’s largest affordable housing developers, to take the job.
Gov. Kathy Hochul nominated Robert Rodriguez, who previously spent 11 years as an Assembly member, to serve as the state’s secretary of state in 2021. With a background in finance, Rodriguez has been able to facilitate the state’s investing in housing projects that aided low-income and diverse communities. During his time in the Assembly, he was an advocate for affordable housing – and he continues to tackle discriminatory housing practices today.
CityAndStateNY.com September 12, 202234
People 65 years or older make up 16.4% of New York City’s population – and that number is projected to increase to 20% by 2035. New York City Department for the Aging’s
With more than two decades of experience working to improve diversity and civic engagement, Julissa Gutierrez

Make the Road New York
The New York Women’s Foundation
police reform to New York City’s sanctuary policies to medical care for immigrants. Theo Oshiro and Arlenis Morel are both themselves immigrants, having arrived in the city from Peru and Venezuela, respectively, while Jose Lopez hails from Bushwick. The trio took over last April, one year into a pandemic that both energized and strained community organizations around New York. Their organization, notched a victory in December when New York City legalized noncitizen voting, although the law was overturned this summer.
Foundation head Ana Oliveira’s work is never done, as typified by her springing into action to promote candidates committed to protecting abortion rights following the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. The São Pauloborn Oliveira led the Gay Men’s Health Crisis for seven years before taking over the foundation in 2006, where she’s overseen a significant expansion of its grant-making capabilities.
NewCOMMISSIONERYorkCityDepartment of Correction
Even after decades of advocating and providing services for women and LGBTQ people, The New York Women’s
It might seem cumbersome for an organization to have three executive directors, but each has been working with the organization, Make the Road New York, for more than 15 years, advocating and organizing on causes from

& Opinion Influencing | Media Strategy | Corporate Intelligence Crisis Communications | Digital Strategy

Reappointed this year as commissioner and chair of the New York City Commission on Human Rights by Mayor Eric Adams, Annabel Palma leads the civil rights legislation of New York City. Palma worked
to ensure all New York City residents were vaccinated against COVID-19 and to increase access to vaccines as the chief equity officer of the Test & Trace Corps. In addition to her work with the city, Palma has been an influential organizer for inclusion and unionizing.
Acting as a de facto umbrella organization for Hispanicfocused nonprofits nationwide, the Hispanic Federation, which is led by President and CEO Frankie Miranda, is a leading voice on the issues affecting Hispanic communities in New York and around the country. Having risen through the organization’s ranks since 2006, Miranda has helped increase its national presence by managing expansion in Florida and Puerto Rico. He now oversees operations that run the gamut from disaster relief to improving health outcomes.
As the Adams administration’s top immigration official, Commissioner Manuel Castro is dealing directly with the influx of
New York City Commission on Human Rights
as energy, transportation, health care and education. Burgos served in the Mario Cuomo and Hugh Carey administrations before launching TBA over three decades ago. Elvin García came on as the firm’s director of New York City affairs a little over a year ago after stops at the Open Society Foundations, the Hispanic Federation and as Bronx borough director for City Hall.
NYC Health + Hospitals
No municipal agency or department was spared the monumental impact of COVID-19, including the city’s sprawling public hospital system at the center of the pandemic, with emergency rooms overflowing and health care providers at grave personal risk. Pagán, who has served as NYC Health + Hospitals’ board chair since 2019, isn’t a medical doctor but a health economist, which has helped in his efforts to change how New Yorkers can get better access to coronavirus-related health care.
NewCOMMISSIONERYorkCityMayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs

New York City
Tonio Burgos has long been one of New York’s most influential Latino lobbyists, having built TBA into a powerhouse. His firm, formerly known as Tonio Burgos & Associates, operates in the tri-state area, Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico and has clients in such sectors

Hispanic Federation
was the natural choice to become the state’s chief diversity officer in 2020. She has since helped increase the registration rate of minority- and women-owned business enterprises in the state to 30.51% – the highest percentage in the nation. Her commitment to women and minorities is also exemplified by her past work with the Anti-Defamation League and the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials Educational Fund.
Mishell Tavarez Pupil Accounting and Procurement Secretary, New York City Department of Education
Alexis Gonzalez Revenue Accountant, Gerson Lehrman Group

Melvin Montalvo Strategic Partner Sales Executive, ConnectWise

To learn more, visit BerkeleyCollege.edu or call 800-446-5400 today.

Kevin Valdez Senior Manager, Brand Communications and Special Projects, Roc Nation

Jonathan Santiago
Nancy Robles Chief Operating Officer/Compliance Officer, Eastern Funding LLC

Jeffrey Mejia Client Partner, Microsoft
Executive Director of Transition and College Access Centers, New York City Department of Education

Bolton-St. Johns
devoted to defending the human and civil rights of Latinos. He also previously served as the secretary of state for New York from 2011 to 2016.
In 2021, Fernando Delgado became the fourth president of Lehman College, an institution that serves the Hispanic community in the Bronx and the surrounding region. Delgado, who has 20 years of public college administrative experience, was the first in his family to go to college. Among his other accomplishments, he has done extensive research on Latino identity and culture. This year, under his leadership, the first public business school in the Bronx and Westchester was created at Lehman.
September 12, 2022
The foundation of Cesar Perales’ career has been his early work to represent poor New Yorkers, which led to the establishment of LatinoJustice PRLDEF, an organization
This year has already seen a nationwide shortage of baby formula, the overturning of Roe v. Wade and an alarming rise in violence against women in New York City. Advocating for the rights of women in this fraught climate is Sonia Ossorio. Most recently, Ossorio has been pushing to get the federal Pregnant Workers Fairness Act – which would prevent people from being fired for being pregnant or not being provided adequate medical support –passed with bipartisan support.
VICE SUNYCHAIRBoard of Trustees

Teresa Gonzalez and Prisca Salazar-Rodriguez are partners at Bolton-St. Johns, the public relations firm that serves a wide range of public- and experienceSt.affairs.viceAntiguaorganizations.private-sectorKeylaEspinalistheorganization’spresidentofgovernmentPriortojoiningBolton-Johns,eachofthemgainedinhelpingthe
A fierce advocate of educating people about the effects of HIV, sexually transmitted infections and hepatitis on Hispanic and Latino communities, Guillermo Chacón has served as the president of the Latino Commission on AIDS since 2010. He led the commission’s founding of the Hispanic Health Network, which is dedicated to fighting the disparities in health for Hispanics. Chacón has also served on the state COVID-19 Vaccine Equity Task Force.
NY1 is must-see TV for New York politicos, and for New York City’s many politically engaged Spanish speakers, the station’s affiliated NY1 Noticias is equally essential. Lacayo took the reins in 2014 after working as a reporter for Univisión Channel 41 and at Telemundo Channel 52 in Los Angeles. His encouragement of reporters to integrate themselves into communities left the station well-positioned to effectively cover the pandemic’s impact on residents around the city.
LatinoPRESIDENTCommission on AIDS
Ossorio has been fighting for women with the baby formula shortage and the Roe ruling.
As the vice chair of the SUNY board of trustees, Perales works to create more equality and equity in New York.

SpectrumDIRECTORNoticias NY1

We congratulate José A. Pagán, PhD, Chair of NYC Health + Hospitals Board of Directors for being recognized on City & State New York’s Latino Power 100 list. Stay connected. Follow us. www.nychealthandhospitals.org

United Way of New York City
September 12, 2022
As president and CEO of HITN, Mike Nieves has played a crucial role in Spanish-languagegeneratingcontent for Hispanic audiences on key issues like the 2016 election, when he produced the program, “Tu Momento,” in which he explained the complex U.S. electoral process. Nieves has
worked as a strategic adviser to local politicians and unions such as Transit Workers Union Local 100, and he also serves as secretary of the Somos Puerto Rico conference, one of the most important political events for Latinos.

State Sen. Luis Sepúlveda, who had developed a reputation as a criminal justice reformer in Albany, had his own brush with the law when his wife accused him of domestic abuse early last year. Sepúlveda was ousted as chair of the state Senate Crime Victims, Crime and Correction Committee and condemned by colleagues, then lost a bid for Bronx borough president. In
Hispanic TelevisionInformationNetwork
New Deal Strategies
Editor’s note: Michael Nieves is a member of City & State’s advisory board.
Since she succeeded New York City Deputy Mayor Sheena Wright as president of United Way of New York City this summer, Grace Bonilla has made sure her organization remains at the forefront of advocacy for low-income New Yorkers, through the implementation of programs designed to increase economic mobility, improve grade-level reading and strengthen access to workforce development programs. She brings an
Urban Health Plan
impoverished residents in the Bronx. Today, the organization has sites across New York City that help disadvantaged communities – thanks in no small part to IzquierdoHernandez’s determination to provide affordable health care to increase the quality of life for all.
Many of the progressive politicians on the ballot this year have been assisted by Camille Rivera, a leader of the political consulting firm New Deal Strategies. She supported Elizabeth Warren’s 2020 presidential run as a senior adviser for its New York operation, helped secure Jamaal Bowman’s congressional seat in 2020 and aided the campaigns of numerous New York City Council members in the 2021 election, including Tiffany Cabán and Pierina Sanchez. She also helped state Sen. Gustavo Rivera notch a hardfought primary victory despite opposition from the Bronx Democratic Party.
New RiveraCamilleCo-OwnerPartnerStrategiesDealand
At the helm of Urban Health Plan is Paloma IzquierdoHernandez, who has been a key figure in shaping the health center’s evolution. In 1974, Urban Health Plan was a community group practice for Hispanic and

extensive background in politics to her work, including stints at the New York City Human Resources Administration, where she worked to increase access to food and benefits for lowincome communities.
residents of New York City and having positive impacts on the community: Gonzalez served as deputy press secretary at the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs during the Bloomberg Salazar-Rodriguezadministration;worked as director of executive operations and scheduling for then-New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, among other positions; and Espinal Antigua was assistant director of public policy at Children’s Aid, one of the oldest and largest nonprofits in New York City.
Jason Ortiz for making the City and State NY Latino 100 list

Congratulations to Moonshot co-FounderStrategiesandco-CEO

Party, while Diaz was the Bronx borough president as well as an Assembly member – had already assisted the medical system while in office. Diaz came on in February as senior vice president of strategic initiatives. Crespo, who joined Montefiore in 2020, is senior vice president of community affairs.
Jason Ortiz is one of New York City’s go-to operatives. He has notched key victories as director of political and strategic affairs for the influential Hotel Trades Council, worked with the Innocence Project and the Drug Policy Alliance and, last year, helped Eric Adams win the pivotal New York City Democratic mayoral primary through his work on a super PAC. A little over a year ago, he teamed up with charter
Montefiore Medicine is a regional leader in health care in the Bronx, Westchester County and the Hudson Valley, and among the executives aiming to expand its reach and improve its services are two former elected officials: Marcos Crespo and Ruben Diaz Jr. The former Bronx politicians – Crespo served in the Assembly and chaired the Bronx Democratic
October, however, the charges against him were dropped when his wife declined to testify. He now chairs one of the state Senate’s two committees on cities.
At Healthfirst, the national nonprofit health insurer
Bank of America
Moonshot Strategies
CityAndStateNY.com September 12, 202242
Montefiore Medicine
Born and raised in the Bronx, Miguel Centeno has served the community since 1996, when he worked as a deputy director of economic development for the Brooklyn Borough President’s Office.

where he has been since 2020, Centeno contributes to narrowing the gaps in health care in minority communities. The son of Puerto Rican immigrants as well as an aficionado of Latin music and its roots, Centeno also leads the salsa band Grupo Centeno.
Ortiz is one of New York City's go-to operatives for political and strategic affairs.

As president and CEO of New York-based Ponce Bank, Carlos P. Naudon has made it a priority to give back to the community that has been so integral to the success of his New York City-based financial institution. He holds numerous positions to further that goal, serving on the board of directors of The Brooklyn Hospital Center and directing the Ponce De Leon Foundation, which provides grants to nonprofit organizations that benefit communities in New York City.
Over the past 13 years, Jose Tavarez has played a significant role in Bank of America’s relationship with New York City, including in his current role leading its growth plan for all five boroughs. He is part of both the Bank of America Global Diversity & Inclusion Council and the Leadership Council for the Hispanic/Latino Organization for Leadership and Advancement. Tavarez was recently appointed to the “New” New York panel by New York City Mayor Eric Adams and Gov. Kathy Hochul.
Ponce Bank
CONGRATULATIONSLuzTavarez Director, Government, Community and External Relations We admire all her exemplary leadership and work at Catholic Charities of New York. CITY & STATE NEW YORK LATINO POWER 100 LIST HONOREE


New York City Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
While emergency rooms were where the sickest New Yorkers ended up during the worst of the pandemic, community health centers offered a place for preventive and continuing care – and were often on the front lines. Somos, which the Dominican-born Dr. Ramon Tallaj founded in 2015 after years of providing care for immigrant New Yorkers, is the city’s largest of these nonprofit networks. Tallaj brought on Mario J. Paredes, who was previously a Merrill Lynch executive and commissioner for the New York City Charter Revision Commission, to run it.
CityAndStateNY.com September 12, 202244
With more than two decades of health care experience, including time as a care
Freelancers Union
Community Preservation Corp.
President and CEO Nick Lugo and Executive Director Cindy Estrada led the business organization’s crucial efforts to help small businesses survive during the pandemic through creating partnerships with community banks. Before coming to the chamber, Lugo began his career in the travel and publishing businesses and founded Casa Publications. Estrada established herself as
an entrepreneur from an early age and has also been involved in nonprofit organizations such as Somos El Futuro.

Russi is working to expand his organization's affordable housing offerings.
Rafael Espinal resigned from his New York City Council seat in early 2020 to take the reins of the Freelancers Union, which represents tens of millions of independent workers around the country. Born in Brooklyn

to Dominican parents, Espinal rose to become chief of staff for then-Council Member Erik Dilan before getting elected himself to the Assembly at age 26 and then becoming a City Council member in 2013.
school veteran Jenny Sedlis and communications pro Jennifer Fermino to launch the consulting firm Moonshot Strategies.
to expand the organization’s affordable housing offerings.
Somos Community Care
Community Preservation Corp. was about to go bankrupt in 2012 when Rafael Cestero stepped in to begin enacting the plan that has made the nonprofit what it is today: a large community development financial institution that helps support multifamily, affordable and workforce housing. Cestero, who has helped get housing units built throughout the state from Buffalo to the Bronx, previously served as New York City’s housing commissioner under former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg.
Under the leadership of Raul Russi, the nonprofit social services organization Acacia Network has become one of the largest Hispanic advocacy organizations in six states and Puerto Rico. Russi, who came to New York at age 12 from Puerto Rico, was a highly decorated Buffalo police officer in the 1970s, where he was once shot while on duty. One of his missions in 2022 is
New York City Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
We are proud to announce transportation and public infrastructure policy expert and former NYS Thruway Authority Executive Director Michael R. Fleischer has joined our Governmentteam.Relations | Strategy | Healthcare Consulting & Advocacy Corporate and Legal Affairs Albany, NY | 518 427 7350 | brownweinraub.com He’s arrived.

One of New York City’s most influential spokeninofferinitiativeincludingthebeenwarming.bydisproportionatelyPoint,theneighborhoodsqualityinitiativerecentlyadvocates,environmentalEddieBautistatookpartinantomeasureairandhotspacesinsuchasEastVillageandHuntswhichhavebeenaffectedpollutionandglobalHiseffortshaveadifference-makerforimmigrantcommunity,hisworkonanforcityagenciestoservicesanddocumentsthesixmostcommonlylanguagesinthecity.
Elizabeth Velez is the president of the Velez Organization, a construction firm that was created by her father, Andrew Velez, in 1972. Velez’s company has been part of hundreds of projects, including the construction of 600 affordable housing units in New York City. Velez was recently appointed to the Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s Traffic Mobility Review Board to recommend toll pricing for Manhattan’s congestion pricing program. In 2020, she was elected by the New York Building Congress to serve a two-year term as its chair.
New York City Environmental Justice Alliance
September 12, 2022
and communities of color in New York City. Now the executive director at the nonprofit ALIGN, she previously served as coordinator of Real Affordability for All, the city’s largest affordable housing coalition, and has worked on a number of boards, including for Partnership for Working Families. She helped raise $1.2 million for the Caring Across Generations campaign, which helped low-income and undocumented seniors access home care.
advocate for environmental and racial justice who also co-chairs the Climate Justice Alliance, Yeampierre served on the Sustainability Advisory Board of the de Blasio administration. She advocates for framing the fight against the climate crisis as a collective one and has recently warned about extreme heat as an immediate concern for the community.
Organizer and political strategist Maritza Silva-Farrell’s work has focused on advancing initiatives that benefit migrants
Yeampierre has framed the climate crisis as a fight for environmental justice.
specialist, a marketing specialist and director of business development at different health care companies, Joselyn Salazar has the skills to meet the needs of patients while growing business for longterm care programs. At MetroPlus Health, a low-cost health insurance company for residents of New York City, Salazar helps members on Medicare and Medicaid, and those in long-term care.
Liberty Coca-Cola recently announced it would be switching from plastic to paper six-pack holders – and Mayra Linares-Garcia, the company’s vice president of public affairs communications,andhas been a crucial part of the rollout. In addition to such initiatives,
she works to listen to and support the company's customer communities in New York, New Jersey and Philadelphia. The daughter of former Assembly Member Guillermo Linares, LinaresGarcia also serves on the board of trustees for CUNY.

As the executive director of Uprose, Elizabeth Yeampierre leads one of New York’s most influential Latino community organizations. A lawyer and

Congratulations Julissa Ferreras-Copeland on being recognized in the Latino Power 100 BakerHostetler congratulates Fernando Bohorquez Jr. and all those named on City and State’s New York Latino Power 100. bakerlaw.com

Stu Loeser & Co.
As the chief of staff for Stu Loeser & Co., the strategic communications firm led by U.S. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s former communications director, Stephanie Miliano manages its talent acquisition and client relations. Before taking on her current role, Miliano led political engagement for the 2017 Women’s March in Washington, D.C. She also served as field director for state Comptroller Thomas
David Garza has been with Henry Street Settlement for more than two decades, where he began as the social service agency’s chief administrator for its Workforce Development Center before ultimately taking the reins in 2010. Under Garza’s leadership, the organization, which also provides health and arts programs, received a gun violence prevention initiative award from the Manhattan district attorney’s office to continue its efforts to keep neighborhoods safe and help meet the needs of young people.
EffectivePRESIDENTMedia Strategies
HollisPARTNERPublic Affairs
As a partner at New Yorkbased Hollis Public Affairs, which provides political strategy consulting, Julissa Ferreras-Copeland puts her expertise on issues such as finance and economic development to work for a wide range of clients. FerrerasCopeland knows the territory well: She was born in Corona, Queens, and once served as the influential finance chair in the New York City Council while representing residents in neighborhoods like East Elmhurst, Elmhurst, Jackson Heights and Corona.

As the leader of Big Brothers Big Sisters of New York City, Alicia Guevara is responsible for having everything in place for thousands of city youth to explore their potential through

The Communications.aNewarkthehavingpublicwomen.themakingGov.candidateformertoCountycandidates,countlesshasprofessionalcommunicationsLupéTodd-MedinashapedthemessagingfororganizationsandfromtheNewYorkDefenderServicesthebusinesspersonandNewYorkCitymayoralRayMcGuiretoKathyHochul –allwhileitapointtohelpupliftcareersofotherBlackShefoundedherownrelationsfirmin2013afterpreviouslyworkedaspresssecretaryforthen-MayorCoryBookerandvicepresidentatGeorgeArzt
DiNapoli’s reelection campaign and was Manhattan political and field organizer for Hillary for America.
Marta Tellado came on nearly nine years ago as the president and CEO of
Ferreras-Copeland used to represent parts of Queens in the New York City Council.

CityAndStateNY.com September 12, 202248
BigCEOBrothers Big Sisters of New York City
mentoring relationships. During her career, Guevara, who believes in mentoring youth as a solution to social justice issues, has raised millions of dollars for the organizations she has worked for, including Brooklyn Children’s Museum and Part of the Solution.
PRESIDENT AND CEO Consumer Reports
Henry Street Settlement
Editor’s note: Lupé Todd-Medina is a member of City & State’s advisory board.
Stu Loeser & Co. Chief of MilianoStephanieStaff
With more than 1.8 million members and a groundbreaking value-based care model, we continue to connect underserved communities to high-quality care, advance health equity, and address racial and social injustice.
Nearly 30 years ago, Healthfirst committed itself to providing health insurance and resources that help New Yorkers live healthier, happier lives.

Healthfirst is the brand name used for products and services provided by one or more of the Healthfirst group of affiliated companies. © 2022 HF Management Services, LLC 1149-22
We celebrate City & State’s 2022 Latino Power 100 for their outstanding contributions and leadership, including Miguel Centeno Vice President, Community Engagement, Healthfirst

The CPC Team Congratulates Chief Executive Officer

Congratulations to Tonio Burgos & Elvin Garcia for being recognized on the 2022 City and State NY Power of Diversity: Latino 100 list
and fellow honorees of City & State’s Power of Diversity: Latino 100

A lifelong fighter for justice, Carmen Beauchamp Ciparick has served on the state Court of Appeals – the first Latina to do so – and on the state Supreme Court. A retired judge, she is currently cochair of the New York State Justice Task Force, where she has led recent efforts in examining and reforming racial discrimination in the jury selection process. She continues to act as a
media engagement. Early in his career, Perez worked for then-New York City Council Member Julissa FerrerasCopeland and Rep. Charles Ruppersberger, setting up a successful trajectory for his career in the political world.

CityAndStateNY.com September 12, 202250
As president and executive director of The Ali Forney Center in New York City, Alexander Roque leads some of the most important advocacy for LGBTQ youth in the country, primarily working to protect them from homelessness. He has an extensive history of service to the organization, including working as its director of development for nearly a decade. In that role, he helped secure valuable partnerships with companies like Whole Foods, Converse and Aeropostale.
The father-and-son duo of Sam Ramirez and Sam Ramirez Jr. are the driving force behind their eponymous family investment and advisory firm – the first Hispanic investment bank on Wall Street. The Ramirez family has long been committed to uplifting youth: When not managing portfolios, they partner with the Hispanic Scholarship Fund to aid children in higher education opportunities and in 2021 formed the Ramirez Investment Institute to support professionals interested in finance.
mentor to junior attorneys at Greenberg Traurig.
Consumer Reports, the Yonkers-based consumer advocacy and product review company whose reach extends far beyond the Hudson Valley. Tellado is out with a new book this fall entitled “Buyer Aware: Harnessing Our Consumer Power for a Safe, Fair, and Transparent Marketplace.” She previously served as vice president of global communications for the Ford Foundation.
Rosa Gil has been at the helm of Comunilife, the nonprofit dedicated to improving the health and welfare of New Yorkers with special needs in the Hispanic community – and the community at large – since she founded it in 1989. In addition to Comunilife, where she helps change thousands of lives each year, Gil was appointed chair of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York's board of directors in January. Gil also created the Life is Precious program, which counsels suicidal Latina teens, in 2008.

Jorge Perez has been with The Parkside Group for seven years. During that time, he has supported a variety of national and state-level political campaigns, as well as businesses in the nonprofit and public sectors. Named as The Parkside Group’s digital director in 2021, Perez helps support digital campaigns through social

The Ali Forney Center
The Parkside Group
Gil has helped New Yorkers with special needs in the Hispanic community.
Since 1993, Construction,Padillaheaded by founder Samuel Padilla, has proffered services in the five boroughs of New York and Nassau County and provided employment for more than 100
A feminist and writer who has been recognized for being one of the pioneers of Dominican women’s studies, Daisy Cocco De Filippis was named as president of Hostos Community College in the Bronx last year. As part of her administration’s plan to support students during the

In 2021, Elisa Crespo ran for New York City Council – the first transgender woman of color to do so. That same year, Crespo was named executive director of the LGBTQ advocacy and education organization The New Pride

51September 12, 2022 City & State New York
Miguel Martinez-Saenz is the 19th president of Brooklyn’s St. Francis College, an institution where 60% of the students come from juvenileworkshopsphilosophyscholarancareerinprovostjuststudentsrevolveswhosecommunities.underrepresentedMartinez-Saenz,leadershipphilosophyaroundteaching“tomakealife,notaliving,”waspreviouslyatOtterbeinUniversityOhio.HiseducationalhasincludedbecomingadministrativeFulbrightandconductingandpoetryforyouthindetention.

The New Pride Agenda
Physicians’ most important health care initiatives in New York City, overseeing clinics that span all five boroughs as well as Long Island. The organization seeks to provide inclusive care that respects all gender identities, ages and languages. Rodriguez herself is a veteran of the medical field, bringing with her more than 20 years of experience and acumen to support the organization and its mission.
Crespo has educated the public on monkeypox and worked on vaccine access.
Physician Affiliate Group of New York
Jorge Montalvo held a number of key city and state government positions prior to assuming his current position of chief operating officer at the Physician Affiliate Group of New York, a New York City-based multispecialty physician group with nearly 4,000 physicians and other providers. He previously served as the founding executive director of the state Office for New Americans and had leadership positions with the New York City Charter Revision Commission, the governor’s Empire State Poverty Reduction Initiative and the New York State Consumer Protection Board.
Agenda. Since the introduction of monkeypox in New York City, Crespo and The New Pride Agenda have worked to educate the public on issues like the difficulties of getting equal vaccine access for the LGBTQ community and the recent rise in discrimination against gay and bisexual men.
HostosPRESIDENTCommunity College
coronavirus pandemic, she initiated the motto, “manos a la obra/all hands on deck.”
During her first 20 years in academia, Phillips was a professor of Spanish.
As the leader of this medical organization, Navarra Rodriguez has taken point on some of AdvantageCare
Daisy Cocco De Filippis
President and CEO Ramon Peguero brings more than two decades of experience working in organizations that seek to improve the quality of life of families in New York to his role. In his current position, which he has held since 2017, Peguero is charged with protecting Hispanic children through improved care and education programs. Recently, he led the opening of a new CHCF center in the Bronx designed to expand child care coverage.
Ramon Rodriguez was installed as president and CEO of Wyckoff Heights Medical Center in late 2011 and has spent over a decade seeking to stabilize its finances and reform its business practices. The hospital, which is located in Brooklyn near the border of Queens, found itself at the epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic early on, with the first COVID-19 death in New York City having been documented there in March 2020. Rodriguez has also expressed support for New York City Mayor Eric Adams’ efforts to combat gun violence.
Crown Castle
Since Quenia Abreu founded it in 2002, the New York Women’s Chamber of Commerce has grown in

CityAndStateNY.com September 12, 202252
Rua is working to close the digital divide and bring 5G service to the entire state.
BohorquezFernando Jr.
FOUNDING EXECUTIVE CoalitionDIRECTORfor Hispanic Family Services
scope and ability enough to aid in the creation of more than 10,000 businesses. The chamber has also helped certify minority- and womenowned businesses. Abreu led the chamber’s efforts to help businesses navigate COVID-19 policies and apply for grants that sprang up during the past two-plus years and has had an active role in developing economic support programs for small businesses hit hard by the pandemic.
New York Women’s Chamber of Commerce
people. Among the projects in which his company is currently involved: the construction of a new North Screening Building and Plaza Entrance Area to the United Nations and renovations at Jamaica High School. Padilla is also the treasurer of the National Hispanic Business Group.

Committee for Hispanic Children and Families
Fernando Bohorquez Jr. is a partner at BakerHostetler, a law firm with offices in major cities all across the country. Bohorquez, a corporate attorney who serves as the New York litigation leader for the firm, is also the acting chair of the New York City Conflicts of Interest Board, which rules on ethics issues in city government and a board member for The New York Community Trust, which supports thousands of nonprofit organizations in the city.
Wyckoff Heights Medical Center
Committee for Hispanic Children and Families
More than 1 million New Yorkers don’t have broadband – a crisis that Ana Rua is at the forefront of trying to fix. As the head of government affairs for New York for Crown Castle, a communications infrastructure company, Rua has been a staunch advocate of making broadband and statewide 5G a priority for New York. In her role, she educates policymakers on the digital needs of citizens throughout the state and aims to empower disenfranchised citizens by closing the digital divide.
Since founding the Coalition for Hispanic Family Services in 1990, Denise Rosario has helped thousands of children and families via the efforts and offerings of her nonprofit. Rosario has worked to
When Ariana Collado was brought on as executive director for the Bronx Democratic Party in early 2021, the former New York City
Luz Tavares is responsible for managing government relations, affectedresidentsNewprovidedarrivingeffortsbeenTheworkedcharitiesYorkofCharitiesadvocacypartnershipscommunityandvariousprojectsforCatholicoftheArchdioceseNewYork–oneofNewCity’smostimportant–whereshehasformorethan15years.organization,whichhasacriticalpartofthetohelpLatinomigrantsinNewYork,haslongneededassistancetoYorkers,includingmanywhowereadverselybythepandemic.
Santos edits two newspapers that provide Spanish readers with a neighborhood focus.
East Side House Settlement
the Bronx Free Press –free, bilingual community newspapers in New York City that provide news to Spanish-speaking readers while putting a spotlight on reportsstories,boroughs’havecommunities.underrepresentedBothpaperscoveredsomeofthemostimportantfromelectionstoonpoverty,aswell as the impact of Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s resignation last year. She is a frequent commentator on panels, podcasts and shows.
Daniel Diaz leads East Side House Settlement, one of New York’s oldest nonprofit organizations: founded in 1891, it now serves 10,000
53September 12, 2022 City & State New York
Debralee Santos edits both the Manhattan Times and
individuals. Before becoming executive director, Diaz held various positions there, and during his more than 17 years with the organization, which is dedicated to educational programs in the Bronx and Northern Manhattan, he has been responsible for budgeting and overseeing education programs for children, youth and adults.
Bronx Democratic Party
CharitiesCatholic of New York's Luz Tavares
provide services in English and Spanish in foster care, mental health and child abuse prevention. An East Harlem native, Rosario has received several awards for her work, including the Lady Deborah Moody Founders Award from the Brooklyn Borough President’s Office.
When Graciela Mochkofsky was elevated to the position of dean of the Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism this summer, she also earned the distinction of being the only Latina to lead a graduate journalism school in the country. Mochkofsky, an Argentina native who previously focused on bilingual journalist training
Council staffer emphasized that she wanted the party apparatus to be more inclusive. Since then, what critics had dismissed as an old boys’ club made a notable shift in backing a number of female candidates for city and state office, including Vanessa Gibson in her successful bid for Bronx borough president.

CUNYDEAN Craig Newmark School of Journalism
ManhattanEDITOR Times and Bronx Free Press
When people think of Latinos in New York City, many of them tend to think of Puerto Ricans, but in the past several years, the Dominican population has grown explosively enough to become a dominant Hispanic subgroup. Since 2013, Eddie Cuesta has helmed Dominicanos USA, a national nonprofit dedicated not only to preserving Dominican culture in the United States, but getting the demographic civically engaged and registered to vote to translate those numbers into political power.
With global experience in public relations and marketing, Francisca Cruz works on health policy with various stakeholders across the country at J Strategies. Cruz has worked in the Dominican Republic, Argentina and Italy, and has a range of multicultural experience that helps her aid a variety of stakeholders. Originally from the Dominican Republic, Cruz now lives in the Bronx with her family, where she is an active member of the LGTBQ community.
As a tenant representative on New York City’s Rent Guidelines Board for nine years, Sheila Garcia has vocally opposed the rent hikes made by the majority of the board by rallying to support
LatinoCO-FOUNDERDemocrats of Dutchess County
Cynthia Travieso, who brings more than 15 years of experience to her role as deputy director of Community Voices Heard, comes from a childhood informed by activism. Among her responsibilities at CVH, Travieso oversees the

Torres fought to ensure Dutchess County provided voting materials in Spanish.
nonprofit’s organizing and advocacy efforts, helping lead the fight to improve the quality of life for women of color and low-income families. Under her supervision, the organization has assayed formidable initiatives in New York City as well as the Hudson Valley.

of the state where Latinos are vying for political power. In the Hudson Valley, Joe Torres cofounded the Latino Democrats of Dutchess County, fought to ensure county government provided voting material in Spanish and mounted campaigns for the Assembly in 2014 and 2016.

In her role at FWD.us, Alana Sivin leads efforts on important immigration advocacy work, assisting the organization in its advocacy efforts around causes like prison reform and support for DACA recipients. Sivin, who specializes in criminal justice reform work for the organization, brings an extensive advocacy background to her work, having held senior positions at the New York City Council and with advocacy organizations like A More Just NYC, and at The Appeal Media.
Hispanics make up a smaller share of the population in New York as a whole than they do in New York City, but the five boroughs aren’t the only parts
and ran the CUNY school’s Center for Community Media, is a longtime media scholar and a writer whose work has appeared in The New Yorker and The Atlantic.

multi-family homes. Garcia has been a champion of affordable housing and tenant rights on the board and as a key organizer in tenant issues throughout New York City during her 11 years at New Settlement.
CityAndStateNY.com September 12, 202254
Notice of Formation of 409 ROCKAWAY AVENUE OWNER LLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 07/18/22. Office location: Kings County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC c/o EL Equity LLC, 407 Rockaway Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11212. Purpose: Any lawful activity.
Notice of Formation of SHUGO INVEST LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/22/2022. Office location Rensselaer SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 33 SCOTCH PINE DRIVE, MEDFORD, NY, 11763. Any lawful
Purpose: Any lawful
Notice of Formation of MJ CHEUKLAP LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/24/2022.
Purpose: Any lawful activity.
Notice of Formation of FITZ ROY ROAD LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 06/06/2022. Office location New York SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 246 WEST 16TH STREET, 1R, NEW YORK, NY, 10011. Any lawful purpose.
Formation of 3909 5TH AVENUE LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/05/2022. Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 706 5TH AVENUE, BROOKLYN, NY, 11215. Any lawful ofNoticepurpose.ofFormation
Notice of Formation of MYRON WEAVER HOUSE, LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 08/16/2022. Office location: Yates SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to 172 WEST LAKE RD., BRANCHPORT, NY, 14418. Any lawful
Notice of Formation of CHRISTINA PEABODY, LLC filed with SSNY on 05-31-2022. Office: NEW YORK County. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: 205 WEST 89TH STREET #3G. Purpose: any lawful act or activity.
of Formation of 1022 BROADWAY LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY purpose.NY,SUITEBEDFORDmailmaywhomdesg.location:09/20/2012.OfficeonKingsSSNYAsagentofLLCuponprocessagainstitbeservedSSNYprocessto543AVENUE,103,BROOKLYN,11249.Anylawful
Office location: Kings County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC c/o EL Equity LLC, 407 Rockaway Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11212.
Notice of Formation of AWAY & UNPLUGGED, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 08/16/2022. Office location: Ontario SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to 53 WILLIAM ST., PHELPS, NY, 14532. Any lawful purpose.
of Formation of 30A 310 EAST 53RD ST. NYC. LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY
Notice of Formation of FOREVER DESIGNS BY VANESSA LLC filed with SSNY on May 22, 2022. Office: Richmond County. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: 390 Thornycroft Ave Staten Island NY 10312. Purpose: any lawful act or activity.
Notice of Formation of R3825 THIRD AVENUE, LLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 07/21/22. Office location: NY County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to c/o Casa Nela LTD., 181 W. 10th St., NY, NY 10014.
NR 2022 LLC filed w/ SSNY on 8/1/22. Office: New York Co. SSNY designated as agent for process & shall mail to: 201 E 87th St., #30R, NY, NY 10128. Purpose: any lawful.
The Malin West Village LLC App. for Authority filed with Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) on 7/29/2022. LLC formed in DE on 7/28/2022. Office location: New York County. SSNY desig. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to 32 Mercer St., 3 rd Floor, NY, NY 10013.
Notice of Formation of 2322 LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/08/2022. Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 706 5TH AVENUE, BROOKLYN, NY, 11215. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of High Tides Consulting, LLC filed with SSNY on July 25 2016. Office: Kings County. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC Registered Agent: US Corp Agents Inc, 7014 13th ave, Brooklyn 11228. Purpose: any lawful act or activity.
is hereby given that license number 1349910 for liquor has been applied for by the undersigned to sell liquor at retail in a OP 252 RESTAURANT under the alcoholic beverage control law at 603 MANHATTAN AVE BROOKLYN, NY 11222 in Kings County for onpremises consumption.
STYLEDBYPHINA LLC. Articles of Org. filed with NY Dept. of State (DOS) on 04/15/2022. Office location: Schenectady County, DOS is designated as agent upon whom process may be served. DOS shall mail service of process to 258 WARD AVE, SCHENECTADY, NY, UNITED STATES, 12304. Company is organized for any lawful 8/5,12,19,26,9/2;9/9purpose.
JIAEN LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/14/2022. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 7311 5TH AVE, BROOKLYN, NY, 11209. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of FATIMA NAWAZ LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 06/24/2022. Office location Hamilton SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 236 NYS ROUTE 28, INLET, NY, 13360. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of 349 EAST 138TH LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 11/04/2013.
Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 04/21/2022. Office location Bronx SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 795 ALLERTON AVE, BRONX, NY, 10467. Any lawful purpose.
S7HILLS Holdings LLC filed w/ SSNY on 6/30/22. Office: New York Co. SSNY designated as agent for process & shall mail to: 253 W 72nd St., #1109, NY, NY 10023. Purpose: any lawful.
Office location Bronx SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 1946 CONEY ISLAND AVENUE, BROOKLYN, NY, 11223. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of JOHNSON PROPERTY GROUP, LLC filed with SSNY on anyNY,APTprocessSSNYagainstLLCSSNYOffice:KINGS05/11/2022.County.designatedagentofuponwhomprocessitmaybeserved.shallmailcopyoftoLLC:100E21ST,207BROOKLYN,11226,USAPurpose:lawfulactoractivity.
Cert. of Form. on file: DE SOS, DE Div. of Corps, PO Box 898, Dover, DE 19903. Purpose: any lawful business.
55PUBLIC and LEGAL NOTICES / CityAndStateNY.comSeptember 12, September2022 12, 2022 For more legalnotices@cityandstateny.com212-268-0442info.Ext.2039EmailNoticeofformationof
Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 1238 63RD ST, APT D226, BROOKLYN, NY, UNITED STATES, 11219. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of 409 ROCKAWAY AVENUE OWNER LLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 07/18/22.
Notice of Formation of 409 ROCKAWAY AVENUE OWNER LLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 07/18/22. Office location: Kings County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC c/o EL Equity LLC, 407 Rockaway Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11212.
Purpose: Any lawful Noticeactivity.
Notice of Formation of GAK RENTALS LLC, LLC filed with SSNY on 07/21/2022. Office: Orange County. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: 1 SUMMERVILLE RD, GOSHEN, NY, 10924, USA. Purpose: any lawful act or activity.
of Qual. of 4 CORNERS LEAD, LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 07/25/2022.
CityAndStateNY.com / PUBLIC and LEGAL NOTICES56 September 12, 2022
Notice of Formation of Night Wolf Studios, LLC filed with SSNY on August 8, 2022. Office: Richmond County. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: 85 Amazon Lane Staten Island, NY 10307. Purpose: General- any lawful act or activity.
Notice of Qual. of PF REAL ESTATE 1 LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 08/05/2022. Office location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 08/05/2022. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 93 PEARL STREET, , SECOND FLOOR , NEW YORK, NY, 10004. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful
of Formation of PERRY STREET 4 LLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 11/22/21.
of Formation of NW 25TH STREET LENDER LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY lawfulYORK,LIBERTYmailitwhomdesg.location:07/06/2022.OfficeonNewYorkSSNYasagentofLLCuponprocessagainstmaybeserved.SSNYprocessto28STREET,NEWNY,10005.Anypurpose.
Notice of Formation of PERRY STREET 2 LLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 11/22/21. Office location: NY County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 347 5th Ave., Ste. 300, NY, NY 10016. Purpose: Any lawful Noticeactivity.
Auth. filed with SSNY on 08/02/2022. Office location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 06/21/2016. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 501 MADISON AVENUE, 4TH FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY, 10022. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of ANDREW LOUIS GUITAR LLC , filed with SSNY on 07/12/2022. Office: NEW YORK County. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: 7014 13TH AVENUE, SUITE 202 BROOKLYN, NY, 11228. Purpose: any lawful act or Noticeactivity.
Office location: NY County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 347 5th Ave., Ste. 300, NY, NY 10016. Purpose: Any lawful activity.
of 152 WYCKOFF LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY ofNoticepurpose.STATES,BROOKLYN,WYCKOFFmailmaywhomdesg.location:08/04/2022.OfficeonKingsSSNYAsagentofLLCuponprocessagainstitbeservedSSNYprocessto152AVE.,NY,UNITED11237.AnylawfulofFormation
NOTICE OF FORMATION OF 34th Street Care Investors LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of NY lawfulNY926is: c/othe LLC servedoftheOfficemaywhomdesignatedSSNYlocation: KINGS County.on 08/03/2022.(SSNY)Officehasbeenasagentuponprocessagainstitbeserved.ThePostaddresstowhichSSNYshallmailacopyanyprocessagainstuponthemRivkinRadlerLLP,RXRPlaza,Uniondale,11556.Purpose:anyactoractivity.
Office location: New York. SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 5 WEST 37TH STREET 12TH FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY, 10018. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of JUMBO DUMBO LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/12/2022.
Notice of Formation of LINS E&R REAL ESTATE LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY 10305.STATENMCCLEANmailitwhomdesg.location:02/23/2022.OfficeonRichmondSSNYasagentofLLCuponprocessagainstmaybeserved.SSNYprocessto408AVENUE,ISLAND,NY,Anylawfulpurpose.
Notice of Formation of NYS KLEANING 2 LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/18/2022.
Notice of Formation of LINA HOLDINGS, LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 06/29/2020.
Office location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 07/25/2022. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 114 EAST 25TH STREET, NEW YORK, NY, 10010. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose.
Musing Studio LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the SSNY on 6/29/22. Office: Kings County. SSNY designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to the LLC, 765 MacDonough St #1C Brooklyn, NY 11233. Purpose: Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of ICHTHYSroe, LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed SSNY on 8/5/22. Office: Richmond Co. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served & mailed to: ICHTHYSroe, LLC, 344 Mountainview Ave, SI NY 10314. Purpose: Any lawful act.
Notice is hereby given that license number 1349501 for liquor has been applied for by the undersigned to sell liquor at retail in a RESTAURANT-OP 252 under the alcoholic beverage control law at 129 E 60TH ST NEW YORK, NY 10022 for consumption. on-premises
Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 725 4TH AVENUE, APT TT4, BROOKLYN, NY, 11232. Any lawful purpose.
Arts .Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/29/2022. Office location: Bronx SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to 855 FOX STREET, , APT 7, BRONX, NY, 10459. Any lawful
Office location New York SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to ONE BRYANT PARK, NEW YORK, NY, 10036. Any lawful
of Formation of 6157 SENTINEL ROAD, LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 02/10/2022. Office location New York SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 5 WEST 37TH STREET, 12TH FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY, 10018. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of 228 WEST 52ND STREET LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 06/29/2022. Office location New York SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 10 E 40TH ST, STE 17, NEW YORK, NY, 10016. Any lawful
Notice of Qual. of PH WATER STREET LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 08/05/2022. Office location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 08/05/2022. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 93 PEARL STREET, , SECOND FLOOR , NEW YORK, NY, 10004. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose.Notice of Qual. of AHEAD REALTY LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 08/05/2022. Office location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 08/05/2022. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 93 PEARL STREET, , SECOND FLOOR , NEW YORK, NY, 10004. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of UD 46th STREET, LLC filed with SSNY on 04/23/2013. Office: NEW YORK County. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: 212 E 49 TH STREET, NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10017. Purpose: any lawful act or activity.
of Formation of PERRY STREET 3 LLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 11/22/21. Office location: NY County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 347 5th Ave., Ste. 300, NY, NY 10016. Purpose: Any lawful Noticeactivity.
Notice of Formation of JS CONSULTING,YOUNGLLC
Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 07/15/22. Office location: NY County. Princ. office of LLC: 20 E. 9th St., Apt. 14K, NY, NY 10003. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to Jill Young at the princ. office of the LLC. Purpose: Any lawful activity.
of Formation of EVERGREEN REAL ESTATE 623 LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 08/10/2022. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 843 52ND STREET APT 4B, BROOKLYN, NY, 11220. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of SAMIRA 0200 LLC filed with SSNY on 8/19/2022 Office: New York county. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: 2075 First Avenue, Apt. 11E New York, NY. 10029 Purpose: any lawful act or activity
Notice of Formation of M1 EAST 13TH STREET LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 09/18/2020. Office location New York SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 125 PARK AVENUE 7TH FLR, NEW YORK, NY, 10017. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of CCA The Rise LLC . Arts. of Org. filed with NY Dept. of State: 12/21/20. Office location: NY County. Sec. of State designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served and shall mail process to: c/o Community Preservation Corp., 220 E. 42nd St., 16th Fl., NY, NY 10017, principal business address. Purpose: any lawful activity.
Notice of Formation of LEGACY DONUT 157 LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 06/28/22. Office location: NY County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: THE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, 240 WEST 40TH ST., NY, NY 10018.
CARE ABOUT MEDICAL, PLLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/26/2022. Office location New York SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 300 PARK AVENUE, SUITE 2501, NEW YORK, NY, UNITED STATES, 10022. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of LLFP LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 08/08/2022. Office location New York SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 348 WEST 20TH STREET, NEW YORK, NY, 10011. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of YANG 56TH STREET LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 08/03/2022. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 901 56TH STREET, 1ST FLOOR, BROOKLYN, NY, 11219. Any lawful purpose.
of Formation of ABA SACK WERN LLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 08/24/22. Office location: NY County. Princ. office of LLC: 7 Penn Plaza, Ste. 600, NY, NY 10001. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC at the addr. of its princ. office. Purpose: Any lawful
933 XYZ REALTY LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 08/02/2022. Office location Bronx SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 933 E 217TH ST, BRONX, NY, 10469. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of 612 EAST MAIN STREET, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 06/29/2022. Office location: Wayne. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to 1160-A NoticeAnyPITTSFORD,VICTORPITTSFORD-ROAD,NY,14534.lawfulpurpose.ofFormationof DECP, LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 11216.PARKSSNYagainstupondesg.location:07/05/2022.OfficeKingsSSNYAsagentofLLCwhomprocessitmaybeservedmailprocessto892PL,BROOKLYN,NY,Anylawfulpurpose.
Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 08/08/2022. Office location New York SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 90 STATE STREET , SUITE 700, BOX 10, ALBANY, NY, 12207. Any lawful
Notice is hereby given that license number 1349384 for liquor has been applied for by the undersigned to sell liquor at retail in a TAVERN under the alcoholic beverage control law at 228 7TH AVE BROOKLYN, NY 11215 for consumption. on-premises
Notice of Formation of POLAR BRONX BLVD, LLC. Arts .Of Org. filed with SSNY on 08/02/2022. Office location: Bronx SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to 32-57 84TH STREET, G/F, EAST ELMHURST, NY, 11370. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Qual. of 262 FIFTH AVENUE PROJECT LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 03/02/2022. Office location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 02/28/2022. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 444 MADISON AVENUE, 6TH FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY, 10022. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose.
Arts of Org filed with Secy of State of NY (SSNY) on 8/29/22. Office location: NY County. SSNY designated as agent upon whom process may be served and shall mail copy of process against LLC to: 384 Grand St., Store #3, NY, NY 10002. Purpose: any lawful act.
Notice of Qual. of 87-89 PEARL LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 08/05/2022. Office location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 08/05/2022. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 93 PEARL STREET, , SECOND FLOOR , NEW YORK, NY, 10004. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of ZSTACHURA LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY Any3,RICHARDSONmailmaywhomdesg.location:07/29/2022.OfficeonKingsSSNYAsagentofLLCuponprocessagainstitbeservedSSNYprocessto38ST.APTBROOKLYN,NY,11211.lawfulpurpose.NoticeofFormationof
Notice is hereby given that a license, number pending, for beer, wine and liquor has been applied for by the undersigned to sell beer, wine and liquor at retail in a catering establishment under the Alcohol Beverage Control Law at 620 Fifth Avenue, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10020 for onpremises consumption.
Purpose: any lawful activities.
of Formation of 6163 SENTINEL ROAD, LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 02/07/2022. Office location New York SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 5 WEST 37TH STREET, 12TH FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY, 10018. Any lawful purpose.
57PUBLIC and LEGAL NOTICES / CityAndStateNY.comSeptember 12, 2022
Office Location: Wayne County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 654 Autumn Breeze Ln, Ontario, NY 14519. Purpose: any lawful activities.
620 Venue, L.L.C. 620 Fifth Avenue, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10020
Notice of Formation of MUTTON HILL AFAB, LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 08/08/2022. Office location Madison SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 3674 MUTTON HILL ROAD, CAZENOVIA, NY, 13035. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of 6157 SENTINEL ROAD, LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 02/10/2022. Office location New York SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 5 WEST 37TH STREET, 12TH FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY, 10018. Any lawful
Notice of Formation of ABA SACK WERN MANAGER LLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 08/24/22. Office location: NY County. Princ. office of LLC: 7 Penn Plaza, Ste. 600, NY, NY 10001. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC at the addr. of its princ. office.
Authority filed SSNY 6/22/21. Office: NY Co. LLC formed DE 6/22/21. Exists in DE: c/o National Registered Agents, Inc., 1209 Orange St., Wilmington, DE 19801. SSNY designated agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served & mail to: 45 Broadway, 25th Fl., NY, NY 10006. Cert of Formation Filed: Secy. of State, Corporation Dept., 401 Federal St., Ste. 4, Dover, DE 19901. General Purpose.
Noticepurpose. of Formation of 6163 SENTINEL ROAD, LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 02/07/2022. Office location New York SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 5 WEST 37TH STREET, 12TH FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY, 10018. Any lawful purpose.Notice
Notice of Formation of 161 NASSAU LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/26/2022. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 161 NASSAU AVE, BROOKLYN, NY, 11222. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of 57 LLC.MANAGEMENTGARAGE
Purpose: Any lawful
Notice of Formation of Stream Valley Irrigation LLC , filed with SSNY on 06/12/2022. Office: New York County. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: 630 west 173 street 4H New York NY 10032. Purpose: any lawful act or activity.
Formation of 825 THIRD AMENITY LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 08/08/2022. Office location New York SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to ONE BRYANT PARK, NEW YORK, NY, 10036. Any lawful ofNoticepurpose.ofFormation
Notice of Formation of Limited Liability Company (LLC) - name: Hibza Capital, LLC. Articles of Organization filed with Secretary of State of New York(SSNY) on September 28, 2021.
Notice of Formation of EDGE LLC.MANAGEMENTNY
Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 08/15/2022. Office location: New York SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to 535 5TH AVENUE, 12TH FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY, 10017. Any lawful purpose.
Noticepurpose. of Formation of HOLDINGS,WASHINGTONLLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 08/03/2022. Office location New York SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 485 LEXINGTON AVENUE, NEW YORK, NY, 1001. Any lawful purpose.
Homes by Habersang LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with the SSNY on 04/28/22. Office: Schenectady County. SSNY designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to the LLC, [2106 Nott St, Niskayuna, NY 12309]. Purpose: Any lawful purpose.
Launddoor LLC filed with SSNY on 07/22/2022. Office: New York County. SSNY is designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to Launddoor LLC: 10279 South 86th Terrace, Apt 308, Palos Hills, IL 60465. Purpose: any lawful act or activity.
Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment Index # 507432/2014. Joel Abramson, Esq. - Referee. Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid, Crane & Partners, PLLC 900 Merchants Concourse, Suite 310, Westbury, New York 11590, Attorneys for Plaintiff. All foreclosure sales will be conducted in accordance with Covid-19 guidelines including, but not limited to, social distancing and mask wearing. *LOCATION OF SALE SUBJECT TO CHANGE DAY OF IN ACCORDANCE WITH COURT/CLERK DIRECTIVES.
Notice of Formation of Rhinebeck House LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with NY Dept. of State: 3/3/17. Office location: NY County. Sec. of State designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served and shall mail process to: National Corporate Research, Ltd., 10 E. 40th St., 10th Fl., NY, NY 10016. Purpose: any lawful activity.
Notice of Formation of ARIES BUILDERS / STUDIO WOODMAN, LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/28/2022. Office location New York SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 245 E 19TH STREET, APT 18K, NEW YORK, NY, 10003. Any lawful
Notice of Formation of WISHME, LLC filed with SSNY on April 30, 2022. Office: New York County. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: WISHME STUDIO, 16 MADISON SQ W., 11TH FL, NEW YORK, NY, 10010. Purpose: any lawful act or activity.
NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF KINGS DEUTSCHE BANK TRUST COMPANY AMERICAS, AS TRUSTEE FOR ofApplication01-092394-F00Street&LambertEsq.,sale.timepracticesmaskssocialpersonsshtml)nycourts.gov/Admin/oca.websiteAdministrationtheProtocolsKINGSaccordancewillaforementioned#500662/2016.filedsubjectPremisesplusof31.York,Brooklyn,beingerected,andland,plot11230.Avenue,knownatonBrooklyn,360stepsOutsideCountyauctionReferee2020,dulyofPursuantetAGAINST2006-QS8,CERTIFICATESPASS-THROUGHASSET-BACKEDINC.,ACCREDITRESIDENTIALLOANS,MORTGAGESERIESPlaintiffANNEINHORN,al.,Defendant(s)toaJudgmentForeclosureandSaleenteredOctober20,I,theundersignedwillsellatpublicattheKingsSupremeCourt,oncourthouseonAdamsStreet,AdamsStreet,NewYork11201September22,202211:05AM,premisesas100LawrenceBrooklyn,NYAllthatcertainpieceorparcelofwiththebuildingsimprovementssituate,lyingandintheBoroughofCityofNewBLOCK:5422,LOT:Approximateamountjudgment$1,298,720.31interestandcosts.willbesoldtoprovisionsofJudgmentIndexTheauctionbeconductedinwiththeCountyCOVID-19locatedonOfficeofCourt(OCA)(https://ww2.andassuchallmustcomplywithdistancing,wearingandscreeningineffectattheofthisforeclosureJonathanEngel,RefereeFrenkelWeissWeismanGordon,LLP53GibsonBayShore,NY1170672325ofAuthority
Notice is hereby given that license number 1349613 for LIQUOR has been applied for by the undersigned to sell LIQUOR at retail in a RESTAURANTOP 252 under the alcoholic beverage control law at 895 FULTON ST BROOKLYN, NY 11238 for onpremises consumption.
CityAndStateNY.com / PUBLIC and LEGAL NOTICES58 September 12, 2022
Noticepurpose.ofFormation of GOLDEN GROUPCONSTRUCTIONDRAGONLLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 08/10/2022. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 1368 82ND STREET 2ND FLOOR, BROOKLYN, NY, 11228. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of RED ROVER BK, LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 08/03/2022. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 1008 MANHATTAN AVENUE, #4B, BROOKLYN, NY, 11222. Any lawful
Notice of Formation of 128 E 64th St LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with NY Dept. of State: 8/10/22. Office location: NY County. Sec. of State designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served and shall mail process to: 128 E 64th St LLC, 128 E. 64th St., NY, NY 10065, principal business address. Purpose: all lawful purposes.
Notice is hereby given that license number 1349303 for liquor has been applied for by the undersigned to sell liquor at retail in a RESTAURANT-OP 252 under the alcoholic beverage control law at 50 NORTH SEA DR. SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 for consumption. on-premises
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated March 14, 2022, and entered in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Kings, wherein U.S. BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE TO BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. AS SUCCESSOR TO LASALLE BANK, N.A. AS TRUSTEE FOR THE MERRILL LYNCH FIRST FRANKLIN MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST, MORTGAGE LOAN ASSET-BACKED CERTIFICATES, SERIES 20072 is the Plaintiff and JOYCE NICHOLS, ET AL. are the Defendant(s). I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction RAIN OR SHINE on the COURTHOUSE STEPS OF THE KINGS COUNTY COURTHOUSE, 360 ADAMS STREET, BROOKLYN, NY 11201, on September 22, 2022 at 10:50AM, premises known as 313 TROY AVENUE, BROOKLYN, NY 11213: Block 1401, Lot 8:
BELLA TRUCCO TEAM LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 08/29/2022. Office location Orange SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 53 JAMES CLARK 10940.MIDDLETOWN,DRIVE,NY,Anylawfulpurpose.
Notice of Formation of AKH156 LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 08/03/2022. Office location: New York SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to 156 EAST 62ND, NEW YORK, NY, 10065. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of VASETTA, LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 05/31/2022. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 455 OCEAN PARKWAY, APT 3F, BROOKLYN, NY, 11218. Any lawful
of YS 220W42 OWNER LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 08/12/2022. Office location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 02/15/2022. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 1325 AVENUE OF THE AMERICAS, 28TH FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY, 10019. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful
KENT AVENUE OWNERS LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 04/20/2021. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 45 BROADWAY, SUITE #1850, NEW YORK, NY, 10006. Any lawful purpose.
Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 06/20/2022. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 546 62ND STREET, BROOKLYN, NY, 11220. Any lawful
Notice of Formation of PARQUET MEDICAL, PLLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/26/2022. Office location New York SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 168 CENTRE STREET, NEW YORK, NY, 10013. Any lawful
Attorney Bar Number (if Applicable) Representing [X] Self Without Lawyer or Attorney [] For
Notice of Formation of 1000AGrantAve LLC. Articles of Organization filed with Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 8/3/22. Office location: Bronx County. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: 1000A Grant Ave, Bronx, NY 10456. Purpose: any lawful act or activity.
Office location: County of Onondaga. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to: Mark Bethmann C/O BellCornerstone 100 E Seneca St Ste 100 Manlius, NY 13104
Notice is hereby given that license number 1350090 for liquor has been applied for by the undersigned to sell liquor at retail in a CT 246 consumption.for11249BROOKLYN,SOUTHcontrolalcoholicunderESTABLISHMENTCATERINGthebeveragelawat98A4THSTREETNYinKingsCountyon-premises
1. Petition to appoint guardianship
PLACE:PM.2840 N Commonwealth Dr, Camp Verde, AZ
Notice of Formation of New Balab LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with NY Dept. of State: 8/17/22. Office location: NY County. Sec. of State designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served and shall mail process to: Samuel Chenillo, 350 7th Ave., Ste. 1605, NY, NY 10001, principal business address. Purpose: all lawful purposes.
An important court proceeding that affects your rights has been scheduled. If you do not understand this notice or the other court oaoers, contact an attorney for legal advice.
2. Notice of hearing
59PUBLIC and LEGAL NOTICES / CityAndStateNY.comSeptember 12, 2022
JUDGE:86322 HON Linda Wallace
1950 EAST 4TH STREET, LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/20/2022. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 1946 EAST 4TH STREET, BROOKLYN, NY, 11223. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of 2921 BRIGHTON 4 LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 06/08/2022.
Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 35 BRIGHTON 2 PLACE, 4B, BROOKLYN, NY, 11235. Any lawful purpose.
If you do object to any part of the Petition or Motion that accompanies this notice, you must file with the court a written objection describing the legal basis for your objection at least three (3) days before the hearing date or you must appear in person or through an attorney at the time and place set forth in the notice of hearing. There is a FEE for filing a response. If you cannot afford the fee, you may file in advance a Fee Deferral Application to request a payment plan from the Court.
DATE and TIME: Thursday, September 29, 2022 at 2:00
Dated Pititioner’sMary(Month/Day/Year)8/26/2022LChampersSignature
Notice of Auction Modern Moving Inc. will sell at Public Auction at 3735 Merritt Avenue, Bronx, NY 10466
TO PETITION. You are not required to respond to this Petition, but if you choose to respond, you may do so by filing a written response or by appearing in person at the hearing. If you choose to file a written response:
At 6:00 P.M. on SEPTEMBER 13 TH , 2022 for due and unpaid charges by virtue of lien in accordance with the provisions of the law and with due notice given all parties claiming an interest therein, the time specified In each notice for payment of said charges having expired household furniture & effects, pianos, trunks, cases, TV’s, radios, hifi’s, refrigerators, sewing machines, washers, air conditioners, household furniture Of all descriptions and the contents thereof, stored under the following names: VILAMOR, ROSANNA SAWHNEY WEST CARE MEDICAL DEANNA SMITH SANTANA MELISSA STRIBLING, MADISON POLINA
MSTAR GROUP HOLDING COMPANY LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 04/19/2022. Office location Richmond SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 1324 FOREST AVE, UNIT 194, STATEN ISLAND, NY, 10302. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of THE LOST AND FOUND BK LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 08/19/2022. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 226 CLIFTON PL 3B, BROOKLYN, NY, 11216. Any lawful ofNoticepurpose.ofFormation
Notice of Formation of Lady Enterprises,AndersonLLC
Notice is hereby given that license number 1349658 for liquor has been applied for by the undersigned to sell liquor at retail in a RESTAURANT under the alcoholic beverage control law at 1441 BROADWAY NEW YORK, NY 10018 in NEW YORK County for consumption.on-premises
[X]Guardianship [ ] Conservatorship [ ] Guardianship and Conservatorship [ ] Account [ ] Release of Funds
Notice of formation of 122 Deer Meadows Road, LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of NY on 8/22/2022.
Thomas Hodges Music LLC, LLC filed with SSNY on August 21, 2022. Office: New York County. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: The Limited Liability Company 611 West 171st St, 1B New York, NY, 10032, USA. Purpose: any lawful act or activity.
Notice of Formation of 42 Distilled Consulting Group LLC. Articles of Organization filed with Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 8/25/22. Office location: New York County. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: 875 W. 181st Street #3L, New York, NY 10033. Purpose: any lawful act or activity.
THIS IS A LEGAL NOTICE. Your rights may be affected. (ESTE ES UN AViSO LEGAL. Sus derechos podrian ser afectados.)
filed with SSNY on [06/17/2022]. Office: [New York] County. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: [720 Lenox Avenue 26F, NY, NY 10039]. Purpose: any lawful act or activity.
[ ] an A [ ] a Minor
Name of Person Filing Document: Mary L Chambers Address: 4448 Verde View Dr City, State, Zip,: Cottonwood, AZ 86326
[X]Appearance REQUIRED [ ] Non3.AppearanceRESPONSE
• File the original with the Court;
Notice of Formation of 6031 SENTINEL ROAD, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY ofNotice10018.FL,37THmailitwhomdesg.location:05/04/2022.OfficeonNewYorkSSNYasagentofLLCuponprocessagainstmaybeserved.SSNYprocessto5WESTSTREET,12THNEWYORK,NY,Anylawfulpurpose.ofFormation
In the Matter of (check one or both) [X] Guardianship [ ] Conservatorship of Skyler D Netecke Case Number: 1300GC202280020
• Mail a copy to all interested parties at least five (5) business days before the hearing.
Notice of Qual. of NHC HUDSON GP LLC Auth. filed with SSNY on 08/23/2022. Office location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 06/17/2022. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 600 MAMARONECK AVENUE #400, HARRISON, NY, 10528. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose.
1. NOTICE IS GIVEN that the Petitioner has filed with the Court the following Petition and other court papers (List the title of the Petition and the titles of all papers you filed with the court):
Telephone Number: 928-202-2632
2. COURT HEARING. A court hearing has been scheduled to consider the Petition and matters in the court papers as follows::
• Provide a copy to the office of the Judicial Officer named above; and
given that license number 1350442 for wine/beer has been applied for by the undersigned to sell wine/beer at retail in a Restaurant under the alcoholic beverage control law 250 West 86th Street New York, NY 10024 for onpremises consumption.
CityAndStateNY.com / PUBLIC and LEGAL NOTICES60 September 12, 2022
Notice of Qual. of NEW HOLLAND HUDSON FUND L.P.. Auth. filed with SSNY on 08/25/2022. Office location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 06/17/2022. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 600 MAMARONECK AVENUE #400, HARRISON, NY, 10528. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of TELESTAR 311 LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/25/2022. Office location New York SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 1 PELICANS DRIVE, NEWPORT COAST, CA, 92657. Any lawful Noticepurpose.ishereby
Notice of Formation of TK1 56 ST LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on ofNoticelawfulYORK,42SSNYagainstupondesg.location:04/21/2022.OfficeNewYorkSSNYasagentofLLCwhomprocessitmaybeserved.mailprocesstoW56THST1FL,NEWNY,10019.Anypurpose.ofFormation
GINKA PROPERTIES LLC Auth. filed with SSNY on 08/19/2022. Office location: New York. LLC formed in CO on 06/07/2022. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 257 PARK AVENUE, ASPEN, CO, 81611. Arts. of Org. filed with CO SOS. 1700 Broadway, Suite 550, Denver CO 80290.Any lawful Noticepurpose.ofFormation of
Notice of Qual. of TEABERRY CLEAN ENERGY, LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 08/26/2022. Office location: Kings. LLC formed in DE on 08/26/2022. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 370 JAY STREET, 7TH FL, ALBANY, NY, 12201. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose.
SAWANEH HOMES, LLC filed with SSNY on 7/30/2022. Office: New York County. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: 2057 Valentine Ave, Bronx, NY 10457. Purpose: any lawful act or activity.
Notice of Qual. of CHICKADEE CLEAN ENERGY, LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 08/26/2022. Office location: Kings. LLC formed in DE on 08/26/2022. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 370 JAY STREET, 7TH FL, ALBANY, NY, 12201. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose.
Formation of S&T FREEPORT LLC Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 09/07/2022.
T-Mobile Northeast LLC proposes a facility upgrade atop an existing 105’ building at 299 Long Meadow Rd in Tuxedo Park, Orange County, NY (41.1670° N and -74.2588° W) and atop an existing 236’ building at 352 7th Ave in Manhattan, New York City, NY (40.7485° N and -73.9931° W). In addition, NextWave Broadband LLC proposes a facility installation atop an existing 82’ building at 254 Quentin Rd in Brooklyn, Kings County, NY (40.6060° N and -73.9766° W) and atop an existing 166’ building at 545 Prospect Pl in Brooklyn, Kings County, NY (40.6758 ° N and -73.9582 ° W). T-MOBILE and NEXTWAVE are publishing this notice in accordance with FCC regulations (47CFR § 1.1307) for Section 106 of the NHPA and for the NEPA. Parties with questions or comments regarding the proposed facility should Noticecom.cherundoloconsulting.orMorris976CHERUNDOLOcontactatTaborRd,Suite1,Plains,NJ07950viaemailattcns@ofFormationof
Notice of Qual. of PENNY HOTEL MANAGER NORTH 8TH STREET LLC Auth. filed with SSNY on 09/02/2022.
Notice of Formation of RESILIENT BY ALANA LLC . Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 08/29/2022. Office location: Richmond SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to 60 LONGVIEW ROAD, STATEN ISLAND, NY, 10304. Any lawful
Notice of Formation of W&F 168 LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 06/23/2022. Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 8212 14TH AVENUE, BROOKLYN, NY, 11228. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Qual. of WINTERGREEN CLEAN ENERGY, LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 08/29/2022. Office location: Kings. LLC formed in DE on 08/26/2022. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 370 JAY STREET, 7TH FL, ALBANY, NY, 12201. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose.
Arts. of Org. of HV MANAGEMENT GROUP, LLC (“LLC”) filed with NY Dept. of State on 08/26/2022. Office location: Rensselaer County. Sec. of State designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served and shall mail process to: 765 WESTERN ROAD, Springs,HighJ.Lawpurposes.Purpose:datedoesbusinessGROUP,LLC,LLC,ON-HUDSON,CASTLETON-NY,12033,HVMANAGEMENTprincipaladdress.LLCnothaveaspecificofdissolution.AlllegalFiler:EdMartin,OfficeofEdwardMartin,PLLC,125RockAve.,SaratogaNY12866.
Formation of ALISON LLC.DECORATIVEMCGORAN,FINISHES Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 08/30/2022. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 128 E 94TH ST, BROOKLYN, NY, 11212. Any lawful
Office location: KINGS SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail 1425 37TH STREET, SUITE 604, BROOKLYN, NY, UNITED STATES, 11218. Any lawful purpose.
188 CONSELYEA ST., LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY NoticeAnyBROOKLYN,CONSELYEAmailmaywhomdesg.location:06/29/2022.OfficeonKingsSSNYAsagentofLLCuponprocessagainstitbeservedSSNYprocessto188STREET,NY,11211.lawfulpurpose.ofQual.of
MARK BAY LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 02/14/2012. Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 274 49 STREET, SUITE 211, BROOKLYN, NY, 11219. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of BROADWAYSOLOMONLLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 05/09/2022. Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 4 RALPH AVENUE, BROOKLYN, NY, 11221. Any lawful purpose.
of Formation of LLC.SOLUTIONINGMAGNOLIA Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 08/26/2022. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 6410 15TH AVENUE, BROOKLYN, NY, 11219. Any lawful Noticepurpose.ofFormation of NY HLC LLC . Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/06/2022. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 813 55TH ST FL 3, BROOKYN, NY, 11220. Any lawful purpose.
Public Notice
Notice of Qual. of VESPER SPARROW CLEAN ENERGY, LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 08/26/2022. Office location: Kings. LLC formed in DE on 08/26/2022. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 370 JAY STREET, 7TH FL, ALBANY, NY, 12201. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Qual. of AMERICAN ROBIN CLEAN ENERGY, LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 08/26/2022. Office location: Kings. LLC formed in DE on 08/26/2022. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 370 JAY STREET, 7TH FL, ALBANY, NY, 12201. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of LEXINGTONSOLOMONLLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 05/09/2022. Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 4 RALPH AVENUE, BROOKLYN, NY, 11221. Any lawful purpose.
Notice is hereby given that license number 1350376 for LIQUOR has been applied for by the undersigned to sell LIQUOR at retail in a OP 252 RESTAURANT under the alcoholic beverage control law at 200 E 3RD STREET NEW YORK, NY 10003 for consumption. on-premises
Notice of Formation of 226 PROPERTY OF NY LLC Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 08/30/2022. Office location: KINGS SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail 226 UTICA AVE, BROOKLYN, NY, UNITED STATES, 11213. Any lawful
Office location: Kings. LLC formed in DE on 02/22/2022. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 600 MAMARONECK AVENUE #400, HARRISON, NY, 10528. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of 304 LEONARD STREET LLC Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 03/17/2022. Office location: NEW YORK SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY 915 BROADWAY, SUITE 1101, NEW YORK, NY, UNITED STATES, 10010. Any lawful purpose.
Emma Grace Jackson
Notice of Formation of GEORGE BEASON LAW PLLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 06/21/2021. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 1084 BUSHWICK AVENUE, BROOKLYN, NY, 11221. Any lawful purpose.
2. Pursuant to 10 O.S. §7505-4.2(I) in that he has willfully failed to maintain a significant relationship with the minor for a period of twelve (12) out of the last fourteen (14) months immediately preceding the filing of the petition for adoption. and, therefore, your consent to the adoption is not necessary, and that Petitioner is a proper party to adopt.
It is so Ordered. Dated this tfclay of, 2022.
Notice of Formation of CRAFT HOT CHOCOLATE DRINKS LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/18/2022.
A hearing on the Application to Terminate your Parental Rights and to determine whether your consent to the adoption is necessary is set for 9: 00 o’clock a.m. on the 27th day of September 2022, in the in the County Courthouse of Canadian County 301 N. Choctaw St, El Reno, OK 73036 before The Honorable Jack McCurdy.
Public Notice
Judge of the District Court Approved:
You are notified of the following: That the minor child Emma Grace Jackson was born February 7, 2019 in Manhattan, New York at Bellevue Hospital Center. The biological mother identified as Kathryn Ann TakeKendall.notice that the Application to terminate your parental rights and determine your consent not necessary for the completion of this adoption of Emma Grace Jackson, born February 7, 2019, is on file with the Clerk of this Court. It is alleged that you’re your consent to adoption is not necessary and your rights should be terminated for the following reasons:
Notice of Formation of MANHOLCON, LLC filed with SSNY on AUGUST 18, 2022. Office: NEW YORK County. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: 228 East 84th Street, Apt 2B, New York, NY 10028. Purpose: Project ConsultancyManagement
Cellco Partnership and its controlled affiliates doing business as Verizon Wireless (Verizon Wireless) proposes to collocate wireless (678)Marietta,BuildingMariettacom,m.henderson@trileaf.to: Meaganofdayssubmittedpropertiesfromregarding10470.BronxEthe76-foottopNY,Bronx,ofthebuildingofantennascommunicationsatatopheight83-feetonan83-footrooftopatapprox.vicinity1050CarrollPlace,BronxCounty,10456.Andataheightof76-feetonabuildingrooftopatapprox.vicinityof660242ndStreet,Bronx,County,NY,Publiccommentspotentialeffectsthissiteonhistoricmaybewithin30fromthedatethispublicationHenderson,1395SouthParkway,400,Suite209,GA30067,653-8673ext.657.
Public Notice NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF KINGS DITECH FINANCIAL LLC, F/K/A GREEN TREE SERVICING LLC, Plaintiff AGAINST FLOZENA WEEMS AKA FLOZEMA WEEMS, et al., Defendant(s) Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale duly dated May 01, 2019 I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction at the Kings County Supreme Court, outside on courthouse steps on Adams Street, 360 Adams Street, Brooklyn, New York 11201, on February 03, 2022 at 11:00AM, premises known as 757 GEORGIA AVENUE, BROOKLYN, NY 11207. All that certain plot piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements erected, situate, lying and being in the Borough and County of Kings, City and State of New York, Block 4321, Lot 45. Approximate amount of judgment $472,676.04 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment for Index# 500829/2017. The aforementioned auction will be conducted in accordance with the Kings County COVID-19 Protocols located on the Office of Court Administration (OCA) website 142211001775LLCRefereeCharlanethisinscreeningwearingwithalloca.shtml)nycourts.gov/Admin/(https://ww2.andassuchpersonsmustcomplysocialdistancing,masksandpracticeseffectatthetimeofforeclosuresale.OdettaBrown,GrossPolowy,AttorneyforPlaintiffWehrleDrive,SuiteWilliamsville,NY70495
Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 575 DECATUR ST, #2, BROOKLYN, NY, 11233. Any lawful purpose.
The State of Oklahoma to: unknown Biological Father (hereinafter - “father”)
A Minor
61PUBLIC and LEGAL NOTICES / CityAndStateNY.comSeptember 12, 2022
Cellco Partnership and its controlled affiliates doing business as Verizon Wireless (Verizon Wireless) proposes to collocate wireless (678)Marietta,BuildingMariettacom,m.henderson@trileaf.to: MeaganofdayssubmittedpropertiesthispotentialcommentsCounty,Staten57thebuildingfeetantennascommunications35.7-ona35.7-footrooftopatapprox.vicinityofCedarGroveAve,Island,RichmondNY,10306.Publicregardingeffectsfromsiteonhistoricmaybewithin30fromthedatethispublicationHenderson,1395SouthParkway,400,Suite209,GA30067,653-8673ext.657.
Office location: New York SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to 64 EAST 1ST STREET , NEW YORK, NY, 10003.Any lawful
STACKED SOLUTIONS LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 06/24/2022. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 2433 KNAPP ST, SUITE 205, BROOKLYN, NY, 11235. Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of XANDAR US LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 08/16/2022.
Notice of Qual. of ASCEN WORKFORCE, LLC. . Auth. filed with SSNY on 09/01/2022. Office location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 06/14/2021. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 5500 MAIN STREET, STE 345, BUFFALO, NY, 14221. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose.
In the Matter of the Adoption of FA-2022-43
Notice of formation of Fireleaf, LLC, a domestic LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 09/08/22. Office location: Kings County. SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served and the SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to: The LLC, 1332 Herkimer Street, Brooklyn, New York 11233. Purpose: Any lawful purpose.
Public Notice
1. Pursuant to 10 O.S. § 7505-4.2 (B)(1), as he has wholly failed to provide any support for the minor for more than one year next preceding the filing of this Petition in accordance with his means and ability.
A comeback isn’t in the cards for Gary Lavine, who found himself out of a position with the end of the JCOPE. The state Senate minority leader nominated Lavine for the new state ethics commission a few months ago, but Lavine was rejected.

Publisher & General Manager Tom Allon tallon@ cityandstateny.com, Vice President of Operations Jasmin Freeman, Creative Director Andrew Horton, Director, Editorial Expansion Jon Lentz, Comptroller David Pirozzi, Business & Operations Manager Patrea Patterson, Media & Event Sales Coordinator Sarah Banducci
CityAndStateNY.com September 12, 202262
Who was up and who was down last week Vol. 11 Issue 35 September 12, 2022 Cover photograph: Sean Pressley
Rep. Adriano Espaillat is the undisputed leader in his district, but it hasn't come easy. POWER LATINOOF 100 MACHINE IMAGESDELGADO/GETTYDEEDAVIDYORK;NEWFORGOLDMANDAN

The former Trump aide was led into Manhattan Supreme Court in handcuffs on Thursday after being indicted on money laundering, con spiracy and fraud charges related to a fundraiser to build a wall along the nation’s southern border with Mexi co. Bannon pleaded not guilty to the charges that he used the money –which he promised donors would be used solely to construct the wall – to pay himself and his associates.

Don’t blame her! The New York City Council speaker kept up the lackadaisical pressure campaign on Mayor Eric Adams to boost the school budget by passing a resolution asking for the additional funds, three months after ending negotiations early and agreeing to the budget.
vote and see who won at cityandstateny.com.
WINNERS & LOSERS is published every Friday morning in City & State’s First Read email. Sign up for the email, cast your
It was a big week for mask haters in New York now that Gov. Kathy Hochul announced the end of the public transit mask mandate. But the new signs going up in the subway, which encourage straphangers to keep their face coverings while also giving the thumbs up on going maskless, got roasted on Twitter. Never mind the poor feedback the governor received from members of her own party for the public health decision. Plus, a leaky ceiling at Penn Station was embarrassing for the governor.
State Sen. Jessica Ramos has long advocated for farmworkers and pushed for more equitable working conditions on farms. She helped usher in what would be another significant change by recommending that the state overtime threshold for farmworkers be lowered from 60 hours to 40 hours.
THE REST OF THE WORST ERIC ADAMS & GREG RUSS New York City officials told the 2,600 residents at the Jacob Riis Houses in the East Village not to drink the water there after arsenic was reportedly discovered in the water supply. Conflicting test results have enraged residents who said the city has left them in the dark.
Assembly Member Yuh-Line Niou is officially out of the picture. Dan Goldman will save some coin (and avoid a headache) while cruising to victory in the 10th Congressio nal District race. The Democratic nominee fended off a potential challenge from Niou, who an nounced on Twitter that she won’t be running on the Working Fami lies Party line in November.
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If you listen closely, you can hear 100,000 of your co-workers clapping for you.

Spectrum is proud to support City & State's Latino Power 100. We are pleased to recognize Roberto Lacayo - News Director NY1 Noticias.