T W E N T Y - O N E
JULY 2015
Cairns L ife S pecial E dition
Imagine having thousands of your target market in one place wanting to know about you and your business
The Cairns Women's Lifestyle Expo brings together an extensive variety of services and products aimed at today's women. Featuring everything from health and wellbeing to business, career, fashion and beauty products, food and wine sampling, lifestyle products, motoring, homewares and much more!
What a great way to sell your products, showcase your business and build a database of potential new clients. Attendees will be able to see you and your products up close and you will be taking a proactive approach to building your business. 74
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Green Room
Shed 2 Cairns Cruise Liner Terminal Contact CairnsLife - Jacqui: 0416 331 125 • Cassandra: 0402 456 011
airnsLife Magazine is celebrating 21 years of sharing the stories of our great city. It’s a tremendous milestone for a print publication, and demonstrates the dedication and support of our local community, our staff, clients, readers… you. Our publication has evolved over this time, welcoming new names and faces as it documents the ever-changing history of Cairns. We have seen the ebb and flow of the local economy, and we’ve been there through the good times and the tough times for local people. We’ve also seen the profile of Cairns continue to grow, bringing not only tourists and visitors to Tropical North Queensland, but also those wanting to call it home. And there’s plenty on offer to draw them here, from our gorgeous weather to the relaxed lifestyle and beautiful natural surrounds of the reef and rainforest. But particularly key to this growth is the ever-expanding range of local businesses making living in Cairns not just sustainable, but a highly attractive option for many. For a seaside community so far from Queensland’s capital city, we are spoilt for choice accessing quality goods and services so close to home. Cairns has been lucky to retain and attract highly skilled, talented and creative professionals across a multitude of industries, creating a vibrant and progressive business community. The region is now entering another period of growth, with a strengthening real estate market, residential expansion and plans for major new developments. It’s an exciting time to be in Cairns, an era of opportunity, and we at CairnsLife Magazine are extremely grateful to be witnessing, and documenting, this promising period. To celebrate the milestone of our 21st anniversary, we have taken the opportunity to revisit some of our greatest local achievers in business. This special publication contains the stories of these people, their visions for the future and the secrets of what inspires and drives their success.
CAIRNSLIFE MAGAZINE PTY LTD Shop 8/74 Lake Street Cairns Q 4870 p. 07) 4041 6981 PUBLISHER Jacqui Nolan jacqui@cairnslifemag.com.au 0416 331 125 SALES MANAGER Cassandra Smith cassandra@cairnslifemag.com.au 0402 456 011 ADVERTISING Ana James ana@cairnslifemag.com.au 0405 827 261 ACCOUNTS Mary Mitchell accounts@cairnslifemag.com.au JOURNALIST Michelle Dryburgh PHOTOGRAPHY Mick Fuhrimann Model Mayhem CairnsLife Magazine is published monthly by CairnsLife Pty Ltd July 2015. All material within the publication remains the property of the publishers unless permission is otherwise sought in writing. Those who make advertising placement and or supply editorial content to CairnsLife Magazine undertake to ensure all material does not infringe copyright, trademark, defamation, libel, slander or title. The above mentioned patrons agree to indemnify the publishers against any investigations, claims or judgements. The views expressed in CairnsLife Magazine are those of the contributors, and are not necessarily shared by the publication. CairnsLife P/L copyright July 2015.
We thank you for your support during the past 21 years, and we look forward to sharing your stories for many years to come.
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7 - 47 C e l e br at i n g 2 1 y e a r s of C a i r n s L i f e M a g a z i n e
BEST OF CAIRNSLIFE 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 18 19 20 22 23 24 26 28 29 30 31 32 34 35 36 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 46 47
Summer Homes Tropicana Lodge Angela Capitanio Bruce Mellick Optometry Austart Homes Joe Vella Insurance Brokers Solahart Adam and Eva Hairdressers TNQ Rentals Willmont Smash Repairs Balance Health Care Cairns Quality Accounting Cairns Key Real Estate Hadley Family Law Dixon Homes Cairns Urology Value Homes Affinity Homes Troy Cummings Locksmith Wildlife TNQ Cairns Radiology and Cairns Women’s Imaging McDonald’s Cairns Restaurants KW Auto Repairs Ash Moseley Homes Staffing Solutions Coral Coast Financial Services Thomas Dental Bertie’s Total Interiors Crew Pacific Sassi Shoes Hoppens Flooring Deb Johnstone Shine Lawyers
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Building Homes
Summer Homes
They say it’s what’s on the inside that counts, and that’s especially true when it comes to building a new home. We all want a shiny new exterior, but the inside needs to be functional, practical, beautiful and complete. With Summers Homes, all the hard work is done for you, so you can enjoy your new home sooner. “What others call extras, we call standard,” says Summers Homes owner and director Greg Summers. “Our focus is on quality, from the front door to the back.” Summers Homes offers the convenience of preselected home designs and the flexibility to customise as well as renovations and extensions. Complete house and land packages are available in Mareeba, Yungaburra, Gordonvale and Edmonton, or homes can be built on previously bought land. “We are extremely flexible with our designs and we cater for budgets big and small,” says Greg. “You can either modify one of our designs or we will build your own custom design. Our aim is to deliver exactly what the client wants and meet their budget.” Importantly, Summers Homes come complete with everything a home needs. “Every Summers Home features quality floor tiling throughout, extending to the alfresco dining area and porch,” says Greg. “Stone benchtops are used throughout the home including the floating vanities and laundry benchtops, and we use 900mm quality appliances like a gas cooktop, electric oven and canopy rangehood.” Summers Homes also feature Daikin air-conditioning, softclose cabinetry, security screens, driveways and paths with a 1200mm-wide front entry door. Prospective home buyers can see
SummersHomes North QLD Pty Ltd
P r e m i u m
L i v i n g
E x p e r i e n c e
the Summers Home difference in person when the new display home, The Maison, opens later this month. Located at Woodlock Drive, Edmonton, the Maison is a 257m2, four-bedroom home. It features a large alfresco area with access through stacker doors and is packed with clever and practical design functions. “We pride ourselves on outstanding personalised customer service,” says Greg. “We are dedicated to our clients and to exceeding their expectations, while ensuring they have a Premium Living Experience.” Established in 2010, Summers Homes is a North Queensland builder, constructing homes from Cooktown to Cardwell and the Tablelands. There are now more than 25 Summers Homes across the region, including seven new homes in Hopevale and another 13 currently underway. Greg has been a builder in Cairns for more than 15 years. He understands the climate, conditions and the people, and prides himself on being hands on with every project. He is also a big believer in the old school approach of ‘do it once, do it right’. “We have confidence in our product so we are here to help and answer any questions, before, during and after construction,” he says. Greg is supported by a hardworking team including wife Jill who takes care of accounts and administration, as well as the couple’s three children. There’s also Bruce Koch, the building supervisor responsible for quality management, Sharyn Anisset, operations and sales manager overseeing contract administration and marketing, and an in-house team of carpenters.
Tropicana Lodge
Tropicana Lodge has been a home away from home for students, schools, church groups and weary travellers for almost 10 years. The Martyn Street establishment is steeped in history, serving as a military boarding facility in the war years and later the Cairns Rotary Youth Centre. The Young Australia League took over the site in 1946, establishing a hostel for students and other young people needing short and long-term accommodation, before opening the doors to the general traveller as a budget motel. Today Tropicana Lodge is still owned by the YAL, and enjoying a new lease of life under the management of Aaron and Jenine Keatley. The couple arrived in Cairns thirteen years ago looking for a new opportunity in the hospitality industry after Cyclone Larry devastated the backpacker hostel they managed at Mission Beach. Together they have extensively renovated and refurbished the guest rooms and facilities including a major upgrade of the kitchen to obtain HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) accreditation. They have also hired and upskilled chefs to provide daily home-style meals for their long term residents and short term guests. As a result, the Lodge is returning to its roots as a specialist in student accommodation. “We have everything students need and it’s within walking distance to TAFE, English language schools and the Cairns Hospital, and the bus to James Cook University stops right outside,” Aaron said.
“Schools, sporting groups and training organisations also regularly hold camps, clinics and workshops at our facilities, and we can provide accommodation for up to 121 people, from one night to 365 days of the year.” The couple admits their lifestyle as onsite managers of the Lodge is ‘unique’. “In a way we’re like 24-7 parents to one big family,” Jenine said. “It was a little daunting at first but we’ve really grown to love this place. “I think it’s the culture, and the diversity of the people we meet.” So, what’s it like for a couple to live and work together every day for more than 10 years? “Our skills complement each other,” Aaron confesses. “Whatever I fall short on, Jenine is great at, and whatever she needs help with I can do.” “And there’s no pecking order,” Jenine adds. “We try to make a bit of time for ourselves every day, but we’re always there for the students when they need us too.” About YAL The Young Australia League was formed in 1905 by John Joseph ‘Boss’ Simons as a youth movement to promote the ideals of ‘Education through Travel’. While the basic philosophies of its founder remain true today, the changing culture of the nation has called for a different method of delivery.
The League’s vision is to be ‘recognised as supporting young Australians to achieve their potential and take great pride in being Australians’. And its purpose is to provide and develop through young people, a sense of national pride, purpose, service and tolerance by encouraging and supporting a range of programs and service opportunities.
Greatest challenge: Living at work and trying to achieve a healthy work-life balance. Greatest achievement: Retaining dedicated staff and achieving HACCP accreditation. Secret to success: Communication, and being able to live and work together so well. Future Direction: Continuing to welcome our regular travellers while directing the business growth at the international and domestic student market.
no rest in real estate After 28 years in real estate, Angela Capitanio is planning a much-deserved overseas holiday. Maybe two. But don’t even think about mentioning the ‘R’ word. Angela is just as enthusiastic and excited about the property market today as she was nearly 30 years ago, and retirement isn’t on the cards. In fact, she’s feeling confident about positive growth in the residential market across Cairns in the year ahead, and looking forward to seeing what the future holds. “In the past 12 months, I have seen demand outweighing supply. Consumer confidence is rising, creating perfect conditions for a strong start to the year,” she said. Also in the past 12 months, Angela’s granddaughter Brooke has joined the team at Cairns Ray White Real Estate. It’s an opportunity for Angela to pass on some of the lessons she has learned during her successful and decorated career, which include being the first Ray White agent in the world to settle more than $100-million in residential property sales. Angela has sold properties ranging from $31,000 to $6.9-million. But her portfolio isn’t limited to prestige homes, also marketing entry-level properties, units and vacant land, from Gordonvale to Palm Cove. “I must say I enjoy working with first home buyers who exude excitement, but on the other hand I also enjoy the opportunity and thrill that selling up-market homes provides.” But money was never the motivator for Angela’s real estate career. She was a stay-at-home mum of three children when she lost her husband suddenly and unexpectedly 33 years ago, forcing her to find work to support her young family. On the suggestion of a friend, Angela applied for a sales position with Ray White Real Estate to prove mostly to herself she could forge a successful career. She was one of only a handful of women in the industry at the time. Angela says it takes great communication skills, empathy and intuition to be a good real estate agent, skills that have stemmed from her own challenging life
experiences. These qualities have largely attributed to Angela’s longstanding success in the industry and ability to form valuable professional relationships. “I enjoy many different aspects of real estate such as the social element of building relationships with buyers and vendors, and the challenges which face me on a daily basis, exceeding vendor expectations and achieving a result where both parties are genuinely happy,” she said. “Real estate can be demanding and quite time consuming so when I’m not working I enjoy spending time at home whether it be relaxing or entertaining friends and taking in all of the truly beautiful aspects of Cairns. I am privileged to live in such a beautiful part of the world and I am reminded of this every day.” Greatest inspiration: I was the first Ray White Agent internationally to settle $100 million in residential sales. Biggest achievement: Entering the market as a female in a male dominated industry and proving both to myself and everyone else that I could achieve the success that I desired Greatest challenge: I am often asked when I am planning to retire. I have no plans to slow down or retire yet so you will see me in the market for some time yet. Vision for the future: In the years ahead I would like to leave the industry with the reputation I have built over 28 years with respect from my peers, gratitude from my clients and the name of being a reputable local industry leader. Secret to success: Hard work, dedication and never giving up! Only you can be responsible for your success and never start something you don’t intend to follow through.
Ray White Real Estate
Bruce Mellick
Bruce Mellick Optometry
forward vision Working behind the counter of his father’s menswear store, Bruce Mellick discovered his flair for fashion.
“It can be quite helpful because sometimes I have relevant family medical history they didn’t even know about.”
He was similarly talented in his studies of maths, physics, chemistry and biology; two vastly different interests with no apparent link.
New technology has been introduced to the profession since Bruce began his career in optometry, along with greater understanding and knowledge of ocular health.
That was until he discovered optometry, which allowed him to make practical improvements to peoples’ sight while complementing their face with quality eyewear. “I realised how much difference it could make, not only helping people see more efficiently but also to look nice and feel confident,” he says. “We always strive for something that looks great, is practical and comfortable as well.” Bruce has been helping people achieve that balance for more than 40 years, operating as Bruce Mellick Optometry in Cairns since 1974. And he has done so with a focus on fun, making the experience as comfortable and enjoyable as possible with friendly staff, a welcoming environment and helpful advice.
“We can pick up a lot of conditions earlier without even touching the eye. We use certain imaging and computers to look into the back of the eye and see things we’ve not seen before.” With most Australians living longer, it is important for eyesight to be protected and preserved longer too. “We are very focused on prevention, and a lot of research has gone into making that possible,” he says.
His approach has won the loyalty of three generations of many local families, and he hopes to see more generations to come.
Bruce is supported by a team of assistants and management staff. He continues to consult full time, but when he’s not with patients, you’ll find him reading, researching, and attending conferences to further his learning in the ever-changing field.
“I have patients today whose grandparents I saw in the 70s and 80s,” he says.
“I have a wonderful team, if it weren’t for them I wouldn’t be able to keep up.”
Bruce says some of the greatest advances have been made in the detection of glaucoma and macular degeneration, with diagnosis now occurring up to approximately seven years earlier than before.
Austart Homes Phillip & Charmaine Mathews
little things, big things
Often the greatest success stories start from the most humble beginnings. That’s certainly true of Far North Queensland’s Austart Homes, built on determination, hard work and a life-long passion for construction. Phillip Matthews was just five years old and living in a commission housing area in Victoria when he developed a fascination for watching houses being built. His father was a truck driver, and his mother a stay-at-home mum. Money didn’t come easy, but it motivated him to dream big. Phillip was just 15 when he began a carpentry and joinery apprenticeship, and 18 when he began taking on contracts. Just six years later he had a team of 30 carpenters working for him, and the door had opened to a successful career in business. “I am a man of systems and procedures,” says Phillip. “I also believe if you think positive, and don’t allow yourself to be afraid, you can do what you set out to do! Within 15 years he was turning over $6-million a year in contracts and had a vision to start his own franchising system. He moved to Queensland and launched Newstart Homes, which was the fastest growing home building company in Australia in 1994. It was during this era he met his now wife, Charmaine, who had also been dreaming up dream homes since childhood. Charmaine was studying and working as a draftsperson for Phil’s company, but had been designing houses and drawing up floor plans since she was 10.
Romance blossomed, the couple wed and soon discovered another love – Tropical North Queensland. The couple then made the move to Port Douglas in 1999, bringing to Far North Queensland the Newstart brand, which would eventually become Austart Homes. They now oversee Austart franchises across Australia and continue to own and manage the Cairns region, stretching from Port Douglas to Mission Beach. Together they have more than 60 years combined experience in the joinery, building and architectural industries, and Philip has built more than 3000 homes across Queensland and New South Wales. “We are a building company that’s here to stay, and we have a proven track record,” says Phillip. “We are one of the most awarded builders in Cairns, so if anybody ought to get it right, it’s us.” Charmaine agrees. Whether it’s a first home, dream home or investment property, Charmaine, Phillip and their professional team can design and build to suit any budget and lifestyle. And with over 40 designs available for clients to choose from and customise, there is a home to suit everyone.
Joe Vella Insurance Brokers
Rene Sturiale Years in the Industry: 25 Greatest inspiration: My mum, she has shown me that the women in our family are strong, organised and reliable. Biggest achievement: Reaching the highest result for Queensland when I was studying for my affiliate and getting a $250 cheque for this. Greatest challenge: Maintaining a high level of service and keeping confident when you are dealing with a challenging subject. Vision for the future: To keep working in the insurance industry and keep our clients happy with our service. Secret to your success: Smile and always have a happy attitude no matter how bad a day you are having.
Renee Vella Years in the Industry: 11 Greatest inspiration: My Father – Joe Vella. His constant support, passion for life & ability to provide guidance and shoulder concerns without passing judgement. Biggest achievement: Personally, hands down are my two children, their ability to adapt to change and blossom with the challenges the Army life throws at them makes me very proud. Professionally would be working for an Underwriter on the other side of the fence, gaining the trust and confidence from brokers in competition to JVIB. It was not easy and took time to earn my stripes and gain their trust and confidence however I am thankful for the support and respect from these brokers. Greatest challenge: Finding a good balance in life and working remotely away from the JVIB team, family and friends. Vision for the future: Returning to JVIB Head office to share the skills I have developed over the many years working solo and being able to impart industry knowledge to both clients and fellow colleagues.
Joanne Carucci
Debbie May
Karen McFarlen
Years in the Industry: 27
Years in the Industry: 28
Years in the Industry: 13
Greatest inspiration: Everyday people who have experienced terrible adversity in their lives and remain kind, selfless, happy and successful.
Greatest inspiration: My greatest inspiration is my best friend, my husband.
Greatest inspiration: Lisa Ryan who continues to meet challenges both at work and personally with such a positive outlook. Biggest achievement: My family. Greatest challenge: Learning that you can only fit so much into one day. Vision for the future: Good health for myself, family and friends. Secret to your success: Enjoying what I do and the people around me.
Secret to your success: Old-fashioned quality service.
Biggest achievement: Professionally – being a Senior Broker at Joe Vella, Personally – independence, confidence, happiness. Greatest challenge: Deadlifting 80kgs and running the Arrow most days with an ageing, slightly broken body. Vision for the future: Gender Equality in the workplace and the world. Secret to your success: Hard work, endurance, respect, integrity, acquiring knowledge, professionalism, living in hope, appreciating the life I have, and having fun!
Biggest achievement and greatest challenge: My biggest challenge and thus achievement was leaving behind the familiarity of my home town in Canada, my family, friends and two cats to begin a new life in Australia. Secret to your success: There is no secret to success. Success, however one defines it, comes from admitting your mistakes to learn from them, seeking assistance and guidance if needed and a lot of hard work. I don’t believe in the victim mentality and I don’t let my past define my present or future. Vision for the future: My vision for the future is to learn new things, both personally and professionally, to continue improving my health and not to take life too seriously and make the most of it.
In today’s world of rules and regulations, having relevant and adequate insurance provides more than just peace of mind. It is an essential component of being in business and protecting your commercial assets. It is also just as important for individuals who want to protect their assets like their home or vehicle. In 2015, Joe Vella Insurance Brokers celebrates 20 years of providing expert advice and service to Far North Queenslanders and covering what matters most to them. To commemorate this milestone, we’re showcasing some of the highlight moments of the female brokers on Joe Vella’s team.
Lisa Ryan
Lynne Devaney
Paula Carey
Leesa Cuda
Years in the Industry: 30
Years in the Industry: 28
Years in the Industry: 36
Years in the Industry: 12
Greatest inspiration: There have been a few inspirational people in my life and they are all people I have worked with and who have mentored me and helped me get to where I am today – they know who they are.
Greatest inspiration: People who have dreams, then set themselves goals and proceed steadily to put them into place. It doesn’t matter whether it be politics or business or literature.
Greatest inspiration: My best friend – she knows who she is.
Biggest achievement: My family. I have a wonderful partner and 3 fantastic, well balanced children who I love very much. From a work point of view, the portfolio of clients I have developed over the years.
Biggest achievement: Our four sons – they are wonderful young men. Every now and then they give me heartburn of course!
Greatest inspiration: My greatest inspiration are my peers and those I work with. Their knowledge and life experiences, from within the industry, are what I feed off and aspire to know. I am fortunate to work within a team where we constantly share experiences and stories from our daily roles.
Greatest challenge: My health. Vision for the future: Keep positive, keep healthy and stay competitive. Secret to your success: Be the best you can be – that is my personal motto and I tell myself that all the time, especially when things can get a little tough personally and professionally.
Biggest achievement: From a personal point of view: succeeding on my own with two children and from a work point of view: having clients who have confidence in me as their broker is very empowering. Greatest challenge: Doubting myself and my ability – I need to remind myself to be more positive sometimes.
Greatest challenge: Keeping the balance right, work, family and health.
Vision for the future: Enjoying a happy and healthy life and a good work-life balance.
Vision for the future: Growing older is just not worth complaining about. Every new day is a day for living.
Secret to your success: Continuous drive to keep going and improving my skills and knowledge.
Secret to your success: Be honest with yourself.
Biggest achievement: My biggest achievement was and still is being the Manager of the Atherton office. I was 24 when I was put in the position of taking the reins of JVIB’s Atherton office and six years later, we continue to grow and have a great rapport with our clients. Outside of work, it’s my family and being a Mum! Greatest challenge: Everyday is a challenge, something new. But that is why I love what I do.
Insurance is a specialised field and our clients put their upmost trust in us and what we do and that (the policy) is going to respond when they need it most. Vision for the future: Insurance is something we all need – a necessary evil! As our world evolves, so does the industry and we as Brokers are learning each day. I hope to continue providing cover to new and existing clients into the future. Secret to your success: Communication and being a team player! Having a drive to be the best you can, so people remember you for the right reasons.
Trish Mulligan Solahart Cairns
the sky’s
the limit
outdoors – preferably walking ‘Boss’ the Labrador, an important member of the Solahart Staff. Otherwise in the garden or up at Tinaroo.
As the cost of living rises, most of us are looking for ways to save on household bills.
At work, they thrive on interaction with clients and assisting with all the ‘little things’, like problem solving over the phone.
One of the biggest expenses in today’s world is electricity – used more and more to power the modern technologies now commonplace in our homes and businesses.
“We treat all our clients the same way we would like to be treated and would not install anything in our clients’ homes we wouldn’t have in our own home,” says Bob.
Solar is one of the most costeffective alternatives to mains supply power, putting money back in our pockets while helping to preserve the environment. Solahart Cairns has been delivering this alternative energy source for more than 20 years. Established as a small electrical business in 1993, owners Bob and Trish Mulligan identified the potential growth of the solar industry and expanded into solar hot water and energy systems. The business has been Far North Queensland’s official Solahart dealer for more than 20 years. “We only sell tier one products in both solar hot water and solar energy,” says Trish. “Both products complement each other and are aimed at reducing your electricity costs.” Trish and Bob are life-long residents of Cairns, with Bob previously working as an electrician and Trish with a background as a dental nurse and practice manager. They feel strongly about contributing and giving back to the local community, and employ a team of local staff. “We have a terrific team, from sales to installation. The technical knowledge they bring to our business is immense, this means we can give our clients an accurate assessment for their needs.” The pair enjoy the lifestyle Tropical North Queensland has to offer. So when they’re not spending time with family, you will find Bob on the golf course and Trish will be anywhere www.solahart.com.au
Their approach to business saw Solahart Cairns receive the Outstanding Customer Service Award from Solahart, awarded from customer feedback. “That’s pretty special, especially when we mostly work on referral work,” says Trish. “But probably the most rewarding personal moment is when a client takes the time out of their busy day to call and thank me for providing such an excellent service from start to finish. It makes those long hours worthwhile.”
Greatest achievement: We still remain passionate and believe in what we are doing after 22 years Biggest challenge: Government policies changing – it does not give the consumer any confidence and the importation of cheap low quality products leads to customer dissatisfaction for the entire industry. Vision for the future: To grow with the industry without compromising quality and continuing to give back to the local community. Secret to success: Customer service, creating a professional relationship with our clients and never compromising on quality of product or workmanship.
modern world
of hairdressing International style trends are arriving in Cairns within seconds of hitting famous runways in Paris and New York. Never before have world-wide trends had such significant and prompt ripple effects on our own look. Social media has revolutionised celebrity influence on our personal style, from clothing and footwear to hair and makeup. Platforms like Facebook and Instagram deliver these looks to us instantly, largely replacing the age-old tradition of taking magazine clippings of our favourite hairstyles for our hairdresser to recreate. And it makes for an exciting time for established industry leaders like cutting edge hair salon Adam and Eva. “Starting hairdressing in the 90’s I’ve seen quite a few trends come and go and this will continue as styles keep getting rehashed with a new twist or edge,” says Jason McAlister, art director of the Cairns Adam and Eva salon. “Our greatest asset is that we are able to keep on trend and encourage our clients to be progressive. We focus a lot on a great haircut that our clients can maintain and recreate at home.” The ever-evolving diversity and progression of the industry is what has captured Jason’s attention and imagination for the past two decades, following in the footsteps of his grandfather. “He was a barber and always cut my hair, and I really looked up to him. I was always interested in hair and fashion.” Jason loves the creativity of everyday hair styling as well as career highlights like working backstage for L’Oreal at Fashion Week. He has worked as part of L’Oreal’s education and artistic team for the past 10 years, winning several major awards. But he says ensuring client satisfaction is by far the most important aspect of his work.
Adam & Eva is a Norwegian based company with more than 20 salons throughout the world including Cairns, established in 1999 and Brisbane which followed in 2005. Hairdressing in the tropics presents its own set of challenges with a greater need for humidity-control products, but Jason and his team never let that limit the styles and options available to clients. The Cairns Adam and Eva includes long-term employees Melissa and Hayley sharing 18 years between them in the company, and more recent arrivals Tess, Brooke and Mikayla already feel like part of the family. Their expertise provides clients with greater confidence and encouragement to embrace a new look. This is especially true for people still searching for the perfect style. “Have some faith in your stylist and be open to change,” Jason says. “It’s too easy to fall into a comfort zone with your style so don’t be afraid to take advice.” Greatest Inspiration: Working with other talented hairdressers around Australia as part of the L’Oreal artistic team. Greatest Achievement: Building a great team and having a successful business. Biggest Challenge: Running a business that involves a lot of travel and having a young family. Vision for the future: To grow Adam & Eva in Cairns and Brisbane. Secret to Success: I think you need to have an honest passion for the industry and be willing to evolve with the ever changing trends.
Jason McAlister
Adam & Eva Hairdressers
www.tnqrentals.com.au 16
Malcom & Karin Riley TNQ Rentals
If you dream big and work hard, anything is possible.
make a house
a home
Those are the words Malcom and Karin Riley live and work by, and they ought to know. Celebrating 25 years as directors of TNQ Rentals, the couple have defied the odds, and their doubters, to build a successful property management company in Cairns – possibly the longest running in Australia. The business was already 17 years old when they took ownership of what was then known as TNQ Agency, in a time when property management-only agencies were unheard of. “Many people didn’t think we would last without having a sales department, however we are still here while many similar businesses have fallen by the wayside,” says Karin. Malcom says the focused scope of their work has allowed them to devote all of their attention to their rent roll, better managing the needs of both property owners and tenants. “Property management is all we do, managing residential houses, units and duplexes. We don’t do sales so we can focus on one job, hence we like to think we do it well.” Karin and Malcom were highschool sweethearts, and it was Karin’s brother who first encouraged Malcom to try his hand in real estate. After obtaining his licence, Malcom started his career in real estate sales in Adelaide. “In those days there was no training like we have now - you either sank or swam.” And swim he did. The pair eventually made their way to Cairns for a holiday and instantly fell in love with the tropical city, deciding it was the perfect place to raise a family. It was also where they acted on the advice of an older real estate agent to achieve the healthy work-life balance they enjoy today. “Sales being sales and a 24-7 job there was not time much for family,” says Karin. “This older agent gave us some great words of advice, that property management was far more controlled allowing us time to be able to see our children play sport, and enjoy music and other activities.”
Still the business keeps them busy, with each new day bringing new challenges and new clients, and the rewarding task of helping people make a house their home. And their success is evident, with awards like REIQ Cairns Property Manager of the Year, REIQ Queensland Property Manager of the Year and ranking as a finalist in the Australian Institute of Management Business Owner category. Malcom is also one of just a few people in Australia asked to speak in America on the topic of property management and also speaks at events around Australia on the subject. But he isn’t willing to take all the credit. “Like any successful business you need a great team in order for it to work. TNQ Rentals is no different and we attribute a large amount of our ongoing longevity and success to the staff who work within.”
Greatest inspiration: Watching everyday people who start with nothing grow into a success – Example John Magrath and Matt Church. Biggest achievement: Being married for 34 years and working together without a fight. Greatest challenge: Keeping up with a changing world Vison for the future: Looking at all the technology that will make our profession easier and more productive. Secret to Success: The willingness to change and embrace technology, being innovative and being recognised in the industry as a property management and business leader.
The more things change, the more they stay the same
A lot has changed in the car industry since 1977 – new makes, models, materials and equipment.
Smash Repair Specialist
But the professional service and friendly smiles at Willmot Smash Repair Specialist have remained the same. For almost 40 years now, Willmot’s has been a leader in the ever-changing industry investing in the latest equipment, technology and training. The state-of-the-art smash repair facility has also been recognised with multiple environment and sustainability awards for its ecofriendly practices, obtaining the MTAQ Green Stamp in 2011 – making it the highest accredited panel shop in Queensland. Preserving the environment and the health and safety of his staff has always been paramount for Allan Willmot. After starting the repair business from a small shed in 1977, trade quickly grew and he installed the first compliant spray booth in Cairns, along with a Dataliner laser chassis measuring and straightening machine, gaining RACQ’s Selected Repairer contract. Willmot Smash Repair Specialist shifted its administration and smash repairs to its current site in Newell Street in 1997, reserving the old shed for a stateof-the-art spray painting facility encompassingtwo full downdraft drive-through spray booths and a Rapid Infrared Booth. “We not only keep up with the environmental practices available to the industry but also with the technology and training to repair the many sophisticated makes and models on the market today,” says general manager, Allan’s daughter Helena.
The team at Willmot Smash Repair Specialist might be small, but they have big goals, a long history and a proven record of quality service. With more than 100 years’ experience between them, the team of 12 upholds the values Allan started the business with almost 40 years ago. Helena says all of the staff understand the stress and emotion of having a damaged vehicle, and work quickly to get customers back on the road as soon as possible. “Our six trade qualified staff each average four years’ service with us, our apprentices are moving along as fast as the industry and we are looking forward to seeing our panel beater become trade qualified this year too,” she said. “We are a small dynamic team and set our goals high to reflect the standard of our shop and the expectations of the industry and our valued customers.” Today Willmot Smash Repair Specialist is a recommended and approved repairer for many insurance companies and manufacturers, and can also assist private customers with body repairs and paint work.
MISSION STATEMENT “With a strong customer focus, work together effectively as a team to ensure efficiency, professionalism and high quality standards are achieved to evolve with an ever changing industry while operating with the best environmental practices available.”
changing the
healthcare Most of us are immersed in the field of our profession – we eat, sleep and breathe that one thing we do best. Then there’s a handful of others who work from the outside looking in, assessing consumer needs and missing links and responding to that demand. Kate Gunn is one of those multi-talented people, a business entrepreneur with more than 20 years experience across a diverse range of fields, from stone fruit and horticulture start-ups to English language education and multimedia e-learning. But it is her contribution to healthcare that has made the most significant difference for the people of Cairns, creating the Balance! Healthcare brand and opening a family practice at Edmonton. Concerned that many medical centres were failing to deliver a patient-centred focus, Kate envisioned a one-stop-shop which would provide patients with access to an array of medical professionals under one roof. Her vision was for the team to include a GP, nurse, specialist and allied health professionals an integrated multi-disciplinary primary health care centre where all practitioners talked to each other about their patients, and worked toward a common goal of preventative and effective treatment to keep them well. At the same time, the Federal Government had a similar idea, funding a program called the GP Super Clinic program. The program made finances available to fund custom-built infrastructure for medical clinics. “The biggest issue with medical centres has historically been that they do not have enough space to expand,” says Kate. “We applied for funding, and were privileged enough to win in a competitive round of applications for the money to construct our building.”
Balance! has been servicing families and individuals from the south side of Cairns for the past five years. The team includes GPs, psychologists and a mental health nurse, dietitian, physiotherapist, podiatrist, speech pathologist, diabetes educator and exercise physiologist. The centre was a finalist in the TQ20 Business Awards in 2014 and a runner up in the Innovation and Workplace Diversity categories. Kate has similarly been awarded for her work, being named as one of the Australian Financial Review’s inaugural 100 Women of Influence in 2012 and most recently receiving a scholarship to attend a Women’s Leadership Course at Harvard Business School this year. But above all, she likes knowing her work has made a difference. “I really enjoy receiving feedback from patients that we are making a difference in their lives. It is very rewarding.” Greatest inspiration: My mother. She is a strong women, even now at 90 years old, and made me believe I could achieve anything I wanted to. Biggest achievement: Starting and running Balance! Healthcare. All my medical practices are great successes, but it has been a lot of hard work. Greatest challenge: Building three new medical centres from the ground up, without any previous experience in construction and development. Vision for the future: To continue to grow my business so it is bigger, better and more comprehensive – to provide an amazing service to our patients. Secret to your success: Without a doubt, resilience. For every overnight success, there are many years of hard work!
Kate Gunn
Balance! Edmonton Family Practice
cairnsqualityaccounting.com.au 20
Cairns Quality ACCOUNTING
It just makes everything so much more fun to go to work when you have a great team environment to work in.”
Megan O’Neill never planned to follow in her father’s footsteps to become an accountant. But that is precisely what she did after completing a teaching degree and realising it wasn’t the career for her. “On finishing my degree in Brisbane I was posted to Cairns for my first teaching job – and while I didn’t enjoy teaching, I did fall in love with Cairns,” Megan said. “Eventually mum and dad decided to move to Cairns and in 1994 dad bought an accounting practice and asked if I would like to work for him. I jumped at the opportunity and I have been in the accounting game ever since, working for a number of other accounting firms along the way.” In 2008, Megan and her father Alan Campbell partnered once again to establish Cairns Quality Accounting. The business prides itself on being a boutique accounting firm, offering personalised service in accounting, taxation and audits for employees, sole-traders, partnerships, companies, trusts and super funds. During the past five years, Megan has established herself as a leader in the industry, mentoring final year university students from the University of Southern Queensland, where she completed her own studies. She is a Fellow CPA (Certified Practising Accountant) and a member of the CPA Queensland Public Practice Committee. She has been on several CPA Taskforce committees and a presenter at CPA Public Practice Residential Schools. Megan also had the opportunity to tell the story of her career as guest presenter at a CPA awards night in Cairns. In addition to Megan, the Cairns Quality Accounting team includes a fellow senior accountant, office manager, part-time assistant accountant and several bookkeepers. “I want to keep our business small and manageable, because I feel that when a firm gets too big, clients and staff lose touch with each other and that friendly smaller firm atmosphere is lost,” Megan said.
“It just makes everything so much more fun to go to work when you have a great team environment to work in.” A close-knit team and personalised service were among the goals Megan wished to achieve when she started Cairns Quality Accounting. “I had worked for a number of accounting firms around Cairns and the Northern Territory for over 15 years, but over time, felt I could create a more satisfying working environment that would benefit both my staff and clients. I felt the smaller business clients were missing out on the service they deserved. “It is so much more satisfying to be able to speak with the same people year after year and to build on a greater business relationship with those clients. I know they appreciate the attention.” Megan has grown her client base to more than 300 tax and accounting customers and 40 audit clients in just five years, and her role has changed considerably during that time. “Initially I did everything, answered the phone, made appointments, completed the tax, accounting and audit work, as well doing the day to day tasks such as placing stationery orders, filing and making my own cups of coffee,” she said. “Now at least I have a lovely staff member to make coffee for me, I miss that when they are not here. Having staff means I can focus more on running and developing my business. I can delegate tasks and concentrate on the aspects that I enjoy most, without being too consumed by the day-to-day running of the office.” Accounting has also seen many changes since Megan entered the industry in 1994. At the time, the Australian Taxation Office had an office in the Cairns Corporate Tower, and Megan recalls saving tax returns to ‘floppy disk’ and walking them to the office for processing. “Now I can lodge tax returns without leaving my desk,” she said. “Research was a lot harder back then too, with only paper publications available. Now we can conduct research online and have access to electronic publications.
The introduction of GST also brought about many changes, and accountants found themselves busy all year round rather than just at ‘tax time’. “The industry is always changing with new rules and regulations – which keeps it interesting,” Megan said. “And each successive government changes or tweaks the tax rules – so there is always something new to learn.” Something that hasn’t changed is Megan’s love of Cairns, which she has called home for the past 26 years. “I love the small town feeling of Cairns. I love the weather, the boiling hot summers where your shoes stick to the road, the pouring rain and cyclones. The beautiful mild winters are just the icing on the cake,” she said. “And I love that it only take me a few songs on the iPod to get to and from work.”
Biggest inspiration: I get inspiration from lots of places - my family, staff, friends and colleagues who have also started their own businesses. Greatest obstacle or challenge: To ensure I keep up to date with the ever changing business and technological developments. Career highlight: Opening my own business and being the driver of my own destiny. Secret to success: Customer service - return those phone calls and emails promptly – show that you care and believe in yourself and your abilities. Future direction: Continue to expand the accounting and audit side of the business while retaining a friendly and supportive working environment in the office. And working on my business, not just in it.
Yvonne Rowlands
Cairns Key
a love real estate
She might have reached retirement age, but Yvonne Rowlands is still having too much fun to think about that. She enjoys coming to work each day, helping people find a new home or secure the best return on their investment. It’s this passion for people and the excitement of a sale that captured her attention 35 years ago, when she made the fearless decision to switch from selling tents to selling real estate. “I’ve always had the fire in my stomach to make sales, and I’ve always been keen on real estate myself, I buy and sell houses as well,” she says. “I love dealing with people on a daily basis and listening to their needs to find exactly what they’re looking for and make it happen.” Originally from New Zealand, Yvonne lived in Brisbane for three years before opportunity brought her to Cairns in 1972. And it’s her love of the lifestyle that has kept her here. “I live in the city and enjoy the social life here, the wining and dining, it’s great,” she says. “I’m also interested in the basketball, we’re big Taipans supporters, and the Amateur racing.” Yvonne became the principal licensee of Cairns Key Real Estate in 2002, bringing with her decades of experience and a myriad of awards and accolades for her success in the industry. “You can’t eat trophies,” she laughs. “But it’s nice to be respected.” Cairns Key is closely associated with David McCoy Homes and Kenfrost Homes, one of the biggest builders in Cairns. This association offers a complete package for anyone wanting to sell, buy or build real estate.
Greatest inspiration: I enjoy what I do and that inspires me and my staff to do well. I try to give them as much encouragement as I can. My son is a very successful ex builder and he makes me very proud. Biggest milestone: I’ve worked for a number of companies and been fairly successful in receiving recognition. Greatest challenge: Keeping motivated. Once you lose motivation, naturally your sales are affected. You have to enjoy what you’re doing and be responsible for your actions. Vision for the future: I should probably be retired, but I enjoy what I do. I still enjoy coming to work and seeing the staff who’ve been with me for years. I think I’ve still got another couple of years in me yet. Secret to success: Honesty. People admire you for being honest rather than you telling them things you know won’t eventuate. I always tell my staff, if you just be honest, they will come back and respect you.
Suzanne Hadley was only 12 years old when she learnt the value of a bulletproof contract.
Suzanne Hadley Hadley Family Law
Her very first written agreement saw her father pay her and her sister tuppence in exchange for pulling troublesome weeds from the family garden. “I told him ‘I’ll hold you to that,” she recalls. “And he paid up.” On a very small scale, she realised the power of putting a promise in writing, and the ability for people to obtain what was rightfully theirs. Perhaps it was that moment which led her to work as a legal secretary, but she didn’t stop there, finishing her highschool education as a mature age student at night school before commencing legal studies. Suzanne completed five year articles while working full time and raising her children, who were in highschool at the time. She went on to be admitted as a solicitor in 1993. Initially working across all fields of the legal profession, Suzanne found her niche in family law and was working almost exclusively in the area within five years. She continued specialising in the field, establishing her own family law practice in 2013. Entering law as a mature age student meant having greater life experience and the ability to relate to clients and their concerns. Married at a young age, Suzanne experienced her own marriage breakdown and has always possessed a personal understanding of the difficulties her clients are facing. “Being a mum myself, I know what it’s like to balance the demands of a family and what a challenge it can be just to get out the door in the morning. “Divorce is a unique situation for most people. Clients come to me having never been through this before, but it’s not unique to me. I can look clearly at what factors are operating in their lives and help people navigate what is a very stormy sea indeed.” Established in 2013, Hadley Family Law delivers professional service with a personal touch, taking into account the effects of separation on everyone in the family, including children, grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins and even pets. “I always approach every situation holistically, and emotional support is brought in where needed to help people gain clarity and make the best decisions for themselves and their future.” Services cover a variety of other issues too, including child support, prenuptial agreements, spousal maintenance and adoption. After 22 years in the field, Suzanne is still driven by the same passion that led to what has been an outstanding contribution to the law profession and the TNQ community. In 1998, she was one of only four female legal partners in Cairns, and among only a few female equity partners almost a decade after she was admitted. Suzanne’s passion for helping extends outside of the legal field too, being a founding member and president of the Cairns Rape Crisis and Incest Service, and serving as secretary of the North Queensland Law Association. She is a passionate advocate for people with MS, lobbying for the provision of improved services, aged care and support for young people in nursing homes. Suzanne has also delivered papers to family law practitioners internationally, and continues to build on her education with ongoing training and research.
We really enjoy creating interesting spaces and new and innovative designs,� SAYS ANDREW.
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Andrew Thomas Dixon Homes
Andrew Thomas has been in the building industry for more than two decades – but still no two days have ever been the same. As the managing director of Dixon Homes across Cairns and Townsville, Andrew and his team have had to adapt to changing trends, growing competition and a tough economic climate. The brand has diversified as a result, offering customers an even larger range of designs – more than 2000 and counting, and greater value for money. Locally, Dixon Homes has also leveraged off slowing housing construction to extend into new markets, including sub-division developments and display homes. The business is now well placed for a strong and exciting future. “Being a well-established company, Dixon Homes was in a good position to make the best out of an otherwise difficult time,” says Andrew. Dixon Homes Cairns’ recent projects include Tranquility, a residential subdivision on high-set land in Bentley Park, adjoining World Heritage rainforest. The firm is also responsible for residential developments on Lago Crescent, Forest Gardens, featuring contemporary styling, in-ground swimming pools and low-maintenance grounds. A total of 11 new display homes across Cairns and Townsville are also testament to the quality and craftsmanship of the Dixon Homes team, showcasing some of the very best designs and features on offer. “We’ve had a great opportunity to step into new territory and explore the possibilities,” says Andrew. “Through this hard work the franchise has not only sustained itself, but been able to prosper.” This ability to look ahead, pre-empt market trends and deliver the best possible value and experience for the customer is embedded within the culture of Dixon Homes. Staff are engaged in regular training to improve customer relations, embrace technology and achieve consistent outcomes. Andrew says going that extra mile is now just standard practice. “We always go over and above what’s required as an industry minimum.” Dixon Homes has always been known for leading the way, being the first major home builder to introduce solar-powered hot water and multiple other initiatives. The company has also designed its own software which helps make building with Dixon Homes an efficient and enjoyable experience. With the click of just a few buttons, Dixon Systems calculates the cost of each building project from beginning to end, co-ordinating and booking contractors to complete every task; from laying the
foundations to building the roof, installing the air-conditioner to putting in the mailbox and even the final clean to have the home in pristine condition in time for handover. “It certainly changes the way we do business,” says Andrew. “The same system is used by everyone involved in the project, so it keeps all of the vital information in one place. That means we’re able to gather information quickly for clients and tell them exactly where in the building process we’re up to.” The system also acts as a quality assurance record, with all checks and inspections recorded digitally. Everyone can experience an example of Dixon Homes’ leading digital software by using the website www.dixonhomes-cairns.com. au. The site features a design search tool allowing users to input personalised search data such as the required amount of bedrooms or land size, and it returns all suitable design results along with the relevant pricing for their area. Dixon Homes can also provide customised home designs, with highly skilled architects available to design a home as individual as the client. “We really enjoy creating interesting spaces and new and innovative designs,” says Andrew. “It’s always nice working with a customer to achieve a really personalised finish.” Personalised service is a central focus for every member of the Dixon Homes team, and especially important to Andrew. Not only is he the managing director of two major branches, but also heavily involved in the company across Queensland and New South Wales as director of several subsidiary boards including Dixon Systems and Tamawood. Multiple commitments mean extensive travel and business meetings. It’s hard work, it’s challenging, but he wouldn’t want it any other way. “I’ve been involved in the business since 1991, and there’s never been a dull moment,” he says. “We have a really great team here and a lot of long-term staff and good loyalty from our customers, suppliers and sub-contractors. That contributes a lot to the success of our business.”
Visit www.dixonhomes-cairns.com.au for more information about Dixon Homes, and to view the latest range of home
designs and house and land packages available.
www.cairns-urology.com.au 26
Neil G ordon Cairns Urology pioneering
his field
Dr Neil Gordon strongly believes we should all be here for a good time and a long time. That’s why he has dedicated his life’s work as a urologist to providing patients in regional areas some of the world’s most advanced medical treatments, previously only available to patients in capital cities. In some cases he has provided treatment only seen in highly reputable centres internationally, not available elsewhere in Australia. His latest offering is one of the most remarkable, providing accurate, fast detection and subsequently earlier treatment of prostate cancer. Cairns Urology is a member of the Prostate MR Centers of Excellence Network – one of only 9 worldwide. The patients can now receive the most advanced medical screening available using multi-parametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging, providing high definition 3D colour images which can detail possible tumours at a molecular level using advanced specialist software. The equipment is used in combination with a Soteria Remote Controlled Manipulator or ‘robot’, enabling faster and more accurate biopsies. Scan results can also be sent to other leading urology specialists throughout the world within seconds, allowing multiple experts to weigh in on any unusual or complex cases found here in Cairns. “What sometimes requires up to 40 biopsies in some clinics and even a night in hospital can now be done accurately in just two, and the man can go home minutes after the procedure,” says Dr Gordon. Dr Gordon was the first urologist to use Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy in regional Australia, a minimally invasive technique of using laser to break up kidney stones. He also established the first Day Surgery Lithotripsy Centre and was the first in Australia to perform Transurethral Resection of Prostate
It is a question of quantity and quality of life...
in a day surgery setting in 1997. Patients are still being kept in hospital for up to 5 days after these procedures in other clinics around the country. Dr Gordon was also responsible for introducing cryotherapy for the treatment of prostate cancer in Cairns – a process of freezing individual tumours. He is the only urologist in Australia routinely offering this treatment which is available in Britain, Europe and USA. He is hopeful that it may now be able to be used with the advanced MRI. His work is known around the world, published in the Journal of Urology, British Journal of Urology, The Australia & New Zealand Journal of Surgery and the Medical Journal of Australia. He has also published his own book, Common Sense Urology, providing a detailed guide for junior doctors, medical students and nurses on his philosophies and practices in urological care. This has recently been converted to an ebook by his son, Lachlan and is free on iTunes One of his strongest beliefs lies in treating patients in a way that has them feeling better, sooner and returning home and back to work as soon as possible. “It’s proven you will get better faster if you’re not exposed to risks of infection in hospitals and interestingly people get better faster still if they’re at home with a pet such as a cat or dog.” “It is a question of quantity and quality of life. We’re here for a good time and a long time and the treatment shouldn’t be worse than the disease.” In addition to prostate cancer diagnosis and management, Cairns Urology also delivers a full suite of urological health services for issues concerning the bladder, kidneys, testicles and male fertility including vasectomy reversal using the operating microscope as well as female problems such as recurrent infection and incontinence. It’s a field of health Dr Gordon chose to pursue while studying in Scotland and continued when he was offered a specialist training position in
Victoria, Australia. “At the time they only offered four positions a year so there was no way I wasn’t going to do it,” he says. One of the most memorable moments of his early career came when a man presented to the hospital in the middle of the night with a bleeding ulcer. Dr Gordon was the most senior doctor on duty and he says it was a turning point for him professionally. “Basically, I had to stop the ulcer bleeding and although I had completed my specialist exams I hadn’t yet completed my training time as a specialist at that stage,” he says. “But that was the moment I knew I had the knowledge and experience to do what needed to be done.” Dr Gordon believes strongly in setting and following his tried and tested routines and procedures, assisted by nurses and technicians and all the members of the team with a single goal - to achieve consistently positive outcomes for the patients. His approach has proven life-saving, particularly when confronted with unexpected and emergency situations. He has also seen the profound impact even the simplest of advice can have on peoples’ lives. “My son was 16 when he needed to do a health talk at school and he wanted to tell the students about prostate cancer,” recalls Dr Gordon. “I told him to talk about testicular cancer instead because it affects young men and he could explain how they should examine themselves.” “Well one of the boys told his dad who got checked out and found out he had testicular cancer. It was a case of the right thing said at the right time.” Early detection of any cancer continues to offer the best chance of a positive outcome and Dr Gordon encourages everyone to be vigilant with self-examinations and to seek medical attention for any health concerns.
Value Homes Ralf Dutton’s background in architectural drafting and obtaining his open builders licence in 1986, paved the way for his current position as director and owner of the Construct Building & Development Group, which has been designing and building affordable homes for the people of Cairns since 1992 under Value Homes. “We began 21 years ago in a rented office near Earlville and have moved closer to the city over the last two moves. We’re still here after numerous downturns and a global disaster and predict we’re here for the start of a five-year growth period for Cairns. We recently purchased our new building to be ready for that,” tells Ralf, who believes in building strong homes that last and are tailored to the client’s needs. “Why buy a home that is the same as many others and doesn’t suit your needs except for a cheap price, when you could have an individually designed Value Home for no more cost?” The business offers an individual, unique design service with people on site to help bring your vision to life and advise the best features to suit your needs. They can find the best finance, draft your plans and give a virtual tour of your home with their cutting edge 3D drafting technology and you’ll know up front what will be included in the price. “A major reason why we are so successful is that we include so much in the standard price. Would you believe that some other home prices do not include concrete to the carport, patio, or driveway and some don’t even include water connection in the price,” explains Ralf, who believes clients are relieved when they come to Value Homes and discover those extra costs are all included as standard.
Their longevity, word of mouth recommendations and awards are testament to their success in the industry and they boast two President’s Awards from Queensland Master Builders as just some of their many achievements. “Recognition from our peers with awards, reaching the 5, 10 and 20 year marks and building over 1000 homes that shelter more than 3000 people are milestones for us” says Ralf. “Our most recent milestone is the new office for the latest chapter in our story.” Client satisfaction is very important in this business and the team always find it rewarding when they receive flowers and thank you cards. Even more rewarding is when clients return some years later and they’re still in their Value Home, but ready to build something to suit their changing needs, like upsizing or downsizing after the kids leave the nest. “Some clients start at Value Homes and later in life when they want the wow factor, they go to our stand alone company Affinity Designer Homes because they don’t want to give us up.”
Years in business: Value Homes has been operating since 1992. Greatest challenge: Working in a tourist town where the building market can turn overnight. Milestones: Once we passed 1000 homes and sheltered more than 3000 people. Secret to success: A major reason we are so successful is that we include so much in our standard price.
A ffinity Designer Homes One-on-one service, expert advice and a uniquely designed home to suit your land is just part of what you can expect from Affinity Designer Homes – a local business that has been operating under the Construct Building & Development Group since 1997. Owned by Ralf Dutton and run by highly experienced building designer & licensed builder, Roslyn Smith, the company has been catering to those who want something a little different and envisage a home that is customised to suit their needs. “We have Affinity Designer Homes sprinkled around the hillsides and beaches,” tells Ros, who has a good understanding of the industry, having studied architectural drafting and worked in various aspects of the building industry throughout her award-winning career. “We have built at Oceans Edge, Palm Cove, Blue Water, Redlynch Rise, Forest Gardens and City View and most other prestigious addresses in the Cairns region.. We cater for those clients building on sloping sites, difficult or unusual shaped blocks of land or waterfront.” Before considering the designs, the block of land is reviewed as it’s the deciding factor with views, breezes, sunlight and the physical features all being taken into account prior to construction. With an experienced team of designers and builders, they can help you choose the land that suits you and your ideas or work with your existing land. “The block dictates the design and that requires a skill. The client might not know exactly what they want and my job is to find out what that is and put it on paper. We have a real understanding of what will work, which some project developers might not understand,” explains Ros.
From understanding the land, to building the home, to fine tuning elements in the kitchen, bathroom or vanities, entertainment areas. Ros draws from her expert knowledge to create the best outcome for the client. “They dictate what we do so it’s very individualised and personalised, but I can offer alternatives in design and materials when something isn’t going to work. The building process should be fun,” she adds. With 16 years experience providing customised solutions to their clients, this local company has plans to continue leaving their legacy for Cairns as the market begins a period of sustained growth. “We’re seeing clients come back and that’s a sign the market is turning. It won’t be a boom, but rather a five-year growth and Cairns will benefit,” advises Ralf. “Affinity Designer Homes is the quiet achiever and markets discreetly, so when you want that special home with the wow factor, talk to Ros.”
Years in business: Affinity Designer Homes opened in 1997. Best part of the job: I get a bit of a thrill when I drive past homes we’ve designed and the clients are still living there many years later. Secret to success: The integrity in both companies has paid off. We’re quiet achievers who get on with the job. Advice to customers: We’re seeing signs the market is turning and urge people to get on the train before it’s going too fast.
Cummings Locksmith
to Your
Protection When he’s not rescuing children from locked cars, he’s letting elderly people into their homes, and freeing others from locked buildings. He’s not a firefighter, or a superhero, but an industry professional in one of the oldest trades in history. Troy Cummings is a locksmith, backed up by a team of fellow master locksmiths and apprentices in responding to calls for help. The calls come from all over Cairns, at all times of the day and night. It’s demanding, adrenalinepumping work, often involving tears. And it’s all in a day’s work for Troy. “It sends your heart racing, that’s for sure,” says Troy, recalling picking his way through the doors of a building with police in tow, hoping there is no one on the other side of the door with a gun. “You can plan your day out but it can change in a matter of seconds, and it usually does.” Troy has come to the rescue in lesser emergencies too, freeing people from locked bathrooms, bedrooms and those redfaced customers who’ve locked themselves out of their home or vehicle. “We’ve all been there,” Troy laughs. “Even I’ve done it, I just know how to get back in.” Modern security solutions are also part of the offerings at Troy Cummings Locksmith. From surveillance systems to alarms and intercoms, the team can customise a package to suit the security needs of any home or business. They’re also called upon after security incidents, providing traditional locksmithing needs like replacing locks after a break in and opening locked safes. “That can be gruelling work,” Troy says.
“I’ve spent four hours opening a safe. When you finally hear that handle click, well, it’s the best feeling there is.” Troy never intended to enter a career in locksmithing. His grandfather encouraged him to become a fitter and turner, and locksmithing was a component of those studies. “I loved it from day one.” Established as a sole operator business in 2002, Troy Cummings Locksmith now employs up to seven staff and offers a comprehensive range of services from cutting a single key to fingerprint identity security for government and high-rise buildings.
Greatest inspiration: Definitely My Grandfather and Grandmother they set the bar really high and have a long time to try and reach their standard. Biggest achievement: I can never really go pass fitting all the electronic locks to the Convention Centre. We just fitted out a $2-million dollar house with surveillance cameras, fingerprint access, alarms and automatic gates they can control from anywhere around the world with the press of a button. Greatest challenge: Keeping this business alive and people employed through all the tough times in Cairns Vision for the future: Provide domestic houses with state of the art electronic security to protect everyone’s personal belongings. Secret to success: Working harder and smarter and always reviewing and trying to improve all your procedures.
Working on the wild side For many years now, Angela Freeman has had at least a dozen projects on the go at any one time. As directors of Wildlife TNQ , Angela and her husband Peter have their hands full managing and marketing some of the region’s biggest tourist attractions. The projects on their to-do lists are often seem unrelated, but all stem back to a commitment to building business or protecting animals and their habitat. She confesses what may appear to some as aimless blundering, has both methodology and strategic purpose behind it. “If I were a child at school these days I would probably have my parents called up to the principal’s office with a request to undergo some kind of therapy due to my overactive disposition,” she laughs. “Success is a very subjective concept but if I am good at what I do, it is because I do often, unknown to others, spend a lot of time thinking, aggregating and distilling information and ideas. That is how Peter and I both play the game.” The childhood sweethearts grew up together working at Wild World, now Cairns Tropical Zoo, during their school holidays. Hartley’s Creek Zoo was bought and reinvented by Peter’s family in 1986. Hartley’s Crocodile Adventures replaced it in its new location in 2002. Now married and with two adult sons of their own, Peter and Angela own and manage the business along with their business partner Takara. Before its transformation and relaunch in its new location, Hartley’s began its life as a teahouse halfway between Cairns and Mossman in 1934. The original owners had a quirky idea to buy a crocodile to entertain their guests, and the crocodile attraction grew from there. With valued input from their team, Angela and Peter have brought the business group through one of the most challenging periods in tourism’s recent history, expanding and improving in the process.
The fruits of their labour are starting to show, including a range of crocodile leather handbags and leather goods coming onto the market after 3 years in the pipeline.
Wildlife TNQ
Juggling motherhood with operating an industry-leading tourism attraction has its challenges, and demands both initiative and dedication. During times of difficulty Angela relies on the advice of her late parents, Eric and Rita, who instilled in her their values and knowledge to make do with very little. It is from this, Angela has developed a focus on analytics to continually change and improve systems, products and the visitor experience.
Change is essential,” she says. Greatest Inspiration: My husband, parents, my old bosses and our wonderful staff. Biggest Milestone: Seeing our two sons grow from babies through their teens to young adults. Greatest Challenge: Absorbing the shock, sustaining and maintaining operations and keeping staff employed following hits to tourism. Vision for the Future: Improving systems, finding innovative ways to raise funds for wildlife and habitat protection, and allowing time for the creative me come out to play. Secret to Success: l often go in the complete opposite direction to ‘the pack’ because I’m seeing a trend or a behaviour in my customers, a signal that something is changing so I take my lead from them not the experts.
Robin Gordon
Cairns Radiology & Cairns Women’s Imaging
a picture of
Just because we live in Far North Queensland doesn’t mean we have to expect sub-standard care”
It’s not often you walk through the corridors of a medical practice wondering for just a moment if you’ve stepped into an art gallery. Visually, that’s the experience at Cairns Radiology and Cairns Women’s Imaging. Emotionally, it takes you away, even for just a short while, from the reasons you’re there. Combining the comfort of a mother’s lounge room and the professionalism of the worldclass medical facility that it is. The montage of artworks adorning the walls of the Sheridan Street practice are from the personal collection of CEO Robin Gordon. Taking a closer look you will notice a theme, with feminine art pieces on the Cairns Women’s Imaging side of the clinic, and more masculine and universal works on the other. This is where Cairns Radiology delivers specialty CT, MRI, ultrasound and general and dental x-ray services to the young and old along with male prostate screening and detection. A lot of thought has been given to who is using the services, and the reasons why, with waiting areas assigned for excited women and couples attending pregnancy scans, separate to those attending for breast cancer screening and diagnosis. It’s these carefully considered, finer details that make a big difference to the patient experience, providing a sense of care, comfort and ease when they’re needed most. At the other end of the scale, there’s the centre’s multi-million dollar medical imaging equipment providing a level of screening and diagnosis unsurpassed anywhere in the world. Cairns Radiology is now home to a high-powered 3T multi parametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging machine (mpMRI), revolutionising the detection and treatment of various disease processes, as well as a state-of-the-art dual source CT scanner known as ‘The Flash,’ providing four-dimensional full body scans in less than four seconds. Making all this possible is a team of highly trained and experienced staff, from the friendly receptionists to senior radiographers, sonographers and radiologists. And at the helm of the operation is Robin. Stepping into her office it’s clear where all this attention to detail stems from. Almost every inch of wall space is covered with art, some by her own daughters, each with a different story to tell. A warm, feminine glow fills the room, along with the delicate scent of a candle, seamlessly blending with
an air of authority and professionalism. Robin is well spoken, impeccably groomed, confident and firm yet humble and welcoming. She exudes a mother’s love, speaking proudly of her six adult children and ‘nine grandbabies with more on the way’. Similarly, she speaks with pride of the life-saving work of her husband, senior radiologist Kevin Daynes. Together they have created a facility leading the way in medical imaging; not only in Cairns, but internationally, as one of only 10 Prostate MRI Centers of Excellence in the world. It is also a highly esteemed breast cancer screening and diagnostic facility where there is no need to wait weeks, even months, agonising to learn of your results. The breast clinic provides same-day service for mammogram, tomography, breast ultrasound, biopsy and MRI. The result is more accurate and timely detection of cancer, and that means saving lives. “Just because we live in Far North Queensland doesn’t mean we have to expect sub-standard care,” says Robin. “We have some outstanding doctors in Cairns, and now some of the best medical technology in the world.” Investing their own finances to secure worldstandard equipment, it’s clear the motivator behind all of this is a genuine desire to help people. Caring is in Robin’s nature, and it seems it was always destined to be her career. From a young age growing up in the United States, she planned to go to university and become a doctor, but instead was married with three children by the time she turned 21. Undeterred, she completed a few courses each semester and finished her Bachelor of Science in Nursing when all her children were in school. Working full time and raising her young family, she returned to university to complete her Masters in Nursing. It meant being on the go seven days a week, and relying on family to take care of her children, particularly when her marriage ended. But as one door closed, another opened. After finishing her masters’ degree she took a much-deserved holiday to France where she met her future husband, Australian radiologist Dr Kevin Daynes. The couple married soon after, returning to Australia to continue their love story, and pursue their life’s work. For Robin, that meant working as a nurse practitioner, at a time when it was unheard of in Australia, before turning her attention to a career
in law. Meanwhile Kevin worked as a radiologist and launched Cairns’ first Breast Clinic in 1993, well before the National BreastScreen service came to Cairns. The pair were considering retirement and enjoying ‘grandparenthood’ when an opportunity arose, resulting in the birth of Cairns Radiology and Cairns Women’s Imaging in 2010, relocating to the purpose built Centre on Sheridan Street in November 2014. It’s a place of many emotions, and delivering bad news is sometimes part of the job. But more and more Robin and the team are seeing diseases caught early, especially breast and prostate cancer, as well as better outcomes from treatment. But even with the best equipment in the world, Robin stresses selfmonitoring is still crucial. “It’s essential for women and men to take care of themselves, to perform regular checks and see a doctor if anything feels off,” she says. “We do our very best to save lives, but it’s up to people to put themselves first, take care of themselves, both physically and mentally, before everyone else. We all need reminding of that sometimes.” Cairns Radiology and Cairns Women’s Imaging accepts all referrals and offers bulk billing for most services.
Greatest Inspiration: I have always and continue to be greatly inspired by the lives and lessons of my parents and grandparents. Biggest Achievement: By far, my greatest achievement….my children. Greatest challenge: Achieving success when everyone else says it’s impossible. Vision for the Future: Walking hand in hand with my husband down the beach and having all our children and grandchildren (and all goes well greatgrandchildren) follow in our footsteps. Secret to Success: Go with what you know!
Christine Vincent McDonald’s the
For Christine Vincent, becoming a McDonald’s licensee required a sacrifice few would be prepared to make.
For Christine Vincent, becoming a McDonald’s licensee required a sacrifice few would be prepared to make. She lived away from her young family for nine months, working six days a week without pay to complete the required training in Brisbane – three hours away from her family home. But the sacrifice paid off. Christine has been a McDonald’s owner-operator for more than 20 years, owns seven McDonalds restaurants and employs more than 570 people across the Cairns region. And it all began with an ad in her local paper.
“I have a number of employees who have gone on to become doctors, lawyers, accountants and careers which have taken them all over the world. I have also had employees who have grown within the McDonald’s system and now work internationally within the McDonald’s corporation. In fact I have current employees whose goal is to be owner operators like myself in the future, and that is very possible in this business.” Christine thanks family, friends, colleagues and her staff for their guidance, support and contributions to her success.
“I was living in Kingaroy with my family 21 years ago and had recently purchased a Wendy’s Supa Sundaes franchise, when I saw the ad looking to hire a local franchisee,” she recalls.
“Thanks to their dedication and hard work, my business continues to grow every day, which inspires me to work harder”
“Having had the experience of owning and working in my own hairdressing salon for eight years as well as having experience as a franchise owner, I saw this as an opportunity of a lifetime to join an amazing company.”
Greatest Inspiration: Watching both my children become actively involved and successful in the McDonald’s business whilst now becoming parents themselves.
Since starting McDonalds in Kingaroy 20 years ago, Christine moved to Hobart where she owned another three McDonald’s stores, and after eight years in Tasmania followed the sun to Cairns where she initially bought four McDonald’s restaurants. “When I first arrived In Cairns I was blown away by the friendliness of those I met. Some of my dearest friends are those I met in those initial first months in Cairns 10 years ago,” she says.
“I have an amazing team and I love working with them and watching them grow,” says Christine.
Christine has had to guide her businesses through the transition of many changes, including the introduction of McCafe, the more recent arrival of McCafe in Drive Thru and the newest offering, Create Your Taste. The gourmet burger concept is the biggest change to occur in the history of McDonald’s Australia and its success has already allowed Christine to increase her employees by 20 per cent.
Biggest Milestone: Realising I can get through the tough times professionally and personally, and use my experience as a role model to others. Greatest Challenge: Nine months of training away from my family which I had to complete before I started as a McDonald’s franchisee. Vision for the Future: To continue to work hard and grow in the McDonald’s system whilst ensuring I make personal time not only for myself, but to spend quality time with my children and grandchildren. Secret to Success: To always be looking for opportunities and running with them as they arise. Also to surround yourself with amazing people and don’t be afraid to ask for help.
Auto Repairs & Services
It’s one of the most common questions, “Where can I find a good mechanic I can trust?” No matter what you drive, if you’re having vehicle troubles, you want a reliable auto mechanic to get you up and back on the road without a glitch. Finding the right auto mechanic will
“We’re extremely overwhelmed and proud to think that customers do appreciate the effort that goes into the attention to detail at KW Auto,” says owner David Ware.
• Experience • Explanation of repair • Cost effective repairs • Nationwide 6-month warranty on all repairs.
KW Auto has been trading for over 20 years, but David and his wife Loralie took on delivery of the business on July 1st, 2012. David first started in the auto repair business as a driveway attendant from the age of 14, working his way up the ranks through to front counter operator. Persistence and hard work has brought him and his team to a reputable level of recognition within the Cairns community.
Drivers Tend to Neglect: The most consistent concern is the lack of priority to check tyre pressures.
“Everybody has a bad mechanical story, therefore we endeavour to create a positive informative experience. We try to show a true sense of value and integrity.”
keep you worry-free and your vehicle running smoothly for years to come. Our poll showed
“Being a part of Repco Authorized Service group, our team is trained to the highest standard – we have access to a wide range of national databases and technical information to keep us at the forefront of industry requirement.”
that customers recommended KW Auto Repairs & Services
David’s Advice: Your car is the second biggest investment you will make, therefore regular service and maintenance by industry-trained technicians equipped with the latest diagnostic equipment is vital to protect your motor vehicle. We suggest at minimum, a six-month or 10,000 km service interval to keep the safety of your vehicle maintained. When you have a day off work, you like to… Oh that one’s easy, either mountain bike riding with my son, or taking the dirt bikes out for a ride with the family.
(KW Auto) for its honesty and What keeps customers coming back? • Warm friendly service
customer service.
www.ashmoseleyhomes.com.au 36
Ash HOMES Moseley a career
I suppose it was inevitable from the start.”
on the wall As children, many of us show interest in what will eventually become our life’s work. For some it’s more apparent than others, like Ash Moseley, who repeatedly found himself in trouble for hammering nails into the walls of his parents’ old fibro-clad garage. “I suppose it was inevitable from the start.” Ash has been in the building industry for more than 30 years now, and the director of Ash Moseley Homes for almost 25. The award-winning business prides itself on custom designs and personalised solutions, ensuring no two homes are ever the same. The professional, boutique approach to home building has earned Ash Moseley Homes well over 100 accolades in the past two decades. “It seems like only a click of the fingers since we received our first housing award in 1994 and my heart was beating out of my chest,” he says. “Having my wife Michelle by my side in the business has been probably the main standout along the way, and having had my daughter Rhiannon and son Ethan involved in the business has also been a highlight.” Ash Moseley Homes specialises in tropical, waterfront and hillside homes, working across all budgets. From prestige and traditional styling to contemporary and the more creative, all designs are especially suited to life in the tropics. “Whether it’s a custom-built home around $450,000 or a million-dollar project, the same quality of finish is exacted every time,” says Michelle. “Our aim is always to deliver our clients a great design and build them a great home with the best possible products at a fair and reasonable price. It comes down to a matter of trust, a client has to be comfortable with their builder and most clients come to us on recommendation from others.” That positive feedback is reflective of the dedication and professionalism of the entire team, including a group of long-standing carpenters, some of whom have been with the business for more than 15 years.
Best of all, everyone on the team has a genuine passion for what they do. “There are many exciting parts to the construction industry from making great relationships with people right through to gaining satisfaction with the end product that we deliver.” Located at 37 Mt Milman Drive, Smithfield, the team at Ash Moseley Homes is ready to help clients build their dream home. “If it’s all about quality, attention to detail, and flair – then you’ve found the design and construction team you’ve been looking for.”
Greatest inspiration: Creating a finished product that people admire. Biggest achievement: Becoming a registered builder. Creating a brand name at Ash Moseley Homes. Winning a National Housing Award. Greatest challenge: Reaching and maintaining a consistent finish as there are so many phases to building a house. Dealing with, and guiding our sub-trades. Staying abreast of new construction products. Vision for the future: Maintaining our brand at Ash Moseley Homes. Secret to your success: Keep your finger on the pulse. Stay well grounded. Attention to detail.
MEET THE TEAM All on the Staffing Solution team love enjoying valuable family time, some love the beach, others like rainforest walks and one has fun experimenting with recipes from her Paleo recipe book. Though it’s definitely not Franca, who enjoys using her microwave….
Franca Forde Director
The Solution to Success
Franca has worked in the Hospitality industry since 1964, managing 32 hotels along the way. Franca commenced her recruitment pathway in 1989 and now as Director of Staffing Solution Cairns and Townsville, has a team of skilled consultants to assist in the day to day running of the Permanent and Temping Divisions of Staffing Solution. Franca’s motto is ‘you have to give great customer service and be honest’.
Chris Richards Senior Consultant Temp Division Chris has worked in hospitality for more than 20 years managing conferences and events for four and five-star resorts and hotels. Chris brings a huge wealth of knowledge being in charge of the Temping Department, placing staff into 4 and 5 Star locations in Cairns, Port Douglas and Townsville in all areas of hospitality.
Staffing Solution
Lyndall Williams Manager Business Development
Honesty, integrity, consistency, familiarity,
Lyndall brings a professional manner and knowledge of superior customer service to Staffing Solution in a Business Development role. Having returned to Cairns after 10 years in recruitment and training of apprentices and trainees Lyndall previously set up the Cairns Retail Skills Centre which provided a high quality of trained staff to the Cairns business community.
longevity and good old fashioned service. These are the secrets to a successful business, according to Staffing Solution Director Franca Forde.
Lauren-Jane Dixon Financial Controller Lauren has joined Staffing Solution as the full time Financial Controller. Lauren has worked in finance for five years and is a valuable asset to Staffing Solution.
With more than 50 years experience in hospitality and recruitment, she should know.
Kylie Barnes Consultant Permanent Division
Established on Franca’s kitchen table almost 30 years ago, Staffing Solution has grown to a fullservice recruitment and training agency servicing the needs of the hospitality industry in Cairns and Townsville.
Kylie has over 15 years experience in HR management and recruitment, extensively in the hospitality industry. Having HR experience with The Accor Group and Sheraton Mirage, Port Douglas, Kylie has a good understanding of hospitality and has worked in a variety of other industries in HR roles including Retail, Real Estate and Property Development.
With Cairns headquarters and state-of-the-art training facilities now located at 35 Grafton Street, the Staffing Solution team is expanding into new territory, with plans to branch into Aged Care.
Sarah-Dawn Dixon Administration Officer/Temp Consultant Sarah is Staffing Solution’s full time receptionist bringing a bubbly personality, positive attitude and a huge passion for hospitality to the office. Sarah has a Certificate III in Business Administration and two years experience in a local law firm as a Legal Receptionist. Sarah brings a multitude of skills to the Staffing Solution team.
“Overcoming the day to day challenges keeps us on our toes and the variations in this industry keep it exciting,” says Franca. “We are remaining busy and feeling positive about hospitality growth in Cairns and the continual increase in business growth by working with new and old clients. We plan to keep giving the top service and increasing customer satisfaction to maintain the number one position in the marketplace.”
Petra Gruenewald Consultant Temp Division Petra works as a consultant in the Temping Division and has a Bachelor of International Tourism and Diploma in Hospitality Management. Petra has managed her own restaurant and has also been a teacher in Germany and Cairns in the Hospitality Industry.
Gemma Eldridge Administration Officer Gemma is the newest addition to the Staffing Solution team in Cairns. With Gemma’s skills including outstanding Customer Service, excellent computer skills and a pleasant phone manner, she brings the willingness to tackle new challenges on a daily basis. With this amazing team working with the guru of hospitality recruitment Franca Forde, Staffing Solution looks forward to a very positive future in FNQ.
Coral Coast Financial Services
Craig Armstrong and Mark De Gregorio
Although it may sound a bit cliché, the phrase ‘knowledge is power’ clearly remains relevant for those seeking financial freedom in the future.
Coral Coast Financial Services co-director Craig Armstrong says one of the biggest mistakes people make is not reviewing their financial situations on a regular basis to prepare for what they want to achieve down the track. “It’s a bit like buying a car – you wouldn’t spend $20,000 and not get it serviced regularly,” says Craig. “Likewise, applying sound financial planning advice with regular reviews of your financial situation will help you make the most of savings and investments towards a financially secure future.” “The most common comment financial planners hear from people coming into retirement is that they wish they had done something years ago so it wouldn’t be so hard now.” “There’s a miss conception people have to have a lot of money to reap the benefits of financial planning.” “I have had clients that earned a combined income of $50,000 a year who were able to achieve their financial freedom because they consistently reviewed their financial situation and made appropriate savings accordingly.” “Again using the car scenario, some people want certain options like cruise control, while others want a high standard of safety features; which translates into the number of options financial planners can offer individuals to give them the best package for their needs.” “So it really comes down to taking the time to obtain information and sound financial advice, choosing the right options, being diligent about
reviewing your situation at least once a year or bi-annually, and meeting your savings goals.” “As professional financial planners Coral Coast Financial Planning can develop strategies to help you obtain financial freedom utilising our specific knowledge and experience.” “This may include funding your children’s education, helping with tax planning, having enough money to live comfortably in retirement, insurance and estate planning; or financial advice in terms of starting a family, buying a house or managing an inheritance.” “Our aim is to help you simplify your life and give you a sense of security about your current and future financial position.” Craig adds that the Coral Coast Financial Services team are committed to being consistently up to date on important legislative changes that can affect their clients. He says that although the recent Federal Government budget announcement portends not to be as severe as expected regarding superannuation, there have been some changes that could be detrimental to retirees and as such anyone in or approaching retirement should have their situation reviewed to ensure they can access the Grandfathering provisions. “If it’s left until January 1, 2015 it will be too late and they will be subject to the new rules,” advises Craig. “All this comes back to the reviewing and fine tuning of your situation. Strategies that were put in place last year may now not be as effective.”
Coral Coast Financial Pty Ltd Planning (ABN 18 108 580 794) is an authorised representative of Hillross Financial Services Limited (ABN 77 003 323 055) Australian Financial Services Licence (No. 232705)
Thomas Dental
First impressions are made at lightning speed, and your smile is one of the top non-verbal ways to make a good first impression. Your smile also plays a big role in overall presence and confidence.
A visit to Thomas Dental for Better Smiles is a trip that you’ll enjoy, and a much more pleasant experience with its new facilities and expert dental team. It’s even equipped with iPads in the kid’s area to keep younger patients – or the child in you – calm and content.
What draws patients in to Thomas Dental for Better Smiles? Our friendly and professional team has undoubtedly resulted in patients following us to our new location. We are excited to have Aldo Ricardo (Hygienist), Dr Ariana McColl and Dr Olivia Evans join our team.
“We relocated to a brand new modern building with a relaxing atmosphere and superb equipment. Our aim is to provide professional care in a calm and friendly environment to relieve any fears the patient may have. We hope patients relax and enjoy a stress free experience,” says Dr John Thomas.
Mouthguards Now on Special for a limited time Many sports are starting up soon. Protect your child’s smile with a Customised Mouthguard.
With over 20 years qualified experience, Dr John Thomas heads this family owned and operated private practice, which relocated last year to an exquisite new premise on the corner of Pease and Anderson Streets. The practice provides a full range of family and general dental services – including cosmetic dentistry, implants, bleaching, dentures and all general treatment. Thomas Dental is also a preferred provider for most health funds. How long have you been in Cairns? I first came to Cairns about 17 years ago, working with the Royal Flying Doctor Service. I then relocated here with my wife, Stephanie. What makes you a top dental consultant? I have over 20 years experience, and have worked in the public system, the National Health Service in the UK, and been in private practice for over 15 years here in Cairns. I understand the need for good dental care from a young age, and the importance of developing good communication links and relations with all patients. What do you love about your profession? I enjoy dentistry and getting to know my patients. Also caring for them and one of their greatest assets – their smile.
• Mouthguards are individually Customised & Fitted so they won’t fall out • Prevent: chipping & fracturing teeth, soft tissue & gum injuries, and concussions **Child Dental Benefit Scheme** Children aged 2-17 may be eligible for Free Dental Treatment of $1000 if the family receives a Family Tax Benefit. Wedding or Special Occasion? Be radiant on your special day with a glowing smile. Whitening Special for a limited time – includes exam with Dentist, Whitening and Customised Trays. **some costs may be covered by your Private Health Insurance**
Balance beauty &
Bertie’s Total Interiors
Bertie’s workspace is as colourful as her personality. Dressed in vibrant animal print, she’s fussing over fabrics and shrieking with delight over a bright new arrival. “I’m in my element here,” she smiles. “This is what I’ve been trying to tell people for 20 years, celebrate colour, celebrate beauty in your life.” Bertie is celebrating two decades of bringing colour to the lives of people throughout Tropical North Queensland. From a single scatter cushion in a living room to full commercial interiors, Bertie and the Total Interiors team specialise in designing, manufacturing and refurbishing custom-made furniture and soft furnishings including curtains and reupholstered lounge suites. After years of requests for ‘beige, more beige and chocolate’, Bertie is delighted prints and colours are again on trend. “We’re seeing lots of aqua and yellow and chartreuse, lots of bright colours we haven’t seen in 20 or 30 years,” she says. Bertie strongly believes external factors like the economy and political climate influence how people choose to decorate their home. When reality becomes too ‘dark’, she says people want to create a bright and happy sanctuary. Objects, patterns and colours found
on holidays or at special events can also influence home styling trends. “They might see a Moroccan pattern, something Mexican, or a tribal or tropical print might take them right back to that special holiday,” she says. “The beautiful thing is we can bring these looks into the home and recreate that holiday feeling right there in the living room.” Now in her 20th year in business, Bertie has decided it’s time to put even more beauty into her own life. She’s made it a personal goal to achieve greater balance in her life this year, so she can give even more of herself to her valued customers. “As business owners we tend to get so busy we put our own needs last all the time,” she says. “I’m the first to admit it can zap the life out of you. You have to know when to call time out and have a little bit of me time to restore the batteries. It’s all about balance.” Bertie says the success of Total Interiors and her ability to stay in business so long relied on the work of her ‘adorable’ team. “I really couldn’t do it without them,” she says. “We would like to thank and pay our gratitude for all the loyal customers and the second generations, all suppliers who keep supporting us in tough and good times, and of course my great team.”
Weston Crew Pacific
Life on the
high seas
Princess Diana, Eric Clapton, Tina Turner and Sting are just some of the celebrities who come to mind when Joy Weston looks back on her career. Ten years travelling the world aboard luxury super yachts working for the rich and famous was a life-changing experience for the girl from country New Zealand. And it planted the seed for what has become an internationally-renowned training and recruitment leader based in Cairns. Crew Pacific delivers worldfirst training tailored to the international super yacht industry, as well as a recruitment service connecting recruits with crew positions all over the globe. The organisation’s two, five and eight-day courses prepare students for work as a deck hand, steward or stewardess, to the level and standard required of 50 to 80 metre motor yachts. This training is based on Joy’s own tried and tested methods, garnered from a decade immersed in the world of a stewardess. “You could probably say I fell upon it,” she laughs. “I took off to London to be a Nanny, but it didn’t last long thanks to one particularly spoilt child.” She would later thank that child for the opportunities that followed. Working in a five-star hotel she met a couple who had just been accepted as captain and chief stewardess of a super yacht in France. Impressed by Joy’s service and hospitality, they offered her to join them as second stewardess. From there she would go on to work on even larger yachts in a range of roles, sailing across the Caribbean, Mediterranean, visiting France, Turkey, Greece, Spain, New Zealand and Australia. She admits she had often found herself wishing she had a handbook to refer to as she navigated the highs and lows of working on super yachts, and the sometimes turbulent relationships between owners, captains and their crew. So she
began writing her own course with the hope to one day help others. It was 2001 when she came ashore for the final time, resigning from a yacht belonging to wealthy property developer Lang Walker when it docked in Cairns for a refit. That was after 18 months at sea traversing the 1999 America’s Cup and 2000 Sydney Olympics. “I fell in love with Cairns straight away, resigned, went down the road, bought a car, a house and registered the business all in one week.” Within two years the homebased business was thriving, and in 2005 Joy purchased a dedicated office space and crew house. Today the Crew Pacific office and training facility is located at 22 Minnie Street, Cairns and remains a leader in the field of super yacht training and recruitment.
Greatest inspiration: My husband, without his support and help, and my staff, this wouldn’t happen. Greatest achievement: Developing this business, and keeping it alive for the last 15 years. Biggest Challenge: Educating the public and explaining to them about the industry. Dealing with the rich and famous. Vision: Eventually passing on the business to someone with the same passion and love I have. Secret to the success: Being honest, keeping positive, and still loving what I do.
Sassi story the
The vibrant and fun style of fashion in Cairns makes it the perfect destination for an equally colourful footwear boutique. That’s why in 2005, Joan Wilson launched Sassi Shoe Boutique to bring the world’s latest trends to the people of Tropical North Queensland. With more than 30 years in the fashion and footwear industry, Joan has both the passion and knowledge to identify the best selections and provide the best service. Sourcing brands from Italy, Spain, Brazil, Portugal, USA as well as top Australian labels, Sassi offers international style with an affordable price tag. “I love shoes, I love fashion and I love a business challenge,” Joan beams. Celebrating 10 years of Sassi this year, Joan looks back to her beginning in the fashion industry as a fresh-faced 21-year-old, climbing the ladder from store manager to area manager and eventually national footwear buyer at Sears in the UK. A move to Papua New Guinea with her husband Stuart in 1987 opened her eyes to a wider world and three children later, she arrived in Cairns. “Coming from a little seaside town in Scotland, brrr, I can tell you there is no better place than Cairns to call home.” Identifying a lack of choice in womens footwear in Cairns, the concept for Sassi Shoe Boutique was born. Offering a fashionable alternative to the generic brands and conservative comfort shoes available at the time, the business soon outgrew its original shopfront and in 2008 relocated to its current location at 82 Grafton Street.
“When it comes to range selection, Cairns is a unique environment - our cool days are few and far between and our tropical environment allows us to embrace colour far more than our southern counterparts,” says Joan. “The laid back culture of Cairns and the sophistication of its women is quite the oxymoronthe local culture is very ‘she’ll be right mate’ whereas our look is very Mediterranean, colourful, fun and well put together, often seen at its best during our Spring racing season. It’s one of the most enjoyable times for the Cairns community and at Sassi as we love helping our clients add the final touches to their fabulous outfits.”
Greatest Inspiration: My mammy. Growing up we didn’t have two bob but she gave us kids mad, happy times. She drummed into us everyone is equal and our work ethic is important. Greatest Milestone: Becoming an Australian citizen. Biggest Challenge: Having my Scottish accent understood on the phone! Vision for the future: Youth in business. Secret to success: Words and actions they are equally important.
Joan Wilson
Sassi Shoe Boutique
Hoppens Carpets
Going green: More than just carpet
hey’ve been a trusted leader in flooring for homes and businesses of Far North Queensland more than 40 years.
And now Hoppens Carpets is embracing an exciting new era, leading the way in making your outdoor areas look their finest too, offering a new generation of synthetic turf products. Designed to withstand harsh tropical conditions, the synthetic grass products available from Hoppens will stand up to heavy rain where natural lawns often die or sink. And they never need mowing. The range of styles and colours make them suitable for
residential and commercial applications, as well as football grounds, cricket pitches, hockey fields, almost anywhere. Engaged to oversee and manage the introduction of synthetic turf to Hoppens’ offerings, Jono Zangrande says the products on offer are second to none. “It comes from a major supplier in Sydney and I personally spent a week conducting quality control and helping on a few jobs to make sure it was right for Far North Queensland,” says Jono. “I made it very clear the rain up here is not like they have in Sydney. It had to stand up to really tough conditions, and I was really pleased with the result.”
No more spending your weekends fighting with the lawnmower. Just kick back, relax and enjoy it.”
The Hoppens’ team was flooded with interest after landscaping with the product outside their own Anderson Street showroom in late 2012, and very soon synthetic nature strips were installed along their length of the road. Jono says the product is particularly popular with commercial customers because it creates a professional, sharp look and maximises street appeal. While variations in the product range allow for a softer look in residential properties, creating an attractive and safe, lowmaintenance, family friendly yard. “Once it’s in, it’s really a lifestyle changer,” he says. “No more spending your weekends fighting with the lawnmower. Just kick back, relax and enjoy it.”
For more information about Hoppens Carpets and their quality flooring solutions visit www.hoppens.com.au
What an incredible event the Cairns Airport Ironman was. The buzz in a city filled with excitement, nervousness and anticipation, as the athletes were ready for the event they had spent months preparing for. I am full of admiration for those amazing people! That weekend, what we didn’t see, is the amount of hard work that had gone into the preparation, the way the athletes consistently challenged themselves for months as they trained to be the best they can be. The determination and the discipline to step out of their comfort zone, push themselves to the limit and train, even though at times they maybe didn’t feel like it. And it’s the same with anything that you want to achieve. If you want to be more successful or excel in results in any area of your life, it’s important that you start challenging yourself by doing unfamiliar, uncomfortable things. The results we have today are a direct reflection of the actions and strategies we’ve been using up to this point. To achieve success in anything it’s essential to change our thinking, our actions and our strategies. One thing I have noticed is that most people know what to do, they often just don’t do it because it feels uncomfortable. People are often more influenced by the risk of failure and not getting it right first time, than they are of what they stand to achieve by doing it. They will keep themselves busy and do anything but that task they feel uncomfortable about. They’ll keep telling themselves that they’ll do it later, when they have time. When you challenge yourself to do those unfamiliar things consistently, the difference in your results can be quite outstanding. Exactly like those amazing people who finished the race.
So no matter what you want to achieve its important to: • Make a commitment to yourself to do those uncomfortable or unfamiliar tasks on a regular basis • Create a deadline to have them completed by, put it in your calendar and stick to it • Remind yourself daily of what you stand to achieve by completing the tasks • And, when you feel like making excuses, remind yourself of what you stand to lose by not doing it At the end of the day, it’s all about you. When you make a commitment to challenge yourself and grow by doing the uncomfortable stuff, even when you don’t feel like it, that in itself is success and you will amaze yourself at what you can and will achieve.
Deb Johnstone Accredited Mindset Coach / NLP / Extended DISC Founder of Transformational Pathways Australia 0408 004 670 success@debjohnstone.com.au www.debjohnstone.com.au
Johnstone Transformational Pathways Australia
You’ve probably heard about the Shine Lawyers Cairns team. Not only are they remarkable local lawyers, but they have a reputation for going the extra mile for their clients. Amongst them they have more than 100 years of experience – but they’re not old, just clever. IF YOU HAVEN’T ALREADY MET THE TEAM, HERE ARE 7 REASONS YOU NEED SHINE IN YOUR LIFE…
1. 2. 3.
Branch Manager, Carrie Thomas, is committed and tenacious. A strong leader with a strong team behind her, she has 14 years’ experience and will always have your back... And doesn’t mind a bit of kick-boxing in her spare time either. You’ll get to meet Sandra Lim, a Partner in the firm who has been with Shine for nearly 8 years. The experience she brings is invaluable. She’ll also have some good travel tips for you. Associate, Susan Gandini, has been helping Cairns locals for almost 20 years. She’s an expert in compensation claims and she’s a born and bred North Queenslander.
Back L-R: Carrie Thomas, Paula Dorries, Sandra Lim, Susan Gandini and Melissa Strange. Front L-R: Andrew Turnbull and Rachel Dunn.
Associate, Melissa Strange, is one to look out for, or should we say listen out for. When she’s not singing, she’s fiercely defending her clients with 15+ years of experience up her sleeve.
You’ll also meet Andrew Turnbull, a Senior Solicitor with 11 years’ experience in law who has a passion for golf. He may be happy with a par on one of the local Cairns courses, but his results with clients are certainly well above par.
Paula Dorries is experienced in claims by children. She has a love for charity work, a strong moral compass and you’ll likely see her around town lending a hand at various community events.
We aren’t Dunn yet! As a volunteer English teacher and world traveler, Rachel Dunn is an invaluable member of the team who has been working in the legal field for more than 14 years, fighting hard for justice.
You’ll find the Shine Lawyers Cairns team are all of this and more. So if you need an expert on your side in a compensation claim…Drop in anytime, or call them for a chat.
6 - 11 July, 11:00 am – 2:00 pm
Saturday 11 July 12:00pm Cazalys Stadium, 45-61 Tills Street,
The annual search for the Face of Cairns Central.
The Toyota AFL Premiership returns to Cairns in Round 15 when the Western Bulldogs host the Gold Coast Suns. Bring the family along and enjoy the game. Contact: 1300 798 550
Wednesday 8 July, 10:00 am “Fish Tank”, Aumuller Street The NAIDOC Basketball Carnival is a community event being organised by the East Coast Women’s Basketball Team. Contact: Nicole Assan 0408 199 682
JOHN WILLIAMSON LIVE –HONEST PEOPLE TOUR Friday 10 July 8:30 pm Brother’s League’s Club – 99 Anderson St The title of John Williamson’s latest tour could easily describe the man himself – HONEST PEOPLE. Very few artists have experienced or earned the longevity of such a career as John Williamson. It’s a rare thing, but when you review his albums and songs you can see why. Contact: (07) 4053 1053
Far North Queensland is a tropical oasis of fresh produce. By Michelle Dryburgh
From mangos and coconuts growing in our parks and gardens, to free-range grass-fed meat from the Tablelands, and fresh catch seafood from the Coral Sea. This abundance of food can be found in our colourful array of local eateries, from cafes and cool bars to fine dining establishments and exceptional catering services. It is here the talented chefs and kitchen staff are hard at work each day creating new delicacies and transforming fresh local ingredients into delicious meals. Each venue brings something special to the table, be it a signature dish, a secret ingredient, or unique vibe. Seven days a week you’ll find locals and visitors alike enjoying good food and entertainment in
our city bars and restaurants, through to the tucked away gems of the beaches and suburbs. These are the places where we share not only food, but conversation, ideas and friendship - be it a work lunch, coffee with friends or special occasion. They become the scene where memories are made, and we recall with fondness a wonderful dinner or dessert we enjoyed with loved ones. From long-established restaurants to the newest arrivals on the scene, all of them have a different story to tell of what inspires their menu, motivates their team and how they came into being. This month CairnsLife discovers the stories behind some of the much loved dining establishments in the Capital of Cuisine‌.
Pizza & pasta aplenty B y Michelle Dryburgh When the temptation of pizza or pasta comes calling your name, it’s a hard one to resist.
at heart, and is one of the biggest sellers.
But there’s no need to fight it with the Italian inspired offerings of Mr Ciao.
Other highlights on the menu include the Pappardelle Napoli Sauce Pasta, with sausage, cherry tomato, nduja, red onion and fresh basil; and The Carnivora Pizza, napoli sauce, mozerella, sausage, salami, pork belly, chicken and nduja.
Specialising in wood-fired pizza and house-made pasta prepared fresh daily, the Lake Street eatery has quickly become a hit with diners seeking a casual, relaxed atmosphere. Mr Ciao is centrally located in the heart of Cairns’ vibrant entertainment precinct, making it the perfect venue for dinner with friends and a tasty start to a night out.
Mr Ciao is entering its fourth month of trading, and the team is looking forward to the busy season ahead.
Alfresco dining and takeaway is available for lunch and dinner seven days a week, along with a licensed bar, espresso coffee and desserts.
They say the initial response from customers has been encouraging and they will continue to focus on providing good food and good service, offering something to impress both visitors and locals alike at Mr Ciao.
There’s one sweet treat in particular that’s making a name for itself at Mr Ciao, and that is the signature Nutella Pizza.
www.facebook.com/mrciao 4031 7374
The sweet hazelnut chocolate dessert has quickly become a favourite with the young and young
Authentic Asian dining By Michelle Dr y b ur gh
Setting the standard for seafood restaurants everywhere, Café China is one of North Queensland’s most celebrated dining establishments. Serving up a colourful variety of fresh, local seafood, traditional Chinese cuisine, yum cha and noodle artistry, there’s a dish to satisfy every taste. Café China is the 11-time winner of North Queensland’s Best Chinese Restaurant at the Restaurant and Catering Awards. It’s also known for offering one of best wine lists in the state with cellared and aged vintages from some of the most prominent wine regions of Australia, France, Italy and New Zealand. This combination creates a Chinese restaurant like no other, and Café China’s Ray Sou says the secret ingredient can be found in the kitchen. “Our master chefs come from all over China and our staff members
A NAIDOC Week event with Indigenous songwriters Shellie Morris, Kutcha Edwards & Merindi Briscoe, sharing their inspirations & methods of song craft via a discussion panel & performance.
For dining and function enquiries phone (07) 4041 2828 or email info@cafechina.com.a
Come screaming down memory lane with this long-awaited show featuring Australia’s most controversial comedy export – the dangerously brilliant DAAS!
28, 29, 31 JULY
Enjoy a night with Blak Cabaret – a deadly take on black-white relations that will have you laughing, crying and singing your heart out!
All tickets sold through 51
WEDNESDAY 12 AUGUST This iconic Australian solo artist switches to full band mode as front man Xavier Rudd & The United Nations come together to introduce a new album, Nanna.
speak Mandarin, Cantonese, Japanese, Thai, Vietnamese and Korean as well as English, so it’s a very authentic, true Asian experience,” he says. Conveniently located within the famed Pullman Reef Hotel Casino, Café China is a favourite with both visitors to Cairns and locals alike. Encompassing a bar and three elegant private function rooms, Café China is suitable for special occasions and important business events and can cater for up to 500 guests in a single sitting. Among the menu favourites are the Peking Duck with Pancakes, and the new Shao Mai (pork and prawn original Dim Sum). Roasted Duck Laksa, BBQ Pork Laksa and the Wonton Noodle Soup are also popular with diners. In addition to the flagship restaurant, Café China has three other Express stores, the newest of which is located at the Pier Marina in the Shangri-La Hotel. “At Café China we are working hard to innovate new flavours and always aim to serve the best food at the most affordable prices.”
The hottest and coolest in Cairns By Michelle Dryburgh Whether it’s well done or barely seared, everyone has their own idea of what makes a ‘perfect steak’.
and Ice Terrace, offers guests a funky and casual atmosphere to enjoy dinner or drinks under the stars.
It can make eating out a little tricky, unless of course the chef is happy to cook the meat to your liking.
Also a popular venue for functions and celebrations, Fire and Ice can cater for any event from an intimate birthday dinner for two, to a gala cocktail evening on the Terrace for 300.
At Fire and Ice that’s exactly what happens, bringing a flair of theatrics to the dining experience. The talented chefs bring the element of fire to every dinner, cooking a selection of speciality selected meats, poultry and seafood over an open flame.
“The restaurant has an option and menu to suit every occasion,” says Natalie.
Offering contemporary buffet options with the flexibility of a la carte dining, Fire and Ice offers a truly unique experience.
“From the buffet itself to a carefully designed plated menu or canapés, our Executive Chef Ben Canham has created stunning menus to get your tastebuds tingling.”
“We are continually changing our dining options at Fire and Ice, our hot selections change daily to make use of the freshest produce in season and our cold seafood has grown to include locally sourced crab, mussels, oysters, prawns, smoked salmon and a range of antipasto,” says sales and marketing director Natalie Dean.
Ben is supported by restaurant manager Sam and a team of 15 energetic food and beverage masters, to ensure every meal is memorable. “If you have ever been to Fire and Ice you’ll know exactly who Sam is,” says Natalie. “With his infectious smile and natural ability to make our guests feel at home we count ourselves lucky every day to have him leading the team in the restaurant.”
“When it comes to the fire and live cooking element of Fire and Ice we saw the demand to include fish and other seafood so now you can order fish to your liking if you don’t fancy one of our delicious red meats.”
The ever-popular Fire and Ice is busy all year round, with many parties, anniversaries and reunions already booked between now and Christmas.
Fire and Ice has been impressing diners since 2010, and took out second place at the 2014 Australian Culinary Federation Awards.
To reserve a seat, contact the friendly team at Fire and Ice today.
The recent completion of alfresco dining area, The Fire
Don the rift A plate to share By Michelle Dr y b ur gh From the kilogram serving of sticky chicken wings to the signature seafood platter for two, this waterfront venue offers a variety of food and plenty of
Friday nights bring cool vibes to the Esplanade Deck, with live acoustic music on the lawns from 5pm to 7pm.
Designed for sharing good food with good company, Drift on the Esplanade is making waves as a casual, modern dining establishment boasting open terraces and an enviable location.
“Our chef has created a range of catering options from alternate drop menus and extensive buffets to delicious canapés for those looking for a more casual cocktail style celebration.”
Located at Rydges Tradewinds, Drift combines the vision of general manager Matthew with the creativity of a talented executive chef to offer contemporary Australian dining with an ocean theme. Appealing to in-house guests and locals alike, the menu is always changing with adventurous flavour combinations and new options, like the Red Throat Emperor unveiled just this month. “Our house speciality is definitely our Seafood Platter for two, offering half a lobster, fresh reef fish, prawns, oysters, muscles, Moreton Bay bugs and a mountain of fresh fruit and salad. I’m hungry just thinking about it,” says sales and marketing director Natalie Dean. “If seafood isn’t your thing why not try our delicious pork ribs, or choose from a T-Bone, Sirloin, Eye Fillet or Rump steak cooked just the way you like it.”
You can also take away with Drift Food to Go offering eco-friendly packaging so you can enjoy your meal on the run. And if it’s an event you have in mind, Drift can cater to any type of event for up to 200 guests.
Drift prides itself on making the impossible happen, starting major renovation works in September last year to be open and operating in time for a hugely successful Christmas Day Buffet for more than 200 hungry locals. The team worked around the clock to bring together the stunning New Year’s Eve dinner just a week later, complemented by the city fireworks directly across the road. All this was made possible by a team of 14 food and beverage superstars, including restaurant supervisor Blair. “She deserves every shout out we can give her. Her tireless efforts to provide exceptional service to our customers and her commitment to the hotel don’t go unnoticed by us or our guests! Contact the team at Drift for more information or to book a table. www.driftontheesplanade.com.au
Buf f et / Ca fé/ A al Carte
A world of food By Michelle Dryburgh It’s the home of entertainment, live music, and the excitement of a flutter. And in the past few years has become just as famous for its family-friendly buffet and a la carte dining. Brothers Leagues Club introduced dining in 1995 and this year celebrates 20 years of providing a friendly, relaxed dining experience for members and guests. Serving up more than 5000 meals each week, Lanterns Restaurant and Café offers a variety of foods and flavours including steaks, pizza, pasta, salads and seafood. The popular buffet, the largest in Cairns, offers amazing value with a changing menu of 32 selections including Asian inspired dishes, Aussie favourites, roasts, seafood and a popular dessert buffet. The café offers quality tea, coffee, iced coffees and milkshakes, fresh juices, cakes and even breakfast options. “Lanterns is about offering great value and quality. We are excited to have a new a la carte menu and have added even more of our Asian house specialities to our buffet. Guests can also indulge with an ever changing dessert buffet with sensational desserts made fresh onsite by our pastry department,” says Customer Service manager Michael Hooper. “Our dining areas offer a modern and comfortable atmosphere to have breakfast, lunch or dinner, celebrate a birthday or simply catch up with friends and family. The extensive menu also offers great options to complement the buffet and the introduction of the make your own pancake station and chocolate fondue machine have proven very popular with families. “There are plenty of weekly specials including an all you can eat buffet on Friday and Saturday night including fresh prawns, mussels, calamari and baked salmon for $27.90, and the popular Ribs, Bibs and Beer night on Thursdays, with one kilo of ribs and buffet. And don’t forget, kids eat free on Sundays.” The Brothers Leagues Club’s is well known for its ability to cater for functions of any style and size, with spaces for both intimate occasions and large corporate events such as conferences, seminars and trade shows for up to 1200 people.
Fr o m the grand auditorium and three Presidential rooms, to the Crystal Lounge and contemporary ‘Dreams Cocktail Lounge’, each venue offers a different ambience and catering options that include cocktail platters, two or three course set menus, buffets and inclusive beverage packages. The restaurant and catering experience is brought together by a team of 55 kitchen staff including a restaurant manager and executive chef, through to skilled trainees Brothers trains through school apprenticeship programs. As the World of Entertainment, Brothers plays host to a regular schedule of events like the upcoming concerts by John Williams, UB40 and The Screaming Jets. There’s also a chance to win a new Kia every month until September and members can take part in a great variety of daily and weekly promotions. Brothers members receive from 10 up to 50 per cent off food and beverage, and can also purchase drinks from the onsite bottle shop to take home or enjoy with a meal at Lanterns.
How long have you been a Chef ? I have been a Chef since not long after leaving school, about 15 years in the industry so far. How did you come to be in this industry? I’ve always enjoyed food, I kind of just fell into it and I’ve loved it ever since. It a constantly challenging and evolving industry, what’s not to love? What do you most enjoy about your work? I enjoy the challenge of taking something and making it better and I love the fact we’re always creating something. With food, everything is possible, limited only by your ability in finding a way to achieve it. If you can think of it, there is a way to make it work. What inspires your cooking? I find cooking is a great way to express oneself. I like connecting myself to whatever I happen to be creating at the time. I’m always doing the best I possibly can with the knowledge I have and consistently improving on that every day. I enjoy creating something better and then looking back from where I began, to the product I end up with when my creation finally equals what I imagined it to be. Consistent improvement to unreachable perfection.
What has been your greatest career highlight? My greatest milestone was when I took over my first one hat rated restaurant, Pinctada Cable Beach, with Consultant Chef Greg Malouf. It was a great experience and I got to create some amazing dishes, even added a few more awards to the cabinet. It’s knowledge I still draw upon a lot today. What is the most challenging part of your work? The most challenging part of my job, especially in such a big establishment is bringing multiple moving and changing parts together to create good food and great service every day. It has its hard days, especially since if we fail, the customer suffers. Sweet or Savoury Savoury Favourite meal Traditional Lamb Kofta Tagine with baked egg and pickled green chilli Favourite dessert Crème Brulee with Balsamic sweet and sour strawberries. The first dessert I ever had to make and made successfully I might add, that and I can never turn away from home made icecream.
What is your signature or specialty dish on the menu? Our buffet is constantly changing but currently it’s our black bean steamed pork belly with Wom Bok And what is your signature dish at home? I used to have a friend come over who used to make this honey salmon dish it was wonderful, never did get a chance to get the recipe, it’s still my favourite today. What do you eat at home? Generally I’m constantly tasting food from the restaurant all day so I’m usually full, but when I do eat at home its healthy and usually something I haven’t tried before, have to keep it interesting otherwise it can get pretty repetitive. I try to keep away from fast food and takeaway if I can, bad for the taste buds. What do you enjoy about working in the Cairns dining industry? I enjoy the great variety of restaurants and cafes in Cairns. It’s always good to go out and see what’s trending at the moment and to see other Chefs’ ideas and interpretations and also to just experience a wide variety of great food.
Bringing exotic flair to the great Aussie BBQ By Michelle Dryburgh
The barbecue is a great Aussie tradition. It’s a chance for people to get together, enjoy a drink, share a laugh and plenty of food with good friends. The food is always simple, but tasty, and just about any occasion warrants a barbecue to celebrate. The same can be said for the Brazilian inspired barbecue experience at Bushfire Flame Grill. The famed Cairns restaurant combines the Brazilian Churrasco style of skewered flame-grilled meats with traditional Australian flavours and fresh local produce. Popular for birthday parties and group dinners, Bushfire offers a complete dining experience with the unique addition of a personal carver for each table. Diners are treated to the entertainment of watching their selection of marinated and seasoned meats and seafood brought to the table on metre-long skewers, and carved straight onto their plates. In the traditional Brazilian ‘Rodizo’ style, diners receive great value for money with all you can eat meals, and a traffic light system to indicate a request for more, time for a break, or that the table is satisfied. “It’s a lot of fun,” says Mark Kamsler, founder of Bushfire and director of the restaurant’s parent company, Pacific Hotel Cairns. “It’s a very vibrant concept that still resonates with the locals especially, and every year grows busier than the last.” It’s a great achievement for a restaurant now entering its eighth year of operation, and typical of the innovative success of the Pacific Hotel initiatives and Kamsler family.
S i n c e establishing the Pacific Hotel as the city’s first international standard accommodation in Cairns in 1982, the Kamsler name has become well known as a leader in the local dining scene. The Pacific has been instrumental in introducing new food trends to Cairns including opening the first wood fired pizza restaurant, Monsoons in 1994. Always wanting to stay one step ahead, the family decided it was time for a rebirth of the hotel’s food and beverage options in 2008 – and the Bushfire concept was born. “We have always been foodies, we have travelled and been exposed to all sorts of different cuisines,” says Mark. “We’d seen this concept in Brazil and Argentina and felt it would be a fantastic idea for Cairns.” The Kamslers were determined not to recreate a Brazilian restaurant, but a unique Australian restaurant simply inspired by the cuisine of Brazil.
Like all of their projects, a significant amount of time, thought and investment went into developing the business. “We realised we were going out on a limb with such a unique idea and it raised a lot of questions. Where would we get the equipment, where would we get staff, would the locals be interested in the concept, would it work? “We went to a local organisation and asked them to put together some focus groups, while we consulted the experts to complete the architecture and design of the interior, the kitchen presentation, all of the menu and the recipes, then brought everyone together, 30 people from all walks of life, and asked them. “They picked Bushfire, and we felt really confident when we knew they wanted it, so we went ahead and developed it.” A leading Brisbane barbecue builder was engaged to design and construct its first triple decker Churrasco grill, and a local team of enthusiastic staff were found, much to the delight of a small local community of Brazilian expats. “We were really surprised to learn we had a small Brazilian community developing here in Cairns and were thrilled to have some Brazilian staff on board by opening day,” says Mark.
“We have a lot of Brazilian tourists come through and we’re often told we do Brazilian barbecue better than they do in Brazil. So you’ve got to be happy with that.” Bushfire now joins the ranks of one of the most mature and successful established restaurants of Cairns, and Mark says it takes a point of difference to achieve that longevity. “To be successful in this industry you have to stand alone from the crowd, offer something different.” That same philosophy is applied to all of the Pacific Hotel’s offerings, including in-house functions and events and the newest subsidiary business, Tropical Catering & Events. Pacific Hotel has long been renowned for its catering involvement in major events throughout North Queensland, emphasised when Tropical Catering & Events exploded onto the scene following its award winning catering of the Australian Tourism Exchange farewell function in Cairns last year. The culinary offerings of all three facets of the business are overseen by executive chef Ben McCarthy and his team of highly trained kitchen staff. Ben has been with Pacific Hotel for the past 10 years and brings a wealth of knowledge and passion to his position, perfectly matched with the innovation and enthusiasm the company is renowned for. Mark is confident Pacific Hotel Cairns has found the recipe for success, and looks forward to a long and vibrant future in bringing memorable culinary experiences to the locals and visitors of Cairns for many years to come.
“a menu We can even create to suit you... By Michelle Dryburgh Ten years ago Fintan Rafferty and Lui Garozzo had a dream to create a visually stunning restaurant on the Cairns waterfront, blurring the lines between the inside and out. After many years of planning, the dream finally came true in 2009, with Salt House established in the spectacular Marlin Marina. Oozing contemporary style, Salt House combines timber decking with plunge pool inspired water features and a sophisticated showpiece bar. There’s a simple but elegant dining area as well as day beds and benches to enjoy a casual drink with friends or watch the sunset over a plate of tapas. Whether you’re looking for a dining experience with wow factor, or cruisey weekend entertainment, you’re sure to find it all at Salt House. “Our location is no doubt the best in Cairns and perhaps even in Australia, with the sun setting over the water each night creating beautiful warm pink and orange glows,” says marketing manager Olivia White. Salt House is the only venue in Cairns with a wood-fired grill, boasting a modern Australian menu focussed on fresh seafood and steaks. Also specialising in cocktails, Salt House offers a mix of classic and original fusions made using fresh ingredients. Catering for functions of all sizes, Salt House offers a private dining room seating up to 20 guests, suitable for small corporate lunches, birthdays and other celebrations. Large events are catered for too, with menu options available for up to 1000 people be it for engagement parties, weddings, product launches, charity fundraisers, film nights and more. The dining options are plentiful, with set menus, degustation menus, cocktail, canapé and platter menus, buffets and substantial food stations. “We can even create a menu to suit you,” Olivia adds.
“Come in and talk to our experienced events team today.” Salt House recently welcomed the addition of a retractable roof, making the venue wet weather proof. Embracing regular change, the menu transforms with the seasons to showcase the freshest local produce Tropical North Queensland has to offer. “Our venue has and will always change and grow to suit the market and the needs of our patrons,” says Olivia. “Our changing menu has allowed each head chef to put his own signature taste on the plate so our customers can always expect something new and interesting.” At this busy time of year, you’ll find a busy team of up to 70 staff members delivering the Salt House experience. That includes an array of events like the affordable Hospitality Nights on Mondays, Vinyl Wednesdays, the always popular Trivia on Thursdays and live music all weekend. Staff are also busy preparing to bring the very first Food and Wine Festival to Salt House on September 5. Also coming up this year is the Melbourne Cup lunch and New Year’s Eve party. It’s a busy and exciting year of celebrations for Salt House, which recently marked its own sixth birthday. “I think every year planning our birthday party is such an exciting and important milestone to appreciate,” says Olivia. “We are all proud and blessed to work in such a beautiful venue, in the best location in Cairns offering a premium option for locals and travellers alike.” salthouse.com.au
Reef House
Beachside, boutique Dining with class By Michelle Dr y b ur gh There’s an unmistakable feeling of historic charm when you walk through the doors of The Reef House. The boutique hotel continues on age-honoured traditions like an honesty system in the Brigadier’s Bar and nightly Twilight Hour. Every evening candles are lit throughout the resort signaling Twilight Hour has begun, providing an opportunity to mix with other world travellers over a complimentary glass of Brigadier’s Punch. This unique accommodation and dining establishment was built in 1958, overlooking the Coral Sea in the centre of Palm Cove. Originally owned by a local bookmaker, it was acquired by Brigadier David Thompson, later the Federal Minister of Science and Technology, and used as a VIP beachside residence for his distinguished guests. The casual elegance continues to attract high profile visitors, including celebrities like Bob Dylan and Bill Bryson. Guests are treated to poolside dining and the offerings of the Brigadier’s Bar, open all day, every day as it has been since the 1970s. Just steps away is the award-winning Reef House Restaurant, offering members of the public a taste of the hotel’s welcoming hospitality. With a choice of an intimate indoor space, or casual alfresco dining on the deck with ocean views and sea breeze, the setting alone is reason enough to visit. Focusing on prime local produce, The Reef House Restaurant menu has an eclectic feel with Mediterranean, Asian and traditional Australian influences blended to create truly unique modern cuisine. Chef Ashe Lewis says careful preparation of the individual ingredients and simple execution in their combination is the key to each creation, reflecting the very best produce Tropical North Queensland has to offer.
“Our focus is on local seafood and produce, and our signature dish, Crispy Skin Barramundi with a mild Thai red curry, jasmine baked rice, braised pineapple and topped with a crisp nam jim salad, is all that. “What makes this dish so good, is that each component on the plate stands out on its own, from the freshly caught Barramundi to the braised local pineapples. Put them all together and they’re amazing.” Ashe’s personal favourite is the entrée of Hervey Bay Scallops and slow cooked Pork Belly with pineapple ginger jam. “Salty plus sweet equals goodness.” “Also, the Australian grass-fed eye fillet and local tiger prawns with Parmesan white polenta chips, sautéed broccolini and braised shallot béarnaise sauce is one tasty combination.” Open daily for breakfast, lunch and dinner means beachfront dining at The Reef House Restaurant is ideal for all occasions, from lazy breakfasts to group dinner celebrations. With a stunning location, luxurious facilities and an experienced events team, The Reef House is able to set the scene for an unforgettable event, be it a wedding, conference, retreat, romantic getaway or a simple lunch. “A stunning backdrop of the sparkling Coral Sea and towering majestic melaleuca trees creates that perfect canvas for your photographs,” says sales manager Claire Murphy. “Wedding receptions can be held in our Reef House Restaurant which is situated at the front of the resort and provides unsurpassed views over the white sandy beach and Coral Sea. “Our Executive Chef and his brigade pride themselves on using the freshest local ingredients to create culinary delights and our service staff will unobtrusively anticipate your every need.” Reef House Restaurant is a perfect wedding venue for receptions up to 130 guests. For smaller weddings, a sheltered area is available within the tropical gardens, adjacent to the picturesque feature pool with cascading waterfall.
“oriented It’s a very family restaurant... B y Mich elle Dryburgh
It shares a name with one of Australia’s most iconic movies and boasts one of the most spectacular settings in Cairns. Dundees on the Waterfront is a popular restaurant with a spectacular setting and diverse menu to suit every taste. Loved for its wide range of offerings and relaxed atmosphere, Dundees serves up lunch and dinner seven days a week, and is open for coffee and cake from 9.30am each morning. You’ll find a wide array of seafood, steak and pasta dishes, as well as Australian themed meals of barramundi, kangaroo and crocodile. The calamari and veal shank come highly recommended by co-owner and head chef James Wort. “We have such a broad variety of offerings on the menu to cater for a lot of people,” he says. James and his wife Tina partnered with Dundees owner Gary Low 10 years ago, and led the restaurant’s move from the CBD to its waterfront location just two years later. Gary had been at the helm since 1988, nurturing the restaurant through some of the greatest highs and lows in Cairns’ history. That experience, combined with the hospitality expertise of both James and Tina, has seen it grow from strength to strength. James admits it was a risk to move an established business, but the Harbour Lights site was quickly
embraced. W i t h 25 years experience in the industry, James says the successful relocation stands out as one of one of his career highlights, along with the daily joys of creating great food for people to enjoy. “When you serve something up and you know people like it and they’re having a good time, there’s satisfaction in that.” His passion for the industry began as a teenager, spending time in a Chinese restaurant owned by a friend’s family. He started working there as a kitchen hand before moving into cooking and a la carte dining. These days he leads a team of 50 staff at Dundees, including 14 in the kitchen, serving up fresh food and friendly, professional service. “It’s a very family oriented restaurant and we want our guests to feel comfortable,” says James. “We don’t think of it as stepping into a business, but walking into our home.” www.dundees.com.au
Book & Enquire Online: thewoolshed.com.au or email: Marketing@thewoolshed.com.au 24 Shields St. • (07) 4031 6304 Like us on Facebook: facebook.com/TheWoolshedCairns Follow us on Instagram @woolshedcairns
Five stars & fabulous food B y Mich elle Dry b u rg h
Colour, quirk, food and fun combine to create a fivestar experience with a twist at QT Resort Port Douglas. Renowned for serving up a feast for the senses, the culinary offerings at QT’s restaurant Bazaar are sure to delight. This unique dining concept at QT Hotels is inspired by international street stalls, souks and bodegas, recreating the traditional marketplace with a modern flair. Choose from a whole suckling pig served at your table to exquisite tropical fruit platters, a selection of tempting desserts or explore the more exotic options in the Bazaar Interactive Marketplace. Cured meats hang from high ceilings adjacent to strings of garlic and chilli, fresh king prawns and local red claw yabbies sit chilled, an array of exotic dishes, wood fired pizzas and mouth-watering rotisserie-cooked meats tempt the tastebuds. The recent appointment of the QT Forager is helping connect the kitchen team closer to producers and allows chefs to share the stories of these producers directly with guests, highlighting the extraordinary produce available in Far North Queensland. “Bazaar is an extraordinary concept that provides excellent customer service to guests, showcasing Far North Queensland and its food produce in the most positive and exciting way possible,” says QT Port
Douglas PR Coordinator, Sharon Timms. “The Forager is facilitating QT Hotels to be active participants in the national food conversation”. Regardless of where you start or finish, Bazaar provides a vast array of delicacies, with each and every dish accompanied by a passionate chef delighted to explain the intricacies of their creations. Also offering exotic cocktails in the Estilo Bar and a refreshing swim up pool bar, QT Resort Port Douglas is a visually stunning backdrop for parties, functions and events. The Rainforest Grove is a private outdoor garden area popular for weddings and garden parties – suitable for both ceremony and reception with catering provided by Bazaar’s award winning chefs. qtportdouglas.com.au Douglas Business Awards ‘Best Hotel/Resort Accommodation’ 2013 and 2014 Tourism Tropical North Queensland (TTNQ) Awards, ‘Best Tourism Restaurant and Catering Services’ 2014 Finalist, Tourism Tropical North Queensland (TTNQ) Awards ‘Best Luxury Accommodation’ 2013
The Australian Culinary Federation is the peak industry body representing Australian professional chefs, cooks, apprentices and culinary students. It is dedicated to promoting camaraderie and culinary education and is represented by chapters from every state and territory. Each chapter is represented by the president who has been elected by its members and the role of each chapter is to run local industry, educational and networking events through workshops, forums, lunches and culinary competitions.
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The North Queensland branch is headed by Brian Down with a committee of seven members. The branch is very active and holds regular monthly luncheons at select hotels and restaurants for its professional and social members. Diners are given the opportunity to vote in the prestigious Restaurant of The Year Competition and are tasked with awarding points for a set of criteria across the three courses as well as restaurant ambience. A sample of events held for members include artisan bakery, wine and cheese tasting, sushi making, judges’ workshops and this year, for the first time a four day workshop on a cruise ship bound for the Whitsundays has been offered to professional members. The North Queensland branch prides itself on its strong representation and numerous successes across local, state, national and international culinary competitions. Competitions include the Australian Chef of The Year, Nestlè Golden Chef ’s Hat Award, National Apprentice Competition, Proud to be a Chef Competition and the Junior Secondary School Challenge. These events give competitors the chance
to broaden their culinary horizons and to experience the challenges, excitement and gravity that can accompany a career as a chef. They perform in an environment that gives them the chance to pit their skills against those of their peers and where they really find out where they are as chefs. Success brings recognition and opens doors to diverse opportunities in the profession. Competitors are provided with the added opportunity of being mentored by culinary instructors and of gaining access to a national network of professional chefs. North Queensland regularly punches well above its weight in these competitions and we recently proudly followed the success of a local lad, Daniel Peters who took out the title of Australian Chef of The Year in Canberra. We are currently preparing chefs and high school students to compete in national and state competitions in August, September and October. The next ACF luncheon will be held on July 22. If you are interested in becoming part of our organization, please contact treasurer, Lisa Ganter on 0403175563. Enthusiastic supporters are always welcome!
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FOUR FANTASTIC DIXON HOMES FOR SALE Lot 1 Lago Crescent, Forest Gardens, Mt Sheridan $599,500
OPEN FOR INSPECTION BY APPOINTMENT • 4 Bedrooms Plus Study • 3 Bathrooms • Living, Dining & Multi-Purpose Room • Pool & Timber Deck • Magnificent Kitchen With Double Oven & Caesarstone Benchtops
Lot 10 Lago Crescent, Forest Gardens, Mt Sheridan $625,000
OPEN FOR INSPECTION BY APPOINTMENT • 4 Bedrooms • 3 Bathrooms • Living, Dining & Multi-Purpose Room • Pool & Timber Deck • Magnificent Kitchen With Double Oven & Caesarstone Benchtops
4 Tyenna Close, Bentley Park $460,000 OPEN FOR INSPECTION BY APPOINTMENT • 4 Bedrooms • 2 Bathrooms • Double Garage • Great Valley Views • Premium Appliances
283 Eagleview Place, Smithfield $795,000
OPEN FOR INSPECTION BY APPOINTMENT • Fully Air Conditioned • Canopy’s Edge Estate • Pool & Decking • Tiled Roof • Solar Hot Water & PV Unit • Gourmet Kitchen & Butler’s Pantry • Dream Ensuite With Freestanding Bath • Triple Garage • 2800mm High Ceilings
Over 2,000 house and land packages available online at www.dixonhomes.com.au BUILDING FROM MOSSMAN TO CARDWELL – THE TABLELANDS – INGHAM – TOWNSVILLE – AYR
GET THESE FANTASTIC UPGRADES ENTRANCE FEATURES • 3.2 x 1.2m Portico With 590 x 390 Feature Colour Columns And Lintels (If Optional Façade Shown On Standard Plan) • Corinthian Windsor 1200mm Stained Timber And Glass Entrance Door • Gainsborough Trilock 3 In 1 Omni 600mm Stainless Steel Pull Handle KITCHEN • Caesarstone 20mm Square Edge Quartz Benchtop • Stylelite High Gloss Kitchen c/w Brushed Aluminium Kickboard • Glass Splashback In Solid Paint Behind Cooktop (As Per Original Plan) • Blum Soft Close Door And Drawers (Excluding Corner Cabinets/Pantries) • Blanco Median 1160mm Deluxe Double Bowl And Drainer Kitchen Sink • Barrow Gooseneck Sink Mixer With Pull Out Veggie Spray APPLIANCES • Option 1 – Bompani 900mm Gas/Electric Upright Stove c/w Gas Connection c/w 900mm Stainless Steel Canopy Ducted To Eave • Option 2 – Rosieres 600mm Pyrolytic Electric Oven And Rosieres 600mm Induction Cooktop • Plus Asti Vita 600mm Stainless Steel Canopy Rangehood Ducted To Eave • Asti Vita 600mm 12 Place Setting Built In Dishwasher
BATHROOM & ENSUITE • G James Semi Frameless Pivot Door Shower Screens • Andric Mixer Tapware, Maleney Shower Head And Empire Bathroom Accessories • Adesso Edge Wall Faced Toilet Suites • Napoli 1500 or 1700mm Freestanding Bath • Heated Towel Rails (4 Or 5 Bar) • Custom Caesarstone Silk Gloss Soft Close Vanities c/w Porcelain Basins And Frameless Mirrors INTERNAL FEATURES • LED Downlights • Gainsborough Feature Lever Door Handles • Corinthian Motive Smooth Finish Internal Doors • Mirrored 2.4m High Sliding Wardrobe Doors In Bedrooms GARAGE PANEL DOOR • Steel-Line 5.2m Wide 2.3m High Slim-Line Remote Panel Garage Door (Subject To Engineering) SITE COSTS • Footings And Slab Thickenings To: Class S, M And H Sites ASK ABOUT OUR SOLAR BONUS • Your Choice Of: • 1.5kW PV Solar System Or • 250L Electric Boosted Solar Hot Water System
...AND MUCH, MUCH MORE FOR ONLY $5,000 ^To approved applicants. *Promotion is based on Resort Specification only. Dixon Homes Cairns reserves the right to alter specifications and/or substitute the make/model or type of any standard inclusion, to a product of equivalent standard, without notice. Limited offer, duplex designs upgrades one side per promo. Two kitchen plans/butlers kitchens, only main kitchen is upgraded, conditions apply. Limited time only. Carrington Homes P/L trading as Dixon Homes Cairns QBCC 78120.
1300 10 10 10 172 Mulgrave Road, Westcourt
Property Address: 6 Palmetto Street, Palm Cove
Cairns Marlin Coast
This home is sheer class from the moment you drive up and gets even better when you open the door. Extra-large open plan design with all the fixtures and fittings you would expect from a prestige Palm Cove property. IT’S GOT THE LOT!! • Extra-large open plan design • 2 living areas • Large centralised kitchen with plenty of storage • Island bench with breakfast bar and gas cooking • Main bedroom features an oversized walk-in robe, corner spa bath, separate shower and WC • Double remote garage • Oversized walk-in robe
• Fully fenced front and back gardens • Sun safe under roof in ground swimming pool • Large patio area with built-in out door kitchen/BBQ area. • Plenty of storage throughout the home • Easy care gardens • Very private with no overlooking neighbours.
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Dr. Campbell’s TRAVEL TIPS Travel insurance is essential. If you can’t afford travel insurance you can’t afford to travel. Do your research when choosing travel insurance as many preclude holiday activities such as bungy jumping, rock climbing and white water rafting. If you have pre-existing medical conditions remember to declare them. Read your policy and always have a copy available at home with family or friends. Talk to us today about your next holiday for travel advice and vaccination.
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HOUSING When an area is experiencing the conditions of housing bubble it is brought on by supply and demand in the market. There is a great demand in the capital cities from many sources and whilst the demand outstrips supply there will always be a shortage of housing. This can also affect lending practices by financial institutions and even RBA direction. But we live in North Queensland, and it’s a different story here. Whilst we have recently seen our local market moving up off the bottom in the past year, from a builder’s perspective, there is no ‘bubble’. Locally, we have seen some older subdivisions sold and now good new stock is coming on the market. New land is more expensive than it was a year or more ago and if we are realistic then that’s what we should expect, as costs do increase. We are experiencing some very low levels in housing rental vacancies which means we need more new rental homes.
Living in capital cities like Sydney or Melbourne you could be led to believe the many recent news articles that are saying Australia is going through a ‘Housing Bubble’.
This is telling us that North Queensland is starting to recover, which is great news. House and land is still very affordable in the Cairns area. First home owners can build a brand new home for less than $350k. You can’t do that in many other areas in the country and most young couples saving for a home will be able to manage a mortgage for that amount. There are also government incentives and grants to help them on their way that can reduce that price further. The next stage in the market recovery will be for it to pick up further and that has all the price increases and longer building times that come with a stronger market. We aren’t at that stage yet and are still very affordable, even though we have the extra costs associated with building for cyclonic conditions. Land will continue to increase in price as will building materials, so the best time to build is now. The early birds are already out there snapping up the best blocks of land and taking advantage of current building prices. As our market gets
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stronger the cost of delivering new housing, such as supply of good land, quality materials and experienced labor, will increase. Now is the best time to build your new home.
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CLIENT SAYS... We spoke to most of the better known kitchen manufacturers in FNQ before electing to run with Artizan Cabinets. These guys are not box builders who attach somebody else’s doors to a carcass. With Artizan Cabinets we stumbled across a company that is owned and operated by craftsmen. They listened to everything we said and made improvements on our ideas and then built a kitchen from the ground up. Every door was constructed using traditional manufacturing techniques to create a great looking kitchen that is
DESIGNER SAYS... beautifully made. We were involved in all stages of the build culminating in viewing the kitchen assembled in the workshop, enabling us to make final last minute changes prior to painting and full installation. This was the kitchen of our dreams, however we also had Artizan build a relatively straight forward small kitchen in our “granny flat”. – Great craftsmanship and fantastic finish. It wasn’t an expensive kitchen but looks like it was. If you are looking for a craftsman design and build that is competitively priced you’d be hard pressed to find a better supplier.
The brief from our clients was a desire for a high quality kitchen, with an excellent finish in the classical French provincial style. A kitchen which had to function well to suit an avid cook, and family life. It had to incorporate ample storage for a familysized home, and as it was a major part of the main living area, it had to look great and provide a real WOW factor The home is a two-story timber pole home situated in a bush setting in the hills behind Trinity Beach. It has cathedral
Best Renovation Kitchen over $20000
ceilings throughout the main living area, large timber decks and fabulous views. The kitchen was designed in the classical French provincial style, and all doors were handmade. We applied accents like proud kickboards, bolection mouldings around the doors, fluted corner posts and rosettes. It was all painted in satin finish two pack paint, and a timeless granite colour was chosen to compliment the detail As this was a renovation kitchen, there were many deviations in the walls due to the pole home style of
construction, and much of our panel work had to be handfitted as a result. Getting power to various appliances also posed an issue, but this was solved by running the power down and exiting pole into the island bench. Because the clients wanted a floating bamboo floor we created a two-stage kickboard so that the flooring could tuck in beneath the front section, and the kickboard would finish seamlessly to the floor.
Best New Kitchen over $20000 Kitchen Design of the Year Kitchen Project of the year
178 Scott St, Bungalow QLD 4870 (07) 4051 4007 www.artizancabinets.com.au QBCC 1269261
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In fact, permanent residency in Australia gives the visa holder permission to remain in Australia indefinitely however it only allows the visa holder to travel to and from Australia for five years from the date of visa grant. Before this five year travel facility expires the visa applicant will need to apply for and be granted a Resident Return Visa (RRV) to maintain their status as a permanent resident with travel rights. To be eligible for an RRV you must be an Australian permanent resident or former Australian permanent resident (whose last permanent visa was not cancelled) or a former Australian Citizen who lost or renounced their Australian Citizenship. In addition to this the applicant must meet a residence requirement and demonstrate that they have physically resided in Australia for a total of at least 2 years in the last five years as a permanent visa holder or as a citizen. The two years does not have to be consecutive residence as long as the total time they have spent amounts to at least two years. Resident Return Visas ensure that only those applicants who have a genuine commitment to residing in Australia or who
are contributing to Australia’s well being, retain the right to return to Australia and remain permanently. If the applicant cannot meet the two year residency requirement they may still have an RRV approved if they can provide evidence of substantial business, cultural, employment or personal ties that are of benefit to Australia. The applicant would need to show evidence that a tie existed, that it was substantial and also demonstrate that the tie is also of benefit to Australia. If an applicant can meet all criteria including the two years residency requirement then they will be granted a subclass 155 RRV which gives the applicant continued permanent residency status with a further five year travel facility. Where an applicant hasn’t met the residence requirements but can demonstrate ties of benefit to Australia then they will be only be granted a one year RRV. Where an applicant has spent less than the required two years and cannot demonstrate substantial ties they can be assessed for a subclass 157 three month resident return visa.
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TaNKs 2015
STATUS SIGNS The signage industry has come a long way since its inception and Status Signs’ ability to keep up to date with the latest technology and provide expert signage options has cemented their reputation as an industry leader.
Since opening the business in 1997 as a small pin striping operation, family owned and operated Status Signs has grown to a full-scale signage company offering branding and signage solutions to the region from concept to creation. General Manager Rhys Carmady’s parents originally owned the business and while initially Rhys hadn’t seen himself working in the signage industry, he found himself working for his family’s business. “I learnt the trade from the ground up – from design to operating the printers to sales,” tells Rhys. “Back then we were a two or three person operation, but we continued to grow over the years into the 20 person team we are today.” After managing the business for four or five years, he officially bought Status Signs with his wife, Catherine, who also worked for the company. Today the company, which has won numerous national awards including the Australian Sign and Graphic Award, offer all things signage from logo design to signage and digital vehicle wraps and they also manufacture and install all their work. “It’s not just about paintbrushes anymore! We have the latest equipment, such as wide format printers and spray booths; steel and aluminium welding; trade-qualified staff and we’re backed by the Queensland Building Services Authority licence. We’re completely self sufficient,” he explains. “Some people come in not knowing what they want and we help them create the best signage for the business and their budget. The best part is the creativity and variety of the work. It’s exciting to create a client’s concept and be able to help promote their business.” You may have seen some of their expert designs and signage on display as you drive into the Cairns Airport or throughout the airport terminals. Status Signs was also behind the feature sign of the Collins St precinct at the Tanks Arts Centre.
THE CATHOLICS JAZZ UP NORTH 2015 FRIDAY 28 AUGUST This 7-piece ensemble combines the catchiness of pop and dance rhythms with some serious jazz cred to create a fresh sound that is irresistible. Wowing audiences since 1991 with their unique and infectious style, The catholics have built a reputation as one of Australia´s best jazz acts. With beautifully crafted and instantly accessible jazz pieces, these consummate musicians have the rare ability to impress hard-core jazz fans, right alongside those out for a rollicking good time.
Head to www.statussigns.com.au or phone the team on 4035 5120.
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The Art of Cruising C
ustralia is heading for a bumper cruise season in 2016, with 20 cruise ships from six different companies, departing from various Australian ports. The newest and biggest ship coming in 2016 will be the “Ovation of the Seas” operated by Royal Caribbean International. “Ovation of the Seas”, at 167,800 ton, with 4,180 passenger capacity is the next generation Royal Caribbean cruise ship. It will be launched during April 2016 in China. “Ovation of the Seas” will feature many first-at-sea innovations including: Rip Cord, a skydiving simulator; North Star, a jewelshaped glass capsule that rises 300 feet above sea level, providing 360-degree views from high above the ship; the SeaPlex, the largest indoor sports and entertainment complex at sea with attractions ranging from bumper cars, flying trapeze classes, roller skating and video gaming. Other techie tweaks include robot
Travel in comfort and style.
bartenders at the Bionic Bar, interactive photo kiosks, USB ports for in-cabin charging and RFID bands instead of key cards. Also making its debut is Royal iQ, an interactive scheduling service that allows passengers make reservations for dining, entertainment and activities. “Ovation of the Seas” will spend most of its time in China, with a short season sailing from Australia.
airns is becoming a home port for its own nine regular departures. “Pacific Eden” is one of two additions coming soon to the P&O Australia fleet. (The other is twin sister Pacific Aria.) From 2016, this 1,500 passenger ship will sail from Cairns and many other bases, including Fremantle, Melbourne, Adelaide, Sydney and Singapore. Previously known as the “Statendam” the “Pacific Eden” is scheduled for a major revamp before it arrives in Australia. Passengers can expect contemporary decor, a redesigned pool area, 15 bars, restaurants and cafes. The first trip to Cairns is in September 2016 when the “Pacific Eden” will be arriving from Singapore. Once here she will sail on four itineraries to PNG, two itineraries to PNG/ Solomon Islands, one to the South Pacific as well as two shorter cruises which are great for birthdays, wedding celebrations, work functions or just that quick getaway. No need to fly - Simply park your car and cruise away!
Fly away, sail away - see BLT today!
CHRISTMAS CRUISE - NEW ZEALAND on “Ovation of the Seas” 15 Nights from $2460 pp - Inc. all onboard meals, entertainment, activities, tax and port charges Departs 15 December 2016
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Call Andrea, Shea, Rachel or Holger on 4080 4030 or email us at cruise@BLT.com.au
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SYDNEY TO SINGAPORE VOYAGE on “Ovation of the Seas” 14 Nights from $1445 pp - Inc. all onboard meals, entertainment, activities, tax and port charges Departs 23 January 2017
Cairns Women’s Imaging opened its doors on 7 October 2010. The clinic, now located at 121 Sheridan Street, is easily recognisable with its signature big pink ribbon on the building. Cairns Women’s Imaging is a privately run clinic with Dr Kevin Daynes as its senior specialist. Cairns Women’s Imaging offers a full range of x-ray services for women including ultrasounds for obstetrics and gynaecology, breast health services and bone mineral densitometry (to detect osteoporosis).
Obstetrics & Gynaecology Cairns Women’s Imaging provides obstetric or pregnancy ultrasounds (such as dating scans, Nuchal Translucency and Morphology studies) in a comforting environment. Staff are highly specialized and strive to make the experience memorable. ‘Our machines have 3D & 4D capacity giving better results to diagnose effectively and patients will be able to see the scan ‘live’ on their exam room TV monitor,’ says Dr Daynes . Ultrasound images of your baby are also available on USB.Ultrasounds for gynaecology examinations are also provided to meet the needs of each patient.
Breast Clinic ‘Our breast clinic is like no other in the area. You can have your mammogram, tomosynthesis, ultrasound, MRI and biopsy (if needed) the same day and our radiologist will speak to you before you leave should there be any area of concern,’ says Robin Gordon, CEO Cairns Women’s Imaging. ‘It’s a comprehensive same day service so patients don’t have to agonise in waiting days, sometimes weeks to find out about their results,’ says Dr Daynes. There is also a separate waiting area for breast patients that is soft and inviting to help
create a degree of comfort during a time which is uncomfortable for most. Breast health services include risk assessment, detection, education and screening. State of the art equipment is used to complete diagnostic procedures of mammography, breast ultrasound, MRI and biopsy. This includes 3D Mammography (Tomosynthesis), a revolutionary screening tool for early detection of breast cancer. ‘Our advanced technology is coupled with our highly qualified staff, each expertly trained in their area of specialty,’ says Robin. Nurse Navigator services are also available to help patients deal with the emotional stressors of breast cancer. The clinic also works as a multidisciplinary team holding weekly meetings with Breast Surgeons, Medical Oncologists, Breast Physicians and Nursing staff to review patient care. ‘Cairns Women’s Imaging is committed to offering the best services in town,’ says Robin. So when you need a ‘baby scan’, bone density or breast imaging of any kind think Cairns Women’s Imaging. All referral forms are accepted. Phone 4042 6888 for an appointment.
It is a sad fact that when people leak involuntarily (incontinence) they are advised by various advertisements to use pads. This is the equivalent of just placing a bucket under the tap. You just wouldn’t do it! Incontinence is defined as the inability to control the bladder or bowel. It occurs for many reasons at many ages. Incontinence is more common in females than males and this is for obvious reasons. The sphincter muscle that controls the bladder is not as strong, the bladder may have a tendency to “drop down” and there may be damage to the pelvic floor which can occur giving birth. Stress urinary incontinence occurs with sudden increases in abdominal pressure such as cough, laugh, sneeze, exercise or even during sex! Urge incontinence is when a person is unable to suppress the need to pass urine and there is leakage before getting to the toilet. Sometimes the whole bladder may empty. There can be many reasons for this. There can be infection present, sensitivity to caffeine or alcohol, some medications cause it, occasionally a small capacity bladder may develop, diabetes affects it and sometimes a person may have arthritis which prevents getting there quickly. Some people develop a combination of both urge and stress incontinence. The diagnosis of incontinence is usually made on the patient’s history (description) of how and when it occurs. A urine test is usually carried out and an ultrasound or X-ray may be required. It may be necessary to have a bladder examination (cystoscopy) carried out.
Consuming approximately two litres of water per day will assist with “flushing the system”. Maintaining a healthy body weight is important as the pressure of abdominal fat on a bladder will reduce its ability to fill and hold urine. Reducing caffeine containing drinks and alcohol may be helpful as well as maintaining a healthy, regular bowel habit. Pelvic floor exercises and timed toileting (holding on for a few minutes when the urge starts) can be assisted by physiotherapy. Sometimes medications may be prescribed to reduce the “irritability” of the bladder and finally, surgery may be required. That may take the form of a “repair” where the bladder is lifted back to the correct position and fixed in place or a “sling” is inserted at the bladder opening to create a “kink” to stop leakage with the cough or sneeze. Alternatively, a substance can be injected at the opening of the bladder rather like putting a new washer in a tap. This similar to making a person’s lips larger in cosmetic application. This type of procedure is done as a day surgery case and there are no cuts made. It is all done internally with a telescope. Minimally invasive surgery!
Incontinence • The inability to control the bladder or bowel • More common in females than males • Usually made on the patient’s history (description) of how and when it occurs
DR NEIL GORDON Urologist Urological Surgeon at Cairns Urology M.B.B.S (Melb) F.R.C.S (Glasg)F.R.C.S Ed F.R.A.C.S., F.I.C.S
98 Spence Street Cairns, QLD 4870, Australia PO Box 7787 Cairns, QLD 4870, Australia
P (07) 4041 0700 F (07) 4041 4007 reception@cairns-urology.com.au www.cryotherapy.com.au
BY MARCIA EBDELL-BLANCH 4058 0511 www.asyoulikeit.com.au Like us on Facebook
Hair, Make-Up & Photography By “As You Like It Hair & Beauty”
From Cairns High
With School Formal Season upon us we thought we would treat 2 girls with a Make-over & Photo shoot. We went for Modern Formal styles with an Abundance of Big Soft Curls for Lana & a Soft Textured knot Braid to one side for Cassandra and styled with a headdress which gave a hint of vintage.
We adjusted and improved skin tones using our beautiful mineral foundations & dusting powder. We went Smokey and sparkly on the eyes and extended lashes, soft Rosie cheeks and beautiful Red Orange tones for the lips to finish.
Prep for Formals, Skin condition 1 week prior have a deep cleanse facial, Eyebrow Sculpting 3 Days – 1 Week Prior, Exfoliate Body, Spray Tan 2 days Prior, Nails 1 Day Prior, Hair & Make-up on the day. Have Fun Wishing all Year 12 Students a Happy School Formal From Team “As You Like It’
Each winner will receive a gift pack valued at over $180!
efined by its exclusive and limited range of luxurious silk fashions featuring authentic Aboriginal Dreamtime designs, Mainie is an exciting new luxury fashion brand whose maiden collection will launch in stores and online this month. Mainie’s launch collection comprises 12 unique designs of scarves, wraps, sarongs and tops in sundrenched, glorious coloured artworks inspired by and reflecting the natural beauty of the Australian outback. Many years in the making, Mainie represents a special melding of ancient cultures; Aboriginal Dreamtime designs from the Yuendumu community in central Australia’s Tanami Desert and luxurious silk fabrics from the fabled Silk Road city of Nanjing in China. From their home base in Cairns, Charmaine Saunders and Denis Keeffe make a dynamic team whose vision and passion for their Australian heritage, combined with a great appreciation for Indigenous art, has culminated in the impending launch of Mainie. Denis’ business background has spanned a long career in management for major multinational companies, as well as CEO roles for national sporting teams including the Townsville Crocodile NBL franchise, the News Limited appointed CEO of the Toyota North Queensland Cowboys, and most recently the chief executive of the Central Queensland NRL Bid. Charmaine is a descendant of the Gunggari people from southwestern Queensland. Her love of Aboriginal fine arts has grown over years of working in remote Aboriginal communities in Queensland and the Northern
Territory. Charmaine left her executive level role in the Australian public service in 2013 to focus on the couple’s vision of creating an iconic Australian fashion label showcasing genuine Aboriginal artworks. Mainie is a label strongly committed to Fair Trade principles and all Aboriginal artworks featured on the silk scarves and wraps are acquired ethically under licence through the internationally acclaimed Warlukurlangu Art Centre (warlu.com). The art centre has long been a stronghold of culture and language for the Warlpiri people from the remote Tanami Desert region, and a place where women artists are keeping their ancient tribal traditions alive by capturing in intricate dot paintings, the ceremonial designs which have been passed down to them over thousands of years. While Charmaine and Denis will commit the coming months to establishing Mainie’s online presence and securing distribution in select gift stores and boutiques along Australia’s east coast, the couple admit they are already looking forward to designing the next collection which they plan to base on new and authentic artworks from women artists living and work in the remote communities of Cape York. How to Buy? Mainie’s maiden collection comprising 12 unique scarf, wrap, top and sarong designs in a variety of artwork prints will be available online and in select boutiques and gift stores from July 2015. The garments retail from $180 each including luxurious gift packaging and provenance as well as free shipping anywhere within Australia.
Styling by Charmaine Saunders and Pip Miller Photography by Veronica Sagredo, Blueclick Photography Model Nuri Cummins Clothing and Accessories from Myer
www.theeyeboutique.com.au 8/10 Shields Street, Cairns, Qld 4870 P 07 40 314675
Shop 7 Coconut Grove 56 Macrossan St, Port Douglas Qld 4877 P 07 40995526
Like us on
The Eye Shop T64 DFO 274 Mulgrave Road, Westcourt 4870
facebook @ The Eye Boutique
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This man is wearing a hearing aid. Hearing aids needn’t be inconvenient or restrictive. Lyric is the world’s only 100% invisible, 24/7 hearing aid. Worn for months at a time, it allows you to enjoy life to its fullest and has been scientifically proven to reduce the effects of tinnitus* for those with hearing problems. For more information and a 1 month trial offer, come along to our Lyric Open Day and Start Connect Hearing Today.
The Lyric Open Day Where: Connect Hearing Cairns 4/15-17 Pease Street Manunda QLD 4870 When: Thursday 30th July & Friday 31st July Time:
9am – 4:30pm
4053 6111
*Based on a 2014 study by Phonak
Are you ready for the truth? Your body detoxes itself all day every day and then removes toxins/waste by only 3 methods. Those methods are the 3 P’s - Peeing , Pooping & Perspiring. There are no other possible ways for your body to eliminate waste/toxins. Each day your body goes through a 3 phase process of Digestion (eating), Assimilation (absorbing nutrients) and Detoxification (removing waste and toxins). Most detoxification takes place while you are sleeping since you are not consuming anything to be digested and assimilated while you are asleep. However, the removal of the waste and toxins predominantly occurs in the 4 hours after you wake up as this is the time in which the body can eject the previous days waste. Now this process occurs all day every day thanks to your organs, your lymphatic system and your urinary tract and bowel. Bottom line the human body is very effective at detoxification. What’s my point with all this? The point is expensive detox supplements do no more than speed up your peeing and pooping. This effect often results in a ‘clearing of the pipes’ so to speak which will yield an initial rapid weight loss
Have you ever done a ‘detox’? Ever bought detox pills or supplements in an effort to cleanse your body and lose weight fast? I know many people who have and I am often asked what is the best way to detox.
of a few kilos of backed up waste and a feeling of being lighter/cleansed. In actual fact you just had a few good bowel movements and paid a premium for it :)
Your Flat Belly Coach,
So, here’s my top detox tips which will cost you absolutely nothing and this ensures constant effective detoxification all day, every day for life.
DRINK MORE WATER, EAT MORE FRUIT AND VEGETABLES & DO MORE EXERCISE Water flushes the system, fruit and vegetables provide the fibre to ensure waste is pushed through the pipes and exercise (movement) is the pump. There are no magic pills or potions – period! Of course if you are looking for a program to help you lose 6, 8 or 10 kilos fast, drop 2 sizes, detox effectively (through nutrition) and feel great then my 28 Day Flat Belly program is for you! Grab it here:
Neil Kelliher – Mr. Inta-Fitness 0402 154 484 This month I am offering 60% OFF Personal Body Composition Analysis. Get yours for only $19.99 plus a health and weight loss consultation with me. Call to make a booking.
ToKunai Hair PH 40 41 44 11 tokunaihair@aanet.com.au www.tokunaihair.com Cnr Mulgrave & Lyon St Opp DFO, Westcourt
The etymology of the word, trust, dates back to the 13th Century Old Norse word ‘ tretsya’ meaning “To trust, rely on, to make safe and strong.” Fast forward to the 21st Century, and, unsurprisingly the meaning is more or less unchanged. However irrespective of the point in time, it’s safe to say that the notion of trust means different things to different people. Trust has always been a challenging concept for me and to put it in the common parlance, I have ‘trust issues’. Not only do I have these in certain personal relationships but on many occasions I have found it difficult to place my complete trust in my manicurist, auto-pilots and the Australian Government to name a few. And I blame my overly perceptive abilities for this state of affairs. You see at times (OK, most of the time) I think that I may possess psychic powers. But just so we’re clear about this, I do NOT profess to be a psychic and in fact when the Psychic Expo opened in Cairns a few months back, I inadvertently referred to it as the Psycho Expo (well, at least the first time was an honest mistake). However, in all seriousness, it appears that I do have an aptitude in deciphering
what someone is thinking by scrutinising and analysing their verbal and non-verbal language. The downside of this is often when I’m tested, I am proven right and this in turn encourages me to make further assumptions which of course may or may not be correct, et cetera, et cetera. It’s not that I am ungrateful for my ‘perceptive abilities’ and I do value my finely honed instincts, however I do value my ‘inner peace’ much, much more. Furthermore, I’ve discovered that harbouring ‘trust issues’ can lead to unfulfilling relationships and to a lacklustre life in general. From time to time I engage in ‘philosophical’ chats with my friends and so I decided to raise the question: “How do you trust?” My friends’ responses predictably varied...
“You just do” (well, OK...)
After these well-intentioned but nebulous suggestions, I required something more substantial. As luck would have it, I stumbled across a social experiment called ‘100 Days of Trust’ constructed by the Russian-born graphic designer Lana Molodtsova. During these 100 days she would undergo 100 activities challenging her ‘trust issues’ including the infamous physical ‘trust fall’ (falling backwards into a sea of hands...hopefully!) and other emotional trust exercises. After reading this, I thought that perhaps I should conduct my very own social experiment on my (radio) show! Listen out for Illy’s 10 Days of Trust on HotFM! I had to condense it; I mean who do these expansive, time-rich graphic designers think they are? Definitely, that’s not how we roll in FNQ! I look forward to your involvement, and then we can confront all these pesky ‘trust issues’ together!
“Time” (Is 28 years too long?) “You only trust people who are trustworthy” (In a utopian world, yes of course, but very flawed if you end up being sucked in by a lying hound!)
You can hear Ilaria on Hot FM’s Breakfast with Illy & Elliott. Follow Ilaria on Twitter: @ilariabrophy
Get a grip with TYRE & WHEEL PACKAGES.
You never know who you might bump into at Villa... Modern mediterranean cuisine. OPEN for breakfast, lunch & dinner 7 days a week.
CAIRNS Cnr Esplanade & Alpin Street 4051 9000 MELBOURNE 252 Lygon St, Carlton 03 9650 7990
PHONE: 4031 3033 C o n te m p o ra ry Gre e k C u i s i n e • B a l c o n y w i t h v i e w s o v e r E s p lan ad e & C o r a l Se a • F u n c t i o n s a v a i l a b l e
A car that won’t start can be a nuisance... A car that won’t STOP can be a disaster. Noisy brakes aren’t something to mess around with.
ome brake noise is normal, but excessive squealing, grinding or banging means your brakes need attention. It can be dangerous to wait to long to change your brake pads. Overtime as you can imagine, pads will begin to wear thin - which means they will become less effective at slowing and stopping your car. Most brake pads come with a wear indicator that squeals when your pads need replacing. If you ignore the signs chances are you are doing damage to your rotors also, which could turn a relatively easy and inexpensive pad job into a more costly exercise. KW Autos is a Safe-T-Stop testing centre. A Safe-T-Stop test is carried out on the electronically accurate
PlateTronic test equipment ( as pictured above). This test equipment is a scientific brake and wheel alignment testing system that gives customers an accurate personalised Safe-T-Stop vehicle test report. The Safe-T-Stop test lanes measure and simulate a vehicles brake performance in a real life conditions just as it would happen in an emergency stop on the road. A Safe-T-Stop check will give you a detailed accurate printed report that will enable our qualified technicians to advise you on any critical adjustments that should be made. So why not call KW Auto today to book in a Safe-T-Stop check of your car for peace of mind. It could mean the difference between a safe stop and an accident.
As a Repco Authorised Car Service centre, KW Auto Repairs have a commitment to high quality workmanship, ensuring you get the very best in automotive care. Our workshop is a member of the Repco Auto Tech program, training each mechanic to be fully up to date with modern vehicle repair methods.
Call in or drop by KW Auto and see Dave and Loralie to book in your vehicle 108 Spence Street, Cairns (07) 4051 0312 www.kwautorepairs.com.au
THE upcoming Jazz Up North Series show featuring The catholics at Tanks Arts Centre in August will be a heady experience of eclectic jazz performed in the enigmatic style that has earned the band acclaim around the world. Well-known for their genre-bending jazz style, The catholics draw their inspiration from African, Caribbean, Latin and Eastern influences resulting in a style that is referred to as ‘hard blowing jazz and dance rhythms’. It has been a few years since The catholics performed at Tanks Arts Centre, but they have fond memories. Frontman Lloyd Swanton says the audiences at their last Jazz Up North Series event were informed and responsive. “[It was] just a lovely gig with a really lovely audience,” he says. “Although I was a little fearful that one of those tropical vines was going to snake in from the jungle outside and wrap around my legs as I was playing.” For audiences attending the August 28 show, Lloyd says they will be playing music for the heart, the mind, and the feet. “Tanks is an exceptionally resonant acoustic, so we will be featuring the more ambient end of our repertoire in order to take advantage of that,” he says. “We just have fun and make sure the audience is having fun too – that doesn’t mean we get out there shouting ‘c’mon everybody, clap your hands!’” Well-known for their eclectic style, finding the band’s niche was something of a natural progression. They formed in 1991 with the aim to create ‘beautifully crafted and instantly accessible pieces that run a strong, seductive dance strain’, and there is no doubt that they have succeeded. “I just felt that jazz was in danger of disappearing up its own earnestness,” says Lloyd. “And wanted to reunite it with the eclectic dance basis that it originally had. Jazz has always been a hybrid music style, so I see no reason why that should come to an end. The seal of approval of ‘the academy’ is the kiss of death for music, I believe.”
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Shop Address: 14 Kehoe Place, next to Whistle Shop cafe opposite the Yungaburra market grounds Follow us: www.facebook.com/globalfreestyle For info phone: 4095 2727 Website:
Since their inception, The catholics have performed around the world from tours of Canada and Europe, to shows in Thailand, and of course, at some of the best venues throughout Australia. They have won a MO Award, and three of their eight albums have been nominated for ARIAs. So far this year they have been touring nationally and internationally with renowned band The Necks and finishing off their next solo album. Don’t miss The catholics one night only show at Tanks Arts Centre on Friday 28 August. Tickets are available via Ticketlink. For more information, please visit www.tanksartscentre.com
SMALL BUSINESS EXPO 2015 Be engaged, entertained, and inspired at the Cairns Chamber’s inaugural Small Business Expo.
Mike Rich – Attaché
Attend this event to hear from the former leaders of Australian business success stories, Attaché and Driza-Bone, Mike Rick and John Maguire.
Mike is an internationally recognised business improvement leader who recently won two business leader awards and has more than doubled the size of his own company over recent years.
Hear first-hand about their keys to success, their problem solving techniques and how they tackled growing pains in business, while remaining innovative in highly competitive markets. This event will also encourage trade and connections between local businesses with attendees taking part in our Speed Business Networking component of the Expo!
Pullman Reef Hotel Casino Wednesday, 12 August 2015 9am to 12 noon Members $69 Non-members $89 Students $49 Exhibition stand $605
Book now at cairnschamber.com.au For further information please email info@cairnschamber.com.au or phone 07 4031 1838. We will facilitate your ability to build your client base and showcase your business when you will be challenged to connect with as many local businesses as possible within a given timeframe – with prizes on offer for the best business networker! This is an event not to be missed on the annual business calendar!
Mike Rich
From Cheese maker to IT industry veteran, Mike co-founded Attaché at the birth of the PC. To help business owners, he created the award winning ‘Attaché Scorecard’ app which has 350 business improvement ideas. Today Attaché are one of the most experienced software companies on the planet thanks to their focus on innovation and guaranteed business improvement. Along the way, he also co-founded the not-for-profit M-Institute which aims to double the number of medium sized organisations. He believes success is as much about providing the confidence to grow and sustainable inter-generational thinking as addressing key business issues. Mike is passionate about helping businesses to grow by providing them with the tools to take them to the next level. The missing ingredient he focusses on is the ‘How’ – business improvement ideas in areas like sales, debtors, stock, expenses, payroll and the benefit of sharing them with your ecosystem.
12 AUGUST 9–12PM
Prior to his arrival in Australia John Maguire was involved in manufacturing in the industrial belt of the English Midlands. After his move, he spent 18 years as Managing Director of Driza-Bone and is now a consultant and mentor for small and medium size businesses and is an advisory board member of several successful companies.
He also recently co-founded the M-Institute which aims to double the number of medium sized businesses and sees events like this as a way of achieving this goal – growing jobs and GNP in the region in the process.
SMALL BUSINESS EXPO Book your exhibition space or tickets
John Maguire – Driza-Bone
From 1989 to 1997, under John’s direction, Driza-Bone increased its annual turnover from $5 million to $17 million. At the same time Driza-Bone became one of Australia’s leading brands and was considered a national icon. Under John’s leadership, Driza-Bone achieved notable recognition for its marketing efforts, including six major awards in 1996, one in 1994 and one in 1993. After a disagreement with the parent company John left Driza-Bone in 1997. In 1999 with the assistance of venture capitalists he bought the then moribund company in a well-publicised management John Maguire buy-in. In 2006 he negotiated the sale of the company to new investors, which meant times their original investment. Because of his success in manufacturing growth, as well as the sales and marketing of Driza-Bone, John is regularly asked to speak about marketing strategy, international marketing and exporting, effective advertising and public relations, industrial relations and other business matters.
Cairns Business Women’s Club July Luncheon
Photos from June Luncheon
4 Ingredients with Kim McCosker by Azure Photography
e are excited to announce our special guest speaker for the July Luncheon is 4 Ingredients author and entrepreneur Kim McCosker. As a busy wife and mum to three boys, Kim holds a Degree in International Finance, trained as a Financial Planner and is a self-taught cook. Putting into practice her mantra of ‘Family First’, Kim’s concept created the most successful book title in Australia - 4 Ingredients - with cookbook sales now spanning three continents, 26 countries and six foreign languages! As the highest self-published author in Australian history, Kim’s continued aim with 4 Ingredients is to SIMPLIFY all forms of cooking creating quick, easy and delicious recipes. Kim will tell her story, inspiring you to never give up, she will recall how no publisher in the land would take her calls because she wasn’t famous and how she and her brand has evolved today. Kim’s presentation will give you goosebumps, make you cry, laugh and simply oozés passion and determination. We even get to taste one of Kim’s dessert creations, made by the Shangri-La Chef. We hope you are as excited and as honoured as we are, this is going to be a fantastic event! To book visit www.cbwc.org.au
Book online at www.cbwc.org.au
CBWC Networking Luncheons
The CBWC networking luncheons have been crafted to ensure that you have “serious fun, while doing serious business”.
Ticket includes: • Meet & Greet with welcome drink at Trinity Room Balcony • 2 course sumptuous luncheon • Great raffle prizes
• Business Card Draw • Presentation by Guest Speaker Kim McCosker
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Wil McAllister Providing
Heartfelt Counselling 0419645774
In di v i du a l a n d F a m i ly T h e r a p i s t / C o u n s e l l o r A dv. D i p C o u n se l l i n g a n d F a m i ly T h e r a py, wi l l y.m c al l i st e r @oze m a i l . c o m . a u
My desire is to help people manage their lives better by exploring with them the resources and qualities they already possess, and if necessary help them develop new skills to overcome the difficulties that face most of us at some stage in our lives. This includes anxiety and depression, addictions, grief, trauma, marriage and family issues. As a therapist I look at the past and present to uncover hurt, trauma and damage and using cognitive behaviour, experiential, insight and systemic therapy models introduce tools to help my clients facilitate the change they need to have happy fulfilling lives. My focus is on providing a safe environment where people can explore. Building the therapy relationship between myself and the client is paramount and needs to be established first before any tools will be employed. I have learned to be flexible in my approach and have counselled both men and women, teenagers, families, couples, indigenous and people from other cultures. I believe in order for therapy to be effective the therapist must understand the client, the client’s extended family including their original family, their culture and their beliefs in order for them to be empathetic and adapt the therapy to every individual’s needs.
Viewing the world through your dog’s eyes is one of the most crucial elements of canine ownership. At some stage most owners will have to deal with problematic behaviour which can be frustrating and very disruptive. Listed below are three things to address, take time to understand the underlying cause of your dog’s actions and you will find a faster and more productive solution. • Effective Leadership Dogs enjoy consistent routine and the establishment of clear boundaries and expectations. On- lead control in the home environment is a wonderful way to introduce commands and establish the daily routine for your dog. Be clear and constant with the words you use and undertake some basic obedience training to reinforce your relationship. The introduction of a “dog crate” will not only provide a place for rest but can also be a wonderful training tool for excitable or anxious behaviour.
This proof is for checking copy before printing and is a guide for colour only. As we print on different substrates, colours may vary from what is displayed on your monitor or output to your printer. Please take the time to check it carefully as responsibility for it being correct lies with you, our valued customer.
• Exercise Physical and mental stimulation is a vital component of responsible ownership. Establish a consistent routine of daily walks in your neighbourhood which will also assist in maintaining emotional stability. Every dog will have its own energy level so the exercise routine must be compatible with each dog as an individual animal. As part of the program you should incorporate basic
commands to ensure your dog is working their body and their mind. Off- lead exercise should be restricted to a calm environment which does not encourage overexcited, rough and uncontrolled interaction with other dogs. • Who is your dog? Taking time to research the breed of dog and its genetic heritage will provide valuable information relevant to problematic behaviour. Make informed decisions about your dog taking into account their distinctive personality and behavioural attributes. Identifying each dog as an individual is very important. Just like us they each have their own physical, mental and emotional requirements. Creating the perfect canine companion takes time and consistent routine. Commitment to your dog will ensure they are content and able to adapt to the ever changing routine of our modern day lives. Seek professional advice if you are unable to resolve any behavioural problems with your treasured companion.
Linda Mair (Trainer/ Behaviourist/ Canine Myofunctional Therapist) Canine Training School 0413656626 www.caninetrainingschool.com.au Linda conducts puppy and dog obedience classes at Earlville Vet.
Take a step back in time and be blown away by the Southern Hemispheres largest collection of armoured vehicles and artillery. The Australian Armour & Artillery Museum is conveniently located next to Skyrail and Tjapukai. Vehicles, weaponry and artillery you usually only get to see in the movies, all in one convenient location, right here in the Far North! To add some excitement to your day, join us for an army style Tank Ride adventure. Our custom fitted APC (Armoured Personal Carrier) seats 10 passengers with rides available onsite daily at 11am and 2pm (subject to demand min 5 people) for only $15 adults and $10 for children. At our Kids Corner children can take a photo dressed as a real soldier, try on genuine army gear and play on the battle re-creation table allowing their imaginations to run wild. At an unbeatable price, the Australian Armour & Artillery Museum offers aspects to interest every age.
T: 07 4038 1665
E: info@ausarmour.com
CAIRNS www.ausarmour.com
Find us on facebook
W: ausarmour.com