April 19, 2013

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Shellbrook Chronicle Th The voice i off th the P Parkland kl d ffor over 100 years Shellbrook, Saskatchewan Friday, April 19, 2013

VOL. 102 NO. 16| PMR #40007604


The students and staff of Shellbrook Elementary School gathered in a sea of pink to celebrate Pink Shirt Day April 11.

Snow doesn’t stop Pink Shirt Day in Shellbrook An early spring snow and poor road conditions effectively stripped down the planned events for Pink Shirt Day 2013 in Shellbrook but the show went on without them. Pink Shirt Day founder Travis Price and Saskatchewan Roughriders’ slotback Scott McHenry, who were set to appear at the event at WP Sandin Public High School, cancelled due to poor road conditions as did the drumming group from the Ahtahkakoop First Nation. Students from neighbouring schools also cancelled their attendance at the event due to the poor road conditions. Shellbrook Elementary School Principal, Dwayne Tournier said that it was a disappointment that their guests weren’t able to make it but they still had a great day. As a result of the other schools cancelling, the entire el-

ementary school body was invited to take part in lunch and entertainment at the high school. Though the inspirational speakers were not in attendance, Tournier believes that the anti-bullying message was still received. “It is a constant reminder for those who are bullied to start standing up, just like Travis Price did,” said Tournier. “That’s the important message here. Students need to stand up and let bullies know that this will not be tolerated rather than sweeping it under the rug and hoping that tomorrow will be better.” Pink Shirt Day was inspired by a good deed by Price, his friend David Shepherd and about 75 of their friends. Price and Shepherd saw a boy being bullied for wearing a pink

Govts launch Ag awareness Federal Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz and Saskatchewan Agriculture Minister Lyle Stewart announced the new Agriculture Awareness Initiative as part of the Growing Forward 2 framework of programming. “Now that Growing Forward 2 is officially off the ground in Saskatchewan, we’re excited about the new programs that are going to be rolling out,” said Ritz. “Saskatchewan is a huge contributor to Canada’s agricultural exports and we want Canadians to learn more about and be proud of this important driver of our economy.” Saskatchewan is home to nearly half of Canada’s arable farm land, 30 per cent of Canada’s agriculture biotech industry, and the second largest beef cattle herd in the country. Continued on page 3

shirt to school in Nova Scotia. They came to the defense of the bullied boy through the act of protest. They purchased 75 pink tank tops and distributed them to anyone who would wear them. They distributed the shirts in the school’s foyer the following day and became a hot commodity. When that bullied boy came to school that day, he looked as though a great weight had been lifted from his shoulders, according to Price. ‘I learned that two people can come up with an idea, run with it, and it can do wonders,’ says Price, in an interview with the Globe and Mail. ‘Finally, someone stood up for a weaker kid.’

RCMP seek help with car theft Shellbrook RCMP is asking the public’s assistance in their investigation of a car theft. The 4 door, grey 2004 Chev Impala was taken from a residence on Ahtahkakoop between 4 am to 7 am on Thursday, April 11. It was left on Highway 55, 10 kms south of Canwood. It is possible a ride was provided by the public to the person(s) who stole the vehicle.

If anyone has any information in relation to the above crime please call the Shellbrook RCMP at (306) 747-2606. If you wish to remain anonymous, Saskatchewan Crime Stoppers at 1-800222-2477 *8477 on Sasktel Mobility Network or submit a tip online at www. saskcrimestoppers.com Crime Stoppers is anonymous and does not subscribe to call display and calls are not traced or recorded.

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Shellbrook Chronicle




Shellbrook Chronicle Website www.shellbrookchronicle.com

April 19, 2013

April 19, 2013


Shellbrook Chronicle

Report from the Legislature

The potential for significant flooding remains a top priority for our government as spring slowly arrives in Saskatchewan. The Water Security Agency’s April forecast indicates that in March there were greater than normal amounts of precipitation in certain parts of Saskatchewan. Because of that, an above normal spring runoff is still expected for most of the province. There are also some areas that have the potential for very high runoff and flooding, including Moose Jaw to Indian Head then south to Weyburn and from Saskatoon to North Battleford extending north to Waskisieu Lake. The Ministry of Government Relations and the Water Security Agency continue to hold meetings in at-risk regions. To find out if there’s a meeting

SCOTT MOE ~ Rosthern Shellbrook Toll Free: 1-855-793-3422 www.scott-moe.com

planned for your area go to www.wsask.ca. Earlier this month, we announced the 2013 Emergency Flood Damage Reduction Program (EFDRP) to provide engineering and technical assistance to municipalities while sharing the cost of permanent and

temporary flood prevention projects. For more on the EFDRP, go to www. wsask.ca. For the general public, there’s a wealth of flood preparedness information on the Spring Runoff Preparedness website, including the most recent snowpack update, guides on prepping your home, how to build a sandbag wall and municipality and band office contacts. The address for that website is http://w w w.gr.gov.sk.ca/ flood. By taking action now, we can work together to ensure you, your family and your property are protected as spring turns to summer across the Prairies. Our government also continues to take action to ensure families in rural and remote Saskatchewan can access the healthcare services they and their

Govts launch Ag awareness Continued from page 1 In addition, in 2012 Saskatchewan remained Canada’s top agri-food exporting province, with more than $11 billion worth of agri-food exports, which accounts for more than one-third of all provincial exports. The Agriculture Awareness Initiative will provide funding to producers, commodity organizations, agribusinesses and agencies to develop and implement agriculture awareness and education activities. Eligible projects include: •providing information documents, training and education campaigns; •planning, organizing or hosting summits, workshops and conferences; •recruiting and training industry spokespersons; and •developing manuals, videos, websites, educational materials, displays, publications and other awareness resources. The Agriculture Awareness Initiative will reimburse up to 50 per cent of a project’s eli-

gible expenses. Each applicant will be eligible for funding of up to $25,000 per project to a maximum of $50,000 per applicant, per year. In addition to the new Agriculture Awareness Initiative, the provincial government has made agriculture awareness a priority by being the first provincial government to sign on to the Agriculture More Than Ever initiative and hosting the Agriculture Awareness Summit in February. “As farmers we are dedicated to producing safe, healthy food, while also respecting and caring for the land and environment,” Chairman of Saskatchewan Pulse Growers’ Board of Directors Morgan Nunweiler said. “It is important for the general public to understand where their food comes from. The Agriculture Awareness Initiative will help the industry share the true story of agriculture and contribute to a sustainable future.” Application forms and details are available online at www.agriculture.gov.sk.ca/growingforward2.

National Victims of Crime Week The Week is about raising awareness about issues facing victims of crime and the services, programs and laws in place to help them and their families. Throughout Canada, countless dedicated people work with victims of crime every day. These professionals and volunteers help victims of crime maintain hope for the future and rebuild their lives. Services for victims of crime are available right here in your community through the Prince Albert Regional Victim Services Unit of the RCMP. Our program covers the RCMP detachment ar-

eas of: Prince Albert rural, Shellbrook, Spiritwood, Big River, Wakaw and Smeaton. We provide 24-hour crisis intervention, support, information and referrals to victims of crime and tragedy. We advocate for the needs of Victims and their families within the criminal justice system and work to educate and identify strategies to prevent future victimization. Victim services can assist Victims with application for restitution and compensation payment, court preparation and accompaniment as well as, countless other services and supports designed to empower and

help to heal the effects of victimization. We do “All have a role” in helping victims to find hope. Take a moment to remember Victims and crime and identify ways to make your communities safer and to lessen the impact for Victims of Crime and tragedy. For more information or to find out how you can volunteer and help those when they need it most, contact Prince Albert Regional Victim Services at 306-765-5574. For more information on National Victims of Crime Awareness Week, visit http://www.victimsweek. gc.ca/

NADINE WILSON ~ Saskatchewan Rivers Toll Free: 1-888-763-0615 www.nadinewilson.ca

loved ones need. Recognizing that recruiting and retaining physicians outside the major centre remains a challenge, we have increased funding again for post-graduate physician training seats at the University of Saskatchewan. Over the last six years, the


number of training seats at the College of Medicine has doubled, to 120, and the number of undergrad medical education seats has increased from 60 to 100. We have also announced a student loan forgiveness program for nurses and nurse practitioners who agree to work in communities with a population of less than 10,000 people. Under this new program, nursing and nurse practitioners who qualify can get up to $4,000 per year in student loans forgiven, to a maximum of $20,000 over five years. This is just one more way we are supporting healthcare providers and patients who live in smaller communities by using the benefits of growth to improve the quality of life for all Saskatchewan people. Another support for


families is now officially in effect. On April 4, our government kept another important promise when the Saskatchewan Advantage Grant for Education Savings (SAGES) program was officially proclaimed. Under the SAGES program, the Government of Saskatchewan will provide a grant to a Registered Education at a rate of 10 per cent of the annual contribution made by a family, up to maximum of $250 a year per future student. It’s expected up to 83,000 Saskatchewan children under the age of 18 could benefit from the SAGES program. If we are to meet our Growth Plan need of 60,000 more skilled workers by 2020, it is critical we take action now that will make getting a post-secondary education more affordable.

lassifieds Work! 306-747-2442 • chads@sbchron.com



Shellbrook Chronicle

OPINION www.shellbrookchronicle.com

April 19, 2013

Fear in the dentist's chair It is very human to fear and what we fear is different from person to person. Some people fear mice while others fear heights while others still have a fear of wild beasts. Apparently I have, or had, a small fear of dental surgery. Through the bulk of my life I've had to have minimal work done in my mouth. I had a root canal about 12 years ago that wasn't pleasant from what I remember, but that is the extent of it. That is, until the last month. After a recent visit to my dentist I learned that there was a problem with the aforementioned root canal and I would likely need costly corrective surgery from a specialist. At first I was a little panicked about the cost but that soon subsided. Then I started to wonder about the surgery and what that may entail. If the root canal BRAD sucked then surely this second DUPUIS surgery would suck worse. As the ~ day arrived my level of anxiety continued on an upward trajecGuest tory the closer I got to that docColumnist tor's office. In the waiting room, I felt a little bit like I was going to freak out. After a consultation with the specialist, I was somewhat relieved to learn that the surgery would not be necessary. That relief lasted just a few minutes when the reality of the alternative sunk in. I needed to have the problem tooth pulled. That was an experience I had not had in my adult life. My first image was that of the my dentist with his knee on my chest using a huge pair vice grips to yank that offending tooth out of my head. When I shared this vision with my dentist he actually laughed As comforting at me. At me, not with me. He said as that should it wasn't the first time he had heard have been I this old wives tale but he had never just wasn't actually met a dentist that pulled a completely tooth using that method. convinced. Why As comforting as that should have would this guy been I just wasn't completely conrisk upsetting vinced. Why would this guy risk upme with the setting me with the truth? truth? A few weeks passed between my consultation and the actual appointment to have the work done. At first I kind of forgot all about it but every time I looked at my calendar I'd get a twinge of pre-panic anxiety. That ramped itself up when the day finally arrived and I drove myself into the office. I almost forgot what I was there for after seeing a few familiar faces upon my arrival. However it all got very real once the chair was tilted back and the dental assistant was shooting me up with anesthetic. At that point I decided that my best strategy was to take the headphones offered to me and focus on the compilation of Masters golf tournament moments running on the TV. Just as Mike Weir was making his improbable run at the Green Jacket I felt some pressure on my jaw. When the dentist left the room I was sure he was going into the back for re-enforcements. Despite my calm expression, I. Was. Freaking. Out. To my surprise, he returned, rooted around a little in my mouth and started to give me instructions for my recovery. I thought he was just getting started but he was finished. I felt pretty stupid once I realized that the most painful part of the procedure was the first shot of freezing and I had been agonizing over it for weeks. It just goes to show that products of your imagination are often far worse than reality.

Paul Martin Commentary One issue that gets discussed regularly in the busi- ally - consumer confidence has been high. A buoyness community but seldom finds its way into the po- ant economy has helped drive up real estate prices, litical debate is head offices. They are important to a attracted more people to the province and generally province and to a community. given off a positive aura. Head offices are vital to economic growth. They The latest indicator to support that belief is food create high level and good paying jobs. Second, they and beverage sales in bars and restaurants. In Januensure key decision makers live in your ary, Saskatchewan patrons set the pace in community. There’s also a prestige factor. the nation, increasing their expenditures by And it has an impact on everything from nearly nine per cent over the same month a the arts to the number of airlines serving a year earlier. The move was the biggest incommunity as business travel to and from crease in the country and nearly double the head office fills seats. national average. Saskatchewan has not generally done well *** on this front, accounting for only 94 head The outlook for Saskatchewan employers offices and 3 per cent of the head office is not showing much improvement. workers in the country. Anyone trying to acquire new talent in PAUL Here’s a case in point. We are the second this province knows just how tight the marbiggest oil producer in the country, yet 85 ket is. The unemployment rate is the lowest MARTIN per cent of the head offices and 99 per cent in the country and job openings are coming ~ of head office employees in the industry faster than new arrivals to fill them. live in Alberta. Basically, we’re being mined And a forecast update from the econofrom next door…yes we get the service jobs and the mists at Bank of Montreal suggests this will not be royalties but the equity lift from the industry is felt improving anytime soon. in Calgary. Their new update shows Saskatchewan will enjoy *** the biggest growth in employment of all the province Tracking consumer spending is big stuff for those s – rising two per cent over last year which outpaces who watch economic patterns. Whether that is retail even Alberta. purchases, home buying or even patronage of bars Employment will continue to increase next year as and restaurants, observers like to monitor these indi- well, although at a slightly lower rate. And all of this cators as two-thirds of any economy is driven by the will translate into the province maintaining the lowaverage person’s buying or spending activities. est unemployment rate in Canada for the next 20 or It also provides some insight into consumer con- 21 months. fidence levels. People willing to spend are sending a The bank’s forecast also points to economic growth signal that they are optimistic about tomorrow, that of 2.4 per cent this year and a further 2.8 per cent they believe they’ll continue to generate income and next year. Although that is slower than the pace of are willing to indulge a bit. expansion we saw over the last few years, it is enough In Saskatchewan lately – well for the decade actu- to give us second spot in the country.


April 19, 2013


Shellbrook Chronicle

Rurals not enjoying as much job growth It’s not exactly what you would classify as bad news for the province. In fact, the recent job numbers are actually alarmingly good _ especially when you compare them with what’s been going on in the rest of country when it comes to job creation. Elsewhere in Canada, March saw the loss of 54,500 full-time, private-sector jobs from February, as Canada’s unemployment rate rose to 7.2 per cent. But here in Saskatchewan, the unemployment rate fell to 3.9 per cent, passing Alberta for the lowest rate in the country. To understand the significance of this, one just has to recall our not-so-distance history. Gone are the days when Saskatchewan kids _ especially, rural Saskatchewan kids _ would simply moved to Alberta to find work, resulting in an artificially low unemployment rate. Instead, Saskatchewan has become the place to come to find work, as the March job creation statistics clearly indicate. Consider Saskatchewan’s most recent job numbers in the far-more-accurate con-

text of year-over-year _ a far better way to assess how well or poorly we are doing because it eliminates the issues of seasonal hiring. There were 544,700 people working in Saskatchewan in MURRAY March _ 25,700, or 4.9-per cent, more MANDRYK than exactly a year ~ ago. What makes the March 2013 even more impressive is that they represented a record for month. Record job growth reflects record Saskatchewan population. And all this is happening when the rest of the country is sputtering. Even a statistician like Doug Elliott of SaskTrends Monitor _ who has seen employment go up and down in this province over the years _ is starting to buy into the notion that something is very different in Saskatchewan. “The longer this goes on, the more likely

Answers are needed on community pastures and the mega mall Dear Editor: Thanks Star Phoenix for informing citizens of recent government actions concerning community pastures and the Mega mall project. Lorne Stewart, Saskatchewan’s Minister of Agriculture, belittles agricultural and environmental groups’ Public Pastures Public Interest (PPPI) initiative to have the 1.6 million acres of community pastures “continue to serve the broader public interests of all Saskatchewan people”. Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities and Agricultural Producers of Saskatchewan passed resolutions requesting the provincial government keep the pastures under Crown ownership. Wildlife and conservation groups are concerned about losing wildlife habitat. PPPI is concerned these 62 pastures “could end up in the hands of out-of-province corporations”. The Wall government ignores the wishes of reputable groups in Saskatchewan. The Mega mall project, involving Chinese and Asian investors, demonstrates a lack of foresight by provincial municipal and city governance. The public has no infor-

Shellbrook Chronicle Serving the Communities of Shellbrook, Canwood, Debden, Big River, Parkside, Leask, Marcelin, Blaine Lake, Holbein, Mont Nebo, Mayview A Division of Pepperfram Limited Publications Mail Registration #07621

Published Every Friday Morning P.O. Box 10, Shellbrook, Sask. S0J 2E0 Phone 747-2442 or Fax 747-3000 Editorial: chnews@sbchron.com Advertising chads@sbchron.com

it is real and the less likely it is a statistical glitch,” Elliott said of Saskatchewan’s rather stunningly good March job numbers. But while the overall job news for Saskatchewan is great, it isn’t exactly perfect _ especially if you live in rural Saskatchewan. Admittedly, it isn’t exactly time to push the panic button, but the numbers within the March job numbers also clearly indicate that rural Saskatchewan job growth is slowing. The first number of concern is the 1,100 less jobs in our traditionally strong oil, gas, mining and forestry sectors. That we still saw increased employment when our bread-and-butter resource sector was laying off people is good news for the province as a whole. But for a large swath of rural communities now depending on oil drilling and potash mining to keep the local economy going, less work in the resource sector isn’t the best news. Fortunately, 7,900 more construction jobs in Saskatchewan than a year ago made up the difference. But Elliott notes

YOUR TWO C ENTS ~ mation as to who authorized the acquisition of one million square feet of land adjacent to Dundurn. Questions surround this deal with foreign owners, If Joe Zuho us Brightenview’s CEO, why can’t he say who investors are? What is Brightenview? Is it funded by tax-haven or off-shore money? Does Saskatchewan need 350 Chinese/Asian factory owned businesses selling strictly Chinese/Asian products on Saskatoon’s doorstep? Does Saskatchewan’s Minister of Labor welcome the prospect of non-union, low-paid workers as a way to please business friends? Why should Saskatchewan’s low-tax regime and SINP’s fast tracking wealthy entrepreneurs with $375,000 to invest take precedent over other immigrants? Answers are required before approval! Helen M. Baker, Saskatoon, Sask.

Using Crown money to balance the budget Dear Editor: The recent announcement in Leader Post Apr. 2, 2013 (Sask. Energy applies for modest increase) no doubt has many Saskatchewan residents seeing red (blue?). That, along with SaskPower’s Jan 1, 4% increase and SaskTel’s

C. J. Pepper, Publisher Madeleine Wrigley, Advertising Sales chroniclesales@sasktel.net Kathleen Nording, Composition/Pagination chnews@sbchron.com Patt Ganton, Composition/Pagination chads@sbchron.com Cheryl Mason, Bookkeeping/Reception Office Hours: Monday.-Thursday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Friday, 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. & 1 to 4 p.m.; Advertising Deadline: Mondays at 5:00 p.m. website:www.shellrookchronicle.com


that most of these construction jobs are a result of labour-intensive home building. And most of these homes and jobs building them are clearly happening in the major cities. We know this because that’s what the building permits tell us. And the March job statistics are telling us pretty much the same story. There were 7,100 more jobs (5.8 per cent, year-over-year) in Regina and 10,600 more jobs (7.2-per-cent more) in Saskatoon. Admittedly, it wasn’t all bad news for the rural economy. There were 7,600 more agriculture jobs, year-over-year _ a surprising increase, given than there was far less farming being done in the cold March of 2013 than in March 2012 when some farmers were already on the land. But we need to cautious because we know the trend towards fewer farmers. It’s possible that what’s defined as an agriculture job might very well mean agricultural servicing jobs in the cities. Yes, the overall job numbers are fantastic. But they are certainly better in the cities than in the county.

rural residential increase of last year will no doubt have Saskatchewan residents infuriated. But, who should their anger really be directed at? Brad Wall’s Sask. Party has for years robbed The Crowns of up to 100% of their profits in order to ‘balance’ their budget. In order for the Crowns to improve, replace and expand their aging infrastructure, they are now forced to borrow money - hence the increases. The Sask. Party has the audacity to brag about a balanced budget, when in reality what they have done is transfer their incompetent government’s debt onto the Crown Corporations. Talk about a Premier in Devine clothing. Joyce Neufeld Waldeck, Sask.


Classifieds Work chads@sbchron.com

The contents of the Shellbrook Chronicle are protected by Copyright. Reproduction of any material must be done so with expressed permission of the publisher.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: In the interest of readers of this newspaper, we will publish opinions of our readers. Letters To The Editor are most welcome; however, they must be signed. and include writer’s contact information and will only be published with the writer’s name on it. Letters should be limited in length and be typed or clearly written. We reserve the right to edit letters depending on available space. Member of


Shellbrook Chronicle


April 19, 2013

Golden Host Players prepare for performance The Golden Host Players, an off-shoot of the Host Players, is in its second year as a dramatic entity in Shellbrook. Although individuals from each group may contribute in some role to a stage production of the other, generally, Golden Host Players, while they still want to be involved in theatre, are seeking smaller roles, less complex staging, and an opportunity to contribute to causes that appeal to its members. The cast and crew for two one-act plays are currently rehearsing in Shellbrook’s Theatre, in preparation for staging their shows in the evening of Saturday, April 27th, and in the afternoon of Sunday, April 28th. “The Audition”, a 30 minute comedy, tells the story of the local theatre producing the Greek tragedy, Medea. Director Doug Schmirler has cast Bonnie Schmirler as the exceptionally organized and time-conscious, micro-managing stage manager. The first actor to arrive for her audition, Kelley (AlannaCarswell), barely manages to speak three words of her monologue before she is cut off by the stage manager’s curt , “Thank you. Next!” Enter Julianne Reis (Pat Sonntag),a bubbly musical theatre actress, who “sings” her unique a cappella version of a song. Next! Mime, The-Artist-FormerlyKnown-as-Question-Mark (Marjorie Bradley), enters quietly and presents an audition piece that consists

of staring into space for 30 seconds. Next! M. R. Irving (Jim Lennard), sporting an English accent, completes an athletic and articulate warm-up before presenting a monologue that begs belief. Next! When the director requests that all actors stay to take part in the reading of Medea, stage hand, Robin (Doug Schmirler), passes out scripts, and is overcome with gratitude at the courtesy shown him by Jules (a.k.a. Julianne). Doug Schmirler will also play the part of Actor #5, who arrives just when the Stage Manager has reached the end of her patience. Scene! For “The Audition” production, some special behind-the-scene players were called to take part. Mrs. Karen Spencer’s Grade 2 students provided some very special sound effects that were taped by production manager, Pat Grayston, and will add to the hilarity of the play. J.S. Bach’s Fugue in D minor sets the mood for “Almost the Bride of Dracula”. Dracula’s mother (Iris Minifie) is nagging him to get married. Eager to please his mother, or perhaps to escape her kvetching, Dracula (Myron Wall) agrees to seek a bride. Dracula withdraws, and remembers the women in his past who almost became his bride. In his reverie, Dracula relives the courtships. He recalls Donna (Arlene Rask), the Italian beauty, who likes garlic, and wants Dracula to convert to


MLA - Rosthern - Shellbrook Constituency Office #34 Main, Box 115 Shellbrook, SK S0J 2E0 Telephone: (306) 747-3422 Facsimile: (306) 747-3472 Toll Free: 1-855-793-3422 Email: scottmoe.mla@sasktel.net Website: www.scott-moe.com

Roman Catholicism. He remembers Lisa (Nancy Carswell), a Hawaiian beauty who has had five husbands already, all of whom met a violent end during their honeymoon. Finally, (June Moe), a strong-willed Texas beauty, calls off their courtship when her parents (Marlene Fellows and John Hein) fail to express disapproval of the pairing. Will the memory of loves past entice Dracula to seek out new romantic blood? Will Dracula’s mother allow her son to go with the flow? Will the audience pulse with laughter? Director Merle Roberts describes the comedy as zany, over-the -top, and larger-than-life, and notes that co-director Ann Gaboury, who was seeing the play on stage for the first time last week, could not stop laughing. The stage setting for “Almost the Bride of Dracula” is minimalist: a table on stage left,is all that is required for Mamma’s house, and a bench on stage right, is the setting for Dracula’s reminiscence. The audience will have the opportunity not only to enjoy two plays, but also the generous spirits and musical offerings of community musicians. Beginning at 7:00, Gerald Lanes and Friends will be entertaining for an hour before Saturday evening’s performance. At 2:00 on Sunday afternoon, the Helm Trio will harmonize for the crowd before the matinée performance at 2:30. It is the drama group’s desire to give back to the community which originally moved them to contribute proceeds from their production of the play, “Old Folks”, and “High Tea” in March 2012, to the Shellbrook and District Food Bank. This year, the Golden Host Players organized the March 17th“The Old and the Young” Variety Night in support of the Happy Hearts Childcare Centre. The group also rent-


ed the theatre for Kerri English and Students for their year end recital as Kerri has been generous with her time in community projects. As several members of the Golden Host group are also

members of the Shellbrook Grandmothers for Grandmothers (G4G) group, funds from the upcoming drama will be directed to the Stephen Lewis Foundation. The group will be supported

by the Prince Albert G4G chapter who will serve their famous homemade cookies from the canteen during the intermission for Saturday’s evening performance, and for Sunday’s matinée.

Back row, Nancy Carswell, John Hein, Arlene Rask, Myron Wall, Iris Minifie. Seated, Marlene Fellows, June Moe.

Back row, Alanna Carswell, Doug Schmirler, Jim Lennard, Marj Bradley. Seated, Bonnie Schmirler, Pat Sonntag.

April 19, 2013

AGRICULTURE www.shellbrookchronicle.com

Shellbrook Chronicle


Keeping chickens in the back yard? Ever since it came up at Yorkton Council about 20 months ago I have had an interest in the idea of keeping chickens within city limits. It was an interesting situation in Yorkton. Council listened to the request for a ratepayer, then handed it to the City's Protective Services Committee apparently fearing a hen escaping a pen and going 'Cujo-chicken' on the citizens. Protective Services recommended not allowing hens in backyards. The collective decision of Council and its Committee has always escaped me. Keeping laying hens is something cities all over North America, from New York on down, are allowing, although in a typical behind the curve tendency, none in Saskatchewan are on the list. A few chickens, and yes, municipal jurisdictions set limits on numbers, are certainly no more impactful than someone with a couple of large breed dogs in terms of waste. In the case of dogs that waste is deposited wherever the mood arises, while hens are generally housed.

Dogs are far noisier as well than a few clucking hens. And while there might be a vision of free-ranging hens being generally annoying, backyard husbandry has gone along way beyond that. Cue the magazine 'Chickens'. I was perusing a local newsstand for the latest fishing magazines and came across 'Chickens'. It was acCALVIN tually one of two publications on the 'stand devoted to keeping small DANIELS backyard hen f locks. ~ I grabbed 'Chickens' because it has a story on historic breeds, another area of general interest for me. The magazines speak to the growing interest and popularity of raising a few chickens in a backyard setting. There are several reasons for the growing interest. To start many people want at least some inf luence on their food supply. Household eggs collected fresh daily are one way to do that, just as are windowsill herb gar-

dens, and being part of community gardens. There is also something good that happens when people are around animals. You can see that in the reaction of a rancher just sitting watching his herd, or seeing the smiles of residents of a senior home when someone visits with a friendly dog. Working with a few chickens, feeding them, collecting eggs, would be a great respite from the burdens of jobs and the pace of an electronic world. In Yorkton Council failed to be trend leaders in being the first city jurisdiction in Saskatchewan allowing backyard hens, but the trend is obviously growing, and that is a good thing. People, whether rural, or urban, should be interested in having a greater control of their food, whether that is looking to buy direct from areas farmers they trust, or by growing their own. Having hens for eggs is a reasonable, tried and true, and low impact way, of doing that too. With a growing volume of information on backyard husbandry hopefully more urban jurisdictions will allow their residents the freedom to be part of the trend.

Roundup Ready Soybean growers get more weed control Roundup Ready soybean growers in Western Canada have another herbicide option to combat grass and broadleaf weeds. BASF Canada Inc. (BASF) has received registration for the use of VIPER® ADV herbicide on soybeans in Western Canada for the 2013 season. VIPER ADV was first registered in Western Canada in January 2013 for use on field peas and dry beans. With the recent expansion of soybeans to the VIPER ADV label, growers now have a valuable tool for improved weed management in their soybeans. “With the new offering of VIPER ADV on soybeans, growers have a tank-mix partner to glyphosate that actively controls key grass and broadleaf weeds,” says Sean Chiki, Brand Manager for Corn and Soybean Herbicides at BASF Canada. “The multiple modes of action in VIPER ADV provide superior control against a broad spectrum of weeds including all types of volunteer canola and Group 2-resistant biotypes.” VIPER ADV is a liquid formulation registered across all soil zones that uses Group 2 and Group 6 modes of action against tough-to-control weeds. Tank-mixed with glyphosate, VIPER ADV is a post-emergent herbicide that offers rotational freedom and excellent follow crop flexibility. “The addition of Viper ADV to BASF's current soybean herbicide portfolio in Western Canada benefits the changing needs of growers, and will provide exceptional weed control to set growers up for success,” says Chiki. For more information on VIPER ADV herbicide, visit www.AgSolutions.ca. About BASF BASF is the world’s leading chemical company: The Chemical Company. Its portfolio ranges from chemicals, plastics, performance products and crop protection products to oil and gas. We combine economic success with environmental protection and social responsibility. Through science and innovation, we enable our customers in nearly

every industry to meet the current and future needs of society. Our products and solutions contribute to conserving resources, ensuring nutrition and improving quality of life. We have summed up this contribution in our corporate purpose: We create chemistry for a sustainable future. BASF

had sales of €72.1 billion in 2012 and more than 110,000 employees as of the end of the year. BASF shares are traded on the stock exchanges in Frankfurt (BAS), London (BFA) and Zurich (AN). Further information on BASF is available on the Internet at www.basf.com.



Shellbrook Chronicle

Public Notice Leask Area Residents


Fiddle hoedown at the theatre

April 19, 2013

Sask Lotteries Grant

The Rural Municipality of Leask No. 464 is accepting applications for funding under the Saskatchewan Lotteries Community Grant program until May 3rd, 2013 at 4:00 p.m. Application forms may be picked up at the RM of Leask Office. Funding will be distributed in accordance with the guidelines set out by Saskatchewan Lotteries.

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Becky k Wilson, il C Caleb l bS Smart, Abb Abby Radics di and d Dillon ill Zuck k llay d down a medley dl off Buffalo ff l Gi Girls, l The h Gi Girll I Left Behind Me, On the Road to Boston and Down Yonder, during the year end Fiddle Concert of Kerri English’s fiddle school Sunday afternoon at the Shellbrook Elks Theatre. English’s 17 students and special guest performers entertained the crowd through the afternoon with their body of work learned through the year.

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Perfect Vision is Seeing Us

April 19, 2013


Shellbrook Chronicle

Government of Canada invests in Northern Sask. Seniors in Northern Saskatchewan will soon have new opportunities to volunteer, mentor younger generations and help raise awareness of elder abuse thanks to funding through the New Horizons for Seniors Program (NHSP). MP Rob Clarke, Member of Parliament for DesnethéMissinippi-Churchill River made the announcement today on behalf of the Honourable Diane Finley, Minister of Human Resources and Skills Development, and the Honourable Alice Wong, Minister of State (Seniors). The following organizations received funding for their projects: · Big River Seniors, Big River ($25,000): The organization will install a furnace; renovate the interior and exterior of the building to support social participation

by continuing to offer exercises, games and other social activities. · Ladder Valley Community Centre Co-Operative, Big River ($15,000): The organization will complete renovations and repairs to entrances, doors and wheelchair ramps to support social participation of seniors by continuing to offer bingo, and other social functions. · Canwood Pensioners and Senior Citizens Organization, Canwood ($4,857): Seniors involved with the club will engage in mentoring the youth by leading an intergenerational gardening project, with elementary school youth to help foster new friendships and volunteerism. · Leoville Senior Citizens, Leoville ($11,500): Seniors involved with the organization will increase social participation in their community by hosting several ethnic


cooking demonstrations and nutritional seminars. · Spiritwood Seniors & Pensioners Association, Spiritwood ($21,663): The organization will add an extra room to the senior hall to be able to support social participation of seniors by continuing to offer old and new activities such as cards, games and exercise programs. · White Fox Museum, White Fox ($3000): The organization will support seniors and youth to mentor each other on computer technology and community histories to provide intergenerational interaction. Since its beginning, the New Horizons for Seniors Program has funded more than 12,200 projects in hundreds of communities across Canada. This year, the Government of Canada will provide more than $33 million in funding for approximately 1,750 community projects.

Province and FSIN receive final report Recently, Education Minister Russ Marchuk and Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations (FSIN) Fourth Vice Chief Simon Bird received the final report from the Joint Task Force on Improving Education and Employment Outcomes for First Nations and Métis People. “On behalf of the Government of Saskatchewan, I want to recognize and thank Task Force Chair Gary Merasty and members Rita Bouvier and Don Hoium for their work over the last 12 months,” Marchuk said. “I am pleased to see that several of the recommendations align closely with the work

government has committed to already in our Plan for Growth, and we look forward to reviewing the final report more fully in the months ahead.” “On behalf of the seventy-four First Nations and the executive of the FSIN, I thank the Government of Saskatchewan for making Early Childhood through Post-Secondary education, and employment issues a priority,” Bird said. “Thank you to the grassroots participants, the stakeholders who shared their stories and innovative solutions, and to the members of the task force who thoughtfully

brought voices to our people. This report is a great start in investing in our future, as our First Nations continue to be the largest untapped resource in this territory we call Saskatchewan. If this new way of working in collaboration is any indication of what we can do together, then it’s only natural that we as First Nations have a very strong role to play in the future.” The Government of Saskatchewan’s 2013-14 Budget provides $3 million for task force recommendations, as well as an additional $22.2 million for initiatives intended to support improved First

Nations and Métis education and employment outcomes. This includes $3.8 million to support the First Nations and Métis Education Achievement Fund as well as an increase of $1.5 million for Adult Basic Education on-reserve. The Government of Saskatchewan and the FSIN launched the three-member task force on March 26, 2012, with a mandate to focus on several key goals for First Nations and Métis people including: • Improved early childhood outcomes and transition to school; • Increased high school

Farm Equipment Auction COLIN SHELDON

by Jessie Jones, Nicolas Hope and Jamie Wooten

LOCATION: 16 km South of Prince Albert on Hwy. #2 OR 16 km North of St. Louis OR 16 km East of MacDowall & 3.2 km North.

Rush Seating - Doors open 7:30 p.m.; Tickets $10 each

PRINCE ALBERT, SK • 306-922-4682

FRIDAY, APRIL 26 - 10:00

TRACTORS & F.E.L. & DOZER: Versatile 875 Series III Rainbow, ATOM Jet kit. SN:059418; Versatile 835 Series III Rainbow, 1984, shows 1978 hrs. SN:037950; International 1086, air cond cab, 1978, LPTO, new inside 20.8X38 rear rubber factory duals; Shultz 11’ Dozer; International 986, shows 439 hrs, air cond cab, LPTO, new 20.8X38, w/IHC 2350 FEL; Round bale fork; International 806, 2 spd LPTO, 18.4X34 rear (1 new), Good; TRUCKS: 2005 Chev Silverado 1500 HD, crew cab, 4X4; 2002 GMC C6500, 8.1L V8, Allison auto , AC, PS, 11RX22.5 tires, 8½X15X48 WI B&H & roll tarp, 98,300 km; 2000 GMC SL 3500, 211,000 km 5.7 V8, 5 sp manual, AC, 8X12 deck w/trailer pkg, beacon light, duals; 1981 Chev 3 ton, 120,469 original km w/WI 8½X14 B&H, purchased new; 1963 GMC 960, 3 ton, w/14’. B&H, 292 6 cyl.; AIR SEEDER: Morris L-233 33’ cultivator w/Ezee On Eagle Air 160 air cart, ground drive metering & fan. V. Good; DRILL: Melroe 204 36’., w/ factory transport; COMBINE: International 1460 SP, 1982, shows 3288 hrs, shedded; SWATHERS: Hesston 6450 SP, 1982, cab, air, shows 3995 hrs, 21’, U2 reel; NH109 25 ft PTO; DISC: White 271 tandem, 25’ w/cushion gang; DRYER: Morridge 275 bu recirculating, partial canola screen w/loading auger; PROPANE TANK: Calgary Steel 500 gal propane tank, 250 psi on 2 wheel trailer; SPRAYER: Versatile 580 tandem, 500 gal. w/pto pump; AUGERS: Sakundiak 7X45, PTO; Brandt 8X50, w/20 hp Onan; Brandt 8x52 super charged w/SP mover, 24 hp.; SWATH ROLLER: Koenders 8’ poly roller; HARROWBAR: Flexicoil System S80, 65’ autofold w/14 sec tine; WAGON: Pulak 160 bu hopper on MIL 4 wheel wagon; Farmcrest 4 wheel, 8X10 deck; TRAILER: Mallard gooseneck 28’, w/ beaver tail, triple axle 21,000 lb w/ extensions; CULTIVATORS: Versatile 140 36’ w/Leon; Case 16’ DT w/harrows; PLOW: JD 5X16 rubber; ROD WEEDER: Morris B224 w/multiplex & tine harrows; BINS: To be moved by August 1, 2013.ALL WESTEEL ROSCO: 3 1800 hoppers; 2100 hopper; 2- 2300 bu on steel floor, 1950 w/no floor; 1350 bu on wood; AERATION FAN: Pool Puma 18 in, 3hp fan; BARN: Hip roof 24X24, insulated & sheeted, wired; MISCELLANEOUS: Hurst Watering Bowl; 1250 gal poly tank; ANTIQUE: Antique walking plow restored w/new oak handles; Garden scuffler restored w/new oak handles; LAWN & GARDEN: JD L 120, 22hp V-Twin , automatic, 48” edge cutting system; Buhler (Farm King) 72” finishing mower; Some miscellaneous; Livestock feeder, gates and equipment; TERMS – To persons unknown to our company – cash, bank draft, or cheque with irrevocable letter of credit from bank. See web site for balance of terms.

Conducted by Prince Albert P.L. 915694 Ph: 306-922-6171 or 306-961-7553


Shell Lake Patchwork Players presents

“The Dixie Swim Club”

Thursday, April 25 - 8 p.m.

Dinner Theatre Fri. & Sat., April 26 & 27 - 8 p.m. Doors open 5 p.m. - Cocktails 5:30 p.m. - Supper 6:30 p.m. - Tickets $25 ea.

Tickets on sale April 12 at Shell Lake Curling Rink from 1 - 3 p.m. After this date call Carol Francoeur 306-427-2040.

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and post-secondary completion rates; • Improved participation in the labour force and employment; and • Greater quality of life and enhanced self-sufficiency. Métis perspectives were also represented through a partnership between the Government of Saskatchewan and the Métis Nation – Saskatchewan (MN-S). The MN–S conducted research and consultations with Métis people, communities and stakeholders across the province and incorporated this information into a re-

port for the task force. The Government of Saskatchewan will review the report and respond later this year.


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Public notice is hereby given that the Council of the R.M. of Leask No. 464 intends to adopt a bylaw under The Planning and Development Act, 2007 to amend Bylaw No. 5-92, known as the Basic Planning Statement. INTENT The proposed bylaw will amend Lakeshore Development Policies and Country Residential Land Use Policies. AFFECTED LAND The Lakeshore Development Policies amendment will apply to Lac La Peche. The Country Residential Land Use Policies amendment will apply to Country Residential lands that are surrounding and or/adjacent to the lakes and Country Residential Lakeshore District zoned lands throughout the entire municipality. REASON The reason for the amendment to Lakeshore Development Policies is to allow council consideration of limited Country Residential Lakeshore District Zoning at Lac La Peche. The reason for the amendment to the Country Residential Land Use Policies is to establish policies for Country Residential and Country Residential Lakeshore District lands that are surrounding and/or adjacent to lakes. PUBLIC INSPECTION Any person may inspect the bylaw at the R.M. of Leask No. 464 office between 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., closed from Noon until 1:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding statutory holidays. Copies are available at cost. PUBLIC HEARING Council will hold a public hearing on May 3, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. at the Leask Happy Homesteaders Seniors Hall to hear any person or group that wants to comment on the proposed bylaw. Council will also consider written comments received at the hearing, or delivered to the undersigned at the R.M. of Leask Office before the hearing. Issued at the R.M. of Leask No. 464 this 10th day of April, 2013. Riannon Nelson A/Administrator


Shellbrook Chronicle


April 19, 2013

Increased funding for First Nations driver education Following Monday’s release of the final report of the Joint Task Force on Improving Education and Employment Outcomes for First Nations and Métis People, the Government of Saskatchewan is announcing its intention to ensure driver education is available to all eligible students who attend on-reserve high schools. Increased access to driver education removes barriers to mobility and employment opportunities, a challenge identified in the report. “Driver education is something that should be provided to all students in our province, regardless of where they live or attend school,” Education Minister Russ Marchuk said. “Our government is committed to ensuring that all Saskatchewan residents share in the success of our grow-

ing province, and that requires removing barriers to First Nations education and employment opportunities.” Driver training is already offered by some First Nations high schools. This will enable approximately 2,600 more First Nations students to take driver education. Saskatchewan Government Insurance (SGI) will discuss funding of the additional programs with both the federal government and First Nations Bands. “Increased access to driver training makes the roads safer for all Saskatchewan residents,” Minister responsible for Saskatchewan Government Insurance Donna Harpauer said. “This provides SGI with another opportunity to promote traffic safety with First Nations youth and helps support the growth of Saskatchewan’s workforce by

COMMUNITY CALENDAR ~ BLAINE LAKE: Wapiti Library - Books, Movies, Magazines, Children’s Section, In-

ternet, Printing, Study/Meeting Space, Proctor Service, Community Programming. Hours: Tuesday 1-5, Wednesday 1-5, Thursday 5-8, Friday 1-5. Contact us for more info 497-3130 www.wapitilibrary.ca. CANWOOD: branch of Wapiti Regional Library - NEW HOURS - Tues. - 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Thurs. - 12 :00 noon - 5: 00 p.m. STORYTIME - Thurs. 3:30 - 4:00 p.m. Internet services available at the library. DEBDEN: Wapiti Library hours: Monday 3 pm - 7 pm. Afterschool Program 3:30 5:00. Wednesday 11 am - 4 pm. Librarian: Aline Hannon LEASK: Wapiti Library Hours: Tues. & Fri.: 1 - 5:30 pm & Sat., 1:00 - 5:00 pm. MARCELIN: Wapiti Library is open Tues. 11 - 4 pm; Thur. 3 - 8 pm. For information on all your library needs, please contact 306-226-2110. SHELLBROOK: Shellbrook Branch of the Wapiti Library located at 105 Railway Ave., West (Provincial building). Library Hours: Mon., 2 - 6:00 pm; Tues., 2 - 8 pm; Wed. 2 - 8 pm; Thur., 2 - 6:00 pm; Fri., 10 - 4 pm. Children’s Story Time: Fri. 10:30 am (Oct. - May). SHELL LAKE: Shell Lake Patchwork Players presents “The Dixie Swim Club” by Jessie Jones, Nicolas Hope and Jamie Wooten on Thursday, April 25 - 8 p.m. Rush Seating - Doors open 7:30 p.m.; Tickets $10 each. Dinner Theatre on Fri. & Sat., April 26 & 27 - 8 p.m. Doors open 5 p.m. Supper 6:30 p.m. Tickets $25 each. Tickets on sale April 12 at Shell Lake Curling Rink from 1 - 3 p.m. After this date call Carol Francoeur 306427-2040. PRINCE ALBERT: Prince Albert Strings Orchestra Annual Spring Concert on Sunday, April 21, 2013 7:00 pm at Rivier Academy. $15 – Adult ticket; Children 12 and under free. Tickets may be purchased at the door. SHELLBROOK: Golden Host Players presents A Mix of Music & Laughter; 2 - One Act Comedies; Sat., April. 27 & Sun.,April 28, Shellbrook Theatre. Plus Musical Entertainment: Sat. - Gerald Lanes & Friends 7 p.m.; Sun. - Helm Trio 2 p.m. Tickets $15, available at Woodland Pharmacy. SHELLBROOK: Community Presentation on Grief and Loss. The Prince Albert Victims Services Unit of RCMP invites you to an open community presentation: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 7-9 p.m. Shellbrook Seniors Hall. Silver Collection with proceeds to local Victim Services. SHELLBROOK: Shellbrook Skating Rink Annual General Meeting will be held at the Shellbrook Arena, Wednesday, April 24/13 , 7:30 pm SHELLBROOK: Shellbrook Curling Club Annual General Meeting, Tuesday, April 23 7:30 p.m. at the Curling Lounge. SHELLBROOK: Rhythm Works Dance Studio 2013 Dance Recital - 2 Shows on Sat., May 4 ~ 6:30 p.m.; Sun., May 5 ~ 1:00 p.m. at the Shellbrook Theatre. Tickets: Adult $10, 12 & Under $5, PreK Free. Tickets available at at the door PARKSIDE: Parkside Immanuel Lutheran Church Fish Fry on Friday, May 3 at Parkside Immanuel Lutheran Church. Three Sittings - 4:45, 6:00 7:15. Adults $12; Students $10; 5 & under Free; Family Rate $40; Additional Helpings $5. Take out MUST be ordered by April 26. To order phone Bernice 306-747-3463. Tickets can be purchased at Prairie North or by phoning Bernice 306-747-3463.

TRIPLE YOUR ADVERTISING We’ll advertise your important community event in our Community Calendar FREE for two weeks prior to the event with a purchase of a

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Shellbrook Chronicle Box 10, Shellbrook, SK S0J 2E0

Ph: 306-747-2442 • Fax: 306-747-3000 • email: chads@shellbrookchronicle. com

facilitating access to driver’s licences.” Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations (FSIN) Vice Chief Simon Bird is pleased with the provincial announcement. “This is an important issue we have been working with the provincial government on for the last two years, and we see this as a positive first step in moving forward on the recommendations of the Joint Task Force,” Vice Chief Bird said. “I agree that this funding removes a barrier to mobility and employment opportunities for First Nations youth in this territory called Saskatchewan.” SGI will be consulting with First Nations high schools in the coming months, and will assist them in implementation of the program.

SGI Canada experiences record year, auto fund faces challenges 2012 was an extremely successful year for SGI CANADA, with record underwriting profits outside Saskatchewan enabling the corporation to pay an unprecedented dividend to the province. Though the Saskatchewan Auto Fund’s financial results improved significantly from 2011, the Rate Stabilization Reserve was still drawn down in 2012. SGI released its financial and operational highlights today when the 2012 annual reports for both SGI CANADA and the Saskatchewan Auto Fund were tabled in the Legislative Assembly. SGI CANADA is the competitive arm of SGI, selling property and casualty insurance in seven provinces. The Saskatchewan Auto Fund is the self-sustaining, compulsory auto insurance plan administered by SGI on behalf of the province. It is a public fund for motorists, cannot pay dividends and is not intended to earn profits. SGI CANADA posted a consolidated profit of $82.1 million, with a record $18.7 million coming from operations outside Saskatchewan. SGI CANADA and its subsidiaries were profitable in every jurisdiction in 2012. “This is a real accomplishment for SGI CANADA, especially since the company achieved this success while operating in a highly competitive marketplace,” Minister responsible for SGI Donna Harpauer said. Strong underwriting results, combined with improved investment income, contributed to the successful results. SGI CANADA’s underwriting

profit of $55.6 million is the highest in the corporation’s history, resulting in a record dividend of $52 million to its shareholder. While SGI CANADA experienced normal summer storm activity, the Saskatchewan Auto Fund felt the impact of high claim costs in the fourth quarter of 2012 due to poor winter driving conditions. This contributed to the Auto Fund drawing down the Rate Stabilization Reserve (RSR) by $11.5 million. The RSR balance of $127.1 million at the end of 2012 puts it below its target range for capital adequacy. SGI currently has a proposal before the Saskatchewan Rate Review Panel that includes a surcharge to help replenish the RSR. In addition, 2012 proved to be a good year for customers with safe driving records, with SGI

providing $108.8 million in discounts through the Safe Driver Recognition and Business Recognition programs. SGI also promoted safe driving through its traffic safety efforts. “SGI partners with law enforcement across the province to promote monthly traffic safety blitzes targeting distracted driving, impaired driving, seatbelt use and other key road safety issues,” Harpauer said. “The SGI Safe Ride app makes it easy for Saskatchewan motorists to plan a safe ride home by keeping track of taxi and designated driving services, bus routes and even a personal list of designated drivers.” The complete SGI CANADA annual report can be found at www.sgicanada.ca. The complete Saskatchewan Auto Fund annual report can be found at www.sgi.sk.ca.

Little Wonders Clubhouse in Shell Lake is seeking a

Preschool Teacher to start in the fall of 2013 (6 hours of instruction time per week). Suitable applicants should have experience in working with young children and be reliable, organized, independent, and enthusiastic. Certificate or diploma in Early Childhood Education is an asset. Retired teachers welcome! For more information, please contact Allison at 306-427-2214 or e-mail resume to littlewondersclubhouse@hotmail.com

The R.M. of Leask has proclaimed that

May 29, 2013 be the 4th Annual

“Day of the Honey Bee”

April 19, 2013


Shellbrook Chronicle


The best kept secret in the south The Ghosttown Blues Bed and Breakfast gives you the unique opportunity to sleep in beautiful fully restored covered wagons, 100 year old historic cabins, a thresherman wagon, each accommodation telling its own story of coming from a ghost town to its present site. Then enjoy a leisurely breakfast in our main lodge, a former church built in 1912. Our owner, Greg Hisey, a former rancher, cowboy, bull rider and stunt double for John Voight in Return to Lonesome Dove, started this bed and breakfast only three years ago and it has flourished with musicians and families enjoying the hospitality it offers for a relaxing night, family reunion, wedding or summer vacation. In the evening, guests linger over coffee under star filled skies; sit by the fire in the cauldron, roasting marshmallows, listening to the crickets. You never know who is going to show up at the campfire, often it is musicians passing through town to stay and share a song or pick a tune. Guests visit and plan their day tomorrow with various things to do in the area: wall climbing, paddleboat or canoe rides, wine tasting at the local winery, trail rides, ziplining, local rodoes, or enjoy a meal in Maple Creek. This is one of the few, if not the only, place in Canada to enjoy this type of holiday experience. For more information go to ghosttownblues and check us out.


Knox UCW meeting highlights The April 4th meeting of Knox United Church Women came to order at 7:25 p.m. with seven ladies answering the roll. In lieu of our usual study/ devotion, Pat Sonntag led us in a hymn sing with those present choosing one or two of their favorite hymns. Deb Mervold closed the sing-a-long with

prayer. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved with no errors or omissions Treasurer Edith Turner gave her report and noted that three of our budgeted concerns (Operation Eyesight, Sask. Conference Bursary and St. Andrew’s College U of S) have been paid.

Correspondence: Invitation to Parkland terrace Volunteer Appreciation; Letter regarding our 50th anniversary pins. Upcoming events we are looking forward to is our Mother’s Day Strawberry Tea and the Birthday Social at Parkland Terrace also in <Ay. Following meeting ad-

Shellbrook Royal Purple news Shellbrook Royal Purple held their regular monthly meeting on Thursday, March 14th. Installation of officers was also conducted with District Deputy Sharon Homer installing the new officers for the ensuing year. The new officers are H.R.L. Edith Turner, P.H.R.L. Leola Skrupski,

Secretary, Sylvia Savage, Treasurer, Grace Cromartie, Loyal Lady, Sharon Korody, Lecturing Lady, Mattie Jim, Associate Lady, Shirley Nagy, Conductress, Brenda Campbell, Chaplain, Sheila Smith, Pianist, Rhonda Fitch, Guard, Gladys Rudolph. At our April 11th meeting Pin Night was held

Shellbrook Skating Rink is now accepting tenders for the following position;

Rink Caretaker • Position will start September 15, 2013 and will end March 31, 2014 with a view to continue each season. • Salary Negotiable

Apply/Submit by April 23, 2013 For more information or a job description, please contact:

Ken Person 306-747-7407

wit members receiving pins for perfect attendance: Mattie Jim, 5 years; Grace Cromartie, 7 years; Sylvia Savage, 22 years; Edith Turner 25 years; Maxine Smith, 28 years. Discussion for Ag Days and Royal Purple Day Tea, was tabled for the May meeting. District meeting was held April 7th, with Prince Albert Lodge hosting, 8 members attending. Shellbrook will be the host for 2014 District meeting. We are always looking for new members to our Lodge and if anyone is interested just contact one of our members and we would be happy to have you as a guest at one of our meetings. Our meetings are held at 7:30 p.m. the 2nd Thursday of the month, September to June at the Shellbrook Community Hall meeting room.

journment there was a short visit/social time. Thought for the month “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted”. Respectfully submitted, Bev Irvine General Secretary.

Prince Albert Strings Orchestra

Annual Spring Concert

Sunday, April 21, 2013 7:00 pm at Rivier Academy $15 – Adult ticket Children 12 and under free Tickets may be purchased at the door.

PUBLIC NOTICE Rural Municipality of Big River, No. 555 Public Notice is hereby given that the Council of the RM of Big River, No. 555 intends to adopt bylaws pursuant to Section 207 of the Planning and Development Act, 2007 to amend Bylaw No. 6/99 known as the Zoning Bylaw. INTENT The proposed zoning bylaw amendments will: 1. Include “construction trades” as a discretionary commercial use in the AR – Agriculture Resource District. 2. Prescribe additional criteria that council will use in evaluating the suitability of land for commercial uses in the AR – Agriculture Resource District. 3. Amend the “Zoning District Map” described in Subsection 5.2, to rezone from AR-Agricultural Resource District the lands described below and within the bold dashed line that forms part of this notice: a. Proposed Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5 in Block 1 to RR - Resort Residential District; and b. Proposed Lot 1, Block 1 to CR – Country Residential District. AFFECTED LANDS 1. AR – Agriculture Resource Districts 2. SE-35-56-08-W3 PURPOSE The intent of the bylaw is as follows: 1. To include “construction trades” as a discretionary use in AR – Agriculture Resource Districts. 2. To prescribe additional criteria Council will use when evaluating commercial uses as a discretionary use. 3. To provide for an area to be used for residential purposes PUBLIC INSPECTION Any person may inspect the bylaws at the RM Office on any judicial day between the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Copies are available at a cost of $1.00. PUBLIC HEARING Council will hold a public hearing on May 8th, 2013, in the Board Room at the Big River Community Centre at 606 First Street north, Big River, SK at 3:00 pm. Council will also consider written comments received at the hearing or delivered to the undersigned at the municipal office before the hearing. Issued at Big River this 19th day of April, 2013. Donna Tymiak, Rural Municipal Administrator


Shellbrook Chronicle


April 19, 2013

Preparing for a new lawn By Sara Williams I know it’s days to weeks before we’ll be able to see our entire lawns, but if you need to renovate the lawn you have, now is the time to plan. The vast majority of lawn problems are due to poor soil preparation - insufficient topsoil or organic matter, poor grading or persistent perennial weeds.The importance of proper site and soil preparation cannot be overemphasized. The benefits include water conservation and lower maintenance inputs – including your time – during the lifetime of the lawn. If your lawn is in poor condition or you decide to use a more drought-tolerant species, you must first remove the existing lawn. There are several methods. 1. Cut the sod to a depth of 5 cm (2 in.) with a mechanical sod cutter or a sharp spade, remove it and either compost it or use it elsewhere. The finished grade will be reduced by several centimeters (a few inches). 2. Turning the sod upside-down in place retains organic matter but is labour intensive. It takes several weeks to kill the sod and there is no assurance that it will be fully effective. Subsequent weeding will be necessary as well as breaking up and incorporating the now dead sod into the top soil. 3. Repeated rototilling for a growing season retains the old sod as organic matter but takes time. It also breaks down soil structure and encourages the loss of organic matter. 4. Solarization involves mowing the lawn and then watering it deeplyto encourage fast, succulent growth. Moist soil also conducts and retains heat better than dry. Cover the area with black plastic, anchoring it tightly against the soil and leave it in place until the grass is dead, three to six weeks

during the heat of the summer. 5. You can also use broadspectrumherbicides like glyphosate to kill the lawn. If you have perennials weeds, you may have to reapply at least once 2 weeks after the initial application for a complete kill. The size and shape of your lawn depends on household use. Observe your family at play and leisure over several weeks during the summer to determine this.Also consider the shape of your irrigation delivery pattern (current or planned irrigation system) and shape your lawn to coincide with this pattern. Outline the shape of your proposed lawn with a garden hose, set up the sprinkler, and modify the shape of the lawn until it coincides with the delivery pattern. The lawn itself need not be entirely square or circular. Adjacent flower and shrub beds can soften the geometry. Lawns adjacent to reflective aluminum siding, white stucco or cement are particularly susceptible to drought stress caused by reflected heat and light. These are better planted with droughttolerant ground covers. If the site has had recent construction, remove rather than bury all building materials. This avoidsproblems such as poor water percolation, toxicity to plants, sinking and settling of the soil and disturbance of the final grade. Weeds rob lawns of moisture and nutrients, shade and crowd out lawn grass, and may harbour diseases and insects. If reestablishing a lawn in a previously weed infested area, if removing the old sod, water well and wait for weed seeds and rhizomes to sprout. Kill using solarization, tillage or herbicide while still small. Purchased topsoil should be screened to remove rhizomes of quack grass and other perennial weeds. Remove and stockpile existing topsoil

Shown above is a healthy lawn. prior to establishing the grade. On the subsoil layer, create a 2-degree grade (= approx. 1 in. drop over a run of 30 in.) away from buildings, driveways, sidewalks and patios so that excess rain or irrigation water flows away from foundations and walkways. After grading, spread a minimum of 15 cm (6 in.) of topsoil containing at least 5 percent organic matter. More is always better. If the lawn is to be sodded, the final grade with topsoil should be 2 cm (3/4 in.) lower than adjacent hard surfaces so that the sod will be level with sidewalks and driveways.

If seeding, final grade should be about a half cm below hard surfaces. Steep slopes are difficult surfaces to establish and maintain a lawn on. Better to terrace slopes and plant with drought-tolerant ground-cover material. Virginia creeper is amazingly effective! Sara Williams is the author of the new and revised Creating the Prairie Xeriscape, Coteau Books, available at most book stores and garden centres. This column is provided courtesy of the Saskatchewan Perennial Society (www.saskperennial.ca)

Fix your bad car-care habits one at a time Breaking bad habits can be hard, especially if you don’t even know you have one. It’s the same when it comes to car care. Many of us aren’t aware when we commit a carcare faux pas which could affect the look and longevity

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Ph: 306-747-2442 Fax: 306-747-2442 chads@sbchron.com


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prove the overall look of your car. Not only does it make them look great, but regular cleaning prevents the buildup of brake dust, which if left will become difficult to remove. Don’t neglect your tires either – a high quality dressing will refresh old rubber, leaving it like new. 4. A little elbow grease in the undercarriage goes a long way It’s not just about the paint - clean the undercarriage of your car frequently. If you don’t, rusting won’t be your only problem, as the metal in your frame can become brittle and lead to an expensive bill on your next safety inspection. 5. Deal with the problem spots immediately Don’t leave cleaning bird droppings and dirt until later, as these problem spots will become harder to remove the longer you leave them on your car. Tree sap is particularly damaging, as it dries very hard and attaches itself to your car with a tar-like bond. More information is available online at www.autoglym.com.

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April 19, 2013


Shellbrook Chronicle


World curlers catching up to Canada Canada owns the sport of curling in the same way that the U.S. lays claim to control of baseball or the Brits rugby. And sure, curling is a slippery game, but metaphorically, Canada has felt something slip lately in its continuing quest for domination in the Roaring Game. Here’s some evidence: Canada made the playoffs at the recent world men’s curling championships in Victoria, finishing second, but the Canadian rink skipped by Brad Jacobs of Sault Ste. Marie suffered roundrobin losses at the hands of teams from Japan, where table tennis is king, and the Czech Republic, who until about five years ago might not have even been sure which end of the curling broom to hold. Total number of gold, silver and bronze medals for Canada in the 55 years a men’s world championship has been held — 49, 34 of them gold (next best for gold: Sweden, seven).

Total number pen. of gold, silver The world and bronze may be catchmedals for Jaing up to Canpan and the ada on the Czech Repubwomen’s side lic, combined even quicker. — a big fat Canada’s fezero. male champs Feel somehave not won thing slipping a world title BRUCE Canada? in their last PENTON You bet, and five tries, and ~ it’s all our even China fault. Canada’s has a world curling ambaswomen’s title sadors for the past de- to its credit during that cade have been traips- period. Nine different ing around the world, countries have won the spreading their knowl- world women’s title, edge about the game while only six countries to pockets of the globe — Canada, Scotland, that 10 or 15 years ago Sweden, U.S., Swithad no idea that such zerland and Norway a game even existed. — have won the men’s That world presence, title. of course, has ensured Japan and the Czech its inclusion as a new- Republic scoring wins found Olympic sport. over Jacobs at this James Naismith might year’s men’s worlds, be the father of basket- however, should be a ball in North America, stark reminder to Canbut Russ Howard just ada that our world curlmight be his curling ing domination may be equivalent in Japan. ending. We’ll find out Hey, we wanted to for sure in Sochi, Russpread the game around sia, when the only thing the globe, but we didn’t that matters is hearing want the world to start your country’s national beating us. But that’s anthem being played what’s starting to hap- at the medal presenta-

Nuffield Farming scholarship The Canadian Nuffield Farming Scholarship Trust is accepting applications for their 2014 program. Applications are due by April 30, 2013 and forms can be downloaded from the Nuffield Canada website at http:// www.nuffield.ca. Three scholarships of $15,000 each are available for 2014. Nuffield Farming Scholarships are awarded to enthusiastic individuals, with a passion for agriculture and a desire to expand their knowledge, pursue new ideas and to share their findings with others. Applicants should be in mid-career, be between the ages of 25 and 45 (recommended only) and must have a minimum of five years agricultural business or farming experience plus the management ability to step away from their current duties. The Scholar must travel for a minimum of ten weeks, with a minimum leg of six consecutive weeks. Scholarships are not for those involved in full-time studies or for the purpose of furthering existing research projects. "The Canadian Nuffield Farming Scholarship provides innovative Canadians with the funding to travel internationally to expand their personal horizons while exploring agricultural issues and opportunities in a global context," said Barb StefanyshynCote, Chair and 2003 Scholar. "We are focused on developing the practical, managerial and commercial capacities of each scholar to enable them to be better farmers,

business managers and leaders and to make a significant contribution to the future of Canadian agriculture.” The scholarships are awarded to men and women who are judged to have the greatest potential to create value for themselves, their industries and their communities through the doors which will be opened and the opportunities provided for life-long learning and improvement. The scholarships are awarded on the strength of the applicants’ vision, enthusiasm and determination to pursue their goals. A Nuffield Farming scholarship is a life changing experience. Scholars receive a 'golden key' to the best production, management and marketing systems in every corner of the world. In addition to embracing the 'world's best' in agriculture, scholars gain life-long friends form around the world, and a deep understanding, and global perspective, of the politics, cultures and challenges of world agriculture. A key part of the scholarship is the opportunity for winners to study a topic of interest to themselves throughout their travels. Scholars must complete their project within two years of winning the award and are expected to produce a written report and present their findings at the Nuffield annual general meeting as well as to others in their industries. Application forms are available from the Nuffield website www.nuffield.ca.

tions. • Brad Dickson of the Omaha World-Herald: “Minnesota hired new coach Richard Pitino, 30, son of legendary Rick Pitino. Minnesota administrators issued him a special cellphone and said if they hear the words ‘What do I do now, Dad?’ during games, it’s perfectly fine.” • Comedy writer Jim Barach: “A study says the owners of the Chicago Cubs gave $13.9 million in political donations, mostly to Republicans in the 2012 election. Apparently they also gave them their secret strategy on how to win.” • Comedy writer Alan Ray, on why Nationals pitcher Stephen Strasburg is such an anomaly in D.C.: “When he's on the hill, something actually gets done.” • Janice Hough of lef tcoastspor tsbabe. com: “The city of Chicago and Cubs owners are apparently close to a $500 million deal to renovate Wrigley Field. Many Chicagoans wish the team would spend

$500 to renovate the Cubs.” • Comedy writer Alex Kaseberg: “A report claims a gay NFL player is considering coming out, but he is concerned about the reaction from homophobic fans. The NFL fans should be fine with a gay player. This is a sport with skin-tight pants, shoulder pads, tight-ends, eye-makeup, touchdown dances and stylish headwear.” • Steve Simmons of Sunmedia: “What’s in a name? Capitals' Brooks Laich was named for Brooks Robinson but Pittsburgh's Brooks Orpik was named for Herb Brooks. And you wonder what could have been: Herb Orpik.” • Message on the Tshirt of Miami baseball fan Dan Barton: “Marlins’ baseball: Helping other teams get better since 1998.” • Barach again: “A rare Honus Wagner baseball card has sold for $2.1 million at an auction. The buyer says the card is in excellent shape although the gum was very hard to chew.” • Greg Cote of the Mi-

ami Herald: “Cowboys owner Jerry Jones gave a six-year, $108 million contract extension to Tony Romo. I worry about Jerry. I think that’s one of the early signs of dementia.” • R.J. Currie of sportsdeke.com: “It may sound like I'm stating the obvious, but just before the NHL trade deadline, the Flames decided Miikka Kiprusoff was a keeper. “ • NBC’s Jimmy Fallon: “Last week people broke into the home of Miami Heat star Chris Bosh and stole $479,000 worth of jewelry while he was at his birthday party. Though on the plus side, now his friends know what to get him next year.” • Janice Hough again: “This Zack Greinke injury could scare other MLB pitchers away from pitching inside. Well, except Barry Zito. He knows no hitter would risk the embarrassment of charging the mound after being hit by a 50 mph fastball.” Care to comment? Email brucepenton2003@yahoo.ca

R.M. of CANWOOD NO. 494 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Public Works Supervisor The Rural Municipality of Canwood No. 494 requires the services of a qualified

Public Works Supervisor

to provide assistance to the Foreman of the Rural Municipality beginning May 15, 2013. The R.M. of Canwood No. 494 is a progressive municipality located northwest of Prince Albert. R.M. 494 serves a population of approximately 1425 people and includes 27 townships with a strong agricultural base and is surrounded by many lakes. The municipal office is located in the Village of Canwood, 75 km northwest of Prince Albert. Canwood offers a full range of services including a Pre K-12 Grade Community School, library, curling rink, skating rink, health clinic and pharmacy and beautiful Regional Park with a 9-hole sand green golf course. Ideally you have a strong administrative background with technical skills in office management and machinery inventory controls. As the assistant, you are responsible for the overall operation of the Public Works crew and asset management, in accordance with the objectives set by Council, while providing information to the Administrator for grant applications, budgeting, and long-term planning. The successful candidate must have knowledge and experience with: • Microsoft Office programs; • Budgeting; • Job Costing; • Long-term asset management reporting, and equipment operation; • Equipment Operation Interested candidates are encouraged to submit their resume, a covering letter, three workrelated references, and salary expectations to the following address by no later than April 19, 2013: Rural Municipality of Canwood No. 494 Box 10, Canwood, SK S0J 0K0 Fax: (306)468-2666 Email: rm494@sasktel.net For more information about the R.M. of Canwood No. 494, please call 306-468-2014. We thank all who apply and advise that only those selected for further consideration will be contacted.


Shellbrook Chronicle


Emil Jonasson


JONASSON - Emil ~ October 3, 1912 - April 4, 2013 Emil passed into eternity at the age of 100 years, while being cared for at home in Shellbrook by his daughter Luella Jonasson. Emil was born in the Honeywood District near Parkside, the sixth of eight children to Jonas and Justina Jonasson, who emigrated from Lillhardal, Sweden in 1907. Emil inherited his musical talent from both parents and received his first violin at age 14. He had to quit school at age 15 to help out at home. He rented and eventually purchased the Clocker homestead originally owned by his father. Emil, being a stylish dresser, smooth dancer, and always a gentleman, was introduced to a musical and lovely Della Petterson by her brothers, whose family also immigrated to Honeywood from Sweden. They were married on October 17, 1937 in Prince Albert. Emil and Della settled on the Clocker homestead and had seven children there. Emil and Della became well known for their old-fashioned hospitality and gift of music. They were mixed farmers and supplemented the family income by hauling wood to Parkside, shipping cream to Shellbrook, and working on road construction. When Della passed away in 2002, Emil stayed on the farm. The musical community of family and friends made it possible for him to continue playing old time and gospel music on his violin and harmonica “for the old folks “. A memorable event occurred at his 100th birthday party when Emil was accompanied by his six living children. The descendants of Emil will fondly remember him standing on his head, winning at arm wrestling, and eating

sugar cubes like candy. His greatest legacy was faith in a living God and a thankful heart that carried him through the trials of life and comforted him in his last days. Emil is survived by his 6 children and 17 grandchildren: Thelma (Dave) Rogozinsky of Mont Nebo, SK and her children, Susan Hetu/David Gullickson, Eli (Elaine) Hetu and Raine (Kelly) Hetu; Luella Jonasson of Shellbrook, SK and her children, Lorraine (Neil) Fajt, Calvin (Kim) Derr, Lawrence (Leigh) Derr, and Tracy (Shawn) Larson; Henry Jonasson of Parkside, SK and his children, Cory (Jackie) Jonasson and Tanya Miller; Cecil (Audrey) Jonasson of Edson, AB and his children, Crystal (Travis) Chopko and Kim Jonasson, Shane (Kelly) Mykyte and Shalene Enright; Glen (Lorraine) Jonasson of Stony Plain, AB and their children, Kelly (Laura) Jonasson and Chad Jonasson; Steven (Natalie) Jonasson of Sicamous, BC and their children, Jonathan (Georgia) Jonasson and Skye (Lyndon) Petten; 33 greatgrandchildren, one great-great granddaughter, numerous nieces and nephews, and fellow jammers. Emil was predeceased by his wife of 64 years, Della (nee Petterson); his parents, Jonas & Justina Jonasson; his daughter Betty (at age 17 months); his siblings: Annie (Andrew) Nelson, Pete (Swea) Jonasson, Ellen (Ted) Westin, John Jonasson, Albert (Margaret) Jonasson, Henry Jonasson, Violet (Conrad) Holfield; and many other relatives. The celebration of Emil’s life was held on Sunday, April 7, 2013 at 2:00 p.m. at the Shellbrook Pentecostal Church. The officiant was Pastor Claude Tucker and pianist was Helen Stene. The eulogists were granddaughters Susan Hetu and Lorraine Fajt. Pallbearers were grandsons Calvin Derr, Lawrence Derr, Neil Fajt, Kelly Jonasson, Chad Jonasson, and Jonathan Jonasson. Honorary pallbearers were “all the relatives and friends who have shared in Emil’s life”. Special music was performed and tributes were given by Emil’s children, niece Marlene Abdai, and grandson Lyndon Petten. Interment followed at Parkside Cemetery. Memorial donations may be made to Shellbrook and Districts Health Services Project/ Parkside Heritage Centre. Funeral arrangements entrusted to Beau “Lac” Funeral Home Ltd., Shellbrook, SK. www.beaulacfuneralhome.com

From the desk of the Rec Director By Jenny Hosie If you missed out on softball registration on April 9, you can pick up registration forms from the Town office so that your child does not miss out! We have also set a date for swimming lesson registration, which will take place on Thursday May 9, at Shellbrook Community Hall, 5:30-7:30pm. You can register for Red Cross & Life Saving Society Lessons, Adult Lessons, Punch Passes, Seasonal Passes and Aqua Fit. You can also register for Silver Fins Swim Club. If you are unable to attend, please get in touch with me and I can send you the forms via post or email. Fitness with Leeta is running normally. $5.00 drop in cost or 12 passes for $50.00. Leeta is a certified group fitness leader and offers a range of workouts that will improve your cardio, strength, endurance and flexibility. If you have

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any questions regarding these sessions, contact me using the details that follow. Health Tip: Spring is the perfect time for a detox! According to care2.com, detoxifying can increase energy, reduce allergy symptoms, reduce hormonal imbalances, improve digestion, clear sinuses, normalize blood pressure, improve sleep and much more. Here is an example of what you can do you detox this spring according to care2.com. Cut back on meat and dairy products and replace with vegetables. Boost vegetables to make up at least 70% of your meals! This can reduce the strain that your kidneys and intestines go through when eating more meat and dairy. Remember to keep updated with all things Shellbrook on our Facebook page, Shellbrook Recreation. Office – 747-4949 Cell – 747-9098 Email – shellbrookrecdirector@sasktel.net

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April 19, 2013

PRAISE & WORSHIP ~ Regular services, Sunday school and

special events will be listed at no charge. LUTHERAN CHURCH Zion - Canwood Sunday School, Worship Sunday, 9 a.m. St. John’s - Shellbrook Sunday School, Worship Sunday, 11 a.m. Pastor Doug Schmirler Parkside, Immanuel 11 a.m. - Worship Pastor Chris Dean -----------------------PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Parkside 10:00 a.m. Time of prayer 10:30 a.m. Worship 11:00 a.m. Sunday School Pastor David Baldock Shellbrook Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Sun., 11 a.m. - Worship Wed., Mid Week Study 7 p.m. Pastor David Bodvarson 747-7235 Canwood 10:00 a.m. - Sunday School 11:00 a.m. - Worship Pastor Glenn Blazosek Leask Gospel Tabernacle Sunday 6:30 p.m. Pastor L. Trafford 306-466-2296 -----------------------EVANGELICAL FREE Big River 11:00 a.m. - Worship Bible Classes 9:45 A.M. Summer: 10:30 a.m. - 12 469-2258 Youth Nite: Fridays Mont Nebo Wed., 7:30 p.m. - Bible Study and Prayer. Sun., 10:30 a.m. - Worship Pastor Bill Klumpenhower -----------------------CATHOLIC CHURCH Debden Sun., 9:30 a.m. - Mass. Fr. Sebastian Kunnath Big River - Sacred Heart Sun., 11:30 a.m. - Mass Whitefish Sun., 2:30 p.m. - Mass. Victoire Sat., 7:30 p.m. - Mass. Fr. Sebastin Kunnath Eucharist Celebrations Muskeg Sat., 7:30 p.m. - Mass Mistawasis

Sunday, 3 p.m. St. Agatha’s - Shellbrook Mass Sunday, 11 a.m. St. Henry’s - Leask Mass Sunday 7 p.m. St. Joseph’s - Marcelin Mass Saturday, 9 a.m. Fr. Tru Le -----------------------PRESBYTERIAN Mistawasis Sunday worship 11 a.m. Rev. Bev Shepansky -----------------------SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST 407-2nd Ave E, Shellbrook Sat., 9:45 a.m. Sabbath School. Sat., 11:00 am -Worship Broadcast on VOAR 92.1 FM Pastor Dan Guiboche 204-620-0309 -----------------------SOVEREIGN GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH Currently meeting in homes on Sunday morning. and Wednesday evenings. Parkside 747-2309, Leask 466-4498 Marcelin 226-4615 -----------------------ANGLICAN CHURCH Leask - All Saint’s 8 a.m. - Morning prayer Service. 9 a.m. Holy Communion Canwood - Christ Church 2 p.m. 1st & 3rd Sundays Evening Prayer 2nd & 4th Sundays Holy Communion Mont Nebo - St. Luke’s 2 p.m. - 1st and 3rd Sundays Holy Communion 2nd and 4th Sundays Evening Prayer St. Andrew’s - Shellbrook Sunday, 11 a.m. Holy Communion Father Harnish 468-2264 -----------------------UNITED CHURCH Big River 1st & 2nd Sundays 1 p.m. - Worship at Anglican Church All Other Sundays - 10 a.m. Shellbrook - Knox Sun., 10 am - Worship Pastor Dave Whalley

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Shellbrook Chronicle Ph: 306.747.2442 • Fax: 306.747.3000 Email: chads@sbchron.com

April 19, 2013


Shellbrook Chronicle

RM of Canwood meeting highlights

A summary of the minutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Rural Municipality of Canwood No. 494 held on January 9, 2013. The following motions were passed: That we approve the payments for a total of $221,474.50 from the R.M. General Account and Payroll Direct Deposits made for 2012 Pay Period 26. That we purchase the MuniSoft Cemetery Administration Program for $799.00 plus applicable taxes. A summary of the minutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Rural Municipality of Canwood No. 494 held on February 13, 2013. The following motions were passed: That we instruct the Administrator to tender out the Rural

Municipality’s gravel crushing needs. That we approve the payments for a total of $234,531.92 from the R.M. General Account and Payroll Direct Deposits made for Pay Periods 1, 2 and 3. Bylaw 2012-8, being a bylaw to amend Bylaw 2003-6, known as the Basic Planning Statement Bylaw, was given second and third readings. Bylaw 2012-9, being a bylaw to amend Bylaw 2003-7, known as the Zoning Bylaw, was given second and third readings. That we agree to hire the R.M. of Spiritwood No. 496 to maintain the one mile of grid road at Pebble Baye that runs south along the east side of NE & SE 6-49-7 W3.


That we agree to donate $200.00 to the Ronald McDonald House, Saskatoon, Sask., for the 2013 year. That we instruct the Administrator to make application to Service Canada for the Canada Summer Jobs 2013 Initiative. That we agree to donate $150.00 to Agriculture in the Classroom (Sask) Inc., Saskatoon, Sask., for the 2013 year. Bylaw 2013-1, being a Bylaw of the Rural Municipality of Canwood No. 494 to increase the assessment appeal fees, was given three readings. That we agree to donate to the Cameo Hall Poker Derby Fundraiser one tandem load of gravel, crushed and delivered.

Museum celebrates logging heritage By Nancy Carswell The Shellbrook Heritage Museum is shining a monthly spotlight on a segment of its collection to celebrate its 40th anniversary. In the Shellbrook area at the end of the 1800s, the fur trade was falling in importance and forestry was rising. After securing their own firewood, some early settlers in the area cashed in on the trees from clearing their lands. Using tools that are in the Museum collection like cross cut saws, swede saws, and axes, the settlers, men and women, would down the trees, delimb them, and drag the logs out by wagon. This wood was sold by the cord, a legal unit of stacked wood 4 feet x 8 feet x 4 feet, to fuel stoves and furnaces in homes and businesses. During the logging boom at the turn of the 20th century, Shellbrook was between two major saw mills. To the north was the Big River Lumber Company’s mill (originally the Saskatchewan Lumber Company) and to the east was the Prince Albert Lumber Company’s mill. In the Shellbrook area, the fur industry’s most valued species was the beaver. For

the forestry industry, the most valued species was the stately white spruce. The trees in the virgin white spruce stands grew a majestic 100 feet in height. Ted Arabsky has long been interested in the history of logging. He wrote the “Logging Era” chapter in the history book Wilderness to Neighbourhoods: Lake Four, Park Valley, Rabbit Bluff, Stump Lake, Millard Hill. Arabsky learned from loggers that many of the Prince Albert Lumber Company largest logs came from the Stump Lake district with an amazing diameter of 3 to 4 feet. This converts into a circumference of 9.5 to 12.5 using the formula πd. As a comparison, the large spruce that towers over the Museum is 5.5 feet in diameter. Logging, like trapping, was a winter activity. The companies would set up numerous camps for 75 to 200 lumberjacks in their federally allocated timber berths. Camps consisted of a bunkhouse, kitchen and dining room, blacksmith shop, office, and barn for the horses. The companies hired excellent cooks and the workers were well feed. Before meals, men would use basins to wash up, load up their plates, and then

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sit down at one of the long tables. They did this in silence as silence was the rule during the business of eating. Even the cooks were not to talk while cooking. A dining room sign emphasized the rule with a succinct “Eat and get the h*!! outside”. Arabsky’s chapter describes the process of harvesting a tree in detail. In the six man saw gang, the undercutter notched the tree so it would fall in the desired direction. Two sawers used the long cross cut saw to fell the tree and a limber would remove the branches. Two swampers where responsible for clearing a road. The logs were skidded by horse to a loading area where four men would roll the logs onto skids using cant hooks and from there unto a sleigh using a jammer employing the science of pulleys and more horsepower. A good hauling road for the heavy sleigh was essential and that took more man and horse power. Stumps were cleared on main roads and “graders” armed with hoes and shovels would level it. More science would be employed to reduce the friction for the sleighs by flooding the road to make ice after cutting two ruts matching the sleigh’s runners. The sixteen horse team that pulled the sleigh had specially designed horseshoes for ice and horse apples were conscientiously removed from the ice road as frozen they could tip the sleigh. Wisely, the trees along the road were left standing to shade the road from the sun’s warmth in the spring. This leg of the journey to a saw mill ended at a rail loading site or frozen lake or river. The companies would strategically damn waterways so when they opened the damn in the spring, water power would carry the logs for free. This was costly to the environment though as unnatural amounts of bark and debris destroyed fish habitat and harvesting trees along shorelines increased erosion. It would be an understatement to pronounce that the

A crosscut saw from the Shellbrook Heritage Museum is superimposed on a Library and Archives Canada photo “In the Woods North of Prince Albert”. This is a two person saw with the second handle missing. Using a hand saw successfully requires a high level of skill and the use of a crosscut saw has the added requirement of cooperation. logging industry was unsustainable and more accurate to pronounce it exploitation. At the end of the 1880s the annual harvest was counted in logs and the count was under 1000. In 1900, the count was 3.6 million board feet and in 1904, it had tripled to 15 million board feet. The Great Fire of 1919 may have had natural causes but it had man made fuel in the form of tinder dry logging waste. The fire burned 2.8 million hectares and was its most destructive in the timber berths. The big logging boom went bust. Smaller companies with more sustainable practices became the norm. Shellbrook’s own Red River Lumber and Construction Company erected a mill at a former Prince Albert Lumber Company site on the Elk Trail in 1925. The Museum Committee and Friends of the Museum continue to invest energy in inventorying the collection. The inventorying process is the first step as the museum moves from storing artifacts to telling their stories. If you would like to help, please drop in to see Alanna Carswell at the library or call Marlene Fellows at 747-2475. The Museum welcomes

monetary donations for inventory show cases and other donations to help better display items to tell their stories.

Please make donations to the Town of Shellbrook to receive a receipt.

Change of Office Hours R.M. of Canwood No. 494 The Municipal Office will be closed between the hours of 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. each business day effective April 29, 2013. The new office hours are as follows: 9 a.m. to Noon and 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday

FARM HOURS 7:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. Mon. to Sat. And 24 hr. After Hour

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Shellbrook Chronicle


Rebekka Potts and Alexis Stochmanski “Gravity Free Water”

Tasje Wolfe “Nutrition of Horse Pellets”

April 19, 2013

Lauren Jones and Jenna Andrae “Bunny Maze”

Regional Award Winners: Left to Right, Kyle Skavlebo, Sam Lafond, Leah Mennie, Makenna Bloom, Jayden Skauge, Ryan Potts, Tanner Wolfe, Sam Miller, Ryan Smith, Erica Archer, Chloe Banda Missing Participant: Jacksen Bloom.

WP Sandin students science fair This year our WP Sandin Science Fair was held on Thursday, March 14th. Judging took place from 11:00-

A Big Help for Small Business

Saskatchewans’s Small Business Loans Associations (SBLAs) Shellbrook Small Business Loans can help you start or expand your business. We offer loans of up to $20,000. at a competitive interest rate, to help local entrepreneurs realize their business dreams. The Small Business Loans Association (SBLA) program has assisted thousands of small businesses through their funding services. By making funding available through community-run organizations, the program encourages diversification of the Saskatchewan economy and supports community economic development. Contact Allison Nelmes for additional program information and application forms. Allison Nelmes Shellbrook Small Business Loans Town of Shellbrook ~ 306-747-4900 Email: Allison.n@sasktel.net.

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12:00. Then the exhibits were open for public viewing from 12:30-2:15. Following this, awards were presented to our students. Earth and Life Science Grade 6: 1st- Makenna Bloom and Leah Mennie (Germs Project) REGIONAL ENTRY 2nd - Tasje Wolfe (Nutrition of Horse Pellets) 3rd - Zachary Bell and Sarra Hazelwood (Fruit Veggie Battery) Grade 7: 1st - Sam Lafond and Ryan Potts (Seed Germination) REGIONAL ENTRY 2nd - Rhiannan Ammyotte (Ecosystem in a Bottle) 3rd - Ciera Smith (Cleaning Solvents) Grade 8: 1st - Erica Archer and Chloe Banda (Flexibility Project) REGIONAL ENTRY 2nd - Jillian Mennie and Kassandra Stene (Color and Memory) 3rd - Hayden Gratias and Teigan Leather (Goosebumps) Math and Physical Science Grade 6: 1st - Alexis Stochmanski and Rebekka Potts (Air Pressure) 2nd - Jennie Anderson and Lexis Storoschuk (Chemical Reactions) 3rd - Kiarya Fellner and Nolan Okeeweehow (Pop Rocks) Grade 7: 1s t- Jacksen Bloom and Tanner Wolfe (Dimmer Switch) REGIONAL ENTRY 2nd - Nathan Anderson, Pierce Crawford and Paxton Tremblay (Glowing Water) 3rd - Shayden Smith (Growing Balloons)

Grade 8: 1st - Ryan Smith, Jayden Skauge and Daelyn Boettcher (Stick Flex) REGIONAL ENTRY 2nd - Emma Kress (Baking Powder) 3rd - Jared Renz and Dawson Doucette (Balloon Power Carts) Computers and Engineering Grade 6: 1st - Sam Miller and Kyle Skavlebo (Truss Bridges) REGIONAL ENTRY 2nd - Kaitlan Stene (How a Camera Works) Grade 7: 1st - Dane Ethier (Illusions) Grade 8: 1st - Tanner Pilling and Adam Stene (Tension) 2nd - Peter Fox and Kobe Whitecap and Jordan Goodpipe (Bridge Strength) All of the projects that were awarded a Regional Entry in Shellbrook took part in Regional Competitions in Prince Albert at Carlton on Wednesday, March 27th. The following awards were presented to our students at Regionals: Grade 6: Makenna Bloom and Leah Mennie, Gold Medal for their project “Germs” Grade 6: Kyle Skavlebo and Samuel Miller Bronze Medal for their project “Truss Bridges” Grade 7: Sam Lafond and Ryan Potts, Gold Medal for their project “Seed Germination” Sam and Ryan also were awarded the “Provincial Winners’ Showcase (SaskLearning, SaskEnergy SASFI) Award, and will be exhibiting at the Saskatchewan Science Centre in October 2014. Grade 8: Erica Archer and Chloe Banda Gold Medal for their project “Flexibility” Congratulations!

April 19, 2013


Shellbrook Chronicle

FarmLead Breakfast Brief column

Grains got an ugly start to the week as sharp declines in oil & gold pushed the commodity bears to growl loudly. Specifically, the drop in gold was something to watch as it dropped to levels not seen since 2011. Why is this significant? As Canada is a “commodity-nation” with natural resources being a major slice of our GDP, a decline in the sector hurts not only the government’s bottom line but the individual pocketbook as well. Lower prices means lower margins, intuitively leading to curtails in new investment and employment. The downturn over the past 6 months in commodities has pushed many investors to call for an end to the commodity bull run. They reason that government debt in emerging economies must be contained, as investment dollars are bringing the return that they used to in these developing nations. There obviously are other factors to consider, such as the bird f lu epidemic in China. With more people being infected daily, the pullback in demand for poultry & pork (via the dead hogs in and around Shanghai) is significant. For a market that buys about 64 percent of the world’s soybean imports, the last time a virus hit China hard (swine f lu in 2003) soybean imports dropped 21% from the year previous. Another factor that you can never really factor in is the weather. Frost damage to the U.S. winter wheat crop has dropped the quality of the crop, as well as the size of it. How much of the damage was accounted for in the U.S.D.A’s April 10th supply and demand estimates report is likely minimal. This being said, the govern-

Shellbrook Curling Club Annual General Meeting

Tuesday, April 23 7:30 p.m. Curling Lounge

Shellbrook Skating Rink

Annual General Meeting will be held at the

Shellbrook Arena

Wednesday, April 24/13 7:30 pm

ment agency set U.S. winter wheat ending stocks (both soft and hard) up a net 14 million bushels to 464 million bushels collectively. As we still wait for spring, I’ve heard of many new corn & soybean producers (read: first-timers) returning their seed as they are becoming less enthusiastic about planting the crop in a year where the growing season is shrinking by the day. Moreover, fertilizer retailers are concerned that with late planting and the expected wet conditions, a normal seven-week delivery period could drop to three weeks. Hopefully, people at Statistics Canada hopefully aren’t just sitting on their hands with regards to the April 24th seeding intentions report. With the poor, uncharacteristic weather hanging around, we’re hearing a lot of buzz of oilseed crops getting switched over to cereals, specifically non-board wheat varieties and non-malt barley. Whatever it comes down to, we hope we can get that crop off come in the fall (later seed = later harvest). To growth, Brennan Turner President, FarmLead.com Brennan Turner is originally from Foam Lake, SK, where his family started farming the land in the 1920s. After completing his degree in economics from Yale University and then playing some pro hockey, Mr. Turner spent some time working in finance before starting FarmLead.com, a risk-free, transparent online grain marketplace. His weekly column is a summary of his

Lakeland College students awards Local residents honoured at Lakeland College Student Awards evenings Lakeland College distributed $964,839 in awards to 1050 student recipients during this year’s Awards Night celebrations. The Vermilion campus ceremony was March 20 and the Lloydminster ceremony was March 13. Local area residents who received awards are: Jimmie Condon Athletic Scholarship Quentin Dreaver, Debden, Sask. University Transfer Lakeland College Athletic Quentin Dreaver, Debden,

Sask. University Transfer Assistance Scholarship Peggy Sommerfeld, Medstead, Sask. University Transfer, Saskatchewan Innovation & Opportunity Scholarship Zachary Person, Shellbrook, Sask. Environmental Sciences: Conservation & Reclamation Trades Staff Award Albert Pilling, Shellbrook, Sask. Apprenticeship Electrician Year 4


free, daily market note, the FarmLead Breakfast Brief. He can be reached via email (b.turner@farmlead.com) or phone (1-855-332-7653).

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Big River Regional Park is looking for a

Park Manager for the 2013 camping season starting May 4 to September 31 2013 Please send resume to Big River Regional Park Box 94 Big River Sask S0J0E0 or Email to brrp@sasktel.net

Election Declaration The Rural Municipality of Big River, No. 555 Municipal By-Election 2013 Public Notice is hereby given that: I hereby declare the following candidate so nominated duly elected. Councillor for Division 1 – Douglas Panter Dated this 10th day of April, 2013. Donna Tymiak Returning Officer

Shellbrook Before and After School Program

After School Program Coordinator for 2013/2014 term

Qualifications • Must be energetic and self motivated • Must have education and/or experience working with young children • Must have good communication, organizational and time management skills • Must be able to work independently or as team member • Must have current Criminal background check Wages are negotiable and dependant on education/experience. Resumes and detailed cover letters will be accepted until May 17, 2013. Shellbrook Before and After School Program Box 1132, Shellbrook SK S0J 2E0


Shellbrook Chronicle


April 19, 2013

Pius Senger and Helen Poth.

Pius Senger, Helen Poth and Loretta Fourie.

Doreen Kalmakoff.

Irma Brunsdon. d

Art Show and Reception a great success Over one hundred guests from around the province were in attendance for the opening reception of “Prairie People, Joys and Challenges”. The gala event took place at the Rosthern Station Arts Center on Saturday, April 6 from 2:004:00pm. Upon arrival visitors were greeted by the large bright and colorful paintings filling the walls of the Kathy Thiessen Gallery and enjoyed visiting and viewing the paintings while Ed Bajak of Blaine Lake entertained with classical guitar music. Twenty portraits, each with a personal story, were painted by Doreen Kalmakoff from Spirit of the Prairie Art Studio near Blaine Lake. The series pays tribute to “ordinary people doing ordinary things” as they bring enjoyment to others through community involvement and leadership, and years of service in the business place. The themes of

the portraits represent joy, humor and challenges. Denise Epp opened the program by welcoming everyone and introducing the artist. Jefferey Kalmakoff, from Regina, gave a warm, heart felt speech congratulating his mother on behalf of the family. The afternoon was filled with music and laughter as Doreen introduced several of the subjects from the paintings. “Music! Music! Music! “a portrait of Irma Brunsdon playing her saxophone came alive as Irma, dressed in the same outfit as she wore in her her portrait,stepped in front of the painting and played two wonderful songs. “The Gossips” were there in person! Several years ago Doreen’s long time friends, Florence Cheveldayoff and Melrose Petty role played and staged the pose for the painting. This painting has been enjoyed by hundreds of people since 2005. Both ladies were introduced and welcomed by all.

Doreen then introduced other portrait subjects in attendance: Andy Ciona “Everybody Knows Andy”, R.C.M.P. Sergeant John Kalmakoff and R.C.M.P. Sergeant Charles Lerat “Courage in Red”, Luke Kalmakoff; “Luke’s Snowman” and Kiersten Kalmakoff “Joyful Expression”. Also present was Rosemarie Banda in ”Rosemarie’s Tearoom” and Denise Epp , the baby in her Granmother’s arms in the painting “Loving Arms”. Helen Poth “A Gentle Touch” also stepped out of her painting to delight the guests by playing an accordion duet accompanied by her friend Pius Senger. What a wonderful conclusion to the program showcasing so many talented and interesting people. Guests were invited to enjoy the dessert buffet and enjoyed more visiting , music and viewing art. The show continues until the end April 2013.

April 19, 2013



Shellbrook Chronicle


April 19, 2013

Shellbrook Chronicle 20



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April 19, 2013

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Subscriptions $60.00 + $3.00 (GST) = $63.00/year

TENDERS TENDER OPPORTUNITY The Town of Big River invites tenders for Installation of Spray Polyurethane Foam for Big River Community Centre Curling Rink Roof. Please obtain information/tender documents from: Town Office, Box 220, Big River, SK S0J 0E0, 606 1St Street North. Phone (306)4692112, Fax (306)4694856. email - bigriver@ sasktel.net Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Only those tenders accepted will be notified. Tenders close 4:00 p.m. May 10, 2013

FOR SALE - Oak railing & spindles - 2 sections of railing (1 - 44½”, 1 - 36½”) w/ 3 decorative posts. Woodgrain bi-fold closet doors 2 each panels 12”x79” (4 panels/door) & 2 each panel: 15”x78½” (2 panels/ door). 2 30” woodgrain interior doors, gold door knobs; 5 piece Oak dining set: table 60”x42”. Desk with bookshelf that sits on desk top. Snapper lawn mower - 3 years old. Call 306-883-2606 after 6:30 or leave a message. 2-16CH

MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE FOR SALE - 5 piece oak bedroom suite with queen size bed, box spring and mattress, dresser, a Rosalyn Oxbymour and two end tables, excellent condition phone (306) 883-3359 after 6pm 2-17CH

FOR SALE - Decorations for wedding/ renewal of vows. 100 wine glasses, beautiful hand-made pew bows, centerpieces, etc. $150. Call 306468-2633 1-16CH

AUTOS FOR SALE FOR SALE - 2008 Buick Enclave SUV, 128,000 kms, $22,000, Ph: Wes 306-747-3782 NE FOR SALE - 2007 Peterbilt 379, 475 Cat 46 rears, air trac, 18 spd, 48” tall, wet kit, good rubber, 2nd owner, 370,000 kms. $78,500 Ph: 306-747-9322, Scott Galloway 3-16CH FOR SALE - 2007 Peterbilt 379L Legacy 56515X, 46 rears, air trac, 18 spd., 48” flat top, wet kit, original owner, 750,000 kms, $70,000 Ph: 306-747-9322, Scott Galloway 3-16CH

REC. VEHICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE - ATV 2009 Polaris 850 Sportsman, fully loaded, power steering, 2 up seat, nice condition, serviced and ready to go, $8,000. Ph: 306747-9322, Scott Galloway 3-16CH

MACHINERY FOR SALE FOR SALE 1982 Case 2390, 8,000 hours, Price $8,000; 1979 Versatile 855 $20,000 Ph: 306824-4809 3-18CH

Shellbrook Chronicle Reaching over 10,000 people weekly. Personal Classifieds: $13.25 for 20 words + GST 20¢ additional words $7.75 for additional weekds Classified Display: $17.80/column inch. Minimum 2 column inches - $35.60 + GST. For All Other Advertising Please Contact Our Office at: Ph: 747-2442 or Fax: 747-3000 Email: news: chnews@sbchron.com advertising: chads@sbchron.com WANTED WANTED - All kinds of feed grain, including heated canola. Now distributors of feed pellets with up to 36% protein. Marcel Seeds, Debden Ph: 306-724-4461 TFCH

SEED FOR SALE FOR SALE - Common #1 Smooth Brome, Meadow Brome, Timothy, Crested Wheat, Yellow Clover, Cicer Milkvetch, Alfalfa; also have certified seed. Grower Direct. Blending and delivery available. Competitive prices. Darrel Siklenka 306-342-4290 or 306-342-2189, Glaslyn, SK 12-16CH SEED FOR SALE 800 bushels Common Hard Red Spring Wheat. 1% graminearum, 94% germ. $9.50/bushel, cleaned. 306-7477035 or 306-7472701, leave a msg. 2-17CH

LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOR SALE - Registered Black Angus bulls. Yearling and 2 year olds. Reasonably priced, well developed bulls. Not force fed, but carry enough condition to go out and work your pastures. Transformers, Raven, Master and Diversity bloodlines. $100.00 deposit will hold until May 1. Tours welcome. For

more information please call Christopher at West Cowan Apiaries. 306-4694970 or 306-4697902 25-30CH FOR SALE - Black and Red Angus bulls on moderate growing ration. Performance info available. Adrian, Brian or Elaine Edwards. Valleyhills Angus. Glaslyn, SK Ph: 306342-4407 17-22CH CUSTOM FENCING - Taking bookings for 2013. Phone Darcy 306-6199000 8-19CH FOR SALE - Yearling bulls, Red Simmental, Simmental-Red Angus cross, Traditionals including Full Fleck Fullbloods. Foxdale Farm and Ranch, Glenn and Christine Strube, 306-7473185, Shellbrook. TFCH JOHNER STOCK FARM BULLS, Polled Hereford/ Speckle Park yearling and two year olds. Guaranteed, delivered. 306-8932714 or 893-2667 25-28CH FOR SALE - Quality Red and Black Salers bulls for calving ease. Elderberry Farm Salers, Parkside 747-3302 8-22CH FOR SALE - 22 second and third calvers, start calving in April . 2 year old Black Angus bull, tested, ready for service. Ph: 306466-4428 2-16CH

SWNA Blanket Classifieds

Reaching over 6 million people weekly. Cost for 25 words:

Saskatchewan market .........$209.00 One Zone ............................$86.00 Two Zone ..........................$123.00 Alberta market .......................$259.00 Manitoba market ...................$179.00 BC market .............................$395.00 Ontario market ......................$429.00 Central Ontario ..................$139.00 Eastern Ontario ..................$143.00 Northern Ontario ..................$82.00 Quebec market English ...............................$160.00 French ................................$709.00 Atlantic market ......................$159.00 Across Canada ..................$1,770.00 (excluding French)

HOMES FOR SALE HOUSE FOR SALE - in Debden, 1,120 sq. ft. bungalow built 1992. Great location 409 4th Ave. E. Contact 306-468-4470 TFCH FOR SALE - 1225 square foot energy efficient home in Leoville. Attached garage, large lot with detached garage, central air and appliances. Phone 306984-4933. 10-22CH

LAND FOR RENT LAND FOR RENT: 160 acres in Shellbrook R.M. NW 1-51-02-W3. Please call 306-536-3724 or email cweber@ accesscomm.ca for details before April 23 2-16CH LAND FOR RENT - RM of Leask No. 464; NW 1 – 47 – 06 – W3; NE 1 – 47 – 06 – W3; S ½ SW 12 – 47 – 06 – W3. Prefer to rent as one. Approximately 285 cultivated acres total. 17,000 bushel grain storage available. Would consider single or multiple year leases. Accepting tenders until 17:00, April 25th, 2013. Tenders are subject to approval. land_4_rent@ outlook.com 1-16CH LAND FOR RENT - Taking offers until April 30 on SW 12 R3 W3, approx. 120 acres. Ph: 306-4797939 2-17CH

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Newspaper Computer Compositor Shellbrook Chronicle has a part time/full time position open for compositor. Position is for a medical leave. Duties include general news typing, pagination of newspaper pages and other composition duties. Candidate must have good typing and computer skills. Some other office duties. Experience in InDesign desktop publishing software a definite asset but will train. Send resume by email to: Clark Pepper Publisher, Shellbrook Chronicle Shellbrook Sask. Email: clark@sbchron.com Subject line: Compositor Position

HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Shellbrook Motel now hiring for summer staff in housekeeping, part time morning hours. Retention bonus. Ph: 306-747-2631 TFC HELP WANTED Shellbrook Chevrolet Buick GMC has a position available immediately for a Journeyman Autobody/Painter Technician at our brand new modern dealership. We offer $18.00 to $20,00 hourly, 40 hours per week, plus benefits. We are located in a great community in Northern Saskatchewan and have great staff. Please apply to Rob Dron at admin@ shellbrookchev.ca or call 1-800-667-0511 C HELP WANTED Shellbrook Chevrolet Buick GMC is currently looking for an individual to fill our Automobile Mechanics position. We are looking for


someone who is willing to work in a good team atmosphere, someone who is selfmotivated, punctual and energetic. We offer $22.00 to $26.00 hourly, 40 hours per week, plus benefits. We are located in a great community in Northern Saskatchewan and have great staff. Please call Rob Dron at 1-800667-0511 or email admin@shellbrookchev.ca C HELP WANTED - Part time office assistant duties include A/R, A/P, payroll, cash, reports, etc. Call or stop by with resume to Integra Tire. 306-747-3142 Ask for Derek or Lori 2-17C

SERVI CES SERVICES - Mother of three, new to town, looking to possibly take 3 to 4 kids between the hours of 8 am to 5:30 p.m, Mon. - Fri. Haven’t decided on a price yet. Call Danielle at 306-747-3382 2-16C

R & D Tax Service

Income Tax Prep Bookkeeping Service IN NEW E & B Lumber Building 511 Service Rd East Shellbrook MON. to FRI., 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Rosalyn or Donna


COMING EVENTS COMING EVENTS Want to understand all the Bible, including Daniel and Revelation? Thousands of resources at your fingertips. Amazingfacts.org 5-18C COMING EVENTS - Soup & Sandwich and Bake Sale at St. Agatha Catholic Church on Wed., April 24, 11:30 1:00. Everyone welcome. 2-16C

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Shellbrook Chronicle


Curtis and Sharri Mortensen are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter Ashley Mortensen to Peter Sax son of Barb Cerniuk. Wedding to take place July 20th, 2013 in Saskatoon, SK.


Grandpa & Grandma Thompson are proud and pleased to show off Reed Lucas born September 3, 2012 to Roy & Kristy Thompson and Annika Grace born November 24, 2012 to Adam & Sandi Horricks!

CARD OF THANKS The family would like thank everyone for their thoughtfulness and generosity of all the food, cards, flowers, phone calls and prayers while at home and in the hospital A special thank you to David and Sylvia for their prayers and concerns for us in Dolore’s illness. To the thoughtful ones who came to visit and sat with Dolores at home and in the hospital. Thanks to the Spiritwood Ambulance, Shellbrook Hospital

No one reaches people between 18-40 years old like we do!

staff and doctors for making her comfortable. To Beau “Lac” Funeral Home for their services, Pastor David Jensen for the special service, Gilles Francoeur for the songs he sang and to the Church ladies for the lunch they provided. - Ed Watier, Dolore’s brothers and sisters. The family of the late Emil Jonasson would like to thank relatives, friends and neighbors who showed their love and support. The phone calls, letters, cards and donations were very much ap-

preciated. Thanks to Beau “Lac” Funeral Home for the arrangements for the celebration of Emil’s life. Thanks to the Pentecostal Church, Pastor Claude Tucker and Helen Stene for playing the piano. Thanks to the Cameo Ladies for preparing and serving lunch. Emil’s memory will be with all of us forever.

Advertising Deadline is Monday 5:00 p.m.

April 19, 2013

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April 19, 2013

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Attention Semi Operators! Are you looking to downsize? Haul RVs from USA to western Canada! 5-6 day round trip. Looking for 1 ton O/O. 1-866-736-6483; www.speedwaymoving systems.com REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY: TWO COOKS/ATTENDANTS TO COOK AND CLEAN FOR



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CONSIDER A CAREER IN ROAD CONSTRUCTION Heavy equipment operators for late model CAT equip: motor scrapers (cushion ride), dozers, excavators, rock trucks, graders (trim operators). Camp job. Competitive wages plus R & B. Valid drivers license req’d. Send resume and work references to: Bryden Construction and Transport Co. Inc. Box 100, Arborfield, Sk. S0E 0A0; email: brydenconstruct @xplornet.ca; fax: 306-769-8844.


EXPERIENCED HEAVY E Q U I P M E N T OPERATORS, FUSERS, and LABOURERS WANTED IMMEDIATELY!!! Dechant Construction Ltd. is completing buried services for the BHP Jansen Project. We are looking for experienced operators to run grader, dozer, excavator, rock truck and packer. We are also looking for experienced Fusers that have current fusing ticket, and experienced labourers. All applicants must have at a minimum their CSTS, WHMIS, TDG and First Aid ticket, and all equipment operators will require Ground Disturbance Level II as well. Please apply by email to employment @dechantconstruc tion.ab.ca, or by fax to 780-926-4415.

NEWSPAPER REPORTER Position is for a reporter with some editorial duties at the Shellbrook Chronicle in Shellbrook Sask. located 44 km. west of the City of Prince Albert. Shellbrook is a vibrant growing community with all amenities to serve family or individual lifestyles. Qualifications: The successful applicant will have strong writing, and verbal communication skills. Previous experience and knowledge of computers, Indesign and Photoshop are assets. He/she must have a valid driver’s license. Apply by Email forwarding a sample of writing along with resume and references to Clark Pepper, Publisher. Email clark@sbchron.com

Wanted Mature Couple as resident lodge managers, Pawistik Lodge, Mile 190, Hanson Lake Road. Duties include: Store management, basic bookkeeping, all duties related to the operation of a fishing lodge. Qualifications: knowledge of boats and motors, general construction knowledge, good customer relations. Please reply with resume to: Scott Jeffrey: 1-8005264177. Email:

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HEAVY EQUIPMENT FOR SALE HEAVY EQUIPMENT FOR SALE: CAT 621F motor scraper: new engine, very clean condition, $140,000. CAT 621E motor scraper: rebuilt engine & transmission, Michelin tires 75%, $80,000. Hit ZX450LC excavator: two buckets, major work orders done, new hydraulic pump, new paint, very good condition, $115,000. Arborfield, SK. Call (780)213-1101 or (306)769-8777.


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Support Recycling It is up to all of us!

Shellbrook Chronicle

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Don’t Mix

This program may not be available in all communities.


Shellbrook Chronicle


April 19, 2013

Let the party begin ~ Parkside celebrates 100 years

Parkside and area residents turned out en masse to attend the fundraiser pork loin supper to launch the Parkside Centennial Celebrations on Friday evening April 5th. We appreciate Team Scotia members Ashley Rudolph, Colleen Collins and Kelsey Segberg for greeting guests at the door. They let it be known that whatever was raised or donated for this event would be matched by Scotia Bank. Numerous door prizes donated by local businesses and private individuals were drawn for throughout the evening. Betty Antho-

ny and Clarence Johnson manned the 50/50 table and were able to present a very happy winner of the draw, Lenore Viden with $210 in cash. The winner of the ‘old fashioned button jar draw was Vic Mortensen his prize was a beautiful framed photo taken by Jordan McMullin of the Parkside elevator. Vic very generously donated the photo back to the community to have it displayed in the Parkside Heritage Center (school). Rhonda Martin of XTAPA travel agency generously donated an overnight stay at the Keyhole Castle bed and breakfast in Prince Al-

bert as well as a gift certificate for Zorba’s restaurant and…. a taxi ride to make the evening complete. Balloons were sold throughout the evening and when it came time to pop them the winner, Sara Louise King, found a special ‘Trip’ message in her balloon. Other balloon messages included numerous Tim Horton gift cards and a Regional Park pass donated by the Emerald Lake Regional Park. An evening of reminiscing followed the great meal. Master of Ceremonies, Randy Nolan called upon Bonnie McNeice, Beulah Nolan and Darrel Martin to share

their stories about growing up and living in Parkside. Their insightful and humorous stories gave the audience a vivid look at what life was like in small town Saskatchewan in the ‘good old days’. A quiz on the history of

Parkside was left on each table to be filled out as a joint effort by the members of each table. Glennis Martin went through the quiz and gave a background story about each question thus giving a good insight into some of the people and

$1 million provided to maintain recycling The Government of Saskatchewan is providing $1 million in bridge funding for recycling programs in the province, Environment Minister Ken Cheveldayoff announced today. The funding is an interim measure to maintain current paper and cardboard recycling programs until the provincewide Multi-Material Recycling Program (MMRP) is implemented. “The development of the MMRP is a huge step forward for waste management in Saskatchewan and will reduce the amount of household waste going to landfills by up to 40 per cent,” Cheveldayoff said. “It is anticipated that full implementation of MMRP will not occur until early 2014 and this funding will ensure that existing paper and fibre recycling programs can continue to provide residents with recycling opportunities.” Three provincial recycling organizations will receive funding based on their estimated recycling volumes:

•$440,000 to Saskatchewan Association of Rehabilitation Centres (SARC) to support paper and cardboard recycling operations; •$230,000 to Association of Regional Waste Management Authorities of Saskatchewan (ARWMAS) for regional recycling operations; and •$330,000 to Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association (SUMA) to support municipal recycling operations not already receiving funds through SARC or ARWMAS. “The 17 SARC member agencies that will receive this funding provide extremely valuable recycling services to their communities,” SARC Executive Director Amy McNeil said. “This bridge funding demonstrates the Ministry of Environment’s continued commitment to waste diversion across Saskatchewan, and SARC is grateful for the support it has shown to our agencies.” “ARWMAS is very appre-

ciative of the bridge funding that we have received from this government, and are pleased that we’ll be able to maintain our regional recycling programs for another year,” AWRMAS Chair Wally Lorenz said. “We’re looking forward to implementation of the Multi-Material Recycling Program and the long-term sustainability it will provide for recycling operations in this province.”

Sarah Louise King and Rhonda Martin

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TeamScotia from left Ashley Rudolph, Colleen Collins, Kelsey Segberg.

buildings that were essential to the history of Parkside. The food, prizes and labour were all donated making the evening a very successful start to the year celebrating Parkside’s Centennial.

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