April 18, 2013

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East Central Alberta

o Thursday, April 18, 2013

Volume 102 - No. 16

Targeting East Central Alberta

Your favourite source for news and entertainment in East Central Alberta, reaching 83 communities weekly

Emotions high at Brownfield school meeting Jenna Cole

what came forward was understandable and nothing was unexpected or out of the Emotions ran high at the ordinary, although there was Clearview School Board com- a little frustration towards the munity meeting in Brownfield different views on small Monday, April 15. The gym, schools. packed with almost 100 people, “Probably the thing that had the biggest turn out the happens in a meeting like this board has seen yet. that is most frustrating to me, The biggest topic discussed although you expect it, is the was the safety of Brownfield responses are political in School remaining open; a nature and obviously our need topic that has been under for a school in our community much speculation after the is not political, it’s real and it closure motion was made in is absolute.” October. “I have experienced large The motion was tabled school, the volume and the until the November 15th disregard and the respect that meeting, giving the communi- those students do not have for ties time to gather together to education and for each other defend their schools. Before and teachers, I don’t consider they presented however the that high education. Whereas trustee who made the motion on the other hand, our school wanted to remove it altohere has, in my believe, the gether. It was eventually voted utmost highest quality of edudown 6-1. cation,” he said, adding the “The fact is that it (the closchool is in good shape and sure motion) was the teachers do an excellent irresponsible and caused a lot job. of grief at the expense of Ken Checkel, the chairpeople who are being very dil- person on the board, said igent about education,” said small schools have been a priJordan Webber, a parent, “and ority to the board to keep the political perception of that open, but all options are being is very bad. That is why we considered. I think it is fair to are here, that is why this say that it is being questioned, meeting happened and it not by the majority of the makes our community jump board right now but it is being through the hoops and that is questioned more as time goes very frustrating.” on and the enrollments are Webber said what was predown.” sented at this meeting and Turn to Rallying, Pg 2

ECA Review Reporter

Calvin Anholt of Amisk, Ab. checked out this 12 gauge shotgun at Shane and Sherry Vaughan’s table, CX Shooter Supplies from Morinville, Ab. at the 38th Annual Consort Gun Show on Saturday, April 13. Not just guns, as 110 contributors displayed their wares on 285 tables in the curling and skating arenas for the two days of the show with a wide variety of items including toys for children and jewelry for the women. ECA Review/J. WEBSTER

INDEX Stettler County ................................2 Coronation council .................... 3, 5 Letters ........................................... 4, 5 Prairie Land schools ......................5 Obituaries..................................... 6, 7 Agriculture ...............................12 - 14 Classifieds/Careers................ 15 - 17 RCMP ................................................. 19 Alliance news ................................. 19 Sports .............................................. 20


OPINION: “I’m the stupid person” Page 4

Plan approved to modernize J.C. Charyk school Page 5

Spring Renovations, homes, real estate Pages 8 - 11

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C O R O N AT I O N , A B .


Counties will have to find alternative sources to finance bridge repairs Brenda Schimke

ECA Review Reporter Donald Saunders, Bridge Manager, Alberta Transportation was a guest at the County of Stettler Council Meeting held on April 10, 2013. “We didn’t know the budget was going to be zero and unfortunately had asked for and received many proposals for bridge replacement/repairs in the Central Alberta region”, said Saunders. “Counties will have to look instead at alternative sources of money to finance bridge repairs.” The County of Stettler has one bridge on an arterial road leading out of Donalda that requires an emergency repair. At the present time the weight limit has been restricted to 10

tonnes and detours are in place. Saunders understands without provincial funding Counties will likely not be able to meet current provincial standards. County Public Works Manager, Dennis Nelson said, “provincial standards are almost twice the cost,” primarily because new material standards are intended to extend the life of a bridge up to 100 years, from 50 to 60 years. Bridge safety and liability are the two major priorities for counties as they move forward without provincial funding. The Province hasn’t been keeping up with necessary bridge replacements for some time. “Proposals coming into the Red Deer Office amounted

Zoe McLean, daughter of Ryan and Amber, danced to the song, Happy Tappin’ With Elmo at the Zinger School of Dancing Revue on Sunday, April 14 at the Coronation Community Centre. ECA Review/J.COLE

Rallying for a commitment Cont’d from Pg 1 Some of the ideas that were considered by the board other than the closure of schools were more schools going to the four-day system that Brownfield already has or cutting some grades out of schools. A lot of people who attended were rallying for a commitment from the board to have their support instead of always having to prove themselves, a commitment the board bluntly said they

could not give because the issue is bigger than themselves and the community. However, Checkel said the board has committed to keeping all the schools the same for the next year, in the fall there will be an election in which a new board could be elected. “There could be a whole new board for a four-year term and who knows what will happen. It depends how those seven people think.”

to $20 million”, said Saunders. Yet before the cuts only $25 million was allocated for the entire province each year. If it would help, Saunders offered his services to provide consultation and feedback on any proposals being considered by individual counties doing bridge repairs. The County of Stettler is responsible for 119 bridges. Most bridges in Alberta are about 50 to 60 years old and in need of replacement or significant repairs.

Budget 2013 A motion to approve the amended 2013 budget with no new tax increases for County of Settler residents this year was passed. To achieve this end, significant cuts and re-allocations were made to reflect provincial government reductions and new commitments. The total shortfall in provincial funding after the provincial budget announcement was $259,800. The bridge repair/replacement grant, farm fuel subsidy and Student Temporary Employment Program (STEP) were eliminated and the Municipal Sustainability Initiative (MSI) was reduced by $60,000. To fund the losses and to provide for $511,000 in new commitments, the County has cut $769,000 from its previously approved 2013 operating and capital budgets and will draw down $354,000 from its Bridge Reserve, and $12,500 from its Seed Cleaning Plant Reserve. New commitments include additional funding for the Seed Cleaning Plant ($22,500), joint commitment with the Town of Stettler for upgrades to the (SRC) Stettler Recreation Centre and its

parking lot ($125,000), bridge work ($511,264) and the road surfacing trial program and County parking lot repair ($218,400).

Special capital projects reduced A motion by Joe Gendre to eliminate funding for a RCMP Resource Officer in the schools and reduce Special Capital Projects – Recreation by $50,000 was defeated. An amended motion by Wayne Nixon to reduce the Special Capital Projects - Recreation by $75,000 and allocate the remaining balance, $50,000 to capital projects and $50,000 to reserves, was passed. It was felt much work has been done over the past number of years to upgrade recreational facilities and building a reserve for the unexpected would be prudent with tighter budgets to come.

continue. Administration is looking at new technologies to repair the County office parking lot and hope to significantly reduce the projected replacement cost. Public Works has identified concerns on the hard surfacing for the resource road around the south east of Stettler and will be assessing actions that may shift hard surfacing trials to this road to save its deterioration.


The Coronation and District Wellness Society would like to thank those that contributed to the Coronation Fitness Centre Project. It’s amazing what a community can accomplish! MONETARY DONATIONS: Val Cornell Tracy Keays Ron Checkel Sandra & Randy Kulyk dawna elliott Archie & Wanda Merchant Brent Hanson Lyle & Delayne Golby Russell Hillis Jaron Bye Sheri Wuzinski Azusa Watson Megan Brigley Nicole & Dallas Lindmark Laurie Columbo & Neil Dowling Lisa Long Brett Alderdice Janine Stannard Ron, Dina, Jaron & Jace Nelson Janey Forrest Breanna Horkoff Lynne McKenzie Sandra Burkinshaw

Future budgets With more provincial cuts promised through 2016, the County will have a number of challenges when deliberating over the 2014 budget later this year. Without increases to cover off inflation, the County will have to find approximately three per cent each year on either the revenue or expense side. As well, the MSI, which was a key initiative by the Alberta Government to strengthen the municipal sector and provide significant long-term financial support for infrastructure is being phased out. The County of Stettler lost $60,000 in MSI grants this year. Another 40 per cent will be cut in 2014, 30 per cent in 2015 and nothing will be available in 2016.

Cam & Candy Brown Jodi & Blaine Shipton Jim & Wendy Dafoe Marion Endersby Coronation Choosewell Committee Goodbrand Enterprises M & N Construction Ramsay’s Stockman Center SK Welding Coronation Funeral Home L & C Bookkeeping Service Korner Kash & Karry Coronation District Health Care Complex Foundation Coronation Medical Clinic Coronation Home Decorating Coronation Foods Sunshine Club Coronation Agro Sonny’s Consulting Coronation Industrial Sales Spondin and District Ag Society Coronation Ag Society

DONATED TIME, SERVICES, SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT Candy & Cameron Brown Julie & Greg Schroeder Ashley Kelts Brent Hanson Diane Schmidt David & Daralee Dobovich Albert Waldner Sandra & Mervin Burkinshaw Don & Leanne McLean Barry Brigley Jackie Morettin Sandy Selzer Larry Golby Joyce Webster Coronation Industrial Sales Thornton Electric (Kevin Thornton) Bernie Danylyshen Val Cornell

Hard surfacing trials Hard surfacing trials will

Joe & Vickey Horkoff Russell & Brenda Hillis Sherry & Jenna Wuzinski Montgomery Auctions, Blackfalds Ed & Nora Griffiths Vital Computer Solutions Kathy Hughes and Dale Heidecker Robyn Schwartz Thrive360 Fitness Connected Fitness (Red Deer) Town of Coronation Short Stop Liquor Store Hansen Well Servicing Big Country PCN Dylan Bullick Dr. Lynne McKenzie & Family


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C O R O N AT I O N , A B . A P R I L 1 8 ' 1 3



Coronation ambulance bay continue to be plowed Bryan Passifiume

back taxes instead of the standard 10 per cent. The error was discovered by the auditor currently examining the municipality’s financial records. Council was given two choices in the matter, to either charge accounts in arrears the remaining nine per cent from January 1, 2012 or from April 8, 2013. According to Kulyk, the town would be owed $8800 if accounts were collected from the beginning of 2012 and $6000 from April 8. Kulyk added that all tax materials published by the town states that overdue accounts would be charged 10 per cent, from the tax bills sent to ratepayers to the tax collection by-law itself -- the missing nine per cent was due to a clerical error. Council voted unanimously to charge taxpayers from January 1, 2012.

ECA Review Reporter The Town of Coronation will continue to plow the snow from the ambulance bay and fire hall free of charge, according to a decision made during the Monday, April 8 council meeting. The issue of possibly charging the County of Paintearth for snow removal services at the fire hall and ambulance bays in Coronation was brought to council at their Monday, February 11 meeting. Currently, public works crews remove snow on an as-needed basis free of charge. The issue was tabled until council could determine what the Town of Castor’s procedures were. Upon discovering that Castor doesn’t charge the county for snow removal, Coronation council decided not to change their current procedures.

Mayor appointment

Summer labour

Coronation will appoint its mayor among elected councillors for the entire term of office after by-law 2013-611 passed third and final reading. Coronation CAO Sandra Kulyk told council that, while some residents had verbally expressed concern, the town had received no written responses to a call for comment on the by-law by the April 2 deadline. The by-law changes the current method of appointing the mayor. Previously, the mayor was chosen annually during council’s annual organizational meeting, similar to how many counties and municipal districts in Alberta appoint their reeve. By-law 611 makes the appointment of mayor valid for council’s entire four year term in office (municipal terms will be increased from three to four years after this October’s municipal election.) By-law 2013-611 passed third reading unanimously.

One of the many programs cut in the 2013 provincial budget was the Summer Temporary Employment Program, an initiative that provides government money to offer temporary summer employment to students. The Town of Coronation typically employs two students as summer labourers, mainly to help maintain municipal parks and green spaces. The town usually received $5300 to fund the wages of the two employees. With the loss of the funding, council was given two options: Continue to hire two summer students at a cost of $5300, or only hire one student at a cost of $1800, both funded from general operating funds. With such a variable and what will soon be a wet spring, Mayor Dawna Elliott suggested that the town continue to hire two students in order to keep on top of the amount of mowing and trimming that will be required. She also suggested that the students could clean up lots in violation of town by-laws and use the money charged to the owners to offset the extra costs. Council chose to continue hiring two student workers for the summer and fund their salaries from general funds.

Tax error Due to what CAO Sandra Kulyk describes as an ‘operator error’, residents with taxes in arrears were erroneously charged one per cent interest on their

Sewer relining

Fence damaged

A high-priority project to re-line sewers along Norfolk Avenue last year was waylaid by unavailability of contractors. Two contractors have put their bids in to complete the project for this year, Ecoliner and IVIS. Council was presented with estimates from both companies. While Ecoliner presented an all-inclusive quote of $123,000, IVIS’s $128,144 quote came with pricey conditions. Incidentals such as clearing blockages, extra days and pipe re-rounding could increase the price by thousands of dollars. Council chose to accept Ecoliner’s $123,000 bid, which will include flushing, prepping and relining 485 meters of 200 millimetre sewer line with a 4.5 millimetre polyester liner. The project will be funded by a $250,000 non-matching Municipal Sustainability Initiative grant, and will be at no cost to the taxpayers.

Council has voted to reimburse the cost of a fence panel broken by town crews piling snow along a roadway. A resident filed a complaint with the town after a snow plow pushed a large amount of snow against their fence, damaging wooden fence panels and a decorative latticework. A quote was received from a hardware store in Camrose for $718 to deliver the fence panel to Coronation. The fence is made up of sections of prefabricated fence panels, manufactured as self-contained six foot cedar panels. The $718 includes the $131 cost for the fence panel and $553 in shipping. Council voted to pay for the cost of the panel and for town crews to replace it. The town, instead of paying for shipping, will send a crew in their own truck to transport the panel.

Hanna Hospital Auxiliary



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Numerous break-ins in Killam Bryan Passifiume

ECA Review Reporter Killam RCMP are dealing with numerous break-ins that occurred in the early morning hours of Friday, April 6. A hair salon, the arena and the Legion in Killam and a youth centre in Sedgewick were all victims of separate burglaries some time between April 5 and 6. According to police an undisclosed amount of money was taken from all four locations. The burglars damaged doors at all four break-in sites with the Killam

arena sustaining considerable damage. Video footage of the break-in was obtained from a surveillance system at the youth centre, which police say will be used to identify the culprit. “We are continuing to investigate,” said Sgt. Lee Brachmann of the Killam RCMP detachment. He added that a team from the RCMP Forensic Identification Section was called in to gather evidence from the scenes. Anybody with information is asked to contact either Killam RCMP or Crimestoppers.

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C O R O N AT I O N , A B .


“I’m the stupid person” Brenda Schimke

ECA Review Journalist There were two Conservative politicians remembered in the April 6 edition of the Edmonton Journal on the occasion of their respective deaths. One was a front page story by Darcy Henton and James Wood. One was written by Gordon Kent and was on page E7. Both individuals held right-wing political viewpoints. One was a geologist and entrepreneur, the other a TV weather personality. Both were large city municipal politicians, one a mayor and the other a councillor. Both ran for the provincial Conservative Party. One was elected and later became Premier, the other was defeated, but continued to work for the Conservative Party. Both had publically called those holding a different political view “left-wing colleagues”, or “left wing nuts”. Yet one publically admitted that he had become totally intolerant of any opinion that was different from his own. “I’ve been attacking (other counselors) as stupid when I’m the stupid person.” The other never apologized but remained “true to himself”. The gentleman who admitted wrong was Paul Norris, a two-term Edmonton Alderman in the 1980’s. The other, of course, was Ralph Klein. Name calling has become a common behaviour amongst politicians. But I would argue that trash talking someone’s person or reputation because you don’t agree with them is bullying. And if we hold “bully” politicians up as heroes, then we should not be surprised when bullying becomes a problem in our schools or on the internet. It would be pleasantly refreshing if character-bashing politicians started to take Mr. Norris’ message to heart. “I’m the stupid person”.


Hanna Grade 12 students punished Dear Editor, I attended a meeting last week regarding the results of a Grade 12 diploma exam issued by Alberta Government Public Education. Without exception the students all found questions on the government issued exam unfamiliar to what they had been taught in the classroom. This would result in their final report card mark dropping significantly since this diploma exam counts for 50 per cent of their final mark. Most of the students were devastated. After comparing notes it looks like either Hanna received the wrong exam or the teaching was different from the material on the exam. The solution the school superintendants and the principal have

come up with is most disturbing. They have admitted guilt but rather than exempting this exam, they want the students to take the punishment for their “screw up” by making the students take the course over again and rewrite the exam. My daughter, and I’m sure most of the rest of the students, have better things to do than go through hours of classes again that they thought they would be done with. This rehashing of this subject may also jeopardize their other subjects this semester. I feel if the PLRD board and superintendents and involved principal and teachers really cared about doing the right thing they would turn in their job resignations over this issue. This would

send a serious message to the Government Education Minister. They are obviously more concerned about marching “lock step” with Alberta Education than doing the right thing in their community. If Alberta Government Education fired the whole works of them this would be a good excuse for our area to rehire them and set up PLRD under a private system. If Alberta Public Education is going to be able to dictate to our local community to this extent and have this much disregard for our young people maybe we should just opt out. It may be more economical too. Clint Hutton Hanna, Alberta


Seemingly impossible, possible Dear Editor, I have a heart-warming story to tell you. We all need to read a nice story now and again and this story is guaranteed to make you smile. It is the story of how the Fitness Centre came to be. In April 2012, some community members approached the Coronation and District Wellness Society with a project proposal; a fitness centre for the town. The Society took on the project and countless hours were spent by Candy Brown researching the viability of the project and how other small communities were making it happen. By October, we still had very little in the way of funding. I was reading the ECA Review, and saw an ad for a fitness equipment dispersal auction at Montgomery Auctions in Blackfalds. I knew this was our chance to supply the new fitness centre with equipment but we didn’t have any money! On October 10, out of desperation, I made the following post on

Facebook, “$10 from 1000 people and we have a gym open for business a.s.a.p.” I got the following reply, “$20 from 500 people since we live in a small town.” By 8:19 that evening $340 was pledged for the project and by Friday $7,650 was collected from community members and local businesses. At the auction, we were able to outfit the gym with 13 cardio and weight machines. Daralee and David Dobovich had brought their horse trailer and it was full, with all the weight machines still to be loaded. After hearing our dilemma, the auctioneer at Montgomery Auctions offered us his trailer at no cost. We were able to get all the machines home in one trip. Now we had the equipment but no location! Ed Griffiths came to the rescue and offered us the front space of his building. He made some renovations for us and has been very accommodating with rent and other perks!

Volunteers helped to load the equipment in. Many people have offered their services or donated supplies and equipment. More monetary donations have also been collected since the auction. By December 1st we were open for business! We have averaged 50 members every month. That is a story of how a community can make the seemingly impossible, POSSIBLE! It was an amazing experience for me. Everyone I asked was very generous and willing to help; whether it was with money, or time, or advice. The support from this community was overwhelming at times. (Gym memberships are available at the Town Office and Short Stop Liquor Store. $30/month or $300/year. Any questions can be forwarded to coronationfitness@ yahoo.ca.) A Thankful Coronation Citizen, Vickey Horkoff

REVIEW East Central Alberta

Published by Coronation Review Limited

Subscriptions: $42.00 in Canada; $74.20 in US; $135.15 Overseas. (All prices include GST)

Office Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. 4923 - Victoria Avenue Tel. (403) 578-4111 Fax (403) 578-2088 Mail: Box 70, Coronation, AB Canada, T0C 1C0

While the weather is indeed warming up, mother nature gave us a late week reminder of who really is in control. High winds caused severe icing to occur on Highway 12 near Federal, resulting in this truck to lose control on Thursday, April 11. The driver of the truck was treated at the scene by EMS for minor injuries. ECA REVIEW/B. Passifiume

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C O R O N AT I O N , A B . A P R I L 1 8 ' 1 3



AHS should act more like Veteran School students Over the last few weeks we have had to witness a move that can only be described as disappointing. Alberta Health Services (AHS) hastily decided to suspend the practice of free parking for veterans, a move that was defended initially by Health Minister Fred Horne. The yearly parking passes are paid for by the Calgary Poppy Fund at a cost of $120 each. The 385 passes purchased each year are administered by the Legions in Calgary to veterans and their families which allows them to park free of charge by AHS facilities. When pressed for answers on the move, Senior Vice-President with Alberta Health Services, Penny Rae stated “Why is this one group more worthy than others?” Taking into account that a Senior VicePresident would even ask that question is

a sign of just how out of touch the layers of managers in AHS truly are. It’s disappointing when people that are supposed to understand and administrate a department that is based on compassion have no concept of what compassion is. AHS has since done an about-face on their decision to suspend the parking passes for veterans but it still leaves us with the questions, how and why would a decision like this even be contemplated? How could it be defended? In stark contrast we have a group of Junior High School students in Veteran, Ab. who seem to have a far superior understanding of compassion than that of AHS and how to honour those who fought for this country and the freedoms we enjoy. The service medals belonging to World

War II veteran and Veteran resident, 91 year old Dave Pennington, had accidently been thrown out and the story caught the attention of 18 young junior high students. Mr. Pennington earned five medals in total in his service to this country and was wounded by a piece of shrapnel while fighting a campaign in Italy. Touched by Dave’s story, the student’s contacted the Canadian Forces and Veterans Affairs office in Ottawa. After months of letter writing and contacting government officials, the students received five replacement medals. When presented to Dave before the crowded gymnasium full of people with his medals proudly displayed on his chest, the crowd erupted in applause. There were a lot of tears in that small gymnasium that afternoon.


Plan approved to modernize J.C. Charyk School Bryan Passifiume

ECA Review Reporter The sound of construction may soon be heard around J.C. Charyk School in Hanna as the Prairie Land School


Town facilities get security systems Bryan Passifiume

ECA Review Reporter In response to a rash of break-ins at municipally-owned properties, the Town of Coronation has chosen to install security systems at its most at-risk facilities. Council directed administration earlier this year to investigate the cost of installing the monitored systems at selected facilities. Council was presented two quotes from security companies that would see systems installed at the town office, Lions Rec Centre, curling rink, skating arena and the swimming pool. The first quote from Bond-O Communications put the cost of outfitting all five sites at $5945 with a $204 monthly monitoring charge. ADT’s quote came to $9390 for installation with a $222 monthly charge for monitoring. Both quotes include installation of door contacts, motion detectors, glass break sensors, smoke detectors, sirens, control panels and cellular back-up links. Both companies require the municipality to sign a three year monitoring contract. Councillor Dylan Bullick was hesitant about spending such a considerable amount on security systems that he says don’t make the facilities any more secure. Coronation CAO Sandra Kulyk disagreed, and said that the system would be an effective deterrent. She also said that a monitored security system will instantly alert police of any break-ins instead of the next day when the culprits are long gone. Especially, Kulyk added, that the burglars have been gaining entry at the curling rink using the same door in every break-in. Councillor Brett Alderdice agreed, saying that the cost of installing the system is minimal compared to the cost of constantly repairing the damage caused by burglars. Councillor Eugene Rovensky made a motion to accept the quote from Bond-O Communications for the $5945 security system installation with a $204 monitoring charge. The motion passed with councillor Bullick voting against.

Division voted to approve a capital plan to modernize the school. During their board meeting on Wednesday, April 10, the school board approved a motion to submit their 20132014 capital plan to the provincial government. The plan calls for comprehensive renovations of J.C. Charyk school, in part to accommodate students displaced when Hanna Primary School closes next year. The provincial government will inform the school board about the success of their proposal by the end of April.

Learning consortium The school board approved participation in the Open Learning Consortium. a collection of school boards that seeks cooperation and collaboration between them. The goal of the consortium is to

increase programs and instructor training across remote rural school boards and develop standards of practice, program haring and collaboration of faculty across the school board. The board has budgeted $10,000 to support participation in the consortium, which consists of the Prairie Land, Prairie Rose, Pembina Hills and Livingstone Range school divisions and the Alberta Distance Learning Centre.

The Veteran war hero was quoted saying “These kids are so special to me.” Mr. Pennington, it’s obvious that you are very special to these kids. Perhaps the managers that manage managers and their staff within AHS should act a little more like the students at the Veteran Junior High School. They seem to be able to answer that question that was asked by Penny Rae about why this one group is more worthy than others. Rick Strankman, MLA Drumheller/Stettler

Paintearth Regional Waste Management Ltd.

Summer Hours Effective Wednesday, April 17th, 2013 The Castor, Coronation and Halkirk

Transfer Stations

Summer Hours of Operation will be as follows: Wednesdays 1:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. Saturdays 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. If you don’t have an access card, they are available at the Halkirk Village Office, Town of Castor County of Paintearth No. 18 Office and Coronation Transfer Station

Award nominations Two Prairie Land teachers have been nominated for teaching awards. Michael MacKay from has been selected at the Edwin Parr Award nominee for the division and Barry Davis for the Excellence in Teaching award. MacKay is a grade 4-5 teacher from Youngstown school and Davis is a board-wide career counsellor.

Working together es around power lin

PUBLIC NOTICE ATCO Electric Ltd. Water Act NOTICE OF APPLICATION Notice is given that ATCO Electric Ltd. has filed an application under the provisions of the Water Act to disturb 0.001 hectares of one Class 1 wetland located in SW 02-034-05-W4M for the purpose of building new power transmission facilities in east-central Alberta as part of the Hanna Region Transmission Development. The facilities, Currant Lake Transmission Project, consist of a new substation to be located 13 kilometres south of the hamlet of Monitor and the construction of approximately 12 kilometres of new transmission line. The wetland impact will be compensated by a compensation agreement between the proponent and Ducks Unlimited Canada that will follow the Provincial Wetland Restoration/Compensation Guide. Temporary adverse effects on wetlands also may occur during construction of the transmission project at the following locations: SE-26-033-05-W4M, NE-14-03405-W4M, SW-02-034-05-W4M, NW-02-034-05-W4M, and NW-35-033-05-W4M. Mitigation measures will be employed during construction to minimize temporary impacts. Any person who is directly affected by the application may submit a statement of concern to:

13042KA2 13041KA0

Environment and Sustainable Resource Development Regulatory Approvals Center Main Floor, Oxbridge Place 9820 106 Street EDMONTON AB T5K 2J6 Phone: 780 427-6311 Fax: 780 422-0154 within 7 days of the providing of this notice. Please quote file number: 00325021

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Further information regarding this project can be obtained from: Callum Squires Golder Associates 102, 2535-3rd Avenue SE CALGARY, AB T2A 7W5 Phone: 403 267-3171 Fax: 403 299-5606 Statements filed regarding this application are public records which are accessible by the public. Statements should explain why the filer is directly affected and provide the full printed name, phone number and/or email address, postal address and legal land location of the filer. Failure to file statements of concerns may affect the right to file a notice of appeal with the Environmental Appeals Board.




C O R O N AT I O N , A B .


Endured many health problems and kept on living life to its fullest FETAZ - Bernard Victor Fetaz was born on Thursday, December 18, 1924 in Castor, the third child of Albert and Laura Fetaz from north of Halkirk. Bernard passed away on Monday, April 1, 2013 in the Coronation Hospital, Coronation, Alberta. As a child Bernard enjoyed learning to fish and swim in the Battle River and all of his schooling was taken at Apremont School, just a half mile south of the farm. When he was just 11 years old he became very sick with Osteomyelitis and spent a great deal of time in the Galahad Hospital and the General Hospital in Fetaz Edmonton where he had surgery and recovered. This took years of his childhood away from him. When Albert and Laura retired and moved to Castor in 1953 Bernard and his youngest brother Armand began farming together in a partnership that lasted over 45 years. Bernard and Armand also owned a D6 Cat dozer they used for brushing and clearing land to make extra money. He lived in the same house with Armand and Colette and their nine children until he bought a mobile home in 1980 and lived across the yard. Even though Bernard had a physical disability, he never let that stop him from fishing the northern lakes of Alberta and Saskatchewan. He camped in his holiday trailers in many parts of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, the Northwest Territories and Alaska. He also saw parts of Eastern Canada, the United States and made a trip to France to see the birth place of his father and other ancestors. When mining operations moved close to the farm he moved his mobile home into Castor in 2003. In 2009 he was forced to move into the Extendicare in Castor

because of failing health. He lived with the excellent care of doctors and nurses until his passing. In the last few years, Bernard always enjoyed his trips to Stettler and the farm north of Halkirk with nephews, nieces and his friend Jim Culham. Although he had many health problems throughout his life he endured and kept on living life to its fullest. Just the day before his passing he mentioned to one of his healthcare providers that he was still going to move home to his trailer in town. He was a man with great determination and hope. Bernard is survived by his loving family: sister Juliette (Raymond) Cordell of St. Albert; sister-in-law Colette Fetaz of Castor; many nieces and nephews, great nieces and nephews and great great nieces and nephews, other family members and many dear friends.

Her passing a great sadness for family LUMSDEN - Ila December 10, 1934 – April 9, 2013 It is with great sadness that the family of Ila Lumsden announces her passing after a short battle with cancer. Ila passed away on Tuesday, April 9, 2013 at the Hanna Health Care Centre, Hanna, AB at the age of 78 years. Ila was born at Veteran, Alberta and attended school in the Veteran and Spondin areas. She married Wilf Lumsden in 1953 and lived on the farm Lumsden northeast of Hanna until her passing. Ila is survived by her husband Wilf; son Dwane; daughters, Diane (Leon), Barb (Gus) and Lois (Doug); grandchildren, Trevor, Trent, Brad, Bryan, Brock, Jordan

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Prayer Vigil for Bernard Fetaz was held on Tuesday, April 9, 2013 at 7 p.m. at Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church, Castor, Alberta with Father Don Ihekwoaba presiding. Mass of Christian Burial took place on Wednesday, April 10, 2013 at 11 a.m. Bernard’s nieces: Marie Kuefler, Charmaine Neth, Suzanne Millette, Theresa Turner and Yvonne Roland accompanied by Bernard’s sister-in-law Colette Fetaz opened the Mass singing the Prayer of St. Francis. Musician Brenda Kneller and Cantor Rosa Weber presented their gifts of music. Loving words of remembrance were given by Adelle Cordell and Paul Fetaz. Readers were Michele Bauer and Gilbert Cordell; Prayers of the Faithful were given by Gilbert Cordell. Gifts were presented by Jocelyne Forget and Philip Cordell. Basil Nichols was the Adult Server. Serving as active pallbearers were Leon Fetaz, Roger Fetaz, Gerard Fetaz, Paul Fetaz, Wayne


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and Cameron; seven great grandchildren; her sister, Marlene (Bob) and brother Larry (Judy). She was predeceased by her parents Howard and Nancy Mulgrove and her twin sister Ina Goldthorpe. Ila was a loving mother, grandmother and great grandmother and she will be forever in our hearts and always in our memory. At Ila’s request no funeral will be held. A family graveside service was held at the Hanna Cemetery, Hanna, Alberta on Monday April 15, 2013. Memorial tributes may be made in Ila’s memory to The Alberta Cancer Foundation, 133129th Street, NW, Calgary, Alberta, T2N 4N2. Heather Caseley of Coronation Funeral Home entrusted with arrangements. 1-888-578-2928

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Kuefler, Harold Neth, Jean-Guy Millette, Bill Turner and Richard Roland as Bernard was laid to rest at Notre Dame de Savoie Cemetery, Halkirk, Alberta. Honourary pallbearers were all of Bernard’s family and friends. A time of fellowship and luncheon prepared and served by the Catholic Women’s League was held at the Castor Community Hall, Castor, Alberta following the Mass. If desired memorial donations may be made in memory of Bernard to Notre Dame de Savoie Cemetery or Our Lady of the Rosary Hospital Foundation c/o Parkview Funeral Chapels & Crematorium, Box 186, Castor, Alberta T0C 0X0, 403-882-3141. To send or view condolences to Bernard’s family, please visit www.parkviewfuneralchapels.com


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C O R O N AT I O N , A B . A P R I L 1 8 ' 1 3



Evelyn shared a giving generous heart to everyone she touched PRUDEN - Evelyn Marie Pruden (nee Vert) passed away peacefully in Stettler, Alberta, April 2, 2013, on the same day 42 years after her one true love Norman Pruden, passed. Daughter of the late Barbara Marie Vert (nee Dore) and John Vert of Coronation, Alberta. Evelyn lived most of her adult life in the Coronation, Alberta area. The happiest years of her life were while married to Norman Pruden, working on their large farm in Silver Heights. Evelyn had a very strong work ethic, planting and harPruden vesting in the fields with Norman, as well as tending to the large gardens she planted, harvested and preserved for her family and extended families. In 1977, Evelyn and her daughter Norma moved to Stettler, Alberta, to create a simpler life. She found great happiness tending to her small vegetable garden and large flower garden. She won many awards for her beautiful creative garden displays. Evelyn babysat many young neighbourhood children; she baked and catered meals for many local families and community businesses. She stayed very busy and was extremely happy with her new life. Evelyn’s passion for baking, cooking and gardening transferred to her daughters. She taught them to always make sure to have extra food on the

stove, just in case friends or neighbours dropped in at meal times, which they did frequently! Her door was always open to the many cousins, nieces, nephews, and neighbours. Even after they became adults they would always visit Evelyn for coffee and fresh baked goods. Evelyn was very passionate about making sure everyone had lots to eat. Evelyn shared a giving generous heart to everyone she touched. She loved and cared deeply for everyone she knew, especially for her grandchildren and the little children she cared for. Her resourceful creative nature, her strength and ability to survive life during great adversity and challenges did not go unnoticed. Unknowingly, Evelyn was a great teacher, especially for her children. She taught them strength, a strong work ethic, resourcefulness, creativity, generosity, compassion, kindness and how to love deeply. Evelyn will be greatly missed by all who knew her. Especially her two daughters and her son: Norma (Brady) Flett, Shirley Lang (Wallace), Tex Hemke; her grandchildren: Brittony Lang, Sheena Flett (Steven), Justin Flett (Falhado), Jason Flett (Stephanie), Erin (Allan) Fitchett (nee Hemke) and Kara (Jerry) Jones (nee Hemke); her great grandchildren: Jaxson,

Passed away peacefully JAMES – Marie Ann Lucille Isabelle, 76 years young, of Castor, Alberta Retired LPN, rancher, mother, grandmother, great grandmother and friend to many; passed away peacefully and with dignity on Saturday April 6, 2013, surrounded by family at the Viking Hospital following a three year courageous fight with cancer. Lucille was born to Joseph and Cecile Muloin in Dauphin, Manitoba on November 13, 1936. She is survived by her children: Wanda Keller (Ron), Jeannie James Malkin (James), Dorothy Cornforth (Ron), Derek James (Shawna), Murray Keller (Cindy) and Bobbie Corrigan (Tom); her grandchildren: Kyle and Stephanie Cornforth, Brittney Zimmer, Amber Hay, Vance Hall, Geoffrey and Jacob Keller, Kacee, Jessika and Justin James; her sister Lorraine Stoller, brother Laurent Muloin and uncle Roland Muloin; as well as numerous nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends, all of whom she loved dearly. Lucille is predeceased by her husband B. Robert James, parents Joseph and Cecile Muloin, brothers Joseph and Oliver Muloin and sister Eva Dionne. A Mass of Christian Burial was held on Thursday, April 11, 2013 at 10 a.m. in Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church,

Castor, Ab. with Father James Corrigan of Edmonton, AB as celebrant. Loving words of remembrance were given by Jeannie Malkin. Gifts of music were lead by Brenda Kneller and Rosa Weber. Readers were Stephanie Cornforth and Vance Hall, as well as Intentions by Kacee James. Following the mass family and friends gathered together in the Castor Community Hall for a time of fellowship and luncheon prepared by Michelle Breum. The interment followed in the Alliance Cemetery. Active pallbearers were Tom and Bobbie Corrigan. Honourary pallbearers were Kyle and Stephanie Cornforth, Brittney Zimmer, Vance Hall, Geoffrey and Jacob Keller, Kacee, Jessika and Justin James. Memorial donations may be made in Lucille’s memory to the Viking Hospital Foundation (Palliative Care) c/o Parkview Funeral Chapels, Box 186, Castor, AB, T0C 0X0. Sympathies may be forwarded to the family by signing the guestbook at www.parkviewfuneralchapels.com. Parkview Funeral Chapels were entrusted with the care and funeral arrangements. For further information please call 403-882-3141.

Georgia, Ryan, Jessica, Kaitlyn, Olivia, Caleb, Cicely. Her sister Jean Pawluk and her brother Gary Vert and many nieces and nephews survive her. Her sister and brother-in-law Gladys and Orville McElree; her brother and sister-in-law Donnie and Irene Vert; and her brother Ed Vert preceded Evelyn in death. Funeral services were held at Lake View Cemetery, Stettler, Alberta on Saturday, April 6, 2013 at 10:30 a.m., family and friends gathered at the Royal Canadian Legion Hall for a time of fellowship and a dinner. Daughters Norma Flett and Shirley Lang gave loving tributes to their mother as well friends Cheryl Cysouw, Marg Grandfield, Susan Penner and several family members related stories, read poems and reminisced about their friendships of Grandma P. Memorial donations may be made to Alzheimer’s Association in her memory. Condolences may be viewed or sent to www.stettlerfuneralhome.com Stettler Funeral Home & Crematorium entrusted with the care and funeral arrangements. 403-742-3422.

Card of Thanks The Pruden family would like to thank Heart Haven and Home

Care, Pine Ridge, and especially Thank you so much! Heritage House. The nursing, Thank you Brenda’s Catering for cleaning, kitchen and laundry supplying us with a delicious roast staff to name a few at these Stettler beef dinner. Mom would have been Care Centre’s are incredible. Eight pleased. Thank you! years ago Evelyn started showing signs of dementia. It has not been easy but these facilities have made the journey much easier. We want to thank you for the extraordinary care that you gave our mom, grandma, and friend. Words would never be able to express our gratitude for what you have done. The care was second to none and you went above and beyond by loving our mom. MICHIGAN – WISCONSIN DELLS What an incredible gift you 13 Days...June 11-23 • Cost $1,698.00/person dbl gave our mom and SISTERS, OREGON everyone who loved her. 7 Days...July 9-15 World’s largest outdoor quilt show We would like to thank Cost $950.00/person dbl Dr. Dutoit for being a great OKANAGAN doctor. Our mom really 6 Days...July 22-26 • Cost $830.00/person dbl cared for you. I think it is FOLKLORAMA – WINNIPEG the optimism that you 6 Days...August 13-16 • Cost $810.00/person dbl demonstrate. Evelyn was EASTERN CANADA with NEWFOUNDLAND certainly surrounded by 24 Days...Sept. 15-October 7 • Cost $4,190.00/person dbl quality people. Thank you! Includes return airfare from We would like to thank St. John’s, Newfoundland to Calgary Stettler Funeral Home. BRANSON & NEW ORLEANS The staff is outstanding 16 Days...Oct. 24-November 8 • Cost $2,375.00/person dbl and we are so appreciative of the sensitivity that they For a full detailed brochure and bookings, showed us at this sad time call our toll-free number, 1-866-362-5416, in our lives. They are so or visit our website www.dejongstours.com detailed in their care.

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Deadline to Advertise:

April 30 Contact: advertise@ECAreview.com or phone 403-578-4111

Published May 2013 EVIEW


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16,500 distributed in east central Alberta

East Central Alberta



C O R O N AT I O N , A B .

S P R I N G R E N O VA T I O N S / H O M E S

The ultimate in home cinemas Positioning and equipment • Calculate the distance available between the screen and the seating area. Plan for a distance that is between 2.5 to 3 times the size of the screen, measured on the diagonal. For example, a 40-inch screen would require a distance from the chairs of around 2.5 to 3 metres. • To ensure comfortable seating, plan about 90 cm for the width of each chair and calculate for about 80 cm of space behind the seats and along all the walls to facilitate movement. • Install your front speakers at the height of the spectators’ ears, around 91 cm from the floor, and 30 cm from each side of the screen. In the back corners of the room, position your rear speakers a bit higher,

around 1.22 metres from the ground. Put the bass speaker on the floor under the screen. All electronic equipment can be kept in a speci ally designed cabinet.

Acoustics and soundproofing • Think carefully about acoustics. The ideal is to have a good balance between absorbing materials and reflecting materials. You can insulate the walls, floor, and ceiling with specially designed insulating wool and then install acoustic panels on the walls and ceiling. • Plan on insulating the walls to a thickness of around 10 mm. Keep in mind that rectangular

rooms give better sound quality. • Take advantage of any insulating work to hide away electrical sheaths and the cable network required for your installation. • Choose a full door made of steel or wood. • Install a floating floor covered by wall-to-wall carpeting. • Dress the windows with drapes made of a thick fabric. • Opt for discreet lighting, such as wall lamps or recessed ceiling lights equipped with dimmers.


Creating a useful and fun home cinema requires a great deal of careful planning. Here are a few tips to help you get started:

Transform your kitchen Renovating or remodelling a kitchen is all about putting more life into it, transforming the dĂŠcor, and designing new storage space. It is also a good investment that could increase the value of We want to be proud of our kitchens, because your home and facilithey are where we love to get together with tate its resale. In the friends and family. past, kitchens were often neglected when synthetic resins (including home owners were deciding on high-performance granite fintheir priorities. These days, ishes that are waterproof and however, we want to be proud wear-resistant), or, if you can of our kitchens and show them afford it, marble or fibre off. That means kitchens cement sinks that are indeshould be as welcoming and structible and totally unique. functional as possible. Because a total kitchen renoThese days, designer vation or remodel is a very kitchens with clean and simple ambitious project, it is possible lines are emphasized with the to only change some elements, use of aluminum, wood, and such as the cabinets, back stainless steel. splash, and worktops. Work areas are expansive Alternately, new life can be and lit precisely and generbrought to an old kitchen with ously, with numerous a few accessories updates, such electrical outlets at the ready as sink hardware, curtains, for all types of appliances. appliances, or kitchen table Opening up the kitchen, so and chairs. as to integrate it into the dining room or living room, continues to be the main remodelling trend. Note that doing so requires the installation of a more powerful and quieter kitchen fan. Islands have also gained in popularity over the last few years. Whether mobile or fixed, they add elegance “OUR BUSINESS IS BUILDINGâ€? and functionality to NEIL KINDERWATER - Journeyman Carpenter any kitchen. Sinks are now available BOX 565 PHONE: 403-742-6945 in a wide range of STETTLER, AB CELL: 403-740-5565 materials: ceramic, T0C 2L0 FAX: 403-742-6949 stainless steel,

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Spring Renovations


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* Some conditions, admin, other fees and taxes beyond the electricity rate also apply. †You can switch between fixed and floating rates once per month either online or by contacting ENMAX Energy at 310-2010. If you change plans, your new rate will become effective immediately. You can only change to rates which are available at that time you elect to switch, and you will not be able to switch back to a rate which you previously had if it is no longer available. ‥Some conditions apply. No cash value. Subject to the EasyMax Terms and Conditions. When you purchase gas and electricity together from ENMAX Energy, you will earn EasyMax Rewards Dollars accruing at the rate posted on enmax.com from time to time, which amount will be applied to your bill from ENMAX Energy at the frequency you request or toward other option(s) that will be available from time to time. If you have not chosen one of the available methods to apply your EasyMax Rewards Dollars, the EasyMax Rewards will be credited yearly on your EasyMax bill. If or when the EasyMax Rewards program is cancelled, you may receive less than 100 EasyMax Rewards Dollars that year. Full details are available at enmax.com/easymaxtandc or by calling 310-2010 (toll free in Alberta). Ž and ™ ENMAX Corporation.

You can choose any retailer listed at www.ucahelps.alberta.ca or at 310-4822. Electricity delivery to your home or business isn’t affected by your choice of retailer.

S P R I N G R E N O VA T I O N S / H O M E S


A panoply of trends underfoot Resisting the temptation of exotic wood flooring will be extremely difficult this year. We will all be dreaming about African mahogany with its warm, classy tones: sand, terracotta, copper, caramel, and even green and blue. Rustic hickory and dark knotty walnut are also high on the dream-renovation list. Luckily for us, hardwood flooring is now available in a huge range of different finishes. Your natural wood floor can be hand scraped, brushed, or distressed in order to highlight knots and grains. New colours and contrasting tones are also on offer. Easier to maintain, the new hardwood floors that are factory sealed and oiled have a smoother, glossier finish. Prevarnished wood now comes with embossed surfaces that create a wavelike effect. Moreover, advances in nanotechnology have enabled the production of a varnish with more effective anti-abrasive qualities. Whether pre-varnished or pre-oiled, the new engineered wood floors, which can be used as floating floor or glued directly to the subfloor, ensure good soundproofing. Another new trend: wood floors with wide planks that create a rustic look. The latest in ceramics is perfect for both floors and walls. New porcelain stoneware tiles create a contemporary look. Ceramic and precision-ground enameled porcelain have now taken on the form of planks that vary in shade and texture to imitate wood. And PVC flooring, which imitates wood and even stone, is also available. Innovations in linoleum production have allowed manufacturers to produce a wide range of textures and colours, including an imitation leather that uses eco-friendly materials.

especially suitable type of flooring to consider. You could also opt for vinyl or the new types of laminate, which are water-resistant. For a bathroom, think about limiting the risks of slipping as well as comfort. Natural stone could be an interesting choice here. Engineered hardwood flooring is also a good option for the kitchen, as it is durable and easy to maintain, a perfect combination for this part of your home. Flooring in the dining room must be stain resistant. Choose wood, laminate, vinyl, or a dark-coloured carpet. For high traffic areas, such as the entrance hall or the family room, opt for a durable and comfortable floorcovering such as carpeting, hardwood, engineered hardwood, or laminate. For the basement, it is very important that the subfloor be well insulated. Suitable flooring could include carpet, engineered hardwood, laminate, or vinyl. Cork flooring is a great choice for a home cinema room or playroom because of its excellent soundproofing qualities. All types of flooring are available in varying qualities and a wide range of prices. For help in making the right choice, consult an interior decorator who will be able to give you advice on the style, colour, texture, and motif of your floorcovering for the specific purpose of the room. Most of these specialists offer a free home consultation, and some are equipped with visual software that will give you a good idea of what the final result will look like.

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The latest trends will allow you to choose from some interesting innovations, but of course you will need to take into account the demands of each room before settling on a choice. If your main criterion is comfort, for a bedroom or living room for example, carpet is a traditional choice. For the more environmentally minded, hardwood, engineered wood, laminate, or a floating wood floor are also great choices. For rooms with higher humidity levels, such as a bathroom or kitchen, ceramic is an

In rooms with higher humidity levels, such as a bathroom or kitchen, ceramic is a popular floorcovering.

Spring Renovations

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C O R O N AT I O N , A B .

S P R I N G R E N O VA T I O N S / H O M E S / R E A L E S T A T E


Surviving in the renovation zone


Daily living in a work zone is never easy, but it isn’t always possible to move out while renovations or remodelling are being done. Those obsessed with tidiness and cleanliness feel stressed by the ongoing mess, while others struggle to deal with the lack of privacy as work crews tramp around their home. In either case, the renovation nightmare has to be tolerated somehow. Here are a few tips that can help you deal with the invasion. Firstly and most importantly, ask

contractors for their proposed work schedules and organize your timetable in consequence. As renovators are generally more concerned by the quality of their work rather than the dirt and dust it produces, the contents of the rooms to be renovated should be removed, if possible, and other rooms protected from dust by closing their doors. Clothes should be stored carefully and perishable foods sealed to avoid them becoming impregnated with odours and dust. If you have a pet you could try and find it a more comfortable and less traumatizing home for the duration of the renovations. If you have young children living with you, keep them busy with outdoor activities. Every evening throw out any debris, clean up accumulated dust, and secure the worksite to avoid any risk of injury. It is up to you to decide if you want to get involved and supervise the work or give free rein to the contractors. The important thing to remember is that the experience has to be bearable for the home dwellers, all while ensuring that the end results are of the best quality.

To stay or not to stay during the renovations, that is the question.

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Lynn Engel lynneng@telus.net

An Independent member broker

Bungalow - Halkirk, Two Lots, Covered Porch..........................................................$94,500 Single Wide Mobile - Alix, Many upgrades, Chain link fence .....................................................$109,900 Farm w/Residence - Buffalo Lake Area, Out buildings, Barns ........................................ $1,000,000 Bungalow - Castor, Scenic lot, aeration fountain ....................................................$70,000 Bungalow - Stettler, Open concept, Main floor laundry ...............................................$369,000 24 Acres, Bare Land - Big Valley Area, Nicely treed, Close to paved road .............................................$100,000 Hair Salon/Spa - Castor, Well maintained, Established, Recent upgrades............................$110,000 Bungalow - Coronation, three lots, home all on one level, 2 sheds.......................................................... $ 45,000 Commercial Property - Erskine Area, 1- 40x40 Shop and 1- 64x68 Shop................................................$225,000 Acreage w/Residence - Erskine Area, Rolling Hills, 3 Car Garage ..........................................................$395,000 Bungalow - Halkirk, Large mature lot, All on one floor.......................................................$92,500

Gwen Lee gsells4u@telus.net

5 Acres, Bare Land - Stettler Area, Build your dream home ....................................... $98,000 Bi Level - Stettler, Re-modeled Kitchen, Freshly painted, Easy care flooring ...............................$250,000 5 Acres, Bare Land - Stettler Area, 5 minutes to Stettler............................................$105,000 Bungalow - Stettler, Corner Lot, Open Concept, 3 Years Old .............................................................$389,000 Heritage Home - Big Valley, large family room, ample garage, large back yard ......................... $175,000 Tri Plex - Stettler, Like new, move in ready, clean, bright ..........................................................$233,900 Bungalow - Stettler, Custom cabinets, on demand hot water, low maintenance ..... $400,000 Condo - Stettler, Great lighting, extra wide hallways and doorways, no stairs.....................................$235,000 Bungalow - Big Valley, two lots, newer windows, main floor laundry .......................................................... $176,000 Hillside Bungalow - Pelican Point, open concept, vaulted ceilings, oversized double garage ..$500,000

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C O R O N AT I O N , A B . A P R I L 1 8 ' 1 3


Tender Your Offer On: 320 acres of crop land in Castor -

Beautiful 2 Bedroom 1406 sq. ft. Condo in the Coronation Condo Complex, Coronation, AB Built in 2008 this home is on the 2nd floor and is a corner unit overlooking the 9th hole of the Coronation Golf course. Some of the features are Custom cabinets, Jacuzzi tub in the main bath, Large walk in closet and ensuite in the master bedroom. Large laundry room, Murphy bed in 2nd bedroom. The complex itself offers an elevator, under building heated parking, exercise and games room with kitchenette for those family get togethers. If your looking for the quiet life here it is. Give Dallas a call today and come have a look at this beautifully kept home you will be glad you did.

Price $259,900.00


Outstanding Acreage with Log home!

Tiela Lipka and mom Kristina (R) received a balloon from Morgan Baker at the Stettler Trade Show. The two-day event brought groups and businesses across the county to show the approximate 2400 attendees what they had to offer. ECA Review/Submitted

check us out online www.ECAreview.com


315 cultivated acres with oil revenue! For more info, see our website at www.linview.ca. Linview Realty Inc. is offering the above property For Sale by Tender. We request that you place your Offer along with terms and conditions and possession date in a sealed envelope to be delivered by mail, registered mail, or fax (403-546-2638) to Linview Realty Inc. at Box 99, Linden, AB, T0M 1J0 not later than 12 noon on Thursday, May 9, 2013. The Offers will be opened in the presence of Linview Realty representatives and the Sellers. It is understood by all parties that the acceptance/ rejection of any Offer will be solely at the discretion of the Sellers. For more detailed information, viewing of the property or any details regarding the bidding process, call Gordie Fischer @ 780842-8318 or 780-754-3864. F-19

2,340 sq. ft. +/- home with 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, and full basement with separate entrance, giving it an additional 1,500 sq. ft. +/-. It features true log home style with vaulted ceiling, handmade cedar baseboards, 3 fireplaces, large decks, 40’ x 48’ metal shop and so much more! Call Gordie to view this beautiful property @ 780-842-8318 or 780-7543864. G-01


A.L.L. STARS Realty Ltd. Ph. (780) 434-4700


Hm/Off. (403) 578-2255 Cell. (403) 578-7000

4614 Westminster Ave., Coronation- 5 bedroom 2 bathroom bungalow in excellent condition. Single detached garage, fenced yard, all appliances, hardwood, upgraded bathrooms and more. . Listed at $189,000

4612 Alexander Ave., Coronation- Beautiful 4 bedroom 3 bathroom 3 level split located on spacious lot. Features include; lark deck, fenced yard, heated garage and many more. Substantial renovations and a large addition make this home a must see!

305 Waterloo Street Veteran 610 sqft 3 bedroom bungalow on a large 100 x 125 ft lot. Includes all appliances, fenced yard, fire pit & garden shed. Currently rented. Listed for $35,000

214 Lucknow Street Veteran1220 sqft 3 bedroom bungalow located on a corner lot. Includes all appliances and window coverings. Features a fenced yard, mature trees and an insulated/heated and cement floored double detached garage. Listed at $30,000

Coronation JUST


5017 Imperial Ave. Coronation 720 sqft bungalow,2 bedrooms, 4 piece bathroom, and spacious backyard. Included in the sale are 4 appliances. This home is located on a quiet street close to the golf course. Listed @ $69,500


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10 Parklane, Coronation 1997 Triple E mobile on owned lot. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open kitchen/ living/dining room. Spacious yard partially fenced with 2 sheds. $95,000

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CALL YOUR LOCAL DEALER NOW TO BOOK AN INSTALLATION 4714 Windsor Ave., Coronation Unique character home! Vaulted ceiling in the living room, loft & bedroom that over look. Several updates, spacious dining room, bathroom with jetted tub, open living room with skylight, a fenced backyard with deck, shed, small garage. REDUCED $96,900 $89,900

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$10,000 Cash Back to purchaser 4914 Norfolk Ave. Coronation 1440 sqft double wide on 4 lots located close to all amenities. 3 bedrooms, large walk in closet in master bedroom, 2 bathrooms one 4 piece one 3 piece, separate laundry area, front and back covered decks, fenced yard , 2 storage sheds, fruit trees, 6 appliances and window coverings. Reduced $90,000 $79,900 All Offers Considered


pt of NW31-35-9-W4 Approx. 6.29 acres located east of Coronation. 3165 sqft 1 1/2 storey home. 6 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, patio, deck, wood fireplace, major above grade renos! The exterior features well developed landscaping and an insulated and heated shop with a 12 foot overhead door. Listed for $459,900 Go to screasy.ca to view interior photos of this BEAUTIFUL acreage!

4.32 acres, partially completed 3450 sqft home with semi attached 24’x24 garage. Built to be Off the Grid! Solar system operates entire home! The acreage has a fantastic view, Exterior wall are completed, interior is wide open. Call Shelly for further details!

Pt of NE 34-37-10-W4 - 12.59 acres County of Paintearth - excellent 1848 sqft home 4 bedrooms, office, 2nd kitchen, fireplace, large double garage insulated and heated, beautiful yard with well developed trees and a fantastic 4 acre man made lake with a sand beach and Dock! Listed for $495,000 MUST SEE!

pt of SW20-34-10-W4- 37.56 acres approx. 20 km south/east of Coronation AB. 4 bedroom 2 bathroom bungalow, south and west facing deck, single attached garage, work shop, cattle shelter, 2 water wells, cross fenced. Listed at $210,000


Commercial Building Coronation - 5 bays and an additional vacant lot, excellent income property. All 5 bays have been rented to the same tenants for many years. For revenue information and further details on this property contact Shelly. Listed at $365,770

Major Price Reduction Short Stop Liquor Store, Coronation Excellent opportunity to purchase a successful business in Coronation, AB. Asking Price includes Building, Business, all equipment and $150,000 inventory. All Offers Considered.

for additional photos: screasy.ca or mls.ca

12 A P R I L


C O R O N AT I O N , A B .





C O R O N AT I O N , A B . A P R I L 1 8 ' 1 3


ATTENTION 2% Strychnine 2% Liquid Strychnine Concentrate will be sold based on the amount of bait required (250ml of 2% per 1 kg of grain). A 5 gallon (12 kg) pail would require 12 bottles of product. A min. order of six 250ml bottles is required to a max. of 72 bottles. Cost is $8 per 250 ml. Product ordered will be billed directly at time of order and available for pickup on Fridays from 1:00-2:00pm in April & May at the County ASB Shop. First available pickup date will be Friday, April 12.

The annual cattle drive for Robert and Trudy Simkin of Consort took on a whole new challenge this year as a snow storm blew in on Saturday, April 13 that made for some visibility issues as five riders and others helped move the cow herd numbering approximately 450 to their calving and summer home southwest of Coronation from Consort. The move is approximately 40 miles and it takes three days. The Simkin’s have been doing this for 22 or 23 years, said Robert in a telephone interview following the end of the trek on Monday, April 15. ECA Review/J. WEBSTER

CCA recommends withdrawal of USDA proposed rule for mandatory Country of Origin Labeling The Canadian Cattlemen’s Association (CCA) recommends that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) proposed rule for mandatory Country of Origin Labeling (COOL) be withdrawn as it fails to bring the U.S. into compliance with its World Trade Organization (WTO) obligations. The recommendation is found in the concluding remarks of the CCA comments submitted in response to the USDA’s proposed regulation published in the Federal Register of March 12, 2013. The CCA recommendation is made in light of USDA’s failure to provide any explanation of how the proposed rule would bring the U.S. into compliance with its WTO obligations; as well as a lack of a credible cost/benefit analysis. These deficiencies fall well short of satisfying the proper U.S. rulemaking process and on this basis, the CCA feels that the USDA should withdraw the rule. Furthermore, the CCA points out that the proposed rule would only escalate the level of discrimination and cost to livestock producers in Canada and Mexico. In Canada, it is estimated that the proposed rule would significantly increase damages from COOL beyond the current impact of $25 to $40 per head. The CCA’s position remains that the only way the U.S. can come into compliance with the WTO is to amend the COOL legislation to allow either a single mandatory label for all meat processed in the U.S. or to allow for voluntary labelling. Until this outcome is achieved, the CCA will continue to work with its allies in the

U.S. and Mexico and with the Government of Canada to ensure compliance, seek compensation or take retaliatory action through the WTO. The CCA has estimated the annual impact to Canadian cattle producers at approximately $639 million. Added to

For more info call Al Oeming 780-922-3013 Email: questions@ aloemingauctions.com

SATURDAY APRIL 27, 2013 @ 9:00 AM DeWinton Community Hall, Alberta - South of Calgary COMPLETE DISPERSAL Horse Related, Collector Dolls, Carriages, Clocks, Crocks, Pottery, Artwork, Pictures, Lamps, Lanterns, Toys, Handbags, Jewelry, Holiday Giftware, Glassware, Brass Ornaments, 1,000 Lawn Ornaments, Implement Seats, Taxidermy, PLUS Furniture, and Huge selection of Collectibles. ITEMS!



check us out online www.ECAreview.com

Luke Creasy is a 24-year old journalist, artist and bareback rider from Brownfield, Ab. A graduate of Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas with a Bachelor’s in English, he has written for the ProRodeo Sports News, the Canadian Rodeo News and EverythingCowboy. ca He is a proud single father, and spends down time between rodeos with his son, Cash. Luke is a three-time qualifier for the CFR and competes in PRCA rodeos across the continent. ECA Review/Submitted

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25 ANNUAL SPRING SALE Another spectacular event awaits you with an Incredible variety & quality of virtually every Vehicle & artifact related to the Horse era. Learn & marvel how our Pioneer ancestors travelled & what Their skills could produce. Enjoy the day, breathe the History and rejoice to see Some of the wonders of Our great heritage

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(5;08<, *633,*;0)3,: (<*;065 :(3, ‹ (5;08<, *633,*;0)3,: (<*;065 :(3,

the impact to Canadian hog producers, Minister Ritz indicated that Canada could seek extensive retaliatory measures against the U.S., to the tune of approximately $1 billion, should the U.S. not achieve compliance by May 23, 2013, as mandated by the WTO.



To place your orders, contact the County office at (403) 882-3211. For more information contact Trevor Kerr, Assistant Agricultural Fieldman.

$6 /2: $6




( 68% &203$&7 87,/,7< 75$&725 3$&.$*( ( 68% &203$&7 87 ĹŹ ĹŹ ( 6XE &RPSDFW 8WLOLW\ 7UDFWRU ĹŹ -RKQ 'HHUH ' /RDGHU ĹŹ -RKQ ĹŹ )URQWLHU 5HDU %ODGH ĹŹ )URQW $6 /2: $6






At Al Oeming’s Polar Park 25 Kms East Of Edmonton On Highway #14 & Range Road 223 Previewing Saturday, May 4th 10:00 am – 8 8:00 pm

Full details & pictures visit website


HORSE ERA ANTIQUES AND OTHER ITEMS: Our auction fans always enjoy this part of the auction. Those that don’t have horses will enjoy getting a small memento to those early horse days. One is always amazed and impressed by what those early pioneers could build without any of the modern conveniences we take for granted today. It’s nice to be able to invest in even a small piece of our western heritage. There is something here for everyone and we with you all a successful acquisition.

0RUH PRGHOV 0RUH SDUWV 0RUH NQRZOHGJHDEOH VWDII OLDS CALGARY CLARESHOLM CORONATION CRANBROOK 403.556.6961 403.280.2200 403.625.4421 403.578.3744 250.417.0272 PINCHER CREEK PONOKA STETTLER TROCHU 403.627.4451 403.783.3337 403.742.4427 403.442.3982 *Down payment may be required. A $50.00 documentation fee may apply. Monthly payments and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment. 0LQLPXP áQDQFH DPRXQW PD\ EH UHTXLUHG 7KH FKDUJH IRU DPRXQWV SDVW GXH LV SHU DQQXP 7D[HV VHWXS GHOLYHU\ IUHLJKW DQG SUHSDUDWLRQ FKDUJHV QRW LQFOXGHG 'HDOHUV DUH free to set individual prices. Additional fees may apply. Subject to John Deere Financial approval. See participating dealer for details. Program subject to change without notice at DQ\ WLPH 2IIHU YDOLG RQO\ DW SDUWLFLSDWLQJ GHDOHUV 2IIHU YDOLG IURP XQWLO DQG LV VXEMHFW WR -RKQ 'HHUH )LQDQFLDO DSSURYDO )RU SHUVRQDO RU FRPPHUFLDO XVH GRZQ SD\PHQW UHTXLUHG )RU H[DPSOH RQ D ( 7UDFWRU 3DFNDJH EDVHG RQ D VHOOLQJ SULFH RI OHVV D GRZQ SD\PHQW UHVXOWV LQ D EDODQFH RI WR EH áQDQFHG IRU D PD[LPXP RI \HDUV ZLWK PRQWKO\ SD\PHQWV RI 'RZQ SD\PHQW PD\ EH UHTXLUHG $ GRFXPHQWDWLRQ IHH PD\ DSSO\ 0RQWKO\ SD\PHQWV DQG FRVW RI ERUURZLQJ ZLOO YDU\ GHSHQGLQJ RQ DPRXQW ERUURZHG DQG GRZQ SD\PHQW 0LQLPXP áQDQFH DPRXQW PD\ EH UHTXLUHG 7KH FKDUJH IRU DPRXQWV SDVW GXH LV SHU DQQXP 7D[HV VHWXS GHOLYHU\ freight and preparation charges not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Additional fees may apply. Subject to John Deere Financial approval. See participating dealer for details. Program subject to change without notice at any time. Offer valid only at participating dealers. Offer valid from 4/1/13 until 4/30/13 and is subject to John Deere )LQDQFLDO DSSURYDO )RU SHUVRQDO RU FRPPHUFLDO XVH GRZQ SD\PHQW UHTXLUHG )RU H[DPSOH RQ D 7UDFWRU 3DFNDJH EDVHG RQ D VHOOLQJ SULFH RI OHVV D GRZQ SD\PHQW UHVXOWV LQ D EDODQFH RI WR EH áQDQFHG IRU D PD[LPXP RI \HDUV ZLWK PRQWKO\ SD\PHQWV RI AGE4X7-4C

14 A P R I L



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*(7 7+( 727$/ 3$&.$*(


( 87,/,7< 75$&725 3$&.$*( รก ( 8WLOLW\ 7UDFWRU ZLWK &DE รก -RKQ 'HHUH + /RDGHU

The Spady family held their 10th annual Black Angus Bull sale last Wednesday. The top bull sold for $7,000 while the average sold for $3,462. ECA Review/J. COLE

$6 /2: $6




Condition at calving impacts breeding by Ryan Sterry, University of Wisconsin -Extension ag agent, St. Croix County Despite the late hours, worries about weather, and that cow or two that never cooperates (every farm has one), calving season also represents the most optimistic aspect of farming โ each calf represents a new opportunity for the future. While breeding season is months down the road, the condition of your cows now can have a major impact on fertility and your 2014 calf crop. Itโ s no secret that the total body energy reserves of the cow play a major role in reproductive efficiency. The best way for the manager to periodically estimate the energy reserves is to individually record body condition scores. Beef producers typically use a 9 point scale with 1 being extremely thin, 9 being obese, and around 5 ideal. The challenge for you, the herd manager, is biology dictates that reproduction is relatively low on the list of energy priorities. In one study, cows with a body condition score of 3 at the time of calving averaged 88 days from calving until their first heat. Cows with more desirable body condition scores of 5 or 6 averaged 51-59 days from calving until their first heat. To maintain a 12 month calving interval, cows must conceive around 80-85 days post calving. Those cows that havenโ t been in heat yet by 85 days post calving will have no chance to maintain a 12

month calving interval. In the example above, the average cow in the 3 point body condition group did not have an opportunity to maintain a 12 month calving interval. Moreover, thin cows that fail to regain body weight may never begin cycling during the breeding season, and will add to the number of reproductive culls. In essence, these cows are at a great breeding disadvantage before most of us even think about breeding season. The dollars and cents low body condition scores at calving cost really add up when you factor in thin cows generally wean lighter calves. While many thinner cows may still get pregnant and calve next year, their calves will generally be born later and likely lighter than their herd mates at weaning time. This compounds the loss of pounds of calves to sell year after year, and makes putting together groups of uniform feeder calves difficult. Two tools proven to improve the interval from calving to first heat are early weaning and supplemental progesterone. These management practices are not for everyone, but are options to discuss with your veterinarian, nutritionist, or other consultants before breeding season. Be proactive in making management decisions, get those cows cycling, and get those cows pregnant in 2013!


Seed Available

Black & Red Angus

BULLS For Sale by Private Treaty Michael & Tyler Kueber Box 216, Killam, AB T0B 2L0 (780) 385-2396 cell (780) 385-1546

HRSW - AC Stettler - AC Carberry Unity VB - CDC Go Two Row Malt Barley- AC Metcalfe - CDC Copeland - CDC Meredith Two Row Feed Barley - CDC Cowboy - CDC Austensen Flax - Prairie Grande Peas - CDC Meadow CDC Saffron (available 2014)

( &203$&7 87,/,7< 75$&725 3$&.$*( ( &203$&7 87,/ ลฌ ลฌ ( &RPSDFW 8WLOLW\ 7UDFWRU ลฌ ลฌ -RKQ 'HHUH /RDGHU $6 /2: $6





0RUH PRGHOV 0RUH SDUWV 0RUH NQRZOHGJHDEOH VWDII OLDS CALGARY CLARESHOLM CORONATION CRANBROOK 403.556.6961 403.280.2200 403.625.4421 403.578.3744 250.417.0272 PINCHER CREEK PONOKA STETTLER TROCHU 403.627.4451 403.783.3337 403.742.4427 403.442.3982 *Down payment may be required. A $50.00 documentation fee may apply. Monthly payments and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment. 0LQLPXP รทQDQFH DPRXQW PD\ EH UHTXLUHG 7KH FKDUJH IRU DPRXQWV SDVW GXH LV SHU DQQXP 7D[HV VHWXS GHOLYHU\ IUHLJKW DQG SUHSDUDWLRQ FKDUJHV QRW LQFOXGHG 'HDOHUV DUH free to set individual prices. Additional fees may apply. Subject to John Deere Financial approval. See participating dealer for details. Program subject to change without notice at DQ\ WLPH 2IIHU YDOLG RQO\ DW SDUWLFLSDWLQJ GHDOHUV 2IIHU YDOLG IURP XQWLO DQG LV VXEMHFW WR -RKQ 'HHUH )LQDQFLDO DSSURYDO )RU SHUVRQDO RU FRPPHUFLDO XVH GRZQ SD\PHQW UHTXLUHG )RU H[DPSOH RQ D ( 7UDFWRU 3DFNDJH EDVHG RQ D VHOOLQJ SULFH RI OHVV D GRZQ SD\PHQW UHVXOWV LQ D EDODQFH RI WR EH รทQDQFHG IRU D PD[LPXP RI \HDUV ZLWK PRQWKO\ SD\PHQWV RI 'RZQ SD\PHQW PD\ EH UHTXLUHG $ GRFXPHQWDWLRQ IHH PD\ DSSO\ 0RQWKO\ SD\PHQWV DQG FRVW RI ERUURZLQJ ZLOO YDU\ GHSHQGLQJ RQ DPRXQW ERUURZHG DQG GRZQ SD\PHQW 0LQLPXP รทQDQFH DPRXQW PD\ EH UHTXLUHG 7KH FKDUJH IRU DPRXQWV SDVW GXH LV SHU DQQXP 7D[HV VHWXS GHOLYHU\ freight and preparation charges not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Additional fees may apply. Subject to John Deere Financial approval. See participating dealer for details. Program subject to change without notice at any time. Offer valid only at participating dealers. Offer valid from 4/1/13 until 4/30/13 and is subject to John Deere )LQDQFLDO DSSURYDO )RU SHUVRQDO RU FRPPHUFLDO XVH GRZQ SD\PHQW UHTXLUHG )RU H[DPSOH RQ D ( 7UDFWRU 3DFNDJH EDVHG RQ D VHOOLQJ SULFH RI OHVV D GRZQ SD\PHQW UHVXOWV LQ D EDODQFH RI WR EH รทQDQFHG IRU D PD[LPXP RI \HDUV ZLWK PRQWKO\ SD\PHQWV RI


8th Annual

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C O R O N AT I O N , A B . A P R I L 1 8 ' 1 3

Ph. 403-578-4111 • Fax. 403-578-2088 Classified Ad Rates $13.00 + tax for 25 words or less + 19¢ a word after 25 each week or 3 weeks for $36 + tax (based on 25 words or less). Reach 24,700 homes with your classified. This includes For Sale, For Rent, Card of Thanks, Coming Events, etc. Payment Necessary All Classified Ads are on a Cash Only basis and must be prepaid before running. There will be a $5.00 service charge on every classified not paid for prior to publication. We accept cash, cheque, VISA or MC. It is the responsibility of the advertiser to check ad the 1st week and call us if in error. The Review is responsible for their mistakes the 1st week only. Deadline For Ads All classified ads must be received by 5 p.m. on Mondays preceding publication. For Too Late To Classifieds ad must be received by 10 a.m. Tuesday. Ph. 578-4111. Mail to Box 70, Coronation, AB T0C 1C0.

REAL ESTATE ELINOR Lake Resort. 2.5 hours NE Edmonton. Spring Sale, fully serviced lake lots reduced by 15% May 17-31, 2013. Suitable for cabin/ house, RV or investment. 1-877-623-3990; elinorlakeresort.com.

MOBILE HOMES FACTORY Promotion! Order your new SRI self-contained or basement model sectional modular for summer delivery and receive $7,500 in free options! Custom plans our specialty. 26 years experience. Lowest prices/ best service guaranteed! Dynamic Homes. 1-877-341-4422; www. dynamicmodular.ca.

UNITED Homes Canada has a variety of home styles! RTM, Modular, and Consignment. Homes starting at $65,000. Call 1-800461-4632! 142 East Lake Blvd., Airdrie; www.unitedhomescanada.com. SPRING sale now on, until April 20 only. Save up to $6,000 on select stock homes. 16 different models! Immediate delivery available. Toll free 1-855-463-0084; www.jandelhomes.com.

FOR RENT ACREAGE for rent with newer 1500 sq. ft. Manufactured home, 3 bdrms, 2 baths. 6 appliances. Covered deck and free internet. Fenced & cross fenced, barn, feed room, steel corrals. 2 horse shelters, automatic waterer. Great water well. Located 10 miles south on pavement. $1200 per mth or $1000 without pasture. Utilities extra. D.D. $1000. Available June 1st. Must have references. Call 403-575-0095

Stettler Mini Storage Household, furniture, business records, etc. Various sizes. Protected by security alarm and fenced and lighted perimeter. OWNERS: Reg & Darlene Hunter

403-740-9283 or 403-742-3153


STEEL buildings/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100, sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-457-2206; www. crownsteelbuildings.ca.

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Lois Rodvang 403-578-3295

Certified QuickBooks Specialist

Specializing in monthly accounting for farms and small business METAL Roofing & Siding. Best prices! 36� Hi-Tensile TUFF-Rib 29ga. Galvalume $.67 sq. ft. Colours $.82 sq. ft. 40 Year Warranty. ALTA-WIDE Builders Supplies 1-888-2638254. DISCONNECTED phone? Phone Factory Home Phone Service. No one refused! Low monthly rate! Calling features & unlimited long distance available. Call Phone Factory today! 1-877336-2274; www.phonefactory.ca SAWMILLS from only $3997. Make money & save money with your own bandmill. Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info & DVD; www. NorwoodSawmills. com/400OT. 1-800566-6899 ext. 400OT.

SCRAP farm machinery and vehicles. Yard clean-up of metals. We pay cash for large amounts. Call 780918-9000.

1928 Model A Ford Roadster with rumble seats, with frame off. Restoration in 2009. Blue with black fenders. $28,000. 403-749-2032.

STEEL Building Blowout Clearance Sale! 20x22 $4,188. 25x26 $4,799. 30x34 $6, 860. 32x44 $8,795. 40x50 $12,760. 47x74 $17,888. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422; www.pioneersteel.ca.

FOR sale 2000 Dodge Mega cab diesel, 6 sp manual, 4 X 4 SLT, 15,000 kms. Call Richard 780-704-0717.

LOOKING for a shop? Post Frame Buildings. AFAB Industries has experience, expertise, reliability and great construction practices. For a free quote, contact Ryan Smith 403818-0797 or email: ryan.afab@gmail.com. COLORADO Blue Spruce: $1.49/each for a box of 270 ($402.30). Also full range of trees, shrubs, cherries & berries. Free shipping. Replacement guarantee. 1-866-873-3846 or treetime.ca .


Remote Car Starters Sales & Installation Call for prices and option details

G.P.L. Tractor Service Gordon Long 403-575-3863

MISCELLANEOUS FOR sale: 3 good used roping saddles. 2 Eamor model #320, 1 older stock saddle $750$1850, phone 403-5752180


Required in Drumheller Alberta

Live-in Adult Female Caregiver to aide semi-independent 81 year woman with ADL (Activities of Daily Living.) Monday-Friday 7:00 am - 5:00 pm Start Date April 29th 2013 Commitment: 1 year Qualifications: Must be mature, empathetic, responsible, dependable with good moral and work ethics. Must have good driving record and a Canadian drivers license.

is now hiring a

Full Time

Produce Manager

For more information contact Elaine Moses (403) 237 8071 Apply in writing with Resume (2-3 work references attached) to elmoses@telus.net

Please Apply Within

COME JOIN OUR TEAM! Stettler Boston Pizza is now accepting applications for

Full & Part-Time Cooks We offer flexible hours and benefits are available.


FUTURE AG INC. owns and operates 5 branches throughout Central Alberta selling and servicing CASE IH Construction and CASE IH Agriculture equipment. We are currently looking for Apprentice or Journeyman Heavy Duty Mechanic s with Ag experience for our Coronation location. This is a fast-paced environment and ideal candidate would be able to work with minimal supervision, have the ability to take initiative and consistently demonstrate exceptional customer service. FUTURE AG INC. “People You Can Count On�, is offering the opportunity to grow in your career with a thriving company. We offer an exemplary benefits package, competitive pay scale, annual work boot reimbursement, RRSP plan, sick days, monthly bonus and continuous professional training in a positive friendly environment. If you have a great attitude and integrity, FUTURE AG is offering you an exciting career opportunity. To apply, forward your resume to: Future Ag Inc. Attn: Rob Box 1510 Stettler, AB T0C 2L0 Fax 403-742-5626

FEED & SEED BOOST your farm grain income with Soft White Wheat (30% higher yielding than Hard Red wheat). Check Chinook Applied Research Assoc. field tests, SWW seed (germination test 96%) for sale $10.50/ bus., picked up at Coronation Seed Plant. Call Walter Suntjens 403-779-2212.

SILVER Shadow Charolais bulls. Easycalving: All herd-sires have been proven on heifers. Gainability: 205day wts 745-825lbs (without creep feed). Quiet disposition. Excellent hair-coats. Will be semen tested and delivered. Off farm sales only. Coffee is always on. Ph. (780) 853-2587 Vermilion, AB.

CERTIFIED Morgan oat seed, 99% germ. Call Echo Ridge Seeds, 403-883-2503 Stettler.

Top Quality Bulls Semen Tested

FOR sale: Alfalfas, Clovers, Grasses plus Hay, Pasture, Reclamation and Lawn Mixtures. Early order discounts - Book now! No charge custom blending. Call 1-800661-1529 or esther@ hannasseeds.com.

Contact: Dave 780-385-2226 Dan 780-385-2298 Killam, AB

HEATED canola buying Green, Heated or Springthrashed Canola. Buying: oats, barley, wheat & peas for feed. Buying damaged or offgrade grain. “On Farm Pickup� Westcan Feed & Grain, 1-877-2505252.

Email: admin@ECAreview.com


LAKEFORD Polled Herefords Red Angus “Ready to WORK for You�


YEARLING registered Red & Black Angus bulls, born Feb. Semen tested & delivered. Heifer & cow bulls. $2500, Bellshill Angus, Darrell & Lorraine Davidson. 780-8881087, 780-888-1374. UNREGISTERED Red Angus bulls for sale, born April, light birth weight, semen tested, $1800. Bellshill Angus, Darrell & Lorraine Davidson. 780-8881087, 780-8881374. FOR Sale. Purebred 2 year-old Charolais bulls. Horned & polled. Semen tested, ready to go. Red factor & Whites, thick & sound. For more information contact Ralph Thornton, Sharp Hills Ranch Ltd., Sedalia, Ab. Ph. 403-577-2480 or cell 403-664-0731. FOR Sale. Red and Black Angus yearling heifer bulls, $1800. Ed & Blaine Davidson, Lougheed, Ab. Phone 780-384-2354, 780888-2123, cell 780888-7585.

SOUTH Devon Bulls. Black & red, two year olds and yearlings. South Devon/Angus and South Devon/ Gelbvieh yearlings. $1900 - 2500, 403566-2467, dmrranching@gmail.com SIMMERON Simmentals, Fullblood Full Fleckvieh Bulls, yearlings and 2 year olds, polled and horned, A.I. blood lines, very quiet, muscled. 780-913-7963.

BUSINESS OPPT MATCO Tools is looking for franchisees in your area. Professional products with a complete business system available to support you in becoming your own boss. Home based business; training & support programs. More information call 778-3874666; www.gomatco. com.

Classifieds work! Call 403-578-4111


Come educate yourself! Explore all your possibilities, empower your life choices and enjoy every minute of your time this summer with respected educators, knowledgeable MÊtis elders and playing with amazing NHL Hockey players. July 1 – 5, 2013. Application Deadline June 17, 2013. Call 1-888-48-MÉTIS (1-888-486-3847) online at: www.metisemployment.ca

Funded in part by the Government of Canada.

16 A P R I L


BUSINESS OPPT GET free vending machines. Can earn $100,000.+ per year. All cash-retire in just 3 years. Protected territories. Full details. Call now. 1-866-668-6629. Website: www.tcvend. com. HERBAL Magic Franchise for sale in Stettler. Canada’s Largest Weight loss Company. Excellent business opportunity to work under the Herbal Magic Franchise framework. Processes, policies and procedures are already in place to ensure your success. A detailed list of all assets included in the sale will be provided to prospective buyers. (Does not include building) Please contact Shantel for inquires: shantelbaker@telus.net

HELP WANTED FULL and Part time seasonal work now available. Must be able to work evenings and weekends. Must enjoy working with Plants and people. Apply in person with resume to Sheila at: Lougheed Gift & Garden. 780-386-2402. HOUSEKEEPING help required at Frontier Hotel, Coronation. Call Cheng 403-578-3000. BULK Fuel company looking for person to work in yard & office full-time. Must have a valid drivers license & computer knowledge. Please fax resume to 403-578-2125 or email wes@dreverag.com PYRAMID Corporation is now hiring! Instrument Technicians and Electricians for various sites across Alberta. Send resume to: hr@pyramidcorporation.com or fax 780955-HIRE. TIRED of Semi Truck Driving? Haul RVs from USA to Western Canada! 1 ton and 3 ton trucks required. 1-866-736-6483; www. speedwaymovingsystems.com. JOURNEYMAN OR Apprentice Heavy Duty Mechanic. Work in shop/field. Neilson Mechanical specializes in servicing and repairing highway tractor/ trailer units and construction equipment. Acadia Valley, Alberta 403-664-9185.

C O R O N AT I O N , A B .

$100 - $400 cash daily for landscaping work! Competitive, energetic, honesty a must; PropertyStarsJobs. com. BLACKFOOT Grazing Association is looking to fill the position of Pasture Rider. Term is May until end of October. Duties include: Roping, treating and moving cattle, fencing, any other related jobs. Must supply own horse, horse allowance provided. Cattle experience necessary. The pasture is located 45 minutes east of Edmonton. Please contact Dan Brown, President, 780672-8355 or Dennis Lawson, Secretary, 780-662-2697 or Peter Brown, Director, 780662-2651. SMS Fort McMurray is hiring Professional Monday to Friday positions - Site Services Manager, Technical Manager, Superintendent Rebuilds and Assembly Shops, Quality Assurance Staff, Shovel Project Coordinator, Hose Shop Team Lead, Human Resources Advisor. Email: fmjobs@smsequip.com or visit: www.smsequip.com. SMS Fort McMurray is hiring Certified Heavy Duty Mechanics & Welders. Total compensation $76.71/hour (including premiums & allowances). 14 X 14 shift rotation. Email: fmjobs@smsequip.com or visit: www.smsequip.com. NOW Located in Drayton Valley. BREKKAAS Vacuum & Tank Ltd. Wanted Class 1 & 3 Drivers, Super Heater Operators with all valid tickets. Top wages, excellent benefits. Please forward resume to: Email: dv@brekkaas.com. Phone 780621-3953. Fax 780621-3959. NEWCART Contracting Ltd. is hiring for the upcoming turnaround season. Journeyman/ Apprentice; Pipefitters; Welders; Boilermakers; Riggers. Also: Quality Control; Towers; Skilled Mechanical Labourer; Welder Helpers. Email: resumes@newcartcontracting.com. Fax 1-403-729-2396. Email all safety and trade tickets.

CLASSIFIEDS/CAREERS WANTED - Water & Vacuum Truck Operators. Class 3 w/Q-endorsement, H2S, First Aid, PST, CSTS. Mechanically inclined. Day-rate benefits. Fax 403-9343487. Email: reception@mjswaterhauling. com. CENTRAL Peace Natural Gas Co-op Ltd. requires full-time Gas Utility Operator. Experience, safety tickets an asset. Clean valid driver’s licence required. Forward resume: cpngc@telusplanet.net. Fax 780864-2044. Mail: Box 119, Spirit River, T0H 3G0. WANT to generate some extra revenue this spring? We are hiring short term, seasonal brokers for 4 - 6 weeks contracts in May to pull our hopper bottom trailers. Enjoy excellent rates on all kms and loading/ unloading. Interested? Visit www.westcanbulk. ca or call 1-888-WBTHIRE for further details. SEEKING a career in the Community Newspaper business? Post your resume for FREE right where the publishers are looking. Visit: www.awna.com/ resumes_add.php.

INTERIOR Heavy Equipment Operator School. No Simulators. In-the-seat training. Real world tasks. Weekly start dates. Job board! Funding options. Sign up online! iheschool.com. 1-866-399-3853.

CAREER TRAINING MASSAGE Career. Train full-time or parttime at our highly regarded, progressive school. Small classes, individual attention, confident graduates! 1-877-646-1018; www. albertainstituteofmassage.com. MEDICAL Transcription rated #2 for work-athome. Train with the top-rated accredited school in Canada. Financing and student loans available. Contact CanScribe today at 1-800-4661535; www.canscribe. com


at our Manufacturing Facility located at 4102 44th ave, Stettler, AB. Willing to train if candidate has related basic skills or experience. Our Company has an enthusiastic, fast paced working environment with advancement for motivated individuals, and an excellent benefit package. Please forward resume to hr@petrofield.com or Fax 403-742-5544

AUCTIONS MEIER - 2 DAY Classic Car & Truck Auction. Saturday & Sunday, May 4 & 5, 11 a.m. Both days. 6016 72A Ave., Edmonton. 150 Classics. Consign today, call 780-4401860. COLLECTOR Car Auction! 6th Annual Calgary Collector Car Auction, May 10 - 11, Grey Eagle Casino. Over 100 pieces of memorabilia selling No Reserve. All makes & models welcome. Consign today 1-888296-0528 ext. 102; EGautions.com.

Vac Service Ltd. NOW HIRING: Vac Truck Drivers, Steamer Operators and Swampers Call (780) 385-8200 check us out online www.ECAreview.com

If helping people brightens your day…

Your Calling is at

Killam Health Centre is looking for:

Licensed Practical Nurse Permanent Part Time • FTE: 0.57 Competition Number: CF-13013-KM Date Closed: April 22, 2013 Salary Range: $23.72/hr - $31.06/hr plus premiums as Per AUPE Auxiliary Nursing Agreement Hours of work: 16 / day shifts (0700 hr – 1900 hr) in an 8 week rotation Send resume quoting Competition Number to: Paul.Hardy@covenanthealth.ca

For information or to apply, visit www.CovenantHealth.ca/careers/KillamOpportunities.html

We are looking for a

Temporary Seasonal Operations Worker for our Coronation Ag location. Main responsibilities include warehousing and shipping of farm supplies along with general yard work. Regular and ongoing contact with customers in the delivery of high quality service is vital in this role. Candidates must have a valid Class 5 drivers license. Agricultural experience and a class 3 drivers license would be considered assets. To apply, please submit your resume via e-mail to jason.blue@viterra.com or fax to 403 578 2891. Closing date for applications is April 26th, 2013.

Employment Opportunity


Labourers, Industrial Painters, Sandblasters, and Welders.

TRUE psychics! For Answers call now 24/7 Toll Free 1-877-3423036; Mobile: # 4486; http://www.truepsychics.ca.

DATING service. Longterm/short-term relationships. Free to try! 1-877-297-9883. Live intimate conversation, Call #7878 or 1-888534-6984. Live adult 1on1 Call 1-866-3119640 or #5015. Meet local single ladies. 1-877-804-5381. (18+).

M.D. Of Provost No. 52

Tornado Hydrovacs, a division of Petrofield Industries is accepting resumes for:


The M.D. of Provost No. 52 is currently seeking a qualified individual to fill the position of Utilities Officer Responsible for the monitoring and operation of the M.D.’s water and sewer systems, the successful candidate will be highly motivated, able to work independently and attentive to detail. Previous experience, certification or training in the operation of water and wastewater systems is considered an asset. Interested parties may submit a detailed resume with a minimum of three references to: Tyler Lawrason Administrator M.D. of Provost No. 52 tlawrason@mdprovost.ca 4504-53rd Avenue Provost, AB T0B 3S0 (780) 753-2434

Human Resources Toll Free: 1-877-450-7555



Maverick Oilfield Services is the leading provider of Oil & Gas Construction and Transportation Services. Delivering safe, efficient, innovative quality solutions with our highly skilled team.

Maverick Oilfield Services Ltd. is seeking a

Journeyman or Registered Apprentice HEAVY BOOM TRUCK OPERATOR for its operations for lifting, moving oilfield equipment, materials, over dimensional loads, etc. within Company service and cost objectives. Candidate must possess the following skills and responsibilities: • A minimum of 2 years oilfield experience in Class 1A driving as a ticketed Journeyman or registered apprentice • Experience training is considered an asset • Creative and energetic personality with a positive professional attitude • Experience in the National Safety Code as applied in Alberta and capable to follow all regulations • Ability to multi-task • Exceptional communication and customer service skills • Committed to Safety • Capable to work in a flexible schedule • Ability to operate Company equipment efficiently and safely to provide superior customer service Candidate would have the following duties: • Operating 20 to 45 tonne Boom trucks • Tractor-trailer, extended length tractor-trailer combination, • Documentation knowledge of driver logbook, crane logbook, bill of lading, inspection report (pre-trip, en-route, post-trip), maintenance and repair reports, trip reports, accident or incident reports. • Load chart reading and lift planning • Ability to follow all operating procedures and safe rigging practices If you have these qualifications and you are looking for a rewarding career, please apply today by sending a resume, safety tickets and drivers abstract. Fax 780-753-2453 or phone 1-780-753-2992, or drop off resume at 3808-52 Ave., Provost, AB



AUCTIONS NEED to advertise? Province wide classifieds. Reach over 1 million readers weekly. Only $269. + GST (based on 25 words or less). Call this newspaper NOW for details or call 403-578-4111.


AUCTION Sat. Apr. 27

@ 11am

All types Trucks, Cars, RV’s, New Pressure Washers, Tools & More!

Scribner Auction Ltd.

1235 – 1 Ave, Wainwright

780-842-5666 www.scribnernet.com Still Taking Consignments! COLLECTOR Car Auction. 3rd Annual Edmonton Motor Show Classic Car Auction. April 19 - 21. Edmonton Expo Centre. Over 75,000 spectators. Consign today. 1-888-296-0528 ext. 102; EGauctions. com.

ANGEL’S Country Creations Antique Store Dispersal. Saturday, April 27, 2013, 9 a.m., DeWinton Community Hall, DeWinton, Alberta, south of Calgary. 1-877-4942437. PL324317AB; www.bodnaursauctioneering.com. AUCTION at Darwell Community Hall. Saturday, April 27. Doors open 8; 10 a.m. start. Jct. Sec. Hwy 765/633. NHL jerseys, antiques, collectibles, boating supplies, more. View: www.spectrumauctioneering.com. 780-903-9393. MAY 5 - 12 Noon. Al Oemings 25th Annual Auction. Every variety of quality horse drawn vehicles & horse era antiques; www.aloemingauctions.com. A superb event.

COMING EVENTS CONSORT Dinner Theatre “Murder Is A Game” Mystery Comedy. April 20, 21, 26, 27, Tickets Mar. 20. Phone 403-577-2740.

JOIN us in Killam on Thursday, April 25 for the 2013 Stronger Together Women’s Conference. Special guests will be Bill Gordon, (The Power of Kindness), Michele Charles Gustafson (Defining your Signature Image) and Bare’n Von Hair (musical comedy). 9 to 4 at the Killam Community Hall. Tickets are $50 before April 11th, and $60 after that. Lunch, a trade fair, 5 mini-sessions and lots of door prizes are included! Call Flagstaff Community Adult Learning at 780-3853712 to reserve your spot. More details available at our website: www.fcal.net. TRINITY United Church Annual Spring Supper Sunday, April 21, 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. Coronation Community Centre. Good food and Silent Auction. ANNUAL General Meeting of the Coronation Golf Club Monday, April 22, 7 p.m. at the Clubhouse. Everyone welcome.

URBAN Farm sale, Sat. May 25, 2013, 11-3 pm, Red Deer Westerner Agri-Center West. Hosted by Canadian Heritage Breeds (CHB). To reserve vendor space for livestock, agriproducts, perennials, etc., contact Liz Munro 403-391-8697. Everything from poultry, turkeys, waterfowl, game birds, pigeons, rabbits, antiques, bedding plants, perennials, starter vegetables, art and crafts. www.canadianheritagebreeds.com CEMETERY Assoc. Annual meeting, Thurs., Apr 25, 7 pm @ Drop In Centre, Coronation. CANADIAN Country Music Legends, April 28, 2 pm, Killam Community Hall. $30 at the door, old time music, Bev Munroe, Pete Hicks, Randy Hollar, Alfie Myhre. Sponsored by Killam Historic Society. BIBLE Conference on prophecy, Israel, current religious trends. April 26 - 27, Calgary. Speakers: Steve Herzig, Ray Yungen, Warren Smith. Free admission. Information at 403-9485401 or www.ldbc.ca.

SERVICES PIANO Tuner/Technician offering services throughout east central Alberta. Services Include tuning, stringing, action rebuilding, voicing, general repairs. Contact Jim Pfeiffer cell 508-237-0888, bus 403742-4010, www.jpfeiffertuning.com, jpfeiffer888@gmail.com DO YOU need to borrow money - Now? If you own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits will lend you money It’s that simple. 1-877486-2161. DROWNING in debts? Cut your debts in half & payback in half the time. Avoid bankruptcy! Free consultation; www. mydebtsolution.com or toll free 1-877-5563500. BBB rated A+.

MONEYPROVIDER. COM. $500 loan and +. No credit refused. Fast, easy, 100% secure. 1-877-776-1660. IS YOUR criminal record limiting your future? Want it gone? Have it removed today! Canada’s #1 record removal providers since 1989. 1-8-NOWPARDON (1-866-9727366); www.Remove YourRecord.com. CRIMINAL record? Think: Canadian pardon. U.S. travel waiver. (24 hour record check). Divorce? Simple. Fast. Inexpensive. Debt recovery? Alberta collection to $25,000. Calgary 403-2281300/1-800-347-2540; www.accesslegalresearch.com. ARE YOU applying for or have you been denied Canada Pension Plan disability benefits? Do not proceed alone. Call Allison Schmidt 1-877-793-3222; www. dcac.ca. BANK said no? Bank on us! Equity Mortgages for purchases, debt consolidation, foreclosures, renovations. Bruised credit, self-employed, unemployed ok. Dave Fitzpatrick: www.albertalending.ca. 587-4378437, Belmor Mortgage.


Mechanical Ltd. - Plumbing & Heating Commercial & Residential ph. 403-577-2386

• Consort •

TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR RENT in Sedalia, Ab. 3 + 2 bedrm home, 1 1/2 bath, large kitchen. Detached double insulated heated garage, all on 4 well treed lots. Rent $800/m + utilities, or for sale for $45,000. Call Effie Thornton, 403-8543656.

C O R O N AT I O N , A B . A P R I L 1 8 ' 1 3


A&W is a Canadian success story with over 700 franchised restaurants across Canada. Canalta Food Services Ltd. is a major A&W franchisee, owning and operating 32 restaurants across Alberta and Saskatchewan. Our location at Stettler is now hiring a


. All levels of experience are welcome. This job will require work in inventory management, scheduling, sales projection, human resource management, and financial management. As an A&W employee you receive: • An opportunity to advance and grow within CMJ Foods Ltd. • Food discounts • Competitive pay (annual salary 42,000/year paid weekly, opportunity for quarterly bonuses) • A great working Climate • Health Benefits (eligible after 6 months) Apply now at aw.ca. We look forward to hearing from you!

- The Team at A&W

Provost Livestock Exchange Seeking

KITCHEN CONTRACT WORKER Position requires applicant to have:

• Safe Food handling certificate. • Provide 1 large meal for staff day prior to Presort Sales. • Provide meal services to Public on all sale days. • Purchase & maintain all kitchen stock. • Follow an health & food regulations. Resume can be either: Emailed to: plec@plecattle.com or mailed to:

Provost Livestock Exchange Box 808 Provost, AB TOB 3S0

For more information or questions please call 780-753-2369 and speak to Jerry or Dean.

Provost Livestock Exchange HOW TO PLAY: Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3 x 3 box contains the numbers 1 through 9 only once. Each 3 x 3 box is outlined with a darker line. You already have a few numbers to get you started. Remember: you must not repeat the numbers 1 through 9 in the same line, column or 3 x 3 box.

Clark Builders requires

Carpenters, Apprentices & Labourers with Equipment Experience for projects in the Medicine Hat & Brooks areas. Must have commercial Construction experience. Contact us at: 1-877-416-6815 Email: careers@clarkbuilders.com Fax: 1-888-403-3051

Employment Opportunity Hanna Chrysler Ltd. has a full-time permanent position for a

Partsperson or Apprentice Partsperson This is a career-track position with excellent opportunities for advancement. Competitive wages, benefit program. Training provided. The successful candidate will: • be a team player willing and able to deliver excellent service to both external and internal customers, • be well organized with superior attention to detail, • possess strong written and verbal English skills, • demonstrate a high degree of comfort with computers. Please send resume with references by fax 403-854-2845 or email chrysler@telusplanet.net

Clark Builders requires

FOREMEN for projects in the Medicine Hat & Brooks areas. Must have commercial Construction experience. Contact us at: 1-877-416-6815 Email: careers@clarkbuilders.com Fax: 1-888-403-3051


FULL TIME OFFICE MANAGER Position requires applicant to have: • Knowledge of MS office, Excel and basic accounting principles • Strong communication and organizational skills • Be able to work as a team player in a fast paced environment • Knowledge of the cattle industry is an asset

Position to start mid-June with opportunity to work part time up to that date. Resume can be either: Emailed to: plec@plecattle.com or mailed to:

Provost Livestock Exchange Box 808 Provost, AB TOB 3S0

For more information or questions please call 780-753-2369 and speak to Jerry or Dean.

18 A P R I L



C O R O N AT I O N , A B .

24th Annual Spring Equipment Consignment


SATURDAY, APRIL 27 @ 9 AM Location: Montgomery Auction Sales Centre

1 Mile North of Blackfalds, Alberta, 2 Miles East on Lakeside Sargent Road

Tools & Misc @ 9 Am; Lawn & Garden, Lumber @ 9:30 Am; Machinery & Livestock Equipment, Vehicles, Trailers @ 1 pm

Selling in 3 Rings J. Kornelson Farm Dispersal

NH-BR780 Round Baler J. Kornelson Farm Dispersal

’09 Bale King Bale Processor Commercial Storage Canopies - 30 x 65 ft

RV,Motorhome & Boat

2007 Paradise 34” RV

9am – Misc

Machinery Renn Stockmaster Silage Wagon

(new) Rainbow trailer

Collectable Car

1pm Machinery Antique Tractor 1947 Cockshutt

J. Kornelson Farm Dispersal ‘07 JD 3120

Lawn & Garden MFWD Compact Tractor & Trees


2007 John Deere 3120 MFWD Compact Tractor w/300CX FEL - Less than 700hrs, (29Hp) Hydrostatic, 3PT, mid & rear PTO, 2009 Bale King Bale Processor, 2003 NH-BR780 Round Baler, 1963 IHC 3-Ton Truck w/ 6-Rnd Bale Deck, Ford F500 2-Ton Grain Truck, Real Ind. Adjustable Alley & Rolling Gates, 3 PT Post Hole Auger w/9” & 12” Augers, 300 & 500 Gal Poly Water Tanks, Sheep Shearing Comb & Cutter Grinder, Sheep Supplies Including Troughs, Waterers, Wool Bag, Ear Tagging Supplies, Callicrate Bander, 16’ Mesh Gate, 12’ Steel Gate, Bags of Lamb Finisher, Salt & Mineral Blocks, & More

Hi-Qual HD Livestock Squeeze


2 Semi Loads of New Combine & Swather Parts, Large Variety of Machinery & Lawn & Garden Parts & Accessories, Hardware & More (Watch for Detailed List to be Posted ASAP)


1998 Hino FD2220 S/A Diesel Cab Over – 6 Spd. w/20’ Insulated Van Body, 2006 Chevy Silverado K2500 Crew Cab Long Box Truck, 2007 Chevy Silverado K2500 Crew Cab Long Box Truck, 2003 Ford F350 XLT SD 4x4 Truck – Crew Cab, LB, 7.3 Diesel, 2002 Ford F350 AGRICULTURAL TRACTORS 4x4 Truck w/Flat Deck, 1993 Chevy 3500 LB 4x4 Diesel Truck, 2007 MF 5435 MFWD Ag Tractor – 75 HP – 2000 Hrs w/Quicke Q45SE Ford F350 Super Cab 4x4 LB, 1998 Ford F250 RC LB Truck, 2007 FEL & Grapple, ROPS, 3Pt, Kubota M9580 MFWD Diesel Tractor – 95 GMC Sierra 1500 Crew Cab SB 4x4 Truck HP- 5000 Hrs w/CAH, FEL, 3 PT, JD 4020 Tractor w/ Cab & Allied VEHICLES, ATV & MOTORCYCLE FEL, 6’Bucket, Power Steering, Dual Hyd. 2002 Dodge Caravan, 2002 Pontiac Montana Van, 1995 GMC Astro MACHINERY Van, 1984 Dodge Van, 2009 Konker SM 200 Motorcycle, 1999 Renn Stockmaster 440 S/A Silage Mixer Wagon w/Digital Scale 30’ Arctic Cat 500 4x4 ATV, 1996 John Deere 4x2 Gator UTV, 2007 Ausa Land Roller w/10’ Hyd. Wings & Transport, NH-40 Silo Blower, 16’ Side by Side UTV, 1997 Yamaha Royal Star 1300cc Motorcycle-New Flexicoil Packer Bar, JD 14’ Cultivator, 1994 Harmon All-Terrain 67 Tires, Fully Loaded, 2002 Buick LeSabre 4Dr. Sedan Foot Crop Sprayer-650 US Gal, 2 Year Old Centrifugal Hyd. Pump, RV, MOTORHOME & BOAT Hyd. Boom Height Control, Boom Windscreens, Mix Tank, Hyd. Disk 2007 Paradise Pointe 34’ 5W RV Trailer M# PF34BH w/Bunks & 3 Markers, Electric Solenoid Fence Row Nozzles, Gehl 1410 T/A Manure Slides, 1986 Chevy P30 30’ Motorhome, 1987 Baja Sport 18’ Spreader Fiberglass Boat & Trailer, 1971 South Park 17’ Travel Trailer, 1990 ANTIQUE TRACTOR & MACHINERY Bon Aire 35’ Park Model Trailer w/Slide out 1947 Cockshutt 99 Tractor – Complete Motor Overhaul S/n 513484, COLLECTABLE CAR 2-Ant. JD Horse Drawn Garden Cultivators, Ant. Push Type Garden 1961 Ford Fairlane 4Dr. Sedan -6 Cyl. & Std. – Totally Restored, One Weeder, Ant. Water Pump & Spout, JD –R Diesel Owner


JD 4x2 Gator

10am Lawn & Garden

John Deere 2 Cylinder Parts Including, Crankshaft to fit 80, 820, 830, John Deere D Styled & Unstyled -Carburetor, Gauges, Drawbar, Spindles, Steering Arms, John Deere R - Hood, Block, Hubs, Head, Start Engine, Front Rims, John Deere AR Styled – Flywheel, Pulley, Camshaft, Fan Shaft, Pulley Cover, John Deere A – Fly Wheel, Pulley, Camshaft, Fan Shaft, 3PT, Hyd. Pump, Battery Box, Transgears, Front Rims, Hyd. Cylinder For Antique JD, Gaskets For 2 Cylinder JD, Dual Carburetor #DLTx81 for 60, 620, 630, Hyd. Couplings(Plug in Type), Gear Housing For JD 12A Combine


Folding Output Conveyor, Very Simple & Safe Operation, One Man Operation, Several Smaller Electric/Hyd Log Splitters, Bauma SS330 Tree Spade to Fit Skid Steer


2-30FT X 65FT X 15FT High Ceiling Storage Buildings C/W: Commercial Fabric, Waterproof, Fire Resistant, Doors on 2 Ends, 2-20FT X 30FT X 12FT Commercial Storage Canopies C/W: Commercial Fabric, Roll up Door, 2-20 Ft X 40 Ft 4-Sided Commercial Party Tents, C/W: Doors, Windows, 4 Side Walls, 2-16 Ft X 22 Ft Marquee Event Tents, C/W: 320 Sq. Ft, One Zipper Door, 7 Windows, HD Frames & Fabrics


Hi-Qual HD Livestock Squeeze w/ Palpation Cage, 2-(New)Ranch King Livestock Squeeze w/Self Catch Head Gate, LH Side Opening, 45-(New)6ft X 10 Ft 6 Bar Heavy Duty Galvanized Corral Panels, 4-(New)Heavy Duty Galvanized Corral Panel Gates, Quantity of Livestock Gates & Panels, Self Catch Head Gate, 2-Lewis Cattle Oilers, Easy Way Oiler/Back Scratcher, Round Bale Feeders, Freestanding Panels, Chicken Feeders & Waterers, Livestock Waterers, & More

STEEL STORAGE CONTAINERS 9FT, 8FT, 7FT & 6FT Steel Storage Container


10,000BF of Planed Lumber (1 5/8 x 3 ¾ x 8’, 10’, 12’), 2x8 Rough Cut Lumber, 2x6 Rough Cut Lumber, Windboard, Custom Truss Pkg. for House, Garage Truss Package


JD 3HP Stationary Pump Engine, JD 1 ½ HP Stationary Pump Engine, IHC 1 ½ -2HP Stationary Pump Engine


2012 Interstate 20’ Enclosed Trailer w/Fold Down Car Door, Cargo Mate 16 Ft Enclosed Steamer Trailer (Lighted & Insulated) w/Hotsy M-HX8030R-1 3000PSI Self Contained Steamer Unit Powered By Lambardini Eng. 2-Spd Reel w/Hoses, Steam Pot, 600 Gal Poly Water Tank, Modular HSS603289E 620,000 BTU (Ready to Go to Work), 1993 Trail Tech 18’ Equipment Trailer, 2004 Wells Cargo 20 Ft T/A Enclosed Trailer, (New)2013 Rainbow 22’ Hyd. Tilt Car & Equipment Trailer-14,000 GVW, (New)2013 Rainbow 22’ Flatdeck Car & Equipment Trailer w/Flip up Ramps-14,000 GVW, (New)2013 Rainbow 20’ Flatdeck Car & Equipment Trailer w/Ramps-14,000 GVW, (New)2013 Rainbow 18’ Flatdeck Car & Equipment Trailer w/ Ramps-10,000 GVW, (New)2013 Rainbow 16’ Flatdeck Car & Equipment Trailer, w/Ramps-10,000 GVW, (New)2012 Mirage 16’ Landscaping Trailer w/ Sides & Flip up Ramps-7000lbs Axles, 1978 Homemade 28’ Flatdeck T/A Trailer, 2009 Trail Tech 16’ T/A Flatdeck Equipment Trailer, 20’ T/A 5W T/A Flatdeck Trailer , 40’ SKIDDED CONCESSION UNIT Everything was Working When Put Away - Comes With - Moffat Ng Griddle, MKE 2 Basket Ng Deep Fryer, 3 Compartment Pots & Pans Sink, Aerohot Waterless Food Warmer Range Guard Fire Suppression System & Hood, Kelvinator Upright Freezer, Frigidaire Chest Freezer, Hot Water Tank & Furnace

(New)5’ & 6’ Finishing Mowers w/3PT, (New) 5’& 6’Rotary Mowers w/ 3PT, (New) 6’ Box Scrapers w/3PT, (New)6’ Grader Blades w/3PT, (New) 6’ Landscaping Rakes w/3PT, (New) 30” Dirt Scoops w/3PT, (New) Quick Attaches, (New) 5 Cubic Meter Cement Mixers w/3PT, (New) Bales Spears w/3PT, 6’ RC Mower, Brush Hog Rear Bagger Assembly, Buhler 72” Rock Rake w/3PT, Tuffline 5’ Offset Disc, 6’ Quick Attach Bucket, 4’ Pinned Small Bucket, 5’ JD Bucket, Quick Coupler for 3PT, New 90” Tiller, Montana Backhoe Buckets 12”-24”, (New)Agrex Grass Spreader w/3PT, (New)LS FEL w/Bucket-Fits LS U Series Tractor, Buhler 620 Rough Cut Mower- 3 Pt, Brillion Landscape GPL-643 Grass Seeder, 10’ Chain Harrow, RTS62 5’ Rototiller w/3PT, (New) Stouk 48” HD Pallet Fork For Skid Steer, Kubota 4’ Sweep w/3PT, 5’ Blade w/3PT, Ford 5’ Blade w/3PT, Inland Bale Tote w/3PT, 13’ Diamond Harrow w/3PT, Maki 5’ Cultivator, 5’ Cultivator, WOOD SPLITTERS & TREE SPADE Poplar Ridge 3400 Tree Spade for Skid Steer -4 Spade, 34” w/ Japa M#300 Highway Wood Splitter - 12” Max Diameter Log, 2 Or 4 Way Splitting, Bucks & Splits Up To 2 Cords/Hour, 13 Hp Honda Basket, Forks, Stabilizer Legs Engine, Highway Torsion Suspension Axle, Towable Up To 80 Km/H,


12 Outdoor Kennel Runs w/ 12 Front Panels & 13 Dividers Outdoor to Make Runs 4’ X 15’, 12 Inside Runs w/12 Front Panels & 10 Dividers to Make 12 Kennels 4’ X 4’ Doors Open To the Inside & the Outside - Easy To Assemble, 6 Cat Kennels, 10 Cat Food/Water Bowls, 20 Dog Food/Water Bowls, 3-Cat Scratch Poles, Cat Litter Box w/ Lid, 2-7’x8’ Garden Sheds


8-1997 Club Car Gas Golf Carts


Sears 22 Hp lawn Tractor w/50” deck, Snow Blower Attach., Sears 36” Tow-Behind Rototiller, Walk Behind String Trimmer, Gas Push Lawn Mower, Lawn Herbicide Roller, Garden Trailer, Craftsman 18” Electric Lawn Mower, Snapper SR1028 Lawn Mower, Case 446 Garden Tractor(Not Running) w/ Attachments & More


100-Blue Spruce Trees 7’, 30-White Spruce 8’, 4-18FT Bi-Parting Wrought Iron Driveway Gate, C/W: 80’’ Height, Quantity of Firewood, Cedar Bark Mulch, Lawn & Gardening Supplies, Concrete Driveway Signs


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C O R O N AT I O N , A B . A P R I L 1 8 ' 1 3


Consort RCMP respond to 125 calls within Special Area 4 during March Bryan Passifiume

ECA Review Reporter RCMP members in Consort responded to 125 calls for service within Special Area 4 during March. Members wrote 36 provincial traffic violation tickets during March while issuing 22 written warnings. Police responded to eight traffic collisions, one fail to remain accident, one abandoned vehicle, one case of impaired

driving and issued one charge of dangerous driving. Police were busy investigating four cases of fraud, one complaint of harassing phone calls, three cases of uttering

threats, two cases of disturbing the peace, one call under the child welfare act, one case of mischief, three cases of assault, one case of failure to comply with conditions of undertaking or recognizance, and

three violations of the provincial liquor act. False alarms were a concern in March, with police dealing with four false alarms and three false or abandoned 911 calls.

32FRBW Stk#FW050

3OFSES Stk# FW048


Auction raised $10,000

33FSB1 Stk#FW052

28FBHB Stk#FW031

Diane Dammann

ECA Review Submitted The hall was packed and all decked out in black and white for the gala on Saturday, April 6. Wendy Burns and Val Wolbeck did a tremendous job of the food. The Travel Club worked well as servers and kitchen help. The 4H club from Forestburg set up the tables and chairs and then set the tables. Everyone did an excellent job. The auction raised over $10,000. Karin McCracken painted a picture of a train for the auction. It was beautiful and fetched a good price. She had to make a special trip to get it from the framer in time for the Gala. Almeda Millar of Rossland, BC along with her mother, Lilas Lysne of Edmonton were in attendance at the railway bash. Jeremy and Cecilia Huet were in town for the weekend and were able to attend the big party. The Heritage tree what was pruned last fall contributed the foundation for a fantastic bird house in the hands of Jenny Marcil and a great willow chair created by Dell Wickstrom. These two items were very popular in the auction. The inaugural run of the passenger train will be for the exclusive Platinum Club. For $1000, a couple gets a ride on the train with entertainment, appetizers and spirits. This will be in early June. There is room for 100 people on the train. Ken Espheter is in charge of the Platinum Club membership. The next running of the passenger train will probably be June 30 when it comes from Kiron Junction to Alliance for the 100th Anniversary of the Argyle Women’s Institute. I have the tickets for that event and have some sold already. Those tickets are just $50 for a return trip. Sympathy to the family of Lucille James. Funeral services were held in Castor on Friday. Lucille had been living with terminal cancer for some time. Condolences to her sister Lorraine Stoler who lives right in Alliance. This is market week in Alliance. Hope to see lots of you there.

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C O R O N AT I O N , A B .


World’s curlers SPORT Shorts catching up to Canada

• Brad Dickson of the Omaha WorldHerald: “Minnesota hired new coach Richard Pitino, 30, son of legendary Rick Pitino. Minnesota administrators issued him a special cellphone and said if they hear the words ‘What do I do now, Dad?’ during games, it’s perfectly fine.”

• Comedy writer Jim Barach: “A study says the owners of the Chicago Cubs gave $13.9 million in political donations, mostly to Republicans in the 2012 election. Apparently they also gave them their secret strategy on how to win.”

• Comedy writer Alan Ray, on why Nationals pitcher Stephen Strasburg is such an anomaly in D.C.: “When he’s on the hill, something actually gets done.”

• Janice Hough of leftcoastsportsbabe.com: “The city of Chicago and Cubs owners are apparently close to a $500 million deal to renovate Wrigley Field. Many Chicagoans wish the team would spend $500 to renovate the Cubs.”

Bruce Penton

ECA Review Columnist Canada owns the sport of curling in the same way that the U.S. lays claim to control of baseball or the Brits rugby. Penton And sure, curling is a slippery game, but metaphorically, Canada has felt something slip lately in its continuing quest for domination in the Roaring Game. Here’s some evidence: Canada made the playoffs at the recent world men’s curling championships in Victoria, finishing second, but the Canadian rink skipped by Brad Jacobs of Sault Ste. Marie suffered round-robin losses at the hands of teams from Japan, where table tennis is king, and the Czech Republic, who until about five years ago might not have even been sure which end of the curling broom to hold. Total number of gold, silver and bronze medals for Canada in the 55 years a men’s world championship has been held — 49, 34 of them gold (next best for gold: Sweden, seven). Total number of gold, silver and bronze medals for Japan and the Czech Republic, combined — a big fat zero. Feel something slipping Canada? You bet, and it’s all our fault. Canada’s curling ambassadors for the past decade have been traipsing around the world, spreading their knowledge about the game to pockets of the globe that 10 or 15 years ago had no idea that such a game even existed. That world presence, of course, has ensured its inclusion as a newfound Olympic sport. James Naismith might be the father of basketball in North America, but Russ Howard just might be his curling equivalent in Japan. Hey, we wanted to spread the game around the globe, but we didn’t want the world to start beating us. But that’s what’s starting to happen. The world may be catching up to Canada on the women’s side even quicker. Canada’s female champs have not won a world title in their last five tries, and even China has a world women’s title to its credit during that period. Nine different countries have won the world women’s title, while only six countries — Canada, Scotland, Sweden, U.S., Switzerland and Norway — have won the men’s title. Japan and the Czech Republic scoring wins over Jacobs at this year’s men’s worlds, however, should be a stark reminder to Canada that our world curling domination may be ending. We’ll find out for sure in Sochi, Russia, when the only thing that matters is hearing your country’s national anthem being played at the medal presentations.




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