Aug 23

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Shellbrook Chronicle Th The voice i off th the P Parkland kl d ffor over 100 years Shellbrook, Saskatchewan Friday, August 23, 2013

VOL. 102 NO. 34| PMR #40007604

Walter Willoughby Horticultural Society holds annual show The Walter Willoughby Horticultural Society held their 52nd annual show on August 15 at the Canwood Community Hall. Rows of tables lined the hall floor, stacked with various items that bloomed into a rainbow of colours for all to enjoy. Besides the floral entries, there were crafts, baked goods, and photos submitted by local artists. The society is made up of members from Canwood, Shellbrook, Parkside, Leask, Marcelin, Blaine Lake, and even Spiritwood. “What we do as a society is we have meetings, and we also have fun days. Every other month we get together and do something fun,” commented Judy Harley, current president of the society. The fun days could include anything from craft projects to simple visits, but according to Harley, they are never without good food. The annual show is one of the highlights each year, and it rotates between the various communities that are represented. “We have a show book, we start giving out a show book in January to anybody that wants one. This year I think we gave out maybe 50 show books,” Harley said. “Every year, when we’re in different venues, a different member kind of organizes it,” commented Harley. “When it’s in Parkside, I kind of look after it, when it’s in Leask, the Leask girls look after it, that kind of thing. And we all work together to put it on, unity kind of but the one in that community sets up the hall and gets a few extra workers.” With the event taking place in Canortion of the wood this year, a large portion responsibility fell to local member Barb Person. ost and do the “It was our turn to host he other people work,” Person said. “All the came and helped though . . . We have a good group.”

It is difficult from year to year to predict the volume of entries that will be submitted. “We were a little bit concerned because some of

Awa r d-w i n n i ng pom-pom dahlias submitted by Margie Monus of Leask.

our bigger exhibitors are away or sick,” Harley said. “We’re missing a few key people, so we were concerned that it was going to be quite a bit smaller than usual. As it turned out, we were quite surprised. It is smaller than usual, but we did still get a good turnout.” The organizers don’t know how many entries there will be all the way up until the day before the event. That is when entries are brought to the venue so that they may be judged. After everything was submitted, a total of 38 exhibitors had entered the show, with a total of 338 exhibits to be placed on display. Five different judges, all assigned to different categories, went over the entries before the show began. While they evaluated the work, the slip on the entry card was folded over so that the judge did not know who submitted each piece.

The judges then ranked each submission and award points so that aggregate winners could be crowned. This year’s winners included: Eleanor Peron, Best Craft Item in Show; Jess Dion, Best Photograph in Show; Louise Person, Best Houseplant in Show; Margie Monus, Best Dahlia in Show; Barb Person, Best Gladioli in Show; Eleanor Person, Crafts & Concoctions Aggregate; Lil Sorensen, Baking Aggregate; Shayla Chakowski, Junior Reserve Aggregate; Rowan Cobb, Junior Aggregate; Tariq Clark, Beginner Reserve Aggregate; Blyth Cobb, Beginner Aggregate; Louise Person, Fruit Aggregate; Christine Pease, Vegetable Aggregate; Hilda Gaboury, Potted Plant Aggregate; Hilda Gaboury, Cut Flower Aggregate; Judy Harley, Flower Arrangement Aggregate; Hilda Gaboury, Reserve Aggregate; Louise Person, Grand Aggregate.

Photographed are some of the big winners from the show. Back Row (Left Ph to Right): Louise Person, Christine Pease, Laureen Donaldson, Eleanor Person, Person Margie Monus, Barb Person. Front Row: Shayla Chakowski, Hilda Gaboury, L Lil Sorensen, Judy Harley. More photos on page 11.

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Shellbrook Chronicle

August 23, 2013

Big River First Nation signs MOU with PTI Group Inc. A Memorandum of Understanding was signed on August 20 between the Big River First Nation and PTI Group, Inc. The singing took place at the Sergeant Darby Morin Centre on the Big River First Nation in front of First Nation members and visitors alike. The Master of Ceremonies, Celine MacDonald, welcomed everyone to the event and invited some elders to come to the front and lead everyone in an opening prayer. Following the prayer, Chief Bruce Morin approached the podium to offer some greeting of his own. “This is something that we’ve been looking forward to for . . . close to a year now,” Chief Morin said. The Memorandum of Understanding is essentially an agreement that couples the First Nation with the company for the mutual benefit of both parties. The document states, “This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between BRFN and PTI establishes a strategic business alliance between the two parties. The priorities of this MOU are employment growth, training and economic development opportunities for BRFN members related to PTI projects. PTI will make commercially reasonable efforts to find employment and training opportunities for BRFN members.” “They are going to provide the employment, we provide the resource that we have here, and that’s our youth,” commented Chief Morin. “We do the training here, so it’s something that’s really going to be a big stepping stone for our community. And not just our community, but for surrounding communities, because this training centre is now going to be a hub for other people who can come here who are wishing to find employment. We are going to provide an opportunity for them to come here for training, along with Steve and what his company brings, and from here they can find direct employment.”

Stephen Crocker, Director of Aboriginal Relations for PTI, was next to take the stage. Crocker began by outlining some of the steps that led to this agreement, and stated that Celine MacDonald’s persistence was a driving factor in the realization of this signing. “She started calling me after hearing about some of the First Nations people we had hired in other areas,” Crocker said. “Celine must have called me every month for about a year, and emailed back and forth and so on. Finally we . . . came out and did a recruitment here and hired some of your members. They are working at our lodges in Alberta, and they’re doing a terrific job.” Crocker went on to provide some insight into the company itself. “PTI was originally Peace Trailer Industries, and started in Peace River, Alberta in 1977,” Crocker said. “Basically they built camps for the oil companies . . . and then they got the idea of bringing catering in as a part of that.” Over the years, the company continued to grow. Today they are one of the leading corporations in their field. “We provide remote accommodations to industry,” Crocker said. “It could be mining companies, oil companies, we even provided accommodation for the military during the 2010 Winter Olympics. We also provided accommodation for the military over in Afghanistan when Canada was involved.” Running such a large operation requires a lot of employees. “For every ten guests that we have, we require somewhere around one person, maybe more. In the Fort McMurray area right now we have 12,000 rooms, and those 12,000 rooms are fully occupied, so there’s 1,200 staff there,” Crocker said. “We’ve been working with First Nations across Alberta and Saskatchewan for that employment. Some companies have been saying that what they’ll do is hire temporary

foreign workers, but that’s not our strategy. PTI wants to work with First Nations. As the Chief said, he has a youthful workforce. That’s what we need.” While PTI is providing an excellent opportunity for young First Nations members who are looking for work, this type of employment is not for everyone. “Working at camp is not easy,” Crocker said. “You are away from your families, you are living and working with your cohorts, and you’re eating dinner with them, and that creates different challenges in the workspace. The trade-off, of course, is the wages and the benefits that come with that, and those wages and benefits are significant, because we pay people to be away.” Crocker also mentioned that there are plans in place to have a tepee put up at the camp, “To help accommodate some of the spiritual needs of our aboriginal employees at the site.” Overall, Crocker and the PTI Group are excited about the relationship they are forging into with the Big River First Nation and other surrounding areas that will also benefit from

this signing. “It’s a real pleasure here to sign a Memorandum of Understanding, this is kind of the first step in a long journey,” Crocker said. “We are wanting to build this relationship and have it grow into other things. We are looking at establishing projects here in Saskatchewan. We have a lodge that’s opening up the beginning of next month in Estevan, Saskatchewan. We have other lodges that will be coming into Saskatchewan, and having a good strong relationship with Big River and the other surrounding reserves and having this be a hub means that we will be able to hire more people and then transport them to various locations for our jobs in our kitchens, as well in our catering and housekeeping areas.” Following all of the speeches, the actual signing took place, making the Memorandum of Understanding official. After the signing, the chairs were cleared away to make way for a number of tables, and everyone in attendance joined together to enjoy a delicious catered lunch.

North West Regional College North West Regional College (NWRC) is a progressive and integral part of the postsecondary system in Saskatchewan. With campuses in North Battleford and Meadow Lake, the College offers attractive career opportunities for talented individuals. At NWRC our people are important. Each individual who works at the College contributes to its success. A career opportunity currently exists for an…

Instructor Aide, Facilitator Essential Skills for the Workplace Big River First Nation Reporting to the Coordinator, Basic Education, North Region the Facilitator will provide the participants with a Workplace Essential Skills program while focusing on barriers encountered by the individual participant in moving successfully into employment. Activities will lead to personal growth, life skills, job readiness, career development and essential skills development. A work placement component is included in the program. A more detailed description of the position can be found on the NWRC website at This is a full-time term position beginning January 2, 2014 and ending April 17, 2014 for a total of 75 days. Quali¿ed candidates will have Grade 12 matriculation with post-secondary training in adult literacy, life skills training or job coaching. North West Regional College supports a representative workforce. We encourage quali¿ed persons of Aboriginal ancestry to apply. Please apply quoting ¿le #61-BRFN-1314, by September 3, 2013 at noon to: Human Resources North West Regional College 10702 Diefenbaker Drive North Battleford, SK S9A 4A8 Fax: (306)445-2254 E-mail: NWRC wishes to thank all applicants for their interest, however, only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted. NOTE: This is an in-scope position. Internal applications from North West Regional College staff, with seniority, will be considered prior to outside applicants. The commencement of this position is subject to funding decisions, which are beyond the control of North West Regional College, and therefore subject to change.

Stephen Crocker (left), Director of Aboriginal Relations for PTI Group, Inc, signs the MOU alongside Chief Bruce Morin of the Big River First Nation.


August 23, 2013

Shellbrook Chronicle

Shellbrook Library hosts health presentation

Laura Lepard speaks to the audience about the dangers of unhealthy eating habits.

A health presentation took place on August 13 at the Shellbrook Public Library, presented by the Seventh Day Adventist Church and hosted by Laura Lepard. The seminar highlighted some of the perils of our “Western Diet”, which is often heavy in meat and dairy products, and how the intake of certain foods may lead to a variety of health problems. “As we get older, we start thinking that this is a sign of old age, and it is not. It is a sign of our bad food,” Lepard said. She injected a personal touch to her presentation by relaying stories of her own experiences with poor health habits. “I was 32 years of age, and I couldn’t walk up the mountainside with my daughter to go skiing. I was tired, and I couldn’t even carry my skis, and I wondered what was wrong with me,” she said. “It wasn’t until a little bit later that I found out that I was full of cholesterol. I was never heavy, so I was one of those people that fell through the cracks of the doctors. I don’t know if I was even 100 pounds at the time that I had the heart attack.” Some issues began after she organized an aerobics class at her former workplace. Along with her colleagues, Lepard had fallen into some bad eating habits born from convenience. “We all ate the same lousy diet . . . it was all fast food, and we loved it. It was cheap,” she said. The aerobics class was meant to improve her physical health, and the health of her friends, yet it seemed to have the opposite effect. “After a few weeks of the aerobics I noticed that I was not really doing well. I was tired,” she said. This all came to a climax one day when her heart rate wouldn’t slow down after the class was over. It was one o’clock in the afternoon, and she was supposed to return to work, but something wasn’t right. She was concerned about her racing heart, and went to her instructor for advice. She was told to execute some cool down exercises, and was to inform her instructor if her heart rate didn’t slow. “Most heart attack victims, they go into denial, and I went into denial,” she said. “I was not letting this happen, I was


not having a heart attack. I was good . . . so I lied.” She told her instructor that she felt better, though she didn’t, and made her way back to her desk. That was when things took a drastic turn for the worse. “Pains were down my arm, I was sweating profusely, I was not feeling really well,” she said. The debilitating pain was so severe that Lepard could do nothing but lay on her desk and wait for it to subside. “There I was laying for three hours over my desk and not knowing what to do, but I did pray,” she said. “Three hours later, I was able to finally grab the phone . . . I called the doctor, and his receptionist said ‘get here now’, so I did.” She drove herself to the hospital only to learn that what she had suffered was indeed a heart attack. It was the wakeup call she needed in order to turn things around and take control of her health. She quit her job, quit her diet, purchased a bicycle and starting cycling. “I started my life over again and I’ve never looked back,” she said. The next part of the presentation involved the viewing of an informative video that shed some light on the human digestive system and how what we eat affects our overall health. During the video, members of the audience took turns sneaking up to the table at the front of the room to sample from a number of dishes prepared by Lepard’s daughters. The tasty snacks were meant as examples of healthy foods that can be enjoyed without risking one’s health. Once the video was finished, Lepard again took the floor to reiterate how her health scare led to positive changes in her life. “I said to the Lord in my prayer, ‘Get me out of this mess. I don’t care what I have to do for you, but don’t leave me paralyzed like this.’ So here I am, talking in front of you, and being a Christian, which I wasn’t before,” she said. “I am trying to help save people’s lives with awareness of what we are doing, and tell you that our diseases are as preventable as fetal alcohol syndrome in children--stop doing it. It’s not an easy thing, it takes time to get over that rich fat diet, because you crave that fat. But stop doing it, save your life.”

The Saskatchewan Advantage Scholarship supported more than 4,500 Saskatchewan students in its first year More than 4,500 students benefitted from the new Saskatchewan Advantage Scholarship in its first year. In 201213, the program provided more than $2.2 million in scholarships to help students with their post-secondary education. “I am pleased that thousands of students have benefitted from this scholarship in its first year,” Advanced Education Minister Don Morgan said. “We are seeing more students participate in our growing economy and the Saskatchewan Advantage Scholarship will assist more students participate in and complete their post-secondary education.” The Saskatchewan Advantage Scholarship reduces tuition up to $500 per year to a lifetime maximum of $2,000 for new Saskatchewan Grade 12 graduates who enroll at a Saskatchewan post-secondary institution. Students have up to

10 years from graduation to access the scholarship. In the 2012-13 academic year, students across the Saskatchewan post-secondary sector benefitted from the program. The percentage breakdown by institution is: • University of Saskatchewan: 44 per cent • University of Regina: 30 per cent • SIAST: 13 per cent • Regional Colleges: eight per cent • Private Vocational Schools: five per cent Morgan reminds parents and students that they do not need to apply for the Saskatchewan Advantage Scholarship. “Your post-secondary educational institution will apply on the student’s behalf and eligible students will have their tuition reduced by the scholarship amount,” Morgan said.


Updated information on the scholarship is posted on the Ministry of Advanced Education’s website at Morgan noted that while the Saskatchewan Advantage Scholarship is reducing tuition fees for students, those same students can also get all of their tuition back, up to $20,000, if they stay and work in Saskatchewan after they finish their post secondary education. “Close to $52 million in Graduate Retention Program benefits were provided to 50,000 graduates for the 2012 taxation year,” Morgan said. “This means more young people are choosing to live and work in Saskatchewan after finishing their education and that’s one of the reasons our province is growing at its fastest pace in decades.”


Shellbrook Chronicle


August 23, 2013

We saw it the first time Major League Baseball recently announced that they will be drastically expanding their video review process for the 2014 baseball season. A TSN report on August 15 explained the new process by stating, “Managers will be allowed one challenge over the first six innings of a game and two from the seventh inning until the completion of the game. Calls that are challenged will be reviewed by a crew in MLB headquarters in New York City, which will make a final ruling.” I am not a big fan of instant replay. I have been against it ever since it crept back into the NFL during the 1999 season, and the evolution of the system seems to make it worse from year to year. The number of available challenges has increased, and in recent years they have started reviewing every scoring play and every turnover, regardless of whether or not a coach challenges the call. As someone who has had his fair share of run-ins with referees, it may JON seem odd that I am against a process SVEC meant to second guess, and sometimes embarrass, these officials. One of my ~ problems with the system, especially Reporter in the NFL, is that the final decision still rests with the referee. Getting it wrong the first time doesn’t mean that he or she will necessarily fix the mistake after seeing it on film, especially when it means admitting that he or she was wrong. Some leagues, like the CFL, send the replay to a central location where other individuals make the final call. This system is superior, but still contains human error. The bottom line is, even after a review, the call doesn’t always end up right. One of the biggest beefs with the system is that it slows the game down. What if baseball continues to expand on this new rule? Will the day come when we see a stopin play every time a player or a coach Do we really page disagrees with a strike/ball call? It’s not so need to be far fetched to believe so. Do we really need imposing to be imposing rules that slow baseball rules that down even more? In 2006, the NFL made an adjustment to slow their replay system that I am still trying to baseball figure out. Prior to the switch, a coach was down even not allowed to review a play in which a ball carrier was ruled down by contact. This more? means that if a running back went down and the whistle blew, the play was over. If the ball came loose after the fact it didn’t matter, because the play was over anyway. Changing the rule to make these plays reviewable has made for some very confusing situations. Essentially, players are being told to continue playing after the whistle on fumbles, as the play could still be reviewed and the ref could still award the ball to the person who ultimately recovers it. Sometimes this leads to two or three players fighting over the ball while everyone else is walking casually back to the huddle. All it will take is for someone to get hurt during one of these instances for the league to reexamine this rule. That, or a high profile instance of this ridiculous rule backfiring in a crucial situation, should one day lead to this rule’s reversal. Perhaps my biggest complaint about instant replay is that it has taken away the fan’s ability to celebrate. It used to be that when your team scored a touchdown and those hands went up in the air, six points were going up on the board. That used to be the time to leap out of your seat, pump your fist in the air, and freely ridicule anyone in the room who was cheering for the other team. Now, these celebrations must be restrained throughout the commercial break while the officials try to decide whether or not your squad has actually made it into the end zone. It’s just not the same. Yes, I am unequivocally, wholeheartedly against the entire instant replay process. That is, until it is called upon to right an injustice done against a team I am rooting for. At that point, it’s just important that we get the call right.

Paul Martin Commentary Developers and builders saw an uptick in activity in *** June in this province. After a surge in employment in the past month or two, In broad terms, construction activity across Canada observers were wondering whether the Saskatchewan has been slowing in recent months. Nationally, June saw job juggernaut could maintain its pace or if it would slow activity levels that were 10 per cent lower than May and down. It turns out the machine is still in high gear. about five percent behind June of last year. The employment figures came out Friday showing the Here in Saskatchewan, however, it was a somewhat dif- national picture was slightly dimmer – overall there were ferent story as investment in property remains strong. about 40,000 few people collecting a pay check. But in The year-over-over figures were lower but June was much Saskatchewan the trend was headed in the other direcstronger than May. Residential activity – which interest- tion with 3,000 more people on the job than in June. ingly was bigger in dollar terms than all other forms of Compared to a year ago, the increase was more than construction work – was about eight per cent higher than 21,000, roughly equal to all the jobs in a city the size of May. Industrial, commercial and institutional work that Moose Jaw. It also was the fastest growing labor market received permits continues to rise. In June, in Canada, up nearly four per cent. municipalities approved work that was valThe big gains were in the full-time catued about two per cent higher than May and egory which accounted for roughly threeroughly 11 per higher than a year earlier. quarters of the total increase in the past year. The big jump was in Saskatoon where The figures also showed that the province is growth on a month-over-month basis as well continuing to attract more residents who are as year-over-year was in the double digits. searching for job opportunities as the labor Regina, on the other hand, was about 40 per pool grew by nearly 5,000 in the month and cent behind last year’s pace. 16,000 in the past year. *** *** There are a few basic rules of financial planSo much of the job of an executive or leader PAUL ning or management. One is…you can never of any organization – whether business, poMARTIN start saving for retirement too soon. Another litical or non-profit – centres on communica~ is to pay yourself first – in other words, have a tion. They all involve developing a vision of savings account. what the future could be and then convincing And one of the reasons for a savings account others of the possibility. is to provide a buffer against an unforeseen Or as Vancouver-based communications expense. But it turns out, not so many of us can check advisor Bart Egnal puts it, being a CEO is like being an that particular item off our To Do list. actor. And he helps his clients develop their craft in the A summer survey by BMO Bank of Montreal, the 3rd same way an actor would. annual of its Rainy Day Account polls, shows the most First of all, he says, you have to relish the opportunity common reason for people to dip into their account: an to speak. Whether it is a phone call, a conversation in the unexpected vehicle repair. The second most often was hallway at the office or a full-blown presentation to an the loss of a job and third was a major home repair. The attentive audience, these are opportunities to pitch your survey also showed that one-in-six of us has less than message, to make your case. And, just like an actor, you $1000 in emergency money. Only a few percentage points must know your script and be in character virtually all more have $5000. Yet, surprisingly, nearly one-in-five the time. have $50,000 in their rainy day fund. Being nervous is not only to be expected, it’s good, says Among Canadians who did manage to set aside more Egnal in noting that this energy can be channeled into than $5,000 Saskatchewan residents did exceptionally physical gestures and heightened passion. All the world well….we even had a bigger percentage of our population is indeed a stage and those seeking success in business in the $50,000+ category than Alberta. could learn from those enjoying success on stage.


August 23, 2013

Shellbrook Chronicle


No need for potash panic Living in the topsy-turvy world of comering the price can hit us hard. Consider the 2009 modity prices where markets for grains, oilprovincial budget when a predicted $2 billion in potseeds, pulse crops, oil and potash are always ash revenue for the province disappeared because uncertain, rural people know better than to Saskatchewan Party government officials bought into panic over a bit of bad news. the potash industry’s overly rosy forecasts for sales Others now in full-scale panic over the and prices. admittedly bad news in the potash sector And as the biggest producer of potash _ 20 per cent might be well advised to follow suit. of the world’s supply, exceeding PotashCorp’s contriThe relative on-going strength and sucbution _ anything Uralkali does is a big deal in the cess of the overall Saskatchewan economy industry. By deciding to go it alone, it is expect that and government finances may mean that Uralkali will undercut potash prices. This could have MURRAY we will weather the bad potash news better a big impact on Saskatchewan government revenue. MANDRYK than we think. Analysts suggest that potash prices could fall by 25 ~ For those of you who missed it _ or perper cent to around $300 a ton compared with current haps missed the significance of it at the time prices of $400 a ton. _ a move by a potash producer half a world One analyst from BMO Capital Markets went so far away will supposedly hammer us hard here as to call it “the end of the potash world as we know in Saskatchewan. it” while the Royal Bank of Canada said the Saskatchewan It was announced late last month that the Russian potash economy would now be growing half as quickly as predicted. producer Uralkali would stop selling its potash through the In turn, the Royal Bank predicted this may reduce SasBelarusian Potash Co. _ a cartel similar to our own Canpo- katchewan’s GDP growth by a full percentage point, with tex that markets its product collectively to keep the prices further impacts down the road because of stalled potash higher. mine construction. Of course, we’re all taught that such free-market competiPremier Brad Wall and his Sask. Party government retion is a good thing and it is … if you are a buyer rather than sponded by saying it was too early to tell _ exactly what a seller. one might expect from a government because it is its job to As a potash producing economy, anything potentially low- downplay negative news and present an optimistic view for

voters and potential investors in the province. But if initial indicators mean anything, Wall and his government appear to be right. The latest job statistics for July show 590,000 working people _ an increase of 16,100 from a year earlier. Of course, this means little in relation to the Uralkali decision that just happened. But considering where the jobs are being created, it does show that Saskatchewan is more than just potash. Of more interest, however, is the news emerging from the Saskatchewan government that the surplus budget is still largely intact. Despite a projected decline in forecasted potash revenues of $21.3 million, overall revenues for the 2013-14 budget are actually increasing by $11.3 million because of stronger oil prices. Alas, our surplus is now expected to be smaller because of $43.6 million in extra spending _ mainly for flooding assistance that the government didn’t adequately budget. And things could potentially be worse on the potash front because the government predicted in its March budget a $122.5-million increase in potash revenue over the 2012-13 budget. It still may be over-estimating its potash revenue. But what it does seem to show is the Saskatchewan economy is diversified and somewhat resilient. In the unpredictable world of commodity pricing, it may be a little early to panic over potash.


Let’s make some noise!

Dear Editor, I’m not sure if I “missed the boat” on the decision to move the RCMP detachment out of Shellbrook, but I strongly disagree with the possibility. Were there ever any community meeting on this decision? Did we have any town council meetings on this, or even any town council input on the decision to move the detachment to Ahtahkakoop! I think Superintendent Bob Mills should be aware that this matter needs a little (or a lot) more discussion with our community before any plans are drawn up for the new detachment. The Mission of the RCMP is: The RCMP is Canada’s national police service. Proud of our traditions and confident in meeting future challenges, we commit to preserve the peace, uphold the law and provide quality service in partnership with our communities. Perhaps the “storefront” location should be at Ahtahkakoop with the main detachment in Shellbrook, we are a growing community with a large rural population. I realize that the main “workload” may be at Ahtahkakoop but there are other options for Chief Larry Ahenakew and the local detachment of the RCMP to discuss, such as the ASP, the Aboriginal Shield Program. The ASP enables Aboriginal youth to gain a sense of cultural connection and pride,

Shellbrook Chronicle Serving the Communities of Shellbrook, Canwood, Debden, Big River, Parkside, Leask, Marcelin, Blaine Lake, Holbein, Mont Nebo, Mayview A Division of Pepperfram Limited Publications Mail Registration #07621

Published Every Friday Morning P.O. Box 10, Shellbrook, Sask. S0J 2E0 Phone 747-2442 or Fax 747-3000 Editorial: Advertising

while learning to make informed healthy lifestyle choices about drug use and related activities. The ASP has been designed as a community-led, police assisted program, which ensures the sustainability and consistency of the program in the Aboriginal communities in which it is implemented. There is also the housing and schooling considerations for the incoming officers. I have also heard that officers who are placed in aboriginal communities (on reserve), only have to commit to two years of service there, which hardly gives them time to become involved or be a part (partnership) of any community which totally goes against their Mission statement. I would also like to be very clear, that my opinion is solely based on the fact that I am a Shellbrook resident and I have concerns for the safety of my community, I do not want my opinions in any way to be regarded as racist as they were not intended to be. I encourage anyone who agrees with me to speak up before it is too late to save our RCMP detachment. Write a letter, or an email, call the headquarters in Regina where Superintendent Mills is from or contact the Ottawa headquarters. Let’s make some noise! Shellbrook resident, Debbie Ethier

Taxpayers shouldn’t subsidize mobile phone competition

by Gregory Thomas, , Federal Director, Canadian Taxpayers Federaion This commentary was first published in the Tuesday, August 20th edition of the Vancouver Sun. It’s not hard to understand why the Canadian government would want more companies selling mobile phones in Canada. Canadians, from coast-to-coast open their bills every month from Rogers, Telus and Bell and wish they were lower. They wish additional competition would drive up choice and drive down bills. And more competition appears to be on its way. U.S.-based Verizon Communications appears poised to enter the Canadian market. For any federal politician, it’s an attractive picture: Verizon Com-

C. J. Pepper, Publisher Jon Svec, Reporter Madeleine Wrigley, Advertising Sales Kathleen Nording, Composition/Pagination Patt Ganton, Composition/Pagination Cheryl Mason, Bookkeeping/Reception Office Hours: Monday.-Thursday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Friday, 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. & 1 to 4 p.m.; Advertising Deadline: Mondays at 5:00 p.m.

munications riding into Canada, like a knight in shining armour, to smite the Canadian wireless companies and save us all some money on our mobile phones. However, it shouldn’t cost Canadian taxpayers a billion dollars to achieve this. To be clear, Prime Minister Harper isn’t going to be handing a cheque for a cool billion to the CEO of Verizon on the steps of the New York Stock Exchange. He’s simply going stage an auction for wireless spectrum in January, an auction where Rogers, Telus, and Bell are not allowed to bid. Analysts expect Verizon to pay roughly $1 billion less than it would need to pay if it were bidding against the Big Three. Continued on Page 8

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Shellbrook Chronicle

August 23, 2013

Shellbrook Museum’s Church Collection Shellbrook, Saskatchewan – August 19, 2013 – The Shellbrook Heritage Museum continues to highlight parts of its collection as it celebrates its 40th anniversary. The last article focused on schools and while schools were important, after securing food for the body, settlers frequently looked to securing food for the soul before securing food for the mind. Long before the end of the 1800s, various Christian denominations had established missions in Saskatchewan to convert First Nations to Christianity. With the arrival of immigrants, the missions assigned itinerant clergy and theological students to rural areas. These devout men were referred to as “Saddle Bag Preachers”. The Shellbrook and area’s history book Treasured Memories mentions in 1901 Father Lajeunesse began travelling by horse and buggy once a month to Shellbrook from his permanent post at Muskeg Lake Cree Nation. By 1907 regular Anglican services were held at “Three Creeks, Holbein, Parkside and Shellbrook.” The first church services were commonly held in private homes. As mentioned in our homemakers’ article, “If the homemaker was hosting the Sunday church service in their home, Saturday housecleaning may have had extra burdens.” Later, some schools served as churches and some churches served as schools. As congregations grew in size they were eager to build a “house of worship” and usually added a rectory as a home for their clergy. Treasured Memories identifies St. Andrew’s Anglican Church as the first church built in Shellbrook in anno domini 1910. The Museum ‘s photo collection has a variety of church pictures, including St. Andrew’s, and other church events. Many denominations supplied Sunday

School programs and often the Sunday School picnic was a much anticipated highlight of the church year. Sunday Schools and Vacation Bible Schools would have used Bible stories, songs, arts and crafts, and drama. The Museum book collection along with several Bibles and hymn books has a copy of The Children’s Bible History. In the author’s words, this illustrated book is a retelling of the Bible stories in “simple pictures and simple language.” It was given as a prize to a Lilian in 1872 possibly for her ability to memorize and recite Bible verses. Saskatchewan historian John Archer believed, “The church contributed to the spiritual and educational life of pioneer communities, bringing hope, comfort and social contacts to the lonely and frequently disheartened homesteading families.” While church records are invaluable to historians and genealogists today, congregations did not see churches as indifferent recorders but as faithful partners in all life’s major events; births, confirmations, marriages, and deaths. Thanks to Bertha Johnson and others who responded to our request for information on the photo that accompanied the Museum’s one room schoolhouse article. In genealogy, Johnson is a primary source as she is in the picture. She says the photo is from the school year 1946-47 and it is Miss Miller’s Grade 9-10 class. Johnson corrected the spelling of her own last name from Sillespi to Gillespi. In a conversation about the photo with her classmate Joyce Brunton (nee Mansfeld), they also corrected Leonard’s last name from Harvey to Harder. Also, Bernard’s last name was correct from Lybon to Luyben. To reread articles and learn more about the Shellbrook and District Heritage Museum visit A

recent addition is the Grimes Obituary Scrapbook. It is an indexed spreadsheet of the obituaries collected by Evelyn Grimes between 1961 and 1996 from the Shellbrook Chronicle and other local newspapers. The Museum Committee and Friends of the Museum continue to invest energy in inventorying the collection. The inventorying process is the first step as the museum moves from storing artifacts to telling their stories. If you would like to help, please see Alanna Carswell

at the library or call Marlene Fellows at 7472475. The Museum welcomes monetary donations for inventory show cases and other donations to help better display items to tell their stories. Please make donations to the Town of Shellbrook to receive a receipt. The Museum is open and participating in the Shellbrook Street Fair on Saturday August 24.

One way that churches brought joy and comfort to their congregations was through music. This Museum organ ordered from the Eaton’s catalog in 1904 at the cost of $42 is representative of the type organ found in small churches.


BLAINE LAKE: Wapiti Library - Books, Movies, Magazines, Children’s Section, Internet, Printing, Study/Meeting Space, Proctor Service, Community Programming. Hours: Tuesday 1-5, Wednesday 1-5, Thursday 5-8, Friday 1-5. Contact us for more info 497-3130 CANWOOD: branch of Wapiti Regional Library - NEW HOURS - Tues. - 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Thurs. - 12 :00 noon - 5: 00 p.m. STORYTIME - Thurs. 3:30 - 4:00 p.m. Internet services available at the library. DEBDEN: Wapiti Library hours: Monday 3 pm - 7 pm. Afterschool Program 3:30 5:00. Wednesday 11 am - 4 pm. Librarian: Aline Hannon LEASK: Wapiti Library Hours: Tues. & Fri.: 1 - 5:30 pm & Sat., 1:00 - 5:00 pm. MARCELIN: Wapiti Library is open Tues. 11 - 4 pm; Thur. 3 - 8 pm. For information on all your library needs, please contact 306-226-2110. SHELLBROOK: Shellbrook Branch of the Wapiti Library located at 105 Railway Ave., West (Provincial building). Library Hours: Mon., 2 - 6:00 pm; Tues., 2 - 8 pm; Wed. 2 - 8 pm; Thur., 2 - 6:00 pm; Fri., 10 - 4 pm. Children’s Story Time: Fri. 10:30 am (Oct. - May). SHELLBROOK: Shellbrook Theatre Movie Night. Next Movie Night in Shellbrook Friday, August 23 “Fast and Furious 6” - 7:30 p.m. An action story about a retired gang who are offered the chance to clear their criminal records. Doors Open 7:00 p.m. Cost is $5 for movie. SHELLBROOK: Rhythm Works Dance Studio Registration Night Thurs., September 5 at 7:00 p.m. Shellbrook Legion Hall Bring Used Dance Wear To Sell!

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Shellbrook Chronicle Box 10, Shellbrook, SK S0J 2E0

Ph: 306-747-2442 • Fax: 306-747-3000 • email: chads@sbchronicle. com

August 23, 2013


Shellbrook Chronicle


Understanding of what goes into producing food is lost In the past I have lamented how we have lost pioneer revivalists, but they are at least given a much of our connection to our past. glimpse at a time when butter did not come out of It’s an issue farmers know all too well. a tub from the store, or that candles come in scents As a growing percentage of our population are of lavender and lilac from a dollar store. now two or more generations removed from the That said the time spent watching the youth dofarm the understanding of what goes into proing their projects did get me to reflecting on the ducing food is lost. lost art of self sufficiency. It becomes ever easier for the public to latch Again I have talked about this before, but the on to idyllic ideas of what it should be and those family garden is increasingly a thing of the past. visions of farming may have little to do with the It’s still amazing to me that the Assiniboine Food reality of driving a tractor, or grazing cattle. Security Alliance actually has to mentor some CALVIN Yet as voters the public holds some sway with wanting to partake in their community garden. DANIELS policy makers in government and the changes Planting seeds and watching grandma and mom ~ they may successfully lobby for can impact how hoeing weeds are among the earliest of memories producers go about their business. in my world. But it goes farther than that too. But if the basic skill of growing a garden is being Last week I stopped by the Yorkton branch of lost, what of the skills of preparing food to winter the Western Development Museum for a couple of afternoons storage? to capture pictures of the annual summer youth program the How many women, or men in a world of gender equality, branch hosts. have made dill pickles? Over three days the youth involved were given at least a I’m not sure there is anything which reminds more of fall little taste of what pioneers faced. than the smell of pickles being made. They had chances to make rope by winding twine, churning Not a lot tasted better than a jar of those pickles brought up cream to get butter, and making their own candles. from the cellar in January and added to the supper fare either. It’s not a program that is going to make the youth suddenly It is of course more than making pickles. Few go out in

search of wild fruit these days to bring back and make jars of jams and jellies for the larder. Less and less people can fruit, or even fill a deepfreeze with their own frozen veggies. In a world where food security seems to often top the list of consumer concerns one might expect the public to be turning back to in-home food preservation, but in reality as a society we have willing turned our food needs over to grocery stores. It’s of course not just food preservation that is being lost. In our consumer-driven world darning a pair of socks has given way to tossing socks with a hole in them to the landfill and a trip to the store to buy new ones. My grandma spent hour after hour knitting and crocheting and creating things for the home. They are not skills most look to learn or utilize today. It says something about how reliable the food chain is. We always have food in grocery stores. It says something about our incomes where new socks are an option over fixing old ones. But if fuel ever becomes truly in short supply so that cooler trucks loaded with California producer boost food prices through the roof, what then when the old skills are lost? It may not become an issue, but it is at least a question to ask and a possible future to ponder.

Livestock loan guarantee program updated to meet needs of producers The Ministry of Agriculture has amended the rules for the Livestock Loan Guarantee (LLG) Program to better meet the needs of producers and grow the industry. “Our government is committed to providing producers with the tools they need to remain competitive in today’s marketplace,” Agriculture Minister Lyle Stewart said. “These changes were made in consultation with industry stakeholders, and will help to grow the livestock industry in Saskatchewan.” Individual maximum loan limits have been increased from $300,000 to $500,000 under the Cattle Feeder option, and from $200,000 to $500,000 under the Cattle Breeder option. The combined individual maximum limit under both options has been increased from $300,000 to $500,000. Individual maximum loan limits have been increased from $200,000 to $500,000 under the Bison Feeder option, and from $125,000 to $500,000 under the Bison Breeder option. The combined individual maximum limit under both bison options has been increased from $300,000 to $500,000. Other changes include increasing the corporate maximum loan limit under cattle and bison feeder and breeder options

from $300,000 to $1.5 million. Previously, corporate and individual borrowing limits were the same. LLG supervisors now have the authority to allow the interprovincial movement of cattle enrolled under the feeder and breeder options. The new rules will help to reduce barriers to livestock expansion and reflect a modern and evolving industry. Using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags on calves as an alternative to brands are now permitted under the Cattle Breeder Option. The tagging date for calves under the Bison Breeder option has changed from December 1 of the year of birth to March 31 of the year after birth, to align with the weaning process. Increasing the size of the livestock herd in Saskatchewan is one of the targets set out in the Plan for Growth, and supports the goal of establishing the province as a global leader in agriculture production, food security and innovation. “The new rules under the LLG program reflect the changing needs of Saskatchewan livestock producers,” Saskatchewan Cattlemen’s Association Chair Mark Elford said. “It’s great

Rob Clarke, MP report Though the economy remains our government’s top prior- safety and environmental responsibility. ity, we believe that there is no reason that economic growth The number of comprehensive audits of pipelines has been and job creation need to come at the exdoubled, while new safety measures for oil tankers pense of Canada’s environment. have been instituted. Our government has teamed with Our government is dedicated to the betthe government of Alberta to closely monitor air qualterment of Canada’s economy while enity, water quality and biodiversity in areas near the oil hancing environmental protection. sands. The road to continuing economic prosAs we expand international trade, opening new marperity runs directly through our nation’s kets in Europe and elsewhere, we must continue to pronatural resources, such as the crops grown mote responsible use of our nation’s plentiful resources. here in Saskatchewan, the oil sands, hyOur Economic Action Plan is working to create jobs dro-electricity, mineral resources and and long-term prosperity. With a growing economy, ROB tidal power. our government understands its responsibility to the By raising fines for pollution and envienvironment and to all Canadians. CLARKE ronmental damage and ensuring that polAs always, I look forward to your letters, e-mails and ~ luters pay for the environmental damage calls. Write me at: Rob Clarke MP, House of Commons, caused by their actions, we are safeguard502 Justice Building, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0A6. I Desnethé ing our environment for generations to hope you will find time to visit my website http://www. Mississippi come. To contact me via e-mail use Rob. Churchill River New regulations require companies to or call my constituency office tollmake public their emergency and environfree at 1-866-400-2334. mental plans. The number of inspections Rob Clarke MP of gas and oil pipelines has increased substantially to ensure Desnethé-Missinippi-Churchill River

to see our government working so closely with producers to increase the size of the provincial herd, leading to increased competitiveness and economic growth in the province.” “I’m really pleased that our government has responded to the changing circumstances in Saskatchewan’s livestock industry so directly,” Saskatchewan Stock Growers Association President Harold Martens said. “Producers now have more choice when it comes to managing their livestock operations, ultimately leading to greater efficiency and higher returns for Saskatchewan.” The Livestock Loan Guarantee program was established in 1984 to encourage growth of the province’s livestock industry and provide financing to producers purchasing livestock or developing feedlots.


Shellbrook Chronicle

Town Council meeting highlights Minutes of a meeting of the Council of the Town of Shellbrook held in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Office in Shellbrook, Saskatchewan, on Monday, July 22, 2013 Present: Mayor George Tomporowski, Alderwoman Lois Freeman,


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Aldermen Bruce Clements, Lyle Banda and David Knight Regrets: Alderwoman Kathleen Nording and Alderman Amund Otterson Mayor George Tomporowski called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM That we adopt the minutes of the meeting of July 8th, 2013 as circulated. That as of September 30, 2013, we cancel our policy with SUMA for health, dental, life and disability insurance and join the Chamber of Commerce benefits plan. That we approve the request from the hotel to host a street side patio party from 12:00pm until 8:00pm on August 24th,

2013 during the Street Fair. That we close our dedicated lands account# 702680906123 at the Scotiabank and place the funds in a SuperRate account with Affinity Credit Union - Alderwoman Freeman abstained That lot 27, Block 5, Plan 102094376 be valued at $40,000, broken down as follows: Building: $30,000 Land: $10,000 As the RM of Shellbrook has interest in the land, $5,000 will be disbursed to them for their interest. That we set the August meetings of Council as August 12th, 2013 and August 26th, 2013 That we adjourn


August 23, 2013

Taxpayers shouldn’t subsidize mobile phone competition Continued from Page 5 Canadian citizens own the airwaves. The federal government, on behalf of taxpayers, makes a lot of money with its bandwidth auctions: the last one brought in $4.3 billion. That’s a lot when you consider the government expects to run an $18.7 billion deficit this year. Unfortunately, this year, at least one of those borrowed billions is headed straight into the corporate treasury of Verizon Communications in New York. Verizon doesn’t need the money: it already has 100 million customers in the U.S. In July, Verizon reported profits of $2.25 billion US in the previous three months alone, on sales of nearly $30 billion US. Nobody is going to argue, with a straight face, that Canadian wireless operators couldn’t use some more competition. But do we really need to rig an auction sale and offer Verizon a billion-dollar bonus to get into the game? And why Verizon? There’s nothing wrong with Verizon, but if we’re going to open up the market to foreign ownership and additional competition, why not just open up the auction to any company, foreign or domestic, to bid on the additional spectrum? It could be T-Mobile, AT&T, or UK companies like one of Verizon’s owners – Vodafone. Or one of the Big Three might outbid all of them. As taxpayers, isn’t it in our best interest to sell our spectrum to the highest bidder? And if it turns out that it’s a new company or two new companies that purchase the spectrum, Canadians also benefit from the increased competition. Sometimes an American operator can move in and turn the Canadian market upside down. Wal-Mart is a good example.

Sometimes it’s a different story: Target’s takeover of the Canadian Zellers locations seems to be a work in progress: prices and selection in Canada don’t come close to the U.S. experience. The important difference between WalMart, Target and Verizon, is that both WalMart and Target had to pay full marketprice to build or buy stores in Canada. They weren’t and aren’t protected from their competition. The wireless business, as the saying goes, ‘ain’t bean-bag.’ Newcomers to the market, such as Mobilicity and Wind Mobile, have brought prices down in Canada, but they’ve taken a beating from the Big Three, and they’re looking for new investors and new capital. Calgary-based cable giant Shaw Communications bought some wireless bandwidth before sizing up the Canadian market and backing out of it. The Harper government blocked Shaw from flipping its unused wireless bandwidth to Rogers, one of many skirmishes in the ongoing battle between the regulator and the industry to keep competition alive. In Quebec, rather than hesitating as Shaw did, Videotron has waded into wireless, making some unexpected gains. After taking a risk and launching against the Big Three in Quebec, Videotron is livid about the special deal now being cooked up in Ottawa for Verizon. Industry Minister James Moore has clearly articulated his concern for mobile customers, but there’s apparently little concern about taxpayers and the billion they will be losing out on under this rigged auction. This upcoming auction should be a win for both customers and taxpayers.


Alexander (Zandy) Grovue, formerly of Leask, recently sent in a picture of the mural that adorns his wall. “The Leask Village School, Bramshott District, is shown on the attached copy of the mural on my wall here in Palm Springs, California,” he writes. “This is as it looked in 1950. Unlike the 1950s, the ‘Factory Farm’ aspect of 2013 shows that 90% of homesteads are now unoccupied. That is not bad; it’s just how things unfolded. The Cree and Blackfoot

have seen the area change for 10,000 years. The Cycle of Life keeps turning. It has been said that no one or anything is gone so long as they are remembered in the minds of those still here. This barefoot farm boy still feels the caress of the breeze as it swept the wheat fields in waves of grain. He strolled down the dusty road to Bramshott School, seeking adventure. The train of life goes from station to station, some get on and others get off. Adventure continues.”

August 23, 2013

Shellbrook Chronicle


Gaps in wildfire detection services put northerners at risk Large areas of northern Saskatchewan are currently without wildfire detection services, placing families and communities at risk as the fire hazard grows, according to SGEU. Fire towers are being dismantled as government moves to an automated video surveillance system, but video cameras have not yet been installed to replace human observers, leaving areas without adequate detection services. “Who is safeguarding people in these communities?” asks SGEU President Bob Bymoen. “Weather conditions have changed in the last week

School buses back on roads Drivers, prepare to stop – back-to-school season is here! The Canada Safety Council would like to remind motorists that yellow school buses are back on the roads this fall. Remain vigilant, patient and responsible so that everyone gets where they are going safely. Know the law The Highway Traffic Act in each province and territory states that every driver, approaching from both directions toward a school bus with overhead red signal-lights flashing, must stop and shall not proceed until the bus moves or the overhead red signal-lights have stopped flashing (except on highways separated by a median strip, whereby oncoming traffic is not required to stop). Also, school buses are required by law to stop at all railway crossings; motorists should likewise be prepared to stop behind school buses. Breaking the law is costly – fines are as high as $2,000 and motorists can expect up to nine demerit points for the first offense. Your province’s or territory’s licensing bureau website has current penalty information. Travel by school bus is 16 times safer than travelling in a family car per passenger per kilometre of travel, according to a study by Transport Canada. In addition, each school bus made and imported into Canada has approximately 40 standard safety features built into the design and construction. These include specialized brake systems, lighting, emergency exits, escape hatches in the roof, and high padded seatbacks that cushion the impact of a crash. It is most common for injuries to be sustained once children are outside the bus. Children may be hit by their own school bus or other vehicles, underlining the need for all motorists to abide by the laws and be vigilant with student pedestrians and bicyclists. Important tips Here are a few tips to help ensure that children reach their destinations safely. • Abide by the school bus traffic laws. • Watch for children running to catch their bus. They have been known to pay little regard for their own safety and may dart out in traffic. • Respect the crossing guards and slow down in school zones. • During the school year, be especially cautious during periods of the day when students are travelling to and from home. • Watch for cyclists and pedestrians on roadways. • When turning at intersections, watch out for students using the crosswalks. • Teach your own children about safe conduct in roadways and on school buses. Prevention is the key to safety. With education and awareness, all children should be able to get safely to school and home again. Take the time to review, remember, follow and share these valuable rules and tips with other drivers and your children.

and the fire hazard is extreme, but in many areas there are no fire tower observers and no video cameras to detect wildfires.” Environment Minister Ken Cheveldayoff has told SGEU that air detection will be used during the transition from staffed towers to the automated system, but at present there are no helicopters or air craft engaged in fire detection south of La Ronge, says Bymoen. Thousands of community members have signed petitions and sent letters to the Minister and their MLAs to request that fire tower observers stay on the job, according to Bymoen.

“Clearly, people are worried about these decisions, and concerns are growing today as the fire hazard grows,” he adds. Government announced in March that it would eliminate fire tower observers from 42 towers and replace them with video cameras for the 2014 fire season. Approximately a dozen towers across the north have already been de-commissioned, but have not been set up on the new automated system. “We urge Ministry officials to reassess the situation and take the necessary steps to ensure the safety of northern communities,” Bymoen concluded.

Speerbrecker Family Reunion

A fun filled weekend on August 2, 3 and 4 was enjoyed when the Wes Speerbecker families held their reunion at the Canwood Park. 65 members came from all over Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia and Wisconsin. The weather was great and food plentiful. Everything was well planned.

UPCOMING FARM AUCTION Andre’ and Helen Dupuis

Sunday September 8th - 10:00 a.m. Location: From Shellbrook 17miles north on Hwy #240, To Foxdale Hall. 1 mile west and 1 ¾ north. (Watch for signs)

FARM AUCTION Norman Thibeault

Saturday, August 24th/13 - 10 a.m. LOCATION: Hwy# 55 to Big River SK, 12 km., right at Sawmill, left at Bible Camp sign & left again to Auction site. Watch for signs.

Tractors: White #2-105 Field Boss front tires 1100x16 back 18-4x38’ c/w duals. Ser.# 105-22422, 8400hrs. hp. Year, Ezee on FEL. c/w bucket & blade. 1981 Belarus #250, 30hp. ser# 245-818, front tires 600 x 16, rear 11.2 x 28. (sold separately from tractor are) 3pt hitch equip. Bale fork,10ft.cultivator, manure fork, blade, plow, snow blower, root rake 18ft., rotary mower 3pt. hitch, Combine: 914 International (field ready), Swather: White #601, 25 ft. P/T, Trucks: 1975 Dodge 600, 3 ton steel box & hoist, 361 motor, split axel, 900 x20 tires, c/w roll tarp, 1945 Ford ½ ton, 4 spd. trans., flat head, V8 odometer 76,082, original glass, no dents, no rust, 1967 Ford 500 2 ton 330 motor split axle 8.25x20 tires, 1949 Ford 1 ton (radiator missing), Tillage Equipment: 12 ft.Cockshut cultivator c/w CYL, 6 Sections Degelman harrow, IH 12 ft. deep tillage, Haying Equip.: NH #664 round baler (approx. 1996/1998), Yard/Shop Equipment: Westfield 36 ft. x7” grain auger c/w Hyd. sweep and 14 h.p. Koler electric start motor, 2010 Craftsmen 4500 riding lawn mower 21 hp. c/w 42” deck and dandelion roller pull behind, 36” rotor tiller c/w 8.75 hp. B/S motor, 30 ft. grain auger c/w motor, 100 bu. hopper bin, 12V drill fill, 2 - 500 gal. fuel tanks on steel stands, Raider Ford truck cap, 8 ft. ice fishing sleigh (rubber), Assortment of power poles, Solar welder 230 amps. a/c, New fence posts, Labtronics grain tester c/w scale, All trade rotary tool & accessory kit, Household: 2 swivel leatherette chairs, Glider rocker c/w footstool, Guns: 2 Cooey 22 Repeaters, Remington 12 gauge pump S.G., 2 Pellet guns, Antiques/Collectibles: Drill press, variety of milk & cream cans, elevator compressor, water pump, several ice tongs, Western saddle 16”(original R.C.M.P.) c/w bridle, Cream separator McCormick Deerings (complete Wash tub wringer). Please check our websites for more details.

Truck: 1993 Heavy duty Track c/w 3hyd. on back, Swather: J.D. 800 S.P., Tillage/Haying Equipment: Massey Harris #63 press frill 2x8’s, iron drills w/tapered shanks, Cockshut tandem disc, IH 14 ft. deep tillage, J.D. 16 ft. deep tillage, Recreational: Boston Whaler 17 ft. boat c/w trailer & 70 hp. Johnson, Kawasaki 360 snow machine c/w tracks, 1402 kms, Horse Tack: Othaflex 17” saddle (like new), New & Used driving lines, Show bridles & halters, Horse collars 2x22” (new), 2x21”, 1x23”, 1x20”, Yard & Shop Equip.: Massey 440 pay loader (350 Ford motor), 20 ft. rock rake (Rock-o-matic), 16 hp. Turf garden tractor (attachments roto tiller 13 hp. electric start motor, and snow blower), Household Items: True North Smoker, Camping tents, Fishing rods & Ttackle boxes, Propane fireplace, Antiques and Collectibles: Model A wheels c/w steel spoke, Finlay stove circulator #20 (brick lined), Guns: Revolvers: 22 Caliber, 2 cylinders (22 long or 22 mag.) Ruger ser.# 6235271, Ruger 357 mag. Caliper Blackhawk ser.# 36-81227, Ruger 44 mag. Caliper (new model) Super Hawk ser.# 86-05492, Ivor Johnson 20 gauge shot gun (choke barrel), Swiss rifle caliper 12 -7 7x65 12 gauge over & under Model 340 gamester 12 gauge, 12 gauge Marine Defender c/w stainless steel stock (Grisly gun), 30/30 340A Savage, 303 British, 22 Short Winchester & long rifle model 67, Cooey 22 single shot, Gamester 12 gauge model 340, 20 gauge 3” full proof tested made in Brazil, 1941 303 British, 1941 Mauser Werke, Model 94 Winchester 32w special, 22 Cooey model 64B, 22 cal long rifle made by Winchester c/w scope, 30-30 Winchester 1967 Railroad (1869-1969) Commemorative c/w papers, 338 Auto BB Caliper hand gun. It is impossible to list everything please check our website’s for more details! or Hwy #2 South, Prince Albert, SK - PL 911509 or Hwy #2 South, Prince Albert, SK - PL 911509

Gerald Fillmore 306-922-7907 or 306-940-8720

Gerald Fillmore 306-922-7907 or 306-940-8720

Sale Conducted by Schmalz Auctions Phone 306-763-2172 or 306-922-2300

Sale Conducted by Schmalz Auctions Phone 306-763-2172 or 306-922-2300


Shellbrook Chronicle

August 23, 2013

The Honeywood (Dr. A.J. Porter) Heritage Nursery provided the perfect setting for the show.

Car and motorcycle show takes place at Honeywood A number of impressive cars and motorcycles lined themselves up in the shade of the Honeywood (Dr. A.J. Porter) Heritage Nursery in Parkside on August 18. The joint car and motorcycle show was something that had been in the works for some time. “My wife and I are kind of into lilies too. I know that’s unusual for a biker,” commented Bob Dishaw, ride coordinator for the Northern Saskatchewan chapter of the Canadian Vintage Motorcycle Group. “My wife and I had been to Honeywood a couple, three times over the years with the car. Last year three of us came with our bikes, and we got talking to Judy Harley, who’s the manager here.” Judy suggested that they get together with members of a local car club and hold an event at Honeywood the following summer. Sometime in February, Dishaw was contacted by Dave Perry of the Saskatchewan British Car Club, and between the three of them they began looking at dates for the

event. “We picked this date in the middle of winter,” Dishaw said. The Canadian Vintage Motorcycle Group is a national organization that connects motorcycle enthusiasts from coast to coast. “We have some members that have barns that are full of motorcycles. Over 30, 40 motorcycles,” Dishaw said. “Some of the bikes are fully restored, right through to bits and pieces. And then we have some members that just have one bike. And, you know, we don’t even make it a stipulation. All you need to be a member of our club is to be interested in motorcycles. You don’t have to have a bike. And when we do our rides, you don’t necessarily have to be a member.” The group attends numerous events throughout the summer, scattered throughout various locations. For Dishaw and the rest of the riders who visited Parkside on Sunday, Honeywood seemed to be the perfect spot for the show.

A number of British cars were on display during the event.

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A An ‘81 ‘8 S Suzuki ki GS 1100 was partt off th the di display. l “It’s a beautiful venue . . . and it’s nice to see the evolution of it. It’s so good to see (Honeywood) coming alive,” Dishaw said. Most members of the group spend a lot of time fixing up their motorcycles, and it is sometimes difficult to convince them to take their vintage models out onto the road. “Most of these guys that you see parked here, they also have vintage bikes that they are wrenching on or they have restored, and they’ll bring them out on lower-mileage rides, that kind of thing,” Dishaw said. “Some of the older bikes you don’t want to bring out on the highway.” Time spent restoring vehicles is a labour of love that the motorcycle club shares with members of the Saskatchewan British Car Club (SBCC). “It takes a long time, but it’s a nice hobby,” commented Dennis Billo of the SBCC. Much like the motorcycle group, members of the SBCC make up a wide spectrum when it comes to their mechanical backgrounds. “Some guys join the club because they know nothing but they like the cars, and they’ve been (over charged) by so many gas stations because they’ve got some little problem,” Billo said. “And then they come to the club and somebody whips out a screwdriver and in 30 seconds has it running, and they’re thinking ‘Wow, where do I sign?’” Aside from the various “Show and Shines” that the club participates in throughout the summer, members also get together to help one another make improvements to their cars. “We have clinics,” Billo said. “We’ll have like brake clinics. You can bring your car, and we’ll teach people how to do it themselves, but we also work on individual cars. All we do is charge $25 which goes to our club charity which is the Crisis Nursery in Saskatoon.” After some innocent rain clouds cleared, the sun came out to warm the day, providing the perfect setting for shared stories and delicious barbeque.

Rhythm Works Dance Studio

Registration Night Thurs., September 5 7:00 p.m.

Shellbrook Legion Hall Bring Used Dance Wear To Sell!

August 23, 2013

Shellbrook Chronicle


Colourful flowers lined the tables of the Canwood Community Hall on August 15. See story on front page. A colourful mixed vase submitted by Muriel Robin of Leask.

A tasty looking apple pie baked by Lil Sorensen of Canwood.

A beautifully sewn skirt submitted by Eleanor Person of Canwood.

A photograph taken by Jesse Dion of Shellbrook.


Shellbrook Chronicle

August 23, 2013

Local ball players strike silver at the Western Canadian Championships

The summer of 2013 has been the ride of a lifetime for two local ball players. After the Shellbrook Rangers captured the Provincial Bantam AA Championship on July 7, two members of that squad were selected by the Saskatoon Eagles to play at the Western Canadian Bantam AAA Championships. Garret Feige and Noah MacPherson were added to the Eagle roster on July 8 to add depth to a team that had qualified for the Westerns in Winnipeg from August 1-5. Both Feige and MacPherson were expecting to be role players with Saskatoon but their play and tenacity landed them full time positions. The Eagles played a pre-Western doubleheader against the PA Astros on July 28 and won both ends by identical 10-3 scores. MacPherson was inserted into the second spot in the batting order and never looked back. He went 5 for 6 that night and scored 6 runs. Feige planted himself in the sixth spot and there they would both remain for 11 games as the Eagles made a run for the gold medal. At the Westerns, Saskatoon opened with a 7-0 win over Cloverdale, BC on Friday morning and followed with a 22-6 clubbing of Hollow Water, Manitoba that afternoon. Day two saw the Eagles defeat Chilliwack, BC by a 10-3 margin and a 10-3 win over Irma, Alberta that afternoon. In their third game of the day, a weary Eagles squad lost to the Saskatoon Phantoms by an 8-6 score. Sunday morning saw the Eagles defeat Peguis, Manitoba by a 10-2 score and finish second out of nine teams in the round robin, posting a 5-1 win/loss record. In a game between the top two teams on Sunday

night, the Eagles lost 5 to 4 to an unbeaten Kitchener, Ontario squad. The team rebounded in the semis with an 11-10 squeaker over rival Prince Albert Astros to advance to the gold medal game in a rematch with Kitchener. With the Eagles winning 4-2 with two out in the final inning, Kitchener stayed alive with a heroic two run homer to tie the contest and send it into extra innings. In the bottom of the ninth, Kitchener hooked a double just inside the left field chalk line to plate the winning run and capture the gold medal. Despite the obvious disappointment of having the gold snatched away, the Saskatchewan squad had an extraordinary run and ended with a silver medal. Garret Feige appeared in all 11 games since being selected and split time between centre and left field while clubbing two home runs at the Westerns. Noah MacPherson appeared in 10 out of 11 games, playing second base, shortstop and third base. He played a key role hitting second by providing key hits, bunts and stolen bases. Both players were important contributors as the Eagles were crowned silver medalists. Since joining the team, the boys enjoyed an 8 and 3 record in the 11 games that they played. The boys also enjoyed the opportunity to form new and lasting relationships with their Eagle team mates and some opposing players. When asked about the experience, MacPherson said “Never in my life would I have thought I would be the starting second baseman in a gold medal game for the Western Canadians”. Quite a summer.

Shellbrook boys Garret Feige (left) and Noah MacPherson brought home silver medals with the Saskatoon Eagles at the Western Canadian Bantam AAA Championships.

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Thelma was one of four Canadian girls chosen to represent Australia in team rodeo with the North American Rodeo Commission at the Calgary Stampede in 1979, placing fourth after competing against various teams across North America. In 1971 she was voted President of Saskatchewan Girls Barrel race association and also won the championship that year.

Thelma has put on numerous Barrel and Training clinics in Alberta and Saskatchewan, and was employed for 17 years with the Department of Agriculture. Thelma (Hetu) Rogozenski and her husband David currently reside at their home in Twin Creek Ranch Mont Nebo, where they raise black Quarter horses.

August 23, 2013


Surging Dodgers nearly unstoppable

Yasiel Puig will probably win the National League’s Rookie predicting the NL’s World Series rep is a tossup. Pittsburgh, of the Year award, could be a contender for Most Valuable guaranteed a winning record for the first time in 21 years, Player despite playing a little more than half a has been a factor in the highly competitive Censeason, would win the mayor’s job in Los Angetral Division, with St. Louis and Cincinnati strong les if the job were open, and most Dodger fans threats, too. In the NL East, Atlanta Braves turned would suggest immediate Hall of Fame election a 12-1 start into a runaway, and a 14-game winning after his first 90 games in the big leagues. streak in August gave them an insurmountable 15Meanwhile, he will definitely get a Christmas game lead over Washington, the Stephen Strascard from Dodgers manager Don Mattingly, burg-Bryce Harper-led team that most experts who was so close to the unemployment line had predicted would make the World Series. As it before Puig was called up from the minors in turns out, they’ll be lucky to get a wildcard berth. late May that he was seen checking out rocking We’ll look at the American League next week, chairs at Home Depot. but in the meantime, Don Mattingly can thank Now Mattingly’s a hero, thanks to one of the Puig for turning him into the smartest manager in BRUCE greatest turnarounds in Major League Baseball baseball. PENTON History. • Brad Dickson of the Omaha World-Herald: “A ~ The Dodgers were one of the pre-season faGreen Bay Packers fan who’s a grandmother got vourites in the National League but they were a multi-layered green Mohawk hairdo. You know stumbling along with a 23-31 record on June 1 who I feel sorry for? The beautician who saw an — dead last in the NL West, seven games be80-year-old waiting and thought: ‘OK, this will be hind Arizona. easy.’ “ Then, Mattingly got real smart, learning how to spell P• R.J Currie of “Tennis legend Jimmy U-I-G and write those letters on his lineup card daily. After Connors is Maria Sharapova’s new coach. So far it’s going that, he sat back and watched his team play like the 1927 well; not only does Maria grunt, she cusses John McEnroe.” Yankees. At one point, the Dodgers ran off an unheard-of • Steve Simmons of Sunmedia: “Jacques Martin can bore 41-8 streak. people in both of Canada’s official languages.” By mid-August, that seven-game deficit had turned into a • Late-night funnyman Conan O’Brien: “The NFL anseven-game lead atop the division. Suddenly, the Dodgers, nounced that referees are going to crack down this year on led by Puig and slugging team-mates Adrian Gonzales and excessive celebrations. NFL players are being told not to Hanley Ramirez, are playing like the pre-season favourites show off too much after a touchdown, a sack or a murder.” experts had predicted, and baseball’s fun again in LaLa • Steve Rushin in Sports Illustrated, in a column about Land. names of players in the long history of Major League BaseWith a little more than a month to go before the playoffs, ball: “For the moment, the major leagues still have em-

Shellbrook Chronicle


ployed only four Balls (Art, Jeff, Jim and Neal), resulting in one Walk (Bob).” • Janice Hough of “Possible reaction from South Eastern Conference teams to the allegation that Johnny Manziel was paid for signing autographs? “See, this comes from teaching players how to write.” • R.J. Currie again: “No matter how well NASCAR’s Danica Patrick drives, some guys will always grade her on curves.” • The Sports Curmudgeon: “Who has the most odious job in sports in 2013? A. Publicist for Oscar Pistorius; B. Publicist for A-Rod; C. Manager of the Houston Astros; D. Cornerman who has to swab out a boxer’s nose with a Q-Tip between rounds; E. Stablehand who has to clean out the stalls of thoroughbred racehorses 365 days a year.” • Bartt Davis of the Las Vegas Review-Journal, after 6-year-old Spencer Conn of Grayson, Ga., hit five home runs on consecutive pitches over two games: “No word on whether Conn has been tested for enhanced levels of Flintstones vitamins.” • Dwight Perry of the Seattle Times: Here’s hoping that Iowa — named the nation’s No. 1 party school — gets paired up against Brigham Young, which again came in dead last, in a postseason football game. Talk about a bowl marketer’s dream: BYU vs. BYOB. • Retired NFLer Barrie Sanders, giving the top 10 list on Letterman titled: ‘Signs you probably won’t make the hall of fame’: “You can never get it straight: Is it punt or bunt?” • TNT’s Conan O’Brien again, after Alex Rodriguez hit his first home run of 2013 on the same day as the season premiere of ‘Breaking Bad’: “It was a big day for drug dealers.” Care to comment? Email

Green between the lines - No such thing as an ugly win By Jon Svec The Riders hosted the Montreal Alouettes on August 17 in Regina, hoping to bounce back from their first loss of the season. It was a game that some were expecting to be a blowout, but instead turned into a back and forth affair that wouldn’t be decided until the final play. Montreal scored first with a field goal about six minutes into the contest. The drive, really, should have ended with a six point play, but the Riders got away with one early when Calvillo just missed a wide open S.J. Green in the corner of the end zone. The Riders would answer on their next drive. It didn’t seem as though that would be the case, however, when a Sheets fumble was scooped up and returned for 73 yards. An official review, however, clearly showed that Sheets was down well before the ball came out, giving the Riders another chance. Durant took advantage of the opportunity, hooking up with Weston Dressler in the end zone on what almost looked to be an overthrown pass. It probably would have been for most receivers, but Dressler kicked it into high gear and just made it to the ball before it could reach the turf. The game took a drastic turn on the first play of the second quarter. Montreal had the ball, and the Riders dialed up a five-man pressure to get some heat on Calvillo. The Alouettes picked up the initial blitz, but on his second effort defensive end Ricky Foley made it to the quarterback just as he released the ball. The hit knocked Calvillo out of the game, and he would spend the rest of the afternoon watching the action from the sidelines. In the return game, Jock Sanders coughed up the ball twice on the day. The first time it happened was midway through the second quarter, giving the Alouettes ideal field position. The Riders held the Alouettes to only three points on the drive, however, marking a victory for the defense. A pass protection error led to Montreal’s next big break. It seemed as though slot receiver Geroy Simon was supposed to add into the protection on a second down play with under a minute to go in the half, but he was late getting there and a defender was able to slip through and strip Durant of the

ball. Thankfully, the halftime whistle sounded two plays later, and the Riders came away unharmed. Jock Sanders’ second gaff on the day occurred during the opening kickoff of the second half when he again lost possession of the ball, giving the Alouettes great field position. The Riders defense again gave up only three points on the drive, but it was enough to grant Montreal a 10-8 lead. The teams would trade singles during the next few minutes of game play, leading up to a questionable decision by the Alouettes with two-and-a-half minutes left to play in the

third. They were facing a third down from their own eleven yard line, and instead of punting it away, they elected instead to give up the safety. In a game dominated by defense, with neither team scoring more than 11 points up to that late stage in the game, it seemed very strange for the Alouettes to willingly give up the lead they had worked so hard for. The score made it 11-11 and handed some of the momentum back to the Riders. The Riders executed a nice long drive after the safety, highlighted by an outstanding catch by Chris Getzlaf who went up and over his defender to haul in the ball. They would end the drive with a field goal, but the Alouettes would answer right back with a field goal of their own, retying the game. Only in the CFL will you see three lead changes in the last

2:20 of a football game, and that’s exactly what happened last Saturday in Regina. The first huge score would come in the form of a Darian Durant fumble that was picked up and returned 54 yards by Jerald Brown for the touchdown. Something went wrong on the play, because as soon as Durant looked up from his play-action fake, two defenders were right in his face. He did well to elude the tacklers, but then took too long setting up to throw, and he was hit from behind for the sack and the fumble. Durant would atone for his mistake quickly, however, when he called upon receiver Taj Smith to do what Taj Smith does best, which is catch long bombs for touchdowns. It happened on a simple fadeand-out route combination on the short side of the field. Durant pumped at the out, causing all defenders to bite, leaving Taj Smith open for the 65 yard score. The Riders then held Montreal to a quick twoand-out series, giving them a chance to win in regulation. Their chances increased dramatically when Weston Dressler, subbing in for the slipperyfingered Jock Sanders, returned the punt all the way to the Alouette’s side of the field, putting the Riders close to field goal range. They ran the ball twice to get a little closer, and Chris Milo hit the clutch 36 yard field goal as time expired, giving the Riders a 24-21 victory. Sure, the game probably shouldn’t have been that close. The Riders were facing a struggling Alouettes squad who lost their all-time quarterback early in the contest, thrusting Josh Neiswander into the spotlight before anyone thought he’d be needed. Neiswander was serviceable, though there were many more interceptions up for grabs than the Riders ended up hauling in. The Riders just weren’t able to pull away in a game where all signs pointed to a blowout. But there are no ugly wins. It was a victory achieved on a day when they got some bad bounces and were asked to face some adversity. In the long run they should be better off for it, and it should give them a number of things to work on while preparing for their next game in Edmonton on August 24.


Shellbrook Chronicle

Leona Collins

August 23, 2013


Leona Collins 1931-2013 Leona Mary (nee Lukan) was born on August 13, 1931 on the family farm near Fulda, Saskatchewan. She is survived by her loving husband of 63 years John Collins, her children Lucille (Bob) Izsak & children; John, Lee and Faye; Ann (Paul) Simmans; Susan (Don) Peddie; Jerome (Tracy) & children JamieLynn, Scott and Arianne; Len (Sharon) & children Christopher, Jennifer and Hailey; David (Brenda) & children Breanna and Jon; Ernest (Lori) & children Meaghan and Logan; Eugene (Chris) & children Jessica and Carter; Ron (Joe); Doreen (Roger) Couture & children Alysha, Kyle and Brett and also 14 great grand-children. She grew up in a family of four brothers and one sister and is survived by three brothers and one sister; Leonard (Margaret) Lukan; Marcel (Dorothy) Lukan; Erwin (Marguerite) Lukan; Agnes (Frank) Zunti and all their children. She was predeceased by her parents Henry and Mary Lukan; her mother and father-in-law Esther and Tom Collins; brother Bernard Lukan, sister Anna Lukan; her brothersin-law Lawrence Collins, William (Billie) Collins, Hubert (Buddy) Collins and son-in-law Marvin Buller. Mom attended Canvasback school near Pilger, Saskatchewan from Grades 1 to 7. In 1945 the family moved to Mattes, Saskatchewan where she completed her schooling at Winslow Lake School. Upon completing school she was employed at the Mattes General Store and also worked for several senior ladies in the area. In December 1948 she met Dad at a Christmas Concert in Polworth, Saskatchewan and they married in 1950. Mom and Dad farmed and raised 10 children; they retired to Debden and remained active in church and community events. Mom never missed grandchildren’s concerts, ball games, hockey games or just a family get together. Mom always felt and taught each of her children the strength of family. She lived her life quietly, but firmly believed in her faith, in her family and in her cherished role as a farmer’s wife and mother. Mom especially enjoyed sewing, singing in the church choir, reading, milking cows, berry picking and riding in the combine with her sons and grandson Brett. She loved the farming life and especially the fall when she was busy canning, freezing and feeding the harvesting crews with ‘field meals’. Mom suffered a debilitating fall in March and through her incredible strength and enduring character, she remained a faithful servant to God. She inevitably would have her rosary wrapped around her beautiful hands in prayer hour upon hour to the end. Her last days were spent at Shellbrook Integrated Health Centre surrounded by the incredible caring staff that treated her like family. Her husband John, and her children and extended family were with her in her final days and hours. We enjoyed many hours of reminiscing, ‘remember when’ stories and singing her favourite hymns. When Mom passed on to her eternal happiness with her Heavenly Father she was surrounded by her loved ones in prayer. The family would like to thank Father Sebastion for giving Mom the sacrament of the Last Rites and also Father Tru Lee and Mr. Albert Hanigan for being there at the time of Mom’s passing and making this a most memorable day for her final journey. Godspeed Mom, we love you. A Prayer Service for Leona was held on Monday, August 19, 2013 at 7:30 p.m. at the Notre Dame des Victoire Roman Catholic Church, Victoire, SK. The Mass of Christian Burial for Leona was held on August 20, 2013 at 10:30 a.m. at St. Jean Baptiste Roman Catholic Church, Debden, SK with Reverend Father Sebastian Kunnath and Reverend Father Tru Lee co-celebrating. Interment was held at Victoire Cemetery. In lieu of tributes, donations may be made in memory of Leona to the Victoire Cemetery Fund. Family and friends wishing to send online condolences may do so by visiting Arrangements were entrusted to the care of Beau “Lac” Funeral Home, MarianneTurcotte, Funeral Director, Shellbrook (306-747-2828).

Lawrence Ferster

Lawrence Murray Ferster, 1946 – 2013 On August 7, 2013 Larry Ferster of Spruce Grove, AB passed away suddenly at the age of 67 years. Left to cherish his memory are his loving wife Gloria, mother Helene Ferster of Leask; children – Angie Ferster, Cindy (Vince) Giguere, Clayton (Angie); grandchildren Lisa Marie, Sheldon (Nikki), Chantelle (Doug), Shayne, Cody, Dylan, Cale; great grandsons Cole, Kade, Jaxon, Jetton all of Edmonton; siblings, Shirley (Mike) Youngblood of Geogia, Rodney of Leask, Emilie (Andrew) Neveu of Marcelin, Theone (Rodney) Barber of Leask, Terry (Fred) Valmont of St. Brieux, Dennis (Fran) of Marcelin, Janice (Warren) Muller of Shellbrook and many nieces, nephews and numerous friends. Larry is predeceased by his father, Ted; son, Lionel and grandchildren Kara, Trevor and Kyle. Larry was born March 5, 1946 on the family farm east of Leask and took all of his schooling in Leask. He worked at a variety of jobs locally, in BC and later into Alberta to work on a wireline. He did this for many years, then got into making tools for the wireline and eventually owned the company of Western Pressure Services. For a few years during the summer months, he even tried gold mining in the Yukon. During his last few years before retiring, Larry met the love of his life, Gloria. Together they started to travel and have many sightseeing and golf vacations, and cruises. Once Larry retired their love of travel took over full time, to places all over the world. Family was very important with the two families joined and growing, he never ran out of time to spend with all the kids, from playing with trucks on the floor to quad trips, cruises and RVing; he never backed down from trying something once! A Prayer Service took place on Tuesday, August 13, 2013. A Funeral Service was held on Wednesday, August 14, 2013 at Howard and McBride Westlawn Funeral Home, Edmonton. Rev. Ron Wesley officiated with David Barber playing special guitar music during the service. Tributes were made by Angie Ferster, Cindy Giguere and Clay Royer. Readers were Nikki Clark and Fred Valmont. Honorary pallbearers were all his grandchildren and great grandchildren. Larry was laid to rest in Holy Cross Cemetery Mausoleum in Edmonton.

Wilna (Willie) Smith Memorial for Wilna (Willie) Bernice Smith, 1941 -2013. Born in Shellbrook to Alex Olson and Viola (Jung) Olson. Come and share the celebration of Willie’s life. Sunday, September 1, 2013 1:30 St. Luke’s Cemetery; 2:00 – 5:00 Mont Nebo Hall. Visiting, DVD of her life, CD, open mic and refreshments. Joyce Newsome, 306-468-2224.

PRAISE & WORSHIP ~ Regular services, Sunday school and

special events will be listed at no charge. LUTHERAN CHURCH Zion - Canwood Sunday School, Worship Sunday, 9 a.m. St. John’s - Shellbrook Sunday School, Worship Sunday, 11 a.m. Pastor Doug Schmirler Parkside, Immanuel 10 a.m. - Worship Pastor Chris Dean -----------------------PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Parkside 10:00 a.m. Worship 11:00 a.m. Sunday School Shellbrook Sun., 9 a.m. - Worship, Pastor David Bodvarson 306-747-7235 Canwood 10:30 a.m. - Worship Pastor Glenn Blazosek Leask Gospel Tabernacle Sunday 6:30 p.m. Pastor L. Trafford 306-466-2296 -----------------------EVANGELICAL FREE Big River 11:00 a.m. - Worship Bible Classes 9:45 A.M. Summer: 10:30 a.m. - 12 306-469-2258 Youth Nite: Fridays Mont Nebo Wed., 7:30 p.m. Bible Study and Prayer. Sun., 10:30 a.m. - Worship Pastor Bill Klumpenhower -----------------------CATHOLIC CHURCH Debden Sun. Mass - 9:30 a.m. Fr. Sebastian Kunnath Big River - Sacred Heart Sun., 11:30 a.m. - Mass White¿sh Sun., 2:30 p.m. - Mass. Victoire Sat., 7:30 p.m. - Mass. Fr. Sebastin Kunnath Eucharist Celebrations Muskeg Sat., 7:30 p.m. - Mass Mistawasis Sunday, 3 p.m. St. Agatha’s - Shellbrook Mass Sunday, 7 p.m. St. Henry’s - Leask

Mass Sunday 9 a.m. St. Joseph’s - Marcelin Mass Sunday, 11 a.m. Fr. Tru Le -----------------------PRESBYTERIAN Mistawasis Sunday worship 11 a.m. Rev. Bev Shepansky -----------------------SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST 407-2nd Ave E, Shellbrook Sat., 9:45 a.m. Sabbath School. Sat., 11:00 am -Worship Broadcast on VOAR 92.1 FM Pastor Dan Guiboche 306-930-3377 Lay Pastor John Redlick 306-497-2566 -----------------------SOVEREIGN GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH Currently meeting in homes on Sunday morning. and Wednesday evenings. Parkside 306-747-2309, Leask 306-466-4498 Marcelin 306-226-4615 -----------------------ANGLICAN CHURCH Leask - All Saint’s 8 a.m. - Morning prayer Service. 9 a.m. Holy Communion Canwood - Christ Church 2 p.m. 1st & 3rd Sundays Evening Prayer 2nd & 4th Sundays Holy Communion Mont Nebo - St. Luke’s 2 p.m. - 1st and 3rd Sundays Holy Communion 2nd and 4th Sundays Evening Prayer St. Andrew’s - Shellbrook Sunday, 11 a.m. Holy Communion Father Harnish 306-468-2264 -----------------------UNITED CHURCH Big River 1st & 2nd Sundays 1 p.m. - Worship at Anglican Church All Other Sundays - 10 a.m. Shellbrook - Knox Sun., 10 am - Worship Pastor Dave Whalley

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August 23, 2013

Shellbrook Chronicle


Debden Swim Club enjoys great summer on the water Another great two weeks of swimming lessons has come and gone at Morin Lake. This year, we had 165 kids registered in the Red Cross program and Lifesaving Society program, which ran July 8-19. Our instructors Jaclyn Aarrestad, Kyla Kennedy and Cheyenne Duffie did a fantastic job this summer. They kept the kids moving and learning every day. We were very lucky to have SGI Safety Squad come out and spend the first Wednesday afternoon. They spent the day teaching the kids about road safety, in-

cluding pedestrian safety, bike safety, school bus safety, and ATV safety. The second Wednesday of lessons Megan Ravndahl, the Red Cross Injury Prevention assistant co-ordinator for the Prince Albert Area, spent the afternoon on the beach teaching the swimmers about water safety, boating safety and sun safety. Each year, the Morin Lake Park Board has a burger sale on the Wednesday’s of swimming lessons. The weather was great for both sales, and all the proceeds of the burger sale

Picture from the past

stay in our park. We had a great two weeks, with the weather cooperating, for the most part. Although our Family Fun Day, which wraps up our two weeks on the last Friday, was not so warm, the kids made the best of the afternoon with a sand castle competition and flying kites on the beach. Thank you to all those who help make lessons at Morin Lake successful. We had a great two weeks and hope to see everyone back again next summer. Mark your calendars, lessons are set to run July 7-18, 2014.





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A photo submitted by Anita Canaday-Loth, daughter of Bert and Louise Loth, shows a scene in Shellbrook as it would have looked in the 1950’s. The lot in the photograph is located just west of what is now the Shellbrook RM shop on 2nd Avenue East.

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Shellbrook Chronicle 306-747-2442


Shellbrook Chronicle

STARS announces 2013 Saskatchewan Lottery winners Saskatchewan, Aug. 14, 2013 – Celebrations are occurring across the province today as winners of the 2013 STARS Saskatchewan Lottery are announced. This year, 2,206 prizes were up for grabs worth more than $3.8 million retail. This year’s top prize winners include: Tyla Bernakevitch of Regina - Saskatoon show home worth $1.4 million retail. Gwen Rusnak of Saskatoon - Regina show home worth $1.2 million retail Edward Anderson of Humboldt - Home away from home truck-and-trailer package worth $187,000 retail

Grand prize winner, Tyla Bernakevitch was overcome with emotion upon hearing of her good fortune. “This is the first time I have ever bought a lottery ticket but did so because it’s such a good cause.” The 32 year old and her fiancé are already looking forward to becoming first-time home owners. “We’ve wanted a house for some time but couldn’t afford it and a wedding. This prize is going to change our lives,” said the teary eyed administrative clerk. Gwen Rusnak was equally shocked to learn she had won a million dollar show home. “STARS is such a great cause and I just want-


ed to support the organization. I never thought I would actually win,” said Rusnak, who first heard the good news from her sister-in-law. “This is the most amazing news a person can get but I think this is going to take a while to sink in.” STARS Foundation executive vice president, Rod Gantefoer, thanked supporters, saying every ticket purchased helps STARS. “The lottery is the single largest fundraiser put on by STARS, raising approximately over $1.6 million net this year. “We would like to congratulate the winners and thank everyone who purchased a ticket. Your tremendous support of STARS helps save lives.” Other top prize winners include: Brad Rix of Moosomin - 2013 Acura MDX Premium Anne Reinhardt of Eatonia - 2013 Lincoln MKZ Gayle Howard of Saskatoon - 2013 Chevrolet Silverado crew cab 4X4 Helen McClughan of Raymore $30,000 travel anywhere package Doug & Lynn Mewis of Elrose $30,000 Ashley Furniture package Russell Schemenauer of Lashburn 2013 Hyundai Elantra 4 door GLS Clara Hittel of Leader - $25,000 cash For general information about the STARS Lottery and for a complete list of winners, which will be posted by noon, Aug. 19, 2013, visit Lottery license LR12-0101. STARS is a non-profit helicopter air ambulance organization that provides rapid and specialized emergency care and transportation for critically ill and injured patients. Our doctors, nurses, paramedics, and pilots work with a team of dedicated support staff and community partners to save lives. STARS operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week from bases in Regina, Saskatoon, Calgary, Edmonton, Grande Prairie and Winnipeg.

August 23, 2013

Paying it forward

Shellbrook Grandmothers for Grandmothers member Elinor Amundson picks Saskatoons in the Carswell Orchard. Nancy Carswell, another member, invited her group and the Prince Albert group to pick Saskatoons and pay it forward as a donation to the Stephen Lewis Foundation’s Grandmother’s Campaign which supports African grandmothers who are raising children orphaned by AIDS.

New playground equipment

The new Yokohama AVID Ascend has arrived. And tire technology will never be the same again. The key component in this revolutionary premium touring tire is Orange Oil which, combined with natural rubber and other elements creates a compound which delivers longer treadlife, better fuel economy and better roadholding. In fact, better by far. Join the Orange Revolution at

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Service with integrity every time. After all, it’s in our name. Call today for an appointment.

A construction crew from the Saskatchewan Rivers Public School Division made their way from Prince Albert to Shellbrook on August 19 to install some new playground equipment at the local schools. They are photographed setting up some equipment at the Shellbrook Elementary School.

August 23, 2013

Shellbrook Chronicle 17


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Madeleine 306-747-2442 CONCRETE SERVICES

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Jake Verbonac 306-747-9073 Box 118, Shellbrook S0J 2E0

Serving Shellbrook & Surrounding area ELECTRICIAN

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Shellbrook Funeral Home We will be there when you need us 24 hours

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For all your Grain Hauling needs. Now Also Available 53’ Step Deck.

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100A - 10th St. East Prince Albert, SK S6V 0Y7


For All Your Used Car and Truck Needs


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AUTOMOBILE 1-131 Service Rd. East, Box 457 Shellbrook, SK S0J 2E0


Greg Olson Ph: 306-747-2990 Cell: 306-747-8148

Derek 306-747-9114



Shellbrook Chronicle


Phone 306-747-2442 Fax 306-747-3000 Email P.O. Box 10, Shellbrook, SK S0J 2E0 Advertising Deadline - Monday: 5:00 p.m.

Subscriptions $60.00 + $3.00 (GST) = $63.00/year



NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Consolacion A. (Espiritu) Leverton, late of Canwood, SK, deceased. All claims against the above Estate duly verified by statutory declaration and with particulars and valuation of security held, if any, must be sent before 5th day of September, 2013 to: Delbert M. Dynna 100A - 10th St. E. Prince Albert, SK S6V 0Y7 Estate Solicitor 2-34C

POPLAR RIDGE ANGUS offering: Registered purebred Black Angus yearling and two year old bulls. Quiet disposition, easy calving, semen tested and pasture ready. Shellbrook, SK 306-747-3038 TFC

MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE FOR SALE - Oak table with 8 chairs, Oak TV stand, desk and office chair, small buffet and hutch. 306-4664981 2-35CH FOR SALE - 4 fabric upholstered chairs with wooden arms, like new. $50 each or 4 for $180. Diane 306-747-2160 1-34CH FOR SALE - Washer and dryer, $250; brand new white 36” prehung metal door (with casing & 9 lights) $175. 306-468-2224 Mont Nebo 2-35CH

MACHINERY FOR SALE FOR SALE - 1482 IHC combine, used last fall, fair shape, chopper, belt pickup. $2,000 obo. Call Tom 306-7473292 2-34CH

Advertising Deadline is

Monday 5:00 p.m.

WANTED WANTED - All kinds of feed grain, including heated canola. Now distributors of feed pellets with up to 36% protein. Marcel Seeds, Debden Ph: 306-724-4461 TFCH WANTED - Hay to purchase. Call Mike 306-469-7741 4-36CH WANTED - Land to rent in Big River, Canwood, Debden, Shellbrook area. Call Mike 306-4697741 4-36CH

HOMES FOR SALE HOUSE FOR SALE - To be moved, approx. 1200 sq. ft., 3 bedroom bungalow in excellent condition. 17 miles north east of Shellbrook. Ph 306-747-3185, 306-747-7622 TFCH HOUSE FOR SALE - in Parkside. Good starter or retirement home. Large bedroom on main with walk in closet; 2 small bedrooms

Email your ad:

Shellbrook Chronicle Reaching over 10,000 people weekly. Personal Classifieds: $13.25 for 20 words + GST 20¢ additional words $7.75 for additional weekds Classified Display: $17.80/column inch. Minimum 2 column inches - $35.60 + GST. For All Other Advertising Please Contact Our Office at: Ph: 747-2442 or Fax: 747-3000 Email: news: advertising:


111 - 5th Avenue East Shellbrook 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, 1,000 sq. ft. Double lot (corner). Ideal location, close to schools and rink. Well kept home. Single garage, shed and garden space. Includes all appliances. Immediate occupancy. $160,000.

Call Rhonda 306-468-2633 or 306-930-5070 after 6 p.m.

up, large treed yard, detached garage, own well with good water, newer sewer pump (2012) , HE furnace (2013), stove and fridge included. Ph: 306747-2775 after 6 p.m. 2-34CH FOR SALE - 2013 Park Model home, 14 x 45, 2 bedroom, 2x6 construction with lots of options. Furnished stainless steel appliances, D/W, W & D, Central heat & air, $64,900 includes delivery within 50 mile radius. Or special order from over 40 floor plans of Park Model homes, cabins, offices or man camps. 1-306468-2224, Mont Nebo 6-39CH

Required person to COOK AND CLEAN for 10-15 man road construction camp. Accommodations provided. Successful applicant will be required to travel with the construction crew. Must have valid driver’s license; safe food handling ticket; and experience in a similar environment. Send resume and two work references to: Bryden Construction, Box 100, Arborfield, Sk. S0E 0A0. Fax: 306-769-8844. Email: brydenconstruct

LAND FOR RENT LAND FOR RENT - for crop in 2014. 430 acres south of Mildred, 3 quarters north of Mildred. Hopper grain bins to rent for harvest. 306-883-2443 2-35CH



HELP WANTED Shellbrook Motel seeking mature individuals for permanent part time employment. Good for stay at home moms, or retired persons. Perks included. Ph: 306-747-2631, or stop in or email shellbrookmotel@ TFC

FOR RENT - House and shop in Mildred. 1,450 sq. ft. bungalow, 4 bedroom, 3 bathrooms. Heated 40x50 shop, 16’ ceilings, 14’ overhead door, 220 power. Option for horse pasture and stable. 306-8832443 3-36CH

HELP WANTED - Triple S Transport is looking for a shop labourer for a full time position. Duties would include, but not limited to, general cleaning in shop and yard, truck/trailer washing, some light semi-tractor and

SWNA Blanket Classifieds

Reaching over 6 million people weekly. Cost for 25 words:

Saskatchewan market .........$209.00 One Zone ............................$86.00 Two Zone ..........................$123.00 Alberta market .......................$259.00 Manitoba market ...................$179.00 BC market .............................$395.00 Ontario market ......................$429.00 Central Ontario ..................$139.00 Eastern Ontario ..................$143.00 Northern Ontario ..................$82.00 Quebec market English ...............................$160.00 French ................................$709.00 Atlantic market ......................$159.00 Across Canada ..................$1,770.00 (excluding French)

Integra Tire

Shellbrook is seeking

Tire Service Tech • Full time Mon./Sat. • Experience an asset Email resume to: Or bring in person to:

Integra Tire

431 Service Road East Shellbrook trailer repair. Please fax resume to 306747-3574, Attention Darin. 4-36C HELP WANTED Triple S Transport is currently accepting applications for a student of 14 - 15 years old to work Saturdays from 9 - 5. After school work is also available. This is a good learning opportunity for self-motivated individual with an interest in mechanics & the transportation industry. Please drop off resumes at 56 Main Street, Shellbrook. 4-36C HELP WANTED for hay making. Part time/casual farm work. Ph: 306-4664428 2-34CH HELP WANTED, Spiritwood Stockyards is looking for outside workers. Experience with cattle is an asset. Contact Brian at 306-883-2168 or 306-883-7375. 3-36CH

stop by with resume to Integra Tire. 306-747-3142. Ask for Derek or Lori 1-34CH EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Passionate about Travel? Flight Centre has opened two new locations in Saskatoon and they’re on the lookout for Travel Consultants. For more information and to apply, please visit www.applyfirst. ca/jobF149621

CARD OF THANKS The family of Ron Person would like to express our heartful thanks to everyone for their kindness, compassion and generosity during Ron’s illness and passing. The many phone calls, visits, charitable donations, food, flowers and sympathy cards made us thankful for the community

August 23, 2013 Career Ads

Reaching Over 600,000 People Weekly

Rates: $7.79 per agate line Size: 2 col. x 2” ...................$424.00 Deadline for Booking/Material Tuesdays at 12 Noon Contact the Shellbrook Chronicle 306-747-2442 or Email: All prices plus applicable taxes.

NOTICE This newspaper accepts advertisements in good faith. We advise that it is in your interest to investigate offers personally. Publications by this paper should not be taken as an endorsement of the product or services offered.

we live in. Thanks to everyone who took part in Ron’s funeral service, Pastor Dave Bodvarson, Ron Emmons, Bill Martodam, Grace Buhler, Brittany Thiessen and Neighborhood Caterers. Special thanks to Irwin and Ethel Harwyluk and all the staff of Harwyluk Funeral Home who travelled with us the past seventeen months during Ron’s cancer journey. Your visits, phone calls and many acts of kindness will never be forgotten. - The Person family.

MEMORIAMS TRUEMAN - Renee Two years have come and gone, We think of you in silence, But all we have are memories And your picture in a frame. Your resting place we visit; No one knows the

heartache as we turn away, Never leaving your memories behind. We miss you in so many ways. Remembering you is easy, We do it everyday. It’s the heartache of losing you That will never go away. - Brian & Andrea Trueman & family PEAKE - In Memory of Robert Stanley Peake, Aug.23, 2012. Memories are the treasures that are ours to keep. But nothing is the same since we lost you. We cannot bring the old days back, When we were all together. But loving thoughts and memories Will live with us forever. - Lovingly remembered by, Laura, Janice and Kathy and families.

In Memory may be put in the Chronicle for $ 19.50* (30 words) 20¢ per additional word Photo - $10.00 * 1 week includes website

HELP WANTED - Part time office assistant, duties include A/R, A/P, payroll, cash, reports, etc. Call or

Shellbrook Chronicle Phone 306-747-2442

Fax 306-747-3000


August 23, 2013

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY HEAVY DUTY MECHANIC, Flagstaff County, Sedgewick, Alberta. Please contact Kevin Kinzer at 780-384-4106 or Competitive salary, benefits & pension plan. HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATORS for late model CAT equip: motor scrapers (cushion ride), dozers, excavators, rock trucks, graders (trim operators). Camp job. Competitive wages plus R & B. Valid drivers license req’d. Send resume and work references to: Bryden Construction and Transport Co. Inc. Box 100, Arborfield, Sk. S0E 0A0; email: Fax: 306-769-8844

MOTEL MANAGEMENT required for Ponoka, Alberta. We are seeking a positive, capable, entrepreneurial person or couple with previous resort or motel experience. Email resume: Pamela@

WINCH TRACTOR OPERATORS. Must have experience operating a winch. To apply fax, email or drop off resume at the office. Phone 780-842-6444. Fax 780-842-6581. Email: Mail: H&E Oilfield Services Ltd., 2202 1 Ave., Wainwright, AB, T9W 1L7. For more employment information see our webpage:

HELP WANTED NEED A HOME PHONE? Cable TV or High Speed Internet? We Can Help. Everyone Approved. Call Today. 1-877-852-1122 Protel Reconnect.

AUTO PARTS Wrecking auto-trucks... Parts to fit over 500 trucks. Lots of dodge... gmc... ford... imports... We ship anywhere. Lots of dodge, diesel, 4x4 stuff... (Lloydminster) Reply 780-875-0270..... North-East Recyclers truck up to 3tons

AUTOMOTIVE Guaranteed approval drive away today! We lend money to everyone. Fast approvals, best interest rates. Over 500 vehicles sale priced for immediate delivery OAC. 1-877-796-0514. www.yourapproved


Buying/Selling FEED GRAINS heated / damaged CANOLA/FLAX Top price paid FOB FARM

Western Commodities 877-695-6461 Visit our website @


FOR SALE DISCONNECTED PHONE? ChoiceTel Home Phone Service. No One Refused! Low Monthly Rate! Calling Features and Unlimited Long Distance Available. Call ChoiceTel Today! 1-888-333-1405.

Shellbrook Chronicle

Advertisements and statements contained for fans in Rural herein are the sole Saskatchewan Only responsibility of the LABOUR DAY CLASSIC persons or entities that post the advertisement, Riders vs. Bombers and the Saskatchewan SIDELINE TICKETS September 1st in Regina Weekly Newspaper Association and membership do not BANJO BOWL make any warranty as Sept. 8th in Winnipeg to the accuracy, c o m p l e t eness, PINK October 24th in Saskatoon truthfulness or reliability October 26th in Winnipeg of such advertisements. For greater information advertising See the SOLD OUT on conditions, please GREY CUP Game Includes 4 Nights Hotel consult the Association’ s Blanket Advertising Accommodations and Conditions on our Grey Cup Tickets st th at Nov. 21 - 25 in Regina website



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NO FEES OR COMMISSIONS! SUMMARY OF SOLD PROPERTIES Central - 66 1/4’s South Central - 18 1/4’s East Central - 74 1/4’s South - 70 1/4’s South East - 22 1/4’s South West - 58 1/4’s North - 6 1/4’s North West - 12 1/4’s East - 55 1/4’s FARM AND PASTURE LAND AVAILABLE TO RENT



your local newspaper

or Saskatchewan Weekly Newspapers Association #14 - 401 45th Street West Saskatoon, SK S7L 5Z9

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Shellbrook Chronicle

August 23, 2013


• Car Show

s $2,000 in prize

Saturday August 24

• 101st Grey

Cup Festival

Trade Show

• Golden

tl Dragon Wres

• Children’s Nail Salon

• Live Entertainme



Beach Volleyball


Friday & Saturday

• Bungee Run

Pancake Breakfast

• Water Melon

7:00 a.m.

t ating Contes


4:30 p.m.

Pig Roast Supper 5:00 p.m.

• Caribbean Bar

• Face Painting • Mini Petting Zoo • Food & Beverag

• Beer Gardens

9:00 p.m. - 1:30 a.m.

Sumo Suits



Street Dance

• Mechanical Bull

• Children’s Activit

Admittance $5 (No Minors) featuring

• Fireworks

“Electric Cattle Company”

Highschool T rack 7th Ave.

Brought to you by: CGA Prof. Corp.

Shellbrook Chronicle ®

Auto Parts Plus

E & B Lumber ~ J & R Meats ~ Parkland Meats ~ Shellbrook Bigway Foods ~ Shellbrook Chevrolet ~ Triple S Transport ~ Woodland Pharmacy ~ Carla’s Hair Place

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