Aug 30

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Shellbrook Chronicle Th The voice i off th the P Parkland kl d ffor over 100 years Shellbrook, Saskatchewan Friday, August 30, 2013

VOL. 102 NO. 35| PMR #40007604

Third annual Shellbrook Street Fair a shining success The streets of Shellbrook, bathed in yellow sunlight--barricaded and bursting with games, booths, food, laughter, and piles and piles of sand-provided the perfect setting for Shellbrook’s third annual Street Fair on August 24. A river of patrons snaked their way up and down the dazzling displays, taking in the sights and participating in a variety of entertaining activities. A mechanical bull bucked and turned near the north entrance of the fair, harbouring children of all ages for various lengths of time, their shrieks of laughter increasing only with a slip of the fingers and a cushioned fall to the mat. Further down the street, mounds of sand sat under giggling toddlers who shoveled and dug over the same roads that usually serve blander and more practical purposes. A fence rested between the makeshift sandbox and the sandy volleyball court where local teams fought for tournament supremacy, sipping water and frothier drinks between bouts, a stereo providing the soundtrack to the day. Past the jeering dunk-tank victims and the green and white Roughriders display, barbeques and crock pots sizzled with various lunch options amongst the numerous tents, each one offering a spot of shade and the chance to acquire a good or a service from one of the participating companies or groups. Mid-way down Main Street a number of classic cars lined the edges of the sidewalk, buffed and shined to reflect the dots of sun that slowly moved throughout the day but never waned in strength. Past the car show, older fairgoers were offered the reprieve of umbrellas and frozen drinks on the patio bar that extended out from the Shellbrook Hotel. On the south side of the fair things grew slightly more combative--between the bungee rope races and the sumo suit battles--and a number of healthy competitions raged on. The matches took a more heated turn when the Gold Dragon Wrestling show started up, but throughout all the piledrivers and body slams, it was always in the name of good fun. Tasha Cyr, a member of the Street Fair Events Committee, couldn’t have been happier with the outcome of the event. “We had a great day, the weather was wonderful, all our vendors seemed to do great. It was awesome,” she said. “All in all, it turned out wonderful.” Continued on Page 10

A pair of young sumo wrestlers having a blast during the Shellbrook Street Fair. (More photos on pages 10 and 11.)

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Shellbrook Chronicle

August 30, 2013

Earlier in the summer, emergency response vehicles manoeuvred construction vehicles as the paving of the parking lot took place.

New doctor visits Shellbrook and tours new facility A new doctor visited Shellbrook on August 26-27 to get a first-hand look at the community where he hopes to set up a practice. Doctor Uche Nwadike was joined by his wife and young son while he was shown the area and the facilities and the town that he hopes to soon call home. Doctor Nwadike was initially discovered by Ashley Miller who does physician recruitment for the Prince Albert Parkland Health Region. “She actually met him at a trade show, I guess you’d call it, in the U.K. She was sent by the Region to what they call the British Medical Journal Trade Show, or BMJ,” commented Amund Otterson, chair of the Parkland Physician Recruitment and Retention Committee. “That’s where she connected with this fellow, and it turns out that he is Nigerian and has a connection with one of our current doctors, Doctor Chamberlain. That’s where the connection was made.” It has been about eight or nine months since the process began with Miller’s first meeting with Doctor Nwadike. “Now he’s going to do three or four months of training, or evaluation, in the SIPPA program, and if he passes he is destined to come to Shellbrook,” Otterson said. He also commented that this timeframe is fairly typical of this type of recruitment process. “Depending on what the story is, but it takes at least a year,” he said. These site visits are always whirlwind tours. They involve hours of travelling time and overwhelming introductions to numerous community members. Despite all of these factors, Doctor Nwadike and his family seemed to be in good spirits throughout their visit. A supper was held on August 26 to help welcome the doctor and his family. Community members packed the Neighbourhood Catering hall to enjoy the tasty spread and meet the town’s new hopeful doctor. “I think they had a good time . . . It’s all new to them. You never know until they’re actually here and practicing and getting into the routine and making their mark on the place,” Otterson said. The successful recruiting of another doctor to the area marks yet another victory for the hardworking recruitment team, made up of professionals and volunteers alike. Once Doctor Nwadike completes the SIPPA program, the area will be one step closer to realizing its doctor recruitment goals. “Theoretically we would be covered, we would have six here,” Otterson said. In reality, however, workload and need are difficult to predict, and the recruitment team seems ready to

Scott Moe, MLA Rosthern-Shellbrook

34 Main Street, Box 115 Shellbrook, SK, S0J 2E0 Phone: 306-747-3422 Fax: 306-747-3472 Toll-free: 1-855-793-3422 Email: Web:

keep at it if necessary. Meanwhile, finishing touches continue to be placed on the new Parkland Integrated Health Centre. The sodding of the grounds and the landscaping have been completed, as have the various types of rock work. “Various sizes of rock, the rock mulch and the landscaping rock has been put in place,” Otterson said. “Through, again, volunteer labour. A lot of calling on my friends and acquaintances and anybody who would come. And we were very successful with that.” Anyone who has been by the new facility recently has also noticed a drastic improvement to the building’s parking lot. “The near-last step was the paving of the parking lot and painting of the lines. To, one, give a nice clean surface with

good drainage, and two, eliminate the chaos of parking that was happening,” Otterson said. “The only outstanding part is to seed some of the areas that are not to be sodded.” As far as the inside of the building is concerned, work is still being done to acquire all of the necessary furnishings. “It’s ongoing, and the fundraising group is going to morph into a foundation, which all hospitals, really, require,” Otterson said. “Some kind of a foundation to keep them on track and keep raising money for them, putting on events. You hear about them all over the place. We’re not alone. We’re not immune to the ongoing needs, either in diagnostic equipment or in furnishings.”

The doctor and his family were given a tour of the new Parkland Integrated Health Centre. Photographed are Meleze, Uche, and Chinenye Nwadike, Amund Otterson, Ashley Miller and Connie Lee.

Rhythm Works Dance Studio

Registration Night Thurs., September 5 7:00 p.m.

Shellbrook Legion Hall Bring Used Dance Wear To Sell!

August 30, 2013

Shellbrook Chronicle

Travelling fruit truck visits Shellbrook

The Ferster’s Market fruit truck parked itself outside the Esso station on August 22, selling produce and other products to local patrons.

Ordale Singers host Gospel Music afternoon Ordale Singers hosted a Gospel Music afternoon at Comeo Hall on August 25. Proceeds of $291 were donated to the Shellbrook Food Bank, along with non-perishable food items, and Comeo Hall Vacation Bible School. Many people volunteered their time towards the event, performing numerous tasks. Ralph Korody supplied his flatbed trailer. Barry Fusick supplied his sound system, and also set it up with the help of

Jerad Buckingham. Jerad and Joel Buckingham operated the sound system for the event. Shellbrook Big Way and Shellbrook Co-op donated articles for the canteen, and many individuals baked goodies for the canteen as well. The performers for the program were Ordale Singers, Albert Hannigan, and Henry Jonasson with All in the Family. It was an extremely hot afternoon, but the music was great.

The Ordale Singers, from left to right: Kathy Buckingham, Vivian Taylor, Gail Diehl, Sheila Smith, and Tracy Thompson.


A fruit truck arrived in Shellbrook on August 22, bringing with it some fresh produce and other items to be purchased. The mobile stand harkens back to a time when travelling salesmen used to journey across the prairies to deliver goods to settlers who otherwise would have had no way to acquire them. Grant Ferster, owner of the Ferster’s Market truck, was already a part of the business when his father started it up over 40 years ago. “He started in ‘72, and I was running shotgun with him from day one,” Ferster said. Today, Ferster’s own children are lending a hand with fruit sales, learning the business and the Ferster’s Market philosophy, which is that quality comes first. “This is not the cheapest way to deliver fruit to Saskatchewan, but it is the most effective for quality and freshness, and that’s where the price comes in,” Ferster said. “If customers are looking for price only, this is not the place to come. Quality has to be number one, price will be what it is to get the product here.” Ferster claims that the secret to his produce’s freshness is the relationship that he has with the fruit growers, and the input he has into how the fruit is picked in order to meet his specific needs. “When you’re dealing with fruit, days make a difference. How it’s picked makes a difference,” Ferster said. “I was just in BC . . . the nectarines that are on the truck here today, I was looking at those nectarines on the tree on Thursday, just before he was going to pick them.” Since Ferster knows that his fruit will be purchased soon, he is able to instruct the farmer to let the produce ripen a little longer on the tree, as it will not need that longer delivery time to mature. “It’s a little bit of a gamble, to pick it closer to ripe. But it’s worth the gamble, because that’s where the quality comes in,” He said. “I don’t mind putting a pressurebruised peach on the top of my bags. Why? Because when you start working with riper fruit, that’s what you’re going to run into. That’s the same peach that when I cut it open and give somebody a taste, they go ‘oh my goodness.’” Ferster’s trucks are usually on the road starting sometime in April, travelling to smaller communities throughout Saskatchewan and delivering fruits such as oranges and strawberries. Later in the season, when cherries begin to ripen, he sells those as well. At the start of the summer they sell cherries brought up from the United States, but later on they begin selling cherries brought from British Columbia. He chooses to buy produce as close to home as possible, though sometimes he is forced to travel south in order to purchase his fruit. “We are pro-Canadian, but not antiAmerican,” he said. The trucks have been coming as far as Shellbrook for about 15 years now, and usually make their way to town about every two weeks. Ferster certainly seems to know a lot about his products, the result of a lifelong pursuit to bring quality produce to rural areas of Saskatchewan.


Shellbrook Chronicle


August 30, 2013

Proposed policy sparks reaction and silence

A CBC article on August 20 spoke of a proposed policy by the Parti Quebecois that would “prohibit public employees from donning Sikh, Jewish and Muslim headwear in the workplace.” According to the article, the news first surfaced in the form of leaked information contained within a news report. A follow up article on August 22 went on to state that the proposed policy, “would prohibit people like doctors, teachers and publicdaycare workers from donning turbans, kippas, hijabs and visible crucifixes.” A Globe and Mail article on August 23 stated, “Quebec Premier Pauline Marois has confirmed a bill is coming, but her government has not commented on a report that the province plans to ban the wearing of religious symbols or clothing by publicservice workers.” At this point, the details of the policy JON and the validity of the leaked report are SVEC still somewhat murky. The reaction that this shocking news has provoked, howev~ er, is transparent and visible—and if you’re Reporter planning a glance, be prepared to wince. A number of political leaders seem to be avoiding the issue completely, bellowing a deafening silence with their unwillingness to address the topic. According to the CBC, Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s initial response to the proposed policy was to dismiss it by saying, “It’s a debate that will occur at the provincial level.” Cara Zwibel of the Canadian Civil Liberties Association, however, stated in an interview with CTV that the law would be, “a violation of freedom of religion, which is protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.” It seems strange that our prime minister would allow a singular While many province to seek out a policy that violates our feel that the national Charter. policy will never be NDP Leader Tom Mulcair also dismissed the realized, proposed policy. According to the CBC, Multhe existence cair stated that this is merely a “trial balloon” of any kind being used by the PQ to help garner votes. The of support for sad part about that statement is, according to this concept some polls, Mulcair may be right. An August is revolting. 21 CTV article stated that, “Previous polls have found that a majority of Quebecers supported the turban ban and considered religious clothing such as hijabs and kippas as cultural threats.” To his credit, Liberal leader Justin Trudeau actually stepped up to the plate and addressed the suppressive policy. “The Liberal leader said the plan was motivated by a defensive ‘fear of the other’ and unworthy of modern Quebec,” the CBC reported. The article went on to quote Trudeau with saying, “I don’t think it’s who we are and I don’t think it honours us to have a government that does not represent our generosity and openness of spirit as a people.” Kudos to Trudeau for denouncing this appalling proposition, and shame on all the “leaders” who decided to dance around the issue. Freedom, acceptance, all the things that contribute to the diverse cultural mosaic of our nation are threatened when this type of talk springs from the mouths of petrified politicians. While many feel that the policy will never be realized, the existence of any kind of support for this concept is revolting. Unfortunately, online news articles allow for anyone with access to a computer to comment at the bottom of the page. The amount of misspelled, misguided support for this idea is alarming, though thankfully the detractors seem to outweigh those in favour of the policy. I wonder if those polled who voted for the ban would still feel it a “cultural threat” to be in need of a doctor who chooses to wear religious clothing? One such doctor has been very outspoken since the news broke. His name is Dr. Sanjeet Singh Saluja, and he is an emergency room physician in Montreal, who also happens to wear a turban while at work. He told the CBC that a policy such as this would cause him to consider abandoning his practice in the province. “I’m not going to give up my identity for my job,” he said. The doctor, who was born and raised in Montreal, was disheartened at the news. “Personally, I’m hurt. I’m very hurt,” he said.

Paul Martin Commentary There seems to be a bit more competition for land in *** the oil regions of this province. One of the by-products of a hot economy is opportuniA few years ago, government tenders for exploration ties to invest in new developments. But there are rules and drilling rights was one of the hottest tickets in any about how promoters can go about selling their ideas. part of the economy. But as development increased, and The provincial Financial and Consumer Affairs Auoil prices softened, companies began to pull back on the thority – what used to be known as the Securities Comamounts they would pay for land rights. mission - has slapped a temporary cease trade order on The latest sale – one of six each year – brought the a couple of promoters - one from Regina and another government $15 million last week. That was the best from BC – looking for investors for a land development August showing in two years. And the project in North Dakota. Just like Saskatchbulk of the money was directed to the ewan, that state has been riding the wave of southeast where the Bakken play has unprecedented investment from the Bakken oil dominated activity in the oil patch. play which is larger on that side of the border But there was also some non-traditionthan it is here. al interest. Three parcels of land were The pair invited local Regina investors to a picked up in the Hudson Bay area, a long promotional event in the Queen City earlier this ways from what we consider the usual oil month, hoping to find investors for the Amerior gas-prone regions. These were shale can project. And within days, the Authority special exploratory permits that brought had taken action to stop any further promotion nearly $5 million and excited department of the development in Saskatchewan. The rapid PAUL officials who said it was a rejuvenation of decision is a sign of heightened vigilance on the MARTIN interest in the province’s shale potential, part of securities authorities, especially in hot ~ raising hopes for a completely new dismarkets where the urge to ‘get in on the next covery. big deal’ can be milked. *** *** As the summer begins to wind down and thoughts for The conclusion of the annual mega-project which young people focus on returning to school, the number starts with spring seeding and ends at harvest in this of post-secondary students who will be headed back to province is upon us. In just over two hours of highway campus with a few extra bucks in their pockets is the driving yesterday, I counted nine combines bringing in best ever. the first of the 2013 crop. According to the latest job numbers – which showed And it is looking like a good one, based on the figures Saskatchewan continues to generate an unusually high released from StatsCan yesterday. The federal agency’s number of new positions compared to other regions – end-of-July forecast on the size of this year’s field crops students did exceptionally well in their pursuit of sum- projects a general increase both provincially and namer jobs. The July figures showed 41,000 residents who tionally. planned to resume their education this fall found a job Volumes of canola and wheat will be up this year, acthis summer. cording to the projection along with barley, peas, oats That compares to 33,000 last year – an increase of and lentils. roughly 25 per cent. Canola output is expected to be up about 16 per cent The bulk of the jobs created this year were in the two in Saskatchewan this year, the result of improved promajor cities which coincides nicely with the location of duction as acreage devoted to the Cinderella Crop is acthe province’s three universities. tually down. And wheat is expected to up by 14 per cent. In broad terms, overall job growth for the first seven Given global demand for food, prices have also been months of the year was 3.9 per cent, an unusually high fairly strong although they have felt some pressure in number that had many observers predicting the pace anticipation of a larger harvest this year but it is clear had to fall. In fact, the exact opposite happened with job that farming will be a major force in supporting the progrowth in July alone marginally higher, at four percent. vincial economy’s growth this year.


August 30, 2013

Shellbrook Chronicle

Conservatives will survive new boundaries Now that we’re past the fight over the 14 new The political reality in a largely rural province federal electoral boundaries, let us examine a few like Saskatchewan is that the more rural you are, Saskatchewan political realities. the more likely it is that you will vote Conservative. The first political reality is the likelihood we will It is for this reason that in each federal generally elect a majority of Conservative MPs, anyway. election of the past 50-plus years, at least half the For their partisan interests, Conservative MPs MPs Saskatchewan has sent to Ottawa were “contried to convince you of the inherent unfairness of servatives”. (Although, whether they were Progrescity MPs representing city folk and rural MPs repsive Conservatives, Reformers, Canadian Alliance resenting rural folk. The reality, however, is that it or the Stephen Harper brand of Conservatives has likely won’t hurt the Conservative chances all that sometimes varied.) much. You read that correctly, folks. Since the 1950s, MURRAY Yes, rural ridings will get bigger because we will only in the 1968, 1988 and 1993 elections did SasMANDRYK no longer see four seats in each Regina and Saskatchewan send a majority of “non-conservatives” katoon containing large swaths of rural Saskatchto Ottawa. This might have been a CCF-NDP prov~ ewan. And, yes, there are always questionable deince for 46 of the past 69 years, provincially. But cisions, like a putting Moose Jaw and Lanigan or only once has the majority of MPs been NDP (1988) Lloydminster and Rosthern in the same seat. and only on two additional occasions in the past 50 But if anyone thinks for a moment that these were ever what years has the majority of Saskatchewan MPs been a combinasincerely motivated Conservatives’ complaints about the new tion of NDP and Liberal. boundaries, think again. This likely won’t change under these new boundaries still For those Conservatives who questioned the ethics of the two dominated by rural seats. boundaries commissioners unwilling to bend to their wishes Under the new Saskatchewan federal boundaries, there of split urban-rural ridings, this was always about getting as will be seven rural seats _ Moose Jaw-Lake Centre-Lanigan, many Conservatives elected as possible. And the best way for Cypress Hills-Grasslands, Humboldt-Warman-MartensvilleConservatives to achieve the maximum MPs from this prov- Rosetown, Lloydminster-Battlefords-Rosthern, Prince Albert, ince is to dilute the NDP/Liberal vote concentrated in the cities Souris-Moose Mountain and Yorkton-Melville - considered as with rural votes. rural. An eighth seat, Desnethé-Missinippi-Churchill River


is really a northern seat. Speaker Andrew Scheer’s ReginaQu’Appelle will be the only truly split urban-rural seat. And five other seats will be seen as urban seats, (although SaskatoonGrasslands also has a large rural and acreage component). Also to the advantage of Conservatives is the fact that 10 of their current 13 incumbent MPs are likely to run (or at least, only Maurice Vellacott, Ray Boughen and Ed Kormanicki have indicated plans to retire). That will give the Conservatives name recognition in both urban and rural seats. (Tom Lukiwski will run in Moose Jaw-Lake Centre-Lanigan. Kelly Block says she will seek the nomination in Humboldt-Warman-Martensville-Rosetown.) Add to the equation the likelihood of the NDP and Liberals splitting the left-of-centre vote and that neither Thomas Mulcair nor Justin Trudeau have all that much appeal in Saskatchewan and one suspects we will still see 10 to 12 Conservative MPs from Saskatchewan. However, there is one final Saskatchewan political reality worthy of consideration. Until the first Harper minority government election in 2006, there were only three previous occasions when Saskatchewan sent the majority of its MPs to government side of the House of Commons. This is largely because of number of the Liberal governments elected. So if Conservatives aren’t re-elected as government, Saskatchewan may return to its old political reality of having more opposition than government representation.


A beautiful Gem!

Dear Editor, In July I had the privilege of attending the Honeywood Lilies In Bloom, which I hadn’t heard of before. What a beautiful Gem in our Province! Congratulations to all those who work so hard to promote and maintain such a Tourism attraction that it is. I would like to have our Good Sam Chapter from the Northeast

of Sk. visit your Nursery but this may be unlikely because of the road getting in there. Our RV’s were badly shaken including the contents. My bedroom door was shaken off the holders and will require repairs when I am able to take it to a dealership. Hopefully, the powers that be will see fit to repair this road to encourage people to visit. Eileen Danyluk

A big salute Dear Editor: A big salute to the people of Shellbrook and district and visitors who came out to support our “Street Fair” on Saturday. This, I would say, was one of the best yet. There was something for ev-

eryone, young and old. To top the day off, the fireworks were just spectacular. So thanks again for the most enjoyable day of the summer. Sincerely, Norma Dahl

Shellbrook Chronicle Serving the Communities of Shellbrook, Canwood, Debden, Big River, Parkside, Leask, Marcelin, Blaine Lake, Holbein, Mont Nebo, Mayview A Division of Pepperfram Limited Publications Mail Registration #07621

Published Every Friday Morning P.O. Box 10, Shellbrook, Sask. S0J 2E0 Phone 747-2442 or Fax 747-3000 Editorial: Advertising

Another unfair situation for taxpayers

by Colin Craig, Prairie Director Canadian Taxpayers Federation They say that life isn’t fair. Sometimes you just have to grit your teeth and bear it when someone steals a parking spot you had been waiting for. Or perhaps when a computer glitch causes you to lose out on that Chia Pet you were bidding for on eBay. And then there are things that are really unfair, but you can change. Right now taxpayers have to pay a fortune for the pension plan provincial judges in Saskatchewan receive. It is beyond anything most would consider reasonable. But as we’ve seen with plenty of other examples, if enough taxpayers speak out and put pressure on politicians to do something, they’ll take action. Consider how the judges’ pension plan works. Right now provincial judges put in just five per cent of their salary into the pension plan each year. So a judge making $238,943 per year (upper limit as of 2011) would put in $11,947 per year. Based on the payout formula, if that judge retired after serving for 25 years they would receive at least $111,507 every year until they die. Think about that for a second. You put in $11,947 per

C. J. Pepper, Publisher Jon Svec, Reporter Madeleine Wrigley, Advertising Sales Kathleen Nording, Composition/Pagination Patt Ganton, Composition/Pagination Cheryl Mason, Bookkeeping/Reception Office Hours: Monday.-Thursday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Friday, 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. & 1 to 4 p.m.; Advertising Deadline: Mondays at 5:00 p.m.

year (it’s actually less during a judge’s earlier working years) while you’re working and then get at least $111,507 every year after you retire? It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize something is up. After all, making payments of $11,947 per year into a fund only generates so much interest. Where is all the extra money coming from? You guessed it, your pocket. Consider that there are 55 retired judges drawing payments from the pension plan right now and 51 that are working and paying into it. The plan has about $24 million saved up. The government doesn’t put money into the fund each year, it just cuts a cheque for whatever the fund needs in order to pay its members; that’s known as a “pay as you go” plan. However, even if the government had put $1 into the fund every time a judge put in $1 the pension plan, the fund would “only” have about $48 million. We say “only” because the plan’s annual report estimates it owes $159 million to former and current employees. In fact, the forecast for how much the fund is short is up a whopping 52 per cent since 2010 ($89 million.) In other words, it’s spiraling out of control. Continued on Page 8

The contents of the Shellbrook Chronicle are protected by Copyright. Reproduction of any material must be done so with expressed permission of the publisher.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: In the interest of readers of this newspaper, we will publish opinions of our readers. Letters To The Editor are most welcome; however, they must be signed, and include writer’s contact information and will only be published with the writer’s name on it. Letters should be limited in length and be typed or clearly written. We reserve the right to edit letters depending on available space. Member of


Shellbrook Chronicle

August 30, 2013

The Shellbrook Public Library welcomes author Nettie Balzar Shellbrook, Saskatchewan – August 26, 2013 – The Shellbrook Public Library welcomes author Nettie Balzar who was a former resident of Shellbrook. In September we invite you to once again join Laura Lepard as she offers her health presentation. The Library invites you to visit with author Nettie Balzar on Thursday, September 5 at 7:00 pm. Balzar, a former resident of Shellbrook, has written a book about her mother’s life entitled; “Helena: A Peek into the Past.” Helena Banman, the oldest of eleven children, was born on August 22, 1898 in the Mennonite Village of Kleefeld, located on the West Reserve in southern Manitoba. Her parents, Julius and Helena, were poverty stricken immigrants from Russia so the children were farmed out to work for others in order to help out finan-

cially. Helena was only ten years old when she went to work as a maid. In spite of difficult times throughout her life, her faith in God, her sense of humor and determination to persevere, built her into a strong woman. The book is a series of fictional stories based on actual events, dates and stories she and her sisters told their children about, and it depicts what life was like in the early 1900’s. Books will be available for purchase at $20.00 and refreshments will be provided. On Tuesday, September 9 at 7:00 pm Laura Lepard will share materials from Doctor John McDougal and Mary McDougal ( The topic is “Fish is Good for Your Heart.” Lepard will share her story and family’s experience with a whole-plant based diet and serve up a tasty plant-based dinner of sushi.

Free computer and Internet access is offered by the Library to the public even with the cancellation of the Community Access Program (CAP) in March 2012. Also available are the many databases like world newspapers with Library PressDisplay (such as the P. A. Daily Herald and Saskatoon StarPhoenix), Consumer Reports online, and Ancestry Library Edition for getting started on discovering your family’s history. All you need to access the material is your library card and a PIN which can be easily set up during your next library visit. Shellbrook Library hours are Monday 2:00pm - 6:00pm, Tuesday and Wednesday 2:00pm - 8:00pm, Thursday 2:00pm - 6:00pm, and Friday 10:00am - 4:00pm. Weekly library hours are determined annually by materials checked out; the more materials checked out, the better.

How to buy school clothes without busting your budget Parents often note that kids seem to grow like weeds. Pants that once reached to the tops of a youngster’s feet quickly become too short, while once-loose shirts may soon become too snug. Many parents find themselves regularly in children’s clothing departments stocking up on the basics, which can put quite a dent in already stretched-thin budgets. Although children’s wardrobes are added to at various times of the year, the bulk of shopping occurs just before the school year begins. By shopping smart and concentrating on fashion staples, it’s easier to stretch money further. * Spread out purchases. Shopping early allows parents to make the most of sales. Warm weather clothing generally goes on sale in July to make room for new fall lines. Considering the first few months of school still may be warm, short-sleeved shirts will still have utility and are generally less expensive than sweaters and sweatshirts. Staggering purchases also enables parents to develop a clothing allowance each and every month instead of having one large bill at a certain point in the year. Parents can even add to their children’s wardrobes, when clothes tend to get reduced

for holiday sales. * Don’t discount hand-me-downs. It’s trendy to recycle clothing and also to be environmentally conscious by putting items to good use again and again. Aside from you and your wallet, no one will know if your child is wearing a secondhand pair of pants or a brand new pair. Many school moms are anxious to swap clothing with others to lessen their own financial burdens with children’s clothing. Start a clothing swap with a group of friends, and you may find you have more than you need in the way of clothes for the kids. * Take stock of what you already have. How many times have you run out to the grocery store for a missing ingredient only to find that very item buried at the back of the pantry? The same thing happens with kids’ clothes. Before taking kids clothes shopping, take inventory of their closets. Have little ones try on clothes to see which items still fit and which can be discarded or donated. * Invest in the right high-quality pieces. Spending a fortune for a trendy pair of pants that may end up getting ruined on the playground is not the best way to shop for kids’ clothing. How-

ever, investing in a quality pair of shoes that will last much of the year is a good investment. Know when to splurge and when it’s okay to shop at the discount store. * Stock up on staples. A straight-leg cut of jeans, some solid colored polo shirts and an A-line dress or skirt are some classic foundation pieces for children’s wardrobes. Such items tend to last longer than trendy items that may only last a few months before the next trend arrives. * Learn to layer. Layering items can make pieces look like new by putting them together in different combinations. Layering a summer T-shirt under a fall hoodie gets use out of two different season’s worth of clothes. It also enables kids to be comfortable during unpredictable weather. * Leave it to the kids. Parents often worry about what other parents will think of their own children’s clothing. Children do not typically worry about such things until their preteen or teenage years. You may spend less money on clothing simply because your child has a few favorite shirts and pants he or she wears over and over. That’s less laundry for you and less money you have to spend on new clothes.

Prep work important before painting Painting a home’s interior can give it a completely new look and feel. A fresh coat of paint can make a room feel more vibrant and up-to-date, creating a whole new attitude within the room without breaking the bank. Whether creating an accent wall or painting each wall within a room, painting is a relatively easy and inexpensive home improvement project. But that doesn’t mean painting does not require a little prep work before the project can begin.

R.M. of Leask Northeast of Leask 1,094 acres of pasture of which 588 acres are seeded to Tame hay, balance of which is natural and bush pasture with some harvestable spruce. Water supply is a dug out. and small lake, 30 ft. deep. Fenced with 4 wire and treated posts plus 7 cross fences. MLS® 473297

Chitek Lake, SK REDUCED

Make us an offer and enjoy the last days of summer!

1,176 sq. ft at 304 Seppala Place. Three bdrm bungalow style family home. Enjoy all the peace & serenity this location has to offer. Get ready for summer with your family! Early possession possible. If you like to ¿sh & stay at the cabin...the ¿sh are biting. MLS® 458529

Spiritwood, SK

Be the ¿rst to view this excellent property! Located 8 m. south of Spiritwood, SK, 1,008 sq. ft. home w/many upgrades. Hidden among Aspens, Spruce, fruit trees & Àowers on approx. 9.04 ac. Fully fenced & pasture for a couple horse or whatever. Excellent garden area with hot house & older buildings. Well for water supply.This home has many upgrades done in the last two years, including shingles, paint, and laminate Àoors. All major appliances stay. Very neat home and move in ready. MLS® 470193

For more info on any of the above listings call

Call Lloyd Ledinski

1-306-446-8800 or 1-306-441-0512 website:

of the Battlefords

Locally Owned and Operated ~ 1391 100th Street, North Battleford, SK S9A 0V9

* Address any holes or bumps on the wall. Holes or cracks in the wall will need to be patched with spackle, which then must dry before the wall can be given a new coat of paint. In addition, sand down any bumps until the walls are smooth and free of any unsightly abnormalities. * Wash the walls. Walls can get dirty, and that dirt may or may not be masked by paint. Before adding a new coat of paint, wash the walls and inspect them for dust. Dust can collect on molding, especially in rooms that get little natural air. When dust has collected on the molding and around doorways and trim, use a damp cloth to wipe it away before adding any new paint. * Apply primer. Primer can serve many functions, not the least of which is its role as a bonding agent between the wall and the top coat of paint. Primer can also help conceal dark colors, prevent stains and increase the life expectancy of the paint job you are about to undertake. * Prepare your paint. Preparing the paint is a simple task,

but one novice painters may not be aware of. When opening a new can of paint, stir the paint before using it. In addition, even if you don’t plan to use a roller when painting, do not paint straight from the can, which can be heavier to hold than a small bowl, and a light bowl is less likely to be spilled than a potentially heavy can of paint. In addition, once paint has been removed from the can, replace the lid so dust and other impurities do not settle in the can. * Purchase painter’s tape. Painter’s tape can be especially valuable to novice painters. Painter’s tape makes it easier to paint smooth and clean paint lines, giving a room a more professional looking coat of paint without the cost of hiring a professional painter. Painting can be an inexpensive and fun way to upgrade a home’s interior. But even though painting does not require the technical know-how of more large-scale home improvement projects, it still requires some prep work and attention to detail to ensure the job is done right.

CAA Reminds Drivers to Slow Down

Summer vacation is coming to an end and children will soon be returning to school. CAA Saskatchewan reminds drivers to slow down and to be extra aware of children on foot, on bicycles, near buses and in school zones. “Children can be easily distracted, especially with the excitement of returning to school, and catching up with friends and classmates they haven’t seen for awhile,” says Christine Niemczyk, Director of Communications with CAA Saskatchewan. “The students may just not be as attentive as usual; they’ve been away from school for two months and are adjusting to schedules and new routines. As drivers, we need to be especially cautious around schools and playgrounds to help keep our children safe.” Drivers should follow these important tips: - Slow down to the posted limit in school zones. - Be prepared to stop for safety patrols at intersections and crosswalks. - Always stop for school buses that are loading or unloading students.

- Obey “No Stopping” zones in front of schools. Use designated drop-off and pick-up areas only. - Watch for children darting out from between parked cars, school buses or buildings. - Teach children to always stop, look both ways and listen before crossing the street; wait for the signal of the school safety patroller when crossing the street near schools. Since 1951, CAA Saskatchewan has coordinated the School Safety Patrol Program which as a partnership between CAA, the police, school boards, teachers, and parents, helps students to learn about road safety. Patrollers have an opportunity to work in a team environment to help develop their leadership skills and become role models in their community. In Saskatchewan, there are 4500 CAA School Safety Patrollers who are sharing their pedestrian and traffic safety knowledge with their classmates. To find out more about the CAA School Safety Patrol Program or to enroll your school, please visit caask. ca/about-caa/caa-social-responsibility/school-safety.

August 30, 2013


Shellbrook Chronicle

How quickly we forget the lessons from our past It always amazes me how quickly we forget the lessons which can be garnered from our past, and in this case it’s really a case of the very recent past. A headline on the website of a well-known Canadian farm publication is what caught my eye and set me on this particular train of thought. The headline stated ‘Pasture calving makes work easier’. Now I suppose all journalists, myself included, will at times go with the obvious, but this one stood out as a story which really did cover something I would have thought any cattle producer would have long understood. The idea here is pretty straight forward, the labour element associated with calving goes down when you leave it to the cows to do it on their own. It’s a system many farmers used to employ simply because it fit with how nature itself operates. You do not see deer and moose, bison and elk, giving birth when there is three feet of snow on the ground, and temperatures are well below freezing. Instead the natural biological system of such wild animals have them giving birth in the spring when the grass is fresh, lush and full of nutrients. It assures a food source for the

mother animals, and that allows them to produce milk to give newborns the best start they can to grow into the next generation. Cattle will work the same way given a chance. They will gladly calf in May, and use green grass to their advantage. In the process producers do not have to have the females brought into corrals and CALVIN watched closely to prevent newborns from perishing in the the cold and snow. DANIELS Now there are reasons producers moved ~ to calving in the cold of winter. In many cases producers at one point were mixed farmers, meaning they ran livestock and raised grains and oilseeds. With the dual nature of farm operations the workload had to be spread out. Farmers obviously thought moving calving into the snow months opened the spring season for them to concentrate of grain farming, and that would on the surface appear to be a logical way of looking at the situation. But it may be a case of increasing the overall labour needs


of the farm since winter calving needs closer observation. It likely adds a cost to things as well as cows will need a higher quality winter feed to produce milk, something green grass offers in the spring. It’s also a case where producers who manage genetics well to ensure easy-calving cows being matched with easy-calving bulls, the spring labour needs can be low enough to meld with grain operation needs for those still in a mixed farm situation. Cows have managed to calf without assistance for hundreds of years, and given reasonable genetic management still will. As for the specialized cattle producers, the move back to a more natural calving system stand to gain the ability to work with larger numbers of cows without huge corral, and staff costs, and without having to draw on the best feed to winter their cows with calves at side. The idea of spring calving is not new, in fact it is simply doing things the way animals do them naturally in these parts. That producers moved away from such a system may have had some merit, but there is still very good reasons to let the cow do what it does naturally, while producers take on more of a low-cost spectator role.

Crop report for August 13 to 19, 2013 Warm weather with few little rain interruptions over the past week has helped speed crop development. Harvest operations have begun in many areas of the province. Less than one per cent of the 2013 provincial crop has been combined, while four per cent has been swathed or is ready to straight combine, according to Saskatchewan Agriculture’s Weekly Crop Report. The five-year average (2008-2012) for this time of year is seven per cent combined and nine per cent swathed or ready to straight cut. Across the province, five per cent of the peas and winter

The grains complex jumpstarted the week in the green as hot, dry forecasts for the last week of August dominate headlines. Corn high-jumped back over the five-dollar-per-bushel handle while soybeans cruised past $14 per bushel. While some corn crops may be at risk for “premature death, from the heat, for the latter oilseed crop, this time of year is more critical to the development of the pods(and plant growth in general). Although the hot, hot weather isn’t necessarily hitting Western Canada, the canola market is following its oilseed brethren higher despite expectations of a record crop! The question now becomes, has the market found the spot where the prices make sense? While ice cream, sprinklers, & backyard pools are sure to be popular this week, Drew Lerner from World Weather Inc. says the opposite end of the temperature gauge will be important to watch. The potential for lower temperatures at night continues to build (also helping the markets higher) as signs of an earlier-than-usual frost continue to show up. This includes ice accumulation in the Arctic well ahead of recent years and sudden below-0 nights in some places in Saskatchewan, Alberta, North Dakota, Minnesota, & Wisconsin. Already, there’s been talk of the 1974 Labour Day weekend freeze that was devastating to crops and while the same sort of run-up to that early frost isn’t happening right now, conditions are building that make the potential for a damaging freeze “higher than usual.” Although the wheat harvest is underway and looking pretty good, wheat is getting help from the international buying scene as Saudi Arabia ended up buying 720,000 tonnes of wheat from its tender last week from a variety of countries. Less of the wheat may be coming from traditional growers like the United States and Canada as producers continually are looking at more profitable crops like corn and soybeans. Specifically, producers in Minnesota and North Dakota are switching out more “King Wheat” acres for corn and soybeans as genetic engineering has made the latter two crops easier to grow and usually yield better. The difference in

wheat and two per cent of the lentils have been combined. Five per cent of the canola has been swathed. Swathing of canola has started in the southern regions of the province and is expected to start in the northeast and northwest regions within the week. Desiccation of pulses has just started in the northeast and northwest regions. Warm temperatures will be needed into the harvest season to get the majority of the crop in the bin in good condition. Rain recorded in the province last week ranged from nil to 88 mm. Grasshoppers and bertha armyworms caused some

What makes sense

yield growth over the past couple decades has even the president of the Minnesota Wheat Growers Association calling for G.M.O. in wheat. However, if the G.M.O. wheat scare a few months ago from Oregon was any indication, the world isn’t looking for that sort of food supply. And finally, while the tally from last week’s Pro Farmer crop tour says that a record U.S. corn crop will be produced (13.46 Billion bushels), with the average yield around 154.1 bushels per acre. As for soybeans, the firm is expecting the fourth-largest soybean crop ever with 3.158 Billion bushels

crop damage. Crop reporters are indicating there are areas in the east-central and northeast regions where bertha armyworm populations are very high. Across the province, topsoil moisture on crop land is rated as three per cent surplus, 74 per cent adequate, 21 per cent short and two per cent very short. Hay land and pasture topsoil moisture is rated as one per cent surplus, 69 per cent adequate, 26 per cent short and four per cent very short. Farmers are busy with harvest operations. Follow the 2013 Crop Report on Twitter at @SKGovAg.

on average yields of 41.8 bushels per acre. These estimates are both below the USDA’s estimates, but with this week’s hot weather and limited rainfall, even Pro Farmer might be too high. There continues to be many weather factors that point to upside in the market, and one should hedge accordingly. With the technology these days, you can do a little bit more with your time in the cab of your combine. It makes sense to be productive. To growth, Brennan Turner President,

Federated Co-operatives Limited set to purchase 17 agri-product sites from Viterra Federated Co-operatives Limited, on behalf of the Co-operative Retailing System (CRS), has entered into an agreement to purchase 17 fertilizer, seed and agriculture chemical supply centres from Viterra Inc. Pending completion of customary closing conditions, including regulatory approvals, the transaction is expected to close by the end of September. Included in the deal are eight sites in Saskatchewan (Canwood, Cupar, Leoville, Lloydminster, North Battleford, Prince Albert, Strasbourg, White Star), eight in Alberta (Barons, Claresholm, Crossfield, Grimshaw, High River, Manning, Stettler, Viking) and one in Manitoba (Roblin). “This agreement enhances our federations agri-business presence across the Prairies,” says FCL’s Ron Healey, Associate Vice President, Ag and Home Products. “We are pleased to be acquiring these assets and look forward to acquainting new employees and customers with the CRS and the benefits it has to offer.”

The purchase is a two-step transaction for FCL: first, to acquire the 17 sites from Viterra; and, second, to transfer ownership and operations to local retail Co-ops. FCL and local retail Co-ops are working together to finalize details of the ownership transfer and will announce details once the deal with Viterra is closed in September. The employees at the 17 centres will be offered similar terms and conditions of employment within the CRS. Once the sale is finalized, new customers will be contacted about the changes and informed about the benefits of buying their products from Co-op. They will be welcomed and encouraged to take out a Co-op membership, which gives them access to quality products and service at fair prices, an equity account and the opportunity for cash back on their overall purchases. Retail Co-ops currently operate more than 140 ag centres in Western Canada.


Shellbrook Chronicle

Report from the Legislature

As summer comes to a beds throughout close, our caucus is preparthe province, subing for the upcoming legislastantial increases tive session. Throughout the to the Seniors summer, Saskatchewan ParIncome Plan, inty MLAs have been consultcreased funding ing with constituents to find for health regions out what your priorities are. to deliver home We heard that overall you are care services and happy with the direction the historic income province is taking, but there tax cuts that mean is still more work to do in remany seniors no SCOTT MOE gards to highways and senior longer pay any ~ care. provincial income Rosthern Shellbrook To that end, this year our tax at all. We have Toll Free: government is investing come a long way 1-855-793-3422 more than $260 million in in providing highway construction across port to those to the province. Since 2008, whom we owe so our government has invested much, but there is a record $3.7 billion in transstill more to do. portation infrastructure. We will One important issue that we continue to take action to ensure heard during our summer consulyou and your families have a safe, tations was the need to maintainreliable highway system. ing the economic strength and Our record on Seniors Care in- growth of our province. Through cludes hundreds of new long-terms this we can continue to invest in the

services that you need across Saskatchewan. and deserve. This is an increase of Throughout the sum8.6 per cent over 2012. mer, our economy conProviding quality tinued to set records, and timely surgery is such as the strongest another area in which employment growth we are working to proand the lowest unemvide the services you ployment in Canada. need and deserve. We Employment rose to are well on the way 564,100 people, which to ensuring you and is a 4 per cent increase your loved ones’ surNADINE WILSON over last year. July also geries are performed ~ saw the lowest youth unwithin three months Saskatchewan employment rate among of a physician’s referRivers the provinces, at less ral by April 2014. The Toll Free: 1-888-763-0615 than half the national latest update from the average. Saskatchewan SurgiIf you are looking for a cal Initiative (SKSI) job, Saskatchewan is the shows that wait times place to be. In July, 60 for surgeries conper cent of jobs posted on Saskjobs. tinue to decrease. The numbers ca were full time positions. This is show that 79 per cent of patients a 14.7 per cent increase over the are having their surgeries within same month last year. The number three month of their referrals and of jobs available in July was 17,249, 91 per cent are having their surgerspread over 327 communities ies within six months. This was

August 30, 2013

an ambitious target we set and through the hard work of the SKSI we are on our way to realizing it. Our government is investing $70.5 million this year to improve access to surgeries, which will provide for about 89,000 surgeries throughout Saskatchewan, an increase of 7,000 from last year. As post-secondary students prepare for the upcoming study year, we wanted to remind you of the benefits of the Saskatchewan Advantage Scholarship. In its first year, this scholarship has provided more than 4,500 students with more than $2.2 million to help offset the cost of their post-secondary education. This scholarship reduces tuition up to $500 per year to a lifetime maximum of $2,000 for new Saskatchewan grade 12 grads who are enrolled in a post-secondary institution right here at home.

Recycle Saskatchewan launches new platform for consumers Recycle Saskatchewan has introduced a new website aimed at making information about recycling options easily available to consumers, by answering any questions from the residents of Saskatchewan regarding recycling. With the impending introduction of multi-material recycling, as well as recycling changes at the municipal level, Recycle Saskatchewan seeks to be a “central hub” and trusted voice in recycling, by providing the public with ease of information during this potentially confusing time. “We are looking to leverage the members’ collective knowledge to become a one stop shop for information on recycling in Saskatchewan,” said Joan Meyer, Program Manager for Recycle Saskatchewan. Recycle Saskatchewan is the umbrella organization for product management programs in Saskatchewan including Saskatchewan Association for Resource Recovery Corp (SARRC), Saskatchewan Paint Recycling Program (SPRP), Saskatchewan Scrap Tire Corp (SSTC), SWEEP/EPRA Saskatchewan (electronic products recycling), and SARCAN (beverage containers).

UPCOMING FARM AUCTION Andre’ and Helen Dupuis

Sunday, September 8th - 10:00 a.m. Location: From Shellbrook 17miles north on Hwy #240, To Foxdale Hall. 1 mile west and 1 ¾ north. (Watch for signs)

Tractors: White #2-105 Field Boss front tires 1100x16 back 18-4x38’ c/w duals. Ser.# 105-22422, 8400hrs. hp. Year, Ezee on FEL. c/w bucket & blade. 1981 Belarus #250, 30hp. ser# 245-818, front tires 600 x 16, rear 11.2 x 28. (sold separately from tractor are) 3pt hitch equip. Bale fork,10ft.cultivator, manure fork, blade, plow, snow blower, root rake 18ft., rotary mower 3pt. hitch, Combine: 914 International (field ready), Swather: White #601, 25 ft. P/T, Trucks: 1975 Dodge 600, 3 ton steel box & hoist, 361 motor, split axel, 900 x20 tires, c/w roll tarp, 1945 Ford ½ ton, 4 spd. trans., flat head, V8 odometer 76,082, original glass, no dents, no rust, 1967 Ford 500 2 ton 330 motor split axle 8.25x20 tires, 1949 Ford 1 ton (radiator missing), Tillage Equipment: 12 ft.Cockshut cultivator c/w CYL, 6 Sections Degelman harrow, IH 12 ft. deep tillage, Haying Equip.: NH #664 round baler (approx. 1996/1998), Yard/Shop Equipment: Westfield 36 ft. x7” grain auger c/w Hyd. sweep and 14 h.p. Koler electric start motor, 2010 Craftsmen 4500 riding lawn mower 21 hp. c/w 42” deck and dandelion roller pull behind, 36” rotor tiller c/w 8.75 hp. B/S motor, 30 ft. grain auger c/w motor, 100 bu. hopper bin, 12V drill fill, 2 - 500 gal. fuel tanks on steel stands, Raider Ford truck cap, 8 ft. ice fishing sleigh (rubber), Assortment of power poles, Solar welder 230 amps. a/c, New fence posts, Labtronics grain tester c/w scale, All trade rotary tool & accessory kit, Household: 2 swivel leatherette chairs, Glider rocker c/w footstool, Guns: 2 Cooey 22 Repeaters, Remington 12 gauge pump S.G., 2 Pellet guns, Antiques/Collectibles: Drill press, variety of milk & cream cans, elevator compressor, water pump, several ice tongs, Western saddle 16”(original R.C.M.P.) c/w bridle, Cream separator McCormick Deerings (complete Wash tub wringer). Please check our websites for more details.

Sale Conducted by Schmalz Auctions

The new web platform allows for consumers to receive a timely response to their recycling questions from the members of Recycle Saskatchewan. “Our program acts as a unified voice for these stewardship organizations,” said Meyer, “and supports the provincewide cause of creating a recycling-minded culture within the province.” Recycle Saskatchewan also serves as a mentor for new product stewards that are being developed within the province. The collective expertise and knowledge of Recycle Sas-

Another unfair situation for taxpayers Continued from Page 5 Again, the difference between the $24 million the fund has and the $159 million it has to pay out will all fall on the taxpayers’ shoulders. Given the fund’s promises to judges are way too generous, the question is - what is the government doing about the situation? Nothing apparently. Pension reform doesn’t seem to be the government’s agenda. What the government needs to do is take a page out of former NDP Premier Allan Blakeney’s book and start putting new judges hired by the government in a far less costly pension plans known as a “defined contribution” plan. Blakeney started doing this with most provincial government employees in the 1970s in order to protect taxpayers from big bills in the future. While Blakeney’s government was successful at putting

AUCTION SALE The Dispersal of Contents for Prefontaine Care Home

Monday, September 2nd - 11:00 a.m. Location: 708 1st Ave. East, Shellbrook, SK

Lawn Boy 42” riding lawn mower, Whipper Snipper, Bed sets, Dresser sets, Night tables, TVs and stands, Hospital bed (electric), Linen and bedding, Love seats, Table & chairs, Lamps & pictures, Mirrors, Dishes, Pots & pans, Desks, Yamaha golf cart (gas), Harley Davidson Golf cart (gas), 2 Polaris quads (as is). Plus many more items to numerous to mention. Please check our website for more details.

Sale Conducted by Schmalz Auctions or Hwy #2 South, Prince Albert, SK - PL 911509 or Hwy #2 South, Prince Albert, SK - PL 911509

Gerald Fillmore 306-922-7907 or 306-940-8720

Gerald Fillmore 306-922-7907 or 306-940-8720

Phone 306-763-2172 or 306-922-2300

katchewan will allow for the continued success of end-of-life product recycling in the province. Recycle Saskatchewan also announced a new brand, which identifies Recycle Saskatchewan as its own entity and will be added to all the marketing materials of its members. The Honourable Ken Cheveldayoff, Minister of Environment, spoke at today’s launch event. Also in attendance were representatives of each of the stewardship organizations that are members of Recycle Saskatchewan.

Phone 306-763-2172 or 306-922-2300

most new government employees in less costly pension plans, a few divisions of government employees never made the switch. Judges and most health care employees are a couple examples. The Canadian Taxpayers Federation, a donation-based taxpayers’ watchdog organization, has called on the Wall government to finish what Premier Blakeney started and stop putting new employees in expensive employee plans like the ones judges enjoy. Now it’s time for you to be the ‘judge’ - keep putting new government hires in expensive pension plans that are risky for the taxpayer or something more sustainable and fair for the taxpayer? When you’ve reached a verdict, be sure to let the government know.

Mixed Martial Arts Tae Kwon Do/Karate/Kick Boxing Registration Night - $15/person

Mon., Sept. 2 - 7 p.m. Shellbrook Legion Hall or Register Any Class Night

Classes begin Monday, Sept. 9, 2013 6:00 - 6:30 ages 4 & 5 6:30 - 7:30 ages 5 to Advance Belts 7:30 - 8:30 Beginners to Advance Belts

Classes are for all ages and Adults Come Check Us Out! Contact Laura Lee Hatch (cell) 306-747-5976

August 30, 2013

Shellbrook Chronicle

SK cherry juice, a healthy alternative Everyday Farms, a Saskatchewan producer-owned company, has introduced a pure tart cherry juice to Saskatchewan health food stores and the four Saskatoon Cooperatives grocery stores. Aunt Mary’s Pure Tart Cherry Juice is the first tart cherry juice produced in Saskatchewan to hit retail stores. The health value of tart cherry juice has been emphasized by Dr Oz over the last year, and many consumers have been looking for it in their local stores. Up until now, availability was limited to products from the USA. “Many people don’t realize that we grow cherries in Saskatchewan,” says Ed Bueckert, owner of Edanvista Orchard by Langham, and a shareholder in Everyday Farms. “Tart cherries have been labelled a super fruit, and recent research from the Manitoba Food Development Centre shows that our cherries are higher in antioxidants than those grown in Ontario and the US.” Antioxidants are important to help the body reduce heart disease and inflammation related to arthritis, gout, fibromyalgia, and exercise-related muscle pain. As arthritis is often treated with medications associated with serious long-term side effects, researchers and sufferers are interested in alternatives like tart cherry juice for the high levels of anthocyanins. Tart cherries are also high in other disease fighting compounds like flavinoids which have anti-allergic, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-cancer, and cardio-

productive effects. Van Sorenson of Marysland Orchard, and shareholder of Everyday Farms notes, “I like the health benefits of the juice, but the taste goes a long way towards making it a favorite drink in our house. The tart cherries bred by the University of Saskatchewan have a unique and flavourful taste.” Aunt Mary’s Pure Tart Cherry Juice is also suitable for people who are conscious of the sugar content of juices and fruit drinks. While being intensely flavorful, this juice naturally has about 1/3 less sugar per serving than most juices on the market, without having any sweeteners or other additives. Everyday Farms has consciously chosen to produce their juice naturally, avoiding any additives or preservatives. Each bottle contains the juice of about one and a half pounds of cherries. Tart cherries are a versatile fruit that professional chefs and home cooks are adding to their daily meal plans. Cherries can be used in a variety of traditional food preparations such as fruit crisps, pies, jams, spreads and toppings. They are also well suited to dishes like marinades, salad dressings and savory pork dishes and popular beverages like smoothies. The U of S bred cherries have more color and flavor than other varieties of tart cherries, which makes them a favorite for local chefs who like to add interest to their dishes. “We are really proud of our juice. We think that it is a bright spot in Saskatchewan made

products, and will become a favorite of Saskatchewan shoppers. We are working on plans to bring frozen tart cherries to retail grocery stores in Saskatoon in time for Christmas so watch for them in the freezer section” says Merv Zurevinsky, president of Everyday Farms. “We think


that consumers will be excited to make local cherries a new tradition with their Christmas celebrations.” For more information about the product or to inquire about touring an orchard or the production facilities, please see the contact information below.

TOWN OF SHELLBROOK PUBLIC NOTICE Public Notice is hereby given that the Council of the Town of Shellbrook, Pursuant to Section 207 of The Planning and Development Act, 2007 intends to pass a bylaw to amend Zoning Bylaw No. 2012-07 as hereinafter provided: It is proposed to amend the said Zoning Bylaw as follows: 1. To zone those portions of NW 9-49-3 W3rd shown as “FUD” on the attached map to an M – Industrial District as proposed by Peter F. Unger 2. To zone the balance of the area on NW 9-49-3 W3rd shown in bold outline on the map immediately below to an M – Industrial District.

Highway 2 open to traffic Highway 2, north of Prince Albert has reopened to traffic at approximately 7:30am today. While water is still crossing the road, levels have receded to the point where traffic can be allowed. Speed has been reduced to 10 km/hr throughout the flooded area. The ministry has made temporary repairs to the road; however, some road damage re-

mains and the road will need to dry before permanent repairs can be made. Motorists will be required to reduce speed and obey all signs and flagpersons. Motorists are also advised that traffic may be reduced to one lane to allow for additional repairs, or if there is significant deterioration of the road’s condition. The highway has been closed to most traffic since July 11 due to flooding.

3. To re-zone those portions of SE 16-49-3 W3rd shown as “FUD on the attached map to R2 – Medium Density Residential as proposed by Regan Rayner

It’s black and white – always slow to 60 km/hr when signs are posted Saskatchewan motorists are reminded that they must always slow to 60 km/hr in work zones when the limit is posted, regardless of whether workers or equipment are visible. “Even if workers are not present, there are cases where hazards such as sharp pavement drop-offs or loose stones warrant keeping your speed at 60 km/hr,” Highways and Infrastructure Minister Don McMorris said. “If you see the maximum 60 km/ hr sign you must slow down, without exceptions. It’s black and white.” If there are potential hazards in a work zone but no workers present, crews will cover the orange ‘workers present’ sign as well as the ‘fines triple’ notification. The maximum 60 km/hr sign remains uncovered, notifying motorists of the official speed limit for the work zone. New projects underway this week include grading on Highway 123 southwest of Cumberland House, grading on Highway 2 near Hoey, surface repairs on Highway 5 near Togo and the reconstruction of a stretch of Highway 20 near Pilger.

The weekly construction update provides Saskatchewan residents with the latest details on projects underway to help to plan safe and efficient travel throughout the summer and fall. To learn more about Saskatchewan work zones, head to workzone/ and to view a gallery of photos from this year’s construction season, visit Additional travel information about emergency road closures, the status of ferries and barges and other road activities can also be found on the Highway Hotline at It’s also available by calling 306-787-7623 in Regina, 306-933-8333 in Saskatoon, the SaskTel cellular network at *ROAD, toll-free across Canada at 1-888-335-7623 and via the Highway Hotline mobile website at http:// The government has invested a record $3.7 billion in transportation infrastructure since 2008.

Purpose The purpose of the amendment is to permit various types of Industrial development to occur on the NW 9-49-3-W3rd and to permit various types of residential development to occur on SE 16-49-03-W3rd. Bylaw Inspection The Bylaw may be inspected by an interested person at the Municipal Office in Shellbrook on any judicial day from Monday to Friday between the hours of 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM. Copies are available to persons at a cost of $1.00 each. Public Hearing Representations respecting the amendment will be considered by Council at 6:00 PM on the 23rd Day of September, 2013 in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Office in Shellbrook, Saskatchewan. Council shall hear any person or group of persons or person acting on their behalf who wish to make a presentation. Written submissions received by the Administrator prior to that date will be considered by Council as well. Issued at Shellbrook, this 23rd day of August 2013. Kelly Hoare, Administrator


Shellbrook Chronicle

August 30, 2013

(Left) Robert Chuback feels the full force of the bungee cord as he battles against his daughter Alexys.

(Above) Many came out to see the classic cars on display during the fair.

Third annual Shellbrook Street Fair a shining success Continued from Front Page Tasha, like many of the people who came out to enjoy the fair, couldn’t say enough positive things about the favourable weather. “The weather was beautiful. Up until Friday night still, we were setting up at 9:30 and the Weather Network still said ‘possibility of rain’, and when I woke up Saturday morning, it was perfect,” she said. Many of the new events that the committee introduced this year were a hit. “This year was the first year we had the mechanical bull, and it went over great. He was busy the whole time,” Tasha said. “They had a bungee run, this was the first year we had that . . . The kids had a blast, adults the same. We had sumo suits this year, and I think it was a little hot for the sumo suits .

There were a set of kid’s ones and a set of adult ones, and I think the kid’s ones stayed pretty busy, but I think it was too hot and sweaty for the adults to get in those suits.” Along with the new events, some of the mainstay attractions experienced another successful running. “The volleyball was great. This year we had nine teams. Last year we had seven, so with nine teams it kind of stepped it up a little bit,” Tasha said. “We had each team playing more games, and it started Friday night, so it was run over a longer period of time, and you were guaranteed more games.” Following an impressive fireworks display, community members with a later bedtime

were treated to some great entertainment at the street dance that capped off the day. “It was great. The band was awesome,” Tasha said. “Electric Cattle Company was our main stage, and they put on a fantastic show.” While it may be hard to quantify the attendance for the event, the consensus was that the day was a massive success. “It’s hard to judge the number of people just because it’s such a vast area and people are moving so much, but it was a good crowd,” Tasha said. “We had 33 different events on the street including the activities and the food vendors and everything that was going on, and we had 35 tables in the trade show, so it

was great. It was packed.” The committee members are granting themselves a little bit of time to catch their collective breath, but they will soon be looking towards next year’s installment of the event, and some ideas are already buzzing. “We are having a meeting within the next little bit, we’re going to see where we stand and see what’s next. We’ll give ourselves a couple month’s break, but we start up in March,” Tasha said. “We are going to look for another big event (for next year). We’ve had Gold Dragon Wrestling come, this is the second year, and we said we’d do them for two years because they were a hit the first year. They were still a hit this year, but we want something new.” In parting, Tasha wanted to make sure that due credit be given to a large faction of people who are an integral part of the event’s success from year to year. “Our volunteers for this are fantastic,” she said. “Our committee, as a whole, is wonderful. But every shift that is filled is someone volunteering a couple hours out

Umbrellas provided some welcome shade while children danced in the streets.

of their day to help out. And we have more than 100 people that aren’t on the committee that volunteer to work a shift, or move tables in the morning, or come set up on Friday night . . . It’s amazing the amount of people in this community that help out, because without those 150 or so people, it wouldn’t happen.” All in all, the 2013 version of the Shellbrook Street Fair was a huge success. The foresight and forecast came together beautifully to produce an event that the community of Shellbrook should be proud to have hosted. “It brings everybody together, it brings different communities in. We had people from all the small towns around, we had people from Prince Albert, Saskatoon, coming out to see our small town, and it puts us on the map. It’s awesome,” Tasha said.

August 30, 2013

A young quarterback tries to hit a wide open Chris Getzlaf at the Roughriders Store.

The face painting booth was a popular spot for children.

Shellbrook Chronicle


The streets of Shellbrook morphed into a sandy beach for the fair’s volleyball tournament.

A take-down during the Gold Dragon Wrestling show that took place right on Main Street.

There were fish to be caught on the dry streets of Shellbrook during the event.

(Above) Riders of all ages tried their luck on the mechanical bull throughout the day.

(Left) A unicyclist leads a parade of children, one of the events that helped kick-start the day.


Shellbrook Chronicle

August 30, 2013

Increasing professionalism in Public Forest Management

Recent events are helping to ensure that the practice of forestry in our provincial forests continues to be undertaken by qualified, competent professionals. On May 15th amendments to The Forestry Professions Act of Saskatchewan legally established the right to practice forestry on Crown lands for Registered Professional Foresters and Registered Professional Forest Technologists. Now anyone practicing

forestry in public forests must be a member of the Association of Saskatchewan Forestry Professionals (ASFP), or work under the supervision of an ASFP member. The role of the ASFP is to regulate the forestry profession in Saskatchewan by ensuring its members are qualified, competent, and practice in an ethical manner. In June James Kerby of Saskatoon was appointed by the Provincial Cabinet to serve as

the public appointee on the ASFP Council. Mr. Kerby is a senior partner of MacPherson Leslie & Tyerman LLP (Saskatoon office). He will represent the public’s interest at the ASFP Council table and, together with other ASFP councillors, will help to provide leadership and strategic direction to the Association. Mr. Kerby brings an independent voice, welcome diversity, and almost 30 years of experience gained as a lawyer in private prac-

tice. He is a member of the Law Societies of both Saskatchewan and Alberta. The spotlight on accountability and professionalism in forestry aligns well with the Province’s move to results-based regulation. This is a change in environmental policy that puts more emphasis on management objectives, best practices, and required outcomes, as opposed to a ‘command and control’, prescriptive regulatory regime.

“The little children’s wish foundation that could…” Children’s Wish Foundation Home Lottery introduces the largest cash prize option in Saskatchewan history. Twenty-four years ago, the Children’s Wish Foundation took a huge gamble when they leapt into the world of largescale home lotteries. At the time, it was ground-breaking to offer such an extravagant prize, and a completely new fundraising idea in Saskatchewan. As Gay Oldhaver, the provincial Chapter Director relates, “It was a big risk when we started, but we had great support from the community. It allowed our small staff to really focus on fulfilling wishes and meeting with Wish Children and their Families”.

“It’s always been important to keep our administrative costs as low as possible, so we do a lot with only 5 employees in the province. That’s one of the reasons we’re so proud of the imagination that goes into Children’s Wish fundraising”. Over the years, as larger organizations followed their lead, the little Children’s Wish Home Lottery also evolved and grew. They began to offer more creative prize options, and also expanded to include the entire province. Oldhaver says, “We’re inspired every day by the creativity and hope of our Wish Kids, and we want to make sure that all of Saskatchewan can be inspired too. That sense of fun, laughter and community is an essential part of what we do at

Children’s Wish”. In response to requests from rural Saskatchewan, this year’s Children’s Wish Home Lottery took the next step in its evolution as a full provincial fundraiser. The winner of the $1 Million Grand Prize can choose to use the funds to build a custom home anywhere in the province or take the entire prize in cash. This makes it not only the largest Grand Prize ever offered by the Children’s Wish Home Lottery, it is also the largest cash prize option in the history of all home lotteries in Saskatchewan. It’s an amazing Saskatchewan success story for a little Foundation that cares.

Adding protein to apples by Sara Williams “Picking up all early-dropped fruit every few days and feeding it to hogs will destroy many of the larvae before they have left the apples.” C.L. Metcalf, 1962 If this was about biotechnology, adding protein to fruit might be taken as cuttingedge genetic engineering or a major breakthrough in feeding a rapidly over-populating world. But the presence of worms in apples is more likely to evoke a sudden change in body language in a gardener, a stiffening resolve to gear up to destroy the culprit. Three types of insect larvae are commonly found in apples in late summer and early

fall, albeit almost always in small numbers and generally in isolated pockets of the prairies. They share a number of traits. All are deposited as eggs by caring mothers on the newly developing fruit. In the course of feeding, they leave tell-tale trails. They all fall (or are picked!) within the apples in autumn, over-wintering either within the apple or in the soil nearby, ready to begin their life cycle again the following spring. The apple curculio is a reddish-brown insect about 1/10 of an inch long, similar to a weevil with a long nose and a humped back. The adults feed on the buds, fruit spurs and terminal shoots - if you place a sheet or tarp


BLAINE LAKE: Wapiti Library - Books, Movies, Magazines, Children’s Section, Internet, Printing, Study/Meeting Space, Proctor Service, Community Programming. Hours: Tuesday 1-5, Wednesday 1-5, Thursday 5-8, Friday 1-5. Contact us for more info 497-3130 CANWOOD: branch of Wapiti Regional Library - NEW HOURS - Tues. - 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Thurs. - 12 :00 noon - 5: 00 p.m. STORYTIME - Thurs. 3:30 - 4:00 p.m. Internet services available at the library. DEBDEN: Wapiti Library hours: Monday 3 pm - 7 pm. Afterschool Program 3:30 5:00. Wednesday 11 am - 4 pm. Librarian: Aline Hannon LEASK: Wapiti Library Hours: Tues. & Fri.: 1 - 5:30 pm & Sat., 1:00 - 5:00 pm. MARCELIN: Wapiti Library is open Tues. 11 - 4 pm; Thur. 3 - 8 pm. For information on all your library needs, please contact 306-226-2110. SHELLBROOK: Shellbrook Branch of the Wapiti Library located at 105 Railway Ave., West (Provincial building). Library Hours: Mon., 2 - 6:00 pm; Tues., 2 - 8 pm; Wed. 2 - 8 pm; Thur., 2 - 6:00 pm; Fri., 10 - 4 pm. Children’s Story Time: Fri. 10:30 am (Oct. - May). SHELLBROOK: Rhythm Works Dance Studio Registration Night Thurs., September 5 at 7:00 p.m. Shellbrook Legion Hall Bring Used Dance Wear To Sell!

below and shake the branches, they fall to the ground and “play dead”. Curculios begin to lay eggs shortly after petal fall and continues for about a month afterwards. They leave a dimple or cluster of puncture marks on the skin of the apple where the eggs were deposited. Fruit may be misshapen, undersized or drop pre-maturely. The egg hatches into a tiny white legless larva that makes its way to the core of the apple, leaving a trail of narrow light brown streaks within the flesh. Once in the core, they eat the developing seeds. They pupate within the apple, emerging as adult beetles after the fruit has fallen to the ground and overwinter in the nearby soil. The apple seed chalcid is a very tiny winged wasp that infests the seeds of apple. The adults lay eggs in developing fruit in midJune. Upon hatching, the larvae tunnel to the core where they feed inside seeds. Small brown trails through the flesh indicate their route. They remain within the fruit, even after it falls to the ground, over-winter still within the core, and emerge as adults in the spring. Adult apple maggots, also called railroad worms because of the numerous twisting tunnels they leave within the fruit, resemble small dark house flies. They lay eggs in the developing fruit in June and July. The larvae tunnel within the flesh of the apple. Like the

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Apple seed Chalcid

apple curculio, they fall to the ground within the fruit in autumn but soon exit to pupate in the soil. If you’ve come across one of these insects this fall, chances are they’ll be around next spring unless you do something to interrupt their life cycle. Begin this fall by collecting all of the fruit remaining on the tree or fallen to the ground. If you have no hogs, destroy or send the infested apples to the landfill. Putting them in the compost pile merely provides them with an Arizona-like winter. The apple seed chalcid remains within the fruit until next spring. The apple maggots and curculios will overwinter in the nearby soil. Remove as much leaf litter and debris as possible to eliminate habitat. Then cultivate as late in the fall as possible to bring pupal cases and adults to the soil surface where they’ll be more vulnerable to winter cold. In spring, use yellow sticky traps to immobilize adult apple maggots prior to egg-laying. Place on outside of canopy during the last week in June. As for the loss of protein - I’ve always preferred a chunk of cheese with an apple. Sara Williams is the author of the newly revised and expanded ‘Creating the Prairie Xeriscape’ and with co-author Hugh Skinner ‘Gardening Naturally’. This column is provided by the Saskatchewan Perennial Society.

August 30, 2013


Shellbrook Chronicle


Angels and their big fish: stinky year When the biggest fish in baseball’s free agent and Prince Fielder, are the driving forces behind pool took his bat and glove to the Los Angeles the Tigers’ likely Central Division title and in the Angels last winter, the sport’s cognoscenti preA.L. East, Boston Red Sox and Tampa Bay Rays maturely handed manager Mike Scioscia’s team are set to battle down the stretch for the pena playoff spot in the American League and made nant there. If the Red Sox earn the division title, them a pre-season favourite to win the World Sewatch for other MLB teams to making ‘trades’ for ries. managers, as the Red Sox did last winter to pry That big fish, Josh Hamilton, left the Texas John Farrell away from the Blue Jays for a minor Rangers for the riches of the Angels, who already leaguer. had a whole school of big fish under contract, inSo how does October look? This early Septemcluding Mike Trout, the breakout star of 2012, ber prognostication says the Tigers vs. Los AngeBRUCE and Albert Pujols, arguably the game’s best hitles Dodgers in the World Series. PENTON ter, who joined the team as a free agent the sea• Blogger T.C. Chong, on former Heisman son before. Trophy-winning QB Troy Smith of Ohio State ~ But little did those baseball experts know what signing a two-year contract with the Montreal sort of a mess would occur in the Angels’ camp Alouettes: “People in Montreal are asking ‘Who in 2013 and now, with the season winding down, is Troy Smith?’ Ohio State fans are asking ‘What Los Angeles is no longer considered an elite team, Scioscia are the Montreal Alouettes?’” is probably expecting a quick firing at season’s end, Pujols • RJ Currie of “ Russian pole vaulter is finished for the season with a foot injury, and the experts Yelena Isinbayeva openly spoke out against gays, then hours are red-faced — again. (These are the same experts who pre- later claimed she was misunderstood. We’ll have more from dicted the last-place Toronto Blue Jays, with all their fancy the world back-track and field championships.” pre-season acquisitions, would win the A.L. East.) • Currie again: “Novak Djokovic lost the opening set to DeHamilton, after a slow start, held up his end of the bargain nis Istomin 6-2 at the Canadian Open, then regained form by hitting with some authority in mid-season and partial- to win in three. I’m thinking the trainer gave him an antily justifying the megamillions paid to him by owner Artie Istomin.” Moreno, who must, by now, be realizing that good scouting • One more funny one from RJ Currie ( and team chemistry — not just a blank chequebook — are “At a London subway excavation, archeologists have uncovthe key ingredients needed to form a championship team. ered numerous ancient artifacts, including medieval hockey Texas, which lost Hamilton but didn’t miss a beat, will be a skates. ‘So that’s where I left them,’ said Jaromir Jagr.” playoff team and the team they’re battling down the stretch • Greg Cote of the Miami Herald: “Don Shula finished in the A.L. West, Oakland A’s, will also qualify for the post- fifth in an ESPN greatest-NFL-coach poll, after the network season. In the Central Division, Detroit pitchers Max Scher- rejected Miami’s idea to reword the question, ‘Who is the zer and Justin Verlander, and big boppers Miguel Cabrera greatest coach to have a Perfect Season?’ “

• Another one from Cote: “Former Heat player Michael Beasley was arrested for possession of marijuana. Is that even news? That’s like me being found in possession of a donut.” • Comedy writer Jim Barach: “San Diego Mayor Bob Filner has been accused by a 17th woman of sexual harassment. Tiger Woods will officially present him with the Golden 9 Iron award for most women coming forward to destroy your career in one year.” • Dwight Perry of the Seattle Times: “Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang scored a hat trick in his first game after signing with Germany’s Borussia Dortmund soccer team, and opponents and headline writers are already in agreement: This spells trouble.” • Minnesota Timberwolves center Nikola Pekovic, to the St. Paul Pioneer Press, on why he hasn’t added any new tattoos since last season: “No more room.” • Brad Dickson of the Omaha (Neb.) World-Herald, on the Little League World Series: “It’s just nice to see some baseball players enjoying a growth spurt that’s not PED-related.” • Perry again: “A zoo in Henan, China was caught trying to pass off a dog as a lion. Hey, don’t laugh — Matt Millen got away with it for years in Detroit.” • Janice Hough of “Ryan Braun issued a statement acknowledging that he took PEDs in 2011, the year he won the NL MVP. ‘I’m shocked,’ said absolutely nobody.” • Perry again: “When Braves shortstop Paul Janish trapped a live bat in the infield, they sent the youngest guy in the dugout — Will Kearney — out with a towel to cover it and carry it to safety. Well, he is the bat boy, right?” Care to comment? Email

Green between the lines - Riders survive another close game

By Jon Svec The Saskatchewan Roughriders pulled off another close victory on August 24 when they travelled to Edmonton to take on the Eskimos. The first half saw the Riders excel in some areas and struggle in others. Most of their big plays continued to come off of maximum protection blocking schemes, especially when they pulled an offensive lineman to sell the run fake. It’s interesting that this tactic was working so well, as up to that point they had rarely used run plays that looked like the play action that was deceiving their opponent, but that was soon to change. Dressler and Getzlaf both had long catches in the first half when Durant was allowed to set up behind this protection scheme. With a couple of offensive linemen dinged up throughout the game, they also did a good job of executing their screen passes to Sheets out of the backfield. It’s a smart play to use in those situations as the offense is actually meant to encourage penetration by the defense in order to run would-be tacklers past the play. Also, any play that can get the ball into Sheets’ hands is a good idea. The Riders also did a good job limiting the Eskimos Jet Sweep play, an extremely fast flowing attempt to get the ball all the way around the edge and gain some yards on the outside. The Riders team defense was on display when chasing this play down, and the Eskimos had trouble gaining any ground with it. As far as pass coverage went, the Riders had trouble defending the out pattern, especially when being run by Stamps. This pattern is usually something that zone defenses will sag off of and man coverages will give up, but the Eskimos were making a lot of money off the play and an adjustment was needed earlier. The Riders also seemed to, at times, get away from their second down pressure packages, something that had been

working well for them in previous weeks. Reilly seemed to have a lot of time to pick the secondary apart and it cost the Riders some big plays. They started the second half with a brilliant halftime adjustment, running Sheets on a Power play that looked exactly like the play action that had worked so well earlier. It was a classic case of the pass setting up the run, something that is often done the other way around. The play they had the most trouble stopping throughout the game was the Zone Read being run by quarterback Mike

Reilly. The wrinkle that the Eskimos used was that Reilly was not reading the backside defensive end, but instead the backside defensive tackle. This put the tackle in a frustrating bind, as he is purposely unblocked on the play and forced to choose between attacking the running back or quarterback, and he is asked to do so within a gaping hole. The Eskimos went back to this play time and time again, and it continued to work. It’s a fantastic scheme that’s very hard to defend, with one obvious drawback: the play takes a toll on your starting quarterback.

Even though Reilly took a beating throughout the game, he still made a number of pinpoint throws for big plays, especially when the Riders elected not to send pressure but instead drop back into coverage. Perhaps the deciding series of the back-and-forth affair came late in the fourth quarter when the Eskimos were down by two and standing on the Riders’ doorstep. Two long passes to Shamawd Chambers and Cary Koch put the Eskimos in prime position to take the lead. On the first and goal play, Edmonton substituted quarterbacks, placing Kerry Joseph under centre. The veteran quarterback has fielded his fare share of snaps throughout his career, but putting in a cold QB when your starter is on such a role is a strange decision. Sure enough, Joseph fumbled the snap from centre, though the Eskimos were able to fall on the loose ball. On the next play, Reilly came back into the game, only to short-arm a skinny slant that was intercepted in the end zone by Dwight Anderson. The Riders were able to march the field and score a single point on their next drive. Then, after a Reilly fumble and a few gives to Sheets to run out the clock, the contest was complete, with a final score of 30-27 for the Riders. Since the bye week, the Riders have suffered a loss and enjoyed two close wins to inferior opponents, causing some to question their actual strength as a team. As inconsistent as they have seemed, however, they still seem to be making the proper adjustments just a moment before it’s too late. They are playing physical football and taking pride in what they’re doing, and let’s not forget that Durant is still yet to throw an interception on the season. Winning isn’t easy, and despite the close scores the Riders continue to deliver. Expect the same to continue as they enter into a home-and-away series with the struggling Winnipeg Blue Bombers. The Riders should come away with two wins, but the Bombers won’t make it easy. The first contest is taking place in Regina on September 1.


Shellbrook Chronicle

Pauline Mae Chalifour PAULINE MAE CHALIFOUR 1924-2013 The family of Pauline Chalifour is very sad to announce her passing on Tuesday, August 20th at the PA Victoria Hospital at the age of 89 years. Her family was with her throughout her struggles. Our Mom was valiant to the very end, despite her discomfort, putting on a brave face for visitors and keeping smiles on the faces of people around her. Pauline Mae Owens was born at home in Lucky Lake, Saskatchewan in 1924. Mom loved to work on the farm with her family. She attended school in Lucky Lake until the age of 17 where she completed high school in Saskatoon while working for her room and board. This continued at Normal School until her first teaching job at Wanakena, a country school near Debden. Mom taught for 32 years in country schools ending her career in Big River in 1980. We are still receiving condolences expressing gratitude from many of her students. Mom married Paul in 1945 where they took up farming near Debden. Mom loved the farm life and visiting and playing cards with friends. In 1983, Dad’s health forced them to move to Shellbrook. Her volunteering started at an early age where she would correspond with many soldiers overseas. This love of helping others would continue her whole life especially after retirement. Belonging to several organizations in various roles was something Mom took pride in but her personal involvement with others was tremendous. Spending time at the Nursing Home by reading, playing keyboard, singing, pushing the “old folks” around (in their wheelchairs) and just visiting was a priority to her. She truly cared about others. Mom loved to golf wherever she could as long as she was walking the course, she curled until her heart attack in 2007, she crocheted, played games, wore out dictionaries doing crossword puzzles, read, gardened, but always preferred spending time with her family. When dad passed away in 1984, Mom could pursue another passion - travel. She visited 14 countries including China, Morocco, Switzerland and Spain and wanted to do more. She enjoyed her cruises and bus trips. She was always learning. Left to cherish her memory is her sister, Norma Procknow of Lucky Lake; her daughter Cheryl (Jim) Silver of Delta, B.C.; her sons Larry (Marlene) Chalifour of Shellbrook and Terry Chalifour of Saskatoon; Grandchildren Lance (Jen) Silver and Nadine (Trevor) Arksey of Vancouver; Great Grandchildren Emilia Siver and Adam Arksey. Pauline was predeceased by her husband Paul; her parents Arthur and Kate; brother Allan Owens in 1944; sisters Ruth Lougheed and Evelyn Owens. The Funeral Service for Pauline was held on August 23, 2013 at 10:00 a.m. at Knox United Church in Shellbrook, SK. with Pastor Dave Whalley as officiant. Interment was held at Prince Albert Memorial Gardens. In lieu of tributes, donations can be given to Donor’s Choice or in Mom’s true volunteering spirit of Paying It Forward. Family and friends wishing to send online condolences may do so by visiting Arrangements were entrusted to the care of Beau”Lac” Funeral Home, Tammy Smart, Funeral Director, Shellbrook (306-747-2828).


August 30, 2013

Jean Wason

Jean Vivian Wason (nee Kennedy) Jean passed away with her family by her side after a short courageous battle with cancer on August 16, 2013 in Shellbrook, SK. Jean was born on September 12, 1933 on a farm in the Pine Grove district. She was the oldest of 3 children with younger siblings Howard and Mansford. The family lived in the Pine Grove District ct until the fall of 1940 when Jean with her parents, nts, Bob and Clara Kennedy moved to the Rozilee ee district to a quarter section that Bob rented from William Brown. She took her schooling in Rozilee all the while doing chores, milking 10 cows and helping to feed the threshing crews. In 1953, she left the farm and starting working at the telephone office in Shellbrook. A year later, she married the love of her life, Stuart Harry Wason. For the first few years they lived with her parents until they got their own place. During this time the family grew. First Debbie in 1955, followed by Gary in 1956 and d Margo in 1958. As the family grew Stuart and Jean moved ved to their first home on 4th Ave West. Stuart, or “Smokey” “S k ” as his friends called him, was working for Stu Laycock the BA Oil Agent. He also hauled fuel from Regina around this time. As the family expanded again with Keith in 1967, Sherri in 1968 and Scott in 1971, they moved to a larger home. Growing up those years you were very close with your cousins. There were lots of family gatherings back and forth at Aunt and Uncles. The children entertained each other while the adults spent many hours playing cards and socializing. Summers were spent with family and most often, in-laws and cousins. A lot of time was spent at Neslin Lake which was a true favorite place of hers. They spent just about every weekend during the summer camping and fishing with family and cousins. Often they would leave right after work and would end up setting up camp in the dark. On one trip Jean and her sister-in-law were pulling the boat in front and maybe going too fast when they rounded a corner and lost a hubcap. Smokey and Howard were following and didn’t see it but upon seeing the missing hubcap, Smokey got a little upset and had to be calmed down. I think Jean probably slowed down also! Jean also enjoyed Bingo and curling often going to bonspiels in the area with her girlfriends. While winning wasn’t the main objective, socializing certainly was. She had a passion for dancing so Smokey and her rarely missed a dance at the Rozilee Hall. Her motto was “Laughter is the best medicine”. She was willing to go to numerous lengths to make others laugh. Halloween was a favorite time for her. She loved nothing more than to dress up with her friend Alvina and visit their numerous friends. While she worked at the Hotel, she enjoyed dressing up with Chris and Greg and teasing the patrons. Jean was always willing to participate in mock weddings. It was hard to imagine that Jean kept her motto alive even when on Sept 1972 tragedy struck losing her best friend and love of her life, Stuart. She became a young widow with 6 children to raise by herself. She took on this role of a single parent and became even more devoted. Everything she did from that time on was devoted to ensuring her children were given the best life possible.

Jean again was faced with another tragedy in the winter of 1976 when her home burnt and the family lost everything. She again showed her strength and determination to carry on, staying with family until spring at which time she purchased a mobile home for her family. Jean also had many joyful times in these years, the marriage of children followed by the birth of her grandchildren and great grandchildren. Although she was a homebody, she was Altho able to make numerous trips to Alberta and BC to visit family members, times an sshe truly cherished. In May of 2005, a parent’s worst nightmare happened; Jean lost her daughter, Margo. It is possible the stress of this loss added to the start of her own health problems. She silently but courageously carried on. She truly enjoyed preparing lunch for her boys and looked forward to seeing them at noon. On Saturdays Gary would take Jean to Lou’s Place G so she could put in her hockey picks and afterward, enjoy a Calgary beer. after As her h eyesight began to fail and she became more housebound she was delighted with visits from her grandchildren and great grandchildren. Listening to the chatter of them brought a smile to her face. In this last month as her health was failing, she was able to be at home and looked after by her family. There was nothing more that she enjoyed then to be surrounded by family. Her sense of humor was still evident when she would be asked how she was feeling she would reply “Nothing that a kick in the ass won’ fix.” We know you are in a better place. You have been reunited with the Love of you Life, Smokey and your precious daughter, Margo. So rest in peace Mom until we meet again. Jean will be lovingly remembered by her children: Deb Kotyk, Gary Wason, Keith (Kerri) Wason, Sherri (Darrel Lens) Wason and Scott (Richelle) Wason; her grandchildren: Craig (Leanne) Jones, Corey (Sarah) Jones, Andrea (Marlin) Gouldhawke, Tara Lenz, Trevor Gouldhawke, Tavis Wason, Courtney Lens, Abbie Lens, Tanner Wason and Jared Wason; her step-grandchildren: Waylon Delisle, Sheridan Folden and Chase Folden; her great-grandchildren: Amy Jones, Anna Jones, Peyton Stene, Alyssa Lenz, Thora Lenz and Jayda Gouldhawke; her step great-granddaughter: Rayah Baxter; her sisters-in-law: Mary & Earl Parks and Jo Falebrenza; her son-in-law: Wayne Gouldhawke; as well as numerous nieces and nephews. Jean was predeceased by her husband: Stuart Wason; her daughter: Margo Gouldhawke; her son-in-law: Orest Kotyk; her brother: Harold Kennedy; her brothers and sisters-inlaw: Howard & Ethel Kennedy and Mansford & Vernal Kennedy; her brother-in-law: Steve Falebrenza; her parents: Robert & Clara Kennedy; and her parents-in-law: Amy & Harry Wason. In lieu of flowers, please make donations to the Palliative Care Unit at the Shellbrook Integrated Health Centre, Box 70, #100 Dr. JL Spencer Driver, 2nd Ave West Shellbrook, SK S0J 2E0. A Funeral was held on Wednesday, August 21, 2013 – 2:00 pm, Elks Hall, Shellbrook, SK. Arrangements in care of Northern Funeral Service, MacKenzie Chapel. Brian and Bev Stobbs, Funeral Directors. 306.763.8488

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August 30, 2013

Seven myths about ADHD According to recent studies, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, appears to be more prevalent than ever before. Nearly 1 in 10 kids between the ages of five and 17 is being diagnosed with ADHD. Despite that prevalence, misinformation regarding the disorder continues to circulate, and that information can make it harder for parents to understand the disorder. Dispelling the misinformation surrounding ADHD may help those who are truly affected by the disorder get the treatment they need. Myth# 1: ADHD is not a real disorder. Many people honestly feel that ADHD was a concept drummed up by psychiatrists and pharmaceutical companies to increase business. However, the condition is real and is recognized by major health institutions, including the Surgeon General of the United States and the National Institutes of Health. Myth #2: ADHD is only a children’s disorder. Statistics indicate that while the majority of the people diagnosed with ADHD are children, at least 4 percent of adults experience it at as well. The reason the statistics may be lower for adults is that ADHD is often misdiagnosed or goes undiagnosed in adults. Myth #3: ADHD is caused by bad parenting. There are a number of people quick to point fingers at parents, laying the blame for ADHD at the feet of mom and dad. But some people with ADHD have difficulty controlling impulsivity and behavior, and that difficulty may have nothing to do with how those people were raised. Myth #4: More boys have ADHD than girls. According to a 2001 report from the U.S. Surgeon General, girls are less likely to be diagnosed with ADHD despite need. Girls tend

to have lower rates of hyperactivity and external symptoms than boys, but they may have greater intellectual impairment due to ADHD. As a result, girls may be underdiagnosed with the condition. Myth #5: Those with ADHD are lazy. People with ADHD are no more lazy or less determined than those who have not been diagnosed with the disorder. ADHD is a neurobehavioral disorder that changes the way the brain responds and presents unique challenges. A person with ADHD is no more at fault for the behaviors associated with ADHD than a person with depression or mania is for the symptoms associated with those conditions. Myth #6: All people with ADHD are hyper and lack focus. A person with ADHD may present mixed symptoms of the condition or be predominantly characterized by one. That means hyperactivity may not be part of the equation, especially for those who are largely inattentive. On the flip side, while some people with ADHD have trouble focusing on certain tasks, some actually get overly focused on things they enjoy. This is known as “hyperfocus,” and it may come at a detriment to the things they do not like. Myth #7: ADHD is overdiagnosed. Experts say that ADHD is still largely underdiagnosed and undertreated, and many are not getting the therapy and/or medication they need. Contrary to popular belief, taking medication for ADHD is not a precursor to drug addiction or substance abuse. Many ADHD sufferers who do not get the care they need self-medicate and are at a greater risk for substance abuse.

Backpack safety can prevent serious injuries * Carry only necessary items. Children should only carry what is required for that particular school day in their backpacks. If teachers routinely have students carry home many heavy books, parents can consult with the teachers to see if there are other options. * Distribute weight evenly. Items in the backpack should be spread out to distribute the weight across the entire back. Heavier items should be at the bottom of the pack. * Use both straps. Using only one strap shifts the backpack weight to one side, causing the back and shoulders to strain. Many orthopedists have reported treating children with back or shoulder pain as the result of carrying backpacks incorrectly. * Choose the correct backpack size. The size of the backpack should match the scale of the child and should rest evenly in the middle of the child’s back. * Lift safely. Children should lift their backpacks by bending their knees and lifting to protect their backs. There are some safety features parents can look for when purchasing backpacks. A padded back reduces pressure on the muscles and can be more comfortable, while compression straps make the backpack more sturdy. Additionally, reflective material on the backpack can make the child more visible to motorists.

Did you know? No particular breed of canine makes the ideal service dog. Certain breeds are chosen for particular service needs. For example, a person with mobility issues who requires a large dog for providing support when moving around may need a large breed, such as a mastiff or a St. Bernard. Guide dogs that help lead visually impaired people or dogs that help retrieve items around the house are usually breeds that are easily trainable and willing to please. German shepherds, labrador retrievers and even golden retrievers are some of the more common service dogs, as each breed tends to have a good disposition and can fit on public transportation easily. However, smaller breeds may work out well when it comes to a psychiatric service dog or one that provides emotional support and therapy. Very often smaller breeds are brought into senior homes

to be used as therapy dogs and provide company. Cavalier King Charles spaniels and poodles may work well in such situations. As with all service dogs, it is best to find one that has had formal training. Typically training will take six months, and usually animals that will work in a service capacity will be trained from puppyhood. Service dogs are socialized in a home environment and learn to operate in different situations. Unacceptable behavior, such as weariness around people, fear of home appliances and other items help handlers weed out poor candidates. Official training will begin when a dog reaches around a year of age. Many different breeds of dog can make ideal service dogs. The characteristics, temperament and size of the animal will dictate what type of services he or she can provide.


PRAISE & WORSHIP ~ Regular services, Sunday school and

special events will be listed at no charge. LUTHERAN CHURCH Zion - Canwood Sunday School, Worship Sunday, 9 a.m. St. John’s - Shellbrook Sunday School, Worship Sunday, 11 a.m. Pastor Doug Schmirler Parkside, Immanuel 10 a.m. - Worship Pastor Chris Dean -----------------------PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Parkside 10:00 a.m. Worship 11:00 a.m. Sunday School Shellbrook Sun., 10:30 a.m. - Worship, Pastor David Bodvarson 306-747-7235 Canwood 10:30 a.m. - Worship Pastor Glenn Blazosek Leask Gospel Tabernacle Sunday 6:30 p.m. Pastor L. Trafford 306-466-2296 -----------------------EVANGELICAL FREE Big River 11:00 a.m. - Worship Bible Classes 9:45 A.M. Summer: 10:30 a.m. - 12 306-469-2258 Youth Nite: Fridays Mont Nebo Wed., 7:30 p.m. Bible Study and Prayer. Sun., 10:30 a.m. - Worship Pastor Bill Klumpenhower -----------------------CATHOLIC CHURCH Debden Sun. Mass - 9:30 a.m. Fr. Sebastian Kunnath Big River - Sacred Heart Sun., 11:30 a.m. - Mass White¿sh Sun., 2:30 p.m. - Mass. Victoire Sat., 7:30 p.m. - Mass. Fr. Sebastin Kunnath Eucharist Celebrations Muskeg Sat., 7:30 p.m. - Mass Mistawasis Sunday, 3 p.m. St. Agatha’s - Shellbrook Mass Sunday, 7 p.m. St. Henry’s - Leask

Mass Sunday 9 a.m. St. Joseph’s - Marcelin Mass Sunday, 11 a.m. Fr. Tru Le -----------------------PRESBYTERIAN Mistawasis Sunday worship 11 a.m. Rev. Bev Shepansky -----------------------SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST 407-2nd Ave E, Shellbrook Sat., 9:45 a.m. Sabbath School. Sat., 11:00 am -Worship Broadcast on VOAR 92.1 FM Pastor Dan Guiboche 306-930-3377 Lay Pastor John Redlick 306-497-2566 -----------------------SOVEREIGN GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH Currently meeting in homes on Sunday morning. and Wednesday evenings. Parkside 306-747-2309, Leask 306-466-4498 Marcelin 306-226-4615 -----------------------ANGLICAN CHURCH Leask - All Saint’s 8 a.m. - Morning prayer Service. 9 a.m. Holy Communion Canwood - Christ Church 2 p.m. 1st & 3rd Sundays Evening Prayer 2nd & 4th Sundays Holy Communion Mont Nebo - St. Luke’s 2 p.m. - 1st and 3rd Sundays Holy Communion 2nd and 4th Sundays Evening Prayer St. Andrew’s - Shellbrook Sunday, 11 a.m. Holy Communion Father Harnish 306-468-2264 -----------------------UNITED CHURCH Big River 1st & 2nd Sundays 1 p.m. - Worship at Anglican Church All Other Sundays - 10 a.m. Shellbrook - Knox Sun., 10 am - Worship Pastor Dave Whalley

Desnethé-Missinippi-Churchill MP Rob Clarke Ottawa House of Commons 502 Justice Bldg. K1A 0A6 Phone: 613-995-8321 Fax: 613-995-7697 Meadow Lake 114 Centre St. Suite C Box 1260 S9X 1Y9 Phone: 306-234-2334 Fax: 306-234-2339

Please contact my office if you are having problems with EI, CPP, Passports, CEP, Status cards, CRA, Agriculture Canada or any other Federal Government programs or departments.

La Ronge 711 La Ronge Ave Box 612 S0J 1L0 Phone: 306-425-2643 Fax: 306-425-2677


Trips and falls on the playground may account for the majority of injuries that send school children to the nurse’s office. But backpacks cause their fair share of injuries as well. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission estimates there are more than 7,300 backpack-related injuries per year. Children routinely carry more than the recommended weight in school backpacks and, compounding the problem, also carry their bags incorrectly. The American Academy of Pediatrics and other medical agencies recommend that a child’s backpack should weigh no more than 10 to 20 percent of the child’s body weight. However, this figure should be adjusted based on a child’s fitness level and strength. That means that the average seven-year-old second grader who weighs between 55 and 60 pounds should be carrying no more than 11 to 12 pounds in his or her backpack. A backpack that is too heavy may cause * red marks on the shoulders or back from the straps * tingling or numbness in the arms and back * changes in posture when wearing the backpack, and * pain anywhere in the back. To compound these problems, which also may include nerve damage resulting from pressure on nerves in the shoulders, children should lighten their loads and carry backpacks correctly. The following tips are some additional ways youngsters can prevent backpack-related injuries.

Shellbrook Chronicle

“Check out my website at for important information.” - MP Rob Clarke


Shellbrook Chronicle

August 30, 2013

Make the morning rush to school a lot less hectic

Weekday mornings during the school year can be hectic. Parents who must get their youngsters ready for school while preparing for their own day often find themselves rushing through the morning and wishing there was just a little more time before they had to run out the door. While parents can’t add another hour to the morning unless they wake up earlier, there are ways they can be more efficient in the morning. An efficient morning is typically a less hectic morning, and the following are a few ways families can work together to make more efficient use of their time on weekday mornings during the school year. * Get a head start the night before. Perhaps the most effective way to make mornings less hectic during the school year is to accomplish as much as possible the night before. Instead of making kids’ lunches each morning, make them at night right before you go to bed. Along with your kids, lay out their clothes for the next day before they go to sleep each night. This way kids won’t waste time in the morning agonizing over what to wear, and they’re liable to put up less of a fuss in the morning if they had a hand in choosing their attire for the day. * Avoid turning your kitchen into a diner each morning. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but it also can be the most indecisive meal of the day. Kids likely won’t want to eat the same thing for breakfast every day, but give them fewer options so you aren’t wasting time discussing what they are going to eat. The more closely your breakfast options resemble those of a diner, the more time your child is liable to waste choosing what to eat. * Limit time in the bathroom. Spending too much time in the bathroom is another way families waste time on weekday mornings. Bathroom time should be limited to a set amount of time per person so everyone can get where they need to go on time. How much time adults and children spend in the bathroom each morning should depend on how many bathrooms you have and how many people are sharing those bathrooms. But even if everyone has their own private bathroom, try to limit the time you spend in the bathroom to 15 minutes per person. That should be plenty of time to shower, use the restroom and brush your teeth. * Locate must-have items before going to bed at night. Your school-aged youngsters and you will need certain things before you can leave home every morning. Car keys, cell phones, wallets, eyeglasses, and backpacks are a handful of items all of you will need at some point during your day. Locate these items before you go to bed each night and place them in the same convenient place each night. This saves you the trouble of running around in the morning

looking for lost car keys or wondering where your youngster’s eyeglasses ended up the night before. * Turn the television off in the morning. Watching television in the morning can be very distracting, which can make it harder for adults and kids alike to get out the door on time in the morning. Kids might want to watch cartoons, which may keep them from preparing for school or brushing their teeth. And adults can grow easily distracted by news programs and morning shows, which will eat up time they need to get ready for the day ahead.

* Gas up the car the night before. A pit stop at the gas station en route to school or the office will only add to the hectic nature of the morning. Check your fuel gauge each night before arriving home and refuel your vehicle if it’s running low. This gives you a little extra time to relax in the morning and reduces the risk that you or your child will be late for work or school, respectively. Weekday mornings during the school year can quickly become frenetic. But a few time-saving tips can ensure you and your youngsters start each morning off a lot more relaxed.

School bus safety tips to impart to youngsters Each day thousands upon thousands of children board school buses to take them to and from school. Parents and caregivers entrust their children’s well-being to the care of school bus drivers and aides. Although parents may worry about school bus accidents, such accidents are few and far between. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration advises that school buses are designed to be safer than passenger vehicles in avoiding crashes and protecting against injury. Buses are arguably the safest mode of transportation for getting kids to and from school. By keeping millions of cars off the roads surrounding schools, school buses contribute to less crowded roadways, which are less conducive to accidents. Danger zone Though parents may feel buses are most likely to be in accidents while in transit, experts advise that children are more likely to get hurt during pickups and drop-offs when they’re in the “danger zone” of the bus. The danger zone is a 10-foot radius around the outside of the bus. Bus drivers and other motorists find kids in the danger zone are more difficult to see, and children can get struck by either the bus or oncoming cars that fail to stop when the bus is picking kids up or dropping them off. Knowing the safety rules While a large part of protecting children is on the shoulders of the school bus driver, it is also vital for passengers to learn the basics of school bus safety. Kindergarteners or children who are riding the bus for the first time should be taught the rules of school bus safety. Some schools offer a school bus tour prior to the new school year. This lets youngsters acclimate themselves with the look and feel of the school bus. This introduction also may include information about bus safety, but parents can also educate their children (and themselves) about using caution in and around the bus by following these guidelines. * Get to the bus stop 5 to 10 minutes prior to the assigned

pickup time. Rushing last-minute can lead to injury, especially if you’re chasing down the bus. * Remain on the sidewalk or grass at the bus stop. Do not step off the curb into the street until the bus has arrived and is completely stopped. * When boarding the bus, go directly to a seat and sit down. Buckle up if there are seatbelts on the bus. * Remain seated while the bus is in motion. * Keep voices low so as not to distract the driver. * Keep your head and hands inside of the bus, and never hang out of the window. * Do not throw things on the bus or play rough with friends or classmates. * Keep the aisle clear at all times. * Be careful when getting off the bus. Hold on while going down the stairs. * Only get off at your designated stop unless you have permission to get off elsewhere. * When exiting the bus, walk at least 10 steps past the front of the bus and cross in front where the driver can see you. Do not cross behind the bus. * Wait for the driver to give you a signal that it is safe to cross. Be sure to check that all cars on the road have come to a complete stop. * Get to the sidewalk or off the street as quickly as possible. * If you’ve forgotten something on the bus, do not run back and attempt to retrieve it. The driver might not see you and start the bus. Rather, call the bus company and see if you can pick it up at another time. * Do not get into the cars of strangers waiting around bus stops, even if they offer to take you home. Parents can arrange to meet with bus drivers so that they will recognize their faces. Adults also can encourage schools to host bus safety courses to further ensure their youngsters are safe.

Did you know? Some fats can be beneficial to your health. Unsaturated fats, which include polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, can improve your cholesterol levels and promote a healthier heart. Polyunsaturated fats can be found in various foods, including fish and walnuts. Monounsaturated fats can also be used to make recipes healthier. For example, when a recipe calls for butter, consider substituting that butter with a monounsaturated fat such as olive oil or a polyunsaturated fat such as sunflower oil. According to the Harvard School of Public Health, both polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats help reduce “bad” cholesterol, also known as low-density lipoprotein, or LDL, while increasing high-density lipoprotein, or HDL,

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a protective cholesterol often referred to as “good” cholesterol. LDL can build up in the bloodstream and form plaque that lines the walls of the arteries, which can decrease blood flow to the heart and increase a person’s risk of heart disease. Though saturatedfats can be part of a healthy diet, it’s best to make sure consumption of saturated fats is minimal. Sources of saturated fat include meat, poultry with skin still attached and whole-milk dairy products. When eating meat, look for lean cuts with no visible fat. When preparing poultry, peel the skin off. And when enjoying dairy products, choose low-fat or nonfat products.

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August 30, 2013

Shellbrook Chronicle 17


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Subscriptions $60.00 + $3.00 (GST) = $63.00/year

TAX ENFORCEMENT TAX ENFORCEMENT LIST VILLAGE OF CANWOOD PROVINCE OF SASKATCHEWAN Notice is hereby given under The Tax Enforcement Act that unless the arrears and costs appearing opposite the land and title number described in the following list are fully paid before the 1st day of November, 2013 an interest based on a tax lien will be registered against the land. Note: A sum for costs in an amount required by subsection 4(3) of The Tax Enforcement Act is included in the amount shown against each parcel. Lot 10, Blk 01, Plan Y3516, W3rd, Title #143392899 $769.21 Lot 13, Blk 01, Plan Y3516, W3rd, Title #129216584 $957.33 Lot 16, Blk 01, Plan Y3516, W3rd, Title #129216708 $668.94 Lot 20, Blk 06, Plan AF702, W3rd, Title #140760132 $1,299.39 Lot 02, Blk 09 Plan CQ1619, W3rd, Title #117305692 $976.75 Part of Section NW 36-50-05, Plan V2346, Ext. 7, W3rd, Title # 113102312 $1,486.75 Dated this 23rd day of August, 2013. Lisa Quessy Treasurer

MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE FOR SALE - Bar fridge, great for students, in new condition, was $160asking $100,; 13” T.V. $50; Gazelle $100; screened tent, like new, $50; Truck tool box , dual packer, $50; Venmar air exchanger asking $500; camping mesh carpet 10’x12’ in new shape $100; obo on all items.Call 306-764-1363 evenings and weekends. TFCH

FOR SALE - Oak table with 8 chairs, Oak TV stand, desk and office chair, small buffet and hutch. 306-4664981 2-35CH FOR SALE - Washer and dryer, $250; brand new white 36” prehung metal door (with casing & 9 lights) $175. 306-468-2224 Mont Nebo 2-35CH

AUTOS FOR SALE FOR SALE - 1997 Ford ½ ton, body, tires in good order, Engine needs work. Ph: 306-466-4428 1-35CH

MACHINERY FOR SALE FOR SALE - 860 Massey combine with 6 cyl. Perkins engine. Asking $1,200. Ph: 306984-2300 2-36CH FOR SALE - 6x35 Brandt auger, 10hp Kohler, $500; 9ft. drag auger, ¾hp electric, $150. Ph: Franklin 306-2264600, 306-466-7775 2-36CH

LIVESTOCK FOR SALE POPLAR RIDGE ANGUS offering: Registered purebred Black Angus yearling and two year old bulls. Quiet disposition, easy calving, semen tested and pasture ready. Shellbrook, SK 306-7473038 TFC

Email your ad:

Shellbrook Chronicle Reaching over 10,000 people weekly. Personal Classifieds: $13.25 for 20 words + GST 20¢ additional words $7.75 for additional weekds Classified Display: $17.80/column inch. Minimum 2 column inches - $35.60 + GST. For All Other Advertising Please Contact Our Office at: Ph: 747-2442 or Fax: 747-3000 Email: news: advertising:

4 HORSES, MUST SELL - 1 registered 16 year old Sorrel Quarter horse mare 16hh, her daughter, 5 year old Sorrel 16hh, her son, 6 year old Blue Roan gelding, 15.5hh, scar on left thigh, both purebred, but not registered; and one Sorrel Quarter horse/Arabian gelding 15.5hh. Shellbrook area. 306-7473416 1-35CH

WANTED WANTED - All kinds of feed grain, including heated canola. Now distributors of feed pellets with up to 36% protein. Marcel Seeds, Debden Ph: 306-724-4461 TFCH WANTED - Hay to purchase. Call Mike 306-469-7741 4-36CH WANTED - Land to rent in Big River, Canwood, Debden, Shellbrook area. Call Mike 306-469-7741 4-36CH

FEED FOR SALE FEED FOR SALE Good quality round hay bales for sale. Ph: 306-466-4428 1-35CH ACCOMMODATIONS AVAILABLE ACCOMMODATIONS - Penticton, B.C. RV Park open for seasonal camping. Sept. to April $450.00 plus hydro. No dogs pls. Also require retired couple with RV for onsite

caretakers from Oct 1 to March 1st.


111 - 5th Avenue East Shellbrook 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, 1,000 sq. ft. Double lot (corner). Ideal location, close to schools and rink. Well kept home. Single garage, shed and garden space. Includes all appliances. Immediate occupancy. $160,000.

Call Rhonda 306-468-2633 or 306-930-5070 after 6 p.m.

HOUSE FOR SALE - To be moved, approx. 1200 sq. ft., 3 bedroom bungalow in excellent condition. 17 miles north east of Shellbrook. Ph 306-747-3185, 306-747-7622 TFCH FOR SALE - 2013 Park Model home, 14 x 45, 2 bedroom, 2x6 construction with lots of options. Furnished stainless steel appliances, D/W, W & D, Central heat & air, $64,900 includes delivery within 50 mile radius. Or special order from over 40 floor plans of Park Model homes, cabins, offices or man camps. 1-306468-2224, Mont Nebo 6-39CH

FOR RENT FOR RENT - House and shop in Mildred. 1,450 sq. ft. bungalow, 4 bedroom, 3 bathrooms. Heated

SWNA Blanket Classifieds

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Cost for 25 words:

Saskatchewan market .........$209.00 One Zone ............................$86.00 Two Zone ..........................$123.00 Alberta market .......................$259.00 Manitoba market ...................$179.00 BC market .............................$395.00 Ontario market ......................$429.00 Central Ontario ..................$139.00 Eastern Ontario ..................$143.00 Northern Ontario ..................$82.00 Quebec market English ...............................$160.00 French ................................$709.00 Atlantic market ......................$159.00 Across Canada ..................$1,770.00 (excluding French)

40x50 shop, 16’ ceilings, 14’ overhead door, 220 power. Option for horse pasture and stable. 306-883-2443 3-36CH LAND FOR RENT - for crop in 2014. 430 acres south of Mildred, 3 quarters north of Mildred. Hopper grain bins to rent for harvest. 306-883-2443 2-35CH

HELP WANTED Required person to COOK AND CLEAN for 10-15 man road construction camp. Accommodations provided. Successful applicant will be required to travel with the construction crew. Must have valid driver’s license; safe food handling ticket; and experience in a similar environment. Send resume and two work references to: Bryden Construction, Box 100, Arborfield, Sk. S0E 0A0. Fax: 306-769-8844. Email: brydenconstruct

HELP WANTED Shellbrook Motel seeking mature individuals for permanent part time employment. Good for stay at home moms, or retired persons. Perks included. Ph: 306-747-2631, or stop in or email shellbrookmotel@ TFC HELP WANTED - Triple S Transport is looking for a shop labourer for a full time position. Duties would include, but not limited to, gen-

August 30, 2013

Rates: $7.79 per agate line Size: 2 col. x 2” ...................$424.00 Deadline for Booking/Material Tuesdays at 12 Noon Contact the Shellbrook Chronicle 306-747-2442 or Email: All prices plus applicable taxes.

NOTICE This newspaper accepts advertisements in good faith. We advise that it is in your interest to investigate offers personally. Publications by this paper should not be taken as an endorsement of the product or services offered.

eral cleaning in shop and yard, truck/ trailer washing, some light semi-tractor and trailer repair. Please fax resume to 306-747-3574, Attention Darin. 4-36C

Ask for Derek or Lori 1-35CH

HELP WANTED Triple S Transport is currently accepting applications for a student of 14 - 15 years old to work Saturdays from 9 - 5. After school work is also available. This is a good learning opportunity for selfmotivated individual with an interest in mechanics & the transportation industry. Please drop off resumes at 56 Main Street, Shellbrook. 4-36C

Passionate about Travel? Flight Centre has opened two new locations in Saskatoon and they’re on the lookout for Travel Consultants. For more information and to apply, please visit www.applyfirst. ca/jobF149621

HELP WANTED, Spiritwood Stockyards is looking for outside workers. Experience with cattle is an asset. Contact Brian at 306-883-2168 or 306-883-7375. 3-36CH HELP WANTED Part time office assistant, duties include A/R, A/P, payroll, cash, reports, etc. Call or stop by with resume to Integra Tire. 306-747-3142.

HELP WANTED for hay making. Part time/casual farm work. Ph: 306-4664428 1-35CH


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JONES - In loving memory of Betty Jones, who passed away September 2, 2010. God took her home, it was His will, But in our hearts she liveth still. - Delbert, Linda, Marilyn and families.

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August 30, 2013

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY FIELD CLERK NEEDED for out of town work site (21/7 schedule). Mature, flexible and positive communicator, understanding of importance of safety culture. Reporting to on-site foreman & Edmonton HO. Transportation to & from work site provided. Potential to grow with company; Jobs@ Fax 780-488-3002. HEAVY DUTY MECHANIC, Flagstaff County, Sedgewick, Alberta. Please contact Kevin Kinzer at 780-384-4106 or Competitive salary, benefits & pension plan. TJ LOGGING of Whitecourt, Alberta is now taking resumes for 2013 - 2014 logging season. Experienced buncher/skidder/ limber/process operators required. Please fax resume to 780-778-2428.

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Shellbrook Chronicle

August 30, 2013

Former student becomes new principal of W.P. Sandin High School

Harriet Tomporowski is settling into her new desk, and her new role, as principal of W.P. Sandin High School.

When the bell sounds to ring in a new school year at W.P. Sandin High School this fall, new principal Harriet Tomporowski should feel right at home. “I actually grew up about 17 miles from here, and I went to school in Shellbrook from grades 7-12,” Tomporowski said. Following her graduation, Tomporowski left town for a while. “I went to university, then moved all over the province with my husband who worked for a financial institution,” she said. “We got tired of moving, so we moved back here in 2000. I started teaching in Canwood then.” After teaching in Canwood for a few years, she took over as principal of the school, a transition that she has enjoyed. “It’s been a really wonderful experience. I’ve learned lots,” she said. “I love working with the community and the kids and the staff. You get to work a little bit with everybody, so that’s been really rewarding.” After holding her previous position for eight-and-a-half years, Tomprowski was transferred to Shellbrook for the 2013 school year, a move that would return her to her old stomping grounds. “It is exciting to come back to the community where I went to school . . . you care about the community, and you care about the school. It’s easy to walk in and feel a part of it,” she said. She went on to add that, while the familiarity of the site should make the transition easier, “it also makes it a little scary.” Tomporowski claims that she’s most looking forward to, “getting to know all the kids”, but there are many other aspects of her new job that she is excited about.



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“The football program here is really exciting,” she said. “Getting to know the community and the parents and the things that happen here, and learning all about the school, because obviously it’s different than where I came from, I’m sure.” She also has a new staff to familiarize herself with, though her Shellbrook roots should help her there as well. “I knew some of them before. Some I didn’t know, but I’ve met a few of them. They are starting to trickle in now, so I’m getting to know everyone,” she said. And if you’re wondering how much of the actual school has changed since she last walked its hallways as a student? “Not much,” she said. “The grade 6-8 end, that’s new. I think they were building it maybe the year I graduated. Otherwise, the school is very much the same.” While her role at the school will be much different than it used to be, there are still a few carryovers. “The SLC leader the other day asked me what house I wanted to be in, if I cared. And I said, ‘oh, I have to be a Prospector’, because that’s what I was,” she said. Tomporowski seems excited about her new role, and is sure to carry that enthusiasm into the upcoming school year. “Education is always exciting, because you’re working with kids, and kids are the future of our province,” she said. “We want to make sure that we’re doing a good job in the school system so that the kids come out confident and self-reliant and ready to face the work world and become the leaders of tomorrow. It’s an important job that we do. And it’s exciting, because we’re working with those people and getting to see the young people that are coming out.”

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