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REVIEW East Central Alberta

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Targeting East Central Alberta

Volume 102 No. 34

Your favourite source for news and entertainment in East Central Alberta, reaching 83 communities weekly


Road gravelling to continue despite budget Brenda Schimke

News Journalist Wet weather has been a major factor in eating up the entire gravelling budget before all work has been completed. At the County of Paintearth meeting on August 13, 2013 unanimous approval was given to complete all the roads planned for 2013 by adding an additional $550,000 to the budget from either year-end operating surpluses or reserves. With the wet weather, Public Works has been unable to access all their stockpiles resulting in extra hauling costs or the use of better quality gravel (modified) than was planned. To date 245 miles have been gravelled in Divisions 1 and 7. Bryce Cooke, Assistant Public Works Superintendent, explained that 2-inch gravel has been used in soft spots to tighten up the holes, but complaints have been received from ratepayers as these larger stones eventually surface and are very hard on small cars or vehicles with lighter tires. “The problem is we’re trying to fix the road from the top down – we need to fix some of these roads from the bottom up,” said Rocky Dahmer. Council unanimously passed a motion that Public Works use only 1½ inch gravel to fix soft spots, reserving 2-inch gravel for back roads.

Carson Devaleriola, (1), hung on for dear life as he rides this ‘bucking bronc’ at the Kids Carnival on Saturday, August 17 during the Byemoor Fair on August 16 - 18 in Byemoor, Ab.. More photos on page 14. ECA REVIEW/Submitted

Public Works Concerns and frustration were expressed by the lack of

communication from Alberta Transportation on the status of the one-lane section of Highway 861 on the south side of the Battle River hill. “The highway cuts down to one-lane just after the curve and with school and harvest soon starting, the already busy road will get even busier,” said Tarolyn Peach, CAO. A unanimous motion was passed to step up communications with the government at all levels and put more pressure to get this dangerous situation resolved quickly. Work is underway to put in a 4-metre culvert where the Nelson Creek crosses the road five miles straight west of Brownfield. The natural creek has been diverted until the work is done.

Page 4

Dining and Entertainment Guide Pages 12 - 13

Captured two national championships Page 20


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OPINION: Mole hills to mountain range

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Customer Service For over four years, a number of ratepayers have been requesting the ability to pay taxes on-line through their financial institutions. Currently only ratepayers using ATB have that option. A motion to expand on-line payment services by January 2014 was approved. Extra banking fees for the County are estimated at $3,000 in the implementation year and about $2,000 in the following year. A request by ratepayers to use Visa and Mastercard for tax payments was denied. For every $1,000 paid by credit card, the County would lose at a minimum $17.50 in banking fees. Debit card payments are accepted.

INDEX Stettler County ................................2 Coronation Council .........................3 Letters ................................................4 Nana’s Blog .......................................4 Agriculture ........................................5 Hanna Council ..................................6 Castor Council..................................9 Consort RCMP...................................9 Real Estate/Homes .........................9 Classifieds/Career.................15 - 20 Field Day ......................................... 20


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C O R O N AT I O N , A B .


Purchase supports local Brenda Schimke,

News Journalist “With the right pumps and right chassis, a new Brush Rapid Attack truck, could stay on the road for 20 years,” said Mark Dennis, Regional Fire Chief, at the regular Stettler County Meeting on August 14, 2013. Unanimous approval was given to purchase the custom-built fire equipment and winter package from Firematic and mount it on a F550 chassis. The total purchase price was $172,693, $22,693 more than budgeted. The overage will be pulled either from current operating surpluses or reserve. Both Dodge and Ford were considered, but the F550 was the preferred choice. The Council chose to take Aspen Ford’s bid even though it was $2,116 higher than Cam Clark Ford. “We need to support the local community that supports us . . . through donations to such things as the Ag Society, minor sports and others.” said Councillor Greggory Jackson. “Cam Clark Ford has never donated anything in Stettler!”

Erskine reservoir Administration requested Council to provide direction on the building design of the Erskine Reservoir to facilitate the tendering process moving forward. Councillors James Nibourg and Joe Gendre favoured the octagon design as the building would be a flagship facility for Erskine. Councillor Jackson spoke against adding extra costs for aesthetics. Approval was given to design a rectangular shape for the Erskine Reservoir in a 5 - 1 vote. Gendre removed himself from the meeting during the vote.

Airport snow plowing The County approved a motion to provide annual snow plowing at the Stettler Airport with the understanding that the Town will be required to use their rotary

snow plow to remove snow ridges when needed. The County’s current annual contribution of $4,500 towards operating costs will continue. The Stettler Flying Club is still committed to do the grass mowing and maintenance for another five years.

Recycling Bins A motion was passed to add a recycling bin at the Big Valley transfer site. As of September 1, 2013 Gadsby, Donalda, Byemoor and Big Valley will have recycling bins at their transfer sites. Assistant CAO, Yvette Cassidy advised there is room in the budget should Botha need one as well. Bins are provided and maintained by Can Pak Environmental Inc. from Alix, Alberta. As of September 1, 2013 the additional cost for all the recycling bins is estimated at $9,410 plus gst.

Tennis Court The tennis court in Stettler has undergone $30,000 in capital upgrades to the floor and fence and asked the County to contribute $5,000 to this project. The Town of Stettler and the Clearview School Division have contributed. After much debate on whether this was a proper donation for the County, a unanimous decision was made to give $5,000 to the tennis courts and fund it through the recreation reserve.

Other Items A motion was unanimously passed to grant the request from Glen Lepard for reimbursement of $7,198, which is 50 per cent of the cost Lepard undertook to upgrade a section of Township Road 38-0. A Public Tax sale was set for Wednesday, December 4, 2013 at 9:00 a.m. Arrears’ notices have been sent out to delinquent tax roll owners. The next meeting will be held on September 11, 2013 at 10:00 a.m.

Community Enhancement Fund of BFI Canada Inc. and Paintearth Regional Waste Management Ltd. GRANTING GUIDELINES FOR 2013 For the 2013 granting cycle the Community Enhancement Fund of BFI Canada and PRWML anticipates awarding grants up to $25,000 and invites applications for eligible projects from not for profit organizations, registered charities, and community groups that provide services to the Paintearth Region. The intent of this community fund is to distribute its grant funds to as many groups as possible. Larger amounts may be considered depending upon expressed need and granting capacity. Projects should contribute to the development of a healthy and diverse community. The charitable purposes of this community are to: • Foster and promote awareness and appreciation for community-based philanthropy; • Promote the growth, development, and success of community endeavours Deadline for applications is September 30, 2013. To receive the application form, granting guidelines and/or to submit the application form, please contact the following: BFI/Paintearth Waste Community Fund Attention: Tarolyn Peach PO Box 509 Castor, AB T0C 0X0 Phone: 403.882. 3211

r e m Sum The Residents, Staff & Board of Paintearth Lodge


all who attended the recent celebration of our


50 Anniversary Your walk down memory lane with us was most rewarding. Thank you to the County of Paintearth who brought greetings and a beautiful picture of Chief of the Crowfoot, Town of Castor for their congratulations and beautiful palm plant, and the Village of Halkirk. Also in attendance, and offering congratulations was Barb Panich Senior Manager Municipal Affairs, MLA of the Drumheller-Stettler riding, Rick Strankman, Walter Weber on behalf of our provincial association ASCHA. And we thank the well wishers who sent kind words when they were unable to attend; Kevin Sorenson MP, Doug Griffiths Minister of Municipal Affairs, and Town of Coronation. A very special thank you to the Residents and Staff for all the work you did in preparation for the occasion. And to the Board Members Tyrrill Hewitt, Doris Cordel, Garry Devloo and Mike Bain thank you for interesting speeches outlining the Lodge’s 50 year history. There are so many contributing factors as to what has made the Lodge such a major success for the past 50 years, the building is wonderful but it’s the people that make the difference. The Residents who come to us with their unique personalities and the wisdom they’ve gained over the years and the Staff and community who bring their helping hands and warmth to the Seniors within our building..... the people make this accommodation and program amazing. We are so grateful that you shared the special day with us.


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Alberta’s new minimum wage UÊ Ê" Ê-i«Ìi LiÀÊ£]ÊÓä£Î]Ê LiÀÌ>½ÃÊ}i iÀ> Ê Õ ÊÜ>}iÊÜ Ê VÀi>ÃiÊ from $9.75 to $9.95 an hour. UÊ Ê/ iÊ µÕ ÀÊÃiÀÛiÀÊ Õ ÊÜ>}iÊ vÊf °äxÊ> Ê ÕÀÊÜ Ê ÌÊV > }i°Ê UÊ Ê Õ ÊÜ>}iÃÊ>ÀiÊÀiÛ iÜi`Ê> Õ> Þ°Ê* Ãà L iÊ VÀi>ÃiÃÊ>ÀiÊL>Ãi`Ê ÊV > }iÃÊÌ Ê ÛiÀ>}iÊ7ii ÞÊ >À }ÃÊ> `ÊÌ iÊ ÃÕ iÀÊ*À ViÊ `iÝÊ in Alberta.

The Knights of Columbus, The Kinette Club and the Elks donated monies to the Sunshine Club of Hanna to purchase two scooters for use by seniors in Hanna Lodge. (L-R) Back row: Nadine Breadner, the Kinnettes; Phyllis Baker, Sunshine club; Bob Cristie, Elks; Hazel Schnurer and Val Woelk, Sunshine club; and Paul Brink, Knights of Columbus. Front row: Vi Metzger and Ernie Ronald, Sunshine club and on scooter, Diane Ronald, Sunshine club. ECA REVIEW/Submitted


Removal of coal contamination Coronation Council motioned to make arrangements for the disposal of contaminated soil on the parcel of land in the new Light Industrial Subdivision Development south of Petro Canada following a half hour in camera session during the special Town Council meeting on Monday, August 19. According to CAO Sandra Kulyk, the contamination is basically coal. Rindal Oilfield Services and Environmental Diagnostics are in charge of the cleanup. In another motion following the in camera, the sale price for a parcel of land was reduced to $26,316.90 as a result of reduced acreage from 3.9 to 3.25 following a survey. The in camera session lasted 30 minutes. In other business, a motion to have five angle parking stalls in front of the new store, Ribstone Home and Garden, 5002 Windsor Avenue was passed 5 - 1, following research on published standards for angle parking design. Bonnie Danylyshen opposed the motion, not stating any reason. New lines and signage will be the only cost to the town with signage costing approximately $100 to $125 each. Town Council declined to participate in the Battle River Alliance for Economic Development (BRAED) LongStanding Small Business Recognition and will forward

the information to the Coronation Chamber of Commerce. Council is hoping Paintearth Adult Learning will partner with them for a video conference Municipal Affairs from 6 - 9 p.m. on Monday, September 16 for prospective candidates provided by because Adult Education has the video conferencing facility in Coronation. Mayor Elliott presented outgoing councillors, Eugene Rovensky and Dylan Bullick with gifts in recognition of time spent on council. Both Rovensky and Bullick will be leaving at the end of August. Municipal Affairs agreed to allow four councillors to form a quorum, rather than the five due to the absence of Bullick and Rovensky at the end of August and the one seat left open this spring when Mark Stannard resigned. Meeting dates were adjusted as all four members have to be in attendance before a meeting can be held. New dates are September 16, October 7 and the organizational meeting following elections will occur on October 28. Council will host a Conflict Styles workshop by Alberta Municipal Affairs on September 23 from 5 - 9 pm. Bullick suggested notifying those running in the municipal election as they should be included in the workshop.

For more information about i « Þ i ÌÊÃÌ> `>À`Ã]ÊV> Ê £ nÇÇ {ÓÇ ÎÇÎ£Ê ÀÊÛ Ã ÌÊ

Fax, email or drop off your

OPINIONS, LETTERS, NEWS, SPORTS & PHOTOS to ECA Review fax: 403-578-2088 email: drop off: 4923 Victoria Ave., Coronation Remember to identify all people in your photos.

Protect our environment. Albertans recycled over 1.8 billion beverage containers last year – more than ever before. Let’s continue to do something good for the environment, and make 2013 another record-breaking year.


The Hanna & District Medical Society is pleased to announce the arrival of

Dr. Jan (JB) Lombaard to our local practice. He will be joining Dr’s Hanna, Mdawe & Walters as a general practitioner and is accepting new clients. You can call for an appointment at



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C O R O N AT I O N , A B .


Mole hills to mountain range Brenda Schimke

ECA Review Editorialist The New Alberta Home Buyer Protection Act comes into effect November 1, 2013. It will make it mandatory for all builders to provide a minimum one-year warranty on labour and materials, two years for plumbing and electrical systems, five years of protection from water damage and 10 years for major structural components. At first blush this seems like an excellent idea. Too many Albertans, especially in large rapid-growth communities, have been hosed by shoddy workmanship and less-than-honourable builders. But like so many broadbrush, knee-jerk It is a much wiser government policies, this legislation will likely do course of action to stop little to improve construction practices. the problem before it Over the past number of years, the most egrebecomes a problem. gious examples of bad builders and victimized purchasers have been in the condominium world. In all these high profile cases, the builders either declared bankruptcy or had already gutted the offending company of assets to start a new construction company -- liability and lawsuit free! It doesn’t take much imagination to realize the legal nightmare that is about to unfold. Is it really a builder’s problem or is it a purchaser milking the system for all it’s worth? The government’s answer to this pending legal nightmare is to establish an Insurance Disputes Committee. Yes, yet another government-appointed arbitration committee, comprised of industry and government-friendly faces, trying to appear impartial! The government predicts this program will add $1,700 to $2,000 or less than one per cent to the selling price of a new home. For how long, is the million dollar question? Insurance premiums and warranty costs are notorious for going only one way --- up! Unfortunately this legislation is all about “closing the barn door after the horses are gone”. A progressive government would be stopping the horses from getting out in the first place. Rules concerning limited companies need to be changed so that legal liability cannot be avoided through bankrupting the offending company. There is a high-profile builder in Alberta today that has done just that. On last count there are hundreds of owners in nine condominium buildings on the hook for millions of dollars of repairs related solely to poor construction. They have virtually no hope of recovering costs, yet their builder, re-named and re-constituted, continues to build away. Finally, would it not make more sense to re-establish a rigorous inspection system with enough highly qualified, well-trained and ethical inspectors to ensure home construction is done properly 100 per cent of the way? It is a much wiser course of action to stop the problem before it becomes a problem, and eliminate loopholes for bad builders to jump through. Good builders would welcome more rigorous inspections if done on a timely, professional basis. Todd Pawsey, Development Officer at the County of Paintearth said, “the mole hills are going to become the mountain range, thanks to this legislation.” And unfortunately we have seen this result far too often in a province that has a propensity to pass lazy legislation rather than do the hard work of fixing or mitigating the root causes.


Box stores blow my budget by Lois Perepelitz I don’t think those large wholesale stores are good for me. Whenever I shop there I come out with aching feet and a messed up budget. Yes, I know those stores are suppose to save me money and they would if I had a more flexible budget. I don’t, so I have to be careful and remember that sometimes I can’t afford to go cheap. For example water filters for my water jug, buying the large box of them at the wholesale store would save me 50 cents per filter, but I would have to spend twice what I had planned. When you have x amount of dollars set aside for an item where do you take the other x amount of dollars needed from? The large quantities are another thing that doesn’t always work for me, especially in the grocery section. Many of the products are a very reasonable


Questions need to be asked of Ag Minister Dear Editor, With the first year anniversary of so called marketing freedom under their belt, Gerry Ritz and the rest of the grain trade are all smiles or should one say they are gloating over their good fortune. For sure, the major grain companies have the producers of grain right where they want them. But, perhaps Ritz will answer a few questions on how things are shaping up for farmers and their new marketing freedom. (1) Is it true, Mr. Ritz when the farmer has unloaded his grain at the elevator (terminal) his ownership of that grain has vanished? (2) Terminal blending of grain as was done in the days of the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) produced monetary benefits in the multi-millions for the farmer. Are those blending

REVIEW East Central Alberta

Published by Coronation Review Limited

Subscriptions: $42.00 in Canada; $74.20 in US; $135.15 Overseas. (All prices include GST)

Office Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. 4923 - Victoria Avenue Tel. (403) 578-4111 Fax (403) 578-2088 Mail: Box 70, Coronation, AB Canada, T0C 1C0

price but they would be outdated wanting and they are even long before I could finish them. cheaper than I can get on my I know many things could be e-reader, well, goodbye budget. repacked and frozen and this There are some things that are would save money in the long run such a good deal that you have to but then we are back to messing buy them because if you don’t you up the budget. If I buy one will kick yourself of their large roasts I can later. I found a large make two or three out of it jug of baking cocoa but it takes a chunk out of for about one dollar the meat budget and I more than a small could end up having can had cost me; and nothing but roast to eat for about a years worth that month. of dishwasher deterThen they tempt me gent tabs for the price with all those great things of three months that I don’t really need but worth. sure would like to have. I Before I go back to Perepelitz had to slap my hands and that store I am going give myself a stern “no” to plan ahead for it. when I saw a set of dishes in the Maybe by the time I need more color that I really liked. cocoa or dishwasher tabs I will The worst for me is the book have saved enough money to be section. I have absolutely no will- able to really take advantage of a power in the book section of any store like that. store, so when I get into one that Until then I will be baking has the books I have been brownies and doing dishes.

profits still part of the farmers income under marketing freedom? (3) Wheat and Barley price premiums – Economists Kraft, Furtan, Tyrchniewicz, Schmitz, Gray, Storey have all shown the CWB earned an average total wheat and barley premiums of 300 - 500 million dollars per annum, for the producers of the grain. My question to you Mr. Ritz is this, are those premium dollars still accruing to the farmers under this new marketing freedom? (4) Interest earnings – Terminal rebates – penalties – tendering and despatch brought to the farmers over 100 million dollars annually. Tell me Mr. Ritz what is the farmers’ yearly benefit from those earnings now that he has marketing freedom?

LETTERS POLICY • Letters to the Editor are welcomed • Must be signed and a phone number included so the writer’s identity can be verified. • ECA Review reserves the right to edit letters for legal considerations, taste and brevity. MEMBER OF:

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(5) Farmers and Producer cars - what happened? What level of service has slipped from the farmers hands, in this first year of market freedom? (6) Lest anyone believes I have padded the numbers when the CWB ruled the roost, think again. According to a 2007 study byPricewaterhouseCoopers, the CWB generates an estimated economic impact of 1.6 billion dollars per year. What I have done, is seriously understated the economic benefit the farmers have lost with market freedom. Henry Neufeld Waldeck, Sask PricewaterhouseCoopers, the CWB generates an estimated economic impact of 1.6 billion dollars per year. What I have done, is seriously understated the economic benefit the farmers have lost with market freedom.








C O R O N AT I O N , A B . A U G U S T 2 2 ' 1 3


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Successful grazing systems take a look at the big picture Agri-News When it comes to grazing management systems, what is left behind can make all the difference. According to Grant Lastiwka, grazing/forage/beef specialist with Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development, research in Alberta shows that the most highly-profitable beef producers in the province are those who rely on a long grazing season and a well-managed forage resource. “To me, a grazing season is a 365-day dynamic management plan that flows from one year to the next,” Lastiwka explains. “Cattle need to graze somewhere in both spring and fall. Producers need to manage that grazing so that there is time for biological recovery, to ensure the forage stands can maintain vigour. “Forage vigour is gauged by the thickness of the green solar panel, and the volume which comes with thickness and height. Forage stands need to be able to replenish nutrients removed with the grazing bite and to grow roots deep into the soil, replenishing the soil as well.” If producers choose to graze a pasture more than once in a growing season, it is crucial that that pasture is rested between grazing incidents. The much needed rest ensures that the plants in this green solar panel have the maximum opportunity to create nutrients by harvesting the sun’s energy through photosynthesis. In an effort to increase profitability, producers sometimes overgraze their pastures by extending the grazing time and leaving animals on pastures too late into the fall. Overgrazing is the re-biting of a plant before it has had time to recover the nutrients lost during the last grazing incident. “Grazing a forage stand into the ground to extend the grazing season is the worst thing you can do for profitability in the future,” says Lastiwka. “The reality is, overgrazing will result in the loss of some of the more productive and diverse species from the mix. This leaves the more grazing tolerant species which tend to be less productive, have shallower root systems, are more droughtprone, and which start growing later in the spring and stop growing earlier in the year. “A decision to extend the grazing season on overgrazed pastures in hopes of cutting winter feed expenses, comes at a cost that’s evident the following growing season and for years to come.” When it comes to including sensitive

areas in a grazing system, Lastiwka feels that riparian fencing should be seen as a tool that allows for better management of these highly productive areas. If producers understand the natural cycles of riparian areas, they can successfully use those resource areas for grazing. For example, historically, the grazing patterns of nomadic herds were a factor which helped to create the prairies and grasslands as we know them today. Fencing riparian areas completely out of a grazing system can be detrimental because it actually works against the natural cycle of the area. “We’ve seen land where there’s hardly any new growth until very late in the spring and summer because the density and the mass of dead material that has grown and fallen over in these areas is so great it prevents the growth of new tillers,” he explains. “That’s not a green solar panel that’s capturing sunlight, building strong root systems in the soil and allowing for filtration of nutrients. To me, incidents of extreme overgrowth in areas such as this limit their ability to function as a filter and end up being a contaminant. “When continually accessed, these areas degraded. But, when they are sporadically accessed with proper recovery in between, they are regenerated.” Lastiwka advises producers to pick the time to graze and to set a target for the amount of residual they want left behind. Again, it all comes down to developing a system of planning -- acting, monitoring and revising plans to make desired outcomes happen -- based on the specific environment, plants and variable weather conditions of a region. An Environmental Farm Plan (EFP) is a starting point for grazing system development, and producers working on developing their grazing systems can rely on a number of resources to help them along the way. He says completing an EFP can help producers look at their operations in a completely different light, can open doors to discussion and can strengthen the sustainability of an entire farm operation. He recommends the website for information on a variety of issues relevant to producers. Lastiwka also strongly encourages producers to take advantage of the resources available by being a member of forage and applied research associations throughout the province. “It’s a luxury we have,” Lastiwka says.

AgriStability workshops Agri-News The September 30 deadline for submitting 2012 AgriStability Supplementary Forms is approaching quickly. To help producers understand and complete their forms, Agriculture Financial Services Corporation (AFSC) is offering AgriStability workshops in August and September 2013. The two-hour workshops will be held at 42 locations around the province. The workshops will provide information to help producers: • understand what information is needed and why

learn how to organize necessary data to make filing forms easier • discover the benefits of online (e-filing) AgriStability supplementary forms • learn how to complete and file the 2012 supplementary forms • discuss program changes for the 2013 AgriStability Program Year A full list of the 42 workshop locations, dates and times, and registrations contact names and numbers are available on the AFSC website at AFSC Call Centre 1-877-899-2372

“Alberta has a set of producer organizations led by critical-thinking, leading edge producers who care. They’re a resource that’s invaluable because of the openness and the sharing that occurs between members of these associations” More information on EFPs in Alberta is available on the Alberta EFP website at nsf/all/pgmsrv136

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C O R O N AT I O N , A B .



Paving underway at Centennial Place parking lot and 300 block of 1st Avenue East Brenda Schimke

News Journalist At the regular Council meeting of the Town of Hanna on August 13, 2013, CAO Kim Neill advised paving of the Centennial Place Parking lot and 300 block of 1st Avenue East will start this week with completion expected in midSeptember. The majority of the funds are grants from the Province of Alberta Municipal Sustainability Initiative ($414,266), Alberta Municipal Infrastructure Program ($193,427) and Town of Hanna Operating Reserves ($152,408).

Flooding “Our crews were out and did the best they could with the situation and most residents were very understanding,” said Neill, when commenting on the August 12th rainstorm. “We had more rain than the system could handle and a couple of the weaker areas had flooding.” The Fire Department was also very active due to numerous lightning strikes. Mayor Mark Nikota thanked Public Works for their quick efforts and the people of Hanna for their understanding.

CN Right-of-Way “We want to be able to properly maintain the CN property right-of-way but can’t until CN does some mediation work,” said Adrian Mohl, Director of Protective Services. The property is overgrown with grass, willows and seedlings hiding soil contamination, metals, wood, RR ties and other debris. Mohl is hopeful that progress will now be made after CN officials appointed Wade Englesby of Tervita Co. to look at doing an environmental cleanup. A meeting and tour of the property has already been made by Englesby.

Longeway Subdivision Tender documents for the Longeway Subdivision will be finished this week with closing on August 30th. A decision to award the tender will be made at the September Council meeting and it is anticipated underground work will be done this fall. A recommendation on lot pricing and marketing strategy will be brought by Administration to Council at their October meeting.

Utility Costs “It’s a complicated energy situation”, said CAO Kim Neill when asking for, and receiving approval to enter into the master agreement with AMSC Energy. AMSC is a subsidiary of AUMA (Alberta Urban Municipalities Association). By aggregating consumption, municipalities have an opportunity to get a better price for gas and electricity which helps offset the steeply rising distribution costs.

Alberta Farm Safety Council voted down a request by Alberta Farm Safety for a $300 donation in support of the province-wide farm safety program. Although money would be available in the Public Relations budget, it was agreed that it did not fall within the Town’s responsibility, but was more appropriately a rural item.

Election Items A motion was passed to set the fee for election officers at $200 which includes training and the election. If recounts are necessary, an additional $30 will be paid. Lunch and dinner are provided. Special arrangements can be made for incapacitated electors, those who are unable to physically make it to a poll. Those individuals must register their names with the Town Office and special election officers will bring the ballot to them. Regular polling stations will not be set up at hospitals, seniors’ lodges, manors or nursing homes. A motion was also passed to hold the Advanced Poll on Thursday, October 10, 2013 from 12 noon to 6:30 p.m.

News Bytes The swimming pool will close on August 29, 2013. Once again the CN Roundhouse building has been breached and unauthorized activity is taking place inside. The owner has agreed to hire a contractor

to close up the building and make it secure. Marguerite Wilson has announced her retirement as CAO of the Acadia Foundation effective the end of this year. Councillor Charles Girard advised recruitment for a new CAO will begin.

Hanna’s sister city in Japan, Wake, will be bringing two delegates through on August 25 – 27 with the intent of revitalizing student exchanges between the two communities.

Greenhouses, Skid Steer, Vehicles, Acreage Equipment, Household, Tools


SATURDAY, SEPT. 7, 2013 @ 10 AM DIRECTIONS: 2 Miles South of Trochu, AB. on Hwy 21, 3 Miles East on TWP 330 GREENHOUSES 2008 Westbrook 30’x180’Freestanding Greenhouse w/Roof Vents, Ng Furnace, Motor & Mixing Controls, Paul Boers 32’x94’x15’ Freestanding Greenhouse w/Open Roof Vents, Ng Furnace, Paul Boers 20’x88’14’Freestanding Greenhouse w/Roll-Up Sides, Ng Furnace, 2-Paul Boers 30’x96’x14’ Freestanding Greenhouse w/ Roll Up Sides, Ng Furnace, Paul Boers 26’x28’x10’ Lexan Greenhouse, Paul Boers 26”x96”x11” Freestanding Greenhouse w/Ng Furnace, Paul Boers 26’x28’x10’ Lexan Greenhouse, Paul Boers 24’x96’x14’ Lexan Greenhouse w/ Roof Vents w/Waddsworth Motor Control, VRE Shade Cloth Systems, 20’x30’ Pipe Frame Greenhouse (NOTE: Most Of The Greenhouses Have New Poly 2013)


Bouldin & Lawson SM-1Y-3x1PH Soil Mixer, Blackmore Top Coater Machine, Blackmore Punch & Go Machine, 324/1204,606 & 808 Plates 324 Plug Tray, Flat Filler Machine, Berry 100 Flat Germination Chamber, 6-VRE Greenhouse Shipping Carts, Ezee Vacuum Seeder, Direct Soil EC Meter, IQ 150 PH Meter w/Probe, EC/PH Pen, 2013 Toshiba Bar Code & Label Printer w/Software, Greenhouse Books & Manuals, 1000 Gal Fiberglass Water Tank, Greenhouse Pots, Trays, Baskets, Tree Nursery Pots, Greenhouse Wire, Netifim House & Drip Lines, Greenhouse Parts, New Roll of Greenhouse 6M Poly, Cinder Blocks, Under Bench Boiler Lines, Boiler Pipe, Sharpened Fence Posts, HD Drill Stem, Anderson Fertilizer Injection System, Ng Boiler, Irritrol Total Control Timer, Electric Motors, Pumps, Controls, 7-1000L Poly Water Tanks, 3-1200 Gal Poly Water Tanks, Galv. Water Troughs, 2-Pioneer 1450 200Ng Ag Bldg. Heaters, 2-Delhi 412 Fans, Pallets of 3.8Cu & Big Bale ProMix Growing

Medium, Herb Labels, 4-Lennox 250M BTU Ng Furnaces, 24” Braun Hanging Wire Baskets, 2-Tier Mono-Rail Truck, Weeping Tile, 60-Greenhouse Shipping Carts, 6-Dostatron 14Gal/min Fertilizer Injectors, ½ & ¾ Hp Water Pumps, Plant Chemicals, Fertilizers, 3-96M BTU Boiler Heaters, 18” Basket S-Hooks, Dramm Water Hoses, Retail Signs, Retail Inventory, Roger Greenhouse Shopping Carts, VRE Tiered Growing Benches, Numerous Metal/Mesh & Wood frame/Mesh Growing Benches, 3-Whiskey Barrels, 400 Gal Used Glycol, Wand Seeder & More


2010 Case 430 Series 3 Diesel Skid Steer – Loaded – 1402 Hrs w/60” Smooth & Tooth Buckets, Pallet Forks, Extra 12x16.5 Skid Steer Tires, White 1370 Diesel Tractor w/3PT, Ezee-On 120 FEL, 3 PT Backhoe Attachment, Etc.


Toro Grounds Master 72” Frt Mt. Finishing Mower, Craftsman 42” Lawn Tractor, JD MX5 Rough Cut Mower- 3 PT, 50 Galx3PT Sprayer w/14 Ft Boom, 15 Gal Estate Sprayer, TroyBilt Mini Rototiller, Stihl HS46C Gas Hedge Trimmers, Pittsburgh 6’x3PT Cultivator, Ford 5’ Rough Cutter Mower, 5’x3PT Offset Disc, K/Cutter 6’ x3PT Rear Blade, Diamond Harrow Section, Sukundiak HD8-1600 PTO Swinga-way Grain Auger, MF 10 Ft DT Cultivator w/Mtd. Harrows, Husquavarna Gas Weed Eater, Decorative Drive Way Gates, 700 Plastic 5 Gal Pails, Husqvarna Chain Saw w/14” Bar, & More


2011 Rainbow Excursion T/A 18’ x 10,000Lb Trailer w/Ramps, 2003 Chev Silverado K2500 PU Truck Ext/Cab/S/B/V8/AT, 1998 Ford Econoline 150 Cargo Van w/V6/AT, 1996 Chev C1500 PU Truck w/R/C, S/B, V6/AT, 1995 Chev K1500 Heavy 4x4 w/Reg Cab, Long Box, V8/AT

GRAIN STORAGE BIN, PROPANE TANKS, COAL, COAL STOKER BOILERS Westeel 2000 bu. Hopper Bin, 500 & 250 Gal. Propane Tanks, 20 Tonnes Fresh Dodds Oiled Stoker Coal, 2-Kirks Coal Stoker Hot Water Boilers, Etc


Line-o-Tronics 315 2 Post Automotive Hoist8000LB Cap., Acklands Tiger Cat NT CC/CV/AC/ DC /8000 W Welder/Genset w/Skid & Cables, 584 Hrs, Generac 17KW Genset -120/240, Onan PTO 25 KVA Gen Set, Assorted Long Hyd. Rams, Bakers Scaffolding, Scaffolding w/Decks, Log Chains, Numerous Hand, Power & Air Tools for Mechanical & Carpentry, & Drywall Tools, Stabuila Lar 250 Laser Level w/REC 300 Digital Reciever, Large Wood Bolt Bins & Hardware, 3600 PSI Pressure Washer, 2-Telescoping Transmission Jacks, Delta Floor Model ½” Drill Press, Ryobi 10” Surface Planer, Hobart GA3018 – 300 Amp gas Welder, IHC Stationary Pump Eng., 3’-10’ Ft Steel Stock Gates, 5W Hitch, Well-Bilt Mechanical Broom, Pallet Jack, Etc.


Newer Sofa & Loveseat, Leather Recliner Chair, End Tables, 60” Rnd Dining Table & Chairs, LG Flat Screen TV, Genesis 5000W Stereo System, Kenmore Washer & Dryer, Smalls, Wall Pictures, Glass Curio Cabinet, King Size Latex Bed, Queen Bed, PreCor Elliptical X-Trainer, Napoleon Prestige SS BBQ, CPU & Flat Screen, Lap Top, Office Tables & Chairs, Epson WF3540 All-In-One Printer, Brother All-InOne Fax Machine, Bow-Flex Dial-a-Weights, Golf Clubs, 2-Royal Electronic Cash Registers, Sam4s Computerized Cash Register & Scanner, CD’s, & More

AUCTIONEERS NOTE: This is a complete dispersal of the Suntaira Growers Greenhouse assets. VIEWING: Friday Sept 6- 10AM-5PM REMOVAL: By Sept 27, 2013 @ 3PM 10% Buyers Fee Cash/Cheque/C/Card Lunch Available Subject to Additions & Deletions

Montgomery Auction Services Ltd. BLACKFALDS, AB. 403-885-5149



C O R O N AT I O N , A B . A U G U S T 2 2 ' 1 3


New fee schedule adopted to reflect increasing materials and labour costs Cont’d from Pg 1 The County does not have a collection’s problem as 98 per cent of taxes are already paid.

Council reluctantly approved writing $10,212 off. The County contributed $40,000 for Coronation’s swimming pool

upgrades. A request by Castor Child Care Society for financial support was referred to more appropriate

agencies, PEPS and EDO. The County is not in the practice of giving direct financial support to childcare operations, but has

assisted the Castor Child Care Society through free workshops on communications and governance, said CAO Tarolyn Peach.

Schedule of Fees A new fee schedule was adopted to reflect steadily increasing materials and labour costs. Ratepayers will not see any changes when seeking land assessment records, but new fees have been added for ADC, Farm Credit, banks mortgage companies and tax agents who often seek voluminous tax and assessment information from the County office. These institutions will now be required to pay $50/hour for staff time, $10 for each detailed assessment sheet and $0.50 per page for computer generated forms. An administrative fee of $25 has been added for NSF cheques. Other changes include an increase for county map booklets from $20 to $25 and county maps from $13 to $15 (gst included).

ANTIQUES, COLLECTIBLES & HORSE Had you read about the zoning review? The province of Alberta is currently reviewing the municipal government act regarding the advertising of Public Notices. This act determines where, when and how often these notices need to appear. Public Notices deal with proposed bylaws or resolutions, public hearings or scheduled meetings – decisions that affect your living, your neighbourhood, and affect you.

Other tidbits Paintearth County has an informal agreement to do the snow plowing at the Coronation Airport. As well, the County, on behalf of the Town of Coronation, has applied for an airport grant to dig up and replace sections of the runway that are heaving. Interquest, a now defunct oil and gas company, has been in tax arrears since 2006. After numerous attempts at collection,

On the Ranch Bindloss,

AB Saturday, Sept. 14, 2013

Would you know what is happening in your municipal district if these notices were published only online? Would you miss the issues that deserve your input if they were not delivered into your hands, published in this newspaper? Encourage your town council to maintain your right to know about the progress and management of your community. Ask them to keep public notices in your community newspaper – your audited, verified, accountable news source.

Lunch Available

Stay Informed

Keep Public Notices in Newspapers

DIRECTIONS: From Junction 555 & Bindloss turn-off, head North 1 mile to T intersection, then West & around curve to the North. (Ranch entrance on the left BEFORE River Bridge). Watch for signs.


Horses • Saddles & Tack • Antique Saddles • Stoves • Wood & Glass Display Cases • Tables • Cupboards • Dressers • Beds • Lamps • Chairs • Clocks • Glassware & Crockery • Housewares • Watches • Jewelry

Ladies Car Care Clinic


*Viewing Sale Day from 8-10 am Sale Starts 10 am SHARP

Two sale rings will be in operation simultaneously

Take the time now to reach out to your mayor, your reeve, your councillor or your CAO. Tell them you value your community newspaper, that you want to stay informed.

Wed., Sept. 18 6:30-9:00 pm at 4410-48th St., Stettler, AB • Hosted by Kelly Williams, a race and pace car driver. • Especially designed for WOMEN, it covers topics from how to check tire pressure, emergency roadside kit contents, oil and air filters, brakes, various vehicle fluids, and more – all in ‘laywomen’ terms! • Includes beverages , light snack, gift bags!

Crowfoot Crossing A public hearing was held on August 13 at 1:15 p.m. regarding the new Crowfoot Crossing Rural Commercial/ Industrial District with no public representation present. The by-law was unanimously passed and will allow for the development of a mixed variety of commercial or industrial uses. The County offices are located in the Crowfoot Crossing District.

n o i S t a c u A Susan S. Minor le

Door Prizes!

Seating is limited, so please call 403-742-0409 or email to reserve one for you, and perhaps a friend.

Charlton Auction Service Ltd. “Farmers Serving Farmers” Jeff & Sheryl Van Wert


Before auction day, you need the

Fall 2013 Auction Guide. Every year, more farmers are choosing Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers to conduct their farm auctions. Showcase your agricultural equipment & real estate in our Fall 2013 Auction Guide and maximize your exposure. The deadline to be included is September 6, 2013. I would like to take this time to thank everyone for your loyal patronage. Good luck with the 2013 Harvest! Call me today for a free, no hassle, proposal: Bobby Miller– Agricultural Territory Manager Central Alberta | 403.358.1393 | 800.491.4494

Licensed • Bonded • Cell: 403-793-9988 Licen Box 132 Tilley, Alberta T0J 3K0 TERMS: Cash or Cheque Only - No Plastic - Purchases must be paid for on Sale Day -

# # More Photos and Information at: Mo




C O R O N AT I O N , A B .


landmark realty

Gwen Lee

Riley Regnier of Coronation rode in the Saddle Bronc event at the Pincher Creek Rodeo August 18. Regnier’s final score was 60 which left him out of the money. ECA REVIEW/ L. Dewar

An Independent member broker

1.5 Storey, Stettler Area, Remodeled, 3 Acres..................................$275,000 Bungalow, Castor, Double Garage, 3 Lots................................$89,000 3 Level Split, Stettler Area, 5.12 Acre Hobby Farm..............................$309,000 2 Storey, (3 Apmts), Stettler, Investment Opportunity ........................ $225,000 2 Storey, Red Willow, Heritage Home, Large Lot ..................... $225,000 2 Storey, Castor, Unique Barn Style, 2 Lots ...................... $260,000 Vacant Lot, Red Willow, ........................... $8,000

Lynn Engel

Bi-Level, Halkirk, High-End Finish, 40x40 Garage ............$275,000 1.5 Storey, Stettler, Many Upgrades .$340,000 Walkout Bungalow, Pelican Point, ..$500,000 Bungalow, Big Valley, 2 Lots ............... $165,000 Heritage Home, Big Valley,................. $169,000 Bungalow, on 9.12 Acres, Shop & Horse Barn ..........................$400,000 Bungalow, Halkirk, Well Built, Covered Porch, Double Lot.......................$85,000 1.5 Storey, Red Willow, 3 Lots, Many Upgrades .......................................... $125,000

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C O R O N AT I O N , A B . A U G U S T 2 2 ' 1 3


Fatal motor vehicle collision near Consort At approximately 4 a.m. on August 18th, 2013, RCMP in Consort responded to a two vehicle Motor Vehicle Collision south of Consort on Highway 886 and Township Road 340A. A southbound motorcycle struck a Dodge Quad Cab Truck at approximately 4 a.m. on August 18 south of Consort on Highway 886 and Township Road 340A. The male driver of the motorcycle died on scene. The driver and passenger of the Dodge Quad Cab truck were not injured. Identification of the deceased is not being released at this time. The investigation is ongoing at this time.

theft of cattle over $5,000 and one possession of property obtained by crime less than $5,000 Two cases of mischief, damage to or obstruct enjoyment

of property, one fraud through the mail, one break and enter to a business. There were 16 requests for criminal record checks and one general

public request for fingerprinting. They responded to three suspicious person/vehicle, one animal call, four false alarms, one lost and found.

80’ x 120’ x 20’ Turnkey Cold Storage Building


Changes to Cemetery regulations Brenda Schimke

News Journalist

need to be part of the monument. Residents are reminded that items placed on graves that result in extra time and increased maintenance costs will be removed.

Unanimous approval was given to Cemetery By-law 1026, regulations for the control and Castor Rocks update management of the Castor “The July 13, 2013 Castor Municipal Cemetery, at the Rocks event was an extremely Town of Castor’s regular Council meeting on August 12, successful fundraiser, great entertainment and ran very 2013. smoothly,” reported Todd Changes include the town having the right to remove any Pawsey. “We wrist banded over grave covers that are in a state 400 people and cleared approxiof disrepair or unsightly condi- mately $16,000 for minor sports and recreation in Castor and tion; not allowing cremated remains to be placed under an area.” Of that amount, $10,900 was raised through corporate existing grave cover; and only sponsorship. Organizers are allowing new grave covers if a planning to hold the event next previously deceased spouse’s year on July 12, 2014 with the grave had one. July 2013 The new restrictions of lim- band, Thunderstruck, already Police Report booked. “I’ve never seen an RCMP in Consort iting the monument size to event so well organized,” comthree feet six inches wide, 21 responded to 114 inches deep and 18 inches high mented Mayor Garry DeVloo. calls for service within Special Area was needed because when Admin Notes head stones have to be moved 4 during the month With careful scheduling of to dig a new grave, larger of July, 2013. staff shifts and reduced overstones are more susceptible to There was one time, life guard costs at the traffic collision with breakage, and very costly to non-fatal injury and replace. Special consideration swimming pool were significantly reduced this summer seven with property will be given to burial of one without compromising safety. adult and one infant (12 damage only. To date, 90 per cent of Town months or younger) within one RCMP also issued of Castor’s taxes have been col29 provincial traffic casket. lected, not including those on The town is adding 30 solar violations and wrote installment plans, leaving an lights so that each corner is up 15 warnings. outstanding balance of marked. Solar lights at grave Two tickets for $100,000. sites or floral arrangements impaired operation of a motor vehicle and four provincial liquor violations. Three items were dealt with under the Provincial Trespass Act and four in other provincial statutes. There were two under municipal bylaws; one fail to appear and one disturbing the peace. One possession of marihuana, one uttering threats and two assault charges Serving all of East Central Alberta were dealt with. Consort RCMP dealt with one theft under $5,000, one

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10 A U G U S T



C O R O N AT I O N , A B .

Healthy lunches in no time at all

Grain products

Tasty, healthy, and varied lunches right through the school year? Is it an impossible dream for busy parents? Not with a bit of discipline and a few good ideas! Filling a lunchbox with a healthy, balanced lunch just means knowing which products to choose at the grocery store.

Whole wheat grain products are a great source of fibre and satisfy the hungriest of children, allowing them to concentrate on their school work. Be sure to purchase whole wheat breads, bagels, tortillas, and crackers at the grocery store. The same thing goes for pasta products. As for rice, Fruits and vegetables opt for brown rather than white and Choose seasonal fruits and veg- add quinoa and couscous to your etables. As soon as you get them shopping list for more varied menus. home, take a few minutes to cut them into portions that will be easy to slip Dairy products into a lunchbox. Build up a stock of Depending on their age, children small containers of sugar-free apple should drink between two and four and mixed fruit sauces as well as portions of milk and substitutes per 100-percent-pure fruit juices. day. You can replace milk with an


enriched soya beverage, rice milk, or almond milk if there is no nut ban at your child’s school. Look for yogurts with a fat content of 2 percent or less. The smaller bottles of pro-biotic drinks and cheeses in individual portions are also great choices. Be vigilant, however: many stirred yogurts and yogurt drinks are high in sugar.

your neighbourhood school allows them, walnuts and almonds are a great alternative source of protein and are delicious combined with a fruity snack.

Meats To prepare healthy lunches in short order, keep on hand a few hard-boiled eggs, cans of tuna or salmon, and cooked chicken. If you use ham in sandwiches, try to buy naturally cured meat. If

Clearview Public Schools Master Calendar for the 2013 – 2014 School Year Approved February 28, 2013

1 8 15 22 29

August/September 2013 M T W T F S 26 27 28 29 30 31 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 20S 25T



February 2014 T W T


2 9 16 23

3 10 17 24

4 11 18 25

7 14 21 28


5 12 19 26

6 13 20 27

S 1 8 15 22

19S 19T



6 13 20 27

7 14 21 28

October 2013 T W T 1 2 3 8 9 10 15 16 17 22 23 24 29 30 31

F 4 11 18 25

S 5 12 19 26



3 10 17 24

4 11 18 25

November 2013 T W T 5 12 19 26

6 13 20 27

7 14 21 28

22S 22T



2 9 16 23 30

3 10 17 24 31

March 2014 T W T


4 11 18 25

7 14 21 28

5 12 19 26

6 13 20 27

S 1 8 15 22 29

F 1 8 15 22 29

S 2 9 16 23 30

S 1 8 15 22 29

M 2 9 16 23 30

December 2013 T W T F 3 4 5 6 10 11 12 13 17 18 19 20 24 25 26 27 31

19S 20T



6 13 20 27

7 14 21 28

April 2014 T W T 1 2 3 8 9 10 15 16 17 22 23 24 29 30

14S 16T

F 4 11 18 25

S 5 12 19 26

S 7 14 21 28



5 12 19 26

6 13 20 27

January 2014 T W T 1 2 7 8 9 14 15 16 21 22 23 28 29 30

15S 15T



4 11 18 25

5 12 19 26

19S 20T

May 2014 W T 1 6 7 8 13 14 15 20 21 22 27 28 29 T

F 2 9 16 23 30

S 3 10 17 24 31

F 3 10 17 24 31

S 4 11 18 25

19S 20T

S 1 8 15 22 29

M 2 9 16 23 30

June 2014 T W T 3 4 5 10 11 12 17 18 19 24 25 26

20S 21T

F 6 13 20 27

S 7 14 21 28

18.5S 20T

Note: “Bold orange” dates (every first and third Monday that is a school day) signify days with 1 hour early dismissal of students to provide time for staff development.

Professional Development Day Mon. - Wed., Aug. 26 - 28, 2013 School Organizational Days Thurs. & Fri., Aug. 29 & 30, 2013 Labour Day Mon., Sept. 2, 2013 First Student Day Tues., Sept. 3, 2013 Thanksgiving Day Mon., Oct. 14, 2013 Day acknowledging Parent/Teacher/Student Conference Fri., Nov. 8, 2013 Remembrance Day Mon., Nov. 11, 2013 Christmas Vacation Mon, Dec. 23, 2013 - Fri. Jan. 3, 2014 Professional Development Day* Wed., Jan. 29, 2014 Family Day Mon., Feb. 17, 2014

Teachers’ Convention Thurs. & Fri., Mar. 6 & 7, 2014 Spring Break Mon. - Fri., Mar. 24 - 28, 2014 Good Friday and Easter Monday Fri., Apr. 18 and Mon., Apr. 21, 2014 Professional Development Day Tues., Apr. 22, 2014 Day acknowledging Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences Fri., May 16, 2014 Victoria Day Mon., May 19, 2014 Last Student Day (except for students writing on Thursday) Wed., June 25, 2014 Student Transition Meetings (Only SS9 PAT & Science 3 Diploma) Thurs., June 27, 2014 School Organizational Day Fri., June 27, 2014

Please contact your local school regarding registration information and start dates. Clearview Public Schools Offer… Safe and Caring Schools Very strong academic programs • DARE Program Special Needs Programs • Second Languages Family School Wellness Workers Early Literacy Intervention Programs • Computer Technology Full Time/Part Time ECS Programs Pre Kindergarten Programs Basketball • Badminton • Volleyball • Curling Track and Field • Cross Country Running Orienteering Fine Arts Programs Variety of option Programs Successful High School Completion Rate

A copy of this calendar is also available on our website at



C O R O N AT I O N , A B . A U G U S T 2 2 ' 1 3


When your child doesn’t want to go to school On the first day of the new school year William makes it very clear that he wants to stay home. He complains, he cries, he’s pale, and he suddenly develops stomach cramps. He goes back to bed and curls up in a little ball. How to react? If this is their first day of school, children are probably feeling anxious and afraid. You as a parent are probably feeling torn, too: sending your child off to school in this state can feel like abandoning them to strangers. This is an occasion for parents to listen, encourage, and

be strong. Unless you are prepared to switch to homeschooling, your children need to understand that going to school is not negotiable. Show them that you understand what they are experiencing without being overprotective or trying to minimize their feelings. Reassure them that they are probably not the only ones who are stressed this morning, that many of their classmates will be feeling the same way. Children who don’t want to go back to school usually have a good reason. Are they worried about failing? Do they feel rejected by a teacher

or a friend? Be attentive to what your children tell you and remember that they need your presence, support, and encouragement. Talk about all the advantages of school, point out their past efforts and successes, and then discuss how the situation they are worrying about can be resolved. Whether your children are in kindergarten, elementary school, or high school don’t hesitate to make an appointment with teachers if the problem persists. It is well proven that the involvement of parents is a determining factor in the progress and academic success of children.

Starting high school is another big step Children who were used to being the biggest in the schoolyard will suddenly be the youngest ones when this new school year begins. Starting high school is a big step that can cre-

Starting high school is a big step that can create a great deal of stress in children.

ate a great deal of stress in children. Here are a few ways to help them prepare for the big day. First of all, make sure that they know what’s in store for them. Parents can sometimes pinpoint what may be troubling their children just by talking about their new school. For example, they might be worried about getting lost or not making friends. They might just be having anxiety about using a new combination padlock! By letting them talk about their fears, parents can often help their children resolve such worries. You could suggest visiting the school, finding friends who will be or are already attending the same school, and practicing opening a new combination lock. Discuss your children’s worries with them, but try to discourage them from becoming obsessive. Making a fuss will only increase stress levels. All the same,

make sure your children feel comfortable bringing up their concerns whenever they need to and that they know they can count on their parents for support. Starting high school also means increased independence. Children who might never have had to manage much responsibility will now have to organize their own agendas and course notes, plan when to hand in work, and manage their time between classes and at lunchtime. To help children prepare for this new independence, entrust them with a few chores around the home, without imposing a precise time to do them. That way, they will learn to manage their time and make choices by themselves.

Are your children visual, auditory, or kinesthetic? Determining the natural learning style of children can really help them with their schooling. Are your children visual, auditory, or kinesthetic?

Visual learners Is your child always looking at pictures? Visual people developed a sense of style when they were little: they love coordinating the colours of their outfits, they adore drawing, and can spend hours in front of the mirror. Visual children are curious, alert, and mischievous but are often afraid of the dark. The expression, “a picture is worth a thousand words” is entirely appropriate for these children: a photograph or a drawing helps them understand a topic. Look them straight in the eye to get their attention.

Kinesthetic learners Is your child passionate about action hero or adventure stories? The best stories for kinesthetic learners are short and sweet, though: tactile learners don’t like to stay still for too long. They prefer soft, comfortable clothing and are drawn to sports or motor activities. These children need to move, participate, and imitate in order to make the most of learning situations. Get their attention by touching their shoulders.

Auditory learners Does your child love being read to in different voices? Auditory people are listening attentively even if they’re not looking at the reader or speaker. Auditory children are usually calm, aren’t worried about their appearance, and prefer to play. These children can have outstanding musical skills but are often afraid of thunder. Reading to them or encouraging them to read out loud will improve their comprehension. Using rhymes will help them to assimilate material more quickly. Compliments stimulate and help to further the progress of auditory learners.

is accepting registrations for the 2013-2014 school year! Classes begin September 9th and run Mondays and Wednesdays from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm Spaces are filling up fast! Stop by the Stettler Regional Child Care Centre (5702-48 Ave) or contact Kris at 403-742-3590 for more information or to register.

Case Lot Sale August 23 - 29

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Place of Blessing Highway #872

Sunday, August 25 - 1 pm Coronation - Zinger Outdoor Stage (Bring Lawn Chairs)

Sept 4 - Provost Farmer’s Market, Wed. evening market, 3 pm - 7 pm. Sept 4 - Eckankar Canada in Alberta, Community HU Song, Red Deer Public Library, 7-7:30 pm. First

A great old game for amateurs and pros Billiard games, which include the game of pool, are still a very popular activity, even though their origins go as far back as the fifteenth century. These games of skill are a great way to bring people together, whether they’re played as a form of entertainment or competitively. Although there are many variations of billiards (English billiards, French or carom billiards, or snooker), pool, or pocket billiards, remains the most popular among amateurs in North America. Accessible and userfriendly, pool can be played anywhere, by anyone — at a pool hall, at

home, at the cottage, in a senior’s residence, or at a youth centre. This game is a masterful way to bring both amateurs and professionals together around the same table; the more talented demonstrate their impressive skills during tournaments, while recreational players get together with work colleagues, friends, or family for a good time. Even the youngest of children can learn the rudiments of pool on a miniature table, while many adults have fond memories of a first date that included a game of pool.

Rules of the game Pool is played by two people, or by teams of two people, on a table with 6 pockets and 15 numbered balls, usually referred to

Open Mic Every Friday Nite 8:00 - 2:00 am

Come have some fun!

Stettler Hotel

Downtown Stettler • 403-742-2353

(Inclement weather - in the Music Barn)

Would you like to participate? Call Allan Zinger 403-578-2189 Claud Zinger 403-578-3956 • Everyone Welcome •

• Picnic Pot Luck to Follow •

Big Valley Inn

Weekly SPECIALS Every



Can Eat Spaghetti


¢/wing Night $ 99 & FREE POOL $ 99 Drink Specials too!



Drink Specials too!

Under New Ownership 403-876-2203


Wed of each month. Sept 4 - Sports, Recreation & Arts Expo, Drumheller, Ab. Sept 5 - Farmer’s Market, Castor Community Hall, 10 am - 2 pm



The Vat is Red Deer’s premiere, awesome-ist, coolest, radical, all right live entertainment bar and night club where something is usually going on 7 days a week. From bigger name acts to local and Canadian entertainment, the Vat has something for everyone.

Live Music Find Our Event Postings on Facebook @ “We Love The Vat” 403-346-5636 101 5301 43 St., Red Deer

as high and low balls. • Balls 1 to 7 (solid colours) are low balls • Balls 9 to 15 (with coloured stripes) are high balls • The 8 ball is completely black • There is also a white ball, which is the cue ball The rules are simple: the balls, grouped together in the triangular rack for the start of the game, are “broken” by the player chosen to start (usually with a toss of a coin). All the balls pocketed by this player are attributed to his or her team, and the winner is the first to pocket all the balls, with the 8 ball sunk last. These are the basics, but there are many subtleties that players can master to transform every game into a real source of enjoyment.


Bull-A-Rama Saturday, August 24 Action starts at 4 PM at Halkirk Rodeo Grounds

• Bareback & Saddle Bronc Riding • Bull Riding • Mini Chucks • Dance to live music • Fireworks and lots more

come in for your

Labour Day WEEKEND supplies

Wainwright 1206 Main St., Wainwright, AB

(780) 842-5752

Liquor & Cold Beer Store Ltd.

r P e i g s i R a r o d a n u


Music M sic

c usi


Aug 22 - Monitor Mini Golf now open, please contact Marj Schacher 403-577-2432 Aug 23 - Provost Farmer’s Market 10 am - 2 pm Aug 23 - Lacombe Farmer’s Market, 9 am - 1 pm, Every Friday, 782-4772 Aug 23 - The Vat, Red Deer, 3”of Blood/ Stiker/Dissimillis, 403-346-5636 Aug 23 - Open Mic, Stettler Hotel, 8 pm 2 am, call 403-742-2353 Aug 23 - 25 - High School Rodeo, Stettler, Ab. Aug 23 25 - Hanna Summer Slow-Pitch Showdown, Hanna Triplex, Call Sam 403-857-9942, Janice 403-854-1430 Aug 24 - Coronation 3 Lady Best Ball Golf Tourney, tee off @ 10 am, $180/team Aug 24 - Stavely & District Ag Society 52nd Annual Horse Show & Rodeo, Stavely Arena Aug 24 - Halkirk Elks Bull-A-Rama, 4 pm, Halkirk Rodeo Grounds, Dance & Fireworks Aug 24 - Free to Be You and Me AntiBullying 403-742-8305, Stettler, Ab. Aug 25 - Alberta Open Farm Days, Stettler, Ab. 403-742-8305 Aug 25 - Gadsby Decoration Day, call 403-742-8305. Aug 25 - Music, Music, Music, Place of Blessing, Zinger Barn Outdoor Stage, 1 pm Aug 26 - Blood Donor Clinic, Stettler, Ab. Aug 27 - Consort Farmer’s Market, Sportex, Consort, Ab. Aug 28 - Entertainment in the ParkSteve Arsenault, Stettler, Ab. Aug 29 - A & W Cruisin’ for the Cure, $1 from every teen burger benefit MS Society, Drumheller, Ab. Aug 29 - Fundraiser Pig Roast, Big Valley, Guest Speaker, supper 6:30, $100/plate Aug 30 - Provost Farmer’s Market, 10 am - 2 pm. Aug 30 - Stettler Steel Wheel Stampede Parade, 5 pm, 403-742-3181 Aug 30 - Sept 2 - Stettler Steel Wheel Stampede, Stettler Exhibition Grounds



C O R O N AT I O N , A B .


12 A U G U S T

Never bee n ‘Horn swoggle Absolutelyd!” PC swinit no is!

Our pigs guaranteed s, se Free of Bonu & s rk Pe Severances!

Historic Big Valley Thursday, August 29 Cocktails 5:30 pm; Supper 6:30 pm • Tickets $100/plate • Menu: Roast Pork, New Spuds, Creamed Peas, Corn on the Cob

• Guest Speaker: MLA, Rob Anderson • Country and Western Entertainment • Great Pie Auction (Bed & Breakfast Pies) proceeds to High River Flood Relief! • MLAs in attendance: Rick Strankman, Kerry Towle, Rob Anderson

t n e m n i a t r e t n E & Dining SOCIAL MEDIA


C O R O N AT I O N , A B . A U G U S T 2 2 ' 1 3


Sept 6 - Tour of Alberta Pro Cycling Festival, Start-Strathmore, Ab. Sept 6-8 - “Country Gospel in the Park” Blackfalds All Star Park, John 885-4867 Sept 7 - Clive’s Annual Village-Wide Garage Sale & Cookie walk. 9 am 3 pm 784-3446 Sept 8 - Dinosaur Valley Half Marathon, 10K & 5 K Family Fun Run, Drumheller, Ab. Sept 10 - Consort Farmer’s Market, Sportex, Consort, Ab.

Movie Night, Castor Ball Diamonds, 8pm Sept 18 - Ladies Car Care Clinic, Auto Trust, Stettler, Ab. call 403-742-0409 Sept 20 - Provost Farmer’s Market, 10 am 2 pm Sept 24 - Consort Farmer’s Market, Sportex, Consort, Ab. Sept 27 - Provost Farmer’s Market, 10 am 2 pm Community hall 10 am - 2 pm Oct 5 - Hanna Hospital Auxiliary Rummage Sale, Hanna Curling Rink, 10 am - 3 pm

Sept 13 - Provost Farmer’s Market, 10 am 2 pm Sept 13 - Supper & A Movie, Clive Hall, “Iron Man Three” Sept 13 - Rosebud Theatre “Our Town” Sept 13 - Akokiniskway Gallery, Historic United Church, Rosebud, Ab. Sept 14 - Busy Beaver Daycare Outdoor

Please send Community Events by fax to 403-578-2088 or by email to for FREE LISTING (dependent upon space availability). The Review cannot guarantee events as listed, please check with the venue prior to attending.

VS. NEWSPRINT Here it is in BLACK and WHITE…

OVERALL COMFORT 78% of Canadians read a newspaper each week (A statistic that’s been stable for 5 years!)


82% of people spend more or the same amount of time with print vs. 2 years ago

Sat., October 5

34% of people are spending less time on Facebook than they were 6 months ago

Hanna Hospital Auxiliary

SALE 10 am - 3 pm

Hanna Curling Rink

Galen Wiebe

PH 403.742.4101 / 800.949.9052 FX 866.305.5686 5004 48 Ave, Stettler, AB T0C 2L0

Over 200 tables of Odds & Ends, Lots of Clothing, etc... Remember to mark your calendar!


PARADE Friday, August 30 @ 5 pm

“A Year of Celeb rations” 57A 59 58A St. Cl. St. Cl. St. Cl.

Par de Route


55 St.

56 St.

57 St.

58 St.

50A Ave.

59 St.

60 St.

61 St.

50 Ave.

More than half of Canadians don’t engage with brands via social media 4 out of 5 adults took action (clipping a coupon, bought, visited a site) as a result of newspaper ad in the past month

60 S t.

For more information or to register contact the Stettler Regional Board of Trade & Community Development - 403-742-3181

Curling Rink Rail Parade Route


50 S

Golf Club

! #

51 St.

Post Office

52 St.


St. Cl.

54 St.

St. Cl.

® !

. St

61 St.

Hwy. 12

51 St.

Main St. (50 St.)

52 St.

The fact remains, newsprint stands strong

53 St.

Town Office/School Division

" K56

Hospital 55

e. 42 Av

54 St.

55 St.

56 St.



^ 44 Ave.

Spray Park School




57 St.

q !


St. Cl.Dump Camp Ground/Sani

FREE Doesn’t always mean FABULOUS

Hwy. 12

56A St.

57A St.

n q

44 Ave. Meters 43 43500Ave. Ave. Cl.

Hwy. 5


42 Ave.

45 Ave.

61A St

Map produced July 2011 Intended for general information only, 42responsible Ave. The Town of Stettler is not for any errors or omissions. Additional copies available at

62 St.

64 St.

65A St.

66 St

63 St.

43 Ave.

58 St.

46 Ave.

Red willo wC re ek



Hwy. 56


55 St.

1 y. Hw

62 St.

48 Ave.

47 Ave.

42 Av

53 St.

e. Av 48

47 Ave.


Only 26% trust social networks

49 Ave.

54 St.

61 St.

61A St.

48 Ave.

61A St. Cl.


90% of people trust newspaper information, and they expect advertisements

St .

50 Ave.


62 St.

50A Ave.

Hwy. 12


Hwy. 56 (51 Ave.)

51 Ave.


ComBase 2008/2009 CCNA Annual Revenue Study, 2011 Mediapost, “Support your local newspaper reporter”, January 12, 2012 Newspapers Canada, August 2012


14 A U G U S T



C O R O N AT I O N , A B .

Byemoor Fair & Carnival

Leland Dittmann of Endiang, Ab. hangs on in the Sheep Riding competition.

(L-R) Sullivan Buchwitz, Cole Schellenberg, both of Endiang, Ab., Tyler Brayford of Ponoka, Cruz Stoutenberg of Stettler and Tyson Carmichael of Blackfalds in the Pig Catch.

Face painting was another attraction at the Carnival with Cole (cow) and Dayne Schellenberg a dragon.

Benjamin Buchwitz of Endiang, Ab. wanted to take his prize chicken home after capturing it in the 3 & Under Chicken Catch at the Kids Carnival at the Byemoor Fair on Saturday, August 17.

Pie Eating contest at the Carnival saw (L-R) three brothers Kingsley, Kingston and Rogdon Brown of Big Valley participating along with the balloon boy and spiderman (unidentified) and Kal Tucker of Endiang in a race to the finish.


C O R O N AT I O N , A B . A U G U S T 2 2 ' 1 3

Ph. 403-578-4111 • Fax. 403-578-2088 Classified Ad Rates $13.00 + tax for 25 words or less + 19¢ a word after 25 each week or 3 weeks for $36 + tax (based on 25 words or less). Reach 24,700 homes with your classified. This includes For Sale, For Rent, Card of Thanks, Coming Events, etc. Payment Necessary All Classified Ads are on a Cash Only basis and must be prepaid before running. There will be a $5.00 service charge on every classified not paid for prior to publication. We accept cash, cheque, VISA or MC. It is the responsibility of the advertiser to check ad the 1st week and call us if in error. The Review is responsible for their mistakes the 1st week only. Deadline For Ads All classified ads must be received by 5 p.m. on Mondays preceding publication. For Too Late To Classifieds ad must be received by 10 a.m. Tuesday. Ph. 578-4111. Mail to Box 70, Coronation, AB T0C 1C0.

REAL ESTATE THE ROSE Peak. 2223 sq. ft. Four bedroom with family room and living room. Large country kitchen with island. Starting at $199,900. Delivered.; 1-877-887-2254.

ELINOR Lake Resort. 2.5 hours NE of Edmonton. Fully serviced lake lots for sale. Suitable for cabin/ house, RV, or investment. Unserviced lots available for lease. 1-877-623-3990; www. HOMES & farmland, Fawcett, Alberta. Ritchie Bros Unreserved Auction. 1 HQ, 1 country residential acreage, 4 parcels farmland. Jerry Hodge 780-706-6652; Greg Cripps - Remax 403391-2648; rbauction. com/realestate.

MOBILE HOMES DARE to compare! Dynamic Homes absolutely guarantees the lowest price/best service on SRI Homes in 3 provinces. 30 years experience. Why pay more? Call now - 2013 models going fast! 1-877-341-4422. Visit us: GRANDVIEW Modular Homes now open in Red Deer & Airdrie! Showcasing high-end homes from Grandeur Housing and Palm Harbor Homes. Inquire about opening specials;; 1-855347-0417; 7925B - 50 Ave., Red Deer.

County of Paintearth No. 18 DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATIONS APPROVED Notice is hereby given that the following Development Permit Applications have been approved: DP1331 Tim Omilusik NE25-35-10-W4 Additional farm residence Any person claiming to be affected by such decision may appeal by giving Notice in writing to the Secretary, Subdivision and Development Appeal Board, County of Paintearth No. 18, Box 509 Castor, AB TOC OXO not later than 4:30 p.m., August 30, 2013. The Notice must contain the reason for the appeal and pursuant to Bylaw No. 580-09 Include the $200.00 fee. Dated: August 14, 2013 Todd Pawsey, Development Officer


70 HOMES built and ready for delivery. 20 different 1520 square foot models, packed with options. Priced from $129,900, delivered. Toll free 1-855463-0084; HOMES, cottages & more. RTMI - Ready to Move in. Call 1-888733-1411; rtmihomes. com. Red Tag Sale on now!

MISCELLANEOUS SEMI loads of logs delivered to your door for firewood. Spruce, pine, poplar, tamarack. Price depends on location. Call Lil Mule Logging Inc. 403-3184346 METAL roofing & siding. Very competitive prices! Largest colour selection in Western Canada. Available at over 25 Alberta Distribution Locations. 40 Year Warranty. Call 1-888-263-8254. DISCONNECTED phone? Phone Factory Home Phone Service. Free activation! Low monthly rate! Calling features and unlimited long distance available. Call Phone Factory today! 1-877-336-2274;

STEEL buildings/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100, sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-457-2206; www.

Ribstone Creek Accounting Solutions

Lois Rodvang 403-578-3295

Certified QuickBooks Specialist • Decorative landscape cover tree mulch, variety of colours • Blower available to apply • We can now apply mulch up to 150 feet in hard to reach areas

403-742-4815 LOOKING for a shop? Post Frame Buildings. AFAB Industries has experience, expertise, reliability and great construction practices. For a free quote, contact Ryan Smith 403818-0797 or email: EVERY water well on earth should have the patented “Kontinuous Shok� Chlorinator from Big Iron Drilling! Why? Save thousands of lives every year. Phone 1-800-BIGIRON.

NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND CLAIMANTS IN THE ESTATE OF RUDOLPH BENJAMIN EBEL (also known as RUDOLPH EBEL; also known as RUDY EBEL), LATE OF THE TOWN OF HANNA, IN THE PROVINCE OF ALBERTA, WHO DIED 0N, THE 16 DAY OF JULY, A. D., 2012. If you have a Claim against this Estate, you must file your claim by September 23, 2013, with MESSRS. ROSS, TODD & COMPANY, Barristers & Solicitors, P. O. Box 1330, 124 - 2 Avenue West, Hanna, Alberta, TOJ 1PO. If you do not file by the date above, the estate property can lawfully be distributed without regard to any claim you may have.

Specializing in monthly accounting for farms and small business

AUTO PARTS WRECKING AutoTrucks. Parts to fit over 500 trucks. Lots of Dodge, GMC, Ford, imports. We ship anywhere. Lots of Dodge, diesel, 4x4 stuff. (Lloydminster). Reply 780-875-0270. NorthEast Recyclers truck up to 3 tons.

Specialists in potable water and waste water treatment systems. Working in small communities in rural Alberta. Call for further information Mel or Diane Butler




ws •



•S Doors

Based in Hanna for 33 years PLATINUM Local

Toll Free


- Plumbing, Gasfitting, hot water heating - Serving Castor and surrounding area - Fast, reliable service.

Check us out for all your Real Estate needs!! Commercial, Residential, and Farm & Ranch

Call today 403.740.5323


Little Gap Septic Service

Little Gap Septic Service Serving East Central Alberta Brett & Lana Twa

403-854-4414 1-800-463-3148

Ph. 403-578-3157

Locally Owned and operating since 1980

Cell. 403-578-8451

Roger E. Johnson Enterprises Inc. - Appliances - Electronics - Insurance - Telus Mobility 4809-50th St., Consort, AB


9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Mon. - Fri.

Safety Program Development Audits for COR & SECOR (403)740-9523

Town of Coronation Development Office Notice of Decision

Notice is hereby given of the following decision in accordance with the Municipal Government Act, RSA 2000, Chapter M-26, and Bylaw No. 2009-559 and amendments thereto, of the Town of Coronation: Lot 30-33 Block 3 Plan 8149AH

Terry Crane 4917 Railway Avenue Permit #2013-008

Classifieds work! Call 403-578-4111

FEED & SEED WANTED: Barley, oats, wheat, feed peas, damaged canola, offgrade grain & grain screenings. Wilde Bros. Ag Trading, Raymond, Ab. Call: 403-752-0115 or 1-877-752-0115 HEATED canola buying green, heated or springthrashed canola. Buying: oats, barley, wheat & peas for feed. Buying damaged or offgrade grain. “On Farm Pickup� Westcan Feed & Grain, 1-877-250-5252

Professional Chapman and Co. Directory Guy Chapman CA* Chris Annand, CA* Kendra Walgenbach, CA* Naomi Roth, CGA*

Phone 403-742-3438 Email: Fax 403-742-0560

Western Canada’s Largest Insurance Broker


The above noted application will be held fourteen (14) days after publication of this notice at which time this decision is deemed to be final unless otherwise appealed. Any person wishing to appeal a decision may file an appeal at the Town Office, 5015 Victoria Ave., Coronation, AB or by mail to Box 219, Coronation, AB T0C 1C0.

Tim L. Ell, B. Mgmt., C.A.* Jeff M. Faupel, B. Mgmt., C.A.* Monica N. Faupel, B. Mgmt, C.A.*

Date of Publication: Thursday, August 22, 2013


Coronation Mall Wed. - 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Coronation, AB Call for appointment

Town of Coronation Development Officer Sandra Kulyk

Bay 5/6 - 7667-50th Ave., (1/2 block N. of the old location)

Service Wise We Specialize

403-742-5237 Stettler, AB

Dr.McIver In Coronation

MONDAYS 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Call Anytime for Appointments


Located in Coronation Mall


403-578-3699 Coronation



Heather Caseley, Managing Director


Donalda, AB


“Knowledge, Experience and Professionalism With a Personal Touch�


Plumbing Heating Gasfitting

Coronation, AB 5016 Victoria Avenue


Proposed Development: Installation of Outdoor Hot Tub


Everything for the Hunter, Fisherman or Camper

1985 CASE IH 1460 combine - 2801 hours (624 hrs since $10,000 w/0); 14’ Rake Up p.u. and Kirby spreader. Always shedded. Excellent shape $16,000. 1983 MF 750 S.P. Combine - fully monitored; 2255 hrs. 13 Victory p.u., chopper and hurricane chaff spreader plus 24’ MF straight cut header. Always shedded and in excellent shape $12,000. Also like new header transport $1500. Terms of sale for combines - 25% down at time of purchase, balance carried interest free to August 1, 2013 at which time combine will be released upon receipt of final payment. Don Bamber 403-664-3872 or 664-0776.

C. Potter for custom swathing, baling, combining, silage cutting, seeding, hauling silage, bales & equipment. 780-888-1100. SEVEN grain bins, all good floors, 3 like new. 14’ diameter, 5 or 4 rings. Call Frank West 403-742-1653. FOR sale: 2, 25’ pt swathers. Massey-$1000 obo, International-$1000 obo, good condition. Call John 403-7723847, cell 403-8230542.

4702 51st Ave, Stettler, AB


RED DEER 34-sport (347-7678)


check us out online

HEISLER Boxma Plumbing & Heating Inc.


Professional Accountants LLP

Business Directory Wildcat Water Technologies Ltd.



1-6.#*/( )&"5*/( -5%



(403) 854-4774 .BJO 4USFFU Hanna, AB

Ph. (403) 578-2928 Toll Free 1-888-578-2928


E.Roger Spady


Coronation Mall



403-742-4431 Toll Free 1-877-742-4431

Coronation, AB

Office Hours: Tuesday - Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Big Country Construction & Building Supplies Ltd.


• Custom New Homes •All Farm Buildings • Renovations • Windows and Doors • Overhead Doors & Service • Retail Sales

Fully Licensed Associates Verna Rock/Corinne Nattestad

Quality Customer Care


F U N E R A L C H A PE L S & C R E M AT O R I U M Your Funeral and Cremation Professionals

403-578-3777 Dean Ross 5018 Royal St. Owner, Coronation, AB. Director, Embalmer

16 A U G U S T




GRAIN Bag Zipper System. New solution for sealing your grain bags. 100% watertight. One person, one pass. Re-useable for years. All weather, all terrain available at: Flaman 1-888-4352626. Gem Silage 1-888-552-5505. Amity Ag 1-800-270-4344; www.grainbagzipper. com.

LOOKING for farmland to rent for 2014 crop season in Cereal, Chinook, Sedalia and west of Oyen areas. If interested please contact 403-664-8900.

Classifieds work! Call 403-578-4111


C O R O N AT I O N , A B .


PETS DOGO Argentino puppy. 17 week old female. FCA registered (Argentina). From De La Cocha Kennels. Ears cropped, first shots. $2500. Carly, 780-887-6935.


Now Hiring DID YOU KNOW?

Stettler Sales & Rentals

• Cattle Sorters and Penners: Needed for Sale Day & Pre Sale Day • Ring man: For Sale Day • Qualified, Self-Motivated Kitchen Manager: To operate the Kitchen 1 day a week in summer, 2-4 days a week in the fall and spring

• Dryland employees are amongst the highest wage earners in the stockyard industry in the province? • You earn time and half after 8 hours in a day? • Dryland is flexible with its employee’s time? • Employees can log full time hours in the fall and winter months and have to work way less hours come spring and summer?

Contact: Graham Schetzsle (403) 575-4001


Stettler Dodge is expanding and we are hiring! Looking for out-going, professional, self motivated individuals to join our


Flexible pay plans at the leading edge of non-commission sales. Group benefits and RRSP matching program is available. If you are interested in joining our dynamic dealership family, please send resume to or stop by in person 4406 44th Ave., Stettler and see Darren Benson.

Looking for a

Full Time Permanent Mechanic Contact Darryl at or fax resume to 403-742-8777

Employment Opportunity TOWN OF HARDISTY Public Works Operator w/ Level I Water & Wastewater An ideal candidate would possess strong skills in the following areas: • Communication • Multi Tasking • Mechanical & Technical • Public Service • Team Building & Collaboration

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Chief Administrative Officer – Seniors Foundation The Lodges and the setting East Central Alberta offers relaxed, safe rural living with room to breathe and grow. With opportunity to locate in Hanna, Oyen or Consort the successful candidate for this challenging/rewarding position will have the flexibility to enjoy the amenities and lifestyle associated with any one of these small but vibrant rural communities as outlined on their respective websites. The position currently operates out of the administrative offices located in the Oyen Lodge. The Acadia Foundation manages three recently constructed or reconstructed, modern and spacious seniors’ lodges, a manor and several life leases in East Central Alberta. The facilities are located in the Towns of Hanna and Oyen and the Villages of Consort and Veteran and serve the rural expanse of the Special Areas and the M. D. of Acadia. The Villages of Youngstown, Cereal and Empress as well as the Hamlet of Acadia Valley lie within that broad rural ranch and farm land area and are also served by the Foundation.

The Mission: The purpose of the Foundation is to provide affordable room and board for senior citizens who are functionally independent with the assistance available through existing community-based services and who would not otherwise be more appropriately provided for in a health care facility.

The Successful Candidate: The Acadia Foundation is looking for a resourceful Administrator with strong communication, labour relations and client service skills. The ideal candidate will be a problem solver, a facilitator, a mentor, and an innovative leader with experience in reporting to an elected board or council and administering on their behalf. He/she should have several years of progressively responsible experience as a manager or assistant in a related setting. A related degree or diploma will be beneficial but not mandatory. Financial and human resource aspects are key areas of responsibility. Equivalencies will be considered. The Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) holds a key leadership position in the Foundation. Under the authority of and reporting to the Board of Directors, the successful candidate will assume complete responsibility for managing the facilities through the Lodge managers and staff, within Foundation policies and regulations. Compensation will be in the $80 - $100,000 range dependent on qualifications and experience with a standard benefits package. The Foundation is willing to consider a contract arrangement rather than salaried employment if that is preferred.

Contact and dates: Please submit resumes prior to October 1, 2013 to: Ms. Roxanne Stillings Box 125, Consort, Alberta, T0C 1B0 Email:

Preferences will be given to candidates that hold certificates in: • Level I Water Treatment, Distribution and Wastewater Treatment and Collection • Class 3 Driver’s Licence with Air Brake’s “Qâ€? endorsement or Class 1 (Valid Class 5 is adequate but would prefer the candidate to obtain a min. class 3) • Grade 12 Diploma • Training in instrumentation, PLC Programming - SCADA • Equipment operating and maintenance (mowers/loader tractor/3 ton/grader) • Safety Training Certificates (First Aid, WHIMIS, Fall Protection, Confined Space, H2S) This job entails working in environmental weather conditions, physical activity and problem solving. Maintenance and operations of water treatment plant, distribution system and wastewater facility are only part of your daily activities, additional activities in the common services area include grounds maintenance and beautification, street repairs and equipment maintenance. Discover Hardisty, a progressive urban community located in the scenic Battle River Valley. Rolling hills and farmlands that provide excellent habitat for native upland birds, whitetail and mule deer, moose and migrating ducks and geese surround the Town. Next to the Oil Hub of Alberta. Hardisty a Recreation Paradise. Please submit your resume with references to: Town of Hardisty Attn: Kevin Miller – CAO PO Box 10,, Hardisty, AB T0B 1V0 Ph. (780)888-3623 Fax (780)888-2200 e-mail: This position will remain open until a suitable applicant is found

Prism Integrated Solutions Inc. is currently hiring for the following positions: Journeyman or Apprentice Welders General Labourers with Pipefitting and Metal prep experience Office Assistant Duties include but not limited to assisting with: - Reception including answering phones, processing daily mail - Accounts payable - Data entry - Filing - General office duties Candidate must have excellent communication, customer service and computer skills and be able to work independently. Experience an asset but not necessary. Excellent wages and benefits package.

Email resumes to or fax to 780-582-3922

Clearview School Division No. 71 (Clearview Public Schools) requires a

HEAD CARETAKER Competition No. 5551 Clearview Public Schools is accepting applications for the position of Head Caretaker assigned to the Coronation School in Coronation, Alberta. This is a full time day shift (8 hours/day, Monday - Friday) assignment that requires heavy lifting to a maximum of 40 lbs. Successful candidates will be required to provide a current criminal record check and child intervention check prior to employment commencing. Candidates selected for an interview will be required to supply three references that have agreed to be contacted at the time of the interview. Interested applicants are asked to forward their resume electronically to applications@ quoting competition number in the subject line. Applications may also be sent to: Clearview Public Schools Attn: Donna Larsen Box 1720 Stettler, Alberta T0C 2L0. Faxes may be sent to (403)742-1388. remain open until August 26, 2013.

This competition will

We appreciate all applications but only those selected for an interview will be contacted.

Sherritt International Corporation 6KHUULWW ,QWHUQDWLRQDO &RUSRUDWLRQ is a leading naturalLV D OHDGLQJ QDWXUDO UHVRXUFHV FRPSDQ\ ZLWK ORFDWLRQV resources company with locations in Canada LQ &DQDGD $OEHUWD 6DVNDWFKHZDQ DQG 2QWDULR &XED (Alberta, Saskatchewan and Ontario), Cuba and Madagascar. Sherritt DQG 0DGDJDVFDU 6KHUULWW SURYLGHV D G\QDPLF ZRUN HQYLURQPHQW WKDW SURPRWHV DQG LQYHVWV LQ JURZWK provides a dynamic work environment that promotes and invests in RSSRUWXQLWLHV LQ HDFK RI LWV SULQFLSDO EXVLQHVVHV DQG ² LWV SHRSOH growth opportunitiesPRVW in LPSRUWDQWO\ each of ²its principal businesses and – most importantly – its people. Our Sherritt Coal division is Canada’s largest thermal coal producer, with ten surface mines in the provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan. Producing more than 94% of the thermal coal produced in the country, Sherritt currently supplies domestic utilities and international companies with fuel for electricity generation.

Journeyman Electrician Paintearth Mine An opportunity exists at the Paintearth Mine, located between Halkirk & Forestburg, Alberta. Position Profile: This position reports directly to the Electrical Supervisor. Responsibilities include industrial electrical maintenance, including PLC programming and modern drives. There will be an opportunity to work with high voltage, high power equipment. Qualifications: The ideal candidate will posses an Interprovincial Journeyman Electrician Certificate as well have industrial (oilfield) experience with teck cable, cable tray and PLC terminations. Troubleshooting experience with a willingness to be responsible for results is necessary. Experience with draglines and DC powered equipment is an asset. Sherritt Coal offers a competitive compensation and benefits package and provides the opportunity for personal growth and development.

Closing date: August 26, 2013 Please e-mail or fax your resume and cover letter to Human Resources: E-mail: Fax: 403.884.3001 We thank all candidates for their interest, but only those selected for an interview will be contacted. We would kindly appreciate no phone calls.



HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED combine operator needed for 2013 harvest on Galahad area farm. Phone Scott 780-3858478 or Mike 780-3855171.

REQUIRED Immediately, 3rd year or Journeyman electrician for Commercial & Residential Electrical. Fax resume to 403578-3036 or email

NOW HIRING FOOD SERVICE MANAGER Canada Grey Motor Inn Hanna Apply in Person or Email resume to

Petrofield Industries is accepting resumes for:

Labourers, Industrial Painters, Sandblasters, and Welders. at our Manufacturing Facility located at 4102 44th ave, Stettler, AB. Willing to train if candidate has related basic skills or experience. Our Company has an enthusiastic, fast paced working environment with advancement for motivated individuals, and an excellent benefit package. Please forward resume to or Fax 403-742-5544

C O R O N AT I O N , A B . A U G U S T 2 2 ' 1 3




NOW HIRING ELECTRICAL INSTRUMENTATION & CONTROLS TECHNICIAN REFERENCE CODE PRT50698877 FACILITIES TECHNICIANS – REFERENCE CODE PRT50698841 & PRT50698773 MECHANICAL TECHNICIANS – REFERENCE CODE PRT50698869 & PRT50698853 FIND THE MOST SIGNIFICANT WORK OF YOUR CAREER AT TRANSCANADA. At TransCanada we dream big, think big and do big things. For more than 60 years, we’ve been supplying reliable and efficient energy to millions of North Americans with our pipelines, gas storage and power generation facilities. Our operation in Hardisty, AB is growing, and because of this growth we are hiring for the following positions: Facilities Technicians; Mechanical Technicians; and Electrical Instrumentation & Controls Technician.



Is currently seeking

Is currently seeking

Truck Driver Gasfitter to operate in central Alberta.

to operate in central Alberta.

Class 3 Drivers license and all relevant Oilfield Safety Certificates required.

Class 3 Drivers license and all relevant Oilfield Safety Certificates required.

Please apply with resume to:

Please apply with resume to:

Midwest Propane

Midwest Propane

Rimbey, AB. Call: 403 843-8430, Fax: 403 843-8460 or by email to:

Rimbey, AB. Call: 403 843-8430, Fax: 403 843-8460 or by email to:

If you are looking to grow and expand your career in a reputable and established company, this is your opportunity! TransCanada is an equal opportunity employer. For more information and to apply to this position, please visit our website at Everything you do at TransCanada contributes to everything we do across North America. Make more of your career. Help us build long-lasting energy solutions that matter.

Employment Opportunity OK TIRE - CASTOR requires a Front Counter Service Advisor Position Overview: As part of the front-line staff this position is responsible for ensuring that all customers are provided with top-notch customer service, consultation, and explanation of required automotive services as well as sales and scheduling. Responsibilities will include: • Customer Service, Pricing/Quotations, Scheduling, Invoicing, and receiving of Payments. • Parts Shipping, Receiving Skills/Qualifications Required: • 2-3 years of automotive experience specifically relating to providing customer service, job costing, sales, invoicing, and scheduling will be beneficial. • Preference given to those candidates who have previous mechanical/tire experience • Organized, attention to details and strong analytical skills. • Ability to work well under pressure in a fast paced, ever changing high-volume environment • Computer proficiency and Strong interpersonal, written and verbal skills along with problem solving and economic thinking skills are strong assets for this position. • Must possess and maintain a current, valid driver’s license • Physically capable of lifting and moving items up to +50 Ibs • Must be available to work full time, 5 days a week + 1-2 Saturday mornings a month + overtime when required. General Details: • Full time position, 8 hours a day with a 1 hour unpaid lunch break/lunch • Must be available to work full time, 5 days a week + 1-2 Saturday mornings a month + overtime • when required. • Competitive Industry wages. Please email resume’s to or fax to (403) 882-2021 Attention: Patrick Telephone Inquiries from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm only. 403-740-9625

M.D. Of Provost No. 52

PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR The M.D. of Provost No. 52 is seeking a qualified individual to fill the position of Public Works Director, due to the existing Director’s imminent retirement. Reporting to the Administrator, the Director is responsible for the well-being of the M.D.’s road network, including the planning and implementation of annual construction projects, in addition to the management of all Public Works staff. The successful candidate will demonstrate exceptional people and time management skills, in addition to possessing a strong technical background in construction and road maintenance. Senior management experience in a related or equivalent field is a pre-requisite for application. Salary is negotiable and will be commensurate with experience and qualifications. Interested parties are encouraged to submit a resume with a minimum of three references to: Tyler Lawrason Administrator M.D. of Provost No. 52 4504-53rd Avenue Provost, AB T0B 3S0 (780) 753-2434 The M.D. of Provost thanks all applicants for their interest; however, only those applicants selected for an interview will be contacted.

18 A U G U S T


HELP WANTED LOOKING for part-time front desk and housekeeping staff. Contact Cheng 403-578-3000. WINCH tractor operators. Must have experience operating a winch. To apply fax, email or drop off resume at the office. Phone 780-842-6444. Fax 780-842-6581. Email: rigmove@telus. net. Mail: H&E Oilfield Services Ltd., 2202 - 1 Ave., Wainwright, AB, T9W 1L7. For more employment information see our webpage: ENVIROEX Oilfield Rentals & Sales Ltd. is looking for a Class 1 Driver to join our team. Oilfield experience is required as well as valid safety tickets. We offer a great benefit package as well as a small company atmosphere. Please fax your resume and a current driver’s abstract 403501-0387.

C O R O N AT I O N , A B .

DISPATCHER position. Calnash Trucking Ltd. has an immediate opening for a Dispatcher in the Ponoka Branch. Responsibilities include coordinating equipment and personnel for rig moves and service work. Computer skills and knowledge of the trucking industry, drilling rigs and oilfield equipment, transportation rules and regulations would be an asset. Only those selected for an interview will be contacted. No phone calls please. Submit resume to: Calnash Trucking Ltd., 6526 - 44 Ave., Ponoka, AB, T4J 1J8. Fax 403-783-3011. Email: Attention: Dispatch Position. HEAVY duty mechanic, Flagstaff County, Sedgewick, Alberta. Please contact Kevin Kinzer at 780-3844106 or Competitive salary, benefits & pension plan.

Super A /Pharmasave - Hanna we are currently looking for

Part Time Help in our Pharmacy Please apply at our Pharmacy to Heather Brown or Calvin Warnock *No phone calls please

Score Projects is a new and fast growing company located in Stettler, AB. We are looking to fill positions for:

B Pressure Welders Experienced Apprentices Structural Welders Labour/helpers Prefer welders with piping fabrication, vessel and skid experience. Contract or employee. Top wages and benefits package. Please send resume to Or fax to 1-888-317-7460

CLASSIFIEDS/CAREERS BLAIRMORE Sobeys full-time Baker, full-time Grocery Manager. Wages negotiable. Benefits available. Fax resume to Ken 403562-8985. TJ LOGGING of Whitecourt, Alberta is now taking resumes for 2013 - 2014 logging season. Experienced buncher/skidder/limber/ process operators required. Please fax resume to 780-7782428.

OUTSIDE sales person for NAPA Store in Three Hills, Alberta. Automotive parts/service knowledge required and sales experience is valuable. Resume to: dfox@ AN ALBERTA oilfield company is hiring dozer and excavator operators. Lodging and meals provided. Drug testing required. Call 780-723-5051, Edson, Alberta.

To join Flatiron at our Edmonton Location. Flatiron is one of North America’s fastest growing heavy civil infrastructure contractors. We have landmark projects across Canada and we have established ourselves as a builder and employer of choice. Our Edmonton projects will be offering competitive compensation on a 3-year project. This is year-round work. Flatiron has been named Heavy Civil Contractor of the Year in Alberta and has been recognized as a 2012 Best Workplace in Canada. Please apply by sending your resume to or fax: 780-454-8970 Please indicate in your email which location you are applying to.

Resumes accepted until August 23/13. Only successful applicants will be contacted.

OPENINGS in Alberta areas for Highway Maintenance Class 1 or 3 Operators. Fulltime and part-time positions available. Fax resume to Carillion Canada at 780-4490574 or email: mcroft@ Positions to start Oct. 15, 2013. Please state what position you are interested in.

CJ Enterprises is currently accepting resumes for the following positions:

12345 3.75 wide version

MÉTIS YOUTH TRANSITION TO HIGHER 12345 LEARNING Métis youth between the ages of 18 –30. Get the academic upgrading in Math, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English necessary for admission into a full time post-secondary program in Engineering, Health Sciences or Environmental Sciences. Application Deadline: August 26, 2013. Call: 1-888-48-MÉTIS (1-888-486-3847) online at:

NOW located in Drayton Valley. BREKKAAS Vacuum & Tank Ltd. Wanted Class 1 & 3 Drivers, Super Heater Operators with all valid tickets. Top wages, excellent benefits. Please forward resume to: Email: Phone 780621-3953. Fax 780621-3959.

check us out online


• Welders • Labourers • Pipefitters • Sub-Contracted Crew Truck Operators • Service Mechanic • On-site Safety Reps • Apprentice Welders • Shop Foreman Please fax resume to 403-742-0241 or email to Drop off resumes to 4607 – 42 St., Stettler NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE

Stettler Dodge & RV

Funded in part by the Government of Canada.

is looking for a

Full Time Automotive Technician Monday - Friday, No Weekends Excellent pay plus benefits Hope College, Drumheller Fall 2013 Semester – Beginning September 3, 2013

2-year Provincially Licensed Diploma Programs in • Justice (Corrections) • Business Administration • Tourism

Email resumes to or fax into 403-742-3230 or drop off in person @ 4406 44th Ave., Stettler.

Stettler, AB 403-742-3000 • 1-888-742-3230

Full or Part-time Schedules Housing options available within walking distance Call: 403-856-8108 Email:

Is Accepting Resumes for

Obtain your Level l & 2 education - FREE - while you work Fax or send a resume to: Castor Child Care Society Box 952 Castor, Alberta TOC OXO Fax: 403-882-4143 Must be willing to obtain a Child Welfare Record Check, First Aid & a Criminal Records Check.

INTERIOR Heavy Equipment Operator School. No Simulators. In-the-seat training. Real world tasks. Weekly start dates. Job board! Funding options. Sign up online! 1-866-3993853.

Heavy Highway / Formwork Carpenters & Night Laborer Professionals

Castor Child Care Society Busy Beaver Daycare

Level 1 & 2 Child Care Workers

FREIGHTLAND Carriers, a tri-axle air ride flatdeck carrier is looking for Owner/ Operators to run Alberta only or 4 Western Provinces. Average gross $18 20,000/month. 1-800917-9021.



I’m one of those annoying people who actually loves my job.

Boston Pizza is looking for motivated and energetic people to work in a fast-paced and fun environment. So whether you’re looking to build a career in the restaurant business or in search of a flexible schedule, we’ve got the right opportunity for you.

• • •

Servers Bartenders Host/Hostesses Community Relations Coordinators Delivery Drivers Managers Cooks Dishwashers

Contact Brian at Stettler Boston Pizza

6711 - 50 Ave., Stettler, AB




HELP WANTED MOTEL management required for Ponoka, Alberta. We are seeking a positive, capable, entrepreneurial person or couple with previous resort or motel experience. Email resume: Pamela@inntimateinns. com. SEEKING a career in the Community Newspaper business? Post your resume for FREE right where the publishers are looking. Visit: resumes_add.php.

CAREER TRAINING GOVERNMENT of Alberta Health Care Aide Certification. Classes start September 3, 2013 January 22, 2014. Visit www.healthcareaideacademy or 403-3474233. Start your career at The Health Care Aide Academy downtown Red Deer.

TRAVEL SNOWBIRDS! Parksville/Qualicum, Vancouver Island, 600 sq. ft., 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom fully furnished new cottage in forest setting. $975/ month, utilities included. Available October 1/13 - Spring 2014. 250-248-9899 or

PERSONALS DATING Service. Longterm/short-term relationships. Free to try! 1-877-297-9883. Live intimate conversation, Call #7878 or 1-888534-6984. Live adult 1on1 Call 1-866-3119640 or #5015. Meet local single ladies. 1-877-804-5381. (18+).

I love joking around at work. In a safety conscious way, of course.




Boston Pizza is looking for motivated and energetic people to work in a fast-paced and fun environment. So whether you’re looking to build a career in the restaurant business or in search of a flexible schedule, we’ve got the right opportunity for you.

• •

Cooks Dishwashers Servers Bartenders Host/Hostesses Community Relations Coordinators Delivery Drivers Managers

Contact Brian at Stettler Boston Pizza



6711 - 50 Ave., Stettler, AB


Career Opportunity in Hardisty Health & Benefits Admin

Health & Benefits Admin This position will assist with payroll and administer the group benefits plan. More details at Email or fax resume to: or 780-888-2100

Apprenticeship Applications are now being accepted at

Hanna Chrysler Ltd. If you are an aspiring automotive service technician who likes hands-on problem solving and providing good customer service, you can earn your journeyman ticket as part of our team. Chrysler factory training also provided. This is a full time position with benefits. Fax 403-854-2845, or e-mail

East Central Gas Co-op Ltd.

Full Time Serviceman Position Valid Drivers License Required Please fax, e-mail, or mail resume to: East Central Gas Co-op Ltd. Box 190 Hanna AB T0J 1P0 Fax: 403-854-2051 ATTN: Reg Corry Deadline for applications is August 30, 2013

C O R O N AT I O N , A B . A U G U S T 2 2 ' 1 3

Restaurant cook (NOC: 6242) Job types: Regular job Terms of Employment: Permanent, Full Time, Shift Salary: $12.00 to $15.00 Hourly, 40 hours per week Anticipated Start Date: As soon as possible Location: Hanna, Alberta (2 Vacancies) Experience: 7 months to less than 1 year Languages: Speak English, Write English Types of Meals/Food Prepared: Short orders, Breakfasts, Lunches, Dinners, All meals Work Location Information: Hotel Essential Skills: Reading text, Document use, Writing, Oral communication, Working with others Employer: Canada Grey Motor Inn How to Apply: By Mail: P.O. Box 1436 Hanna, Alberta T0J 1P0 In person between 9:00 and 17:00 : 616 - 2 Avenue West Hanna, Alberta T0J 1P0 By Fax: (403) 854-2787 By email:



to haul fuel in the Czar and Provost areas. Must have a class 1 or 3 license. YEAR ROUND WORK,EXCELLENT WAGE, BENEFITS, AND PENSION. Must be able to start soon. For more info phone Keith at 780-753-2484. Email resume to or Fax to 780-753-2487


20 A U G U S T




TRUE Psychics! For Answers call now 24/7 Toll Free 1-877-3423036; Mobile: # 4486;

THE MOOSE Cave would like to thank Korner Kash & Karry and the Volunteer Fire Dept. for their promptness and efficiency in averting a major loss.

AUCTIONS MEIER Gun Auction. Saturday, August 31, 11 a.m., 6016 - 72A Ave., Edmonton. Over 150 guns - Handguns, rifles, shotguns, wildlife mounts, hunting and fishing equipment. To consign 780-440-1860.


AUCTION Sat. Aug. 24

@ 10am Selling: John Deere 430 Tractor w/ FEL, Metal Lathe & Many other Shop Tools; Tandem Axle Trailer, Party Tents, Jewellery, Ride On Lawn Mower, New Vinyl Windows, Furniture, Sports Collectibles & Much More! No Buyers Fee! $100 Draw!

• Brakes • Wiring • • Wheel Bearing Repacks •

David Johnston of Big Valley, Ab. showed off his awards from national and provincial championships. ECA REVIEW/Submitted

Captured two national titles David Johnston of Big Valley, Alberta recently captured two National titles at the Canadian National Silhouette Rifle Championships held in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, July 7 - 13, 2013. Approximately 40 shooters attended from British Columbia, Alberta,

Saskatchewan, Ontario, Northwest Territories, the Yukon, and Washington State. More recently, David won both available Alberta provincial smallbore championship titles held August 17, 18, 2013 at Kananaskis Gun Club near Canmore, Alberta with scores of 98/120 and 96/120.

Service to all light trailers

1235 – 1 Ave, Wainwright

780-842-5666 NEED to advertise? Province wide classifieds. Reach over 1 million readers weekly. Only $269. + GST (based on 25 words or less). Call this newspaper NOW for details or call 403-578-4111. COLLECTOR Car Auction. 6TH Annual Red Deer Fall Finale. September 20 - 21, Westerner Park. Last year sold 77%. Only 100 spaces available. Consign today. 403396-0304. Toll free 1-888-296-0528 ext. 102; www.egauctions. com. AUCTION sale. Dispersal for PTI Premium Camp Services, Spruce Grove, Alberta. Tuesday, August 27, 2013, 10 a.m. Check website for listings: www.rainbowauctions. ca. Sale conducted by: Rainbow Liquidators and Auctions, Stony Plain, Alberta, 780968-1000. 2-DAY Antique Auction. August 24 & 25, 11 a.m. Over 3000 items, furniture, tools, and collectibles. Meier Auctions at 6016 - 72A Ave., Edmonton. To consign 780-440-1860.


SERVICES DO you need to borrow money - Now? If you own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits will lend you money It’s that simple. 1-877486-2161. CRIMINAL Record? Think: Canadian pardon. U.S. travel waiver. (24 hour record check). Divorce? Simple. Fast. Inexpensive. Debt recovery? Alberta collection to $25,000. Calgary 403-2281300/1-800-347-2540;

Trailer Repair

Scribner Auction Ltd.


C O R O N AT I O N , A B .

• Stock trailers • • Flat decks • RVs •

G.P.L. Tractor Service Gordon Long 403-575-3863 FAST and easy loans! Bad credit accepted! Get up to $25,000 on your vehicle, mobile home, land or equipment. 1st and 2nd mortgages; 1-877-7871682. MONEYPROVIDER. COM. $500 loan and +. No credit refused. Fast, easy, 100% secure. 1-877-776-1660. BANK said no? Bank on us! Equity Mortgages for purchases, debt consolidation, foreclosures, renovations. Bruised credit, self-employed, unemployed ok. Dave Fitzpatrick: 587-4378437, Belmor Mortgage.

Coronation 3rd Annual Seniors Golf Tournament The format for the seniors tournament is pairing up the low handicappers with the high handicappers for a day of fun, food and golf. Thirty-eight participated in the event on Saturday, August 10. First Flight: 1st - Darcy Meyer and Joyce Webster (35); 2nd - Carol Lundy and Ralph McLarty (37); and 3rd - Bill Schmidt and Dave Galarneau (38). Second Flight: Colette Freed of High River and Keith Pieper (38); 2nd - Jay Galarneau and Larry Golby (39); and 3rd Dave Rock and Barry Mason (41) defeating the Rod Klassen duo in a chip off.

Third Flight: 1st - Robert Guse and Ray Milne (36); 2nd Deb Allen, Edmonton (38) and Ted McKenzie; and 3rd Bernice Ekman and Claud Zinger (41). Fourth Flight: 1st - Conrad Scoville and Mike Schmidt (36); and 2nd - Dennis Allen, Edmonton and Judy Scoville (40). Ladies longest drive was won by Bernice Ekman; Mens longest drive was taken by Darcy Meyer. A raffle for a set of golf clubs was won by Rod Klassen and everyone received a door prize with cash prizes for the flights.

Two bull calves clamored to get into the ring, competing for overall grand champion at the Northern Alberta Hereford Club’s Field Day in Hardisty on Friday, August 15. The calf on the right owned by Riverbridge Ranches Maidstone, Sk. won Grand Champion Bull Calf. ECA REVIEW/L. Taylor

Hereford Club’s 19th Annual Field Day Logan Taylor

ECA Review reporter This year’s Northern Alberta Hereford Club’s 19th Annual Field Day was held on Friday, August 15, with the usual Hereford Bull show and the charity heifer, as well as visiting ranchers from Australia and the retirement of Michele Rutledge of Hardisty Ab. Michele has been the secretary manager of the Alberta Hereford Association (AHA) for ten years. The association stated that they were “Fortunate to have her great care, dedication and diligence.” And she thoroughly enjoyed her time working there.

“It has been a very positive experience and they have some of the finest people I know,” Michele commented about her career with the Association. The show was judged by Jim and Georgine Westgard, who chose one of Riverbridge Ranches of Maidstone, Sk yearling bulls as Grand Champion, with Harvey Zieger of Barrhead Ab winning reserve with one of his bull calves. The Grand Champion of the bull of the Open Show belonged to Irma ranchers Sheldon and Shannon Archibald of the SS Cattle Company, which was formerly Trefak Herefords (Est. 1945), showcasing a very magnificent specimen from a long line of premium genetics.


TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WINTER wheat seed, newer variety. Call Norman Storch 403854-2593.

A&B is a committed employer to the communities where we operate Over 55 years strong, Arnett & Burgess Oilfield Construction Limited (A&B) safely provides quality pipeline construction, facility installation, custom fabrication, pipeline integrity, maintenance and related construction services to the energy industry.

Subcontractor Payment Administrator Scope of Job The ideal candidate will have the following experience: • • • •

Quality Color Printing • Business Cards • Brochures • Letterhead • Posters • Flyers • Calendars • Greeting Cards • Announcements • Invitations

Communicate in color with our highquality and highly affordable, four-color printing services. Whether it’s a business presentation or a personal project, our friendly, helpful staff gets your job done quickly and easily.

REVIEW East Central Alberta

403-578-4111• Coronation, AB

• • • • • •

Experience with computerized accounting software specific to accounts payable and payroll modules. Knowledge of Worker’s Compensation Board rules and regulations. Ability to reconcile inputted time to vendor invoices. General knowledge of Alberta employment standards including vacation, overtime and taxable benefits specific to construction industry. Knowledge of oil and gas industry and equipment a definite asset. Must be able to work independently in an open office environment. Strong MS Office knowledge (MS Word, Excel and Outlook). Ability to prioritize work to meet payroll deadlines. Strong written and verbal communication skills required. Must be detailed oriented and extremely organized.

Location: Sedgewick, AB. Compensation: Competitive Salary Full Benefits Wage Dependent on Exp. Hours: Full-Time. 8am–4:30pm/ 7:00am–3:30pm Monday to Friday. Duration of Work: Permanent

To submit your resume and learn more about these positions and other career opportunities please contact Human Resources: Email: HR@ABPIPELINERS.COM | Phone: 780.384.4050 | Fax 780.384.2402 | WWW.ABPIPELINERS.COM

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