Durham Chronicle

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Legendary Canadian rock band. See 54/40 Page 38

20th annual Parents as Partners. See Kielburger Page 38

Volume XXXVIII, Issue 8

November 29, 2011

It’s easy being green in Whitby Cameron McDonald The Chronicle

Durham College’s Whitby campus has certainly set a high bar for other businesses and educational buildings within the Durham Region, and perhaps even all of Ontario when it comes to going green. Over the past couple years the campus has completed phase one and phase two of its three-phase construction plan, which has involved major environmentally conscious renovations. Darrin Caron, the dean of the Whitby campus, has overseen the construction to the campus over the past year since he took over the job, and he is pleased with the results so far. “After finishing Phase 2, we have accomplished something I think few other schools -and large facilities for that matterhave around the Durham Region. We have started a project

Cameron McDonald

RENEWABLE ENERGY: The six wind turbines sitting atop the main building at Whitby Campus. that, I hope, will continue years into the future until we have an entirely self-sufficient build-

ing.” The first two phases of the construction added many envi-

ronmentally friendly features, such as waterless urinals, rainwater and storm water col-

lection ponds, skylights, and windows with sensors that can detect sunlight levels to remain at their highest efficiency. Sue Moore, the manager of academic operations, pointed out how different the new phase areas on campus are from the old area. “You can tell instantly that you are walking into one of the new phases. It gets so much brighter and more welcoming, thanks to those big skylights everywhere.” These are just a few of the many additions to the campus, but this brief list of additions shows why the the building now enjoys more energy efficiency as a result. “The entire Phase 2 area is an energy-neutral zone, meaning it is completely self-sufficient and creates all of its own required energy,” said Ralph Aprile, the vice-president of facilities and ancillary service.

See Turbines Page 3

DC fall convocation 407 extension goes off without a hitch hits Durham Kim Moreau

Tyler Richards

The bagpipes played, the tears were cried, and the laughter faded into the cool fall evening. Durham College graduates eagerly piled into the Campus Recreation and Wellness Centre gymnasium on Nov. 17. The students arrived in groups following a flag representing their school: Applied Sciences; Apprenticeship; Skilled Trades and Technology; Business, IT, and Management; Career Development and Continuing Education; Health and Community Services; Justice and Emergency Services; and Media, Art and Design. Students and guests were greeted by a gymnasium decorated with Durham College

The 407 is coming to town, and it will change the face of north Oshawa and Whitby forever. Being built at Simcoe street and Winchester road is a shopping complex that will house Canada’s largest retail outlet store. There are also plans to develop restaurants and housing in the area, providing part-time jobs for many students from UOIT and Durham College. Durham and UOIT are by far the largest institutions that will be immediately impacted by the 407 extension. Both of these institutions will see increased population once the extension to Harmony road is completed and

The Chronicle

The Chronicle

Kim Moreau

SENDING OFF: Durham College alumnus Dan Quinn gives his keynote address to the graduating class at the fall convocation. flags, a huge turquoise banner with the words “Convocation, Class of 2011” and a full stage of dignitaries dressed in long black robes with green, yellow

and white accents.

See Convocation Page 2

opened by late 2015. The president of Durham College, Don Lovisa, knows that with the increase in population comes an increase in problems, some of which are minor now, such as parking and traffic on campus, but could become very problematic with an increased population. “There is a number of ways it could affect us,” Lovisa said. “We will probably see increased traffic flow initially off Simcoe street, it may cause more traffic and congestion for a campus that is already congested.” It’s not all bad, though, according to Lovisa.

See 407 Page 6


The Chronicle

November 29, 2011


Riot held up but not held down Austin Rogers The Chronicle

The Riot Radio was set to begin in October. However, with technical and co-ordination difficulties their launch date has continuously been set back. But the staff at the Riot won’t be giving in any time soon and needs to start before the year end. More has changed since last year than the station’s logo. Last year the Riot was in the hands of a trained professor and students who were not trained in radio. The operation area was a very small room and their equipment was less than stellar. This year the Student Association has taken the reins and added more organization and funding to the station’s operation and the station is also set to run as more than an audio station. “It’s now a visual radio station, one of the first in North America,” said station co-ordinator Laura Ferr. The station will broadcast over the Internet with audio and visual aids and will now comply with all CRTC standards. No pirated music will be

Austin Rogers

GETTING READY TO RIOT: Mat Keselman, technical director, and Laura Ferr, station co-ordinator, inside the new location of Riot Radio. played on the air, only music purchased legally. Various obstacles have caused significant delays to the station’s start date. “We (Riot Staff and the SA) discovered that what we want to do is more complicated than we thought

and more people have more ideas and we try to implement them as well,” said technical director Mat Keselman. Now the Riot faces a serious technical problem. “We have to do a heart transplant first,” said Ferr.

They have to replace a piece of equipment called a tricaster, a hardware/software combination that digitalizes audio and visual information and sends it via Ethernet. The tricaster they currently have is a simple model that

doesn’t suit their needs. Their start date now depends on how long the more advanced model takes to arrive. Other delays include staffing the station. Last year’s co-ordinator Iain McPherson resigned to focus on his teaching and Ferr wasn’t hired as his permanent replacement in the revamped station until August. In the new station the DJs won’t have to worry about handling the technical operation of their shows. A technical operator will always be in the booth to run that aspect. “They get to focus on being personalities,” said Ferr. In their new DJs the Riot is looking for people who can produce quality content and sensible direction on the air. “Whatever you say, know that you have to stand behind that,” said Ferr. The DJs will also be learning while volunteering for the station. “You’ll never get this much hands-on training and prep work from a co-ordinator or a tech person or a news and media director,” Ferr said. DJs will also have the opportunity to learn how to operate the technical equipment if they want.

Graduates greet future with excitement Continued from Page 1

Standing out among the people on stage was Don Lovisa, Durham College president, who spent most of the evening with a smile of pride stretching from one ear to the other. After a playing of the national anthem, Lovisa introduced the people behind him, including new UOIT president Tim McTiernan, president of the Alumni Association Lillian Jacoby, president of the Student Association Amy LaRue, and special guest Dan Quinn. He also shared his enthusiasm and excitement for reaching this point with students before handing off the microphone. LaRue, during her turn at the microphone, talked to students about their time at Durham College beyond just education and told them to hold onto the memories from their social lives as well. Whether it be a get-together at E.P. Taylors, attending a sporting event, or getting to know a new friend, Durham College graduates were leaving with an abundance of memories. Quinn, a Durham College graduate from 1984, wished students the best in the future and offered his words of wisdom as a former Durham College student. Quinn had students and guests laughing as he started his speech talking of the growth

Kim Moreau

PROUD PRESIDENT: Durham College president Don Lovisa wished graduates the best in the future. of technology and social media and his plans, jokingly, to create the greatest social media site possible, Youtwitface. Once Quinn had won over the crowd with his social media plans, he began offering his advice to students. “You don’t come to Durham College to learn to do something,” said Quinn, “You come to Durham College to be something.” Quinn has been the managing director of the NFL Canada, established sports clubs for physically disabled children and adults, established the Canadian Sport Awards program, and serves as chair of the Dur-

ham College Sports Management advisory committee. Quinn told students that success doesn’t come easy but to never be afraid to dream big. He wished the fall graduates excitement as they walk out of Durham College doors to either pursue further education or start their careers, and to not be intimidated. After the speakers finished and students became antsy in their seats, shifting their weight, tapping their feet, and looking about the stage, they were finally given their recognition. Students of all ages and backgrounds walked across the platform shaking hands and ac-

cepting their papers on school at a time, some students laughing and others crying with excitement. Some students received additional recognition as Durham College leaders with president’s honour roll acknowledging students with a cumulative grade point average of 4.0 or higher, student leadership award for students who enhance life on campus, and recognition for the highest-ranking graduates in programs. When they were returning to their seats they were greeted by a mob of excited fans. Spouses, children, parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins,

friends, and many more were shouting, clapping, cheering, taking pictures and smiling to show their pride. “Love you mom,” shouted one person in the crowd. “That’s my boy,” “You go!”, “I love you baby,” shouted others as they raced to the front barrier in an attempt to capture a quick picture. The excitement radiated off the crowd for the entire 90-minute ceremony. When the ceremony closed, students waved their hands and papers in the air, smiling and laughing as they followed the bagpiper out of the gymnasium and through the doors to the rest of their lives.


The Chronicle

November 29, 2011


Students learning efficiently

Cameron McDonald The Chronicle

What better way to learn home maintenance than working on a real home? That’s exactly what Durham College has provided for its students. The school of skilled trades and apprenticeship is planning to unveil its mock homes on campus starting in January of this year. One of the homes is a “newbuild” house, which is currently being built by Durham Custom Homes and their affiliate suppliers, is set to be ready for use by the 2012 fall semester. Ralph Aprile, the vice president of Facilities and Ancillary Services, has been overseeing the new-build project and is confident in Durham Custom Homes’ ability to deliver a topnotch building. “They build all of these cutting-edge energy features into all of their homes, so they are perfect for this job, because we want the most energy-efficient

Cameron McDonald

HOME BUILDING: Energy-efficient construction site awaiting Whitby students. home possible for students to learn in.” The other home was already fully constructed and was moved onto campus earlier last year. The house is a 1970s mod-

el and is built up to standards at that time. “We actually had quite a hard time getting the permits to move this house here. It was hard to pass this as a learning

facility rather than a standard home,” said Darrin Caron, the dean of Whitby campus. The older home, although already fully built, has had to be overhauled to be deemed safe

for students to learn in. This has included the installation of extra supports and additional fire alarms to make the building safer. The newer home will act as a contrast and comparison to the older home, which is directly beside it, so that students can see the difference in energy efficiency techniques. Allan Martin, the program co-ordinator of Apprenticeship and Renewable Technology, is confident the contrast between the two homes will be useful for many skilled trades programs. “The old home would be best used for energy audits to see where improvements can be made, and the new home can be used to compare the standards and learn how to maintain the current ones. Electricians, carpenters, auditors and plumbers can work on these homes, just to name a few.” The goal is for both homes to be ready for full use in time for the start of the 2012 fall semester.

Graduate students offer Whitby campus free conflict resolution growing greener Continued from Page 1

Nicole Patton The Chronicle

“Life can be full of conflict – we can help.” That is the pledge of the Campus Conflict Resolution Service. The service is run by the Mediation – Alternative Dispute Resolution (MADR) graduate program students and provides free, confidential conflict resolution services for both Durham College and UOIT. “We provide an outreach service on campus where we will provide presentations to various classrooms across the campus to present on what is conflict, tips on dealing with conflict and also provide students with knowledge about our service,” said Virginia Harwood, MADR co-ordinator and supervisor of the CCRS. “We work with students to create group work contracts. We do some pre-conflict negotiations and we do mediations for students.” The service was built up in late 2010 to give MADR students some learning experiences and to help the campus community with certain situations. The CCRS started operating at the beginning of this year. “It provides the students, our mediation students, with real world learning,” said Harwood. “They really run a business and provide the service. They do all the marketing, the track-

Nicole Patton

RESOLUTION: Valerie Lepik, Virginia Harwood, Bettina Marly, Melissa Hauke, Deena Misale, and Tim Dailley. ing of documentation and we also support our campus community. So it’s really a win-win that our students are getting experience and the campus community can benefit from the services that we offer.” Conflicts the service can help resolve can be between friends, groups, classmates, relationships and teams. Sessions can take anywhere between half an hour to two hours and mediators work with students to schedule a meeting at a mutually convenient time and place. “The participants want a very quiet location, a very confidential location,” said Har-

wood. Places such as boardrooms on campus or places in the student’s residence building can be used for the sessions. Speaking with the students involved, these third party mediators can help devise an acceptable solution to the conflict that everyone is happy with. “It’s popular and it’s becoming very popular,” said Harwood. “The mediations that we do certainly have a very high rate of success in terms of resolving, in helping students resolve, their conflict.” If you need help with a conflict on campus appointments can be booked with a mediator at CCRS@durhamcollege.ca.

This energy neutral zone is due to the over 350 solar panels scattered around campus, the 35 wells that are 350 feet deep, and six wind turbines which all combine to make up the majority of the energy output for the new areas of campus. Martin explained that the solar panels and geothermal wells are the biggest contributors to actual energy output on campus, with the panels generating an average of 78 kilowatts per hour and the wells producing enough heat and cooling for the entire main building. The solar panels also heat the water for the majority of the facilities around campus. On top of these heavy lifters, there are still the small additions, that also contribute such as skylights, which use a mirror system to provide natural light for most of the day, and waterless urinals, reducing the amount of water needed to be pumped through the building. Aprile is adamant about the fact that the environmental additions have been just as useful to the students as they have been to the building’s costs and maintenance. “We have created a living lab environment for students to work on every day.” Allan Martin, the program

coordinator for the Renewable Energy Programs at Durham College Whitby campus elaborated on Aprile’s observations, by adding that the students actually get to work on the panels, turbines, and wells to see first hand how they operate and how they can be maintained. There are maintenance rooms for the wind turbines and the geothermal wells, where students of the Energy Auditing program can study and regulate energy outputs, and the solar panels have a website devoted to past and real-time statistics for similar student purposes. “This gives students real-time feedback on the equipment they are learning about. Instead of reading about altering energy levels, for example, they actually get to alter them.” With Phase 3 of the construction plan set to break ground in a couple weeks, and all of the positive results of the first two phases, the future seems bright for the Whitby campus, with more environmental additions slated for the new facility which will house an additional 900 students. As vice president Aprile aptly said, “We need to focus on green sustainability, now and, more importantly, into the future.”


The Chronicle

November 29, 2011

Publisher: Greg Murphy Editor-in-Chief: Gerald Rose Ad Manager: Dawn Salter

To contact us

Editorial Page

Newsroom: Room L-223; Ext. 3068 E-mail: Chronicle.News@dc-uoit.ca Advertising: Room L-223; Ext. 3069 E-mail: dawn.salter@durhamcollege.ca

Ontario students, take a stand Post-secondary executives are paid too much at student expense A spirit of protest goes viral amongst college and university goers in Quebec, emphasizing the quiet voices of Ontario students. Quebec students have been holding various day-long strikes for several months, in opposition to a tuition increase over the course of the next five years. It would bring the average rate of universities and private colleges in Quebec from $2,168 to $3,793. Public colleges remain tuition free zones. In contrast, Ontario students pay the most for post-secondary education in Canada – an average annual cost of $3,300 in college and $7,100 in university, both including tuition and ancillary fees. Colossal fees have the potential to establish a type of class system where the wealthier continue to reap the benefits of post-secondary education and the low-income population is sometimes stuck on the shoreline, terrified to swim in the vastness of overwhelming debt. Yet Don Lovisa, president of Durham College, made $270,000 last year and president Jon Davies of Humber College in Toronto earned $403,000. Ontario’s top paid university president Mamdouh Shoukri of York University made $480,000 in 2010. In two and a half years, Shoukri makes the same as a Cash For Life winner. Over in Quebec, Heather Munroe-Blum principal of McGill University (which is the equivalent to a president) is the highest paid university principal in Quebec, reaping $356,000 a year. Clearly, though salaries are lower in Quebec, they are not in a different ballpark from those

in Ontario. Staff salaries aren’t as strongly reflected in Quebec tuition rates, because higher taxes cover the costs, and some courses are not as developed (therefore less expensive) in Quebec as they are in Ontario. But with Quebec’s struggle to support post-secondary education and the subsequent massive tuition hikes, it may be a signal to pull university and college administrators closer toward the middle class. On Nov. 10, 200,000 students in Quebec took to the streets or blockaded their school to preserve the province’s 17-year-old provincial tuition freeze. Even the faculty at some campuses refused to cross the student picket lines. And while Quebecers screamed for financial accessibility, students in Ontario accepted their suffocating debt, and went on with their academic routines. Attitudes are more tolerant and civil disobedience is small and seldom in the land with the highest tuition rates in the country. A popular reason for not taking part in challenging the government is that people say they feel powerless in taking action as individuals. There is nothing on earth much more fragile than a snowflake. But when stuck together, just look at their power. They cave in roofs, shut down cities and wreak havoc on humans and nature. Amy LaRue, president of the Student Association does not find student protests appealing. She said that the Student Association would not stand behind any student strike or walkout for any reason, because they take attention away from education. It’s true, but in Quebec they

seem to feel that striking for the benefit of future students is as productive as receiving an education. There is no denying that running colleges and universities along with their SA services, is an expensive task for the government and individual schools. But paying school presidents and politicians a quarter of a million to over three quarters of a million dollars a year, creating expensive buildings and paying so many college and university staff across the province over $100,000 a year jacks up education costs for aspiring students, harming the middle and lower classes. Students in Ontario are not

able to organize as in Quebec. Quebecers are given academic immunity during a student strike. This means that professors have to give extensions on tests and assignments to students who choose not to show up to class while a legitimate strike is on. That type of student empowerment doesn’t exist in most provinces. But it doesn’t leave our voices muffled either. There are different ways to pressure schools and governments into lightening our financial burdens. Taking a page from the Occupy movement’s handbook, Queen’s Park in front of the provincial legislature in Toron-




Ashley Anthony, Ashley Bain, Natasha Cohen, Kristian Cuaresma, Amanda Darrock, Patricia DeBres, Hillary Di Menna, Angeline Doucett, Mahmoud El Bayrakdar, Nancy Ellis, Tracey Fidler, Larissa Frankevych, Robynne Henry, Kamesha Horne-Simmons, Chealse Howell, Sarah Hyatt, DJ Johnson, Justin Knaggs, Sarah Labatt, Omar Laing, Sarah LePage, Brandan Loney, Lori Marks, Cameron Mcdonald, Zachary Mclachlan, Ray McNeil, Matt Mcphee, Kimberly Moreau, Derek Morton, Aaron O’toole, Tara Oades, Nicole Patton, Bobby Perritt, Philip Petrovski, Mike Pickford, Tyler Richards, Austin Rogers, Mike Ryckman, Brad Snape, Kaitlyn Tarrant, Denis Umpleby, Amy Valm, Meghan Wels, Emily Wood.

he Chronicle is published by the Durham College School of Me-

dia, Art and Design, 2000 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario L1H 7L7, 721-2000 Ext. 3068, as a training vehicle for students enrolled in Journalism and Advertising courses and as a campus news medium. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the college administration or the board of governors. The Chronicle is a member of the Ontario Community Newspapers Association.

Editor-In-Chief: Gerald Rose

Advertising Production Manager: Kevan F. Drinkwalter

Bobby Perritt

dvertising sales:

Mark Antaya, Lesley Bell, Kelly Bounds, Michael Chiadika, Gabriela Corvera, Matthew Henlein, Melissa Mahon, Shawn Managhan, Melissa Matheson Joey Meawasige, Amanda Micks, Sarah Mills, Kimberly Mohns, Kate (Kat) Moore, Vanessa Oishi, Brittany Philp, Kathleen Roach, Tyson Ruck, Lauren Shiels, Mathew Wilson, Ashante Wright, Sherry Zwetsloot


Publisher: Greg Murphy

to could act as a public forum and possibly campground for dedicated activists. If radicalism isn’t Ontario’s style, then that’s the way it is. Heavily utilizing Your Student Association or the lobby group Colleges Student Alliance (CSA) could create change – perhaps slower – but with less interruption to students’ academics. But if an unjust system is continually tolerated, the government, and especially the Ministry of Colleges, Education and Training is going to forget that they work for the people.

Feature Editor: Ginny Colling

Photography Editor: Al Fournier


dvertising design:

Rene Benjamin, Sarah Blastorah, Brittney Brenner, Tara Fergusson, Braedon Jasper, Landon Johnston, Rachel Junker, Robert Lewis, Ashley Mainguy, Rebecca Mark, Josh Martin, Melissa Matheson, Nicole McCormack, Katie McHugh, David McQuad, Tyler O’meara, Martin Plumley, Stacy Salaoras, Paige Sipidias, Katherine Smith, Myles Wiltshire

Ad Manager: Dawn Salter

Technical Production: Darren Fisher


The Chronicle

November 29, 2011


Flu shot? Not for me, thanks It’s been instilled in most people since childhood: get vaccinated. We are fortunate enough to live in a country that has free immunizations to protect us from ailments that prove lethal in other parts of the world. But is getting the flu shot really necessary? A get-out-of-flu-seasonfree card may seem tempting, but there are a lot of cons piled up against getting the controversial shot. Most striking is the fact that there are many different strains of flu, and no one knows what strain will be coming each year. According to a CNN medical report, every February scientists make educated guesses as to what type of influenza will

be plaguing us in flu season and then concoct an injection based on that guess. That needle be-

Amy Valm ing plunged into your arm is only a gamble. Allegedly the flu shot doesn’t make you sick. Each batch of vaccinations is tested to make sure no live flu viruses are living in it, but having dead flu particles inserted into your body isn’t appealing either. The flu shot, like anything, comes in an array of brands,

with each manufacturer using slightly different ingredients. An ingredient list from the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention finds thimerosal and formaldehyde in most of the vaccines. To rephrase that, flu shot ingredients include mercury and the same substance used in embalming fluid- albeit in small amounts. Decide for yourself how comfortable you are with it. People with allergies need to be cautious because eggs are used in the manufacturing of the vaccine. The Ontario government puts the flu shot on a pedestal hailing it as an amazing gift to you and hyping it with quaint little phrases like, “The flu shot.

Helping your body help itself.” The human body has plenty of ways to help itself, naturally, thanks. Health clinics stand on soapboxes preaching about the benefits of getting the flu shot. They distribute pamphlets with statistics that are helpful to their cause leaving out the icky details, and debunking any “naysay” about the flu shot. Of course the flu shot serves a purpose for some people, such as the elderly, people suffering from cancer or kidney disease, people with weakened immune systems, and the people they come into constant contact with. But the flu shot is not for everyone, and there are natural ways of protecting yourself. Stress can make you sick,

but stress management and a healthy diet are key ways to prevent getting the flu. Take 10 minutes a day to meditate, or write in a journal to relieve the stress in your life. Eat a lot of garlic too-it boosts the immune system, suggests a local nutritionist. Be your own ambassador. Research and find out for yourself what the best option for you is. At the end of the day it’s your body and your decision on whether or not to be injected with a questionable substance. Health professionals say that the flu shot is for everyone. You’re not everyone. Be an individual, and make an informed decision based on what is right for you. You only get one body, treat it well.

Servers should have equal wages Last month, a Seattle waitress received a less than flattering ‘tip’ on a $30 bill. Her customer’s tip read, “P.S. You could stand to loose a few pounds.” That comment outraged a lot of people in the service industry. Canadians in the service industry get paid a server’s wage, which is less than minimum wage. Minimum wage is $10.25 per hour, while the service wage is $9.69 an hour. Employees in the service industry get paid a lower wage because the government says their tips supplement their income. This lower wage law contradicts itself when it comes to other jobs where Canadians get paid standard minimum wage, and accumulate tips. These jobs include bus boys, hair dressers, doormen, and delivery drivers to name a few.

What’s the difference between these jobs and hospitality jobs? The standard for tipping in the service industry is 15 per cent of the bill amount after taxes. Do Canadians tip 15 per cent or do they use their own method on tipping? I once had an elderly woman tell me she started a server’s tip at $ 5 and for every ‘mistake’ the server made, she would take a dollar off. “Almost everyone who tips never tips 15 per cent, it’s like five to seven per cent,” said Heather Gray. Gray is a server at a local pasta eatery, serving just over a year now. There is no way to ensure that customers tip 15 per cent of their bill every time. Sometimes there is no tip based on the circumstances, and the service that the customer receives. The problem with “tip out”- a portion of the server’s tips that is given out to cooks

and other wait staff- is if a server made A server’s income is affected by poor tips on a high sales day, they still whether or not they’re required by have to pay the tips out based on the the employer to tip out, the tip rates amount they sold, rather than how they’ve received and the lower minimuch they made. mum wage. So how can tips suppleSo how do ment an income equivalent tips suppleto being paid a standard ment their inminimum wage if there are Larissa come if they’re so many variables that deterrequired by mine how much they make at Frankevych their employer the end of the day? to give a porIt’s hard to understand the tion of their plight of being a server unless tips away? you are one. An option could be to raise Here is an example, if a server made the server wage to the minimum wage $40 in tips, and they sold $600 of to ensure that servers are treated the food and alcohol they need to payout same. With the up and down attitudes $13 based on their sales. So the server of customers who are being served, fair leaves with $27. If a hairdresser makes compensation is often as predictable as $40 in tips they don’t have pay out any a hurricane. of it. Some hair salons do require that For the employees who rely on that their stylists ‘rent’ a chair, but they pay money for their livelihood, it becomes monthly. a guessing game some just can’t afford.

The end of black gold is near Hate to break it to you, but the party’s almost over. Pretty soon, we’re all going to have to find a way to adjust to our changing planet, a planet without fossil fuel. On Nov. 8 classes from around the world came together for a two-hour discussion as part of Durham College’s end-of-semester lecture, called The Global Class. Students had the opportunity to speak with filmmaker Adolfo Doring about; political corruption, the failure of the mainstream media, and most importantly, peak oil and the end of fossil fuel, the subject of Doring’s documentary Blind Spot. Peak oil is, or should I say was, the moment in time when humans reached peak oil production, which was somewhere around the early 1970s. This is something I have

been keeping at least one eye on for a couple years now, and the truth is peak oil is very real. Average people probably don’t even realize that oil is not just used to fill your gas tank. Most paints, plastics, pesticides, clothing, makeup, cleaning products and building materials have some oil in them. But all of this is meaningless when it comes to getting the public to actually address the problem, because unfortunately over the years, our society has created an environment that demands infinite growth, in a finite world. The best way to wake people up is to use basic logic and math, and if you’re one of those people, who always believed oil would be around forever, pay close attention to the next few sentences. The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries

(OPEC) states that current the planet was born, and as the proven crude oil reserves in population rises, oil demand the world are at over 1.4 trillion will as well. The United Nations prebarrels. Now that’s a lot of oil, dicts the world why am I even population writing this will increase opinion piece? by about halfOh yeah, Ray a-billion in now I rememthe next deber, because McNeil cade, and will the world conremain fairly sumes around 85 million barconsistent, rels a day. Some simple math meaning the end of oil will arshows the grim truth, that those rive closer to 35-40 years. 1.4 trillion barrels will only last Thankfully, this revelation for the next 45 years. There is finally vindicates M. King Hubno energy source on this planet bert, who first predicted that that can provide a comparable peak oil would occur around energy return set by oil. 1970. Seeing as how oil proPretty scary huh? Not to duction kicked into high gear mention that there is a major around the turn of the 20th cenflaw in the equation. It assumes tury, the math is pretty solid no one will be born for the next that the end of oil is right on four decades. A few weeks ago schedule. the seven billionth person on When that day comes, the

human species will once again need to have balance with our natural world. In some places, this has already begun. Tokyo burns charcoal for energy, and back in North America people are experimenting with using algae for our power needs. And while four decades is not much on a broad scale, humans managed to orbit the Earth, land on the moon and Mars, and build the International Space Station in that time. So the possibility that we can avoid a major human catastrophe is still there. Those who still insist the human race is not powerful enough to cause such a shift in planetary properties, like global warming, and species eradication, I’d say sucking dry our precious black gold in less than two centuries is an impressive one.


The Chronicle

November 29, 2011


407 extension to generate jobs Continued fom page 1

It’s not all bad, though, according to Lovisa. “There is a lot of plans to develop retail and housing and restaurants between us and the 407, so hopefully that will provide some student housing and part-time jobs for our students,” Lovisa said. With the increased ease of access, to not only Toronto, but also the province and country, Oshawa mayor John Henry has high hopes for the city’s two post-secondary institutions. Henry said both of those school’s will be directly impacted and will be the first schools that will be national schools. “More people from the northern parts of Toronto will be able to commute quicker to Durham and UOIT than to schools like Ryerson, George Brown and the University of Toronto that are downtown.” On Simcoe street you can see the beginning stages of construction on the 407 extensions. The construction will extend the highway from Brock road in Pickering to Harmony road in Oshawa by 2015 and highway 35/115 by 2020. According Henry, the largest retail outlet mall in the country will built at Simcoe street and Winchester road. “What’s important for Oshawa is the first stage of the commercial development that you will see

happening at Simcoe and Winchester, one of the largest retail outlet malls in Canada is being built there,” Henry said. On any given day 380,000 vehicles pass between Mississauga and Pickering. According to the latest press release on the government of Ontario’s newsroom website, the McGuinty government will be creating 13,000 jobs with the construction, but also the building plans have been extended until 2020 and the highway is to be built in two stages. This is a fact that is unacceptable to many residents in the northern parts of Oshawa, Whitby and Clarington, including Durham MPP John O’Toole, Whitby-Oshawa MPP Christine Elliott and Oshawa mayor John Henry. “It will have a very positive influence long-term,” O’Toole said. “It’s the number one priority for the region of Durham and the municipality of Clarington to be completed as soon as possible.” In 2009 the provincial government announced the expansion of the 407 and stated that it would reach the 35/115 by 2013. “The biggest disappointment is the government promised it twice in two separate elections and has failed to deliver. As such, I and my constituents feel like they are be treated poorly,” O’Toole said.

It was a major issue in last year’s municipal elections in Oshawa and Clarington, as well as a major issue in this year’s provincial election, which saw the McGuinty government lose its majority status in Queen’s Park. With the minority government now in parliament MPP Christine Elliott believes that the voices of communities like Raglan, Columbus and Brooklin and those who represent them will be heard more. “I think the voices of individual members, as they represent their constituents, will be heard more,” Elliott said. “Everyone has an equal vote now. Because there is a minority parliament we are hoping that there will be greater co-operation and discussion on issues that are important to people across Ontario.” The 407 will be an improvement on the Ontario-Quebec corridor that runs from Quebec City to Windsor and handles 74 per cent of Canada’s international trade and contributed $560 billion to Canada’s economy in 2009. However, the corridor is plagued with the massive traffic problem that is the 401. “I try and take GO Transit as much as I can, but some days I need my car,” Elliott said. “The other day it took me 2 ½ hours to get home from Queen’s Park and I think that people don’t want that. They want to go to

Tyler Richards

BRIDGING THE GAP: The extension will be built between Simcoe Street and Winchester Road, linking Oshawa and Whitby. It will also employ 13,000 people during its construction. their children’s sporting events and be there to help them with school work.” Mayor Henry believes that the 407 will not only affect Oshawa and the Durham Region, but Toronto and Ontario as well. “This isn’t about improving Oshawa and the Durham Region’s standing on the world

stage,” said Henry. “This is about moving goods and services in out of Toronto. Toronto is the only major city in the world that doesn’t have a ring road around the city.” For the people who live in north Oshawa and north Whitby the extension couldn’t be built soon enough, but good things come to those who wait.

Picking up the pieces: facing addiction Hillary Di Menna The Chronicle

As a member of Renascent House in Toronto, he was told the majority would fail. Yet the man -- over six feet tall at the time weighing 100 pounds -- has been sober for over five years. Adam Cyncora, a former Durham College student, said he had no idea how he beat the odds. “Something just changed in me.” Cyncora said his drug and alcohol dependency started easily enough. He began drinking and smoking marijuana at 13. When a close friend of his died when he was 19, dabbling in Ecstasy, Ketamine, Acid and Cocaine in addition to drinking turned into heavier usage. He doesn’t lay the entire reason on the loss of a loved one but he said, “That’s how I chose to deal with it.” Travelling with his band, Closet Monster, became another reason to over indulge. “You’re thinking you’re a rock star, but you’re not,” Cyncora laughed.

By the time he was 24 he and a fellow band member were not on good terms. He returned to live with his parents in their Ajax home and enrolled in school. He attended few classes and instead could be found in the bathroom or in a friend’s home in residence doing lines of cocaine. Whether it was the alcohol or cocaine, “One hand claps the other,” his life began to fall apart. He lost his job working in the kitchen of Kelsey’s, where he would at times be coughing up blood, and would stay awake for days. “It’s terrible, there’s something dictating everything you do,” he said describing his dependency. He turned to friends in Toronto for help. They called the hospital and after taking his pulse as instructed were told, “Sounds like he’s going to die.” Cyncora was on the verge of having a fatal heart attack. He stayed in hospital overnight, disoriented and not knowing who he was. In retrospect Cyncora thinks it may have been a scare tactic but he

remembers the hospital being unwelcoming and being made to feel as though his presence was a waste of a bed. After leaving the hospital he stayed with his friends. Unable to afford a stay at a rehabilitation centre, he had to wait for an OHIP bed. Though he had been sober for two months before leaving, he said he still had the mentality of a drug addict, making bad decisions. He ended up losing a friend. Though it has been years since and Cyncora has tried to make amends the friendship is still lost. He is not surprised, however. After years of addiction he understands he made hurtful mistakes and he does not feel entitled to forgiveness. “You can’t expect everything to be roses.” Renascent House provided three weeks of healthy routine. Cyncora had to follow a strict schedule that included chores, meetings and set meal times. “It was a different life than doing what I wanted when I wanted.” He remembers looking at others in the facility, “Looking at the disease within every-

body.” “It was surprisingly not as hard as it could have been,” he said of living clean. Not to say it was easy. “Nothing is. Can you remember a day when you had an easy day?” He was determined to become a new person in every aspect, even giving up his vegetarian diet. After three weeks Renascent gave Cyncora a sobriety chip and suggested living in a sober house. Eager to begin his new life, he did not go to a sober house but began to attend AA as well as Narcotics Anonymous (NA). He began a Cocaine Anonymous (CA) group in Pickering that still meets today. There, people could share stories from their day, good or bad. These meetings helped Cyncora see his situation was not unique and he was not alone “I saw myself as the victim, always the victim.” He credits these programs and the 12 Steps in getting him through. He no longer attends meetings because he decided he wanted to cut ties with his

past of addictions. “It was time to live life” Within a year of beginning to date his new girlfriend, Lindsay Culkin, the two were married. He saw stability in her that he wanted to be a part of. “Would I be here without her,” he trailed off. “Who knows?” They have a home in Courtice where their son, born Dec. 31 in 2009, plays with their many cats and an empty room awaits the arrival of their new child come May. He works hard as a pipe fitter and focuses his attention on his family rather than planning how he will get high. He doesn’t play music anymore, though he doesn’t mind. And this is not due to his sobriety. “Drugs didn’t help my creativity at all.” “He’s such a nice guy,” Cyncora says of son Liam, “He just says ‘Hi Daddy’ and,” Cyncora ends the sentence with a smile. He fought and won a tumultuous battle and has found a happy life he could not attain with drugs. “I thought I was going to be dead. I almost was.”


The Chronicle

November 29, 2011


Take the time to save a life Sarah Hyatt The Chronicle

Every 40 seconds someone’s life flashes before their eyes, then they’re gone, forever. And it was their choice. It’s a local issue, it’s a global issue, and today it remains as one of Canada’s most serious public health concerns. No one is immune. “Almost everyone knows someone who at least knows someone that’s committed suicide,” said David Clarke, coordinator of communications and training at Durham Mental Health Services. “At any given moment five to seven per cent of people are experiencing suicidal thoughts. So a pool of five to seven per cent equals out to millions of Canadians at one time, so the number’s much larger than people like to think.” Around the globe someone commits suicide every 40 seconds, according to the World Health Organization. It’s also the fourth leading cause of disability for people aged 15 to 44. Nearly 4,000 Canadians die by suicide annually, according to Statistics Canada. On average that’s about 10 suicides daily. Ontario accounts for more than 1,000 of those deaths. For every suicide, there are about 100 suicide attempts. More than 23,000 Canadians are hospitalized yearly due to attempted suicides. Of that 23,000, nearly 10,000 Ontarians are hospitalized. One in seven Canadians consider it, and one in 10 adolescents think about it. For every person who commits suicide, at least 10 family members, friends or coworkers are affected. Suicide is the second leading cause of death for youth aged 10 to 24. What’s more, some studies suggest that as many as 20 per cent of suicides aren’t reported. In 2009, 47 people in Durham Region committed suicide. And more recently, maybe you’ve heard of Jamie Hubley, or Mitchell Wilson. Both were only children who made the decision to take their own lives. Hubley was 15 and openly gay. He killed himself on Oct. 15. He had been suffering from depression, and was bullied for years because of his sexual orientation. He, like Wilson, dreaded returning to school, and facing the bullying. Wilson, an 11-year-old Pickering boy, suffocated himself just a couple of months ago, before having to return to school. He suffered from muscular dystrophy. A year prior, he had been attacked by another boy at school; his face and teeth were smashed into the pavement. Doctors told Wilson walking could help with his muscular dystrophy, but he was too scared to go outside alone after

the attack, his father told the National Post. About 90 per cent of people who commit suicide are suffering from depression, or some other type of mental illness, or a substance abuse disorder, according to the Institute of Marriage and Family Canada (IMFC). “The problem is the reluctance to ask for help because of the stigma people attach to mental health issues,” said Clarke. “Over a lifetime, becoming depressed at one time or another is a relatively normal thing. I want to emphasize how depression is highly treatable.” According to the Canadian Mental Health Association, mental illness at minimum indirectly affects everyone at one point or another throughout a lifetime. Furthermore, nearly 20 per cent of Canadians will personally experience a mental illness in their lifetime. “Unfortunately that’s just not the way most people see it,” said Samantha Haines, a former GTA resident, someone who’s attempted suicide, and has been battling depression, and the addiction of self-mutilation for years. What causes or triggers a person to have suicidal thoughts can vary. “It starts with something minor that sets you off one day - could be money problems, family problems - and for me it feels like I can’t stop it,” said Haines. “It feels like it’s going to last forever.” Often someone who’s suicidal feels as though there is no other option. Sometimes it seems death is the only way to escape the pain, she said. Haines was just a child when she lost both her mother and father. At age nine her sole provider, her grandmother, died. At 12 she attempted to harm herself for the first time when she entered foster care. She admits, afterwards she’d often think about how there were other options. “But I was always afraid to ask for help,” said Haines. “And the thought of being on medication scared me.” Recently Haines has sought out help, and is getting counselling. For the first time in a long time, she has hope. “It may seem like an easier option sometimes to kill yourself, but life is worth living,” said Haines. “Sometimes you just have to be patient, and wait for that moment of clarity.” Everything is basically trial and error, she said. Sometimes it takes several tries with a counsellour or medications. “And know that it’s okay to be sad. But it’s not okay to act out on it and hurt yourself. That’s the time to ask for help. I have a lot of pride, and for the

Sarah Hyatt

SUICIDE: IT’S EVERYONE’S FIGHT: At one point or another suicide affects us all throughout our lifetimes. longest time I had too much pride… it’s ok to ask for help.” And there is help out there. Durham Mental Health Services, The Durham Distress Centre, and Aspiria are a few closer to home that can help. Durham Mental Health Services offers a 24-hour helpline, one-on-one counselling through their case management program, short-term stays in crisis beds, as well as family and court support. “We’re a really good first contact if anyone is having suicidal thoughts,” said Clarke. “No one has to go it alone.” People can call in anytime of day, everyday of the year too, even on Christmas. “One of the major advantages is there are no waiting lists,” said Clarke. “Workers can help people step outside of the box, gain insight, plan steps with them, and also just be supportive and talk to clients.” The Durham Distress Centre also offers a 24-hour helpline,

call-out program, LGBT prideline, and suicide survivor support. “We can help people connect with the good again,” said Erica Simpson, LGBT program director. Helplines are available for anyone in need of support. “The call-out program lets people know at some point during the day or week help is coming,” said Simpson. The new student assistance program, Aspiria, also offers counselling services that can help people dealing with depression, and anxiety, or experiencing suicidal thoughts. “Students can call in, or come in if they’re in need of emotional or psychological counselling, or in need of support for any other issue,” said Eric Rubel, clinical director at Aspiria. “We can set up a set of sessions for students, and if issues aren’t being resolved, there’s always community referrals available.”

For students at Durham College the services are free of charge. Everyday people can make a difference too. “You can always start the conversation, and then find an expert to help afterwards,” said Clarke. It could be something as simple as saying or asking, ‘you’re not seeming like yourself lately, or today, are you doing okay?’” Talking about suicide may be a tough conversation to have, but it could life changing for someone else. “It’s not up to a 15 - year - old to save another 15 – year - old, but they can help,” said Simpson. “It’s a tough conversation to have, yes, but as a society we need to become more comfortable talking about it to promote change.” Suicide is irreversible. Take the time to save a life. “Just keep fighting,” said Haines. “You’re not weak, you’re strong.”


The Chronicle

November 29, 2011


Organizing medical equipment Tracey Fidler The Chronicle

For years, Durham College Professor Richard Tidman has had a vision: to revolutionize the Ontario healthcare system. He wanted to create a system that would address the serious issues within hospitals concerning biomedical equipment use and location. Tidman has teamed up with the Office of Research Services and Innovation, along with students and outside companies, to create the Biomedical Knowledge Portal. The brainchild of Tidman, this portal is essentially a database where information regarding biomedical equipment, such as IV pumps, defibrillators and incubators, is stored. Each piece of mobile equipment within a hospital will be tagged with a tracking device, allowing a staff member to key the item into the system and locate the device in real time. “It addresses systemic issues in healthcare that have not been addressed before,” says Tidman. Currently, there is no standards-based system that allows hospital staff to track and locate devices. Some hospitals do have tracking devices on specific equipment, but many of the systems are disorganized and unreliable. There is also no way to exchange information from one hospital to another, as asset information is confined within each institution. So, if one hospital required a particular piece of equipment, there would be no way to find out what other hospital carried it. A great deal of money has been spent repurchasing duplicate items, as many hospitals are unaware of their inventory. During their shifts, nurses are forced to waste precious time searching for needed equipment. If they could quickly locate and find what they are looking for, they would be able to spend more time tending to patients, who will in turn spend less time waiting.

Infectious outbreaks, such as SARS, could be better contained, as infected equipment can be easily traced. Each device’s life cycle will be tracked and monitored. Staff will know where an item has been, whom it has come into contact with and if it is clean. The project began in the fall of 2009. Tidman approached June MacDonald-Jenkins, a project manager in the Office of Research Services and Innovation, for assistance in securing funding. MacDonald-Jenkins is also the industry liaison for Colleges Ontario Network for Industry Innovation (CONII), a government-funded program that provides financial assistance to applied research projects between Ontario businesses and colleges. As a former nurse, MacDonald-Jenkins could comprehend the scope of the project, and knew the impact such a system could have on healthcare as a whole. “June understood,” says Tidman. “That was huge for me.” She was quickly able to connect Tidman with IT healthcare professionals Infonaut and software company Dapasoft for assistance with tagging the devices and creating the infrastructure. She also secured funding through CONII and the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev), which was launched in 2009 to help boost economic activity and contribute to the success of businesses and postsecondary institutions. “The portal is especially important to me as a healthcare practitioner,” says MacDonaldJenkins. “No longer will nurses waste valuable time hunting for equipment. They can find and locate the resources within minutes, ensuring they have more time to spend at [patients’] bedsides.” Earlier this year, Tidman asked second-year students from the Biomedical Engineering Technology program if any of them would be interested in assisting with the project. Dianna Hau, Jeff Rich and Rich-

ard Madill volunteered. Hau, who is hoping to become a biomedical engineering technologist, says she got involved because she wanted the experience of working in a hospital setting. “Learning how to communicate with different healthcare professionals and patients will be very beneficial to my future in healthcare,” she says. Once the team was assembled, two hospitals were approached to be part of the pilot project: Lakeridge Health Oshawa and Ross Memorial Hospital in Lindsay. Varouj Eskedjian, Ross Memorial Hospital’s vice-president, diagnostics and support, has been involved with the project firsthand, and knows the problems hospitals face without an organized system. “Frontline clinicians have difficulty locating equipment that they require across the hospital,” he says. “It consumes their time and effort. We can’t have nurses looking around for equipment when they should be dedicating their time toward direct patient care.” This past summer, Tidman and his students began speak-

ing to hospital staff at Lakeridge and Ross to determine common problems and complaints, creating a database prototype and assessing inventory at the hospitals. Through this process, Eskedjian said the team was able to identify equipment that was in poor shape, or should have been decommissioned entirely. They also discovered what items the hospital lacked. “We really didn’t have a good sense of the life cycle of equipment, so having a database that identifies when equipment was bought, the repair history and expenses going toward repairing items is going to be very helpful,” he adds. “I think the largest benefit will be to frontline staff that will be able to locate equipment readily across the organization and, if need be, across different organizations if we don’t have a piece of equipment,” says Eskedjian. “Having that capability to locate equipment and find out what kind of shape its in gives us confidence in the equipment they are utilizing, and will ultimately have a beneficial effect on patient care.” During this initial phase of

the project, MacDonald-Jenkins began the difficult process of securing additional provincial funding to build the portal and any infrastructure needed to support it. It took 14 months, but MacDonald-Jenkins was recently able to gain funding and move forward with the project. The funding also provided resources for a third hospital, Southlake Regional Health Centre in Newmarket, to be part of the pilot. Tidman is optimistic there will be a basic system in place at Lakeridge Health Oshawa and Ross Memorial Hospital by April or May 2012, and at Southlake by the end of June 2012. After that, the plan is to expand to other hospitals within the Central East Local Health Integration Network, which includes Durham, Kawartha Lakes, Haliburton and parts of Northumberland County and the city of Toronto. Eventually, Tidman hopes that the Biomedical Knowledge Portal will be a standard system in every hospital in Ontario, ultimately saving time, money and lives.

datory for graduation. Students are marked on their performance with the company and/or organization and most placements begin in the spring lasting a few weeks so that students can get the real world experience they need. Some placements are paid while others are on a volunteer basis. An optional internship through Durham is paid employment for full-time students who look to gain longer-term experience. Internships are optional in

most three-year programs and can last anywhere between four to 16 months prior to the student’s last year of study. However, the internship is not a field placement. “For students that do (an internship), it is invaluable,” said Louise Stiles, outreach co-ordinator for the Durham College career services. “It is like yearlong job interview.” According to the Durham Hired Portal website, students should consider an internship for many different reasons, including gaining real-

world experience, applying skills learned in their program, building employability skills, earning income, networking and assessing a company for future employment. Even though the internships are not graded, the participation is noted on the student’s transcript. Applying for an internship is free, but accepting a position will incur a $400 administration fee that will go towards the running of the internship program. Students are also required to

attend an internship preparation for success session. To apply for an internship, students should check out the Hired Portal to look through the jobs already posted and fill out an application form. Students can also book an appointment to speak with an internship co-ordinator at Career Services who will critique their resume and help them in their search for the perfect job. For more information on the Durham College Optional Internship Program, visit the Hired Portal.

Tracy Fidler

BIOMEDICAL KNOWLEDGE PORTAL: Professor Richard Tidman, along with the Office of Research Services and Innovation, students and outside companies, plans to revolutionize the Ontario healthcare system.

Internships offer practical experience Nicole Patton The Chronicle

It is an experience that may make or break your future career. Internships or field placements are a chance for students to gain practical experience in their field of study before stepping out into the real world of work. Internships and field placements/practicum at Durham College are slightly different from one another. Field placements are man-


The Chronicle

November 29, 2011


He’s not a real boy, he’s a medical toy Mike Ryckman The Chronicle

“Am I going to die?” Students in the nursing and paramedic program hear these words on a regular basis when working in the simulation lab. According to the clinical simulation program adviser Marie McEwan, the simulation dummies that nursing and paramedic students work on interact and speak back to them like a real patient. Students learn how to deal with real-life situations and get hands-on experience before being thrown into their field of work. By using simulation dummies that can be programmed to show symptoms like a real person, students are able to put themselves in real-life situations with patients that are close to a real person, said McEwan. “When we create a patient they come with a social background, we create a whole life for them, “ said McEwan. “For example we have a patient we deal with all the time. She has

Mike Ryckman

“SAY AH”: One of the simulation dummies at Durham College waits patiently for a student to apply a feeding tube for practice. breast cancer, she’s young with two small children and she’s married.” When students enter the simulation patient’s room, McEwan explained that they don’t see a mannequin, but an actual patient they need to treat. There will be pictures drawn by her simulated children and

flowers from the husband to make the room more authentic and realistic. “Even though you know it isn’t real, it feels much more real than any other situation I’ve been put in,” said Durham College nursing student Rachel Daize. “Having to check blood pressure and listen for irregularities

in the heart is much more interesting than just reading what to do out of a textbook.” McEwan explained that the goal is to create a safe learning environment where students can experience situations that will help them transition from the educational stage into clinical placement while staying confident and competent.

Getting students to deal with death and situations that could affect them mentally is a big part of the SIM lab said McEwan. On rare occasions professors will set a simulated dummy to die even if the student treats it properly and does everything correctly. Because many of the professors have been in these kinds of situations in reality they are able to talk to students after and debrief them on how they are mentally and how they feel about the patient dying, explained McEwan. According to primary care paramedic for the Durham Region Andrew Jenkins, participating in the SIM program at Durham was a huge part of the type of paramedic he is now. “As a graduate of the Durham College Paramedic program I was fortunate enough to get to practice clinical skills on the SimMan patient simulator,” said Jenkins. “Taking blood pressures, checking for lung sounds such as wheezes and crackles on the patient simulators played a key roll in preparing me to be the paramedic I am today.”

Dr. Berg writes book on the finite planet

Matt McPhee The Chronicle

How long can the earth sustain with limited resources? Dr. Peter Berg, UOIT’s Associate Professor of Physics, examines this and other related subjects in his new selfpublished book The Finite Planet: How Resource Scarcity will affect our Environment, Economy and Energy Supply. In the preface of The Finite Planet, Berg explains that the book is about the limits of our planet and how physical constraints are increasingly setting boundaries for the future development of the human race. He describes in his book how energy supply and consumption are the driving factors of human development, standard of living and economic growth. “As the rule of thumb, the more energy consumed, the higher your standard of living. If energy became scarce, then the question would be would we still be an advanced civilized society,” said Berg. His inspiration for writing the book stemmed from when the financial crisis started. “About three years ago, I

was thinking is it really just the financial crisis? And then I came to the conclusion that it may be more than that,” Berg said. “One indication that got me thinking was extremely high oil prices.” When Berg came to Canada 10 years ago, he had read in the Vancouver Sun that the average household income was somewhere around $54,000. He had also noticed that the majority were driving in new cars and living in extremely expensive homes. “I couldn’t make sense of this. I just thought ‘how is this possible?’ My natural conclusion was that it is all based on debt, everything is financed. You finance your house and your car. Debt is the only way to support that kind of grand old lifestyle. On a grand scale, almost everyone is in debt.” said Berg. “There has been a major concern on climate change for the past 20 years and lots of money has flown into research and development. One thing I am saying in this book is maybe this isn’t the only thing we should focus on, that the sustainability or the survival of our species just depends on planet change,” said Berg Having taught at UOIT for

seven years, Berg is also the director of the Energy and Environment program. It is part of the physics curriculum where a student takes a set of specialized courses learning about environmental issues from a scientific or physics perspective while still developing an honours degree in physics. Berg said students learn about how energy is being used in this world and what the sources of energy are, what the technologies are and what the latest trends are in technology, including batteries and fuels cells. “While you teach all these classes you become aware of issues that you wouldn’t be aware of if you just followed the mass media,” he said. “I don’t know many physicists who would write on such a topic, which is a bit outside. I guess it’s not purely scientific issues. “It’s not that I was just concerned about the environmental issues. It made me wonder: How does this whole thing work? All these good manufacturing jobs are being outsourced. Who’s actually still working and who is still making stuff? And if no one does it, how can we all live this well? Many of us can live so well

Matt McPhee

BOOKS BY BERG: Dr. Peter Berg stands by the library holding his new book The Finite Planet. without actually manufacturing anything, it’s actually an amazing thing, isn’t it? So all of these things sort of came together. And I thought, one day I have to sit down and make sense of it all, and I wrote a book,” If there was a particular group the book is written for, Berg said it’s written mainly for the younger generation because the world will change dramatically in their lifetime. But it’s also targeted to stakeholders who make decisions that affect where money flows in our society and where it is being invested.

Berg’s main goal is not that he is trying to teach a lesson, but to make the readers think about issues they have never thought about before. He encourages the reader to think critically about the subjects explored in his book. As critical as the subject matter of the book is, Berg managed to make the reading enjoyable for readers in a colloquial and amusing manner. Berg’s The Finite Planet is available at the Durham College/UOIT Library on campus, the Oshawa Public Library branches and the e-book is available on Amazon.


The Chronicle

November 29, 2011

The Chronicle

November 29, 2011



The Chronicle

November 29, 2011


Communities share with Freecycle.org Hillary Di Menna The Chronicle

Ray McNeil

THE GLOBAL CLASS: Durham College teacher Lon Appleby andhis Short History of the World students conducted a discussion, “The Global Class” Students from Seoul and Mumbai participated through Skype.

Global class thinks positive world change

By Ray McNeil The Chronicle

The Global Class is in session at Durham. In an age of technological breakthrough, the class connects students with activists trying to make a difference. “It gives them the opportunity to speak to the next generation of problem-solvers,” said founder Lon Appleby. “Twenty years from now, when you’re in a position of real responsibility, and you’re higher up in your career, you’ll be the decision-maker.” On Nov. 8, students from Durham took part in an endof-the-semester discussion, spanning four countries around the world. Classrooms from Seoul, South Korea and Mumbai, India joined the Skype feed for an opportunity to speak with filmmaker Adolfo Doring, streaming from Brooklyn, New York. Doring is the director of the documentary Blind Spot, about the current oil and energy crisis, specifically peak oil, and the impending end of our fossil fuel supply. Appleby was present to start the class off, but he does not consider himself a moderator. “I’m just participating in this, I find it very stimulating,” he said. Despite some technical difficulties with the Indian classes’ bandwidth connection, the class gained momentum as it went. With his film, Doring hopes

to wake people up and attempt to get them to address the problems ahead. “My intention was to make people uncomfortable.” He added that our evolutionary path has its disadvantages to accomplish this. “Our wiring is to respond strongly to things that have to do with the short-term. If it’s shopping for something right now, or saving the money for 20 years from now, 99.9 per cent of the people would go shopping right now.” Appleby added that, even when it comes to history, humans still tend to be focused on the immediate. “It’s remarkable. Generally these days I’ve learned from my students, (history teaching) often consists of just studying the First World War, the Second World War, and maybe go back and do a bit of the Industrial Revolution.” The governments of the world must do what they can to increase awareness in order to “raise new generations with the right frame of mind,” said Doring. He also added that real answers need to be explored, and real change needs to come about. “Changing your light bulbs ain’t going to save the world,” said Doring. While the energy crisis was the jump-off point, the discussion quickly evolved into talks about political corruption, the recent Occupy Movement, and the failure of the mainstream media’s responsibility to the public.

“There should be more independent media out there; passing along information (and) making films,” said Doring, who feels that independent documentaries are one of the last bastions to communicate real information. The Global Class is part of Appleby’s Short History of the World elective. Along with the classes, there is also a website where students can upload their videos and writings. Started two years ago by the Durham College teacher, The Global Class has held a discussion at the end of each semester since. Past guests include Manufactured Landscapes’ Ed Burtynsky and Jenifer Baichwal, journalist Richard Heinberg, and Freedom House activist Robert Guerra. Appleby said that finding people to speak during the classes has been as easy as sending an e-mail or making a phone call. “I am finding that there are a lot of people out there who want to engage young people in big ideas,” said Appleby. “They welcome the opportunity to speak to people about important issues that are not privy, but matter to all of us.” Appleby says that’s the whole point to The Global Class, to kick-start this kind of communication and to give students a forum to express their ideas, and along the way “exchanging and creating new ones.”

May 1, 2003 a used but still useable bed was declared garbage after thrift shops refused it out of store policy. What happened after kept not just the bed out of the landfill but over a million more tons as well. “I started The Freecycle Network while working at another local recycling nonprofit called RISE,” said Deron Beal, Freecycle founder, in an interview with The Chronicle. “It provided transitional employment to Tucsonans in need while providing valet recycling to local shops, store fronts, etc. who didn’t have room for recycle bins from the city out front. These businesses began giving us other still good stuff that was unfortunately not recyclable and I couldn’t give stuff away quickly enough and our warehouse filled up. So, I set up Freecycle.org. And, it took right off. We’re a nonprofit org with 10,000 volunteers and two staff members. It’s the beauty of working at a grassroots and globally local level.” The group that began with 30 members now has nine million. The non-profit group released a press release earlier this month declaring it is now the world’s largest web community. Freecycle.org allows people to sign up to a group close to where they live. They can search message boards or receive e-mails about items being offered or needed in the area.

Items can be something big like a bed, something small like a tennis racket or something as useful as a bag full of toddler clothes. Freecycle members will find posts for items like these as well as bicycles, hockey memorabilia, kitchen supplies as well as countless others. The moderators of the Oshawa/Whitby Freecycle group have few rules. “Keep It Free, Legal and Appropriate For All Ages,” they said. The group currently has 4903 members. Members may fill out a request form. They must specify if the post is an offer or request for an item, as well as a general location. Other members then reply, whether it is that they would like a posted item, or have the item another is looking for. Items may be delivered to the recipient or left on a front porch for a pick up. Members refer to giving items away as gifting. Everything is free; no one is to use the group to make profit. Money for site maintenance is raised through donations and the group has two sponsors; Nokia and Kramer Levin, a law firm that does pro bono work for the organization. The group’s mission statement is found on their website. “Our mission is to build a worldwide gifting movement that reduces waste, saves precious resources & eases the burden on our landfills while enabling our members to benefit from the strength of a larger community.”


The Chronicle

November 29, 2011


Building bridges in Pickering Tracey Fidler The Chronicle

A bridge to the future. At least that’s what the City of Pickering hopes it will be. The new pedestrian bridge under construction just east of Liverpool Road and spanning 14 lanes of the 401, will link the Pickering GO station on the south side of the 401 to the newly constructed office tower on the north side. Durham and Centennial Colleges are also a part of the project, with a joint learning centre at the foot of the bridge scheduled to open in the fall of 2012. The two-storey structure will feature classrooms, student space, a computer lab and offices, and will offer eight programs, four from each college, as well as continuing education courses. “It will be Pickering’s first post-secondary presence,” says Mark Guinto, the public affairs co-ordinator for the City of Pickering. The $23 million bridge is scheduled for completion in the spring of 2012, however pedestrians and cyclists will have access as early as the end of this

year. “There will be a soft opening late this year or early next year, but not all the features will be installed yet,” says Guinto. Those “features” will include a mesh covering, enveloping the entire bridge, and LED lights, which will illuminate the bridge at night. The bridge will also provide access to much needed additional parking for the GO station. The newly constructed parking garage attached to the office building on the north side will create 500 more parking spaces. For over 15 years, the idea of this bridge has been tossed back and forth. Guinto says there was “difficulty gaining the political support to get the [project] off the ground.” However, in 2006, the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC), which occupied a building on the northeast corner of Liverpool Road and the 401, outgrew its space. When MPAC considered moving their office out of Pickering, officials knew they had to take the steps to keep the business.

Tracey Fidler

BUILDING A BRIDGE: A pedestrian bridge is being built east of Liverpool Road. So, in 2009, Pickering mayor Dave Ryan announced the construction of a 10-storey office building in part of the Pickering Town Centre’s parking lot, with MPAC as the anchor tenant. Several months after this announcement, the decision was swiftly made to also begin construction on the bridge. “When the office tower was

secured, it gave the City of Pickering a window of opportunity to lobby the government,” says Guinto. The provincial and federal governments have given $10 million toward the project, and Metrolinx, the company behind GO Transit, has provided $13 million. But the bridge is only the beginning.

Guinto says it is a “catalyst” for further development, with talks of a hotel or convention centre down the road. He also hopes it will attract people from outside of Pickering, and make the city stand out. “Driving down the 401, communities tend to blend together,” says Guinto. “This will be our landmark.”

Archiving our local history

Nancy Ellis The Chronicle

What’s just around the corner, has three houses, and is full of knowledge? —The Oshawa Community Museum and Archives. The Henry House, the Robinson House and the Guy House are all part of the museum at Lakeview Park. The three buildings are used to bring history to life. The Henry House is decorated as a fully functioning Victorian home and dates back to 1849. The Guy House dates back to 1835 and hosts the administration part of the museum, gift shop and Verna Conant Galley—a section devoted to Oshawa’s industrial roots. Robinson House dates back to 1846, and houses the semipermanent exhibits including a 19th century one-room schoolhouse and local archeological findings. “What’s unique about our buildings is that they are standing on their original foundations,” said Melissa Cole, museum curator. Cole has worked as curator for 11 years and designed the popular exhibit Mourning After

about the Victorian customs of life after death. The exhibit ran from May to November 2009 and exceeded expectations. When the constructors widened Harmony Road in the 1950s they discovered graves from a pioneer gravesite underneath where they were digging, Cole said. The “coffin jewelry” found in the graves was used in the Mourning After display. “I’ve always had a particular interest in gravestones,” executive director Laura Suchan said. She has worked at the museum for 22 years and cites Mourning After as one of her favourite exhibits. The museum recently received a collection of artifacts from the mortuary program at Humber College that included Victorian era items used in Canadian morgues. Suchan said these pieces and new information will be included in the next Victorian exhibit hopefully on display in 2013. The museum also offers programs for children, using archeology, wizards and pirates to entice learning. The programs incorporate crafts, activities and sharing. The museum even offers birthday parties with programs,

Nancy Ellis

LEFT TO RIGHT: Laura Suchan (executive director), Melissa Cole (curator), Jennifer Weymark (archivist), Lisa Terech (visitor experience co-ordinator). loot bags and dress up clothes, available by request. Lisa Terech has been the visitor experience co-ordinator for a year but a volunteer since 2007 and she encourages students to involve themselves in their town’s history. “If you’re not from the Oshawa area, it’s nice to learn about where you live,” Terech said. She explains that a lot of people end up settling in the town or city where they attended school. And if you’re curious about what happened to your family, long lost relative or friend, you can explore the archives. The archives include local history and Oshawa’s newspa-

pers up until 1965, anything more recent can be found at the library. Jennifer Weymark has been the archivist since 2000 and if you’re looking for information on local archival history she is the one to talk to. Although “sometimes you just can’t find an answer,” she said. She cares for the collection, researches and makes sure the museum’s facts are correct. “I enjoy the research, digging thorough and finding new things,” Weymark said. Currently she is working on the museum’s online exhibits, both new and already existing exhibits. The online exhibits are used

to attract viewers and encourage people to visit; they can also be used as a research tool. The archives cost $5 to view. Printout and photocopies are available from 50 cents to $2. Archival assistance is $25. Next year is the 200th anniversary of the War of 1812 and Weymark is designing an online exhibit about the war and its impact on Durham Region. Currently Milk Stories, an exhibit detailing the history of dairy farmers, occupies part of the Robinson House, and next year a new exhibit will open about Oshawa’s shipping industry, which the staff is excited about because of the museum’s location on the harbor.


The Chronicle

November 29, 2011


Helping Aboriginal students Nicole Patton

The Chronicle Elder Cliff Standingready lives up to his name by being ready to help Aboriginal students in need of direction. The UOIT Aboriginal Student Centre recently invited Standingready to visit the school at certain times and speak one-on-one with students who are looking for guidance. “I see a lot of frustration in the kids,” said Standingready, a Lakota author now living in Oshawa. “I mostly give them information and contact from a native prospective.” Standingready says students should know that their identity is first. “You are a Mohawk first,” he said, using the identity as an example. “University is just training. You would be a Mohawk engineer, not an engineer who is a Mohawk.” Standingready, whose spiritual name is Standing Buffalo Warrior, survived the Canadian residential school system during his youth. Residential schools, which began in the early 19th century, were created

to force Native Canadians to integrate into European-Canadian society. About 150,000 children were removed from their communities and forced to adopt Christianity and speak either English or French. At the schools many children were subjected to physical and emotional abuse. They became detached from their families and began to feel ashamed of their native heritage. Others went missing or never returned home. One such child who spent years away from home was 13-year-old Charlie Hunter, Standingready said. In 1974, while trying to save another student who fell through the ice, Charlie drowned and was buried far from his family without their permission. Authorities refused to move the child’s remains until the story showed up in the newspaper and the people noticed. “It took two weeks,” said Standingready. Two weeks to raise the $20,000 needed to move the boy’s remains home. Standingready, who became an Elder after his community chose him, released a book about his time in the residen-

tial schools, how it affected his life afterwards and how he healed from his past. The book, Children of the Creator, was published last year after he returned from a trip to South Dakota. He spoke of how his spiritual ancestors wrote the book for him. “I’m only the one with the pen,” he said. “They wrote the book.” Reactions to his book revealed how much it had affected people. “I had a woman who came up to me and told me that two months after she read the book she stopped drinking,” said Standingready. He also mentioned meeting with a teacher from a school he was visiting whose father had been greatly affected by the residential schools. “She couldn’t reach him (her father),” he said. “He put up a wall between them, and she’d been blaming herself for all those years. I told her to find him right now, hug him and tell him it’s okay.” He is in the process of writing another book, with the working title of Speak for Us, about the missing children of the residential schools. The idea came to him while he was up north with his wife. Standing at the lake in the

Can he build it? Yes he can Sarah Hyatt The Chronicle

From tearing apart toddlers toys to building new fancy toys, technology was always his passion. Paul Ravindran was destined to be an engineer. When he was younger his parents use to complain how toys never lasted him. He wouldn’t intentionally smash them to pieces. But he felt compelled to pull them apart, and see how they worked. “I’ve always been fascinated by technology and electronics, even at a very young age,” said Ravindran. Ravindran is currently in his fourth year of study in Electrical Engineering and Management at UOIT. He was also recently named vice-president of the student branch of The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. (IEEE). The IEEE is the world’s largest association for the advancement of technology, with nearly 400,000 members. With roots dating back to the 1800s, the association has been dedicated to developing technology in the best interests of society for over 100 years. The association is no stranger to UOIT and DC either, and thrived on campus years ago. Currently, the IEEE is looking to reignite that spark that once

existed, and get people more excited and involved in engineering. In the next year and a half as VP, Ravindran is looking forward to playing a key role in revamping the association. “I want to do as much as I can with, and for the association before I graduate,” he said. “I want to lay a good foundation for current and future students, and for the association. It’s given me a lot, a great technical foundation, and I would like to return the favour.” His lifelong passion for engineering and electronics, along with his work ethic is contributed to Ravindran becoming VP of the IEEE. A typical day includes, work, work, and more work. From early morning hours into the evenings, days are jammed pack. “Classes wean out towards the evenings, and then it’s all about homework, and getting caught up on studies,” said Ravindran. “I’m at school working, in the library working, and at home working. I try devoting at least an hour every day to something co- curricular too, like for the IEEE for example. And, that’s pretty much my whole day, everyday. Or, I’m working on my own small design projects like power amplifiers, or wiring systems for vehicles, that aren’t even school

related. It’s just something I love doing.” Even as a kid and teen anything electric orientated was always Ravindran’s greatest joy. From tearing apart toys, to fixing lights, to wiring up a new furnace in the house, he did it all growing up, and loved it. “I was always the handyman of the house,” said Ravindran. “Any of my friends, they ever had a problem in the house, they’d say ‘oh call Paul.’ And, the only difference between back than and now, is back than I couldn’t put those toys back together, and now I can, and they still work.” As for the future, Ravindran has big plans. “My ultimate goal is to get into the electric design of the automotive sector,” he said. But he’s not limiting himself, admitting there are several lucrative industries out there of interest. “I want to get working right away after graduation…I honestly wouldn’t mind getting into any job I can, building some experience, and eventually go on to get my masters.” In five to 10 years he pictures himself as an engineer consultant, or part of a design engineering company. “I would love to have my own business one day too,” said Ravindran. But until then, his main focus is school and the IEEE.

Nicole Patton

HELPING HAND: Elder Cliff Standingready is known for helping Aboriginal students in need of guidance. early morning, he noticed children’s spirits running around and playing with one another. They told him to write again. “I made an agreement,” said Standingready, who has two sons and a granddaughter himself. “You (the spirits) must tell me what to write.” A traditional pipe carrier and powwow dancer, Standingready will continue

to write and speak about his past, hoping to help the aboriginal students and people of the present day. “I think I’m growing deeper and deeper into the spirit world,” he said. “I’ve spent the last seven years living life. I want to project that freedom to other people. You are a sacred human being and the Creator needs you.”

The Chronicle

November 29, 2011



The Chronicle

November 29, 2011


Helping students legally is what he does Bobby Perritt The Chronicle

The Bill of Rights grants Canadians the right to legal counsel without delay. But given the cost of a lawyer, your budget as a student may object to that right. That is why the Student Association offers free legal services through an on-campus lawyer for all students of the college and university. Attorney Bill Reid is available to meet with students for up to half an hour each Wednesday between 8:15 a.m. and 12:45 p.m. in the SA office above E.P. Taylor’s. On some occasions where anonymity was a priority, students have met with Reid off campus. Whether it be labour violations, slips and falls, issues with Immigration Canada, or a child custody nightmare, Reid can offer 30 minutes of his time in person a week and advise students via email to educate them in approaching legal matters confidently. Reid, who has an MBA and studied law at the University of Western Ontario, has done the same for students at York, Ryerson, Mohawk, George Brown

Bobby Perritt The Chronicle

‘You can’t evict an idea’ read a large sign, displayed in St. James Park on the night of Nov. 21. On Nov. 22, the crowd of occupiers in Toronto evaded eviction for one day, after Justice David Brown ruled that protesters were not exempt from bylaws which don’t allow people in parks between 12:01 a.m. and 5:30 a.m. and prohibit unpermitted tents and structures from being erected. It wasn’t until around 6 a.m. on Nov. 23 that city police enforced the eviction by throwing out tents and dismantling structures, but allowing lawabiding protesters to stay, in compliance with city regulations. Even the section of the park that is owned by neighbouring St. James Cathedral was subject to the same rules, after the church declared that it wanted to fully co-operate with the city’s wishes. Nov. 21 was filled with anxiety and anticipation in St. James Park as protesters packed up their tents and possessions (much of which had been there since Oct. 15) in anticipation of a police raid some time in the early hours of the next morning. A small sign was placed at the front entrance of St. James Cathedral, which read ‘What would Jesus do?’ Dick Johnson, 27, was at

Bobby Perritt

A MAN OF LAW: Bill Reid in his office working hard to help all students. and Sheridan colleges and universities for 17 years. The College Student Alliance (CSA), a provincial student lobby group, referred him to the SA, bringing him to the campus last year. Reid calls himself a “generalist” in terms of knowledge, because of the vast range of cases that he works on. “But my expertise…is being a generalist in this context,” he says. He considers it a developed skill to work with the SA and the CSA and deal with student issues. Campus clientele are different from what most law-

yers are used to, he said. The most common types of cases Reid addresses at the campus are problems concerning social assistance and personal injury, along with provincial infractions and minor criminal offences such as minor assaults, mischief and driving violations. Family law is a common issue on all campuses. Reid also sometimes offers mediation. Mediators, who are not always lawyers, intervene in a conflict as a knowledgeable voice of reason, looking to find common ground.

And while Reid doesn’t represent students in court or outside of the legal services program, referrals are readily available to attorneys with expertise to handle the particular type of case. If matters do extend to a courtroom, students can find out if they are eligible for financial assistance at legalaid.on.ca. Reid only offers his expertise to students and doesn’t work for clients in court. But he said that even if he did, “I would never see a student privately who I had seen (on campus) because there

Protesters upset at being forced out of Occupy camps

Bobby Perritt

IN THE NAME OF PROTEST: People hold their signs to promote their protest. home sleeping off a case of pneumonia he had developed after 36 days of sleeping in the park, when he woke up to the news of eviction on the TV, prompting him to return. “Everyone here believes in non-violence,” he said. Johnson said he was disgusted by the decision to shut down a movement that authorities hadn’t come to understand. At a general assembly around 6 p.m. a marshal (a committee position within the park) announced a phone number for a pro bono lawyer, and

encouraged the exchange of personal information, in an attempt to ensure that no occupiers would be forgotten about if they were arrested. “I believe tonight should be an artful revolution. Life is artful. Be creative in your expression,” one speaker said to motivate the crowd. Occupiers were encouraged to create “break-out groups” which were three colour coordinated groups to categorize what they would do in the event of an eviction. The red break-out group

was committed to protecting the library, the media/medical yurt and standing ground in the park despite the threat of being arrested or harmed. The yellow group were people who would consider being arrested, and the green group was for people who could not afford to risk arrest. “Greens” were encouraged to stay on the outskirts of the park during an eviction and bear witness to the events, capturing photos and videos if possible. Two “reds,” one being Jor

would be a potential for a conflict of interest there,” explaining he wished to avoid having two different types of student clients – paying and non-paying. Donna Judson, SA office coordinator and administrative assistant for Reid, said the legal services program grew quickly when it was introduced to the campus two years ago. “We hit the ground running (last year),” as Reid remembers. Judson has seen the program grow in the second through word of mouth and the SA website. The next step is for legal services to be extended to the Whitby and downtown Oshawa campuses on a rotating basis. Students can find out more under “services” at www.yoursa.ca and make appointments by emailing www.sa@dc-uoit. ca. Or stop by the SA office across from the Tuck Shop on the second floor of the student centre. Confidentiality is a priority. Details of students’ cases do not have to be disclosed with administration, and legal and personal documents are not saved or observed by anybody other than Reid.

don Walsh, 20 of Newcastle, nailed together a makeshift barrier of skids and scrap wood around them and chained themselves to each other and the structure. Walsh chose to protect the library because of the thousands of books that were burned when the Occupy movement in New York City was broken up. “I refuse to let that happen (here),” said Walsh. The St. James Cathedral clock tower chimed as midnight came and went, but marked police officers made no appearance at the park and only monitored the surrounding area in modest numbers. Numbers began to dwindle around 2 a.m. but the park stirred for hours after that, with people staying up in the event that police were waiting for campers to go to their tents, before moving in. “I just hope everyone realizes this is about our freedom of speech, which we can’t lose,” said Robin Luona, 34, of Barrie. Luona had visited the camp several times before and was pulling an all-nighter to oppose the eviction. Occupiers had already publicized a peaceful rally in Nathan Phillips Square planned for Nov. 26, to decide on a new location to occupy. Toronto is following suit with other cities, which have cracked down on occupy camps across the country, since the movement launched globally on Oct. 15.


The Chronicle

November 29, 2011

Teaching by example Kim Moreau The Chronicle

As a boy, it’s unlikely that Dan Walters, practicum coordinator for UOIT’s Faculty of Social Science and Humanities would have understood impact a heaping spoonful of tuna salad would have on his life. His grandmother’s lesson taught him you can have too much of a good thing. A sociology graduate from McMaster University, Walters embraces the knowledge and life experience he has acquired since graduating in his teachings, refusing to use irrelevant material with no real-life counterpart. “I love teaching,” said Walters, who recently won the 2011-2012 Cupples Cup Award for his ‘energy, enthusiasm, and high social involvement’ in the Canadian Association of Career Educators and Employees for this year. Walters career allows him to blend roles within the educational field with roles within the community, which he enjoys. He has always been an active member of the community and a huge fan of volunteerism, and promotes the same engagement for students. “I think if students simply focus on academics, they are really short changing themselves,” said Walters, recalling later the challenges he faced when exiting university and realizing that the piece of paper in his hand wasn’t a “guarantee to great things in life.” It was Walters involvement in the UOIT community and his extra curricular involvements through his humanitarian activities that led him to the win-

Kim Moreau

THANKS TO GRANNY: Dan attributes his patience and demeanour to his grandmother, who taught him many life lessons through music and food. ning of the 2011-2012 Cupples Cup Award. Walters was the host of the 2009 Songs Revealed competition for Durham College where he now serves as a Music Busi-

ness Management professor, was the chair of UOIT’s Accessibility Committee and continues to be an advocate for accessibility within the community, worked with the Let Them Be

Kids Coalition to build a playground at Oshawa’s Radio Park, works with people who have special needs, and works hard on his music career as well. “I get to be amphibious,” said Walters who loves that rather than being stuck in a classroom all the time he is able to network in the community and promote the integration of UOIT in downtown Oshawa. His accomplishments and involvement go back to his Granny, who he said was the most influential person in his life. Walters, who was enthusiastic about music as a child with his “stinky, old records,” spent much of his time playing the organ with his grandmother. He recalls that while others were puzzled by his eccentric, troublesome days as a hyper, young boy, his grandmother embraced it. She taught him to play songs by Buddy Holly, one of his heroes. At first, when he had a turn to play the keys he would smash all the keys at once as many children do – open fisted and eager rather than patient and careful. It was when his grandmother shoved a pile of tuna salad in her mouth that he learnt pushing all of the keys at once wasn’t appropriate. He remembers her shoving the unmanageable forkful of salad into her mouth and realizing that she was teaching him that too much was not necessarily a good thing. Walters says that he keeps going back to that day with his grandmother who has since passed, and adds that his education has had the same lasting effect.


Whitby campus Phase 3 begins Cameron McDonald The Chronicle

Phase 3 of Durham College’s Whitby campus is breaking ground in a little over two weeks from now. The new phase will add a facility for the new Hospitality and Culinary programs, and will bring roughly 950 more students to the campus. On top of this it will provide a full-service restaurant and lounge and offer meeting space for students studying culinary arts, food sciences, safety, design and other tourismrelated topics. It will be located on the southern end of campus. One of the biggest changes that the new phase will bring to the campus is a more equal gender ratio, which has been dominantly male up until now. Darrin Caron, the Dean of the Whitby campus, is hopeful that the gender ratio will even out and make the campus more diverse. “With a more even split between men and women, the campus will certainly feel more diverse and welcoming for our female students.” The construction should be complete by the fall semester of 2012.

Crash course on student insurance A need to know for students

Larissa Frankevych The Chronicle

Insurance can be hard to understand especially for young students trying to figure out their coverage for medical expenses like glasses, prescriptions and the pill. There is a website called wespeakstudent. com designed to help explain DC’s and UOIT’s insurance coverage to students. Wespeakstudent.com provides students with the knowl-

edge of their insurance policy, access to the proper insurance forums. Students can also create a profile to track the status of their insurance claims, find a local medical or dental practitioner and online assistance from a live agent. Full-time students who chose not to opt out from the insurance plan are covered from the start of the year, Sept. 1 until Aug. 31. The policy is one year, for every year the student is enrolled in the school year. Students who graduate this year in June are still covered until the end of August. Students are covered up to a maximum $3,000 for prescription drugs. The policy covers 80 per cent of most prescriptions, insulin injectables, and insulin supplies up to a maximum of $200.

Contraceptives like the patch or oral medication is covered up to a maximum of $175. Allergy medication, acne medication and the Nuva vaginal ring are also covered. The policy also offers dental coverage, and if students use a dentist from the dentist network on the site they can receive up to 100 per cent of coverage depending on what is being done. For example, if a student is receiving “basic and preventative” work like one examination and consultation, that includes any X-ray, and or one cleaning and one unit of polishing, the student is fully covered. Students who go to their own dentist not a part of the insurance policy dental network will be covered up to 80 per cent for a maximum of $500

per year. Extractions and oral surgery is covered for 60 per cent, which includes a limit of two wisdom teeth per policy year. Other oral surgery is covered up to 10 per cent for endodontics, periodontics, and major restorative surgery. Students can get a higher percentage of coverage for extractions and oral surgery if they use a dentist from the dental network. Orthodontics like braces or Invisalign is not covered by the insurance policy. Students are also covered for vision care up to a maximum of $60 for one eye examination every two years. Students who are prescribed glasses or contact lenses are covered up to a maximum of $80 for every two years.

Accidental death & dismemberment coverage is also included. A student who dies, the beneficiary will receive $7,500 from life insurance. Coverage also includes ambulance rides, transportation of the deceased up to $2,000 and medical coverage. Dismemberment coverage includes any home or vehicle modification up to a maximum of $10,000, rehabilitation coverage up to a maximum of $5,000, hearing aids up to $3,000 and accidental dental coverage up to a maximum of $2,000, to name a few. Travel insurance and extended health care options are also covered under the policy. For more detailed information that students can easily understand, visit wespeakstudent. com.


The Chronicle

November 29, 2011


The Chronicle

November 29, 2011


Nicole Patton

MEDIATION: Alternative Dispute Resolution program co-ordinator Virginia Harwood (left) and her class discuss the best ways to deal with conflict.

Mediation settles disputes Students: Solve your problems

Nicole Patton

The Chronicle Disagreements between people are an unfortunate part of life. Disputes, at times, need an impartial third party to resolve the issue. Those mediators need education on how to

deal with certain situations. This is where the Mediation – Alternative Dispute Resolution graduate program comes into play. “I was involved with the mediation program before it was a program,” said Virginia Harwood, MADR co-ordinator. “I was called upon to sit on the focus group to determine if we should even have a new mediation ADR program.” The graduate certificate program began in September of 2010, accepting students from many different educational backgrounds such as criminology, paralegal, human resourc-

es and health programs. Many students are post-secondary graduates looking to add on to an existing degree or diploma and to obtain ADR skills, which many employers are looking for. An almost equal number of mature students are seeking mediation training to perhaps start their own business. “Our first year, it (MADR program) was very popular,” said Harwood. “We actually took in more students than we had initially planned for. The students we have in the program are very invested and dedicated.”

“We enjoy it,” said Deena Misale, a MADR student. “It’s not just a sitting down lecture. It’s interactive, which I like.” Recently the program was approved by the Alternative Dispute Resolution Institute of Ontario (ADRIO), a non-profit organization that shares information and promotes ideas for continuous improvement in ADR. This approval provides students and graduates with the opportunity to become members of the ADR Institute, enhancing their portfolios and creating networking opportunities.

“There was a lot of work that went into that (ADR Institute approval),” said Harwood. “It confirms that our curriculum is at the national standard for dispute resolution professionals and it provides our program with integrity. So I was delighted.” “They were very pleased to know that our program has been approved and that we have received the recognition of that professional organization,” said Harwood. Misale agrees. “It speaks to the dedication of the co-ordinators. The approval by ADRIO ensures my success.”

Stay healthy during exam time

Lori Marks The Chronicle

Santa has already arrived in many malls around the region, which can only mean one thing for students. The end is near. The end of a long and draining semester and the beginning of the relaxation and joyous time of Christmas break. The next couple of weeks are one of the busiest times in a student’s semester in school, stress levels are high and cramming for assignments, tests and exams is the name of the game. Those last minute assignments and final examinations become a student’s top priority kicking health and all that important stuff to the side. “You should start studying now and developing a study guide for each subject,” said Mary-Alice Harvey, Mental Health Nurse at the Campus Health Centre in mid-Novem-

ber. “The best way to start studying is to prepare a study checklist. Using your notes, texts, and syllabus, make an outline of the major topics that were covered in the course. Then divide each heading into sub topics.” Many students are guilty of procrastination and tend to leave everything to the last minute, which results in pulling all-nighters. And they are also unaware of the affects that lack of sleep can have on their performance and try to stay awake by consuming caffeine or energy drinks. “All-nighters do not work,” said Harvey. “Going against the natural circadian rhythms (a cyclical alteration in the sleep/wake state) of the body is not good. You need sleep to help you think and process and problem solve. Sleep is vital to the body along with eating.” According to Sylvia Emmo-

rey, nutritionist at the Campus Health Centre, food and water have a huge impact on the brain. The brain needs energy that comes from food to operate; carbohydrates (healthy complex carbs like whole grains, fruits and vegetables) are the brain’s first choice for energy but protein and fats may also be used when carbs are not available. Emmorey also explained that 70 per cent of your brain is water. Your brain cells need the proper balance between water and nutrients in order to properly function. “Drinking water will increase energy and also help to wake you up, so if you’re tired it may also be from dehydration,” said Emmorey. “Memory loss, lack of concentration, and cognitive skills will be affected. You can experience headaches and anxiety as well from not enough water.” Instead of water students

also have an eye for those dangerous little drinks known as energy drinks. Due to their severity, energy drinks will possibly be sold behind counters in the future due to the many health risks that accompany them, Emmorey said. Abdul Premji, Pharmacist at the Bayridges Pharmacy in Pickering, says caffeine is a diuretic; it causes dehydration and can cause emotional fatigue as well as an increased pulse rate and a nervous stomach. Premji also said panic attacks and addiction can accompany too much caffeine intake. “Your body craves it because of the boost it gives you but after you come down from the high you become irritable, tired and depressed,” said Premji. “It is much better to get natural sleep as your mind will be cleared and more able to absorb what you are trying to remember.”

According to an article by Student Health 101, neuroscientists believe sleep is not only crucial to the brain development, but is also necessary in converting memory into more permanent and or enhanced forms. Everyone loves a good power nap. Naps that are even 20 minutes can improve the performance level of the brain. The end of a semester sometimes means there is no getting around the stress. However, Harvey, Premji and Emmorey all believe energy drinks are not the way to go. Sleep is a necessity. If your body is sleep deprived you can experience nausea, hallucinations, confusion and even increased stress levels. Emmorey suggests if you have to pull an all-nighter, regulated eating which includes three small meals and two snacks, proper water intake, exercising and fresh air will work best.


The Chronicle

November 29, 2011


Miles Faber and the art of dance

Durham College and UOIT prepare to welcome celebrity choreographer Tara Oades

FEED THE NEED: Danielle Rocque and Scott Ryall show off some of the food collected during the Trick or Eat event. Ninety per cent of the food goes to food banks across Durham Region to help those in need.

It’s time to Feed the Need Tara Oades The Chronicle

Christmas is just around the corner. A joyous time, but with the added stress of shopping for loved ones, planning a party, and hoping that there is a perfect tree out there ready to be decorated, it can be hectic for most. Unfortunately, for many people residing in Durham Region, Christmas isn’t all presents, parties, and trees, but a discouraging time of year where the financially challenged worry about being able to afford enough food to feed themselves and their family, finding warm clothes, and even having a place to stay warm to survive the cold. According to the 2011 provincial hunger count, around 400,000 people across Ontario accessed a food bank at least once during the last year, and 50,000 of that total resided in the Durham Region. Luckily, there are options that can help those individuals who don’t have the means to live independently. In Oshawa alone there are many reputable organizations with the primary goal of serving the people of Oshawa and Durham Region who need extra assistance. Feed the Need Durham, and St. Vincent’s Kitchen are two of them. Feed the Need Durham is a non-profit organization with a distribution warehouse located at Townline Road and King Street. Every month this warehouse collects about 150,000 pounds of food from various companies, communities, and grocery stores, and distributes it to

food banks and soup kitchens across Durham Region, said Fred Borg, a long-term Feed the Need volunteer. “Thousands of people in Durham Region rely on food banks and soup kitchens for the necessities,” said Borg. “Feed the Need is run mainly by volunteers, and we are always looking for new volunteers…every day is a busy time, not just the holidays.” Feed the Need Durham volunteers sort through the food, drive trucks to pick up and drop off food, and can even run individual food drives. The distribution warehouse is capable of accepting all types of food, including frozen, canned, boxed, etc. in any amount. Individual monetary and food donations are always welcomed, but people are encouraged to visit the Feed the Need Durham website at www. ftnd.ca for a list of the most needed items. “We get a lot of canned food items,” said Nadine Abdallah, a Feed the Need volunteer. “But we also accept things like ice cream, juice, and any kind of hygienic necessities.” Feed the Need Durham distributes food to over 40 food banks, and soup kitchens in Durham Region. One of the most important in Oshawa is St. Vincent’s Kitchen, located downtown at 51 King. St. Vincent’s is open seven days a week and provides lowcost nutritional meals to individuals and families who can’t afford food. “We serve about 200 people every day, around one-third of them are children under the age of 18,” said Kristin Raymond, a 63-year-old volunteer at St. Vincent’s. “Each meal

costs $1.25, but many organizations and churches buy tickets and will distribute them for free to people who can’t afford to pay for the meal.” The kitchen is open Monday to Friday from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., Saturday from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m., and Sunday from noon to 2 p.m. “It’s a good environment, and everyone who works there is understanding, and they don’t look down at you,” explained a regular guest at St. Vincent’s. “I have been going to the kitchen for around two years now, ever since I lost my job… It’s hard sometimes but at least there are places to go.” St. Vincent’s Kitchen receives no funding from the government and relies on donations from companies, individuals, and various institutions across Durham Region. St. Vincent’s also runs a discount clothing store where donated clothing items are sold at a low price to people who can’t afford new clothing. At times clothing is given out for free to people who are extremely needy. All proceeds go directly to the soup kitchen, explains Julie Ursini, a volunteer at St. Vincent’s. Aside from Feed the Need Durham and St. Vincent’s Kitchen, many companies, institutions and individuals put on food and gift drives to help out the community during the holiday season. Some examples include the secret Santa campaign at Zellers, which gives elderly people with no family a chance to receive a gift on Christmas, and the Seguin family gift drive, which has been going on for the past five years. “Every member of the fam-

ily gives a monetary donation, and collects perishable food items, and searches through their homes for used toys still in good condition,” said Cathy Seguin. “Then we wrap them, tag them as a secret Santa, and deliver everything anonymously to a family who needs it.” Most of the time the Seguins know the family personally, or that they could use a little help to get through the holiday season. “Everyone deserves to have a good Christmas,” said Jessica Seguin, Cathy’s youngest daughter. “I feel good knowing that I helped someone out.” Durham College, and UOIT also do their part in ensuring that people in need receive the necessities to survive. For example, the Trick or Eat food drive, which was put on by the Campus Food Centre on Oct. 31, collected over 2,000 pounds of food, for food banks and soup kitchens around Oshawa. “Ten per cent of the food collected was put towards the Campus Food Centre to help students on campus, who can’t afford to buy food,” said Barb Bryan co-ordinator of outreach services. “Around 70 students visit the Campus Food Centre every month for toiletries and food that they can’t afford. We are always looking for volunteers” Low-income families, students, and even children need help this holiday season, and throughout the year, which is why food banks, soup kitchens, and even the Campus Food Centre all need volunteers and donations to help run the services that many Durham Region residence rely on to survive.

Chealse Howell

The Chronicle Have you ever wanted to take a hip hop dance class? Well now is your chance. H.E.R. along with O.U.C.H. is holding a free dance workshop for all Durham College and UOIT students. The workshop will be held Wednesday, Nov. 23, from 7 p.m. until 10 p.m. at the Durham College – UOIT’s gym. There will be a special guest, professional dancer Miles Faber. Faber’s success has had led him to work with many celebrities, such as Shawn Desman, Ludacris, 2 Live Crew, Dirty Vegas, Blake McGrath, MC Hammer and many more. Faber has choreo-

Just having Miles there, teaching us his style and culture is a huge blessing.

Wayane Carrasco

graphed and also been featured in many films and television shows, including MTV’s Turn the Beat Around, Disney’s Frenemies, Score and A Hockey Musical. Although it is a free event, they will be taking money donations all night to go towards O.U.C.H. Wayane Carrasco, member of H.E.R., is very excited and honoured to have Faber teaching at the workshop. “Just having Miles there, teaching us his style and culture is a huge blessing, I’ve been a fan for years and so have all of us. So its an awesome opportunity to collaborate,” said Carrasco.


The Chronicle

November 29, 2011


We are what we eat!

Ashley Anthony Chronicle Staff

Larissa Frankevych

LOCAL PHARMACIST: Elaine Dias, the owner of the Courtice Pharmasave, and a pharmacist with 27 years of experience

Birth control safety and you Larissa Frankevych

The Chronicle

The birth control pill has transformed since its creation over 50 years ago. Birth control is now available in different forms: an oral contraceptive, the Patch and, most recently, a vaginal ring. Birth control is a hormonal medication that contains progestin and estrogen. These hormones prevent pregnancy, mainly by preventing ovulation during a menstrual cycle. They also increase the thickness of vaginal fluids to make it harder for the sperm to reach an egg in the case where ovulation does occur. “These hormones create a hostile environment in the uterus so that pregnancy is prevented,” said Eaine Dias, owner of the Courtice Pharmasave, and a pharmacist with 27 years of experience. “A few reasons why women take the pill are to regulate their cycle, control acne and prevent pregnancy,” Dias advises. “Women need to be re-

sponsible when they take the pill, and make sure it’s taken every day at the same time.” A single packet of the pill contains 21-24 hormone pills depending on the brand, and four to seven placebo pills. Cli-

The hormones are regulating the cycle, which why it’s called a simulated period,” said Dias. Birth control is a medication, and with any medication there are side effects. Common side effects can be nausea,

A few reasons why women take the pill are to regulate their cycle, control acne and prevent pregnancy. Women need to be responsible when they take the pill and make sure it’s taken every day

Elaine Dias ents are instructed to take one pill a day, at the same time each day. When taking the placebo, within three to five days the client should experience “a simulated period.” “Women who are on the pill are not ovulating, but the hormones still simulate a menstrual cycle. By simulating a menstrual cycle the body is not regulating the menstrual cycle.

vomiting, headache, stomach cramping, bloating, and breast enlargement. The pill can also cause weight gain, sensitivity to the sun and an increased risk of blood clots, says Dias. Blood clots can cause a series of health issues including, stroke, heart attack or a pulmonary embolism. “There is an increased risk for smokers to develop a blood clot, which is why smok-

ers may be advised against taking the pill.” Advil and Tylenol are name brands, but there are generic brands available for consumers. The pill has generic brands as well. The reason? To cut costs. “The generic brands are not better. We have clients who experience side effects like breakthrough bleeding because of the slight different in the hormone levels,” says Dias. Health Canada advises that women who have diabetes, or a history of blood vessel disease, heart disease or cancer, consult with a physician before taking the medication. Health Canada also recommends using condoms to prevent sexually transmitted disease, because the pill does not protect against STDs. “Certain antibiotics, and anti-epileptics do interfere with the hormone levels for women who are taking birth control,” says Dias. She advises to use a back-up contraceptives when on these medications and tell your doctor.

We are what we eat. Most college and university students fall victim to the in-your-face promotion of fast food on campus, but do we ever stop to think about what is in that food? A suggested intake of calories is between 1,200 and 1,400 and sodium intake is recommended at 1,500 mg a day to maintain a healthy lifestyle. When divided up into about four or five small meals a day it doesn’t pan out to much. What is your favourite fast food? A Big Mac and fries? The burger alone has 540 calories and 1,020 mg of sodium, now add fries and wash it all down with a pop. You’re looking at 1,090 calories and 1,290 mg of sodium in one sitting, and that’s only because the pop is watered down and sodium-free. But McD’s looks healthy next to it competitor Burger King. The Whopper has a whopping 760 calories! Or do you fancy a Baconator from Wendy’s and the 950 calories that go hand in hand with it? Oh, and don’t forget the 1,960 mg of sodium. Most people don’t realize that a single meal at a fast food restaurant contains more calories and soduim than a person seeking a healthy lifestyle should ingest. “Everything that you eat or drink leaves a metabolic ash in your system that’s either acid or alkaline,” said Audrey Morgan, nutritionist at Health Plus Nutrition Centre in Ajax. “You become acidic, not like stomach acid, but your cellular PH. This lowers your immune system and causes you to get sicker faster. Bacteria cells thrive in acidic bodies.”So what are we supposed to eat? “In a nutshell, too much sodium and trans fats and not enough fibre and nutrients, like vegetables and healthy meats,” said Morgan. “Tea or coffee first thing in the morning is the worst thing you can do to your body.” Surprisingly Tim Hortons food is a fairly healthy choice. A toasted chicken club sandwich is only 370 calories, just skip the coffee. But when you’re craving for some quick cheap food and still want to keep your figure the best place with a fraction of the calorie count is no surprise. Subway, or other sub shops like Mr. Sub or Pita Express offer large meals that are packed with vegetables.


The Chronicle

November 29, 2011


The Chronicle

November 29, 2011


Zellers on Target list Zellers employees get the boot as franchise giant Target takes over

Robynne Henry The Chronicle

When the announcement was made that Target bought the leases of Zellers, local employees of Zellers panicked at the thought of losing their jobs and wanted answers. The public and employees were told in January which stores Target would be choosing, being able to pick up to 200. Target chose 189 Zellers locations to change into Targets, with the Five Points mall Zellers being one of the stores named that will be converted. Target was given 240 days to choose which Zellers they wanted to purchase. The deal was worth $1.8 million. The Target chain has more than 1,700 stores in 49 states, and has been wanting to branch over to Canada for over a decade.

Target made their move to purchase some of Zellers leases when it was obvious that HBC was looking to sell, and other chains were aiming to buy the leases. The openings of the new Target stores are expected to create 20,000 new jobs in Canada. Target did not purchase all of the Zellers in Canada; there is approximately 220 Zellers across the country. “84 stores will remain opened as Zellers,” said external communications manager Tiffany Bourr. “We are prepared for a strong holiday season coming up.” Target provides six to nine months notice to Zellers stores that will be closing. With 42 stores being told they will closed to the public June 2nd of this year. There is an estimation of $1 billion to be spent, updating and renovating Zellers locations into Targets. Out of the stores Target purchased, 39 of them were sold to Walmart. “Target has not announced what will happen to the stores sold to Walmart,” Bourr said. Zellers is the weakest link for HBC. The selling of Zellers it allows the company to focus on the Bay brand. Zellers has been struggling since the 1990s, and it relieves the HBC of a burden. Zellers was considered a tired retail chain, which had lost ground to bigger U.S. competitors such as Walmart. With the announcement of certain Zellers closing, employees lost the job security that they had felt comfortable with. The Zellers on Townline, one of four Zellers in Oshawa and one of the three leases

Facts on Target coming to Canada

• Target did not buy Zellers; they bought the leases that Zellers had. • There are 220 Zellers in Canada: Target purchased 180 leases. • Target could have selected up to 200 leases: they chose 189. • On June 2 42 Zellers stores will be closed to the public, and employees were given notice. • 39 leases were sold to Walmart • 84 Zellers will remain open as Zellers, Target did not choose to pick those. that were sold, recently found out that their store lease was sold to Walmart and will be closed June 2.The employees at Townline have been given their termination letter, and eight months notice. “We were told our store would be closed to the public June 2nd of 2012,” said doorto-floor team leader Nicky Marsh. “And Zellers will be completely out of that building on the 20th, and Walmart will have taken over the building.” All of the information Marsh and her co-workers have received is public knowledge, with the workers receiving information in spurts. “The information we get is in stages,” Marsh said. “I just got a package giving me information about how to apply for E.I. and who I can call if I can’t get a job after Zellers closes.” Marsh went on to say that she hoped that Walmart would give her as well as her co-workers an opportunity to apply, and hoped that everyone would get a job.Marsh has been at that location for three years, but has

been with Zellers for 10 years. Some stores, such as the Zellers in the Five Points mall, have not been told when their store will be closed, but have been told that they are on the list for their store to be turned into a Target. “At this time we do not know when this Zellers will be turned into a Target,” assistant manager of the Five Points Zellers Cheryl Parks said. “But, we do know that we are on the Target list.” No one at the Zellers in the Five points mall are sure when their store will be turned into a Target, but some employees have found other employment. “Some associates are finding other employment, and that is their choice,” Park said. Employees have done some research regarding Target, just wondering what type of store it will be. “Target is a lot like us (Zellers),” jewelry sales associate Connie Caton said. “They are supposed to have lowerpriced good-quality merchandise, supposed to be a good store to shop at.”

Caton has worked at Zellers for 15 years, and is scared of losing her job. “It is scary, and a little sad. It’s a little hard to think that I am going to have to start all over at the bottom again, that’s my concern,” Caton said. Caton went on to say it is basically starting at square one, but she knows she is not alone. “There are some people here who have been here for 20-30 years, so I know I am not the only one in this boat,” Caton said. “I really don’t know anything about it!” men’s sales associate Jessica Coleman said, ducking away from being asked many other questions. The associates at the Zellers in the Five Points surprisingly know very little about what will happen to the store and themselves. Most of the associates are hopeful to get jobs with Target, and only hope for the best for themselves and their fellow employees. With Target coming into the Five Points Mall, other stores are hopeful it will bring more foot traffic to the mall. “We’re hoping Target will bring more people to the mall,” said manager of Whitfields Virginia Harris. “We are keeping our fingers crossed!” Harris went on to say that she is sorry to see Zellers go, and she is hoping Target can provide equal service that Zellers does. Carol MacDonald, manager of Northern Reflections, believes Target moving into the mall will be positive for the other stores in the mall. “I think it will be positive, because it will bring more customers into the mall,” MacDonald said.

Santa at the OC Larissa Frankevych

The Chronicle Santa has arrived at the Oshawa Centre. Kids get their picture taken with Santa, a video, candy cane and coupons. The video and picture with Santa are free and are then emailed to the clients. Parents are asked to make a small donation to charities that Santa’s Castle is supporting this holiday season. Santa will be at the Oshawa Centre from the middle of November to Christmas Eve. Hours are posted at www.oshawacentre. com/events.


The Chronicle

November 29, 2011

The Chronicle

November 29, 2011



The Chronicle

November 29, 2011

The Chronicle

November 29, 2011



The Chronicle

November 29, 2011


The Chronicle

November 29, 2011


DC grad animating his future Amy Valm The Chronicle

The corners of his eyes crinkle when he smiles, illuminating his features and animating his face. His personality is quirky, and full of wit. Corey Stokes reflects what he loves- animation. A 2006 graduate of Durham College’s Animation program, Stokes is working in Toronto on big time animation projects. He has such animated heavy weights as Dex Hamilton and Ugly Americans under his belt, and has used his skills and talent in 2D flash animation and 3D animation. Stokes took a short hiatus to explore northern Ontario before landing a job with Cuppa Coffee Animation in Toronto. Cuppa Coffee is where he worked on the Comedy Central show, Ugly Americans. The show, which is developed by former Simpon’s writer David M. Stern, follows the life of a social worker in an alternate reality version of New York City, which happens to be filled with monsters. Stokes started out as an animator for the first season and as animating supervisor for the second season. He is currently animating a children’s show

he returned to Canada finding a job in called Almost Naked Animals. “One day you might be working his field proved difficult. “I had been away for awhile and on something and think, “Hey, this feels a lot like the story that hilari- hadn’t been animating a whole lot,” said ous drunk Swedish guy told me years Stokes. “It took me a while and I had to ago,” said Stokes on developing char- work a lot of other jobs in the meantime acters. “Remembering what he sound- but ended up getting a job at March Entertainment in Suded like, moved like, how bury.” he laughed. A lot of stuff March Entertainlike that might not seem One day you might ment, an award-winto immediately influence ning entertainment what you do in animation, be working on somebut it will creep into some thing and think, hey, company, churns out of your work and make it shows as Chilly this feels a lot like the such Beach and Pet Squad. more interesting.” Stokes landed the job The Port Perry native story that hilarious at the recommendation found refuge in drawing drunk Swedish guy of a friend and teacher. and writing stories as a told me years ago He stayed at March for child. His interest turned 10 months, working on to animation as a way to Corey Stokes Dex Hamilton: Alien translate those two activiEntomologist, a show ties. “I figured making a living out of about the adventures of a young entoanimation would be rewarding,” said mologist in the year 3000 who saves the Stokes. “And it has been.” planet from a villain trying to destroy it Upon graduation Stokes wanted to with super bugs. When he’s not animattravel rather than dive right into the ing or developing characters Stokes enworking world. He paid a visit to his joys playing darts and fishing. sister in England, worked at a hostel in “Be patient and persistent,” said Holland and visited Switzerland. When Stokes, to people trying to get into the

industry. “Don’t stress out. Be honest all the time. Work hard and always be willing to learn how to be better. And watch cartoons.” He also encourages people to stay in touch with friends and teachers about the industry. In the eyes of some, Stokes would be considered a successful animator. But he said success is different for everyone. “I honestly feel successful if I’m happy,” said Stokes. “Staying curious and being inspired are important to me too.” He credits the people in his life who have inspired and encouraged him along the way, saying because of their support he feels successful, adding that you need your family and friends in life, so to be nice to them. The seasoned traveller, who returned from a trip to India and B.C. this year enjoys the lenience in his schedule that animation has to offer. Stokes said he’s enjoyed a lot of opportunity in animation, but still sees exciting avenues to explore. “It’s very fulfilling to hear people talk about shows I work on,” said Stokes. “A guy came to my Halloween party dressed as Leonard from Ugly Americans. That’s a great feeling.”

Health benefits of veganism Vegans enjoy healthy life Amy Valm The Chronicle

In ancient Greece, a philosopher named Pythagoras believed in reincarnation. Stemming from that he felt eating animals could mean potentially eating a human soul. He preached that animals should be treated in the same regard as humans - entities with souls not to be eaten or used for consumption. This is one of the first references to veganism, which now seems to be a growing trend with famous followers such as Bill Clinton and Ellen DeGeneres. Vegan, a term coined in 1944, represents the beginning and end of the word vegetarian. A vegan can be defined as a vegetarian who chooses not to consume animals or their byproducts, and can be put into different categories. Ethical vegans won’t use any form of animal or animal byproduct in food or in life primarily because of cruelty to animals, while strict and dietary vegans will refrain from eating animals or byproducts such as eggs or milk for their own well-being. Trina Vallbacka, a Durham

Region nutrition counsellor and fitness instructor, has been a vegan for the last decade. She grew up in a meat and potatoes kind of family but never enjoyed the taste of steak, and realized as an adult that her diet wasn’t agreeing with her life. Her transformation to vegan was a slow process. “When I got out on my own I realized I didn’t feel well,” said Vallbacka. “I went to the doctor and they said, ‘maybe you’re lactose intolerant.’ I took out all dairy from my diet and felt so much better.” She then took red meat out of her diet, and only ate chicken and fish, and discovered she felt physically lighter, and had more energy. She did more research on being vegan and decided she’d give it a try. Vallbacka, whose entire family are practising vegans, receives compliments about her five-year-old twins, and how they have a glow to them and look so healthy and radiant. She points out that there are many benefits to being vegan, both internally and externally. She illustrates an example, saying she was in a store once and someone came up to her and asked if she was a vegan. Confused by the comment, Vallbacka looked down to make sure she wasn’t wearing a vegan shirt, replying that she was vegan and inquired how he knew. The stranger replied that she just looked so healthy he knew right away she must be vegan. The current rise of vegan

You have to sort of plan. You can’t wake up one morning and be like, I’m a vegan, now what?

Trina Vallbacka lifestyle can be linked to more knowledge of where food comes from. In the last 10 years Mad Cow Disease and the bird flu have made people more conscious of what they are eating. Research, like that in The China Study, a book by Dr. Colin Campbell, finds that changing diet can dramatically reduce the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. “I can’t think of something that’s not a benefit,” said Vallbacka on living a vegan lifestyle. “One of the biggest things is you reduce your saturated fat almost instantly. You’re not going to go eat a Twix because it’s made with milk chocolate.” She adds that by not eating meat you lower your protein intake and your disease prevention skyrockets. She attributes lower cholesterol, and blood pressure, weight loss, lower cancer risk and risk of getting cataracts and arthritis as benefits to living a vegan lifestyle. Another interesting fact, vegans don’t get bad breath, because of the lack of toxins in their bodies. Often, people think that being vegan is expensive or difficult. Vallbacka gives examples of easy vegan meals. She said that sometimes in her house if they are rushed for time a

bag of frozen vegetables, a bag of rice and a can of chickpeas seasoned with spice or bbq sauce create a fast easy meal. Saying that vegan meals really aren’t far off from “normal” food. To make stew, substitute a chicken broth for vegetable, and ground green lentils to replace meat, their consistency is a lot like ground meat. In baking substituting a banana or flaxseed for an egg, or hemp and rice milk for a liquid doesn’t up the cost by much. “Vegetables are vegetables, whether you’re vegan or not,” said Vallbacka. “Rice is rice whether you’re vegan or not. If you’re having meat and vegetables, lentils and vegetables is cheaper. It’s cheaper to take out the meat and a lot of the dairy.” For those who don’t think they like vegan food, Vallbacka gives the example of how not everyone likes beer the first time they try it. She admits she didn’t enjoy chickpeas the first time she had them, but after you try something a few times you sometimes come to enjoy it. Some people may have concerns about not getting enough calcium if they were to cut out dairy. Vallbacka explains that humans are the only species on the planet that drinks another species milk after being

weaned. “Are you trying to tell me an elephant which is a vegan will get osteoporosis?” Asked Vallbacka. “You won’t see in the news anything about animals having osteoporosis and they don’t drink cows milk. The cow gets the calcium from the grass, which is a dark leafy vegetable Get calcium from nuts, seeds, dark leafy vegetables, exactly the same place where all the other animals get it from.” Vallbacka encourages anyone interested in becoming vegan to research and find out what they like and can enjoy as substitutes before committing. Protein can come from nuts and seeds, any nut can be made into a butter. Peanut butter comes most readily to mind, but almond, cashew, and pumpkin seed butters are great sources of protein. Most people can’t become a vegan overnight, but it has been done. “You have to sort of plan,” said Vallbacka. “You can’t wake up one morning and be like, I’m a vegan, now what? That’s when you get into vegan junk food, like soy burgers and hotdogs, which are loaded with sodium. It’s vegan but it isn’t good for you.” Vegan and organic foods can be purchased at grocery stores in the natural section, or in health food stores. Ontario Natural Food Co-op, has a $2 a year membership, and gets you direct deals via a buyers club in your area. Visit www.onfc.ca for more information.


The Chronicle

November 29, 2011


Clean, filtered Brita water Lori Marks The Chronicle

Construction on the new Energy Research Centre Building (ERC) was completed on Aug. 5 and Brita hydration stations were set up in the same spot on floors one through four of the building. “We retrofitted one water fountain, so it has a regular fountain and within that we put a hydration station so you could fill your water bottles,” said Suzanne Chasse manager, facilities services. The Brita hydration stations were a decision made by the architect of the building. The ERC building is the only building on campus to have hydration stations, other than the Whitby campus. According to an article on the Brita hydration website, in 2008, over 39 billion singleuse bottles of water were consumed. Of those 39 billion bottles, reports show that only 32 per cent were actually recycled, which left 26 billion bottles possibly ending up in landfills. “We wanted to encourage students to bring bottles from home to fill up rather than using plastic bottles,” said Sharman Perera, radiation and nuclear laboratory specialist at UOIT.

Lori Marks

ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY: Bashar Alhayek, Automotive Engineering student at UOIT, fills up his water bottle at the Brita hydration station in the Energy Research Building. The Brita hydration station is a touch-free and environmentally friendly substitute for bottled water. Just place a

bottle in front of the sensor and the water will pour from the nozzle. Chasse said that with the ongoing construction to the

It’s fun to go to the Durham YMCA Philip Petrovski The Chronicle

The YMCA is an organization that has been helping people for over 150 years, but the organization’s goals of community and charity have never changed. The YMCA has established over 50 locations in Canada and caters to almost two million Canadians. Strengthening communities by setting examples of inclusiveness and leadership, each of these locations share a common goal. The YMCA has many aspects as an organization and promotes health in body and mind. With the many components that unite the YMCA, there are programs and centres spread out around the country. The YMCA’s fitness and recreation centre is much like a standard gym, with much more going on. Sherry Perez of the Durham YMCA fitness and recreation says, “We’re a full fitness facility. So we offer a pool, a full sized gymnasium, a condition-

ing room and fitness studios, as well as several sports and recreation programs and fitness classes.” Whatever activity you’re looking for, or even if you’re not sure, the Durham YMCA fitness and recreation centre has the program. “We have anything you would expect from a traditional fitness centre, and more,” says Perez. The YMCA focuses on inclusiveness and community, and is limited to no one. The YMCA also runs childcare program in Oshawa. Denise Borkwood of the Oshawa YMCA Child Care Centre says, “It’s a childcare centre, it’s for anybody, and available to the public.” There are several of these child care centres all organized under the YMCA. “We have several YMCA child care centres and they’re basically serving the community. So a lot of the centres are in schools,” Borkwood said. “We are part of the YMCA, and we share all of the same core values of all the other YMCA programs of greater Toronto,” says Borkwood. “And we do offer

financial assistance to families as other YMCA programs do. We share the same philosophy that nobody is turned away.” Samantha Teney of the YMCA Durham Employment and Community Services says, “For the community we have a youth gambling program, which is geared to ages eight to 19 and it helps youth become aware of the potential dangers of gambling.” This specific part of the YMCA helps with employment of people who may face barriers or are new to the workforce. “We have an employment resource centre where people can come in and do their own job search with minimal assistance, and we also have services for individuals who need more assistance services.” To assist young people in finding summer jobs, the centre has a specific program for that age group, “We have a summer job program, so we assist youth ages 16 to 24 with their summer jobs and we work with employers in the community who are looking to hire a student. And we connect the two.”

college, Brita stations might be an option if it can structurally be done and if it is cost effective. For now students should

think environmentally friendly, head to the ERC building, and fill up their personal water bottles.

The Chronicle

November 29, 2011



The Chronicle

November 29, 2011


The Chronicle

November 29, 2011

Kielburger inspires youth of Durham Hillary Di Menna The Chronicle

The sudden quiet in Sinclair Secondary School’s cafeteria was noted immediately when a Janet Edwards, superintendant of the Durham District School Board, approached the microphone. Craig Kielburger, the speaker of the 20th annual Parents as Partners conference, had arrived. This year was the first in the event’s history where children aged 12 and over could attend. “A special thank you to the students who woke up early on a Saturday,” Kielburger said with a smile. He commanded the stage with animated movement and exaggerated enunciation, a long way from his youth where he struggled to overcome a speech impediment. Before sharing his thoughts on raising socially responsible children, echoing much of what was said in a book he co-wrote with his brother, The World Needs Your Kid: Raising Children Who Care, he made sure to thank “those providing our children with an education.” He noted both his parents, both sets of aunts and uncles and all his cousins but one is a teacher. The one cousin pursued a career in IT. Having founded Free the Children at the age of 12, Kielburger knows first hand that a child can make a positive impact. “Don’t believe kids turn 18 and magically develop a social conscience,” he warned. Instead of forcing our children to complete 40 hours of mandatory community service or create CVs for junior kindergarten, he suggested encouraging the talents in children, be they the ability to make people

laugh or being computer savvy. In fact, he said, a 10-year-old co-op student who had been kicked out of previous placements due to reported behavioural problems does computer programming for Free the Children. Kielburger encourages what he calls the three Cs: compassion, courage and community. These are referenced in his books The World Needs Your Kid, and Me to We. He spoke of seeing bumper stickers saying, “My kid is on the honour role” but none saying, “My child is happy” or “My child is a concerned citizen.” The 14th Dalai Lama told Kielburger, “We’re raising a generation of passive bystanders.” He asked the audience, “How do you expose [children] to the violence and suffering of the world? How do you start the conversation?” In a world where adults experience donor fatigue, he shared these concerns with Archbishop Desmond Tutu. “College boy,” Tutu said, “what do they teach you?” He went on that God’s to-do list arrives at our doors in the form of the daily newspaper. It was when flipping through the pages of the newspaper, looking for the comics when Kielburger stopped to read about a 12-year-old boy, the same age has him, who was murdered after speaking out against child labour, having gone through the horrific ordeal himself. This is what inspired Kielburger to found Free the Children with 11 classmates. The original group name was The Group of 12 12 year Olds, until one member turned 13 weeks later. Through research he learned children want to be famous in order to help issues such as poverty and environmental change. He put photos of the Parliament building, Barack


UOIT loss of staff no issue

Angie Doucett The Chronicle

Hillary Di Menna

CRAIG KIELBURGER: Kielburger spoke at the 20th annual Parents as Partners conference in Whitby Obama, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie and Bill Gates on an overhead behind him as said people think they need to be wealthy to make a difference. This is not so, he reassured. What adults can do is lead by example, he said. They can go through the paper with their children, discuss issues they encountered over family dinner. He shared memories of his childhood, when he and his brother would go to Toronto with their mother. Though they were excited to visit the Eaton Centre, far from their Thornhill home, their mother would stop to spare some change for the homeless. If they grew impatient or tried to rush her along, she would bring them in to a small conversation with the individual. She would ask a simple question like, “May I have your name?” The brothers later learned she did this half out of kindness, having experienced being homeless herself as a child, sharing a tent with her family, and half to guide her children. They later realized she made a point of bringing extra change on such excursions.

“We [as Canadians] are more than Timbits, hockey and beer,” he said to the audience. Later in an interview with The Chronicle, he said, “There is a great sense of idealism in young people.” He remembers as a child in school being pushed into lockers, because saving the world, along with glee clubs, was the lamest thing. Nowadays, he joked, “the coolest thing is to change the world, and glee clubs.” “There will always be the voice of cynics,” Kielburger acknowledged but he encouraged young people to gain credibility through experience and research. He himself went to South Asia to witness child labour conditions in order to gain first-hand knowledge. The packed ACC for We Day illustrate the compassion and solidarity in today’s youth. “The only place you will find Justin Bieber and the Dalai Lama talking social issues.” His advice, “Knowledge is power.” This sentence was reiterated many times throughout the interview. He wants children to not only see an issue, but to respond to it.

UOIT has begun the search for professors in the faculty of Business and Information Technology. After losing four professors to other institutions worldwide, the university remains optimistic about the change and assures students that they will still receive the same high standard of education. Professors Raymond Cox, Tripat Gill, Jill Lei and Suhaib Riaz each left UOIT within the last two years to work at other institutions, including UNBC, Wilfrid Laurier, University of Melbourne and the University of Massachusetts. Pamela Ritchie, dean of the Business and IT faculty of which the professors were a part, says UOIT has always been about its people. “We all reaped benefits while they were here but life’s reality is that family comes first,” Ritchie said. “Being as mobile as they are in their fields, you’re going to have people moving around. We encourage them and help them and make sure everything works as best it can for everybody.” With the exception of Tripat Gill, who was selected to be a tier one Canada research chair, professors Cox, Lei and Riaz left to be with their spouses or families pursuing their own academic careers. “Finance faculty are incredibly mobile. There are few of them around so there’s always a position open for a good finance person,” Ritchie said. The faculty of Business and IT remains optimistic about its potential new staff and each candidate must go through a meticulous hiring process that includes a formal interview along with a presentation on course material in front of students. This process is repeated for each course. “That process is an indicator of the quality of our faculty and of the quality we go out to look for,” Ritchie said.


The Chronicle

November 29, 2011


The Chronicle

Electronic sports are on the rise Brandan Loney

nity is Toronto-based E-sports Canada. Founded this past February There’s a new sport on the rise. It’s not table tennis; it’s E-sports Canada (ESC) is a notnot foosball. It’s electronic for-profit organization hoping sports. Coming from under- to bring E-sports into the open. ground, electronic sports are ESC has hosted a few minor beginning to take the world by events that they call “viewing events,” in cities around the storm. Electronic sports, or e- GTA. The next viewing event sports, involve the competitive will show the finals from MLG playing of video games. It’s also Providence. If someone asks “What are known as competitive gaming, professional gaming and E-sports?” Spokesperson for Ecybersports. The most popular sports Canada, Adam Wawrzgenres of E-sports are real-time kiewicz tells them, “Electronic strategy, fighting, first-person Sports, professional gaming, shooter, racing, sports and and the best way to know what massively multiplayer online it is, is to be at an event. Games games. Each genre has ama- have evolved to a point where teur, semi-professional and the skills required to play come professional levels of play that together as a sport.” Wawrzkiewicz believes the include leagues and tournafuture of E-Sports lies in lookments. E-sport matches can either ing at other countries where be played online over the Inter- professional gaming is masnet or over a local area network sively popular. “Canada has (LAN). Dura lot of catching ing professional up to do before events, there are enare administraE-sports? Electronic E-Sports joyed and celetors or referees Sports, professional brated at the levto monitor for gaming, and the best el that we see in cheating. Matchway to know what Asian countries es played on LAN is it, is to be at an like Korea, China have numerous event. Games have and Japan. advantages over A quick look playing via Interevolved to a point net. where the skills re- at these countries The LAN has quired to play come can give us a good less lag, higher together as a sport. idea of what the future is moving quality, and towards in Canacompetitors can da and Ontario,” be monitored said Warwzkiedirectly in case Adam wicz. they try to cheat. Wawrzkiewicz He also beHowever, Interlieves Canada net matches are will play host to still common and are also used for fun and exhi- more major events and says Canada already contributes a bition matches. Video games were played high number of professional competitively as early as 1987. gamers to the E-Sports scene. Warwzkiewicz emphasizes This is when Guinness World Records held the Video Game the best way for E-sports to Masters Tournament. Ninten- grow is for the fans to come out do held a world championship to social events. He said, “This enables peoof video games in 1990, and again in 1994 called Nintendo ple to build relationships within the fan community that can Powerfest ’94. Early online and competi- benefit them even outside of tive gaming continued through E-sports and it increases the its youth with games such as visibility and legitimacy of EXtrek, Netrek, Doom, Doom sports to those who know little II, and Quake. In 1993 Wired about it.” To become mainMagazine considered Netrek stream, Warzwkiewicz says the as the first online sports game, stigma associated with video and it is the oldest Internet games, that sees gamers as lazy escapists, must be overcome. game still actively played. ESC and its members intend Some of the major E-sports games are Starcraft, Starcraft to operate even when E-sports 2, Counter-Strike, Warcraft is not at its peak, and plans to 3, Fifa, Halo, Quake 4, Street be the organization that will help further E-sports as an inFighter, and King of Fighters. E-sports gets its main cover- dustry not just as events. Even with the help of comage from the Internet. E-sports websites focus on professional munity organizations like Etournaments and high-level sports Canada, and a large fan base, E-Sports has a long way amateur games. Along side E-sports, grow to go before it gains popularity communities of fans and en- similar to hockey or football, thusiasts. One such commu- but it’s well on its way. Chronicle Staff

November 29, 2011


Ray McNeil

E.P. TAYLOR’S: Sian Combrink shows the money raised for Movember.

Movember is a great success at E.P. Taylor’s By Ray McNeil The Chronicle

Movember is almost over, and as of last week, the campus has raised about $6,500 in funds for men’s health, specifically prostate cancer. However, out of all the teams raising money, E.P. Taylor’s has shone above the rest, raising around $2,000. “Overall we’ve done a lot of events and it seems like we’ve got some great feedback,” said vice-president of campus life Derek Fullerton. The folks at the pub has been busy, raising as much money and awareness as they can. We’ve definitely done bet-

ter this year than we did last year,“ said bartender Sian Combrink. Combrink, who has been working at E.P. Taylor’s for four years, was there when there was no Movember, and when Movember was everywhere. “Last year I think we only had about four or five teams on that board, now we have eight.” The events are in no short supply either. There was a shave-off at the beginning of the month, where willing men had their hair shaved off to support Movember. At the Movember silent auction, students had the chance to bid on some nice

items, including a Toronto Maple Leafs hockey jersey, tickets to a Leafs game, Movember computer and Ipad cases, and a date night movie package. There has also been a bake sale, a ‘stache party and a dirty bingo night, with adultthemed prizes. “We had a lot of people in here (for dirty bingo), it was one of our busiest Wednesdays,” said Combrink. The teams around campus will be honoured on Nov. 30 at the “Moscars,” and Fullerton thinks it will be a great close to a great month. “You walk around campus, it’s nice to see all the moustaches,” said Fullerton.


The Chronicle

November 29, 2011


Cupcakes made with love Nancy Ellis The Chronicle

Madeleine Kassinger, 21, is in love with baking cupcakes. That’s why she opened the Mad café in downtown Oshawa. Kassinger is creating a home away from home, with her delicious cupcakes and her café’s soothing atmosphere. “It’s like we are the house of kids and people come to call on them here,” Kassinger said about her café, which is populated with students from day to day. She explains that students come into the café and ask if their friends are around or if she has seen them that day. This impresses her, she said smiling and taking another sip of her red eye. She spoke with energy and excitement despite admitting she was drinking a red eye with cream and sugar because she was “extra tired”. The café, which opened in June, has long been in the works. Kassinger, who studied what the city needed before writing her business plan, discovered that sometimes things take a bit longer to get organized. Originally she wanted to open a “cupcakery” but later changed her mind to include a café, finding the café a better fit for Oshawa. Her café promotes locally grown and organic foods—even some vegan foods—and coffee. Of the nine sandwiches available right now the chicken avocado is their signature offering, Kassinger said. There are also a couple of soups that change regularly, ready for consumption and made out-of house but with organic vegetables. Kassinger feels strongly about keeping things local and always improving. Her mother Gabi Kassinger does the homemade cooking in the kitchen behind the counter and the staff works hard to keep the place

Nancy Ellis

CUPCAKES: Baker Madeleine Kassinger, 21, opened the Mad Cafe, located in downtown Oshawa. clean, efficient and relaxed. “I want to capture the crowd that is more relaxed about living,” she said. She wants them to enjoy their space and com-

The café has a warm feeling with a brown ceiling and white walls. Populated with original photography and travel posters. Tables and chairs, a vintage

Facts about baking • Madeleine uses 100 per cent butter for her buttercream icing—no shortening • She boils pods of vanilla bean to use for her baking • She is always actively searching for more local and organic products • The chicken and roast beef is cooked in-house every morning

pany.Her education helped her when it came time put together a business plan. She completed Fashion Management at George Brown College. In that two-year program she was required to write a lot of business plans, which helped her apply for a bank loan.

sofa and a white leather couch are inviting and comforting. The large front window of Mad Café looks out onto King Street near the UOIT Regent Theatre. As a former student herself, she offers a 10 per cent discount to all students knowing full

well people want to buy organic products but a lot of decisions come down to money. UOIT, Durham College and even hair styling school students can get the discount by showing their student ID. While going to school she got a job at the local Starbucks. Intrigued by coffee and its exquisite art, Kassinger began what she describes as her “yellowbrick road” towards the ownership of her café. She doesn’t attribute where she is today to anything she specifically did. She admits, “It just happened that way.” Two other experiences she deems important in her life journey this far, are working for Mark McEwan at his upscale grocery store and studying in Germany for five months. Working at Mark McEwan’s grocery store in Toronto she met his executive chef, who was only 24 years old herself. She was inspired by this young woman’s vision and started to think things were possible.

“I actually ended up doing some of the things I learned,” she said. “I learned this (skill) but it’s in a different field… maybe I can do something with this.” Kassinger explained about her education and inspirations. “I liked food (the industry) so much better because everyone eats food,” she said. While in Germany studying at the Goethe Institute, learning the language and meeting international people, she got to cook. She baked cakes for everyone she knew who celebrated a birthday. This is where she figured out “okay this is what I’m going to do.” Kassinger’s inspirations took hold after she baked a ton of cupcakes in the summer of 2010 at her cottage. After that she was prompted by friends to do something with her talent. Worried about not having any training, she made her move— not to attend more school, but to embrace learning as she went.

For Christmas snow is no more Ashley Bain The Chronicle

With the Christmas break quickly approaching the thought of a vacation is on most people’s mind. “This time of the month is our busiest,” says Neil Cruickshank, a travel consultant at Durham Travel in Courtice. “A lot of people are taking advantage of the fact that the kids are off.” With the main objective of escaping the cold, people are hoping to trade the ice and snow for a more tropical climate.

“We get a lot of requests for Cuba, Mexico and the Dominican,” said Cruickshank. “Jamaica is a popular one as well.” But don’t get sucked into a cheap price tag because you’re desperate to get out of here. According to Cruickshank, many resorts’ prices may look good but because they are only say three stars, they will leave you with bad food, bad rooms and a bad vacation. “There are parts of places, say Cuba, where people think, ‘Wow, what a good price, I can’t pass that up’ but when they get there they realize why it was such a good price,” said Criuckshank.

“If you’re paying $300 to go to Cuba for a week and a half, you have to realize you’re going to get the real Cuba, not the tourist Cuba that everyone wants.” When vacationing there are a few things you should look for when picking a resort. “You want to find a resort that offers activities that you can do on the resort, like karaoke or different shows that you can go see at night,” according to Cruickshank. “The number one most important thing you want on your vacation is a good room and great food, and of course an overall great experience. Don’t settle on something because the price is

cheap.” But when it comes down to it, the one thing every traveller worries about is money. “To get everything that will have you saying ‘Remember when we went to Cuba that one Christmas? Wasn’t that a great trip’ you should be prepared to pay anywhere around $800 to $1,000. Now remember, depending on where and what dates you go, prices will change,” said Cruickshank. “Book through a travel agent, “says Cruickshank. “They can look out for deals for you and suggest things you would never have thought of on your own.”

The Chronicle


November 29, 2011


Full show for Whitby venue Amanda Darrock The Chronicle

Amanda Darrock

NO FEAR FOR THE DYING: The Dying Arts founders Mike Portoghese and Joe Torchina express their playful personalities both on and off the stage.

Dying Arts visit DC Amanda Darrock The Chronicle

Struggle is an experience that can make or break a person. For Toronto Indie band, The Dying Arts, struggle has forced them to strive for their goals. With an upcoming show at E.P. Taylor’s on Nov. 29, an album that will hopefully be released next February, and all after going public with their music in September of this year, the four-piece band has much to look forward to. “A lot of things aligned for us to meet up,” said Joe Torchina, drummer for the band, about how he met singer/guitarist Mike Portoghese and started the band. “We were on two different ends of the spectrum, didn’t know of each other‘s existence.” Torchina was introduced to Portoghese through his drum teacher. Torchina had been seeing a drum teacher to help with his application to Humber College for the jazz music program. Portoghese was looking for a drummer, which would hopefully lead to a band. It was through this meeting that the Dying Arts gained its foundation. They jammed together a couple times before Torchina went back to school.

They parted ways, but call it destiny, they met up again a year and a half later, and this meeting was the determining factor as it helped Portoghese as a musician. “Joe waited around for me to catch up. I’d never really played in a band before. I’d played with guys but he was like my training wheels,” says Portoghese. Working on songs as a duo, the song added an additional guitar play, Daniel Scuglia, and a bassist, Simon Poole. Using the five or six songs that Portoghese had written previous to starting The Dying Arts, they have collaborated with the songs that Torchina and Portoghese had originally worked on to create musical masterpieces. It was Scuglia who came up for the name of the band. It was while he was creating a guitar riff he made the comment “this is a dying art.” Everyone in the band loved it. “It’s intelligently crafted garage punk with a growly, dirty sound to it,” says Torchina. Influenced by bands such as The Stooges and Radiohead, the band aspires to create only raw, power sounds. “I like music with real passion, not fake bloated music,” said Portoghese. When the band is not working on their own music, they fo-

cus on their other aspirations. Poole is a musical composer, Scuglia works as a Fed-ex delivery man, Portoghese works in video as a director and FX specialist, whose recent accomplishment was winning an MMVA award for his work on the Danny Fernandez ft. Belly video entitled Automatic. “We try to keep it separate, even though people may give a second look at the band and say, “oh, the singer won an MMVA”, but I don’t want people to give attention because of that. We want them to focus on the music,” said Portoghese. Torchina focuses his life on drumming. After being misdiagnosed with HIV during a routine checkup, Torchina went through a very dark period where nothing mattered. This misdiagnosis made him reconsider his life, which included a four-year relationship, a job in the chemistry field, which he had acquired a degree in, and plans to buy a house. Six weeks after his first diagnosis he was told that he did not have HIV. His next move was to break up with his girlfriend, quit his job, and use the money he had saved for a house to spend the next six months drumming. “After that, life is pointless if you’re not doing what you love,” said Torchina.

“Music to me means struggle,” said Portoghese. His songs, which have a hint of angst, come from a 10-year let down in his video career. After graduation he was getting known for low-quality rap videos which were hindering his hopes to make better videos and make it in his career. Portoghese kept getting stepped on by others in the industry until last year, as he worked on the FX for videos, he would make directors videos huge and never get credit. He would write songs based on this feeling of letdown and disappointment. Through their music, they have gained notice in the industry, including John Wozniak from Marcy’s Playground, who heard the band and has been helping them by allowing them to record in his milliondollar studio. This studio is where Led Zepplin recorded Whole Lotta Love. They are looking to have their album out by February of next year. After their unveiling show at Silver Dollar, the band looks forward to performing at E.P. Taylor’s on Tuesday, Nov. 29 for students. “We are excited to get out to the public and perform,”says Portoghese.

The Christmas spirit gets a musical touch as Hollowick prepares to rock the Wrokstarz Club and Venue in Whitby on Dec. 16. “It’s going to be a great time,” says lead singer Nathan Peyton. The show, which also features the musical talents of Patrick Dorie and The Honest Thieves and The Bootleg Glory, starts at 8:30p.m and is hosted by Matt Diamond of 94.9 The Rock. Tickets are available through the bands, Isabellas café, or at the door.

A new Occupy event for Oshawa Hillary Di Menna The Chronicle

Bola, at 20 Simcoe St. N. is hosting an art event Dec. 3: Occupy Wall Space. The event will take place in the evening from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. The first floor of the downtown store will show artwork, including pieces done by shop owner Monique Brent. The second floor will be celebrating the SlowCity Magazine 3 launch party. There will be music and performances by Durham Shoestring Performers and poet Allison Worne. “This is an event not to be missed!” said Brent. Art on display will be for sale.


The Chronicle


November 29, 2011

54-40 rock out in Oshawa Angie Doucett The Chronicle

On a rainy weekend in November, Oshawa’s Regent Theatre was dazzled by Canadian legends 54-40. After 30 years in the music industry producing albums and a number of popular hits such as Ocean Pearl, She La and I Go Blind, the band made a stop in Oshawa to promote their new album Lost in the City. The recently restored Regent theatre welcomed a full house of screaming fans. A crescendo of “Yeah Neil!” sent tremors of excitement through the crowd as Neil Osborne, Brad Merrit, Dave Genn and Matt Johnson filled the stage. It was an intimate show full of nostalgic 54-40 classics and a tribute to fallen soldiers with an acoustic song opening for their 1987 hit, One Gun. Alongside their classics, 5440 slipped in a few new songs from Lost in the City including a song of the same title. Brad Merritt, who co-founded the group in 1981, said the new album is more present and emotive than previous albums. Lost in the City takes much of its influence from classic blues songs and references old lyrics, applying them to the world today where other albums often reflected an alternative post-punk style. Frontman Neil Osborne and his daughter Kandle came up with the concept of the new album and video, which follows a mime on his way through the city. “We’re not lost in the city, we’re lost in the future,” Osborne said to the crowd during the show.

Broken Arts host new event

Hillary Di Menna The Chronicle

Angie Doucett

54-40: Neil Osborne, lead singer of the Canadian legends 54-40, rocks on stage at Oshawa’s Regent Theatre. Unlike many bands who often play and promote their new songs while touring, 54-40 played many classic tunes with a variety of instruments beyond the basic two-guitar, drum and bass setup, that brought the crowd dancing to its feet at the front of the stage. On Oct. 23, 54-40 was awarded the Hall of Fame award at the Western Canadian Music awards. “It was an honour to be a

part of something like that,” Bassist and founder Brad Merritt said in an interview before the show. “It started because we were passionate about music and to be honoured by our peers felt good.” But success rarely comes without hardship. Ranging from 18 to 20 years old when the group started, Merrit said they faced challenges when it came to getting along. “You’re trying to define your

place in the band while keeping your own ego in check for the good of the group,” Merritt said. “But we were all very process oriented and still are. We keep putting things in front of us and just do it.” It wasn’t the first time 54-40 has rocked Oshawa. Performing In previous years at Durham College and formerly Le Skratch in 2006, 54-40 is no stranger to the ‘Shwa.

Broken Arts will be presenting ‘Soundtracked 22: … And the Night’ Nov. 26 and ‘Soundtracked 23: A Very Broken Arts Christmas’ Dec. 10. Both will take place in Mad Café, a downtown Oshawa business at 38 King St E. Soundtracked 22 will have musical performances by Moon King, Odonis Odonis and The Undrummer. The evening event from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. will have a moon theme. “Where will you be when the world ends next year? How will you face the last days of this dying planet? Some turn to the bible. Some turn to the bottle. We turn to the moon,” the Facebook event page says hauntingly. Soundtracked 23 is a daytime event, also at Mad Café from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Twenty-three will be another musical event with bands Alley Kat and the Boozehounds, Bloody Boy Blue, Chris and Cassy, Darling Meadow, Katrina James, Nick Reynolds and Watershed Hour. Admission is free. “But we’ll be accepting donations of money, food, beds, toys, or anything else petrelated for the Cat Town animal shelter.”

Carrasco dances his way to the top Chealse Howell The Chronicle

With his parents and grandma pushing Moto music on him at age 3, Wayne Carrasco found not only his love, but passion for hip hop dance. Although he never took part in any formal dance lessons, Carrasco’s determination and ambition has led him to have success in the dance industry. From meeting Drake, Peter Jackson and Karl Wolf at the MMVA’s (Much More Music Video Awards), to performing before Classified at Campusfest, Carrasco’s list of celebrity encounters keeps growing. He has also met, Lady Gaga, T Pain, Jabbawockeez and Busta Rhymes at various dance events.

On campus the Digital Video student is known as the founder and manager of The GeekFreaks, a competitive hip hop dance group. Taking part in many competitions, the GeekFreaks have won several awards, with their most recent being O.U.C.H. (Ontario University College Competition of Hip Hop). In the past they have also won Dance Champions 2010 as well as Summer Jam 2010 in Toronto.The GeekFreaks are extremely youth orientated, participating in Youth Day in 2010-2011. They also had the privilege of dancing at Z103’s Summer Rush 2007-2008, and Campusfest 2010-2011. Some titles Carrasco has obtained himself are first place overall duet at Humber Hype 2010, the Choreography Scholarship Award of $1,000 for the GeekFreaks routine at

Humber Hype 2011 and first place Hip-Hop Award at BAM 2010 also taking place in Toronto. In 2008 Carrasco enrolled at Durham Collage and also started The GeekFreaks that same year. Original GeekFreaks group came together in 2006 when Carrasco and his friends would get-together to share their dance skills such as popping, locking, bobbing, freestyle and hip hop. While managing and choreographing routines for the GeekFreaks, in 2009 Carrasco also created H.E.R. (Hip Hop in its Essence and Realness), a club on campus that introduces members to the elements of hip hop. His love for hip hop dance is extremely strong. “ I bleed H.E.R. and GeekFreaks,” said Carrasco. “ I never had something mean so much to me and

Wayne Carasco

WAYNE CARRASCO: Creator of Durham’s GeekFreaks and H.E.R. to have something that can make a positive difference in peoples lives, it’s a cool feeling.” His favourite part about be-

ing in The GeekFreaks is the time they spend together both on and off the dance floor. “It really is just one big family.”


The Chronicle

November 29, 2011


Miles Faber helps A hellish new H.E.R. host workshop sequel to an old nightmare

Kamesha Horne-Simmons The Chronicle

Everyone ready? One and two and three and four! H.E.R. hosted a free dance workshop here on campus Nov. 23 featuring special guest Miles Faber! All Durham College and UOIT students were welcome to come and learn some choreography from Faber. Faber was third runner-up on season one of So You Think You Can Dance Canada. He will also be one of the judges at OUCH Nov. 26. “We cover jazz, hip-hop, popping, bboy, funk, soul, a little bit of salsa, all the urban stuff,” said Faber “We travel all over Canada to doing dances workshops.” Alexandra Crenian, Faber’s assistant said, “With the workshops sometimes we help each other out if we’re available, and it kind of happened we fell into doing a dual teaching together.” Wayne Carrasco has known Faber for a couple years now. He’s met him at dance competitions and they have become good friends. “When I heard that we were hosting OUCH I knew he was the perfect fit, so I was, ‘like we need to bring him out.’ And for OUCH week I wanted to do a whole prep thing for OUCH to get people hyped up, so one of the things we decided

to do was the workshop with Miles.” The workshop started off with meeting Faber and his assistant Crenian, who was also a So You Think You Can Dance Canada contestant for season three. He started off with some simple moves to get the class warmed up and a little history lesson on hip-hop dancing. After 45 minutes, the class was pumped to start choreography to Neyo’s song, One in a Million. A lot of the students started to pick up the choreography fairly quickly and the class was excited and eager to continue on with the rest of the routine. The class was split up into two groups, and during the routine Faber would give out some pointers. By the end of the workshop the class was able to go through the whole routine with no mistakes. “I found it really interesting. It was different for me, out of my element because I’m a b-boy and I didn’t really know much about hip-hop or choreography in general,” said Roberto Lloren, a dancer from H.E.R.“I’m more of a freestyler but a few of my friends… convinced me to go here, and it was really worth it.” “I thought it was really good, it was really informative,” said Christian Julal, executive member and freestyle dancer from H.E.R.

Disney Live! Another at GM Centre Cirque tour for a new year Austin Rogers The Chronicle

Disney Live! A special stage event featuring three classic Disney fairy tales is coming to the General Motors Centre on Jan 12. The event features familiar faces such as Mickey, Minnie, Donald and Goofy, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast and much more. The story centres on Mickey and the gang as they bring classic fairy tale adventures to life through the pages of a magical storybook they find in Mickey’s attic. There will be a morning show at 10:30 and an evening show at 6:30 with tickets ranging from $27 to $67.

Austin Rogers The Chronicle

The internationally acclaimed Cirque du Soleil show Quidam is coming to the General Motors Centre from Jan 4 to 8. The tour has performed on five different continents since it’s debut show in Montreal in 1996. The cast, which features 52 musicians, acrobats, singers and characters, began their North American tour in December 2010. Adult tickets range from $38-$104.50, child tickets from $31-$85.50 and senior and student tickets from $34.50-89.75.

bre has always been a strong suit for Cooper and Disco Bloodbath Boogie Fever fits that theme as probably the weirdest song on the album. The lyrics talk about a massacre at a disco club. The album itself does indeed pick up where the first album left off. In Welcome to my nightmare Cooper tells a story of a child proceeding through what seems like a nightmare. In Welcome 2 My Nightmare it is revealed that this child, now a grown man, is Tyler Richards actually dead and in hell. The Chronicle The album incorporates bits and pieces of Cooper’s American rock star Alice different styles throughout Cooper released his 19th al- the years. bum in October. Songs like I am Made of Intended to be a sequel to You, will remind you of the his first solo album Welcome opening track of his first alto My Nightmare, it’s aptly bum, Welcome to my Nighttitled Welcome 2 my Night- mare. mare. And songs Despite the like When unimaginaThe album incor- Hell Comes tive title, the porates bits and pieces Home are first track, I am reminisMade of You, is of Cooper’s different cent of his a hauntingly se- styles throughout the late eighties rene song that years works such takes the listener as Feed my back to Cooper’s Frankenstein early days, but and Freedom. adds a modern Cooper flare with vocal ends the aleffects and synthesizers. bum with an underture, a It’s also one of the few skillfully arranged instrutracks on the album that mental bit that spans both could be considered a single. the first album and the seOne of the more inter- quel. esting songs is What Baby For anyone who is an AlWants, a song that Cooper ice Cooper fan this album is a recorded with pop artist definite buy, but if you aren’t Ke$ha. The song has all the used to Cooper’s lyrics and makings of a great dance his way of playing, you might track if enhanced more by a consider listening to some DJ. of his other albums before Writing about the maca- weighing in on this one.

Cooper’s 19th studio album renews the chills


The Chronicle

November 29, 2011


The Chronicle

November 29, 2011


Record show brings the music Derek Morton The Chronicle

From Abba to Zappa, the 17th Oshawa CD/record show had it all. The event, held at the Oshawa Royal Canadian Legion on Sunday, Nov. 20, had vendors and fans of music looking to sell or expand their music collection. The show has been running on and off since 1988. Vendors from all over the GTA came to sell their selection of CDs, DVDs, posters, band T-shirts and vinyl records. “The event normally gets around 200 to 300 people at one of our shows, not including the vendors,” said Sonia Lanzillotti, the event organizer. “I helped my friend run the show when it was in Whitby. We then moved to Oshawa and have been here for a while.” Many of the vendors at the event are owners of record stores who take the products to record shows like this all over the GTA. “We normally get a lot of business during these shows,” said Matt Crawford, the owner of the Vinyl Alibi in downtown Bowmanville. “It’s cool to see all these people in one area. We can sometimes get a weeks worth of customers in a few hours doing one of these shows.”

Some like Allan VanDeBogart work at flea markets on weekends and come to these shows to get different customers. “I do flea markets and some wholesales to stores in the area. Coming to these events is a good way of selling my collection.” Others like John Ritson owned their own music stores but had to sell due to the turn in the economy and the music business. “I’ve been selling off what’s left of our stock at these shows for a while. I also try to find things that vendors at these shows don’t normally get, like picture discs or foreign imports.” Some of the other vendors are collectors looking to sell off their large collections to make more room in their houses. “It’s a hobby,” Gregg Daniell said while looking through another vendor display. “I’ve been in this business for a number off and on. I like the smell of the vinyl and love coming to these shows. I can sell some of my collection and maybe find a few new items. ” For music collectors and audiophiles, vinyl records are the only way to listen to music. “It’s the look and the feel of the records that I like the most,” Rob Gale said. “With

Derek Morton

Collectors and Audiophiles: Matt Crawford and Ryan Rutherford, owners of the Vinyl Alibi in Bowmanville, at the Oshawa CD/vinyl show. records you get the pops and crackles that add some character to the song. You don’t get that with an mp3.” For others the large size of the albums makes the music into an overall piece of art. “The art work with some of these records is amazing,” said Ryan Rutherford, an employee at the Vinyl Alibi and a collector. “You don’t get that with

CDs.” While the vendors come from different parts of the GTA, many of them travel and do all of the record shows in the area. “We normally do about 12 of these shows a year,” Crawford explained. “We go all over the Toronto area, you just never know what you’re going to find at one of these shows. We always try and go to the Oshawa

shows.” The Oshawa event normally runs two shows in the year. “We like to do them in November and February. Not too many run in the summer,” Lanzillotti said. The event ran from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. At times the small hall seemed to be filled with fans and collectors of music.

The Ewanuiks: strong acting duo Jacob and Sophia bring their talents to TV

Kait Tarrant The Chronicle


hink back to when you were in kindergarten, sitting on the carpet in a circle at your teacher’s feet. “What do you want to be when you grow up?” was possibly the most frequent question asked throughout your elementary school career. An astronaut? A veterinarian? A teacher? A nascar driver? Did this childhood dream career of come true? Most would answer no. For Jacob and Sophia Ewaniuk, it is a completely different story Before the age of 12 not many kids can say they have appeared in a wide variety of television shows and countless commercials, but to the Ewanuik duo it is just another day at the office. Born and raised in Whitby, this brother and sister combo have been taking the acting

world by storm. Jacob, 11, got his first start on the television show Murdoch Mysteries in 2008 at the tender age of 8. Since then he has appeared in countless shows such as Rookie Blue, Little Mosque on the Prairie and is known best for his voice as Nick on The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That. “I would have to say my favourite is The Cat in the Hat. I’ve been doing it for two or three years now. It’s been a great journey and I love it,” said Jacob. Jacob found his passion for acting through a family friend, and his mother Frances got him involved in the acting world. “I was really bored of school and one of my mom’s friends told her about acting and she said ‘oh you know what, this is a good thing and I think you’ll like it’ and I ended up liking it a lot and I ended up liking it

on stage,” explains Jacob. Sophia, 9, was inspired by her older brother to pursue her career in acting as well. “When I saw him do it [acting] I liked it a lot, I wanted to

We are busy bees, but we are still being kids, definitely. I find our lives fast-paced, but fun,

Jacob Ewaniuk

be an actress so bad,” she said. Sophia has also appeared in hit television shows like Flashpoint, Covert Affairs and most recently in a Wal-Mart commercial for the Halloween season. It doesn’t stop at acting either; this modern day Sharpay

and Ryan also have an exceptional signing talent. Often competing in local talent shows as well as televised events to display their singing chops, this duo is a force to be reckoned with. For the last year Jacob and Sophia have been taking vocal lessons with Roberta Quilico, who has sung with the likes of Celine Dion. Most recently the two competed in the Brooklin Mini Idol and Jacob walked away with the top prize. With every competition comes a new lesson for the Ewaniuks. “Everything is a learning process for them. In competitions [with older kids] they get to see where they can progress,” explains their mother. With such a busy and demanding schedule Jacob and Sophia still find the time in their busy day to be your average kids. “We like to play with our

friends and go to school and have people say ‘hey are you that girl in the commercial?’ It’s so cool. But I think we still have time to hang out and play with friends and family,” said Sophia who is set to appear in the television movie Gretl this fall as Young Gretl. “We are busy bees, but we are still being kids, definitely. I find our lives fast-paced, but fun,” adds Jacob. Jacob appears in the up coming film Servitude, which has already premiered in Montreal and Waterloo, and he couldn’t be more thrilled about the experience. “It was a lot of fun being on set. It was a comedy, which I love;It was a lot of fun and it was another experience. My character was a bratty kid so I got to spill water and throw candy at the waiter. It is something I would never do but I got the chance to in the movie. That’s another thing I like about acting,” explains Jacob.


The Chronicle


November 29, 2011

Harold and Kumar for the holidays Emily Wood The Chronicle

The movie opened with the cheery tinkling of Christmas bells and music, and the familiar bustle of a shopping mall during the wonderful holiday season. Enter Kumar. Directed by Todd StraussSchulson, what followed was a ridiculous medley of a monstrous father-in-law, a druggedup toddler, claymation halluci-

nations, a run-in with the mafia and of course, a classic appearance by one Neil Patrick Harris. In the third of the Harold and Kumar series, A Very Harold and Kumar 3D Christmas begins under the premise that the two friends have grown apart. But with the delivery of a giant joint, their journey to reunite begins. Having matured more quickly than Kumar, played by Kal Penn, Harold, played by John Cho, is drawn back into

his old ways on Christmas eve, during a quest for the perfect tree. With this, he hopes to win the approval of his father-inlaw, played by the terrifyingly hilarious Danny Trejo. Though it induced eye rolling from time to time, the plot was not overly predictable. Writers Jon Hurwitz and Hayden Schlossberg had the events escalating from scene to scene to a colossal crescendo which, although far from realistic, was entertaining nonetheless.

The 3D aspect of the movie was not so impressive. Yes, of course, certain parts were undeniably cool, but catering to 3D simply for the sake of catering to 3D hype is unnecessary. It would have been just as entertaining without Kumar blowing smoke rings directly into my face. In fairness, it was mocking 3D to a certain extent with added slow-motion during an egging on Wall Street, but the amount of 3D effects was tire-

some. For a group of 18-yearold guys however, it might not be. The maturity level of these films doesn’t seem to age with its audience, but instead continues to cater to the teenage (and primarily male) psyche. The humour is undeniably there, it just fails to reach a variety of demographics. For a night of silly fun and mindless laughs, this movie delivers. Harold and Kumar is rated 18 A.

Breaking barriers with Hello Beautiful Amanda Darrock The Chronicle

A unique blend of hip-hop, alternative and rock is the factor that sets Hello Beautiful apart from the rest. This local band from Whitby started out in 2006 as a trio. As time passed the trio attracted the attention of bassist Dan Bradimore. After the release of their first EP, self-titled Hello Beautiful, in 2006 they gained even more attention, this time from Charlie Royal, a local M.C. who, after hearing the band’s unique sound, contacted them and helped them fully enter into their hip-hop, rock and alternative sound.

With their creative mixture of diverse genres setting them apart from others in the Durham Region scene, they have accomplished what they set out to do. “We set out to not sound like anyone, “said Cole Kidd, lead vocalist and rhythm guitarist. “When we started out a lot of our friends were doing rock music and rock bands, and we were kind of thinking that for us to start a rock band. We would have to battle it through all the other bands that were out there. We just created our own kind of thing, so that we didn’t have to compete. We created our own genre, try to make our own scene with it.” Their unique sound helped

them gain much success in 2007. Not only did they realize their full-length album entitled Soundtrack for Scenario, they also had the ability to share the stage with bands and artists such as Hedley, Swollen Members, Mariannas Trench, Juelz Santana and Hot Hot Heat. 2007 also brought about opportunities such as winning the Ernie Ball Battle, playing at the 13th Annual Vans Warped Tour, through The Durham Music Society, and winning best rock album of the year for 2007 were only a few of their accomplishments. “My defining moment in our music careers were when we were able to pay a few of our bills by rocking out,” said Kidd.

Not only did the album allow doors to open for the band, but it allowed them to project themselves through their music and share intimate experiences with listeners. “In our first album, we focused a lot on every song, and it had a specific topic we were talking about, which was pretty cool. We also just have fun with it.” Their song Toxic in the City meant the most to lead guitarist/vocalist Cole, as their former guitar player at the time was battling cancer and going through chemo, while working on the recording of the song they received a phone call that their guitarist was doing really poorly and was possibly going to die that night.

“Now the song has a trippy meaning to it after going through that experience.” The band, which includes Cole Kidd on lead vocals and guitar, Kit Walsh on drums/ backing vocals, Dan Bradimore on bass, keys, and backing vocals, Charlie Royal on lead vocals and Darrell Wallace on lead guitar, will being playing in Southern Ontario till the new year. Their next show will be at Hamilton’s Pour House on Dec. 3. As well as performing they are buckling down and recording for their third album. Come the new year, Hello Beautiful will be working on a college tour and performing for students.


The Chronicle

November 29, 2011


Down With Webster returns

Kait Tarrant The Chronicle

It had been two years since Toronto-based band Down With Webster released an album, and fans have been patiently waiting for their new music to hit the airwaves. With tracks She’s Dope and Big Wheels gracing the radio and music TV stations, fans had something to taste before Time to Win Volume II officially hit the shelves November, 1st. And It was well worth the

two-year wait. The album was originally set to be the second of two seven-track mini albums, as an attempt to get as much of their music as possible out in a shorter time frame. But with the surprise great success of Time to Win Volume I, the bands original idea was put on the back burner due to multiple video shoots and upcoming tours. After the physical release of the band’s sophomore album, it became the sixth most pur-

chased album at HMVs Canada-wide by the end of its first week, and since then jumped to #9 on the Canadian album charts. And for good reason. With bigger beats, stronger guitar riffs and drums, the band has carefully crafted their best album yet. Collaborations with hip-hop guru Boi-1da on tracks Professional and I Want it All, have helped Down With Webster establish a new sound. Both songs are guitar driven with ex-

cellent beats and vocals. A sound that one could hope will continue to stay with the band. Also, a noticeable collaboration on the album is that with electro hop quartet, Far East Movement on the track Work. The two bands mesh well lyrically and musically on the hit song. The album shows great maturity and growth from the Juno-nominated group, with heavy hitting tracks like White Flags and Staring at the

Sun you can feel the emotion through the lyrics. Sure, there are classic Down With Webster songs about girls with a pop sound, but their growth is evident, both sound and lyrically. The band has clearly spent more time incorporating guitar and keys on this album compared to their last. All songs are extremely well written and executed for their first full-length album. It’s an album I honestly can say I can’t get enough of.

PoRich. “ There was so much Canadian talent in the building that night.” Last year’s beat boxing champion from Toronto, KRNFX (pronounced Korean FX) was competing again as a heavy favourite to win the tournament, explained PoRich. His opponent in the finals was another crowd favourite, Scott Jackson. Both of these beat boxers have received international praise for their own

TV commercials, according to a fan in the crowd, Kevy Loe. With KRNFX in a Taco Bell commercial and Scott Jackson in the beat boxing owl commercial for Telus wireless, PoRich said there was no wonder why these two were the favourites to win. “The heavy favourites going into the finals that night were last year’s winner KRNFX, and finalist Scott Jackson, both known from Toronto’s hip

hop scene as phenoms,” said PoRich. In a rematch from last year’s beat boxing championship, KRNFX and Scott Jackson put on quite a show for the crowd, according to PoRich. He said the crowd seemed to be focused solely on the two artists. At the end of the night it was KRNFX who won top honours and again walked away as the Canadian beat boxing champion for the second year in a row

even though some people from the crowd, including PoRich, thought that Scott Jackson had bested his Canadian opponent. “I felt like Scott Jackson should have been the victor,” said PoRich. “ Better performance and it also seemed like I had seen KRNFX’s third round before. It seemed that Scott had as well as he was mimicking every movement KRNFX was making throughout his final round.”

Beat boxing lives in Toronto Mike Ryckman The Chronicle

The second annual Canadian beat boxing championships were held at the Mod Club in Toronto Saturday, Nov. 12. Many battle rappers, including former Durham College advertising student Rich PoRich Moss from King of the Dot were there to support their fellow Canadian artists. “I was going buck wild,” said


The Chronicle

November 29, 2011

The Chronicle


November 29, 2011


Last season for chief rower UOIT rowing captain Christie Attwood moving on Tyler Richards

The Chronicle She’s captain of the rowing team, participates in numerous events throughout the year including orientation week at the beginning of each year, holds down a part-time job and despite the fact that the rowing team practices twice a day six times a week Christie Attwood maintains an honour roll standing. Over the years since, the kinesiology student joined the rowing team, shes has done her best to promote the team’s presence in not only UOIT, but Durham College as well. This year the rowing team set a UOIT record for being the first sports team from the school to compete at the national level. “I’ve always been into sports. In high school I played volleyball and soccer for all four years. When I came to school it wasn’t the first thing on my mind, but about halfway through my first year one of my friends introduced me to rowing at the school and I have been hooked ever since,” said Attwood who is captain of the rowing team. She participated in her first national championship this month when the UOIT rowing team competed in the Canadian University Rowing Associa-

Al Fournier

THE IDEAL STUDENT: In 2010 Christie Attwood won the UOIT leadership award, maintained an honour roll average throughout the entire school year, held down a part-time job and took part in numerous other activities throughout the year. tion finals in Welland. “You know it was a really good experience, something I am definitely going to remember forever, not just for placing fourth, but for just being there,” she said. Ken Babcock, the Athletic Director for both UOIT and Durham, has nothing but good things to say about Attwood. “Not only is she a varsity athlete here at the school, she is also a student at the university and a valued member of our part-time staff here at the athletic centre. “She’s involved in every aspect of our rowing team. She is in the rowing executive, she

does a lot of behind-the-scenes stuff relating to rowing and she is very active in promoting the rowing program. Christie’s contributions on all of those levels have been very impressive, she’s always there at every event willing to help out, she’s at other events that aren’t her own events willing to help out and she’s a real pleasure to have working for us as a student,” said Babcock. Once rowing is over Attwood does get to have a little fun. “During the rowing season we (the team) don’t get to go out to bars and party and we’re very, very focused. To me I think you gotta do a little bit of ev-

erything. If you go 100 per cent rowing you don’t really focus on school and if you go 100 per cent school you lose a little of the fun part of university. You need to prioritize --- school comes first, rowing comes second and then if I have time to go out on a Thursday night awesome, and if I don’t, I don’t.” Attwood has also maintained a part-time job as a front desk clerk at the campus recreation centre on campus for the last four years. “Luckily for me the rec centre is an easy place to work. My bosses are great, they understand that I row and let me pick my shifts so I can work it into

my schedule,” she said. “Work for me has never been a priority. Obviously I need to work because I need to pay for school, but it ends up fitting into my schedule really well. If I had any other job I don’t know if I would be able to do it.” Michelle Roberts is one of Attwood’s bosses at the CRWC. “She’s awesome! She takes on a leadership role, she’s very confident in what she does, she’ll go the extra mile for the client and she takes time to ask questions and find out the information she needs to do her job effectively.” What isn’t lost on Attwood is school; it has always been her number one. “In my first and second year I wasn’t an honour roll student, but I did get good grades, high 70s. It was really later on in my program when I started to push my grades higher, for a post-graduate degree in my program you need really high grades to get into the programs. “At this point I’m not going to pursue a graduate (degree), you know I have been in school for so long it will just be nice to take a break from it all,” said Attwood. But Attwood, who has been in post-secondary school for the last five years, says coming back to school isn’t off the table. She was supposed to graduate last year, but decided to take more classes and further her education. She said one of the proudest moments of her academic career was carrying the banner for her faculty last year when she was supposed to graduate. “It’s really special because usually only people who are graduating carry the banner, but the fact that they chose me, someone who wasn’t graduating really stuck to me,” Attwood said. But for now she wants to get a job and maybe work in sports, an area she is quite familiar with.

Durham College coach wins McMann spikes his ECBA achievement award way to the leaderboard

Big Picky

The Chronicle Following another fantastic season with the men’s baseball team Durham College, Sam Dempster has been awarded the European Baseball Coaches Association Career Achievement Award. Dempster is also head coach of the Great Britain baseball team, and is being recognized for his work both

with Team Great Britain and the Durham Lords. Leading Great Britain to an 8-6 victory over Israel July 27, Dempster helped secure their place as the 2012 European championships, Dempster returned to Canada to coach the men’s baseball program at the college. In 19 years with the Lords, Dempster has only had one losing season, racking up

seven CIBA Ontario championships, including this year’s winning effort. In addition to his work with the college and Team Great Britain, Dempster is an associate scout for the Milwaukee Brewers in Major League Baseball. Dempster hopes he will be arriving back at the college next fall with another European Championships medal and another CIBA winning team.

Austin Rogers

The Chronicle Lords volleyball player Dave McMann became the team’s all-time scoring leader on Nov .19 as the Lords won 3-0 against Boreal. McMann recorded six points and five blocks in the game, bringing his career totals to 610 and 148 respectively. “Dave is an outstanding player,” said Lords coach Andrew Hinchey. “Middles in this

game do not get enough recognition because their position is the hardest position to play. Dave works hard every practice and his hard work really started to pay off last year.” McMann was not the leading scorer in the game, however; Jeremy Hoekstra and Jordan McFarlane scored 9 points each. The Lords returned home on Thursday, Nov. 24 against Trent.


The Chronicle

November 29, 2011


Cheerleaders going for the DC gold in national competition Lords Chealse Howell The Chronicle

With her great attitude and kind heart the captain of the DC-UOIT Fierce cheerleading team, Kaitlyn Degroote, is kicking this year off like no other. Going on their second year as a team, Degroote was chosen to take over as captain by the team’s coach Travis Stirrat, after the original captain departed. Excited and honoured, Degroote is more than ready to take on being captain. With competition close, Degroote is practising every chance she can. Practising three nights a week as a team and then any time she can on her own, she still manages to balance school as well as a part time job. “It can be a struggle balancing everything I am involved with, but I make it work because I love what I do,” said Degroote Although team Fierce is participating in three major competitions this year, Degroote is extremely excited for PCA (Power. Cheerleading. Athletics.). PCA is a national cheerleading championship that is open to universities across Canada. This year PCA is being held in Brampton on Dec. 2, 3, 4. “My thought on PCA is that it is the best overall Canadian collegiate cheerleading experience and I can’t wait to go,” she said. As captain, some of her responsibilities include collecting payments, organizing dates, basically making sure everything runs smoothly, while helping the team come together by always staying positive. Degroote is enrolled at UOIT for Busi-

ness Commerce. She is currently in her second year of a four-year program and always finds time to squeeze in not only cheerleading but also her part - time job, at Park Road Physiotherapy. Being an athlete, smart and beautiful, aren’t the only things she is known for, but also for her kind heart. Recently joining the Human Resource Association at UOIT as the second year representative, she says she loves to help others. Degroote has always had a busy lifestyle. As a child she played all kinds of sports and loved to sing at events and ceremonies. In her spare time she would hang out with friends and family, and of course, study. Her love for cheering started in Calgary at the end of Grade 9, when she was asked to try out by a friend who didn’t want to go alone. Degroote had played sports her whole life so she thought she would try something new. Falling in love with cheerleading, she has continued since. Being on team Fierce means a lot to Degroote. Her favourite part about being on the team is being able to make so many great friends. She says it is just one big family. Already proud of how far the team has excelled in the last year, by moving up from a level 4 to a level 6, she hopes they’ll keep rising up. Cheering is much more then good exercise to Degroote, it is her life. She cheers not just because she loves it, but also because it gives her a sense of accomplishment and keeps her motivated. She hopes to continue cheering after

winter toy drive

Mike Pickford The Chronicle

Chealse Howell

DC-UOIT CHEERLEADERS: Captain of the DC-UOIT Fierce cheerleading team, Kaitlyn Degroote. university, but if she can’t, she plans on helping out and making sure team Fierce stays alive.

The Durham Lords women’s basketball team is asking students who turn out for their remaining home games to bring something with them: toys! The annual toy drive in support of the SickKids Foundation has started, and the women are hoping to receive lots of donations from generous fans attending their last two home games. The Lords will face the George Brown Huskies Dec. 2, and Loyalist Lancers Dec. 6. Both games will be played at the Campus Recreation and Wellness Centre.

Wrestling slams its way back into Oshawa Back in the squared circle By Ray McNeil The Chronicle

Them’s fightin’ words. This Halloween, after months of searching, blood and sweat poured once again as local wrestling promotion Great Canadian Wrestling (GCW) made its long-awaited homecoming. “We’re happy to be back,” said Commissioner Jessy Jones. “Oshawa’s a great place, we’ve been in Oshawa now for at least six years, and it’s a good little place to be.” The show, GCW Genesis, took place on Oct. 29 at The Green Bottle. Ring announcer Gentleman Geoff began the show right on time. “Once again, Great Canadian Wrestling has returned to Oshawa!” he said to loud applause. It was a return that may have

never come. GCW problems began during the past summer, when their original venue in Oshawa, the Royal Canadian Legion Hall, decided not to allow the promotion to use their hall anymore. First vice-president of the Legion, Bill Summers, said that after nearly $150,000 in renovations done this past year, the Legion decided it was moving away from GCW. “We’ve had a great relationship with them,” said Summers. “Strategically it’s not where we’re going with this hall.” “I did hear that they were kind of sad that wrestling wasn’t there (anymore),” said Jones, “cause they’re not making as much money as they used to.” Thus began the nearly sixmonth journey to find GCW another home, and thanks to former GCW owner Dave Wyldstar, The Green Bottle was found. The bar had been transformed into an all-out smash and brawl arena, yet while the fans were glad to have GCW back, the venue had its limitations. The low ceiling meant that two of the four turnbuckles

could not be used. “The building setup is difficult,” said long-time fan and Durham grad Frank Bruno. “A lot of the guys couldn’t do what they normally would do because you can’t jump off the top rope.” The show itself was an important one; an eight-man singles tournament was scheduled to crown the new GCW Ontario Independent Championship. The first match saw Markham native Sebastian Suave defeating Mexico’s Sombra to advance to the semifinals, while the next saw Buck The Entertainer scoring a pinfall, with assistance from the ropes, on real-life superhero Swoosh. After that, it was time for former WWE superstar Highlander Robbie to take on former champion Hayden Avery. Unfortunately for Robbie, he spent too much time working Avery’s left arm, and was disqualified, advancing Avery to the next round with an injury. The last quarter-final match included Philadelphia-born Anthony Darko, with his manager Jamie Virtue, taking on WWE legend Bushwhacker Luke.

“Bushwhacker Luke’s a class act,” said Jones. “It’s always good to see the legends come out there and do what they do.” In the end, Virtue came in handy. Distracting the referee was all it took for Virtue’s client to score a not-so-clean victory. Luke had the last laugh though, tossing Darko and Virtue out of the ring and celebrating with the fans. Gabriella Vanderpool then successfully defended her W.I.L.D. Championship against Felicia Farce. It was then time for the semi-finals. Darko and Suave were up first, with Darko once again using his manager to his advantage. The question of who would face Darko in the final was soon answered. Avery, still in pain, and Buck both fought as hard as they could, taking the fight all over the bar. In the midst of this, the two forgot to get back to the ring before the referee counted to 10, and the match was ruled a double count-out. It looked as though Darko would be crowned the champion by default, until Psycho Mike made his return, demanding a match with Darko. Commissioner Jones then

made his way to the ring to announce that Mike would have to face someone in order to advance to Darko, and that someone was Canadian National Champion RJ City. Though even City could not tame the Psycho, who came out of the match the victor, and with a chance to face Anthony Darko for the title. Despite the venue, the fans went away satisfied with the event. “You got the guys that are just starting out, and the guys that have been doing it for a number of years,” said Bruno. “The crowd seemed to enjoy themselves, that’s one of the major reasons for it all,” said Jones. “As long as they’re out having a good time it doesn’t really matter where we’re at.” The next GCW show in Oshawa will be Season Beatings at Harmony Hall on Dec. 27. The show will be a charity event, with a toy and food drive to benefit Sick Kids Hospital. Tickets are for sale at Wyldstar Comics in downtown Oshawa. Jones remains confident the wrestling promotion will find a permanent venue. “Hopefully we can find a place to make home again.”


The Chronicle

UOIT beats Guelph 3-2 Zak McLachlan The Chronicle

The Ridgebacks men’s hockey team picked up their third win of the season against the Guelph Gryphons on Nov. 18 and 19 after a tough loss to the nationally ranked Western Mustangs. The Ridgebacks took on the red-hot Mustangs at the Campus Ice Centre on Nov. 18 in a quick-skating, physical battle. The Ridgebacks kept up with Ontario’s top team, but couldn’t pull out a win in the end. Western struck early with a goal 46 seconds into the first, but Luke VanMoerkerke netted a shorthanded goal six minutes later to tie it up. Western added points late in the first and early in the second to take a commanding 3-1 lead before Ryan Oliver scored his first goal of the year. Jeremy Whelan scored in the third to cut the Western lead to one, but it wasn’t enough as the Mustangs added another late in the frame to seal the win and continue their winning streak to 11 games. VanMoerkerke’s shorthanded goal was his first marker of the season and the team’s first shorthanded goal on the year.

November 29, 2011

Tough loss for Lords as Gagliardi nets 38 Durham falls 91-88 to Algonquin Mike Pickford The Chronicle

Zak McLachlan

ON THE ROCKS: Ridgebacks defenceman Andrew Randazzo skates around Western captain Adam Nemith. The Ridgebacks then travelled to Guelph to take on the Gryphons for the second time this year. The first game resulted in an 8-1 pounding on the Ridgebacks by the Gryphons. Ridgebacks head coach Marlin Muylaert spent 11 seasons behind the bench for Gryphons, winning the University Cup back in 1997. Guelph came out of the gate strong with a goal less than two minutes into the first and a powerplay marker late in the frame. But then the Ridgebacks

hit their stride and took control of the game. Ridgebacks leading scorer Tony Rizzi capitalized on the powerplay just 18 seconds into the second to get UOIT on the board. Ryan Oliver continued his solid weekend, adding his second goal in as many nights in the third to tie the game. With six minutes left in the game, defenceman Andrew Randazzo scored his first ever goal as a Ridgeback, giving UOIT the lead and eventually the win.


The Durham Lords men’s basketball team had a mixed weekend Nov. 18-19 as they tasted both victory and defeat, in the most dramatic of fashions. On Friday, the Lords came up against the undefeated Algonquin Thunder. The gulf in class couldn’t have been more obvious after the first quarter as the Thunder stormed to a 24-8 lead. The Lords, however, fought back through points leader Rob Gagliardi as he scored 38 points, including a half court buzzer beater to tie the game up. Veteran Tyler McGarrity, in his fifth year with the team, was in top form also, racking up a season-high 22 points to help the Lords get back into the game. Ultimately, it wasn’t enough for the Lords as Al-

gonquin scraped through 9188. They had Chris Mooney and Romaine Lawrence to thank for scoring over half of their points. So the Lords went into their game the following afternoon against La Cite disappointed not to have gotten anything from the game the night before. But it didn’t show. The Lords led the game from start to finish, cruising to a 31-16 lead after the first quarter. At that point, the end result was foregone a conclusion as the Lords continued to rack up the points, with Rob Gagliardi once again at the top of the points list, scoring 30 points in consecutive games. The Lords sit in fourth place in the OCAA East Region with an overall record of 3-3, a sign of their inconsistency thus far this season. After playing Fleming late last week the Lord’s will welcome the George Brown Huskies to the CRWC on Dec. 2. and loyalist on Dec. 6.


The Chronicle

November 29, 2011


Sweet sixteen for Durham coach Mike Pickford The Chronicle

To some, their sport is more than a hobby. It’s a way of life. To Stan Bombino, it’s even more than that. It is his life. Having been involved with soccer for almost all of his life, Bombino, the head coach of the men’s indoor and outdoor soccer team at Durham College, is in no hurry to slow down. “I’m looking to perhaps stay in the game well into my 70s,” Bombino said. “I like being able to help people in the game, being able to influence younger players and make them realize their potential.” And help people Bombino has. Since retiring as a player at the age of 38 he has gone on to become one of the most recognized coaches in Canadian soccer. After spells coaching both professionally and semi-professionally around Canada, Bombino landed the role of head coach of men’s team at Durham College. He has enjoyed a largely successful 16year stint with the men’s soccer team at Durham College, reaching several OCAA playoffs with that elusive provincial title still evading him and his team. Bombino though says he’s had some of his most memorable moments as coach of the team. “I have to say, winning the OCAA scoring championships has to be up there with my achievements as it really rewarded the way the team played that year,” Bombino said. This year’s team unfortunately did not perform as well as Bombino had hoped, ending the season with an overall record of 1-5-1, finishing sixth in the division and missing out on the provincial playoff. It was the first time a Durham team under Bombino’s stewardship had finished with a below .500 record. The team however still acknowledged the important role he played in their season and the progression made in their careers. Derek Money, in his third season with the team, feels his game has improved by leaps and bounds since he started playing under Bombino. “Coach Bombino and his staff are great,” Money said. “I’ve really improved as a player since coming here. He has a great set up and wealth of experience which has benefitted the entire team.” Another player, forward Jossi Rodriguez, feels the two years he has spent under Bombino have been invaluable. “I’m one of those players that believes you have to play to improve,” Rodriguez said. “And I think Coach Bombino get’s that too. I’ve played here for two years now and know I’m a much better player than I was

before. I’ve matured, honed my skills and now I’m reaping the benefits.” Bombino does believe that attitude plays as much a part as skill does when deciding if a player will make the grade. “We can offer all the advice, point a player in the right direction and we may think yeah, he has the quality, but if he has a bad attitude and isn’t mature enough, he quite simply won’t make it.” Before coaching, Bombino played 20 years. It all started for him in the North American Soccer League, where he played for the Toronto Blizzard. It was there that he came up against some of the top names in soccer history as the star-studded New York Cosmos also played in the NASL. Bombino said it was here that he was truly exposed to soccer at the highest level. “I was stood alongside some of the greatest names around at that time, even playing with Brazilian forward Ivaear who was the right winger for Pele in the national team,” Bombino said. “There were kids coming up at the end of games asking for my autograph. It really was a special experience.” However, the NASL and it’s franchises were having major financial problems in the early ‘80s and Bombino moved on to represent such clubs as the Oshawa Kicks and Monte Leone before retiring in 1990. But Bombino wasn’t happy to just sit back and accept his time in the game had come to a close. “After I retired I sat at home for a few weeks and didn’t like it. I decided I had to do something,” Bombino said. “Believe me, coaching was the last thing on my mind when I was a player, but once I’d retired it made sense. It was my way of contributing and giving back to the sport.” So Bombino took the necessary steps to become a coach, taking an initial three-year course that got him started, since then insists he’ll never stop learning. “I’m learning as a coach every day,” Bombino said. “I’m still taking courses today, as the sport evolves us coaches have to keep up.”

File Photo

MEN’S SOCCER COACH: Stan Bombino played on the Lords men’s soccer team before coaching the team for the last 16 years. This past year was the first time in his 16-year coaching career that the team didn’t finish above .500. al team to the 1994 World Cup in the United States, Bombino came across another coach that he sees as his mentor. “Craig Brown, the former

I see kids today that I coached perhaps in the past and they don’t shout ‘Hey Stan’. It’s always ‘Hey coach’. There’s a respect there.

Stan Bombino And it doesn’t stop at coaching players for Bombino. He has been instructing for his fellow coaches for around 15 years, firmly cementing his legacy in Canadian soccer. But Bombino had to learn from somewhere and after travelling with the German nation-

manager of the Scottish national team, helped me a lot as I was learning the trade,” Bombino said. “The best piece of advice I have ever gotten came from Craig in fact. He told me that regardless of a player’s quality, unless they are having fun they won’t be in the game or play-

ing to their maximum potential and I have to say, he’s right.” One person Bombino hasn’t met that he wishes he had is Sir Alex Ferguson, who recently celebrated his 25th anniversary with Manchester United in the Premier League. “Sir Alex isn’t necessarily somebody that I can say I like,” Bombino said. “But you have to respect what he’s done there. He keeps all the players in check and is successful year after year. He’s done a good job.” Bombino does believe that attitude plays as much a part as skill does when deciding if a player will make the grade. “We can offer all the advice, point a player in the right direction and we may think yeah, he has the quality but if he has a bad attitude and isn’t mature

enough, he quite simply won’t make it.” Some may wonder how Bombino motivates himself to coach year after year, trying to get the best from a bunch of kids at a college in the GTA, but Bombino quite simply says it’s the satisfaction of knowing he’s making a difference. “I see kids today that I coached perhaps in the past and they don’t shout ‘Hey Stan’. It’s always ‘Hey coach’. There’s a respect there. A respect that’s earned when they appreciate what someone has done for them,” Bombino said. “So that’s the motivation, knowing I can have an influence on a player, not only in terms of how he does in the future with soccer, but how they become as human beings too.”


The Chronicle

November 29, 2011


Lacrosse for the young and old Mahmoud El Bayrakdar The Chronicle

Thursday nights are big nights for the Durham Masters Lacrosse League (DMLL). The DMLL is a recreational, five on five-field non-contact lacrosse league with players from ages 15 and up. In addition to registering new players for the winter season, the DMLL fall program wrapped up its fall season Thursday, Nov. 10 and held two of the three playoff games last week. The fall ball championship night will be held the eighth of December, a week after the

last playoff game. Founder of the league, John Scanga had been a competitive lacrosse player for 15 years before creating and co-ordinating the DMLL. “It’s a way for me to give opportunities for kids 15 years and up, as well as senior players.” DMLL held its final registration for their winter season on the last Thursday of November. The winter registration ran from 7 to 9 p.m. while fall games kept running from 8 to 10 p.m. Anyone interested in learning more about the Durham Masters Lacrosse League can visit their homepage at http://dmlllax.ca/.

Mahmoud El Bayrakdar

DMLL: Jason Richards winds up for a shot during a DMLL game.

Last year of ball for DC’s pitcher Galea

Robynne Henry

The Chronicle She has been named the recipient of the Ethel Boyce memorial award, and was recognized this past season as a Provincial Women’s softball Association scholarship award winner, those are just two in a long list of awards Shannon Galea has won. “To be receiving these awards is an absolute honour,” said the Lady Lords pitcher.

“But there are so many other deserving athletes that are out there, that work just as hard as me.” Galea said that she doesn’t play the game to get the awards. “The awards aren’t something I strive for. Continuously playing hard is what I strive for,” Galea said. “It’s great to be noticed along the way, but at the same time I always try to maintain my focus and put things in perspective.”

From the age of 4, Galea started playing in park league. Every player gets a chance to play every position, and she was drawn the most to the pitcher’s position. “Every year I have been called up by a team for Nationals, so I have done double nationals for the last five years,” Galea said. That means that she went to her regular age group Nationals, and then went to the age group above hers to pitch for them. Of the

times that she has been called up, the team has won Nationals three times. Galea spent years perfecting her pitching talent by going to clinics and working closely with certain coaches over the years. She also has helped out at pitching clinics in recent years, teaching young pitchers what she has learned. “Throughout my midget years, they were some of my biggest years competing, in terms of learning more about

the game, and developing a lot better,” Galea said. Galea really enjoyed her year with the Durham fastball team, but she is sad that she is only able to play for one year because the course she is taking is only a one-year course. With a degree from UOIT in teaching, Galea came back to school for Durham’s post-grad sports management program to help round out her experience with teaching and coaching.


The Chronicle

November 29, 2011

The Chronicle

November 29, 2011



The Chronicle

November 29, 2011

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