Durham Chronicle

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Aid ofice helps with debt, page 18

Zombies!, page 28

Health and wellness part 2, page 33

Volume XlI, Issue 5

october 29, 2013

DC/UOIT students invade pumpkin patch

rebecca Watson

PICKING A WINNER: (From left) Kyle Gorman, sarah brooks, taylor Hunt, Nikki Vanvugt and Katie seale enjoy a hayride to the pumpkin patch at Pingle’s Farm for Pumpkin Palooza on Oct.17. Students got to pick a free pumpkin, enjoy a trip to YoYo’s Yogurt Cafe, and inish with pumpkin carving at E.P. Taylor’s. See First on page 23

Lovisa wants to send students to China Christopher Burrows the chronicle


urham College president Don Lovisa and UOIT president Tim McTiernan were among a group of representatives from the Durham Region who said N฀ h฀o to the prospect of doing business in China. The trip was a multi-purpose one; the irst part being a trade mission for local businesses to look at possible foreign investment in Durham Region and partnering with Chinese corporations and investors. “We were there to support the Region of Durham,” said Lovisa, adding that as companies look to invest in Canada they want to make sure there’s a strong work force within the region, which is why education was a big part of the trip. The second part of the trip was to increase the number of Chinese students coming to Durham College and to create opportunities for Durham College

students to travel to China. “We have a goal of recruiting 100 Chinese students to our campus,” said Lovisa. “We met with the Canadian embassy and we met with some professional irms that assist colleges like ours in recruiting students.” While in China, Lovisa signed an agreement with the Zibo Institute to allow Durham College students an opportunity to study in Zibo for a short period of time, probably a month, and allow Zibo students to come here. Lovisa is also developing a 2+1 program with Zibo. “Their students will study two years in China and then they’ll come to Canada for one year and study our International Business post-diploma,” said Lovisa, adding the purpose of the 2+1 program is to draw Chinese students to Durham College.

See Lovisa on page 3

Let your voice be heard Students encouraged to attend AGM Giorgio Berbatiotis the chronicle


he Student Association has announced the date of the irst annual general meeting of the school year as Nov. 1 at 4 p.m. in gym one and two. The AGMs are the students’ chance to change SA policy and hold the elected leadership of the SA accountable for any grievances membership has. This AGM is critical for the SA, which is still tying to secure the release of their funding from DC/ UOIT. “The board will be presenting the

SA’s inancial statements, SA budget and approving SA general bylaw amendments. The full agenda with all member proposals will be available on the SA website a week in advance,” said board vice-chair Baker Baha. The inancial statements to be presented at the AGM are one of the only ways students can keep track of how their money is being spent, and is certain to be of great interest to DC/ UOIT, who earlier in the year referenced “a responsibility to the students from whom the fees are collected” when explaining why they withheld the SA’s funding. The AGM is not, however, only about the presentation of inancial statements, and the ongoing dispute between the SA and DC/UOIT. It is also the students’ opportunity to put forward their own motions, which can have a huge impact on the future of the SA.

See Voice on page 2

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The Chronicle


October 29, 2013

Ethanol talk at Regent heatre Katrina Owens the chronicle

Building an ethanol plant on Oshawa’s lakefront would be a huge mistake and would pollute the marsh, well-known author and activist Maude Barlow told students, city council members and residents of Durham Region earlier this month. “Water belongs where it was put by nature,” she said during a talk at Regent Theatre. Barlow is known for having water recognized as a human right by the UN Human Rights Council in 2010. She is also a Canadian author, has served on multiple boards, and is an internationally renowned water activist. Barlow listed three major reasons why an ethanol plant on Oshawa’s lakefront is a bad

idea; Oshawa’s community doesn’t want it, it is a bad investment and the world is running out of clean water. “Waters of Lake Ontario belongs to people who live on Lake Ontario,” said Barlow. “I had the honour and pleasure of walking through Oshawa’s marsh. It was an absolute pleasure,” she said. Oshawa mayor John Henry said Oshawa doesn’t want this ethanol plant and the federal government needs to respect that. “We will win, they will listen. It’s just a matter of time,” he said. What was even more impressive was the number of signatures hand-delivered by the mayor to the federal government. Henry delivered 3,300 signatures to the big boys, let-

ting them know that Oshawa doesn’t want or need this ethanol plant. Unfortunately for Oshawa, Canada’s Marine Act is getting in the way. This act allows a port authority board to be created for marinas. Port authority boards do not have any obligation to the public, and have no obligation to look after the public interest. Ports and marinas are considered business outlets for the government. Since they’re considered as a business investment, public interest isn’t taken into consideration. Oshawa’s port authority board doesn’t have to answer to Oshawa’s interest. Mark Mattson, president of Lake Ontario’s Waterkeepers, stressed that Oshawa’s lakefront is Oshawa’s, and residents

should stand together to ight this ethanol plant. “We won’t take no as an answer,” he said. “This is your water and this is your lake.” Lake Ontario Waterkeepers is a group that promotes swimmable, drinkable and ishable water. Building an ethanol plant will make this almost impossible for Oshawa’s lakefront. Eighty per cent of all Ontario’s energy is connected somehow to Lake Ontario, it plays an important role in our daily lives, said Mattson. The United States passed a law that says 40 per cent of all cornields must be used for ethanol. Despite the high percentage of cornields being grown for ethanol plants, they are shutting down in the U.S. “They pollute and create smog,” she said. Barlow thinks they should

be shut down in Canada as well. It takes approximately 1,700 litres of water to create one litre of ethanol. “We are a planet running out of water,” she said. Deserts are growing rapidly in 100 different countries around the world and what they thought were endless supplies of water are disappearing. Barlow said there are four principles of water that humans should abide by. First, water is a human right, meaning every human has a right to access it. Second, water is a common heritage. Every ethnic group should have a right to use it. Third, water has rights too, meaning water has a right to stay where nature put it. Fourth, water can teach us how to live together.

Voice opinions at AGM Continued from page 1

Jennifer lavery

EGG DROP: three girls test out their homemade contraption to keep their egg safe from a one-storey drop.

Girls engineering at UOIT Jennifer Lavery the chronicle Mark down another success for the GO ENG GIRL event that took place on Oct. 19. No clue what that is? Well, it’s an event that happens annually across the province. Girls from grades 7 to 10 who are interested in becoming engineers gathered at the ERC building on the UOIT campus to learn what options they had in that ield. The GO ENG GIRL initiative visits every high school in Ontario. They share information on the event, the programs and insights on careers and pathways. This is Adam Wu’s third year helping with the event. As a student recruitment oficer, he travels from school to school telling prospective students what the program is about and what the event is about. “[Students] don’t know what engineering entails,” said Wu.

“They’ve heard that engineering is cool, it’s fun, you get to build things. It’s that or they are going into engineering because they have family members that tell them that they need to be an engineer. So when a student understands fully what engineering is, it’s more than just building things, it’s looking at things in a different way, why it was built that way, but also how can you make that better.” Marnie Ham, a professor at UOIT in the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, organized the event. She spent the majority of it talking to parents about what the program entailed and answering questions about campus life. UOIT is home to just over 9,000 students, making it a small university. It gives the faculty a better chance to interact with the students. They share insights from current female students and current staff in engineering. It gives them something to look forward to, something to aspire

to. Maybe they didn’t know what engineering was before but now they do. The event consisted of a presentation for parents, lunch, and activities for the students that attended. The girls were split into two groups and were sent off to complete two activities. The irst group had to build towers that could hold the weight of a tennis ball for 30 seconds. It had to be the tallest, but also the cheapest. The other group had to protect a raw egg from a one-storey drop using any materials that were provided. In the same sense as the tower-building activity, it had to be the strongest and safest for the egg, but also the cheapest. Each activity had a mini “store” that the girls could shop from, using the $25 they were given at the start of the task. Wu thinks that women are generally under-represented in the engineering ield. “It is a predominantly male environ-

ment in the work ield.” Women in the engineering program are very involved outside of the classroom. “They get internships a lot easier,” said Wu, “since a lot of companies are looking to bridge the gender gap, so they hire more females into engineering positions.” The engineering program is very math and science heavy. There are many similarities in the sciences and the engineering programs because of the math, chemistry and physics backgrounds. “If you are that creative type that likes to look at things, to take things apart and analyze things, then it’s a great program,” Wu says. The event is a great place to start as well if you aren’t sure what you want to be when you grow up yet. “It’s something that we are looking to continue because we feels it’s very valuable to the girls in this area,” said Wu. “It is a province-wide initiative that is at 16 universities across the province.”

AGMs in the recent past have led to major changes within the organization, with elected leadership being booted, resigning, or assuming new sometimes temporary positions within the organization such as the interim president and CEO committee that was created when former president Rachel Calvelli was removed. It was this interim committee that created the executive director position from which Kelly Morrison was terminated earlier in the year. Students who wanted their motions on the agenda must have submitted them to board vice-chair Baha by Oct. 28. Proposal templates for motions are available online at your-sa. ca and can be for almost anything. “Students can send in any motions they want,” said board member Carly Valcheff. “If the student’s want to make a motion for every student to be delivered pie at least once a month, then they can.” Before you get your placemats out though, know that the “pie-motion” would not necessarily go forward even if passed. “Basically motions students make can be binding or non-binding,” explains Valcheff. “If it isn’t some sort of inancial-related motion, it would have to be binding. But the pie motion would be non-binding because it is a inancial decision if we can afford to give pie to everyone.”

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The Chronicle

October 29, 2013


Lovisa trip for student exchange Continued from page 1 According to Fiona Richards, director of International Education for Durham College and who also joined Lovisa on the trip, the relationship with Zibo started with Durham Region’s 2012 trade delegation. “This visit was to try and move that relationship forward,” said Richards, who also said they met with agents and the embassy in Beijing so they knew why she and Lovisa were in China. Recruitment material was left at the embassy, in English and Chinese, to help promote Durham College, and the embassy provided them with contacts and advice to accomplish their goals in China. “The best way to describe how international education is sold is it’s a bit like travel,” said Richards. “You used to go to a travel agent to book your holidays. International education is sold through similar distribution channels, so students overseas go and see education agents to decide which institution they’re going to study at.” Richards also said she works with a network of education agents, which she has to stay in touch with so Durham College is always top of mind when they recommend colleges to their clients. One of the agencies they met with was JJL Overseas Education, which is also one of the largest agencies in China. Last year JJL sent more than 51,000 students abroad. It was seven years ago when the last JJL staff member visited Durham College so Richards stressed how important this trip was to show them how far the campus has come.

Photo provided by Don lovisa

PRESIDENT OVERSEAS: Durham college president Don lovisa (left) touring the Wuxi Vocational Institute during his recent trip to china. Currently, Durham College has about 340 international students from 40 countries on campus. About 38 are from China. “It’s ine for us to try and bring more international students to our campus, but we need to also ind a way to get our students international exposure,” said Lovisa. The few institutes Lovisa visited said they were very interested in exchange programs with Durham College staff and students. One of these was a vocational institute in Wuxi, a prosperous community close to Shanghai. Wuxi has similar programs to Durham College, and German and Finnish companies donated all their equipment so they’re modern and up-to-date, like Durham College.

According to Lovisa, Wuxi has partnered with 82 companies. They graduate more than 1,000 students each year and these graduates go directly to the companies who donated the equipment and immediately start making as much money as their instructors. “It was really fascinating to see how modern, how similar our curriculum was, and their teaching philosophy,” said Lovisa. “They’ve adopted a lot of North American or Western European-style teaching practices in China over the last few years.” Developing research partnerships was why McTiernan travelled to China. He went to several universities looking for opportunities and said this will beneit UOIT in two ways:

students can get their Masters and PhDs with access to world class facilities and researchers and they will have collaboration opportunities for global experiments. “As we grow our research we’re growing out of Ontario and adding internationally,” McTiernan said. First year Hospitality Management student Sally Choi arrived from China a couple of days before school started, using an education agency to come to school here. Choi said she likes the education here because there’s more freedom, more group work and discussions. She said she’s “more excited to learn in this environment” because you can be creative. “In China you tend to learn

more things from textbooks,” said Choi. “Teachers give lectures and students take notes. I’ve never done an assignment in group work, and here you can do group work and you can discuss it with your classmates.” One of the irst things Choi had to do to come to Durham College was strengthen her English through the International English Language Testing System. The system grades international students on a scale of 1-9 in listening, reading, writing and speaking. Choi said it can be hard getting to know people because she doesn’t “have a lot of things in common with the local people here,” but students and professors have been friendly. Despite some of her family worrying and not understanding why she had to travel overseas for her education, Choi says her parents are supportive. “This is kind of a dream of my life, to move here, so they support me as much as they can,” she said. “They think that if I graduate here and can ind a job and stay here then I’m supposed to live a better life here. They want me to improve my living standard.” Over the next couple of months Lovisa said they would take the information they gathered from this trip and put it into a promotional package for students. “What we’re looking to start is, maybe, a spring or summer exchange,” he said. “The one we’re looking at in Zibo would give students an opportunity to go to Zibo for a month in the summer time. Maybe right after classes are done in April you can go to Zibo for a month and live on campus.”

Missing Oshawa man carrying UOIT bag Samantha Daniels the chronicle

Photo provided by Durham regional Police

MISSING: Karl leschinsky was reported missing after failing to show up for work on oct. 22.

A reward is being offered after a 24-year-old Oshawa man, last seen carrying a UOIT backpack, was reported missing to Durham Regional Police. Karl Leschinsky never arrived at work on Oct. 22 after leaving a note for his family stating he was going in early. His family contacted police and believe he may be travelling north, to the Bobcaygeon or Lindsay areas, or even as far as North Bay. Leschinsky is described as a white male, standing six feet tall, and weighing approximately 225 pounds. Identifying features include a small scar on his forehead, and short brown hair, which is thinning on top. Media Relations representative Sgt. Nancy van Rooy could not conirm if Leschinsky is or was a UOIT student. However, the backpack he was last seen carrying was the black backpack with ‘UOIT’ embroidered in blue carried by many UOIT students. Police are asking anyone who has information to contact Det. Mackey at 1-888-579-1520 ext. 2770. Anonymous tips can be made to Durham Regional Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477) or online at www.durhamregionalcrimestoppers.ca. Those who provide information may be eligible for a cash reward up to $2,000.

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The Chronicle

October 29, 2013

Publisher: Greg Murphy Editor-in-Chief: Gerald Rose Ad Manager: Dawn Salter

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Newsroom: Room L-223; Ext. 3068 E-mail: Chronicle.News@dc-uoit.ca Advertising: Room L-223; Ext. 3069 E-mail: dawn.salter@durhamcollege.ca

richard east

Being aware of mental health he media and science are blocking judgments on mental health

About one in every ive Canadians will experience mental illness. More people than that will be affected by it. Mental illness persists through every level and culture of society and affect, directly or indirectly, nearly every person. Chances are that at home or at work someone you know

is struggling with a mental illness. Yet with all of these people struggling, mental illness has not been recognized by society as real conditions for two main reasons: science and media. Science has yet to catch up with theory on mental illnesses. In some disorders, such as schizophrenia, science has been able to see changes in the brain. Yet it has not been able to pinpoint what exactly happens to the brain in people with illnesses such as depression, anxiety and ADHD. This lack of empirical evidence makes it dificult for many people to understand and accept these as serious conditions that have life-threatening implications. No one can question the inluence of the media. Mainstream media does a horrible job of portraying people with mental illnesses. Often they are portrayed as violent, psy-

chopathic, crazy people, even though people with a mental illness are more likely the victim of violence than the perpetrator. Think of characters like Hannibal Lecter or for a reallife example, Vince Li, the man who, in 2008, beheaded Tim McLean aboard a Greyhound bus in Manitoba. Li was a person with schizophrenia who thought he was saving the world from an alien attack because of voices in his head. These are the extremes, the statistical outliers, and yet, because they are gruesome and dramatic, society and the media alike eat them up. Do not think these are what people with mental illnesses are like. It can and is getting better. Chicago Bears wide receiver Brandon Marshall was recently slapped with a $10,500 ine for wearing green shoes because it is a violation of the NFL’s uniform and equipment rules.

Marshall, who has been treated for a personality disorder in the past, was trying to promote Mental Illness Awareness Week which ran from Oct. 6-12. He also donated the amount of the ine to charity. Serena Ryder is another celebrity speaking out about mental health. As someone who struggled with depression for years, she recently shared her experiences about how she overcame her condition while playing a show at the Regent Theatre in Oshawa. While big names like Marshall and Ryder are going to be instrumental in raising awareness about mental health, big corporations will also play a pivotal role. Bell Media has really taken an initiative in promoting mental health. By partnering with Clara Hughes and starting the Let’s Talk campaign, they raise millions of dollars every year for mental health awareness.



Christopher Burrows, Samantha Daniels, Ryan Verrydt, Matthew Jordan, Kelsey Braithwaite, Andrew Fliegel, Brad Andrews, Sarah Pugsley, Shane MacDonald, Sam Baker, Sean O’Leary, Luke Callebert, Catherine Legault, Rebecca Watson, Kate Hussey, Sarah Chan, Reshanthy Vijayarajah, Catherine Meunier, Richard East, Steph Morrison, Kathryn Boyle, Aleksandra Sharova, Jesmarnin Lafuente, Giorgio Berbatiotis, Amy Lai, Matt Mazer, Riyad Alli, Luke Callebert, Dan Cearns, John Gooding, Kyle Ritchie, Francis Viloria, Colin Lack, Tim Morrell, Sinead Fegan, Katrina Owens, Courtney Williams, Teanna Dorsey, Venessa Whitelock, Jennifer Lavery, Keshyla Reddick, Jesse Harrison-Kish, Joey LeBouthillier, Will McGuirk, Chelsea McCormick, Sadia Badhon.

PubLisher: Greg Murphy

Aside from that, Bell also promotes a Faces of Mental Illness campaign aimed at showing that recovery from mental illness is possible. This campaign uses everyday people from across Canada with interesting and inspiring stories and gives them a platform to speak out. These are the kinds of acts, and the kind of people, that need to bring attention to mental illness and make it a cause akin to breast cancer and others that receive constant national attention. They show the reach of mental illness and give society a realistic impression of those affected instead of the media’s extremes. Breast cancer was once a stigmatized, taboo subject and now, is one of the biggest causes out there. The same needs to happen to mental health.

ryan Verrydt


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Chelsea Bastien, Alexandra Beaubien, Chantelle Hitchings, Mark Bugay, Shannon Castel, Gavin Clark, Taylor Craik, Chris Dupuis, Sadie Harper, Andrew Kritotis, Olivia Kulbaka, Kurtis McAleer, Carley Mclaughlin, Brianne Mitchell, Raechel Mohns, Alisha Nurse, Alyssa O’hara, Tai Soo Chan, Richard Topfer, Lenay Van Boxtel, Tori Vieira.


he Chronicle is published by the Durham College School of Me-

dia, Art and Design, 2000 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario L1H 7L7, 721-2000 Ext. 3068, as a training vehicle for students enrolled in Journalism and Advertising courses and as a campus news medium. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the college administration or the board of governors. The Chronicle is a member of the Ontario Community Newspapers Association.

ediTor-in-ChieF: Gerald Rose

adVerTising ProduCTion Manager: Kevan F. Drinkwalter

Jenna Abraham, Sandi Bates, Kathryn Bean, Robert Biggar, Meghan Bullock, Mike Burton, Meggan Camacho, Michelle Cameron, Ed Castiblanco, Jillian Clarke, Sarah Cochrane, Kayla Crawford, Catherine Demmer, Samantha Forster, Courtney Holmes, Jason Ly, Kirstyn Matika, Lauren Mizgala, Michelle Philpott, Vinh Phoxay, Hayley Reynolds, Shawnie Schroetter, Sharon Tan, Madison Verscheun.

FeaTure ediTors: Ginny Colling, Danielle Harder PhoTograPhy ediTor: Walter Passarella

ad Manager: Dawn Salter

TeChniCaL ProduCTion: Darren Fisher

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The Chronicle

October 29, 2013


Centre for Food draws crowd Mayor and famous chef attend event Luke Callebert the chronicle The Durham Region has its irst ever ield-to-fork postsecondary concept with the grand opening of the Durham College Centre for Food (CFF). The event was held on Oct. 17 to oficially open the new building on the Whitby campus, as well as the new Bistro ’67 restaurant and lounge to the public. The CFF will offer a full-service, green-certiied teaching restaurant and lounge, Bistro ’67. The building will also have state-of-the-art labs and classrooms accommodating approximately 900 students across culinary, hospitality and tourism programs. The building will also feature a retail store that will stock freshly baked items, meals-to-go and preserved foods. The extension to the Whitby campus will also include an on-campus orchard, pollinator garden, greenhouse, an agricultural planting zone and an arboretum all in support of the ield-to-fork concept. The expansion has seen $44 million invested in the hopes of bringing more full-time programs, all supporting the ield-to-fork preparation methods, to the region. “This is probably one of the most exciting days we’ve had in years,” said chef Christian Pritchard who was the event’s master of ceremonies. The opening allowed guests to enjoy self-guided tours of the new facility and the op-

luke callebert

FIELD TO FORK: Jesse Voycey preparing a dish, using all fresh produce, keeping in theme with the ield-to-fork mentality that the new Centre for Food promotes. portunity to try food prepared our provincial and federal gov- rity chef, took the most perby the culinary and hospitality ernments and to our board of sonal approach in his remarks, students. In addition to these governors,” said Lovisa. “Over though, speaking directly to events, Don Lovisa, president the past 4 1/2 years, there have Lovisa at irst. of Durham College, Roger An- been many people who have “It’s kind of an emotional derson, chair moment for me of the Region here today Don. It’s kind of an emotional moment for me here of Durham, Pat What you’ve crePerkins, mayor ated here with your today, Don. What you’ve created here with your of Whitby, Jateam, I think, emteam, I think, embodies my whole life’s work. mie Kennedy, bodies my whole celebrity chef life’s work. It’s Jamie Kennedy and CFF ambassomething that has sador, and Britbecome bricks and tany Lombard, a second-year helped turn our initial vision mortar,” said Kennedy as the Culinary Management student, into this wonderful facility we chefs in training lined the glass offered speeches on the build- are standing in today, and I col- walls of the kitchen behind the ing’s opening. lectively thank each of you for stage, taking in the famous “On March 3, 2009, the idea your support.” chef’s every word. Kennedy will for the Centre for Food was Jamie Kennedy, Order of continue to be the ambassador irst proposed in a document to Canada recipient and celeb- for the CFF now that it’s open.

“I wish you all the best. I will continue to advocate for the school, through my own ideology about cooking, which is about supporting local, and when you support local you’re not only developing a gastronomic identity for a region, but you’re also supporting localbased economies in food,” said Kennedy. Perkins added humour to the event, joking about how clean the kitchen was and how skinny the chefs were, but took a serious tone later in her speech. “Every time we have a business come here [Whitby] and they need an educated workforce, this college is always there to provide it,” said Perkins. “We’re growing, not only farm-to-fork, we’re going to grow the talent that’s going to feed all of our requirements in our restaurants that we’re all going to beneit from, and all of those very talented young people are able to stay home right here in Durham Region,” Perkins added. Anderson also added his wit to the event, joking about the liquor licence being late and what the fresh orchards would do to the car dealership next door, but brought up the ield-to-fork concept. “Access to delicious food, well-prepared, fresh, is something many of us in this region and across this province take for granted,” said Anderson. “With food security, ladies and gentlemen is good nutrition, and good nutrition is absent with many in our society.” Lombard nicely summed up the excitement of the students who attend the campus, as the inal speaker before Lovisa’s toast. “It’s a year of irsts and an experience that can never be taken from us,” said Lombard. “We truly do love the ield-tofork motto.”

luke callebert

OPENING GUESTS: Photo left, Jamie Kennedy unveiling the grand table that will be hanging on the wall of the centre for Food, with the Field-to-Fork and Durham College logos etched into it. Photo right, Durham College president Don Lovisa makes a speech about the ieldto-fork mentality at the grand opening of the centre for Food.

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The Chronicle


October 29, 2013

New service for young drivers Student Car Share program lowers required age to rent and drive cars Brad Andrews the chronicle There are two different parking spaces on campus this year and the cars waiting there present opportunities students didn’t have before. They are part of Student Car Share, a service that aims to offer Durham College and UOIT students 18 and older the opportunity to rent vehicles hourly from campus. Operating on campuses across Ontario and Quebec the car share service launched last September in time for the start

brad Andrews

STUDENT CAR SHARE: one of the cars available to sign out through the student car share program. the two vehicles are located in the visitors section of commencement lot 1. of the new school year. Students who buy memberships can rent cars hourly or for longer periods of time. The service is the irst of its kind in Canada to lower the age requirement to 18, with most limiting the opportunities to drivers 21 and over. According to Michael Lende, Student Car Share’s founder, that market was one that wasn’t being served by existing programs. “There’s no reason why

18-20-year-old-drivers with a good driving history should be denied access to a program like this,” said Lende. “They have to get around just as much as the students who are 21 and up.” He said the service’s hourly sign-out options could help students wishing to make shortterm trips. With other services offering full day rates Lende compared it to wanting some pizza if you’re hungry. “If you only need two slices you don’t

need to order the whole pizza,” said Lende. The company doesn’t release the numbers of members locally but Lende said they’d outperformed their plans across Ontario despite operating only six weeks. While there are only a handful of members on campus currently, Lende said they had already sold out the past two weekends. “We don’t have as many students as we’d like to

have at your school yet,” said Lende, but added that “we know the demand is there.” As part of a partnership with Kia Canada and Discount Car and Truck Rentals the service offers 24-hour access to Kia vehicles. Students apply for a membership in the service and pay a yearly rate to join. While they do check driver’s records before hand, Lende pointed to the opportunity for young drivers to improve their driving history through the service. Whenever a member chooses to leave they can request a letter attesting to their driving record to present to insurance companies. While Lende said their company supports public transit and options like biking, the focus groups they did before starting the company pointed to a need for their service. He said students wanted the option to visit the grocery store or to run errands as well as longer trips home to visit parents. The vehicles available for the service are parked on campus in their designated spaces. Students can sign out the vehicles online or from their smartphones. The parking spots, located in the visitor parking section of Commencement Lot, are close to the South Village residence.

Idle No More rallies against fracking Matthew Jordan the chronicle

Native and non-native activists and supporters took a stand of solidarity in support of the New Brunswick Elsipogtog Mi’kmaq community following violent protests over exploratory drilling on native land. The Durham Region branch of Idle No More arrived at the Albert Street 401 overpass in Oshawa on Oct. 23 carrying banners and signs to express discontent over the continuing use of ‘fracking’ and its destructive consequences, not only to native land, but also to the environment as a whole. Cities across the country participated in the show of solidarity for what’s become an increasingly frequent, and nationally inclusive practice of mixing water with oil and sand to extract fuel. This method carries heavy implications to the health of the communities that border these extraction sites. “We take a route of solidarity,” said Zach Leveque-Wilson, a self-identiied Metis and organizer of the protest. “A lot of the issues are present in Durham Region just as much as they are in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Alberta or anywhere. Oshawa also has a really long history of First Nations

people and their involvement in the community.” This recent string of peaceful protests follows a violent protest in New Brunswick over exploratory drilling which took place on Native land without the consent of the aboriginals. The Supreme Court of Canada has implemented regulations that say local Natives must be consulted before such activities can take place on their land. There is increasing disdain over the inaction from parliament and the ‘strong-arm’ tactics of provincial police when dealing with aboriginal protests. “My ancestors did the best they could and they survived,” said Robyn Abbey, an active member with the Durham Region group and a Mi’kmaq from Nova Scotia. “I feel like it’s my job to do the same, and I hope that one day things will be different for us, but until then we’ve got to ight for it.” The roots of native discontent are deep, and extend far beyond the recent issue of ‘fracking’. Numerous problems still plague relations with First Nation groups, such as the use of waterways for transportation, the installation of pipelines through Native territory, property rights on Native land, and the lack of education and impoverished living conditions on many reserves.

matthew Jordan

GET OFF MY FRACKING LAWN: Members of Durham Region’s Idle No More take part in a solidarity rally in Oshawa in support of the Elsipogtog Mi’kmaqs of New Brunswick. The group is calling for an end to ‘fracking’. “You go on certain reserves up north and it’s basically a third-world country,” said Leveque-Wilson. “You talk to the native people and we have a history of ighting. But the beauty of Idle No More is that it’s not just the native people. Natives and non-natives, these issues affect everybody.” Leveque-Wilson became actively involved in promoting

environmental issues after attending Power Shift at Durham College and UOIT, a workshop on environmental hazards. He’s been involved in organizing and demonstrating at all the Idle No More events in Durham Region. Though it is unclear at this point as whether the Idle No More protests will result in any concrete changes for Canada’s

First Nations groups, the sentiment is shared across the country, and as more people become aware of the issues, it will likely only grow. “I think there’s a little bit of progress, but I also think it’s just made people more aware, it hasn’t really changed our situation,” said Abbey. “I do think there’s room for improvement with any progress.”

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The Chronicle

October 29, 2013

Students run businesses SBE class puts skills to the test Courtney Williams the chronicle

Small business entrepreneurship (SBE) students are putting their skills to the test by opening small student-run businesses all over campus in the coming weeks. The project given to them was to start up a small business on campus, selling products by applying the skills they’ve learned in class. The point of the exercise is to prove that they are able to operate a business, manage money, proits and sales, advertise their business/promote to students and other members of campus, and use the things they’ve learned in class to bring success to their businesses. The project is worth half of their entire mark for the semester and will be taking place until the last week of November. SBE students Danielle McGillen, Kayla Tanzos , Keri Kuzma, Tom Hunter, Steve Rea and Colin Clark call their business “Student Impulse” because their business plan is to sell things that students might want to buy impulsively, such as cellphone chargers, USB sticks, headphones, Ethernet cables, cellphone screens, beer pong sets, cards, shot glasses, and other various items they believe students might be interested in. Items are meant to be inexpensive and convenient to the forgetful student.

the chronicle

Bodies of all shapes and sizes are to be exposed in art form at the Love Your Body creative art show on Jan. 23. The Sexual Health Resource Centre, LGBTQ and Women’s Centre are preparing for the upcoming contest that will showcase the wondrous beauty of your body Adopting the Now Foundations love your body campaign featured on Dove and Victoria’s Secret commercials, the Outreach programs are bringing the idea to the DC/UOIT campus. Using images of different body types or things that speak

$9,000 penalty paid by SA for tax fees Excessive expense avoidable Giorgio Berbatiotis the chronicle

courtney Williams

GETTING TO WORK: small business entrepreneurship students Kayla tanzos (left), Keri Kuzma and Danielle mcGillen pose with a sign advertising the name of their small business, which is open on campus starting this week. McGillen says she thinks the project is a very important aspeof her small business training. “I think it’s really important because it actually shows us how to run our businesses,” she said. “Instead of just writing out business plans, we’re applying what we’ve learned and getting hands-on experience. We were given money to fund the project and we have to make proit and be successful, as we will have to when we inish school.” The business partners also said they are always looking for new ideas and input from students that might increase interest in their small business. “We’re open to new ideas and want students to tell us

what they want to buy so we can work with them,” Tanzos said. The girls said they have put a large amount of time, planning and effort into developing a plan that they believe could be successful, and then bringing their ideas into reality. “We had a really hard time coming up with the idea,” McGillen recalled. “Originally, we wanted to sell food and drinks to compete with campus food prices, but that didn’t come through so we wanted to do something that would be convenient for students and lowpriced, to try and make their lives easier. We thought about what we would want to buy per-

sonally around campus and applied that to our business plan.” Student Impulse will be open for business outside of the commons in the South Wing hallway of Durham College by Riot Radio Tuesday – Friday between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. Other SBE student businesses will also be open all around campus, so McGillen and Tanzos urge students to keep an eye open for the small booths and give everyone a chance to “wow” them with their vision. Student Impulse also has a Facebook group that the girls urge students to check out and post ideas for the types of items they would like to see being sold on campus.

Changing the perception and definition of beauty Rebecca Watson


to you about body image, selfesteem and self conidence, students can prepare any type of art, including posters, paintings, sculptures or poems and anything that can be portrayed

any type of music that makes them feel good about themselves. With much of the media constantly trying to dictate the perfect “look”, students are invited to reveal their beauty and

What’s important is we are breaking those media stereotypes and the media’s perception on what is beautiful.

Marisa Mei as your interpretation of beautiful. Students who are musically inclined are also encouraged to come out and perform

creativity, embracing themselves, whoever you are. “What’s important is we are breaking those media stereo-

types and the media’s perception on what is beautiful. We want the artwork that is submitted to showcase your perception of what beautiful is,” says Marisa Mei, event and volunteer co-ordinator for Outreach. The art will be displayed for the show and all students are welcome to submit and show support by attending the free event. All artwork should be submitted to Outreach in room 1048 in the Simcoe Building no later than Jan. 17. Anyone interested in performing should contact Marisa Mei, event coordinator, at marisa.mei@dcuoit.ca by Jan. 10.

The Student Association was forced to pay around $9,000 to the Canada Revenue Agency in extra fees on taxes last iscal year. The avoidable fees incurred by the SA were revealed by the auditor presenting a draft copy of an audit to the SA’s board of directors at its meeting on Oct. 8. “There’s $9,000 in penalties and interest related to revenue Canada,” said the auditor. This represented almost half of the $22,000 increase in bank charges and merchant fees noted by the draft audit the auditor was referencing in his presentation. Financial controller Suzanne Land was unable to comment on why the SA delayed in its taxes and incurred the fees, as it was something that occurred under her predecessor Denis Parisien, who left the SA in the last school year when the tax work was supposed to be completed. The auditor later noted, however, that problems created when the SA had to ind and appoint a new inancial controller, were partially responsible for many delays, some of which impeded the completion of the audit he was presenting at the meeting. The draft audit itself, in which the expenses are outlined, was not made available to the public at the meeting. It was shown during the auditors report, which several DC/UOIT staff members and students had come to see. New interim executive director Dina Skvirsky said the audit would not be available to members and the public until it was approved at the annual general meeting.

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The Chronicle


October 29, 2013

Beloved Barbara Bryan sadly says ‘bye Shane MacDonald the chronicle

Barbara Bryan, co-ordinator of outreach services, has tendered her resignation. She has had a long and illustrious career since she began volunteering at the school in 2007 but now she is moving on. Bryan was unavailable for an in-person interview but did answer a few questions via email, stating, “I would actually rather not have an interview as it’s actually turning out that I am being greatly affected emotionally by leaving the position.” Despite no in-person interview, Bryan was very accommodating to questions about her career and accomplishments at the school. Since her beginning as a volunteer at the Women’s Centre in 2007 Bryan has accomplished a lot and started many initiatives. Under Bryan the Outreach Services saw the creation of the LGBTQ Centre and the consolidation of other centres under one roof, such as the Women’s Centre, Sexual Health Resource Centre, LGBTQ Centre and the Campus Food Bank. Bryan also initiated the Trick or Eat food drive during Halloween. When Bryan transferred to UOIT from Carleton University she wanted to get involved and feel a connection to her campus. She looked for things she was interested in, like the Pride

shane macDonald

BYE BYE BARBARA: charles Demunda of the social service Worker program, hugging Barbara Bryan, co-ordinator of Outreach Services, in the Outreach Services ofice of the simcoe building after hearing news of her resignation. club, and when the Campus Food Bank and Women’s Centre opened in 2007 she jumped right in. She felt these clubs relected her values and were meaningful. “I have always been interested in women’s rights. My dad raised me and I saw a stark difference between the way my male cousins were treated compared to the way I was treated. My dad always told me I could do whatever I wanted and I tru-

ly believed that. Until I started seeing the different treatment between women and men, and that never sat right with me. So with my education and observation and experience in life, joining a women’s centre was probably inevitable. I have always had a strong sense of justice and principles about what I believe is right and wrong. I have always thought it was wrong that anybody has to go to bed hungry or be abused,

period. So joining a place that worked against those things was awesome for me.” Through her proactivity as a volunteer she was given more and more opportunities, and eventually when the former coordinator of Outreach Services left, she applied and got the job. She is leaving Outreach services to go to India for what she says is a “pure desire to experience a very different culture and challenge myself by being

in a different country.” She says when she leaves for India she will miss the students the most. “I have so much fun working with the students. They deinitely keep me motivated. And when I am working with students and it’s about something that is not so fun, seeing the growth and change and how much students can overcome is so rewarding and inspiring for me. Also my co-workers are phenomenal, and I will miss them tons too.” There were some rumours that the reason Bryan was leaving to go to India was for a humanitarian mission but she says that isn’t entirely it. Although she hasn’t signed up for any speciic volunteering, she does plan on doing farming with the World Organization of Organic Farming. She also says she knows of an orphanage for little girls she can volunteer at. “Part of what I am doing while there is learning to let go and not having to control everything that happens in my life, and so I expect that I will be volunteering because it’s so ingrained in me to do so, but I am not planning it ahead of time. I am going to India for my health... to take the opportunity to practice yoga every day and eat healthier while giving myself the opportunity to learn to deal with stress more effectively. I have always wanted to do something like this.”

ASA helping students connect and learn Venessa Whitelock the chronicle

The African Student Association (ASA) of UOIT and Durham College has oficially started. The idea for ASA is to create a sense of diversity and belonging on the campus. The association assists students to have a comfortable transition into their post- secondary education, whether students are local residents or from other countries. All students are welcome to join the association. ASA president Moiyinfouiua Badmos, a second year UOIT Forensic Psychology student, explained at the beginning of the ASA oficial meet and greet that the purpose of the ASA is to create a sense of belonging and family amongst both domestic and international African student at UOIT/ DC campus. “We plan to assist with a comfortable transition into university life and (Canada) for both domestic and international African students in UOIT/ DC. This will achieve by creat-

Venessa Whitelock

THE EXECUTIVES: African student Association representatives (left) chimobin Aroh, Moiyinfouiua Badmos, Torisemugbone Ikomi, Olutope Omole, and Joseph Tuhji Balogun. ing awareness and reaching out to students through social media and school activities,” she said. There were more than thirty

students in attendance. The team started the night by allowing the students to introduce themselves and say where they are from. It was a room full of

diversity with students from Jamaica, Gahanna, Somalia, and all over the globe. “What I am looking forward to from the ASA is to get to-

gether as students in the college and the university. I want them to be able to help us develop a friendship and a bond we all can use,” said Analisa Badu, irst year Broadcast for Contemporary Media student. The ASA will be planning many events around school this year such as fashion show, and a Mama Africa show where students come and display what area of Africa they are from, well as a games day and many more. Even though there will be many students that are not from Africa in the association, everyone is welcome. “I just talk to people make people feel comfortable, because I know everyone is different in their own special way, so just to celebrate diversity and have fun. Bringing together different diversity around the school, and presenting their culture. We want to create awareness,” Badmos explained. Some students are looking for the connection, some like having a student mentor that can help them learn and understand the history that makes their experience unique.

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The Chronicle

October 29, 2013


SALS facility continues to grow Helping students take on academic challenges Sarah Samuel the chronicle

With its dynamic architectural glass form, the new Students Services Building (SSB) greets thousands of students every day as they make their way in and out of Durham College and UOIT. May it be for a fresh cup of coffee, tuition inquires or attending a workshop, the 35,000 square foot double storey glass building is brimming with energy and enthusiasm. The SSB is home to the Student Academic Learning Centre (SALS) among other things. Catering to 140 programs offered by Durham College, SALS facility is ever growing. Last year, 4,822 students registered with SALS and 1,500 students registered this semester. With the renovation of Durham College in late 2009, SALS, then known as Learner’s Support Centre, moved to SSB and each member of the staff pitched a new name to it the new ofice. Eric Gustavesen, an ESL specialist at SALS, pitched “Educational Resource Integration Centre” (E.R.I.C),which didn’t get approved because the staff thought it had a hidden agenda relating to his irst name, he explains with a laugh. Pleased with the new name, however Gustavesen says the new look and the new name has given the service a new perception in student’s eyes. “It is not only the highrisk students that use SALS but students with all skill levels ind value in our services,” Gustavesen says. “Durham College’s mission is that student experience comes irst and everyone here at SALS supports that completely.” SALS ensures that students are set and prepared to take on their academic challenges all year long. By providing services such as peer tutoring clinics and workshops. SALS helps lay a irm

foundation on which students will build their careers. “SALS provides a good service to all the students. I used SALS services for Medical Math and the tutors are really nice,” says Odessa Grifith-Gordon a secondyear Nursing student. “They actually go over with us for all the calculations. The people in general are very accommodating and I am very satisied and pleased with the fact that Durham College has a services that helps us deal and with our academic problems and also helps us to ind solutions.” Recently SALS introduced the new web–learning management DC Connect which has helped many students, says Nicky Patel, manager of the SALS Centre. “The biggest ‘a-ha’ moment was when students started to use online learning as their biggest support. We know the students are learning and they are doing it on their own time. Having this online resource has increased access to academic supports for students who have full time jobs, are commuters apprentices, and those with children because they can access them on their time from home,” says Patel. SALS is a hub of online learning courses modiied to it the programs offered at the college. Its resources include reading material, quizzes, practice test papers, information guides lines made available free of cost to the students. “It is a fantastic resource and I have been using SALS resources for some time now. The people are really good and accommodating. I go there weekly for my pathophysiology [class] and I couldn’t be more satisied,” says Spencer Vigers, a second-year Nursing student. Patel says self-directed online learning has been the key to success for many students using SALS. She says with the initiation of Internet learning and cyberclassrooms, Durham College is gradually gravitating towards the hybrid learning system and she is hopeful DC Connect and SALs will continue to be a helpful facility for the students. “Any of the students who we want to have in our college, we have to make sure they have all the resources they need to be successful. As a centre we are very proud that the students are already using these resources and we’re truly happy to help them reach their goals,” says Patel.

Kelsey braithwaite

GETTING INFORMED: barb bryan explains the sexual Health resource centre pamphlet to a Durham College student in the Outreach ofice in the Simcoe building.

SHRC creates safe haven for students Kelsey Braithwaite the chronicle

No subject or concern is off limits at Outreach’s Sexual Health Resource Centre. A student may come in looking for a condom, and leave with information about how to properly use it and which STIs are curable or treatable. SHRC’s managers and coordinators describe the centre as a safe haven for UOIT and Durham students looking for a non-judgemental and conidential environment for any information on sexual health and sexuality. But not every student knows how to access this resource. Marisa Mei, event and volunteer co-ordinator, has been on the team since 2006 when it was just the Women’s Centre and Barb Bryan, Outreach Services manager, has been involved since 2007 when the SHRC eventually became independent from the Campus Health Centre. “They’re starting to be more vocal about talking about sex and sexual health issues,” Bryan said. “There was a need for students to have a place where they could come and talk about these issues. [Things like] being pregnant before you’re married or abortion or if you have contracted an STI. There is a ton of stigma around that.” Early this semester, Outreach Services was relocated from the Student Services Building and into room 1048 in the Simcoe Building. This location isn’t far from the SSB location but the ofice space is smaller. New SHRC coordinator Erica Simpson recognizes that this complicates things. “Here we are trying to serve

a fairly large student body, an ongoing inlux of students coming in for help that is kind of immediate and [the move’s] really put a barrier and challenge to providing the service they need in the capacity that we need to be there for them,” Simpson said over the noise of unpacking. “Just spending our time moving things, and unpacking boxes and re-labelling really takes away from what we’re supposed to be doing.” This has not stopped her from making sure the student body knows that SHRC still has open arms. Simpson aims to inform the entire student body about its services. “By the time next year’s students arrive, they’re already going to know about this service and it won’t be ‘I learned about it three months into my irst year of college.’” Simpson shares information about what people can mistake as common knowledge. She has seen what misinformation and a lack of support can do to a young adult. Years ago, a close friend struggled with his sexuality and ultimately committed suicide. “There’s lots of components to that story but a big part of it is having that self esteem, conidence, and support. And whether that’s sexually related or not, I think Outreach Services in general are really planted on those foundational supports of healthy self image and having those life supports.” Simpson said. “It’s that day to day, ‘I taught one person one piece of information that may help them’ and drops of water ill the bucket, I think.” Volunteers are ready to help ill that bucket. “We are fortunate that we do get so much interest in our volunteer program,” Mei said.

“Just this past training [session], we had just over 40 volunteers attend. The fact that we had enough interest that we have to put on a second [training day] is a big deal.” Training is a full day of combined information. Volunteers learn about STIs, LGBTQ terminology, sexual assault, contraception, and everything else to do with Outreach. “While volunteers are in the ofice, no matter what centre they’re from, they act as a peer supporter,” Mei said. “So they’re available to any of our walk-ins that come in and can help connect them with the appropriate people.” Outreach has been a safe haven to many distressed walkins looking for support. But it’s those same people that keep morale high. “We share our successes amongst each other. So one person’s success with a client is all of our success. We recently received a really nice letter from a client about how well they were doing from the support that they’d had here,” Mei said. “And we get those kind of things all the time.” Bryan agrees that the centre receives some kind of reward every day, but its ultimate goal will always be student success. “When you hear students say, ‘If it wasn’t for this service I would’ve dropped out of school’ you don’t need anything else. Then you know, I’m doing my job and I’m doing it the right way,” Bryan said. “We recognize that life still happens while you’re a student. And there are all these other things going on other than your academics. That’s what we’re here for. First and foremost we want to see students succeed. Dealing with those social issues is a way to help them to succeed.”

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The Chronicle


October 29, 2013

Community, friendships, pop songs Kelsey Braithwaite the chronicle

It is sometimes said most of what we call the achievement gap is actually a resource gap. Harley Rex saw this gap in the Oshawa music community. To solve the problem, he created Fallen Love Records, an independent label. Fallen Love came from another project of Rex’s called Broken Arts. For four years he was part of this not-for-proit art group dedicated to all-ages festivals, art shows, and concerts in the city. Broken Arts introduced Rex to local Oshawa talent. He became familiar with bands and artists and saw potential in many of them. But not many had recorded any work. Thus, Fallen Love was born. “It was more selish than anything. It was just like, ‘I love that song. I want to be able to listen to it whenever I want to so, let’s record it,’” Rex laughs. Today Fallen love produces CDs, tapes, and zines. It just celebrated a one-year anniversary. Co-members Cat July and Jordan Palmer joined him at the venue Wasted Space for an interview. Both Palmer and July are irst year Music Business Management students at Durham College and in a popelectric band Things We Can’t Untie. The three have experienced the dificulties with making an all-inclusive niche in the music business. July admitted there’s a struggle every day. Early on, the group made 500 copies of a CD that sold less than half that. “So there are still 300, 400 copies of this CD sitting in my basement. And we’re a couple of grand in debt from that. So that’s kind of a dificulty now.

Photo provided by Harley rex

FALLEN LOVE RECORDS: Things We Can’t Untie is Cat, July and Jordan Palmer’s band. Their new CD, EP Artifacts, was released Sept. 14. The cover art is by Katherine Gravel. It’s a matter of, okay, how do we get rid of this? I don’t want to be, you know, giving them to trick-or-treaters when I’m 60,” Rex laughs. It becomes more dificult as a DIY label because all advertising is word of mouth, July adds. There are no radio commercials or bus lines, so the Internet and community play a big role. Still, they are farther as a label than they thought they would ever be.

Through the label, Rex was able to support bands and create a new all-ages community, with the support of July and Palmer. They use the MBM program for networking and to create label ideas. It plays a key role in generating new aspects to Fallen Love. “But ask me after midterms how I feel,” July jokes. The team aims to remain humble and self-suficient. A recent EP release features

handmade art and packaging, all done in basement bedrooms with the help of friends and family. “That’s our philosophy at its core,” Rex agrees. “Why pay somebody else to do something you could do yourself?” It makes a well-oiled machine since the label believes in the artists it supports and they share a love for pop music, whatever that includes. “But I don’t think we would ever…,” Rex pauses. “Scratch

the think. We would never release a metal album.” The artists they collaborate with are artists the trio respects. If the team senses any sexism, homophobia, transphobia or racism, they know it’s not a good partnership. “It’s just ‘let’s just work together because we like each other.’ I mean our slogan from day one has been ‘friendship and pop songs.’” Rex explains. Palmer was invited from Peterborough, where he previously lived, to help with Fallen Love and he says friendship was a strong deciding factor. He and July started as childhood friends. She was the one who inspired Palmer to pursue this musical dream. “In turn, I kind of want to create that environment and make other people just as comfortable,” says Palmer. Although Fallen Love was born in Oshawa, Rex stresses that it is not speciically Oshawa-rooted. They hope to attract artists nation and worldwide. That includes people of any age. July remembers being young and missing out on musical opportunities because she was not legal age. Wasted Space is one of the few places to host all-ages events in Durham. “We think it’s ridiculous that you can’t come to a show because you’re 18 or 14,” Rex says. The team has no intentions of slowing down. It has small tours and EPs prepared to come out this year and early next with local artists like Caitlin Currie and Arkada฀. Internationally, Fallen Love is already partnered with a band from Mexico. “It’s inspiring. I would never of thought I would have been doing this,” July says. “[But] like minded people will always ind like-minded people.”

Competitive cheerleading club Ready for the season with 18 new members and eight returning, DC/UOIT cheerleading club hopes to enter Cheer for he Cure Sinead Fegan the chronicle Durham College and UOIT’s Durham Collegiate Cheerleading club is starting the year off with strong commitment and motivation to have another successful year. Running for their fourth year now, the club held tryouts Sept. 16 and 18. Kaitlyn Degroote, team captain and coach, explained how anyone was welcomed and didn’t have to have any previous training, although it is recommended. “Cheerleading is an athletic sport, so like anything you can just learn,” she said. Thirty people came out to the tryouts with 26 people making the team. There were only about eight people returning

from last year. Starting this upcoming season Degroote will be coaching the club with help from Vincent Cruz. Durham Collegiate cheerleading meets every Monday and Wednesday, 9:30 to 11:30 p.m., out of a gym in Whitby, Cheer Sport Durham. At the meetings the club is focusing on learning their routine, then skills. Last year they started with skills irst, which caused them to fall behind. “The commitment people are showing this year is a lot better than last year,” explained Cruz. “We have a lot of irst years and you can tell they really want to be here.” The club has cheered for Durham College and UOIT’s sport teams in the past,

cheering for teams such as volleyball, soccer and basketball. Cruz explained how because of insurance reasons though the team isn’t allowed to do their full cheers at school events, only basic pyramids. This causes problems for the club because as a result of this the school can’t see their full routines. Last year the club only attended competitions out of province, in Syracuse New York and Buffalo, winning both. “This year we want to up our level and be more competitive by entering more competitions,” Degroote explained. The team was supposed to attend PCA Nationals at the end of November but, they weren’t ready. They are hoping to enter Cheer For The Cure in December.

Sinead Fegan

CHEERLEADING CLUB: Vincent Cruz and Kaitlyn Degroote do a basic back lift.

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The Chronicle

October 29, 2013


he ine art of getting naked Kathryn Boyle the chronicle Standing completely naked in the centre of a room as students draw you isn’t something everyone can say they’ve done. But when Ryan Reed was asked to be a nude model, he couldn’t turn it down. “I went to ilm some footage for the SOMAD awards… just of students drawing. They happened to have a live model that day,” Reed explains. “As a joke I asked how I could get involved in something like this. The teacher said, ‘actually we need some male models if you want to do it.’ That’s how I sort of fell into it.” Reed says although the job is nerve-wracking, he’s proud of himself. “It’s pretty rewarding conidence-wise,” he says. “I’m comfortable with the way I look and it’s awesome seeing the drawings after.” Reed says he would have been too shy in high school to do this. He usually kept to himself and he was comfortable that way. “I never would have done this in a million years. I didn’t have the conidence in myself to do it.”

Kathryn boyle

BIRTHDAY SUIT: ryan reed poses nude for the Fine Arts classes on tuesdays. Now in his second year at Durham, Reed believes he has come out of his shell. “I wasn’t even nervous,” he smiles. “It was fun. It’s not an experience [many] people can say they have.” Reed explains standing in front of a class in his birthday suit was the easiest part of the job.

“Telling my parents was the hardest part and probably the fun part at the same time. I [told] my dad irst and at irst he didn’t believe it. He was proud and happy for me.” Telling his mom was similar but she had some concerns. “She said are you serious? Think about what you’re doing and make sure people don’t

take pictures of you and put it on the Internet!” Reed explains now that he’s told his parents, everyone in his hometown knows, too. To be more comfortable with what he was doing, he diffused the awkwardness with some humour. “I took off the bathrobe and went ‘bow chicka wow wow’.

Everybody laughed…it was fun. Everyone was comfortable.” Reed modeled for six hours. Although sitting still in a single position for 15 minutes can get painful, the thought of seeing the results made it worthwhile. “Everybody’s work is just a masterpiece,” he says. “Everybody’s. Not a single person did a terrible job. Everybody’s was different but everybody’s was amazing. Everybody had their own interpretation with the colours they used and the shading and shadows. They really got the deinition in myfacial structure. It really looked like me. I was looking at these pictures and it’s mind-blowing how talented these students are.” Reed feels privileged to have been granted the opportunity. “Normally you pay top dollar to get these drawings of yourself and here I am getting paid to get 20 copies made,” he says, adding he was paid for the modeling gig. Modeling has increased Reed’s conidence while giving him such a unique experience. “It’s self-rewarding,” he smiles. “It’s a great experience.” Reed can be found naked in the center of the ine arts classroom once a week for the rest of the year.

Behind the scenes of Hands On Teanna Dorsey the chronicle They are the unknown faces behind many events around Oshawa and always can be seen with a smile. Earlier this year they spent an entire Friday night placing endless rock-illed paper bags containing lights along a path for the Relay For Life fundraiser on campus. Hands On is an oficial campus club at Durham College and UOIT for students who enjoy volunteering and helping others. Currently 148 Durham College and UOIT students have already joined and have been volunteering at events for a growing list of organizations both on and off campus. Currently Hands On volunteers for the Aids Committee of Durham Region, Durham Region Association of Volunteer Administration, Tags and the Cancer Society. The executive team consists of ive third-year engineering students at UOIT who were good friends before the club was founded. “We were looking around for clubs to join and we felt that none of them it our schedule, and I guess that this wasn’t really a solution because creating a club took more time, but

teanna Dorsey

LENDING HANDS: sanjana Pillai (left), ezekel Inocenio, theodore tang, sharakha sashikumar, executive members of the Hands on club. it was more interesting for us,” said Sanjana Pillai, vice-president of Hands On. The club has grown quickly since it was founded, but they are always looking for new members. Hands On aspires to have students’ volunteer hours show up on their oficial transcript and is working with the Student Association to make this a reality. “We are dividing students into two groups, formal and informal or off-campus and oncampus,” said Sharakha Sa-

shikumar, president of Hands On. Students participating in the off-campus volunteering opportunities through Hands On will need additional qualiications. Some places, like Durham Aids, require volunteers to have a police background check and CPR. Hands On recommends volunteers take the CPR course available through Red Cross because of the student discount. Students can volunteer on campus without needing to meet additional requirements.

“Keeping track of the paperwork is the hardest part. Different organizations require different things and if we send them the wrong volunteers they get mad,” said Sashikumar. “You have to have the proper information and paperwork for people.” Hands On started the fall semester off by volunteering at UOIT’s Homecoming on Sept. 21. Members worked the registration desk and served cotton candy. Many of the volunteers are

irst-year students who come from outside of Durham Region. Volunteering is a great way for students to get to know their new community and become involved. It’s also a way to network new connections and make new friends with similar interests, said Pillai. During the Relay for Life fundraiser at Durham College on March 22 students who hadn’t met before the fundraiser were becoming good friends by the end of the night. At Relay for Life students decorated paper bags and illed them with rocks and a light to mark the outdoor track where the participants would take turns walking throughout the night. Other volunteers were in charge of blowing up balloons and setting up a tent to keep everyone sheltered from the cold March weather. Durham College and UOIT have clubs in various areas of interest and if there is not a club already created anyone can start their own. Just contact the Student Association to get started. “It was during midterms and exams and we built the club,” said Ezekel Inocencio, marketing at Hands On. Sashikumar said studying and going to classes can take up a lot of time, but it’s healthy to make room for a social life.

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The Chronicle


October 29, 2013

Pellegrino’s printing story Rebecca Watson the chronicle

“How can I help you, darling?” says Rob Pellegrino, owner and operator of Artist Den print studio. “Oh, I’m not sure, well, how about…” says the customer. “No, you’re not allowed!” interrupts Pellegrino. Surprised and confused, the customer holds a scrunchedup face as Pellegrino holds a straight face, but only for a few seconds before giving in. “I’m just kidding,” he says, his wide eyes and big grin revealing his sarcasm. “What can I help you with?” Celebrating its tenth year, Artist Den is not known solely for offering students service in printing, laminating, and shirt making. Located across from the SA ofice in the Student Services building, Artist Den is a place where students say they stop in just to chat because of the relaxed atmosphere. With his loud Italian voice and casual attire, Pellegrino jokes with his employees and clients on a regular basis. “He’s good to vent to, like a father igure,” said Julia Brasch, a frequent visitor to the shop. Pellegrino has worked in the printing industry for four years and in the marketing industry for ive. Emma Cheesman, a third year Graphic Design student, says she goes to Artist Den all the time because of the high quality of work produced there. “Rob is very helpful and ac-

rebecca Watson

PELLEGRINO’S DEN: rob Pellegrino is the owner and operator of Artist Den print studio located in the Student Services building across from the SA ofice. This year marks Artist Den’s 10th anniversary at Durham College. commodating when I have projects. He even lets me bring my own cardstock. He is always smiling too, except when we’re yelling at each other,” jokes Cheesman. With four years of York University under his belt, two years of political science and two years of marketing, Pellegrino opened Artist Den knowing DCUOIT would give him a captive market. With no SA print shop, he thought it would be a good idea to open a studio where he would have customers right away. However, it wasn’t that simple. Starting with a small cut-out

space in the Tuck Shop, one printer, a counter, and a laptop, he made 10 cents his irst day. With a few changes, things did eventually improve. He teamed up with an owner of a local CD/ DVD store and started selling disks in hopes of keeping his shop alive. Still with extra space, he worked with TELUS and also sold phones. It wasn’t until the second or third year that people started learning about the studio, which led Pellegrino to drop the CDs and phones and focus exclusively on printing. Eventually, he moved his studio from the Tuck Shop, to the big-

ger space across from the SA ofices. The studio now encompasses four different sized printers, a shirt maker, a laminator and it caters to a much wider spectrum of clients including students, teachers, bands, pubs, and even itness gyms. “His best and worst asset is he can’t say no when it comes to taking jobs. He tries to please everyone as best he can,” said Santo Spataro, a full-time designer at Artist Den. But some days are better then others. Pellegrino felt horrible after overlooking a spelling error made last year on a

banner for Platinum Fitness. Instead of reading, ‘Sign up for a membership and get a free messenger bag’ it read ‘Sign up for a membership and get a free messenger bang’. Although Spataro made the error, Pellegrino signed off on it and so did the gym’s manager. Even though Pellegrino offered a replacement free of charge, the manager simply hung an actual messenger bag over the word ‘bang’ and carried no hard feelings about the incident. The SA recently provided Pellegrino with more space to help with the growing demand. A huge cupboard in the corner just outside the shop allows large printing sheets to be stored that would otherwise take up space in his shop. It has been a great improvement for the studio’s capacity helping to keep things organized, which is one of Pellegrino’s major objectives. “He goes nuts when things aren’t organized. He is always double, triple, quadruple checking orders,” says Spataro. Not only is Pellegrino organized, he is also a keen cyclist biking 30 kilometres a day, but not to work. In his other life he ferries his kids to and from school. As an active father of two, Pellegrino works to provide for his family and hopes for the continued success of his business. That, for many students, including Cheesman, is a shared goal. “I have every intention of printing my entire portfolio with him,” says Cheesman. “I go there all the time because he’s the best.”

Donating blood saves lives Blood drive at Durham College and UOIT Sadia Badhon the chronicle

About 4 per cent of Canadians donate blood to 52 per cent of the population who need blood, which is why the Canadian Blood Services is always looking for more donors. During the campus blood drive at Durham College and UOIT on Oct. 22, the Canadian Blood Services collected 57 units of blood from students. That is a signiicant amount because one unit can help to save three lives. Carolyn Palmer, community development co-ordinator for

Canadian Blood Services, raises awareness in the community about the need for blood donation. “We do need more donors because the population is aging,” she said. “The people who have been so committed are getting older, so we do always require new donors.” The blood goes to a treatment centre after being collected, and within ive days it goes to a patient. A cancer patient may require up to ive units of blood every single week, or someone in a serious car accident can require 50 units. People can start donating as early as 17 years of age if they meet the requirements such as height and weight. “This is a way they [students] can make a huge community impact, by saving lives,” Palmer said. Campus blood drives are a convenient way for students to donate because they can book a time that works around their schedule. If eligible, individuals can donate once in every 56

Tips for donating blood

According to the Canadian Blood Services, before donating blood: sadia badhon

DONATING BLOOD: sherydan urbanek, secondyear music business management student at Durham college, donating blood for the second time during the on-campus blood drive. days. The Canadian Blood Services was founded in 1998. It is a private organization but is funded by the federal government. All of their policies and procedures adhere to Health Canada. “I wish everyone would donate,” Palmer said. “If you ask

somebody, ‘why don’t you donate?’ they may say, ‘because I’m scared of needles’ but that cancer patient or that person ighting for their life, they have to deal with needles every single day,” she said. The Canadian Blood Services will be back on campus on Jan. 22.

• Make sure you meet the height and weight requirements • Eat proper meals for the day. • Drink lots of water. •Make sure you haven’t gotten a tattoo or piercing done in the past six months. • Make sure you’re feeling well and have no lu-like symptoms. For more information, go online to www.blood.ca or call 1-888-2-donate.

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The Chronicle


October 29, 2013

New supports for Crown Wards Sinead Fegan the chronicle Starting this 2013 academic school year there have been many changes in the educational supports offered to Crown Ward students. Crown Ward students are youth who have been placed in foster care and will remain in care on a long-term basis. In the past, when youth turn 21 years old they would be cut off from Children’s Aid Society’s (CAS) care. This left many of them feeling scared and uncertain about their future. With the help from Irwin Elman, a provincial Advocate, these kids voiced their opinion that they needed to be heard so they can be successful when they leave care. According to the Ontario Youth Can website, on June 25, Brad Duguid, minister of Training, Colleges and Universities, announced-post secondary supports for Crown Wards and youth leaving care. Starting in September of this year, all universities and participating colleges will cover 100 per cent of tuition fees for four years, up to a maximum of $6,000 per year. This includes a living learning grant monthly allowance of $500 for former Crown Wards aged 21-24 enrolled in OSAP eligible schools. UOIT is among the participating universities, along with 20 others and eight colleges. Durham College is not involved but does offer different supports for Crown Ward students. Lucy Romao Vandepol is the First Generation co-ordinator at Durham College. Her role is to support irst generation and Crown Ward students through mentoring, event planning, and providing different supports and resources for youth. “I was a irst generation student myself so I know irst-hand the value of being involved and of the student experience, but also the many struggles of not knowing your resources and feeling like you’re on your own,” said Vandepol. “So I feel very passionate about what I do and sharing that, hopefully making it easier for them to feel they have someone that they can reach out to.” Durham College and UOIT offer many resources to Crown Ward students such as OSAP,

sinead Fegan

IN THE FIRST GENERATION STUDENT OFFICE: Lucy Romao Vandepol, irst generation co-ordinator at Durham College. Her ofice is located in the Student Services building on the north campus. scholarships, grants and bursaries. The school’s websites provide further information on how to properly apply to OSAP, receive these scholarships, bursaries, etc., and other necessities these students may need to be aware of. Vandepol explained that it’s a struggle getting the word out to these students that she is there to help them. She explained that there is no way to know directly who the Crown Ward students are unless they come forward and identify themselves. This is a problem because many Crown Wards are struggling with the issues that arise from being a student as well as other things such as mental health problems. Therefore, it’s essential that these youth are made aware of the supports and resources they have available to them. Within Ontario there are a variety of different Crown Ward Educational Championship teams. Norma Yeomanson, educational consultant from Durham CAS, explained how the main goal is to provide awareness of the challenges faced by Crown Ward students and to work together to make a difference. The Crown Ward Educa-

tional Teams have hosted two symposiums. The irst one was hosted at UOIT and the second one, this year, was held out of Seneca College. These symposiums were held so that professors and youth in care can attend with foster parents and workers, to learn more about what’s available to youth through the colleges and universities. Durham College also hosts a smaller-scale event by inviting Crown Ward students and their worker/foster parents to campus. The school provides these students with a tour of the facilities and information about the different programs available and the services Durham College has to offer. One thing Durham College is working on this year is focusing on younger youth in care, to help them see that going to college or university can be a reality. Durham CAS has two educational consultants, one focusing on younger children and the other working with high school and post-secondary youth. Their main role is to provide support at meetings, while also assisting in developing educational plans for the youth to help them succeed in

school. They provide a higher awareness of educational barriers for youth in care to ensure that resources are in place for them. “I know the educational system can be overwhelming when children are in crises and forced to make changes they have no control over. So knowing the educational system really enables me to add that extra support to care-givers, workers and students, to navigate the educational system,” said Yeomanson, who deals with younger youth in care. According to the Durham CAS website there are peer mentor volunteer positions available to become a Special Friend. They are looking for college and university students interested in mentoring high school youth so they develop an interest in the student experience. Durham CAS provides students with the volunteer training and anyone interested can look on the hired portal on the DC website. Andres Guyader, 21, is a former youth in care. After being in care his whole life, starting at the age of 10, he understands the many struggles youth have to deal with on a daily basis. “I went to about three or four

different elementary schools. So by the time I got to high school, the building blocks such as math and science weren’t there for me,” he explained. With the help from Durham CAS, they put him on a straight road. They made him see that he didn’t want to go down the path he was taking. Guyader attended Durham College studying Police Foundations. While in school he received extended care from Durham CAS. He also was fortunate in receiving the James L. Dubray Bursary, through his two years of college. “Throughout my years in care I wouldn’t change a thing,” he explained. “I like where I’m heading right now and maybe if I went through a different path, I wouldn’t be where I am today.” Right now Guyader is working part-time at a general contractor job, with hopes to go to university next September studying in the “area of dealing with people,” he explained. He spoke at the 2013 annual general meeting, where Durham CAS honuored staff from Durham College and UOIT for their commitment to helping improve the educational outcomes for our youth in care.

Durham continues to grow

Job workshop on campus

Andrew Fliegel

Teanna Dorsey

the chronicle For the 2013-2014 school year, Durham College has welcomed over 10,900 students in full-time post-secondary programs and apprentice pro-

grams. The total includes the Oshawa campus, Whitby campus and the Pickering Learning Centre. With more than 5,700 new students as well as 346 international students, Durham College has its highest enrolment number to date.

the chronicle A job search workshop is offered at UOIT’s north campus on Oct. 31 for students. It’s run by the faculty of graduate studies to provide students with infor-

mation on networking and career opportunities. The workshop is from 2 to 5 p.m. in UL10. The workshop is a part of a series of events to help students ind employment. Workshops on presentation skills are offered Nov. 7 and Nov. 28. Go to the UOIT website to register for either of the workshops.

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October 29, 2013

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The Chronicle

October 29, 2013


Trick or eat DC Rebecca Watson the chronicle

samantha Daniels

FLU SHOTS!: Adnan Gavili, a irst-year UOIT electrical engineering PhD student getting his lu shot at the Campus Health Centre walk-in lu clinic.

Nip flu season in the arm Get a flu shot at the health centre Samantha Daniels the chronicle

Welcome back to the season of runny noses, sore throats, high fevers, head and body aches, chills, fatigue, nausea, and even vomiting. The lu is upon us and the Campus Health Centre is ighting back with walk-in appointments for the lu shot. Every Tuesday and Wednesday, 9 to 11 a.m. and 2 to 4 p.m., students and faculty are eligible to receive a free lu shot. A valid health card is required and must be present. “Everybody should get their lu shot,” said Tammy Finlayson, Campus Health Centre registered nurse. “It’s important because the

lu can be a very serious illness. It can make a lot of people very sick.” According to Finlayson, the lu can cost someone anywhere from seven to ten days away from work or school. Adnan Gavili, a irst-year electrical engineering PhD student got his lu shot at the clinic as a precaution. “Every time I get sick with the lu I have to rest in bed for two weeks,” he said. “I should really be at school all the time.” The lu shot isn’t only about reducing your own risk of contracting it. “By getting the lu shot you’re not only protecting yourself, you’re protecting everyone around you,” said Finlayson. “It’s really important because giving the lu to a young child or an older person can be extremely dangerous for them.” There are also three lu shot clinics in November. At the Whitby campus, student can receive the lu shot on Nov. 6 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. On Nov. 14, the lu clinic runs from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in G213 of the Oshawa campus. The clinic returns to the same

room on Nov. 19 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. “Otherwise, people can go on the Durham Region Public Health website and they can look for all kinds of lu clin-

ics in out community,” said Finlayson.

Are you hungry? Trickor-Eat is a countrywide campaign to help the thousands of Canadian families that go hungry every day. This Halloween the SA’s campus food centre is participating in the meal exchange event. DC/UOIT Outreach Services team will go out on Oct. 31 to collect non-perishable food items around Durham Region. Students will meet in Simcoe building room 1058 at 6 o’clock on Oct. 31 and are encouraged to come dressed in their best Halloween costume. A prize will be awarded. Many universities and colleges across the country are taking a bite out of hunger by participating in the collection of canned food items for needy families. All food collected will be donated to Feed The Need Durham. Find out more about the DC/UOIT Outreach’s Trick-Or-Eat team by contacting the event co-ordinator Marisa Mei at marisa.mei@dc-uoit.ca.

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The Chronicle


October 29, 2013

Rape Crisis Centre helps students Counsellors available on campus weekly John Gooding the chronicle Out of the 472,000 sexual assaults reported to Statistic Canada in 2009, only eight per cent were reported to police but over 400,000 victims sought help from victim services. The Durham Rape Crisis Centre is one such service that is available and it’s right here on campus once a week and in Whitby the rest of the week. Counsellor Lynn Cohen, a social worker with the crisis centre, has nearly 30 years experience working with victimized women. “We’re so overwhelmed here at the centre in Whitby

John Gooding

THE CENTRE: the Durham rape crisis centre is open for anyone who is looking for help. we have an extremely long wait list with probably close to 50 to 60 women waiting on that list,”

Cohen says. Cohen is here on campus every Thursday from noon to

4 p.m. This is advantageous for students as it allows them to bypass the Whitby wait list.

Cohen believes it is important to talk about these traumas. “Very often people who have experienced trauma in their lives, particularly as a child will often in life develop mental health disorders” Cohen explains that while all the counsellors are social workers who have backgrounds in violence against women, they are continually expanding their education by attending “at least two or three workshops a year to learn about different techniques being used or new techniques being developed.” The most important message that Cohen passes along to her clients is that being the victim of a sexual assault is never the victim’s fault. Women shouldn’t be embarrassed to call the police. Appointments can be booked through the campus health centre, 905- 721-3037. Their website: dev.durhamrapecrisiscentre.com, which contains helpful information such as events in the community.

DC offers conflict alternatives Program offers dispute resolution Kate Hussey the chronicle Sometimes another person’s perspective is necessary in dealing with conlict. That’s where the Mediation - Alternative Dispute Resolution program comes in handy for students all over campus. The mediation program includes a course called Campus Conlict Resolution Services

(CCRS), which gives the mediation students practice working in a conlict situation. The course now offers its service to all students at Durham College and UOIT who feel they require advice on how to properly deal with personal conlict. Helen Lightstone, faculty supervisor for the CCRS, said mediators are always neutral and are there to guide the parties so they can make the decision for themselves. The mediators will assist with a workplace dispute, a family dispute, a community dispute, or issues that take place in the school, according to Lightstone. “Sometimes people just don’t know how to talk to each other. We just guide the pro-

cess of a conversation just so they can get the basic words out,” she said. “With a spouse, for example, how likely are you to get any results if you’re constantly saying, ‘you did this, you did that, or, we’re late because of you’? You have to kind of turn it around.” Lightstone said this is a dificult skill to master. “We’re not trained to think any other way but, ‘you’re wrong.’ It’s how we were raised.” Using ‘I’ statements instead of pointing the inger with a ‘you’ statement will decrease the other person’s defensiveness and increase communication when trying to communicate your point of view, according to Lightstone. Susan Parsons, program

co-ordinator of the Mediation – Alternative Dispute Resolution program, said mediation outlines the steps on how to move forward. “It’s about inding solutions that are balanced and fair,” said Parsons. “The basic rule of thumb in the mediation world is that it’s assumed that the best people to resolve the conlict are the people in the conlict and nobody else,” said Lightstone. Only the people involved know what the details are and what the dynamics are. In 2011, Durham College’s Mediation - Alternative Dispute Resolution program was voted one of Canada’s top 10 post-grad programs in Canada, by Maclean’s magazine, according to Lightstone.

There will be a table set up at Vendors Alley each Thursday from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. and Friday from noon to 1 p.m. A drop-in session will also be open from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Thursdays in room JW207. “It’s conidential, and it gives the student a chance to say, ‘I’m in conlict,’ and can then ask, ‘what are my options?’ said Lightstone. “Sometimes we can just give them a little bit of training on how to talk to the person they are in conlict with. If that still doesn’t work for them, they can set up a mediation session to address it.” The CCRS launched a show Oct. 17 on Blog Talk Radio. It will run for 15 minutes starting at 5 p.m. every second Thursday.

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The Chronicle

October 29, 2013


Campus Green Team in need of stronger student support Samantha Daniels the chronicle

Joe lebouthillier

A GREAT SUPPORT SYSTEM: breast cancer survivors Jasmine ross (left), and Dana moxam, spoke at the 2013 cIbc run for the cure event at lakeview Park in oshawa on oct. 6.

Breast cancer survivor shares her experience housands lend support at Run for the Cure Joe LeBouthillier the chronicle Months ago she thought she was afraid for her future, but just a couple of weeks ago she stood proudly in front of thousands of supporters who were ready to run in the 2013 CIBC Run for the Cure event. Former Durham College human resources student Dana Moxam was a speaker at the event held in Oshawa on Oct. 6. “I was so honoured to be asked,” said Moxam. A facilitator with the event contacted Hearth Place Oshawa Cancer Research Centre asking for a recommendation for the opening ceremonies. The centre couldn’t pick just one person so both, Moxam and Jasmine Ross, another breast cancer survivor, were recommended. After a heartfelt and emotional speech, Moxam and Ross hugged. As Moxam inished shaking hands and giving hugs she let a tear roll down her face. It wasn’t because she was sad, it was because she had just inished sharing an unforgettable experience.

Moxam had a feeling something wasn’t right the day before her diagnosis. She received a phone call from the hospital wanting to reschedule her upcoming appointment to an earlier day in the week, which is an unusual thing for hospitals to do. “It wouldn’t be bad to bring someone with you,” the lady on the phone told Moxam. She knew right then something was wrong. When she went to the appointment and when she found out she had breast cancer she says “it wasn’t a surprise.” She was sad at irst, as expected, but realized the best thing to do for herself was to open up and share her news with someone. When Moxam was diagnosed, her children, daughter Amélie, 2, and twins Isla and Eamon, 1, became the irst people to be part of her support group, along with her husband, Neal Moxam. A week after she was diagnosed she opened up her story on Facebook. Overnight she got support from people she didn’t even know. Her support group grew to more than 300 people. One of those unknown supporters even wrote Moxam’s name down on a church’s prayer list. After the mastectomy, a surgery where the surgeon removes the breast with the cancerous lump, Moxam wanted a second and the hospital refused to do it. A couple of months and a lot of ighting later, Moxam got her wish of a double mastectomy. Moxam still doesn’t know why the hospital refused

to perform the surgery in the irst place. “You should ind support and talk about it,” Moxam said. “Don’t settle for anything you don’t want to. We need to trust our bodies and our instincts and believe you’ll get through it. Believe there’s a light at the end of a tunnel. It might be hell, but you don’t have to go through it alone. But all in all, I was more than honoured to be asked to speak about my past experiences in front of thousands who were there to support me – support us.”

Durham College’s Campus Green Team is green in more than the environmentally friendly sense. Started in 2012 by James Webb, Durham College sustainability co-ordinator, the team is lacking a strong student involvement to beneit the campus and community through environmental and sustainable initiatives. As a student-oriented team, the goals and direction for the year are based on students’ interest and participation. “I basically facilitate what the students want to accomplish,” said Webb. “It’s something where students can come and go as they please, and join whatever initiatives they have.” Without students, the team does not function. “Some students only come for a single event, while others may come for them all,” said Webb. For their October meeting they had Stacey Snow of March Against Monsanto speaking about the harms of genetically modiied foods, however only one member attended. Created to work in conjunction with Durham College Sustainability Committee members, the team was designed to “develop goals and initiatives, raise awareness, and participate in sustainability events and projects,” according to the Durham College website. With a range of environ-

mental-based programs at Durham College, there are staff and students who have the knowledge and expertise to lend to this team. “Any student can come and volunteer, UOIT or Durham College,” said Webb. Volunteers are eligible for co-curricular recognition and play an active role in transforming the college, according to the Durham College website. Currently, the Campus Green Team is looking at putting together a campus clean-up for the end of October, and a monthly guest speaker, according to Webb. “We plan semester to semester,” said Webb. “We’re trying to accomplish one thing per month.” “Last year we did a campus clean-up, a Real Foods presentation every month to raise funds for a local community garden, which donates all its food to a local food bank,” said Webb. “We also celebrated Earth Day by inviting local municipal partners out.” Webb also submitted an application to the Sustainable Tracking, Assessment and Rating System (STARS), and Durham College received a bronze rating. STARS is a self-reporting framework for colleges and universities to measure their sustainability performance. “Most areas require a large capital investment to improve,” said Webb. “So we really need to weigh out what gives us the most ‘bang for the buck’ that will give us the most points.”

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The Chronicle


October 29, 2013

Students concerned about debt Saddled with huge loans, students are left unsure about their financial future Reshanthy Vijayarajah The Chroniclle

Bridve Sivakumar, a irst-year student in Health Science, hasn’t graduated but already feels the pressure from the debt she’ll carry when she leaves UOIT, about $12,000 per year of school. “It’s quite dificult to ind a job especially with the economy. I know students who have inished their master’s and their PhD and they can’t get a job anywhere. When it comes to the time when we graduate from school with a $34,000 debt, what would be our situation?” said Sivakumar. “What’s our guarantee that we would be able to ind a job that could support us enough to allow us to achieve our other goals in life and allow us to repay back our debts? There is no guarantee. And that’s what scares me the most.” Increasingly, students are relying on student loans to help inance their post-secondary education. About 40 to 50 per cent of college students are receiving funding from OSAP, according to Chris Rocha, director of inancial aid & awards. The default range about is 10 to 15 per cent each year. The accumulation of federal student-loan debt in Canada is now more than $15-billion. This does not include debts on lines of credit, credit cards or provincial loan programs, estimated to be as much as $8-billion. According to BMO’s recent Annual Student Survey, 86 per cent of students in Canada will be graduating with debt, with 21 per cent of them expected to graduate owing more than $40,000. Even though there are

reshanthy Vijayarajah

AIN’T GOT NO MONEY: students are left with little to no spare income after paying increasingly high tuition and loan payments. options with the Repayment Assistance Plan offered by the government, many students still declare bankruptcy. Perhaps it’s because they are not aware of the options or maybe not taking initiative. According to some inancial consultants such as Suren Sornalingam of Credit Recovery Canada, there is a seven-year rule which he says students ind as “an easy

SA investing $10,000 on new security features Upgrades part of over $225,000 in capital spending for this year Giorgio Berbatiotis the chronicle

The SA has set aside $10,000 to invest in improved security features, namely cameras, in the student centre. The enhanced security features are part of $41,000 set aside for

renovations on the Student Centre, including painting, new cabinets in the Artists Den, new looring in the lounge and an open concept renovation of the SA’s ofices. Dino Erodotou, the SA’s director of operations, said at the SA’s Oct. 8 board meeting that the money will cover the refurbishment and reuse of the old security camera system, as well as provide for investment in new technology that will allow the existing security system to cover more angles and ensure an improved ability to monitor the Student Centre and surrounding area. The costs for the new security system were presented in a capital expenditure summary for the 2013-2014 iscal year by the Student Association that outlines how the SA plans to spend some $225,000 for various equipment and upgrades across the campuses.

way out.” Sornalingam explains if a student ile for bankruptcy at least seven years after the date of graduation, loan debts will be written off along with the other debts. The seven-year rule applies to both newly iled bankruptcies and bankruptcies that have not been discharged in the past seven years. “But you should also know that according to your loan agreements the federal or provincial student loans decides on the date on which you inished or ended your full or part-time student, which corresponds with the school transcripts,” said Sornalignam. However, a court can reduce this period from seven to ive years if repaying the loan will result in inancial hardship. While considering the hardship program, the court will look into your efforts. That may include whether you have completed your educational program, if you have put effort into repaying the loans or, if have you arranged payments and have been committing to payment plans. “There are so many options that students can do instead of claiming bankruptcy, it’s a shame because during the seven years that they are waiting for their credit to clear up, they can’t do much and that’s usually when the students are settling and inished their schooling,” said Rocha. If a student is unemployed or under employed after school and cannot repay the loan, there are other ways to make adjustments even after the ive years of the Repayment Assistance Plan. Durham College also offers budgeting courses through the Financial Aid ofice offers budgeting. Rocha said bursaries are also something students don’t pay attention to. There are awards that are not given out to students, which may be of great help. “It’s an opportunity lost,” said Rocha. “Students don’t spend time thinking about money, but instead they worry about money versus thinking positive about money.” She believes that we should invest time in making a inancial plan of where the money is coming from and how to spend it wisely. Sitting down and making a plan will help students in the future. It’s also about personal responsibility; everyone has a choice about their inancial situation but it’s making the right ones that will help.

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October 29, 2013

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The Chronicle

Student reps needed on SA Giorgio Berbatiotis the chronicle

Two positions for Durham College representatives, have yet to be illed despite being reposted. The board had turned down the only candidate to appear at the Oct. 8 meeting, for both positions. The board’s inability to ind DC representatives is sure to increase tensions between the SA and DC/ UOIT. A lack of adequate DC representation within the SA has been listed by the institutions as one of the main problems they have with the SA’s governance, a problem that has to be solved before DC/ UOIT is willing to release the funds they have been withholding. The board is hoping to vote in capable candidates at their Oct. 29 meeting. To be considered, a candidate must be a full-time DC student at least 18 years of age. Simply submit a resume to the board before the meeting, then on Oct. 29, make a presentation to the board explaining why you would be a good it for the board, and answer a few typical interview-style questions. “I think there is a vested interest in university students to get involved with student government over college students,” said board of directors member Carly Valcheff, explaining why there is such dificulty inding DC representatives. “Two bigger variables are the fact that university students are here, on average, for an additional two years.” VP of University Affairs Sean Kell agreed, saying he also believes the “dynamic of years they are here” plays a large role in determining whether students will participate in and get involved with the SA. “There’s no clear-cut answer because everyone goes to college and university for different reasons,” said Valcheff. Few candidates have applied for the DC positions and they certainly need to be illed, as continued lack of DC representation within the SA only serves to foment existing issues.


October 29, 2013

Energy drinks bad? Nah Kate Hussey the chronicle

The marketing is strong, the promotional girls are eyecatching, the idea is tempting, but energy drinks might not be the best solution for keeping on top of school. College and university can be demanding, especially around exam time. There are alternatives to stay refreshed and alert, but many students turn to energy drinks for the convenience. Of a selection of 10 students interviewed at Durham College and UOIT, eight said they thought it was safe to use energy drinks in moderation. Kimal Lloyd-Phillip, a mechanical engineering student at UOIT said, “To a certain extent I think it’s a good thing, but from personal experience if you use them too much it alters your ability to think clearly.” Some students said they felt safer avoiding popular brands such as Red Bull or Monster Energy, and drinking more natural products instead. “I drink coffee. I think it’s better for you than energy drinks,” said Durham College paralegal student, Jasmine Rigido. Adults should limit their daily caffeine intake to 400 milligrams, the equivalent of three eight-ounce cups of coffee, according to a 2008 Statistics Canada report. Yet it showed more than 20 per cent of men and 15 per cent of women aged 30 to 70, exceeded the 400-milligram recommendation. Sylvia Emmorey, holistic nutritionist at the Campus Health Centre, said there are many side effects that can occur as a result of going over the recommended maximum daily serving of an energy drink. The number one side effect is insomnia, according to Emmorey. Headaches, irritability, muscle twitches, intestinal problems, nausea and diarrhea are also common side effects. “If people are using these drinks and they have any kind of mood disorders, like anxiety, it can make it worse and cause nervousness,” she said. In the long term, excess consumption can increase blood pressure and there have even been deaths reported. Many students shared their belief that the additional caffeine is necessary to stay awake during early morning classes, and especially important for long school days. Neelan Nadesan, a UOIT automotive engineering student said, “I think it’s a good thing because it gives you that additional boost.” Emmorey said there are natural foods that can have a similar effect to energy drinks, without the harmful consequenses. “I’ve always said to people that an apple wakes you up more than a cup of coffee does. First of all, it’s mainly the

Kate Hussey

DRINKING UP THE ENERGY: shelves of popular energy drink brands available to students. natural sugar, plus its very hydrating. It slowly releases the sugar through your blood,” she said. “The next best thing on my list for keeping your energy up would be water.” Men should consume an average of three litres of water daily in order to keep hydrated, while women should drink 2.2 litres, according Health

Canada. Trying to correct sleep patterns is another healthier option instead of masking the issue with an energy drink. There are a lot of different ways to correct sleep patterns. “People are constantly working and in touch with people, they are never having a downtime. That factors into getting a good

night’s sleep,” said Emmorey who suggests eating healthier, avoiding eating right before bed, and keeping hydrated. Using meditation or yoga is also a popular choice to aid sleeplessness, as well as keeping a pen and paper beside the bed so you can write things down and get it out of your head.

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Season gamers dominate at Whitby campus see page 24


October 29, 2013


Zombies take over downtown Oshawa see page 28

First Pumpkin Palooza at Pingle’s Rebecca Watson the chronicle

Pumpkin picking and a hayride - It must be October. Participants of Pumpkin Palooza, a new SA event, had a fall of a time on the seasoninspired trip to Pingle’s farm on Oct. 17. Upon arrival, Students took advantage of humorous face-in-hole photo boards before piling onto a wooden wagon covered in hay. A furry fourlegged resident of the farm also hopped aboard. A large tractor pulled the wagon as students laughed whole-heartedly enjoying the bumpy ride; destination pumpkin patch. “The hayride isn’t something you do often,” said Kailyn Miller, an advertising student. “It deinitely brings back memories.” Yet for some, it was about making new ones. Zachary Azraq and Venessa Gray have been dating for a year. Azraq says they both enjoy the fall colors and loved the wagon ride. “We’re here because it makes a good couple activity,” said Azraq Having previously made plans to go to a farm and pick a

rebecca Watson

PUMPKIN CARVING: (from left) leorry Dwiyr and Jordan caron are getting their hands dirty during a pumpkin contest at E.P. Taylor’s during the SA Pumpkin Palooza event on oct. 17. pumpkin, it only made sense to them to take advantage of the free SA expedition. After hand-picking a medium-sized pumpkin, it was off

to YoYo’s yogurt parlour. With nearly 50 toppings to choose from, some found it hard to select only a few. “They have a really nice se-

lection of toppings,” said Andrea Di Nardo, a sports management student. “They even have dairy-free yogurt for us lactose-intolerant people.”

When students returned to EP’s, tables covered in newspaper and carving tools were already set up. Terra Milmine was the irst to have her pumpkin cleaned out and ready to carve. Having worked at a fair back home in Ingersoll, she is a pumpkin-carving professional. She inished gutting one pumpkin in less than ive minutes and politely started helping others with theirs. For one student, it was a irst-time experience. Nicole De Guzman says she has never been to Pingle’s Farm before. “I’ve never even carved a pumpkin before,” said De Guzman. Crippling her irst attempt, De Guzman got another pumpkin from the SA who thoughtfully brought back extras for anyone else in the bar who wanted to carve. Although many people took their pumpkins home, students and faculty of E.P. Taylor’s got in on the fun, and by the end, over 20 pumpkins lined the stage. “It went wonderful,” said Rick Doucet, campus life co-ordinator. “I was really impressed but we’ll try and spice it up for next year.”

Painting nails for a good cause Sarah Pugsley the chronicle

The Rotaract Club of Durham College and UOIT ran its second day of fundraising for polio in the UB Atrium Thursday, Oct 24. Along with selling a variety of baked goods, the passionate humanitarian members were also painting the pinkie nails of contributors to the cause. Polio is an infectious disease spread from person to person, and although it has been eradicated entirely in the western world, third-world countries in the east still suffer from at least 1-2 per cent population infection. The polio virus knows no borders and is able to spread from an endemic country into polio-free areas. Approximately 90 per cent of sufferers from the disease can exhibit no symptoms at all, making diagnosis dificult. In order to wipe out the spread of the disease, vaccinations are essential. According to Rotary International, in 1985 there were more than one 125 polio-endemic countries. The disease killed or crippled over 1,000 people a day,

most of them children. Rotary has helped immunize more than 2.5 billion children and helped solicit inancial support from donor governments resulting in over $9 billion in contributions. “Polio is a disease that affects everyone, especially in third world countries,” said Patricia Pinto, the Rotaract Club secretary. “It deforms them to the point where they can’t physically move.” “The thing about polio is that if it’s not completely eradicated, it comes back,” said Ruby Temraz, a member of the Rotaract Club. Right now polio has been eradicated by 99 per cent worldwide. However that outlying one percent is the difference in the quality of life for many who suffer from the disease. “The reason we paint people’s pinkies purple is because when the doctors go to third world countries they mark the people that have been vaccinated with a purple marker,” said Pinto. Along with polio, the Rotaract Club of DC/UOIT raises funds for a number of humanitarian causes both locally

Sarah Pugsley

PURPLE PINKIE POLIO: (from left) Patricia Pinto, Ruby Temraz, Shannon MacKinnon, Alisha Gopaul and Hanaan Madahey, members of the Rotaract Club for Dc/uoIt promote the rotary International campaign to end polio. and internationally. They are subsidiaries of Rotary International and often take part in the same fundraising initiatives. For the remainder of this year, the club plans to raise funds for human traficking and initiatives to beneit struggling youth and children in Durham Region.

Pinto said that last year they raised money for homeless children in Oshawa who use food banks and shelters, and this year they will be collecting formal wear for teens who can’t afford to go to prom. Club members raised $35 in under half an hour, a number that excited everyone at the ta-

ble. “This is our second day doing it, and the irst day we did this at the downtown campus... it was really successful,” said Pinto. The Rotaract Club has high hopes that their contributions will bring them one step closer to the end of the ight against polio.

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The Chronicle


October 29, 2013

Gamers go neck & neck at DC Tim Morrell the chronicle

Walking in you wouldn’t notice the constant button pressing and the occasional muttering under players’ breath over all the commotion at Durham College Whitby campus, where We Got Game day took place in the SA Lounge on Oct. 17. The atmosphere was mesmerizing to all who walked by the gaming stations, with popular games such as Call of Duty, NBA 2K, Street Fighter, Forza Motorsport and much more for students to dive right into the madness. There is huge variety of competitive games out there; choosing out of the vast array of titles must be a tough decision. “It’s hard taking into account everyone’s taste, but to be honest, it’s all based on popularity and multiplayer,” said event organizer Dave Miller. “We have multiple set-ups for a wide variety of games, but we consider games that are numbersdriven and try to ensure our crowds are at max potential.” Although including multiple player options is crucial, bringing games that are easy to pick up and play for a wide range of gamers is just as important.

tim morrell

SHOOT TO KILL: A few students participating in a deathmatch in call of Duty black ops 2 at the We Got Game event at Durham college, Whitby campus. “We also thrive on bringing games to big crowds that are accessible, easy to play, but at the same time, give that leeway to hardcore fanatics so they

can dominate,” said Miller. Seasoned players got to show off their individual expertise to teach some casual players how gaming can be consid-

ered a sport. Ryan Furlong was grateful for the opportunity to expand his mind and use some tricks elsewhere. “The guys that came here

to play, are really good,” said Furlong, an Intermediate Electrical Trades student at Durham College. “I learned a few tips here and there that I intend on using on my friends.” Bringing entertainment to over 30 colleges and universities across Ontario, Miller and company walked away absolutely shocked how their previous event went down. “Humber was so packed we couldn’t cross over from two gaming stations facing each other,” said co-ordinator Michael Greco. “Durham College at the Whitby Campus is much smaller in scale and easier to manage.” The original intention as a group was to get the event at north campus. Greco sheds some light on a possible event coming to North Campus in the near future. “We planned to make an appearance at north campus. Hopefully some time soon we’ll be able to, but it all depends on what the SA wants us to do.” But at the end of the day, Miller has one goal in his sights wherever he goes. “When we go to places our goal is to make you come out with a smile and maybe view gaming under a different lens.”

Pokemon fans rejoice over X & Y First generation Pokemon make a big comeback Richard East the chronicle

The year is 1998 and you just got your hands on the irst Pokemon game, either the red version or blue. You’re a 10-year-old and if you watched the television show, you would know by that age it’s time to go on a Pokemon adventure. After an introduction to the game and naming the main character, there’s the tough decision of picking between the irst three Pokemon. There’s Charmander, the ire type; Squirtle, the water type; and Bulbasaur, the grass type. Your eyes gloss over at what may have been the most dificult decision of your childhood. Now, 15 years later, you’re being asked to make the decision again. Pokemon X and Y were released on Oct. 12. It’s the irst international release for the series and the irst fully 3D game on the handheld systems, breaking the mold of Gamefreak’s tradition of using 2D sprites. With the game’s many new features it’s an easy pickup for long-time fans who have a Nintendo 3DS. The player starts by select-

richard east

WE GOTTA CATCH THEM ALL: Kyle Williamson and Kamal lalli, the owner of We Got Gamez, taking a short break after a successful weekend of selling Pokemon X and Y. ing a name and gender, a staple for most Pokemon games. They pick one of the new starting Pokemon but shortly after they’re faced with the same decision from the irst game: Charmander, Squirtle or Bulbasaur. In fact, the entire game is full of many of the

original creatures. Not only have the older generations of pocket monsters made a dominant return but they’re also a large part of a new feature. The game has always been about evolving to become stronger and now Nintendo

has added mega evolution, only for the previous generations of Pokemon. It’s a temporary elution in battle, giving them a new appearance as well as new abilities or a different type of element. It isn’t just the monsters from the original games that were given the chance to change their appearance. Character customization is also a big part of the game now, choosing one of three different presets of skin tones, eye colours and hair colour. Players can can also change their hairstyle and clothes as well. It’s a giant leap forward for character design compared to the original red and blue versions where players couldn’t even choose to play a female character. Fans can now recreate themselves to immerse deeper into the game, making it their own personal adventure. Players back then bonded with their pocket monsters by naming them, but now it’s possible to interact with them further. Using the touch screen on the 3DS, a player is able to pet, feed and play with their Pokemon. The pokemon can even mimic your facial expressions through the system’s

camera and hear you through the microphone when you talk or even whistle to them. Possibly the biggest feature is an improvement that plays off the main idea of Pokemon: the ability to trade and battle with other players. With select creatures being exclusive to certain versions of each game, trading has always been necessary if you were to catch them all. The internet has ended the days of inding another kid on the playground with a Pokemon you wanted, pulling out your Nintendo Gameboy and connecting them through a cord. With X and Y’s new Passerby feature all you need to do is walk past someone close by and you can take a look at their proile, trade or battle with them. On average, a player can encounter six different players on the Durham College campus each day. Aside from the main features, there are many references hinting back to the original game such as a youngster trainer telling you how comfy it is to wear shorts. If you haven’t played since the original release, this would be the one to come back for.

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The Chronicle


October 29 2013

Proo(f ) for paranormal activities Sarah Pugsley the chronicle

If the approaching holiday doesn’t spook you enough, imagine having a life dedicated to the paranormal. Proo(f), otherwise known as the Paranormal Researchers of Ontario, put on a workshop at the McLaughlin Oshawa Public Library Wednesday, Oct 23. Among the presenters were long-time paranormal expertsBrad Mavin and his skeptic partner/ilmmaker Ben Stacey. The group of paranormal aicionados deals with all kinds of paranormal activity yearround. Hauntings, UFO sightings, ESP testing and Cryptozoology are some of the few things they work with on a regular basis. People who believe they are dealing with real-life hauntings will contact proo(f) and have them perform an investigation depending on what they believe is happening. The life of a paranormal expert is quite different from the “Ghostbuster” activities that people may think comprise modern-day ghost hunting, and cultural misconceptions about their line of work are something they have to deal with regularly. Television shows that also deal with the paranormal are often staged, and as seasoned paranormal experts, the group can easily tell when something like audio or video footage is faked. “What happens a lot of the time, especially on these shows too, [they’ll] pick up one word on [their] audio recorders and make a whole sentence out of it...it’s just so open to interpretation,” said Mavin. Outside of being called on investigations, the group also sets out on planned expeditions and has mapped out rumoured “haunted” areas all across the

province. Examples of some of these locations include: old school houses, abandoned farms, churches, theatres, graveyards and historical sites. According to members of proo(f), there are two types of hauntings. A residual haunting is reoccurring and only happens when certain conditions are set. There is no interaction between the spirit and any humans, and the apparition that someone may see can either be full-bodied or partial. Mavin says that the event of a residual haunting has been imprinted on a certain location, much like magnetic tape, and is a replay of time. “I had a case in Nova Scotia one time, and the story was that there was a horse-drawn carriage and people would see [it]. Well that was a replay of something that happened at one point in time,” said Mavin. An active spirit haunting is the type of paranormal activity that is most often portrayed in television and ilm. These spirits will interact with those around them and are known as tricksters, often pulling pranks and trying to scare people. “An active spirit just wants you to know that they’re there,” said Mavin. “More often than not they’re just trying to reach out to someone.” Ben Stacey, the skeptic and ilmmaker of the group, differs on the group’s opinion when it comes to many things involving the paranormal. Proo(f)’s slogan is “fear is the only variable” and Stacey irmly believes that the paranormal does not exist. Alternatively he would like to believe something if he saw it and knows that even as a skeptic, the fear feels real while going on these expeditions. “I’m a skeptic...I don’t really believe that there is ghosts out there at all, however having

sarah Pugsley

PARANORMAL ACTIVITY: brad mavin (left) and ben stacey, members of Proo(f), the Paranormal researchers of ontario. said that I do ind ghost’s absolutely fascinating, and when you’re out on an investigation, the fear is real whether you believe in ghosts or not.” said Stacey. Proo(f) is a busy group this year. They are scheduled for several paranormal interviews over the next two weeks, including talks on 94.9 The Rock. They also just completed shoot-

ing a new TV spot with SPACE Television, and have been developing their own free online series called Proo(f) TV. Skeptics and non-believers will argue that ghost hunting is pointless, but Mavin and the rest of the proo(f) crew do take what they do seriously. “We do this to help other people, not as something fun or exciting. We like to know we’re

doing good, and if we can disprove someone’s theories about a haunting then that’s even better,” said Mavin. “We work on a lot of different theories to prove that ghosts actually exist, and there’s deinitely a serious aspect to it.” To see links of their footage and expeditions, visit proofcanada.com or visit them on their Facebook or YouTube.

BBM now available for iPhone and Android Luke Callebert the chronicle Students awaiting BlackBerry’s popular BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) service for iPhone and Android devices: it’s here. BlackBerry launched BBM on Oct. 21 for both platforms to much fanfare. The app was downloaded 10 million times in the irst 17 hours of release. Carmi Levy, an independent technology analyst, says the release will help students that have iOS and Android devices communicate in a faster way. “It will give students access to a messaging app they’ve previously only read about,” said Levy. “It will make it much

easier for students to communicate with each other no matter what type of phone or tablet they own.” BlackBerry did have the release date and time settled; the app was already in the Google Play and iTunes app stores in late September. Then the public found a leaked .apk Android ile of the program. BBM had 1.1 million new subscribers before it was even oficially released. “60 million people still use BBM,” said Levy. “1.1 million downloaded the leaked .apk before the servers crashed and BlackBerry hit the pause button on the launch process.”The leak was a beta version without ixes that were added by BlackBerry

to improve performance for the user and for BlackBerry’s servers. There was no way to launch BBM and block the people still using the leaked version. When asked about what the ultimate popularity of BBM could be, Levy said that with 2.5 million people who signed up in advance, the popularity of the leak and the fact that 10 billion messages are sent securely each day shows that this could be BlackBerry’s future. “BlackBerry is absolutely justiied in its decision to invest heavily in expanding this very strong sub-brand,” said Levy. “Beyond being a dominant instant messaging platform, it could very well point toward the future of the company.” The launch was seemingly

another misstep for the struggling company. BlackBerry has struggled to meet deadlines, fought negative media coverage and has seen its share value drop to under $9. There is also a letter of intent from Fairfax Financial to buy the company pending due diligence and an open letter to consumers from BlackBerry sent to papers to clear up negative confusion. This is not all bad, according to Levy. “The buzz received from the ill-fated initial launch attempt has already raised awareness. Even if some of the perception was negative it managed to lift BBM for these alternative platforms on to the radar of a lot of users who otherwise wouldn’t have known about it.”

This is the irst step, it seems, in the transformation of the once-dominant phone manufacturer into a smaller, software-oriented company. “In many respects, BlackBerry has always been a software powerhouse, but it wasn’t always easy to see,” said Levy. “When BlackBerry ruled the hardware world it was easy to be distracted by the latest devices on store shelves. In reality, what made the BlackBerry such a unique value proposition was its software. It makes a device come alive, and without the right code, it’s just a phone.” Either way, students who were looking forward to seeing BBM on other devices just got their wish. Just a little bit late.

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The Chronicle


October 29, 2013

A new season of theatre

Halloween safety tips Sarah Pugsley

Andrew Fliegel

the chronicle

the chronicle

Oshawa Little Theatre just wrapped up Oscar Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest, establishing a great start to their 2013-2014 season. OLT has been putting on shows for more than 30 years now, and is coming in this season with conidence. “I am looking forward to all of the shows we have this year. I think we have a very nice balance to this season,” said David Cardinal, Oshawa Little Theatre’s executive producer. “Ernest is a great classic comedy, Bye Bye Birdie is a wonderful family show and Anne Frank is an extremely poignant and touching show. Lastly, The Secret Garden is a timeless story with some of the most beautiful music written for the theatre.” With one production down, OLT is gearing up for their next show, Bye Bye Birdie. Hitting the OLT stage Nov 21, the musical comedy tells the story of a young Rock and Roll star, Conrad Birdie, who is drafted to the army. Before Birdie leaves, he vows to put on one last show. It just so happens that not everyone in town is comfortable with his last show. The show is shaping up, and the cast is getting prepared for their two week run. After Bye Bye Birdie wraps up in December, the theatre will come back in February with the Diary of Anne Frank, the second time since OLT’s opening in 1979. “I can tell you that it is always a different experience,” explained Cardinal. “The director of a show has a

Andrew Fliegel

30 YEARS OF ENTERTAINMENT: After more than 30 years, this season at oshawa little theatre will feature one of the biggest line-ups of plays the theatre has ever seen. Featured productions include bye bye birdy, the Diary of Anne Frank, and the secret Garden.

I do believe this season will be up to the standards of our previous musicals, maybe even better.

David Cardinal certain vision for the show and it is your job as an actor to help portray that vision.” Cardinal stresses that this time around they will have a whole new viewpoint. He says it’s really gong to

boil down to the actors portraying the characters. “One of the main reasons we chose to do this show is because this year is the 70th anniversary of Anne Frank’s capture and we felt it was an appropriate

time,” he said. OLT is going to end its season with the musical version of The Secret Garden. “Anyone who knows the musical The Secret Garden knows what an incredible show it is,” said Cardinal. The show will see the stage in late march. This season has just kickstarted and Cardinal is conident that they will have a good run. “I do believe this season will be up to the standards of our previous musicals, maybe even better.”

Bliss n Eso – Circus In he Sky review Riyad Alli the chronicle Opening with Charlie Chaplin’s speech from The Great Dictator, Bliss n Eso’s latest effort is beyond fantastic. A lyric from “Bomb Like Banksy” describes every moment as Honestly magic, like the South Park writers at the Oscar’s on acid. All the way from the energetic modern sounding boom bap instrumentals, to the back and forth lyricism often absent in today’s era of trap rap, the Sydney hip hop kings deinitely deliver with Circus In The Sky, which dropped June 28, 2013. The two MCs Bliss and Eso, along with DJ Izm, have created an epic collection of music. Circus In The Sky is illed

with uplifting choruses, introspective lyrics and an overall modern vibe, which makes the album signiicantly different than the group’s previous ‘stick-to-the-basics’ format. The most refreshing part of the album is the new lyrical territory where we inally begin to learn about the personal lives of the two dexterous lyricists. On “Life’s Midnight,” Eso weaves an intricate tale about when he met his idol, which resonated with me because it mirrored the time I met Eso. Another standout gem is the single “Home Is Where The Heart Is,” Bliss spits his verse about how the trio came to be, from meeting in high school to making their irst mix tapes. Eso switches it up in his verse by detailing how

he met his wife and ends it with an audio clip of him proposing to her on stage in front of 20,000 people. An additional standout is the vicious, no nonsense sixteen from legendary Queens, New York rapper Nas where the two Aussies prove they can do more than hold their own with the greatest rappers of all time. The album is illed with anthems such as “I Am Somebody” featuring Nas, “House Of Dreams,” and “Jungle” but the duo really shines on introspective tracks like “My Life,” “Life’s Midnight” and “Sunshine”. With lyrics like Sitting on my canopy with a sunset stain, mind that burns bright burgundy / The universe is in all of us, the spark in the dark that can surge my circuitry,

the listener cannot help but be awed by the impressive rhyme schemes that stay complicated yet never lose meaning. The raps often sound like two little kids spitting in the basement wishing they will one day be part of the industry. You can feel the purism and love of the art through their cadences on the beats. Overall, Circus In The Sky can’t be called their best work to date, but it certainly has a place in their catalogue and inside every hip hop enthusiast’s iTunes library. The friendly competitiveness and brotherly love oozing between the two MCs makes the album so feel-good and skyrockets its replay value. If you’re a fan of lyricism, originality and honesty in hip hop, there is no way you can deny this masterpiece.

Halloween is a holiday riddled with all kinds of mischief. For those who are planning to go out and enjoy the evening, it’s important to remember some key tips to ensure your safety. Kelli Acciardo of Seventeen magazine provides a few safety reminders this year. Watch your drinks. Never leave your drink unattended and keep your cup within sight, especially at larger parties and bars. Have a respectable costume. The night will be cold, and for ladies, underdressing may attract unwanted attention. Arrive alive. Always designate a driver. Plan your evening around transit, or dial #TAXI and you will be connected with the next available cab in your area. If you plan on walking home, use a buddy system. Keep friends close. Socializing with new people can be a double-edged sword. Keep your wits about you. Although these tips may sound restricting, keeping these things in mind may be the difference between a great or terrible night.

Psychic visits DC campus Katrina Owens

the chronicle Students had the chance to get three free readings by psychic Dan Valkos on Oct. 16 in E.P. Taylor’s. The reactions varied, as many students left both amazed and in disbelief. “I’ve been coming here for 15 years,” said Valkos. “I know what I’m doing.” Valkos was asked an abundance of questions involving romance, success, inancial wealth and, surprisingly, physical appearance. Other students, like Tyler Hook, asked more serious questions. “I wanted to know if my Grandmother was around,” he said. Questions like those are hard to prove, but nevertheless Hook was satisied with the answer he received. Although most of the questins asked were similar, every student received different answers. “A more speciic question gets you a speciic answer, a more vague question gets you a vague answer, and a more smart-ass question gets you a smart-ass answer,” said Valkos.

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The Chronicle

October 29, 2013


Next-gen games are evolving Jesmarnin Lafuente the chronicle

When the Roman sands gave birth to the Coliseum, the Flavian dynasty of Vespasian, Titus and Domitan did not foresee how much bloodshed, entertainment and historical value would emerge from their gladiatorial games. They would not have been able to anticipate the online massacres, strenuous dance battles and memorable video game titles electronic coliseums, such as Sony’s Playstation and Microsoft’s Xbox, would deliver. Through newer generations of games, people experience new systems of play. With each generation of games, the audiences connected to them share as much entertainment and digital bloodshed as gladiators. But what separates this generation from the previous? What factors shaped each generation? When it comes to recent games, it was all about the enigmatic adventure a player could’ve had. “Back then, there was a sense of discovery and when you wanted to igure out a game, you would just have to muddle through it,” says Arrick Singh, a Game Development student at UOIT. “You would just have to keep playing it. When you had your NES you would just play and then now you just go to gamefaqs and

you know immediately know what to do.” He also explains games earlier on in the last two decades were more mechanically dificult than games of today due to the lack of guides and hints. But a player could get help from a friend who had already passed these objectives, creating a small community in which they could help out one another. With the introduction of online gaming, the community grew larger since players could interact with one another online. This was a deining moment in gaming history as players were now able to assist each other via the Internet. Although online play opened up connections with other players, there were also heavy repercussions with playing with random people. “Online can become toxic. That’s why we call it a toxic community”, explains Singh, referring to the off-putting behaviour players can exhibit when playing with one another. Toxic is a term used by gamers when one player blames another for their mistakes, often accompanied by bashing their skills with a dash of rage-quitting and telling other players to “gtfo” and “uninstall game.” This behaviour is more common in MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) games like League of Legends, since

Jesmarnin lafuente

THE NEXT GENERATION IS FAST APPROACHING: two gamers comparing the irst and most recent generation of Pokemon. there is a higher level of skill and teamwork needed than the average irst-person shooter game or adventure game. “I also think it’s the mask of anonymity because on the Internet, you’re not really exposed as who you are,” further explains Singh. “Back then, you didn’t have much online presence so if you were friend was being a dick, then you didn’t hang out with them or you shunned them. Now, since you don’t know who they are, the people you play with online are more open to be assholes.” While the online aspect of gaming was a breakthrough, advancements in story telling and game design have also been evident with each new generation. Modern games like The Last of Us and Bioshock: Ininite kept the player

SA president prepares to be pied in the face Giorgio Berbatiotis the chronicle

Students who come to the ERC building atrium around 1 p.m on Nov. 1 will have a chance to throw a pie in the face of the Student Association president. President Peter Chinweuba will be one of several people stepping up to the plate at the EngSoc “Pie the President” event, which was put together to help raise funds for Kids Help Phone. “I’m always open to support student initiatives,” said Chinweuba. “This will be an opportunity to do that and interact with more students.” Students who wish to “interact” with the president can buy pies made of whipped cream at $3 each to be thrown at the President or your target of choice. For $5 you get two pies to throw at them. Actual pies will be prepared for throwing, and auctioned off to the high-

est bidder. Also available that day, to have a pie thrown in their face: SA VP of university affairs Sean Kell, EngSoc president Shane Comella, EngSoc VP social Cristina Mazza, Engineering TA Eugene Saltanoff

I’m always open to support student initiatives.

Peter Chinweuba

’ and ASME-UOIT chair Waleed Mushiq. “It started with a small meeting with two other EngSoc execs,” said Mazza. “We started joking about how much we’d pay to pie each other…when

I had this idea that an actual event would be fun. We decided that putting an event like this together for a good cause would be the best way to do it.” “Being able to pie your colleagues and raise money for this awesome organization just goes to prove you really can have your cake and eat it too,” said Mazza. Kids Help Phone is an organization that is personally important to several of the EngSoc executives, according to Mazza, and is a big part of why people were so eager to volunteer as targets. Mazza says that the event is sure to be a blast but that they can still use volunteers. People are needed to set up the pie-ing area, promote the event, prepare the pies, and of course, to get pied. Anyone interested in helping out, or volunteering to get pied, should contact Cristina Mazza at social.engsoc@uoit.ca

emotionally tied to the main characters while providing impressive graphics. After games like Pong and Frogger became inept, designers decided games needed more story than a frog crossing the road. “Originally, it wasn’t just about gameplay because sometimes the gameplay was just terrible,” says Peter Vogrinec, who is in the Network/IT Bridging program at UOIT. “If you look at some older generation of games, it had a better story base so you didn’t mind the gameplay mechanics.” There has also been an unspoken triforce, three expectations which decide if a game worth buying: gameplay, storyline and visuals. Each generation brings something new into these ields and it is from their shoulders

the next era of gaming is built. While more complex games are being made, there are some in this generation who just play to pass the time.“A lot of people nowadays are playing games because it is a lot more simpler and more clear in terms on controls,” says Kelvin Ip, also in Game Development at UOIT. “You have the 50-yearold businessman who is on his way to work and playing Angry Birds on the subway. There are stay-at -home moms who have never touched a game in their life who are playing Farmville on Facebook.” Though the medium has changed, games have come a long way. From a gladiator’s sword to a controller in hand, the thrill of battle, the thirst for story and the competitive edge still resides in every player.

Local events to celebrate Halloween Sarah Pugsley the chronicle

With Halloween right around the corner, many students are planning their ghoulish weekends well in advance. There are plenty of events happening in downtown Oshawa and on campus, including pub nights, costume parties and live music. Here are a few events over the weekend that you might ind interesting: Halloween Pub Night (19plus): Oct. 30 at E.P. Taylor’s Halloween Pub Night (All Ages): Oct. 31 at E.P. Taylor’s Canada’s Wonderland Halloween Haunt: Oct. 26

run by the SA Shagwells Halloween Pub Night: Oct. 26 at 7 p.m., $10 at the door Moustache Club: featuring bands Die Electric and 20 AMP, Oct. 31 Junction Halloween Thriller: Oct. 26 Wasted Space All Hallows Eve: Nov. 2 Unfortunately for commuters, Durham Region Transit will be running buses and trains on a regular weekend schedule and will not be providing extended hours for the evening. Plan to designate a driver or bring along money for a cab if you’re venturing downtown, as many of these events run into the early morning.

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The Chronicle


October 29, 2013

First annual zombie walk is a killer success Rebecca Watson the chronicle Zombies shambled their way down the streets of downtown Oshawa on Oct. 5 at Oshawa’s irst zombie walk. The walk almost didn’t happen. A Halloween parade was supposed to have the zombies as an entrant, but was cancelled due to economic reasons. Event co-ordinators had received complaints about the previous year’s parade route being too small, but by adding a small additional distance, the city had nearly doubled the cost of the event from $2,000 to $4,000. “We decided it simply wouldn’t work,” said Chris Trubela, the parade event producer and creative director. “Parade entrants wouldn’t feel they got enough value because the parade route was so tiny, and I felt the cost was unreasonable, considering this was a free city event in which anyone could attend.” Nonetheless, families and friends came dressed in their goriest attire and crowded at memorial Park for 7 o’clock with the help of unoficial organizers. Without parade permits,

rebecca Watson

GIVE US BRAAAAAAINS: Participants gathered in memorial Park in oshawa at seven o’clock on Oct. 5 and shambled their way along the streets of downtown Oshawa at Oshawa’s Zombie Walk. proper blockades and signage could not be set up, but that didn’t stop the brain-hungry participants. Zombies followed friendly volunteers that waited at each corner crossing, di-

recting them when to stop and which way to go. “It was funny to see over 100 zombies stop and wait for the (streetlight) just to cross the road,” said Mandy Schenk, a participant of

the walk. People and pets of all ages came out, and with the full moon overhead, most were in the deadliest of spirits, sporting all kinds of costumes;

zombie Frankenstein, zombie goblin, zombie witch, zombie bride, zombie clown, and more. As participants grunted and moaned, photographers snapped pictures from across the street. “Looks on unsuspecting pedestrians were priceless,” said Schenk. “I also loved that it was such a positive experience. I had eight kids with me, all under the age of thirteen, and I never haerd any bad language. People got right into character and it was a lot of fun.” Zelda, a pit bull that represents BSL awareness (breedspeciic legislation), also got into character. She appropriately attended embellished in a green mohawk, cobwebs, and a muzzle with grinning teeth chomped down on a bone with dripping slobber and blood. Although the parade was a no-go, the walk was a success, and an after party at the Atria was frightfully alive. Trubela’s team of professional haunters crafted a full-blown haunted house in the upstairs of the bar. As for next year, Trubela says there will be something. “ One thing’s for sure,” said Trubela. “The lure of a simple and free grass-roots effort is very appealing.”

Tony Stark is Iron Man Dissolve play in series’ 3rd instalment leaves lasting Iron Man 3 release timed perfectly impression with the release of JARVIS application

Joe LeBouthillier the chronicle

Jennifer Lavery the chronicle

Mr. Badass, Tony Stark, is back in the newly released movie, Iron Man 3. Post the Battle of New York (think The Avengers, 2012), Stark is suffering with PTSD and severe anxiety attacks. Always tinkering and never sleeping, Stark struggles to keep his friends close without revealing that he isn’t well. Meet Aldrich Killian, a big shot scientist looking to recreate human DNA coding allowing humans to heal wounds instantly. He has tried to get Stark to help with his plan before, with no success, and is back to try to get him on board this time. And now for a new antagonist: The Mandarin. A reviled terrorist with no problem killing people on live TV, the Mandarin grabs the attention of Stark and, after threatening the murderous dictator and terrorist, The Mandarin has Stark’s

house targeted and destroyed. After saving Pepper Potts, Stark’s ex-CEO and new girlfriend, Stark is trapped in one of his suits and lodged in the debris. JARVIS, his robot computer servant, lies Stark and the suit to safety. This lands him in Rosehill, Tenn., with a malfunctioning Iron Man suit. For those who haven’t seen the movie this won’t give away the ending, because that was a huge plot twist. Take the time to watch all three movies, plus The Avengers and maybe Thor, but, hey, baby steps right? The movie was released on May 3 this year, coinciding with the release of the JARVIS app. Meant for iPhones with Wi-Fi or a data plan, the IM3 JARVIS app is your own personal JARVIS. It even allows the owner to access to new media content if the Blu-Ray version is owned, including bloopers, deleted extras and information on all 42 versions of the Iron Man suit. Paul Bettany, the voice actor of JARVIS, recorded more than 20 hours of sound for this app.

And there couldn’t be a Marvel movie without Stan Lee making a token appearance. The Iron Man series creator, and a beloved man in the comic world, makes his cameo as a judge in a beauty pageant. Iron Man 3 is another perfect addition to the Marvel enterprise. Full of exciting action packed scenes, it deinitely lives up to the past two Iron Man movies. Tony Stark doesn’t have an amazing super power. No magic hammer, no super strength (Thor, I’m looking at you), but he has lots of money and a huge ego. It doesn’t hurt that he is kind of a genius. Iron Man 3 will make the audience laugh, it make the audience tear up and, above all, it will leave them wanting more from Marvel. The upcoming releases of The Avengers 2, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, and Thor: The Dark World better be awesome. It’s the one thing you can’t take away: Tony Stark is Iron Man.

“Ever woken up beside a stranger? What if it was planned that way?” On Oct. 17 the Regent Theatre was host to Dissolve, a show about a girl who goes out with her friend for some drinks and goes home with a complete stranger. Meghan Gardiner wrote and performed Dissolve all by herself. The show was free. Although the audience was small, the meaning behind the act was huge. There is no marketing involved to bring people to her shows. It’s strictly word-of-mouth only. There was a greater reaction from the audience compared to some of her other shows, especially ones that include mostly high school students. Those who stayed all the way until the end were intrigued by her story. Questions began to low from the crowd. “Everyone asks me ‘how

did you come up with the idea for Dissolve?’ and I used to lie. I lied for two years. I just wanted to act because it happened to me. My drink was spiked at a house party,” Gardiner announced. Gardiner said she titled the play Dissolve because she wanted to entice people. “I wanted to make people say ‘what’s that about?’ Your memory, your dignity – it’s all dissolved,” said Gardiner. She did not follow up with legal action because she thought it was her fault. “That’s another reason that I do this. I want those people who helplessly fall victim to date rape to know that this isn’t your fault,” Gardiner said. “If I drank for 13 hours or more then I should’ve woken up with an excruciating hangover. But I didn’t think of that.” Gardiner, now married and having a baby boy, is headed back to Vancouver to do some more shows at local theatres and also be closer to her family.

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The Chronicle


October 29, 2013

Settlers spend a night at E.P. Taylor’s Sarah Pugsley chronicle staff Players of the popular game Catan settled in E.P. Taylor’s this Wednesday, Oct. 23 from 4 to 6 p.m. Although the group of enthusiastic players usually meets in the Campus Club Space, meeting at E.P.’s was an outlying exception in their otherwise rigid schedule. Settlers of Catan is a board game half based on skill, and half on pure dumb luck. Someone is in charge of placing a series of hexagonal pieces into the frame of the board game, with each piece representing a different material. There is ore, sheep, wood, wheat and brick. A combination of these materials helps the player produce roads, settlements and cities along the edges of each hexagonal piece that represents a material. A number is placed in the middle of each, and every time a player rolls the die, they will get a number of materials depending on the amount of settlements or cities they have placed. The aim of the game is to get to a total of 10 points, and games usually last anywhere from half an hour to two hours. It all depends on the skill and luck of the other players. It sounds complicated, but

sarah Pugsley

THE QUEST BEGINS AT E.P. TAYLOR’S: A group of catan players working through an expansion of the original game during their Wednesday gaming session. with over 60 members this year, the game has grown quite popular with young adults at Durham College and UOIT. There are also several expansions that players can invest in, ranging from $60-$120. Stephen McIntyre, one of the four executives of the Social

Catan group this year, is a longtime player and has seasoned himself to each expansion. “I prefer the original, the other ones are all based on scenarios and just add to the rules rather than making them different in any way,” said McIntyre, “but any game of Catan is easy

once you irst learn, it just takes that one game to get you used to how everything works.” Austin Gottleb, the club’s founder and current president, appreciates the game but also loves how it has brought him together with a whole new circle of people.

Social Catan is, after all, the name of the club. “It’s an opportunity to become social, we’re deinitely a family here,” said Gottleb. The Social Catan Club meets every Monday from 2-4, Wednesday from 4-6 and Thursday from 4-6 at the Campus Clubs Space.

Durham Art students invade downtown Sadia Badhon the chronicle Nine empty retail spaces in downtown Oshawa got a makeover from Sept. 13 to 28 and it was a visual treat for all those who were a part of it. The OshawaSpaceInvaders event was a celebration and a showcase of the visual arts in Durham region where the artists and organizers used contemporary and thought-provoking art to decorate the retail spaces. The show featured all types of art, interactive sculptures, paintings, drawings and photography, to name a few. All of the artists in the show are from Durham Region or have a connection to Durham and that was an integral part of the show. Durham College Fine Arts professor Sean McQuay was one of the artists involved in the original Artfest 20 years ago. He was invited back again to be part of it and also to get his students involved.

He exhibited his own work in the show and also organized the third-year Fine Arts students to showcase their work. “I decided it would be a good part of the curriculum to show their work in a downtown space,” McQuay said. The 17 students involved with the show contributed very different kinds of artwork. About 35 to 40 pieces of art, mostly paintings and drawings, were displayed at their own venue on King Street. “We had a guestbook that we left open and there were some great comments. We also heard from a lot of people that they found our space to be totally refreshing because of the youthful energy of the work. We were getting that from some of the senior artists too,” McQuay said. Being involved in the show was important to McQuay and his students because they got to interact with the community. “Not just the community community but the arts community,” McQuay said. The students got a chance to talk to other art-

sean mcQuay

FINE ARTS STUDENTS USE RETAIL SPACES FOR ART SHOW: shannon macDonald talks to elementary kids about her painting “lush” at their venue on King street during oshawaspaceInvaders. ists and ind out how they work. Although it is a lot of work to organize, he thinks the event should happen every year. Gary Greenwood and Steven Frank, the co-organizers of OshawaSpaceInvaders, put together the art show in only ive months. But it’s not their irst time doing something like this. They did a show called Durham Artfest from 1992 to 1995. Greenwood sees the potential in these shows and hopes to do it all over again next year if they have the support. “The

shows very existence is a success,” Frank said, “people just don’t expect anything like this in Oshawa.” Shannon MacDonald, whom McQuay calls one of his most proliic students, was one of the third-year students involved with the show. She had 11 pieces of artwork displayed in the gallery.One of her pieces was a painted stand-up base given to her by a friend because the head was broken. “My friend said ‘well I can’t ix it, I can’t use it anymore, so do you want

to paint something cool on it?’” MacDonald explained. She painted a ribcage and pelvis on it to make it look like a human body. “Just seeing so many people that came out to this event shows that people really care. You can see in the guestbook, you got people from all over the place. All the comments are like ‘great work’ ‘we want to see more of this’ ‘this needs to happen more often,’” MacDonald said.

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The Chronicle

October 29, 2013

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Dave Stewart Tip Off Coverage See page 32


October 29, 2013

Health and Wellness on campus part two See page 33

Lords women’s basketball open with a win at home Francis Viloria the chronicle The Durham Lords defeated the Seneca Sting in their home opener on Oct. 22. Not only was it the home opener, but also it’s the irst regular season game for irst-year head coach Heather LaFontaine. The Lords had no energy in the irst half. They had no legs in their jump shooting. Durham shot 40 per cent from the ield in the irst half, and only 8.3 per cent from the threepoint line. Seneca dominated Durham in rebounding in the half. The Sting had 26 rebounds with 10 of them on offence, and the Lords had 17 boards with 5 offensive rebounds. Both teams struggled taking care of the ball having, 12 turnovers each. The ball movement was excellent. The Lords had 11 assists while the Sting had 8. With the sluggish start, the Lords trailed 4133.

“We were showing the effects of all the games on the weekend,” said LaFontaine. The team played a tournament on the weekend and they had Monday off, said LaFontaine. This was their ifth game in ive nights. “People underestimate, when you’re physically tired, that you’re mentally tired,” said Lafontaine. You make mistakes when you are mentally tired, she said. The Lords in the second half were different than the team in the irst. The gap was closed to 45-42, and then the Lords went on a 8-0 run to take a 5042 lead, their irst lead in the game. Durham led at the end of the quarter 58-51, out-scoring Seneca 25-9. Seneca put more pressure on the Lords’ offence in the fourth. The lead was slimmed down to four, 65-61 Durham, then LaFontaine called a time out. The offence igured out Seneca’s de-

fensive scheme, and they counter-attacked with quick passes, which led to fast-break opportunities and open shots. The big second half led Durham to an 80-69 victory over Seneca. “We talked at half-time to switch up our defence a little bit, and we just talked about gutting out the second half in spite of being tired,” said Lafontaine. They were down by eight at half and they won by 11. The Lords shot 53.1 per cent in the second half and 46.3 per cent overall, while the Sting shot 32.4 per cent in the half and 38.9 overall. Kate Mowat was the leading scorer with 20 points, 10 rebounds and eight assists, almost a triple double. The scoring was balanced, with Kayla Marshall and Kauri LaFontaine with 14 points each and Kelsey Hare with 13. Durham will go on the road to challenge the St. Lawrence Vikings on Oct. 30.

Francis Viloria

FREE THROW: Kelsey Hare lines up a shot after being fouled in the home opener against the seneca sting.

Ridgebacks women’s hockey lose two Soccer season over for Lords Matthew Jordan the chronicle

A pair of home losses on Oct. 18 and 19 broke the Ridgebacks women’s hockey team’s perfect record in OUA action. The Ridgebacks hosted the nationally ranked Laurier Golden Hawks on Oct. 19 and lost an intense back-and-forth tilt 5-4 in regulation. The team got off to a good start, producing two goals in the irst period from Sam Forchielli and Victoria MacKenzie. However, penalties would cost the team, as they fell behind 4-2 in the second period. Starting goaltender Cassie Charette was pulled after the fourth goal and replaced with Tori Campbell. The Ridgebacks battled back in third, tying the game at four with goals from Jaclyn Gibson and Laura Marchese. The Ridgebacks allowed the game-winner with under ive minutes to play in the third. Laurier won its third consecutive game, while UOIT’s record fell to 4-2-0. The Ridgebacks opened their season at home with a game against the Waterloo Warriors, where they were narrowly defeated 2-1. Penalties were once again the story of the game, as UOIT took 10 minor penalties, including a double minor, and the Warriors capitalized. The Ridgebacks outshot Waterloo 35-22, but fell behind at the very end of the irst period

Ryan Verrydt the chronicle

matthew Jordan

CAREFUL WITH THE PUCK: uoIt forward Katie Dillon dekes past the Waterloo defence, creating a scoring chance in the ridgebacks home opener oct. 18. when Katie Dillon was called on an odd illegal equipment penalty. The Warriors went on to score early in the second but had the momentum stolen on a goal from Ridgebacks forward Sam Forchielli. Forchi-

elli was fed a pass from Sarah Worthington at the bottom of the left circle and slid the puck in ive-hole. The Ridgebacks dominated play for the remainder of the period, but were unable to ind the back of the net. The penalty

killers would get the majority of the action in the third. In the remaining minutes, the Ridgebacks pulled their goalie and went on a rampage towards the Warriors net. Despite a number of solid chances, the puck stayed out.

Plagued all year by injuries, the Lords women’s soccer team ended their season on Oct. 12 with an overtime loss to the Cambrian Golden Shield. After defeating the Golden Shield 5-1 during the regular season, the Lords lost their irst playoff game of the year 1-0. The game stretched to the 98-minute mark before Cambrian headed home the lone goal off a corner kick to complete the upset. The Lords also continued to struggle with offence as they were held off the scoresheet for the third straight game. Top scorers Brittney Sero and Megan Arsenault were sidelined for much of the game with injuries. The Lords inish the year with a 5-2-2 conference record.

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The Chronicle


October 29, 2013

Tip Off tournament begins DC men’s basketball season Luke Callebert the chronicle History repeated itself for the DC men’s varsity basketball team at the Dave Stewart Tip Off tournament, as Durham lost in the inals to the Centennial Colts. The last time the Lords were in the inals, of the tournament they host, was 2010. It was a tale of the cardiac comebacks in the irst round. The Lords won their irst game in dramatic fashion against the Loyalist Lancers. Down by two with one minute left on the clock, Ajahmo Clarke sank back-to-back jump shots to give Durham a 72-70 lead. The Lancers came back down the loor but missed their shot and Clarke grabbed the defensive board. Tyler Gingras sank the inal two points for Durham who ended up winning 74-72. The other dramatic comeback was from the Centennial Colts who led the tournament off with an exciting game against Fanshawe Falcons. The Colts were down by 17 points at half, but led by the trio of Justin Jarrett, Joseph Wani and Kendall Wilson, the Colts dropped 33 points in the third quarter en route to the comeback victory. St. Lawrence beat Niagara, 73-64 and St. Clair beat George Brown, 80-76 to join Centennial and Durham in the semiinals. The second round saw two easy victories for both teams, as Centennial rolled to a 98-72 victory over the St. Lawrence Vikings and Durham ran up the score late winning 74-59 over the St. Clair Saints. The victories set up the 2010 rematch for the inals. Jim Barclay, head coach of Centennial, had praise for Durham but was critical of his team after the irst two games.

luke callebert

CRITICAL INJURY: eric smith went down in the fourth quarter with a shoulder injury.

luke callebert

SEE THE PLAY: Ajahmo clarke sets up against st. clair in the semi-inals of the Durham College hosted Tip Off tournament. “They played a great game against St. Clair,” said Barclay, speaking of Durham. “Right now our worst thing is defensive rebounds we’re getting

out-rebounded every game, we really need to work on that and unforced errors for the inal.” Desmond Rowley, head coach of the Lords, was equally

critical of his team. “I want us to play the way we can defensively,” said Rowley. “If we do that we’ll be successful. They always play us well, we have to be controlled and force them to defend.” “We’re going to use our horses down low and see what we can do,” Rowley added. And using their horses down low is exactly how Durham started, with 2011 OCAA athlete of year, Eric Smith scoring the irst six points for the Lords as they jumped all over Centennial early, leading 13-3. The Lords carried the play through the irst two quarters, at one point holding a 16-point lead. Going into the fourth quarter, Durham held a 59-52 lead. Injuries hit the Lords hard in the last quarter though, as Ajahmo Clarke and Eric Smith both went down. Clarke with what appeared to be a right leg injury and Smith who hurt his left shoulder on a hard foul. The pace of the game completely changed when Smith went down. The Lords looked sluggish and out of place. Centennial tied the game with 3:11 left at 72-72 and ended up winning 83-76. “Mentally some of the guys crumbled,” said second-year player Saliym Cadogan. “Down the stretch we couldn’t pull it off. Two of our best guys went down and it was the irst time we’d played more than one game in a day. Fatigue deinitely played a factor.” To add insult to injury, Smith and Clarke were named all-stars of the tournament. Centennial’s Wani was also named an all-star, while Jarrett was named the tournament MVP. Fanshawe won the consolation inal against George Brown. Durham’s OCAA season began October 22 at home.

Men’s Lords volleyball falls flat in Oakville basketball Durham starts tournament strong with early wins, but eventually falls to strong Redeemer team in the semi-finals results Luke Callebert the chronicle

Durham vs. Sault W 56-51 Durham vs. Sault L 57-56 Durham vs. Niagara W 88-80 Durham vs. Seneca L 97-67 Tip Off results not included.

Luke Callebert the chronicle The Lords women’s volleyball team reached the semiinals at the Fred Wannamaker Sheridan Invitational but fell 3-1 to the Redeemer Royals. Durham opened day one of the tournament against the host Sheridan Bruins and defeated them 3-1 in a dominating performance (25-9, 25-8, 21-25 and 25-14). The Lords

then continued their dominating tournament performance against division rival, Cambrian, beating them 3-0 (25-20, 25-7 and 27-25). On day two the Lords would not be able to keep up the pace they set on the irst day, losing 3-2 against the Trent Excalibur. Durham won the irst two sets 25-15 and 25-15, but Trent turned the tables, winning the last three 25-11, 25-21 and 1715.

The 2-1 round robin record was good enough to secure a semi-inal berth against Redeemer. The Royals pounced early, winning the irst two sets 25-15 and 25-19. The Lords got back into match winning the third 25-19, but dropped the last set 25-20. The Durham women inished the preseason with a 9-7 record. The OCAA season begins on October 24 against the Trent Excalibur.

Lords fastball growing as team Dan Cearns the chronicle

The Durham Lords women’s fastball team’s season ended early at the OCAA provincial championships on Oct. 18. The Lords lost their irst game 14-3 to Humber, who would go on to win the championship. “Humber’s got a good ball club, they’re a veteran ball club,” said Lords head coach Jim Nemish. “They had a lot of third-andfourth year players. So they know how to win.” The Lords started off their second game against Conestoga with a threerun lead, but saw that on disappear as they eventually fell 4-3. “That was disappointing,” Nemish mentioned. “We had a 3-0 lead and we left seven runners on base, and we just couldn’t get those timely hits again.” This is the irst time since 1996 that the Lords have left the provincial championship without a medal. Timely hitting was also an issue for the Lords at the national championships, as they only put up a combined two runs in four games. “We went back to something that we did the previous games where we weren’t hitting our pitches, we were not being selective at the plate again,” Nemish said. “That was probably our biggest downfall.” Nemish mentioned that hitting was not the team’s only issue at the two championships. They also struggled in the ield. “It seemed like whenever we had two out, we would make that error not to get that third out and that was just costly,” he said. If anything good can come out of these losses, Nemish mentioned that it is a good experience for the 10 freshmen on the team to go through “It’s a growing tool, it’s a learning experience and it’s a good curve for next year,” Nemish said. “They got a taste of what college ball is all about and they now know what it takes to compete at this level.

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The Chronicle

October 29, 2013

christopher burrows

A BICEPTIONAL PERFORMANCE: Greg trewin works his arms on the incline bench press while his friend, ben somerville, spots him during their early morning workout on sept. 17.


christopher burrows

CALM, COOL, AND SQUATTED: Tamara Cave, a irst-year General Arts and Science student who is going into Paramedics & Fireighting, exercises in the squat rack at the FLEX itness centre.

Planning out a fitness future Christopher Burrows the chronicle This is part two of a two part series on health and wellness with-in the campus. You’ve taken that irst step to a healthier lifestyle. You’re eating fresh food, cutting out the garbage and making your own meals instead of relying on Wendy or Ronald to do it for you, but nutrition is only one part of a new, healthier you. Exercise is essential for a healthy body, and deciding what is best for you can be a daunting task. Do you prefer cardio or weights? Will you go to a gym or workout at home? Is a trainer necessary to help you meet your itness goals? According to Angie Wood, itness coordinator for the Campus Recreation and Wellness Centre, it doesn’t matter what you do as long as you enjoy it. “I think people need to ind whatever motivates them,” said Wood. “If you hate doing whatever it is you’re doing chances are you’re not going to stick to it so that’s not going to be very good for your itness plan.” Staying motivated to stick to your workout plan can be dificult, especially when trying to schedule in exercise, but according to some members of the FLEX Fitness Centre, working out at a gym can help keep students motivated. “I prefer the gym because there’s a wider variety of equipment and it keeps me focused,” said irst year

Sports Management student, Forrester Tyler. Kevin Jones, an administration staff member at Campus Corners, said he’s motivated when there are people around, and it’s easy to quit at home. It is a sentiment shared by fourth year Health Science student Emil Litman. If students go to a gym, Wood suggests researching the facility and talking to members to make sure it’s a good it and to see what options are offered, such as classes. “It’s really important to go to a gym you feel comfortable in,” said Wood. “Obviously if the gym is new to you it’s going to be a bit more challenging because you’re not going to feel as comfortable with all the equipment from the get-go, but you should feel comfortable with the staff that are there. They should feel welcoming, warm, be able to help you out and almost be able to anticipate what you need.” Police Foundations program coordinator, Maria Iannuzziello, is an avid user of the FLEX facilities on campus, utilizing it for the equipment, classes and motivation she gets from the people who work there. “It’s just a really uplifting group of people,” Iannuzziello said about the FLEX trainers. “That community we have here with the classes, it’s a really positive, encouraging, great place to be a part of and I think it’s really kept me on track.” What if students need extra help to stay on track? What if they can’t ind the time or motivation to go to the gym? A personal trainer can help with

that. Wood suggests, like the gym, researching a personal trainer is important. Talk to previous clients and ask about how the trainer works with people, whether they are CSEP (Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology) certiied and where they trained. “The role of the personal trainer is to educate the client what the options are,” said Kelsie Beasley, a personal trainer at the Campus Recreation and Wellness Centre. “(Trainers) igure out what they like and what works for them and what they’re going to stick to because both components (cardio and weight training) are important in overall weight loss.” Chelsey Squire, a 911 Emergency Communication student, started training with Beasley when she applied for the army and needed to pass the itness test. Later, Squire got into the RCMP’s application process and continued to train with Beasley for their PARE test. PARE is the RCMP’s Physical Abilities Requirement Evaluation test and is designed to evaluate a person’s ability to handle the physical demands of police work. “She’s become a friend,” said Squire about Beasley. “She basically just pushed me and encouraged me and she showed me things that I had no idea about, dealing with exercise, routine and things to work on. When I was taking the (PARE) test she showed up with a card and she was cheering and screaming my name and wishing me good luck. That

was really encouraging because I don’t have any family here so to have those people around here is really encouraging.” According to Beasley, it’s important to set realistic goals and expectations so clients remain motivated. “A lot of times a client will come in and they’re not really sure what they’re looking for, and that’s where the personal trainer guides them, or where a itness appraisal prior to the session comes in really handy because it actually pinpoints where their strengths and weaknesses lie,” said Beasley. “You counsel them on what their program is going to look like, so you take into account different variables like how much time do they have, what is their current training status which means are they injured, what have they done in the past, what do they like? So you get a feel for what experience is coming with them into the gym.” The appraisal looks at components that make up a person’s itness level: aerobic itness, body composition, lexibility and muscular strength and endurance. This helps a trainer develop a proper itness plan for the client with sensible goals and eliminates misconceptions clients may have about itness. Beasley remembers a client who had no previous exercise experience but was a fan of the TV show, The Biggest Loser and came to the gym with the misconception she could lose 60 pounds in six weeks. So now the plan is laid out in front of the client. They

work hard, adhere to what their personal trainer had planned for them and meet their itness goals. Now what? “It’s kind of a journey in that they may have smashed their goals and they realized along the process they’ve developed other goals,” said Beasley, adding this is a process; clients reach one goal and ind others along the way. Of course, self-motivated or shy people can always exercise at home. “In terms of resistance training stuff, that can be done really easily and cheaply,” said Wood. “There’s tons of body weight exercises, there’s tons of resistance bands that you can get for less than $20, and medicine balls and stability balls. You can create a balance cushion out of a pillow you have at home. So there’s tons of ways you can work out with very little or no equipment.” Other options for exercising at home, Wood mentioned, are any of the various workout videos on the market, and of course cardio, which can be as simple as going for a walk, jog, bike ride or taking the stairs at work. College is demanding and life is hectic, but with proper nutrition and regular exercise students can increase their own health and wellness. “School is extremely stressful and for me that (living healthy) is how I deal with my stress, going to the gym or going for a run,” said Squire. “People might not know that could help them. If they put themselves out there and just try it.”

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The Chronicle

Disappointing ending to the soccer season Ryan Verrydt the chronicle The Fleming Knights got their revenge Oct. 12 when they defeated the Lords soccer team 3-1 in the qualifying game for the OCAA east region, putting a disappointing end to the Lords season. Earlier in the year the Lords beat the Knights in a tight 1-0 game. The Knights also inished just three points, or one win, behind the Lords in the

UOIT loses last game Matthew Mazer the chronicle

The UOIT Ridgebacks men’s soccer team lost their inal game of the regular season 4-0 to the University of Windsor Lancers on Oct. 20 at Civic Field. Midielders Cristian Mayorga, Patrick Ten Eyck and forward Jumbo Iyowuna scored for Windsor in the 30th, 70th and 85th minutes respectively. Menelek Luke scored one goal in the 25th minute on Karan Thaker. Thaker was the goalkeeper for most of the game until he got injured in the second half. Travis Martin then substituted for Thaker for the rest of the game. Later on in the second , defenceman Tristan Maenza was injured and was taken off. Rookie Ryan Goldsmith played the rest of the game. Coach Vaso Vujanovic was not too happy with how the game turned out. “Well, today, irst half we scored on our own goal and the goalkeeper was sleeping. It ended up being 2-0 when it should have been 0-0,” Vujanovic said. He wasn’t too happy with how the season turned out either. The record for the Ridgebacks at the end of the season was 2-13-1. Vujanovic said that it was a year where he did not have a striker to show leadership on the team. “We did not achieve what I thought we could have achieved with the talent we have.”


October 29, 2013

standings. Durham opened the scoring early when Luke Morrison headed home his irst goal of the year. This was all the offence that the Lords would muster, as the Knights came back and scored three consecutive goals to end the Lords season. The team inished the year with a 5-2-1 conference record and now moves forward to the indoor soccer season starting in January.

Lords win a silver medal in baseball championships Joe LeBouthillier the chronicle The Durham Lords men’s baseball team won a silver medal at the Ontario Colleges Athletic Association championships held from Oct. 18 to 20 in Windsor. The St. Clair Saints won the gold medal game 5-2 over Durham while Humber settled in at third place.The Lords record at the championships was 2-2. They lost their irst game to the Humber Hawks 14-4. On the same day Durham played their second game, this time against George Brown Huskies. If Durham had lost against George Brown their journey to the gold medal game would have been a lost cause.

Durham went on to win 9-3 against the Huskies. When time came to play the bronze medal game, Durham sought revenge on their opponents, the Hawks, for the beating the Lords received earlier on. Durham fought hard and won 11-5, giving the Lords the green light to advance to the inals against the St. Clair Saints. The Lords played a fantastic nail-biter in the inals, but the Saints came out with a 5-2 victory. With many chances to score, the Lords left 10 players stranded. Lords shortstop Ryan George was phenomenal in the ield. With ease, George turned inield hits into outs. He wasn’t the only impressive player on defence. Centre ielder Spen-

cer Green from Mallorytown, Ontario showed off how well he can use his legs after he tracked down a deep ly ball. That out got them to the inals. Also, starting pitcher Dale Valade of North Bay, Ontario pitched a full seven-inning game. He earned the win while striking out six batters throughout the game. Outielder Aaron McQuillen and pitcher Ryan Norris, were named to the OCAA men’s baseball league all-stars list. McQuillen, from Ajax, and Norris, from Oshawa, both inished their second year with the Lords. Also, catcher Jack Lang and second-baseman Michael Cyr were named to the championship all-star team.

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The Chronicle


October 29, 2013

Lawful game to meet friends Dan Cearns the chronicle

The Campus Recreation and Wellness Centre was home to a friendly sports challenge on Oct. 21 between Police Foundations students and students of Protection, Security and investigations (PSI). Two sports were played in the challenge, basketball and volleyball. PSI took both basketball games played, a full- four period game and a ten minute-extra game. They won the full one by a score of 48-43 and took the second by a score of 15-3. There were no scores for the volleyball games as neither program had enough players for a full team. Instead, they played with mixed teams. Despite it being just for fun, Police Foundations student

Season ends for lacrosse Ending the season with a win helps Dan Cearns the chronicle

The UOIT Ridgebacks women’s lacrosse team inished their regular season with their second win in program history on Oct. 19, defeating the York Lions 10-5. The team inished the season at a 2 -8 record. Kristin Bright, Taylor Milburn and Brittnay Simmons combined for eight of the 10 goals in the team’s victory. Milburn had the most of the trio, picking up four goals. The ive goals allowed is also a season low for the team. The Ridgebacks were defeated 12-4 by Queen’s on Oct. 13 in Kitchener. They were also defeated in a doubleheader in London on Oct. 12, losing 6-2 to McMaster and 12-2 to Western. The Ridgebacks lost both of their games at Civic Fields on Oct. 5, losing 9-8 to Trent and 10-4 to Laurier.

Chris Madore felt that his team had the edge. “Unreal and phenomenal performance. We dominated,” he said. According to Jason Vassel, faculty member of the School of Justice at Durham College, the event was his brainchild. “I thought of it last year. I thought it would be a neat thing to just get the programs to compete,” Vassel said. “It took a lot of leg work getting it going.” Vassel also mentioned that the event was a great way for people to make friends “Everybody gets to meet people that they wouldn’t normally meet, especially from the other program, and even within their own program,” he said. “It’s probably people they haven’t met because the classes don’t inter mingle.”

Dan cearns

NOTHING BUT NET: PsI student barrington Plummer carries the basketball at the Police foundations vs. Protection, security and Investigations sports challenge on oct. 21 at the campus recreation and Wellness centre.

Big man with a big heart Joshua Santos the chronicle

Standing at seven-foottwo and weighing in at a 270 pounds, one of Durham College’s former basketball players, and perhaps one of the tallest, has a bright future ahead of him as he recently participated in the NBA’s Summer League exhibition in Las Vegas. As he took to the courts in front of thousands of fans playing for the New York Knicks, Liam McMorrow’s irst game was against the New Orleans’ Pelicans summer league squad. Naturally he felt pre-game jitters, but he did well playing in his irst oficial NBA game. “I was a little nervous but I felt proud,” McMorrow said. “It was a great experience to be on a stage for that team. I felt the country (of Canada) was proud.” During his ive games with the Knicks, according to RealGM.com, McMorrow averaged 2.2 points per game, 2.4 rebounds per game and shot 62 per cent from the ield. While the summer league team consisted of rookies and D-leaguers trying to land a spot on the actual roster, there were some notable players on the team such as 17th overall draft pick in 2011, Iman Shumpert and 24th overall draft pick in 2013, Tim Hardaway Jr. McMorrow describes Hardaway as hardworking and down to earth. “Tim is a humble guy. He’s only 23 and he’s learned a lot from his dad. He signed a four-year contract so I hope he stays dedicated.” While the event was meant for rookies to showcase their capabilities in efforts to impress NBA scouts, coaches, managers and owners, McMorrow

says much of the event actually happens behind the scenes. “(No matter) what kind of level you play at, you won’t be able to keep up, (unless you) be dedicated and focused, day in and day out. He also says that with the game more accessible to fans, players have to behave appropriately in the limelight. “You have to conduct yourself professionally at all

trained with him before hitting the courts in Vegas. “My agent is really good friends of Joe and he introduced me to him,”McMorrow said. “I was training with Joe for about three months before Summer League. In January, around February my agent and I went down to California for an exclusive workout for me.” While he always possessed a fantastic post presence,

I was training with Joe for about three months before Summer League. In January, my agent and I went down to California for an exclusive workout for me.

Liam McMorrow times,” McMorrow said. “On Twitter, Facebook (or even in the spotlight), you have to watch what you say. You have to be a role model if you like it or not. Be positive, everyone’s watching.” McMorrow also learned to take care of his inances properly. “You have to handle your money well. Too many players go broke fast because they don’t handle their money properly.” The summer leading up to the big event, McMorrow was introduced to Joe Abunassar of IMPACT basketball. Abunassar is the founder of the Las Vegas based basketball academy, with a resume training Toronto Raptors’ Rudy Gay and Terrence Ross along with former Raptors’ Andrea Bargnani and Vince Carter. The camp, designed to aid players of all levels, is available through invitation only to those few selected individuals. McMorrow met Abunassar through his agent and

crashing the boards and scoring with ease, the training camp helped McMorrow tremendously as he was able to develop a strong mid-range jumper. “I was able to shoot 17 feet up,” McMorrow said. He mentioned with the game evolving, there’s a need for big men to take control at times and score more frequently from the perimeter. With the week-long event over, McMorrow’s camp waited for the Knicks to offer him a contract, however as days passed, they grew impatient. They decided it was best for McMorrow to play elsewhere in the meantime. “We were waiting on a training camp (offer) but we grew antsy. So I signed a contract with the Dacin Tigers.” The Tigers play in Taiwan for the Super Basketball League. While he played college basketball for Durham, Marquette University and Tennessee Tech, the Scarborough native didn’t grow up playing the big man

sport. “In high school I played hockey and lacrosse,” McMorrow said. Measuring well above six feet tall, McMorrow was too big for the ice game and was introduced to a game more suitable to his size and demeanor. McMorrow’s irst basketball experience came at Durham College. “Playing at Durham was great. It was my irst year of organized basketball,” McMorrow said. “Every game I was accustomed to do things. It was a good team.” McMorrow came in at a time when the Lords were struggling. Averaging 8.4 points per game and 6.5 rebounds per game in 72 appearances, he led the team into the post-season, as they had a record 17 wins, 14 loses, clinching the sixth seed in the east division. He inished third in block shots and eighth in rebounds. Playing at Durham led to him earning a scholarship offer to play at Marquette. However as a transferee he was given a red shirt, making him ineligible to play, per NCAA rules. From Marquette he went to Tennessee Tech where he had two successful seasons. Drafted by the Iowa Energy of the NBA D-League, with the ninth pick in the fourth round, McMorrow wasn’t able to stick around for long. However, his current contract with the Tigers has an NBA opt-out clause, deeming him illegible to play for a team immediately before 2014, if an NBA team comes calling. Whether or not a team comes calling, McMorrow will work hard with the Tigers as their season ends in April, 2014.

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The Chronicle


October 29, 2013

Heads shots killing hockey Dangerous head hits ruin Canada’s sport

Lords basketball blown out

Dan Cearns

Luke Callebert

the chronicle At one time it was the issue in the National Hockey League. But now it is dwarfed by the ongoing debate about ighting in the game. The issue is hits to the head, and it is something the NHL should be looking to prevent before it even thinks about handling ighting. Rule 48 of the NHL rulebook deines an illegal check to the head as “a hit resulting in contact with an opponents head where the head is targeted and the principal point of contact is not permitted.” Under that deinition, the NHL has had several, constant suspensions. The latest incident forced San Jose Sharks defenceman Dan Boyle to be taken off on a stretcher. On Oct. 15, in a game between San Jose and St. Louis, Maxime Lapierre shoved Dan Boyle hard into the boards, which caused him to black out. Lapierre was suspended ive games for the hit. On the same day, Patrick Kaleta of the Buffalo Sabres

was given a ten game suspen- pensions for hits to the head. sion for a similar play where These suspensions totaled 18 Jack Johnson had contact to games, the highest being a six his head. The result was less game suspension to repeat ofdisastrous for the victim, but it fender Rafi Torres for his hit still represents a growing cul- on Jarret Stoll on May 14, 2013. ture of violence in hockey. In the 2011-12 season, fourCanucks deteen players were fenceman Alexsuspended totalander Edler was A hit resulting in ing 74 games. also given a three highest that contact with an oppo- The game suspension season was yet on Oct. 11 for his nent’s head where the again Rafi Torhit to the head on head is targeted and res on a hit to the Sharks forward the principal point of head of Marian Tomas Hertl. in the irst contact is not permit- Hossa There have round of the playalso been two ted offs. suspensions in These types NHL Rule 48 the pre season toof hits can ruin a taling six games player’s career or for illegal checks to the head. at least sideline them for a long To those who say that Rule time. 48 has made the NHL better, In Sidney Crosby’s case he it has only truly acted as a bet- was the victim of two hits to the ter deinition of the issue so the head, one at the Winter Classic NHL disciplinarian can do his in Jan. 2011 by then Capitals job better. It has not deterred forward David Steckel and the head targeters, and it has not second came four days later on stopped the number of hits to a hit by Victor Hedman. Crosby the head from increasing. would not come back under NoLast season, in a 48 game vember 2011, when he played season, the NHL issued six sus- just eight full games. He made

a full recovery by March 2012, a year and two months later. Fixing this issue will not be easy. It has already been proven that suspensions are not working. Large ines against the accused’s team would be an option. It would not only put the player on the hook for the other player’s injury, but teams would lose a chunk of cap space because of it. There is one major thing that needs to be done: a culture change must be made in the game so that hits to the head become a faux pas. The NHL must partner with the players union and the CHL, OHL and other junior leagues to educate players on how to handle situations when players are in vulnerable positions and to set a new unwritten rule in hockey where hits to player’s heads are a taboo. Targeting ighting will not end this kind of out of control violent culture in hockey. The NHL needs to focus on the main issue, head hits, before another star is left lying unconscious on the ice.

the chronicle

The Lords men’s varsity basketball team was blown out in their home opener, losing 97-67 to the defending east region champion Seneca Sting on Oct. 22. Saliym Cadogan led Durham in scoring with 18 points. Curtis Johnson added 13 points and Ajahmo Clarke scored 11, but it was not nearly enough to out-duel the 2012-13 CCAA All-Canadian Felix Adjei, who netted 30 points. The Lords did nothing to help their own cause, turning the ball over 39 times, allowing 26 steals and getting out rebounded 43-38. Eric Smith sat out the game with the shoulder injury that occurred at the Tip Off tournament. Durham will travel to Kingston to play St. Lawrence College on Oct. 30.

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Lords succeed in N.B. Durham wins three of four games Francis Viloria the chronicle

Durham College women’s basketball team inished second in the Ken Gould invitational tournament hosted by St. Thomas University in Fredericton, N.B. The Lord’s only loss was 69-36 against the hosts St. Thomas Tommies. Durham had victories over the Holland Hurricanes of P.E.I., University of King’s College, and the Blue Devils. Durham’s Kauri Lafontaine earned top honours, and was named to the alltournament team. Prior to the tournament, the Tommies had a victory under their belt against the Lords 72-50. The Lords ended their pre-season with a 9-2 record.

Lords named all-stars Dan Cearns the chronicle

Laura Arbour and Hope Eagleson, two Durham Lords fastball players, were named OCAA all stars on Oct. 17 at a league banquet Arbour inished the season with 14 runs on 20 hits, and had a batting average of .556. Unfortunately for Arbour, her season ended early due to a wrist injury. She is the sixth straight Durham Lord to inish the season leading the league in batting average, the last being Melissa Semeniuk last year. In 28 at bats, Eagleson picked up six runs on ive hits and had a batting average of .179. This was their irst year, for both players, playing for the Durham Lords.

The Chronicle

October 29, 2013

Fighting has no place in hockey, coaches say

York beats UOIT

Riyad Alli

Matthew Mazer

the chronicle After a player was concussed in the opening game of the 2013/2014 NHL season, the debate about ighting in hockey has resurfaced and is back making headlines. The NHL has always allowed ighting, but where is the line drawn in amateur university hockey? Marlin Muylaert, head coach of the UOIT Ridgeback men’s hockey team, believes ighting has no place in hockey. The current rules in Ontario university hockey penalize ighters a ive minute major and one game suspension for their irst offence, a two game

suspension for their second offence, and a three game suspension plus review for their third offence. “It will happen occasionally but the players involved in ighting will be penalized severely.” Muylaert explains. “We will support the league initiatives in terms of ighting rules.” UOIT Ridgeback forward Matt Salituro has a different perspective on the situation. “We need ighters to protect our skilled players,” Salituro explains, “Without them everyone on the ice becomes a tough guy.” The liability of players entering a ight lie solely on the player and the school would

not be responsible for their actions, however, Muylaert assures it’s never happened. “Never seen it in ten years of coaching where a player was so hurt they missed school.” In the end, Muylaert explained that nobody is liable. “Both ighters are willing participants when they drop the gloves.” Iain Young, goalie coach for the UOIT Ridgebacks men’s hockey team and former teammate of hockey legend Bobby Orr, also weighed in. “Staged ights have no place in hockey,” Young said. He said there’s a difference in types of injuries. “A lot of players get hurt playing the actual game, and not ighting.”


the chronicle

The UOIT Ridgebacks men’s soccer team lost 4-1 to the York Lions on Oct. 17 at Civic Field. The game was supposed to be played Oct. 16 at Vaso’s Field but the referees decided to call the game off because of the poor ield conditions. Justin Gordon scored for the Ridgebacks in the 52nd minute. Midielder Mark-Anthony Kaye, forward Joseph Cicchillo, midielder Giancarlo Rella and midielder Matt Stinson scored for York.

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The Chronicle

October 29, 2013

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Sudoku Sudoku is like a crossword for numbers. The puzzle is a nine-by-nine square grid.

Only one of each number can be in any given row, column, or box.


The goal is to perfectly arrange the numbers in each row, column and box so they all have one through nine without any repeats or missing numbers.


There are nine rows, nine columns, and nine three-by-three boxes.

October 29, 2013


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October 29, 2013

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