Chronicle 16 17 issue 01

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It is all about opportunity and giving people a chance to participate in a way that everybody else does. Volume XLIV, Issue 1

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October 4 - 10, 2016

Heavy metal rocks the 'Shwa page 11

Photograph by Tommy Morais

DC serves up a taste of Canada in Peru

page 9 Photograph courtesy of Danielle Harder

Oshawa's very own superheroes

Ridgebacks suit up for season page 7

Photograph by Tyler Hodgkinson

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page 13

Photograph by James Bauman

2016-09-30 11:20 AM


The Chronicle

October 4 - 10, 2016



of the

DC journalism students look at Durham College and UOIT, and beyond, by the numbers and with their cameras

Lights, camera, action! Local film lovers get comfortable in their seats for opening night of the Durham Region Film Festival. Photograph by Toby VanWeston

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2016-09-30 12:02 PM


October 4 - 10, 2016

The Chronicle

Saddle up for winter rides


Barbara Howe The Chronicle

There’s going to be a lot more horsing around this winter at WindReach Farm in Ashburn. Pride and excitement hung in the air at their stables at a recent ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate the winterization of the indoor riding arena at the Alexander J. Mitchell Equestrian Centre. Whitby-Oshawa MPP Lorne Coe, and Whitby deputy mayor, Derrick Gleed, attended the event to formally open the revamped facility which was partially funded by a $150,000 Ontario Trillium Foundation Grant. The grant paid for an insulated ceiling, along with a new lighting and heating system. The renovation will enable the centre to extend the use of the facility throughout the year. WindReach Farm is a fully accessible working farm which serves the needs of all individuals, but especially those with special needs. It offers services for people of all ages in its recreational, educational and therapeutic riding programs. “It has always been our dream to put in more lighting, insulation and heating,” said Carol Dahlquist, manager of donor relations at WindReach Farm. Dahlquist explained the therapeutic riding lessons used to stop in the winter months when temperatures in the barn dropped well below freezing. “It’s difficult to ride when it’s minus 20 degrees,” she said. MPP Lorne Coe addressed the small gathering of WindReach Farm employees and volunteers before the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

Photograph by Barbara Howe

(From left to right) Pat Bullock, co-ordinator of equine services at WindReach Farm, helps two-year-old Kiera Sims off her ride, Max, after her therapeutic riding lesson, while volunteers, Michele Cimino and Maureen Engel look on. “It is all about opportunity and giving people a chance to participate in a way that everybody else does,” said Coe. “The therapeutic value that this particular facility is going to be immeasurable.” The director of WindReach Farm, Kelly Jewer, was excited about the improvements to the arena, and keen to point out the insulation’s added benefit keeps the space cool during the hot summer months. “It’s like air conditioning,” she

said. Jewer said the facility serves approximately 100 families in the therapeutic riding program. Many of their clients have expressed an interest in the winter riding lessons and Jewer expects an enrolment of around 75 riders a week this winter. Jewer said the stables are also the Ontario home of Can Praxis, a program funded by Wounded Warriors Canada, which uses horses to help soldiers recover from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Soon after getting elected, he was named the official opposition critic for advanced education skills and development, and co-chair of the policy advisory committee for education for the Ontario PC party. Coe spoke of his role as part of a working committee with college and university presidents. He noted the declining enrolment in higher education over the past three to four years, especially in areas such as Windsor and northern Ontario, due to demographics and companies migrating from the province due to high electricity rates. Coe said he had visited universities and colleges over the last six months, including Durham College and UOIT, to learn their views on academic challenges, the current funding formula and how some skills don’t meet the requirements of the job market, with a view to improving the education system in the future. “At the moment there is a skills mismatch,” the MPP remarked. “We have situations where 9,000 teachers graduated a year ago, and there were only 5,000 jobs. I get emails from across the province, including Durham Region from

employers saying they have jobs, but they can’t find graduates with the requisite skills to take them.” The MPP added, “there is an obvious disconnect in the development of academic programs.” Coe said he has been collaborating with the Ontario Chamber of Commerce to deal with the skills mismatch and wanted to help Ontario’s colleges and universities have the programs which would meet the job openings available in the province. “We believe the education system can be strengthened beyond what the current regime has done,” Coe said. The veteran politician has over 13 years of political experience and served as town and regional councilor in Whitby and Durham Region before he secured the post at Queens Park. He encouraged anyone to go the Ontario PC website to provide input on a range of topics, such as education, health care, infrastructure and finance. “I look forward to making a difference that people across the province are telling us they want, and deserve,” said Coe.

(PTSD) and regain their family relationships. Can Praxis has been coming to the facility for two years using the stables three to four times a year. One of the youngest riders at WindReach, two-year-old Kiera Sims of Ajax, looked like a china doll riding in the sunlit arena. Flanked by two volunteer side-walkers and led by another, the little girl seemed comfortable and happy on her ride, Max. “This facility is amazing,” said

Susan Sims, Kiera’s mother. “Durham Region is very lucky to have a place like this. Sims said her daughter, who has a rare genetic disorder known as Prader-Willi syndrome, started riding when she was 21-months-old. “We were very lucky to find a place that would take her,” said Sims. “She is so much stronger since she started riding, and her speech has really come along too. It’s definitely beneficial for her."

College programs must match job openings MPP wants to make a difference Barbara Howe The Chronicle

Lorne Coe says he has a busy mandate, but he is relishing his new role as member of provincial parliament for Whitby-Oshawa, especially helping Durham College and UOIT grow and meet the demands of employers. Coe made his comments after opening the renovated indoor riding arena at WindReach Farm in Ashburn The stables form part of a working farm which is a centre for supporting individuals of all abilities, but especially those with special needs. “I am enjoying every moment of it. It is going by very quickly. We have 20 months until the next provincial election, and we look forward to forming a government.” Co was elected MPP in February in a byelection called after the resignation of Christine Elliott.

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Photograph by Barbara Howe.

Lorne Coe says he is enjoying his first seven months as MPP for Whitby-Oshawa.

2016-09-30 11:23 AM


The Chronicle

October 4 - 10, 2016


PUBLISHER: Greg Murphy EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Brian Legree AD MANAGER: Dawn Salter


Cartoon by Toby VanWeston

Construction on Simcoe seems to be never-ending

Buses are running late, and so are students. The construction along Simcoe Street is causing more problems than it is fixing. A project that was supposed to be done by the end of August is now set to be complete by the end of October. School starts at the same time every year so how could the Region of Durham not see this coming? The Region of Durham has failed staff, students, and the community in their attempt to finish the construction on Simcoe Street in time for school. According to Bill Reid, the head of capital construction projects for

the Region of Durham, the delays in construction were caused by design challenges. Construction workers discovered gas mains, which resulted in a redesign of the project after construction had begun. Nonetheless, there are still many things the Region of Durham could be doing now to lessen the burden. First let’s go back. Construction should have been started in April and ended in August when most students are out of class. According to Reid, the construction was not absolutely necessary but will help improve traffic flow

EDITORS: Jenn Amaro, James Bauman, Rebecca Calzavara, Nathan Chow, Sharena Clendening, Dean Daley, Alexander Debets, Travis Fortnum, Tyler Hodgkinson, Barbara Howe, Noor Ibrahim, James Jackson, Christopher Jones, Frank Katradis, Daniel Koehler, Angela Lavallee, Chelsea McCormick, Tyler Mcmurter, Laura Metcalfe, Tommy Morais, Joshua Nelson, Nicole O'Brien, Samuel Odrowski, Devarsh Oza, Trusha Patel, Matthew Pellerin, Asim Pervez, Emily Saxby, Tyler Searle, Jessica Stoiku, Euvilla Thomas, Toby VanWeston, Kayano Waite, Brandi Washington, Michael Welsh, Jared Williams, Erin Williams.

along Simcoe once finished. But it is not finished. Construction workers should at least be working at night, as opposed to the busiest hours of the day, so that construction is less disruptive and completed in a timely manner. For a project that is costing taxpayers 2-3 million dollars already, the Region of Durham should be working extra hard to accelerate the completion date of the construction. Don Lovisa, the president of Durham College, wants the construction to be finished just as much as the students. His normal

The Chronicle is published by the Durham College School of Media, Art

and Design, 2000 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario L1H 7L7, 7212000 Ext. 3068, as a training vehicle for students enrolled in Journalism and Advertising courses and as a campus news medium. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the college administration or the board of governors. The Chronicle is a member of the Ontario Community Newspapers Association.

Publisher: Greg Murphy

Editor-In-Chief: Brian Legree

Advertising Production Manager: Kevan F. Drinkwalter

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five-minute commute has turned into a 20-minute drive. “I don’t understand how we can have a construction schedule that is 40 hours a week and not be able to accelerate it, especially when we’re behind,” says Lovisa. The added stress of a longer commute also has an impact on student success. Many students complain buses consistently run late. They can never be sure if they will make it on time for class. With midterms starting before the project is set to finish many more problems will start to arise. What is going to happen when

Features editor: Teresa Goff

Photography Editor: Al Fournier

students begin showing up to midterms late? Through poor planning and no attempt to accelerate the project, the construction is becoming increasingly irritating for staff, students, and the broader community. People affected by the construction must voice their concerns to the Region of Durham if they want to pressure this project to be accelerated in any way. The construction is not paving a road to success for students at UOIT and Durham College. It is creating a roadblock. Sam Odrowski

MEDIA REPS: Brandon Agnew, Justin Bates, Zach Beauparlant, Kayla Cook, Nathalie Desrochers, Charlotte Edwards, Yannick Green, Madeline Grixti, Stephanie Hanna, Lijo Joseph, Sarah Judge, Shannon Lazo, Megan Mcdonald, Ashley Mcgregor, Josh Mcgurk, Katie Miskelly, Louisa Molloy, Jasmine Ohprecio, Alex Powdar, Olivia Randall-Norris, Kaela Richardson, Madeleine Riley, Alex Royer, Spencer Stevens, Rachel Thompson, Geroge Tsalavoutas, Alexandra Weekes, Cameron Westlake. PRODUCTION ARTISTS: Rachel Alexander, Angela Bahnesli, Sarah Bhatti, Anokhi Bhavsar, Steven Brundage, Chanel Castella, Brandon Clark, Scott Cowling, Leanne Howorth, Bryce Isaacs, Erin Jones, Natasha Kowo, Samantha Mallia, Alyssa Matthew, Alexandra Rich, Bethany Seaton, Kristian Seepersad, Georgina Tsoutsos, Marisa Turpin, Rachel Wendt, Travis Yule.

Ad Manager: Dawn Salter

Technical Production: Keir Broadfoot

2016-09-30 11:23 AM

The Chronicle

October 4 - 10, 2016



Free the tampons at DC

Photograph by Rebecca Calzavara

Ruby Lapointe next to a tampon dispenser in a washroom on campus.

Stand up for equality The Black Lives Matter movement has brought to the forefront the mistreatment of black men and women throughout the western world. They have done this by being confrontational and taking direct action against the police and other groups, which has been effective. However, it is no longer time for aggressive tactics, but time to open up a peaceful dialogue. It’s time to stop being Malcolm X and be Martin Luther King. In recent weeks, players in the National Football League (NFL) have been doing just that by symbolically protesting the American national anthem by not standing for it but taking a knee instead, or by raising their fists in solidarity. Their intent is to send a peaceful, but powerful, message to the world: NFL players will no longer tolerate the systemic racism and police brutality that has been plaguing the United States. In particular Colin Kaepernick, a quarterback on the San Francisco 49ers, who started the movement, has received harsh criticism via social media that is often racist and hateful. Kaepernick has said that he won’t stand and show pride to a country that not only oppresses black people and people of colour, but forces them to live in fear for their lives. The group of players protesting throughout the NFL has grown: from Kaepernick’s teammate Eric Reid, to Jeremy Lane of the Seattle Seahawks, to Brandon Marshall of the Denver Bronco’s. The trend doesn’t seem to be slowing down. Because of Kaepernick and players like him, a dialogue has started across the NFL, throughout its fanbase, and even those who don’t care for football. Kaepernick is the Mar-

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Chris Jones tin Luther King of this movement. While players in the NFL have been protesting peacefully on a global stage, the same can’t be said about BLM. On occasion they may have gone a step too far in their protests, such as their actions during the Gay Pride Parade in Toronto this summer, where they blocked the parade. There’s been more than just protests by NFL players, however. Police and members of the Black Lives Matter movement in Wichita, Kansas held a cookout in July. Not only did they peacefully enjoy one another’s company, the cookout itself helped show people the value of dialogue and the value of understanding each other’s needs and wants. An open dialogue will always hold more value than aggressive behaviour. These peaceful moments have made more strides than any riot or aggressive tactic could ever hope to make. Kaepernick and other NFL players have brought their message of peace to a global stage, the peaceful protests across the U.S. have helped to gain the respect of the world, and the cookout in Kansas has shown that an open dialogue does not only lead to peace, but it leads to a sense of camaraderie that has long since been lost in the United States. An open dialogue creates a long-term solution. Anger only begets more anger. We’ve had enough of that.

New York is the first American city to provide free tampons in school washrooms. What has become known as the menstrual equity movement is growing. For the last couple of years there has been a growing chorus of women demanding free tampons. Since Canada removed GST tax on tampons in 2015, nothing more has happened. Not paying tax is just a start of the menstrual movement. The issue here is the fact tampons are not a “luxury” item. They are a necessity. Each dispenser at Durham College has napkins and tampons sold for 25 cents. Durham College should not only have tampon dispensers in all women’s washrooms, tampons should be free. Toilet paper is free. Emergency items like tampons and pads should be too. Every school in NYC is working towards getting free tampons in all public washrooms. The tampon dispensers at Durham College are stocked with Tampax brand by house keeping ser-

Rebecca Calzavara vices, who also collect the money. The money is then put towards helping offset the cost of the tampons. The washrooms each have a dispenser but despite the attempt at convenience, the dispensers are outside of the stall and you need to be carrying around change in your pocket if you are not prepared for it. It’s the 21st century, no one carries around change. Durham College needs to provide tampons and pads. Brown University in NYC is the first school to supply free tampons and pads in public washrooms. The Undergraduate Council of Students provide the school with tampons and pads. Durham College’s Health and Wellness club

would be a great way to spread the word around on how important this is to girls. There hasn’t been a whole lot of action on this issue because it’s not something most people like to talk about. It’s one of those touchy subjects because it’s not a pleasant one. Not a lot of guys would want to talk about a girl’s menstrual cycle but it is something girls struggle with every month. However, this is not just a taboo subject, it’s also costly. For everyone, in college there are a lot of expenses. Whether it be groceries or transit, it can get really stressful and overwhelming. It’s being recognized that tampons are not a luxury item. They are a necessity. Last year Canada got rid of tampon tax so women no longer pay GST on tampons. This is not enough. Tampons are not a “luxury” item, they are a necessity and it’s about time schools provided them, free of charge. Free the tampon at Durham College.

iOS 10 now uses a water gun emoji instead of pistol Apple won’t be able to change the world’s gun problem Sticking to your guns is no longer an option with Apple’s new IOS update. Long gone are the days where Apple users could hypothetically pull a pistol. Now, if you’re trying to threaten your friends or foes, your best hope is their fear of squirt guns. Apple’s new emoji keyboard has replaced the revolver emoji with a lime green water gun. Although this transition was met with hundreds of social media protesters claiming it doesn’t help gun violence, this decision is Apple’s ingenious method of portraying its political stance against gun violence. In light of recent tragic events such as the Orlando nightclub shooting and the Dallas police gun-down, it is hard not to look at Apple’s new update from an angle that is hoping for change in gunlaws, whether big or small. Yet people have taken to social media to denounce Apple’s replacement of the gun, saying the move is useless, as it doesn’t improve gunlaws or affect gun-violence in any meaningful way. The squirt gun emoji will not prevent another tragedy. However,

Noor Ibrahim the emoji was never meant to end gun-violence or improve the war against it in the first place. It was merely replaced as a political statement on a serious social issue. Let’s not pretend that Apple’s replacement of the pistol has affected American’s rights to own firearms. The emoji cannot, and never will, pioneer new laws for gun safety. Apple never claimed it would. If Apple really wanted to take the next step in promoting a war against gun-violence, they would have removed the gun emoji entirely. But instead, Apple chose to add a lime green alias to show the public where they stand. Apple never addressed this message directly either. When Apple released the new emojis earlier this year, the water gun was among the photos within the news release. However, the news release didn’t include anything about the water gun. Apple merely claimed their new emojis are “beautiful redesigns” that “bring more gender options to existing characters.” Apple came under the spotlight in July when an organization called NewYorkers against Gun Violence (NYAGV) launched a campaign called Disarm the iPhone. The campaign urges users to tweet Apple’s CEO Tim Cook re-

quests to remove the pistol emoji. Therefore, people claimed that Apple replaced the emoji to merely avoid the humiliation and trouble that the campaign would cause. Let’s get one thing straight. Apple isn’t afraid of humiliation. They practically live in it by now. Remember the iPen? The oh-so-bendable iPhone 6 Plus? The HEADPHONE JACK? Apple has never once caved into public criticism and changed their designs. This time isn’t any different. The campaign was just another protester barking up Apple’s tree. If Apple really wanted to avoid trouble, they could have replaced all lethal weapons on their keyboard. But you don’t see a butter knife yet do you? Apple also refused to implement a rifle emoji earlier this year, which strengthens their political statement further. The fact that the gun emoji can still be used further proves that Apple wasn’t trying to eliminate the talk about guns. The water gun emoji still shows up as a pistol to any non-IOS device or any device with an IOS less than 10. Even though it may seem like Apple was trying to put a Band-Aid on a black hole by removing the gun emoji to end gun violence, Apple was only trying to convey a political stance of intolerance towards gun violence. It succeeded. Besides, everyone knows users will find a way around the emoji anyway. Users of the eggplant and peach emoji know exactly what I’m talking about.

2016-09-30 11:28 AM


The Chronicle

October 4 - 10, 2016


Digital technology changing classrooms This is one in a series of conversations with faculty experts at UOIT and Durham College Rebecca Calzavara The Chronicle

In a world of ever changing technology, Dr. Roland Van Oostveen, a founding faculty member of the Faculty of Education at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology, is leading the way for new innovation. Van Oostveen explains how education can be influenced by digital technology and how our society is influenced. What do you do and how do you do it? There’s a least three components to what I actually do. One of my jobs is to actually conduct classes. I give courses in a variety of different kinds of subjects depending upon which program that I am going to be dealing with. I direct and facilitate courses at both the undergraduate level and graduate level. The kinds of courses I’m involved in have everything to do with education digital technologies. How does education become influenced by digital technologies and conversely how does society as a whole influence the way that digital technologies are viewed or used, etc. What makes your topic of research relevant? It’s giving people an opportunity to take a look at where their skill development is. The kinds of strengths they actually have that they can capitalize on and their weaknesses so that they can make determinations as to, ‘what kind of learning opportunities do I need to plug myself into’. If a career that I want requires that. We can also use techniques called repertory grids and basically what that does is it allows you to make sense of the information of the data. How did you arrive in Oshawa? My background is coming from biological sciences. Trained originally as a marine biologist and marine biology is an interesting field from the perspective that to be a marine biologist in Canada this time in the last 30-40 years you had to either be related to in some way shape or form to someone who is already doing marine biology or independently wealthy. And I was neither one of those.

She was a very hard person to please.

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Photograph by Rebecca Calzavara

Dr. Roland Van Oostveen, a founding faculty member of the Faculty of Education at UOIT.

So I’m one of the few people from my year graduated, 1981, and I got work on the west coast. So that was about six months’ work. Then I spent three months in the northern BC, southern Yukon region. In the early 1980s when I was doing that kind of work, the recession came along and all that kind of work dried up. So I needed to figure out what I was going to do so I went back to school. U of Vic (University of Victoria) in this case and became a teacher. In the early 1990s I decided I didn’t want to be a teacher anymore. I ended

up doing my master’s and PhD at U of T (University of Toronto) and ended up becoming a science educator at the higher educational level universities. When the opportunity showed up that a new university was showing up here, they wanted to have a Faculty of Education, that dealt with technology, I said that was for me. Who inspired you along the way? There are a number of people who influenced me, I think one of the people who had a huge effect in

terms of driving me would be my mom. Not necessarily in a positive way. She was a very hard person to please. My personality didn’t match up to her personality very well. The feeling I always had was that nothing that I did was good enough so I had to do it harder and better. A couple of other people were very instrumental in terms of getting me onto a specific track, one of those individuals was the supervisor I had a U of T, Derek Hodson. Orienting me to this whole idea that learning is not a matter of accumulating information, it’s more along the lines of what kinds of new understanding

do we get when we talk about ideas together. What’s your favourite part of this research? I like taking a look at the implication of all these pieces. It’s the theorizing that I’m mostly excited about so coming up with new models on ways of doing things. It’s the critical feedback that’s really important if we are going to continually improve on our performances. This interview was edited for style, length and clarity.

2016-09-30 11:28 AM


October 4 - 10, 2016

The Chronicle


Photograph by Tyler Hodgkinson

Aftershock (left) and Nameless Crusader on a patrol near the bandshell in downtown Oshawa.

Justice lives in Oshawa Real-life superheroes hope to create empathy within the community Tyler Hodgkinson The Chronicle

An ominous haze surrounds the downtown Oshawa bandshell, as midnight fast approaches. Groups of two to six people congregate for various reasons. Some scavenge for Pokemon, while others’ motives remain questionable. Far in the distance, two bright-coloured figures emerge from the fog. One man’s lean physique is draped in fluorescent green, with a sharp-lined face mask, flowing cape, and sizeable lightning bolt proudly cemented on his chest armour. Shorter than his companion, the other male makes up for stature with a husky build, and a brooding black, red and white camouflage costume. They are optimism incarnate: real-life superheroes. Aftershock and his partner Nameless Crusader patrol the city core twice a week for suspicious activity or helpless individuals. If they witness a drug deal in process, they call the police. If there is someone in need of a safe escort, they will join the individual. Together, Aftershock and his partner Nameless Crusader are the Justice Crew of Oshawa ( JCO). “You don’t have to look like a superhero to be a superhero,” says Aftershock, who is also known as Oshawa’s Turtleman. This is because of his green armoured costume. “One small thing a day, can be the biggest change in the world

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to someone out there.” Aftershock doesn’t have x-ray vision, telepathy, or the ability to fly. Neither does Nameless Crusader. Their superpower is empathy. They believe compassion is something everyone can have and they are leading by example. Like most comic book heroes, Aftershock and Nameless Crusader are regular citizens but their identities are secret. This is to keep themselves safe outside of their costumes. The JCO hopes their anonymity will also enforce the message of selfishness over ego. The ability to understand another’s feelings is an attribute the superheroes hope to incite in Oshawa. Aftershock empathizes with those without shelter, as he too was once homeless. At rock bottom and living in his car, the Newcastle-native made a commitment to himself: to create a better life not only for himself but for others as well. Courage was the first step to his path of honour. “One night I said, ‘the heck with this’ and threw together a makeshift costume,” says Aftershock. He now patrols for the citizens of Oshawa, his wife, and two young children. As the Justice Crew of Oshawa arrives at the bandshell, a belligerent man screams expletives at the heroes. “Hello, Sir,” says Nameless Crusader with a swift wave of his gloved hand. Nameless Crusader, who was born and raised in Oshawa, says his inspiration to suit up came from

“Kick-Ass,” a 2010 film about real-life superheroes. A quick Google search revealed there were like-minded individuals - and one in particular, Aftershock, in his very own backyard. Because of Nameless Crusader’s gentle response, the man’s anger becomes curiosity. He now begins to walk toward the colourful characters. The JCO changes their direction to avoid an unpredictable, dimly lit confrontation.

paid for by the superheroes as well as by donation. Despite their good intentions, there is still danger. As a safety precaution, the team never patrols alone. If suspicious activity is witnessed, the JCO will respond by communicating with the potential perpetrator from a safe distance, or calling police. According to Nameless Crusader, Durham police are generally supportive of the crew’s message and execution. In an email sent to the group and posted online, Inspector George Dmytruk thanked them for communicating with police about a suspicious individual claiming to be a real-life superhero.

You don’t have to look like a superhero to be a superhero.

The crew patrols long after most citizens are asleep, and in some cases, after the sun has risen. During the day is when they contribute to various outreach initiatives. This includes community cleanup programs. On their Facebook page, the JCO posted a certificate presented to them by the city of Oshawa for their contributions to litter control in 2014. They also provide survival materials such as food, blankets, and hygiene products to the homeless. The kits are

Sometimes, danger can’t be avoided. A belligerent individual snapped a large branch off the JCO’s heads late one night. “We were wearing armour, so it didn’t really affect us,” admits Aftershock. He says they removed themselves from the situation to notify police of the attack, and ensured this man did not hurt innocent citizens. The group avoids using violence or any sort of “Pow! Bang! Boom!” mentality. Instead, their focus is to

prevent crime by promoting a harmonious, but vigilant community. Throughout their many patrols, public reaction remains positive. Citizens seem to encourage and in most cases, engage in the group’s initiative to build a safer, more joyful community. “[They are] the heroes Canada needs,” Calvin Clarence Frank Schutt wrote on the group’s Facebook page, “I just wanted to say you guys are amazing! I’m inspired!” Other real-life superheroes around the world share the JCO’s mission. Individuals and groups have appeared globally, in places such as Argentina, Colombia, Italy, Liberia, and Finland. The Trillium Guards of Ontario, a Toronto-based crew, sought out Aftershock and Nameless Crusader for a homeless outreach program scheduled for this December. The two groups will meet in Toronto for a mass distribution of survival packs. “We might not be doing crazy, exciting things every patrol, but there will be that one time that we’re really needed out here,” says Aftershock. That’s why the group looks to recruit new members. They hope with the help of passionate individuals, the JCO will become a non-profit organization recognized by the government. The publicity and credibility would allow them to generate more funds and materials for community initiatives. Nameless Crusader believes along with every day citizens, the JCO is part of a balance to an equation. “As long as there are people on the opposite side of the fence doing bad things,” he says, “there’s going to be us out here trying to do good things.”

2016-09-30 11:39 AM


The Chronicle

October 4 - 10, 2016


Durham’s $40M plan to replace Simcoe Building Emily Saxby The Chronicle Durham College’s $40-million plan to replace the Simcoe building got a $13-million investment from the federal government which pledged the money in support of the Centre for Collaborative Education (CFCE) project. Plans for the CFCE were announced in April 2014, as a multilevel, technologically-advanced facility to replace the Simcoe building, which was supposed to be a temporary learning environment when it opened in 1969. “Today’s investment is about more than just a physical building,” said Granville Anderson, Durham MPP at a presentation Sept. 14. “It’s about building Durham College’s size, diversity and partnerships to give students access to the best learning experiences.” At the funding announcement, it was revealed the CFCE will house

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Photograph by Emily Saxby

Durham College president Don Lovisa speaks about the upcoming Centre for Collaborative Education project. services such as the Aboriginal and Student Diversity centres as well as the Spark Innovation Centre, a place that supports student and

community entrepreneurs. The facility will also include space for the Global Class initiative where students have access to experts from

more than 40 countries, and modern classrooms and labs for health science students, including a spa for massage therapy, cosmetology

and aesthetics. “The funding is only available to great projects such as this, so I’m really proud to stand here and advocate for Durham College,” said Celina Caesar-Chavannes, Whitby MP. According to Durham College president Don Lovisa, the initial request for funding from the federal government was $18.5 million. The application incorporated two additional smaller projects: a specialized food lab for Whitby’s Centre for Food (CFF), and an agricultural research area to be developed at the corner of Conlin and Thornton roads.Both projects are still on Caesar-Chavannes’s radar as she joked “I haven’t forgotten that I still have a job to do.” The $13-million federal investment was granted in addition to $22 million from the provincial government pledged in April 2016. According to Lovisa, this is the largest sum of money received from the government for a project at Durham College, and the additional $5 million necessary for the project will be fundraised over the next two years.When the plan was first announced, it was estimated at a cost of about $35 million. The budget has since gone up to incorporate more sustainable infrastructure. According to Lovisa, the entire roof is going to be solar panels, and a living wall similar to the one in Whitby’s CFF will grow inside the CFCE.Lovisa said the final price of $40 million is going to the Board of Governors on Oct. 12 for approval and construction is expected to begin this fall and completed in 2018. With the road work surrounding Durham College set to finish by October, it appears construction around campus isn’t going to come to a complete halt. Students with classes in the Simcoe building will continue to learn in that space with the assembly of the CFCE going on around them. According to Lovisa, the Simcoe building will not be destroyed until the final step of construction. “The noisiest part is going to be when they’re going into the ground,” Lovisa said, Yes, there’s going to be disruptions, but there always is when you build.”

2016-09-30 12:47 PM


October 4 - 10, 2016

The Chronicle


Photograph by Danielle Harder

Durham College students (from left) Travis Fortnum, Vik Panjwani and Kyle Rist are joined by Durham College manager of international projects, Katie Boone, prior to leaving for Peru.

Durham College students lend a helping hand in Peru Culinary education key to partnership Travis Fortnum

The Chronicle

After a summer-long selection process, three Durham College students are now furthering their education in Peru as part of a school initiative. One student from each of the culinary management, digital video production and journalism programs were selected to visit Durham’s international partner, the Centro Experimental de Formación Profesional (CEFOP). CEFOP, a technical and vocational college in the city of Trujillo, has been the college’s partner for two years, working together to exchange the tips and tricks both schools have picked up through their culinary education programs. The students made two teams and aim to document and celebrate the successful partnership. Vik Panjwani, the student selected from the digital video production program, is no stranger to travelling the world. Panjwani was born in India and lived in British Columbia doing special effects work on Hollywood movies. The videographer came to Durham College with this experience in the film industry on his résumé and will bring his passion to the project. “I’ve never been to South America,” he says. “I’m working with a lot of different people from different disciplines. Usually I’m working with a film crew. This time I’ll be working with a journalist and Kyle, who’s a culinary student. It’s going to be new.” Kyle Rist, the culinary student chosen, also has an impressive ré-

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sumé in his field. With experience as a server and a line cook he now works as a cook in the kitchens of El Caballito, a highly-regarded Mexican restaurant in Toronto. Rist will be taking a sample of some of Canada’s flavour with him to Trujillo. “My family and friends seem to think I’m going on vacation,” he says. “I’m going over to assist with Chef Dave Hawey to demonstrate some Canadian dishes, mainly poutine and butter tarts.”

We work, live and breathe a very internationalized, globalized world. Katie Boone, manager of international projects at Durham College, will accompany the students as well as a handful of faculty. Boone currently manages four international partnerships at Durham College. In addition to the culinary partnership in Peru, there is one in Guyana focused on automotive and electronics, another in Vietnam focused on food and pharmaceuticals and one in Barbados for leadership and change management. “We work, live and breathe a very internationalized, globalized world,” Boone says. “Students or graduates that can finish their academic career with international exposure in their field are all the more ready to work in a globalized world.” The Durham College team flew to Peru on Sept. 26 and were set to return Oct. 3.

2016-09-30 12:48 PM


The Chronicle

October 4 - 10, 2016

Social media can help you get the job you’re seeking Use it to develop your personal brand

Looking for a job? Harness the power of social media! Social media is a powerful tool that can be beneficial in your job search. Social media sites like LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook allow you to learn about companies, connect with and gain insight from current and past employees, and discover job openings before they are posted on popular job search websites. Social media also allows you to advertise your personal brand and demonstrate your skills, values, and professionalism, enabling employers to have a sense of who you are outside of a cover letter or resume. As such, the use of social media is a very important asset for your job search. The first step to effectively use social media in searching for a job is to develop your personal brand. Personal branding can be described as advertising yourself through your expertise, personality, and values. Sixty –three per cent of employers stated they screened candidates before making a hiring decision, so you want to make sure that you have a solid social media presence. In doing so, think about what you would like to be known for and own it. Focus on what distinguishes you from others and provide a clear understanding of your career goals as well as your passions, strengths and values. You will want to ensure that any content that you post reflects the aforementioned characteristics in a positive way. Once you have an idea of what you want your brand to be, the next step is to decide which social media tools you wish to use to market yourself. If you don’t have any profiles set up yet, focus on getting them started one at a time so you don’t feel overwhelmed. Your online profile will need to be continuously updated and kept current in order to be effective; being relevant, current, and interesting should be your goal. If you use multiple social media pages, ensure that your brand is consistent across all platforms. Once you have your profile established, it’s time to start making connections.

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Shenelle Payne Cuffy Known as the hidden job market, recruitment for many jobs are obtained through networking. Connecting with employers and professionals will be a lot different than how you would connect with family and friends. Talk to people in a professional and respectful manner. Tell them specifically what you are looking for and/or what you are interested in. Ask if they know anyone who might be able to help you obtain more information. As your contacts are helping you, help your contacts with their needs; it is important to reciprocate in order for networking to be mutually beneficial. To network with professionals, you should look for professional networking websites and online groups specific to your industry or desired profession. This helps increase your network and awareness of recent trends in the field allowing you to have online discussions, find out about new companies and job leads, and become aware of further education and professional development opportunities. In being an active participant, make sure that the information you post is useful and informative. For example, you can share an article about your industry which demonstrates your interests. You can also consider creating a blog to diversify your online presence. Think of it as an online portfolio where you can use this platform to show off your skills, work accomplishments, and education in an engaging manner that employers are likely to notice, i.e. samples of presentations and videos. Be sure to take advantage of social media in your job search. Not only will it increase your online visibility but it will help you to network and discover job opportunities, putting you one step closer to the job you are seeking. If you need further information or need help with reviewing your social media pages, visit your school’s career office: UOIT at and Durham College care of This column is courtesy of the UOIT Student Life Career Centre.

2016-09-30 12:49 PM

October 4 - 10, 2016

The Chronicle



Photograph by Tommy Morais

James Michael (left) and DJ Ashba of Sixx A.M. are tearing it up on stage at Oshawa’s General Motors Centre.

Metal fans vote to bring bands to GM Centre Tommy Morais

The power of voting might just bring your favourite band to town. Five Finger Death Punch and Papa Roach launched an online campaign before their North American tour that gave their fans the opportunity to decide which 14 Canadian cities they would visit. Oshawa was one of those cities. When you put four heavy-metal bands under the same roof, things tend to get a little rowdy. Amidst a sea of black T-shirts, the coast-tocoast Canadian tour made a stop at Oshawa’s General Motors Centre Sept. 23. Heads were banging, some “danced” in mosh pits and many

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beers were spilled in the name of rock. All because Oshawa’s metal community voted to bring the tour to their city. Five Finger Death Punch and Papa Roach brought along some support in the form of Sixx A.M. and From Ashes to New. Each individual band has its own dedicated fan base, bringing together headbangers young and old from corners of the province. “I’m mainly here to see Five Finger Death Punch, I’m a diehard fan, but I do enjoy Papa Roach and Sixx A.M.”, says Dallas Burke, 23, of Lindsay. Behind all the tattoos, stage clothes and makeup the artists proudly display on stage, their work can have healing effects upon their fans. Jenny Jenkins has been following Sixx A.M. and Motley Crue bassist Nikki Sixx’s career for over 33 years, she is 53 now. “Addiction led to my husband’s suicide. I read [ Nikki Sixx’s book]

The Heroin Diaries every year on the anniversary because it is so close to me,” reveals the Peterborough native. “I’m here primarily here for

anomaly in that they are headliners with no hits. What’s remarkable is that unlike fellow cohorts Papa Roach

“Addiction led to my husband’s suicide. I read [ Nikki Sixx’s book] The Heroin Diaries every year on the anniversary because it is so close to me.” Sixx A.M., I love all their albums and I adore their music.” Hailing from Las Vegas, Nevada, Five Finger Death Punch are a cult sensation and a statistical

and Sixx A.M.–who experienced success on the radio with Last Resort and Life is Beautiful respectively– FFDP doesn’t rely on mainstream radio for support.

Instead, they rely on word-ofmouth from their fans and the occasional metal magazine cover. FFDP received the loudest reaction of the night, but one gets the sense there is more camaraderie than competition among the bands. “How cool is this?” shouts Papa Roach’s Jacoby Shaddix, before launching into a thundering rendition of the band’s hit To Be Loved. “We get to open for Five Finger and play with Sixx A.M.!” Hits were played, and concert-goers got the most of out their tickets’ worth. It wasn’t just loud and heavy, however, as the occasional acoustic ballad slipped their way into the evening set lists. Its FFDP frontman, Ivan Moody, who gets the last word. “When we started out [as a band] in Los Angeles, people went Five Finger Death what?” says Moody to the cheering crowd. He pauses. More cheers. “We owe it all to you, so thank you!”

2016-09-30 11:40 AM


The Chronicle

October 4 - 10, 2016


From the occult to the Grammys Lady Gaga gone twisted meets metal Tommy Morais The Chronicle

Heavy metal bands with a penchant for the occult and outrageous costumes don’t win awards or get musical recognition. Or so you’d think. Enter Sweden’s Ghost. The cultlike group’s leader and front man Papa Emeritus III looks like a fallen pope who underwent a severe exorcism. Backed by his horn-masked “nameless ghouls”, the band casts a sinister appearance, which is reflected in its music. The controversial group is eager to capture a new audience following a 2016 Grammy Award win. Being one of the rare metal acts to win aGrammy exposes Ghost to a bigger demographic. “A nightmare has just turned into a dream,” said front man Papa Emeritus III holding the award at the 2016 Grammy awards. Ghost’s Popestar extended play (EP), released just one day ahead of the band’s North American tour with no prior notice, is the next logical step for the band. The EP sees the macabre-flavoured outfit aim for mainstream radio airplay. With Popestar, the Swedes have

completed their transition from darlings of the indie metal scene to that of a viable commercial and international act. Popestar seems tame for a band who pushes the visual and lyrical envelope. Ghost understands they need to tone down the controversial gimmicks if they hope to reach a larger audience. This also means forging an identity that will connect with the masses rather than one specific niche. With their new offering, Ghost meshes together elements of rock and pop in an unholy communion. Popestar is Lady Gaga meets metal gone twisted. It’s rock and it’s pop. It is Ghost and it isn’t. Comprising one original song and four covers by the likes of Echo & The Bunnymen and Eurythmics, Popestar makes the most of its 23 minutes. “Square Hammer” is the lead single on which Popestar builds its foundation. The song blends elements of Ghost’s past with a more contemporary pop sound, effectively establishing them as a haunting presence in popular music. Cover albums tend to be riské affairs, but Ghost has the self-awareness necessary to make songs like the Eurythmics’ “Missionary Man” their own. Expect to hear unexpected twist on some popular staples. Throughout its eight-year tenure, Ghost has put tremendous effort

Ghost’s new extended play blends elements of pop and metal in unholy communion. into building and cultivating a visual live show designed to throw parents into hysterics. Years spent on the road honing their craft and developing their act in front of Iron Maiden and Alice Cooper audiences has paid off. If occult-rock isn’t your thing,

rest assured. Papa and the ghouls make increasingly accessible music with each succeeding release. They’re distancing themselves from scare tactics once worn with pride on their collective sleeves and Papa Emeritus III showcases a vocal range broader than that of

his predecessors. Never has it been easier to embrace the world of occult-rock. Call Popestar an appetizer. Ghost will be performing at the Queen Elizabeth Theatre in Toronto on November 8-9. Popestar is available now.

Close encounter of the native kind Barbara Howe

Mystical stories with a sci-fi twist Imagine if your computer had a conscience, or an old battered toy robot sprang to life and initiated a suicide intervention. The belief all things are alive and everything on the planet has a spirit exists in many aboriginal cultures. This thread weaves through Drew Hayden Taylor’s new collection of short stories, ‘Take Us to Your Chief’. ‘Take Us to Your Chief’ is the latest work by award-winning Ojibway novelist and playwright Drew Hayden Taylor, who was born in Curve Lake, Ontario, and has published around 30 books and over 70 plays. It is a collection of nine science-fiction short stories told from an Aboriginal perspective and tries to bridge the gap between cultures

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using humour. Taylor has a knack for keeping the reader entertained by writing insightful witty observations of aboriginal life twinned with ironic and unexpected twists of futurism. The stories cover subjects such as hostile alien invasions, government conspiracy theories, stargazing stargazers, plus space exploration, time travel and the first gay First Nations superhero. While the writing is tongue-incheek, Taylor touches on some sobering issues Canadian First Nations’ communities face, many of which are ignored, or get scant coverage by the media. Subjects such as the poor water quality in many reservations, the high suicide rates in young aboriginal males, the disappearance of native women, the lopsided native prison population and drug and alcohol addictions in the aboriginal population are interspersed throughout. All are thought provoking issues worthy of dinner table discussions. In ‘Petropaths’, Taylor uses time travel to illustrate the importance of cultural heritage. It is the story of Duane, a troubled Anishinabe youth, who has spent more than one stint in jail. To help him rehabilitate, and to give him some focus, his community send him

to uninhabited Thunderbird Island to “understand his place in the universe” by studying ancient petroglyphs. What happened next was not what either party expected. Connections to the arrival of the white man are found in the title story, ‘Take us to your Chief,’ which compares the landing of an alien spaceship in Newfoundland to the first meeting of the Beothuk and Mi’kmaq chiefs with the Vikings centuries ago. Taylor’s writing is easy to read and would appeal to anyone from a teenager to a college student, or a college student’s grandmother. In a recent CBC interview, Taylor said he thinks people need to broaden their perspectives on Canadian literature. He pities anyone who has not. ‘Take Us to Your Chief,’ is an entertaining read. The stories blend subtle undertones of serious social issues with 1950s style Sci-Fi story telling. The collection can be used as a jumping off point for discussions on the wider issues of aboriginals worldwide and their treatment by the dominant culture. The book is due to be published on Oct, 8 by Douglas and McIntyre. There is a book launch on Oct,16 at 6.30pm at Bakka-Phoenix Books, 84, Harbord St., Toronto.

Drew Hayden Taylor’s new book will be released Oct. 8.

2016-09-30 11:41 AM


October 4 - 10, 2016

The Chronicle


'Backs get into gear James Bauman The Chronicle

Off-season and training camp preparations have put the UOIT Ridgebacks into a good position to start the Ontario university (OUA) men’s hockey season. UOIT opens its season Friday, Oct. 7, in Ottawa against the GeeGees. The players and coaching staff are committed to a return to the playoffs, a continuation of last season’s efforts which saw the Ridgebacks playing late into February. On a team full of leaders, the 2016-2017 iteration of the Ridgebacks is a cohesive unit where nobody seeks the spotlight, nobody is concerned about points, and everyone takes on many roles, according to third year goaltender Brendan O’Neill. The sentiment echoes across both players and the coaching staff. Head coach Curtis Hodgins doesn’t put much stock in last year’s numbers or statistics, believing instead in the calibre of his players and his team’s willingness to work as a unit. Touting the speed and agility of his team, Hodgins acknowledges that it will take hard work game after game for the

Ridgebacks to come out on top in a tough eastern division. O’Neill, who started the majority of games last year has added competition from Tyson Teichmann, who joins the Ridgebacks from the now shuttered St. Thomas University hockey program. “Right now we have two thirdyear goalies, that are going to battle head-to-head for that net. I love our situation right now I think it’ll make both those guys better, and in turn make the team better,” said Hodgins. After starting the majority of games last year, O’Neill welcomes the battle for the net. Despite losing two of their top three scorers from last year as Mark Petaccio and James Woodcroft have moved on, the Ridgebacks won’t be short offensively. Hodgins believes that with players like Mitch Bennett, and Danny Elser returning from injury and back to hockey after an absence, respectively, that the team has all the firepower it needs offensively. Second-year centre Ben Blasko is also optimistic about his offensive abilities. “I like playing with goal scorers, guys who like to shoot the puck. I feel I’m pretty crafty and smart, I

Photograph by James Bauman

Ridgebacks' players getting instruction as season preparations continue. see the ice really well so if we get a scorer or two scorers on my line I feel we’ll be pretty dangerous,” said Blasko. Fifth-year centre Yuill, entering his final year of OUA hockey, has

taken away many things from his time playing for the Ridgebacks but sees one as most important. “It’s the friendships you develop, you come here and you don’t really know anyone, and the friends you

make, your teammates become your best friends,” said Yuill. The first home game is Friday, Oct. 14, against the Laurentian Voyageurs with the puck drop at 7:30 pm.

Swedish fans love T.O. and the World Cup of Hockey Logan Caswell The Chronicle

Photograph by Logan Caswell

Swedish fans remain positive in spite of loss to Team Europe at World Cup of Hockey.

The World Cup of Hockey wasn’t kind to Team Sweden, but that didn’t stop Swedish fans from appreciating their time in Toronto. Team Sweden fell to Team Europe in the semifinal 3-2 in overtime, but the hundreds of fans on hand for the tournament enjoyed the atmosphere at the Fan Village. Weronica Turner, from Halmstad, Sweden, says this is one of the best events she and her group of friends has ever seen. “We do the World Championships every year, but the World Cup is something special because you have all the best players coming together, it’s very special for us,” she said. Cheering on Sweden from the Fan Village, Ulf Elrud, made Toronto his home for two weeks and he couldn’t be more delighted with his experience. “I hope we can see this tournament again in four years, hopefully

Games in your backyard

in the same city too because I love it here,” he said. Swedish fans were among the hundreds of energetic supporters who came to Toronto for the World Cup of Hockey. This large event was made up of eight teams, with players representing 16 different countries. Joakim Sandin travelled to the host city from Finland. Although his country went winless in the competition, he still appreciates the opportunity to be in Ontario’s capital for the event. “This is in Toronto, the hometown of hockey. If it was in Berlin, it wouldn’t be the same,” said Sandin. It’s been 12 years since the last World Cup of Hockey which saw Canada grab gold in Toronto. In the past, the World Cup didn’t set a regular schedule on when it would be played but according to the NHL’s website, the festivities will continue to captivate the imaginations of hockey fans from Canada, to Sweden and all around Europe in 2020.

Baseball: Oct. 5, Durham vs. Seneca, Kinsmen Men’s Soccer: Oct. 5, UOIT vs. Carleton, Vaso’s Stadium, 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. Field, 6 p.m. Men’s Volleyball: Adidas Cup, Oct. 7-8, CRWC Softball: Oct. 11, Durham vs. Mohawk, Durham Field, 6 p.m. and 8 p.m.

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Generals: Oct. 9, Oshawa vs. Barrie, GM Centre, 1:05 p.m.

2016-09-30 11:43 AM


The Chronicle

October 4 - 10, 2016


Let go of anachronism Today’s audiences need to stop looking at the past with today’s values Tyler Searle As of 2016, more than 40 per cent of the world’s population has access to the internet. But with this boom has come a strange and, quite frankly, self-destructive mentality that manifests itself when your average person watches any show or movie that, in detail depicts a previous time period. And that mentality is anachronism. When watching a show or movie that takes place in a completely different time period, people need to realize that they cannot apply today’s standards. In recent years, there has been an increase in people who have begun to slander classic movies and shows for their portrayal of women, minority groups, sexuality, and rape. What many people don’t seem to understand though is that, during the time periods these shows represent, these issues were not viewed the same way they are today. Back in the 1950’s, it was natural for women to be raised for a life in the home raising their families rather than going out and having a job. Of course by today’s

standards this is considered wrong, but it is also wrong to slander an entire decade just because the people thought differently than we do. If anything, this mentality has blinded people to how ridiculous they become when they try to remedy these supposed sins of the past. In 2015, Disney released a live action version of Cinderella, and the director of the film, Kenneth Branagh, stated that he was excited to make Cinderella, “someone who was no longer passive and waiting for a prince but rather someone who is her own person and understand why the stepmother was the way she was”. Ironically, by trying to make her no longer passive, Branagh’s film ends up portraying Cinderella as incapable to do anything that would better her situation, such as simply giving up when she is placed under house arrest. The original Cinderella is by no means a shining example of the perfect female character, but she was not completely passive, unlike the new version, yet she is still considered one of the worst Disney princesses by mainstream audiences, simply because she doesn’t stand up for herself like Belle or Tiana. Another example of how harmful this anachronistic mentality is shines through in medieval television shows and movies. The most popular of these, HBO’s Game of Thrones, has received more than its fair share of flack and criticisms for its portrayal of violence and brutality, particularly towards its female characters. In the sixth episode of the show’s fifth season, Sansa Stark (played by Sophie Turner), one of the show’s longest running

female characters, was raped by her husband Ramsay Bolton (Iwan Rhenol) while an old friend, Theon (Alfie Allen) was forced to watch. This scene was criticized by fans of the show, who called it brutal. Many critics agreed and said that the show glorified rape culture. But all that we are really seeing is the villain of the show doing something villainous. During the time period which Game of Thrones is based on, people’s senses of morality and

consent were much lower than they are today. In short, you are supposed to feel uncomfortable watching this scene. And at the end of the day, what does any of this arguing over past time periods solve? So many people spend their time complaining about shows and movies setting bad examples because of their time periods, when they should instead be explaining to others why we are so fortunate to have our current values.

Iwan Rhenol, the actor who plays Ramsay in Game of Thrones, summed up the situation perfect in an interview with Chris Bennion for the Telegraph, “I think if more people put their effort into the charities that help women in the world today deal with the horror of rape, and less effort in social media about a fantasy show, then maybe things could change”.

Photograph courtesy of Danielle Harder

Sampling syrup Durham College students introduced maple syrup to culinary students in Trujillo, Peru as part of an international exchange. Three DC students, along with two faculty, and school officials spent last week at a college in Peru.

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2016-09-30 12:53 PM


October 4 - 10, 2016

The Chronicle


Photograph courtesy of Danielle Harder

Making friends in Peru DC journalism student Travis Fortnum joins culinary students from Trujillo, Peru. Fortnum and two other DC students travelled to the country to help develop skills in Peru.

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2016-09-30 12:58 PM


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The Chronicle

October 4 - 10, 2016


2016-09-30 1:11 PM

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