Chronicle 16 17 Issue 03

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I think it's society's fault.

Volume XLIV, Issue 3

- See page 13

October 25 - 31, 2016

Bringing on the beats

page 20

Photograph by Jared Williams

Photograph by <name>

Ridgebacks unbeaten

page 27 Photograph by Logan Caswell

Cleaning up Lake Ontario

page 13 Photograph Noor Ibrahim

Wayne's world of words page 3

Photograph by Logan Caswell


The Chronicle

October 25 - 31, 2016



of the

DC journalism students look at Durham College and UOIT, and beyond, by the numbers and with their cameras

Keiver Goodwin standing in front of Riot Radio at Durham College. He's the host of the alternative music show called The Alternative Hour. Photograph by Dean Daley

Having a real Dean Daley

The Chronicle Durham College’s radio station, Riot Radio, is now live – and on the web - for the fall. Riot Radio is the online visual radio station that operates out of Durham College that provides not only music, but news and insight about a variety of different topics for anyone in the world to watch or listen. Jonathan Franz, volunteer coordinator for Riot Radio, says things are different from previous years. The student hosts have been asked to specify their topics even further ahead than usual. The goal is to increase the audience and try to diversify the content. Keiver Goodwin, a nuclear engineering student at UOIT, hosts a show specifically about alternative music. Goodwin says he has different themes for each week and his topics for the week are Canadian artists who have released new alternative music and alternative music in movie soundtracks. He gives the example of the 21 Pilots song ’Heathens’ that had been featured in the movie, ‘The Suicide Squad.’ According to Goodwin, a three-semester Riot veteran, being on Riot “is a nice break during the day and doing something a little more creative.” He mentions that doing Riot keeps him a little more grounded and he thinks of it like an extracurricular activity.

Riot on the radio

Riot by the numbers 37 shows 50+ students 12 hours of programming daily (M-F) In complete contrast to Goodwin’s alternative music show, John Lodge and Jake Radford, two first-year radio broadcasting and temporary media students, host their own show about NFL football. Radford, an ex-Canadian Interuniversity Sport (CIS) football player for York U Lions, and Lodge, an avid NFL fan, both speak to their knowledge about news in the NFL and other big topics in sports. Lodge and Radford believe they have a unique dynamic, as one of them was a student-athlete and the other actively watches and pays attention to the sport. “Ready for the first day of the rest our lives?” Lodge said to Radford on their dry run on Riot. Both Riot Radio ‘newbies’ know they want to be working in sports radio

after they graduate. However, for Lodge this is exactly what he wants to be doing. “I know I want to be on air and this is a great way and platform to let it out,” says Lodge. They both agree Riot looks good on a resume and “it’s the perfect opportunity to advance myself,” says Radford. Those are only a very small sample of the shows that will be on Riot this semester. Riot has 37 different shows hosted by more than 50 different students. Riot programming goes from Monday to Friday starting 10 a.m. and runs for 12 hours except for Friday when Riot programming goes until 5 p.m. This semester a few shows on Riot have crossed the 200 viewers' mark. According to Franz, hopefully as hosts and promotions get stronger, it will increase their viewers. Franz says there are shows about NASCAR, world music and technology. The show Franz is most excited about is a new show that will focus on everything ‘Star Wars’. Radford says to anyone who may want to consider Riot in the winter semester, to keep an open mind and just go for it. “When you love what you do, it ain’t work, it’s just life,” Lodge says about doing Riot. According to Franz they are no longer taking applications this semester for Riot, but students can apply again in the winter semester.


October 25 - 31, 2016

The Chronicle


The Great One visits the 'Shwa Logan Caswell The Chronicle

When hockey fans think of Wayne Gretzky, they think of big numbers. It was no different when the hockey legend showed up at Oshawa’s Costco for a book signing. The big numbers start with the 500 people who came for his 90-minute stop Monday. Only 200, however, were given wristbands to meet their hockey hero, the star who wore No. 99 during a storied NHL career. Gretzky, of course, is widely considered to be the No. 1 player in hockey history. The Great One was in the city Oct. 17 to celebrate the release of his book named 99: Stories of the Game. Hundreds of eager fans lined up to meet the hockey phenomenon. However, he was only there for a short time, 7 p.m. until roughly 8:30 p.m. The book’s release also coincides with the NHL’s 99th anniversary that fittingly, matches the number he wore throughout his playing career with Edmonton, Los Angeles, St. Louis and New York. Throughout the book, Gretzky looks back on the last 99 years and tells the reader, from his point of view, about the NHL’s most memorable moments and also shows the reader what the game means to him. Although only 200 bracelets were given out to fans, that didn’t stop a few hundred others from lining up and waiting outside for

a chance to meet one of Canada’s most popular athletes. Jeremy O’Brien, 61, travelled from Peterborough, Ont. to see his favourite hockey player and waited in line more than three hours to get a signed book. O’Brien has fond memories of Gretzky. “His last game resonates the most, April 18, 1999, Maple Leaf Gardens, I’ll never forget that,” says O’Brien. (Gretzky’s last game at the Gardens, according to the Canadian Press, was actually Dec. 19, 1998.) Dale Bradbury, 56, from Port Hope, Ont., is another fan who came to see Gretzky. Bradbury bought four books so he could get them all signed and also recalls one of his favourite memories of Gretzky. “He was playing against the Calgary Flames in the playoffs, 1986, coming down the left-wing, took a slapshot over the left shoulder of Mike Vernon and it went out of the net faster than it went in,” says Bradbury. Gretzky, 55, is the owner of 60 individual records and played in the NHL from 1979 to 1999. He spent the beginning of his career with the Edmonton Oilers, moved onto the Los Angeles Kings, St. Louis Blues and finished his career with the New York Rangers. He also coached the Phoenix Coyotes from 2005-2009. In his 1,487 games, Gretzky recorded 894 goals and 1,963 assists for 2,857 points which stand as NHL records.

Photograph by Logan Caswell

The Great One, Wayne Gretzky, smiles through 90 minutes of fan meet and greet at Costco while signing copies of his new book.

Distracted driving tickets on the decline Trusha Patel

The Chronicle It seems like drivers in Durham are slowly getting the message about the dangers of distracted driving. The number of tickets handed out for distracted driving by Durham Regional Police (DRPS) so far this year is less than in 2015. Last year, 2,365 tickets were handed out to distracted drivers from January to October, but this year, 1,402 tickets have been handed out during the same time period. “It’s mostly the fine of almost $1,000 that influenced the drivers to not drive distractedly. 1,402 (number of tickets) is still a high number, but better than last year,” said DRPS Sergeant Bill Calder. “The resources (driver’s handbook/ tips to avoid distracted driving) also help drivers be more careful on the road.” While the numbers are better, distracted driving is still a major concern, said Sgt. Calder.

“It’s a good thing, almost half of last year, but we still want the number to be zero,“ said Sgt. Calder. Each time a person looks away from the road or loses focus for even a second, it puts people’s lives at risk, he said. Distracted driving is when a person is driving a motor vehicle while also doing something else, typically something that involves an electronic device. “There are many things that can be distractive. Mobiles, iPads, programming the GPS, drinking coffee, reading the newspaper, texting is always a big one, even shaving, that has happened before,” said Sgt. Calder. Sgt. Calder also says that new drivers and drivers up to the age of 30 are found driving distractedly the most. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there are three types of distractions in driving, visual, cognitive, and

It's a good thing, almost half of last year.

The number of distracted driving tickets this year is less than last. manual. Visual distractions are things that take the drivers eyes off the road. Examples include making eye contact to the passenger while talking, reading a sign at the side, or looking at scenery. Cognitive distractions are thoughts that divert the driver’s attention from the road to whatever they’re thinking about. Examples include daydreaming, and thinking about personal issues or professional and financial prob-

lems. Manual distractions happen when drivers take their hands off the wheel to do something. Examples include texting, eating, and drinking. “Distracted driving is a trend, it’ll keep happening,” said Calder. “The fine is not enough, there should be more (severe consequences).” According to the Ontario law for driving, G licence drivers face fines from $490 to $1,000 plus

Photograph by Trusha Patel

three demerit points. G1 and G2 licence holders face a 30-day licence suspension for a first conviction, 90-day licence suspension for a second conviction, and cancellation of licence and removal from the Graduated Licensing System (GLS) for a third conviction. If other people get injured from distracted driving, then the driver faces up to $2,000, six demerit points, and/or a jail term of six months, and a licence suspension of up to two years.


The Chronicle

October 25 - 31, 2016

PUBLISHER: Greg Murphy EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Brian Legree AD MANAGER: Dawn Salter



Cartoon by Toby VanWeston

Where we stand on taking a knee The recent controversial decision by NFL player, Colin Kaepernick, to take a knee during the playing of the national anthem has become a talking point both north and south of the border. On Aug. 26, the 28-year-old San Francisco 49ers second-string quarterback refused to stand during the playing of the anthem in a pre-season game against the Green Bay Packers at Lambeau Stadium. What began as a quiet, passive protest, is now a movement against racial inequality and police brutality. Kaepernick made way for more professional athletes to take a stance on what they believe in. Now the effects have trickled down through the American college ranks and north of the border. Although no Durham College (DC) or University of Ontario (UOIT) athletes are known to have made similar demonstrations, there is no better place to start a conversation than a university or college campus.

Police shootings of African Americans have been a growing issue in the U.S. in recent years. The effects have shaken the country as a whole. National newspapers from The New York Times, Fortune Magazine and the Army Times, have printed their opinions on the matter. Twitter feeds have been buzzing. Even Supreme Court justice, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, remarked on Kaepernick’s point of view in an interview. Last weekend, The Toronto Star reported tailgaters at New Era Field, Buffalo, were selling T-shirts printed with a kneeling Kaepernick framed in a rifle’s crosshairs. People are uneasy. Additionally, African Americans’ trust in the police is extremely low. There are daily protests, which sometimes turn violent. Kaepernick has taken a knee as a way to make a stand against this police violence. He says he cannot support a country that allows this to happen. “I’m not going to stand

EDITORS: Jenn Amaro, James Bauman, Rebecca Calzavara, Nathan Chow, Sharena Clendening, Dean Daley, Alexander Debets, Travis Fortnum, Tyler Hodgkinson, Barbara Howe, Noor Ibrahim, James Jackson, Christopher Jones, Frank Katradis, Daniel Koehler, Angela Lavallee, Chelsea McCormick, Tyler Mcmurter, Laura Metcalfe, Tommy Morais, Joshua Nelson, Nicole O'Brien, Samuel Odrowski, Devarsh Oza, Trusha Patel, Matthew Pellerin, Asim Pervez, Emily Saxby, Tyler Searle, Jessica Stoiku, Euvilla Thomas, Toby Vanweston, Kayano Waite, Brandi Washington, Michael Welsh, Jared Williams, Erin Williams.

Publisher: Greg Murphy

up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of colour,” he said. The public reaction to his stance has been mixed. Some understand. Some are mad. Some are supportive. Among his supporters are notable athletes from different sports and leagues. Players have been seen kneeling in the WNBA, NCAA and even on the US national women’s soccer team. Historically, professional athletes have been criticized for not speaking out on social issues. However, there are some notable exceptions. Brooklyn Dodgers baseball player, Jackie Robinson, championed a non-violent stance on segregation during the Civil Rights Movement. U.S. sprinters, John Carlos and Tommie Smith, made a bold political statement by raising their black-gloved fists on the podium at the Mexico City Olympic Games in 1968 during the playing of the “Star Spangled Banner” in support of the Black Power movement.

Lastly, in 1967, Mohammad Ali forfeited his heavyweight boxing title and was convicted of draft evasion, when he refused to join the U.S. army fighting in Vietnam, for political and religious reasons. Nonetheless, never have this many athletes, this many races and representatives from all social backgrounds united to demonstrate against social injustice at one time. Not only are professional athletes getting much of the attention, but also NCAA athletes across multiple sports have joined in the protests. These are the professionals of the future. The protests have started a conversation in Canada but so far, no action has been reported in the collegiate ranks. Locally, at DC and UOIT, players are aware of the situation south of the border. However, DC athletic director Ken Babcock, and other coaches have been reluctant to address the situation with the players.

The Chronicle is published by the Durham College School of Media, Art

and Design, 2000 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario L1H 7L7, 7212000 Ext. 3068, as a training vehicle for students enrolled in Journalism and Advertising courses and as a campus news medium. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the college administration or the board of governors. The Chronicle is a member of the Ontario Community Newspapers Association.

Editor-In-Chief: Brian Legree

Advertising Production Manager: Kevan F. Drinkwalter

Features editor: Teresa Goff

Photography Editor: Al Fournier

“We don’t get involved in political stances, especially since it’s south of the border,” said Babcock. “Our students are entitled to their own opinions.” The Canadian collegiate ranks may have not joined in the protests yet but professional teams have. The Toronto Raptors did not kneel during the American and Canadian National anthems in Vancouver earlier this month, but they did link arms as a sign of solidarity. Although nothing has been documented at DC or UOIT about athlete demonstrations, with the high level of media coverage, this conversation has started. With a student population of over 20,000, social issues such as police violence and racial inequality should be a hot topic among students who want to take a step towards progress. Michael Welsh, Barbara Howe and Logan Caswell

MEDIA REPS: Brandon Agnew, Justin Bates, Zach Beauparlant, Kayla Cook, Nathalie Desrochers, Charlotte Edwards, Yannick Green, Madeline Grixti, Stephanie Hanna, Lijo Joseph, Sarah Judge, Shannon Lazo, Megan Mcdonald, Ashley Mcgregor, Josh Mcgurk, Katie Miskelly, Louisa Molloy, Jasmine Ohprecio, Alex Powdar, Olivia Randall-Norris, Kaela Richardson, Madeleine Riley, Alex Royer, Spencer Stevens, Rachel Thompson, Geroge Tsalavoutas, Alexandra Weekes, Cameron Westlake. PRODUCTION ARTISTS: Rachel Alexander, Angela Bahnesli, Sarah Bhatti, Anokhi Bhavsar, Steven Brundage, Chanel Castella, Brandon Clark, Scott Cowling, Leanne Howorth, Bryce Isaacs, Erin Jones, Natasha Kowo, Samantha Mallia, Alyssa Matthew, Alexandra Rich, Bethany Seaton, Kristian Seepersad, Georgina Tsoutsos, Marisa Turpin, Rachel Wendt, Travis Yule.

Ad Manager: Dawn Salter

Technical Production: Keir Broadfoot

The Chronicle

October 25 - 31, 2016



Birth control is the best method Nicole O’Brien Let’s face it, college students are having sex. In fact, the Sex Information and Education Council of Canada recently released a report stating 72 per cent of Canadian college students are sexually active. So with hormones running high and limitless opportunities for intimate encounters on campus, birth control such as the pill, an IUD, hormone shots and the patch, should be considered a college girl’s best friend. Why? Other popular methods, like abstinence, the withdrawal method and condoms are

simply not effective. What’s the problem with abstinence when it comes to female college students? In college, both female and male students are on their own for the first time, with little supervision. Women especially need to do more than abstain to protect themselves because we all know men aren’t always the reliable ones. However, many women do choose to avoid sex as a birth control method due to religious or other moral reasons. In 2013, the SIECCAN reported 27 per cent of college males and 23 per cent of college females had never engaged in vaginal, oral or anal sex. For those who do have sex, the withdrawal method is a popular

Aren’t we tired of hearing about Rob Ford? Doug Ford releases book to ‘tell all’ Now that Rob Ford is no longer with us, his brother Doug has taken on the role of verbally beating up the media. Doug Ford has secured one of the biggest publishing houses in the country, Harper Collins, to print copies of a “tell all” book. Chances are Ford Nation will sell like crazy cakes or at least like Crazy Town, the book Robin Doolittle wrote about Ford’s brother Rob, the late mayor of the GTA. The difference being Doolittle’s book was published on proof of being a really good journalist. Crazy Town was published in 2014 and tells the story of what the late mayor did as well as what Doolittle endured to get it reported. Bottom line is Rob Ford (RIP) gave the media the most talked about story in the history of mayoral duties. And the story, along with the Fords, made it all the way to Hollywood in an interview with Jimmy Kimmel in March of 2014. At a recent press conference in Etobicoke, with a barrage of, you guessed it, reporters, Doug Ford announced he and his late brother co-wrote the 260-page book. Ford Nation stems from the brothers’ desire for a nation to be named after them. The book was written before the former mayor succumbed to cancer

Angela Lavallee earlier this year. “Everyone will be named and we are not holding anything back, the media will also be named,” said Doug Ford to a group of journalists in Toronto this September. “My brother Rob was hounded by you, the media,” added Ford. Granted, Doug did go on to say there were some really good reporters out there. Doug Ford does not want us to forget his brother. How could we? But the media is not to blame for what Rob did, nor is our current Prime Minister, who Doug blames for Rob Ford’s shenanigans. Did the media or any other politician make Rob Ford pose with ‘thuds in arms’? We all know the photo. The reporters didn’t ask Rob to pose with his cronies. Rob Ford was a high (pardon the pun) time politician, but it wasn’t until after the scandal broke that he started to yell at reporters and claim they ruined his life. His life may be over but his legacy lives on. The book will be available November 22nd. We can be certain there will be a book signing somewhere in and around Etobicoke. Perhaps at the late mayor’s home? Hopefully, the book will not turn into a movie. Some of us are all Ford’ed out.

choice of birth control. A 2016 study, which appeared in the journal Conception, claims 33 per cent of women used the withdrawal method as a form of birth control in the last month. But this method, where the male withdraws his penis from a woman’s vagina prior to an orgasm in an effort to prevent pregnancy, is ridiculous. While your male partner may reassure you it is a foolproof method, reports “pulling out” has a failure rate of 27 per cent. As many have seen around campus, Durham College is doing their part in advocating for consensual sex through the use of powerful message. Messages such as “silence is not consent” are plastered around the campus in an effort to

get students thinking about what safe sex looks like. When it comes to students having sex, condoms are a much better option. This is why condoms are such a vital part of the sex education curriculum in Canada, especially when it comes to protecting yourself from sexually transmitted diseases. Unfortunately, according to the SIECCAN report, 50 per cent of students are not using condoms. When it comes to protection from pregnancy, condoms are not a guaranteed birth control method. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, condoms have a failure rate of 12 per cent. Despite the many benefits of taking birth control into our own

hands, female-led methods have been criticized for being more expensive. According to the Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada, over 11 European Union countries including New Zealand, and Australia, offer universal coverage for birth control, but Canada is not one of them. But we should be. But while birth control does add an additional expense to a college woman’s budget, it is a much easier thing to budget for than the cost of raising a child. In college, sex is everywhere. Knowing your options is so important to the success of your future. Abstinence doesn’t work, the withdrawal method is unsuccessful and condoms are known to be faulty.

The Marketplace does not have enough food choices for students The cafeteria is not ideally equipped to suit the needs for people with dietary restrictions

Getting hungry is natural for every single living being on the planet, but for humans it is special. Many people on the planet not only choose the food they eat, but they also choose their own types of food. That choice could be religious, health-related or maybe just a choice based on personal preference. These choices make eating a celebration. But what if you have dietary restrictions and cannot get the food your body needs? The main cafeteria at Durham College does not have many options for people with dietary restrictions. The Marketplace needs to have more vegan, gluten free and Halal options. Many people on campus cannot eat food from the DC Marketplace because of certain dietary restrictions. As the motto of Durham College is ‘success matters’, the question is: how will students suc-

Devarsh Oza ceed in their programs without having enough nutritious food? According to the Muslim Students Association there are over 500 Muslim students at the college. According to Islam, they can only eat Halal meat. In Arabic, Halal means permissible. Halal meat is prepared in a specific way, which is less painful for the animals. But the college Marketplace does not have a single Halal option. As a result, Muslim students choose to eat vegetarian food, or seafood, because seafood and fish are not slaughtered in the way the animals are. Fish and other seafood are first caught and then they get slaughtered. As there are fewer seafood and vegetarian options at the café, the students don’t get as many options. The nearest Halal food places are E.P. Taylor’s and Smokey’s Burritorie, but to eat there students have to get there by 5 P.M. So for many students, this leaves the vegetarian options from the college cafeteria. But the café doesn’t even have a lot of vegetarian or vegan options, and the things they have are pretty expensive. There is veggie and cheese pizza, fries, veggie poutine and veggie pita or veggie stir-fry. Most of the things in the cafeteria cost more than $9 dollars.

Most of the things in the café also have a lot of calories. So there is nothing healthy to have in the marketplace for the vegetarian other than a salad or a pita. But these options also shrink when it comes to being a vegan. There is a Tim Hortons on campus but they don’t sell healthy food, which not only satisfies your hunger but also nourishes your body. When it comes to gluten free options, the café has almost nothing healthy but salads. Fries and poutine are options, but they have a lot of calories, and are also expensive. Students who can’t eat gluten can’t even eat the stir-fries as they have noodles, which contain gluten, unless they are rice noodles. Rice stir-fries are available but they are cooked using the same utensils as other food made with wheat. Meanwhile many people who are vegetarian because of their religion also don’t eat this food, as the food is cooked with the same utensils and there are many possibilities of meat chunks mixing with the vegetarian things. When people have more then one dietary restriction, unfortunately the café has almost nothing for them. Many students with dietary restrictions do not eat or cannot eat in the café. They have to bring food from home. The college has over 2,000 students who have different dietary restrictions. If success really matters at Durham College, the management needs to increase options for these students.


The Chronicle

October 25 - 31, 2016


Photograph by Noor Ibrahim

Vikram Dhanda a MAD Durham College student, in character for the 48-hour film challenge.

500 students make movie magic Rebecca Calzavara The Chronicle

About 500 students at Durham College got to show off their creativity after being challenged by their dean. Greg Murphy, dean of the School of Media, Art and Design (MAD), introduced an opportunity for the students to participate in an event call the 48-hour Film Challenge. The event ran Oct. 11-14. The students were divided into groups of 11, with a couple of students from each of the MAD programs in each group, such as journalism, broadcasting for contemporary media and digital video production. The groups then got together

and were assigned a genre of film, a prop, a character and a piece of dialogue that had to be in their film, which had to be exactly two minutes long. The genres included: mystery, romance, mockumentary, horror and western. This marked the first time Durham College has participated in a film challenge, according to Murphy. Students were put to the test to see how creative they could be with what they were given and with people they had never met before. “I was a bit skeptical going in because we were going to be meeting people we haven’t met before from different programs, I was worried about people not getting along,” said Meaghann MacLeod, second

Photograph by Rebecca Calzavara

MAD students gather at Cineplex Odeon for the film screening.

year student in Broadcasting for Contemporary Media. She explained that she really enjoyed her group and they all got along nicely. This challenge brought strangers together to use their creative skills to put together a two-minute film in 48 hours. The teams only had 48 hours to develop, write, film and edit their short movie. At the end of 48 hours, the teams submitted their final projects, which were played at the Cineplex Odeon theatre in Oshawa. All 50 groups created and submitted their short film. Murphy says that usually when this type of challenge happens only 68 per cent of groups complete it, but Durham College had 100 per cent completion from its groups. “I think it was fabulous. It exceeded my expectation by a mile, it was just great and so much fun,” Murphy explained. There were prizes at the end of the screenings, for each category. There was also a ‘Deany’ award. The award has a small statuette of Greg Murphy and a wooden base. The plans are that the names of the winning team will be engraved on the base and displayed for everyone to see. The winning group’s movie was quite a mystery. It started off with four people in a police station getting questioned about who poisoning the dog. There were two women and two men. One man didn’t know how to speak English but surprisingly said ‘vegan’ very clearly. The other man got accused for the murder because he was black.

Photograph by Rebecca Calzavara

Meaghann MacLeod (left), and students (right) hard at work filming. One woman said she didn’t know what happened. When the officer blamed the man because he was black the other woman said it was her. Very unexpected. The winning team group member, Darryl Callahan, explained

he had a great time filming and it was fun to work with people he has never worked with before. “I thought it was going to be a mess but then even seeing all 50 films it was well put together,” Callahan said.


October 25 - 31, 2016

The Chronicle


Photograph by Michael Welsh

Quinn Murphy using an ATM to take out money at Durham College.

No easy answer to student debt Michael Welsh The Chronicle

Rent, food, car, books, utilities, tuition, fun. These are just some of the standard costs that come along with being a college student today. Quinn Murphy is a Commerce student at UOIT. Murphy knows first-hand the financial struggles that come along with student life. He was formerly a student at Brock University but transferred to UOIT this year in part for financial purposes. “Going away for school definitely adds up,” Murphy says. “Living at home is a huge help financially but I still have a lot of things to pay for.” These costs apply to a standard Ontario student, but costs can be much more for some people. International students, students with families or single parents all have additional costs that make their situations much more difficult. Amanda Rainey is a former Durham College student. She dropped out in her second year due to pregnancy. She is now a single mother of two and has not been able to continue her education. Rainey works full-time at a grocery store but still struggles to make ends meet. As a single mother, Rainey receives financial support

from the government but not for school. “There are not enough financial aid programs for single parents who want to go back to school,” says Rainey. “I’ve been trying to save money to get back to school but having two kids doesn’t leave much to save.” The government of Ontario, which has long been criticized for being behind other provinces on financial assistance for students, has created a new plan to help low income families put their kids through school. Families with a combined income of under $50, 000 will receive free tuition starting in the 2017-2018 school year. There are some catches to the plan and not all of the details have been revealed yet. For example, some university programs will not be fully covered, however those have not been revealed yet. Even with the catches, the new plan is sure to help many students. According to Stats Canada, there are around 800, 000 families in Canada with a net income of under $50, 000. The kids in these families are less likely to attend post-secondary school than kids from families who have a higher income. One of the main goals of

this plan is to get these kids into post-secondary school. Murphy comes from a family with two parents, both with a university education. Like many students, Murphy works a part-time

school, but he does keep some money for fun. Taking a loan may seem like the easy way to get through school without much financial stress, but the long-term effects can be

Student debt of a Canadian university graduate is over $25,000. job in order to help make ends meet during the school year. The workload on a typical post-secondary student can be overwhelming enough, adding in a job can make time management tough. “It’s not been easy to find a good balance so far this year,” says Murphy. “I try and put my school first but working most week nights makes it tough sometimes. I still want to go out when I can to, it is university after all.” Murphy typically works around 20 hours a week. He says that he puts most of his cheque into a savings account that goes towards

crippling to one’s future. On average, students who use loans to get through school are less likely to own a home than their counterparts who did not use student loans, according to Stats Canada. The average student debt of a Canadian university graduate is over $25, 000, according to the National Post. For single parents, it’s more. “After I dropped out of school things got really tough. I had a child to support and my student loans were adding up,” says Rainey. “I thought I might get some sort of break on some of my debt because

of my situation but that didn’t happen. It took me a long time to pay off all that money and that is part of the reason I haven’t been able to go back.” Students need to be aware of the price they are actually paying when they take a student loan. “I’ve been cautious when it comes to OSAP or a bank loan,” says Murphy. “It would be a great way to help pay tuition and other costs, but eventually all that money is coming out of my pocket anyways. “My parents have been great in helping me through the first couple years of university, so I hope I can make my savings last.” Having savings built up and help from family is important for many students. Unfortunately, not everyone can get the financial support of family and rely on the government’s assistance. There is no easy answer. Everyone has his or her own set of circumstances and everyone’s situation is different. Managing time and finances has always been a major struggle of college life and will continue to be going forward. There will always be payments for rent, food, car, books, tuition and, hopefully, enough money for some fun.


The Chronicle

October 25 - 31, 2016


Investigating the reasons behind sexual violence

This is one in a series of conversations with faculty experts at UOIT and Durham College

Sexual violence investigator, Dr. Leigh Harkins, researches on how to prevent sex crime victims Trusha Patel The Chronicle

Dr. Leigh Harkins is an associate professor in the faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities at UOIT. She teaches courses revolving around psychology and forensics, while also investigating sexual violence. Her current research involves a questionnaire developed by her students to assess certain priorities for people. Tell us what you do, and how you do it. The main research I do is investigating sexual violence, and so I’ve done that in many different ways. In the past I’ve done it through working with the sexual offenders, looking at risk assessment, what kind of risk assessments are most effective, and their responses to treatment. The way I’m doing that currently is through investigating it with students. So, we’re looking at students’ attitude towards sexual violence, what kinds of things they find acceptable or not acceptable, and what kind of characteristics are associated with people who think sexual violence is more OK than others. What makes your topic of research relevant? I think what’s important is that we know that sexual violence is a problem in Canada, we know sexual violence is a problem on campuses, and the better understanding we have of it, the more we can put systems in place to try to prevent it, and to try to combat it more effectively. How and when did you get interested in this area of expertise? I started in my undergraduate. I was doing forensics science as a major, and I had to do a placement at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto. I was working with a forensic psychiatrist who ran sex offender treatment groups. One of the things I was doing was sitting in these treatment groups with him, and I just found it fascinating. Hearing people talk about these horrific things was a very

Photograph by Trusha Patel

Dr. Leigh Harkins says her research is about preventing future victims while also making sure sexual offenders have an opportunity to change and have a better life.

Tell us about your roots and how you arrived in Oshawa.

Hearing people talk about these horrific things was a very challenging experience, but at the same time, what I learned from it was they’re just people. challenging experience, but at the same time, what I learned from it was they’re just people, and people that have done bad things, but they also have very good qualities too.

I grew up in Fort Erie, near Niagara Falls. I went to university in Mississauga, and (did my) master’s in Toronto and lived in the U.K. (United Kingdom) for eight years. After eight years in the U.K. I was ready to come back to the Toronto. A job came up here (Oshawa) and I read a lot about the program, and I thought it was a really exciting opportunity to be a part of a fairly new developing program.

kinds of things people are looking to get from their lives, and what kind of priorities they have. One of the reasons we want to assess this is, because offenders are often trying to seek these same sorts of things but they do it in inappropriate ways. Right now we’re just testing out the reliability and validity of that particular measure. What is the most important thing in this field you think people should know?

also have an opportunity to make change and have a better future, because part of that future means not creating any future victims. What is the toughest challenge you’ve faced in this research? It’s difficult to get access to the people who committed the offences. There are all kinds of systems in place that make it difficult to interview offenders. In terms of other difficulties, it’s a difficult

Who inspired you along the way? Probably the colleagues that I was working with. The clinicians that were working day-to-day with people who committed sex offences, and working in these really challenging areas inspired me to want to understand this population better, to try to improve our understanding, and our approaches to assessment to treatment. Tell us about the projects you’re involved in. I’m doing one where one of my students developed a questionnaire that’s meant to assess what

Sexual violence is a problem in Canada, we know sexual violence is a problem on campuses. One of the things is no matter what people do, we’re still working with people, and ideally it’s about trying to prevent future victims, but also ensure that people who have committed offences

topic. It’s constantly reading about things that have happened that are really upsetting. So it’s about being able to work with that end goal in mind of trying to improve understanding of prevention.


October 25 - 31, 2016

The Chronicle

From the barnyard to the courtroom


This is one in a series of conversations with faculty experts at UOIT and Durham College

Virginia Harwood knows the value of old school hard work Travis Fortnum The Chronicle

Durham College faculty member Virginia Harwood has learned a thing or two about hard work. With a 17-year legal career and diplomas from Durham College, UOIT, Brock University and the University of Windsor, Harwood now teaches in the school of Justice and Emergency Services. She spends her free time furthering her research and maintaining a farm. What is your role on campus? I teach in the Law Clerk Advanced and the Law Clerk Fast-Track program. I teach in the Office Administration Legal program and I also teach in the MediationAlternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) graduate certificate program. Did you come up with the idea for that program yourself? Yes, I created the program. The program had its inaugural year in 2010. It was the first MediationADR program in a community college in Ontario. Mediation is sort of a complimentary skill to many different programs. Human Resources, even Nursing, Justice programing and Business programing. We then took that program and had it approved by the ADR Institute of Ontario, which is the organizing body for mediators in Ontario. We’re the first college curriculum to be approved by the ADR Institute.

Last year a colleague and I, Nicole Doyle, we did more Ad Hoc research. It was an innovation fund project through the Centre for Academic Faculty Enrichment. We wrote a proposal and we were funded. We used a software called Top Hat, it’s actually a web based response system where students use their mobile devices. So that was sort of a scholarship of teaching and learning project we did. How can we use mobile technology in the classroom? I’m also doing a literature review on mentoring. It’s sort of an extension of my Masters work that I did. I’m going to be researching frameworks for graduates mentoring our law clerk students. Then I’m going to take that and hopefully in the next couple years think about frameworks for mentoring programs and what that would look like in our program at Durham College. It’s not pure science research, it’s literature review and framework. In my Masters, I was researching faculty mentorships. I have an interest in mentoring. You also started something on campus, correct? Campus Conflict Resolution?

Yeah, it’s a mediation program. That was a huge project and I’m very proud of the work that we put into that. So when we started the Mediation-ADR grad certificate we wanted to build in experiential learning. How can our students get experience and also spread the word of mediation? So we started Campus Conflict Resolution Services. It’s student run with our What other projects supervision. They do mediation you are involved in? and they also do mediation education, so we dispatch them

Photograph by Travis Fortnum

Harwood has been a pillar in the School of Justice and Emergency Services since 2002. She uses the expertise gained through a 17-year career as a law clerk to inspire future generations. to classrooms. We would actually sit with students who are about to embark on group work and help them figure out some pre-planning around how to avoid conflict. We’re available for all students on campus. What makes your topic of research relevant? Conflict happens everywhere, every day. I think in terms of all students on campus, knowing how to recognize and deal with conflict is now an essential employability skill in every workplace. Did you grow up in Oshawa?

Photograph courtesy of Virginia Harwood

In her happy place. Harwood has a love for equestrian life.

It’s about learning how to manage conflict, and it’s about preserving relationships. so I do a lot of equestrian work and I love agriculture so I do a lot of gardening and I grow and process my own. I just won the red ribbon at the Orono fair for my jam.

attitudes around that, then we’ve done a really good job. What’s the toughest challenge you’ve faced in your research?

What’s the most important Actually no, I grew up on a thing in your field that you I think the toughest part for me is knowing when to stop. For me, working dairy farm in Prince think people should know? research is more curiosity and Edward county, which is about It’s about learning how to manage questions. This year it’s the lit three hours east of here. My conflict, and it’s about preserving review and I’m sure it’s going to brother and my dad still work the relationships. If we can help take me down the path of different farm. It’s not dairy it’s a cash crop people, if they can spread the word frameworks and promote me to ask operation and I spent part of my and we can provide people with even more questions. It’s knowing summer harvesting wheat. I have a some knowledge and skills and when to stop. 40-acre hobby farm. I have horses,


The Chronicle

October 25 - 31, 2016

Whitby MP Celina Caesar-Chavannes (centre) stands beside UOIT student Josh Harrington (right).

UOIT students excited for new research centre construction Travis Fortnum The Chronicle

“Every now and then I can wear blue,” joked Celina Caesar-Chavannes, Liberal MP for Whitby. Dressed in a UOIT tracksuit, Caesar-Chavannes was on campus Oct. 12 along with Durham MPP Granville Anderson to announce $13 million in federal and provincial government investments into construction of a brand new, stateof-the-art building on campus. In total $33.5 million has been put up to support the construction of the Software and Informatics Research Centre (SIRC), which will act as a hub for research in health and business analytics, IT security, networking, gaming and software engineering. “What don’t you guys do here?” said Caesar-Chavannes, referring to the broad offerings at UOIT. Of the $33.5 million, $11.8 million comes from the government of Canada, $1.2 million from the provincial government, and the remaining $20.5 million from UOIT itself via capital reserves, donor, alumni and supporters in the business community. “Our goal is to make every Canadian innovation ready,” Caesar-Chavannes said of the importance of a facility like SIRC. “Ready to spot opportunities, to imagine possibilities and to discover new ideas as well as positioning Canada as a global leader in research excellence and innovation.” Josh Harrington is an under-

graduate student at UOIT who will take advantage of the research space at SIRC when available. He is at the start of his fourth year at the university, and as the university expands and evolves, he has had the chance to travel to conferences in Alaska, as well as Portugal for an internship as a software engineer. “The university continues to grow and attract some of the brightest minds, both students and faculty,” says Harrington. “Here you’re not a number, you’re not a value, you’re the future. The new Software and Informatics Research Centre will be a spectacular building.” The federal funding that allows the SIRC to become a reality is being allocated through the Post-Secondary Institutions Strategic Investment Fund. This aims to modernize and enhance research facilities on campuses across Canada while also improving their environmental sustainability. “I’ve witnessed first-hand the great work that everyone here at UOIT does,” says Caesar-Chavannes, “from faculty to staff to administrators. Durham is very fortunate to have a world class institution like this right here in our own backyard.” In two weeks the building should begin to take shape beside the Campus Fieldhouse (formerly the tennis centre). The first two floors are expected to open fall 2017, with the remaining two acting as “shelled space” for future expansion.

Digitally yours at

Photograph by Travis Fortnum



October 25 - 31, 2016

The Chronicle


Advocate for wrongful convictions does time at DC who are wrongfully convicted. “There is a good chance that someone in this audience will be called for jury duty, or will end

Photograph by Barbara Howe

Ron Dalton spoke to students about his work advocating for those who are wrongfully convicted. Dalton is with DC professor Joanne Arbour, who organized the seminar.

Former bank manager is free but will never get back the years he spent behind bars Barbara Howe The Chroicle

It happened to me… It could happen to you!! That was the slogan stamped on a black T-shirt draped on the table in front of the podium at a recent seminar held at Durham College (DC). Ron Dalton spoke to about 60 students from various programs, about his struggle with the Canadian legal system which robbed him of the best years of his life. Dalton lived in Gander, N.L., and in 1988 his wife, Brenda, died at their home. One year later, the former bank manager was convicted of second-degree murder and spent almost nine years in jail. According to Michael Brooke, of Longboarding for Peace (LFP), which sponsored Dalton’s visit to DC, the former bank manager had no previous convictions and led an exemplary life. It took 11 years to get Dalton a new trial and secure his freedom. In June 2000, forensic evidence determined his wife had choked on some cereal and died. In 2006 the Canadian government apologized to him and awarded him $750,000 in compensation. However, the money did not bring back the years Dalton missed with his family. “His daughter is the most emotionally affected by what happened,” said Jacinta Dalton, Ron Dalton’s second wife who was at the seminar. “She was in kindergarten when he went to jail. He watched her graduate from high school days after he was freed,” she said. According to Dalton, his conviction was based on the evidence of a pathologist who was not trained

in forensics. The pathologist concluded the signs of trauma inside Brenda Dalton’s throat (caused by an inexperienced and clumsy emergency room doctor inserting a breathing tube), could only have been made by strangulation and directed the police to speak to her husband. Dalton still has trouble adjusting to life outside prison. He described how the sight of a mailman in uniform, or the sound of jingling keys will take him back to those dark days behind bars. “I have a deep distrust of the Criminal Justice System,” said Dalton The talk coincided with Wrongful Conviction Day. Organized by Innocence Canada, the day is set aside to highlight the causes and remedies for wrongful convictions. Dalton now advocates for Innocence Canada on behalf of those who are in prison for crimes they did not commit. He is now married to Jacinta Dalton, who is also acquainted with legal wrangles. She advocated for her son to be exonerated from a murder charge. Innocence Canada is a non-profit organization whose mandate is to identify, advocate for, and exonerate individuals convicted of a crime they did not commit and to prevent wrongful convictions though legal education and reform. According to Dalton the organization has helped secure 28 exonerations to date. LFP’s Brooke said the aim of the talk was to educate students of the flaws in the Criminal Justice System. LFP is a non-profit organization which empowers skateboarders to step up for the good of their communities. It also encourages people to learn more about those

up working in the legal system. You may end up being part of an actual case,” he said, “If there is one person in this audience that

heeds Ron Dalton’s message today and is able to prevent a wrongful conviction, then our efforts will have been worth it.”


The Chronicle

October 25 - 31, 2016


Minimum wage increases again Sam Odrowski The Chronicle

Minimum wage has increased yet again, as it has for the past three years in Ontario, from $11.25 to $11.40 this past Oct. 1. Employees are losing their jobs, having their hours cut and stores are increasing prices, according to the Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB). The provincial government says the increase in minimum wage is meant to match the inflation in economy. Peter Stasiuk, a professor of economics at Durham College says, because such a low number of people work minimum wage jobs in Canada the economy won’t be impacted in a significant way. “Minimum wage going up with inflation isn’t going to affect the economy drastically,” says Stasiuk. However, the increase is impacting people such as Marina Brock, owner of Brocks Department Store in Port Perry. She does not agree with the government increasing minimum wage as much as it has. She says to remain competitive in the retail business she cannot raise prices on items in the store, but instead has to cut employee’s hours to budget the payroll. Brock says the private sector can take care of employees’ wages themselves. “We use to pay employees way above minimum wage before it kept increasing,” she says. Brock would prefer an increase based on merit as oppose to being told by the government what she should pay her employees. “There is an initial shock in October, November when the minimum wage change comes in,” he says. “But the economy settles at new wage levels and new price lev-

els.” This means that the economy will eventually balance out wage increases with price increases. The Ontario government says the increases in minimum wage is to help fight poverty and help Canadians in their everyday lives. Yet, according to the CFIB, increasing minimum wage does little to reduce poverty because most minimum wage workers are young and do

There is an initial shock in October, November when the minimum change comes in. not live in low-income households. However, the organization says it does strain small business owners when a constantly increasing minimum wage makes it harder for them to attract and retain good staff through wages. The increase forces small business to look for ways to absorb the cost of an increasing minimum wage through reduced hours, reduced training, and even job cuts, according to the CFIB Minimum Wage Report. The CFIB has estimated a 10 per cent increase to minimum wage across Canada would cost between 92,300 and 321,300 jobs. The loss of jobs would come in the form of direct job cuts, hiring freezes, and slower employment growth. Companies that already profit

Photograph by Sam Odrowski

DC student Judy Krajcik receives a bigger paycheque.

heavily such as McDonalds or WalMart feel little to no effect from the increase in minimum wage because

with minimum wage increases comes price increases to balance out profits, according to Stasiuk.

Minimum wage increase information are announced by April 1 every year.


UOIT helps Ontario's shoreline to sparkle once again Noor Ibrahim The Chronicle

The sapphire waves bombard Lake Ontario’s sandy stretch of carpet. The sand is littered with sneaker-shaped sunken grooves. They pave a trail towards a slimy hill of rocks where the silhouettes of two young boys stand out against the sparkling horizon. On a closer look, the silhouettes’ arms are jammed between the rocks as they pull out misshapen objects and place them in a dark bag. Finn Whitmee and Aliyan Rabbani aren’t just basking in the sun, they are taking part in the yearly Shoreline Cleanup. It was their first time volunteering for Shoreline Clean up. It’s an annual event that took place this fall at Lakeview Park in Oshawa. About 20 volunteers, including several UOIT students, swarmed the shore of Lake Ontario picking up whatever trash they laid their sights on. “It makes me feel good to help others and feel like I’m contributing in some way to the community,” says UOIT student and volunteer Leanne Elliott. “You always walk away with a good feeling.” The event is a spinoff of the Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup, which started 14 years ago in Vancouver. It takes place near bodies of water across Canada. The organization has done more than 2,000 cleanups in 2015 alone. This is the third year that UOIT has participated. It was Melissa Mirowski’s idea to bring Shoreline Cleanup to UOIT. She is the chair of the sustainability committee at the university and has coordinated cleanup sites for six years. Last weekend, she handed out

October 25 - 31, 2016

The Chronicle


rubber gloves before joining the cleanup herself. Mirowski says about the same number of people volunteer every year. This year wasn’t any different. She is confident the event makes a difference despite the lake’s small size in comparison to all the other polluted regions in Ontario. “It’s a small event that has a butterfly effect at spreading knowledge and interest,” she says. According to Mirowski, the number one find every year is cigarette butts. But the lake is also home to bizarre objects. Photograph by Noor Ibrahim “We find needles, blankets, grills,” she says. “The weirdest in the Shoreline Cleanup ever I Finn Whitmee (right) carries grill cover and garbage found on Lake Ontario's shore. think was a wedding dress, which is pretty strange. I don’t know who just dumps that in the water.” Elliott says she once found the drug paraphernalia and dirty band aids littering the shore. Other volunteers found women’s underwear and packets of glow sticks. According to Mirowski, people are driven to pollute because a mixture of poor education, lack of resources, and laziness. But UOIT student Tiyaz Sariffodeen has another reason in mind. “I think it’s society’s fault,” he says. “Like we don’t stress enough that it is bad for the environment and how bad it is.” But Jacquelyn Egan, Mirowski’s assistant, says harsh words don’t work with people who pollute. “Scolding them would do no good,” she says. “Informing them, I feel, would get better results.” Egan also encourages to students participate in the yearly event as it opens doors for them. She says it’s a good reason to get outside and meet other members of the community. “Take the opportunities presented to you,” says Egan.


The Chronicle

October 25 - 31, 2016

October 25 - 31, 2016

The Chronicle



The Chronicle

October 25 - 31, 2016


Pot helps war vets cope Jessica Stoiku The Chronicle

Kayleigh Kennedy’s father is a Canadian war vet who has served in several countries, including two tours of Afghanistan. The Durham College (DC) developmental service worker student says she “can’t even try to think what he’s gone through.” That is why she supports her dad smoking marijuana to help deal with his post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Kennedy shared her story in the Global Class at DC in late September when Canadian veteran Fabian Henry spoke to students about his work with Marijuana for Trauma, an organization established in 2013 that advocates the medical use of cannabis for veterans suffering with PTSD. There are now 12 Marijuana for Trauma centres spread throughout Canada, including four in Ontario. Kennedy says her father has been suffering with PTSD since she can remember. He served in the Canadian army, touring Cyprus, Bosnia, Somalia during the late ‘80s and early ‘90s and twice in Afghanistan during the early 2000s. According to Kennedy, he was angry and depressed. His pain was at its highest and he couldn’t leave the house. He was on the last straw with his recovery and reached out for a more natural remedy. That was when he discovered Marijuana for Trauma. “It’s a place where you can go and meet other people that went

Photograph by Jessica Stoiku

Canadian veteran Fabian Henry speaks to students about his work with Marijuana for Trauma.

through the same thing you did,” says Kennedy. Through the help of fellow veterans, Kennedy’s father was able to cope with his PTSD and live a more functioning life, going out and socializing with other people. “I think that’s really good for

him to interact with other people like that without having to have alcohol as a crutch anymore,” says Kennedy. “Again it’s not a cure, but it’s really something that helps him get through the day.” Kennedy doesn’t know if it was a particular traumatic event or the

entire experience that still triggers his PTSD. “I can’t even try to think what he’s gone through. He doesn’t tell me all the stories, of course. I think that’s stuff that he buries deep within himself.” With the stigma against mari-

juana, Kennedy says her father was worried his kids would see him as a stoner who wouldn’t leave the basement. Now, however, he embraces taking his medication. It’s what gets him through the day, she says. According to Kennedy, her father comes across as a very strong man despite his experience with PTSD. She explains he’s like a lobster with a hard shell, but is a soft mess on the inside. “We’re all like that. And I think I’ve learned a lot about myself through his actions. He’s my hero, he’s my father,” says Kennedy. Henry says he started Marijuana for Trauma because he believes it is our fundamental right as humans to make our own decisions. Whether it’s “your right to walk into an LCBO to get a case of beer, or to walk into a grocery store and get a Twinkie, or walk into a regulated, restricted cannabis centre and buy cannabis,” says Henry. There are no specialized medications for PTSD, according to Henry, and he adds marijuana is only one element in helping those suffering from it. Henry says marijuana contains chemicals that can help people with PTSD. Henry refers to cannabis as a Band-Aid, not a cure. “You use the cannabis to treat the symptoms of PTSD. You still need the counselling, the EMDR (eye movement desensitization reprocessing) therapy… CBT therapy (cognitive behavioural therapy). You (have to) see a psychologist to (be able to) process your injuries,” says Henry.

Parking relief for Ontario hospital patients and visitors Dan Koehler The Chronicle

Hospital patients and visitors in Ontario finally have some parking relief. As of Oct. 1 hospitals that charge more than $10 per day for parking are now required by the Ontario government to offer discounted passes that cut rates by at least 50 per cent. The goal is to reduce the burden on people who have a need to visit a hospital frequently. At Lakeridge Health in Oshawa, a one day parking pass costs $15 dollars.

The price change definitely helps “I recently broke my leg and I’ve had to make a bunch of trips to the hospital,” said Ryan Switalski, a Durham College student in the human resources program. “I didn’t realize it would cost so much to park.” The changes include at least a 50

per cent discount off the maximum daily rate, the ability to share the pass between patients and caregivers, and in and out privileges over a 24-hour period. The pass can also be used for consecutive or non-consecutive days, and is good for up to a year from the purchase date. According to a news release from the Ontario government, Premier Kathleen Wynne spoke about the changes and discounts at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto earlier this month. “The cost of parking can add up quickly for anyone who must go to a hospital for a series of treatments, or to visit a loved one. Requiring a hospital to cut their maximum daily parking rates in half is one of the ways we are helping people in their everyday lives,” Wynne said. Ontario residents already felt some relief earlier this year when parking fees were capped in January as part of the government’s Hospital Parking Directive. The new changes are expected to benefit 900,000 Ontarians each year. “When dealing with a health issue, patients and their families should not have the added burden of worrying about the high cost of parking when they go to the hospital. This is part of our government’s commitment to putting patients first and making our

Photograph by Dan Koehler

A one day parking pass at Lakeridge Health in Oshawa costs $15. health care system more accessible to all,” said Dr. Eric Hoskins, Ontario Minister of Health and LongTerm Care. Across Ontario, 45 hospitals charge more than 10 dollars a day for parking, while 45 others offer parking for free.

“The price changes definitely help but I think parking should be free, at least for patients,” Switalski said. According to the London Free Press, in July a petition was started by Collin Kennedy, a Winnipeg cancer patient, to make parking

free at hospitals nationwide. He started the petition after his mother paid almost $600 over a six-week period to visit him. The petition has more than 3,000 signatures and Kennedy hopes to present the petition to Parliament in December.


The Chronicle

October 25 - 31, 2016


Students further their education Grad programs on display at expo Joshua Nelson The Chronicle

Rory Davis, a forensic psychology student at UOIT, isn’t sure what his next steps will be after he completes his degree. But he’s more than willing to take the next steps to try and figure it out. Davis was one of the attendees at the Further Education Expo held on campus Oct.12, an event held to give students information on post-grad options. Universities from all over Canada came to promote their institutions and all they have to offer. “It (Further Education Expo) helps students a lot with figuring out the pathway they want to take and figure out what opportunities are available to them,” said Davis “Like I don’t know what I want to take after my BA, but it helps coming here to find out about grad studies,” said Davis. Event organizer Darren Grant said the expo has been running for five years. “Institutions that do come are from a wide variety of universities across Canada, so east coast, west coast, Ontario primarily,” said Grant.

Photograph by Joshua Nelson

A student speaks with a representative at one of the abroad schools vendors.

The expo offers students a variety of information from different schools, which helps students narrow down options, especially if they are still unsure of their next educational endeavour. “It can give them (students) information if they want to continue their studying,” said Matthew Ber-

Durham runners raise money for new campus building Tyler Searle The Chronicle

A successful week of fundraising has Durham College one step closer to its newest addition to the Oshawa campus. More than 26,000 athletes gathered on Sunday, Oct. 16 to participate in the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon. Durham College’s contribution to the $40 million building is $5 million, with the remaining funds coming from the provincial and federal governments. “By becoming part of the run, the Waterfront run allows you to make a charity group based off their run,” said Nicole Mastnak, a professor at the School of Interdisciplinary Studies, and experienced marathon runner who participated in the 2011 Boston Marathon. All the money raised by Durham runners is being put towards the CFCE building. In order to promote the run, Mastnak decided to host a bake sale on Oct. 12 in the Pit. For entertainment, she contacted the program coordinator of the Music Business Management program to see if students were willing to perform. On the day of the bake sale, volunteers from Durham College’s fire fighter program stood around the college entrances with rubber boots in hand to accept donations.

“Our goal for DC’s run is $21,000,” said Mastnak. “Now, before the run, we are at over $17,000.” Mastnak was team captain of team ‘Durham College Is Awesome!’ which participated in the half-marathon portion of the event. When asked how she prepared for the run, Mastnak explained that the most important aspect is to practise with as many different kinds of running as possible. As well as to eat healthy and get rest. “Training for a full marathon is 18 weeks before the event. It includes speed running, hill running, and long run training, which can get you up to 31 kilometres,” said Mastnak As of now, the Durham campaign has raised more than $3.2 million of its $5 million goal, according to Jennifer Clark, the senior development officer for the Office of Development and Alumni Affairs, and coordinator of the run for Durham College. “It goes beyond just helping the college,” said Clark, “Many of the programs will support student success... if we can, through the new building, convince students to complete their post secondary education, then that is reason alone to raise money for the college.” Clark said there are plans for another run next year.

nard, a software engineer student at UOIT. The universities aren’t completely limited to Canada either, some come from abroad such as University of Gloucestershire, U.K. (United Kingdom) Grad Schools Barclay Education Services, and American University of Antiqua

College of Medicine, to name a few. “We also have a lot of medical schools here… that are international from abroad programs,” said Grant. One of the international vendors, Canadian Law From Abroad, promotes sending students to the U.K. in an effort to learn law with added

benefits like, shorter programs and less money spent. “We are actually a Canadian-based company that assists Canadian students with applying to law school in the U.K., and we work with 12 partners in the U.K. and they all offer students a qualifying law degree, so basically instead of taking a three-year law degree in Canada you can go overseas and do your qualifying law degree there (in one year),” said Heidi Schulze, Canadian Law From Abroad spokesperson. The expo was located in two of the three gyms with the last gym being used as a dining area. Approximately 50 vendors were lined up on equal sides of the gym leaving an area for students to walk through and browse. “Every year we usually have a fairly good turnout, but it is a very small market of people looking for further education, but the institutions are happy because the questions asked by students are good quality questions, so institutions keep coming back for that,” said Grant. The expo is even helpful to students who aren’t graduating this year, but want an early look at what will be needed for post-grad requirements. “I think it’s very helpful, and (I’m) looking forward to seeing what occupations I want, and I can ask questions like about how many years or how many prerequisites I need,” said Kiersten Lapointe, a health sciences major at UOIT.


The Chronicle

October 25 - 31, 2016


Durham ensures programs stay current Laura Metcalfe The Chronicle

Crowded city buses. Loud, busy hallways. These are the signs of a new school year at Durham College. The new school year brings along with it new programs. This year, the college has introduced six of them: Advanced Filmmaking, Advertising-Digital Media Management, Finance-Business, Finance-Business Administration, Interactive Media Design, Investigative Journalism and Documentary Production. The additions are rooted in employer needs. Rebecca Milburn, associate vice president of academics, says it’s part of the college’s five-year plan. “We need to be looking at not only program delivery but also keeping our programs current with

curriculum changes,” she says. The needs of employers change with time so learning strategies need to as well, she says. For example, accounting programs have been in the college system for many years, but the software used has changed and evolved over the years. She says graduate certificate or diplomas might also be recommended based on what employers in the community need in the future. While employers collaborate with the college concerning new programs, there are also factors Durham College needs to consider. “Internally might depend upon if we have the equipment in place. So, for example, we aren’t going to launch a program where we have to go buy all this equipment, we have no place to put it,” explains Milburn.

She says many factors need to be considered to know if or when a program can be launched. It might take longer to implement the programs that require updated technology or equipment. The five-year plan helps the administration understand what tasks need to be completed for the launch of a program to be successful. An important aspect of launching a program is also the marketing and recruiting. A program might have a name change to attract more students if enrolment goals are not met. Some programs, including the Investigative Journalism and Documentary Production pro-

year due to low enrolment. This means changes to marketing and recruiting to attract current and potential students to the program. New programs are given time

gram, are not being taught this

to attract students, says Milburn,

Photograph by Laura Metcalfe

Rebecca Milburn, Durham's associate vice-president of academics, works at keeping programs current.

Correction Issue 2 of the Chronicle contained incorrect information accompanying a photo on Page 7 in an article about the Student Academic Learning Services at

Durham College. The photo should have indicated that Bushra Khan takes advantage of the services at SALS. The Chronicle regrets the error.

so even if enrolment is low the first year it means there is still an opportunity for growth.


October 25 - 21, 2016

Enhance yourself

If you are looking for ways to enhance your career while at school, volunteering and getting involved on campus can be your solution. Often overlooked, the act of philanthropy not only helps your school community but it also offers many advantages to help you transition when you are searching for employment and looking to establish a career in a competitive economy. Whether paid or unpaid, experience itself is highly valued. It also demonstrates a student’s ability to juggle competing priorities. Here is how volunteering can help you succeed: 1. Enhance Your Skills If you currently have some related skills, volunteering will give you more of that experience which gives you an edge in a competitive economy. Gaining skills such as leadership, communication, and team skills are essential to being successful and look good to employers when you are seeking entry into a new position or career. “I am a lot more confident in my communication skills, which means I stutter a lot less than I used to,” says Jenna Vass, a third year student in Human Resources – Business Administration. Vass has been involved with DC’s Student Leadership Program as well as volunteering off campus, and finds her experience has helped her flesh out her skill set. “I’m doing interviews right now for field placement, and employers are more engaged with my resume and my involvement with school.” 2. Expand Your Network Volunteering allows you to connect with people you may have not met otherwise. These people can turn into new friends and even new professional contacts, thus expanding your network. These relationships can last a lifetime; your network can provide and connect you with job opportunities and additional resources in your industry that can advance your career. By creating strong relationships with fellow employees and peers, it could potentially land you a job in that particular place or through other networks that you have been in contact with. You can also utilize these contacts to provide you with references to support your skills and experiences. 3. Gain a New Perspective If you are interested in learning about a particular demographic or field of interest, volunteering with campus clubs and societies will allow you to gain further insight more than any academic book can. You can also gain new ways of utilizing essential skills in the workforce such as problem solving and communication skills. 4.Renew Your Energy Volunteering can be a great stress reliever. Getting involved with school initiatives can help renew your energy as it gives you something else to focus on that is enjoyable. Looking for ways to get involved on campus? Connect with the following programs: UOIT Get Involved program UOIT’s Get Involved program,

Shenelle Payne Cuffy offers the involvement record that recognizes your extra-curricular involvement. It is the official record of your outside the classroom experience. It contains the UOIT logo and the Dean of Students signature. DC Co-Curricular Recognition program The Co-curricular Recognition Program website,, currently lists over 260 ways to get involved on campus, from volunteering to club involvement. You end up with a collegeverified official record of your involvement at DC.

This column is courtesy of the UOIT Student Life Career Centre.

Big Heart helping Little Hearts Each year, Cardiac Kids hosts various sporting and social events to raise awareness, and help build confidence in the children and families struggling with a CHD. Some events include: The annual Walk of Life, Mississauga Dragon Boat Festival, several golf tournaments and the Cardiac Kids Family Picnic! All funds raised by Cardiac Kids are used to support the children and staff of the cardiology ward at The Hospital for Sick Children.

Contact us: 647-680-8458

The Chronicle



The Chronicle

October 25 - 31, 2016


Photograph by Jared Williams

SNAPZ KUSH (left) and Skitso Frenic brought their New Fam tour to the Gravity Lounge in Oshawa.

Underground uprise

Jared Williams The Chronicle

Thanksgiving is a time of year to eat turkey, pour gravy and loosen your belt. But this year downtown Oshawa’s Gravity Lounge took some of the pressure off the table, and left those in attendance satiated. The modest-sized bar hosted Luca Mele and special guests, on his New Fam Tour, on the Saturday of Thanksgiving weekend. Radio personality and hip-hop even MC, Stacee Brizzle, hosted the show. Mele is La Loot Music Group’s newest artist with the recent release of his debut album titled, Revenant 4: Blood Moons. Before the show

got started, Challenge Accepted, a local rapcore-influenced band, spoke with The Chronicle about playing the event. “We’re not the headline, we’re a local band opening up for Lucas” Remy Tartaglia said, vocalist of Challenge Accepted. “Before being in the band I was doing mostly rap – I went by Rem EMC,” Tartaglia said. The band formed in March, 2015. During that time, Matt Doggett, the band’s current bass player, played lead guitar. Shortly after, members of the band left for personal and creative issues. The auditions held in need of new members is when drummer Bud Smith, and the band’s current lead guitarist, Nick Saunders, came into the pic-

ture. “I went [to Durham College] for marketing,” Saunders said. He was able use those skills he took away from school and apply them to the music business. This new group has played together for nearly six months prior to the show at Gravity. Rem EMC hit the stage for a solo performance to warm things up followed by a performance for James Lean. Previously known as Young Casper, Lean said he made the name change to assertively create a brand of his own, with his father already being known as Casper and it being his actual last name. After a brief intermission, Nathaniel Darkalla Ndem, Trouble maker, Dominant Species and Reel-

wolf kept the show rolling. Things reached new heights for the evening with a kick down the door performance by SNAPZ KUSH. Delivering his lyrics with such intense energy, his set had the audience rising to their feet. After performing two numbers featuring other MCs, for his third, and what was his final number, he climbed the sound system to the roof, demanding the room’s attention. Suddenly, the microphone cut it. Tempers flared between KUSH’s entourage and the sound technician that cut his set short. After some colourful language was exchanged, it was time for the headline performance. There was no wonder why Luca Mele was scheduled for

the main anchor slot; he was instantly the crowd favourite. Mele was proud to be performing for his father, who was amongst the audience. Mele said father has been proud with how constructive music has been in his life. The whole audience, the majority of which was made up of the artists performing and whatever people they brought with them, seemed to all be there for that moment. Feeding off what energy was left from KUSH’s set, Mele jumped off the stage to join the audience in the crowd, to pick up and launch a chair across a table. The show was brought to a halt again momentarily, but Mele then continued the rest of his set.

cause he is among people like him – people who understand his love for the “nerd culture.” Among the shuffling crowd were cosplayers. They are people who design and wear costumes of their favourite characters to be paraded at conventions and other events. Like Groves, Matthew Paige, 31, doesn’t expect people to understand his passion. That’s why he assembles with others interested in cosplay and pop culture. “It’s people banding together, hanging out and not worrying about being judged,” Paige says while dressed as Castiel, a character from the TV show Supernatural. He is joined in the basement of the venue by Samantha Kendall, who is covered in grey body paint for her costume as Homestuck character Jade Harley. “Most conventions are very friendly because everybody wants to be there and wants to have a

good time,” she says, “so we’re usually friendly to everybody.” On the main floor, the perimeter of the convention was lined with local vendors selling video games, toys, and comics, as well as industry guests such as former Marvel and Dungeons & Dragons artist Dan Day. The Oshawa Comic Con had something for every type of “nerd.” This is by design, according to one of the event organizers and Robocop enthusiast, Ozz Osborne. He hopes the day brought fandoms together, and was a “place for people to make new friends.” The day ended with attendees returning to their everyday lives. The body paint is washed off, masks are removed, and costumes are hung in closets. For Kendall, Paige, and Groves, this means facing people who may not understand their interests until they can congregate again the next time the event rolls into town.

Oshawa Comic Con a place for heroes and alter egos Fandoms come together to celebrate pop culture

Tyler Hodgkinson The Chronicle

As a 13-year old with autism, Matthew Groves relates to superheroes who deal with everyday problems. His favourite character, Spiderman, is also in high school, deals with bullies, and isn’t “the coolest guy.” Groves was one of more than 300 attendees of the Oshawa Comic Con on Oct. 15. The event, which took place at the Harmony Creek Community and Events Centre, brought lovers of pop culture

Photograph by Tyler Hodgkinson

Matthew Groves scans the comics at the Oshawa Comic Con. together under one roof. After sifting through large boxes packed end-to-end with books, Groves finds whichever web-slinger stories catch his eye and purchases them with the $20 his mom gifted

him. “He’s just a guy who’s a nerd, and I can relate to that,” he says, “I’m not the most popular guy.” Groves says even though it is his first con, he feels at home be-


October 25 - 31, 2016

The Chronicle


Photography by Barbara Howe

Il Divo plays it smooth with their velvet voices at the GM Centre in downtown Oshawa.

Love, passion and Il Divo

Barbara Howe The Chronicle

Downtown Oshawa experienced a little Latin ‘fuego’ last week, as concertgoers were treated to a spectacle of spine-chilling harmonies and awe-inspiring arias from Il Divo at the General Motors (GM) Centre. With the help of the Ontario Theatre Orchestra, the hockey arena was transformed into a starlit venue of classic sophistication. For those unacquainted with the group, Il Divo is a multi-national quartet put together 13 years ago by Simon Cowell, of American Idol fame. Their style is classic opera blurred with popular music resulting in a unique sound that

straddles both genres. The new release, Amor y Pasion, is made of Latin-inspired music, which, with the help of the background movie screen and dance troupe, transported the GM audience out of Oshawa to the presidential palace in Buenos Aires, the New York City skyline and to the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Dancers were an integral part of the show. Although they were not present in every set, their appearances added character and visual impact to the stage without detracting from the strong vocal performances. The tango scene, danced during Por una Cabeza, was most notable in the second half. The dancers, dressed in scarlet gowns, partnered with the vocalists who donned dark suites and fedoras to

create a gangster scene reminiscent of the 1930s. The show started with a rapturous overture. Four handsome men appeared at the top of the steps at the back of the stage to an explosion of lights and flames. Spaniard, Carlos Marín had no trouble with the Spanish lyrics which dominated the first set. He even pointed out the other members had been practicing the language. It showed. Swiss-born Urs Bühler, Frenchman Sébastian Izambard and American David Miller delivered the songs Abazáme, Histroria de un Amor, Contigo en la Distancia and Quién Será with impeccable style, to match their suits. Solo performances gave each member a chance to showcase his own skill. Urs Buhler astounded

the crowd by admitting he used to front a heavy metal band in his teenage years. His performance of his favourite aria by German composer Fritz Wunderlich’s, Dein Ist Mein Ganzes Herz (Yours Is My Heart Alone), was haunting. Sometimes the vibe was intimate as when Izambard and Buhler strummed guitars to Have You Ever Really Loved a Woman, and other times the performance was spectacular, like the version of Sinatra’s New York, New York. Years of working together have molded a relaxed style among the quartet, who were happy to engage in moments of cheesy goofing around in the second half. In addition to performing the songs from their new album, Il Divo belted out a medley of origin-

al crowd-pleasing hits, including Hymne á l’amour, Everytime I Look at you and Mama. When the four voices sang in unison, the result was goose bumps and chills. The crowd finally got to their feet and demanded an encore. The final song, Time to Say Goodbye, had the whole place on their feet. This exceptional talent certainly knows a thing a two about getting an older crowd going. Oshawa was one of a handful of stops scheduled in Ontario before the foursome head west to perform in Alberta and B.C. next month. Although the Wednesday evening show was not sold out, the enthusiastic baby boomer crowd showed their love for the group with spontaneous cheers and scduring the music breaks.

Going through the park doors takes a particularly long time. Crowd of hundreds move step by step every few minutes to get closer to the door. Once inside, the atmosphere is electric. Ominous music plays in every area of the park. Sinister sounds of organs, thundering drums, and dancing bells set a haunting mood as you explore the sites. Actors fully committed to their roles of clowns, demons, or murder victims do their best to sneak up on unsuspecting visitors and make them jump in fear. Smoke fogs the walkways, giving a real sense of uncertainty as to where you are going. Even the

park visitors appear to be part of the show as their shadows slowly creep out of the thick mist and red lights. The haunted mazes are the main attraction of the night, and no expense is spared in making them theatrical. Because of the high demand, however, large parties are often let in at once, which takes away from the fright. Inside the mazes, various themed monsters jump out of corners to startle people. Though when large groups are walking through together, the surprise is spoiled because you can see what’s going to happen next. Performers often have to get back

into their hiding spots in plain sight of visitors. Kevin McCarthy, an Oshawa resident who has been three different years, says the experience has changed. “It’s become more mainstream, just a lot more people. They seem like they can’t handle all the flow of people for someone to experience all the attractions in one night,” he says. The event is open from 7 a.m. to midnight on weekends. It takes about an hour to get into the park, and lines can take 20-30 minutes to get through. Vicki Valdron, also an Oshawa resident, did enjoy her experience, but noted the long line-ups com-

pared to the cost of entry. “I had a season’s pass, and you still pay a lot of money. Then you go in, and basically 90 per cent of the time you’re waiting,” she says. Excitement fills the park everywhere you go. Crowds of people who love this time of year can be heard laughing and shrieking throughout the site. Performers alternately try to terrify the audience, and graciously take picture with enthusiastic visitors. But there are a lot of people. Halloween lovers will undoubtedly enjoy the atmosphere, but those interested in going should prepare for line-ups. The event continues until Oct. 31.

Canada’s Wonderland brings scares this season Toby Van Weston The Chronicle

Halloween Haunt is now open at Canada’s Wonderland, and excited Halloween lovers couldn’t be more thrilled. Canada’s largest haunted theme park brings crowds from all over the GTA, Durham Region, and beyond every year. However, those large crowds may end up hurting your experience if you are going to the park to enjoy a good scare. Passage to the park requires going through two lines, one to get tickets (even for season pass holders) and one through the entrance itself.


The Chronicle

October 25 - 31, 2016



October 25 - 31, 2016

The Chronicle


DC, UOIT alumni star on reality show

Dean Daley The Chronicle

There may be a new star among us walking around the campus at Durham College and UOIT. UOIT biochemistry student Odane McKenzie is among a handful of DC and UOIT alumni found in the first episode of a new YouTube reality series called ‘The Real Shady Bunch’. The series has just hit the web and, according to Facebook, has more than 2,000 likes. The reality show focuses on the lives of seven Christians as they maneuver through life. In the first episode of the show you can watch how they deal with their families, jobs, religion, social issues and they don’t forget to include the drama. “This man has the audacity to greet me with his tight, tight, tight shirt, trying to make muscle with his one pack,” disses Vishaun Clarke, Durham College business marketing alumni. The show is led by Sherod Beneby, a McMaster University master’s student who works with his Durham Region cast members through the Prophecy church system. He approached his fellow cast members about the idea in May. According to Clarke, when she was approached by Beneby, her answer was “I have been waiting for this moment, I was born to do this,” while others were more skeptical. Sheonti Hutchinson, UOIT

criminology alumni, thought Beneby was joking. He wasn’t. Beneby wrote his pitch and voiced his vision to a few producers before picking the one he thought was the best fit for the show idea. The producer, had a contact from the USA Network show ‘Suits’, Donovan Drummond, and according to Beneby, gave the cast members some advice and thinks the show will do well. The process of making a show is not easy.

I didn’t feel like Snooki... According to Beneby, nearly $1,500 was put into the project and that was after making deals with the producers. Beneby says he was told by his producer, a project like this could cost as much as $2,500. Beneby says money was not the only issue. One production company quit on them when they were about to start filming. In addition, meeting up and making time with the other cast members has been a difficult process. However, they were able to put together the money and the time to make their first pi-

Photograph by Dean Daley

(From left sitting) Lyanne Knight, and Vishaun Clarke and (standing left) Sherod Beneby and Dominic McKenzie enjoying themselves while watching the first episode of the Real Shady Bunch pilot episode. lot episode called ‘Choices’. McKenzie says the process made him feel like he was part of something big. “I didn’t feel like Snooki (from Jersey Shore), but I did feel like I was a part of something big while we were filming. I’ve never been in that type of environment before, it

was a lot of work, but so worth it.” The producers and team are now working on the second episode. Even with conflicts arising, as seen on the first episode, the members of The Real Shady Bunch all have hopes the show will go far. “I would love to see this show be taken up by a TV station or a

network,” says McKenzie. Beneby says he can see the show one day having different set locations, kind of like other reality series such as Jersey Shore or the Real World. “The Real Shady Bunch Montreal, The Real Shady Bunch LA, we’re going far.”

Paint in a judge-free environment at Paint Nites Nicole O’Brien The Chronicle

With the fast-paced world we live in, consumers are often looking for a creative outlet to relieve stress. Last year was the year of the adult colouring book, where millions of copies were gobbled up by adutls looking to colour their stress away. But 2016 may be the year of the adult art class. Adult art classes have been around for years, but they have recently become more popular in Durham Region. Many studios have started adult-only painting classes, and local bars have opened their doors to allow customers to be guided from the artist itself while enjoying a beverage or two. Studios such as 4Cats in Whitby, the Paint Lounge in Markham, and the Pickering Pottery & Art Studio are just some of the venues offering adult art classes. “People just like the escape,” said Paint Lounge’s operation manager, Kevin Chow. After signing up for a class or workshop, customers can expect to be guided through a one-hour step-by-step paint session with an instructor and get to take the piece they created home. Marc Walsh, part owner and an instructor at 4Cats in Whitby, says they started adult-only classes in 2015, testing the waters with two classes.

Photograph by Nicole O’Brien

Two women enjoy a glass of wine while at a paint session at the Paint Lounge in Markham.

“There has been a growing interest. Now in many weeks we are holding four classes a week,” Walsh said. Studios such as the Paint Lounge in Markham offer “freestyle” paint classes, where customers get an hour to paint whatever they would

like.The Paint Lounge provides the easel, paint, brushes and aprons, as well as ideas if you need inspiration. “Primarily they are for you to explore art in a judge-free environment,” says Paint Lounge’s operation manager Kevin Chow. And it isn’t just art studios diving

into this trend. Paint Nite, a paint and sip company, started four years ago and was among the first companies to act on the adult art movement trend. The company provides people with a fun social event while al-

lowing them to express their creative side. Paint Nites happen at local bars and pubs around the world, and many are held in Durham Region including in Pickering, Oshawa, Whitby and Ajax. With a paintbrush in one hand, and a wine glass in the other, customers are led by an artist through a two-hour paint session. The company has done exceptionally well since they started. According to the Paint Nite website, the company has sold over 3 million tickets to date. Walsh says these adult classes are an extension of family nights. He says adults have a great experience with their kids and realize it could be fun with anyone. “Adults are coming to those family nights with their kids and then they want to do it with their girlfriends, or boyfriend, or husband,” Walsh says. “I really think it’s the next step from taking a family class, just having a night out.” These events require no previous experience, and people are encouraged to put down the phone and socialize for a night. And while the social benefits are great, Chow says people love the experience of painting. “People just like that escape. They just don’t want to go home after work and just sit on the couch, watch T.V., and wait for the next day to start,” Chow says. “They want to do something that’s liberating for them.”


The Chronicle

October 25 - 31, 2016


October 25 - 31, 2016

The Chronicle



The Chronicle

October 25 - 31, 2016

Sports Shannon's final serve Logan Caswell The Chronicle

Shannon Dean smacks the volleyball over the net and blows it by the opponent on the shiny, glossy, gym surface. A referee points to Dean and her five teammates in their green, white and yellow home uniforms. All six players on the court jump into each other’s arms, smiling from cheek to cheek after they score the hard earned point. The public announcer calls her name. Shannon Dean. Supporters in the audience erupt in approval. They clap. They scream. “I take the most pride in my competitive edge. Being under pressure situations and thriving off the intensity makes me the player I am,” says Dean. Like many athletes of her calibre, Shannon Dean has worked hard to get where she is. Her journey has included coaches, family and teammates. When Dean was in grade ten she met Lucas Hodgson, head coach of the Windsor University Lancers. This moment in her life was the ultimate catalyst for her to become a university athlete and fourtime Ontario University Athletics (OUA) all-star. Hodgson continued to watch Dean’s progress throughout her high school years and her performances with the Durham Attack before offering her a place with the Windsor Lancers. “She’s a great kid,” says Hodgson. “Her athleticism makes a big difference when she’s on the court.” Dean went on to make the playoffs in two out of her four seasons at Windsor. She became an all-star in every season she played and won the highly sought after Demarco

Photograph by Logan Caswell

Shannon Dean poses for a photo on the court where she has spent much of her time at Durham.

Award presented to the best male and female athlete yearly at Windsor University who best combines academics and athletics after the 2015-2016 campaign. Coach Hodgson described Dean as a hard worker and skilled athlete. He put her in the middle position where she led the Lancers in kills and assists last season. However, Hodgson said she was worth more than just the statistics. “Shannon is a very special ath-

lete,” says Hodgson. “She had no issues off the court academically so it made our jobs easier, she was worth a lot to us.” A stable life off the court made Dean the player she is today. Her parents, John and Heather, travelled 836 kilometers roundtrip from Whitby to Windsor to watch their radiant daughter play in every home game. “They’re my biggest fans. Throughout my four years at

word of mouth, social media, and a website which is slated to go live this month, students will quickly become aware of its presence. “I think a lot of people are very interested in having the turf fields instead of the tennis courts that were there before. There’s drop-in soccer, a lot of people play soccer here…the varsity people use it for practice in the wintertime, so it is all around going to be used very well,” said Morgan Dew, a DC student promoting intramurals for the Campus Fieldhouse outside the computer commons. Initially, the Campus Fieldhouse was a tennis facility; know as the Oshawa Tennis Club. However, after a number of years, the tennis club’s contact was up and the renovations began due to the decline of tennis participation, Babcock said. “Originally this was built as a clay court, six-court tennis centre and students just didn’t gravitate to tennis and the numbers just proved that students weren’t using it,” said Babcock. As a facility the Campus Field-

house contains two artificial turf soccer fields. “This isn’t a brand new thing [regarding artificial turf soccer fields]. What is interesting is that it is a very long and large space; they are not normally this big. So it will split in half and have two minifields, which is nice,” said Babcock. The field also contains LED lighting that gives light to the entire bubble. “We introduced state of the art, LED lighting which is not only energy efficient, but it also provides a really nice light that cascades up the bubble and cascades up so you can see at night,” said Babcock. The field is also air-conditioned which is not a new renovation, as it had been in place when it housed the six tennis courts. However, it does make the Campus Fieldhouse stand out from other facilities, Babcock said. “It is air-conditioned, that’s not normal. We put air conditioning in for the tennis because we used to take the bubble up and down. That was a lot of work and a really

Windsor they didn’t miss one home game. Their weekends consisted of driving to and from my games,” says Dean. Dedicated and driven to excel is what John calls his daughter. “When she was making a decision on school choices, I made the promise to her that I wouldn’t miss a single game,” says John Dean. “We didn’t end up missing one.” Now 22, and a graduate from a double major program in Com-

munication, Media and Film along with psychology, Dean was not sure if she would play volleyball this year as it is her fifth and final year of eligibility. But, thanks to her parents, who after back and forth conversations, convinced her to come to Durham, Dean is now a member of the Durham Lords. She is also enrolled in the Addictions and Mental Health (Graduate Certificate) program. “I wasn’t going to do my fifth year. When I told them about Durham they were really excited, especially my dad because he went to Durham,” says Dean. Dean has already made her mark on her new team. She has brought a competitive edge and drive to play under pressure. Returning players Megan Romain and Lucia Kalmeyer speak very highly of the fifth -year senior. “Shannon has the most amazing leadership skills I’ve ever seen. She’s my inspiration to be a better player,” says Romain. Kalmeyer shares the same thoughts. “She’s good at motivating us when were down. We can always count on her to get us back in the game,” says Kalmeyer. Dean has not only drawn high praise from her former coach, but also her current coach, Tony Clarke. “The versatility she has with volleyball along with her experience is a great gift to our program,” says Clarke. The journey for Dean will conclude in February next year. But, before she hits that last serve, Dean shed some light on how she wants to be thought of with her last group of teammates. “I want to be dependable, and for my team to feel they can look up to me as a leader.”

Campus Fieldhouse renovated over summer break Tennis courts replaced Joshua Nelson

The Chronicle Soccer or flag football anyone! With Durham College and UOIT’s new Campus Fieldhouse, students now have a place to show off their athletic skills. The Campus Fieldhouse’s $500,000 newly-renovated interior was revealed this summer, with Ken Babcock, director of athletics at Durham College, saying it is available for rentals by the public. However, with the new school year in session, Babcock is hoping for more student involvement. “They’ve looked at different things we can host as far as special events in there but primarily it’s going to be student-based,” said Babcock. The Campus Fieldhouse will host a variety of student events, such as intramurals for soccer, cricket, and flag football. Through

Photograph by Joshua Nelson

Athletic director Ken Babcock visits the new fieldhouse. tough project and expensive to take it up and down, so we insulated it and put in air conditioning so you can use it in the summer time,” said Babcock. The bubble will be open to spectators with added bleachers and seating areas to watch tournaments

and other recreational activities. Any student can enter and leave the bubble at will with the flash of their student ID card. With the help of intramurals, the Campus Fieldhouse is slated as being the main hub for sports involving turf.


October 25 - 31, 2016

The Chronicle


Breaking records, moving forward Ridgebacks are enjoying success this year and are now nationally ranked Logan Caswell The Chronicle

The UOIT men’s hockey team has begun the 10th season in program history – in memorable fashion - after coming off a season to remember. The Ridgebacks have won their first five games of the season and are ranked fifth among all university teams in Canada. There most recent win was Oct. 19 when they beat RMC 5-1. UOIT’s next game is in Sudbury against Laurentian Oct. 25. The Ridgebacks also host Laurier Oct. 28 at 7:30 p.m. and Waterloo Oct.29 at 3:30 p.m. Both games are at the Campus Ice Centre. Ridgeback fans got to witness history last season as the men’s team achieved the most wins in program history and also made it to the second round of the OUA playoffs. They were swept by the the UQTR Patriotes in the bestof-three series. But Jake Logan, in his final year of eligibility, says he’s expecting big

Photograph by Logan Caswell

Fifth-year centre Cameron Yuill of the UOIT Ridgebacks makes a dash for the puck against Laurentian player Graham Yeo. things from his team this season. “Our team is a lot better than it’s ever been. We’re looking to break last year’s winning record and go deeper into the playoffs, I’m proud to be a part of it,” he says. Cameron Yuill, who took over

the captaincy from Luke VanMoerKerke this season, says although last season was great for the program, he hopes to see his team improve and get even better this year. “Last season was exciting to be

a part of,” he says. “Our goal this year is to go all the way and win it all, it put us on the map and earned respect around the league and respect from our school too.” The Ridgebacks lost two of their best forwards last year in Jesse

Photograph by Logan Caswell

UOIT Ridgebacks players celebrate following the game-winning overtime goal by fifth-year defencemen Jake Logan.

Games in your backyard

Baseball: Canadian Colleges National Baseball Invitational Oct. 27-29, Kinsmen Stadium and Ritson Field. Men's Volleyball: Durham vs. Algonquin, Oct. 28, 8 p.m., Campus Recreation and Wellness Centre (CRWC) Durham vs. La Cite, Oct. 29, 3 p.m., CRWC Women's Volleyball: Durham vs. Algonquin, Oct. 28, 6 p.m., CRWC Durham vs. La Cite, Oct. 29, 1 p.m., CRWC

Men's Hockey: UOIT vs. Laurier, Oct. 28, 7:30 p.m., Campus Ice Centre UOIT vs. Waterloo, Oct. 29, 3:30 p.m., Campus Ice Centre Women’s Hockey: UOIT vs. Toronto Varsity Blues, Oct. 28, 11:30 a.m., Campus Ice Centre UOIT vs. Ryerson, Oct. 30, 3:30 p.m., Campus Ice Centre

Stoughton and former captain Luke VanMoerkerke but welcome two new forwards into the lineup this season with first year players Malik Johnson and Jack Patterson. Players around the dressing room speak highly of their secondyear head coach Curtis Hodgins. He took over from former head coach Craig Fisher at the start of last season after Fisher was forced to step down because of ongoing issues related to a severe concussion in his playing days. Logan describes Hodgins as a “real coach,” something he says they haven’t had since he’s been here. “I knew this team was going into the right direction when Curtis took over. I played for him back in junior. He holds everyone accountable. He makes sure no one is bigger than the team like past coaches have,” says Logan. Hodgins says he’s happy with the process and hopes to build off what the team did last year on a consistent basis. The second-year head coach has brought accountability to his players and has shown them how to play better with and without the puck. “You have to start making steps at some point. We want to keep building the program, we don’t want to take steps back so this is another important year to keep moving forward,” says Hodgson.


The Chronicle

October 25 - 31, 2016

GREAT CA A T R O P U P SE! SU Saturday, November 5th 11am-4pm Oshawa Golf & Curling Club


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