Chronicle 16 17 issue 08

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I wouldn't have graduated if it hadn't been for Gerry.

Volume XLIV, Issue 8

page 9

January 24 - 30, 2017

Building a bright future page 11

Photograph by Barbara Howe

Oshawa blues rock

page 18 Photograph by Barbara Howe

Lords dominate at the beach

Photograph by <name>

page 20

Photograph by Joshua Nelson

Students should reach for the stars page 3 Photograph by Kayano Waite


The Chronicle

January 24 - 30, 2017


DC journalism students look at Durham College and UOIT, and beyond, by the numbers and with their cameras

Photograph by Dan Koehler

Rebecca Ropp, Lindsay Pachan, and Riana Costa, promoting beach volleyball night.

Photograph by Dan Koehler

An inspirational quote by Nelson Mandela posted on the wall at Durham College.


January 24 - 30, 2017

The Chronicle


Hadfield lands on campus Travis Fortnum The Chronicle

Retired astronaut Chris Hadfield thinks today’s college students might need to beef up their long distance calling packages – because he says living on the moon is a real possibility. “Some of you folks are going to have the opportunity in your lives to live on the moon,” Hadfield told a crowd of almost 1,000 at Durham College and UOIT Jan 11. “To go live in a permanent human outpost on the moon. Maybe even as far as Mars in your lifetime.” With 166 days spent outside the Earth’s atmosphere, Hadfield’s resume is not shy of accomplishments. He partook in three different missions to space in 1995, 2001 and 2012. He served as Commander of the International Space Station (ISS) from December 2012 until May, 2013. On top of this, Hadfield was the first Canadian to walk in space. The Student Association announced Hadfield would be coming to campus just before the winter break. Through social media promotion, they sold more than 900 advanced tickets with the rest sold at the door on the night of the event. Hadfield believes incredible achievements are only possible if people allow themselves to dream big. “The only way you can do impossible things,” Hadfield told the crowd, “is to imagine something crazy, and then start changing what you’re doing so that you can learn about it enough that it can

performing at a David Bowie anniversary in New York City earlier this month, Hadfield has experienced things that many can only dream about. As he described the process of launch and exiting the Earth’s atmosphere, the audience was captivated. “After eight minutes and 42 seconds the engines shut off,” Hadfield said, “you’re at the right height, speed and direction and the engines shut off. And you’re weightless.” He paused for a second, and you could hear a pin drop. Hadfield filled an hour and a half with anecdotes of his life and a wealth of knowledge on the past, present and future of space exploration. Hadfield closed his talk by performing bits of an original from his 2015 album and David Bowie’s Space Oddity, which he famously covered aboard the ISS. After the conclusion of his performance, nearly all the people in Photograph by Travis Fortnum attendance lined up for a chance to shake hands and take a picture After talking to the crowd, Chris Hadfield took the time to greet anyone willing to wait in line. with the first Canadian to walk in Little Aurora had an easier wait than most, held in the arms of her mother Kathleen Flynn. space, as well as get a book signed. Hadfield stayed until he had the be part of what becomes normal.” lo 11 moon landing in July of chance to meet them all. Since retiring from the astronaut 1969. Johnny Humphrey, the SA’s life in June of 2013, Hadfield has “On the morning of July 20, campus life coordinator, played a gone on to become a national bestit was impossible to walk on the big role in organizing Hadfield’s selling author, a top ten recording moon,” Hadfield said. speaking engagement on campus. artist and a coveted public speaker. “Nobody had ever done it. But “The SA is really happy with The famed former astronaut by bedtime on July 20, Neil (Arm- how it turned out,” Humphrey brought stories of experience and strong) and Buzz (Aldrin) had says. expertise with him to educate and made all those footprints. That was “We received a lot of positive inspire students. now something that was possible. feedback.” Growing up in southern On“It’s really liberating to realize Hadfield has taken his public tario, Hadfield found himself inthat impossible things happen.” speaking across the pond, where spired by the fantasy of Star Trek, From his time with the Royal he will finish the month touring as well as the reality of the ApolCanadian Air Force in the 90s to Ireland and the UK.

It's really liberating to realize that impossible things happen.

DC, UOIT students inspired by former astronaut Kayano Waite The Chronicle

The lights were dimmed in the school gym, with rows of students and locals hanging on to the words of the first Canadian to walk in space. “Using the time you have now to prepare for the probable things that are going to go wrong in your life,” Chris Hadfield said. “To me, that’s the very essence of success.” This was the message former colonel and astronaut Hadfield, who was one of the highlights of Winterfest at Durham College and UOIT. The first Canadian commander of the International Space Station was the focus of the event, The Sky is the Limit. Hadfield spoke on his life in and out of space as well as his hopes for others to achieve their best.

Hadfield’s son Evan, who works alongside his father, said the advice given is applicable to anyone’s average goals in life, not just those interested in a particular field. “He doesn’t necessarily teach about space,” the younger Hadfield said. “He uses space as an example of how you should live your everyday life.” Talib Ali, president of the UOIT Engineering Student Society, met with Hadfield before the event, and gave him engineering coveralls. According to Ali, coveralls are traditional for engineering students. Hadfield graduated from mechanical engineering at Royal Military College in Kingston in 1982. Due to the dress code at the college, he did not wear these during his time there. Ali said Hadfield was surprised

He uses space as an example of how you should live your everyday life.

by the gesture. “He was really excited by it, and we were grateful that he accepted our gift.” Mechanical engineering student Dustin Curry was one of the last people in line, but didn’t mind the wait. “This is probably the closest I’m going to get to space,” Curry said jokingly. Curry said his takeaway from the night was for the audience to not settle for less in life. It was not only students who got a lot out of Hadfield’s words. Abdul Hameed, a former army Colonel and electrical engineer in Pakistan, was also there to meet Hadfield. Hameed heard about Hadfield’s appearance from his son who attends UOIT. Hameed, who has followed the space program from childhood, said it was a “rare” moment for him to get to hear the thoughts of Hadfield, who he called a proud Canadian. Hameed attended the event with his daughter and thought Hadfield’s words were important for younger people there to hear. “There will be failures, there will be challenges in life,” Hameed said. “They should not despair of any moment that comes.”

Photograph by Kayano Waite

Hadfield left those in attendance feeling educated and inspired.


The Chronicle

January 24 - 30, 2017


PUBLISHER: Greg Murphy EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Brian Legree AD MANAGER: Dawn Salter


Cartoon by Toby VanWeston

Leading young minds from Twitter For all Americans and probably most Canadians, the next four years will be remembered as the years of President Donald J. Trump. Republican candidate Trump was elected Nov. 8, 2016 after beating out his democratic opponent Hillary Clinton. Depending on whether a person is conservative or liberal they might have different opinions on Trump. Regardless, Trump encourages more people to pay attention to politics. He has led more young adults to turn to social media for their news, and lastly Trump is gaining votes due to false media. Although some young adults did not take Trump seriously before the election, now that he’s president millennials are paying closer attention to politics. While Trump did not have more

millennials voting for him in 2016 than Obama in 2012, he definitely has our attention. According to Trump received 37 per cent of young (18-29) voters during the election, while Obama garnered 60 per cent of the young voters in 2012. Although Trump received a small portion of votes from young voters, only 50 per cent of the 48 million eligible youth voters turned out during the election: meaning 17.5 per cent of young people actually voted for Trump in the 2016 election. This shows just how little young people had wanted Trump in power or even how few took him as a serious threat. Although the exact numbers are unclear, it is evident through social

EDITORS: Jenn Amaro, James Bauman, Rebecca Calzavara, Sharena Clendening, Dean Daley, Alexander Debets, Travis Fortnum, Tyler Hodgkinson, Barbara Howe, Noor Ibrahim, James Jackson, Christopher Jones, Frank Katradis, Daniel Koehler, Angela Lavallee, Laura Metcalfe, Tommy Morais, Joshua Nelson, Nicole O'Brien, Samuel Odrowski, Devarsh Oza, Trusha Patel, Matthew Pellerin, Asim Pervez, Emily Saxby, Tyler Searle, Jessica Stoiku, Euvilla Thomas, Toby VanWeston, Kayano Waite, Brandi Washington, Michael Welsh, Jared Williams, Erin Williams.

Publisher: Greg Murphy

media that 18-29 year olds in U.S. and Canada are now taking more of an interest in Trump. Trump’s Twitter, Facebook and Instagram accounts come to a total of 42.1 million followers on social media. It is this participation on social media, which has engaged so many Americans and Canadians during and after the election. While many people follow Trump for electoral updates, many people follow him to see what outrageous or salacious statement he will come up with next. For example, Trump’s recent comment about Meryl Streep after her speech at the Golden Globes stating, “Meryl Streep, one of the most over-rated actresses in Hollywood, doesn’t know me but attacked last night at the Golden Globes. She is a.....” This tweet re-

ceived 39 thousand retweets and 125 thousand likes and was trending on Facebook. However, a negative aspect of Trump’s involvement with social media is the fact millennials use social media as a news outlet. The consequence? False news. Millennials may be collecting their political views from the social media, something baby boomers are less likely to do, since statistically boomers are less involved on social media platforms. With more millennials being of age to vote, social media can have a negative effect on election results because facts are misconstrued or misrepresented on Facebook, Twitter, etc. To combat fake news, Facebook has even started an initiative called the “Journalism Project”.

The Chronicle is published by the Durham College School of Media, Art

and Design, 2000 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario L1H 7L7, 7212000 Ext. 3068, as a training vehicle for students enrolled in Journalism and Advertising courses and as a campus news medium. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the college administration or the board of governors. The Chronicle is a member of the Ontario Community Newspapers Association.

Editor-In-Chief: Brian Legree

Advertising Production Manager: Kevan F. Drinkwalter

Features editor: Teresa Goff

Photography Editor: Al Fournier

The future elections are in the hands of millennials as they outnumber the baby boomers, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. It is important younger voters have the correct information rather than rely on the power of social media to come to a decision. With the results of the election, it is clear to see that more 18-29 year olds are participating in politics. Social media is the outlet. Hopefully this outcome will encourage more millennials to vote in Canada for the next election. Perhaps millennials will now see how much power is in each citizen’s possession when voting for a nation-wide decision. Anyone can win when you don’t vote. Dean Daley and Jenn Amaro

MEDIA REPS: Brandon Agnew, Justin Bates, Zach Beauparlant, Kayla Cook, Nathalie Desrochers, Charlotte Edwards, Yannick Green, Madeline Grixti, Stephanie Hanna, Lijo Joseph, Sarah Judge, Shannon Lazo, Megan Mcdonald, Ashley Mcgregor, Josh Mcgurk, Katie Miskelly, Louisa Molloy, Jasmine Ohprecio, Alex Powdar, Olivia Randall-Norris, Kaela Richardson, Madeleine Riley, Alex Royer, Spencer Stevens, Rachel Thompson, Geroge Tsalavoutas, Alexandra Weekes, Cameron Westlake. PRODUCTION ARTISTS: Rachel Alexander, Angela Bahnesli, Sarah Bhatti, Anokhi Bhavsar, Steven Brundage, Chanel Castella, Brandon Clark, Scott Cowling, Leanne Howorth, Bryce Isaacs, Erin Jones, Natasha Kowo, Samantha Mallia, Alyssa Matthew, Alexandra Rich, Bethany Seaton, Kristian Seepersad, Georgina Tsoutsos, Marisa Turpin, Rachel Wendt, Travis Yule.

Ad Manager: Dawn Salter

Technical Production: Keir Broadfoot

January 24 - 30, 2017


Easy. Breezy. Beautiful. CoverBoy.

For years, makeup companies everywhere have been using females to model their products. In early October 2016, history was made. CoverGirl took to their Instagram account to announce something to forever change the face of makeup: the first ever CoverBoy. James Charles, a 17-year-old YouTube star is now the first CoverGirl male ambassador.CoverGirl is giving males who want to wear makeup a role model and in doing so erasing the gender roles previously assigned to makeup. For over 50 years, CoverGirl only used women in their advertisements. Celebrities like Ellen Degeneres, Queen Latifah, Katy Perry, have all been the face of CoverGirl. This time we get to see a male who is not afraid to represent male beauty. Charles started wearing makeup a year ago, and said he got noticed by CoverGirl on Instagram. Charles has his own style seen on his YouTube videos. He incorporates bright and bold colours on his face. Society is to blame for such a long wait on a male model for a makeup company. There are many groups online who petition for men to wear makeup. has two petitions titles “Allow men to wear make-up” and “Stop discrimination of men wearing makeup.” Musicians in rock bands like KISS and Green Day have been wearing makeup for years. Singer Adam Lambert said he started wearing makeup in his teens. So this

The Chronicle

Brandi Washington is not a new concept. It just hasn’t fully been accepted. Charles started his Instagram one year ago to inspire others. On his Instagram account he says, “I truly hope that this shows that anyone and everyone can wear makeup and can do anything if you work hard.” CoverGirl is the first makeup line to give such a positive change to the face of cosmetics. In August, YouTube star Georgie Aldous posted a video online and asked “Why can’t boys wear makeup?” Aldous says wearing makeup makes him feel gorgeous. Aldous said if guy is wearing makeup people often assume, they’re trying to be a woman. As for Charles, his parents asked him if he was transsexual because he started wearing makeup, he had to do a lot of explaining to convince them this was not the case. Hopefully people can start to embrace men who wear makeup and not question their sexuality. Men should be able to look glamorous just like females. CoverGirl is using the hashtag #LashEquality to brand this product which brings to mind #GenderEquality. Because we all can be a CoverGirl.


Social media helps journalists Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat share stories around the world Social media is still evolving. There is no doubt some changes are needed in order to differentiate between what’s real and what’s not. It is clear there is a need for trained journalists, and social media is seeing the need for this change. Recently, Facebook launched the “Journalism Project” to work closely with journalists and to limit fake news. While there have been some concerns about what’s real and what’s not on the Internet, it is clear social media has allowed journalists to find news easily. Reporters are able to share and receive content in matters of minutes, reach a wider margin in one go and also created new job positions such as social media editors. This is remarkable, as social media has only been around for just about a decade. And yet the relationship between social media and journalism has been a controversial one. When news broke Facebook users were posting fake news during the U.S election. The conversation was moved to the forefront. Over the years, social media has evolved and become a platform for breaking news, and also

Euvilla Thomas a tool for the journalism world. This new age of reporting has journalists scrambling to adapt. For readers, the Internet is the go-to place for news updates. According to a survey by Canada News Wire (CNW), 62 per cent of young adults in Canada prefer to read their news online. There has been a growing problem in journalism: social media has caused some hiccups between trained journalists and citizen journalists. Let’s use the recent U.S. election as an example. During the election debate teams of live fact-checkers on Facebook ensured the statements being made by the candidates were accurate. This tactic revealed some of the statements made by Donald Trump were false. According to Journalist Resource, 63 per cent of Facebook users get their news from Facebook. This could potentially pose a problem if this forum is spreading fake news. But Facebook is just one of a wide range of options. According to an article in Recode, an online media website, President Obama was quoted, on his last international trip as president, saying, “If everything seems to be the same and no distinctions are made, then we won’t know what to protect.” Daniel Dale would agree. Daniel Dale, the Toronto Star writer dubbed the “the lie-tracker” for his part in fact checking

Trump’s statements, has received some great reviews. Fact-Checkers are very important to journalism, especially today when fake news is easily attainable and hard to detect. There is some room for improvement, but we can’t dismiss the fact that social media has changed the way we give and receive news in an easy to use format. This Facebook fake news conundrum has set back the collaboration between traditional reporters and the social media. But, let’s not forget the time when social media kept us updated on the news. On May 12, 2008 Twitter users tweeted an earthquake had hit Beijing, China’s capital city and had taken thousands of lives. The video was then later picked up by the press. In another instance, on Feb. 12, 2012, a Twitter user tweeted-out that famous singer Whitney Houston was found dead in a Beverly Hills hotel about 20 minutes before the press were briefed. These are not the only two instances when social media became a source of information for reporters. There are many more. Social media has not only affected reporting but also bring about new job positions. Canada’s own broadcasting organization CBC, now has 18 social media editors who only deal with the content that goes up on sites like Snapchat, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. It’s safe to say that journalists should not be afraid of social media. It should be embraced. It is clear social media has changed journalism for the better, and journalists should change with it or get left behind.

We are the women of today; give us our freedom

Brock University student, Harpreet Kaur survived child molestation. Her abuser was close to home. Once she found the voice, strength and bravery to speak out, the blame was put on her. At 16 years old, Harpreet was told she tainted the honour of her father’s Pagh (turban) by speaking of the unspoken. Many young brown women do not have the privileges, freedoms, or independence required to be considered equal to males. Women from countries like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Afghanistan are being pressured by their own families to maintain a ‘good girl’ act in their community. This is so they do not taint their family’s name and honour in front of the community. This pressure to conform needs to change. Women should not feel guilty for being themselves, for living their life the way they want to, for loving and being with someone they want to be with, and for standing up against injustice. It is unfortunate

Trusha Patel for women in Asia who do stand up for themselves, have limited freedom, are blamed for tainting family honour, and are victims of honour killings. According to the Vedas, the most ancient Hindu scriptures, which contain hymns, philosophy, and guidance, Hindu women have limited freedoms. For example, many young Asian women do not get to date. Bella DePaulo, a Project Scientist of Psychology at the University of California says people who have not been in relationships are viewed as less happy, less well-adjusted, and lonelier than people who have been in relationships. For some Asian families, dating before marriage is seen as breaking a social norm, which would bring

shame to the family’s honour. The concept of family honour is very extensive in India. According to the History of Sex in India journal, the term ‘izzat’ refers to honour or reputation in the culture of India and Pakistan. Izzat applies to both females and males, but in completely different forms. Women must keep the family honour by being chaste, compliant, and submissive. The men must be courageous, powerful, and have the ability to control the women in their families. Woman carry izzat (honour) like a materialistic object. When they are unmarried, it is their responsibility to not do anything, which would cause harm to the family name. When they marry, their izzat passes along to their new family: their in-laws. Without good izzat, a family’s reputation in a community means nothing. In the name of protecting the so-called ‘family honour’, women are shot, burned, buried alive,

strangled, beheaded, and stabbed to death. Honour killings are unfortunately, a familiar act in the South Asian community. According to the statistics presented by the Indian parliament, the Indian police registered 251 cases of honour killings in 2015, 223 cases more than the year before. In Pakistan, 1,100 cases were reported in 2015, though the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) estimates another 1,000 were unreported. The act of vengeance, usually death, is committed by the males of the family against the females who are claimed to bring dishonor to the family. According to the Thomson Reuters Foundation, in 2012, India ranked as the worst country to be a woman, because of the violent victimization through rape, acid throwing, dowry killings, marital rape, and forced prostitution of young girls. In a country where people worship female goddesses, voted for a

woman president, and have had a female prime minister, it is a shame women are completely on their own when it comes to their safety. Mahatma Gandhi said, “Of all the evils for which man has made himself responsible, none is so degrading, so shocking or so brutal as his abuse of the better half of humanity; the female sex.” 91 years ago, Gandhi encouraged Indian men to treat women with respect. It is truly upsetting to know that the lesson is yet to be learned. The voice of a strong, independent woman, fighting for herself, needs to be heard in this male supremacist world. Women can be independent, self-reliant and successful. Women to women relations are what strengths us and give us a voice that can be heard. A woman’s life is her own, and she can live it however she wants. The next generation needs to fight these fights, and stop the injustice.


The Chronicle

January 24 - 30, 2017


Photograph by Toby VanWeston

Michelle Cole, Manager of Program Development and Quality Assurance at Durham College, at work in her office.

Managing our success This is one in a series of conversations with experts at UOIT and Durham College

Michelle Cole manages the programs students take at Durham College Toby VanWeston The Chronicle

Michelle Cole is the Manager of Program Development and Quality Assurance at Durham College. She has been in this position for four years, and has overseen the development of existing programs and the addition of new programs during this time. In 2011 she won an Outstanding Research Award from the Ontario College Administration Staff Association (OCASA) for Student Perceptions of Faculty Classroom Practices the Influence Student Persistence. Cole’s job is to make sure the student experience is as positive and fulfilling as possible.

Can you explain what you do and how you do it? Sure. I work with the executive deans and the associate deans in each of the schools, since you know we have seven schools, to work out a plan for new program development. So in my role, I guide the new program development process and I support the deans through that process. We have a five year roster of programs that is fluid, so every year we review the plan, and revise as needed. It’s fundamentally based on labour market needs, and student demand also, so taking both into consideration, we will develop a plan accordingly. [In regards to her OCASA award] Would it be accurate to say that finding ways for students to succeed in their academic careers is a passion of yours? It sure is. The other part of my role is the quality assurance. I would say now that I am doing this work, there is an enhanced passion for it. I have the opportunity through program review to interview students and I love that. I would say that the only reason I’m here is to ensure that students have a good experience while

they’re on campus, that they’re learning, that they’re meeting the expectations of their education, that they find value in their education, and they see the importance at the end of the day. And then of course that they find jobs. So that they leave here well-equipped, good citizens and mature, so they can go and find work in their field. And if it’s not in their field that’s OK too, because they have skills. They shouldn’t leave here without having something that they can be proud of. Can you tell me about your background and how you ultimately arrived in Oshawa? I went to school at Brock University, started working in Toronto, then moved to Whitby. I worked for a member of parliament in Whitby. I enjoyed that experience very very much. We were unelected by the people [laughs]. And so when the new member of parliament came in, I applied to the college and was successful. I’ve worked at the college for ten years now. I started in the President’s office as an administrator. I was an executive assistant to the vice-president of Student Affairs. And when this position came up I got very excited and I applied and got it.

Are there any new programs that you are trying to trying to get off the ground right now?

They shouldn’t leave here without having something that they can be proud of. What’s your favourite part of your job? I do enjoy the process stuff, I’m a bit of a geek that way. I like the order of things, and so helping people get to an end result, I do get a kick out of that. And I do enjoy, when I can, meeting with students. What’s the toughest challenge you are faced with in this positions? Working with faculty [laughs]. No, it’s more about timeliness. We have a short window of time to get the program to the point where we can present it to the Ministry. The challenge is getting that approval.

Yes there’s a few of them. I can tell you what we just launched for 2017, which is really exciting. We’ll have a new program in Office Administration Real Estate. So considering the real estate market as it is, that’ll be exciting for those who are interested in the real-estate market but may not want to be agents. Massage therapy is coming to Durham College, which is a big deal. I’m looking forward to as many free massages as I can get, I will be that guinea pig [laughs]. The other one that’s really cool too is called Mechanical Technician, Elevating Devices. So your lifts, elevators, that kind of thing. Right now the industry is literally taking people off the streets, without experience. This way, with a post-secondary diploma, they would have a lot of experience with the mechanical and electrical side, so that they could start their apprenticeship with some knowledge. With a twoyear under their belt, they will be very successful. This interview has been edited for style, length and clarity.


January 24 - 30, 2017

The Chronicle


When research meets passion Photograph by Laura Metcalfe

Durham College professor Randy Uyenaka has been bringing his energy to the Social Socail Worker program since he started teaching at the college in 1999.

Uyenaka makes the Social Service Worker program work for you This is one in a series of conversations with faculty experts at UOIT and Durham College Laura Metcalfe The Chronicle

When Randy Uyenaka enters the room one can’t help but notice his boundless energy and bright smile. His passion and drive to help people is evident when you talk to him about social services. As the coordinator of the Social Service Worker Program at Durham College, he is helping to teach the social service workers of the future. What is your expertise in?

ence, prior experience, in the field they are teaching in. So when I was hired back in 1999, I taught a course well, two courses, one called addictions counselling, and another was called family and family systems, so it was kind of consistent with the work I was doing. When I actually came here I was more involved in teaching, probably more in the year 2000, when the college launched the Addictions and Mental Health graduate certificate program. Once that program got off the ground I was teaching courses in counselling youth, grief therapy, basic counselling services, problem gambling, those types of things since 2008.

I’ve been fortunate to work with many individuals who just had that passion for the field of helping. I think it’s interesting because he just retired. One of the individuals, he was actually a supervisor before he came to the college full-time as a teacher and he was the one who lead me into the field of teaching as well, his name is Ken Lomp. He was an individual when I joined Pinewood Centre in 1992. You could tell that he had this real passion for the field and under his leadership I think I really grew in terms of feeling a lot more comfortable being a counsellor and trying to help people with substance abuse issues.

I am the program co-ordinator of the Social Service Worker program. I have been teaching at Durham College part time since 1999. I came here full-time in 2008. As you know, Durham, they like to hire Was there anyone who What kind of work have you professors who have a lot of experi- inspired you to go into this? done?

Inevitably, all of us are going to have some contact with a social service agency.

Maybe not specific to the area of addictions but since I have been at Durham I have been involved in three significant research projects that have been funded by provincial bodies. What happened was in 2012 we applied for funding from an organization called the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. We were fortunate enough to get

granted roughly about $30,000 to look at a lifespan perspective of how social services impact individuals through the lifespan, starting from issues in childhood, but having a social services program to help support an individual going through that difficult period. Childhood and adolescence into adulthood and beyond. What should people know about your field? I think really the value, the impact of social services is really just not realized. Inevitably, all us are going to have some contact with a social service agency, the unemployed and we need employment counselling. We experience an issue concerning our mental wellness or mental health, we are seeking support from a mental health organization or an individual or someone they know has a substance abuse problem.

...the impact of social services is really just not realized.

Our particular program, Social Service Worker, has benefited three times. Each time we have hired a minimum of about four to six research assistants and they get to do actual research in an area they are interested in and I think it gives them new opportunities that they, as college students, wouldn’t typically experience. We have seen them really develop a passion for the research we are doing. At the end of it they get their name on a publication, which really What is your favourite part of is unheard of from someone comyour research? ing out of college, actually having their name on a publication that Each research project that I have has been shared provincially, if not been involved in we’ve been fortun- internationally. ate to allocate part of the funding towards funding students in terms This interview has been edited for style, of them learning. length and clarity.


The Chronicle

January 24 - 30, 2017

The presentation by Jungle Cat World was one of many events students could attend at Winterfest 2017.


Photograph by Michael Welsh

Winterfest eases back to school Michael Welsh The Chronicle

Coming back to school from Christmas break can be a tough time for students. After spending a few weeks relaxing with family and friends, getting back into the grind of class isn’t something many people look forward too. Winterfest made the transition back to school a little more fun for students. “It was cool coming back to school to all kinds of great events,” says Durham College student Mike Powers. “There is lots of fun stuff going on for everybody.”

Winterfest featured two weeks of activities put on by the Student Association, including public skating, video game gatherings, bubble soccer and animal encounters. The SA hosts Winterfest at the start of second semester every year. A similar event, Campusfest, usually takes place in September to kick off the first semester. However, there was no Campusfest this year. The SA has been dealing with internal conflicts for much of the year, which led UOIT and Durham College to withhold funds from the association. The problems from within the SA stemmed from unexpected

There is lots of stuff for everybody. changes on the executive committee. The SA says it understood students were upset about Cam-

pusfest being cancelled, so they are glad to see the success of Winterfest, according to the association’s photographer, Sami Jewer. “There was a lot of comments coming in but now I think everyone is excited about the fact that we are starting back up,” she says. For students who weren’t aware of Winterfest, such as Meghna Vijay, returning from Christmas break to fun events like the presentation by Jungle Cat World was a treat. “I saw the event and there are a few events coming around, I saw in the catalogue. Then I knew it was Winterfest,” says Vijay. “It’s

very much a bonus. A week of fun and entertainment, it’s a bonus.” Students hope there will be more events in second semester than the first. The issues did not stop the SA from hosting Winterfest and doing their main job of serving the students. “We wanted to do Winterfest to be sure the students had a lot of great events to go out to and enjoy,” says Jewer. “We’ve had a really great turnout this year.” The association currently sits without a full-time president. Nominations and elections for next school year’s SA will be held in January and February.

Move your muscles for engineering awareness Noor Ibrahim The Chronicle

The Women in Engineering association at UOIT sure knows how to get the people up and on their feet. Students from Durham College and UOIT took part in a first-ofits-kind Engineering Olympics event organized by the association on January 12. More than 30 students playing a dozen games kept their brains and muscles active, by doing everything from designing their own rollercoasters and stacking party cups, to kickball to even challenging themselves with cards. But Women in Engineering wanted the students to walk away with more than just a fun experience. The event aimed to raise students awareness towards the Women in

Engineering Association and the struggles women face within the field. According to Engineers Canada, 87 per cent of Canadian engineers are men. However, according to WIE president Shae Contois, that number is as high as 90 per cent at UOIT. Domains such as and hashtags like #ILookLikeAnAnEngineer try to show people that women engineers do not fit into the stereotypes set for them. Because of that, Contois says that stigma has formed about women’s abilities compared to men. “It feels like in a male-dominant career that women aren’t as good,” she said. Contois says she has come faceto-face with that stigma herself at UOIT. She says male classmates are often surprised about things such as her ability to use the right tools. She adds some students on

campus don’t even expect women to be engineers. However, after proving herself in the classroom, she says the men’s perspective began to change. “I think it’s really opening up the eyes to a lot of people, said Contois. “A lot of my classmates are like ‘Wow! You can do what I can do, if not better.’” Participant Patrick Krokwood said he’s keen on backing the cause. “I’m an engineering student,” he said. “It’s good to show support and help the girls out and bring a little pride to the school.” Krokwood also said the event was more than just a way to meet new people. “The fact that they’re out here putting out great events really helps and brings their name out to the forefront.” According to Contois, the WIE also serves as a support group for

those women who face the same stigma she did may consider giving in. “As there are so few of us,” said Contois, “[the association is here] just to say hang in there. You’re just as good. “ Shae Contois organized and ran the event alongside President Mellissa Fracz. According to Fracz, the event shows the students women’s ability to be in control, not just in engineering. “Women in Engineering created this event. We are running this whole event ourselves,” said Fracz. “It kind of shows that we can take charge and control an event as well as anyone else can.” Just like Contois, Fracz feels women who plan on becoming engineers need to hear words of encouragement. “Don’t feel discouraged or scared to come into engineering just be-

cause you think it’s all male-dominated,” said Fracz. “A lot of girls are successful in engineering. We can basically do anything we put our minds to.” The association has been trying to debunk women stereotypes for eight years now at UOIT but it also celebrates women’s accomplishments in engineering. With events such as the Olympics, as well as previous Christmas and Halloween movie nights, the students are drawn to the organization’s name. After they join the organization, the organization tries to help them understand the bumps that women engineers sometimes deal with along the road of their career. With all the energy students gave at the event, Contois and Fracz hoped they’d also gain awareness and knowledge about women in engineering in return.


January 24 - 30, 2017

The Chronicle


Mourning the loss of former Chronicle editor Frank Katradis The Chronicle

Gerald (Gerry) Rose, former editorin-chief of the Chronicle, the campus newspaper at Durham College and UOIT, has died. He was 67. Rose died peacefully, at Lakeridge Health, Oshawa, on Jan. 9, 2017 after a brief battle with pancreatic cancer. Rose was born Jan. 22, 1949 and grew up in Pasadena, Nfld. In the mid-1970s he moved his young family to Ontario to pursue work before deciding to go back to school at Durham College for journalism in 1976. “I taught Gerry from the years of 1976-77 and ’77-78,” says former Chronicle editor Bill Swan. Swan says Rose’s previous experience helped him with his journalistic abilities. “Gerry was ten years older than his peers,” says Swan, noting that Rose’s university background also played an important role in his abilities. After graduating, Rose was hired where he did his field placement, the Oshawa Times (the Times was a daily newspaper in Oshawa for more than a century before it closed in 1994). He was the Times' editor for 10 years before Swan offered him the positon of editor-in-chief of the Chronicle newspaper at Durham College in 1991. Swan believed that Rose had the exact skills needed to fit the position. “Gerry was a very quiet individual,” he says. “He didn’t dominate the room. But, when you talked to him, you’d see he had a lot to offer.” Rose was the editor-in-chief of the Chronicle for more than two decades before retiring on June 30, 2014, exactly 23 years after he started at Durham. He was admired by his peers and loved by his students. On his Facebook page, many former students expressed how sad they were to hear that he passed, but praised his abilities as an educator. “Gerry was the dream teacher,” says former student Evan Barr. “He was very busy, but always available for his students. There were always students asking for edits.” Rose was well known for his edits. With his famous green pen, as opposed to the standard red, he

would edit his students’ work. Former office mate Ginny Colling recalls students being devastated seeing their work covered in ink, but says Rose would always give them a thumbs up to assure them that they were on the right path. “He would always say ‘It’s OK with fixes',” says Colling, indicating when a story had met final approval. Rose wanted the Chronicle to be professional like any other newspaper, says Colling. Rose expected good work from his students and had the patience to help them achieve good work. He always helped out his students and would make sure the paper was filled with interesting stories. “Gerry ran the Chronicle in a very organized fashion,” says current Chronicle editor-in-chief Brian Legree, “but you couldn’t tell looking at his desk.” Rose’s desk was always buried under a mountain of paper, Legree adds with a smile. Legree also worked for Rose at the Oshawa Times and took over Rose’s position at the Chronicle when he retired. He adds Rose was loved by his students. Rose taught with a “get it done right attitude, with a smile on his face and a twinkle in his eye,” Legree says. Rose invested in students beyond the classroom. “I didn’t think I was going to graduate,” says Durham College’s credit transfer coordinator Kimberly Boss, another of Rose’s former students. “Gerry really helped me believe in myself the final semester. I wouldn’t have graduated if it hadn’t been for Gerry.” Boss says she was going through some personal issues in the final semester of her second year, and Rose took the time to get her the right connections and helped her graduate the program. Calling him the “dad” of journalism, she says Rose would never criticize in his feedback, but instead offer a different way of looking at it. “He was just amazing in and out,” she says. Rose will always be remembered as the editor who sipped soup at his desk filled with papers and pictures of his grandkids, marking papers with his green pen in hand.

(Above) Journalism professors Ginny Colling (left) and Gerry Rose retired from Durham College on the same day in 2014. Current Chronicle student-editor Toby VanWeston honours Rose (below).

The importance of networking: Learn, connect and build Years ago, the Kids in the Hall comedy troupe did a great sketch on networking that I always think of when I hear people talk about networking. Why? Because I think that’s what people picture – a bunch of guys in suits (guys only, of course), exchanging handshakes and clichés; essentially how it’s defined in the sketch: “businessmen meeting businessmen for the purpose of meeting again at a later date.” The true idea behind networking is to learn, connect and build relationships. It allows you the opportunity to talk to people whose work fuels their spirit and lights their fire, and find out if that’s work

Devon Turcotte you would like to do, too. LinkedIn defines networking as being “about meeting a few wellconnected people who can vouch for your ability and who are willing to refer you to a few other wellconnected people.” A huge benefit of networking is that you can tap into what we call the “hidden” job market, which is significant. According to a Linke-

dIn study published in February, 2016, 85 per cent of all jobs are filled through networking. Most jobs are never posted outside an organization and some are never posted at all, because the hiring manager already has someone in mind for the role and contacts that person directly. Networking allows you to be on their short list before jobs even become available. That’s worth spending some time on.The average student today is at a disadvantage when it comes to this. When you were very young, you were probably warned about “stranger danger.” Now, you’re suddenly in a position where you need to know how

to talk to strangers to further (or start) your career, and you don’t know how. To add insult to injury, you also have likely spent more time than previous generations connecting with others through social media or online gaming. You have people in your life that you would count as friends, and yet you’ve never met them offline. Employers generally aren’t a part of the same generation, so you need to learn how to meet them where they are. The good news is, there are ample opportunities to start, right now and right nearby. Take some time to talk to your professors, sports coaches, fellow volunteers, co-

workers or neighbours. Ask people about what they do, why they do it, what led them there and where they would like to go next. At this year’s Job Fair on Feb. 8, one of the activities running is a Speed Networking Lounge. There will be alumni and business leaders available to help you learn the subtle art of networking, then you can use your newfound skills to make a splash with the employers in attendance. It’s time to put “stranger danger” aside. You’re a grown-up now and you get to own that. Networking is one way to start. This column is courtesy of Career Development at Durham College.


The Chronicle

January 24 - 30, 2017

True love is only a swipe away Chamberlain found soulmate on mobile app Tinder Sharena Clendening The Chronicle

On a chilly day in March, Kimberly Chamberlain decided it was time to try out Tinder. Her first thoughts were optimistic. “I felt like a hookup site and that’s what it was meant for…but every guy that I met tried to make it seem like they wanted a relationship, then BOOM they wanted in my pants. It was awkward but also very entertaining,” says Kimberly. On average over 36 per cent of Canadians use online dating sites, according to Global News. Tinder, Plenty of Fish, eHarmony and Match are just a few of the dating sites out there for singles to mingle.

Kimberly Chamberlain is part of the 36 per cent of Canadians who signed up for online dating. Andrea Braithwaite teaches at UOIT. Her research focuses on gender and pop culture. “Part of what online dating brings is another way to meet people, which can be beneficial,” says Braithwaite. “Not everyone enjoys or is able to go out to meet people — things like personal preferences, money, schedules, and mobility can all get in the way, and online dating offers another option.” But Braithwaite says online dating can also open up another avenue for harassment and abuse. This growing trend of online ro-

mance has increased six per cent per year in Canada since 2010, according to IBISWorld. One would assume it would be easy to start a conversation with a stranger you are interested in but according to

Kimberly Chamberlain, it is still a struggle. “It was super awkward; a Tinder user told me I was pretty so I replied thank you. Then he asked if he could get into my pants. I laughed and said no but thank you, and then he told me I was super ugly,” Chamberlain says. After that encounter Chamberlain was asking herself why she downloaded the App. Boys will be boys, she was thinking to herself, wondering if she should give up finding someone or if she should continue using the App for a little bit. She decided to keep the App and then started

Part of what online dating brings is another way to meet people.

Campus talking to this guy who gave her a huge list of questions before asking her out. “He asked me out on a date after five hours of messaging back and forth,” says Chamberlain. It took around two weeks before they went on their date. Then it all fell into place. Kimberly and her boyfriend Christopher have been together since March 10, 2015 and are now expecting a baby girl, due March 4, 2017. Trying to find true love is hard whether you choose the old-fashioned way or use online dating Apps. But Kimberly Chamberlain didn’t stop till she found what she was looking for. UOIT professor Braithwaite explains, “There are a bunch of options out there, and they all work in different ways, some are subscription services that require monthly payments in order to participate, some are simply Apps.” With many different opinions on online dating, would you consider the choice of possibly meeting someone you could fall in love with through a mobile App?


January 24 - 30, 2017

The Chronicle

'Technology stars' battle it out in LEGO League Barbara Howe The Chronicle



Hundreds of aspiring young scientists descended on Durham College recently for the 2016 FIRST LEGO League Ontario East Provincial Championships. The event brought 40 teams of elementary students aged nine to 14 together to pitch their autonomous robots, built from LEGO pieces, against each other in a series of challenges. Justine Lam, a student from Forest Hill P.S. in Toronto, said her team, “Batteries Not Included,” had a small chance of winning at its first time at the provincial championships. “It’s about the experience. It’s not whether we get placed or not. We’re just going to try our best,” said Lam. FIRST LEGO League is a non-profit organization created by Dean Kamen with a goal of inspirPhotograph by Barbara Howe ing young minds to love science, technology and mathematics with a view to choosing it as an exciting Mackenzie Bailey (left) and David Feenstra get set to battle with their robots in their FIRST LEGO League eastern provincial championship at Durham College. and engaging career choice. Dave Ellis, director of the FIRST LEGO League, has been involved with the organization for 12 years. “We celebrate our sports heroes and our movie stars, but we don’t celebrate our technology stars,” said Ellis. “There was nothing to get kids excited about technology. There was no event where kids got to be inspired.” Ellis explained the program has three components. First there is a research project where the students research a problem relating to the annual theme. This year’s theme is Animal Allies. Examples of some of the projects submitted include an app, which tracks lost pets through an electronic collar, a weighing machine for dogs which spits out the appropriate portion of food dependent on the animal’s weight, and a dehumidifier for a beehive. The second component is the robot design where the teams design, build and program autonomous LEGO robots to perform a series of missions. Lastly, students are encouraged to develop core values which include life skills which honour the spirit of friendly competition and respect. There were cheers, whistles and even some tears from the hundreds of supporting teams, parents and coaches who crowded around the corral surrounding the competition tables, as the robots bumped around the courses. Austin and Mackenzie Bailey and David Feenstra are three homeschooled students who travelled from Kingston to take part in the challenge. Their “Home Grown” team is so concerned about the depleting honey bee population that they designed a dehumidifier to attach to a standard hive. The simple idea adds an extra layer full of wood shavings and a black painted roof which allows moisture and heat to escape through vents. Together with a thermostatically-controlled heating mat, the hive is kept dry and mite-free which prevents disease infecting the colony. The winner of the event moves to the FIRST LEGO League World Festival in St. Louis, in April.


The Chronicle

January 24 - 30, 2017


Reduce waste one cup at a time DC hoping to replace cups for mugs

of their own. Roberts says there may be obstacles ahead, especially for those who look forward to the upcoming Roll up the Rim to Win event, which gives people a chance to win cash and prizes just by rolling up the rim of their Tim Hortons cup.

Laura Metcalfe The Chronicle

Tim Hortons cups are a common sight around campus. Students and staff need their tea or coffee to make it through early mornings and late nights. But with all these cups comes a lot of waste. Between September of 2015 and April of 2016 more than 230,000 disposable cups were thrown out. The Sustainability Office at Durham College is hoping to alter this behaviour through its #muglife campaign. "It’s a pledge that you take that says 'I will not use a coffee cup anymore, and I will use a mug instead,'" says Sonal Birdi, sustainability co-ordinator assistant. The goal is reduce waste by promoting the use of reusable mugs, says sustainability co-ordinator Tanya Roberts. “If you get other people thinking of the impact in their head and what is the impact, then they will reduce it. They’re not going to eliminate it totally with some people,” says Roberts.

I will not use a coffee cup anymore.

Photograph by Laura Metcalfe

Tanya Roberts (right), and Sonal Birdi pose with their mug campaign poster on campus. Durham College president Don Lovisa signed the pledge last year. Now Roberts plans to gather more pledges and hand out more mugs in February. It’s not just the school that is endorsing the campaign.

Aramark, food service provider, hires employees for Tim Hortons locations around campus. According to Roberts, the company supports the #muglife campaign. It offers discounts when you use a reusable mug. Students

have purchasing power, so companies would be smart to embrace reusable cups, she says. She hopes the campaign will catch on and go viral, and make other colleges and universities think about starting a #muglife campaign.

While they are not giving incentives to use the mug or checking in to see if people do use the mug, students will get a free mug if they sign the pledge. The campaign is based on an ‘honour system,' says Roberts. She says adjusting mindsets to reusable mugs will take forethought. Students and teachers need to plan ahead and have their mug on them when they go to get their coffee or tea, says Roberts. This will not be an easy transition, but she says it is worth the diversion of waste.

After a century of photos, Aldsworth's shutters its doors Toby VanWeston The Chronicle

January 20, 2017 marked the end of an era for Durham Region, as an institution of Oshawa for the past 100 years closed its doors for good. There is one less place for photographers to get their equipment and develop their prints: Robert Aldsworth’s Photo World is now closed.

They're like friends to us, and in some cases like family. The store which closed under the Aldsworth’s name started in 1898 as a passion project of William E. O’Brien, an Oshawa resident who had an interest in

photography. In 1957, it was taken over by Robert Aldsworth, where it became a family-run operation dedicated to supplying quality photo services to Oshawa photolovers. Robert Aldsworth and daughter Kathy have run the store, at 907 Simcoe Street North, together for the past 30 years. They say working together has been a great experience, and one they will miss. “We’re going to miss the camaraderie. We’ve been fortunate enough to work together for 30 years. So I’m grateful for that opportunity.” says Kathy. While the Aldsworths say that business has continued to run relatively well, it’s time for them to move on. “We’re closing because though we’re still pretty busy, and things are going OK, it’s time to move on and do other things,” says Robert. Changes in photography production have taken their toll on the business over the years. The advent of digital photography has meant the decline of classic printed photography. Though the store has adapted to this changing

Photograph by Toby VanWeston

Robert Aldsworth and daughter Kathy say goodbye to Robert Aldsworth's Photo World. landscape, Kathy notes that shift has been significant. “Society has changed. Younger people aren’t printing as much,” she says. Kathy does note that while most photographers today gravitate towards digital photography, there is still a niche market who prefer the classic print process. This group of photography lovers has contributed to the store’s longevity over the years. The store

owners say that with the store closing, these customers are left with fewer options to practise their craft. “A lot of customers are not very happy that we’re closing, and they’re asking where they can go for printing. I don’t really know what to recommend. People are happy with our quality, and maybe not so happy with some of these other places’ quality. So like I said, they’re not so happy about

us closing,” says Kathy. This loyal customer base has helped the store’s business throughout the years, but it has also become more than that for the Aldsworths. Certain customers have become friends, while others still have become “family”. “Were going to miss all of customers, especially our really loyal customers. They’re like friends to us, and in some cases like family,” says Kathy.


January 24 - 30, 2017

The Chronicle


Long live the internet meme Dan Koehler The Chronicle

In a quiet park on Niagara Drive, just down the road from Durham College, a lively crowd gathers. A sense of excitement and whispers of laughter flow throughout the group. A man can be seen sporting a homemade gorilla t-shirt. The heart-wrenching How To Save A Life, by alternative band The Fray, flows out of speakers as one man directs the crowd in a sing-along. Candles burn, and bananas pile up on the park bench, while the group chants a familiar name. “Harambe,” the crowd unanimously cheers over and over again. “Harambe.” The 50 person strong Oshawa candlelight vigil of for the lowland gorilla killed at the Cincinnati Zoo had started. Similar to the 2,000 strong event held earlier in the month at Ryerson University in Toronto, according to Vice. Harambe became an Internet sensation when he was shot at the Cincinnati Zoo on May 28th after a young boy fell into the gorilla’s enclosure. The boy was dragged over 15 feet before zoo officials intervened and killed the gorilla with a single gunshot. After an initial uproar from the public and activists, due to the meaningless of the killing, the story quickly fell out of the mainstream light. But the Internet doesn’t forget so quickly. Over the last decade, the Internet has been producing an increasing number of memes, through platforms such as Vine, Snapchat, and viral videos. Memes are defined by Google as “a humorous image, video, piece of text, etc. that is copied (often with slight variations) and spread rapidly by Internet users.” In 2015 a similar situation to Harambe occurred; an African lion, Cecil, who was the mascot of Hwange National Park in Metabeleland North, Zimbabwe, was killed by an American dentist, Walter Palmer, during a canned hunt. According to Google, a canned hunt is ‘a trophy hunt in which an animal is kept in a confined area, such as in a fenced-in area, increasing the likelihood of the hunter obtaining the kill.’ Memes quickly spawned all over the web, and an investigation was opened into the killing. According to an article by National Geographic, Palmer was never charged because he was able to show proper paper work to the Zimbabwean authorities. Cecil’s death set the course for the Harambe trend to take off. the website, sometimes known a the front page of the internet, has a thread dedicated to memes, and this is where many of them, including Harambe and Cecil memes, begin. They have a list of rules that memes have to follow and offer links to other websites that users can use to create their own memes. The Harambe story received so much attention that the Cincinnati

Photograph by Dan Koehler

The death of Harambe in May, 2016 quickly spawned a firestorm of memes and many student-organized vigils.

Zoo had to disable all of their social media accounts. Since then the Harambe trend has stayed steady. Internet ‘trolls’ have been busy mocking the incident through memes and songs, using phrases like “dicks out for Harambe,” a phrase used in similar fashion as “get your lighters in the air” at a concert, just not as literal, while others see the gorilla as ‘god-like’.

their ‘any man’ way of expression,” Forbes says. “The web has closed the distance between people in terms of sharing information, and ideas.” As much as memes can be passed off as a waste of time, Forbes says they play an important role when it comes to discussions about society. “They (memes) are the publicly generated one liners everyone loves the Daily Show for, often adding

They (memes) are the publicly generated one-liners everyone loves The Daily Show for. Even sports teams have fallen into the Harambe craze. According to, the Trenton Golden Hawks, an Ontario Junior Hockey League team, sported jerseys honouring Harambe during a warmup before a game recently. But why have we become so infatuated with these trends? One idea is these trends let us share our ideas about a topic to the whole world without going deeply into it. Stephen Forbes, a Durham College professor for the School of Business, IT, and Management, has been going on the Internet for most of his life. He says memes ignore borders and let us connect past cultural and physical boundaries. “Memes are simply highly relatable ideas that have high potential to spread through cultures very quickly, precisely because of

a brevity and charm to hot topics without going too deep,” he says. “They are in fact, albeit often hard to see, a valuable piece of the overall discussions taking place across society.” Kristina Crawford, a Durham College student in the Practical Nursing program, thinks Internet trends have become popular due to people seeking a sense of belonging. “Everyone wants to be a part of one thing, so everyone just kind of goes with it,” Crawford says. “It’s really different right, so no one brings a different view to it, so everyone just follows one another.” Keir Broadfoot, Durham College fabrication studio specialist, says memes are news and events that take a twist on the absurd, but can also touch on important topics. He’s a lover of, and goes on all the time. Reddit even

has subthreads covering specific meme topics. “For the most part, it (memes) can bring to light stories of interest,” he says. Although memes can be a positive thing, they can sometimes mock or ridicule serious topics or people. Throughout the United States presidential election both candidates, Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump, had their photos turned into memes. The memes usually show an unflattering picture and have a word or phrase mocking the candidate or their idea. “There are memes and vines that can be mocking in nature where they fish for a photo of somebody that’s not very flattering,” Broadfoot says. “Then they become an Internet sensation but not in a positive aspect.” Memes have even started to crossover from the internet to the real world. Memes like the Harlem Shake, which started in February 2013 and involved a group dancing to the song Harlem Shake, have started taking place in workplaces. Even the Norwegian military and the US army both did their own Harlem Shake videos. More

recently, the Mannequin Challenge has been sweeping across campuses around the world. St. Lawrence College in Kingston Ontario, recently had their students in the Advertising and Marketing Communications program do their own version of the challenge. For now it seems Internet trends aren’t going anywhere. The conclusion of the US presidential election brought forth a whole new area of memes focusing on Vice President Joe Biden and President Barack Obama, and theoretical conversations between them and President Elect Donald Trump. Harambe memes continue to flood Facebook pages. Media organizations have started utilizing these tools. Buzzfeed has a news page dedicated to memes. They offer lists of top memes to their readers as well. Websites such as MemeGen, LiveMeme, MakeAMeme, and WeKnowMemes, exist for the sole purpose of allowing people to make memes. Although the Durham College vigil for Harambe has come and gone, the joke lives on. As a student at the vigil who didn’t want to be named says, “Its a great end, to a great legacy.”

Meme created by Twitter user @notacroc

An example of a meme centring around the relationship between Joe Biden and Barack Obama.


The Chronicle

January 24 - 30, 2017


Streaming can't detune Oshawa music store Tyler Hodgkinson The Chronicle

Online music services such as Apple Music, Tidal, and Spotify have cemented their legitimacy as hubs for catalogues, but this can also be said for longstanding Oshawa music store Wilson & Lee. According to co-owner Bill Wilson, the downtown shop, which is currently celebrating 95 years in business, isn’t greatly affected by the rise of streaming services because they bring in a “different kind of customer.” (Wilson & Lee

Some people love to have a tangible experience.

is also owned and operated by his younger brother, Dave.) “[People who download] are a portion of people we didn’t really have to begin with,” the 77-year old says. “We have a lot of customers looking for vinyl records.” In a report published last year, Nielsen says the amount of streams in Canada has risen to 18.6 billion in 2016 from 10.5 billion in 2015. The study takes into effect both video and audio streams. Nielsen also reports physical album sales are down 16 per cent, however, vinyl LPs sales have risen 39 per cent. According to Official Charts, the late David Bowie’s Blackstar was the best-selling vinyl of 2016, with Amy Bill Wilson, co-owner of Wilson & Lee music store in Oshawa. Winehouse’s Back to Black and the soundtrack to the Guardians of the Galaxy film in second and third, collect vinyl because it may sound vinyl bins are often rummaged respectively. better when played through an about by customers, as buying preWilson believes the resurgence of optimal system, while others love owned records is a cheaper solution vinyl is a direct result of consumers’ to grab everything their favourite for the mass collector type. need for something physical. artists release. The store began bringing in used “Some people love to have a tanAlbums by The Beatles, Elvis vinyl after a customer offered to gible experience,” Wilson says. Presley, and Taylor Swift are big sell his collection before throwing “I remember buying records, sellers at the store, Wilson says. it away. showing them to my friends, argu- New vinyl is often priced between “It was either me or the dump, ing about what certain lyrics did or $20 and $45, however, it depends so I gave him a fair, reasonable didn’t mean.” on the popularity and availability amount and we put them on sale. Nowadays, some music fans of the product. Additionally, used I didn’t know what was going to

Photograph by Tyler Hodgkinson

happen, so I priced them, threw them up, and people started to buy them,” says Wilson. “It sort of dawned on me that this is something I may want to expand a bit.” Wilson & Lee has continued to “flip” records ever since. Vinyl alone does not keep the storein business. In fact, its main source of business is instruments, but it also sells movies, CDs, and notation books.

Wilson & Lee music store celebrates 95 years Jared Williams The Chronicle

It’s fair to say the music scene in Oshawa has seen some highs and lows since the days when then-bar bands like Rush and Triumph were opening acts. But one constant on the scene has been music store Wilson & Lee, which has earned itself a reputation as a quality establishment since opening its doors in 1922. Original owners William Wilson and his sister in-law Mary Lee opened up the store in his house on Albert Street in Oshawa. Aside from being able to purchase music there, Wilson also taught piano lessons at the shop. After William Wilson died in 1943, Lee and other immediate family members minded the store selling instruments and records. When Bill Wilson II returned from serving in the Second World War in 1946, he accepted the tradition of buying into the family business. “After the war there was a shortage in almost everything so that certainly made it easier to find work [for those looking at the time],” Bill said. It was also then that General Motors was at its peak employment for the city.

I just found that I loved this stuff.

Photograph provided by Wilson & Lee

A piano being moved into long-standing Oshawa music store Wilson & Lee. By 1953 the store had moved and re-opened in its current location on Simcoe Street, just north of Bond Street. Bill Wilson III started work at the store when he was 14-years-old. He says he wasn’t even completely aware of how much he enjoyed

the music business until he began working at the store. “I just found that I loved this stuff. I found when I got in here I had an affinity for knowing what people liked and what they wanted.” By 1967 Bill was joined my his

younger brother David working at the store. “I was sitting at a table when I was 14 years old and my father said, ‘Get your suit on, you’re going to work!’ I have never had a Saturday off after that,” Bill’s brother and co-owner David Wilson said.

“I enjoyed being here, I enjoyed being social, I enjoyed looking after people.” It wasn’t until 1989 that the two brothers bought the family business and took over ownership. It was then vinyl sales were at their peak from the local disc jockeys (DJ) buying up single records in attempt to keep their record collections contemporary and relevant. “Thirty years ago there was a pretty good bar scene going, there was lots of places for young musicians to play – not so much anymore,” Bill Wilson said. “For us the DJ was a saviour in the 70’s and 80’s because we used to have up to 60 guys come in on a regular basis.”


January 24 - 30, 2017

The Chronicle


Lion: A true story of hope and survival The inspiring true story of a young man out to rediscover himself Barbara Howe The Chronicle Imagine waking up on an empty train, thousands of miles from home. Imagine screaming for help though the barred windows. Imagine that nightmare. Imagine you a five-year-old boy. That is the predicament of the main character, Saroo Brierley, in Garth Davis’ debut film drama, Lion. Lion is an emotional roller-coaster of a movie which continually drenches your senses with the colourful and exotic sights and sounds of India. Wide-eyed Sunny Pawar, the newcomer actor, picked from thousands of hopeful candidates to play the leading role. Panwar steals your heart for the first hour. The movie follows the true-life story of a five-year-old Indian boy who gets separated from his older brother and ends up, over a thousand miles from his home, in the

Photograph by Barbara Howe

Dev Patel portrays main character Saroo Brierley as a young man. mean streets of Calcutta. It is 1986, a world away from today’s multi-connected society.

There are no smart phones. It is a time when it was possible to disappear.

The exotic images, which surround the painful real-life challenges this street urchin encounters, are taken from the young boy’s perspective. His world of danger is framed in colourful and mystical vibrancy. The journey is long and bittersweet. The young Saroo ends up in a government-run orphanage, and despite newspaper appeals, is never claimed. He is eventually adopted by a middle-class Australian couple, John and Sue Brierley (David Wenham and Nicole Kidman), who offer him a privileged upbringing in Tasmania. The second-half of the film does not have the same intensity or nail-biting moments as the first; the audience knows the hero is safe and removed from the perils of Calcutta. It is 2010, and Saroo has morphed into a grown man, played by Dev Patel, (Slumdog Millionaire). We meet him again as he moves away from his home to start a college in Melbourne. Kidman plays Saroo’s plain, selfless adoptive mother. She and her husband John struggle to raise their second adoptive son, Mantosh, who is not only estranged from the family, but also has autistic behaviours and battles substance abuse. This is in stark contrast to Saroo’s memories of his own caring brother, Guddu. However, Saroo is haunted by flashbacks. Sights and smells, which remind him of his home-

His world of danger is framed in colourful and mystical vibrancy. land, trigger images of his childhood in rural India; his hardworking single-mother, (Priyanka Bose), and his beloved older brother Guddu (Abhishek Bharate). With the help of Google Maps, Saroo immerses himself on a quest to retrace his journey back to his home village and re-unite with his family. Saroo plots the possible train route. He sets up a map on his apartment wall where he pins possible locations for his home village. The project takes over his life, he is conflicted between his need to connect with his roots and disappointing his adoptive family. Saroo drops out of school and loses his girlfriend. But he never gives up. Lion is a story of hope, determination and human survival. It shows how we are all connected to our past, and our need to be reassured of that connection before our future is fulfilled.

Dive deep into The Old Man and the Sea Frank Katradis The Chronicle

Ernest Hemingway’s novel, The Old Man and the Sea, is a powerful story and one of his most enduring works. Written in 1952, this tale is still popular today and conveys a strong message that can be related to anyone in their daily lives. The Old Man and the Sea has won many awards such as the Pulitzer Prize, and even helped Hemingway win the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954. This piece has been mentioned to be the best work ever done by Hemingway by critics throughout the ages. The novel tells the tale of Santiago, an old Cuban fisherman who has not caught a fish in 85 days. As bad as his luck is, the old man stays positive, and on the 85th day, Santiago finds himself in a battle with a great marlin: the biggest he has ever seen. As he tries to catch the monster of a fish and bring it home to the mainland the old man finds himself having an epiphany about his life. The language in the novel is simple but the book is well-struc-

tured. Hemingway creates a vivid image of a man on a boat out in the sea. With each page turned, the reader feels the suffering of the old man as he tries to catch his prize fish. The reader also feels his love for the creature. To Santiago, the fish is not only his greatest challenge as a fisherman, it is his greatest personal battle with himself. Hemingway has an art for creating stories that explore the ways a person can look inside themselves to find the strength to see things in a different light. The Old Man and the Sea shows that objects can be metaphors and also illustrates how the simplest task can have a deeper meaning. Inspired by Hemingway’s time in Cuba, The Old Man and the Sea is an iconic novel because of its simplicity to convey a deep message. This book is recommended for young teens to adults. The message of internally viewing success is extremely powerful, to the point of a personal epiphany through the words of Hemingway. It is not a long read, but an important read. Those who are already well-read will thoroughly appreciate this voyage on the open sea.


The Chronicle

January 24 - 30, 2017


Radio manager thinks job is a 'riot' Salima Kassam details her journey from school to station

Michael Mascarin The Chronicle

During his placement, Michael Mascarin met with Riot Radio’s new station manager, Salima Kassam, to find out what she does and where she came from. How did you arrive at Riot Radio? I’m a certified teacher. I completed my B.A. and B.Ed. at York University in History & Philosophy. I then went on to do my M.Ed. at OISE in Sociology and Equity Studies in Education and graduated from that program in summer 2016. For two years, I worked with Basics Community News Service, a working-class orientated, propeople’s media organization. I was one of several radio hosts for a program called Radio Basics at CHRY 105.5 FM. I conducted interviews with community organizations, local artists, musicians and activists on issues that were topically relevant such as racial profiling, tenants’ rights, indigenous issues, and the 2015 TA (teaching assistant) strike at York University. I also wrote articles and commen-

Riot Radio station manager Salima Kassam (left) meets with Michael Mascarin to talk about her roles and responsibilities.

taries for publication in Basics’ free community newspaper. I consider myself a very creative person. In general, I thrive in creative spaces and love to experiment with different mediums of expression. What appealed to me about this position at Riot Radio was the format of visual radio, which I feel opens up a lot of creative opportunities.

How long have you been working at Riot Radio? I have been working here for about five months and have been enjoying every minute of it. I have met so many creative, talented and intelligent students and faculty. I suppose I’m now in that phase

where I’ve settled into my position at Riot Radio, and am now trying to move forward to make Riot Radio a more effective platform for student advocacy and engagement, and to increase our visibility/presence on campus.

team at Riot Radio. As a critically-minded educator, I’m extremely passionate about student advocacy, rights and representation and nothing excites me more than seeing students excited about being part of Riot Radio.

What are your roles and responsibilities? The purpose of Riot Radio is to promote and enhance the values and initiatives of the Student Association through the medium of radio broadcasting. As the station manager I’m responsible for all broadcasting and programming decisions. I work to advance student interests by giving a voice to student issues and interests. I oversee day-to-day operations, including station programming, financial management, and the creation/implementation of policies and procedures. I oversee and coach a team of direct reports including student volunteers and paid employees. I create and manage content – I review, approve and decline all content and requests. I work to build partnerships between Riot Radio and other organizations on and off campus. I am responsible for monitoring viewership analytics and setting goals for students and the station. Alongside the Broadcast Technician, I am also responsible for troubleshooting/problem solving operational and programming issues. What do you like most about working at Riot Radio? I love that I never know what to expect when I come in to work. I am constantly learning and developing new skills on the job. I love working with students at DC and UOIT who make up our volunteer

...I have been enjoying every minute of it.

It’s extremely exciting to see students develop diverse, intelligent, and creative content, and it’s fulfilling to see students grow and gain confidence throughout the process of hosting and ‘tech-ing’. I really appreciate the format of a visual radio station. It provides an opportunity for audiences to engage and interact with radio programs and personalities in a meaningful way. I like that Riot Radio has the potential to develop a presence for students on and off the Durham and UOIT campuses. It can serve as a meaningful platform to discuss topics of concern to students, and it can also help to create a sense of identity, unity, and student engagement. I like working at Riot Radio because it has the potential to enrich the learning experience of students while also developing a sense of community among them. This interview was edited for style, length, and clarity.


January 24 - 30, 2017

The Chronicle


Pushing all the right buttons An intern's first-hand experience at Riot Radio Michael Mascarin The Chronicle

Over the last two semesters, I did my placement for the CICE program at Riot Radio. I have always been interested in radio and TV broadcasting and I was excited to find out that Durham College had its own radio station. I could see myself working there when I saw it for the first time. During my time at the radio station, I was a technician, operating the audio sound board and working the cameras during the various shows. I organized songs for the different shows in a file after I have found them from different sites. Also, I have done research for different campus events that the

Photograph by Tyler Hodgkinson

Inside the studio at Riot Radio at Durham College and UOIT. station could be involved with. Last year, I had a show with a guest speaker from Career Development. I conducted an interview and created my own playlist. This was the highlight of my year as I have always wanted to research, write, prepare and produce a radio show. Last December, I had the opportunity to produce another show with the DSW (Disability

Working at Riot helped me realize some of my potential.

Support Workers) from my program. It was wonderful to develop my skills in broadcasting in a supportive environment. The team at Riot Radio was enthusiastic and positive about my placement. Working at Riot helped me realize some of my potential and encourages me to persuade my goals. I encourage students that have an interest in this area to try out Riot Radio.


The Chronicle

January 24 - 30, 2017

Local talent jams at Simcoe Blues and Jazz Bar

Photograph by Barbara Howe

Oshawa sees its fair share of talent step into the spotlight at the Simcoe Blues and Jazz Bar..

Barbara Howe The Chronicle

There is a hidden gem on Simcoe Street in Oshawa for anyone interested in live music. If you are looking for local talent, or have an inkling to try your hand on stage yourself, Simcoe Blues and Jazz Bar (SBAJB) holds a weekly open mic evening called The Woodshed. The event allows those with musical skills to perform in front of a live audience. The emphasis is on encouraging participants to experiment with new material and fine-tune their performance skills. “I came here eight years ago,” said Ajax resident Kevin McKendrick, “My daughters talked me into coming to the open mic. I play all over the place now. I have a full band backing me up. This place changed my life.” McKendrick is one of a core group of about 15 musicians who have built a friendly camaraderie at the bar. The players take turns performing a mixed bag of jazz, blues and country music on the small stage at the back of the darkened bar. The setup gives each artist the opportunity to perform three songs. The rest of the musicians mingle in and out of the set, exchanging their guitars and mandolins in well-organized, supportive, harmony. Linda Wright is a singer-songwriter who has been coming to the bar for three years. She said some of her songs were picked up by an

Entertainment up-and-coming artist in Nashville. “Deanna Dunning just put two of my songs on her album right now and she has three songs lined up for her next album,” said Wright. “That’s what you do as a songwriter.” The event is hosted by Don Niblett, Noel Conway and Frank Zachodne, who is a former faculty advisor at UOIT. Niblett said the event is open to everyone. “Any kind of music, any age, you are welcome to come in and have some fun,” Niblett said. It is not only local talent who perform here. Jack de Keyzer, the Juno award-winning blues guitarist, has also played here. “That’s a big name,” said Niblett. Gary Forster said he has been playing at SBAJB for seven years. He said he started to play during a break in his employment. “My goal is to learn how to play, and then entertain the less fortunate,” he said. He told a story of how an elderly lady in a nursing home gradually became more animated after she heard him sing and play. “Music is an international language,” said Forster. Liam Currie, a Durham College finance student, was at the open mic event to celebrate his birthday. “I’m from Wasaga Beach where there is no live music. I always try and hunt for live music,” said Currie. He said he likes all different genres of music.“It’s good to have variety,” said Currie.


January 24 - 30, 2017

The Chronicle


Steroids: Taking the easy way out Frank Katradis

dose to help the process go faster. As they see a difference in their body, they begin to find more supplements to help reach their goals since results have been shown on their body. However, the more supplements, the more possibility of side effects. Kalisz took many various supplements to help him achieve his body image goals in his first two years of working out. Though, as he kept working out, he began to realize there wasn’t any point to many of the supplements he was taking. Kalisz found alternative ways to get the nutrients his body needed through a changed diet. The overuse of supplements can actually be a danger to the human body. According to a study of 193 men showed that 29 per cent were concerned for their health because of the amount of supplements they were taking and 3 per cent where hospitalized because the supplements damaged their kidneys and liver. Liver and kidney damage is

common to those who abuse supplements, the content of these supplements are sometimes too hard on the organs. Nicole Foster, a nurse in the Durham Region, says the effects of liver and kidney damage could be very serious. “I’m sure there could be either acute or chronic effects,” says Foster. “I’m sure that the worse the addiction gets, the more sever the effects would be. “ Both effects hold very serious outcomes on the human body. “Acute injury on the liver would cause bloodwork abnormalities,” Foster says, Vomiting, diarrhea, bleeding in the gastrolienal intestinal track. If it gets worse all of it could turn into turn into chronic effects, which would be bad. That would include jaundice, ascites, liver shut down and needing a new liver or you probably wouldn’t survive.” The effects for kidneys are just as unpleasant. According to Foster if there is chronic damage to the kidneys it would be irreversible. “The

individual would need to be dialysis for the rest of their life.” Foster says. To increase their size and reach their goals, some gym-goers use steroids. Kalisz says he has never taken steroids, but knows what they do. “It helps you gain muscle in a short period of time,” he says, “But, it’s nothing compared to supplements, there are a lot more side effects.” According to, some of the side effects of steroids include: aggressive behavior, severe acne, psychiatric disorders such as depression, drug dependence, high blood pressure, liver abnormalities, and tumors. Not many people want to talk about taking steroids. It is something that wouldn’t be brought up in friendly conversation in the gym. However, steroids are there and while they might not be visible, their syringes are. Many gyms such as Goodlife have syringe dispensers in the change rooms of their gyms. It is a way to clean up the change rooms so they are not littered, and to help get rid of the evidence of steroid abuse. Ryan Shivpaul is a personal trainer at FLEX; the Durham College and UOIT gym, where there are no dispensaries. He helps people achieve their goals in the gym every day he is there, and he has seen it before. “It’s definitely more of an underground thing,” he says of steroids, “. Seems to be a popular with people just trying to get a quick fix for getting big as fast as possible, a lot of the people don’t consider the draw backs about it when do it, yeah, your muscles are growing.” According to Shivpaul, the human tendons and ligaments don’t grow as fast as muscles do on steroids, because of this people who are on the drug are likely to get injured quite often. Dangers come with taking steroids: your muscles could tear, you could develop more features of the other gender (depending if you are a male or female). Steroids have a lot of effects. According to,

With the increase of people going to LA Fitness it’s clear to see those reports are accurate. According to Sudesh Tambyana, the general manager of LA Fitness at 350 Taunton Road in Whitby, there is a considerable increase of interest in the gym. “I’d say it’s an increased amount maybe 20 - 25 per cent than normal,” says Tambyana about the increase of memberships per day since the New Year. During other times of the year LA Fitness sees

about eight new members per day, but since the year has started that number has increased to about 12 new memberships per day. “Everyone wants to start the New Year the right way,” says Tambyana. More members are not only joining but attending gym regularly as well, Tambyana says. More members are also asking about personal trainers. “A lot of people wait for the calendar to turn to make their goals

and start their goal setting, which is good, but we feel it’s better to get proactive any time of year, but if New Year is the gimmick that works why not.” LA Fitness is not the only gym benefiting from the New Year Durham College and UOIT’s shared gym is also seeing more activity. Daniel Blagrove, who works for the school's Flex facility, says there has been a lot more people at their gym. “Yeah, we’re definitely seeing

The Chronicle

Muscle fibers tear in the arms of 21 year old Matthew Kalisz. With each set of weights he lifts, more fibers tear. This is how muscles grow. After a workout, the human body repairs damaged muscle fibers through a cellular process to create a new muscle with thicker fibers. This is what people do to achieve their desired body goals. Sometimes the natural process isn’t enough. Many people who work out opt to add supplements to help make the process faster, to make their muscles even bigger. Matthew Kalisz is no stranger to this. “I started when I was 13 years old,” says Kalisz. “I took a basic protein powder at first.” Protein powder is the most commonly used supplement for gym goers. According to, protein shakes hold all nine essential amino acids needed for dietary needs. Amino acids help muscles grow and repair muscles faster. Yet, to many gym-goers, the basic supplements are not enough and take many different supplements to help make their muscles bigger. One of the main reason people take supplements is body image. Surprisingly, these body issues mainly affect men. According to, a study of 394 British men showed men are more uncomfortable with their body image than women. The results showed that 80 per cent of men talk negatively about their body compared to 75 per cent of women. At least 60 per cent of the men thought their arms and chest were too small. To reach the ideal image, many men who go to the gym take quite a lot of supplements. “For the first two years I was taking whey protein, creatine, glutamine, amino acids, multi vitamins, all that stuff,” Says Kalisz, “But, I’ve cut down.” They look at the various supplements out there that work on their specific body image goals and take what they believe is needed to reach their goal. Sometimes, they will take more than the recommended

Photograph by Frank Katradis

Ryan Shivpaul holds a poster with information about steroids.

anabolic steroids have two main effects. Steriods increase muscle mass and strength, as well as giving the body a higher dose of testosterone. This can add male traits, such as a deeper voice and hair growth. Steroids can also increase estrogen levels, giving men female features such as breasts. Many athletes who take steroids for performance enhancing purposes take much more than the recommended dosage. This can have major negative effects on the body, as well as their carrier. Ken Babcock, the athletic director for Durham College, helps student athletes who are trying to achieve their physical goals without using steroids. Babcock knows steroids are illegal and stats that all student athletes fall under Sport Canada’s anti-drug and drug doping policy. “Sport Canada and under the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport. So the CCES has a program so that applies to our student athletes as well, all our student athletes have to comply, go through education, go through online education, go through screening and there all subject to testing with their collegiate careers here with penalties, much like penalties to Olympic athletes, they will be penalized, should they break the rules.” Babcock says. The coaching staff are aware of these rules. If student athletes want to compete in sports, they have to abide by these rules, or risk not being able to play the sport they are passionate about. Kalisz is also passionate about a sport, he does Muay Thai and is training to face others in the ring. He wants to win, but he refuses to risk his chances by taking steroids. Kalisz believes nowadays there is no need to take so many supplements, and certainly not steroids. He says there is more to achieving body image goals as well as keeping in fit shape for sports. “It’s a supplement, it’s meant to help you,” he says, “However, you shouldn’t have to rely on them. You also need a good diet, you need a steady workout program, a workout program that makes sense.

a lot of new faces,” says Blagrove. The Flex facility is seeing a lot of action because of the free fitness classes being offered for the week. Blagrove agrees the New Year has attracted a lot more students and staff to the gym. Although the school gym is free, LA Fitness has a lot of amenities that impact their membership, says Tambyana. LA Fitness, opened on the final day of 2014 and also features a swimming pool.

Creating a solution for that resolution revolution Dean Daley The Chronicle

‘New year, new me’ is a common phrase said by many whenever the year changes and 2017 is no different. Anyone from children to the elderly make New Year’s resolutions each year that focus on just about anything, but according to some media reports, getting healthy is the most common resolution made.

Games in your backyard

Generals: Jan. 29, Oshawa vs. London, 6:05 p.m. Men’s Volleyball: Jan. 26, Durham vs. Georgian, 8 p.m., CRWC Tribute Communities Centre Men’s Basketball: Jan. 24, Durham vs. Seneca, Women’s Basketball: Jan. 24, Seneca vs. Durham, 8 p.m., Campus Recreation and Wellness Centre 6 p.m., CRWC (CRWC) . Women's Volleyball Jan. 26, Durham vs. Georgian, 6 p.m., CRWC


The Chronicle

January 24 - 30, 2017


Lords win gold at home DC women's volleyball team wins the Adidas Cup for the first time in 12 years

need to do something to make it even easier for us to go where we need to go without getting overconfident.”

We have to turn the switch on in order to get a little bit better and to push and compete against the west teams.

Christopher Jones The Chronicle

To say that the Durham Lords women’s volleyball team has been good this season is an understatement. The Lords have been unbeaten through 11 games in their own conference, (at the Chronicle’s deadline). No moment better exemplifies the Lords play as their performance at the Adidas Cup hosted at Durham College on Jan. 6-7, where they won all but one set, defeating the Loyalist Lancers in two straight for the final. “We are actually so excited that we won that,” said Megan Romain, a second year setter on the team. She also said winning the Adidas Cup at home was a big boost to the team’s morale. While the team feels confident, head coach Tony Clarke admits there was not a significant challenge for the Lords in the tournament. “It was nice to win, but not all of the best teams were there,” Clarke

Photograph courtesy of Scott Dennis

The Lords women's volleyball team celebrate after winning the Adidas Cup at home. said, adding it’s been a long time since Durham won its own tourney. “However, it was nice to come out with a win after having a 12-year drought.” The Lords hope to keep this trend going through the rest of the season. “We’ll keep on continuing to

build, and try to turn that switch on because we compete well in our league and all that stuff,” Clarke said. “So we have to turn that switch on in order to get a little bit better and to push and compete well against the west teams in the provincial championships.”

said Yuill. The men finished fourth last season, and eventually lost to the The UOIT men’s and women’s Carleton Ravens in the second hockey teams are more than half- round of the playoffs. way through their seasons, and both teams are shooting towards playoffs. The men started strong winning eight of their first ten games. However, things have been a little rocky recently with Ben Blasko and Jason Shaw battling injuries. After a strong start, the men were ranked fourth on the national U-Sport rankings. But it’s been an up and down season ever since. The men dropped to sixth in the standings, one point behind the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR) Patriotes for fifth place, and two points behind the Carleton Ravens for fourth place. Cameron Yuill, captain of the Ridgeback’s men’s team, said his team needs to get focused before the playoffs, and he hopes to see his team get healthy. “We have seven games to build Ridgebacks coach, Curtis towards playoffs, get in good hab- Hodgins, thinks his men have a its and get everyone healthy, so we chance, as the top eight teams from can hit the playoffs in full stride,” each conference make the playoffs.

Hodgins is in his second year in charge of the men’s team. He says his team’s confidence isn’t high now, but he hopes to see his team get into the right mindset come the playoffs. “All we’re worried about here is playing the right kind of hockey and getting that confidence back up,” said Hodgins. The men are not the only team on the ice. The Ridgebacks women have won four of their last six games. The women have also had a season of highs and lows. They lost their first three games of the year, and at one point, sat at 3-7. However, they have been clawing their way up the standings, and are only one point behind Brock University. This gives them a chance at the eighth, and final, playoff spot in their conference. Women’s head coach, Justin Caruana, says he’s happy with how his team is playing, but he knows it won’t be easy to make the playoffs. “We’re starting to see what we want,” said Caruana.” We know the task at hand. It’ll probably come down to the last week of the season. We take care of ourselves and we should be fine.”

Ridgebacks hockey teams shooting towards the playoffs Logan Caswell The Chronicle

We're starting to see what we want. We know the task at hand. It'll probably come down to the last week.

The Adidas Cup won’t breed overconfidence within the Lords, Romain said. “We constantly know that there are things we need to improve on. Although, as a team we know we have the skills and abilities to do what we need to do to win. But there’s times that we know that we

Romain and Clarke both stressed the need for the team to remain grounded and to not let their winning ways get to their heads. Romain noted the importance of making sure everyone goes to practices, remembers to train, and that everyone stays on top of their school work. While the Lords have had a strong season up to this point, they still have a long way to go before the end of the season. Their next game will be played on Jan. 26 at home versus the Georgian Grizzlies at 6 p.m. at the Campus Recreation and Wellness Centre.

Lords dominate at the beach

Joshua Nelson The Chronicle

Beach volleyball? In the middle of winter? It was a cool idea and Durham College made it happen – sort of. Durham brought its fans out of the cold and then the Lords turned up the heat indoors, sweeping Seneca in a beach-themed men’s and women’s volleyball doubleheader on Jan 12. “Second semester, it’s the winter, a lot of people maybe have the blues, so it was just something to get students engaged, have something different go on at a home game as opposed to just regular T-shirt tosses,” said Chris Cameron, special events coordinator for DC athletics. The women’s team kicked off the doubleheader with a 25-23 win in the first set against Seneca. The team then moved into the second and third sets winning easily over the Sting, 25-14 and 25-16. “We have some good options offensively…we have the experience too... but we just need to get going more and to keep pushing and I think that with the experience,

that helps out,” said women's head coach, Tony Clarke. The Lords men’s team capped off the night with a sweep over the Sting, which improves its record to 9-1. The Lords fought through the first set to come out on top 25-21. Durham continued to fight through the second set coming from behind to win 25-20. They finished off Seneca with a resounding 25-11 victory in the third set. “I know sometimes when we play weaker teams we tend to get really cocky, we tend to get mouthy. As long as we stay humble we will do very good,” said John Pham, who finished with 30 assists in his game. “One of the things we have to work with as the coaches for this group of players is making sure that we play for each other and that we come together as a team,” said George Matsusaki, head coach for the men’s team. The men’s and women’s teams will move on to face the Georgian Grizzlies at home on Jan. 26 in another doubleheader with the women’s team playing at 6 p.m. and the men’s team play at 8 p.m.

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