Clarkson 0314

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CORNERS Vol u m e 0 6 • Is s u e 01 • S p r ing 2 0 1 4

IN TH IS IS S UE Success in the mail


Embracing the season


MSO 06

Clarkson Village Revitalization

Alice R Fahey, Vice Chair Clarkson BIA

The City of Mississauga specifically Pat Mullin’s office and the Clarkson Business Improvement Association are moving forward with some revitalization to our village. The city will begin transforming some of the Village’s current planters and trees which are sadly in need of replacement. The tall planters are falling apart, held together by paint and luck and unfortunately many of the trees are too high for the area creating a problem for the hydro wires overhead. The new look will bring everything more to pedestrian eye level and give a clean new look to that area. The Clarkson BIA has already started giving the Village banners a new look and will be replacing all of them over the coming year. We have also hired a contractor who specializes in design, maintenance, repairs and installation of the banners. Their job will be to keep the banners in pristine shape and deal with problems in a timely fashion to help eliminate the problem of worn, torn or missing banners throughout the Village. The poles are do for some maintenance as well and they will be sanded down, primed and painted black in the spring/summer months when the temperature is warm enough that the paint can cure properly. Attention will be given to all the ties and bolts used to hold planters to keep pedestrians and our planters safe. If you see their bucket as they work on the banners and poles say hello to the folks from Artisan Streetscapes. The planters in the Village are changing as well. Our goal is to make them green as many months out of the year as possible so we are trying to integrate annuals and perennials to show 12 months out of the year. We’re also looking at spacing the planters evenly throughout the village wherever possible. (Of course this year we should have had a snow sculpting contest for the planters- they certainly would have lasted the winter). Jim from Current Power is our Beautification guy and he has been hard at work trying to find contractors and deal with the ongoing maintenance problems in the Village. We will be putting in at least twenty benches this year so all can sit and rest and admire the new work…. There’s always more to be done but it’s a start to bringing out the charm and character of Clarkson Village.

Precious World


Community Corner


Michael’s beauty tips


The diamond industry




Musical Interlude


R3 Evolution


Value For Money


Stay with the tour



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Success is in the mail Canada Post Corporation is a tough topic to write about and very rarely gets a positive note, but I would like to share a few thoughts.

Clarkson’s Corners

Clarkson’s Community Newspaper Volume 06 | Issue 01

The Village Times was launched in 2005, and at the time, it was determined that even though the costs were high, the best distribution for our community papers would be by Canada Post. The decision has proven to be a solid one, providing access to our readers and giving our advertisers maximum results. 95% of Canadians open their mail the day they get it, making Canada Post one of the most reliable ways to ensure our readers receive our messages. We can reach complete sections of a community, or just one street. Using demographic filtering abilities, we are able to target postal walks associated with the community.

For advertising information, please contact Toby Gardiner at 416-875-1409 or by e-mail at Honoured to be awarded the first Timothy Street Medal of Honour award.

Editorial Contributors: Lindsay Howe and J. Knox

Canadians are very likely to respond to mail. The return on investment to our advertisers is significant. This has proven to strengthen our readership and advertising base over the years. Recently a customer was scammed a fly-by-night delivery service. These companies are not options for distribution. Canada Post has proven to be reliable and effective for our distribution. Canada Post – not all bad!

Toby Gardiner | Publisher

Follow us on Twitter @RJentpub and like us on Facebook @RJEntertainmentPublishing. Read all our publications on-line @ Clarkson’s Corners is printed on 100% recycled fibre. Please recycle.





Chartwell regenCy retirement residence 29 mississauga Rd. North, mississauga Call 905-891-2422 4

Embracing the Winter Season By: Lindsay Howe

Health and Wellness in the Village

Snowshoeing Snowshoeing is a fun, inexpensive, easily mastered activity as well as a great cardio workout. Snowshoeing builds strength, agility, balance and endurance. We can burn more calories snowshoeing than walking, running or even cross-country skiing. Snowshoeing allows us to utilize every major muscle group at a high intensity.

The cold weather and snow should not detour us from reaching our personal health and fitness goals. Winter is a great time to mix up our workout routines, to get creative and experience new and exciting fitness activities. Take the time this winter season to embrace our Canadian climate by engaging in fun, energizing outdoor workouts. Winter exercise requires us to work a lot harder to move the same distance. The added resistance of maneuvering through the snow makes any outdoor exercise a beneficial workout. Clarkson’s Winter Oasis Clarkson residents are fortunate to live in an area with picturesque trails, parks, woodlands and marshes. Clarkson Waterfront Trail offers 10 kilometers of paved asphalt along the beautifully designed stretch of waterfront. The Waterfront Trail offers hiking, walking, running and cycling paths that are open all year round.

Snowshoeing is something everyone can try, because the intensity of the workout can be varied. Fewer calories will be burned taking an easy walk on flat packed land. For a more intense workout, go dashing through the powdery snow on a hilly terrain. Moving at a pace of three miles per hour will burn more than 1,000 calories per hour.

Take the time to admire the beauty of the natural scenery and wander through the Waterfront Trail. For the less adventurous, enjoy a brisk walk or leisurely stroll through the scenic village. Meander through Clarkson and admire the streets glistening with snow and the beautifully decorated store windows, and verandas. Take Pleasure in the Beauty of winter Don’t hide from winter weather—embrace it! Winter brings with it certain quietude, outdoor workouts this time of help restore our mind to a naturally calm and tranquil state. The bright sun and fresh shimmering snow brings us back to joyful experiences as children when we embraced the snow. We are reminded of a time when we looked forward to a day spent outside enjoying the snowy weather: making snow-angels, building snowmen, going sledding, skating and having snowball fights.

Skating Not only is ice skating fun and invigorating, but it also provides cardiovascular benefits. This ice sport aids in building muscle and will help achieve weight loss goals. Skating benefits the leg muscles, particularly the hamstrings and quadriceps. Recreational skating can burn between 250 – 800 calories an hour. Clarkson Arena is an indoor rink and open year round. Clarkson Arena offers Fun Skate on Saturdays from 7 – 8:30 p.m. and Sunday from 1:45 – 3:15 p.m. Remember, before going out for a skate on a pond or lake: check the local ice reports to make sure the ice is safe for skating. For safety purposes, children should have knee and elbow pads, as well as hockey helmets.

Children engaged in winter activities are so caught up in the merriment of the experience that exercise is the furthest thing from their minds. Participating in winter sports didn’t feel like a strenuous workout when we were kids, nor does it have to as adults. When you are active outdoors stay present and take in the experience; if you are admiring the beauty of the natural scenery, won’t feel like a vigorous workout Fun Active Winter Workouts When we are active out in the snow we burn the most calories because greater effort is required to move our feet through the snow, and we must lift our legs higher. There are many effective, low impact, and safe forms of exercise to enjoy during the winter season. The added resistance of trudging through snow results in a high-energy activity.

Tobogganing Tobogganing is a refreshing and joyous activity. Take advantage of the snowfall and head out to a nearby hill and slide to our hearts content. This fun winter activity is not specific to children. Climbing up the hill repeatedly is excellent exercise, and a great leg workout. The thrill of the ride down makes each uphill hike worthwhile­.

Experience the mental and physical benefits of getting outdoors and moving this winter. There are a wide variety of activities that are fun and will help keep us in shape including: Jogging, skating, snowshoeing, and tobogganing. These winter activities are safe, low impact, and effective forms of exercise that can burn 500- 1000 calories per hour. Walking and Jogging Winter is a great time to walk or jog off weight because we challenge our muscles in new ways. The invigorating cold air can clear our minds and reduce stress, which aids in weight loss. Getting outside during the daylight hours will increase our levels of serotonin, a hormone that helps reduce cravings. As our body temperature increases, so does our metabolism therefore when our body is cold, it burns more calories.

To avoid injury, check the hill to make sure it’s clear of trees or other obstacles. Avoid hills that end in a road at the bottom. When climbing up the hill, walk up the sides of the hill and keep an eye out for other tobogganers on their way down.

For a refreshing change of pace and a revitalizing experience, try winter jogging. Visit Jack Darling Memorial Park or Rattray Marsh Trail this season to experience Canada’s rugged wilderness. Bring a neighbour or canine friend along and enjoy a morning or midday stroll through nature’s wonderland together.

Spring will be here before we know it, so take the time to engage in the villages’ natural oasis, and experience the winter wonderland that surrounds us. Winter workouts are not only excellent exercise, but also therapeutic and revitalizing. Take a stroll down Lakeshore Road West, or wander along the Clarkson Waterfront Trail. Keeping active during the winter months will powerfully lift our mood and boost your energy.


The Mississauga Symphony Orchestra present: Classical Origins For the MSO, March definitely comes in like a lion – like three lions, in fact. On March 22nd, Maestro Denis Mastromonaco will be leading the orchestra in seminal works by three of the world’s greatest composers, Beethoven, Brahms and Mozart.

Beethoven’s only opera, Fidelio, tells the story of Leonora, a courageous Spanish woman, who disguises herself as a man in order to penetrate the jail where her husband Florestan is a political prisoner. Risking death, she uses every ruse in her power to find and free him before the villain, Pizzaro, kills him. Beethoven revised the opera several times and wrote four overtures for it. The orchestra will play the fourth one, called “Fidelio”, the name Leonora called herself in her male disguise, and the one which is played before productions of the opera today. You will hear the urgency of Leonora’s race against time in every run of notes. Audience favourite Peter Longworth returns to Hammerson Hall to play Brahms’s magnificent Piano Concerto No. 2. Written in four movements like a symphony, it has moments of sweeping grandeur and heartbreaking sweetness. From the first haunting call of the French horns, answered delicately by the piano and then the strings, to the majestic finale, you will be swept up by the power and depth that make Brahms one of the lions of the musical canon. Mozart’s Symphony No. 41 in C, nicknamed the “Jupiter”, was the last symphony he wrote and the third of three written in the space of a single summer! It is filled with delightful melodies and the playfulness one expects from Mozart. The fourth movement ends with a dazzling fugue in which five themes are combined and turned on their heads. Be sure to come early for Maestro Mastromonaco’s pre-concert chat in the foyer in front of the hall.


Tickets start at $30, and can be purchased by calling: 905-306-6000, or by visiting the MSO website at: As always, the MSO will perform within the world class acoustics of the Living Art Centre’s Hammerson Hall located at 4141 Living Arts Dr., Mississauga.

Precious World is Clarkson’s Exclusive Children’s Boutique By: Lindsay Howe

Precious World Children’s Boutique opened up three months ago in the heart of Clarkson Village. Precious World offers brand name, quality toys, clothing and other necessities for children at an affordable price. At Precious World you can find clothing that is new with the tags still on, or used a few times. This new and resale boutique caters to newborns up to age six. Their extensive toy collection includes a large selection of educational toys to stimulate children throughout their various stages of development. Owner Marco Vergara states, “We carry the most accessible and affordable prices in order to meet our customers needs, and negotiations are always welcome”. Precious World is an affordable alternative for parents because they are able to provide their children with the best toys and quality clothing without overspending. The boutique’s prices are comparable to about half the price of the bigger name stores. Children are constantly growing and quickly outgrow their clothing. Precious World works on consignment, giving customers the option of reselling their new and gently used items. Customers can bring in items and swap through consignment, or sell items to the store. Marco explains, “Precious World provides families access to quality kids goods by reselling new and fine used clothing, toys and accessories as way of promoting environmental consciousness, recycling and smart shopping, thereby keeping the local community connected.” Marco, and his wife Laura are passionate about supporting families in the Clarkson area. This young entrepreneurial couple dedicates their time serving the community and building relationships within it. When Precious World takes in and sells items, both parties profit from the exchange. Through taking in and reselling Precious World, this extends the life of these items. This process of taking in and reselling children’s goods saves families money but it is also good for the environment and our economy. Marco explains, “Growing families in a healthy environment is vital in our society and that is precisely the heart of Precious World, to connect our community not only through transactions but through friendship and service. Together we can make a stronger community that cares for their own, for each other and for the environment.” Precious World receives donations and gives away through local charities. Precious World supports local services like the Ontario Early Years, Bibles for Missions, Compass, Scott Mission and churches. They rely on the support of their customers to continue to give generously to needy families in the community. For all your children necessities, shop Precious World, Clarkson’s only children’s boutique. Precious World is located in the Turtle Creek Plaza at 1801 Lakeshore Road West, Unit 8. Contact Precious World at 416- 655-0749. Visit Precious World on the web at


COMMUNITY CORNER Maple Syrup Festival Mississauga’s Maple Syrup Festival will take place at the Bradley Museum from March 8 to 16, 2014. Hours are weekdays 12 to 4 p.m. and weekends 10 a.m. to 4 p.m .The Bradley Museum is located at 1620 Orr Road, Mississauga Family Admission $19.50 (plus tax). For more information visit museumsofmississauga. com or 905-615-4860.

Canadian Cancer Society 9th Annual Spring Garden Tour Homeowners in the Rattray Marsh Area have graciously agreed to open their beautiful spring gardens to the public for viewing on Sunday, May 25 from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. to support the fight against cancer. A guest speaker will enlighten garden tour visitors in the grounds of the Bradley House Museum. As well, to further enhance our visitors’ experience, local musicians will perform instrumental music in selected gardens throughout the day. Advanced tickets are $15 and purchased the day of tour are $20. For further information please contact the Canadian Cancer Society, 2227 South Millway, Suite 202 Mississauga, ON. L5L 3R6. (905) 608-8411 Clarkson Village Bench Sponsorship Program This spring the Clarkson Village BIA will be adding twenty brand new benches along the Lakeshore to provide a spot for residents and visitors to sit and relax. All of the new benches are available to be sponsored through the BIA’s bench sponsorship program by local families, business owners and service organizations. Beautifully engraved plaques will adorn all of our new benches and showcase these sponsors. Sponsoring a bench in the Clarkson Village is a unique way for many families and businesses to remember a special anniversary, celebrate a special event or commemorate a business or loved one. In addition your sponsorship will contribute to the beautification of the Clarkson Village.

Sousa Family Skate Attracts Hundreds - Premier Kathleen Wynne Stops By Clarkson Community Centre On Sunday, February 9th Mississauga South MPP Charles Sousa hosted a Family Skate event at Clarkson Community Centre, with more than 100 families attending. The free family skate has become an annual event for the Mississauga MPP. Attendees were treated to hot chocolate, snacks and a surprise visit by Premier Kathleen Wynne. Premier Wynne, who is currently on tour across the province, laced up her skates and joined MPP Sousa on the ice where they talked with constituents and enjoyed an afternoon full of Canada’s favorite pastime.

If you would like more information about the bench sponsorship program please contact the Clarkson Village BIA at 416-417-6253 or Equinox Sunrise Ceremony On Sunday March 23, 2014 from 6:30 -9:00 am come celebrate the upcoming beginning of Spring. Everyone to join in for the ceremony led by Metis Elder Joe Paquette. Heritage Mississauga, 1921 Dundas Street West, Mississauga. info@ or 905-828-8411. Mark your calendar The second annual Scotiabank Bed Race in support of Trillium Health Partners will take place on Sunday, June 8th from 11 am – 4 pm at Mississauga’s Celebration Square. To register visit Walden Circle Retirement Community On February 14th Walden Circle residents, staff and supporters celebrated Valentine’s Day with a special party. Birthday girl Mayor Hazel McCallion was the guest of honour at the Walden Circle Retirement Residence for a toast and cake cutting ceremony in celebration of her 93rd birthday.


Michael’s Beauty Tips and Rituals for Dry Skin

John Paul Angheloni

Chef Solstice Restaurant and Wine Bar

By Michael’s Hair Body Mind

This long harsh cold winter can make your skin feel dehydrated. Customized skin therapies will prevent or correct these seasonal problems.

Prosciutto Wrapped Chicken Breast Roulade Filled With Asparagus and Provolone Cheese

Indulge in treatments designed to offer deep penetrating moisture. Treat yourself to a facial, surged with hydrating ingredients and pay special attention to skin exfoliation. Together these will both relieve the most dehydrated complexions.

Serves 2 People Pre Heat oven to 350F Ingredients: 2 8oz boneless skinless chicken Breast 8 Asparagus Stalks with bottom half peeled 4 Slices Provolone cheese 4 Slices fresh basil leaves 4 Slices of Parma Prosciutto (thinly sliced) 2 tbls Olive oil Salt and Pepper

Start today and be hair free by early summer. IPL (intense pulsed light) laser therapies can eliminate unwanted hair growth. A focused broad spectrum cooled light is applied to the surface of the skin with a hand held wand. This light travels through the skin until it strikes and vaporizes the hair follicle. Treatment packages are customized by medically certified professionals, based on individual needs. In honor of women’s month, March 2014, let’s follow the rituals from some of the iconic beauties of the past. Sophia Loren believed in taking daily milk baths and having sun kissed minimalist makeup. Cleopatra insisted on almond oil, sea salt scrubs and honey baths. Her rituals attracted and captured Marc Antony.

Method: On your cutting board lay out chicken breasts butterfly them with a sharp knife. Cover with plastic wrap and pound out chicken with a mallet, so they have a large surface area for ingredients. Season with salt and pepper, place two pieces of provolone, two basil leaves and four asparagus, repeat on the other breast. Roll the breast very tightly making sure the tops of asparagus spears are sticking out. Flip your cutting board on to the clean side; lay out two slices of prosciutto spread apart for each breast. Place breast in the centre and roll prosciutto around it tightly. Seal the seam with two toothpicks to hold together during cooking. In a medium sauté pan (preferably steel) heat olive oil, place breast and sear on all sides. Transfer the pan to the oven a roast for 20 min. Remove let rest for 2 min, and slice in three even pieces. Serve with your favorite vegetables or a salad. Enjoy!

Coco Chanel’s belief was the best colour is the one that suits you. It doesn’t necessarily have to be the make-up trends for spring but what minimal enhancements can complete your beauty regime. Your makeup kit should reflect your signature look to help you exude confidence and sex appeal. Audrey Hepburn always believed if you stick to the classic and what looks good on you, you will always be on trend. Feel free to visit Michaels Hair Body Mind to personalize and customize your beauty ritual.

New exciting services in Lorne Park

Slimming Paradise Slimming Paradise offers a new way to lose inches and weight loss with noninvasive procedures. They know it is hard for some of us to lose those extra pounds. Their weight loss methods have no down time, no needles and no anaesthetic. They can help you reach your goals to feel better and confident. They offer fat freezing, Laser Slim and Slimming Capsules. Drop in and they will customize a package for you. For more information visit or call direct at 905.891.1918.

Spring is just around the corner, and now is the time for a new you! Tony Morra’s Hair Salon has exciting new services that will have you feeling trim and brand new. Even though the salon has been a landmark in Lorne Park for over 30 years, owner Tony is always looking into new technologies and services to offer in his salon. The recent additions of Slimming Paradise and Beauty and the Spa will keep you feeling great inside and out.

Beauty and the Spa Beauty and the Spa provide painless laser hair removal, laser skin tightening, facials, glycolic peels, microdermabrasion and waxing. Customer safety is a primary concern. The Soprano Xli Laser they use is FDA and Health Canada approved. It has been providing safe and successful hair removal to millions of men and women since 2005.

Tony Morra’s Hair Salon Tony Morra has been a professional stylist for over 40 years. He has provided the Lorne Park community with stellar service and hair styles and his reputation is golden. The salon provides a friendly and relaxing atmosphere. Their stylists take pride in providing the absolute best quality services and allow their clients to feel and look their absolute best. You can experience a new “you” courtesy of their highly-trained and professional stylists. They specialize in an EXCLUSIVE Italian colour line from Parma, Italy called Compagnia Del Colore. The salon also carries an extensive variety of hair care products, including Redken, and Moroccanoil. The salon is located in the heart of Lorne Park just north of Lakeshore in the Lorne Park Plaza at 1107 Lorne Park Road. Call 905.278.2355 to make an appointment.

Soprano Xli is a revolutionary Laser Hair Removal system, which provides virtually painless treatments. It uses non-invasive laser energy to gradually heat hair follicles until they can no longer produce new hair. Visit or call direct at 647.988.7645. For monthly specials on the above services visit



1 bedroom plus den on the third floor has an open concept floor plan. Light wood floors and cabinetry give this unit a bright and airy feel. Building amenities include fitness centre and party room. Perfect for a single professional or couple. 70PORT.TBAIRD.COM $394,000






New lease opportunity at 65 Port Street. An incredible one bedroom plus den with 3 bathrooms with amazing sunrises. Available for 1 year or longer so this is a great time to try out living on the lake. Walk to The GO station, shops and restuarants of Port Credit. REGATTALEASE.TBAIRD.COM $3,500/MONTH


Wow - what an opportunity - The penthouse suite of the lower building at Northshore. This 1 bedroom plus den unit with a balcony the width of the whole unit. Perfect for the single professional or a couple. Building has rooftop terrace, party room and exercise room. NORTHSHORE610.TBAIRD.COM $382,500


A stunning 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom townhome situated in an amazing location across from The GO station in Port Credit. Features rich dark hardwood and a great gourmet kitchen. Fully finished on all levels. 2 car garage and two balconies. PARK.TBAIRD.COM $649,000

The Diamond Industry in Canada

By Vanig Jelilian, Lorne Park Jewellers Today, Canada is the third largest diamond producing country in the world. Diamond mining first began in Canada in 1990. What we Canadians are happy to say is that Canadian diamonds are well known for their guaranteed “conflict-free” origins. The 1988 Great Diamond Rush Over 40 million carats of diamonds have been produced in Canada by the largest diamond staking rushes in the history of mining at Ekati Diamond Mine in the North West Territories. The location of diamonds coincides with volcanic pipes. Where there was a volcano, you will find diamonds. On November 13, 2012, Harry Winston became 40% owner of Ekati Diamond Mine for a cool $500 million US.

Ontario Diamond Mines A diamond mine discovered along Ontario’s volcanic pipes went into full production in 2008. Diamonds extracted from Ontario* are valued as the highest quality in the world. *Other diamond mines are located in Saskatchewan and Quebec. How do you tell if your diamonds are Canadian diamonds? The authenticity number on your Diamond Certificate is engraved on the girdle of the diamond. Diamonds bearing Canadian Diamond certificate adhere to a strict code. If you go online to “The Canadian Diamond”; enter your certificate or stone number to see if it in fact is registered. To check the authenticity of your certificate go to At Lorne Park Jewellers we are very confident about our diamonds being of the highest quality. As a Certified Gemologist, I know the importance of quality diamonds and so should you.


CameronHelps - 6th Annual Unbreakable Father’s Day 5k Run/Walk supports programs promoting teen mental health

CHRIST CHURCH UNITED CHURCH 1700 Mazo Crescent, Clarkson 905-822-9834

Every Sunday Christ Church offers two unique worship opportunities:

Teen mental health charity CameronHelps is gearing up for its 6th Annual Unbreakable Father’s Day 5k Run/Walk happening Sunday, June 15, 2013 in Port Credit, Ontario.

“The 9:02 Express” Contemporary Worship with a rock band & church school for ages 4-12.

The Unbreakable Father’s Day 5k Run/Walk has grown significantly over the past six years and this year organizers are expecting over 500 participants from across Ontario, many from the Team Unbreakable youth run programs held at Peel and Halton Region High Schools. The run starts and finishes at the Port Credit Lighthouse (105 Lakeshore Rd. West) and follows a picturesque route along the Mississauga waterfront trail. Event day registration starts at 7:30 a.m. with the run beginning at 9:00 a.m. Participants can also pre-register on-line at

10:30am Traditional worship with chancel choir, nursery service & a familiar United Church style.

“This is the sixth anniversary of our run, and so much has happened with our charity over this short time. We are expanding our programs all across Ontario, we have research support from McMaster University The support from Peel and Halton schools has been tremendous and we expect even more teen participants this year,” says David Harris, Founder of CameronHelps.


April 13th Palm

Sunday - Listen to the Bell Choir performing.

April 18th Good Friday service shared at St.Stephen’s on the Hill at 10.30am. 7:02 pm Contemporary Worship at Christ Church.

April 20th Easter Sunday – Special Worship with Brass Quartet at 10:30am service


Saturday April 26th from 8:00am -1:00pm. Christ Church’s ecologically friendly “Re Use, Re Cycle and Re Claim” garage sale 22nd HUGE year!

Those who register will receive a huge 6th Anniversary finisher’s medal, a technical event shirt, and special Father’s Day breakfast for only $35. Families or groups of four or more that register are only $25 each. Following the run is the popular breakfast at the Port Credit Legion (35 Front Street). The breakfast starts at 9:30 a.m. and additional tickets are available for purchase at the door for only $10.


July 7th-18th. Children 5-12 years can learn a life skill & joy of music. Register now - Special Program under Musical Director - Jason Locke.

About CameronHelps: CameronHelps was founded by David Harris in 2005 after the suicide death of his son Cameron, who was 19 years old. The Unbreakable Father’s Day 5K run/ walk is a major fundraiser for the charity, which has three main objectives: teen mental health advocacy, youth outreach and clinical support. CameronHelps’ has over 30 Team Unbreakable teen run programs in Ontario through their program partners and this includes a research partnership with McMaster University. In 2012, the charity initiated a pilot project with both Peel School Boards to develop the Team Unbreakable high school run program.


July 28th-August 1st. VBS is a vibrant free camp for children 4-12yrs. This year’s theme is “Workshop of Wonders”

David Harris has been a featured speaker at the Canadian Association of Suicide Prevention (CASP) Annual Conference. Harris is also a regular speaker at high schools, parent groups and Team Unbreakable teen run groups.

Charles Sousa, MPP Mississauga South Our office is here for you. We’re open Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5 pm.

Constituency Office: 120 Lakeshore Road West, Unit 1 & 2 Mississauga, Ontario L5H 1E8 T: 905-274-8228 | F: 905-274-8552 13

A Musical Interlude By Laura Lucas

Rhiannon Hoffman is a Grade 6 student and a vibrant young face amongst the congregation at Christ Church, United Church in Clarkson. Like many of us she is eagerly awaiting the return of summer but not because of the weather! Rhiannon is looking forward to the 3rd Annual Summer Band Camp program where she has learned to read music and play the clarinet. I recently had a chance to speak to her...

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Me: Why did you decide to try band camp? R: It’s a good way to play another instrument. (She already played some piano) You get to choose three instruments. (Children are assigned an instrument from their three favourites.)

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Me: What did you learn? R: You learn how to read music on paper; about notes and stuff and how to put the instrument pieces together.

Distributed by Canada Post to all homes in Clarkson

Me: What’s the best part? R: I really like the concert because you learn to play the piece really well and it sounds really good.

Contact Toby Gardiner at 416-875-1409 or

Me: Is playing an instrument hard? R: It’s not too hard - you just read one clef which is a bit easier. (Than piano) Me: What’s Jason like? R: He’s a good teacher and conductor. Me:: What else do you do at band camp? R: You can choose between sports and crafts. You can learn guitar and chimes and cooking. Me: Cooking? R: We made pizza! Me: Is Band Camp like school? R: You learn faster because it’s two weeks not a whole year. I want to play clarinet in school now. Me: What would you tell someone new to get them interested in band camp? R: It was a good opportunity to learn an instrument and meet a lot of people and people can come and watch you at a concert. We had fun at the Wild Water Kingdom as well. Me: Anything else? R: Because you’re in a band it’s okay to make mistakes because everyone is playing. Summer Band Camp is run by our own dynamic Jason Locke, who leads the 9:02 Express Band on Sunday mornings and is assisted by our Minister of Children, Youth and Families, Mark Chown. The two-week, day camp program runs July 7th - 18th, 2014 from 9 am to 4 pm each day. The Cost is $500 if you register before March 7th or $600 after this date. While Band Camp is aimed at 5-12 year olds, music abounds for all ages at Christ Church. You may have attended a concert in our sanctuary, or worshipped with our 9:02 Express Band or listened to our Bell and Chime choirs. And if you love to sing just follow the advice of our Music Director Jane Wamsley who says “a warm welcome awaits you in our Chancel Choir - no experience needed, just a love of singing!” Information on band camp is available on our website at www.christchurch-ucc. com or by calling the office at 905-822-9832.


Revolutionizing the fitness industry at R3 Evolution Fitness Studio By Crystal Mallari R3 Evolution Fitness Studio is Mississauga’s first fitness boutique. We specialize in one-of-a-kind fitness classes, small group training, Latin Dance lessons & Kids karate classes. Led by founder Crystal Mallari and her team of motivational fitness instructors, R3 Evolution is revolutionizing the fitness industry with its premier small group exercise classes and small group personal training. Classes are designed to strengthen the body as well as the mind and spirit. Classes for women include: Bellyfit, Intensati, Pilates Fusion, Barreconcept, Detox Flow Yoga and Core Yin Yoga. Men can join in on the fun with Zumba or test their strength and speed in Kickboxing, Boxing Boot Camp, Tabata Boot Camp and HIIT Circuit. Fitness classes are led by a team of fully certified, knowledgeable, and enthusiastic fitness professionals, who give their fullest attention to each individual. The studio’s small group structure help participants ensure proper form, technique and maximum results that can only be achieved in a small group setting. Above and beyond, what is offered on our schedule, we also offer a fun alternative for children’s birthday parties. Choose from a Kids Karate Class & Pizza Party or a Zumba Class & Pizza Party, available only on the weekends. Led by a certified Karate or Zumba Instructor, kids will enjoy a 45 minute class to work up their appetite before a pizza lunch, cake cutting (cake provided at an additional cost) and games provided upon request. Or, book an Adults Only birthday party or treat a bachelorette to a Strip Tease or Chair Dance workshop led by DivaGirl Fitness. Burn the dance floor, bring out the champagne and celebrate your inner diva! R3 Evolution is an 1150 square foot, clean & spacious studio and is also available to rent. Equipped with sound system, custom stage, change room, washroom and engineered hard wood flooring. The studio is ideal for dance rehearsals, workshops, seminars, birthday parties or any special occasion. For booking or rental inquiries, please contact Crystal at 416-877-0361. Visit www. for the class schedule & pricing. R3 Evolution Fitness Studio is located at 3065 Ridgeway Drive, Unit #50 in Mississauga. “Become ‘awe-inspiring’. Be in awe of you. Awe is the sense of wonder and amazement that occurs when someone is inspired by great knowledge, beauty, sublimity, or might. It’s the experience of confronting something greater than you. Discovering your real self.” – Crystal Mallari & R3 Evolution


In support of Sponsor A Child A Special Evening “Light Hearted Roast” In Honour of our Beloved



THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 2014, 5:30 PM

(Doors Open for Cocktails & Networking)

LO CATIO N: Le Treport Banquet & Convention Hall, 1075 The Queensway East, Mississauga LIST OF PANEL INCLUDES: The Honourable Charles Sousa - MPP/Minister of Finance Chief Jennifer Evans - Peel Regional Police Jake Dheer - Station Manager, Rogers Communications Inc. Ron Lenyk - CEO, The Living Arts Centre Ted Woloshyn - Toronto Sun Columnist & Host, News Talk Radio 1010 TI CKETS: $93.00 Per Person or $930.00 for a Table of Ten

For tickets call the 905-891-0002 Reserved tables of 10 available.

Plus HST

Ticket Includes: 4 Course Dinner Door Prize Entertainment P R E S E NTE D BY

The Gratifying Harvest Journal Value For Money Investing

is anything but. TFSAs allow you to contribute $5000 per year for every year you are 18 or older after 2008 and $5500 per year beginning in 2013. Any income earned will NEVER be taxed. Yet the funds are readily available for withdrawal (subject to how it is invested) at any time. They are an obvious good choice for non-RSP funds, but even so they need to be integrated properly into your investment plans, because they do carry a few disadvantages. The most obvious one being some forms of investment income or gains are taxed at preferential rates and this preferable rate is lost on those assets when placed inside a TFSA. Your choice of what investments to be carried inside the TFSA, your RSP and outside of both still requires careful thought to maximize the available tax advantages.

Value For Money Investing means we wish to allocate and use our hard-earned resources in order to improve investment outcomes in a continuous and sustainable way at a fair and equitable price. In other words, achieve good investment returns AND receive fair value for the services provided. Costs do matter! Value Your Tax Advisor as Well! It is RRSP silly season again. Every year at this time, we are inundated with radio, television and print ads that make no distinction as to who should be using RSPs. In fact, quite the opposite is true, and everybody that has a pulse and an income last year is encouraged to get that deposit in before March 3rd. The truth is, even before the introduction of the TFSA, RSPs were not wise choices for many individuals. Why? First, taxes! More specifically, YOUR taxes. The announcer, the actor, nor the writer of those ads, knows anything at all about YOUR taxes. Second. Refund myopia! How can we not love the idea of getting a cheque in the mail, from the government no less? Short sightedness triumphs and we see the benefit of an instant refund without adequate evaluation of the eventual taxes. All we see is that if we deposit $1000 we get a refund of $200, $300 or even $500. We have immediately turned a $1000 into as much as $1500. Wow! What is being missed though, is would you be as happy if the opportunity was presented as, “If you put in $1000 dollars now, I will give you $200 immediately, but when you take your $1000 back out, I will charge you $500 or $600.” Would you take that deal? Every year many do. How can that be the case? Well, the explanation is in YOUR taxes and you are unique. Get good advice. Do not just follow the piper of RRSP ads.

As technology has advanced, tax authorities everywhere have been able to increase information available to them and thus increase enforcement. Canadians, who are long term visitors to the US, are seeing heightened enforcement. If you spend too many days in the US this year (think more than 120 days/ 4 months) or in the 2 previous years, you may have to file a US tax return and pay taxes in the US. In the least you have some US non tax forms to file. Until recently, it was a practical reality, that neither Canada nor the US knew how many days you were in each country. Increased data collection at the borders and sharing of information among governments has changed that. Those 5 months in Florida may have additional costs attached to it. Please hug your American friends, if they live here in Canada. They will need it, since this year it gets even worse for US Citizens or past and present Green Card holders living in Canada. The US Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) passed in 2010 is proposed to come into force at Canadian Financial Institutions on July 1, 2014. This Act requires Canadian banks to provide disclosure of US persons’ accounts to the US. US Persons can no longer assume they are invisible to the US tax authorities. As a US person, there has always been a requirement to file and pay any US taxes, wherever they lived in the world. Most US persons ignored this requirement if they lived in countries with a higher tax rate than the US and a treaty between their country of residence and the US. A decade ago, this changed when the US began more seriously enforcing some asset reporting from US persons living abroad and filing an income tax return became part of the response. Many chose to keep ignoring these requirements in the belief the US authorities knew nothing about their whereabouts. No longer is this true.

TFSAs are a good alternative for many. Possibly, they are a great alternative for solving YOUR problem. Why? Simply because you get the exact same benefit of tax free compounding without the risk of undoing this advantage with an untimely or final withdrawal. Your tax free advantage is assured. With a RSP, it

Advice For A Fee

tirement liabilityere

Interestingly, a US person living in Canada and holding a TFSA may not have the same advantages as a Canadian and the account will not be Tax Free, likewise for RESPs. Both of which are not recognized by US tax laws. The convoluted laws also may affect the ability to hold Canadian mutual funds or some insurance policies. So if you are American born, but have lived in Canada your whole life and are a citizen, you are deprived of the same tax rights as a Canadian born citizen unable to gain the advantages of a TFSA, RESPs, all Canadian Mutual Funds and certain insurance policies.

Increase your income through intelligent financial planning decisions.

You may contact Gordon or Jean Dizon at 416-410-9809 or jdizon@efficientwealth. com for assistance with your Canadian or US taxes. Gordon Stockman, CA, CPA, CFP, CIM

Gordon is the Vice President – Financial Planning at Efficient Wealth Management Inc., a leader in cost efficient financial planning. He has taught at local colleges in both Financial Services and Accounting areas. He is also a frequent guest on television and has written numerous articles on investing and financial planning. See our ad “the Harvest is under way!” in this issue.

Gratifying Harvest is a dynamic withdrawal strategy Total wealth framework before Asset Allocation We encourage guaranteed income products We design for the retirement liability Tax‐efficient portfolios

We are money coaches. We created a new coaching program called The Gratifying Harvest. The program helps you enjoy your future by carefully harvesting cash flow from your lifetime of savings or preparing you to do so. The Gratifying Harvest is an advanced program that takes everything to a much higher level and is only available from Efficient Wealth Management.


Stay with the Tour By Bruce Chadwick

Chadwick’s Travel has recently added a new preferred supplier to our racks.

BACK ROADS NOT FREEWAYS Unlike large coaches, their mini-coaches can go almost anywhere a car can. They can take you to the smallest town squares, along hedge rimmed country lanes and access tiny, medieval villages full of stories and character.

For 16 years DHTour has been specializing in sending clients to Britain and Europe as well as customized groups around the world. They are the proud Canadian agents for the unique and eclectic Back- Roads Touring Company.

CHARMING LOCAL ACCOMMODATION They use quality local accommodation that reflects the character of your destination. From rustic rural retreats, old country estates, traditional inns and castle hotels, every style of accommodation is in keeping with its surrounds and gives every tour the authenticity they value at Back-Roads Touring.

Back-Roads Touring are experts in small group and tailor-made touring, offering unique, fascinating and leisurely regional tours throughout the UK & Europe. With a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 18 people per tour, you can be assured of a more intimate and relaxing travel experience. From the charming, local accommodation you stay in to the unique authentic experiences they include, on a Back-Roads tour you can really take the time to immerse yourself in a particular region or destination, away from the typical tourist trail. Join in a journey through the UK and Europe, exploring both famed and lesser-known cities, towns, and villages, travelling through the beautiful back-roads along the way: from Cornwall to the Cotswolds, the Orkneys to the Dingle Peninsula, La Provence to the Loire Valley, the Amalfi Coast to the Cinque Terre, Andalucia to the Dalmatian Coast, Delphi to Sognefjord, the Swiss Alps to Bavaria.

LEISURELY PACE The good news is that the tours rarely leave your accommodation prior to 8.30am. In fact, many departures are after 9am. After all – you are on holiday! The relaxed tour pace will also ensure that you have plenty of time to explore on your own and socialize with your tour leader and other group members. CULINARY EXPERIENCES Many of the itineraries have at least one included lunch or dinner at one of the region’s local restaurants providing you with a “Culinary Experience”. Some restaurants are selected because they offer regional specialties. Others are chosen because they are popular with the locals or have a historical story.

WHY TRAVEL WITH THEM? SMALL GROUP SIZES A maximum of 18 passengers allows for a more flexible, relaxed way of touring. This means they can take you to places from quaint villages to boutique hotels that you just wouldn’t be able to go to on a traditional large coach tour.

I-SELECT’ MENU OPTIONS With a Back-Roads tour it’s all about flexibility. An included evening meal still guarantees you a choice of dishes from the menu.

AUTHENTIC LOCAL EXPERIENCES They take you to places away from the standard tourist trails. By going beyond the tourist facade you get to experience more local food, crafts, history and culture. Learn the art of French cooking in a magnificent Renaissance chateau; try to speak some of the ancient Welsh language, and visit local wine, ham, cheese and vinegar producers in Italy.


Skaters to Prague, Veteran’s families to Northern Europe, Canadians to Japan... the list goes on. More and more people are discovering that it’s less expensive than they think to plan a customized tour for their own private group. With a customized tour you can travel when you like, to where you want to go, and then stay at each destination on a time schedule that you prefer. Best of all, each customized tour is tailored to your budget. Be it family, friends church group or an association, large or small and no matter what the occasion, Chadwick’s Travel in conjunction with DH Tour and Back-Roads Touring would be pleased to help plan your next holiday. So whether you book a tour that has everything you need or tailor a tour to meet your needs, give some thought to Back Roads Touring Company for your next vacation. Now you can browse all the Back- Roads itineraries right here at Chadwick’s Travel.


The Businesses & Services of Clarkson Village *Listings provided by the Clarkson BIA

FINANCIAL ADVISOR ACCOMODATIONS & TRAVEL De Thomas Financial Group Chadwick's Travel Agency 205-987 Clarkson Rd. S. 905-823-9998 1720 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-823-6341 Edward Jones Clarkson Village Motel 1715 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-822-7111 1815 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-822-6110 RBC Dominion Securities Cruise Holidays of Clarkson 1672 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-822-1275 1739 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-855-1700 FINANCIAL SERVICES ANTIQUES CIBC Nadia's Antique 1745 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-822-3757 1801 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-823-0222 Money Mart The Barn 1900 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-403-8393 1675 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-822-6574 Royal Bank of Canada ART GALLERIES 1730 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-822-1648 Harbour Gallery Scotiabank 1697 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-822-5495 1791 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-822-4262 AUTOMOTIVE FITNESS Imperial Oil-ESSO Curves 1765 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-822-7390 1801 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-855-0008 Mississauga Auto Centre Mississauga Aquatic Club 1800 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-823-5535 1715 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-822-7946 CHILDREN'S WEAR Power Yoga Canada Precious World Kids Store 1680 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-916-5550 1801 Lakeshore Rd. W. 416-655-0749 FLORISTS & GIFTS COLLECTIBLES & COMIC BOOKS Blooming With Gifts & Flowers Altered States Comics 1900 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-823-0000 1701 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-855-1288 Monaque Flowers Century Stamp Co. Ltd. 1718 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-766-1670 1723 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-822-5464 GRAPHIC DESIGN & PRINTING COMMUNITY SERVICES - NON-PROFIT Century Graphic Supply Kerry's Place Autism Services 1723 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-822-2526 1834 Lakeshore Rd W. 905-855-4984 Ghost Writers Flooring Institute of Ontario 1741 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-855-7952 101-987 Clarkson Rd. S. 905-822-2280 HAIR SALONS & SPAS CONSULTING Baffo's Barber Shop & Men's Hairstyling ArcBlue Consulting 1840 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-822-9633 1680 Lakeshore Rd W. 647-239-1149 Century Nail & Spa CONVENIENCE STORES 1865 Lakeshore Rd W. 905822-0883 Clarkson Quick Market Crystal Nails 1900 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-823-3379 1856 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-822-4305 Julie's Convenience Essence of Esthetics 1728 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-822-8470 1850 Lakeshore Rd. W. 416-839-4958 Rigo's Variety Kids Kuts 1856 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-822-2969 1696 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-403-9376 DENTAL Lake Pearl Nails Salon Dr. M. Pershbacher 1900 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-822-8878 1860 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-822-4362 LaPearl Spa Lakeshore Dental 1705 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-916-1979 1965 Lakeshore Rd W. 905-823-7500 Lash & Laser Salon Turtle Creek Dental: 1684 Lakeshore Rd W. 905-855-8500 Dr. M Foley & Dr. G. Bako Le Spa & Nails 1801 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-822-1301 1844 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-822-8889 Precision Dental Hygiene Clinic Linea Hair Studio Inc. 1900 Lakeshore Rd W. 905-823-4440 1715 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-822-5100 DRY CLEANERS M K Hair Design LV Cleaners 1834 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-823-5953 1900 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-855-8931 Michael's Hair Body Mind Quality Cleaners 1735 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-822-0112 1834 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-823-6502 Miriam's Beauty Clinic EDUCATION 1840 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-823-3100 Mississauga Parent Child Resource Centres Nice Hair & Nail Spa 101-1801 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-822-1114 1900 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-822-8878 Ontario Early Years Centres Salon and the City 1801 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-822-1114 1850 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-822-2212 Oxford Learning Centre Salon Loco Motion 1684 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-855-3521 1801 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-403-0985 Young Minds Montessori School Salon NV 1744 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-403-0403 1724 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-403-9963

Spa In The Village 1712 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-403-9383 Unique Cuts 1865 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-823-5000 HEALTH, MEDICAL & WELL BEING 3 for 1 Glasses 1865 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-403-0366 Acupuncture Centre 1684 Lakeshore Rd. W. 416-457-5788 Clarkson Remedy Rx 1865 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-403-8181 Clarkson Turtle Creek Chiropractic Clinic 1801 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-855-7370 Clarkson Village Chiropractic 1684 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-822-2233 Clarkson Walk in Clinic 1900 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-823-1828 Connect Hearing 1721 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-822-6659 Finish First Health & Performance 1865 Lakeshore Rd. W. 647-361-7722 Healthy You Naturally Wellness Centre 1834 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-855-3000 Innovations in Mental Health 1699 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-916-4358 Listen Up Canada 1865 Lakeshore Rd W. 905-855-7638 Pharmasave 1900 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-823-9178 Q i Acupuncture Laser Centre 1735 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-822-9368 Relaxology Health Centre 1846 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-919-9799 Wendy Brookes Registered Massage Therapist & Certified Life Coach 102-987 Clarkson Rd. S. 905-822-2220 Wild Lotus Relaxation Centre 1900 Lakeshore Rd. W. 647-686-0689 HOME & GARDEN Benjamin Moore - Paintscapes Inc. 1764 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-403-1109 Bouclair 1865 Lakeshore Rd W. 905-823-4018 Current Power Machinery Inc. 1661 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-822-4211 Home Hardware 1814 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-855-1552 Harbour Kitchens 1865 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-274-5560 HomeSense 1865 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-403-0049 Karma Fine Furniture Consignment 1651 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-916-7600 Lakeshore Carpet One Floor & Home 1034 Clarkson Rd. N: 905-822-1684 RONA 1692 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-823-3053 INSURANCE Alice R Fahey State Farm Insurance 1715 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-403-1500 Co-Operators 1834 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-823-6500 J.W. Davis Insurance Brokers Ltd. 100-987 Clarkson Rd. S. 905-822-9660 Routh Chovaz Insurance Brokers Inc. 1-1680 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-919-1382 Somenzi-Pogue Insurance Agency Inc. 203-987 Clarkson Rd. S. 905-823-0400

JEWELLERY Roman's Clock & Jewellery 1727 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-855-3286 LAWYERS & LAW CLERKS Andol Law Office 204A-1715 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-822-0723 Babits, Wappel & Toome 201-1715 Lakeshore Rd. W. 416-598-1333 Carol Anne Matthews Law Firm 204-1715 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-855-4809 David H. Purdon 202-987 Clarkson Rd. S. 905-855-8205 E-Home Canada 202-987 Clarkson Rd. S. 905-822-7441 James P. Hoyt 114-1801 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-823-4567 Marie B. Nickle Law Firm 204-1715 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-823-1232 Kathleen M Yeoman Legal Professional Corporation 1679 Lakeshore Rd W. 905-822-3111 MARKETING & ADVERTISING 202-1715 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-916-6600 MISCELLANEOUS Burgener Research 1680 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-823-3535 Dollarama 1865 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-855-9469 Perfect Pallets 1865 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-822-5553 MORTGAGE FINANCING Champion Mortgage Inc. 204-987 Clarkson Rd. S. 905-403-0099 MUSIC Forte Academy of Music & Piano Centre 1708 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-855-1030 PHONES Public Mobile 1865 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-403-0222 POST OFFICE Turtle Creek Gifts & Cards 1801 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-855-8010 PUBLISHING Stone Series Publishing 1741 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-855-7952 REAL ESTATE Champion Real Estate 987 Clarkson Rd. S. 905-403-0099 Re/Max Realty Enterprises 1697 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-855-2200 Royal LePage Real Estate Services Ltd. 1654 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-822-6900 Sutton Group Quantum 1673 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-822-5000 RESTAURANTS Clarkson Fish & Chips 1848 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-823-4151 Clarkson Mediterranean Bistro 1731 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-916-2283 Dairy Queen 1641 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-822-8352 Greek On The Lake 1710 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-822-2222

Mango Rain 1714 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-919-1374 McDonalds 1829 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-823-6480 Michael's Back Door 1715 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-822-5751 Mickey's Pizza 1900 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-822-1411 Momiji Japanese Restaurant & Sushi Bar 1801 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-823-8430 Mr Sub 1726 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-822-5490 Muchos Latin Cuisine 1971 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-823-6262 Pizza Nova 1744 Lakeshore Rd W: 416-439-3000 Satellite Family Restaurant 1969 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-823-7689 Solstice Restaurant & Wine Bar 1801 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-822-1801 Souvlaki Hut 1725 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-823-7775 The Black Horse Pub & Grill 1852 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-855-7489 The Clarkson Pump & Patio 1744 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-855-9359 Tim Horton's & Cold Stone Creamery 1785 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-855-5068 Top Grill Shawarma 1900 Lakeshore Rd W. 905-822-2800 Villa la bella 1834 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-822-1112 SPECIALTY Kiwi Kraze 1865 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-855-3497 M & M Meat Shop 1900 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-855-0716 SPORTING GOODS CLP Sports Inc. 1703 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-855-8225 VETERINARIANS & PET CARE Bark Fur Joy 1858 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-822-1555 Clarkson Village Animal Hospital (Emergency Clinic) 1659 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-855-2100 B.I.A. Clarkson Business Improvement Association 1801 Lakeshore Rd W, Unit #6, P.O. Box 52553 ASSOCIATE MEMBERS Bradley House Museum 1620 Orr Rd. W. 905-615-4860 Benares Historic House 1507 Clarkson Rd. N. 905-615-4860 Chartwell Baptist Church 1880 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-855-5001 Clarkson Minuteman Press 2359 Royal Windsor Drive, Unit #27A: 905-822-1110 Garvey & Garvey Law Offices 927 Clarkson Rd. S: 905-823-4400 McCleary Animal Hospital 981 Clarkson Rd. S. 905-822-1644 Meridian Credit Union 970 Southdown Rd. 905-855-0951 Studio PAVAS, Art/Music/Drama/Dance 2301 Royal Windsor Dr. 905-403-9435

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